1939 Appalachian

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Published by the Senior C lass of





FOREW ORD Throughout the years to come, we, the Annual Staff, hope that you m ay be able to turn the pages of this book. The Appalachian of '39, as if you were turning back the pages of Time and recall the pleas­ ant memories of your days at dear old Maryville High School.


Irma Russell ................................. W ilma Raulston ............... John Davis ................... ...................

Typist Typist Art Editor

Roy Crawford ....................................................................................................................................... Co-Editor-in-Chief Jack Kramer ...................... .................................................................................... ....... ......................... Co Editor in C h iet Johnny W illiam s .................................................................................................. B usin ess M an ag er M arianne Coleman .............. F ea tu re Editor Louise Henry .................................................................. S op h om ore Editor Carolyn Costner ........................................................................................... A ssistan t P h o to g ra p h y Ed Lillian W ak elee A ssistan t Art Editor Charles W est ............ ...... ....... ..... ................................................................................................. .............. Junior Editor A. W. Spickard .......................................................................................... ................................................... Proof H ead er P h o to g ra p h y Editor Stanley Huddleston ........ Tommy Stephenson ............................................... F resh m a n Editor Bill Buford .......................................................................................... Assistant Busines Kenneth Presley ......................................................................................................... .........A ssistan t A th letics Editor Hal L lo y d .............................................................. — Ben Kizer A th letics Editor S. B. K eathley .................................. ....... ................................................ ....................... F a cu lty A d v iser Tommy Brown ...................................... ................................................................................................... Senior Editor Ida Sue E l l i s .................................................................................................................................................... P roof H ea d er Bobby Hatfield ....................................................................................................................... A ssistan t F ea tu re Editor The A ppalachian Staff is composed ofthe m embers of the M aryville High School Student Council with the addition of three others,John Davis, Irm a Russell, and W ilm a Raulston, whose assistan ce h as been absolutely necessary. Due to the splendid cooperation of the entire school with the Staff and the inspiring efforts of our faculty adviser, Mr. S. B. Keathley, this edition of the A ppalachian w as made possible. W e trust that our efforts in creating this book will b e rew arded by your pleasant memories a s you open these pages in years to come and review the hours spent in M aryville High School.

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Mr. John L. Brewer

Because of his keen interest in the students and their activities, his untiring efforts to make our school a finer one in every sense, and his invaluable assistance in making possible our new buildings, we dedicate this edition of The Appalachian to our superintendent, Mr. John L. Brewer.




Mr. John L. Brew er S u p erin ten d en t

Mrs. Jane W . Gauding L an g u ag es

Helen Ott L ib rarian

Harry H. Gauding P rin cip al

M ary Hickman S cien ce

Ruth Proffitt E n glish

Steve Boretsky S o c ia l S c ien c e A th letics

Lillian Howard H e a d H om e Econom ics D epartm en t

Bessie R ay E n glish


A lberta Coventry H istory M athem atics

S. B. K eathley D iv ersified O ccu p ation s

M arietta Sharp V o ca tio n a l H om e E con om ics

Nina Gamble M athem atics

Harvey B. McCall H istory M ech a n ica l D raw ing A th letics

Mrs. Juanita R. Wine C o m m ercial

Jewell Alexander Beta Club; Red and Black

M argaret Atchley

Madge Belle Porter High 1, 2, 3; Drill Team; Dramatics Club

Robert Bennett Hi-Y Club

H. R. Badgett V ice President B eta Club

Martha Badgett Band Sponsor; Red and Black

Gerald Bean Everett High 1, 2, 3; Football 4; B asketball 4; Sports Club

A. B. Britton Literary Club; Hi-Y Club; M anager Football 2

Elizabeth Brown V ice President B-Sharps; G lee Club; Thespian

Tommy Brown Student Council 4

Billy Clear

J. R. Broyles

Sports Club; G lee Club; Dramatics Club

Marianne Coleman

Jane Carpenter

Basketball 4; Treasurer Beta Club; Red and Black; Student Coun­ cil 4; Annual Staff 4; Thespian; Moon River Rancho a n d Black Derby casts; D. A. R. Pilgrim age

Pauline Colvin

J. C. Carrigan

B asketball 4

Football 4; Sports Club

M ary Jane Costner

Virginia Cates

Beta Club; Secretary c l a s s 3; Secretary Home Room, 2nd S e­ mester; R e d and Black; Band 1, 2, 3, 4

Dramatics Club; Drill Team; Band 1. 2, 3. 4

Prentice Cox

Sam Clark

Band; Red and Black; Literary Club; Debate Team 4

M anager Football 2, 3; M anager Barketball 2, 3; Sports Club


Roy Crawford

Leland Fipps

Secretary c l a s s 1; Vice President Home Room; Student Coun足 cil 3, 4; Beta Club; Debate Team 2, 3, 4; President Tennessee Federation Bet a Clubs; Annual Staff

Katherine Crews

Una Fipps

Red and Black; Beta Club; B-Sharp Club; Orchestra

President Home Ec. Club 1st Semester

John Davis

Elizabeth Getaz

Football 1, 2, 3, C ap足 tain 4; President Dra足 m atics Club; Sports Club; G lee C l u b ; Thespian; A n n u a l Staff; M o o n River Rancho Cast.

Vice President Home Room, 1st Semester; Secretary, Thespians; Beta Club; Literary Club; M o o n River Rancho a n d Black Derby Casts

Helen Dunn

Howard Gibson

Secretary C l a s s 4; Secretary Home Room, 1st Sem ester; Basket足 ball 3, Captain 4; Red and Black; Sports Club; Cheer Leader 4

G lee Club; Hi-Y Club

Vernon Ferguson

Otha Gibson President Home Room, 1st Sem ester; Cheer Leader 3, 4; M anager Football 3; Thespian; Dramatics Club; Sports Club; M o o n R i v e r Rancho and Black Derby Casts

Football 4; S p o r t s Club; Dramatics Club; Thespian; Moon River Rancho a n d Black Derby Casts


C lara Jean Goddard

Jimmy L. Humphrey

Treasurer Home Room, 2nd Sem ester; Red and Black

Four Dimensions Club

Mattie Hayworth

J. W. Jaymes Sports Club

James Henry

Alva Kirkpatrick

Red and Black; Dramatics Club

Velma Houston

Rowland Kithcart

M ary Ruth Hoyt

Ben Kizer Townsend High 1, 2, 3; Football 4; Student Council 4; Thespian

President Home Room, 2nd Semester; Red and Black; Beta Club


Betty Lu Kizer

Elizabeth Matthews Dramatics Club; Red and Black; Moon River Rancho Cast

V ice President C lass 1; Secretary Home Room, 2nd Sem ester; Red and Black; Dra足 m atics Club

Jack Kramer

Sammy Matthews

Football 4; Student Council 3, President Student Council 4; Thespian; Beta Club; President C lass 2; De足 bate Team 2, 3, 4; Moon River Rancho Cast; Annual Staff

Football 3, 4; Basket足 ball 2, 3, 4; G lee Club; Sports Club

Thelma Lambert

Joyce Mize

Dram atics Club; Sports Club

Sports Club; Dramatics Club

Virgil Lequire

Edith Monroe

Student Council 3; President Home Room; V ice President Four Dimensions Cl ub; Dramatics Club; Thes足 pian; Beta Club

B asketball 4; L iterar Club; Red and Black Thespian; Moon Rive Rancho Cast

Delmar McNelly

Doris Murray

Sports Club; G lee Club

Beta Club; Red and Black


Earl Norris

Lester Presley

Football 4; Red and Black

Hyder Patterson

Billie Pritchard

A lcoa High 1, 2, Red and Black

Girl Reserve

McKay Phillips

Frances Quinn

Sports Club

G lee Club; Debate Team 3; Beta Club; Dramatics Club; Thes­ pian; President C lass 3

Leonard Post

Gladys Raulston

V i c e President o 1 class; President of Home Room; Football 4; Sports Club; Presi­ dent of Hi-Y Club; Student Council 3

Beta Club Red and Black

Howard Presley

W ilma Raulston Thespian; Dramatics Club; "In Ole Virginn y" C a s t and Moon River Rancho Cast


Frances Sisk

Carl Robinson Four Dimensions Club

Paul Ross

Elmer Smith

Roger Rule

Leah Smith V ice President Thes­ pian Club; Secretary G lee Club; Dramatics Club; "In O le Virginny" Cast.

