Appalachian 1967

Page 1

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E, H. W i i s

The 1 9 6 7 Appalachian staffs present the drama o f

Maryville High School:

A Stage for Life

If all the w orld’s a stage and the heroine is known fo r her helpfulness o f others, what qualities does she possess?

She has faith in us as individuals and as a whole. She has always-present kindness. She is cheerfully willing to guide . . . To many o f us, this is Mrs. Nina Murphy to whom we dedicate the 1 9 6 7 Appalachian.

All the w orld’s a stage, and all the men and women — m erely teachers. We have our assignments and our policies. And one student in his time makes many blunders, His efforts being all for MHS.

W ith apologies to Shakespeare.


Striving to m eet the challenge of modernday educational demands through excellen ce in classroom endeavor, Mr, W illiam s, our principal, has devoted his hum anitarian interests to educational goals for M, H. S, His deeply appreciated interest in students, as exem plified by his personal contact with each student as an individual, endears him to the student body of M aryville High. His exam ple guides those who wish to ex cel and go beyond specified duties.

We beat Alcoa!



We We We We

Act Pose Discover Soar . . .

We We We We

Move Feel Think Understand

C arol Christofferson

K elly Widner

. . . Night Time At MHS . . . when yearbooks sprout pictures and plays are rehashed. Students come and go in groups o f shadows and cars. Y earbook staffers are forced to ask fo r guidance. More evidence to the fact that school doesn’t last only seven hours a day.







actors on stage, positions taken . . . prom pters clutching tattered scripts . . . directors nervously checking — watching . . . equipment shiny and in readiness. curtain! react to the ability o f the artist relate to the illusion o f the action awake to the experience of LIFE! laugh — scream . . . 10

. . create — weep, interm ission and laughter!

teams scrimmaging . . . cheerleaders gyrating . . teachers lecturing . . . students grumbling.

Artistic impressions of MHS . . .


Old MHS we’ll always love you

We come . . . We observe . . .


We leave with understandingÂŽ

Some like the pride o f ownership. Some are content with straight ”A ’s” .

Some days we feel as though life is this meaningful: Pop we were born, Yodeo we grow less infantile, Bloop we go to school, and Zap we head homeward.


SCHOOL BOARD STANDING: John Kerr, Dr. T . G. Stan ley, Ray Norton SEATED: Andrew Alexander, Chairman Arthur M arshall, J . P. Stew art, Superintendent

Mrs. A ileen McNabb MHS Secretary


M rs. Shirley Hitch Secretary, Central Office

MRS. MARY BARTH A . B. Univ. of Chattanooga Graduate work at Bryn Mawr Am erican & World History


Ouch, those bristles are sharp!

MRS. SHARON CLARK A .B . M aryville C ollege Choir

You wouldn’t do that, Lady M acbeth, would you?

MRS. FRANCES HAGAN A .B . Florida State French & Latin MR. BRUCE HENSLEY M .A .T ., Univ. ' N .C . Am erican History English MRS. MARGARET JONES M .M . , U .T . A lgebra, Geometry


"I still lik e my circular one b etter."

More evidence of cooperation in the English depart­ m ent.

MR. WILLIAM LARGEN M .S ., Univ. of Mich Chem istry, Physics MRS. CATHERINE MILLER B .A ., Berea English MR. BENNY MONROE B .S ., M aryville

MRS. NANCY PEMBERTON M .A ., U .T . English MRS. WANDA PENLAND B .S ., U .T . English

MR. WILLIAM PHILLIPS M .S ., U .T . Industrial Arts, Driving MR. EDGAR PITTS B. S . , Athens College M athematics


MISS DOROTHY REED M .A ., Peabody C ollege Latin, Spanish MR. ROY M . ROBERTS M .A ., L .S .U . Senior M ath, Geometry

MRS. BERYL SADLER M .S ., U .T . C om m ercial Arts MRS. SARA SCHWAM M .A ., Peabody C ollege Spanish

MRS. LOIS SHERROD M .S ., U .T . Home Economics, Arts and Crafts MRS. ARTA SHIELDS A .B ., M aryville C ollege MISS CYNTHIA THOMAS B .S ., E .T .S .U . Physical Education

W hat's so hard about Phys. Ed?

Who's the stubborn one in Asia?


MRS. FRANCES VOLK M .S ., U .T . Geography & Government MR. EMERSON WATSON M .S ., U .T . Biology MR. TED B. WILSON B .S ., M aryville C ollege Physical Education Sing along with M e!

M r. W illiam s can you please get this microphone to work?

Hold m e, th rill m e, kiss m e . . .

Charlie don't you know I'm sup­ posed to sing that!


Senior Class Officers President;

Alfred Redwine


Joel W illiam s

Vice-President; Secretary;

Stephanie T indell Carol Christofferson

Seniors offer help to underclassmen.


20 tim es 20 is 4,000?

Senior Class Planning Committee 25


ANNABEL AGEE - She fascinates us with her tw irling. JIM ALLEN - There are so many others who lik e to talk so why not let them do it. ROBERT ALLEN - We should appreciate the Democratic way of life .

PATRICIA ALLISON - Softly speak and sw eetly sm ile. ELAINE ANDERSON - Always going places. KIRK ANDREWS - Feminine vanity, the devine gift that makes women charm ­ ing.


LYNETTE BALL - Quiet, but always ready to help a friend. LARRY BARKLEY - Haste makes waste so why hurry? GARY BAUMGARDNER - I believe in con­ serving energy - esp ecially my own.

DEBBIE BLACKWOOD - A capable girl ath le tically inclined. CEE CEE BLALOCK - Either her flirtations or her tw irling would reap large profits. JILL BLAZER - Softly speak and gently sm ile.

MIKE BLEVINS - A sturdy son of the soil. GLENDA BOWMAN - A quiet girl with quiet ways. DAVID BRAKEBILL - I wish Adam had died with a ll his ribs in his body.

LEE ARNOLD - Full of fun and al ways on the run.

JOHN BRATTON - Give me a m illion girls. CAROL BRITTON - Gives a good performance in a ll her undertakings. KEITH BROCK - Sleep is sweet to the labor­ ing man.

SONDRA BROOKS - Pleasant and understand­ ing with a quick sm ile. RICK BROWN - Take care of m e, good men are rare. SHARON BROWN - G enerally speaking, she's gen erally speaking.

BILL BURRIS - W illing to do anything once, usually tw ice. BARBERA BUSHING - Without music life would be a m istake. CAROLYN CALDWELL - Peppy little pitcher.

ELAINE CALDWELL - M y, how she would talk . JOHN CASSADY - He is not in the h a ll of common men. STEVE CAYLOR - My only books are wo­ m en's looks, and how I love to study.

Mrs. Penland gives her opinion of Shakespeare.


DAVID CHAPMAN - A w ell-bred silence always at command. CAROL CHRISTOFFERSON - Poise m ade way for charm and they both stayed. BILL COCHRAN - Work fascinates m e, I ■ can watch it for hours.

JOHN COLPITTS - The best way to k ill tim e is to work it to death. HANK COOPER - U nlim ited in his personality, infinite in his ambitions. BARBARA CROYLE - A lovable g irl with fem ininity, in tellig en ce, and charm.

KATHY DAVIS - Pretty as they come; friendly; w e ll-lik e d and easy to love. TERRY DAVIS - Rare anywhere. RHONDA DENTON - When it comes to helping others, she w ill stop at nothing.


ANDI DUNN - She lives to laugh, to learn, to love. TONY ELDER - Why should life a ll labor be? LEN EVANS - An inquiring mind and im p et­ uous grin, a combination that always wins.

MIKE FOX - I do not understand; I pause, I exam ine, I give up, RONALD GIFFIN - I don’t mind studying but why te ll the teachers a ll I know. BRENDA GREEN - Fair and gentle, good and true, just the friend for me and you.


LEON DOWNEY - Jo lly, good-na­ tured, and full of w it.

LARRY GREEN - If school is lib erty, then give m e death. CHARLES HANNUM - Manners m ake for­ tunes. STEVE HAWKINS - I 'll find a way or make one.

REBECCA HELTON - The hairbrain chatter of irrepressible frivolity. GEORGE HENRY - A friend to one, a friend to a ll, a personality that's on the b all. CAROL HICKS - Her quiet charm brings shouts of praise.

ANDREA HINES - A good nature is always a success. ANN HITSON - Cheerful looks m ake every dish a feast. MARGIE HODGE - Always considerate, kind, and sweet - a com bination that can 't be beat.

KENNY HODSON - Force is no rem edy.

few M,


GARY HOUSEHOLDER - Better to blush than to turn pale. NORMA HOWARD - Patience is the best rem edy for every trouble. SARAH HOWARD - Happiness is ac tiv ity, such is her nature.

MARY HUDDLESTON - Always laughing, sometimes sad; sometimes mischievous, PHYLLIS HUFFSTETLER - A lik e ab le g irl with plenty of friends. MARK HUMPHREY - He said little , but to to the point.


CURTIS HUNT - Everybody has his devilish day, but he has his everyday. JACK ISBELL - I don't want to earn a livin g, just liv e . GERALD IVENS - School, I suppose it's a necessary e v il.

JACK JACKSON - They say he was once caught studying. JOAN JETT - L ittle, but oh m y! LARRY JOHNSTON - Bulging m uscles, coat of tan, big wide shoulders and oh what a man.

CHRIS JOSH - Not too serious, not too frivolous, but a rare, sweet girl. JUDY KAGLEY - A friend is worth a ll hazards run. JEAN KEEBLE - A jo lly word and a pleasant sm ile, she has them ready a ll the w hile.

JANE KERR - She enjoys liv in g and furnishes fun for a ll who know her.


LINDA KERR - She's a ll that her flowing hair denotes. DEBBIE KEY - A merry heart goes a ll day. JANE KEY - She entertains a cheerful d is­ position.

