Appalachian 1974

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EMBER Some events and emotions make such an impression on o u r -minds th a t we are c o n 足 s ta n tly re c a llin g th e m . The special moments in our minds when we carefully relive these happenings are memories. A few perhaps are' b itte r, but hopefully you will dwell more on the happier ones. It is our hope that with whatever feel足 ing you will always remember T his ye a r's annual is not dedicated to one individual as is cu sto m a ry . In ste a d , the e d ito ria l s ta ff w ishes very simply to dedicate the 1973-74 A p p a la ch ia n to m em ories. After all, it is not just one per足 son., b u t every s tu d e n t and teacher, who shapes MHS. No in d iv id u a l is sp e c ia l to everyone, so we dedicate this b o o k on th e p rin c ip le th a t everyone is special to som e足 one.

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“ . . T h e m emories of these days w e ’ ll cherish AT DEAR OLE MARYVILLE HIGH . . . ”

Long Ago, Our dolls could walk. Long Ago Teddy bears talked. Then, one day They seemed to die . . . It might have shocked us But we did not cry;

Years have passed - . . We'v.e.grown much older; Our mind$ are strengthening And growing b o ld e r. Though we no longer Reason like a child; Memories help to think more mild. „ Leanita Taylor Student Creativity Contest — 2nd Place

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ORGANIZATION . . . SPORTS . . . . . . . . -FACES J K J FEATURES . . . . ; , . .

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S ure w e all rem em b er th e 3am homework, th e pop quizzes, the un­ fa ir rules, and th e g ro u c h -w h o n e v e r-lik e d - m e -b e c a u s e -l- hayesideburns- like-her- son-in-law. But let us also rem em ber those teachers who. . . Sponsored our clubs Directed our plays Passed th e w eek-en d poring over each and every Section Survey Could see the funny side of Shakes­ peare and Faulkner and still leave' us with a healthy respect for both Passed us even if we couldn’t stumble through a forward roll or a v-sit Laughed with us, not at us Cheered on their team, and ours Said you can; you will; so we did Gave us a third second chance Soaked up all our steam ab ou t the Energy C risis, S a tu rd a y n ig h t’s 'date, flat feet, some crazy rule Remember the people who taught us more than the facts we simply forget.


MARYVILLE CITY BOARD OF EDUCATION Seated: Andrew Alexander; Mrs. Charles McNutt; John Kerr. Standing: Arthur Marshall, Chairman; J.P. Stewart, Superintendent of Maryville City Schools; Ray Norton.


MR. TED WILSON A s s is ta n t P rin c ip a l, A m e ric a n H is to ry , B o y ’ s P.E., F o o tb a ll Coach SPONSOR: S enior Class


MRS. NINA MURPHY G uidance C ounselor SPONSOR: C hairm an of Ju n io r Class Spon­ sors, C heerleader Advisor


BUSINESS MRS. BERYL SADLER Typewriting I & II, Bookkeeping and Accounting, Shorthand SPONSOR: Senior Class

MR. JOE HILL M arketing I & II. General Business SPONSOR: DECA Club, Golf Team



MR. WEBB A uto M echanics

MR. BRIGHT A uto M echanics


HOME ECONOMICS MRS. MARTHA LOVINGOOD Home Ec. 1,11,111, & IV, Health SPON­ SOR: J u n io r Class, F.H.A., S tu d e n t C ouncil, Red Cross

■ M i

MR. RICHARD HARBISON D ra ftin g /W o o d w o rkin g , B-Team Bas­ ketball Coach





G irl’s P.E., G ir l’s B a s k e tb a ll C oach S P O N S O R : Y -T e e n s, S o p h o m o re Class.

Boy’s P.E., Econom ics and Business Law, Basketball and Baseball Coach, Intram ural Director.

DRIVER’S EDUCATION MR. LYNN BROWN D river’s E ducation, Football Coach.


MRS. FRANCES VOLK Governm ent/Geography SPONSOR: Chairman of Senior Class Sponsors, Graduation

MRS. MARY BARTH American History, Modern World His­ tory SPONSOR: National Honor Soci­ ety





Art I & II, C raftw ork



MRS. SHARON CRUMPTON A lgebra II, G eom etry, Calculus and A nalytic G eom etry SPO NSO R: Sophomore Class

MISS SUSAN KEEBLE A lgebra I, G eom etry, P re-C alculus, SPONSOR: Junior Class, Junior Class Play, Key Club



Algebra II, Geometry, Applied Math Trigonom etry/Probability and Statis tics SPONSOR: Sophomore Class Mi Alpha Theta, Pep Club, TMTA Matl Contest





E nglish II & IV S PO N S O R : S enio r Class, Senior Class Play

English IV


MRS. PENNY FERGUSON English III SPONSOR: Tennis Team, Junior Class

MR. LOUIS NEWMAN English 11,111 & IV SPONSOR: Thespian Club, Red and Black. Swim Team


MRS. CATHERINE MILLER E nglish II SPO NSO R: S ophom ore Class, Ecology Club



Librarian, P art-tim e system M aterials C o o rd in a to r S P O N S O R : S tu d e n t C ouncil, E lection C om m ittee

P araprofessional Librarian



MRS. BECKY HARWELL P art-tim e L ibrarian

FOREIGN LANGUAGES MR. DON STORY French I & II, Spanish I & II, Foot­ ball Coach

MRS. SARA SCHWAM Latin II, Spanish I SPONSOR: A.F.S. Club, Latin Club

^EM BER Frenzied club meetings sandwiched into activity period The meetings nobody came to The paper pick-ups The teacher put-downs Conflicting with intramurals Service projects Non-service projects Endless play practices Opening night — closing night all in one Y-Teen extravaganzas Pep. C lu b ' enthusiasm during game Pep Club anemia after the game Annual staff ali-day sessions Raking leaves until sunset Peddling doughnuts, cokes, and candy Fashion Shows Winning the Great Pumpkin Contest Spaghetti dinners Guarding the reference books at 5 till 2:00 pm. AFS get togethers after the game Raising money, more money and still more money.


The Student Council, which includes Julia Goddard, Jenny Phillips, Rick Lindsay, David Campbell — Pres­ ident, Melissa Goddard, Greg King, John Olive, Bud Gilbert — Vice-President, and Jill Flickinger — Sec­ retary, operates as a vital part of MHS. Concern for the student body led the group to attem pt a com ­ p ro m ise on the sm o kin g issue, a lth o u g h s tu d e n t apathy prevented any action. Through the election committee, the council also worked on the revision of our present elections. The members raised money for student handbooks and shakers by running the concession stand during intram urals. Homecoming festivities were also sponsored by the Student Coun­ cil. With “ Harvest of Rebel Glory” as the theme, the school participated in foot races, a doughnut-eating contest, a dress-up contest, and as always the float contest. In all these activities Miss Roberts and Mrs. Lovingood provided faculty sponsorship.



Bud G ilbert, Melissa Goddard, David C am pbell, Mrs. Lovingood, Julia G oddard, Ms. Keeble, Rick Lindsay, Mrs. V olk, Jenny Phillips, Greg King, Mr. Newman, Mr. S tory, Mr. W atson, John Olive, Mr. D riskill, Mr. C am pbell, Mr. S m ith, Mr. W ilson.

Jan Flickinger, Karen P ro ffitt, Melissa G oddard, Steve Kyle, M elinda Law, Kathy Pearson, Todd W hite, Jon W illiam s, Jim Large.





L A T I N C L U B 27


CHARLES In the future, as I look back on my high school years, I know that my tw o m onths experience as an AFS American Abroad in Baalbeck, Lebanon, w ill be out­ standing in my memory. I w ill always treasure the m em ories of the people I met and the fa scin atin g places I visited. I feel very fo rtu n a te to have been chosen to spend the summer of 1973 in Baalbeck. There is no way to express w hat an AFS sum m er means to the p a rtic ip a n ts or to c o u n t the o p p o r­ tunities that it offers. Sincerely, Charles


CHANTAL Dear friends, All AFS students who come to the USA want to go to California or one of the well-known states in the North. It is a good thing I didn’t go there because I c o u ld n ’t have fo u n d p eople as h o s p ita b le and friendly as I did here. I am glad I had the opportunity to learn to under­ stand American ways and to share a lot of activities with you. I’ll keep in my mind all these good times we had together. A year is too short. I d idn’t have time to do all I wanted to do, but I made a lot of friends and that’s what counts for me! Thanks to all of you w ithout whose help I could never have learned as much and could never have had fun like I have had this year. Love, Chantal

TASNEE Dear friends at MHS, This year has been really w onderful fo r me — a great tim e jo in in g w ith you all. I started from the bandroom to get to know ole Maryville High. You are wonderful people here — you really are! I’ve learned a lot from you. I hope our friendship and understand­ ing w ill be remarkable and last forever. The most im portant thing is that I really do thank all my beloved teachers and friends who have helped me in everything th ro u g h o u t th is year. And d o n ’t forget you are very welcome to my homeland, Thai­ land. Good bye and good luck, Tasnee P.S. To all band members: Thanks a lot. I enjoyed knowing you all very much. I w ill never forget Band Camp, band practice, m arching, ball games, band trips and pep rallies. These were just great!




Suzanne Schoen, Pat Elliot, Linda Dee, Delores Reed, Jeanne Norton, Rose Freschman, Nancy Griswold, Lora Reed, Jackie Totten.





SPONSOR — Ms. Keeble, PRESIDENT — R ick Lindsay, TREASURER — R o b b ie N ice ly, S EC R ETA R Y — R andy D eere; (N o t P ic tu re d : VICE-PRESIDENT — Steve Kyle. Kathy T effeteller, Kathy Pearson, G inger Webb, Kathy Hill.






EDITORIAL S TA F F — Melinda Porter, Peggy Calhoun, Melissa Goddard, Tommy DeLozier, Susan Metcalf, Allen Borden, Marilyn Anderson, Charles Wright, Jenny Phillips, Mary Crawford, Carol Driskill, Mr. Smith; (Not Pictured; Bill Adams).

