Appalachian 1977

Page 1







TABLE OF CONTENTS in t r o d u c t o n ^



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STUDENT LIFE , J ' j ® 12-36



37-61 62 73 76-81


SENIORS # 1 1 1 1 82-96 JUNIORS 97-tl06 SOPHOMORES 107-118 '•'.!

wmm WmM

. 119-122 m


t t M mmmmm

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Maryville High has always been known fo r its outstand­ ing school spirit. This unified spirit comes from the support each individual renders to ­ ward the various activities found at our school. The at­ mosphere at Maryville High does not merely consist of the enthusiasm o f its stu­ dents, but also o f their many interests and values. No one word, feeling, or idea can re­ flect the priorities, goals, and memories o f the entire stu­ dent body. This yearbook was not designed to preserve the philo­ sophies o f one group or the activities of another; but in­ stead, the memories o f every­ one. These memories are so unrelated as intramural events and the Junior Play; and scat­ tered from the chemistry lab to the football field. Of these moments each person retains a special thought or feeling. It is the hope of the APPA­ LAC H IAN staff that through the aid o f this annual that each individual w ill relive his own memories as he experi­ enced them.


Through growing up and becoming an adult, there are many stages of life. Being a part o f Mary­ ville High School is a sec­ tion of life all by itself. For everyone it has its own special significance and meaning. Memory is the key fo r the meaning­ fulness at Maryville. Every­ one has quite a few memo­ ries; whether they be Powder Puff (or the real thing, coming up against Loudon). Maybe you re­ member the tug-of-war during intramurals or Ricky Maples w ith pie all over his face during the Gong Show. No matter what it is about Maryville the fact is tha t Maryville has been an im portant step in life.

STUDENT LIFE f*tayvil i t i Norths B order, KtArtd Against t h e iK ' StANtta An o lo

AbATU&oftEO Outhfl Known a5


As sophomores you never feel that graduation day w ill ever arrive and yet fo r the seniors it comes all too soon. Starting out each day w ith Mr. Watson might concern some sophomores. Junior's concern centers around American History Homework, and next is the struggle to stay awake during government fo r seniors. All teachers leave * impressions on your ideas and beliefs and their job is hard. Part of the students life is keeping up to expectations and goals set by teachers and students as well. Here at Maryville the sections of life are split about 50/50; even though some are more studious and some more athletic. Getting crunched in sophomore hall is quite an experience, just like freezing in jun ior hall, and standing in line to eat in the cafeteria. Also, d o n 't forget the scramble for reserve books when research papers are due, and Alcoa week hall com petition. Whether good or painful memories just can't be helped. We all hope student life has been enjoyable you.

Something new in the way of Homecoming celebra­ tions this year was Maryville High's own Gong Show. Inspired by the television show of the same name, this performance may not have had elaborate staging, but it was lots funnier. To emcee the MHS Gong Show, Bud G ilbert and Gretchen Weston returned to put on their own act. Invited to preside as judges and to make a reputation fo r themselves, were Martha Mayhew, Steve West, and Mayor Shields. Since appearing in the Gong Show, Martha Mayhew is w orking in a massage parlor; Steve West is w orking in a car wash; and the honorable Mayor Staley B. Shields is now

known as "Skeeter". So much fo r reputations. Also in hopes of making names fo r themselves, many students presented their acts. These acts, both comical and serious were enjoyed by all. There was a musical duet by Richard Russell and Yoshi Tamura and one by Laurie McDaniels and Emily Schoen. Grief-stricken, Ms. Keeble sang about her dead canary. And, even the cheerleaders and Key Club presented their infamous acts; to add to the quality of the show, the MHS Choir sang between several scenes. Finally, after the judges' deliberation, three w in ­ ners were announced. First place went to William A bbott and Alan Jones fo r their country and western renditions.

Amy Moore took second place w ith her dance interpretation of "Send in the Clowns". And, third place was rewarded to the team of Russell and Tamura for voice and guitar. A ll in all, the Maryville High School Gong Show was a raging success.


REBELS RIVALS Alcoa Week has long been a tradition at Maryville High School, almost as im portant as homecoming. This year the week of Oct. 20-24 was spent in celebration of the coming football game. During Alcoa Week several events and com petitions take place. In addition to such extracurricular activities as egging, painting Rebel g ra ffitti, and planting Rebel flags, there are other festivities taking place which m ight be considered more legitimate. Early in the week classes begin preparing fo r hall com petition. Students meet together and spend the afternoons painting murals, signs, and posters. Thursday night is highlighted by a bonfire to which everyone is invited; Hope Headrick hosted the gathering this year. As Friday comes, excitement climaxes. The halls are strewn w ith posters, crepe paper, streamers, spirit sticks and the Senior's own Alcoa Bridge. Classes are interrupted fo r a pep rally complete w ith the battered effigies o f the opposition. Before the pep rally ends, the winners of hall com petition and most spirited class are announced; Seniors of '77 won both. Finally, the most awaited game o f the season commences in fro n t o f packed stands. As the last buzz sounds, the Rebels topple Alcoa, 21-7!

Sports at Maryville High have always been a vital part of student life. Participants of these various Alports have also taken pride in conditioning their bodies, supporting their school and winning. Rebel football o f the 1976 season won state wide acclaim fo r coaches and players alike. A fte r winning th^jregional title J and the A A state championship, several players received ind iS vidual recognition. Because o f this, some Senior players novyu have the o p p o rtu n ity fo r a promising future in college foot­ ball. Although football dominated the fall o f 1976, the excellance shown in MHS football is characteristic of other sports at9 the high school. Soon after fo otball season ends, basketball takes over. MHS roundball has h o t earned the same fame as football, b u t neither has it had the same emphasis. Nevertheless, basketball at M aryville High School has great potential. the a b ility and drive to play super ball. Some tim e after basket^ I j ball season spring begins and w ith it comes baseball fever.

Maryville High has traditionally been known for having high quality baseball teams. The reasons for such good teams are the appeal of the sport, players' will and self-discipline. In addition to these basic spectator sports, there are other athletic organizations of equal importance at the school. Swimming, which as of yet has not been given much attention, is nevertheless a vital sport. Swimming season brings rigorous practice and exhausting meets. Swimmers at the high school are also known for their dedication. Golf, like swimming, is unpublicized. Vet, golf is growing in popularity and the players take pride in their skill and performance. Last but not least comes tennis. Although not a spectator sport like football, tennis at the high school is a very intensive sport MHS has always possessed a winning team. Frequently, the tennis team has finished as district champs and state conten­ ders. The excellence which is present in all of the various sports at MHS has generated spirit and support unequaled by any other school. This is what makes us No. 11







Kenny Travis




Phil Wilson


Kenny Yunker


Tim Phillips


Mike Phillips




Ronnie Irw in



11 10 11



Leonard Cooper




Mark Hasty




Mike Click




Johnny Anderson




S cotty Bailes




David Perry




Capt. Ricky Loope



Brian Phillips



Bobby Howard

30 31 32

Lee Tilley




Steve Brooks



Buddy Hamilton



.1 0



David Reed




Jimmy Anderson




Kent Kyle




Ricky Maples




John Harper




Brett Harmon




Jimmy Porter




Capt. Danny



Spradlin 45

Greg Russell




David Crowder




Robert Jeffries




Steve Gilmore




Chuck Anderson




Danny Oxendine




David Talley






Lance England


Capt. Keith McCord


David H ill




Roger Flora




Johnny H utton




David McCord




Richard Lowe




Kevin Mayes




Craig A b b o tt




Danny Temple




Don White




Jeff M e rritt




Jeff Horton




Ken Brown




Mike Herron




Mark Talley




Holman Tanner




Jeff Evans




Mark Beatty




Mike Beatty




Tim Arnold




Jeff Waters




William Nelson




Brian Tedford




Mike Casteel




Kevin Smith




Terry Boring




Terry Franseen




Mike Nelson




Mike Pope




Steve Burchfield






Ricky Pass




Pat Myers





Middlesboro Crossville Alcoa Kingston

rehiTT Loudon McMinn Cen. Harriman

COACHES K N EELIN G : Ted Wilson S TA N D IN G : Lynn Brown Don Story

S T A T IS T IC IA N S L E F T TO R IG H T : Kent Lohr Jeff Cate Ricky Tinker

M AN AG ERS BACK ROW: Mike Waters Mike Sing Tony Lewis

K N E E LIN G : Joe Gamble Gary Abbott Jody Pugh

CAPTAINS Keith McCord, Danny Spradlin, Ricky Loope

Rebel Football at MHS has always been impressive. But the 1976 season proved to be one that students, fans, opponents, and most o f all players w ill never fo r­ get. Immediately from the onset o f the season, the team, individually as well as a whole, displayed all the charac­ teristics o f winners: resilience, physical a b ility, and lead­ ership. The Rebels always fought back. They were never on the bottom fo r long. Even though sometimes they w eren't firs t to score, the Rebels' a b ility to bounce back resulted in another victory fo r the Rebels. Naturally, another asset to the team was the physical stamina o f each individual player. The guys took their football seriously, conditioning their bodies to peak en­ durance. Yet, the factor that made the winning difference was the Rebels' leadership. The coaching was excellent. The players accepted the words o f Wilson, Story and Brown as law. Whatever the coach said, the players did (almost). Team leadership coming from Danny Spradlin, Ricky Loope, and Keith McCord was exceptional. They pos­ sessed a spirit and attitude which they conveyed to the rest o f the team. Although students, band and fans spurred on the Rebels w ith their cheers, the 1976 MHS Rebel football team deserves fu ll credit fo r their efforts and ability.

The Maryville High Red Rebels came through this year as the 1976-77 A A State Champs. Behind all their glory and fame is a battleground of effort. The football team had the potential; they knew this and the coaches knew this, but sheer effort is what pulled them through. Knowing that the Rule game would be rough, the Rebels felt a bit like underdogs. Rule had the biggest line the Rebels had played against. Through the game, however, they played great. Now they had to face the speed of Cleveland, but in the second half the Rebels pulled a rewarding victory. The complete game was the show against Brentwood; dominate offense and rugged defense. Their f ired-up attitude led to hard defense and offense working together for a triumphant show for the spectators. The fans returned the Red Rebels spirit as a great contributing factor in the Brentwood game. These men knew they had a school to support, fans to support and their own willingness to support. They had worked hard for their goals and those goals would not slip away now from lack of effort. By the end of the Brentwood game the stats were:


Maryville 18 304 102 8-75 2


Brentwood 9 20 105 2-30 1

The "fa ir" Rebels, picked to lose by 17, crushed the Brentwood Eagles, 27-0! The A A State Championship victory, in November, 1976; is only the beginning. A t the football banquet in January, Coach Wilson said that with I the returning juniors and sophomores and a little work, they should be able to do it again. A t the banquet several members of the Senior squad were I honored. The following players received these awards: MOST V A L U A B L E PLAMigR: Danny Spradlin m b H H H M P B M H fll BEST L E A D E R S H IP :™ .^ * t i^ | M ite P h ilflp 7 : , ig £ § " - I P I •. O U T S T A N D IN G DEFENSE] i .9 0 Tim Arnctld BEST BLOCKERS: ' J ' J f ChjBcIc Anderson and D a v i^ iffll MOST IM P R O V E D PLA YER : * M ik fC lic k ■ L e i mi i f i l l v B E ST-O FFEN SIVE P L A Y E R : Ricky Loope BIGGEST William BIG G EST O F F E N S IV E PLA Y: William Nelson Nelson BIG G EST D E F E N S IV E PLA Y: Keith McCord Along with these hbnors several Rebels received state wide recognition forrtheirSaccdmplishments. William Nelson, R icky|iLoope, Mike Click, 1 Danny Spradlin, Tim Arnold, Keith McCord, David Hill, Chuck Anderson, and Mike Phillips made.the,AII BIountO ountv squSfd, with Jeff Horton, Jeff Evans, Mark Talley, Johnny Hutton, Rick Maples, Mike Casteel, Kevin Mayes, Keany Travis and David McOord receiving honorable njention. We would also like to congratulate Danny Spradlin, who made the All State and the Southern U.S. Squadsl A IL o f qs frortr Dixieland are tfarn toot|n* ' proud of them good ole Rebs!

/' <g%fm I S I

The 1976-77 V A R S IT Y CHEERLEADERS: S TA N D IN G : Donna Spence, Terri Langston - Captain. SEATED: Barbara Clark, Sheree Cate — Co-Captain, Cathy Click, Hope Headrick — Co-Captain, Melissa Seaton. Cathy Click

Sheree Cate

Donna Spence

Barbara Clark

Hope Headrick

Terri Langston

Melissa Seaton 20




season the

Maryville High cheerleaders display the ef­ fo rt and training which as a team has earned them much praise and admiration. Just as any other team in our school, the cheerlead­ ers strive fo r perfection through the ir strong determination to excel, and hours o f rigor­ ous practice. While attending a training camp at Tennessee Tech this summer, the MHS cheerleaders received several awards fo r their outstanding abilities, and were commended for their appealing school s p ir it Led by their enthusiasm, the students o f Maryville High display a support fo r their school not often equaled at any ball game.

