MHS Appalachian 1957

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'DecUc&ttoit Since the beginning o f our high school career, we have known J. P. Stewart as a teacher and principal working always in behalf o f all the students. His professional and personal integrity together with his insis­ tence on our upholding the loftiest ideals for M aryville High School have earned for him an enviable reputation. In addition to these qualities, an understanding, sympathetic patience and a delightful dry wit, contribute to make him a truly likable person. The class o f 1957 dedicates with deepest pride this year's APPALACHIAN to Principal J. P. Stewart.



SCHOOL BOARD MEMBERS; LEFT to RIGHT: Dr. T. G. Stanley; Stanley Shields, secretary; Arthur Marshall, chairman; Harry Blanken­ ship, vice-chairman; W illiam Cate.

LEFT to RIGHT: Mrs. John Anthony, corresponding secretary; Frank Atchison, first vice-president; A. L. Alexander, president; Gifford Cruze, treasurer; Mrs. Paul Beach, recording secretary; Mrs. Joe Studley, second vice-president.

Mrs. K. H. RUETER Secretary

C. D. CURTIS Superintendent

ScAooC s4cUtu*U4#tatta*t J. P. STEWART Principal





CALVIN DUNBAR Industrial Arts


OLLIE KELLER History, Physical Education ERNA FAE HALE Physical Education, Science

W ILLIAM LARGEN Mathematics, Science

LOB LEWIS Attendance, English

DOROTHY REED Foreign Language HELEN OTT Librarian


ROY ROBERTS iving Education, Mathematics

BERYL SADLER Commercial Subjects

LOIS SHERROD Arts and Crafts, Home Economics

JUANITA WINE Commercial Subjects, English Social Subjects EMERSON WATSON Health, Science

Mrs. FRANK DORMAN Dietitian

LEFT TO RIGHT: SITTING: A llen Melntuiff, Darla Hale, Bill Haddox, John Cropp, Shell Taylor, Elizabeth Davis, Tony Koella, Kay Llewellyn. STANDING: Carolyn Gass, Larry Shahan, A lvin Cruze, Scott Trundle, Pat Penland.

"A re we going to meet that deadline?", "W ill the students like it? ", Have you left anything out?", "Who can type?” are a few o f the many thoughts that ran through our minds as we met together for the sole purpose o f planning our year­ books. It took a considerable amount o f thought, tim e, and cooperation on the part o f each individual; but with thehelp o f Mrs. Paul Beach we DID meet that deadline. Selling the ads and the annuals were the jobs o f the business and circu­ lation staffs respectively. The business staff helped finance the annual by selling advertising space to local merchants. The circulation staff was responsible for selling and distri­ buting the annuals. Our hats are o ff to these two groups through whose hard work our annual was financed.

APPALACHIAN EDITORS; LEFT TO R IG H T:_ Beverly M illsaps, Circulation Manager; Larry Shahan, Editor; Shell Taylor, Assistant Editor; David Earnest, Business Manager.

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@&iccc(aitio«t LEFT to RIGHT; FIRST ROW: f f if ilS d S S

Ellen Montgomery, Betsey Lewis, Jeanette Payne, Mary Ann Anthony Yvonne Vin R0W:

MSS Helen


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Leathlw ood, RMplT Morrison,

Stand up and H aller"

"How's That?"

"G oin1 Somewhere?"

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(ZCtua. of '57

The class o f 1957, with high hopes and aspirations, undertook its senior year,know­ ing that as seniors we must be the exam­ ples for our school. Having this in mind, we have tried to lead the student body with purpose and determination. Each year has brought to our class new work and new op portunities, and as we approach the end o f our high school days we look back on our record with the hope that we have in some way enriched the life o f M aryville High.

SENIOR CLASS OFFICERS; LEFT to RIGHT: Dick Williams, president; Jean Carpenter, treasurer; Tony Koella, vice-presi­ dent; Mary Ann Anthony, secretary.

SENIOR PLANNING COMMITTEE; LEFT to RIGHT; FIRST ROW: Elizabeth Davis, Beverly Millsaps, Kay Llewellyn. SECOND ROW: Mary Ann Anthony, John Cropp, Jean Carpenter. THIRD ROW: A lvin Cruze, Shell Taylor, Dick Williams, Scott Trundle, Tony Koella.

NIK K I LYN ANDREWS "The most fun I have in school is when I'm not there." New Trier High School, Winnetka, Illinois 9,10; Choir 11,12; Fu­ ture Homemakers o f Am erica 12; Library Club 12; Y-Teens 12. M ARY ANN ANTH O NY "Silence is sweet, but seldom." Class secretary 12; Band 9,10, East Tennessee Solo Ensemble Festival 11, Flag Bearer 12; RED and BLACK staff 10,11; Thespain Club 11, vice-president 12; Y-Teens 9,10,11, secretary 12; "Head in the Clouds" cast 11; APPALACHIAN cir­ culation staff 12.

JERRY B. BAKER " I agree with no man's opinion; I have a few of my own." Greenwood High School, Greenwood, Mississippi 9; Band 9,10,11,12; H i-Y 9,10,11,12. TOM BANKS "M en who know little are usually great talkers, while men who know much say little .1 H i-Y 11,12; Library Club 9,10, vice-president 11, president 12; Varsity Club 12; Baseball manager 11; Football manager 12; APPALACHIAN circu­ lation staff 12.

BOBBY BEATY "M . H. S.'s own Henry Ford." TOM BEGLEY " I don't mind studying, but I don't like to te ll tire teachers a ll I know." H i-Y 10,11; Basketball 10.

BETTY JO BELL "Promise is most given when the least is said." Library Club 10; Y-Teens 9,10,11, 12; Intramurals 9,11,12, captain 10. BOB BINGHAM "Beware! sensational yet."

I might do something

TOM M Y BLANKENSHIP "Th ey say that he was once caught studying." Class vice-president 11; Student Council 9; Varsity Club 10,11, vice-presi­ dent 12; Baseball 9,10,12. JANICE BROCK "A n ounce of energy can go a long w ay." Class treasurer 10, secretary 10,11; Band 9, Flag Twirler 10, captain 11; Future Home­ makers of America 12; Library Club 9,10,12; Thespian Club 12; Y-Teens 9,10,11,12; Cheer­ leader 12; Intramurals 9; APPALACHIAN busi­ ness staff 12; Class Favorite 11; Homecoming Queen Attendant 11; Basketball Queen 11.

SANDRA JANE CALLEGAN "Blessed be she who never says anything, for she shall never be quoted." Newport News High School, Newport News, Virginia 9; Hampton High School, Hampton, Virginia 10. t /

ALLEN CAMPBELL "Dynamite comes in small packages." H i-Y 10,11.

JEAN CARPENTER "True beauty dwells in deep retreats." Class treasurer 12; Band 10,11,12; Beta Club 11,12; Future Homemakers of America 9; Library Club 10; Y-Teen s 9,10, vice-president 11; Smoky Mountain Conference 2, vice-president, Inter-Club Council president 12; "Head in the Clouds" costumes 11. MIKE CHRISTAIN "School - I suppose it's a neces­ sary ev il." Choir 12; H i—Y 10,11, sergeant-at-arms 12; Varsity Club 10,11,12; Basketball manager 9, 10; Football 9,10,11,12.

CAROLYN OLIVIA "LIBBY" COPPINGER "Cam e as a stranger from Madisonville, became a friend at M aryville." Madisonville High School, Madison­ ville, Tennessee 9,10; Beta Club 12; Choir 12; Y-Teens 12. RICHARD CROWDER "Big man with the big bass horn." Band 9,10, Solo and Ensemble Festival, East Tennessee Band Clinic, Dixielanders 11, Pep Band 12; H i-Y 10,11, chaplain 12; Red Cross council 12; Football 9,10; Tennis 10; APPALACHIAN business staff 12.

TERRY CATE " A growing boy needs his sleep." JOHN CROPP " A star? W ell, he's always oiu nights." Huron High School, Huron, South Dakota 9, 10; Beta Club 11, president 12; Key Club 11 12; RED and BLACK staff 11; Student Council 12: Y ^ y Ciub H , 12; Baseball 11, 12; Basketball 11, 12; Football Honorable Mention All-Country 11 Honorable Mention A ll-Conference 11, Best D e’ fense Player Trophy 11, 12; All-County 12, A llConference 12, Second Team AH East Tennessee 12, Outstanding Player Award 12; APPALACHIAN editorial staff 12; Boys' County 11; Class Favorite

ALVIN CRUZE "Quick thinkers become leaders." Class secretary-treasurer 9; Beta Club 11, 12; Choir 11, president 12; H i-Y Club 10; Key Club 10, vice-president 11, president 12, delegate to district convention 10, delegate to international convention 11, 12; National Forensic League 9; RED and BLACK staff 10, 11; Student Council 10, president 12; Thespian Club 12; Varsity Club 11, 12; Basketball 9, 10, 11, 12; Football 9, 10, 11, co-captain, Honorable Mention All-County 12; "Head in the Clouds" cast 11; APPALACHIAN editorial staff 12; Class Favorite 10. SUE DODSON "Generally speaking, opportunity knocks; it is only to a woman it comes with a ling." Beta Club 11, 12; Library Club 9, 10, Assistants 11, vice-president 12; RED and BIACK staff 10; Y-Teens 9, 10, 11, 12.