JOE KIMBROUGH - It's not what I do wrong, but what I get caught doing. ROBERT KIRKPATRICK - How Can I learn if I don't ask questions? ELIZABETH KOUREMETI - Ready to work, ready to p lay, ready to help wherever she "may.


BECKY LAMBERT - Late hours aren’t good for one, but they ’re a ll right for two. DAVID LEE - His personality ranks highest among us a ll. LINDA LYELL - There are few things that never go out of style, fem ininity is one

DAVID LYLE - Men of few words are the best men. SAM McCOLLOM - The wrong way always sounds more reasonable. PHIL McCULLOCH - He never flunks, he never lies, I reckon he never knew how.

DONNA McINNIS - The secret of the un i­ verse - turns out to be personality. MELINDA McKENZIE - She puts her best efforts in everything she does. BROWNIE MARSH - If bright remarks were grains of sand I'd be a desert.


LINDA MARTIN - With a sm ile for everyone.

KAYE MATTHEWS - A graceful figure is a pleasing letter of recom m endation. ALICE MILLIGAN - I cannot think of two things a t once, so I think of him . MIKE MILLSAPS - Dynamite comes in sm all packages.

WAYNE MONTGOMERY - Not afraid of work but not in sympathy with it. DAVID MOORE - I wish you would explain your explanation. CHIP MUNGER - I get up at the crack of dawn, stuff up the crack, and go back to bed.


CH AFILES NETTLETON - Don't let this air of innocence fool you. ALICE PARHAM - She entertains a ch eer­ ful disposition. LESLIE PATTON - A quiet g irl, but quite a g irl.

MARTHA PATTY - Serious on few occasions and talk ativ e. JAMES PAXTON - Slow but sure. JOHN PETERS - Even Napoleon was a little m an.

STEVE PICKENS - We always have tim e if we use it right. KAY PINYAN - Always a sm ile, always a friend. SHARON PRENDERGAST - Fun-loving and easy going.

Carol, leader of the pack, briefs her troupe on her methods of true scholarship.


LARRY PRICE - Adventure is turous. BETH PROFFITT - She holds dram atic art on the stage TERESA POWELL - The very

to the adven­ her best in of life . pink of courtesy.

BETH RAMSEY - Happy am I, from cares I am free; wish a ll were as contented as me. STEVE RAY - Girls are said to be the bread of lif e , and boy am I hungry. GARY REAGAN - Athletics preferred to a ll else, even girls.

ALFRED REDWINE - Constant in ter­ est, in telligen ce and personality combine to form his success.


CHERYL ROBERTS - She's learning to cook for two. MIKE ROSS - When boasting ends, dignity begins. WADE RUSSELL - Some say h e ’s bashful, but many doubt it.

GARY SETTLES - M y id ea of an agreeable person is one who agrees with m e. STEVE SHOPE - Come what m ay h e ’ll get there. MIKE SPEARS - Teachers and classes are m y only objection to education.

SHARON STAPP - A re a l com bination of jo llity , frolic and fun. BILL STEPPE - M y memory is the thing I forget with. CHARLES STERLING - C alm , sincere, in ­ clined to take things easy.


LYNN TAYLOR - Friendliness and good­ nature make her appealing. BARBARA TEDFORD - Good humor is the health of the so u l. LARRY THOMAS - My size cannot lessen m y thoughts.

LIBBY TIMMONS - As sweet as she is sincere. STEPHANIE TINDELL - An honest-to-good­ ness redhead who says leav e silence to saints. DOUG TULLOCH - It takes a ta ll person to see what's going on in the world.

WAYNE VALENTINE - A ll tim e is the right tim e for saying what is just. GARY VINSANT - A handsome guy ought to give the girls a break. PRISCILLA VINSANT - The ABC’s of popu­ larity - A b ility, Beauty, and C o-opera­ tion.





TOM WALKER - There is no g re at­ er love than love of food. WARREN - Not that I dislike studying but I lik e fun better.

BRENDA WAYCASTER - An all-around girl who's joyful. LINDA WEAVER - She is seen more than she is heard. SAM WESTON - If God loves us a ll why c a n ’t I love a dozen.

. DONNA WHITE - Intelligence is not m e a ­ sured by how much one says. RICK WHITE - A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men. KELLY WIDNER - I hate girls, they irritate me - I love to be irritated.


DAVID WILLIAMS - Beware! I m ay do something sensational yet. JOEL WILLIAMS - He’s a whiz at trig and thinks figures are fascinating. LYNN WOODBY - A merry heart goes a ll day.

ANETHA WORMSLEY - You m eet her, you love her. BRENT YOUNG - A star? W ell h e’s always out at night. PAT PICKRON - She cam e, she saw, she conquered.

MIKE LONG - A growing boy needs his sleep. JOHN PAXTON - He that has patience can conquer anything.

■> , MISS B a rb a ra

Cm /ie^


Ju n ior Planning Committee

JUNIORS Build Best Homecoming Float and . . . The juniors blasted their way to the top in float com petition this year.


The Juniors chalked up a "lucky 13".

Here Bear Johnston and Robin Hood Womack are discussing the strategy for their junior team . With the support of these lo vely m aidens, the juniors had to win.

Down Seniors in Pow der-Puff Game President - - - - - - - M ike Garner V ice-president - - — S e c r e ta r y Treasurer - - - - -

Lynn Lewis

Pat Christofferson M ary W illiam s


Edith Allen M ary Allen Becky Anderson Donna Ayers Nancy Badgett

Faith Baird Bobby Baldwin Donna Ballew Wilbur Barton Kaye Beaver

Norman Blankenbeckler Carolyn Blevins Debbie Bradford Tommy Bradshaw Harry Brassier

Barbara Britton Ward Brooks M iriam Brown Brenda Burns Rhonda Butner

Richard C aldw ell Steve C aldw ell Walter C antley Chuck Cary Pat Christofferson

Scooter Clippard Trudy Cobble Tyrone Coffin M ary Corbett Steve Curtis

Hugh Davis Kathy Delozier Sara Delozier David Denton M ike Dunn

Sandra Edmonds Alan Everett Sherry F eezell Jeff Fletcher B illie Sue Fox

Ruth Fritts Brenda Gaddis Houston Gamble Jane Gamble Tim Gann

Juniors Leonard Garland M ike Garner V alorie George Rick Griggs Mark H all

Kenny Harbison Lynn Headrick Bill H eller David Hickman B. D. Hitch

Don Houston Gary Huffstetler Chip Hultquist W ayne Hutchens Phillip K eeble

Ginger K eithley Randy Kidd M arilyn Kyker Kathy Lambert Sharon Lamon

Jan Landers Judy Landers Sandy Lee Theron Leonard Lynn Lewis

Leonard Lindsay Cathy Love Janice Loveday Jam a M cDaniel M ac M cDaniel

Johnny McDonald Steve McMahan Jim m y M cM illan Pat McNabb Robert M ag ill

Frankie Marino Donn Melton Dan M erriman M ary Lee Miser Becky M ize

Ann Montgomery Tim Morton Sharon Norton Susan Norton M arti Pickron

Marsha Poole Philip Porter Gail Presley Ann Proffitt M ary Gray Proffitt

Betty Raby Lani Renfro Betsy Richardson M ike Richardson Don Richesin

Trent Robbins Karen Roberson Huetta Roberts Nancy Robertson Dorothy Rogers


Randy Rogers Bob Roscoe Dean Russell Sherri Sheridan Barbara Simpson

Steve Simpson Debbie Stovall Joe Swann Susan Taylor M yrna Tener

Juniors Joey Thacker Barbara T illitt Susan Trout Judy W alker Pat Walker

Judy Waters Janice Weaver John Wells John Weston Judy White

M ary W illiam s Trudy W illiam s C arol W illocks Hank Womack Ronda Yates

"I wonder if that term ite lives th e re ."


McNabb vs. Socrates


rare moment in room 19.

I wonder if this contraption could peel an apple. 42

M aybe we should ligh t a flare, so we can through this mess.

Planning Committee

Sophom ores Class o f ’6 9 President

Dan Blevins

V ice-president - - - - Robert C allaw ay Secretary — — Kathy Smith Treasurer - - - Ann Thornton

■ 1P7,


Terry Allen Susan Anderson Bobby Archer Terry Aultom Scott Bell

Rosalind Bennett Jon Biehler Danny Black Dan Blevins A llen Boardman

Bob Bowman Pat Bright C arla Britton Bill Brooks Mark Brooks

Steve Brookshire Wayne Brown Linda Bruce V irginia Bruce Ricky Burchfield

Libby Byrd Robert C allaw ay Jack ie C am pbell Cathy Camper S teve Chaddick

Bonnie Clark Joe Costner Lee Cowan Terry Croft Lynn Dargan

Judy Davis Anne Downey Kevin Dunn Pam Eaves Charles Ellis


Debbie Falls Chris Fox Nancy Gamble M ike Garland Steve Garner

Steve Gilmore Ronnie Graves Becky Greene Jim Gregory Beth Gresham

Sophom ores Grace Griffin Randall Hannum Sharon Hannum Bill Harbin Richard Harbinson

â– : I Lyn Hardie Cheri Harr M ike Hartsell Steve Hatcher Pat Haworth

Kathy Heron Jerry Hicks Ricky Hines Ronnie Hines Jerry Hodge

Donna Howard Ted Huff Ann Huffstettler Tim Huffstetler Suzanne Hummel

Pat Humphery Ralph Hyde Jim Ihlenfeld Larry Ingram Bobby Irwin

Kay Isbell Nancy Jackson M ike Johnson Sharon Josh Skipper Justice

Karen Keasler David King Johanna Kitner Deena Knipp Ken Kribbs

Aaron Lambert Jack Lambert Jeanette Lambert Norman Lawson Tommy LeQuire

Larry Lively Beverly Long Steve Love day Becky Lovingood Autrey Lowe

Vivi Lyons John McArthur Stan McArthur M im i McCammon Roger M cClanahan

Steve M cCulley Randall M cCulloch M ike McMahan Lonnie M cM illan Christy Mader

John M ag ill Mandy Marsh Jim Martin Darleen M iller Janie M ize


Mark Moon Angie Morris Phil Morton Twig Munger M ike M ynatt

Bob Parks M ac Pate Dana Poore David Prather Donna Raulston

Sophom ores Gary Reagan B ill Ribble Barbara Richardson Ricky Richardson Kim Rickard