Football 2, 3, 4; B asketball 2, 3, 4; President of Sports Club

Irma Russell

Troy Smith

Secretary Home Room, 1st Sem ester; Red and Black; Thespian; Dra­ m atics Club; Moon River Rancho Cast; A nnual Staff

B asketball 1, 2, 3; Secretary Sports Club, 1st Semester

Cecil Spencer

Everett Shepard


Maurice Steppe

Donald W alker

Hi-Y Club; Sports Club; Football 4

Photography Club

W anda W alker

Newton Stoutt

B asketball 2, 3; B-Sharp Club; Dramatics Club

Beta Club; Four Dimensions Club

Sara W allace

June Sutton B asketball 1, 2, 3; Drill Team

Dorothy Jean White

Lloyd Taylor

President B-Sharp Music Club; Dramatics Club

Football 3, 4; B asket­ ball 3. 4; President Senior C lass; Beta Club; Editor Red and Black; V ice President 3; Moon River Rancho Cast

Alice Wilhoit

Billy Turner

Red and Black; Dramatics Club

Hi-Y Club; President of Four Dimensions Club


Helen Anderson Ernestine Atchley Ned Belt Carl Best

Kate Best Dorothy Bivins Rupert Boyatt

yrne. President Callow ay garet Cochran

lox Cox l

Nina Cunningham Harold Denton Jennie Lee Ellis

Juanita Fortner M argaret Francis Phyllis Froneberger Ernest Garner



Geraldine Goddard George Goodman Charlotte Hall, Vice President Dorothy Harned

Frances Harris Jimmy Henderson Stanley Huddleston

J. O. Huffman Edgar Huffstetler Edna Humphrey

Robert Hunter, Treasurer John Hutton M ary Catherine Jaym es

Sarah Lou Johnson Dorothy Keny Hugh Kerr

Jack Kiser Keith Lane Lucille Law Hal Lloyd

Frances Lowe M argaret Lowry Jennie Lynn McConnell W. H. McElhaney

M argaret McMillan Billy Martin Lois Martin

Billy Merritt Leland Milligan Virginia Montgomery

M argaret Moore Bill Overly Pricilla Park

Tommy Pearson Iva Pickens Neil Proffitt June Raulston

Lon Reed I. B. Rogers Fannie Simerly M ary Simerly


Erwin Siskin Oliver Spears A. W. Spickard Nettie Rose Spraker, Secretary

Luther Stepp Ray Sterling Elizabeth Stewart

Sarah Swaim Zelma Taylor Everett Timmons

Harold Tipton Dorotha Thompson Jane Trotter

Evelyn W allace Frank Wells Charles West, Student Council Beulah Williams

Charles Williams Johnny Williams, Student Council Vesta Willocks Lexie Whitehead


HOWARD HOME ROOM Officers 1st Semester Carolyn Costner P resid en t ..... Robert Byrne ...................................................... Vice P residen t Martha G illespie .................................................. S e c r e ta r y ...... John Fouche ............................................................... T rea su rer......

2nd Semester Robert Byrne John Fouche ..Caroline Costner Marjorie Gooch

Student C ou n cil...............................................................................................Bill Buford S p on sor .......................................................................................... Miss Lillian Howard Miss Howard Isabel Charlton G ladys Carringer Helen Campbell M ajorie Gooch Betty Ballard Jean B ailey

Hugh Griffitts Hugh Baker John Fouche Bill Buford Eleanor Dickens Neysa Ferguson Yvonne Cupp Bob Byrne

Don Caughron Matthews Coleman M artha G illespie Eula G ray Fortner Edith Craft Carolyn Costner John Harbin

The Howard Hot Shots Home Room is composed of thirty members whose surnames range alphabetically from A to H. W eekly meetings are held on Mondays between the second and third periods. These consist chiefly of a short business session and programs prepared by the program committee. A new committee is appointed by the president each six weeks. Barbara Elmore, of the home room, w as selected to represent the Sopho­ more class in the contest for carnival queen, and Carolyn Costner w as chosen for the beauty contest for the annual. Carolyn is also Student Council mem­ ber for the Sophomore Class. The members have had a very enjoyable social season, having partici­ pated in several parties. The following members do not appear in the picture: Virqinia Drake, Barbara Elmore, Charles Carrigan, Richard Dunn, J. W. Farr, Keith Ferguson, Sam Halliburton, Alexander Bise.

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BLUE MONDAYS 1st Sem ester John M cAfee ___ Ross H o n a k e r___ Rosa Mitchell ....... Louise Henry... Mrs. Gauding Jean Huddleston Katherine Grant Edna Hall Rosa Mitchell Dora Mae Largen John McAfee

2nd Sem ester Billy I.ane P resid en t ....... ... Vice P resid en t .................................................. Josephine M ays S ec r eta ry -T rea su rer ............................ Jan elle Kizer ............................................... Student C oun cil ............................................................................. Sponsor M. W. Hardin Billy Lane Ross Honaker Jetty Langston Jan elle Kizer F ran ces Gutridge

The Blue Mondays have been a typical home room this year, unfortunately limited, every member h as enjoyed each meeting, been impromptu, which h as added interest to them.

Theresa McKenzie Rosem ary Iverson Dorothy Law Josephine M ays Louise Henry

Though their activities w ere The program s hav e largely

W e met every Monday morning in Mrs. G auding’s room. An outstanding program w as an extem poraneous debate betw een four members of the room. Our scholarship h as never been such a s to win the cup but neither h as it been the low est on the list. The home room scholar­ ship competition h as interested us g reatly and w e are proud of rem aining off the bottom. Near the last of the first sem ester w e combined with Miss Howard's home room and had a party in the cottage on the school campus. The friendly contacts m ade through our m eetings hav e aided in our other activities with one another throughout the school year. These unifying friendships compose perhaps the g reat­ est ad vantages to b e gained by the students through the home room plan. The possibilities for various activities a s a group are quite extensive, and we are glad for the opportunities thus presented. The following members of our home room are not in the picture: Dan Lewis, Don Hurst, Don Matthews, H. C. McCulley, Edward McCulley, M agdelene McCampbell, John Ingram, Fred Mize, Carter Kimble, Credis Key, Bryce McDaniel.



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OTTERS 1st Sem ester Ellen Shepard ................................................ P residen t Mabel Jean Richmond...................................... V ice P residen t Maxine Seaton ............................................. Secretary-Treasurer Kenneth Presley Miss Ott ............... Bill W agner Sylvia Patton Helen Robinson M ary Catherine Stoutt Maxine Raulston Hilda Simerly Billie Jean W alker W endell Myers

2nd Sem ester Charles Wilhoit Max Young Maxine Raulston ..Student C ouncil ..................S pon sor

S a ra Jane Phelps Dick Stroebe Max Mize Maxine Seaton Mabel Jean Richmond Ellen Shepard Betty W aters Katherine Smith

M arguerite Taylor Charles Wilhoit A. J. Stinnett Joe W ebb John Thomas Joe Sharp Fred W alker Kenneth Presley

The Otters met in the beautiful library of the new High School. Five cents monthly dues w ere paid. The president, who is elected sem i-annually, chose these committees: Scholarship, W elfare, A ttendance, Program, and Publicity. The Otters meet every Monday morning; the roll is called and minutes read by the secre­ tary. Old and new business is taken up and discussed according to Parliam entary Law, the president presiding. The meeting is then turned over to the program committee. The programs included talks, reports, songs and radio programs. The purpose of home rooms is to develop the individual. Students receive experience in Public Speaking and P arliam entary Law. Social contact is augmented, and a precise m eans of checking the scholarship and attendance of each individual is afforded. There has been keen rivalry betw een the home rooms concerning scholarship, the Otters do not have the highest rating, they are in the upper half.


Our home room frequently had parties. The parties w ere held either at the school or in the home of the sponsor or that of individual pupils. A few w eeks ago Miss Ott opened her home to us. During the drive of the Am erican Red Cross our group joined.

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M aryville High School sponsored a beauty contest this spring. Girls from the various organizations w ere chosen and their pictures w ere sent to Hollywood, w here an expert chose the prettiest. This home room, by popular vote, chose Katherine Smith a s candidate; last y ea r M abel Jean Richmond w as our representative. The following members do not appear in the picture: Young.

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Leon Norris, Max

THE GAMBOLERS Second Sem ester Lula Callow ay .....................Carl Britton ................. Darrel G iles

First Semester B arbara G illespie ... Bobbie Edmondson R eba F ay Condry.... Byerl Breedlove Ida Sue Ellis Betty Ruth Bivins Inez DeHart Virginia Jew ell Im ogene Boring R eba Condry Mary Ruth Curtis Mason Boyatt Darrell G iles Bill Carringer

P resid en t .......... .... V ice P residen t .... S ecretary -T reasu rer Ed Anderson Robert Anderson B arbara G illespie Nancy Bryant Lula Callow ay Harold Clark Law rence Allison Mary Ellis Bessie Colvin Elnora Condry Mae Bell Baker

Hazel Clabough Ruby Foster Eugenia Howley John Allen David Briggs B aker Barnaw ell Tom Denton Ralph Broyles Cledith Giffin Bobby Edmonson Carl Britton

Miss Gamble's home room, the Gambolers, is one of the three freshmen home rooms. During the first term we selected Ida Sue Ellis as our candi­ date for Carnival Queen, and winning, she becam e the second freshman girl ever to receive this honor. Later in the term we joined the Red Cross. During the course of the year we have had some very interesting programs, including a visit by Superintendent Brewer. Although our scholastic standing has not been exceptional, we have been high among the other freshmen home room groups. W e have planned several social events during the year, and we have had some very interesting social programs at our regular meetings on Mon­ day mornings. W e have selected Ida Sue Ellis as our beauty candidate for the annual. The following members do not appear in the picture: Juanita Jaym es.