ELIZABETH DAVIS "Any girl can handle the beast in a man, i f she is cagey enough." Band 9, 10, 11, treasurer 12, Flag Bearer 12; Beta Club 11, chaplain 12; Library Club 9, 10; RED and BIACK staff 10, 11; Student Council, secretary-treasurer 12; Thespian Club 11, 12; Y-Teens 9, 10, 11, presi­ dent 12; "Head in the Clouds" cast 11; APPALACHIAN editorial staff 12. JAMES DAVID DURHAM "T h ey know enough who know how to learn." Beta Club 11, 12; Key Club

l "He was the lad who sold the ads." Band 9, 10, 11, 12, Southlanders 9, 10, 11, Pep Band 12; Beta Club 11, 12; Key Club 10, 11, 12$ Library Club 9$ National Forensic League 9, 10, 11, treasurer 12; Science Club 9, 10; "Head in the Clouds" business manager 11; APPALACHIAN business editor 12. STEPHEN HORACE ELIIS " A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men." West High School, Knoxville, Tennessee 10; National Forensic League 11, 12; H i-Y 12; APPALACHIAN business staff 12.

ALLEN ENGLAND "He that has patience can com­ pass anything." M ARY RAULSTON FLYNN "She does her home­ work faithfully." Library Club 9,12; M Club 12; Y-Teens 9,12; Intramurals 9,12.

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RALPH FOSTER "Saying is one thing; doing is another." JAMES ROY FOX "Intelligence is not to be measured by how much one says." Beta Club 11,12; H i-Y 10,11,12; Red Cross Council 12; APPA­ LACHIAN business staff 12.

CAROLYN GASS "Her ways are ways of pleasant­ ness, and a ll her paths are peace." Beta Club 11, 12; Choir 11,12; Library Club 9,10; M Club 10, 11, treasurer 12; RED and BLACK staff 10,11,12; Thespian Club treasurer 12; Y-Teens 9,10,11,12; Intramurals 9,12; "Head in the Clouds" costumes 11; APPALACHIAN editorial staff 12. SHIRLEY GENTRY "Th e happiest are those too busy to notice." Choir 12; Future Homemakers of America 12; Library Club 9; Y-Teen s 9,10,12.

JOYCE GREENE "There are some silent people who are more interesting than the best speakers. Chicago Vocational High School, Chicago, Illinois 10; Future Homemakers of America 12; Library Club 9; Y-Teen s 9,12; Intramurals 12. M ARTHA SUE GREGORY "Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life ." Choir 9, 10, All-State Choir 11, librarian 12; Future Home­ makers of America 9; M Club 10,11,12; Intramurals 9,10.

CHARLES WILLIAM HADDOX, Jr. " A musical milkman makes us happy." Band 9,10,11,12, Junior Band Clinic 9, Senior Band Clinic 10,11,12, East Tennessee Solo-Ensemble Festival 9,10 11 12 A llState Band Festival 11, E. T. E. A. Orchestra 12, Southlanders 9,10,11, Pep Band 12; Beta Club 11, Choir Key Club 11,12; Library Club 9, 10; RED and BLACK staff 10,1 1 , 12 ; "Head in the Clouds" properties 11; APPALACHIAN editorial staff 12; Boys' County 9. MARSHALL HALE "Some say he studies, some say not; but he's friendly and that's a lot." H i-Y 12RED and BLACK staff 10; APPALACHIAN circula­ tion staff 12.

DARLA HALE "She's true to one— one at a tim e." ^ o i r 3,10,11,12; Library Club ?’ anc* BLACK staff 11; Thespian Club 11, 12; Y-Teens 9,10,11,12; "Head in the Clouds" cast 11; APPALACHIAN editorial staff 12. q^ a

PHIL HANNAH " I get up at the crack o f dawn, stuff up the crack, and go back to bed." H i-Y 12.

JANIE HARRISON "She came, she saw, and us she conquered." Cosby High School, Cosby, Tennessee 9; Choir 10,12; Library Club 12; Y-Teens 10,11, 12; APPALACHIAN business staff 12. JAMES E. HEADRICK "Others study to learn, but I never learned to study." Band 9,10,11, drum major 12; Dixielanders 11; Pep Band 12; Key Club 10, 11 , 12 . 7 ’

LOYD HICKM AN "Personally I don't know the secret of success, but I am afraid it's work." NA N C Y HELEN HILL "Laughing eyes and flashing smile, charming ways and lots of style." Band 9 Flag Twirler 10,11, captain 12; Future Home- ’ makers of America 12; Library Club 11,12- Thes­ pian Club 12; Y-Teens 9,10,11,12.

THOMAS TIPTON "T IP " HITCH " A scientist I want to be: that I w ill, wait and see." Band 9,10, Beta Club 11,12; Choir 12; Key Club 11; National Forensic League 11, vice-president 12; REDand BLACK staff 10; Science Club 9, V1^e - Pr®“ p ?nt 1 ’ "Head in the Clouds" sound effects 11; APPA­ LACHIAN business staff 12; First Place County Plane Geometry Contest 11. THELMA SUE HUFFSTETLER "Late hours aren't good for one, but they're all right for tw o." Chou 9,10,11, librarian 12; Library Club 12; Y - T eens 9, 10 11,12; Intramurals 12; "Head m the Clouds properties 11; APPALACHIAN business staff 12.

CULLEN THOMAS HUMPHREY, Jr. "Shy-no-not acquainted." "Head in the Clouds" publicity 11. CYNTH IA ANN HUMPHREY "She puts her best efforts in everything she does." Beta Club 1 M 2» Choir 11,12; RED and BLACK staff 10; Y-Teens Q 10 .

rUDY ELAINE HUNTER "Proof that worry is useess.’’ Library Club 9,10, assistants 11,12, treasurer L2; Y-Teens 9,10, treasurer 11,12; Intramurals 9, FTFANOR KENST "Her voice was ever soft, gentle, an excellent thing in - woman." Beta Club 11,12; M Club 10,11; RED and BLACK staff 10; Y-Teens 9,10,11,12; Intramurals 9; Head in


JON A "T O N Y " KOELLA "In politics, as else­ where a nut goes with a bolt." Class vice-president I t Beta Club 11,12; Key Club 11,12; RED and BLACK staff 10,11, page editor 12; Science Club 10- Varsity Club 12; "Head m the Clouds cast 11, Football 9,10,11,12; Basketball 9,10,12; APPA­ LACHIAN editorial staff 12. EDDIE LAMBERT "W henever he feels lik e exer­ cising, he wits down until the fe e lin g goes av ay. Football 9,10,11,12; Varsity Club 12.

iJNDA K A Y LAMBERT "There are a few things that never gc out o f style, and a feminine woman is one of them." Graham Eckes School, Palm Beach, Florida 9,10; Future Homemakers of America 12; Library Club 12; Y-Teens 11,12; APPALACHIAN business staff 12. KATH RYN LANCASTER "A beautiful face attracts, and fine maimers bind." Everett High School, Mary­ ville, Tennessee 9,10.

NANCY LAW "She said, with a s ig h , life is so short, and so am L " Band 9,10,11,12; F u tu r e Homemakers of A m er i c a 12; Library Club 12; Thespian Club 12; Y-Teen s 9,10,11,12. RICHARD L. LEATHERWOOD " I f school is liberty . . . give me death!" Class president 9; Beta Club 11,12; H i-Y 10,11, district delegate, president 12; Key Club 12; Science Club 9,10; Varsity Club 11,12; Football 9,10,11, Honorable Mention A llCounty, Best Attitude Trophy 12; "Head in the Clouds" cast 11; APPALACHIAN circulation staff 12.

BETSEY LEWIS "A penny for your thoughts." Band 9,10, East Tennessee Solo-Ensemble Festival 11, Flag Bearer 12; National Forensic League 11,12; Library Club 9; RED and BLACK staff 11; Thespian Club 11, secretary 12; Y-Teen s 9,10,11,12; Intra­ murals 9; "Head in the Clouds" cast 11; APPA­ LACHIAN circulation staff 12; Blount County winner o f " I Speak for Democracy" contest 12. MARIAN K A Y LLEWELLYN "One of the reasons why gentlemen prefer blondes." Band 9,10,11; Beta Club 11, treasurer 12; Library Club 9,10; RED and BLACK staff 10,12, page editor 11; Stu­ dent Council 9; Thespian Club 11,12; Y-Teens 9, 10,11,12; Cheerleader 11, captain 12; "Head in the Clouds" assistant director 11; APPALACHIAN editorial staff 12; Girls' State 11.

JOHNNIE LINDSEY LOWE "Her life is like a moon, there's a man in it." Library Club 10; Y Teens 9,10,11,12; Intramurals 10,11,12. W ILLIAM LYONS "He would stop St. Peter's roll ca ll to ask a question." H i- Y 10,11, treasurer 12; Thespian‘Club 12; Varsity Club 11,12; Football 9, 10,11, Honorable Mention All-County 12; "Head in the Clouds" cast 11.

JIMMY McCONNELL "There are so many others that like to talk, so why not let them do it." H i-Y 10; Football 9,10; Mathematics competition 11.

ROY ALLEN McINTURFF "He studies a lot, but he's perfectly normal." Band 10,11, president 12, Pep Band 11,12; Beta Club 11, vice-president 12; Key Club 12; RED and BLACK staff 10; Varsity Club 12; Baseball 9,10,11,12; "Head in the Clouds" property manager 11; APPALACHIAN editorial staff 12.

JERRY McKINNEY " I know a lot, but I can't think o f it." H i-Y 10; Basketball 10.