The seem ingly endless task o f designing the 1973-74 Appalachian began in August w hen th e E d ito rs a tte n d e d a y e a rb o o k w o rk s h o p . Long n ig h ts and w o rk -fille d holidays were spent by the sta ff draw ing pages, placing pictures, and typing print to a ch e ive th e goal o f fin a l p u b lic a tio n . Through it all the staff was always able to find something to keep them laughing. The editors and sta ff are very g ra te fu l fo r the support of the student body, the unselfish help of faculty advisor, Mr. Smith, and pub­ lishing company representative, Mr. Gerald Hunter, and others who have helped make the Appalachian a reality.

EDITOR — Mary Crawford, CO-EDITOR — Melissa Goddard.



Ever w o n d e r w ho sells p o p ­ corn, cokes, and candy during MHS home basketball games, or who makes sure every an­ nual is correct? In addition to selling annuals, these jobs are all part of the work done by the Business and Circulation Staff. Without these services the Ap­ palachian could cost quite a bit more than $7.00.


BUSINESS AND CIRCULATION STAFF: Lora Reed, M elinda Spears, Terrie M erritt, Brain Campbell, C huck Blair, Robert Reiger, C harlie Haynes, Nancy G risw old, Lisa B ritton.

PHOTOGRAPHERS PHOTOGRAPHERS: Doug Davito, Tim Webb, Dan Cragan, Garry Tener.

Sufficient credit is rarely given to the students who spend long hours ta k in g , developing and printing the pictures needed for the Appalachian. Only 1 out of every 10 pictures is used in the annual, and this year 162 rolls of film have been developed. Doug Davito provided capable leadership for this group.



The Key Club v wyer^one who con1 the end zone : and Keeble for her tj to all the siernbe] display of REBEL The Club is t] school directory address and phone will be useful tc


the Red Rebel to Gadsdon, an annual raary competed in field show, t s h o w , and excellent DeLozier, superior rafco attened a r in Cleveis was the Frstival. The ock on Satnd by the time h o m e , they the band and nd

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frtfery year the ?ors the Twirp He on Bovember 3, aJ The band will be will be taken as the dance there v the most original girls make for tl will be crammed Twirp Kins:. The purpose O f — ®eckY M c C o llu m , Lisa B ritto n , purpose 'u c ia b o ug h , Lee Ann Russell, Randy Deere, give the boys a tM a le ia Byrd, Teresa Everett, Susan Lambert girls do the inviting. There are only ttsp more weeks till November 2, so you girls better hurry, before 3rou choice is taken. ******** CLASS OP 76 ******** This years 19 class officers a: President-Stai V. President-t Ereasurer-Annt Secretary-Kar< The sophomore tee members are t Bherman, Jail Ki] Trent Beaver, Jo perman, $an Crag Garner, Eric Eav< •■ . .. | . ..

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Kathy B augh, D oug D avito, C indy Robin Campbell, Jennifer D o c k e ry ^n Carr Suzanne Schoen. Tohn is


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the the son of Mr. and Mrs. John N. Carr and he lives at 1419 Parkside Drive. He is an active member of the Pep Club, always there to paint signs. John's hobbies are watching TV and going to ■ents. His ing. He is a Luthern Churct in electronics

the 1975-74 vesr.

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WDTTTjT) Al"ncler " ,e leadership of editor, Lisa B ritton, and faculty sponsor, Mr. Newman, j , , ~The Red and Black has kept the students of MHS inform ed o f events around th& M DO Ugn , school. Features have covered such diverse events as clu b m eetings, s p o r t s jv e r e t t , a n d j\ r ^ J e r s o n The Disneyland a n d M (!TB5'?.:i!la!Iia tLc ©vents, as well as all the other m ajor M H S Jieadlines.^ ^

communist1s plot to bankrupt Six Elags Over Georgia?? Archery is regarded as an aimless sport????

class chairmen are: 1st periafe Sheila Crye; 3rd period Marilyn Anderson; and 5th perioS Suzanne Schoen. The officers<? chairmen, Trent Beaver, Jackie Totten, and FHA advisor Mrs. , Martha Lovinsrii&d attended the


Front Row: Brenda Tallent, Lisa S m ith, L o rrie C orbin, G loria Wear, Jackie Totten, Ruth Ann C artlidge, Lora Reed, Robin Bail, Mrs. Daves. Second Row: Patty Henson, Pam H ill, Sallie A ungst, Pam Y oung, A ngela Everett, M ic k ie H utsell, Penny Porter, Lisa Linebaugh. T hird Row: G inny S m ith , G retchen W eston, Beth W illiam s, Susan Yunker, Pam Yontz, C indy W il­ liams, Gerrian Phillips, Jan Cook, T rina Berry. Fourth Row: Max T u llo c h , R obbie N icely, T om m y D elozier, M ike Lew is, Bobby H am ilton, Alan B oling, Ronald B lankenbeckler.

DIRECTOR — Mr. Ed Bilbrey


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Jean Sherm an, Paula Weaver, Kim W rig h t, Denise Giles, Nancy G risw o ld , M elissa G od­ dard, M arilyn Anderson, M arta Mayhew.

Mary Rogers, Elizabeth Carmen, Laurie Lewis, Kathy B augh, Mandy Taylor, Mary Beth Miser, M elinda Law, Mary C raw ford, P atricia Sm ith, Becky M cC ollum , Maleia Byrd, A nnette Parker, Nan Taylor, Becky Davis, Lisa Essary, Carol D riskill, Kim A nderson.




Lisa Britton, Pam Hill, Lee Ann Renfro, Carol Calloway, Sandy Tinker, Lisa Sm ith, Terri Jones.

I .3 I Sheila Crye, Chantal Jorand, Lisa Stapp, Tasnee Yangseenat.



BE The buzz of the clock G atorade and fo o t cram ps on th e sideline Throwing a 67 yard pass — and catch­ ing it, too 6’8 ”, 6 7 " , 6'6", 6’5” , 6’4” , 6^3", 6’2" more points August days in Wilson’s kiln Passing the baton Breaking the all-time school record Field lights, "Horse", and a gallop to the 10 White socks and aluminum rackets Sprained shoulders, broken noses — and these are the physically fit? Teeing off Hitting a grand-slam Beseeching the clock — 3 minutes to win “We never stagger, we never fall" The winning serve, hit, punt, run, bas­ ket, second, volley, lap.

Susan Lam bert, Teresa A iello, Lea Ann Russell, G inger Webb, Joni G ilbert, Sarah Lam bert, Mary Henderson. 46

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Back Row: Pat M o rto n — m anager, D oyle S atterfield, Alan G risw old, Jim m y W hite, R ichard Fields, John Pyle, M ike Harrison, Gary Patterson, R obbie Nicely, C harlie B row n, Randy Deere — m anager. F rourth Row: M arty Hummed — m anager, Barry M athis, Neil Gowan, Ted Ousley, Gil King, David C aldw ell, Steve G ilbert, Tony Huskey, R oger Vance, M ike Stuart, Tim B a d g e tt— manager. T hird Row: John A kins, C huck B lair, Jerry Thom pson, H arold Law, Carl Guffey, Rex B loom er, Joe M oore, Bell DeWees, Ed Owenby, W inston B lazer — manager. S econd Row: Rusty Thom pson, J.E. Tanner, Richard Carver, C ourtney Rainer, M ike West, Jim C am pbell, Lee Gowan, Tom S tin n e tt, John Dyer. First Row: John Olive, C liffo rd W alker, Tony A iello, Craig Garret, Kenny T ucker, A llen B orden, Steve Kyle, Jim m y T ip to n , Bobby Y oung, R obbie Bailes.

Again, the 1973 Rebel fo o tb a ll team came out near the top in the state lineup. Enthusiastically backed by the student body, the Rebs rallied to an impressive 9-1 season. Advancing to the Dis­ trict finals, the team routed Rule High School to becom e D istrict Champs. Hendered by num er­ ous injuries, the Rebels met with a disappointing defeat in the State Semi-Finals. This year’s squad boasted 2 All-East Tennessee players, Steve Gil­ bert and Lee Gowan who also gained All-State honors. In a d ditio n , they provided MHS w ith 7 All-Blount County players and a broken record. Steve Gilbert rushed fo r 1052 yards to set a new mark fo r total yardage gained in one season. The Rebels definitely fulfilled the expectations of the MHS student body.

COACHES FOOTBALL SCORES Sevier County Crossville A lcoa Kingston Everett Dayton Loudon Powell M cM inn Central Young Region I C ham pionship Rule State Semi-Finals Kingston

Coach W ilson, Coach Story, Coach Brown.


Steve G ilbert

Gil King


18-6 12-0 14-0 7-6 7-24 13-0 12-3 24-0 15-12 34-0 17-14 14-34


James Cooper, Pat M orton, Randy Deere, Tim Badgett. (n o t p ic tu re d ' M arty Hum m ell)



Robert Rieger, Dave Campbell.




QUEEN Teresa Everett

A ttendant: Jill Flickenger

A ttendant: Ginger Webb


Ca™Pbel1’ Tim B adgett — M anager, D illon Davis, John Pyle, Gary W alker — C aptain, Paul Means, Tony Raf™ m J th i* m 1 i,T i Co‘ caPta m 'M a r k King — M anager, Coach Harbison, F ront Row: R obbie Nicely, Todd W hite, C urtis Cook, c a rry M athis, M ark Maness, David C am pbell

BASKETBALL SCORES Farragut M o rristow n West Everett G atlin burg-P ittm an A lcoa K noxville West Doyle M cM inn C ounty Howard Tennessee High A lcoa B radley C ounty Doyle M cM inn C entral K noxville West M cM inn C ounty B radley C ounty Loudon Everett Loudon Rule G atlinburg-P ittm an M cM inn Central DISTRICT VIII TOURNAMENT Loudon Everett

70-80 70-67 77-78 62-51 49-60 81-61 75-55 70-65 54-75 43-57 61-57 55-57 67-47 60-55 72-51 80-47 62-60 40-42

66-68 67-54 66-57 60-51 56-43 44-40 54-66



Tim Badgett, Mark King




M o le H a m p to n , M a rily n A n d e rs o n , B ill A dam s, M r. S m ith (E le c tric C lo c k O p e ra to r), J im m y C a m p b e ll (V id e o -T a p e Operator), Steve Hatcher, Rob Reiger, David Boruff.