Ellen Rieger David Ross Mark Rue ter Bill Russell Kathy Smith

Lexie Smith Becky Stafford Jo Stephens Phil Stewart Cephus Stinnett

Stewart Swanson Jim m y Taylor Ken Taylor Don T effeteller Anne Thornton

Robert Thorpe Dennis Trentham Phil Trotter Steve Turner M ike Valentine


Allen Vandergriff Tim Vaughn David V eal Chris Vinsant Leland Waggoner

Terry Walker Anne W allace Debbie Weeks Don West Lucy West

Suzann W haley Laura Wilson Robert Wilson A ileen W im bley Lou Ann Womack

C harlie Young Gary Young Richard Young


The little drummer boy



M elinda McKenzie Blount County Polio Queen 1967

F eature

Most Attractive: K irk Andrews Keith B rock

Most School Spirited Jane K e rr Lee Arnold

Most Likely to Succeed: B arbara Croyle Jack Jackson Most Friendly: Alice Parham David Lee Mike Millsaps

Most Talented: Sharon Stapp Gary Vinsant

Most Athletic: Kathy Davis L arry Johnston

Most Dependable: Sarah Howard Hank Cooper

Most W itty: Stephanie Tindell Rick W hite


Alice Parham Kathy Davis

Linda Lyell

H o m e


0 m 1


Q U e

e n

B a s k e t b a 1 1

Q II e e

n M ary G ray P ro ffitt

Jill Blazer Kim Rickard


Mr. and Miss M.H.S

Larry Johnston

Alice Parham




â– H

Larry Johnston and A lice Parham most deservedly received the honor of being voted M r. & Miss M .H .S . of 1967. For three years their leadership and character have served as a shining exam ple for their fellow students to follow . They have enthusiastically participated in school ac tiv itie s throughout their high school careers. In these ac tiv itie s they have com bined q u alities of able leadership, good sportsmanship, and in tellig e n ce to create two of the most loved and respected personalities a t M aryv ille High. Both have achieved ex cellen ce in academ ic work and have m aintained superior scholastic records. W e, the Class of 1967, salute Larry and A lice as the epitom e of our goals and a chievem ents in the first stage of our adult liv e s.

Ju n ior Favorites: Huetta Roberts Mike G arner

Sophom ore Favorites: Kim Rickard R obert Callaway



Huetta Roberts

Kim Rickard

The 1967 Rebel cheerleaders again led the student body in enthusiatic support for Rebel ath letes. The e le c ­ trifying spirit of pep ra llie s , boisterous cheering sections, and enthusiastic parades down Broadway can be attributed to these eight dedicated cheerleaders. R ealizing that spirit is not spontaneous but created through summer practice ses­ sions and many hours after school, our MHS cheerleaders have been very instrum ental in the tremendous success of Rebel ath letic team s. /

Becky Anderson


Kathy Smith

ch e e r 1

e a d


A lice Parham


Linda L yell

Mary W illiam s 63

Rebel Success Due to Experience and Strength

In the picture to the right, Keith Brock exem plifies the determ ination and aggres­ siveness that made the Rebel football team one of the best in the history of M aryville High School. Led by its highly acclaim ed defense, the Red Rebels finished in the top fifteen teams of the state with an 8 -1 -1 record. With the advantages of experienced players and a dedicated coaching staff, the Rebel footballers defeated highly regarded team s such as A lco a, Oak Ridge, and Loudon. In a sport of sw eat, s k ill, power, and stam ina, the Rebels once again displayed their super­ iority on the gridiron.

Rebels exhibit their never-ending enthusiasm in this pep rally before the Alcoa b allgam e. At left the weary Rebels return to the dressing-room after a hard fought first h alf.

Senior Wade Russell rounds the end for a considerable gain against A lcoa. YOU think you’re TIRED!

Guess who beat A lcoa?

Above, Jack Jackson carrys an opponent for extra yard age. At the le ft, nine- Rebels surround the b a ll carrier showing typ ical Rebel pursuit.

Mac Trucks roll onto Rebel gridiron.

Senior Leadership Enhances a Victorious Season

Senior-Led Rebels Post 8 -1-1 Record

MHS Redbank -------------------------Bearden --------------------------

E v e re tt------------------------Oak R id g e ----------------------Loudon-------------- -- ---------P o w e ll---------------------------Knox S o u th ------------



FIRST ROW - (le ft to right) - M anager M ike Blevins, Chuck C ary, Bobby Archer, B ill Cochran, Wade Russell, Dean Russell, Don Houston, Keith Brock, Jack Jackson, Jack Lambert, M ike M illsaps, B ill H eller, Jim Gregory, M ike M ynatt, Steve Shope. SECOND ROW - M anager Alfred Redwine, M anager Wayne Montgomery, Ronnie Graves, Skipper Justice, Stan McArthur, Chip Munger, Mark Humphrey, Charlie Young, Joe Costner, Robert C allaw ay, Allan Boardman, David King, M ike Garner, Leonard Garland, Steve M cC ulley, John Weston, Hugh Davis, Dan Blevins, Sam M cCollum , Scooter Clippard, Managers David Hickman and Leon Downey. THIRD ROW - B. D. Hitch, Jack ie C am pbell, Kenny Hodson, Joe Kimbrough, B ill Burris, David Lee, Rick Brown, Rick W hite, Larry Johnston, David Brakebill, K elly Widner, M ike Johnson, Robert Thorpe, Don M elton, Gary Reagan, M anager Wayne Hutchens.


Starting Units

Offensive Team

Defensive Team 70

Senior Players

FIRST ROW - S . Shope, W . Russell, B. Cochran, G. Reagon, M . M illsaps, C . Munger, K. Brock, M . Humphrey, J. Jackson. SECOND ROW - J . Kimbrough, B. Burris, K. Hodson, D. B rakebill, D. Lee, R. Brown, L. Johnston, R. W hite, K. W idner, S . M cCollum .


Larry Johnston and M ike M illsaps


Benny Monroe, Back Coach; Ted Wilson, Head Coach; B ill Phillips, Line Coach

Larry Johnston fights for possession o f the b all while John Weston, C harlie Young, and Mark H all look on.

Baby Rebs 99 a

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VARSITY BASKETBALL: M anager K. Kribbs, C . Young, D. Russell, M . H all, W. Brooks, J . Weston, D. L ee, R. Brown, J . Costner, L. Johnston, J . Paxton, R. C allow ay, K. Brock, M anager M . Blevins

Boys’ Basketball

Tim Vaughn grabs a rebound for the Rebels.


G irl’s Basketball

Coaches go over gam e strategy with girls. 74

se n 1


r s

Kathy Davis

Jane Kerr

Jane Key

Jane Key moves into position to defense her op­ ponent. 75

BELOW: (FRONT ROW) - M . M illsaps, W. V alentine, D. Houston, J . Peters, H. Gam ble, P. M cCulloch, M . Spears; (BACK ROW) - Coach Monroe, W. Montgomery, S . Shope, D. M elton, J . Jackson. J . Kimbrough, S . Sim p­ son, L. Lewis.


At le ft, Don Houston moves into a position in order to pin his opponent. Below M ike Spears holds his opponent in a tight grip.

W restlers W in Region T ourney After only three years as a varsity sport, wrestling at MHS reached new heights of popularity and success. With many threeye ar veterans and grueling practice sessions, the Rebel grapplers captured the cham pion­ ship in the Region I Tournament. The A ppalachian salutes this fine group of boys who have helped to establish wrestling as an important sport at MHS.

M ike M illsaps wins another one. What else is new?

Tennis Team Has Five Returning Letterm en in 1 9 6 7

Pat Christofferson, Susan T aylor, and Nancy Badgett

Pat Christofferson gets ten vibrations per second more with a Japanese rack et. 78

Susan Taylor makes noise with her racket,

Harry Brassier shows true tennis form in his followthrough. Hank Cooper and Harry Brassier

In the distance, the tennis team continues their practicing into the night. Hank Cooper demonstrates the proper tech­ nique of dancing the foxtrot.

Track Team

KNEELING - L. Thomas; L. Downey; FRONT ROW - F. Lawson, K. Brock, C . Munger, S. Loveday, M . Humphrey, J . Cam pbell; BACK ROW - L. Arnold; D. Lee, R. W hite, L. Evans, C . Hannum

Mike Spears makes an extra effort here to get another h it.


Colpitts wins state cross country m eet.

G olf Team

(Left to Right) - B. D. H itch, "Duck" Reagan, W. Russell, D. B rakebill, Redwine, K. Widner


Isbell, D. Lee,

Baseball Team

FRONT ROW - K. Brock, B. Cochran, M . Spears, W. Hutchens, D. Houston; BACK ROW - J . Kimbrough, B. Burris, G. Reagan, S. Simpson, S . Clippard, D. Hickman, Coach Monroe

Robert C allaw ay plunges through the line for an a ll important first down.

Calloway shoots a twenty-footer while Rick Brown and David Lee get into position to rebound. 82

Reaching over an opponent, John Weston lays the b all up for two points.