GEORGE MACHT " A shining example from his shoes up." Beta Club 11,12; Key Club 11,12; RED and BLACK staff 10; "Head in the Clouds" business manager 11.

CYNTH IA NAN MATTHEWS "Her smile can a polar bear." Band 9,10,11; RED and BLACK staff 10; Y-Teens 9,10,11,12.

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BEVERLY MILLSAPS "Essence of sweetness, model of neatness." Band 10,11,12; Beta Club 11, secre­ tary 12; Choir 9, All-State Choir 11, secretary 12; Future Homemakers of America 9; Library Club 9; RED and BLACK staff 10,12, page editor 11; Stu­ dent Council 10; Thespian Club 11,12; Y-Teens 9,10,11,12; Cheerleader 11, co-captain 12; "Head in the Clouds" property manager 11; APPALACHIAN circulation manager 12; Class Favorite 9.

ELLEN MONTGOMERY " A pleasing personality brings its own rewards." Choir 12; Library Club 9, 10,11, secretary 12, assistants 11,12; Y-Teens 9,10, 11, Inter-Club Council treasurer 12; Intramurals 9; APPALACHIAN circulation staff 12.

RALPH EDWARD MORRISON "He really was a gridder all the w ay." H i-Y 11,12; Varsity Club 12; Football 9,10,11,12; "Head in the Clouds" pro­ perties 12; APPALACHIAN circulation staff 12.

DICKIE MORTON "Not that I dislike studying, but I like fun better." Tennessee M ilitary Institute, Sweetwater, Tennessee 9; H i-Y 10,11,12: Football 10,11; APPALACHIAN business staff 12.

LYNN MORTON " A smile that can eat a banana sideways."

MARTHA LEE MULL "She's got rhythm in her feet." Class treasurer 11; Band 9, Flag Twirler 10, co-captain 11, Majorette 12, secretary 12, Pep Band 12; Future Homemakers of America 9, presi­ dent 12; Library Club 9,10,12; RED and BLACK staff 10; Red Cross Council 12; Thespian Club 12; Y-Teens 9,10,11,12; Intramurals 9; APPALACH­ IAN business staff 12.

MARTHA M Y N A T T "In friendship I was early taught to do." Y-Teens 9,10,11,12.

M ARY FRANCES M Y N A T T "She is a quiet little lass, until you get her out of class." Choir 12; Fu­ ture Homemakers of America treasurer 12; Library Club 9,10,12; Y-Teens 9,10,11,12.

JEANETTE LANNING PAYNE "Her gaiety and laughter ring everafter." Choir 9, All-State Band and Chorus 10, All-State Band, Choir, and Orchestra, East Tennessee Senior High Chorus and Orchestra 11 treasurer, Choir Accompanist 12; Library Club 10- ’ RED and BLACK editorial staff 11; Thespain Club 12; Y-Teens 9,10,11,12; ’’Head in the Clouds" cast 11; APPLACHIAN circulation staff.

W. WAYNE OLIVER, Jr. "He thinks there are two of people - those who are Democrats and those who wish they w ere." Key Club 11; National Forensic League 9,10,11,12; Thespian Club 11 Kinds

PAT PENLAND "She has a sweet disposition, a good quality for a good position." Beta Club 11 12Library Club 9,10; RED and BLACK staff 10,11,’ ’ 5aS<A ?dlt,°r 12; Y “ T e ens 9,10,11,12; "Head in the^Clouds" property manager 11; APPALACHIAN

TOM RAMSEY "Every man has his devilish day, but he has his every day." H i-Y 11, secretary, Convention delegate 11,12; Red Cross Council 12; Varsity Club 9,10,11,12; Baseball manager 9; Foot­ ball manager 9,10,12; "Head in the Clouds" pro­ perty manager 11.

DON RANDOLPH "Handy man with a pencil." Football 9,10.

EMILY REAGAN "Some cause happiness wherever they go." Library Club 10; Y-Teens 10,11,12.

LYNDA KATHLEEN RIDINGS " I like to work and do my share but giggles slip in unaware." Beta Club 11,12; Choir 9,11, librarian 10,12; Library Club 9,10,12; M Club 12; Thespian Club 12; Y Teens 9,10,12; Intramurals 11,12; "Head in the Clouds" costumes 11; APPALACHIAN circulation staff 12.

GEORGE R. ROBERTS " I don't want to earn my living; I want to liv e ." Porter High School, Mary­ ville, Tennessee 9; Choir 12; H i- Y 10,11, assistant secretary, Convention delegate 12; RED and BLACK staff 12; APPALACHIAN business staff 12. DONALD ROGERS " A ll the world is a stage and I do my part o f cutting up." H i-Y 10,11,12; Foot­ ball 9,10; "Head in the Clouds" properties 11.

DOROTHY SAMPLE "Ture to her work, her word, and her friends." Beta Club 11,12; Chpir 11,12; M Club 11,12; National Forensic League 9,10; Y Teens 11,12; Intramurals 10,11,12; "Head in the Clouds" properties 11. LARRY SHAHAN " I can sleep a ll day; nights are different." Beta Club 11,12; H i- Y 10,11; Key Club, Board o f directors, district delegate 11, secre­ tary 12; RED and BLACK staff 12; Student Council, treasurer 11; Football 10,11; "Head in the Clouds" properties 11; APPALACHIAN editor 12.

SARAH R A SMITH "Zealous, yet modest; patient of toil, serene amidst alarm." Beta Club 11,12; Future Teachers o f Am erica 9; Library Club 9, Assistants 10; National Forensic League 9,10, treas­ urer 11, secretary 12; Thespain Club president 12; "Head in the Clouds" cast 11.

DAVID STAPLETON "M y motto is: don't study until you're called on to recite." H i-Y 10 11 12Football 9,10,11,12. 5 ’ ’

ROBERTA STEPP " I love to wind my tongue up; I love to hear it go ." Band 9,10,11; Future Teachers of America 11; Library Club 9,10; National For­ ensic League 11,12; RED and BLACK staff 12; Y - b ^ ; Inter-Club Council 11; Intramurals

JIMMY SUSONG "M ine eyes are on the open road." H i-Y 10,11,12; Football 9,10.

JERRY SWEITZER "M y memory is the thing I for­ get with." H i-Y Club 9; Stamp Club 9.

ROCHELLE "SHELL" TAYLOR "She is like a tree she w ill die at the top." Class president 10; Chok 12; M Club 10,11,12; National Forensic League 9 10,11, president 12; RED and BLACK staff 10,11- ? Red Cross Council 12; Student Council, secretary 11; Thespian Club 10,11,12; Y-Teens 9,11,12, president 10; Intramurals 9,10,11; "Head in the Clouds" publicity manager 11; APPALACHIAN editorial staff 12.

SANDRA K A Y TEFFETELLER "G ive some motorists an znch, and th ey'll take a fender." Y-Teens 9 10 11,12; M Club 10,11,12; Library Club 10; Intra- ’ murals 9,11,12.

W R U A M PERRY THACH, Jr. "It's not what I do ,but what I'm caught at." Johnson City JunS° h° o1 9i Scrence H ill High School, Johnn Crty, Tennessee 10; Jonesboro High School Jonesboro Tennessee 1 1 ; Thespian Club 12; Var?■ An ; ^BasketbaU 12J Football, Honorable ounty 12>' "Head in the Clouds" pro-

FREDDY THOMAS " I think I think more than you think I think." H i-Y 10,11,12; Football 9,10,11; APPALACHIAN circulation staff 12. JUDY ANN TIPTON "L ife is short, but there's always time for courtesy." Library Club 9,10, assistant 11,12; Y-Teens 9,10,11,12.

SCOTT TRUNDLE "H e knows that football isn't the only place a good line is needed." Class presi­ dent 11; H i-Y 10,11; Key Club 10,11,12; RED and BLACK staff 10; Varsity Club 10,11, president 12; Baseball 10,12", Basketball 9,10,11,12; Foot­ ball 9,10, Second team All-East Tennessee, Best Blocker, Honorable Mention All-Conference, Honor­ able Mention All-County 11; Second team All-East Tennessee, All-Conference, All-County, Best Block­ er 12; "Head in the Clouds" cast 11; APPALACH­ IAN editorial staff 12; Boys' County 10. YVONNE VINSANT "Proof that worries are use­ less." Band 9,10,11, Band Sponsor 12; Beta Club 11 12; Future Homemakers of America 9,10; Li­ brary Club, Assistants 9; RED and BLACK staff 10, 11- Y-Teens 9,10,11,12; "Head in the Clouds" assistant director 11; APPALACHIAN circulation staff 12; Homecoming Queen 12.

DICK W ILLIAMS "Th e man who has a right to boast does not have to." Class president 12; Varsity Club 11, secretary-treasurer 12; Football 9,10,11, captain, Honorable Mention All-East Tennessee, All-County, Best Leadership in County, Best O ffensive Back 12; APPALACHIAN circulation staff

12. Class ring of '57.


BILL ALLEN "Those a little too wise they say, do never live long." HENRY MORRISON "L ife is 10% what you make it and 90% how you take it." Sophey B. Wright School 9, A lcee Fortier High School 10,11, New Orleans, Louisiana. DAVID McCOLLUM "One who has a w ill, has a w ay." Friendsville High School, Friendsville, Ten­ nessee 9; H i-Y 11,12; R E D and BLACK staff 10.