Under the leadership of Coach Jim Campbell, Maryville’s Rebels bounced off to a big year of dribbling, passing, shooting and scoring. It was a season filled with high excitement — th e ta lle s t team in MHS h is to ry . A ll our players worked and played hard, and two of them, Gary Walker and David Campbell were named to the District VIII Tournament team. Gary, w ith an average o f 18.8 p o in ts per gam e, w en t on to gain a s p o t on th e A llDistrict team. With talent and drive, the entire team finished their season with 10 losses and 15 big wins.


Tim B adgett —« Manager, J.E. Taner, Greg Long, Doug Sharp, D illon Davis, John Dohr, M ark King — Manager, Coach Harbison, Danny Travis, Je ff H oward, M ark Maness, C ourtney Rainer, Barry M athis.


BASKETBALL SCORES Everett A lcoa K noxville West Doyle M cM inn C ounty A lcoa Doyle M cM inn C entral K noxville West M cM inn C ounty B radley C ounty Everett K noxville C entral Loudon Rule G a tlinburg-P ittm an M cM inn C entral


43-45 33-60 43-51 62-46 52-47 42-70 43-52 54-50 43-66 60-32 ; 73-55 64-45 66-70 55-44 >; 51-47 52-45 . 53-63

G inger Webb


Attendant: Susan Lam bert


A ttendant: A nnette Adams


Back Row: Coach Stephens, Gina A nderson, Beverly Whaley, Kay Weagley, Pam Yontz, Karen Caughorn, Donna W hitehead, Mandy Taylor, Lockie Coleman — Manager, Lora Reed — Manager. Front Row: Janice McCorkle, Kenna W hitehead, Annette Adams, Cindy Murphy, Becky Davis, Nancy Talbott.


M orristow n V onore


S outh m Lanier G reenback Central Bearden M cM in n Central DISTRICT IIIJTOURNAMENT Loudon


Headed by Captain Karen Caugh ro n, th is y e a r’s R ebelettes com peted fo r the firs t tim e in District III. Irregular game times often prevented strong student su p po rt, but even w ith o u t this in s p ira tio n , the g irls showed their spirit on and off the court. A nnette Adams led the team in s c o rin g w ith 14.25 average, w hile Becky Davis was the top rebounder.


Rex B lo o m e r, M ike H a rris o n , E d d ie T o lle s o n , M e lin d a Law, Beth C o cke rh a n , S uzanne Schoen, Libby C ochran, H arold Law, Bob S tew art, Lisa Lam bert, D oug Lam bert, Danny Cochran, Bobby P roffitt, Rick Lindsay, Gil King, Bruce M cK innon, Coach Norman M cKin­ non.


Posting an impressive 4-0 record, th e MHS sw im team was again s tro n g th is year. W ith N orm an M cK inn o n as coach and R ick Lindsay and L ib b y C ochran as captains, they rolled past Alcoa (115-21), Farragut (108-62), Oak R idge (92-80), and C entral (104-35). In State com petion the boys placed 4th o ve ra ll and finished 3rd in both relays. Doug Lambert led the boys with a 2nd place state win in the 100 freestyle and a 4th in the 50 freestyle. Beth Cockerham was the highest state w in n e r fo r th e g irls w ith a 3rd place in the 100 breaststroke, but Libby Cochran was rig h t behind with a 4th place finish in the same event. 67

Mr. Jack M urphy unselfishly lends his tim e as a n o n -fa cu lty coach.

Chris Kook, Dan Cragan, Eric Eaves, B ob S tew art, Jim Large, Fred Kramer, Greg Hancox, Rick H endrix, M ike Lewis, Terry W hitehead, B ill Adams.




Lisa Essary, Holly Hartman, Carol D riskill, Melissa Goddard, A nnette Adams, Jan Flickinger, Kim C onnell, Lisa Sm ith, Pam Taylo Susan Everhart, Ann H am ilton, Libby Cochran, Mary C raw ford, Donna W hitehead, Carol Calloway, Sally Aungst.


Coach Hill, Chris Kook, Jerry Lam bert, Tim Poole, Kent Roberts, Nick B errong, Mike Harrison, Steve Falls, Leslie Cate, James Lee Berrong, B ruce M cK innon, Danny Cochran, Tom C laiborne, Je ff Cooper.



Jim m y Campbell, Steve Kyle, David Cam pbell, Wayne Mayes, Tom Stinnett, Eddie Tolleson, Barry Mathis, Jack Stinnett, Charlie Brown, Carl Guffey, Jerry Thom pson, Mike Harrison, Eddie A nderson, M ike Stuart, John Akins.



Harold Law, Garry Tener, David Q uaintence, Ted Ousley, Steve Falls, M ark Poland, Doyle S atterfield, B ill Adams, Jeff Ballew Rob Reiger, C ourtney Rainer, Todd W hite, M arty H um m ell, B ruce M cK innon, R obbie Bailes, Randy Deere, R onnie D unn’ R obbie Nicely.



Back Row: Roger Vance, G inger Webb, David Cam pbell, Karen C aughron, Kim A nderson, Tony A iello, Gerrian Phillips, Kathy H ill, Mike Kidd. Second Row: M elinda Law, Bobby P ro ffitt, Jenny P hillips, Allen B orden, Libby Cochran, Leslie Cate, Kenna W hitehead. First Row: Danny Travis, Mandy Taylor, John Akins, Richard Fields, M ark Maness, Janice M cC orkle, G inger Harris, Richard Hobbs.



Teary eyes of defeat A timid glance toward a new friend­ ship The embarrassed grin of success The Be Quiet scowl The smirk of the class heckler A sheepish grin after the tardy bell The earnest eyebrows of concentra­ tion Droopy eyelids in first period Grimace at the first disected frog Beam of happy astonishment at being crowned queen Squinting in the sunlight A hammy grin for the photographers Stifled giggles A snarl of disagreement with the re­ feree Smiling, sighing Rejoicing, crying Remember the faces for that is where we published the feelings that are the essence of our memory.



O PRESIDENT — Stan Baker, VICE-PRESIDENT — Jeff Ballew, SEC­ RETARY — Karen P ro ffitt, TREASURER — A nnette Adams.

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REM EM BER. . . W inning the doughnut-eating contest . . . Building a great float (at least we thought so!) . . . Decorating our hall . . . Going to wild planning com m ittee meetings . . . Going in debt over the float . . . Winning the spirit stick twice . . . Tormenting Ms. Keeble with nose jokes . . . Writing Rock City and asking fo r a donation after we advertised fo r them . . . Keeping our sponsor, Mr. Wat­ son, on his foxy little toes.

PLANNING COMMITTEE Jenny Ann Cary, Karen P ro ffitt, Jeff Dyer, Dan Cragan, John Olive, Eric Eaves, Kevin Kamperman, Denny Garner, Jean Sherman, Fred Wag­ g o n e r, J e ff B a lle w , A n n e tte A d a m s, M and y Taylor, Jill Kinsinger, Greg King, Stan Baker, Joni G ilb e rt, T re n t B e a ve r, J ill F lic k in g e r, Kenny Tucker. E x-o fficio members — S tudent Council members.


A nnette Adams John A kins Kevin Alley David Am m ons Roslyn Andrew s

C indy A rm fie ld Hugh A rr

Dain Baker S tanley Baker

Je ff B allew T rent Beaver

Suzanne Blanks Tam i B onine

David B oring Sandra B oring

Sherry B oring Terry B oring Cathy B oudreaux June Bowm an David B ru n e r


Daphne Cable Carol Calloway Karen Campbell Linda Campbell M ike Carr

R ick Carver Jenny Cary

Larry Chambers James C hristopher

Tom C laiborne Chris Kook

Phil Cook James C ooper Jeff C ooper Kathy Cope Dan Cragan


Don Day Lisa Dee

Tim D elionback Danny Denton

Jrl r , L mmwm ■-


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E ric Eaves Lisa Essary

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Kent Everett Susan Everhart



Steve Falls Richard Fields

Karen Flanagin J ill F lickin g e r

M ark Fowler Lisa Frazier


Denny Garner Craig Garrett Jeffrey George Joni Gilbert Denise Giles

Priss Graves Sherri Greene Alan Griswold Carl Guffey Lynn Hall

Greg Hancox Alan Harmon C ynthia Harper Dena Harper

G inger Harris Holly Hartman Tim Hembree Steve Hicks Brad H igdon


R ichard Hobbs H arold Hord Kim Hord Jim m y Hughes M ike Hurst

Becky Irwin Doug Irwin

Julia Isbell R icky Jackson

Kevin Kamperm an M ylon Keasler

Randy Keener David Keller

Greg King Jill Kinsinger

B illy Lam bert Lisa Lam bert Sarah Lam bert Jim Large Jeff Law


Ron Lehigh Bobby Lewis Laurie Lewis Greg Long Vickie Lowe

Mark Maness Janice M cC orkle Deborah M cKinzie Janie M iller

Joe M oore C huck Morgan Peggy Myers Dan Neubert

John Olive Ted Ousley Ed Owen by Jeff P hillips Kathy Platt


Mark Poland Tim Poole

Karen P ro ffitt Susan Pryor

Joyce Q uiett John Reagan

Bob R eichert Tim R obinson M ichell Rogers Janice R oulette Lisa Russell

Jerry Sellers Debra Sharp

Doug Sharp Jean Sherm an

M ike Shope Roger Sims


Leslie Smith Lisa'S tapp Bob Stewart M ike Stuart Keith T allent

J.E. Tanner Mandy Taylor Pam Taylor

Kathy Teffeteller V icki Thurston Eric Totten

Danny Travis Kenny Tucker Max T ulloch


Fred W aggoner C liffo rd W alker Randy W aller M ike West Beverly Whaley

James W hite Donna W hitehead Ann W illiam s Beth W illiam s Pam W illiam s

S onja W illiam s Teddi W ilson Becky Young Sharon Young Bob Jones

NOT PICTURED N ick B errong W inston Blazer Tom m y Bowm an Tim Cam per Randy C orbin Je ff Dyer R obert Jones James Koerber

M arvin McCall R icky M urrell Phil Nicely Sean N orris Sam Patterson M ike Van Metre Ted W alker



Danny Travis, Joni G ilbert


C0 cc

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TREASURER — C indy M urphy, PRESIDENT — A llen B orden, SECRETARY PRESIDENT — Steve Kyle.