The M aryville High School Key Club is a service organization sponsored jointly by the M aryville Kiwanis Club and MHS. The clu b ’s purpose is to serve the com m unity. Among the club's ac tiv ities for this year were the preparing of school calendars, and school directories, the selling of season


football tickets, ushering at football gam es, co llectin g for the March of Dimes, and sponsoring elections to determine the '67 basketball queen. This ye ar for the first tim e , the M ary­ v ille High School Key Club has selected two. Key Club Sweethearts, Misses Carol Christofferson and Linda L yell.

Key Club

OFFICERS: Alfred Redwine Jack Jackson K elly Widner Leonard Lindsay


BAND OFFICERS: Ann Proffitt, Steve Ray, Sharon Stapp

M r. Robert E. Bilbrey Band Director 86

MAJORETTES: Carol Britton, Pat W alker, Annabel A gee, Kirk Andrews, Cee Cee Blalock

Gary Vinsant Drum Major

s y

m p h o n 1 c

B a n d




"The 'Halls’ A re Alive W ith the Sound o f Music” The MHS Choir, under the direction of Mrs. Robert C lark, has com pleted another successful y e a r. It has p artic i­ pated in the East Tennessee Vocal Festival and has sent select members to the East Tennessee Educational Associational m eeting and to the A llState Choir. In addition, the choir has furnished sp ecial music for Vespers at M aryville C o llege, for civ ic clubs of the com m unity, and for MHS Bac­ calau reate services. To clim ax a very active ye ar, the choir presented its traditional Spring Concert.

Do, Re, M i


Student Council

L ibrary Assistants

Red and Black Has Largest Circulation Ever Editors M argie Hodge and Carol Christofferson devoted many hours working diligently so that the Red and Black could re a lly be the voice of MHS. Plotting and writing articles of interest was a job which alw ays followed the staff hom e. Guided by Mrs. Volk, the Red and Black achieved new heights of pop­ ularity among MHS students.

Tom, A. B. Dick, and Harry 92

Encircling the Globe W ith Friendship

A .F .S . Representatives:

Beth Proffitt and Eliza Kouremeti

YgnsgfflKI M i* ®

iB J S S O T W u S liB n 93

BUSINESS STAFF: L. Kerr, S . Stapp, A . Redwine, K. Andrews, J . W illiam s, J . Kerr, D. Lee, F. Baird, J . Kimbrough

CIRCULATION STAFF: SEATED: A , Wormsley, C . Christofferson, J . Blazer FRONT ROW; G. Householder, B. Bushing, L. L yell, K. Matthews, J . W eaver, C . Josh, B. Proffitt, B. Ramsey, E. Kouremeti, K .'D avis BACK ROW: S . Ray, L. Arnold, B. Marsh, D. B rakebill, G. Henry


EDITORIAL STAFF: FRONT ROW: Sarah Howard, Barbara C royle, Donna White MIDDLE ROW: K elly W idner, Hank Cooper, M ike Fox BACK ROW: M argie Hodge, Larry Green, Stephanie T in d ell, P a t McNabb, Alfred Redw in e, Jean Keeble

Pilled with Enthusiasm, W c Recorded the Y ear’s Activities The 1967 A ppalachian staff labored long hours to pro­ duce a yearbook worthy of a high ratin g. Editor Hank Cooper supervised and coordinated the work of section editors in carrying out their assignments, w hile Business M anager A l­ fred Redwine and C irculation M anager Carol Christofferson, together with their efficien t staffs, handled the advertising and sale of the A ppalachian. Plans for the yearbook began early last spring. Filled with enthusiasm and new ideas, the staff began at once and was kept busy working to m eet deadlines. As the finished product went to press, however, the entire staff settled back to relax and enjoy the fruits of their labors.

Stranger in Paradise 95

The Light o f Scholarship

The National Honor Society is a leadership - service organization whose purpose is to encourage and reward de­ velopm ent of scholastic a b ility . To be e lig ib le for membership, a junior or a senior must have m ade no grade below "B" for one semester in four solid subjects. He must also receive the approval of a com m ittee composed of members of the facu lty.

OFFICERS: Gary S ettles, Barbara C royle, M argie Hodge, Sarah Howard

Math Club

Office Assistants 97

"Act W ell Y our Part: Therein All the Honor Lies” The Thespian Club, affiliated with the National Thespian Society, is an honor society composed of students who ex cel in dram a. Membership is av ailab le to those who have had a part consisting of a m inimum of seventyfive lin es, and to those who have worked a m inim um number of hours backstage. Under the guidance of Mrs, Pemberton, with able assistance from Mrs. Penland, the Thespians have presented "True, Blue, and Trusted." The club also sponsored "Bachelor of the Y ear," a production in which a ll MHS students were in­ vited to p articip ate. In addition to presenting enlightening .assembly pro­ gram s, tne club works to improve stage fa c ilitie s and production equipm ent.


"What kind of sneezer are you?"

Students Gain Knowledge Through Practice

Students who have had one year or more of high school French are elig ib le to participate in the Foreign Language in Elementary Schools program sponsored by Mrs. Hagan. The student instructors gain v aluab le experience and understanding in teaching young minds basic fundamentals of the French language and in exposing them to the culture of France and its people.

"Emotions recollected in tran q u illity. . . .


”Life is a Many 'Splintered’ Thing” Once again the celeb rated MHS Health C lin ic has succeeded in trans­ forming the sterling exam ples of fem inin­ ity on the MHS c a m ­ pus into uncoordinated Am azons. The m ales have fared much bet­ te r, however, and now conclude each session with a song fest conducted by " a cap p ella" W ilson.

Cassius C lay is next in lin e .

"If I use Ban Spray D eodorant.. . "

A ll Together now, Ant Mashers!


Today’s Students: T om orrow ’s Homemakers

The M aryville High School chapter of the Future Homemakers of A m erica is an organization composed of homemaking pupils whose m ain goal is learning to liv e better today in order that tomorrow their lives and those of their fam ilies m ay be im proved. Their motto, "Toward New Horizons," sym bolizes the fact that the homes of A m erica's future are in the hand: of its youth.

"A stitch in tim e .


Fulfilling the Requirements fo r Good Citizenship

Members of the Teen Service League, composed of sophomore, junior, and senior girls, once again distributed Christ­ m as stockings. This ye ar the stockings were sent to the Pediatric Ward at Blount M em orial Hospital and to the Home Ave­ nue K indergarten. Members also p artic i­ pated in panel discussions on such topics as dating and the m eaning of Christmas.

OFFICERS: Cee Cee Blalock, Norma Howard, Ann Proffitt, Nancy Jackson. 102





Senior Honors and Activities AGEE, ANNABEL - TSL 1 0 ,1 1 ,1 2 ; NHS 11; Mu Alpha Theta 11; Band 10, M ajorette 11, Head M ajorette 12; Basketball Queen Attendant 11. ALLEN, JIM - Library Club 10. ALLEN, ROBERT - Band 10; NFL 1 0 ,1 2 ; MHS Jr. Red Cross Representative. ANDERSON, ELAINE - FHA 1 0 ,1 1 ,1 2 ; TSL 1 0 ,1 1 , 12 ANDREWS, KIRK - Band 10, M ajorette 11,12; Thespian Club plays 10,12; TSL 1 0 ,1 1 ,1 2 ; NFL 11; 3rd p lace Regional Speech Contest 11; Bas­ ketb all 11; Basketball Queen Attendant 11; Thespian Club 11, President 12; NHS 11,12; A p­ palachian Business Staff 12; Most A ttractive 12. ARNOLD, LEE - A ppalachian Circulation Staff. BALL, LYNNETTE - TSL 1 0 ,1 1 ,1 2 ; Red Cross Representative 10,12; FHA President 12; Red and Black Staff 12. BAUMGARDNER, GARY - Football 1 0 ,1 1 . BLACKWOOD, DEBBIE - Library Club 1 0 ,1 1 ,1 2 ; TSL 10,11; Basketball 1 0 ,1 1 . BLALOCK, CEE CEE - TSL 10,11 Treasurer 12; Band 1 0 ,1 1 , M ajorette 12. BLAZER, JILL - TSL 1 0 ,1 1 ,1 2 ; NHS 11; FHA Secre­ tary 12. BLEVINS, MIKE - Basketball 1 0 ,1 1 ,1 2 ; Baseball 10; Football 1 1 ,1 2 ; Key Club 11,12.. BOWMAN, GLENDA - Library Club 12. BRAKEBILL, DAVID - Basketball 10; Golf 10,12; Class Planning Com m ittees 1 0 ,1 1 ,1 2 ; Wrestling 11; Football 1 1 ,1 2 ; NHS 11,12; Key Club 12; Appalachian C irculation Staff 12. BRATTON, JOHN - NHS 11, Appalachian Staff Photographer 12 — BRITTON, CAROL - TSL 1 0 ,1 1 ,1 2 ; FHA 11, Re­ porter 12; Band 1 0 ,1 1 , M ajorette 12. BROCK, KEITH - Baseball 1 0 ,1 1 ,1 2 ; Basketball 10, 11; Track 1 0 ,1 2 ; Football 1 0 ,1 1 ,1 2 ; A ll-County; A ll-C hilhow ee Conference; Most A ttractive 12. BROOKS, SONDRA-TSL 1 0 ,1 1 ,1 2 ; Red and Black contributor 10; Band 1 0 ,1 1 ,1 2 . BROWN, RICK - Transfer student from Chattanooga High School; Basketball 11,12; Football 12; Key Club 12. BROWN, SHARON - TSL 1 0 ,1 1 ,1 2 . BURNS, NANCY - FHA 1 0 ,1 1 ,1 2 ; Basketball 11; Library Club 11,12; TSL 12. BURRIS, WILLIAM - Basketball 10; Baseball 1 0 ,1 1 , 12; Football 1 0 ,1 1 .1 2 . BUSHING, BARBERA - TSL 10; Choir 1 0 ,1 1 ,1 2 ; Math Contest 10,11; Math Club 11,12; NHS 11, 12; AFS 11; ETEA Chorus 11; Appalachian Circu­ lation Staff 12. CALDWELL, CAROLYN - TSL 1 0 ,1 1 ,1 2 ; FHA Song Leader 12. CALDWELL, ELAINE - TSL 1 0 ,1 1 ,1 2 ; FHA 1 0 ,1 1 , 12; Library Club 10,11; Basketball 11, Manager 12, Choir 12 104