The Bandshell Concert"

"Head in The Clouds"

Cool Katz"

Eagles on Their Backs"


5% Hoping to break all records set by for­ mer upper classmen, the juniors entered in ­ to their final two years of high school. Like their predecessors, the class o f 1958 has kept quite active planning and participating in such o f the year's activities as building a Homecoming float, putting on the Junior Play, and honoring the seniors at the prom. Next on their agenda— becoming seniors, o f course.

JUNIOR PLANNING COMMITTEE; LEFT to RIGHT; FIRST ROW: Bill Earnest, Marlene Wetmore, Tom Crawford, Jane McDade, Jimmy Renfro. SECOND ROW: Ann Kennedy, Steve Corbett, Judy H ill, Lamar Alexander, Becky Anderson. THIRD ROW: David Erwin, Sara Parkins, Joe Caldwell, Ruth Marshall, Barry Roach. FOURTH ROW: Andy Tinker, Buddy Allen, Jimmy Boring, Buddy Stinnett, Charles W ilcox.

Lamar Alexander Buddy Allen Becky Anderson

Carolyn Ballard Sharon Bean Anne Begley

Dot Bierely Mary Biggs Gladys Bingham

Kenneth Black Jimmy Blackburn Jimmy Baring

Jack Bowman Bill Bradley Sandra Brown

4 '5% Bobby Carpenter Joe Caldwell Kay Caldwell

Stanley Cash Richard Callaway Arvel Childress

Clinton Cochran Steve Corbett Pat Coulter

Tommy Crawford Gene Daves Stanley DeLozier

Nancy Dockery B ill Earnest Sandra Edmondson

(?Cci46 David Erwin Brenda Ferguson Carolyn Feezell

Susie Forknei Don Garrett Eddie Green

Porter Gunter Harold Hale Ronda Hamxnontxee

Judy Hancox Gail Hannon Coy Heaton

M Troy Heaton Bob Henry Robert Henry



(TjCoaa. Judy H ill Susann Hitch Ann Kennedy

Peggy Kidd Sylvia Lambert Richard Lindsey

Jane McDade Na cy McMurray Elda McSpadden

Ruth Marshall Judy Massey Christine Maynard

Joe Millard Lany M iller Earline Mize 11

< ^ *4 4 Don Moore Hugh Moorehouse Bill Morris

Ann Muhlheizler Bobby Mull Helen Nettleton

Harry Newman Sarah Parkins Judy Patterson

Priscilla Perry Don Presley Betty Proffitt

Bonnie Ramsey Jimmy Renfro Marion Ridings

Lynn R iley Barry Roach Larry Robinson

Larry Rockfield Buddy Sharp Boyce Simpson

John Stanley Buddy Stinnett David Sutton

Mike Sutton Gail Teague Bill Thomas

Hazel Thoma Andy Tinker Jerry Turpin

gicuui *6 5Z James Wayeaster Albert Weaver Lynn Webb

David West Jerry West Marlene Wetmore

Gayle White Sandy White Charles W ilcox

Betty W iley Joyce Williams Ronnie Willocks

NOT PICTURED: Joe Everett A lla Mae Free B illy Irwin Edwin


Buddy Keeble Lynn Kidd Karen Wenum White



Everybody Sing"


"Hunt and Peck"

"H ot Cyclists"

" I'm T ollin ' Y a "

"Far* Oher"


(Z&uui o£ '59 Since the erection of the new junior high building the seventh, eighth, and n in th grades have left M.H.S., and the sopho­ mores now rank as the youngest class at M aryville High. In addition to building a float for the Homecoming Parade, the tenth graders also sponsored a winter dance for the student body in January.

* w rn u n n i; l iu iu k jtn : tam e DeLozier president; Natha Watson, vice-president; Samalyn Baker secre tary; Margie DeFoe, treasurer; Jerry Cunningham, reporter.

oÂŁ '59 Dan Abbott Sandy Akers Kerry Sue Andrews Betty Arnold

Frank Atchison Samalynn Baker Careen Bailey Beulah Beaty

Donna Blackburn Arthur Blair Glenda Blankenship Brenda Bond

Charlotte Boring John Bradley Vernon Bremberg Bob Brown

Judy Bryson Dick Burns Wendell Carpenter Eddie Carver

John Cate Delores Caylor Bricky Chance M itchell Clabough

Hilda Cline Beverly Compton Dick Cowan Kenneth Comett

Patsy Craig Steve Criss Jerry Cunningham Sandy Cunningham

Larry Cupp Margie Defoe Eddie DeLozier Conchita Dixon

Jimmy Dodson Doug Eadie Janice Eagle ton Brenda Edwards


Kenneth Edwards Larry Eggers Tobie Ellis Walter Evans

Ann Everett Lynn Farley Betty Farmer Eugene Farmer

Lynda Fortner Kent Fortenberry John Frye Bob Griffin

Gale Giffin Ronnie Godfrey Kay Gordon Glenn Gregory

Kara Gregory Wade Hampton Sandy Hancox Harold Hannah


Karen Haralson Janice Haven Steve Hayes Chip Hedge

Margaret Rose Henderson Ray Henderson Gayle Henry Grace Henry

Gayle Holloway Don Houser David Huffstetler Don Hurst

Jack Hurst Leona Irwin Kathy Jenkins King Jenkins

Merit Jenkins Keith Joseph Barbara Kidd ienry Kidd


Gilbert Keener Byron Knight Graham McArthur Martha M cG ill

Bobbie Martin Bob Merriman Dennis M iller Denton Millsaps

Kay Mizell Claudetta Moon Theresa Morton Frances Mull

Carole Nicholson Don Palmer Sammy Patterson Pat Payne

Charles Philpot Lucile Pritchard Jerry Raby Pat Reed


'59 Jimmy Riden Mike Roberson David Rose Don Ross

Beckie Rowan Geraldine Shepherd Karen Shields Dennie Sparks

Jimmy Stapleton Judy Stevens Bobby Stinnett Betty Stone

Barbara Street Florence Studley Steve Susong Jerry T alley

Earlene Taylor James Teffeteller Charles Thomas Ellen Thompson


oÂŁ '59 Jerry Waddell G ail Waters Natha Watson Donald Wear

Ellen Weaver Peggy Wehunt Vicky Wehunt Tobie White

Kathleen Willocks Suzanne Wilson

NOT PICTURED: Larry Bowers Bill Fenton Charles Free Tim Hinkle Bobby Humphrey John Keller Pat McClanahan

Sally Moore Donald Morton Ronald Morton Carol Orr Daniel Phelps Freida Richardson Buddy Waters Freddie Wheeler

Rom Meares Lucille Miller

Betty Williams


TFFT to RIGHT- FIRST ROW: Eleanor Kenst, Dorothy Sample, Sandy White, Marlene Wetmore, Brenda Ferguson,


Darla Hale.


BETA CLUB OFFICERS; LEFT to RIGHT: K a y Llewellyn, treasurer; John Cropp; president, Eliza beth Davis, chaplain; A llen Mclnturff, vice-presi足 dent; Beverly Millsaps, secretary.

Working with Mrs. Sam Baker as faculty adviser, members of the local chapter of the Maryville High School Beta Club carried out its customary projects and initiated such new ones as holding a fall banquet honoring the new members and their parents. Attitude, achievement, character, and in telli足 gence comprise the basic requirements on which the student is chosen. In order to become a member of the Maryville Chapter, one must attain a scholastic average o f 88 or above in each subject for the se足 mester prior to admission. The purpose o f the club is to encourage effort, to promote character, to im 足 prove leadership qualities, and to reward merit.


Carolyn Feezel1, Sylvia Lambert, Barbara Street Janie h S h ,on w H « T v , ^ Lee Mull, Linda Fortner, Irwin. THIRD ROW: Nancy Dockery, Kay Gordon JuSldunter F r e S f ^ V b f n J° h™ le ^ e> NancF Law, Leona Mary Frances Mynatt, Shirley Gentry, Judy Massey,’ M arLn Ridings, Mrs Jotn AndleWS’

‘w<Mue#tt6i&e'i4' ol s4 c*tertc<z

FUTURE HOMEMAKERS OF AMERICA OFFICERSLEFT to RIGHT: Janie Harrison, historian; Mary Lrances Mynatt, treasurer; Nancy Law, secretaryNikki Andrews, parliamentarian; Martha Lee Mull, president; Judy Massey, vice-president; Susie Forkner, reporter. NOT PICTURED: Rebecca Anderson, song leader. ’

The Maryville High chapter o f Future Home­ makers o f America is a part o f the larger national organization o f the same name. Under the sponsor­ ship o f Mrs. John Sherrod, the girls o f the local group promote a growing appreciation for the joys and sat­ isfactions o f homemaking. During the school year members plan and execute such projects o f benefit to the community as making seasonal decorations for the hospitals in the local area.


Boys from the tenth through twelfth grades com ­ pose the local chapter o f the H i- Y , which W illiam O. Largen sponsors. Since this club is affiliated with the YM CA, the boys develop high standards of Christian living and strive to become better citizens as well as more active church members. Last year the H i-Y and the Y-Teens joined to­ gether in sponsoring the Wednesday morning chapel programs. Another o f their projects was to place a bulletin board with the "Thought for the Week" posted on it above the right-hand door o f the audi torium.


-oirWT- KNEELING: OFFICERS; LE F Tto^ T on l E_ Ramsey,

“ I P ' s t a n d m :-s s s s - a - ^


. ' S


Bffl * *

LEFT to RK5HT; FBEST ROW, R J c h t t t t ^ ‘ Cash, Vernon Bremberg, Kenneth Cornett, Jerry Talley, Don R°S“ ,


t S S ^ s S S ’R ^ j ^ m y Blackburn, Buddy Keeble,

3 S5S ® . n K m S “ Jota Cate, David H iffitetier, Steve EUR, Richatd Crowder, Ray Headetron,

Ronnie Willocks.