Teresa A ie llo , VICE-

REMEMBER. . . A successful Ju n io r Play . . . W inning the float contest our Sophomore year . . . Sel­ ling 210 dozen doughnuts . . . The 8 foot Moonbooger . . . Winning the Powder Puff game . . . The price of eggs during Alcoa W eek. . . Running out of red crepe paper for the float . . . Planning the Prom . . . Great spirit at pep rallies


Doyle S atterfield, D illon Davis, Doug Lam bert, Allen Borden, Kathy Pearson, Julia G oddard, C iPd y ^ “ J P ^ ’ Cate, Steve Kyle, Marta Mayhew, Sherry Lam bert, Teresa A iello, Jenny P hillips, Susan Eubanks, Barbara Brmegar, members — S tudent C ouncil Representatives.

Sharon Adams Teresa A ie llo Ed A lexander Rich A lexander Brian A nderson

Em ily A nderson O livia Arr V icky A ulton S allie A ungst R obby Bailes

Lester B aldw in

Johnny Beeler

Trina Berry Bob B ilbrey Ronald B lankenbacker Brian Blevins Allen Borden


Beth Borden Bertha B oring Brenda Bowers Barbara B rinegar David B urchfield

Linda Burns Lola Burrow s Larry Cable Jim Cambell Eddie Cannon

Ruth C artlidge Leslie Cate Jeff Caylor Libby Cochran Freddie C ogburn

Lockie Colem an Kim C onnell C urtis Cook R onny Cox Sheila Crye

Becky Davis

D illon Davis

Lynda Dee

Je ff D illard

Greg Disney

John Dorr R onnie Dunn B ill Dupes M aureen Edwards Pat E llio tt

Suzy Emert Susan Eubanks

Angela Everett Cathy Farmer

Rose Freschman Bud G ilbert

Julia Goddard Neil Gowan

Ann Ham ilton Bryan Harmon

Jim Harper Mark Harrison

Carol Haynes Mary Henderson R icky Hendrix Pam Hill Jeff Howard

M arty Hummel A lb e rt Jackson

Phil Jones Keryl Kirby

Don Kizer Lo rrie Knapp

Fred Kram er Steve Kyle

Doug Lam bert S herry Lam bert

Randy Lane M elinda Law

Louie LeRoy Joni Lindsay


R onnie Lohr Cindy March

Ricky M artindale Barry Mathis

Jane M athison Marta Mayhew

Tim M cC ollom S co tt M cK innon

Pam M cM illan Pat Millsaps

M ildred M orrow Pat M orton

C indy M urphy Jeanne N orton

A nnette Parker Kathy Pearson Sandra Perry C harlotte Gaddis Jenny P hillips

Penny P orter Gail Prather Lee P ro c to r Bob P ro ffitt John Pyle

C ourtney Rainer Jim m y Ramsey D olores Reed Lee Ann R enfro Kent R oberts

R icky Russell Doyle S atterfield Ginny S kinner David Sm ith Gary Spears

Steve Spitzer Byron Stapp Jack S tinnett Jim S turgeon Nancy T albott

Debbie Teffeteller Gary Tener Kim Thomas Jerry Thom pson Jim m y Tipton

Eddie Tolleson

S tephanie W aller

Danny Watson

Kay Weagley

Gretchen Weston Earl Whaley Richard W hite Robert W hite Kenna W hitehead


Beth W illiam s

Betty W illiam s

Janet W inders

Pam Y ontz

NOT PICTURED R onnie Allen Becky Davis M ark Hines W illiam Hughes Bobby Young


Jerry Lam bert Mark Lunsford Joe T urner C indy W illiam s


Pillow Talk Jan M o r ro w ............................... Gretchen Weston Brad Allen ......................................... Allen Borden Jonathan F o rb e s ..................................Bob P ro ffitt A lm a .................................. Ruth C artlidge P ie r o t............................................... Jim m y Ramsey Mrs. W alters Barbara Brinegar Tony W alters .................................... R icky Russell M a r ie Pam M cM illan E ile e n Maureen Edwards Y v e tte ................................................ Kathy Pearson Miss C o n ra d .................................... Marta Mayhew Mr. S te v e n s Mark Harrison Miss D ic k e n s o n ................................Ann Ham ilton Policem an ..........................................Steve Spitzer Bessie ..................................................Beth Borden Mrs. Frost ........................................Janet W inders Mrs. A m e s ............................................ M elinda Law Graham ....................................................Steve Kyle J e n n y ..................................................Jenny P hillips Tilda ................................................Sherry Lam bert Ann ....................................................Julia Goddard W a ite rs Jim Campbell Doug Lam bert

Allen Borden, Barbara Brinegar




■ ©


TREASURER — M arilyn Anderson, SECRETARY — M elinda Spears, VICE-PRESIDENT — B ruce McKinnon, PRESIDENT — B ill Adams.


REM EM BER. . . The flo a t that faded — Sophomore y e a r. . . Record breaking Junior Play — You Can’t Take ]t With You . . . Egg purchases d u ring Alcoa Week . . . Sweeping win of Homecoming activities . . . Mole’s gallant effort in doughnut eating c o n te s t. . . Winning dress-up contest with scarecrow and c ro w . . . F o o tra ce cham ps . . . Crowning Teresa Queen . . . Build­ ing a winning float (finally!) . . . Hall com petition champs . . . Three years at State fo o tb a ll Playoffs . . . Suc­ cessful Senior play — Time Out For Ginger . . . Tallest Basketball team in MHS history . . . Winning the spirit stick the m o s t. . . SENIORS ’74!


C huck B lair, Todd W hite, Lloyd Walker, Mole H am pton, B ill Adam s, B o n n ie Case, M arilyn A n d e rs o n , M e lin d a S p e a rs , T e rrie M e rritt, R obin Cam pbell, G inger Webb, Charles W right, Bruce M cK innon, Kathy H ill, Carol D riskill, Not p ictu re d — B ill DeWees, E x-o fficio mem bers — S tudent C ouncil representatives.










































































































































































CAST L iz z ie .......................................Lisa S m ith Agnes Carol .................M elinda Spears Howard Carol B ill Adams Joan ............................ Nancy G risw old J e a n n ie .......................M arilyn A nderson G in g e r ...............................Kim W rig h t Eddie Davis .................. M ole Ham pton Tom m y G r e e n ...................David B o ru ff Mr. W ils o n .................. C harlie Haynes Ed H offm an .................... Jim m y Beeler D ir e c to r .............................. A ngela Elam

^.EMBER . . LU



R e m e m b e r. . . the tallest the shortest the best ankles and the best build the gabbiest flirt Joe Cool and Jean Clean the ow ner of the longest hair th e o w n e r o f th e s n a z z ie s t '6 4 Chevy 5 ' the firs t to date the firs t to drive the firs t to tan each spring the snobby and the frie n d ly the fashion plate the jeans and T -shirt freak the speech-m akers the record-breakers the trophy-takers the surly th e silly th e clow n of the class yo u r 2 o r 3 very best friends R e m em ber yo u and m e and a ll th e o th e r s p e c ia l p e o p le w h o tr a n s ­ form ed blackboards and b ric k in to a co m m u nity w ith a s p irit of its own.


David Campbell and Melissa Goddard


MOST LIKELY TO SUCCEED Charles W right, M elissa Goddard


MOST FRIENDLY G inger Webb Bruce M cKinnon

MOST TALENTED Jan Flickinger Alan B oling

MOST ATHLETIC Steve G ilbert Karen C aughron

MOST SCHOOL SPIRITED John Carr Brenda T allent


Each year, the top 10% of each graduating class is announced. Grade point averages for four years of high school work are used to determine this group.

DAR AWARD Melissa Goddard

SHRINE QUEEN T errie M e rritt


S T U d s ff G F W ip I r ^ Silk



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they stand proud the vase of loveIiffe|S, which showers rfs c e n ts upon the c lin g in g p rg llro f air. $hd, on the wedding day, th e ||f^ > tio h ^ M bride loosely holds her b o u q p |tm A o ^ . j ^ f only we could c a p tu rlith e a ro c fe ^ f JP ’ of the 1i||o fo r ;^ ^ ^ T lffit moment, how gratefuIly ou k h ea rts wouId be funfilled^ Ir fflid Place — Mary Beth Miser i f | am caught. I »r» tim el^ tjh e failures of thepDast^M H anl% ie pars of the presentif L ^ e ife rd a ^ n ^ ^ a y close ’round me. | In the d te tm e I see tom orrow dwelling p h o n g m y jp s i^ | 11 am c a ig h t. m am trapped in time. l | U l l First Place -—Cathy Farmef! , J llii,






Second Place — Patty Young

SENIOR HONORS JO H N A B B O T T — C h o ir 10; S p a n is h Award 11.

WANNETTE ATKINS — Pep C lub 10,11; DECA 12.