Alexander Bise,

THE STEVEDORES P resid en t............................................ Jack Matthews V ice P resid en t Frank Kramer S ec reta ry a n d T rea su rer J. L. Keny J. L. Keny Bobby Maynor June Lane Betty Ann Piper W ilm a Phelps June Largen Betty Milligan Fred Kizer Herman Looney

Student C ouncil.. S p o n so rs................

June Raulston W anda Keeble Louise Pierce Lillian Proffitt Nancy Poage Jack Matthews C harles Henderson Harold Leatherwood Frank Kramer

.......................Bobby Hatfield ..Miss Sharp, Mr. Boretsky

Bobby Hatfield M artha Langston Mary Helen Moore Elizabeth Proffitt Juanita Kirkland R ay Martin Miss Sharp Mr. Boretsky

The Freshm en Stevedores meet each Monday morning from ten fifteen to ten forty-five in the Home Economics Cottage under the supervision of Mr. Steve Boretsky and Miss M arietta Sharp. There are sixteen girls and twenty boys in this home room, and w e are proud to have the honor of leading a ll the other Freshm en home rooms in scholarship. W e hav e arranged our positions so that each and every student m ay take part in all of the activities. W e have two program committees which alternate in getting up programs, and they alw ay s hav e an excellent program. Although w e have not had much chance to go in for sports w e h av e a sports committee. Sev­ eral w eeks ag o our basketball team beat the B aby R ays Home Room 20 to 8. W e hav e had no parties of our own, but w e enjoyed a joint entertainment with the other Freshm en home rooms. T he. following members do not appear in the picture: Jimmy G illespie, Morton Grubb, J. E. Harris, Kenneth Hodson, Paul Humphrey, Tyson Isbell, Lucile Johnson, Jack Lambert, Ralph Lambert, Thomas Long, Max Mize, Ruth Monroe.


THE BABY RAYS First Semester Billy Tedford............ M arjorie Smith........ Polly W aters .......... Tom Smith M arinell Ross Marjorie Smith Katherine Sisk Eloise Sellers Shirley Russell Polly W aters Jea n Raulston

P residen t .......... ... V ice P residen t .... S ecretary -T reasu rer Lillian W akelee Elizabeth Tyler Bill Proffitt Tom Stephenson Dillon Moroney Arthur Spears Arvil Morrison Bill Thacker Vinson Rich

Second Semester ..............M arjorie Smith .......................Bill Tillery ................ Marinell Ross Eugene V eal Edith Simerly Billy Tedford Joe Rorex Miss Ray Jack Reed G ladys Scarbrough Bill Tillery

In our home room w e have thirty-two members, fifteen girls and seventeen boys. In this group there are two student council members, the home room representative and class representative. Our home room h as been on the bottom of the list in scholarship the first semester, but w e advanced our rating up among the lead ers before the y ea r w as over. In order to accom ­ plish this, w e have used some of our m eetings as study periods. In our room we have three members of the band and two members who hope to be taken into the Thespian club before the y ear closes. In the fall we had a sm all social gathering in the old gymnasium at which w e played gam es and afterw ards had refreshments. W e entered G ladys Scarbrough as representative of the B aby R ays in the beauty queen contest, and w e w ere behind her one hundred per cent. With the exception of the meetings which w ere used for study-hall periods, w e have had interesting program s arranged by different program committees. During our business m eetings w e h av e tried to follow the rules of parliam entary law as closely a s possible. W hile w e w ere very inexperienced along this line, we w ere given useful suggestions by Miss Ray. :y'|

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Our members are well represented in various clubs of the school. W e would like to express our appreciation to Miss R ay for aiding us in our troubles and giving us suggestions which hav e helped in m any w ays. The following members are not in the picture: Andrew Montgomery, Dorothy Robinson, Catherine M ary W est, Eugene W hite, Inez W ilson.

Sisk, L. B. Sutton,


Paul Keeble Don Kidd Donald Farm er Claude Houser O. B. Harris Ted Denton Charles Carroll Jam es Helton Raymond Dickens Raymond Keny M ay Annis B eals Marie Brown

Ruth Britton B arb ara Anderson June Burchfield S a ra C harles Keny Elizabeth Crawford Helen Edmondson M ay Gregory June Carringer Irma Jean Carpenter W ilm a Breedlove Edith Delaney Betty Eller

Helen Keeble Dorcas Crowder Heddy Love Hampton M argaret Howell Betty Lindsay Rose M ary Davis Jean Bryant Dean Harbison R ella M arie Anderson Mary Donald H ayes Bonnie Jean Bennard Mildred Hancox

A illene Christopher M arie Allen A nnabelle Gibson Billy Bradbourne Sam Farm er Edward Harbison Kenneth Bean Paul Floyd Kenneth Gregory Lowry Holt Houston Goddard Eugene Hamilton Richard Moore


June Stinnett Ruth Russell Anna Louise Hicks G race Cupp Dorothy Vaw ter M artha McAfee Roberta W ilbanks M argaret McAfee A lice Sue Presley Anne Rueter F ran ces M assey Mildred Orr

Anna M ay Reins Josephine Jam es M ary Ruth Oxendine Esther Long Scott Monrc5e Elizabeth Robinson Betty Jean McKessick Edna Ruth Miller Jackie O'Dell Betty Anne Tullock June Patton


Kate Smith Fran ces Shepard Nancy Renaker John Sterling A llen Law Douglas Poage R ay Moore J. B. Pass A llen W ells J. T. Stinnett Howard Tillery

Daton King Junior Morton Robert W ilson Dick Raulston Robert Raulston O'Dell Simerly Billy Piper Roy Lee Stallions Don McCammon E ugene McCampbell John Morton Luther Stinnett

Nina Grendell Nell Latham Louise Clabough Mary Belle Lane R achel Johnson Evelyn Coulter Opal M ae Burell Helen Jean Huffman Nora M ae McDaniels M adge Huffstetler Ruth Hicks Juanita Gibson

A ilene Barnaw ell Mary Tom Clark Martha Belle Lambert Ernestine Harrison Lillian Badgett Juanita Cox Betty Lou Boyatt Viola Caughron Evelyn Bayne J. W Davis Jack Tarvin

Edith Baxter Violet Farm er M ay DeHart Mary Barnaw ell Paul Blankenbecker Charles Hitson Joe Hampton A lbert Hurst Alvin Carter Don Duggan Jack Hancox

4 L

,j m s A

Beatrice Stanfield Anna Lane Drucilla Simerly Sue Parker E leanora Mason Elizabeth Jam es M argaret W est Jane McCulley Edna Earl W alker W ilm a Youngblood Edith Paul Mary Lynn Kizer

Claude Best Clayton Fagg W. B. Cham bers Sam H aw ley W alter Anderson Billy Hicks R ay W ebb Paul Miller R acy Feezell Jack Colvin Andy Carroll Charles Hurst

Lamar Taylor Jack Phelps John W illiam s Carl Murray M ack Pate Gilford Thurman L. K. W eag ley Robert Lindsay Ruth Lloyd Helen Wilhoit Jan e McCall

Betty Montgomery B arbara Trotter Betty Lou Turner Robert Mull Rex Stuart Tom Jam es Phil M cClanahan Bruce Stricklan Billy M anley Paul Morton Arthur Santmeir


Mildred Thompson Ralph Mason (Charles Osborne Hugh Potter Billy Orr Billy Hoyt Lacy Rueter R ay Smith A. B. Goddard J. T. Sim erly Harold M ahan Miss Goddard


Ruth Lloyd P rettiest

Houston Goddard Most P op u la r

Helen Wilhoit M ost P opu lar

8A W alter Anderson, P residen t Billy Hicks, V ice P residen t Lillian Badgett, S ecreta ry Ernestine Harrison, T rea su rer

8B Carl Murray, P residen t Helen Wilhoit, V ice P residen t Lacy Rueter, S ecreta ry Jimmy Stevens, T reasu rer

7A Raymond Dickens, P residen t Houston Goddard, V ice P residen t Elizabeth Crawford, Secretary Paul Floyd, Treasurer

7B John Sterling, President Martha M cAlee, Vice President Jack ie O'Dell, Secretary M argaret McAfee, Treasurer


BAND Stanley Huddleston Mary Jane Costner Charles Wilhoit Bill Buiord M arjorie Smith Jimmy G illespie Frank Kramer Hal Lloyd A. B. Goddard

S a ra Lou Johnson Nettie Rose Spraker Prentice Cox Martha Badgett Tom Stephenson Charles W illiam s Nancy Jane Poage Rose M ary Davis Carl Murray Mr. Burton H. S ca tes...................................