--------- ---------

(?£ce& The Key Club, now in its third year at M aryville High, is primarily a service organization. Sponsored by Kiwanis International and aided by faculty ad­ visor, Roy Roberts, the club undertakes such projects as presenting a model assembly program for the K i­ wanis Club, sponsoring a school vocational day, and conducting the election o f a basketball queen. Members elected by the club upon approval o f the school principal promote the following ideals: de­ veloping a more intelligent and serviceable citizen ­ ship, providing experience in living and working to ­ gether, adopting and applying higher standards in


scholarship, sportsmanship, and social contacts. "c

Wendell Carpenter, Richard Headrick, Scott Trundle, Bill Haddox, George Match

§ »£ rd, t

SECOND ROW: THIRD R O W r l l n f Edwards, David Erwin, James

S ^ ^ T S fe S S H fS S E a S S ffifr -

LIBRARY ASSISTANTS; LEFT to RIGHT: Ellen Montgomery, Susie Forkner, Lucille Pritchard, Ann Everett, Tom Banks, Hilda Cline, Judy Hunter.

Members o f the Library Club play an important role in maintaining the efficien 足 cy o f and acquainting students with the re足 sources of the library. Composed o f volun足 teers from all three grades, the club does many o f the jobs concerned with the l i 足 brary. Members help Miss Helen Ottshelve books, fix displays, act as desk assistants, and file magazines. To become a member o f the Library Club, the applicant must work a half hour or more each week at these duties and maintain at least average grades.


^ I t u d Y Raulston F1Vmb Helen Nettleton, Jane McDade, Betty W iley Karen Haral S ’ nle I? - r ^ f yi’i Judj Patterson, Peggy Wehunt, Delores Caylor, Miss Erna Fae Hale, V icky Wehunt Dorothv Samjple, Kay Teffeteller, Susie Forkner. SECOND ROW: Kay M izell, Kay Caldwell Shell Tavlor C1ar° 1yn .Feez^ 1> BiSSs> Gail White, Earline Mizell, Brenda Ferguson, Joyce ’ Williams, Judy H ill, Janice Eagleton, Ann Kennedy, Bonnie Ramsey, Sue Gregory. THIRD R O W Luc il e

F0> * ™

Organized in 1954 and patterned after the Maryville C ollege group, the M-Club admits to membership every girl who has earned her letter in intramural sports. The M-Club girls in turn help to conduct intra­ mural competition. Sponsored by Miss Erna Fae Hale, the club cooperates with the Varsity Club in promoting school activities. A ll members take turns working in the con­ cession stand at basketball games to raise money for these school projects.

Pessy Kidd; Karen Shields,

M-CLU5 OFFICERS; LEFT to RIGHT: Carolyn Ballard, president; H iscilla Peery, vice-president; Sandra Edmonson, secretary; Carolyn Gass, treasurer; Earline Mizell, reporter.


National Forensic League gives students who are interested in debate, dramatics, and oration a chance to further their skill and knowledge in these fields. With Mrs. Martin Badgett as its sponsor, the club not only jour­ neys to various schools in this district to compete in speaking contests, but often plays host to other clubs. In this way members have an opportunity to perfect their skill and to earn points toward honor certificates awarded by the national o ffice o f the N. F. L.

NFL OFFICERS; Left to Right: Shell Taylor, president; Tip Hitch, vice-president; Sara Ra Smith, secretary; David Earnest, treasurer.

u * »

*< «*• “ y S




Mears, Wayne Oliver, Jack Hurst, Steve Ellis.



s ™ £ > s” o w ; B adgett, FOURTH ROW,

® S :.« Edwatda, R o „

ami S toU Under the sponsorship o f Mrs. Paul Beach, the RED AND BLACK staff, made up entirely o f volunteers, sold advertisements for and edited the b i­ monthly paper. From an original group o f five girls, the staff quickly grew to ten girls and nine boys. Because of conflicting classes, more than half o f the members were unable to attend formal journalism meetings, but they checked their assignments and wrote for the paper in their free time. Thus working together to meet the dead­ lines, the group published sixteen is­ sues during the school year.

PAGE EDITORS; Left to Right: Pat Penland, Sara Ann Parkins, Tony Koella, Jane McDade.

ROW^ TV,Sv k S m ^ Z Pat Coulter Carnlvn r ^ A £ ner-FO TO TH PO W ^ S C r a io r r ™ ifn e M i5 lV y

n T ° n B/emberS- Betty W ileV> Hugh Moorehouse, Pat Penland; SECOND f 1® McDade, Joyce Williams, Lamar Alexander; THIRD ROW: Ru* ^ arshlU- Delores Caylor, George Roberts, Bill Haddox, Susie Fork^ Roberta St6PP’ Kay LleweI1y » ' Kenneth Edwards, Tommy

LEFT TO RIGHT: SITTING : Wendell Carpenter, Kaye Caldwell, Alvin Cruze, Elizabeth Davis, John Cropp, Sara Parkins; STANDING: Bobby Carpenter, Sally Moore, King Jenkins.

Student @ou*tcit The Student Council, acting as a link between the stu­ dents and the faculty, promotes a better understanding be­ tween the two groups. Composed o f three members who meet high standards o f character, leadership, and scholarship from each of the three classes, the group undertakes many projects during the course o f the school year. Included among these activities are sponsoring Homecoming, holding various elections, welcoming visitors, orienting new students, holding a courtesy campaign, and taking on the responsibil­ ity o f Student Day. As a service to the students, the Council operates a bookstore wherein the members sell school sup­ plies. Mrs. Martin Badgett and Emerson Watson serve as sponsors of the Student Council.

STUDENT COUNCIL OFFICERS; Left To Right: Elizabeth Davis, secretary-treasurer; Sara Park­ ins, vice-president; Alvin Cruze, president.

Left to Right; FIRST ROW: Beverly Millsaps, Jeanette Payne, Yvonne Vinsant, Mary Ann Anthony, Martha Lee S F r o i'm ^ fW Nancy Helen H ill, Nancy Law, Lynda Ridings, Kay Llewellyn, Darla Hale; m ^ ^ 9 rUZe’ Rlchard Leatherwood, Sara Ra Smith Betsey Lewis, Rom Meares Mrs. Martin Badgett, Bill Thach, Bill Lyons, Wayne Oliver.

Another chapter o f a national honor society is the Thespian Club. Aspirants for membership must have done meritorious work in dramatic arts and met the membership qualifications and standards. To become a member one must have earned a required number o f points. These points may be earned by participating in or helping in the production o f various plays. After joining, a student has an opportunity to work throughout the year in dramatic programs presented by the club.


THESPIAN CLUB OFFICERS: Lett to Right: Sara Ra Smith, president; Mary Ann Anthony, vice-president; Betsey Lewis, secretary; Lynda Ridings, reporter; Carolyn Gass, treasurer.

Settio* ty - *7ee«t&

SENIOR Y-TEEN OFFICERS; Left to right: Mary Ann Anthony, secretary; Elizabeth Davis, president; Sara Parkins, vice-president; Carolyn Ballard, treasurer; Gail Harmon, ch lain.

tr, RioVit- FIRST ROW- Beverly Millsaps, Susie Forkner, Betty W iley, Elda McSpadden, Ann Kennedy, Mary


, B^nMe Ramsey; Shirley Gentry’, Sharon Bean, Nikki Andrews, Jean Carpenter, Jeanette Payne, Lrbby Cop-

pinger, Betty Jo Bell.



The Y-Teens, composed o f girls who are w ill­ ing to work toward and live up to the aims and prin­ ciples o f the club, is the largest organization at M aryville High School. Because o f its size, the club is divided into two groups. The sophomore girls comprise the Junior Y-Teens while the juniors and seniors make up the Senior Y-Teens. Mrs. W illiam Wine, Miss Erna Fae Hale, and Mrs. Robert Sadler sponsor the two groups, respectively. A ffiliated with the Y . W. C. A ., the Y-Teens undertake several worthwhile community projects during the year and help civic organizations in any­ way they can. Again this year, in conjunction with the H i-Y , the Y-Teens sponsor the Wednesday morn­ ing devotional programs as one of their most out­ standing projects.

JU N IO R Y-Tppxr Ranees Axuj; ^ O F F l C£pc

" h


e r-

Patsy MeClanah an^'sally^Moorf,' ? £ £ £ ' M cG ill> Bobbie Martin, Craig, Kathy Jenkins, Miss Erna Fae Hale - SECONi / r OW- W W I f a d, Brenda Edwards, Kay Mizell, Patsy Stone, Frances Mull, Kay Gordon Becky R o w ^ T e ^ d r e ^ K ^ n ^ i i S 8^ 61 ^ H e n d e r s o n , Betty Sue Hilda Cline, Ellen Weaver, Gail Waters- THIRD ROW- Sn^r. ’ w -i c bever Y Compton, Judy Bryson,

Left to Right; KNEELING: Tommy Blankenship, Arvil Childress, Buddy Cochran, D o n O l ’ l ie Caldwell Bill Lyons, Tom E. Ramsey, Allen Mclnturff, Tom Banks, Mike Christ am; STANDING. Coach Ollie Keller, Alvin Cruze, Richard Leatherwood, John Cropp, David Erwin, David Huffstetler, Larry Cupp, Bob y Carpenter, Tony Koella, Jimmy Boring, Eddie DeLozier, Dick Williams, Scott Trundle.