CAYLOR, STEVE - Choir 1 0 ,1 1 ,1 2 ; Math Contest 10; FLES 11; NHS 11,12; ETEA Chorus 1 1 ,1 2 . CHAPMAN, DAVID - Math Contest 10. CHRISTOFFERSON, CAROL - Class Planning Com­ m ittees 1 0 ,1 1 ,1 2 ; Take Her She’s Mine 11; Red and Black Co-Editor 11,12; Thespian Club 11, 12; AFS S em i-F inalist Tl; NHS 11,12; Appala­ chian Circulation Staff 11, Appalachian C irculation M anager 12; Key Club Sweetheart 12; Class Secretary 12. COCHRAN, BILL - Baseball 1 0 ,1 1 ,1 2 ; Football 1 0 ,1 1 ,1 2 ; Basketball 10,11: COLPITTS, JOHN - Transfer student from Wenatchee High School, W enatchee, Washington; Key Club 1 1,12; NHS 11,12; Appalachian Staff Photogra­ pher 12; State Cross-Country Champion 12. COOPER, HANK - Tennis 1 0 ,1 1 ,1 2 ; Boy's County 10; Red Cross Council 10; Class Planning Com m it­ tee 1 0 ,1 1 ,1 2 ; Math Club 11, President’12; NHS 1 1,12; Key Club (board of directors) 11,12; N ational M erit Scholarship Letter of Commenda­ tion 11; Appalachian Editorial Staff 11; Appala­ chian E ditor-in-C hief 12; Most Dependable 12. CROYLE, BARBARA - TSL 10; Red and Black Staff 10; AFS 10; Highest Scholastic Average 10,11; Choir 10,11; Secretary 12- Math Club 11,12; Math Contest 11; Take Her She’s Mine 11; NHS President 12; Appalachian Editorial Staff 12. DAVIS, KATHY - TSL 10; Treasurer 11; Basketball 10, C o-Captain 11, Captain 12; Best Offensive Player 11; Class Favorite 11; Most A thletic 12; Football Queen Finalist 12. DENTON, RHONDA - Band 1 0 ,1 1 , Alternate Major­ ette 12; TSL 12. DOWNEY, LEON - Baseball m anager 1 0 ,1 1 ,1 2 ; Basketball m anager 10,11; Football Manager 10, 1 1 ,1 2 ; Track m anager 10,12; Wrestling Manager 11 . DUNN, ANDI - TSL 10; Choir 1 0 ,1 1 ,1 2 ; ETEA Chorus 1 1 ,1 2 . EVANS, LEN - Band 10; Football 10; Take Her She's Mine 11; Thespian Club 11,12; True Blue and Trusted 12; Track 12. FOX , MIKE - Wrestling 11; Take Her She's Mine 11; NHS 11,12; Mu Alpha Theta 11,12; FLES 12; literary m agazine staff 12; Appalachian Editorial Staff 12. GIFFIN, RONALD - Band 1 0 ,1 1 . GREEN, BRENDA - TSL 1 0 ,1 1 ,1 2 ; FHA 1 0 ,1 1 ,1 2 . GREEN, LARRY - Appalachian Editorial Staff 12. ‘ HANNUM, CHARLES - Track 12. HAWKINS, STEVE - Math Contest 10; Thespian Club Play 10; Take Her She's Mine 11; NHS 11,12; Math Club 12. HELTON, REBECCA - Band 1 0 ,1 1 ,1 2 ; Library Club 11; TSL 11; Choir 1 1 ,1 2 . HENRY, GEORGE - Choir 10, Treasurer 11, Presi­ dent 12; A ll-State Chorus 11; Thespian Club 11,

12; Take Her She's M ine 11; Red and Black Staff 12; A ppalachian C irculation Staff 12; True Blue and Trusted 12; O klaham let 11; Basketball M anager 10. HICKS, CAROL - TSL 1 0 ,1 1 ,1 2 . HODGE, MARGIE - TSL 1 0 ,1 1 ,1 2 ; Mu Alpha Theta 11,12; NHS 11, Secretary 12: Take Her She's Mine 11; Red and Black Co-Editor 11,12; FHA V ice-President 12; Appalachian Staff 12. HODSON, KENNY - Football 1 0 ,1 1 ,1 2 ; Baseball 1 0 ,1 1 ,1 2 ; W restling 11; Powderpuff Football King 12. HOUSEHOLDER, GARY - Baseball M anager 10; Basketball M anager 10; Football M anager 1 0 ,1 1 , 12; Take Her She's Mine 11; A ppalachian C ir­ culation Staff 12. HOWARD, NORMA - Class Planning Com m ittees 1 0 ,1 1 ; Choir 1 0 ,1 1 ; TSL 1 0 ,1 1 , President 12. HOWARD, SARAH - Student Council 10; Choir 10; TSL Secretary 1 0 ,1 1 ,1 2 ; Class Planning Com­ m ittees 1 0 ,1 1 ,1 2 ; Class Secretary 11; NHS 11, Chaplain 12; Mu Alpha Theta 11, V ice Presi­ dent 12; Red and Black Staff 1 1 ,1 2 ; School Re­ porter 1 1 ,1 2 ; G irl’s County 11; A lternate Repre­ sentative to G irl’s State 11; A ppalachian 11, Features Editor 12; Most Dependable 12. HUDDLESTON, MARY - Band 1 0 ,1 1 ,1 2 . HUMPHREY, MARK - Basketball 10; Football 10, 11 ,1 2 ; Track 12; W restling 11. HUNT, CURTIS - B aseball 1 1 ,1 2 . ISBELL, JACK - Golf 1 0 ,1 2 ; Football 11; Red and Black Staff 11; A ppalachian C irculation Staff 12. IVENS, GERALD - Transfer Student from Everett High School; W restling 12. JACKSON, JACK - Football 1 0 ,1 1 ,1 2 ; Key Club 10, V ice-presiden t 11, President 12; Track 10, 12; W restling 1 0 ,1 1 ,1 2 ; NHS 1 1 ,1 2 ; Red and Black S taff 1 1 ,1 2 . JETT, JOAN - TSL 1 0 ,1 1 ,1 2 ; Math Contest 10; AFS 11; NHS 1 1 ,1 2 ; Take Her She's Mine 11; Thespian Club 1 1 ,1 2 ; True Blue and Trusted 12. JOHNSTON, LARRY - Football 1 0 ,1 1 ,1 2 ; Captain 12; B asketball 1 0 ,1 1 ,1 2 ; Track 1 0 ,1 2 ; Student Council 1 0 ,1 1 , President 12; NHS 1 1 ,1 2 ; Most A thletic 12; M r. MHS 12. JOSH, CHRIS - AFS 1 0 ,1 1 ; NHS 1 1 ,1 2 ; Take Her She's Mine 11; C irculation Staff of the Appala­ chian 12. KAGLEY, JUDY - Band 1 0 ,1 1 ,1 2 ; Choir 1 0 ,1 1 ,1 2 ; TSL 1 0 ,1 1 ,1 2 ; FHA 10; Red and Black Contri­ butor 10. KEEBLE, JEAN - TSL 1 0 ,1 1 ,1 2 ; Take Her She's M ine 11; Library Club 11; Jr. Red Cross 1 1 ,1 2 ; Thespian Club 1 1 ,1 2 ; NHS 1 1 ,1 2 ; Appalachian Editorial Staff 12. KERR, JANE - C heerleader 1 0 ,1 1 , C aptain 12; Bas­ ketb all 11, co-C aptain 12; Class Secretary 10;