Ernestine Atchley Billy Orr Hugh Kerr Bob Hunter Douglas Poage B arbara Elmore Helen Anderson Tom Smith Billy Hoyt Director

During the school y ea r of 1938-39 the M aryville High School Band, under the direction of Mr. Burton H. Scates, h as continued to be one of the most successful and most popular organi­ zations of the school. The band has been very fortunate in again having a s its Parent-Teacher Association m anager, Mrs. A. B. Goddard. The student sponsor w as Miss Martha Badgett. Due to the playing and marching of the Band in the 1939 football season a great deal of color w as added to the gam es. Under the leadership of Drum-Major Tom Stephenson, the figure marching h as been quite a novelty to the student body and h as really added something to the school spirit. W hile still carrying on its marching activities, the band w as tw ice honored by being invited to lead a parad e through town. On Thursday night, Janu ary 19, a concert w as given at a Parent-Teacher program in the new auditorium. This y ear a committee of five members w as appointed by Mr. Ssettes to take care of all business. The members of that committee are a s follows: Hal Lloyd, chairm an, M ary Jane Costner, Bill Buford, Stan ley Huddleston and Bob Hunter. This committee introduced a system of aw arding letters to members of the band who a re qualified with active service and the approval of the committee and Director. The old English "M " h as been officially adopted. To represent them in the school's Beauty Contest the band elected M ary Jane Costner. Due to the fact that so few m embers are lost by graduation, the outlook of the band for the next y ear is very encouraging; therefore it should con­ tinue to be the fine m usical organization of which the school h as been so proud. The following members of the band do not appear in the picture: Bill Lane, Matthew Coleman, Bobby Hatfield, Leland Milligan, Virginia Cates.


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BETA CLUB Roy Crawford ............................. P residen t .................................................................. V ice P residen t H. R. Badgett G ladys Raulston............................................................... Secretary M arianne Colem an ....... T rea su rer Miss Ott ................................................................................................... Sponsor Robert Hunter H. R. Badgett Jack Kramer Roy Crawford Stan ley Huddleston V irg il Lequire Billy Merritt H al Lloyd F ran ces Quinn

G ladys Raulston Katherine Crews Jew ell A lexander Pauline Colvin Vesta W illocks Virginia Montgomery Mary Ruth Hoyt Elisabeth G etaz

T h e B e ta d u b is a national honorary society. membe rs, fifteen Seniors and fifteen JuniOTS.

M argaret McMillan M argaret Cochran Jane Trotter Lois Martin Doris Murray F ran ces Harris S a ra Lou Johnson Charlotte Hall Nettie Rose Spraker

In our M aryville Beta Club there are thirty

Helen Ott, the librarian, is our sponsor. She h a s been with the club ever since it Startled in 1936, and much of the success of the club h as been due to her leadership. T h e B eta Club is a good influence in the school a s is shown by the increase in the num­ be r of students eligible for membership. The requirem ents for membership are: first, one must be a Junior or Senior; second, h e must have an a v erag e grade of at least 92 for two con­ secutive sem esters; third, he must have a rating of 95 on his personality sheet; fourth, he must b e approved by the principal and sponsor; fifth, he must be approved by a three-fourths m ajority vote of the Beta Club members.

The Beta Club meets twice a month; business and social m eetings alternate. interesting program s have been given at the business meetings.

Some very

T h e annual state Beta Club convention met in N ashville in March. Several of our members w e re there. They attended m eetings on Friday and Saturday, and the banquet and dance fsltu jd a y night.

W e a re proud of the fact that Roy Crawford w as the state Beta Club president.


B SHARP MUSIC CLUB Dorothy Jean W hite.................................... Elizabeth Brown .......................................... Nettie Rose Spraker................................... M argaret Cochran........................................ Miss Lennis Tedford.................................... Elizabeth Brown Nettie Rose Spraker Nancy Ida Renaker Rilla M arie Anderson Nancy Bryant Fran ces M assey Mary Catherine Gregory Lillian W akelee

Miss Tedford Lois Martin M argaret McMillan Jean Huddleston Betty W aters Ruth Lloyd Ernestine Harrison M adge Huffstetler

.............P residen t .V ice P residen t S ecreta ry T rea su rer ............... S pon sor M ary Tom Clark M ay DeHart Carl Best M abel Jean Richmond M argaret Cochran M artha Gillespie B arb ara G illespie Quentin Lane

This club is composed of the music students of Miss Tedford. W e have our meetings the first Tuesday of every month immediately after school in Miss Tedford's studio. Each month we studied different composers of music from the different nations. Each person took part in some program, furnish­ ing appropriate music for the subject we were then studying. Many of our members also took part in chapel and other proqrams throughout the year. This organization has had a large part in awakening the students to the beauty of music and creating an interest in it, "Music moves us, and we know not why; we feel the tears, but cannot trace their source. Is it the languaqe of some other state, born of its mem­ ory? For what can wake the soul's strong instinct of another world like m usic?"— L. E. London.

DRAMATICS CLUB Officers S p on sor........................................................................ Miss A lberta Coventry P resid en t........................................................................................ John A. Davis Vice-P resid en t.......................................................... Martha Badgett S e c r e ta r y ......................................................................................Fran ces Quinn T rea su rer Bobby Hunter Tom Sm ith Don C au g h ro n F ra n c e s Quinn O th a G ibson Je a n H uddleston W ilm a R au lsto n Joh n D av is Jo y ce Mize T h elm a Lam bert W ilm a P h elp s A lice W ilh oit B illy M erritt D orothy K eny Routh Cox W a n d a K e eb le Je a n R au lsto n M ary H elen Moore E d n a H um phreys L illia n Proffitt N an cy P o ag e N an cy B ry an t

V irg in ia Je w ell Ju a n ita K irklan d M ad g e Belle Iv a P ick en s V irg in ia C ates V e sta W illocks V ern o n F erg u so n B illy W a g n er N ettie R. S p ra k e r G era ld in e G odd ard D orothy H arned M arth a L an g ston Polly W a te rs S a r a Ja n e P h elp s B etty Lu Kizer Irm a R u ssell V irg il L equire B illy C lea r D orothy Je a n W h ite W a n d a W a lk e r

E liz a b eth Brow n L e a h Sm ith S h irle y R u ssell N ey sa F erg u so n R o sa M itch ell Ja n e lle Kizer B a r b a r a Elm ore M a rth a G illisp ie M a b el Je a n Richm ond R o sem a ry Iv erson M iss C oventry Jim m y H enry H ugh B a k er B o b b y Hunter G eo rg e G oodm an S a m C raw ford R a y S te rlin g N eil Proffitt V irg in ia D rak e D ora M ae L argen

H elen Robin son P h y llis F ro n e b e rg er E ln o ra C onard Ju n e L a rg e n B e s s ie C olvin G la d y s C a rrin g e r M a rg a re t M cM illan Lois M artin S y lv ia Patton K ath erin e G ran t Edith C raft M ax in e R au lsto n E d n a H all F ra n c e s H arris S a r a Lou Joh n son H elen A n d erson C h arlo tte H all E a rn e stin e A tch ley M a rth a B a d g ett Eleonor D ickens V irg in ia M ontgom ery

The Dramatics Club of M aryville High School w as organized in October, 1937. Many of ihe students showed their interest and appreciation for dram atics by becom ing members and making the club the largest in school. At the beginning of this school y ear, when this club w as organized, an even larger number of students joined showing the growing popularity of dram atics in our school. Under the cap ab le leadership of Miss A lberta Coventry, our sponsor, the club h as proven lo be a very successful organization. All of the students who h av e participated in its various activ­ ities have received much benefit from it. It has been the aim of our club to interest more people in dram atics; to introduce those interested in taking part in dram atics to the various p h ases of the art; and to give our members at least a g eneral idea of the best technique for carrying out the different phases. The attention of our members h as been drawn to the enjoyment of taking part in p lays by the use of nursery rhymes and short p lay s that hav e not been rehearsed. Various m embers are asked to enact the nursery rhymes or take part in the p lays after the meeting h as been called to order. The serious enjoyment of acting h as been shown by the p lays given in chapel by Thespian members using Dram atics Club talent. Miss Coventry h as been the chief m eans of interesting the members in the various phases of dram atics through her talks on the Thespian Club and the w ays of becoming a member. The details of these phases have been furnished through speeches made by various m embers from books and m aga­ zines found in our library and by talks presented by outside speakers. It is the sincere hope of a ll those who hav e worked with the Dramatics Club that it h as been useful as a source of entertainment, education, and p leasant contacts which all of its members will remember with pleasure.