The 1976-77 B-TEAM CHEERLEADERS: FROM THE TOP: Lisa Berrong, Robin Sharp, Kaycee Jones, Cindy Powell, Kandi Burger, Jan Headrick — Co-Captain, V icki M cKinnon — Captain.

Kaycee Jones

Robin Sharp

Cindy Powell

Vicki McKinnon

Kandi Burger

Lisa Berrong



SENIOR A T T E N D A N T — Sheree Cate

QUEEN — Kim Jacobs


QUEEN — Donna Frazier

SENIOR A TTE N D A N T - Sheree Cate

JUNIOR A T T E N D A N T - Jackie Fox

SOPHOMORE A T T E N D A N T - Pam Harrison

This year's varsity basketball squad is one o f variety. Five lettermen returned to the team and were joined by tw o juniors and three new sophomores. Captains this year are Brian Love and Danny Spradlin. The team shows a lo t of potential, and the players as a whole have given great effort. Naturally their efforts w ill increase as their team w ork and cooperation im­ proves. Some o f the main leaders of the team are Kent Lohr, Steve Pyle and Greg­ ory Love. Newcomers that w ill offer some essential help are Mike Casteel, Ricky Maples and Darrel Johnson. These guys show maximum desire and the e ffo rt that a winning team should have. Lots of luck guys in the remainder o f the season!

Coach — Jim Campbell 24


THE 1976-77 REBELS Jesse Myers Carl Johnson Steve Gilmore Mike Casteel Steve Pyle Danny Spradlin Ricky Maples Kent Lohr Gregory Love Phil Wilson Tom m y Spears

Gary Amburn



Nov. Nov. Dec.

Statisticians Fouche

Friendsville H arrim an Kingston Gibbs N ew po rt Everett

N otre Dame A lcoa N ew port Rule Loudon Powell

N otre Dame K ingston Lenoir C ity Central Livingston R ule A lcoa Loudon Everett Lenoir C ity Gibbs Powell M cM inn Central

Stuart McNeill, Jeff Cate, Mike Click and John




Mike Travis, Mark Ross, Scott Maples, Mike Nelson, Tom B. Weston, Kenny Travis, Scott King, Steve Manuel, Cam Love, Chris Jones, Danny Davis.

To supplement the Varsity Basketball team, there is a B-team made u p 'of sophomores and juniors. Led by juniors Kenny Travis and Danny Davis, the sophomores have the zeal and the qualities to make a winning team. Under the coaching o f Richard Harbison, we all expect to see several more victories before the end of the season. Keep up the hard w ork and w e'll see you all next year!




16 19 23 26 29 3 10 14 17 4 7

B-TEAM B A SKETBALL H Jan. Friendsville T Harriman T Kingston T Gibbs H Feb. Newport T Everett H Alcoa T Newport T Rule Loudon H Powell T

SCHEDULE 13 Kingston Lenoir City 14 18 Central Alcoa 28 1 Loudon 4 Everett Lenoir City 8 Gibbs 11 15 Powell McMinn Central 18

1976-77 REBELETTES Wanda Bowman Karen Keny Shandra Crowder Linda Blair Denise Patton Am y Nicely Kim Rose Sandi Brewer Lisa Willocks Pam Harrison Lisa Anderson Janine Cable

B E L E T T E S Up t ill now girls' basketball has not been very im portant at Maryville High. But, now more and more spectators are turning out to watch the Rebelettes play. These fine girls put on a good show because, along w ith Coach A. J. Wilson, they are striving to make girls' basketball at M aryville High School an im portant sport. These girls have worked hard to achieve the desire and hustle to w in. Their willingness to learn and their team spirit have been demonstrated and w ill be seen as the Rebelettes strive fo r future victories. Their efforts are greatly appreciated.

Coach — A. J. Wilson

\ Captain — Lisa Anderson

Co-captain — Linda Blair




Nov. Dec.

19 23 pL 26 X 29 ■


; 7 •

rriendsVille Harriman Kingston Gibbs E ver ett

Ncftre Dame


10 ,£j»\lcoa J 14 N ew port Jan. 4* Loudon Jar^^P 7 ^Powell Jan. 8| jftftJotre Dame I Jan. 1 K i ngsto n Jan. 1 4 i H ^ benoijrClty Jan. I 21 Lfvin^ r o n Jan. ~ 25j Rule Jan. ^ 28 Feb. 1 Loudon Feb. $4 Everett Feb. J 8 Lenoir Feb.I l l j> G ib b l Feb. ^ ?5 VJ*' povvell. -t McM inn Central



Ballgirls — Nancy West and Mary Boling

Managers — Penny Waggoner, Lisa Dobson, and Terry Keny 29

H fl a i Girls: 1. Penny Tinker 2. Trish Haynes 3. April Spears 4. Becky Smith 5. Sarah Renfro 6. Carol Cox 7. Deanna Cate 8. Laurie McDaniel 9. Valerie Caldwell 10. Mariann McCorkle Boys: 1. Ricky Tinker 2. Doug Taylor 3. Terry Franseen 4. Mike Ponder 5. Ricky Blackburn 6. Brian Kamperman 7. Danny Cartlidge 8. John Bays 9. Tom Callaway 10. Danny Davis


F R O N T ROW: April Spears, Mariann McCorkle, Carol Cox, Karen Lambert, Tina Flickinger, Cindy Kamperman, Becky Smith, Sarah Renfro, Deanna Cate, Trish Haynes, Penny Tinker, Valerie Caldwell, Diane Agee. SECOND ROW: Coach — Mrs. Penny Ferguson, Tom Callaway, Tim Buckner, Bruce Novkov, Brian Kamperman, Danny Cartlidge, Doug Taylor, Ricky Tinker, Mark Smith, Steve Koudelis, Asst. Coach — Mr. Jack Murphy. T H IR D ROW: Cliff Adams, John Elam, Ricky Blackburn, Terry Franseen, John Bays, Bill Koudelis, Mike Ponder.

Coach — Mrs. Penny Ferguson

REBEL RACQUETEERS Everyone at MHS knows o f the outstanding efforts of the Rebel Football team; but few realize the quali­ ty of the MHS net squads. Starting in the early fall, the tennis team practices weekly and competes in numerous scrimmages. Practice stops during the w in­ ter months and resumes in mid-February. From this time on, tennis players have an active schedule con­ sisting of daily practices and several matches per weekly matches. The MHS tennis teams also have a w inning history. Each year both squads compete in the prestigeous Rotary Invitational Tournam ent in Chattanooga, against teams from various states. Boys and Girls alike have been state-semi-finalists in the past. In recent years the girls' racquet squad has been particularly strong, frequently taking d istrict and regional titles. Meanwhile, the guys have been consistently strong also. The reasons fo r this impressive record are numer­ ous. A distinct advantage o f the Rebel tennis comes from the intense coaching. As coaches, Penny Fergu­ son and Jack M urphy provide the instruction and leadership which are vital to a winning team. The student leadership o f captains Trish Haynes and Doug Taylor instills an enthusiasm in every player. This dfl&ttfe fo xp e rfe c tio n d o e s n o t stop wi th coaches and §#ptains. Each individual on.the team has the dedica­ tion and aw il^charaajferistic's fejf Victor,le^r- f ^ e r a l MaryvillewplpPers, suqlt as F»:ky Ripk Tinker, PfeViny


Ija a k e rafm sh Haynes ahd C a rc J C o x have com peted and ra n f^ d in State t4 ^ n e y s .

; Thev;J^W "M H SJ§S|kis. season promises to be a i^ess^IjtegM arT tti^jrea'r's tearp,appears to be excep­ tionallyW tbe; players close i/?j^i|hTy and sk-illr As a result; Rebel



SOPHOMORES OFFER A PROMISING FUTURE The sophomores w ill give this year MHS tank team an enlightening future. Some o f the new strokers are A p ril Spears, Melissa Barth, Becky Matzek, Kim Garrett, Debbie Shumate, Bill Schultz, Keith Lambert, Don Kenw orthy, Mark Herron, and Bruce Novkov. There are also a few returning lettermen, and they include A m y Law, Becky Navratil, Jon A tchley, Scott Jones, and Carsten Merrild. The captains this year are Doug DeLozier and Karen Lambert. In the remainder o f the season we expect continued success from the MHS tankers. This year's track team w ill consist o f several prospective sophomores, but there are a few returning lettermen. Led by seniors, Carl Cannon, Danny Linebaugh, Danny Spradlin, Ricky Veal, Paul Mathison and juniors, Buddy Ham ilton, Greg Russell, Jeff Waters, Mark Rorex, Carl Johnson, Brian Love, Phil Wilson, and Danny Davis, a winning season is expected. The membership in MHS' golf team is again small. Under the direction o f Coach Newman, some of the returning lettermen are Jeff Cate, Mark Whitehead, and Mark Koerber. We wish all the golfers luck in the coming season. Rebel baseball is on the uprise. Under the direction o f Coach Campbell, the Rebels are expected to be state contenders. Some o f the senior players are Mike Sm ith, Mike Phillips, Tim Arnold, and Joe H uff. Some o f the juniors are Bobby Howard, Buddy Hamilton, Kevin Mayes, Mark Talley, T im Phillips and Tom m y Spears, and w ith several new sophomores a good season is expected.

fW *


I F 8 1 C W ' ~iw z Y


MWK | i |


GIRL'S SOFTBALL S T A N D IN G : Coach — Mrs. Rolena Stephens Tammy Webb Janie Anderson Laurie McDaniels Karen Keny Becky Navratil Hope Headrick Janine Cable Penny Waggoner Teresa Hord K N EELIN G : Mary Linebaugh Kim Rose Amy Baker Wendy Atchley Diane Agee Lisa Anderson


INTRAMURAL Necessary to the organization and sp irit o f intramurals is a group known as the Intram ural Directors. Composed of one guy and one girl fro m every homeroom, each is elected to be responsible fo r his or her respective homeroom. They encourage every student to participate in the various intra­ mural events. As a result o f th eir efforts, there is a strong sense o f rivalry between classes and homerooms. Also in answer to the success o f the directors' persua­ sion individuals homerooms amass points throughout the year. A t the end of the school year, the homeroom w ith the most points does not w in the "O scar" or the "E m m y " . . . but the "J im m y ". (This plaque o f fake wood and stainless steel is actually quite worthless.) Nevertheless, winning is an honor, so everyone must support their homeroom!

IN T R A M U R A L D IREC TO RS: BACK ROW: Tim Phillips David McCord Steve Pyle Ricky Loope David Reed 3R D ROW: Keith McCord Mark Talley Mike Click John Fouche Scotty Bailes David Talley 2 N D ROW: Teresa Hord Lisa Anderson Carol Cox Lisa Patterson Debbie Shumate 1ST ROW: Am y Law Beth Blanks Tammy Corbin David Crowder

One unique activity at MHS is the weekly schedule o f intramural periods. A welcomed break in the school day, students and teachers alike look forw ard to this 40 minute period in which to snack, to relax or to burn-up stored energy. Two days a week during this intram ural period, students can be seen doing almost anything. Com petition between homerooms occurs in team sports, such as, basketball, volleyball, softball, touch football, battleball, and tug o f war. Individual events include both competitive and non-competitive: table tennis, pass-punt-and kick, foul-shooting, and chin-ups. Also, as part o f homecoming festivities, there are often special activities during this intramural period. Students and faculty participate in tricycle races, and students show their a b ility at anything from eating doughnuts to stuffing marshmallows. Yet, some fine other ways to spend their free period. Couples can be found chatting in out-of-the-way places. Although hard to believe, many students can even be found studying. T q the enjoym ent o f everyone, soft-drinks and sweets are provided at the concession stand. But, no matter what students prefer to do during intramurals, everyone agrees on one thing: intramurals are an essential function at Maryville High School. 35

Each year the Powder Puff Football Game Highlights the activi­ ties of Homecoming Week. This year's game was no exception. This tradition at MHS is always met with enthusiasm from the players and stu­ dents, as the Senior girls play against the combined forces of Juniors and Sophomores. In addition to the game many other events occurred during the four quarters and at half time. Giving play by play commentaries in the press box, Mike Click, Paul Mathison, and Mike Moore kept the crowd amused by their w itty , and some­ times unorthodox comments.

Meanwhile, the game went on with the support of several shapely cheerleaders, such as Ken Brown, Bill Morton, and Steve Hamilton, all of whose antics contributed to the gen­ eral state of hysteria among the spec­ tators. As a final farce the Pep Band presented a never before seen and never to be repeated half time show. Despite the rivalry between classes, the excellent coaching efforts, and the hours of practice, neither team scored. But the Powder Puff game was not a total loss. Through the planning of the Student Council and the efforts of all the participants, the Powder Puff game once again pro­ vided a special appeal to Homecom­ ing Week.