BILL ADAMS — Thespian C lub 12; Key C lub 10,11,12; AFS 12; French C lub 11; L a tin C lu b 1 0,11,12; N a tio n a l H o n o r S o c ie ty 12; B a s k e tb a ll 10; T ra c k 10,11,12; T ennis 11,12; Football S ta tisti­ cian 12; B oy’s State Delegate 11; W ho’s W ho in A m erican High S chools; S ociety o f O u ts ta n d in g A m e rica n H igh S c h o o l S tudents; You Can’t Take it W ith You; "B e s s ie th e B a n d it’s B e a u tifu l B a b y ” ; T im e O ut F o r G in g e r; C lass T re a s u re r 11; P la n n in g C o m m itte e 11,12; C lass President 12.

TIM BADGETT— F o o tb a ll M anager 12; B a s k e tb a ll M a n a g e r 12; W re s tlin g 10; T rack 12.

TONY A IE L L O — Pep C lub 10,11,12; Key C lu b 11,12; F re n c h C lu b 10,11; In ­ tram ural D irector 11,12; P lanning Com­ m itte e 10; N a tio n a l H o n o r S o c ie ty 12; F o o tb a ll 10,11,12; B a s e b a ll 10,11,12; You Can’t Take It W ith Y o u : J u n io r Class Favorite.

LARR Y A K IN S — B an d 1 0 ,11,12; Pep Band 10,11,12; Pep C lub 10,11,12.

MARGI ALEXAND ER — FHA 10,11,12; Pep C lu b 10,11,12; Y -T eens 10,11,12; Powder Puff Football 11,12; S o ftb a ll 12

B E V E R L Y A N D E R S O N — AFS 11,12; FHA 10,1 1,12 ; Pep C lu b 1 0 ,11,12; Y-Teens 10,12; DECA 11,12.

GINA ANDERSON — Pep C lub 10; Ten­ n is 10; S o ftb a ll 10 ,11,12; B a s k e tb a ll 10, 11, 12.

KIM ANDERSON — Y-Teens 10,11; Pep C lub 10,11,12; Flag C orps 11,12; S w im ­ m ing 10,11; You C an’t Take It W ith Y o u .

M A R ILY N A N D E R S O N — AFS 11,12; FHA Treasurer 12; Pep C lub 11; Y-Teens T re a s u re r 11, V ic e -P re s id e n t 12; A p ­ p a la c h ia n E d ito ria l S ta ff 12; B a n d 10,11,12; R ifle C o rp s 11,12; S o ftb a ll 11,12; C la ss T re a s u re r 12; P la n n in g C o m m itte e 11,12; T h e s p ia n C lu b 12; Basketball S tatistician 12; Tim e O ur For G in g e r; M ost W itty.

ALAN ARCHER — Baseball 10,11.

ROBIN B A LL — AFS 10, S e c re ta ry 11, P re s id e n t 12; F re n ch C lu b 10,11; Pep C lub 10,11; E cology C lub 10,11; Prayer G ro u p 10; T he sp ia n C lu b 11,12; C h o ir 12; ETEA C h o ir A lte rn a te 12; J u n io r and Thespian Play M ake-up C hairm an.

D AV ID B O R U F F — T ra n s fe rre d fro m A lc o a 11; B a s k e tb a ll S ta tis tic ia n 12; Tim e Out For Ginger.

LIS A BRITTO N — Pep C lu b 10,11,12; A p p a la c h ia n B usiness and C irc u la tio n S ta ff 12; Red and B lack S taff E ditor 12; Y -Teens 10,11,12; Band 10,11,12; Ma­ jo r e tte C o -c a p ta in 12; S o ftb a ll 11,12; Powder P uff Football 11.

CHARLIE BROWN — Pep C lub 10,11,12; F ootball 10,12; B asketball 11; Baseball 10,11,12.

ALAN B A L L E W — Red Cross 12.

KATHY BAUGH — Pep C lu b 10,11,12; Y-Teens 12; Thespian C lub 12; Red and B lack S ta ff 12; FHA 10,11; Band 12; Flag C orps 12.

JIM M Y BEELER — Red Cross 10; Chess C lu b 11,12; AFS 12; T h e s p ia n C lu b S ecretary-Treasurer 12; T rack 10; Band 10,11,12; A ll-S tate East Band 11,12; Pep Band 10,11,12; You C a n ’t Take It W ith You; Tim e O ut For Ginger.

PAM B E L C H E R — T ra n s fe rre d fro m G e o rg e W a s h in g to n H ig h S c h o o l, C hicago, Illin o is 12; AFS 12; FHA 12.

JAMES LEE BERRONG — DECA 11,12; G olf 10,11, Captain 12.

CHUCK BLAIR — P la n n in g C o m m itte e 11,12; Red C ross 12; Pep C lu b 10,11; A p p a la c h ia n B usiness and C irc u la tio n S ta ff 12; F o o tb a ll 10,11,12; T ra c k 10; S oftball 12.

LA R R Y B O A R D M A N — T e n n is 10,12; Basketball S tatistician 12. REX BLOOMER — Key C lub 11,12; Pep C lu b 1 0 ,1 1 ,1 2 ; P la n n in g C o m m itte e 10,11; F o o tb a ll 10,11,12; W re stlin g 10; S w im m ing 12.

ALAN BOLING — Red C ross 12; Band 1 0,11,12; Pep B and 1 0,11,12; C h o ir Pianist 11,12; M ost Talented.

DAVID BORDEN — Pep Band 10,11,12; Band 10,11,12.

M A L E IA BYRD — Pep C lu b 10,11,12; Y -Teens 10; FHA 10,12, S e c re ta ry 11; N ational H onor S ociety 11,12; Red and B la c k 12; B a n d 10,11,12; Flag C orps


PEGGY CALHOUN — Pep C lub 10,11; Latin C lub 10,11,12; FHA V ice-President 12; AFS 10,11,12; N ational H onor S oci­ e ty 11,12; P ra y e r G ro u p 10,11; A p ­ palachian E ditorial S ta ff 12; G raduation U s h e r 11; J u n io r P lay P u b lic ity ; T op 10%.

B R IAN C A M P B E L L — Red C ro ss 12; Band 10,11,12; Pep Band 10,11,12; A fip a la c h ia n B u s in e s s and C irc u la tio n S taff 12; Track 10,11; You Can’t Take It W ith You: S enior Play Stage Crew.

DAVID C A M P B E LL — S tu d e n t C ou n cil 11; P re s id e n t 12; Planning Com m ittee 11; Mu A lpha Theta 11,12; Red Cross 12; Chess C lub 12; Intram ural D irector 12; B aseball 10,11; C aptain 12; A ll C ounty B a s e b a ll 11; B a s k e tb a ll 10,11,12, A llC ounty H o n o ra b le M e n tio n 11; S ociety o f O u ts ta n d in g A m e rica n H igh S choo l Students; W ho’s W ho in Am erican High Schools; B oy’s C ounty 10; Football 10; F o o tb a ll S ta tis tic ia n 11,12; T op 10%; M ost D ependable; Mr. MHS.

RO BIN C A M P B E L L — Pep C lu b 10,11,12; FHA 10,11,12; Y-Teens 10: Red and B lack Assistant E ditor 12; Planning C om m ittee 12; Basketball 10,11; Powder Puff Football 11,12.

ELIZA BE TH CARMEN — F rench C lub 10,11; Pep C lub 10,11,12; Y-Teens 10,11; Red and B lack Staff 12; Thespian Club

12; S oftball 11; Band 11,12; Flag Corps 11,12; Key C lub S w ee thea rt 10; J u n io r and Thespian Play Prompter. JOHN CARR — Pep C lub 11,12; Chess Club 10,11; M ost S chool-S pirited.

JENNY CARRIGAN — Pep C lu b 11,12; FHA 11,12; T h e sp ia n C lu b 12; F rench C lub 10; AFS 10,11,12; Y-Teens 12; Red C ro s s 12; B a nd 10,11,12; S w im m in g 10,12; Ju n io r Play — Make-up, Tickets, Program s; G raduation Usher 11.

BONNIE CASE — Pep C lub 11,12; AFS 11; Planning C om m ittee 12; C h o ir 10,11; National H onor S ociety 11,12; Top 10%.

KAREN CAUGHRON — Y-Teens 10; Pep C lub 10,11,12; Red Cross 12; Library As­ s is ta n t 11; FHA 11; AFS 12; Key C lu b S w e e th e a rt 11; In tra m u ra l D ire c to r 11,12; DECA V ic e -P re s id e n t 12; G irl’s C o u n ty 11; B a s k e tb a ll 10,11,12; M o st Im proved in B a ske tb a ll 11; A ll-C o u n ty H o n o ra b le M e n tio n 12; S o ftb a ll 10,11,12; Powder P uff Football 11; M ost A thletic. C IN D Y C LA B O U G H — Pep C lu b 10,11,12; FHA 10,11, President 12; Red and B lack S taff 12; Red Cross 11; C hoir 10,11; Y -Teens 10; J u n io r and S e n io r Play — Make-up.

SUSAN CORNETT — Latin C lub 10,11; “ Ugly D u cklin g ” 11; E cology C lub 10,11; Y -T eens 11; AFS 10,11, S e c re ta ry 12; T h e s p ia n C lu b 12; J u n io r and S e n io r Play P rom pter; Pep C lub 11,12; Prayer G roup 10,11; DECA T reasurer 11.

DAN COCHRAN — T h e s p ia n C lu b 12; P ro m Q ueen E s c o rt 11; S w im m in g 10,11,12; Tennis 10; G olf 11,12; Basket­ ball 10; S enior Play — C urtains.

JAN COOK — French C lub 10; AFS 10; Ecology C lub 10; Prayer G roup 10,11,12.

MIKE COOK — Planning C om m ittee 10; S w im m in g 10; 3rd P lace D is tric t M ile R elay T eam ; T ra c k 10,11,12; E c o lo g y C lub 12. LAURIE CORBIN — Pep C lub 10,11,12; Red C ro ss 12; AFS 10,11; T e n n is 10; C hoir 11,12.