V ARSITY CLUB OFFICERS; Left to Right: Tommy Blankenship, vice-president; Scott Trundle, president; Dick Williams, secretary-treasurer.

Membership in the Varsity Club, sponsored this year by Coach O llie Keller, is open to those boys who have lettered in a major sport or who have met the requirements o f a manager. Promotion of good sportsmanship and betterment o f athletics at Mary­ v ille High School are the main objectives o f the club. The main project o f the Varsity Club this year was the sponsoring of the intraclass basketball tourn­ aments.


H am m ontree, A r v . l C h i l d s , M ik . S « “



Roy ? » , ' K ™

M “ U“ le '

^£ccC Organized for the first year at M aryville High School, the Junior Red Cross functions as a service club for both the school and the community. A council composed o f elected representatives from the homerooms of each grade, governs the activities o f a large group of volunteers and regulates all projects which the volunteers decide to undertake. Any pupil who contributes financially to the club is also considered a member and receives a membership card and pin, but is not required to work on projects.


W “ “ 1*


MARCHING BAND MEMBERS: Buddy Allen, Mary Ann Anthony, Jerry Baker, Samalynn Baker, Carolyn Ballard, Beulah Beaty Mary Biggs, Dot Biereley, Kenneth Black, Judy Bryson, Kaye Caldwell Jean Carpenter, John Cate, Clinton Cochran Beverly Compton, Pat Coulter, Steve Criss, Richard Crowder, Elizabeth Davis, Nancy Dockery Doug Eadie Janice Eagleton, Bill Earnest, David Earnest Brenda Edwards, Kent Fortenberry, Don Ganett Kay Gordon, Bill Haddox, Judie Hancox, Karen Haralson, Gail Harmon James Headrick ^ th a Bobby Humphrey, Buddy Keeble, Barbara Kidd, Lynn Kidd, Nancy Law Betsey L ew isG r aham MeArthur Martha M cG ill Allen Mclnturff, Don Moore, Sally Moore, Hugh Moorehouse, Martha Lee Mull, Priscilla Peery, Charles Philpot’ Lynn R iley, Barry Roach, Mike Roberson, Rebecca Rowan, Karen Shields, Judy Stephens^Florence Studley, Mike^iutton, Yvonne Vinsant, Gail Waters, A1 Weaver, Ellen Weaver, Sandy White, Tobie White, Charles W ilcox, Joyce Williams.

FLAG BEARERS; Left to Right: Elizabeth Davis, Mary Ann Anthony, Betsey Lewis.

rS<3Uttt Under the direction o f Jack Connell, the band contrib­ utes greatly to the school spirit o f M aryville High School. Not only do members parade and perform at halftime for the home football games, but they travel with the team to add their support at the away games. . .always playing "Victory" when the team scores. Next is the concert season bringing with it the Festival, where they re hoping for a Superior, and concert programs to present here at the school. In addition to the regular band activities, last summer the group traveled to Florida where they played at the world-famous Daytona Beach Bandshell. Yes, all M. H. S. shares the honors the band has brought to the school.

BAND OFFICERS; Left to Right: Martha Lee Mull, secretary; Allen Mclnturff, president; Elizabeth Davis, treasurer; Hugh Moorehouse, vice-president.

BAND MANAGERS: Left to Right: Buddy Stinnett, Buddy Allen, Bill Haddox.

James Headrick; DRUM MAJOR Yvonne Vinsant, BAND SPONSOR

FLAG TW IRLERS; Left to Right: Nancy Helen H ill, Beverly Compton, Dot Biereley, Judie Hancox, Judie Stephens, Sally Moore.



The choir, another o f the outstanding organizations at M aryville High School, is under the able direction o f Jack Connell. Participating in the annual music festivals the group always strives for that Superior rating. Not only do the choristers sing at the various churches in t h e — nity.but they also give concerts throughout the year m the school au ditorium. It takes weeks and weeks of practice to prepare for a concert; but the members do not mind the work, for they know they w ill be justly proud of themselves when the concert is a success. Looking very neat in their gray robes, the singers represent M aryville in a fine way. M . H. S. is proud of the choir and its superior work.

CHOIR OFFICERS; Left to Right: Alvin Cruze, president; Dot Biereley; V ic e president; Jeanette Payne, treasurer; Beverly Millsaps, secretary.


Left to Right; FIRST ROW: Suzanne Hitch, Ellen Montgomery, Dot Biereley, Mary Frances Mynatt, Kenneth Corn­ ett, Boyce Simpson, George Roberts, Jerry T a lley , Betty Sue Stone, Cynthia Humphrey, Carolyn Gass, Darla Hale; SECOND ROW: Earline Taylor, Earline M izell, Brenda Bond, Lynn Farley, Hilda Cline, Jimmy Blackburn, David Erwin, Jimmy Renfre, Andy Tinker, Sandy Akers, Sue Huffstetler, Nikki Andrews, Shirley Gentry; THIRD ROW: Kathy Jenkins, Dorothy Sample, Sharon Bean, Delores Caylor, Jimm y Boring, John Stanley, Buddy Sharp, Char­ lotte Boring, Libby Coppinger Careen Bailey; FOURTH ROW: Beverly Millsaps, Sue Gregory, Lynda Ridings, Grace Henry, Jeanette Payne, A lvin Cruze, Bill Haddox, Mike Christain, Tip Hitch, Shell Taylor, Gail Teague, Suzanne Wilson, Tobie Ellis.

:HOIR ACCOMPANISTS; Left to light: Dot Biereley, Jeanette Payne.

PEP BAND: Left to Right: Ray Henderson, Buddy Keeble, Buddy Cochran, Dot Biereley, James Headrick; SECOND ROW: Martha Lee Mull, Gail Waters, Albert Weaver, Lynn R iley, Charles W ilcox, Barry Roach, David Earnest, Hugh Moorehouse; THIRD ROW: Kenneth Black, Allen Mclnturff, Graham McArthur, Don Moore, Bill Earnest, Richard Crowder.

Miss Lennis Tedford Music Instructor

Miss Garnet Manges Music Instructor

CHOIR LIBRARIANS; Left to R igh t: Kathy Jenkins, Sue Huffstetler, Sue Gregory, Lynda

Ridings. 66

7ft. 7ft. S . tZ -£ e * u U *


Coach Ollie Keller's inexperienced charges could not quite stop Lenoir City and half-back Elmer Thomas. However, the offense clicked beautifully as Dick Williams made all of Maryville's touch­ downs. Crcpp was the man of the night on defense.

7ft. TV- S . 4 t — TOaMcMet 6 Maryville's Red Rebels stomped the visiting Walland Indians in their debut on the Red Rebel field. Jimmy Renfro ran wild as he scored four times on a bootleg play. John Cropp and Scott Trundle along with a host of others stopped the Indians cold.

7ft. TV. S . 7 — ‘S 'Uatol 2 0 Although outplayed by the Rebels, Bristol, capitalizing on several breaks, beat out a 20-7 decision. Thach scored the MHS TD and Renfro made the convers­ ion. John Cropp, Bill Lyons, and Scott Trundle paced the hard-charging Reb de­ fense. Dick W illiams, Bill Thach, and Tony Koella led the offense.

7ft. TV. S . 3 3 — P<nten, t 9 The Maryville Red Rebels outscored their country cousins from Wildwood 33-19John Cropp paced the Rebels defensive play. Dick Williams scooted for three TD's and Joe Caldwell for one. A W illiam s-toCropp pass accounted for the other score.

7ft. TV. S . O — ZfCeoa. 7

FOOTBALL SQUAD; Left to Right; FIRST ROW: Larry M iller, David Erwu Bill Bradley, Jerry West, R.L. Henry, Jimmy Renfro Ralph Morrison, Kenneth Edwards, Coach Buddy Gilbert; SECOND ROW. Mike Christain, David Stapleton, Bill Lyons, Bill Thach, Alvin Cruze, Die.

The Maryville Red Rebels came within a hairs's breadth of breaking Alcoa's im ­ pressive win streak. The Tornadoes scored on an end sweep by Hugh Phipps with only 21 seconds left in the game. Dick Williams paced the Rebel offense. John Cropp, Bill Bradley, and Scott Trundle shone on defense.

t 7 5 6 T/anAi


S . 7 3 — Seetem


M aryville's fighting Rebs skinned the Sevier County Bears on the Bear's romping grounds. Jim Renfro plunged over for the first TD and D ick W illiam s scooted 12 yards for the second TD. Bob Henry, BTI1 Bradley, Scott Trundle, and John Cropp were outstanding on defense.

77C. "tty. S . 7 —


M aryville High's Hom ecom ing was an absolute success as the Rebels edged the Morristown Hurricanes. After the Hurricanes scored, the Red Rebels marched down field with Joe C aldw ell scooting over for the TD and Renfro adding the all-important extra point.

77C. “777. S . 7 — T/tcTTCcMH (Z ou ttq 7 The Red Rebels played their most out­ standing gam e o f the season by holding the highly-ranked McMinn County Cherokees to deadlock. D ick W illiam s punched over in the third quarter and Renfro added the extra point. Scott Trundle, Bill Lyons, ■Larry Cupp, and Eddie Green, paced the hard-tackling Rebels.