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THE FOUR DIMENSIONS CLUB ..................... Sponsor Miss G am ble Billy Turner .......................................................................................... P residen t Virgil Lequire .......................................................................... Vice Presidenf Billy Merritt Secretary a n d T rea su rer Billy Turner Virginia Drake Miss G am ble Virgil Lequire

I. B. Rogers Jimmy Humphrey Newton Stoutt Billy Merritt

The Math Club w as first organized on Septem ber 14, 1938 under the sponsorship of Miss Nina Gam ble. There w as a general election of officers and the club adopted the nam e of Four Dimensions Club. A program committee w as organized, composed of Jimmy Humphrey, Newton Stoutt, and I. B. Rogers. The plan of the club is to promote an interest in the field of mathematics. With the membership of the club only amounting to ten, each member is expected to take part in the programs. W e will w elcome all new members to our club next sem ester who have an interest in mathematics or su bjects connected with it. W e have all enjoyed the program s so far this year. W e have learned several methods of making m agic squat es; a program on the nine-point circle and on squaring the circle w ere enjoyed. Our first social w as held on Monday evening, November 14. W e jo in v l the Literary Club in a scavenger hunt and w einer roast. After the scavenger hunt we met on the school campus and toasted m arshm allow s and roasted weiners. Everyone had a very nice time. Miss G am ble deserves much credit for sponsoring this club. This is the first Math Club ever in M aryville High School, and Miss G am ble h as worked very hard to help prepare very interest­ ing programs for all to enjoy. She told us a story about fourth dimension which w a s very interesting. She h as been very willing to give her help on the programs, and w e a re a ll highly grateful. It is hoped that in the y ears to come the Math Club w ill becom e m ore and more prominent in the high school. The following members do not appear in the picture: Routh Cox, Jimmy Henry, Carl Robinson.



THE GIRL RESERVE Sponsor ________ P resid en t S ec r eta r y

Miss Howard V ic e-P re sid en t. T rea su rer_____

..Jennie Lee Ellis June Raulston Bobbie Maynor M arinell Ross June Lane Hazel Clabough M arjorie Smith B arbara G illespie Zelma Taylor Beulah W illiam s Dorothy Law

M arjorie Gooch Elizabeth Proffitt Lula Calow ay M arguerite Taylor Mary Catherine Stoutt Mary Simerly Louise Crowder R eba Condry Mary Ruth Curtis Eloise Sellers

..Dorotha Thompson .. .Nina Cunningham Juanita Jam es Juanita Fortner Nina Cunningham June Raulston Dorotha Thompson Billy Pritchard Jennie Lee Ellis Dorothy Bivins Miss Howard

The Girl R eserve of Maryville High School w as organized W ednesday, November 3, 1937. W e now have an enrollment of girls from all classes. The Girl R eserve is a national organization, but, a s yet, the M aryville High School organi­ zation h as not becom e affiliated with the national organization. Through the efforts of our officers and our sponsor, Miss Lillian Howard, our club will becom e part of the national or­ ganization this year. Our program consisted of a study of manners, m usical and extem poraneous programs. W e have also studied parliam entary law. In order to raise money for our club, part of the girls sold candy at one of our football gam es. All members of the club are working toward the following things: Slogan— To face life squarely Purpose— Find and give the best Code— To be in grace and manner Im partial in judgment R eady for service Loyal to friends Reaching toward the best Earnest in purpose Reverent to God Victorious over self Ever dependable Sincere at a ll times


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HI C'S Hay Sterling................... P residen t F ran ces Quinn ..................................................................... Vice P residen t Leah Smith ......................................................................S ecretary -T reasu rer Miss R ay ________________________________ S pon sor M argaret Francis Betty Piper G eraldine Goddard Charlottte Hall Betty B allard Elizabeth Brown Frances Harris

1. '

M argaret Cochran Pricilla Park Elizabeth Stew art Edith Simerly Fanny Sim erly Hugh Tipton Baker Carl Best Billy C lear

Fran ces Quinn Leah Smith Howard Gibson R ay Sterling Miss R ay John Thomas Bill Tillery Sylvia Patton

Katherine Grant Sammy Matthews Lucille Law Delmar McNelly Bobby Hancox Helen Cam bell Lexie W hitehead

The G lee Club is divided into two groups which meet on alternate W ednesdays. The aim of our club is to learn to be better singers and to enjoy singing while trying to improve it. Through the school y ear we have worked on m any songs. In these songs that we have worked on w e have done four-part singing. t Through the variety of our songs we have been introduced to the tunes and words of m any different types. W e hope to give a chapel program using some of these songs. The combined clubs worked on a light m usical called "T he G rasshopper" which w as pre­ sented in the spring. Our glee club is fortunate in having two good accom panists, Charlotte Hall and M argaret Cochrane. Miss M anges h a s established the custom of presenting an operetta each spring with the cooperation of the g le e club. Plans are being m ade to present this operetta in the late spring. On several occasions Miss M anges h as taken a selected group of g lee club m embers to Knoxville to join the All East Tennessee Chorus, trained for the East T ennessee T eachers' meeting. This group h as been so successful that this y ear w e have been invited to send a group to the State Teachers' m eetings at Nashville. This is a great honor for our school and for our g lee club. The Hi-C m embers ag ree that each h as received enjoyment a s well as benefit from the efforts oj Miss R ay and the members them selves to m ake the g lee club the success that it is. The g lee club will be one of our fondest memories of our high school days. The following members do not appear in the picture: Dorothy Thompson, Fran ces Lowe, Dorothy Harned, Sara Jane Phelps, * Sammy Halliburton, Rupert Boyatt.


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THE HISTORY CLUB Jane Trotter...........................................................................................P resid en t Virginia Montgomery............................................................. V ice P resid en t Vesta W illocks...................................................................................... S ec r eta r y Beulah W illiam s..................................................................................T rea su rer Beulah W illiam s Edna Humphrey Iva Pickens M argaret McMillan Mary Helen Moore Miss Coventry

Louise Crowder P eggy Callow ay Virginia Montgomery V esta W illocks Ja n e Trotter Lois Martin

After being organized for nearly two y ears, the History Club h as been very successful in achieving every goal it h as set out to obtain. Our goal this y ear w as to m ake enough money to p ay a part of the expenses of taking a trip to Nashville to see some of the outstanding p laces of historical interest, as, Hemitage and Parthenon and visit some of the old forts. W e also plan to go to W ashington, D. C. In the past five months w e hav e had two candy sa les in addition to selling cakes, pies, and cookies. The dues for the club are ten cents a month. The programs have been a variation of reports on historical p laces around us, such as old trails and forts and Montvale Springs w here one of Tennessee's writers,Sidney Lanier, wrote some of his most well-known poems. W e also discuss modern affairs of ournation as well a s those of Europe. A report w as given by a member of the club on "How M aryville Looked Y ears A go". In this report w ere descriptions of Sam Houston Inn, which at the time w as the best in this locality, two of our leading department stores, the dormitory of the old high school and a bit of the school's history. For one of our programs we read an article "T he Nazi Got M e" which appeared in a recent R eader's Digest, describing a concentration cam p and treatment of Jew s in Germany. Sometime in the future the club is planning to sponsor an antique show, open for the public, and ch arge a sm all admission.


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THE HI-Y CLUB P resid en t..........

Leonard Post

Vice P residen t S p on sor............

Bob Byrne T rea su rer...........................................John A. McAfee .......................................................................................................... S. B. Keathley

A. B. Britton Maurice Steppe Jack Kiser Frank W ells Leonard Post J. O. Huffman Billy Turner

S ec r eta r y

Carl Best Eugene White Howard Gibson Bob Byrne John Fouche Billy Lane Jack Reed Ralph Lambert

Ross Honaker

Richard Dunn Dillon Moroney Frank Kramer John McAfee Harold Tipton Ross Honaker Charles Wilhoit

In 1870 at Iola, Michigan, the first Hi-Y Club w as organized. This w as the first attempt to create in the high school an organization with the sam e goal as the Young Men’s Christian Association. The name Hi-Y, m eaning High School Y. M. C. A., w as originated in 1911by a Pittsfield, M assachusetts, club and it now represents 6500 clubs in the United States and C anada with a membership of 197,000 boys, who are trying "To create, maintain, and extend through­ out the school and community high standards of Christian C h aracter." Throughout the y ea r our Hi-Y Club, which h as twenty-five members, h as attempted to reach the above goals through interesting and instructive programs. W e have discussed the elements of a good personality and of salesm anship under the ca re fcl guidance of Mr. Keathley. Various members of the club have given speeches on different prominent men, and .at one time w e dis­ cussed safety in the form of a Safety Forum. At Christmas Dr. Oliver Tarw ater g ave a talk using a story by Henry V an Dyke a s a basis. As we go forward, we hope alw ays to strive toward "C lean Living, Clean Speech, Clean Athletics, Clean Scholarship."