THE 1976-77 RED REBEL MARCHING BAND Director Ed Bilbrev

Drum Major — Mark Connell, Rifle Corps Captains — Cindy Kamperman, Sarah Renfro.

• Majorette Captain - Donna Frazier, Flag Corps Captains — Sandra Finch, Kim Jacobs.




Mr. Bilbrey receives the First award at the UT Band Contest. 38


Drum Major — Mark Connell



To most students the MHS Band exists as the object o f uncompar­ able devotion and pride. Through rigorous discipline and long hours of practice the band has obtained superior ratings and received several awards in regional com petitions. Not only does the band perform seasonal concerts but also provides exciting halftim e entertainm ent fo r MHS football fans, while audibly proclaiming the distinction and worth of Maryville High.

MHS RIFLE CORPS Barbara Jacobs, Sarah Renfro, Cindy Kamperman, Dawn Roberts, Angie Headrick, Anriy Law, Am y Nicely, Patty Chambers.



Mary Ann Spears, Donna Frazier, Carol Stinnett, Carol Tolleson, Jenny Rose.


> .J >

MHS FLAG CORPS Dodie Wingate, Penny Wagner, Sandra Finch, Angie Campbell, Dana Hord, Annette Gillespie, Cindy Yoakum, Kim Jacobs, Lisa Barcus, Gwen Huffstetler, Donna Counts, Carol Gibson, Vicki Bolinger, Ann Ryan, Sally Freschman.


Rock, ja iz , and dixie are the sounds created by the MHS pep band. As a sub­ set of the Rebel Band, the Pep Band specializes in these and other contem­ porary sounds. The fu nctio n o f the band is to go where the marching band cannot. Strains o f BEGINNINGS, BLUES, and SHAFT add spark and fire to school pep rallies. Its lively sounds, under the direction o f Mark Connell, also provide entertainm ent during many home basketball games. N ot only is the MHS pep band known fo r its Big Band sound, b u t also fo r its support and school spirit. W ithout it the spirit o f students and fans alike w ould be deficient.


MHS CHOIR The Maryville High School Choir is one o f the best representations o f the q ua lity o f our school. These hard­ working singers, under the direction o f Mrs. Pam Rowett, participate in many school and civic affairs. Hours of practice are spent in preparation fo r com petitions such as the Blount County Choral Festival and seasonal con­ certs.

In addition, the choir has performed several special productions. In the spring of 1976, the choir presented the musical "B ye, Bye, B irdie." Because o f its excel­ lence, the MHS Chorus hailed the "B ird ie " a big success. Thus, Choir is the only class where perfect harmony tru ly exists . . . well, most of the time.

Members: Lisa DeLozier, Terri Caldwell, Robert Gray, Mike Denton, Vonda Hummel, Susan M cNutt, Susan Sailors, Janie Anderson, Kent Kyle, Chris Russell, Ken Brown, Phil Wilson, Mark Connell, Bobby Howard, Hope Headrick, Melissa Moser, Evelyn Ramger, Lydia Schoen, Jennifer Bushing, Angie Lamon, Terri Boyatt, Carolyn Webb, Sandra Wilson, Danny Kelly, Jeff Waters, Richard Russell, Terry Franseen, Greg Trout, T im Aultom , Lisa Fair, Carol Phelps, Connie Pikoulas, Vicki Bolinger, Dodie Wingate, Janice Caldwell, Barbara Everett, Robin Cagle, Teresa Cutshaw, Karen Keny, Julia Ross, Teresa Hall, Ginger Reed, Annette Pearson.

BACK ROW: Lisa Fair Evelyn Ramger Terri Skinner David McCord 2N D ROW: Ken Brown Tony Davis Marianne McCorkle Mark Rorex FR O N T: Paul Mathison


Chosen by their peers, the Student Council repre­ sents members of the Sophomore, Junior, and Senior classes. This school organization plays a major role in all decisions concerning the student body. W ith Ms. Keeble and Miss Roberts acting as their faculty spon­ sors, the Student Council is the voice o f MHS stu­ dents.


FRO NT: Tony Davis Paul Mathison Mark Rorex S ITT IN G : Mr. Watson Lisa Fair Ms. Keeble Ken Brown Evelyn Ramger Coach Campbell S T A N D IN G : Mr. Newman Mrs. Lovingood Mr. Driskill Mrs. Volk Mrs. Barth Mr. Smith Coach Wilson David McCord



< O DO



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Another facet of student government at MHS is the Joint Executive Board. This group consists o f Student Council mem­ bers and selected faculty. Through meet­ ings and projects, they provide a liaison between the student body and school administration. As a result of their work, better communications are maintained between students concerning school policy.


TOP TEN PERCENT The Top Ten Percent is just what the name implies: it is the Top 10% of the Senior grad­ uating class. Each o f these students has a high scholastic record and all are known fo r their hard w ork and academic abilities. F R O N T ROW: Evelyn Ramger, Janet Hodge, Sandra Finch, Jane Ann Webb, Donna Counts. SECOND ROW: Janet Sater, Becky Smith, Valerie Caldwell, Lisa DeLozier, Sarah Renfro, Trish Haynes. T H IR D ROW: Paul Mathison, William Nelson, Martin Schauer, Steve Gilmore, Stuart McNiell. LAST ROW: Ken Rose, David Cherry, Kent Lohr, Doug Taylor. N O T PIC TU R ED : Diane Agee, Carol Gibson, Mark Smith, and Nancy West.

NATIONAL HONOR SOCIETY The National Honor Society is exactly what its name suggests: a select group of Students who maintain a superior grade point average, as established by national standards. These students must not only fu lfill the requirement o f a B average but must also reveal outstanding qualities of character, personality, and leadership.


F R O N T ROW: Karen Lambert, Cynthia Lawson, Valerie Caldwell — Secretary, Diane Agee, Lisa DeLozier, Bonnie Millard. SECOND ROW: Janet Sater, Wanda Burchfield, Sandra Finch, Cindy Kamperman, Trish Haynes, Becky Smith. T H IR D ROW: Janet Hodge, Jane Ann Webb, Donna Counts — Treasurer, Nancy West, Sarah Renfro, Carol Gibson. LAST ROW: Doug Taylor — President, Jeff Cate, Mike Click, Paul Mathison, Ken Rose, Stuart McNiell. Steve Gilmore.

MU ALPHA THETA Mu Alpha Theta is a national organiza­ tion fo r those students reflecting a superi­ or aptitude fo r mathematics. With Miss Knouse as its sponsor, the MHS chapter of Mu Alpha Theta has the opportunity to participate in state conventions and also competes in County Math Contests. FR O N T ROW: Patty Chambers, Danny Linebaugh, Becky Smith, Diane Agee, Janet Sater. SECOND ROW: Terri Skinner, Cindy Kamperman, Valerie Caldwell, Cynthia Lawson — President, Jane Ann Webb, Sally Freschman. T H IR D ROW: Robert Lawson, Jimmy Porter, Grif Kinsinger, Bill Dent, David Whitehead, Miss Knouse — Sponsor, Jimmy Williams.

BETA EPSILON This is the firs t year MHS has had Beta Epsilon. It is made up of outstanding English students, who must maintain a 3.5 average in English and a 2.5 average in all other subjects. Under the direction of Mrs. Ferguson and Mrs. Dorner, all mem­ bers must contribute at least 4 hours a month assisting English teachers at MHS. F R O N T TO BACK L E F T TO R IG H T : Mrs. Penny Ferguson, Mrs. Kathy Dorner, Janet Sater, Valerie, Jennifer Bushing, Jimmy Porter, Jackie Fox, Martin Sehauer, Sandra Finch, Tom Callaway, Angelika Extine, Becky Kelly, Michelle Matzek, Becky Smith. 47

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KEY CLUB TOP BACK ROW: Jeff Cate, Steve Pyle, Tim Arnold, Don Kenworthy, Dean Lambert. TOP F R O N T ROW: Mike Moore, Ricky Loope, Cht Anderson, Phil Wilson. M ID D L E : Danny Davis, Mike Click, Scott Fugate, Kent Kyle, Paul Mathison, Ken Brown, Mark Talley, Mark Rorex, St< Stevenson. BOTTOM : Jimmy Porter, Scott Jones, Sandi Brewer, David McCord, Tony Davis, Charles Larimore, Janet Hodge, Tom Callow: Jackie Fox, Mike Phillips, Doug Taylor, William Nelson, Robert Lawson, Wyndel Thompson.


R S F R O N T TO BACK: Mike Click Jimmy Porter Mike Phillips

The Key Club, in cooperation w ith the M aryville Kiwanis, continues to maintain its reputation as an energetic school and com m unity service organization. W ith Ms. Keeble as their spon­ sor, the Key Club often participates in local charity projects, school maintainance projects, and strives to meet various com­ m unity needs. Keep up the good w ork Key Clubbers!


Sandi Brewer, Soph. Janet Hodge, Sr.

HOMEROOM The Homeroom Representatives are a group o f students selected by their peers fo r their E sadership abilities and concern towards the activities held in our school. The responsibilities of hese representatives cover a wide spectrum of events proposed, and traditionally assumed by P he Student Council. A n y one o f these representatives could easily find himself maintaining the ©ncession stand, coordinating an intram ural program, or participating in the preparation o f a R lomecoming event. The greatest advantage this group provides the student body is the idditional access they provide in the decisions o f student government. Through these represenatives, each student has the o p p o rtu n ity to voice his or her's opinion concerning what happens E n our school. S E N T A T


L E F T T O R IG H T F R O N T ROW: Margaret Archer Dawn Roberts Karen Lambert Sandra Finch Sally Freschman Mary Boling Nancy West SECOND ROW: Tony Davis Rick Tinker Tom Calloway Jimmy Porter Doug Taylor T H IR D ROW: Cathy Click Steve Stevenson Melanie Petree Tom Mathison FO U R TH ROW: David McCord Terri Skinner Mark Ross Mark Herron Keith Lambert Ricky Blackburn


DEBS Another service organiza­ tion at MHS is the Debs. The Debs are a group o f girls, un­ der the leadership o f Miss Rhodes, who make several contributions to our school and com m unity. Among their many projects, the Debs are responsible fo r the banners and signs which add spirit to every football game. The Debs also involve themselves in several com m unity needs such as ministering to those in area nursing homes, as well as working frequently in aid to the Blount County Girls' Home. LEFT T O R IG H T , F R O N T ROW: Trish Haynes, Janet Hodge, Teri Bollinger, Terri Langston, Sheree Cate. SECOND ROW: Bonnie Millard, Sarah Renfro, Jenny Tanner, Carol Gibson, Janine Cable, Am y Law, Teri Skinner. BACK ROW: Evelyn Ramger, Teresa Hord, Kim Jacobs, Sandra Finch, Lisa Petree, Danna Spence. 49


Putting together this annual has been an enjoyable, but sometimes difficult and frustrating task. Nevertheless, we of the APPALACHIAN taken pride in our work and hope that you will find pleasant memories as you look at it.

Staff have

LEFT TO R IG H T : Stuart McNiell, Cindy Kamperman, Valerie Caldwell, Mark Smith, Becky Smith, Becky Kelly, | Cynthia Lawson, Doug Taylor. N O T P IC T U R E D : Denise Hale.


Co-Editor — Sabrina Huskey; Editor — Valerie Caldwell; Co-Editor & Business Manager — Becky Smith.

i-io ;


Stuart McNiell, Mark Smith, Doug Taylor


Cindy Kamperman Cynthia Lawson NOT PICTURED : Denise Hale

Becky Kelly

BACK ROW: Mac Crowe, Janine Cable, Ann Ryan, Lucy Coleman. SEA TED : Ginger Reed, Mary Linebaugh, Keith Snyder, Mark Ro MaryAnn McCorkle, Sabrina Huskey.


EDITOR: Janine Cable

The "R ed and Black" is the MHS newspaper, and through the efforts o f the staff any Maryville student can humorously look back on the events and people that con­ stantly wizz by during the school year. In these periodic publications the creative works produces in Mr. Newman's English classes can often be found, and w ith the help of her staff, Janine Cable is able to edit a newspaper that deserves a big round o f applause! Keep up the good w ork Janine!

RECEPTION COMMITTEE The Reception Committee was form ed in an e ffo rt to provide guidance and hos­ pitality to all new transfer students enter­ ing Maryville High. The students on this committee are well know n fo r their friendliness, and each attem pts to aid the new student in feeling wanted and fam i­ liar in the strange surroundings o f a new school. S T A N D IN G : Karen Lambert, Jeff Cate, Ken Brown, Jimmy Porter. SEATED: Cindy Yoakum, Cathy Click, Terri Skinner.


STA N D IN G : Jeff Large, Doug Taylor, Jimmy Porter, Tom Calloway. SEA TED : Janet Hodge, Melanie Petree, Cindy Kamperman, Evelyn Ramger, Sally Freschman.