Class Treasurer 11; Class Planning Com m ittees 10, 11,12; TSL 10, Treasurer 11; Appalachian Busi­ ness Staff 12; Homecoming Queen Candidate 10, 11; Optimist Bowl Queen 10; Most School Spirited 12. KERR, LINDA - TSL 1 0 ,1 1 ,1 2 ; Thespian Club Play 10; Take Her She's Mine 11; FHA Treasurer 12; Appalachian Business Staff 12. KEY, DEBBIE - TSL 1 1 ,1 2 ; FHA 1 0 ,1 1 , Parliam en­ tarian 12. KEY, JANE - Basketball 1 0 ,1 1 ,1 2 ; TSL 11,12; NHS 11 , 12 . KIMBROUGH, JOE - Baseball 1 0 ,1 1 ,1 2 ; Football 10, 11 ,1 2 ; W restling 11,12; Appalachian Business Staff 12. KOUREMETI, ELIZA - TSL 12; AFS 12. LAMBERT, BECKY - TSL 1 0 ,1 1 ,1 2 ; Appalachian Circulation Staff 12. LEE, DAVID - Football 1 0 ,1 1 ,1 2 ; Basketball 1 0 ,1 1 , 1 2 ;Class Treasurer 10, Class Planning Com m ittees 1 0 ,1 1 ,1 2 ; Student Council 11; A ll Chilhowee Conference (football) 11,12; Golf 12; Appalachian Business Staff 12; Most Friendly 12. LONG, MIKE - Transfer Student from A lcoa High School; Wrestling 12. LYELL, LINDA - Class Favorite 10; Homecoming Queen Candidate 1 0 ,1 1 , Finalist 12; Basketball Queen Candidate 10; Red and Black Staff 11,12; C heerleader 12; Key Club Sweetheart 12; A ppala­ chian C irculation Staff 12. McCULLOCH, PHIL - Band 1 0 ,1 1 ,1 2 ; Baseball 10; Track 1 0 ,1 2 ; W restling 1 1 ,1 2 . McINNIS, DONNA - Transfer student from Colegio del Sagrado Corazon, Spain; Choir 12; Red and Black Staff 12; NHS 12; TSL 12; Park Oil A chieve­ ment Prize 12. McKENZIF.- MELINDA -FHA 1 0 ,1 1 ,1 2 ; NHS 11,12; Library Club 12; Polio Queen 12. MARSH, BROWNIE - Thespian Play 11; T ake Her She's M ine 11; Thespian Club 11,12; True Blue and Trusted 12; A ppalachian C irculation Staff 12; English literary m agazin e 12. MARTIN, LINDA - TSL 1 1 ,1 2 . MATTHEWS, KAYE - TSL 1 0 ,1 1 , V ice President 12; T ake Her She's M ine 11, P ublicity Chairm an; NHS 1 1 ,1 2 ; Class Planning C om m ittee 12; Red_ and Black Staff 12; A ppalachian Circulation Staff 12. MILLSAPS, MIKE - Football 1 0 ,1 1 ,1 2 ; A ll Chilhowee Conference; A ll County; East Tennessee Team 12; Wrestling 1st P lace District Tournament 11, 4th P lace State Tournament 11; Twirp King 12; Class Favorite 1 0 ,1 1 ; Powder-Puff Ring 11; Track 10,12. MONTGOMERY, WAYNE - Football 1 0 ,1 1 ,1 2 ; Wrestling 1 0 ,1 1 ,1 2 . MOORE, DAVID - Band 1 0 ,1 1 ,1 2 ; Pep Band 1 0 ,1 1 . MUNGER, CHIP - Golf 10; Basketball 1 0 ,1 1 ; Libra­ ry Club 1 0 ,1 1 ,1 2 ; Football 1 1 ,1 2 ; Wrestling 12; Track 12; A ppalachian Business Staff 12. 105

PARHAM, ALICE - Class V ice President iq ; class Planning Comm ittees 10,11; Student Council 11, 12; NHS 1 1 ,1 2 ; Cheerleader 1 0 ,1 1 , Co-captain 12; Thespian Club 1 1 ,1 2 ; Take Her She*s Mine 11; True Blue and Trusted 12; Volunteer Girls' State 11; Appalachian C irculation Staff 12; DAR Citizenship Award 12; Homecoming Queen 12; Most Friendly; Miss MHS 12. PATTON, LESLIE - Band 1 0 ,1 1 ,1 2 ; Take Her She's Mine 11. PATTY, MARTHA - Basketball 10; TSL 1 1 ,1 2 . PETERS, JOHN - Wrestling 1 0 ,1 1 ,1 2 . PICKRON, PATRICIA - Transfer student from Over­ seas School of Rome, Rome, Italy; Red and Black Staff 12. PINYAN, KAY - FHA 1 0 ,1 1 ,1 2 ; TSL 1 0 ,1 1 ,1 2 . POWELL, TERESA - TSL 1 0 ,1 1 ,1 2 ; NHS 1 1 ,1 2 . PRENDERGAST, SHARON - TSL 10; Library Assist­ ant 11,12; FLES 12. PRICE, LARRY - Transfer student from Everett High School. PROFFITT, BETH - Take Her She's Mine 11; AFS Scholarship to Austria 11; FLES 11; Thespian Club 1 1 ,1 2 ; NHS 12; Appalachian C irculation Staff 12. RAMSEY, BETH - Math Contest Top Ten in A lg.II 10; B elle Baker Award 10; AFS 11; Take Her She's Mine 11; NHS 1 1 ,1 2 ; MU Alpha Theta 11, 12; True Blue and Trusted 12; Appalachian C ir­ culation Staff 12. RAY, STEVE - Band 1 0 ,1 1 , President 12; Take Her She's Mine 11; NHS 1 1 ,1 2 ; Thespian Club 11, V ice President 12; Appalachian C irculation Staff 12 REAGAN, GARY - Baseball 1 0 ,1 1 ,1 2 ; Basketball 10, 11; Football 1 0 ,1 1 ,1 2 ; Wrestling 12. REDWINE, ALFRED - Basketball 10; Class Planning Com m ittees 1 0 ,1 1 ,1 2 ; Jr. Red Cross Council 11; Class V ice President 11; Football M anager 11,12; NHS 12; Key Club 11, Treasurer 12; Class Pres­ ident 12; Appalachian Staff Business M anager and Sports Editor 12. RIDDLE, DONNA - Transfer student; Choir 12. ROSS, MIKE - Jr. Red Cross 10; Appalachian Busi­ ness Staff 12. RUSSELL, WADE - Football 1 0 ,1 1 ,1 2 ; Basketball 10,11; Baseball 10; Key Club 1 0 ,1 1 ,1 2 ; Class President 1 0 ,1 1 ; Class Planning Comm ittees 10, 1 1 ,1 2 . SETTLES, GARY - NHS 11, V ice President 12; S c i­ ence Club 11; Class Planning Com m ittee 10; NMS Letter of Commendation 12; US Air Force and NASA Aerospace Achievem ent Awards 11;



Nominated for National Council of English T ea­ chers Award 12; SHOPE, STEVE - Football 10,12; Wrestling 11,12; Track 12. SPEARS, MIKE - Basketball 10; Baseball 11,12; Wrestling 1 1 ,1 2 . STAPP, SHARON - Band 1 0 ,1 1 , V ice President 12; TSL 10,11; Class Planning Com m ittee 12; Ap­ palachian Business Staff 12; Most Talented 12. STERLING, CHARLES - AFS 10. TAYLOR, LYNN - Band 1 0 ,1 1 ,1 2 ; NHS 1 1 ,1 2 . TEDFORD, BARBARA - Band 10,11; TSL 11, FLES 12. TIMMONS, LIBBY - FHA 1 0 ,1 1 ,1 2 ; TSL 12. TINDELL, STEPHANIE - Class Planning Committees 10,12; Take Her She's Mine 11; AFS 11; Red and Black Staff 11, 4th page editor 12; NHS 11,12; Class V ice President 12; Most Witty 12. TULLOCH, DOUG - Basketball 10. VALENTINE, WAYNE - Wrestling 12. VINSANT, GARY - Band 10, Assistant Drum Major 11, Drum M ajor 12; Take Her She's Mine 11; Thespian Club 12. VINSANT, PRISCILLA - TSL 1 0 ,1 1 ,1 2 ; NHS 11,12; Mu Alpha Theta 12. WALKER, TOM - Football 11. WAYCASTER, BRENDA - Band 1 0 ,1 1 ,1 2 ; Library Club 1 0 ,1 1 , President 12; Senior Band C linic Red Band 11. WESTON, SAM - Take Her She's Mine 11; English literary m agazine 12; Appalachian Circulation Staff 12. WHITE, DONNA - Band 1 0 ,1 1 ,1 2 ; Choir 1 0 ,1 1 ,1 2 ; NHS'11,12; ETEA Chorus 12; Math Club 12; Appalachian Editorial Staff 12. WHITE, RICK - Football 1 0 ,1 1 ,1 2 ; Basketball 10, 11; Track 1 0 ,1 1 ,1 2 ; Science Club 11; English literary m agazine Editor 12; Most Witty 12. WIDNER, KELLY - Football 1 0 ,1 1 ,1 2 ; Basketball 10,11; Track 10; Take Her She's Mine 11; Key Club 11, Secretary 12; Mu Alpha Theta Treasur­ er 11,12; NHS 11,12; Red and Black Staff 11,12; Student Council 12; Appalachian Editorial Staff 12. WILLIAMS, DAVID - Take Her She's Mine 11; Red and Black Staff 12; English literary m agazine 12. WILLIAMS, JOEL - Football M anager 10; B asketb all' M anager 10; Baseball M anager 10; Wrestling 11; NHS 1 1 ,1 2 ; Key Club 12; Class Treasurer 12; Appalachian Business Staff 12. WORMSLEY, ANETHA - TSL 1 0 ,1 1 ,1 2 ; Take Her She's Mine 11; Appalachian Circulation Staff 12.

For three years we have been M aryville High School. W e've felt the th rill of its victories and the agonies of its defeats. It has been act one in the drama of lif e . We know that the other stages of life w ill be more dem anding, more frustrating, and more unpredictable. The acquaintances and fam iliar faces of MHS w ill fade, as we start anew in a different environm ent. As we leav e we accept a challenge to face life and strive for success. We leav e with gratitude, because we know that M aryville High School has em ­ bedded in us the qualities necessary to become respected adult individuals. We w ill rem em ber the fam iliar faces of classm ates, the rush of the h alls, the excitem ent of pep ra llie s, and the nervousness of graduation. We start act two of life more know ledgeable, more responsible, and more m ature.