THE MARIETTA SHARP HOME ECONOMICS CLUB Bobbie Maynor ................................................................................... P resid en t Lula Calow ay .......................................................................... V ice P resid en t Jean H aw ley ................................................................. S ecreta ry -T rea su rer Miss Sharp ...............................................................................................S pon sor Mary Ellis Louise Pierce Bobbie Maynor N ancy Byrant June Lane Nancy Jane P oage Miss Sharp

R eba Condry Ruth Curtis M arjorie Smith Lillian Proffitt Juanita Jam es Juanita Kirkland June Raulston W and a Keeble

Jean Raulston Dorothy Robinson Lula Calow ay M ary W est Eloise Sellers Ruby Foster B arb ara G illespie

The Home Economics Club of M aryville High School w as organized the first of our school year, with Miss M arietta Sharp, for whom our club is nam ed, a s sponsor. Two program committees, composed of three m embers each, w ere elected to assist the chair­ man in planning programs. Plans were made for becoming affiliated with the state and national organizations. As a m eans of raising money for this purpose, it w as decided that each member of the club should p ay a sm all amount for dues. On W ednesday, December 14, w e had a Novelty Sale. Each member of the club w as responsible for m aking one article for this sale, which included such things a s hot-pot holders, guest towels, place cards, table mats, covers for Dutch cleanser cans, and gumdrop Christmas trees. All of the freshmen Home Economics classes m ade Christmas cookies and candies, which w ere contributed to our sale. These articles w ere placed on sale in our new cottage, which w as open to the public for the first time. From this sa le w e m ade ten dollars, and out of this money a mirror w as purchased for •*.>■*»« , the bedroom of the cottage. W ith the rem aining money w e hope to add other sm all equipment AvJ*! >: to our department. On Friday evening, Janu ary 5, w e had a pot-luck supper at the home of our President, Bobbie Maynor. After enjoying a delicious supper, but feeling somewhat uncomfortable, w e went to the recreation room w here gam es w ere played. Our club is composed entirely of freshmen, with twenty-two members enrolled. The following m embers do not appear in the picture: Elizabeth Proffitt, Inez DeHart, Jean H aw ley, Virginia Jew ell, Ruth Monroe.


LE CLUB de CORRESPONDANCE ETRANGER Miss R a y ................................................................................................... S pon sor Lucille Law Ernestine Atchley S a ra Lou Johnson Betty B allard Miss R ay Iva Pickens G eraldine Goddard Charlotte Hall Nettie Rose Spraker

Helen Dunn M argaret Cochran M argaret McMillan M ary Sim erly Zelma Taylor Juanita Fortner Beulah W illiam s M ary Catherine Jaym es Edna Humphrey Louise Crowder

Lois Martin Jane Trotter Phyllis Froneberger Kate Best Dorothy Bivins Dick Stroebe Lon Reed G eorge Goodman Hugh Kerr

The International Friendship League w as organized to promote better understanding among the youth of the world through correspondence and travel. From Aberdeen to Zam boanga the International Friendship League collects nam es, addresses, and interests of boys and girls eag er to correspond with boys and girls in foreign countries. All are ab le to read and write English so that a ll the letters are in the English language. This world-wide correspondence plan is open to those eight to twenty y ears of age. O ccasionally correspondence is arranged for adults. W hen one is a member of the League, he gets a personal introduction to the whole world. Each d ay of the y ear becom es more interesting and exciting by one's having a better under­ standing of w hat is going on everyw here. W hile w ars are erupting, politicians scheming, statesm en planning, scientists searching, we are learning w hat everyd ay people are thinking, enjoying; how they a re living their everyday lives. W e are having the joy of discovering .and learning things about remote sections of the world in a personal w ay. At the sam e time, .w e have a ch ance to explain our lives in this In many ca se s w e find that it is our new friend's only contact with our country. W hen one joins the league, nam es of those who will m ake the most interesting friends are selected from the lists and transferred to a personal membership accep tan ce blank. This then becom es one's own personal property. Our club w as formed in Septem ber with thirty-four members from the French class with Miss R ay a s sponsor. Names and addresses from m any foreign countries w ere received and those who have received letters find them very interesting and extrem ely educational.


LITERARY CLUB Nettie Rose Spraker.......................................................................... P residen t Bill Buford................................................................................... V ice P residen t M argaret Moore .............................................................Secretary-Treasurer Miss Proffitt ............................................................................................ Sponsor Bill W agner Rosem ary Iverson Maxine Seaton Lon Reed Bill Buford Charles W illiam s Nettie Rose Spraker Helen Anderson Prentice Cox Edith Monroe Elizabeth G etaz Roy Crawford A. B. Britton Martha G illespie Hal Lloyd M arinell Ross Dorothy Law Jack Kramer John McAfee M abel Jean Richmond Tom Smith The purpose of the Literary Club is to promote interest among the students in public speak­ ing. W e em phasized debating, original oratory, declam ation, extem poraneous speaking, and both humorous and dramatic reading. Discussion of the features of declam ation and oratory have been lead by various members of the club from time to time. W e have also studied the m echanics of speech-making. It w as decided that proper subject matter is most important to a good speech, supported by a flair for development. W e w ere w ell represented in the District Literary Contest held at the University of Ten­ nessee this spring, and carried off honors, a s w e have done in previous years.

THE LIBRARY CLUB The Library Club w as organized last Septem ber with the purpose to help the Library in any w ay possible. In the fall the club took "Book W eek " as a special project, at which time a hobby exhibit and attractive bulletin boards w ere arranged. An interesting and attractive "A thletic" bulletin board w as arranged before the home-coming gam e with Alcoa. The first radio broadcast w as presented by the Library Club in which Miss Ott mentioned some w ays by which the students might improve the library. M artha G illespie review ed "A W orld Can End", by Irian a Skauatina. Jack Kramer review ed "Northwest P a ssa g e", by Ken­ neth Roberts. At our club meetings, first and fourth W ednesday of each month, w e do various things. At some of the m eetings w e have worked on new books, getting them read y for the shelves; at others w e have review ed books and discussed authors. P earl Buck's achievem ent in win­ ning the Nobel prize suggested a most interesting discussion of Nobel and Pulitzer prizes and prizewinners. The membership of the club is a s follows: Jane Trotter, President; John Harbin, Vice-President; Pauline Colvin, Secretary and Treasurer; Richard Stroebe, Kate Best, Peggy Callow ay, and Donald Hurst.

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MUSEUM CLUB First Sem ester Second Sem ester P resid en t Jim Byrne ...................................... Mason B o y a tt V ice P residen t Mason Boyatt Baker Barnaw ell ....... S ecreta ry a n d T rea su rer__ ____ Paul Humphrey Miss Hickman ................................................................................... Sponsor Bill Carringer Tom Denton L. B. Sutton B aker Barnaw ell Paul Humphrey

Mason Boyatt Harold Clark Herman Looney Morton Grubb J. C. Carrigan Jim Byrne

Miss Hickman Law ernce Allison Carl Britton J. L. Keny Andrew Montgomery

The Museum Club is one of the newest clubs which have been added to M aryville High School. It ranks high in popularity with its members. The sponsor. Miss Hickman, has done very much in helping the members learn more about the various projects set before them. The Museum Club is a very suitable nam e for the club. The group a s a whole spent most of its time gathering and mounting various anim al and flowers specimens. This is very Interest­ ing work, and the boys seem to enjoy it very much. Some of their time, however, is taken up by the study of wild life. Live anim als such a s rats, snakes, birds and rabbits have been brought in for observation. The w ay the club members have learned to like the wild life 13 very encouraging. The school h as had much equipment added to it during the last y ear, and it h as been the good fortune of the Museum Club to b e ab le to use much of it. The balopticon m achine gave much entertainment to the club and also taught them m any things. W e feel that our club is m aking a real contribution to the school and trust that more and more students will be attracted to it in the fuure. Charles Henderson does not appear in the picture.