The Election Committee is a group of MHS students responsible fo r the organi­ zation and supervision of all student elec­ tions at our school. Members o f the Elec­ tion Committee make it their business to print and distribute the ballots, tabulate the votes, and report to the student body the names of their chosen officials and representatives. 53

LATIN CLUB The Latin Club, sponsored by! Mrs. Schwamm, is involved in sev-l era I activities outside the classroom.I In their study of the Roman cul­ ture, they annually conduct an authentic Roman banquet and at­ tend the state wide convention, where they not only compete ini academic tests, but also in those] concerning costume design, chariot races and marathon activities. BACK ROW: Scott Maples, Ricky Roberts, Tom Davis, Micky Roberts, Jeff Large, Glenn Reynolds, Cindy Powell, Cliff Adams, Jon Large, Brian Beaty, Melissa Barth, Michelle Matzek, Kandi Burger, Sandi Petree, Carol Cox, Ken Brown, Chandra Crowder, Emily Shoen, Carl Sater, Scott Fugate, Kent Kyle, Mrs. Schwamm.

ECOLOGY CLUB Under the supervision o f Miss Revenig, the Ecology Club lives up to its reputation as a service organization. It is this club which is responsible fo r the collection o f recyclable waste paper from each classroom, and the super­ vision of the annual homeroom paper drive. Through the efforts o f its mem­ bers, the Ecology Club has obtained several trees fo r the campus, and con­ tributed its funds to some com m unity needs.

F R O N T ROW: Cliff Adams, Mark Herron, Phil Flora, Richard Russell, Bruce Novkov, Doug Taylor.l SECOND ROW: Cindy Lawson, Donna Counts, Karen Lambert, Jenny Tanner, Sandi Petree, Susan Gracia, Carol Cox. BACK ROW: Lisa Petree, Elizabeth Evans, Wanda Burchfield, Janet Sater, Jane Ann Webb, Melissa Barth, Jenny Lawson, Carol Humphrey.


FHA The FHA consists o f four officers, which are President, Terry Boyatt; Vice President, Am y Bailes; Secretary, Kim McClendon; Treasurer, Robin Kizer. This year the FHA has been involved in projects such as the Pump­ kin Contest, helping needy families at Christmas, selling candy and whisks to raise money fo r the M iller Memorial Fund, just to name a few. A ll FHA clubs w ill be active in the March of Dimes also. BACK ROW: Barbara Clark, Denise Hale, Donna Frazier, Dodie Wingate, Jodi Sluss. T H IR D ROW: Terry Boyatt, Amy Bailes, Carol Stinnett, Susan McNutt. SECOND ROW: Robin Kizer, Carol Tolleson, Jan Headrick, Donna Spence. F R O N T ROW: Anne Nichols, April Spears, Sabrina Huskey.

DECA DECA is composed o f both ju n io r d senior DE students. The major iphasis is to provide a greater insight the w orld o f marketing through tual experiences in the business jrld. Through a ffilia tio n w ith this -ib, DE students have the opportunito unite in service and educational ojects w ith other local chapters and ten participate in regional, state, and itional conventions. MEMBERS: John Davis, Preston Kizer, Anita Dukes, Debbie Metcalf, Laura Townsend, JoAnne Amburn, Larry Barnes, Clark Feezell, Diane Guffey, Tim Headrick, David Hill, Mark Myers, Tammy Sharp, Sonia Tipton, Richard March, Kim Aulton, Beth Blanks, Tammy Corbin, Brett Harmon, Angie Headrick, Sue McCulley, Dennis McDonald, Becky Navratil, Connie Pikoulas, Brian Walker, Joe Aulton, Donna Davis, Peggy Gregory, Lita Hargis, Stan Herron, Sandra Hopper, Kathy Reithmaier, Vivian Stinnett, Jim McNabb, Margaret Archer, Tim Aultom , Janine Cable, Jackie Fox, Mark Hasty, Mike Lawson, Lisa McDaniel, Vicky McKinnon, Susan Sailors.


Y-TEENS The Y-Teens this year competed in a meaningful ritual o f W orld Fellowship. The officers who led this crew in placing second place were Margaret Archer — President, V icki Bollinger ~ Vice Presi­ dent and Mary Linebaugh — SecretaryTreasurer. These officers are aided by their sponsor Mrs. Robinson. Other activi­ ties include raising $50 fo r Mrs. Miller's Memorial Fund and working w ith needy families. F R O N T ROW: Lisa McDaniel, Margaret Archer, Vicki Bollinger, Mary Linebaugh, Janet Brown, Glenetta Venable. SECOND ROW: Penny Tinker, Angie Headrick, Teri Household­ er. T H IR D ROW: Debbie Shumate, Vicki McKinnon, Gloria Jackson, Sue McCulley. F O U R T H ROW: Kandi Burger, Jenny Rio Rose, Sally Higdon, Kim Fint. F IF T H ROW: Lisa Patterson, Tracy Howard, Caroline Webb, Linda Blair, Debra Whaley. LAST ROW: Debbie Smith, Amy Baker, Linda Farmer, Cathy Horne.


Red Cross Club meetings fo llo w the basic form at of a classroom lecture which includes the know l­ edge gained from textbook instruc­ tion and the experiences obtained through simulated disasters, and demonstrations and programs con­ ducted by local health authorities. 56

V IC E -P R E S ID E N T — Rebecca Swatzyna

SEATED: Mrs. Ware Sabrina Huskey Laura Ross Amy Frye Julia Ross S T A N D IN G : Jeff Patterson Greg Love Theresa Hall



Behind each theatrical production held at MHS, the participation and sup­ p o rt of the Thespian Club is felt. Whether to supply funds fo r class projects, or to promote the vocal abili­ tie s o f the chorus, the Thespians are always eager to encourage the involve­ ment of the student body in these theatrical efforts. SEATED: Joel Andrews, Mark Rorex. ST A N D IN G : Glenn Reynolds, Tom Calloway. 57

The Maryville High American Field Service is a branch o f the national or­ ganization and acts as hosts to our exchange students from various foreign coun­ tries. The AFS sponsors several fund raising activi­ ties annually in order to compensate fo r the ex­ penses of an exchange stu­ d e n t The AFS at MHS often works in coordina­ tion w ith other such local organizations to produce an enjoyable experience fo r our foreign exchange students. This year we were happy to have Yoshi Tamura from Japan and Claudia M. Stapani from Brazil as AFS students at MHS. We hope that Clau­ dia and Yoshi enjoyed being here as much as we at MHS enjoyed getting to know them.


F IR S T ROW: Jody Sluss, Robin Sims — Secretary, Carol Phelps — Treasurer, Deanna Cate — President, Tom Calloway — Vice President, Tom Mathison, Micky Roberts. SECOND ROW: Kim King, Jenny Lawson, Lisa DeLozier, Laurie Mack, Denise Hale, Lisa Fair, Floyd Watt, Claudia Stapani, Brazil, Amy Law. T H IR D ROW: Terri Caldwell, Sally Freschman, David Cherry, Susan M cNutt, Luci Coleman, Molly Freschman, Carol Cotton, Alicia Hornbuckle, Yoshi Tamura, Japan;


o >

Dear Friends, I enjoy being a manager and had a lo t of fun w ith the band. I just love you all who have been so nice to me. However I have to go back to Japan. " I'm sorry, but that's the rule." from the Senior Play So why d o n 't you come see me next time? OK? I'll be waiting fo r you. See you then. Bye, bye! Always your friend, Yoshi P.S. We d o n 't bow w ith both hands together Ah, so? I know it, because I was MADE IN JAPAN.

Hi ya all, I feel that it w ill be d iffic u lt to express everything that I have fe lt and what I am feeling about this fantastic year I'm having. I wanna thank-you all fo r your friendship and your smiles when I had hard times. You are wonderful people and the only thing that I can say is: I LOVE YOU A L L ! If one day you have an op­ p o rtu n ity to go to my pretty country you'll be very welcome to my country and by my fam i­ ly*


I hope I have le ft a very good impression o f myself. Much Love and Best Wishes Your Friend Always, Claudia Stapani

COURTSHIP OF EDDIE FATHER CAST: Tom Corbett . . . . .................. Floyd W att Eddie ..................... ..................... Bill Dent Mrs. M asters............ ............... Carol Phelps Elizabeth ............... ............ Tammy Corbin D o lly ........................ ............Janie Anderson Rita ........................ .................. Beth Blanks Mrs. B rid g e s............ ............... Deanna Cate Helen A n n ............... ............... Sue McCulley Norm ..................... ............ Tom Callaway Mr. D o n e lly ............ . . . . Jim m y Williams Mr. S h a n e ............... ............... Mike Ponder M i k e ........................ .................. Mark Rorex Becky ..................... ..................... Am y Law Loretta .................. ............Terri Caldwell A l i c e ........................ .................. Dana Hord Harry ..................... ............... Bill Koudelis C a l ........................... .................. Scott Jones


On February 10 and 14, the Maryville High Junior Class presented T H E COURTSHIP OF ED D IE'S F A TH ER , by Mark Toby and Anne Coulter Martens. This realistic comedy, however, did have a meaningful theme. The main idea shines through in Act One, when Elizabeth (Tammy Corbin) shouts to Eddie (Bill Dent), "We can't run other peoples' lives! Sometimes we can't even do a good job with our own." Even though the meaning was deep, the play was realistical足 ly written, directed, and presented. The largest contri足 butions to the credibility of the play were the impres足 sions that the actors gave; making the play a tremen足 dous success.

THE MATCHMAKER CAST Horace Vandergelder . . . . Gene Goodman Ambrose K e m p e r........................John Elam Joe S c a n lo n ............................... David Cherry G e rtru d e ..................................... Kris Peterson Cornelius H a c k l......................... John Fouche E rm engarde........................... Betsy Bradshaw Malachi S ta c k ............... .. . .Steve Hamilton Dolly L e v i.......................................... Lisa Fair Barnaby Tucker ......................... Bill Morton Irene M olloy ................................Kim Jacobs Minnie Fay ............................. Dodie Wingate First Lady D i n e r .................. Claudia Stapani Second Lady D in e r ................... Sandra Finch A C a b m a n ....................................Carl Cannon R u d o lf....................................... Yoshi Tamura A u g u s ta ................................. Sabrina Huskey Flora Van Huysen . . . . Wanda Burchfield Her Cook .........................Cindy Kamperman

The Senior Class' production o f THE M ATCHM AKER came through beautifully! A fte r the smash h it o f GEORGE WASHING­ TON SLEPT HERE the year before, the class o f 77 had their w ork cut out fo r them. W ith the gifted guidance o f Miss Gail Rhodes, who was assisted by Jimmy Ram­ sey, the seniors brought out tw o wonderful performances. They took skits from THE M ATCHM AKER to Fort Craig and John Sevier Elementary to entertain children. Through careful planning o f several com m it­ tees and just plain strenous w ork o f perform ­ ers and stage crews, the play was a hit. Lisa Fair was the busybody, who adjusted every­ one's affairs, and Bill Morton simply stole the show by hiding under tables. Miss Rhodes received roses and a silver wine goblet from the cast. (Jimmy got a flower, to o !) The cast's reward was the ring of applause after each performance and the great ratings and reports afterwards. "Break a leg", Seniors!