In Appreciation . . . I would like to extend my sincere thanks to the following persons who have worked to make this yearbook possible: Mr. Herbert Pitts for his patience and many long hours that have gone into this Appalachian. Mr. Roy Roberts and Mrs. Robert Sadler for their tim e in sponsoring the Appalachian. Mr. Marvin Dockery for his photographic work. The faculty and students of MHS for their co-operation. John Bratton and John Colpitts for their dedication and co-operative attitude. And most of all, the Circulation, Business, and Editorial Staffs for their conscientious efforts to make this Appalachian one of the best ever at MHS. The Editor

Pat Pickron

Tom W alker

Expression in fam iliar faces at MHS

Kirk Andrews

M ike Richardson

C o m p lim e n ts of


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" W here E x p e rie n c e M eans Quality" R C A V ic to r S a le s & S e r v ic e BOB F A L L S Phone 9 8 2 - 4 7 3 2 1402 E. B ro a d w a y M a r y v i l l e , T e n n e sse e



'F lo w e r s A r e a P e r f e c t T rib u te f o r E v e r y O c c a s io n 1 D O R A L E E 'S C A R P E T HOUSE F e a tu rin g C a r p e ts by A le x a n d e r Sm ith F O Y 'S ROOFING CO. Bonded, L ic e n s e d and In su re d C o n tr a c to r EVERETT W. B A T E S , O wner 1 7 1 1 E. B ro a d w a y


TRAVELER’S MOTEL & RESTAURANT P r i v a t e Dining Room R e g u la r Dining C u rb -S e rv ic e Phone 9 8 2 - 6 4 6 1 Phone 9 8 2 - 0 6 5 1

It's not whether you win or lose; it's how you build the float that counts

HANEY DRUG CO. AU TRE Y LOWE, Owner F iv e P o in ts , M a r y v ille C o m p lim e n ts of MONTGOMERY AND BLACKWOOD INSURANCE 113

M IL L E R 'S RADIO AND T. V. S a le s and S e r v ic e 2 1 2 1 Old K n o x v ille Hwy. M a ry v ille Phone 9 8 3 - 3 0 9 2

m tV M


M a ry v ille , T ennessee

M e m b e r FDIC

The Bank of P e r s o n a l S e r v i c e 3 C on ven ien t L o ca tio n s

Phone 9 8 3 - 3 4 2 0

"Sock it to me C a ro l."

T. C. DRAKE AUTO PARTS CO. A uto P a r t s and A c c e s s o r i e s

Phone 9 8 2 - 6 5 8 0

801 E. B ro a d w a y

M a r y v i l le

THOMPSON'S O. K. TIRE STORE F o r A l l Y o u r T i r e Needs New, R e c a p s, Used T ruing and B alancing

C o m p lim e n ts of the

2 16 E v e re tt S tr e e t


MIDLAND CENTER MERCHANTS A m e r i c a n Old L in e In s u ra n c e

M id lan d N orge V illa g e

B lount N atio n al B ank

M id lan d R e a lty

C h r i s t i a n B ook Nook

M id lan d W ig g e r y

M u rp h y In s u ra n c e A g e n c y

C o le 's D rug

J . C. P e n n e y 's

C o l l i e r ' s Shoe S to r e

P r o f f i t t ' s Dept. S to re

F r a n k lin F in a n c e

R e a g a n & T r o t t e r , Inc.

H elton's B a r b e r Shop


H ill I n s u ra n c e A g e n c y

S h e r w i n - W i ll i a m s Co.

H itch's R ad io & T V

S in g e r Sew ing C e n te r

S. S. K r e s g e Co.

V a n 's B a k e r y

K ay Je w e le rs

W h ite S to r e s

L e o n a r d 's C a f e t e r i a

W h ite S t a r L in e s

M ic h a e l's M id lan d S a lo n

W inn - D ixie


G IF F 'S SPORTING GOODS "Sporting Goods Our S p e cialty" P e r r y Building 202 N. C u sick Phone 9 8 3 - 2 1 6 6

HOUR themostXVinDRY^CLEANING ..5S.#K ^ v'j iigJK®*

302 W ashington S t r e e t Phone 9 8 3 - 0 6 8 2 M a r y v i l le

T enne s s e e

ZESTO DRIVE-IN S p e c ia liz in g In H a m b u rg e rs, Hotdogs and Sandw iches O y s t e r s , S h rim p and 1/2 F r y C hickens P a ck ed To Go

9 2 4 W, B ro a d w a y


A m e r i c a n G as and Oil At


ROSS HARDWARE Household and G a rd e n Needs

F iv e P o in ts

M a r y v i l l e , T e n n e sse e


Y o u r N a tu ral Gas S u p p lie r

HARRISON CONSTRUCTION CO. W h o lly Owned S u b s id ia ry Of J . M. FO STE R CO. , INC. G e n e r a l and I n d u stria l C o n tra c to rs


A lc o a , T e n n esse e & P ittsb u rg h , Penn.


T w in C ity M o to r s

C o s tn e r - E a g le to n M o to rs

M c C a m m o n M o to r Co.

McNutt M o to r Co.

M u r p h y - W e s t M o to r Co.

D e lm a r H aynes P o n tia c




DWARF DRIVE-IN Home M ade P ie s E x c e lle n t C u rb S e r v i c e

W e s t B ro a d w a y M a ry v ille


Oh, good show, chaps

THE BANK OF MARYVILLE MAIN OFFICES 101 W e st B ro a d w a y F r e e P a rk in g

A L C O A BRANCH C o r n e r H all Road and L in co ln S t r e e t F r e e P a rk in g and D r iv e - I n Banking

- S e rv in g Blount County Since 1885 -

M e m b e r F e d e r a l D eposit In su ra n c e C o rp o ra tio n

STERLING SEED AND SUPPLY BEN M. ROBERTSON " S te rlin g M eans Q uality" KEG. U. S. PM. Off.

F eed - S eed - F e r t i l i z e r - H a rd w a re 331 G ill S tre e t


E njoy Dining a t the A i r p o r t F u r n itu r e and A p p lian c es SKYCH E F RESTAURANT


1 2 2 4 E ast B ro a d w a y

M a r y v ille


M Af



F o r 80 Y e a r s an Invited M e m b e r of M a r y v i l le Homes

MARYVILLE-ALCOA DAILY TIMES C o m p lim e n ts of the

The B e s t L ittle M e tro p o lita n N ew sp ap er in the South



G i l l and C a ld e rw o o d St.

S p e c ia liz in g in A lc o a , T e n n e sse e Phone 9 8 3 - 2 7 1 4 M cC A M M O N -A M M O N S F U N E R A L HOME A ir - C o n d itio n e d C h ap el


Sn ap per M o w e rs , B rig g s & S tra tto n , C linton, L a w so n , W is c o n s in , A i r C ooled Engines

17 03 E ast B ro a d w a y

Phone 9 8 3 - 4 6 2 1


D riv e S a fe ly C o m p lim e n ts of GRANDVIEW CEMETERY SAM C. FR A N K L IN C o n tr a c to r E xcavatin g - B ulldozing - D irt Moving Backhoe - S h o ve l W o rk 982-8011


2 1 2 7 E. B ro a d w a y


L a r g e Enough to S e r v e You S m a ll Enough to A p p re c ia te You CREAM LAND DRIVE-IN

ROY ANDERSON O wner 10 0 4 W. B ro a d w a y Ma r y v i l l e , T enn.

Telephone C u rb S e r v ic e A i r Conditioned Dining Room Sm ok y Mtn. Hwy. 983-1590 W ILLARD and M ARGARET LEQUIRE RA LPH and B IL L LOVE'S C O L SAUCERS' RECIPE


{ p M f fried ^kicken 200 W e s t B ro a d w a y


Sch ool Su pplies

10 01 W. B ro a d w a y FRE E D ELIVERY

M a r y v i l l e , Tenn. Phone 9 8 2 - 3 6 6 1

'There Is A D if f e r e n c e 1


F r i g i d a i r e A p p lian ces

B IL L WILLIAM S C le a n e r s and L a u n d ry M a r y v il le

T e n n esse e

C o m p lim en ts of 8 to 11 M a rk e t No. 2 JOHN W. TANNER, Owner 983-4031 141 W. B ro a d w a y 120

408 E llis A v e .

M a r y v il le , T e n n esse e

DOT'S FASHION FABRICS F a sh io n F a b r ic s F o r A l l O ccasions M idland R e ta il Shops - A lc o a , T en n essee Phone 9 8 3 - 6 4 6 1


HITCH'S RADIO AND T. V. SERVICE R e c o rd Shop C o m p le te R e c o rd and M u sic Su p plies 982-4250


M idland C e n te r Bank of M a r y v i l le Building In su ra n c e at A Savin gs


M a r y v i l l e , T e n n e sse e

A world traveler m editates

G re e n b a c k , T e n n e s s e e S P IK E 'S RESTAURANT Banquet and C a te rin g S e r v i c e A i r p o r t H ighway



C o m p lim e n ts of

"Say It W ith F lo w e r s " 982-9300 S e v i e r v i l l e P ik e


JE T T SE RVICE AND S U P P L Y CO. F ir e s t o n e T i r e s and B a t t e r ie s One D ay R e tre a d in g S e r v i c e B ro a d w a y at F iv e P o in ts


M a r y v i l le

C o m p lim e n ts of B ILLIE'S BEAU TY SALON 9 82-5590

you bet! MUM I



a *'(W


ft BMW




C o m p lim e n ts of COURTV/



M a r y v i l l e , T e n n e sse e

T elephone 9 8 2 - 2 4 9 0

Route 4

Route 5, New W alland Highway


982-4692 982-8981

P ia n o s and O rg a n s C a ld e rw o o d Road A lc o a

Phone 9 8 2 - 4 5 4 8

J . H. McCLANAHAN and HUGH ROBERTS C o m p lim e n ts of C IR C LE CLEANERS


Phone 9 8 2 - 2 7 9 1 'T aste the D iffe re n c e '

One Hour C lean ing - 6 Days

P hone 9 8 2 - 3 8 4 1

M a r y v i l le

T e n n e sse e









MIDLAND SCHOOL OF BEAUTY O ffe rs A d va n ce d H a ir stylin g Technique S a n d e rs o n S t r e e t A lc o a

P hone 9 8 3 - 1 6 0 1

APPALACHIAN NATIONAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY M a r y v i l l e , T e n n e sse e R e p r e s e n ta tiv e s : G lenn Cunningham W illia m "Sonny" P a y n e , J r . Bobby Y . P e m b e r to n 123

DOWNTOWN MARYVILLE RETAIL MERCHANTS COUNCIL A lu m inu m C itie s B ro a d c a s tin g S y s te m - W G A P