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Jim Byrne

RED AND BLACK Tommy Pearson Lloyd Taylor Erwin Siskin Johnny W illiam s George Goodman Hugh Kerr Jam es Henry Prentice Cox

A lice Wilhoit Edith Monroe Helen Dunn Irma Russell Betty Kizer Jew ell A lexander C harles W illiam s

Mrs. W ine Katherine Smith Doris Murray Elizabeth Matthews G ladys Raulston C lara Jean Goddard M ary Ruth Hoyt K atherine Crews

The New spaper Club has earned ior itself a nam e among our clubs. The members of this club work together in collecting and writing m aterial to fill a good sized paper. This paper is published under the nam e of RED AND BLACK, the school colors. Under the excellent leadership of Mrs. W ine, our sponsor, the club has raised money through candy sales, movies, ball gam es and p lays to publish a first rate newspaper. The paper covers all of the school activities. One section is devoted to sports, another to social events, and still another to jokes. Through such columns Looking Into the Future, Keyhole, Club News, W ho's Who, and other current topics, interest is created among the students. W e truly feel that this club h as kept pace with the school in its stride forward. Never before h as a club taken upon itself the responsibility of publishing a paper independent of school funds. This monthly paper is in m agazine form containing from eight to sixteen pages. Through editing a paper students of the club learn the fundam ental responsibilities and duties of a new spaper job. This club helps m any of our students to discover hidden talent along the new spaper line and kindles in others a desire to learn more about new spaper work. Big oaks from little acorns grow, and we, the acorns, prophesy a successful crop for the future oaks of the club. The staff is a s follows: Mrs. W. M. W ine, Jr., Sponsor; Lloyd Taylor, Editor; Oliver Spears, A ssociate Editor; Katherine Smith, Publicity M anager; Mary Jane Costner, Business M anager; Irma Russell, Assistant Business M anager; Erwin Siskin, Circulation M anager; Helen Dunn, Sports Editor: Bill Overly, Humorist; C lara Jean Goddard, Social Editor; Earl Norris and Leland Milligan, Key Hole; Katherine Crews and Hugh Kerr, Typists; Jimmie Henderson, Luther Stepp, Ernest G arner, Hyder Patterson, George Goodman, Johnny W illiam s, C harles W illiam s, Jimmie Henry, Prentice Cox, Tommy Pearson, Edith Monroe, M ary Ruth Hoyt, Doris Murray, Alice Wilhoit, Betty Kizer. M argaret Lowry, G ladys Raulston, M arianne Coleman, Elizabeth Matthews, News Reporters.


PHOTOGRAPHY CLUB Jim Byrne ...............................................................................................P residen t Bob Byrne....................................................................................V ice P residen t Robert Hunter...................................................................S ecretary -T reasu rer Miss Hickman ........................................................................................ S pon sor Charles Wilhoit Darrell G iles Jack Reed Sam Crawford Herman Looney John Fouche, Jr. Bob Byrne Ralph Broyles Robert Hunter A lexander Bise

Hugh Kerr Jim Byrne Dick Stroebe John Hutton Donald W alker B aker Barnaw ell Miss Hickman Kate Best Lois Martin

B arbara Elmore Sarah Swaim Phyllis Froneberger Dora Mae Largen Helen Robinson Jimmy G illespie Frank Kramer Dillon Moroney Leon Norris Betty W aters

The Photography Club is one oi the new additions which has been m ade this y ear to the extra-curricular activities of M aryville High School. It w as organized on Septem ber 7, 1938, and from that time began its interesting and educational program. Twenty-six members are enrolled, and under the sponsorship of Miss Hickman they have carried on some really worth-while work. Some excellent programs have been enjoyed in the club m eetings; a great m any points concerning the developing and printing of pictures have been brought to light in them. In an early meeting of the club a contest w as started among the members continuing to the end of the first school term. Each member collected various types of snapshots which they them selves had taken and at the end of the sem ester brought them to a meeting of the club. These pictures w ere judged, and prizes w ere presented to the persons bringing in the best pic­ tures of the following types: best all- round picture, best comic picture, and the best picture of a person.

The m embers of the photography club selected a s their representative in the school's beauty contest Phyllis Froneberger, a member of the Junior Class.


The Photography Club feels that it h as initiated a very interesting and important part of the school's extra-curricular program.

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THE SPORTS CLUB P resid en t ............................................................................................ Roger Rule Billy Proffitt Andrew Montgomery J. W . Jaym es Hugh Griffitts Avril Morrison Tom Long Robert Anderson Fred Kizer Kenneth Stinnett Harvey M cCall Law rence Allison

Edgar Huffstetler Roger Rule Arthur Sp ears Bill Carringer Harold Clark Cledith Giffin Charles Henderson Don Hurst C harles C arrigan M aurice Steppe

Bobby Edmondson Leonard Post L. B. Sutton Eugene W hite Carl Britton Rupert Boyatt J. W. F arr Ralph Lambert Matthew Colem an Ross Honaker

Frank W ells Jack Kiser Billy Lane Keith Lane Richard Dunn Eugene V eal John Harbin Edward McCulley Tyson Isbell Jack Lambert Sam Clark

The Sports Club w as originally called the Varsity Club. The member­ ship, however, w as then restricted to men and women who had earned their letters in athletics. M any who were not lettermen wanted to learn more about sports. This year the Sports Club w as formed, all boys interested in sports could join. The purpose of the Sports Club is to create a greater interest and knowl­ edge of all kinds of sports both local and foreign. The club w as divided into different committees. Each committee made studies on one sport and m ade reports to the club as a whole. These in­ cluded reports on the local standing of football and basketball inthe county as well a s in the district and state. Also the rules of the different sports were discussed. The main emphasis w as alw ays placed on sportsmanship and how it w as brought about. Though ours w as one of the largest clubs, it accomplished its purpose to a large degree due to the excellent sponsorship of Mr. McCall, who is very capable in such work.


DRILL TEAM ......................C h airm an . S e c r eta r y T rea su rer

Jan elle Kizer Lucille Law ... Rosa Mitchell Polly W aters Hazel Clabough W ilm a Phelps Betty Ruth Bivens M ae Bell Baker Hilda Simerly Shirley Russell June Largen B essie Colvin

Thelm a Lambert Yvonne Cupp V irginia Cates Catherine Stoutt Maxine Raulston Betty Ballard Betty Ann Piper Jetty Langston Zelma Taylor Juanita Fortner

Dorothy Keny Lucille Law Lexie W hitehead Jean Huddleston Ellen Shepard Virginia Jew ell G ladys Scarbro N eysa Ferguson G ladys Carringer Eleanor Dickens

Nina Cunningham M arjorie Gooch Joyce Mize M adge Belle Martha Langston Edith Craft Edna Hall Dorothy Bivens Jennie Lee Ellis June Raulston

W hen the Sports Club w as formed last fall it w as composed of both boys and girls. But due to their different interests in the field of sports, the club deemed it w ise to sep arate the boys and girls into sep arate clubs. The boys formed their club and called it the Sports Club, w hile the fairer sex formed a drill team. Every other W ednesday the drill team meets at the extra-curricular period and practices for the various formations and drills. It is the object of the drill team to perform at football gam es, pep m eetings and other outdoor sporting events. By doing this, more color will be added to the gam es and it will m ake football more popular with outsiders. his

The Drill Team is sponsored by Mr. Boretsky, who is very cap ab le in such work. Through patient work the team h as been ab le to ad vance very w ell in the different drills and

formations. Next y ear it is planned to have the team dressed in red and black uniforms. W ith these snappy uniforms they will appear more colorful and will b e one organization that w e will b e very proud of. The following m embers do not appear in the picture: Billie Jean W alker, Jan elle Kizer, Elizabeth Proffitt, Delmar McNelly, Floreine Kidd, Pauline Colvin, W ilm a Raulston, Eleonora Conard.


STUDENT COUNCIL President ................................

S e c r eta r y M arianne Coleman T rea su rer ................................................... Bill Buford

..Jack. Kramer V ice P resid en t....................................Tommy Brown C harles W est Louise Henry Bill Buford Carolyn Costner Jack Kramer Lillian W akelee Mr, Gccuding Eoy Crawford

Tommy Stephenson Tommy Brown Stan ley Huddleston Hal Lloyd A. W. Spickard Ben Kizer Johnny W illiam s Kenneth Presley

The Student Council is an organization composed of nineteen students elected from the student body. It h as six Senior representatives, two from each of the two home rooms and two from die dose a s a whole; five Junior representatives, one from each of the three home rooms and two ham die class a s a whole. The Sophomores hav e four representatives, one from each o f the three home rooms and on e from the cla ss a s a w hole; and the Freshm en hav e four repre­ sentatives one from each of the three home rooms and one from the cla ss a s a whole. The Council elects its own officers. *• T h e Student Council m eets every W ed nesd ay during the extra-curricular period. During the course of die y e a r m any problem s concerning the student body a re discussed b y the Council an d Mr. Gauding. A definite conclusion is not a lw ay s reached, but the members of the Council feel that benefit is derived from the discussions. Some of the most important things discussed b y the Council this y ea r w ere: student d ances, the em blems for the banr, controlling the baaing at basketball gam es (in w hich the Council w as gratified by the results). M any other sm aller problems w ere also discussed.

The council hopes that its work this y ea r h a s been successful in acting a s a merffnnr betw een the pupils and the faculty, and that in future y ears the Student Council will continue to serve loy ally the school which elects them.