MARY CRAWFORD — AFS 10,11 Treas­ urer 12; French C lub 10, President 11; E c o lo g y C lu b 10; Band 10,11,12; Flag C orps 11,12; P la n n in g C o m m itte e 11; Appalachian E ditoria Staff 11, E ditor 12; T ennis 12; S oftball m anager 11; Powder Puff Football 12; You Can’t Take it With Y o u ; ‘ ‘ B e s s ie th e B a n d it's B e a u tifu l B a b y ” ; AFS H ost S is te r 12; T h e sp ia n C lub 12; Mu A lpha Theta 10,11,12; Na­ tio n a l H o n o r S o c ie ty 11,12; Top 10%; W ho’s W ho in Am erican High Schools; S ociety o f O u tsta n d in g A m erican High S chool Students.

TINA DAVIS — Y-Teens 10,11; FHA 12; J u n io r and S enior Play — M ake-up and P u b lic ity ; P ow der P u ff F o o tb a ll 11,12; P la n n in g C o m m itte e 10; Pep C lu b 10,11,12.

DOUG DAVITO — Football 10,11; W restl­ in g 10; Red and B la c k S ta ff 12; A p ­ palachian P hotographer 12.

RANDY DEERE — Key C lu b 10, V ice P re s id e n t 11, S e c re ta ry 12; Red and B lack S ta ff S ports E ditor 11,12; Football m anager 10,11,12; B asketball m anager 10,12; Pow der Puff King 12.

TOMM Y DELOZIER — AFS 11; Track 10; Red C ro s s 12; B a n d 1 0,11,12; D ru m M ajor 12; Pep Band 10,11,12; All-State C h o ir 12; ETEA C h o ir 12; S e n io r Play stage crew ; A ppalachian E ditorial S taff

LEE ANN EAVES — Pep C lub 10,11,12.

ANGELA ELAM — AFS 10,11, Treasurer 12; French C lub 10,11; E cology C lub 11; N a tio n a l H o n o r S o c ie ty 12; DECA 12; T h e s p ia n C lu b 12; S w im m in g 10,12; DECA “ S tudent o f the Year” candidate 12; You C an’t Take It W ith Y o u : Tim e O ut For G inger — Director. TER E SA EVERETT — Pep C lu b 10,11,12; Y -Teens 10; Red and B la ck S taff 12; French Club 10; FHA 11, Sec­ re ta ry 12; P o w d e r P u ff F o o tb a ll 12; Football H om ecom ing Queen 12.

JAN FLICKINGER — S tudent C ouncil 10; AFS 10,11,12; E c o lo g y C lub 10; Band 10,11,12; Thespian Club 10,11,12; Elec­ tio n C om m ittee 12; S w im m ing 10; Ten­ nis 12; Planning C om m ittee 11; Senior Play Stage M anager; All-State East Band 10,11; A ll-State East O rchestra 12; M ost Talented. RICHARD FORSHAY — Chess C lub 12; DECA 12. BILL GARNER — Red Cross 12; DECA 12; Bleacher Bums 10,11,12; Basketball m anager 10.

MURRAY GARNER — Mu A lp h a T heta 11,12; N a tio n a l H o n o r S o c ie ty 11,12; Top 10%.


BILL DEWEES — Pep C lub 11,12; DECA 11; Baseball 10; Football 10,11,12; FCA 10,11,12; P lanning C om m ittee 12.

STEVE GILBERT — Planning Com m ittee 10; S oftball 11,12; Football 10,11, Cap­ tain 12; Best O ffensive F ootball Player 12; S cholarship to ETSU 12; M ost A thle­ tic.

JE N N IF E R D O C KE R Y — Pep C lu b 10 ,11,12; F re n c h C lu b 10; Red and B la c k Sta ff 12; B a s k e tb a ll 10; P ow der P uff Football 12.

GREG GIBSON — Transferred from Bet­ te n d o rf H igh S ch o o l, B e tte n d o rf, Iow a

CAROL DRISKILL — French C lub 10,11; M u A lp h a T h e ta 1 0 ,1 1 ,1 2 ; N a tio n a l H onor S ociety 11,12; Pep C lub 10,11,12; AFS 10,11,12; T hespian C lub 12; Band 10,11,12; Flag C orps 11, Co-captain 12; “ B essie th e B a n d it’s B e a u tifu l B aby” ; Y o u C a n ’ t T a k e it W ith Y o u ; T e n n is Team 12; A ppalachian E ditorial Staff 12; Planning C om m ittee 12; P illow Talk assista n t d ire c to r; W ho’s W ho In Am erican H ig h S c h o o ls ; S o c ie ty o f O u ts ta n d in g A m e ric a n H ig h S c h o o l S tu d e n ts ; Top 10%.

MELISSA GODDARD — Pep Club 10,11; F re n ch C lu b 10,11; AFS 10,11,12; Mu A lp h a T h e ta 10,11,12; N a tio n a l H o n o r S o c ie ty 11,12; E le c tio n C o m m itte e 10,11, Chairm an 12; Thespian C lub Pres­ ident 12; Appalachian E ditoral S taff 11, C o-editor 12; Band 10,11,12; R ifle Corps Captain 11,12; S w im m ing 10; Tennis 12; C lass S e cre ta ry 10,11; P la n n in g C om ­ m itte e 10,11; S tu d e n t C o u n c il 12; You C a n 't T a ke It W ith Y o u ; “ B e ssie th e B a n d it’s B e a u tifu l B a b y "; G irls ’s S tate Delegate 11; P ro ffitt's Fashion C ouncil


12 .

12; P illo w T a lk — A s s is ta n t d ir e c to r ; W ho’s Who in A m erican High S chools; S ociety o f O u tsta n d in g A m e rica n H igh S chool S tudents; Top 10%; DAR A ward; M ost Likely to Succeed; M iss MHS.

LEE GOWAN — You C an't Take It With Y o u ; S e n io r Play usher; W re s tlin g 10; S oftball 10,11; Track 10,11,12; Football 10,11,12; A ll- B lo u n t C o u n ty , A ll-E a s t T e n n e s s e e , A ll-S ta te , S c h o la r s h ip to V a n d e rb ilt; Ja ycee's O u ts ta n d in g A th ­ lete of the Week; B lo u n t Nation Bank Sr. High Board o f D irectors; W ho’s W ho in H igh S c h o o l A th le te s ; W h o 's W ho in A m erican H igh S ch o o l S tu d e n ts; S o c i­ e ty o f O u ts ta n d in g A m e ric a n H ig h S chool Students.

NANCY GRISWOLD — Pep C lub 12; AFS 10,11,12; Thespian C lub 12; French C lub 10,11; Red Cross 11, P resident 12; Band 10,11,12; R ifle Corps 11,12; A ppalachian Business M anager 12; T w irp King E scort 12; Y-Teens 12; Mu A lpha Theta 11,12; You Can’t Take it W ith Y o u ; Tim e Out fo r G ing er; “ Bessie the B a n d it’s Beauti­ fu l B a b y "; S w im m in g 11; P o w d e r P uff Football 11,12; W ho’s W ho in Am erican High S ch o o l S tu d e n ts; S o cie ty o f O ut­ s ta n d in g A m e ric a n H ig h S c h o o l S tu ­ dents.

BO B B Y H AM ILTO N — Chess C lu b 11; Pep C lub 10,11,12; In tra m u ra l D ire c to r 11; G olf 10,11; Basketball 10; Baseball 11 , 12 .

DAVID HAM PTON — T ra n s fe rre d fro m G a tlin b u rg — Pittm an High S chool, Gatlin b urg, Tennessee 11; Key C lub 12; AFS 12; P la n n in g C o m m itte e 12; T im e O ut For G in g e r; B aske tball S ta tis tic ia n 12; Most W itty.

MIKE HARRISON — Key C lub 12; Chess C lub 10; FCA 10,11,12; S e co n d Team A ll-C o u n ty F o o tb a ll 12; G o lf 12; T ra ck 10; B a s e b a ll 10,11,12; S w im m in g 12; Football 10,11,12.

P lace in A lg e b ra II; A p p a la c h ia n B u si­ ness and C ircu la tio n S taff 12; Top 10%.

HERBY HAYNES — Pep C lub 10,11,12; C hess C lu b 11,12; B le a c h e r B u m s 10,11,12; Baseball 10,11,12.

HAL HEADRICK — W re s tlin g 10, F o o t­ ball 10.

PATTI HENSON — Pep C lu b 10,11,12; AFS 1 0 ,1 1 ,1 2 ; Red C ro s s 12; F re n c h C lu b 10,11; E c o lo g y C lu b 10,11; Na­ tio n a l H o n o r S o c ie ty 11,12; T h e s p ia n Club 12.

KATHY H ILL — Pep C lu b 10,11, P resi­ dent 12; S tu d e n t A ctio n C om m ittee 11; Key C lu b S w e e th e a rt 12; P o w d e r P u ff F o o tb a ll 11,12; C la ss T re a s u re r 10; P lanning C om m ittee 10,11,12.

ELDRIA HURST — Latin C lub 10.

TO N Y H U S K E Y — C h e ss C lu b 11,12; Pep C lub 11,12; S o ftb a ll 12; Basketball 10.11, Co-captain 12.

M IC K IE H U T S E L L — C h o ir 1 0,11,12; AFS 12; Pep C lub 10,11.

VIRGINIA HYDE — French C lub 10; AFS 11,12; Red C ro s s 12; N a tio n a l H o n o r S ociety 11,12; Mu A lpha Theta 10,11,12; Band 10,11,12; E cology C lub 10,11, Sec­ retary 12.

TERRI JONES — C lu b C o m m itte e 11; AFS 1 0 ,1 1 ,1 2 ; F re n c h C lu b 10,11; Y-Teens 10,11,12; N ational H onor S oci­ ety 11,12; Mu A lpha Theta 11,12; Band 10,11,12; Flag C orps 11; M a jo re tte 12; A ll-S tate East Band 10,11,12; S w im m ing 10; Red and B lack S taff 10; W ho's W ho in A m e ric a n H ig h S c h o o ls ; N a tio n a l M erit S cholarship S em i-Finalist.