M a ry v ille J e w e le rs

B adgett S to r e C om p any

M inton's

Bank of M a r y v i l le

M o s e r 's

Blount N ational Bank

P a r k D rug S to re

B y rn e Drug C om pany

P a r k s - B e l k C om pany

C a ld w e ll H a rd w a re

R o s e 's S to re

C ity Drug C om pany

Royal Je w e le rs

Downtown C a p ito l T h e a tre

S h o e m a k e r 's Shoe S to re

E a g le 's S to re

S te r c h i B r o t h e r s F u r n itu r e

E conom y Auto S to re

So u th ern Shoe S to re

K en tu cky F r i e d C hicken

T h rift B a rg a in S to re

M a r y v i l l e - A l c o a D a ily T im e s

WE AG Radio Station

M a r y v i l le F u r n itu r e C om pany

W hite O ffice Supply

F . W. W oo lw o rth C om pany



Sm ok y M ountain Highway 333 E a st BroadwayOpen 7 D ays - 7 - 1 0 F e d e r a l S a v in g s and Loan I n su ra n c e C o r p o r a tio n

In su ra n c e of A c c o u n ts Up to $10,000

J. C. BRADFORD & CO. M e m b e rs New Y o r k Sto ck Exchange

T elephone 5 2 2 - 5 1 8 3 100 B u r w e ll B uilding, S e rv in g Blount County K n o x v ille , T e n n e sse e S in ce 1 9 2 1


4 1 1 H ighway


Phone 9 8 2 - 6 0 4 1

B E A L O F FIC E SU P P L IE S P . O. B ox 501 C o r n e r H a rp e r and C o lle g e P hone 9 8 3 - 2 0 7 1 M a ry v ille

C o m p lim e n ts of


M eet Y o u r F r ie n d s A f t e r the G am e at

DIXIE DRIVE-IN V is it Our New Dining Room T r y Our C a te rin g S e r v i c e

WGAP 14 00 KC

10 00 W atts

D ay fk Night

"Go-o-olly, good shot Dave"

M utual N etw o rk News

C o m p lim en ts of

L o c a l News


S p o rts and S p e c ia l E vents

B e s t W ish e s

CRUM INSURANCE AGENCY 'E verything T hat's W ritte n in In su ran ce"


Phone 9 8 2 - 1 6 3 0 Blount N ational Bank Building



P h





P a



g r




P h




a n John Bratton

John Colpitts

C afeteria Personnel


A gee, Annabel, 1600 Scenic Dr. A llen, Jim m y, 214 Parham A ve. A llen, Robert, 615 Mountain View Awe.. Allison, Pat, 1338 Tapoca A ve. Anderson, Elaine, 121 W aller A ve. Andrews, Kirk, 2100 South wood Dr. Arnold, Lee, 1015 Sterling A ve. B all, Lynnette, 1411 Everett Ave. B ark ley,'L arry, Rt. 4,- Sandy Springs Rd. Baumgardner, Gary, 2223 S ev ierv ille Rd. Blackwood, Debbie, 110 Stanley S t. B lalock, Cee C ee , 604 Cedar S t. B lazer, J ill, Box 512 Blevens, M ike, Rt. 1 Bowman, Glenda, 218 McCammon A ve. B rakebill, David, 1609 Linda Lane Bratton, John, 1631 LeConte Dr. Britton, C arol, 109 Cedar S t. Brown, Rick, 208 S . Ruth S t. Brock, K eith, 1011 Sev ierville Rd. Brooks, Sondra, | 714 Mountain View Ave. Brown, Sharon, 417 Fairlawn C ircle Bums, Nancy, 509 S . Ruth S t. Burris, B ill, Rt. 1, Woodbine C ircle Bushing, Barbera, 713 Jones S t. C ald w ell, Carolyn, 425 Highland A ve. C ald w ell, Elaine, 222 Lonas Dr. Cay lor, Steve, 1010 Ray A ve. Chapman, David, Rt. 9, Fairview Blvd. Christofferson, C arol, 1520 Old Niles Ferry Cochran, B ill, 548 Morganton Rd. Colpitts, John, 1749 Old Niles Ferry Rd. Cooper, Hank, Rt. 1, Friends-^ v ille C royle, Barbara, 426 Fairlawn C ircle Davis, Kathy, 907 Sterling A ve. Davis, Terry, 720 Sim erly S t. Denton, Rhonda, 1320 Calderwood A ve. Downey, Leon, 224 Lonas Dr. Dunn, Andi, 1630 LeConte Dr. Elder, Tony, 35 Linde! D r., Rt. 8 Evans, Len, 1616 Scenic Dr. Fox, M ike, 302 C ardinal S t. Green, Brenda, Rt. 7, Ridge Rd. Green, LarryJ 801 N. W illow Dr. Giffin, Ronald, 923 Young Ave. Hannum, Charles, 643 Morganton Rd. Hawkins, Steve, 104 Apac Rd. Helton, Rebecca, 331 Melrose A ve. Henry, George, 1409 Woodlawn Dr. Hicks, Carol 613 Court S t. Hines, Andrea, Rt. 8 , Old Knoxville Hwy. Hitson, Anne 405 Indiana A ve. Hodge, M argie, 1114 Brookside Dr. Hodson, Kenny, 509 W illard S t. Householder, Gary, R t.8 , M ildred Dr. Howard, Norma, 1115 Tapoca A ve. Howard, Sarah, 1115 Tapoca A ve. Huddleston, M ary, 404 C ardinal S t. Huffstetler, Phyllis, Rt. 4 , New Niles Ferry Humphrey, Mark Rt. 9 Hunt, Curtis, 307 Burchfield S t. Isbell, Jack , 1912 E. Westwood Dr. Ivens, Gerald, Leatherwood Dr. Jackson, Jack , Rt. 6, N. Heritage Dr. Jett, Joan, 1309 Woodlawn Dr. Johnston, Larry, Rt. 9 Josh, Chris, Rt. 2 K agley, Judy, 809 Mountain View A ve. K eeble, Jean, 2334 S ev ierville Rd. Kerr, Jan e, Rt. 8, 12 Linden Dr. K err, Linda, 1620 LeConte Dr. K ey, D ebbie, Rt. 4 , Sandy Springs Rd. K ey, Jane, 412 M elrose St. Kimbrough, Joe, 1327 Calderwood A ve. K irkpatrick, Robert, 643 Morganton Rd. K ourem eti, E liza, 501 Westwood Dr. Lambert, Becky, Oakwood Dr. Lee, David, 1616 Linda Lane Long, M ike, Rt. 1 L yle, David, 1034 Ray A ve. L yell, Linda, McGhee Tyson Base M cCollum , Sam , 1103 Young A ve. M cCulloch, Phil, 407 S . M aple S t. M clnnis, Donna, 1210 Oak Park A ve. M cK enzie, M elinda, Rt. 6, M ontvale Rd. Marsh, Brownie, 24 Cardinal S t. M artin, Linda, 714 E. Broadway Matthew K aye, 302 Brannon Dr. M illig a n , A lic e , 2814 Old K noxville Hwy. M illsaps, M ike, 605 N. M aple S t. Montgomery, W ayne, Pershing S t. Moore, David, 1533 LeConte Dr. Munger, Chip, 305 W illard St. Nettleton, Charles, 1753 Old Niles Ferry Parham, A lice , 1600 Wilkinson Pike Patton, L eslie, 1418 W . Ray A ve. Patty, M artha, Luther Dr. Jackson Hills Paxton, Jam es, 454 H ill Top Dr. Paxton, John, 454 H ill Top Dr. Peters, John, 719 Neff S t. Pickens, S teve, 1809 Wilkinson Pike Pickron, Pat, Bellwood Dr. Pinyan, K ay, H illcrest Dr. - C ity 7 Powell, Teresa, 227 Wilson A ve. Prendergast, Sharon, 110 Washington A ve. Proffitt, Beth, 501 Westwood Dr. Ramsey, Beth, Rt. 4 , Hwy 411 Ray, Steve, 808 Mountain View A ve. Reagan, Gary, 122 Goddard S t. Redwine, Alfred, 1920 Wilkinson Pike Roberts, C heryl, Big Springs, Rd. Ross, M ike, 810 Ray A ve. Russell, W ade, 1800 Wilkinson Pike Settles, Gary, Rt. 1 , Box 445, W alland Shope, Steve, 1624 Old Niles Ferry Spears, M ike, Old Knoxville Hwy. Stapp, Sharon, 1009 Ray A ve. Steppe, B ill, Rt. 9 Sterling, Charles, 912 Sterling A ve. T aylor, Lynn, 1605 Sunrise Dr. Tedford, Barbara 919 W. Broadway Thomas, Larry, 312 David Lane Timmons, Libby, 1001 Sev ierville Rd. T in dell, Stephanie, 402 C ardinal S t. Tulloch, Doug, 64 M argaret Dr. V alentine, W ayne, 635 Morganton Rd. Vinsant, Gary, 109 Duncan DrJ Vinsant, P riscilla, 1748 Old Niles Ferry W alker, Tom, 1020 Young A ve. Warren, Jim , 215 W illard St. W aycaster, Brenda, 410 Melrose S t. W eaver, Linda, 135 M iller A ve. Weston, Sam , 312 Hudson S t. W hite, Donna, 900 Willow Dr. W hite, Rick, 1205 Morningside Dr. Widner, K elly, Rt. 6, Needmore Rd. W illiam s, David, 418 Highland A ve. W illiam s, Jo el, 841 Sev ierville Rd. W illiam s, Phil, 313 Cunningham S t. W ormsley, Anetha, 1507 Jett Rd. Woodby, Lynn, Rt. 4 , Sandy Springs Rd. Young, Brent, 331 W aller A ve.

W hite Star Lines TAYLOR PUBLISHING COMPANY "Th« World') B*»' Y««»book* Ar» T«ylor-m»d»

s mm i m um

A r f l


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