THE THESPIAN CLUB Miss Coventry ............................................... S pon sor Mr. Gauding ................................................. S pon sor Hal Lloyd ................................................... P residen t Elizabeth Getaz Jack Kramer M argaret McMillan Hal Lloyd Nettie Rose Spraker Virgil Lequire Fran ces Quinn Billy Buford

Leah Smith ........................................ V ice P residen t Elizabeth G etaz ........................................ S ecr eta r y W ilm a Raulston ........................................ T rea su rer

Miss Coventry Elizabeth Brown Tommy Stephenson Irma Russell Vernon Ferguson I. B. Rogers Helen Anderson Neil Proffitt

Otha Gibson Ben Kizer Leah Smith Johnny W illiam s W ilm a Raulston John Davis Edith Monroe R ay Sterling

The National Honor Dramatic Thespian Club is one of which w e are very proud. To belong one must have had four minor roles or two m ajor roles in dram atic productions. Its object is to promote dram atics in the high school. The first aim of the club this y ea r w as to buy furniture for our new stage. To do this we sold candy and Christmas trees during the holidays, sold tickets for the Little Theater Play, "A b ie's Irish R ose," and collected money from the one-act p lay contest. Money w as also received

from our own play, "T he Black Derby".

The club h as put on several productions this year. The first w as "Aunt Jenny and the Q uarterback", directed b y Hal Lloyd and I. B. Rogers. Next they directed "T he Unprepared T est" for P. T. A. night. Other m embers who hav e directed p lay s are W ilm a Raulston and John Davis who put on "O ne Jump A head ", and Bill Buford and Elizabeth G etaz who put on "Spring P arty". "T h e B lack D erby", a mystery-comedy, w as presented on the seventh of March. O ne-act p lay s directed by Thespian members w ere presented in a contest the last of March. On April the fifteenth, a p lay w as taken to the University of Tennessee to be given in contest on high school day. Several social affairs hav e been enjoyed by the club this year. Among them w ere a supper and initiation at Proffitt's cabin in M iller's Cove, a buffet supper at Miss Coventry's home during the Christmas holidays, a banquet in Knoxville to which w e w ere invited b y the Knoxville Thespian troupe, and a spring initiation held at the home of Johnny W illiam s. The following members do not appear in the picture: and M arianne Coleman.


Dorothy Harned




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FOOTBALL TEAM Clayton Fagg G eorge Goodman Vernon Ferguson Eugene White Max Young Jack Kiser Ben Kizer

Ross Honaker Jim Byrne Oliver Spears Billy Overly J. W. Farr Billy Lane A. J. Stinnett Stan ley Huddleston Mr. Mr. Mr.

G erald Bean Jack Kramer John Davis, Captain Robert Bennett Hugh Kerr Roger Rule Rupert Boyatt Leonard Post

Boretsky ......................................Coach McCall ....... Coach Crawford .....................................Coach

After three w eeks of hard practice the M aryville High Red R ebels journeyed to Clinton to open a very successful season. The R ebels em erged from their first battle at the larger end of a 19 to 0 score. For the next three w eeks the R ebels stayed at home, and in turn routed Carter, 44 to 7, Stair Tech., 19 to 0, and Townsend, 20 to 6. By defeating Stair Tech. and Townsend, the Rebels broke two outstanding records. They handed Stair their only defeat of the season and defeated Townsend for the first time since 1931. One w eek after defeating Townsend, the Rebels, rated a s the under-dogs, attained a moral victory by playing the Everett High Bulldogs to a 0-0 score on the M aryville College field. This gam e w as attended by the largest crowd ever to see a football gam e in this county. In the next two w eeks the R ebels suffered their two d efeats of the entire season. One of these defeats w as handed to the R ebels by Erwin, one of the strongest teams in the state. The Erwin Blue Devils w ere held to a 7 to G score until the end of the third quarter, but finally w ore down the lighter Rebel squad by frequent substitutions and defeated them by a score of 26 to 6. The following w eek Alcoa handed M aryville boys their second defeat of the season and one which ruined their ch ances for the Blount County Championship. The gam e w as fairly even until the last quarter when A lcoa pushed over their lone touch­ down. The conversion w as good. The final score w as 7 to 0. After this defeat on the home field the R ebels en gaged Ducktown High School and defeated them by a score of 59 to 0. This ended the gam es to be played on home grounds. Andrews, N. C., and Sw eetw ater High w ere the next two team s to fall, Andrews by a score of 13 to 7 and Sw eetw ater, 13 to 0.

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GIRLS BASKETBALL Helen Dunn, Captain Pauline Colvin M ae Belle Baker M arianne Coleman Sh irley Russell Polly W aters

Jean Huddleston Betty W aters M arinell Ross Ellen Shepard Jan elle Kizer Edith Monroe

The Red R ebelettes ended a hard and very trying season with a defeat at the hands of W alland in the district tournament held at Young's High School. Despite the lack of experienced m aterial the M aryville sextet w as a fast breaking and accu rate passing combination. The entire squad showed a great deal of determination to win and a fine never-give-up spirit. The m ajority of the squad w as composed of freshmen and the prospect is fine for some great teams in the future. The Red R ebelettes offer no alibis for a poor season but do promise a real team when this y ear's group gains a little experience. The season 's scores w ere a s follows: M aryville 18 - -Porter 29 M aryville 20 - -Lenoir City 42 M aryville 28 - -Everett 48 M aryville 17- -Lenoir City 23 M aryville 1 5 - - Friendsville 24 M aryville 10 - - Everett 32 M aryville 6 - -W allan d 34 M aryville 14 - - Friendsville 27 M aryville 18 - -W allan d 29 M aryville 1 1 - - A lcoa 26 M aryville 15 - -W allan d 32 M aryville 13- - A lcoa 26 M aryville 27 - -Lanier 63 M aryville 18- -Tow nsend 33 M aryville 21 - -Lanier 35 M aryville 19 - -Tow nsend 36 M aryville 20 - -Porter 30

BOYS' "B" TEAM The following boys composed the B bask etb all team: Carl Britton, Edgar Huffstetler, J. L. Keny, Jack Kramer, Keith Eugene White. The following schedule w as played: M aryville 13 — Alcoa 14 M aryville M aryville 15 — A lcoa 12 M aryville M aryville M aryville 8 — Everett 15 M aryville M aryville 15 — Everett 11 M aryville M aryville 3 1 — Porter 11 M aryville 12 — Porter 11 M aryville


Lane, Hal Lloyd, A. J. Stinnett,

15 — 11 — 30 — 25 — 35 — 22 —

Young 12 Southern Independents 5 Independents 10 Independents 17 Independents 14

BOYS BASKETBALL Ross Honaker Don Hurst G erald Bean Roger Rule Sammy Matthews Johnny W illiam s

Roy Crawford Billy Overly G eorge Goodman Bill Buford Coach McCall

The M aryville High R ebels opened their scheduled season with W alland High School and played the majority of their schedule in the county. All boys' team s in the county w ere pretty evenly m atched and M aryville cam e out of the season with the very good record of twelve wins and seven losses. One of the most exciting gam es of the season w as betw een M aryville and Friendsville on the M aryville floor. Friendsville finally cam e out on top with a one point victory. One of the largest crowds of the season attended the Everett gam e in our gym. The floor w as somewhat overrun by spectators but by next y ea r w e hope to hav e them all seated comfortably in our new gymnasium. M aryville drew a bye in the 14th district tournament and played Farragut in the second round. After a rough and tumble battle M aryville w as defeated by a score of 25 to 24. The record of the season is a s follows:





M aryville M aryville M aryville Maryville Maryville M aryville M aryville Maryville M aryville

27 — 24 — 20 — 25 — 30 — 24 — 38 — 34 — 31 —

M aryville M aryville M aryville M aryville M aryville M aryville M aryville M aryville M aryville

W allan d 29 W allan d 16 Townsend 18 Townsend 27 Lanier 16 Lanier 16 A lcoa 22 A lcoa 24 Youngs 23

Co-captain Lloyd Taylor w as ill when the picture w as made.

ill 56 .v.-v.v; -

23 16 24 31 30 24 1627 24 -

- Friendsville 24 - Friendsville 20 -Lenoir City 12 - Lenoir City 22 -Porter 18 -Porter 18 - Everett 23 - Everett 23 - Farragut 25


To determine the most beautiful girls in our school, each club and home room selected a candidate.

Pictures of these candidates were

sent to Mr. William Keighley, prominent motion picture director of Hollywood.

Mr. Keighley,

in conjunction with Mr. James Cagney, chose the girls whose pictures appear in the follow­ ing pages.

These pictures were not chosen

for first and second place, but both are "firsts". The pictures appear in the following alpha­ betical order: Charlotte Hall Lexie W hitehead

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