J. P. Stewart Superintendent of Maryville C ity Schools


TOP LEFT STANDING Wilson Borden J. P. Stewart John T. Mathison SEATED John Kerr Ray Norton Clara M cN utt


Catherine Barnawell M iller, head o f Maryville High Schools Eriglislr Department, died suddenly on October 28 follow ing a ruptured blood vessel to the brain. Mrs. M ille r'c a « e to Maryville High School to teach sophomore English in 1966. She was herself a graduate o f Maryville High and attem fcfffflaryville College fo r three years before receiving her bachelor's degree from Berea College in Kentucky. An undergraduate music major, she taught music at Townsend High School b e f* e coming to Maryville. Mrs. M iller pursued her English studies on the graduate level and was awarded the master's degtee from UT in 1974. Widely respected by students and colleagues alike, she was known fo r her belief in the im portafce o f giving students a strong background in w riting skills. She encouraged her pupils to th in k critically and cre a tiv e * and to express their thoughts accurately in w riting. An appreciation o f good literature — both contemporar'Sand classical — was another o f her gifts to those in her classes. "H e r greatest contribution was in helping students devefip academic m atu rity at a crucial stage in their school life ," commented one fellow teacher. The Maryville H ighlSchool faculty has established a Catherine B. M iller Memorial Award to be presented each year to an oiftstanding sophomore English student. In addition, a contributable fund has been created at the high school ia gratitude o f MrsSMiiler's leadership and instruction. M

MRS. M A R Y BARTH Modern History American History National Honor Society Sponsor Junior Class Sponsor

MR. ED B IL B R E Y Band


MR. LYNN BROWN Driver’s Education Football Coach

MS. V IC K I BROWN Business Education


MR. JAMES CAMPBELL Psychology Bible Basketball Coach Baseball Coach

MRS. G EO R G IE CANNON English III, IV Junior Class Play Sponsor







MR. W IL L IA M D R IS K IL L Principal


MRS. P EN N Y FERGUSON English 111 Tennis Coach

MR. R IC H A R D HA RBISO N Shop Basketball Coach

MS. SUSAN KEEBLE Algebra 2 Geometry Pre-Calculas Student Council Sponsor Key Club Sponsor

MISS LOIS KNOUSE Applied Math Algebra 2 Geometry Calculas Trigonometry Mu Alpha Theta Sponsor Cheerleader Sponsor

MRS. M A R T H A LO VIN G O O D Home Economics Family Living F H A Sponsor


MRS. N IN A M U R PH Y Guidance Counselor Cheerleader Sponsor

MR. LEWIS NEW M AN American History Golf Coach Sophomore Class Sponsor


MS. LYNN OWENS Librarian Assistant

MS. R E V E N IG English 11 Ecology Club Sponsor

MISS G A IL RHODES English IV Senior Class Play Sponsor







MRS. PENN Y ROBINSON Algebra 1, 2 Geometry Y-Teens Sponsor

MRS. M A R G IE ROSS Library Para-professional


MRS. SAR A SCHWANN Latin Latin Club Sponsor MRS. B E R Y L SADLER 7


MR. JOHN SM ITH Chemistry Physics Biology APPA LA C H IA N Sponsor



MRS. B E R Y L SADLER Business Education

MRS. R O LEN A STEPHENS Girl's Physical Education Softball Coach Junior Class Sponsor


MR. DON STORY Spanish 1, 2 French 2 Football Coach AFS Sponsor

MRS. F R A N C IS V O L K Econom ics/Government Senior Class Sponsor MR. DON STO R Y

MRS. C A R O L WARE Art Art Club Sponsor



MR. A. J. W ILSO N Distributive Education DECA Sponsor Girl's Basketball Coach

MR. TED W ILSON Applied Science Boy's Physical Education Football Coach Track Coach







MOST LIKELY Dp. Samuel Pride, firat Worth; Maiter of the New Provlden Masonic Lodge* built his house he Maj. Gen. W. T. Sherman, enroute< the relief of Burnside at Knoxvll ted himself here. From 1671 it was the Friends* nte. Becoming the Ma School in 1900, it by West Side S !his was razed in










Hope Headrick has been a very active student at Maryville High. Her name was one of the firs t ones learned by Sophomores and the first remembered by Seniors. Hopie says that she's enjoyed herself here at Maryville, and what she liked best is that everyone is open: teachers and students alike. Cheering heart and soul (non­ stop) is quite a chore for some people but not fo r Hope. She's got a lo t of dependable courage and stamina which she contributed to cheerleading camp. From this camp of some 500 squads, Hope acquired her open-mindedness and abilities, besides those that came naturally. She enjoyed nothing more than cheering fo r our "State Champs", which w ill always be a w onderful memory fo r her. Other memo­ ries include preparing fo r the Senior Prom her Junior year as she served on the planning committee, and how could she possibly forget the wear and tear of the Powder Puff football games? There are many other things Hopie w ill remember about Maryville, but the fact is: she remembers! We'll always remember you, too Hope and thanks fo r being such a beautiful part of Maryville High.

Have you ever seen somebody give their all fo r something? Well, we owe a thanks and congratulations to Ricky Loope, our Mr. MHS. Not only was Ricky studious, receiving "W ho's Who Among Am eri­ can High School Students" and "Society of Distinguished American High School Students", but he was active physically as well. He's been on our winning Football team fo r three years and was Captain his senior year. For Ricky's abilitities and qualities, he received " A ll Blount C o u n ty" 12 (Honorable Menion 11), " A ll East Tennessee" 12, and Honorable Mention fo r "A ll-S ta te " 12. His determination and leadership led the Rebels to several victories; causing a deep satisfaction w ith in himself. Ricky commends the teachers fo r their interest and willingness to talk about grades and everything. As far as respect goes; the coaches here at Maryville have certainly gained his and vice-versa. Ricky feels proud to have been an active, vital part of Maryville High. He says that everybody's friendly here, and you know why? Because we're all proud o f Ricky and his accomplish­ ments. Congratulations Ricky!

1976-77 SENIOR CLASS PLANNING COMMITTEE Lisa Anderson, Marty Cochran, Kris Peterson, Bill M orton, Sandra Finch, Steve Hamilton, Terri Skinner, Jimmy Greene, Joe H u ff, Jody Pugh, Hope Headrick, Terri Langston, Kim Jacobs, Evelyn Ramger, Lisa Fair, Donna Davis, Patty Chambers, Sabrina Huskey.

SENIOR CLASS OFFICERS Marty Cochran, President Lisa Anderson, Secretary-Treasurer; Kris Peterson, Vice-President

Diane Agee JoAnne Am burn Chuck Anderson Lisa Anderson

Jenny Andrews Tim Arnold Kay Asbury Joe A ultom

Am y Bailes Larry Barnes Mary Boling Tammy Boring

Teri Bollinger Betsy Bradshaw Wanda Burchfield Brian Burns


Valerie Caldwell Carl Cannon Kelly Carter Jeff Cate

Sheree Cate Kelly Caughron Patty Chambers David Cherry

Mike Click Marty Cochran Tim Cooper Steve Cornett

Donna Counts Mark Connell Mac Crowe Donna Davis


John Davis Lisa DeLozier Diane Disney John Douglas

David D riskill Anita Dukes John Elam Barbara Everett

Pam Everhart Lisa Fair Clark Feezell Sandra Finch

John Fouche Terry Franseen Donna Frazier Loretta Garner


Rusty Gheen Carol Gibson Steve Gilmore Gene Goodman

Jimmy Greene Peggy Gregory

Diane Guffey Doug Hall

Trish Haynes Steve Hamilton Denise Hale Lita Hargis

Ricky Haun David Hawkins Randy Hayes Sam Haynes

Hope Headrick Tim Headrick Stan Herron Sandi Hobbs

Janet Hodge Sandra Hopper Teresa Hord Pam Hudson

Joe H uff David Hunt Carolyn Hurst Sabrina Huskey


Kim Jacobs Carl Johnson Chris Johnson Marianne Jorgenson

Cindy Kamperman Becky Kelly

Preston Kizer Steve Koudelis

Karen Lambert Terri Langston Cynthia Lawson Mark Lee


Danny Linebaugh Kent Lohr

Ricky Loope Brian Love

Bob Lovingood Laurie Mack Kathleen Maguire John Mangialetto

Richard March Stephen Marshall Paul Mathison Keith McCord


Charlotte McLaughlin Jim McNabb Stewart McNeill Debbie Metcalf

Bonnie Millard Carsten Merrild Mike Moore Bill Morton

Melissa Moser Jeff Murr

Mark Myers Judy Myers


William Nelson V icki Nuchols

Jeff Paes David Paine

Kris Peterson Mike Phillips Jody Pugh Steve Pyle

Evelyn Ramger Pat Reichert Kathy Reithmarier Sarah Renfro


Ken Rose Laura Ross Chris Russell Richard Russell

Ronnie Russell Janet Sater Martin Schauer Lydia Schoen

Tammy Sharp Mike Sing

Terri Skinner Becky Smith


Kim Smith

Mark Smith

Mike Smith Danny Spradlin Terry Staley Claudia Stapani

Carol S tinnett Vivian Stinnett Becky Swatzyna Yoshi Tamura


Jenny Tanner Doug T A ylo r Monty Temple Nancy Thompson

Sonia Tipton Carol Tolleson Laura Townsend Darlene Turner

Tim Underwood Ricky Veal Andrew Waggoner Jane Ann Webb

Tammy Webb Joe West Marlin West Nancy West


David Whitehead Kirk Whitehead

Mark Whitehead Sytha Whitehead Teddy Wine Dodie Wingate

Bryan Young Renee Young David H ill Ricky Walker

Not Pictured: William A b b o tt Theresa Andrews Ernest Bryant Candy Burnsmier David Castle Carolyn Echols Michael Farmer Joe Giles Robert Giles Laura Pearmain


Junior Class Officers LEFT: President, Phil Wilson; Vice President, Scott Tate; SecretaryTreasurer, Sally Freschman.

Junior Class Planning Committee S T A N D IN G BACK ROW: Phil Wilson, Kelly Wright. SECOND ROW: Scott Tate, Rick Tinker, Tony Davis, Tom m y Spears, Jimmy Williams, Mark Rorex, Scott Barlow, Tom Callaway. SEATED: Jimmy Porter, Mark Talley, David McCord, Donna Spence, Janie Anderson, Elizabeth Skinner, Penny Tinker, Penny Waggoner, Deanna Cate, Sally Freschman.

Craig Abbott Gary Abbott David Allen Janie Anderson Jimmy Anderson

Joel Andrews Cheryl Angell Margaret Archer Jon Atchley Kim Aultom

Tim Aultom Kelly Bailes Scotty Bailes Amy Baker Scott Barlow

Eddie Bayne Eddie Berrong Lisa Berrong Beth Blanks Vickie Bolinger

Wanda Bowman Terry Boyatt David Brickey Ronnie Brown Rhonda Buchanan


Mike Buckner Tim Buckner Jennifer Bushing Janine Cable Lisa Cable

Teri Caldwell Tom Callaway Melanie Cannon Ronnie Carroll Barry Case

Deanna Cate Bill Chambers Lucy Coleman Julie Condry David Cooper

Joel Cooper Leonard Cooper Tammy Corbin Carol Cotton Kenna Coulter

David Crowder Danny Davis Robert Davis Tony Davis Bill Dent


Mike Denton Britt Dillard Debra Dobson Donna Dupes Lance England

Jeff Evans Angelika Extine Jay Fife Roger Flora Brian Floyd

Jackie Fox Jeff Frazier Sally Freschman Joe Gamble Tary n Garner

Kim Gilmore Robert Gray Buddy Hamilton Brett Harmon Greg Harris

Mark Hasty Angie Headrick Jan Headrick Becky Hendrix Bo Henry

w i !^

p JB

Dana Hord Alicia Hornbuckle Linda Horn

Jeff Horton

Teri Householder Bobby


Kevin Hudson Patrick Humphrey Johnny Hutton

Mark Ivens Gloria Jackson Jeanne Jackson Leigh Ann James Scott Jones


Tana Jones Danny Kelly Karen Keny India King Randy King

Scott King Grif Kinsinger Robin Kizer Karen Knight Mark Koerber

Bill Koudelis Charles Lairamore Kent Latham Am y Law Richard Lowe

Mike Lawson Robert Lawson Tony Lewis

Tony Lindsey Mary Linebaugh Laura Little


Gregory Love Mark Mangialetto Michelle Matzek Kevin Mayes

Kim McClendon

Tommy McCollum David McCord Sue McCulley Lisa McDaniel Lau rie McDaniels

Dennis McDonald Vicki McKinnon Lori McLaughlin Susan McNutt Robert


Randy Moore Chuck Moser Jessie Myers Becky Navratil Anne Nichols

Lorrie Orr Steve Owenby Jeff Patterson Lisa Petree Carol Phelps


Tim Phillips Connie Pikoulas Danny Pitts Mike Ponder Jimmy Porter

Lynn Procter Ruth Profitt Tom Quaintance Bonnie Quiett Pam Quigley

Alan Riethmaier Glenn Reynolds Julie Register

Ginger Reed Dawn Roberts Mike Robertson

Robert Rop Mark Rorex Kim Rose


Rhonda Rose Greg Russell Ann Ryan Susan Sailors Mel issa Seaton

Corby Shuler Alan Simpson Robin Sims Elizabeth Skinner Jodi Sluss

Debbie Smith Keith Snyder Mary Ann Spea rs Tommy Spears Donna Spence

Steve Sterling Ernie Stinnett Tony Stinnett Eric Stroud Jeff Sturgeon

Roger Talbott Mark Talley Scott Tate Lee Tilley Penny Tinker


Ricky Tinker Kenny T ravis Greg Trout Sharon Trundle Dale T ulloch.

Diana Van Dyke Penny Waggoner Brian Walker Darlene Walker Jeff Waters

Floyd Watt Tim White Tom White Jimmy Williams Phil Wilson

Kelly Wright Cindy Yoakum

Not pictured: Steve Brooks Brenda Jackson Harry Lewis Tim Ogle Cliff Rowland Mike Russell Ricky Tallent Mike Williams


B B ■■Ml

■t Wmmm

SOPHOMORE PLANN IN G C O M M ITTEE FROM LOWER LEFT: Elizabeth Evans Carol Cox Debbie Shumate Jami West Melanie Petree Amy Moore Molly Freschman Betsy Floyd Tom Mathison Marianne McCorkle Scott King Gwen Huffstetler Bill McKinnon Lisa Patterson Brian Kamperman Tina Flickenger

SOPHOMORE CLASS OFFICERS FROM LEFT: President — Carol Cox, Vice Presi­ dent — Elizabeth Evans, Secretary Treasurer — Debbie Shumate.