77C. "777. S . 7 — S w te tt O

xa’ ^ Green, Wendell Carpenter, Coach Ollie Keller; HIRD ROW: Fddie Lambert, Lynn Webb, Andy Tinker, Don Hurst, John ropp, Joe Caldwell, Richard Leatherwood, Bob Giffin, Scott Trundle, Coach II Largen.

Aided b y a key block by Lynn Webb, John Cropp snared an Everett missile and sped 70 yards for a six-pointer. Renfro concluded the night's scoring by con ­ verting the bonus point. The Rebel line managed to hold on against determined Everett thrusts.


S . 7 -^ o u ^ k O

M aryville closed out a successful 1956 season by squeezing by a keyed-up Loudon Redskin eleven. D ick W illiam!! raced 40 yards for the TD on the third o la y from scrimmage o f the game. John Cropp, Bill Lyons, Scott Trundle, Jim Renfro, and D ick W illiam s shone for the Rebels.

S quad


Tpft to Riaht- FIRST ROW- John Cropp, Richard Leatherwood, Bill Lyons, A lvin Craze, Eddie Green, Scott Trundle, w S b T sE T O N b ROW: BUI T h J h ,' J i » m , R e o io , J o . CM dw .ll, Dick W i l l i. ™

FOOTBALL CAPTAINS; Left to Right: A lvin Cruze, co-captain; Dick W illiam s, captain.

FOOTBALL COACHES: Left to Right: Buddy Gilbert, line coach; O llie Keller, head coach; W illiam Largen, backfield coach.

FOOTBALL MANAGERS; Left to Right: Roy Fox Tomm y Banks; Eddie DeLozier; Tom E. Ramsey/ head manager.

John Cropp End

Mike Christain Tackle

Tom Banks Manager

A lvin Cruze Center

Roy Fox Manager

Tony Koella Fullback

Eddie Lambert Tackle

Richard Leather wood Tackle

Bill Lyons Guard

Ralph Morrison End

Tom E. Ramsey Manager

Section- ‘PCeufe'tA

David Stapleton End

Bill Thach Fullback

Scott Trundle Tackle

Dick Williams trS a c k

Left to Right; FIRST ROW; Btick.y Chance, Verno. S





f f 'S






l K






l i y

Roohlioid, Karl' Gregory, 0 U - C t.g .ry ,

Coach W illiam Largen.

“S - *7oz*k 0 ?o*t6aM Squad

Lett to Right; FIRST ROW: John Cropp, Bobby Carpenter Scott Trundle, Alvin Cruze, Bill Thaeh; SECOND ROW: Coach Emerson Watson, Arvel Childress, Rhonda Hammontree, Lynn Webb, Tom m y Crawford, Jerry McKinney.


BASKETBALL CAPTAINS; Left to Righ Bobby Carpenter, captain; John Cropp co-captain.


John Cropp Guard

^Ivin Cruze Forward


Jerry McKinney Forward


Bill Thach Guard Scott Trundle Center

Tom Banks Manager


BASKETBALL COACHES; Left to Right: Emerson Watson, varsity coach; W illiam Largen, B-team coach.

BASKETBALL MANAGERS; Left to Right: Jerry Talley, Tom Banks, Eddie DeLozier.


Left to Right; FIRST ROW: Johnny Bradley, Bob Giffin, Charlie Thomas, John Cates, Larry Cupp; SECOND ROW: Coach W illiam Largen, Charles Philpot, Jimm y Renfro, Lamar Alexander, Steve Susong, Don Hurst.


g& m

Cmnf° Ai f h t MI : T ° ^ Banks’ manaSer; Larry Cupp, John Cropp, A llen McLnturff, Jimmy Renfro, Tom Crawford; SECOND ROW: Arvel Childress Tom Blankenship, Gale Giffen, John Cate, Steve Susong, Lynn Webb, Don Hurst, David Huffstetler

Left to Right; Hugh Moorehouse, David Erwin, Jimmy Boring, Bill Fenton, Lamar Alexander, Buddy Cochran.


- .

W C M fv C W V I/



Rpt-tv W ilev Gail White, Pat Coulter, Kay M izell,

S S S T iS S S S S . ? i 2 3 S ? 'M S i S S S L l : a

™ k d k o w o,

YRAMID: Patsy Craig, Tobie Ellis.


to Right; STANDING: Kay Caldwell, Martha Sill, Miss Etna Fae Hale, Priscilla Perry, Bar! Street; FIRST ROW o f PYRAM ID: Bonnie nsey, Roberta Stepp, Joyce W illiam s, Helen Bor■SECOND ROW of PYRAM ID; Delores Caylor, ida Ferguson, Vicky Wehunt; THIRD ROW of VAMID: Judy Patterson, Sue Gregory; FOUK1H. W of PYRAM ID: Kay Mizell.

Janice Brock

Kay Llewellyn c a Ptaln

n •A o ^ David Sutton

Rebecca Anderson



c o -c ap tain

CHEERLEADERS; Left to Right: Jane McDade, Janice Brock, Becky Anderson David Sutton, Pat Payne, Kay Llewellyn, Beverly Millsaps.

Jane McD ^

Pat Payne




Beginning in 1952, each student body o f M aryville High School has elected an outstanding senior boy and girl as Mr. and Miss M.H.S. Traits possessed by these two students which were influential in their selection are good char­ acter, a pleasing personality, interest in school, and co-operation with their classmates and teachers. John Cropp and Janice Brock this year's Mr. and Miss M.H.S., are truly representative o f what we think o f when we say "the ideal Maryville High School students."


Betty Jo Bell, Scott Trundle

Shell Taylor, Bill Lyons

Yvonne Vinsant, John Cropp

Settton. Sccfie*Cetfcoe4.

Beverly Millsaps, Dick Williams, Linda Lambert

fo SucceedTip Hitch, Sara Ra Smith

'l /ex<Kz£c£e Kay Llewellyn, Alvin Cruze 85


George Macht, Bill Haddox, Elizabeth Davis

“S iy y e A t Scott Trundle

i& tM ie A t Janice Brock, Freddy Thomas 86


King Jenkins, Pat Payne

ju n io r Jimmy Renfro, Rebecca Anderson

fZuee*t Following a week o f frenzied activity, October 19, the day o f Homecoming, arrived finding each class placing the last napkins on its float and excited students antici­ pating the night’s activities. The theme, Rebel Rally, around which all floats were fashioned, dominated all the festivities. Seniors had chosen as their candidates for queen, Beverly Millsaps and Yvonne Vinsant, while juniors had selected Rebecca Anderson and Marlene Wetmore. Representing the sophomores were Pat Payne and Betty Sue Stone. In the afternoon these lovely hopefuls dressed in dazzling gowns and accompanied by the band, the floats, and cars representing various school organizations pa­ raded down the main street o f M aryville. Several hours later with these preliminaries over, the actual festivities began. With fanfare the floats were wheeled onto the field, where Jane McDade, in behalf of the junior class accepted the prize for the winning float. New red automobiles carrying the queen and her two at­ tendants followed. Excitement ran high as captain Dick Williams crowned Yvonne Vinsant as M aryville's Home­ coming Queen and presented her to her court, Beverly Yvonne Vinsant

Millsaps and Rebecca Anderson. After a victorious ball game, students held a sock hop to end the celebration o f 1956's eventful Homecoming.

Beverly Millsaps Rebecca Anderson

WHITE LINES SINCLAIR OIL PRODUCTS C . V . Morton, M arketeer P h o n e Y U 3-3381

★ “ T h e B u s L i n e of P r o g r e s s ”


Salu tes

“ H e lp P r e v e n t F o r e s t F i r e s Keep T e n n e sse e Green”

M a r y v i ll e H i g h S c h o o l S e n io r s

K n o x v i lie


Delivered Daily

Farm Fresh

To Your Door G rAde

P a s te u rize d D a iry Pro d u cts

Route 3 K n o x v ille





Dining at the Airport


STORAGE CO. HAIR B R O TH E R S CO. "Y o u r Frigidaire D ea ler”

Agents for National Van Lin e s, Inc. Pioneers of Long Distance Moving Serving the Nation H a r p e r S tr e e t

Phone YU 2-5531 Maryville

SUSONG HARDWARE CO. Paints, Sporting Goods, Plumbing Supplies Court Street Phone YU 3-2811

M a ry v ille , T e n n e s s e e

ROWAN S E R V IC E GARAGE 509 E l l i s A v e . P hone Y U 2-2812



P h o n e Y U 2-2490

OIL PRODUCTS Home Heating Fuels P . E. Irwin, Distributor A llen McCollum, Manager



STUDLEY MILLARD MACHINE CO. Steel Fabrication and Crane Service P h o n e Y U 3 -4 1 0 2


Old Knoxville Highway 'Where The Best In M ovies Is Shown”



More G r o c e r i e s for L e s s W e s t in g h o u s e A p p l i a n c e s

PARKWAY DRIVE-IN S e le ct P h o to p lay s P h o n e Y U 2-3252

EARL BLAZER INSURANCE AGENCY 210-211 B a n k of M a r y v i ll e B u i l d i n g M a r y v i ll e



" I n s u r a n c e at a S a v i n g s ’


Cordage T w in e

R o c k fo r d

T ennessee


SUTTON TRANSFER W ill Move Y o u from H e re

M aryville’s Oldest

To Anyw here We H a v e World-W ide S e r v i c e



1228 E a s t B r o a d w a y P h o n e Y U 2-5171

Largest Dept. Store V i s i t P r o f f i t t ’ s P h o t o g r a p h i c S tu d io