GIL KING — Pep C lub 10,11,12; Softball 11,12; S w im m in g 12; F o o tb a ll 10,11, C a p ta in 12; A ll-C o u n ty F o o tb a ll 12, H onorable m ention 11.

M AR K KING — Red C ro ss 12; Band 1 0 ,1 1 ,1 2 ; Pep B a n d 10,11,12; T ra c k 10,11; B a ske tb a ll m anager 12; S o ftball 12.

ANN KINSINGER — French C lub 10,11; E co lo g y C lub 10,11,12; N ational H onor S o cie ty 12; S w im m in g 10,11; A ll-S ta te East O rchestra 11; W ho’s Who in Am eri­ can High S chools; S ociety o f O utstand­ in g A m e ric a n H ig h S c h o o l S tu d e n ts ; French I Award 10; N ational M e rit Scho­ larship S em i-Finalist; Top 10%.

M A R Y KATE LA IR A M O R E — AFS 10,11,12; F re n ch C lu b 10,11; Y-Teens 12; Pep C lu b 10,11,12; N ational H onor Society 11,12; Red Cross 12; Thespian C lu b 12; F re n c h S tu d e n t T e a c h e r 11; J u n io r and S e n io r Play — M ake-up; Top 10% .

SUSAN LAMBERT — P lanning C om m it­ tee 10; Y-Teens 10; Pep Club 10,11,12; FHA 10,11; B a n d 11; R ifle C o rp s 11; Cheerleading 12; Powder Puff Football 11,12; G ra d u a tio n U sher 11; T hespian Club 12; Red and B lack S taff Assistant E d ito r 12; P o lio Q ueen C a n d id a te 12; Basketball Queen A tte n d a n t 12.

H A R O LD L A W — Pep C lu b 10,11,12; T ra c k 10,11,12; F o o tb a ll 10,12; S w im ­ m ing 10,12.

JOE LAW — Pep C lub 10,11,12; Wrest­ lin g 10.

MIKE LEWIS — Band 10,11,12; A ll-State East Band 12; G olf 10,11; Tennis 10,11, Captain 12.

STEVE HATCHER — La tin C lub 10,11; Chess C lub 11; T rack 10,11; Basketball 10,11, S ta tisticia n 12; F o o tb a ll S ta tis ti­ cian 11; Planning C om m ittee 11.

CHANTAL JORAND — AFS S tudent from S w itz e rla n d 12; AFS C lu b ; N a tio n a l H o n o r S ociety; J u n io r and S e n io r Play P u b lic ity ; S e n io r P lay u s h e r; S tu d e n t C reativity C ontest — 4th Place — art.

RICK LINDSAY — Key C lub 10,11, Presi­ d e n t 12; AFS 12; C lass P re s id e n t 10; S tu d e n t C o u n cil 11,12; P lanning Com­ m itte e 10,11; L a tin C lu b 10,11,12; French C lub 10,11; National H onor Soc­ ie ty 11,12; E le c tio n C o m m itte e 10; S w im m ing 10,11, Captain 12; Top 10%.

CHARLIE HAYNES — Mu A lp h a T heta 11,12; Red and B la ck S ta ff 11,12; You C a n 't T ake It W ith Y o u ; T im e O ur For G in g e r: T M T A M a th C o n te s t — F irs t

M IKE KIDD — S o ftb a ll 10,11,12; G o lf 10.11, C o -c a p ta in 12; B a s k e tb a ll 10,11,12; Second team A ll-C ounty Bas­ ketball 1; FCA..

LISA LINEBAUGH — Pep C lub 10,11,12; AFS 12; Y-Teens 10,11,12; B a ske tb a ll 11; F irs t P la c e P u m p k in C o n te s t 11; C hoir 12; S enior Play p ublicity.


BILL MARTIN — Tennis 12; Red Cross 12. W AYNE M AYES — Intram ural D irector 11; B aseball 10,11,12; B a c c a la u re a te Usher 11. B ECKY M C C O LLU M — Pep C lu b 10,11,12; H o n o r C o u rt 10; N a tio n a l H onor S ociety 11,12; Powder P uff Foot­ b a ll 11; Red and B la c k S ta ff 12; Flag C o rp s 10,11, C a p ta in 12; S e n io r Play P rom pter; Sears Fashion C ouncil.

ROBERT MCCULLEY — O ffice Assistant 11; E c o lo g y C lub 11,12; Pep C lub 12; Red Cross 11; Prayer Group 11; Red and Black Staff 11,12; You Can’t Take It With Y ou.

DECA D is tric t III — First Prize Service Industry M anual 11; First Place B lo u n t C o u n ty H is to ry T e a c h e r’s C o n te s t 11; “Ugly D u cklin g ” ; You Can’t Take It With Y o u ; "P la z a S u ite " D ire c to r; N a tio n al M e rit S c h o la rs h ip S e m i-F in a lis t; Top 10%. MARY BETH MISER — AFS 12; L a tin Club 10; FHA 12; Ecology C lub 12; Red Cross 12, Secretary-Treasurer 11; Band 10,11,12; Flag C o rp s 12; S tu d e n t C reativity Contest 3rd Place — Poetry.

RICHARD MOON — O ffice A ssistant 10; Spanish Club 10.

ELLEN MYERS — Y-Teens 10,11; Red C ro s s 11; FHA 10,11,12; Pep C lu b

10,11,12. B RU CE M C K IN N O N — Key C lu b 10,11,12; Pep C lu b 10,11,12; AFS 12; Thespian C lub 12; S w im m ing 10,11,12; G o lf 12; You C a n ’t T ake It W ith Y o u ; “ B essie th e B a n d it’s B e a u tifu l B a b y ” ; Class President 11; Class Vice-President 12; Planning C om m ittee 10,11,12; M ost Friendly.

R O B B IE N IC E LY — Key C lu b 10,11, T re a s u re r 12; N a tio n a l H o n o r S o c ie ty 11,12; C hoir 12; Track 10,11,12; Basket­ b a ll 10,11,12; S o ftb a ll 11,12; P o w d e r Puff Football Coach 11; Football 11,12; P la n n in g C o m m itte e 11; C la ss V ic e President 11.

PAUL MEANS — Transferred from Holston H igh S cho ol, K noxville, Tennessee 11; Basketball 12.

GARY PATTERSON — Red C ro ss 12; C hess C lu b 12; S o ftb a ll 11,12; In ­ tram ural D irector 12; Football 10,11,12; A ll-B lo u n t C ounty Football 12.

MONTE MEISEMER — Band 10,11.

CATHY MELTON — AFS 12; Band 10,11; Red Cross 11; FHA 11; Pep C lub 11,12.

T E R R IE M E R R ITT — AFS 10,11; Red C ro ss 10,11,12; FHA 10,11; Pep C lu b 10,11,12; Intram ural D irector 11; S oftball 10,11,12; A p p a la c h ia n B u s in e s s and C irc u la tio n S ta ff 12; C o lo r G uard 11; Planning C om m ittee 12; B lo u n t C ounty S h rin e Q ueen 11; P r o ff it t's F a s h io n C ouncil 12. SUSAN M E TC A LF — Pep C lu b 10,11; Red Cross 11; Thespian C lub 11; Pow­ d e r P u ff F o o tb a ll 11; FHA 11; T y p in g A w ard 10; A p p a la c h ia n E d ito ria l S ta ff 12; DECA Secretary 11,12; D istrict DECA P arliam entarian.

DAVID M IL L E R — L a tin C lu b 10,11; Thespian C lub 11; Red and B lack E ditor 11; Chess C lub 11,12; DECA 11, Repor­ te r 12; N a tio n a l H o n o r S o c ie ty 11,12;

G E R R IAN P H IL L IP S — Pep C lu b 10,11,12; FHA 11,12; Intram ural D irector 11,12; Red Cross 11; Y-Teens 11; C hoir 12; B a s k e tb a ll 11; S o ftb a ll 10,11,12; Powder Puff Football 12.

DEN NIS PO LAND — Red C ro s s 12; Chess C lub 12; National H onor Society 11; Ju n io r Play Stage Crew; S oftball 12; Track 11.

rary A s s is ta n t 12; C h o ir 12; P um p kin C o n te s t W in n e r 11,12; P o w d e r P u ff Football 11,12; Basketball 10, Manager 11, S ta tis tic ia n 12; S o ftb a ll 10,11; A p­ p a la c h ia n B u s in e s s and C irc u la tio n Staff 12. ROBERT RIEGER — Chess Club 11,12; Red C ross 12; Latin C lub 10; F oo tball S ta tis tic ia n 11,12; T ra ck 10,11,12; Na­ tional M erit Letter of Com m endation. TIM ROBINETTE — Baseball 10.

MARY ROGERS — FHA 11; French Club 10; Red C ro s s 11; Y -T eens 11; AFS 11,12; Band 10,11,12; Flag Corps 12.

LEA ANN R U S S E LL — Pep C lub 10,11,12; Y-Teens 10,11; Thespian Club 12; FHA 10,12; Red and Black Staff 12;. Band 10; Flag C o rp s 10; P o w d er P uff F o o tb a ll 11,12; J u n io r Play U sh e r; Cheerleading 12.

SUZANNE SCHOEN — Pep Club 10,11; AFS 10,11,12; F re n c h C lu b 10,11; Y-Teens 11; Thespian Club 12; National H onor Society 12; FHA Class Chairman 12; Red and B lack Staff 12; Swim m ing 10,11,12; Band 10; “ U gly D u c k lin g s ” ; Y ou C a n ’ t T a ke It W ith Y o u : "P la z a S uite” . B EC KY SM ITH — L a tin C lu b 10,11; B and 10,11,12; A ll-S ta te O rc h e s tra 10,11,12; N a tio n a l H o n o r S o c ie ty 12; W ho’s Who in Am erican High S chools; S ociety of O u tstanding A m erican High S chool S tudents; N ational M erit S cho­ larship Sem i-Finalist. Top 10%.