Cliff Adams Gary Amburn Alan Anderson Johnny Anderson Steve Anderson

Donita Badgett Lisa Barcus Melissa Barth John Bays Mark Beaty

Mike Beaty Tamye Berrong Rick Blackburn Linda Blair Terry Boring

Steve Boudreaux Sharon Bowman Patty Boyatt Sandy Brewer Charles Brooks

Janet Brown Ken Brown Randy Buchanan Steve Burchfield Kandi Burger


Robin Cagle Janice Caldwell Angie Campbell Randy Cannon Danny Cartlidge

Mike Casteel Paul Castle Lorie Clabough Sandra Clampett Barbara Clark

Kathy Click Richard Collins Bill Cooper Carol Cox Danny Crisp

Chandra Crowder Teresa Cummings Teresa Cutshaw Bobby Davis Mike Davis

Tom Davis Debbie Day Doug DeLozier Ginger Dickenson Lisa Dobson


Jeff Duckett Vicki Eaton Cathy Elam Elizabeth Evans Shari Evans

Andrew Extine Patricia Farber Linda Farmer Mark Faught Tina Flickinger

Kim Fint Phillip Flora Betsey Floyd Brad Forsythe Molly Freschman

Amy Frye Scott Fugate

Rusty Gaby Ruben Garcia

Susan Garcia Ralph Garner Kim Garrett Randy Gibson Annette Gillespie

Ruthie Gilliland Letha Greene Jeff Gregory Angie Hall Theresa Hall

Phil Hamilton Victor Harmon John Harper Kenny Harper April Harris

Pam Harrison Debbie Hayes

Phil Henderson Mark Herron


Cassie Hess Sally Higdon Melinda Hitson Mary Hood Kathy Horne

Aretta Howard Tracy Howard Debbie Huffstutter Gwen Huffstetler Carol Humphrey

Ronnie Irwin Barbara Jacobs Robert Jeffries

Daryl Johnson Randy Johnson Allan Jones

Chris Jones Kaycee Jones Karen Kagley


Brian Kamperman John Keenan Don Kenworthy

«jL kttJfekM

Terri Keny Scott Key Kim King

Scott King Benny Kizer Kent Kyle

Dean Lambert Keith Lambert Angie Lamon Jeff Large Jon Large

Tony Law Jennie Lawson Teri Lea Ronnie Lee Mike Lequire

11 3

Andy Lewis Cam Loe Gwen Loveday Melinda Lov ingood Greg Low

Kim Lowe Steve Manual Ricky Maples Scott Maples Missy Massey

Tom Mathison Becky Matzek Mariann McCorkle Sam McCroskey Bill McKinnon

Jeff Merritt Debbie Miller Ricky Millsaps Ricky Minge Karen Moody

Amy Moore Pat My res T eresa My res Mike Nelson Diane Newroth

11 4

Amy Nicely Ed Nichols Bobby Norton Bruce Novkov Pat Nuchols

Mike Nunn Karen Ousley Danny Oxendine Curt Patterson Lisa Patterson

Denise Patton Kelly Pearmain Annette Pearson David Perry Chuck Peterson

Peggy Peterson Melanie Petree Sandy Petree Brian Phillips Gary Poole

Mike Pope Cindy Powell Dick Quaintance Cathy Ramger David Reed


Joyce Reichert Ricky Roberts Micky Roberts Tim Roberts Joe Rogers

Rod Roger Jenny Rose John Rose Julia Ross Lisa Ross

Mark Ross Phil Ross Susan Russell Robin Rutiherford Carl Sater

Emily Schoen Ruth Schoff Ray Sharp Robin Sharp Bill Schultz

Debbie Shumate Kevin Smith Paul Smith Andy Southard April Spea rs


Steven Stevenson David Talley Ricky Tallent Holman Tanner Mary Teague

Brian Tedford Sharon Teffeteller Danny Temple Elizabeth Tennyson Wynndel Thompson

Mike Travis Johnny Underwood Angela Vance Glenetta Venable Shay Wainwright

Debbie Walker Rob Walker Jimmy Wallace Mike Waters Carolyn Webb

Evelyn Webb Gloria Webb Jami West Tom Weston Debra Whaley


Rob Wal ker Don White Lou Ann Wilburn Amanda Williams Beverly Williams

Bobby Williams Jackie Williams Sandra Williamson Lisa Willocks Roger Willocks

Lisa Wilson Sandra Wilson Johnnie Woodley Renee Yates Audie Young

N O T PICTURED: Kenny Yunker Steve Davis


Jerry Brantley Dennis Fuller Greg Harris Vonda Hummel Leslie Jaruis Irene McGinnis Danny Oxendine Ricky Pass Beverly Partain Mike Patterson John Rogers Phil Rose Roy Stevenson Lee Tilley Evelyn Webb

SENIOR HONORS Diane Agee — Mu Alpha Theta 11, 12; National Honor Society 11, 2; Tennis Team 11, 12; Softball Team 10, 11, 12; Blount County Spelling Bee 10, 11, win­ ner 12; Bookkeeping Award 11; Publicity Committee GEORGE WASHINGTON SLEPT HERE 11; Tickets and Programs THE MATCHMAKER 12. Theresa Andrews — Home-Ec IV 12. Chuck Anderson — Key Club 10, 11, 12; Powder Puff Coach 10, 11, 12; Football 10, 11, 12; All Blount County 12; Stage Crew GEORGE WASHINGTON SLEPT HERE 11. Lisa Anderson — Band 10, 11, 12; Basket­ ball 10, 11, 12; Softball 10, 11, 12; Se­ nior Class Vice-President 12; Planning Committee 12; Publicity Committee THE MATCHMAKER 12; Intramural Director 11, 12; Powder Puff 10, 11, 12; Most Athletic 12. Kay Asbury — FHA 11; HERO Treasurer 12; Basketball Ball Girl 11. (Transferred from Everett High School 11) Joe Aultom — DECA 11, 12; Choir 11; BYE BYE BIRDIE 11. Amy Bailes — Cheerleader 11; Powder Puff 10, 11, 12; FHA Treasurer 10 Vice President 11, 12; Stage Crew and Large Props GEORGE WASHINGTON SLEPT HERE 11; Small Props Committee THE MATCHMAKER 12. Mary Boling — AFS 11, 12; Pep Band 11, 12; Band 10, 11, 12; Student Council Homeroom Representative 11, 12; Pub­ licity Committee GEORGE WASHING­ TON SLEPT HERE 11; Publicity Com­ mittee THE MATCHMAKER 12; Elec­ tion Committee 12; Graduation Usher 11; Basketball Ball Girl 12. Tammy Boring — FHA 10, 11; Make-up and Costuming Committee GEORGE WASHINGTON SLEPT HERE 11;TOEC 12, Terri Bollinger — FHA 10, 11; Swim Team 10; Powder Puff 10, 12; Thespian Club 11, 12; Debs 11, 12; Small Props Committee THE MATCHMAKER 12; Shrine Queen 12; Graduation Usher 11; Choir 12; SOUTH PACIFIC Musical 12.

Betsey Bradshaw — Planning Committee 10, 11; FHA 10, 11; Powder Puff 10, 12; Thespian Club 10, 11, 12; GEORGE WASHINGTON SLEPT HERE 11; THE MATCHMAKER 12; Choir 12; Make-up Committee GEORGE WASHINGTON SLEPT HERE 11. Wanda Buchfield — Band 10, 11, 12; Se­ nior Clinic 10, 11; Honors Band 10, 11, 12; Solo and Ensemble 10, 12; Red Cross 10, President 12; Ecology 12; National Honor Society 11, 12; Latin Club 10; BYE BYE BIRDIE 11; THE MATCH­ MAKER 12; Representative to Red Cross Camp 11; Representative to Dictation Disc Company 12; Representative to Computer Explorer Post 11, 12; Publicity Committee GEORGE WASHINGTON SLEPT HERE 11. Brian Burns — Swim Team 10, 11; Tennis Team 10, 11; Fishing Club 11; Chess Club 10. Valerie Caldwell — Tennis Team 10, 11, 12; National Honor Society 11, 12; Chair­ man Publicity Committee GEORGE WASHINGTON SLEPT HERE 11; Math Contest First Place 11; English Contest 11; Bi-Centennial History Bowl Second Place 11; American Legion Essay Contest First Place 11; Girls' State Delegate 11; Assembly Committee 11; APPALA­ CHIAN Editor 12; Mu Alpha Theta 12; Beta Epsilon President 12; National Hon­ or Society Secretary 12; National Honor Society Scholarship Competitor 12. Carl Cannon — Track 11, 12; GEORGE WASHINGTON SLEPT HERE 11; Stage Crew GEORGE WASHINGTON SLEPT HERE 11; THE MATCHMAKER 12. Kelly Carter — Costuming Committee THE MATCHMAKER 12. Jeff Cate — Golf Team 10, 11, 12; Foot­ ball Statistician 10, 11, 12; Basketball Statistician 11, 12; Key Club 12; Athletic Director 10; Homeroom Representative 12; National Honor Society 11, 12; Latin Club 10; Reception Committee 12; Mean Green 11, 12. Sheree Cate — Planning Committee 10, 11; Homeroom Representative 10; Cheer­ leader 10, 11 Co-Captain 12; FHA 10, 11; Debs 11, 12; Football Queen Nominee 10

Attendant 12; Basketball Queen Nominee 10, 11 Attendant 12; Powder Puff 10, 11; Who's Who in American High Schools; Society of Distinguished American High School Students; Tickets and Programs Committee GEORGE WASHINGTON SLEPT HERE 11; Make-up Committee THE MATCHMAKER 12; Knoxville Teen Board Presentee 12. Kelly Caughran — Football 10; Baseball 10, 11, 12; A rt Club 12; Construction Crew GEORGE WASHINGTON SLEPT HERE 11 and THE MATCHMAKER 12;Homeroom Representative 12. Patty Chambers — Mu Alpha Theta 11, 12; Latin Club 10; Swim Team 10, 11; Planning Committee 10, 12; Powder Puff 12; Y-Teens 10; AFS 10, 11, 12; Band 10, 11, 12; Rifle Corps 11, 12; Program and Tickets Committee THE MATCH­ MAKER 12. David Cherry — Band 11, 12; Pep Band 11, 12; BYE BYE BIRDIE 11; AFS 12; Graduation Usher 11; Honors Band 11, 12; Homeroom Representative 11; THE MATCHMAKER 12; Orchestra 11, 12; Composer's Clinic 12. (Transferred from Robert E. Lee High School, Montgomery, Alabama) Steve Cornett — Planning Committee 10; GEORGE WASHINGTON SLEPT HERE 11; Fishing Club 11. Mike Click - Football 10, 11, 12; All Blount County 12; Key Club 10, 11 Presi­ dent 12; National Honor Society 11, 12; Golf 10; Homeroom Representative 10; Intramural Director 10, 11, 12; Basket­ ball Statistician 11, 12; Track 10; Latin Club 10; Mean Green 11, 12; Powder Puff Coach and Announcer 12; Society of Dis­ tinguished American High School Stu­ dents. Marty Cochran — Swim Team 10 Captain 11; Planning Committee 10, 12; Make-up and Costuming Committee Chairman GEORGE WASHINGTON SLEPT HERE 11; Large Prop Committee Chairman THE MATCHMAKER 12; AFS 10, 11, 12; Y-Teens 10; A rt Club 11; Debs 11 President 12; Band 10, 11, 12; Senior Class President; Pep Band 10, 11; Band Representative 12. 119

Mark Connell — Band 10 Asst. Drum Major 11 Drum Major 12; Choir 11, 12; AFS 10, 11, 12; Pep Band 10, 11, 12; All State Band 10, 11, 12; Honors Band 10, 11, 12; McDonald's All-American Band Nominee 12; Tickets and Program Com­ mittee GEORGE WASHINGTON SLEPT HERE and THE MATCHMAKER 11, 12; BYE BYE BIRDIE 11; Choir Musical 12. Donna Counts — Band 10, 11, 12; Flag Corps 11, 12; National Honor Society 11 Treasurer 12; Mu Alpha Theta 11, 12; AFS 11; Make-up Committee GEORGE WASHINGTON SLEPT HERE and THE MATCHMAKER 11, 12; Ecology Club 12. Mac Crowe — Football 10; Track 11; Baseball 12; Fishing Club 10, 11; Red and Black Staff 12; C.B. Club 11; Intramural Director 10. Donna Davis — Band 10, 11; DECA 12; Planning Committee 12; Tickets and Program Committee GEORGE WASH­ INGTON SLEPT HERE and THE MATCHMAKER 11,12; Fishing Club 11. Lisa DeLozier - AFS 10, 11, 12; BYE BYE BIRDIE 11; Tickets and Program Committe GEORGE WASHINGTON SLEPT HERE and THE MATCHMAKER 11, 12; GIVE MY REGARDS 10; Nation­ al Honor Society 11, 12; Choir 10, 11, 12. Diana Disney — Latin Club 10; Publicity Committee GEORGE WASHINGTON SLEPT HERE and THE MATCHMAKER 11, 12; Y-Teens 11; TOEC 12; VOE 12. John Douglas — Homeroom Representa­ tive 10, 11; Football 10, 11; Fishing Club 11; Intramural Director 10; Vice Presi­ dent General Building 12. Anita Dukes — Planning Committee 11; DECA 11 Secretary 12; .DECA Job Inter­ view Regional Competition Second Place; Publicity Committee GEORGE WASH­ INGTON SLEPT HERE and THE MATCHMAKER 11, 12; Graduation Usher 11. John Elam — Band 10, 11, 12; All State Band 10, 11, 12; Honors Band 10, 11, 12; Composer's Clinic 12; GEORGE WASH­ INGTON SLEPT HERE 11; THE MATCHMAKER 12; Pep Band 10, 11, 12; Tennis Team 10, 12. 120