- F e a t u r i n g P o r t r a i t s by C l a r k -


8 37 E a s t B r o a d w a y P h o n e Y U 3-3142 P h o n e Y U 3-4121 M a ry v ille


NILES FERRY RESTAURANT Home of D e l i c i o u s M e a ls and T a s t y S n a c k s


New N i l e s F e r r y H ig h w a y

S a y It w ith F l o w e r s

B EA TY’S GARAGE E . H a rp e r P h o n e Y U 2-0541




“ I t ' s E a s y T o P a y the R o y a l W a y ’ ’ G a m b le B u i l d i n g

G eneral E le c t r ic A p p lia n c e s

M a ry v ille P h o n e Y U 3-3971



F o l l o w the C r o w d to th e B i g g e s t

Good H a m b u r g e r s and M i l k s h a k e s

L i t t l e S to re in T o w n

A lc o a H ig h w a y P h o n e Y U 3 -4 7 1 0

A f e e l i n g of c o n f i d e n c e and c a p a b i l i t y i s n e e d e d w h e n a p p l y i n g for a job. T h e s e e s s e n t i a l s b e c a m e my r e a l i z e d p o s s e s s i o n s b e c a u s e my c h o i c e w a s —

KNOXVILLE BUSINESS COLLEGE A c c r e d i t e d by the B u s i n e s s S c h o o l A c c r e d i t a t i o n C o m m i s s i o n 2 0 9 W e st C h u r c h tv'^ e

Tennessee S y lv ia Cate


SAVINGS AND LOAN M a ry v ille N. C o u r t S tr e e t Phone Y U 3-3710

Phone Y U 2-9340 M a ry v ille



B e s t S a n d w i c h e s in T o w n '

DAIRY DIP O ld K n o x v i l l e H ig h w a y

CHICK’S POWERHOUSE V/est M a r y v i l l e ’ s L e a d i n g P a n - A m S ta tio n

P h o n e Y U 2-3643

1400 W. B r o a d w a y

“ T h i c k e s t M a lts and S h a k e s ;

Phone Y U 2-4340

T ennessee

K n o x v ille

Specializing in Charter Trips

TENNESSEE COACH A n y w h e r e — A n y t im e

110 S e v i e r A v e n u e P h o n e 5-0291


A ir - C o n d i t i o n e d C h a p e l

F i v e P o in t

Y U 2 -9 8 2 9

Compl i ment s o f


TOMMY COVINGTON MUSIC STUDIO 121 W est C h u r c h Stre e t D e a le r for C o n n and B u e s c h e r B a n d In s t ru m e n ts M u s ic I n s t r u c t io n — S tr in g e d In s tru m e nt


and A c c o r d i o n “ C o m e C l e a n w ith U s : Compliments o f

Expert C le a n e rs ’ ’

MILLER MORTUARY P h o n e Y U 2-2791 P h o n e Y U 2-6041


P h o n e Y U 2 -7 9 2 0

“ O ne of the S o u t h ’ s F i n e s t ”

McA r t h u r s O ld K n o x v i l l e H ig h w a y F re e D e l i v e r y

Compliments o f


NORTON HARDWARE H e a d q u a r t e r s for S p o r tin g G o o d s P h o n e Y U 2-9251

Complim ents o f


BLOUNT MERCANTILE Com plim ents o f

A l I i s -C h a lm e rs T ra c to rs Farm H a r d w a r e Seeds — F e r t iliz e r s




(fsso )

Royal T yp e w riters ‘ ‘ Won’ t Write?

C a l l W h it e .”


P h o n e Y U 3-4762

FARR’S SERVICENTER New K n o x v ille Hwy.


P h o n e Y U 2 -9 9 6 0

‘ ‘ T h e O ld R e l i a b l e ” E s t a b l i s h e d 1855 Member F D I C

H. H. LYONS FOOD MARKETS M a r y v i ll e


‘ ‘ Q u ic k C h e c k S to re s ” O ld K n o x v i 1le H w y . Y U 2-8 2 1 0 Farrport


Y U 2-8 4 2 0 N ew Wal land H w y .

S a n it o n e D ry C l e a n i n g

Y U 3-4731 P h o n e Y U 2-6213


P h o n e Y U 3-0 1 6 3

M a r y v i ll e , T e n n e s s e e



HARRIS TRACTOR CO., INC. 921 W. B r o a d w a y


P h o n e Y U 3-0291 1

M a r y v i ll e


Open N i g h t s and S u n d a y s


Phone Y U 2-2090

D riv e -In R e stau ra n t & E s s o S ervicen ter

M a r y v i ll e


P h o n e Y U 2-9801 - Y U 2-9 9 5 4 S m o k y Mountain H w y . M ary vi 1le

PARK DRUG STORE R. R . L o n g , Sr. - R . R. L o n g , J r . P h o n e Y U 2 -1 6 7 0


“ T h e C a k e M a k e s the P a r t y ’ ’ Do w n to w n M a r y v i ll e P h o n e Y U 2-3711

PURE OIL COMPANY B e S ure w ith P u r e A B r ig h t e r F u tu r e With P la n n e d B a n k S a v i n g s J . R. M i t c h e l l , D i s t r i b u t o r

E d u c a t io n — A u t o m o b ile — Hom e — B u s i n e s s


T l ^s, K 1 A





r |

M a r y v i ll e , T e n n e s s e e

“ That Friendly Bank”


Member F e d e r a l R e s e r v e S y s te m

S a l utes

Member F e d e r a l D e p o s i t In s u r a n c e C o rp .

M a r y v i l l e H ig h R e b e l s


Y o u Marry the G i r l , and We W ill F u r n i s h the Home

In te g r ity Our F i r s t C onsid eration

S e le c t G ro ce rie s F r e s h M eats F r u i t s and V e g e t a b l e s P h o n e Y U 3-1053

Th e re Is a D iffe re n ce

WILLIAMS DRY CLEANERS P h o n e Y U 2-3041 223 West H arp e r Stre et

FARMER AND STAPP BARBER SHOP B lo u n t B a n k B u i l d i n g Phone Y U 2-1825

SHOEMAKER’S SHOE STORE CRUM INSURANCE AGENCY “ E v e r y t h i n g T h a t ’s Written In I n s u r a n c e ’ ’ B l o u n t N a t io n a l B a n k B u i l d i n g P h o n e Y U 2-1 6 3 0

THE DIXIE DRIVE IN S m o k y Mountain H ig h w a y M a r y v i ll e

Tennessee “ F in e Food - Curb S e r v ic e "

“ We D o n ’ t K e e p the B e s t , We S e l l I t "


P h o n e Y U 3-4352 818 S e v i e r v i l l e R o a d Phone Y U 2-2660

WILLIAMS AND McDANIEL F u r n it u r e - A p p l i a n c e s - New - U s e d C o rn e r of C h u r c h and C o l l e g e P h o n e Y U 2 -2 9 7 0

BYRNE DRUG COMPANY P re scrip tio n s

M aryvi lie

You r F rie n d ly Corner

OSCAR SHIELDS ESSO SERVICE C a r Wash — L u b r i c a t i o n — T i r e R e p a i r Wheel B a l a n c i n g P h o n e Y U 3 -4 1 9 5 C o r n e r W a s h in g to n & H ig h KA/n

P h o n e Y U 2-1461 M aryvi I le




P re scrip tio n s J o e P e a v y h o u s e , P ro p . E a s t Broadw ay

M edical Arts Pharm acy

P h o n e Y U 2 -3 8 5 0

P re sc rip tio n S p e c ia lis t s

ROSS FURNITURE CO. Phone Y U 2-3020 We B u y , S e l l , and E x c h a n g e

P h o n e Y U 2-7 1 6 2 P h o n e Y U 3-3982

H ASTY-TASTY DRIVE IN ( F o r m e r l y S u n -S e t) Don S p e a r s , Sr. Mary vi 1le N e w N i l e s F e r r y H w y.


-r Ie n n e sse e

T w i n C i t y Motors B u ic k M cCam m on Motor & E q u ip m e n t C o . In t e r n a t io n a l H a r v e s t e r E q u i p . P a i n e Motor C o . P o n tia c M cN u tt Motor C o . D o d g e , P ly m o u t h , C h r y s l e r C o s t n e r - E a g l e t o n Motors Ford M u rph y-W est Motor C o . C h e v ro le t, O ld sm o b ile

SULLINGER BATTERY SHOP HARTMAN’S FLOWERS G e o r g e T o w n s e n d — O w ne r Y o u r Do w n T o w n F l o r i s t s S in c e 1926

333 E a s t B r o a d w a y P h o n e Y U 2-7 6 0 0


ALCOA MOTEL “ E x c l u s i v e B u t Not E x p e n s i v e ’ ’

-S' S p o rtin g G o o d s & S p o r ts w e a r For Every O c ca sio n E x c lu s iv e “ R a w lin g s




W .

D e a le r

B R O A D v .'A Y .

STERLING COAL CO. AND COLVIN COAL CO. ‘ ‘ Qual ity C o a I ' ’ B l o c k , Egg, and S t o k e r S i z e

P h o n e Y U 2-4971 West B r o a d w a y

T ennessee

Mary v i I le Phone s Y U 2 -1 3 2 0 - Y U 2-9161

PA R K S-B ELK CO. We fe a tu re c o m p le t e t e e n - a g e d e p artm en ts for


b o y s and g i r l s . S e e us for the b e s t v a l u e s in e v e r y t h in g to w ear.

W h o le s a le D i s t r i b u t o r s

Mary vi lie



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