VIRGINIA B. SMITH (GINNY) — Transfer­ red fro m S a n d a lw o o d H ig h S c h o o l, Jacksonville, F lo ^d a 12; C hoir 12.

M E LIN D A PORTER — N a tio n a l H o n o r Society 11, Secretary-Treasurer 12; Pep C lub 10; Latin C lub 10,11,12; AFS 11,12; Mu A lpha T heta 10,11,12; A p palachian E d ito ria l S ta ff 11,12; S panish I A w ard; Latin Award II; W ho’s Who in Am erican H igh S c h o o ls ; S o c ie ty o f O u ts ta n d in g A m e ric a n H ig h S c h o o l S tu d e n ts ; Na­ tio n a l C o u n c il o f T e a ch e rs o f E n g lis h A w a rd ; N a tio n s l M e rit L e tte r o f C o m ­ m endation; Top 10%.

LISA SMITH — Pep C lub 10,12; FHA 11; AFS 10,11,12; C hoir 11,12; Y-Teens 11; Powder Puff Football 11; Band 10,11,12; Flag Corps 11; M ajorette 12; Junior Play Program s; Tim e Out For G inger.

LORA REED — AFS 10,11,12; Pep Club 10,11,12; FHA 10,11,12; Y-Teens 10; Lib­

M E LIN D A SPEARS — Pep C lu b 10,11,12; FHA T re a s u re r 10,11; AFS


PATRICIA SMITH — T ra n s fe rre d fro m A lco a II; O ffic e A ssista n t 11; Pep C lub 11; B a s k e tb a ll 11; Y -T eens 12; Flag Corps 12.

10,11; Red Cross S ecretary 12; S o ftb a ll 10,11,12; G ra d u a tio n U sh e r 11; T h e s­ pian C lub 12; A ppalachian B usiness and C ircu la tio n S taff 12; Class S ecretary 12; P lan n in g C o m m itte e 12; T im e O ut For G inger; M ost D ependable.

TOM STINN ETT — Key C lu b 10,11,12; Pep C lu b 10,11,12; B a s k e tb a ll 10,11; Baseball 10,11,12; Football 10,11,12.

BRENDA TALLEN T — Transferred from K illian High S chool, M iam i, Florida 12; E co logy C lub T reasure r 12; Red C ross 12; A FS 12; Pep C lu b 12; C h o ir 12; P o w d e r P u ff F o o tb a ll 12; ETEA C h o ir 12; A ll-S ta te C h o ir A lte rn a te 12; M o st S chool S pirited.

LEAN iTA TAYLOR — T ra n s fe rre d fro m M e s s ic k H igh S c h o o l, M e m p h is , T e n ­ nessee 11; C h oir 10,11; B asketball Man­ ager 11; FHA 12; Ju n io r and S e n io r Play — M ake-up; S tude nt C reativity C ontest 2nd Place — Poetry.

NAN TAYLO R — FHA 10,11; Pep C lu b 10,11,12; Y-Teens 11,12; Thespian Club 12; Band 10,11,12; Flag C orps 11,12.

RUSTY THOMPSON — Chess C lub 12; J u n io r P lay S ta g e C re w ; F o o tb a ll 1 0 ,1 1 , 1 2 .

MITCH TH U R M ER — F re n ch C lu b 10; DECA 11,12; T h e sp ia n C lu b 12; P lan­ ning C om m ittee 10.

SANDY TIN KER — Pep C lu b 10,11,12; Y-Teens 10,11; Red Cross 10,11,12; Na­ tio n a l H onor S ociety 12; Band 10,11,12; M ajorette 11, Captain 12.

LINDA TIPTON — FHA 10,11; Pep C lub 10 ,1 1 ,1 2 ; Y -T eens 11; Red C ro s s 11; C lub C om m ittee 11; DECA 12. RAY TIPTON — Spanish C lub 11,12. JACKIE TOTTEN — Pep C lub 10,11,12; FHA 10,11,12; Y-Teens 10; Library Assis­ ta n t 11,12; C hoir 10,11,12; Red Cross 12.

ROGER VANCE — T rack 10,11; S oftball 11,12; In tra m u ra l D ire c to r 11,12; F oot­ ball 10,11,12; A ll-B lo u n t C ounty Football 12; Football Big Play Award.



L a tin

C lu b

10,11,12; AFS 12; N ational H onor S oci­ ety 11, V ice-P resident 12; Top 10%.

k e tb a ll 10; 10,11,12.

GARY WALKER — Pep C lub 12; B asket­ b a ll 10,11, C a ptain 12; M o st Im proved and M ost V aluable Player 12.

M A R G A R E T W IL K IN S O N — N a tio n H o n o r S ociety 12; Mu A lp h a Theta Se retary T reasurer 12; Top 10% .

LLOYD WALKER — N ational H o n o r Soc­ iety 11,12; Red Cross 12; You C an’t Take It W ith You; P lanning C om m ittee 12.

JON W ILLIAMS — Latin C lub 10,11,1 Thespian C lub 10,11,12; Band 10,11,1 A ll-S tate East Band 10,11,12; UT H ono Band 11,12; E lection C om m ittee 11,1 Y o u C a n ’t T a k e It W ith Y o u : “ Pla; S u ite ” S tage Crew.

ANDY WALLER — T ra ck 11,12.

GLORIA WEAR — Pep C lub 10,11; C h o ir 10,12; E co lo g y C lu b 10, V ice -P re sid e n t 12; AFS 11,12; Red C ross 12; N ational H o n o r S ociety 12.

P A U LA W E AV E R — A FS 1 0 ,1 1 ,1 2 ; F re n c h C lu b 10,11; F re n c h S tu d e n t T e a c h e r 11; E c o lo g y C lu b 11; Y-Teens 11, P resident 12; Thespian C lub 12; Red Cross 12; Red and B lack S ta ff 12; Na­ tio n a l H o n o r S o c ie ty 12; “ U g ly D u c k l­ i n g " ; “ B e s s ie th e B a n d it’s B e a u tifu l B a b y ” ; “ P laza S u ite ” ; B and 10,11,12; R ifle C orps 12; T op 10%.

GINGER W E BB — Pep C lu b 10,11,12; N a tio n a l H o n o r S o c ie ty 11; Key C lu b S w e e th e a rt 12; In tra m u ra l D ire c to r 11,12; C heerleading 10, C o-Captain 11, C aptain 12; P lanning C om m ittee 11,12; J u n io r C lass F a v o rite ; F o o tb a ll Q ueen A tte n d a n t 12; B a s k e tb a ll H o m e co m in g Queen 12, A tte n d a n t 11; M ost Friendly.

T e n n is

1 0 ,1 2 ;

S oftbs

C H A R L E S W R IG H T — L a tin C li 1 0 ,1 1 ,1 2 ; N a tio n a l H o n o r S o c ie ty 1 P re s id e n t 12; T h e s p ia n C lu b 11,1 DECA 11, P resident 12; AFS 12, Sum m A broad S ch o la rsh ip 11; Red and Rlai S ta ff 11; E d ito ria l C om m ittee 11; Pla n ing C om m ittee 12; A p palachian Editc ia l S ta ff 12; A ll-S ta te O rc h e s tra 1 “ U gly D u c k lin g ” ; You C a n 't Take It Wi Y o u ; “ Plaza S u ite ” “ Bessie th e Bandil B eautiful B aby” ; D on’t D rink th e Wat D ire c to r; M a ry v ille -A lc o a D a ily T im i S c h o o l R e p o rte r 11,12; W h o ’s W ho A m erican H igh S ch o o ls; S ociety o f O i s ta n d in g A m e ric a n H ig h S c h o o l St d e n ts ; M o s t L ik e ly T o S u c c e e d ; Tc


KIM W R IG H T — Pep C lu b 10; AF 10,11,12; Red Cross 11,12; French C li 10; Thespian C lub 12; Band 11,12; Rif C o rp s 1 1,12; T w irp K in g E s c o rt 1 G ra d u a tio n U s h e r 11; J u n io r M is s ■ M is s C o n g e n ia lity 12; T im e O u t Fi G inger.

MARK W EBB — Chess C lub 11; T rack 10,11; W restling 10,11.

TIM W E B B — Pep C lu b 10; M u A lp h a Theta 11,12; P hotography 12; Top 10%.

TODD WHITE — Key C lub 11,12; Latin C lu b 10,11,12; N a tio n a l H o n o r S o cie ty 12; S tu d e n t C reativity C ontest 3rd Place A rt; B asketball 10,11,12; T rack 10,11,12; P la n n in g C o m m itte e 10,11,12; E le ctio n C om m ittee 12; S tu d e n t C o u n cil 10,11.

DEBI WIDNER — Transferred fro m M or­ ristow n West High S chool, M o rristo w n , Tennessee 11; N a tio n al H o n o r S o cie ty 11,12; Latin C lub 11; Red Cross 12; AFS 12; S h o rth a n d A w a rd 11; J u n io r Play P ublicity; Top 10% .


TASNEE YANGSEENAT — AFS S tude fro m T h ailand 12; Band 12; C o lo r Guai 12; AFS 12; Pep C lu b 12; S e n io r Pis Usher.

PAM YOUNG — N ational H onor S ocie 11,12; Chess C lub 12; E cology C lub 1 C h o ir 12; B asketball M anager 11.

PATTY YOUNG — Chess C lub 12; Ecc ogy C lub 12; N ational H onor S ociety 1: B a s k e tb a ll M a n a g e r 11; G ra d u a tio Usher 11; J u n io r Play P ublicity.

SUSAN YUNKER — Pep Glub 10,11,1; FHA 11,12; French C lub 10; S w im m ir 10.


Memories Light the corners of my mind Misty, water-colored memories Of the way we were. Arthur Laurents


^E M B E R . . . LJJ LL

As th e 1973-74 s c h o o l year draws to a close, we look on to what lies ahead. Some w ill re tu rn to MHS, b u t o th e rs must leave the atmosphere of frie n d s h ip and s e c u rity . We sincerely hope this edition of the Appalachian w ill serve as a guide to your memories. The Editors

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