Pam Everhart — AFS 11, 12; Tickets and Program Committee GEORGE WASH­ INGTON SLEPT HERE 11; Make-up Committee THE MATCHMAKER 12. Lisa Fair - GIVE MY REGARDS 10; BYE BYE BIRDIE 11; SOUTH PACIFIC 12; GEORGE WASHINGTON SLEPT HERE 11; THE MATCHMAKER 12; Asst. Director COURTSHIP OF EDDIE'S FATHER 12; Powder Puff 11, 12; AFS 11, 12; Choir 10, 11, 12; Track 12; Na­ tional Honor Society 11; Student Council 12; Joint Executive Board 12; Planning Committee 12. Sandra Finch — AFS 10, 11, 12; Mu Alpha Theta 11, 12; Latin Club 10; Na­ tional Honor Society 11, 12; Debs 11, 12; Planning Committee 11, 12; Flag Corps 10, 11 Captain 12; Powder Puff 11, 12; GEORGE WASHINGTON SLEPT HERE 11; THE MATCHMAKER 12; Homeroom Representative 12; Reception Committee 11; Publicity Committee Chairman THE MATCHMAKER 11; Girls State Alternate 11; Girls County 11; Society of Distin­ guished American High School Students; Who's Who Among American High School Students. John Fouche — Band 10, 11, 12; Pep Band 10, 11, 12; Basketball 10; Home­ room Representative 11; Intramural Dir­ ector 12; Basketball Statistician 11, 12; GEORGE WASHINGTON SLEPT HERE 11; THE MATCHMAKER 12. Terry Franseen — Football 12; Tennis 12; Choir 12. (Transferred from Rockdale, Texas 12) Donna Frazier — Band 10, 11, 12; Major­ ette 10, 11 Captain 12; Homeroom Rep­ resentative 10, 11; Intramural Director 11, 12; Make-up Committee THE MATCHMAKER 12; FHA 12; Debs 11, 12; Powder Puff 11, 12; Ticket Commit­ tee GEORGE WASHINGTON SLEPT HERE 11. Carol Gibson — Flag Corps 11, 12; Mu Alpha Theta 11, 12; Debs 11, 12; Nation­ al Honor Society 11, 12; AFS 11, 12; Make-up Committee GEORGE WASH­ INGTON SLEPT HERE 11; Tickets and Program Committee THE MATCH­ MAKER 12; Band 10, 11, 12. Joe Giles — Track 10; Chess Club 10; Fishing Club 11; A rt Club 11.

Steve Gilmore — Basketball 12; Track 12; National Honor Society 12. Gene Goodman — Graduation Usher 11; Planning Committee 11; GEORGE WASHINGTON SLEPT HERE 11; Stage Crew Chairman GEORGE WASHING­ TON SLEPT HERE 11; THE MATCH­ MAKER 12. Jimmy Greene — Football 10, 11; Plan­ ning Committee 10, 11, 12; Junior Class Vice President; Key Club 11, 12; Fishing Club 10; AFS 10; CB Club 10; Graduation Usher 11. Diane Guffey - DECA 11, 12; FHA 11; Ecology 10; DECA Reporter 12. Denise Hale — Band 10; Color Guard 10; Publicity Committee GEORGE WASH­ INGTON SLEPT HERE 11; Tickets and Program Committee THE MATCHMAK­ ER 12; FHA 10, 11, 12; AFS 10, 11, 12; Annual Staff 12; Fishing Club 11; Powder Puff 11, 12; Ecology Club 11. Douglas Hall — Tennis 10; Basketball 10. Steve Hamilton — Band 10, 11, 12; Pep Band 10, 11, 12; Cast and Publicity Committee GEORGE WASHINGTON ^SLEPT HERE 11; Cast and Set.Construction THE MATCHMAKER 12; Cast and Stage Crew BYE BYE BIRDIE 11; AFS 10, 11; Planning Committee 12; Home­ room Representative 12. Lita Hargis — DECA 12. Randy Hayes — A rt Club 12; Fishing Club 10, 1<l; Baseball 11, 12; Intramural Director 10; Powder Puff Cheerleader 12; CB Club 11. Trish Haynes — Tennis Team Captain 12; Debs 12; National Honor Society 12; Beta Club 12; Make-up Committee THE MATCHMAKER 12. (Transferred from Parkway High School, Louisiana 12) Sam Haynes — Football 10; Baseball 10; Fishing Club 10, 11; AFS 10, 11; Plan­ ning Committee 10. Hope Headrick — Varsity Cheerleader 10, 11, 12 Co-Captain 11; Planning Commit­ tee 10, 11, 12; FHA 10, 11, 12; Powder Puff 10, 11,12; Football Queen Nominee 11, 12 Attendant 10; Basketball Queen Nominee 10, 11, 12; Class Favorite 10;

Softball 11, 12; SOUTH PACIFIC 12; Make-up and Costume GEORGE WASH­ INGTON SLEPT HERE 11 and THE MATCHMAKER 12; Ms. MHS 12. Tim Headrick —■Red Cross 10; Basketball 10, 11; Ecology 10; Fishing Club 10, 11; Graduation Usher 11; Choir 11; BYE BYE BIRDIE 11; DECA 12. David Hill — Football 10, 11 All Blount County 12; Track 10, 11; CB Club 10; Fishing Club 11; DECA 12. Sandra Hobbs — FHA 10; Y-Teens 11; Publicity Committee GEORGE WASH­ INGTON SLEPT HERE 11; TOEC Trea­ surer 12; Baseball Ball Girl 11. Janet Hodge — Key Club Sweetheart 10, 11, 12; Mu Alpha Theta 11, 12; National Honor Society 11, 12; Latin Club 10; Homeroom Representative 10, 11; FHA 10, 11; Chairman of Tickets and Program Committee GEORGE WASHINGTON SLEPT HERE 11; Prompter THE MATCHMAKER 12; Football Queen Nominee 10, 11, 12; DAR Award 12; Debs 11, 12; Planning Committee 10, 11; Basketball Queen Nominee 10, 12; Elec­ tion Committee 12; Society of Distin­ guished High School Students. Sandra Hopper — FHA 10, 11; DECA 11 ; Powder Puff 11, 12; Tickets and Program Committee GEORGE WASHINGTON SLEPT HERE. Teresa Hord — Planning Committee 10, 11; Debs 11, 12; FHA 10, 11; AFS 11; Basketball 10, 11; Powder Puff 10, 11 Captain 12; Intramural Director 10, 11, 12; Softball 10, 11, 12; Small Props Committee GEORGE WASHINGTON SLEPT HERE 11. Pam Hudson — FHA 10, 11; Manager Girls' Basketball Team 10; Chorus 11; BYE BYE BIRDIE 11; BOEC 12; HERO Historian 12. Joe Huff — Baseball 10, 11, 12; Home­ room Representative 10; Planning Com­ mittee 12; Stage Crew GEORGE WASH­ INGTON SLEPT HERE 11 and THE MATCHMAKER 12; Intramural Director 10 .

David Hunt — Baseball 10; Basketball 11; Softball 12; Intramural Director 10; Fish­ ing Club 11.

Sabrina Huskey — FHA 12 Secretary 10 Secretary-Treasurer 11; Ecology Club 11, 12; Red and Black Staff 11, 12; B-Team Cheerleader 11; GEORGE WASHING­ TON SLEPT HERE 11; Cast and Promp­ ter THE MATCHMAKER 12; Red Cross 12; A rt Club 10, 11, 12; National Honor Society 11, 12; APPALACHIAN Co-Edi­ tor 12; Sophomore Class Secretary-Trea­ surer; Planning Committee 10, 11, 12; Who's Who Among American High School Students; Society of Distinguished American High School Students. Kim Jacobs — Flag Corps 10, 11 Captain 12; Debs 11, 12; Planning Committee 12; AFS 10; Junior Class Favorite; Home­ coming Queen 12; GEORGE WASHING­ TON SLEPT HERE 11; THE MATCH­ MAKER 12; Asst. Director THE COURT­ SHIP OF EDDIE'S FATHER 12; Powder Puff 10, 11, 12; Track 12. Carl Johnson — Basketball 10, 11; Track 12; BOEC 12. Chris Johnson — Latin Club 10; Ticket Committee GEORGE WASHINGTON SLEPT HERE 11 and THE MATCH­ MAKER 12. Cindy Kamperman — Rifle Corps 10, 11 Captain 12; Band 10, 11, 12; AFS 10, 11; Mu Alpha Theta 11, 12; Ecology Club 12; Prompter GEORGE WASHINGTON SLEPT HERE 11; THE MATCHMAKER 12; National Honor Society 11, 12; Make-up and Costume Committee GEORGE WASHINGTON SLEPT HERE 11; Election Committee 10, 11, 12; Ten­ nis Team 11, 12; Annual Staff 11, 12; Powder Puff 11, 12. Becky Kelly — National Honor Society 11, 12; DECA 11; Ecology Club 11, 12; Latin Club 10; APPALACHIAN Staff 12; Small Props Chairman GEORGE WASH­ INGTON SLEPT HERE 11. Preston Kizer — Football 10; DECA Vice-President 12; Latin Club 10, 11; Fishing Club 10, 11. Steve Koudelis — Basketball 10; Mean Green 11, 12; Key Club 11, 12; GEORGE WASHINGTON SLEPT HERE 11; Tennis Team 10, 12; Track 10; Lighting, Sound and Stage Crew GEORGE WASHING­ TON SLEPT HERE 11 and THE MATCHMAKER 12.

Karen Lambert — Swim Team 10 Captain 12; Tennis Team 11, 12; Ecology Club 10, 11, 12; AFS 10; National Honor Society 11, 12; Junior Class SecretaryTreasurer; Reception Committee 12; Costume Committee THE MATCH­ MAKER 12; Homeroom Representative 12. Terri Langston — Swim Team 10; YTeens 10; FHA 10, 11; DECA Regional Sales Demonstration First Place, Second Place State-wide, National Participant 11; B-Team Cheerleader Captain 11; Varsity Cheerleader Captain 12; Powder Puff 10; Intramural Director 10; Homeroom Rep­ resentative 10; Planning Committee 10, 11, 12; Reception Committee 11; Grad­ uation Usher 11; Make-up Committee Chairman THE MATCHMAKER 12; Who's Who Among American High School Students; Sears Fashion Board Nominee 11. Cynthia Lawson — Band 10, 11, 12; Ten­ nis Team 11; Ecology Club 11, 12; Latin Club 10; All State Band 10; Computer Explorer Post 11; Mu Alpha Theta 11 President 12; National Honor Society 11, 12; Co-Chairman Small Props Committee GEORGE WASHINGTON SLEPT HERE 11; APPALACHIAN Staff 12. Mark Lee — Latin Club 10; Stage Crew THE MATCHMAKER 12; Prop Commit­ tee GEORGE WASHINGTON SLEPT HERE 11; Fishing Club 10, 11; AFS 12. Danny Linebaugh — Track 10; Fishing Club 11; Mu Alpha Theta 11, 12; Set Crew THE MATCHMAKER 12; Intra­ mural Director 10. Kent Lohr — Mu Alpha Theta 11; Basket­ ball 10, 11, 12; National Honor Society 11, 12; American History Contest Third Place 11; Bi-Centennial History Bowl Second Place 11; Football Statistician 11, 12; Mean Green Coach. Ricky Loope — Football 10, 11 Captain 12; All Blount County 12 Honorable Mention 11; All East Tennessee 12; Honorable Mention All State 12; Track 10, 11, 12; Intramural Director 10, 11, 12; Homeroom Representative 10; Latin Club 10; Key Club 12; Powder Puff Coach 10, 11, 12; Graduation Usher 11; Small Props Committee GEORGE WASHINGTON SLEPT HERE 11; Stage 121

Crew THE MATCHMAKER 12; Who's Who Among American High School Stu­ dents; Society of Distinguished American High School Students, Mr. MHS.

Bonnie Millard — Red and Black Staff 12 Co-Editor 10 Editor 11; FHA 10, 11; AFS 10, 11; National Honor Society 11; Debs 11, 12; Tennis Team 12.

ball 10, 11, 12; Key Club 10, 11 Secreta­ ry-Treasurer 12; Powder Puff Coach 11, 12; Intramural Director 11; Latin Club 10; Fishing Club 11.

Brian Love — Track 10, 11; Basketball 10, 11, 12; Latin Club 10; Fishing Club 11; Computer Explorer Post 12.

Mike Moore — Latin Club 10; Homeroom Representative 10, 11; Planning Commit­ tee 10, 11; Powder Puff Cheerleader 11; GEORGE WASHINGTON SLEPT HERE 11; Joint Executive Board 11; Class Fav­ orite 10, 11; Key Club 10, 11, 12; Ticket Committee THE MATCHMAKER 12.

Jody Pugh - Football Manager 10, 11, 12; Homeroom Representative 11; Plan­ ning Committee 12; Fishing Club 11; CB Club 11; Baseball 12.

Laurie Mack — AFS 10, 11, 12; Ticket Committee GEORGE WASHINGTON SLEPT HERE 11; Small Props Commit­ tee THE MATCHMAKER 12. Kathleen Maguire — AFS 10; Basketball Manager 10; Basketball 11; Chairman of Tickets and Programs THE MATCHMAK­ ER 12; Powder Puff 10, 11. Richard March — A rt Club 10, 11; DECA 12; Fishing Club 10, 11. Steve Marshall — Basketball 10, 11; Latin Club 10; Fishing Club 10, 11. Paul Mathison Homeroom Representa­ tive 10; Student Council President 12; Mu Alpha Theta 11; Planning Committee 10, 11; National Honor Society 11, 12; Key Club 11, 12; Track Team 10, 11, 12; Boy’s County 11; Election Committee 11; Basketball Scorekeeper 11, 12. Keith McCord — Football 10, 11 Captain 12; Fishing Club 10, 11; Powder Puff Coach 10, 11, 12; Track 10; Swim Team 10. Jim McNabb — DECA 12. (Transferred from North Clayton High School, Atlan­ ta, GA 12) Stuart McNiell — Latin Club 10; Basket­ ball Statistician 11, 12; National Honor Society 11, 12; APPALACHIAN Photog­ rapher 12; Small Props Committee GEORGE WASHINGTON SLEPT HERE 11; Blount County History Day Contest 11; Bi-Centennial History Bowl 11; Who's Who In American High Schools; Society of Distinguished American High School Students. Carsten Merrild — Swim Team and THE COURTSHIP OF EDDIE'S FATHER. AFS student from Denmark. Debbie Metcalf - FHA 10; DECA 11 Treasurer 12; Basketball 10; Powder Puff 12. 122

Bill Morton — Cast and Publicity Com­ mittee GEORGE WASHINGTON SLEPT HERE 11 and THE MATCHMAKER 12; BYE BYE BIRDIE 11; SOUTH PACIFIC 12; Choir 11, 12; Band 10, 11, 12; Pep Band 10, 11, 12; Powder Puff Cheerlead­ er 12; AFS 10, 11, 12; Planning Commit­ tee 12. Jeff Murr — Prop Committee GEORGE WASHINGTON SLEPT HERE 11; Pub­ licity Committee THE MATCHMAKER 12.

Steve Pyle — Football 10; Basketball 10, 11, 12; Key Club 11, 12; Intramural Director 10, 12. Evelyn Ramger — Homeroom Represen­ tative 10, 11; Student Council Vice-Presi­ dent 12; Planning Committee 10, 11, 12; Debs 11, 12; Election Committee 12; Make-up and Costumes GEORGE WASH­ INGTON SLEPT HERE 11; Joint Execu­ tive Board 10, 11, 12; Mu Alpha Theta 11; Intramural Director 11, 12; Math Contest 10.

William Nelson — Football 12; Track 12, Key Club 12. (Transferred from SC 12)

Sarah Renfro — Band 10, 11, 12; Rifle Corps 10, 11 Co-Captain 12; National Honor Society 11, 12; Debs 11, 12; Ten­ nis Team 10, 11, 12; AFS 10, 11; Knox­ ville Teen Board Presentee 12; Chairman of Tickets and Programs Committee GEORGE WASHINGTON SLEPT HERE 11; Powder Puff 11, 12; Make-up Com­ mittee THE MATCHMAKER ^ G ra d u a ­ tion Usher 11; Society of Distinguished American High School Students.

VICKI NUCHOLS - FHA 10; Choir 11; BYE BYE BIRDIE 11; BOEC 12; HERO Vice-President 12.

Ken Rose — National Honor Society 12; Homeroom Representative 10, 11, 12; Mu Alpha Theta 11; Mean Green 11, 12.

Jeff Paes — Math Contest 10; Junior Achievement 10, 11, 12; Computer Ex­ plorer Post 11, 12; National Merit Schol­ arship Semi Finalist; Who's Who In American High Schools.

Laura Ross — AFS 11; A rt Club 10, 11 President 12; A rt Awards 10, 11, 12; Pub­ licity Committee GEORGE WASHING­ TON SLEPT HERE 11 and THE MATCHMAKER 12.

Laura Pearmain — TOEC 12; VOE 12.

Chris Russell - Choir 10, 11, 12; GIVE MY REGARDS 10; BYE BYE BIRDIE 11; SOUTH PACIFIC 12; Composer's Clinic 11, 12; Band Manager 12; Track 12; Softball 12.

Judy Myers — Band 10, 11; Flag Corps 11; AFS. Mark Myers — DECA 11.

Kris Peterson — AFS 10, 11; A rt Club 11; Debs 11, 12; Planning Committee 10, 12; Senior Class Secretary-Treasurer; Home­ room Representative 10, 11, 12; Cast and Costume Committee THE MATCH­ MAKER 12; Publicity Committee GEORGE WASHINGTON SLEPT HERE 11; Band 10, 11, 12; Pep Band 12; YTeens 10. Mike Phillips — Football 10, 11 All Blount County 12; Basketball 10; Base­

Richard Russell — Class President 10, 11; Football 10; Track 10; Basketball Statis­ tician 10; Red and Black Staff 10; Key Club 10; Graduation Usher 11; Choir 10, 11 President 12; GIVE MY REGARDS 10; BYE BYE BIRDIE 11; SOUTH PACIFIC 12; Composer's Clinic 11, 12; Band 10, 11, 12; Pep Band 10, 11, 12;

Ecology Club 11 President 12; Large Prop Committee THE MATCHMAKER 12; Third Place Gong Show 12. Janet Sater — Latin Club 10; A rt Club 11; National Honor Society 11, 12; Mu Alpha Theta 11, 12; Ecology Club 12; Costume Committee THE MATCHMAKER 12; Small Props Committee GEORGE WASH­ INGTON SLEPT HERE 11; Junior Achievement 10; Computer Programming 12; Math Contest 10, 11, 12; Society of Distinguished American High School Stu­ dents. Martin Schauer — National Honor Society 11, 12; National Merit Scholarship SemiFinalist 11; Math Contest 10, 11; History Contest 11; Publicity Committee GEORGE WASHINGTON SLEPT HERE 11.

Lydia Schoen — Band 10, 11, 12; Choir 12; AFS 10, 11, 12; BYE BYE BIRDIE 11; Prompter THE MATCHMAKER 12; Pep Band 11, 12; SOUTH PACIFIC 12; Honors Band 11; McDonald's All Ameri­ can Band Nominee 12; Make-up Commit­ tee THE MATCHMAKER 12. Tammy Sharp — Band 10, 11; AFS 10, 11; DECA 12; Powder Puff 10; Planning Committee 11; FHA 10. Mike Sing — Latin Club 10; Football Manager 10, 11, 12; Baseball 11, 12; Powder Puff Cheerleader 12; Intramural Director 10. Terri Skinner — Color Guard 10; Rifle Corps 11; AFS 10, 11, 12; Mu Alpha Theta 11, 12; Debs 11, 12; Prompter GEORGE WASHINGTON SLEPT HERE i 11; Small Props Committee THE MATCHMAKER 12; Homeroom Repre­ sentative 12; Joint Executive Board 12; Reception Committee 12; FHA 11. Kim Smith — Transferred from California 12. Becky Smith — Ecology Club 11; Nation­ al Honor Society 12; Mu Alpha Theta 12; Beta Epsilon 12; Costuming Committee Chairman THE MATCHMAKER 12; AP­ PALACHIAN Co-Editor and Business Manager 12; Tennis Team 12. (Trans­ ferred from Shawnee Mission Northwest High School, Kansas.)

Mark Smith — National Honor Society 11 Vice-President 12; Tennis 10, 11 Captain 12; Mu Alpha Theta 12; Lighting and Sound GEORGE WASHINGTON SLEPT HERE 11 and THE MATCHMAKER 12; Ecology Club 11, 12; APPALACHIAN Photographer 11, 12; Who's Who Among American High School Students; Society of Distinguished American High School Students. Mike Smith — Baseball 10, 11, 12; Ecolo­ gy Club 10, 11; A rt Club 12; Basketball 10; Intramural Director 11; AFS 10, 11. Danny Spradlin — Fishing Club 10; Foot­ ball 10, 11; Captain 12; All State 11, 12; All American 12; All Blount County 11, 12; East Tennessee Player of the Year 12; All South Eastern 12; Basketball 10, 11 Captain 12; Track 10, 11, 12. Terry Staley — Football 10, 11; Track 10, 11; Fishing Club 10, 11; AFS 12. Claudia Stapani — AFS: THE MATCH­ MAKER; Band. AFS Student from Brazil. Carol Stinnett — Band 10, 11, 12; Major­ ette 10, 11, 12; Fishing Club 11; FHA 12; Football Homecoming Attendant 11; AFS 10; Powder Puff 10, 11, 12. Vivian Stinnett — Powder Puff 10, 11, 12; DECA 10, 11, 12; Y-Teens 10, 11; Fishing Club 11; A rt Club 10, 11; Soft­ ball 10; CB Club 11; Publicity Committee GEORGE WASHINGTON SLEPT HERE 11 .

Rebecca Swatzyna — Y-Teens 11; Red Cross Vice-President 12; Publicity Com­ mittee GEORGE WASHINGTON SLEPT HERE 11 and THE MATCHMAKER 12; TOEC Reporter 12; VOE 12.

Doug Taylor — APPALACHIAN Photog­ rapher 12; Tennis Team 10, 11, 12; Key Club 12; Ecology Club 11, 12; Election Committee 10, 11, 12; Sound and Lights GEORGE WASHINGTON SLEPT HERE 11 and THE MATCHMAKER 12; Nation­ al Honor Society President 12; Band 10, 11; Homeroom Representative 12; Who's Who Among American High School Stu­ dents; Society of Distinguished American High School Students. Monty Temple — Lighting and Sound GEORGE WASHINGTON SLEPT HERE 11 and THE MATCHMAKER 12; AFS 12; Track 12. Sonia Tipton — DECA 12 Secretary 11; AFS 10, 11; Band 10, 11; FHA 10; Pow­ der Puff 10, 11, 12. Laura Townsend — DECA 11 Parliamen­ tarian 12. Rickey Veal — Football Manager 10, 11; Track 10, 11; Intramural Director 10, 12; Homeroom Representative 12; Fishing Club 10, 11; A rt Club 11, 12; Red and Black Staff 11. Andrew Waggoner — Latin Club 10; Fish­ ing Club 11; Publicity Committee GEORGE WASHINGTON SLEPT HERE 11; Tickets and Program Committee THE MATCHMAKER 12. Ricky Walker — Fishing Club 10, 11; Art Club 12; Homeroom Representative 10; CB Club 11; Stage Crew GEORGE WASHINGTON SLEPT HERE 11; Lights THE MATCHMAKER 12; Football 10; Track 10, 11. Jane Ann Webb — FHA 11; Y-Teens 11; Publicity Committee GEORGE WASH­ INGTON SLEPT HERE 11; Mu Alpha Theta 11, 12; National Honor Society 11, 12; Ecology Club 12.

Yoshi Tamura — Third Place Gong Show; THE MATCHMAKER; Band; Choir; AFS. AFS student from Japan.

Tammy Webb — FHA 10 Intramural Director 10, 11, 12; Softball 11; Powder Puff 10, 11, 12.

Jenny Tanner — Graduation Usher 11; JDebs 11, 12; Ecology Club 11, 12; Pow­ der Puff 10, 11, 12; AFS 10, 11; Pro­ grams and Tickets Committee GEORGE WASHINGTON SLEPT HERE 11; Pub­ licity Committee THE MATCHMAKER 12.

Joe West — Basketball Manager 10, 11; Baseball Manager 11, 12; Fishing Club 10, 11. Marlin West — Fishing Club 11; BOEC 12. (Transferred from Andrews High School, NC) 123

Bryan Young — Fishing Club 11. Teresa Renee Young — FHA; Track 12; Basketball 10; Basketball Ball Girl 11; Junior Achievement. Nancy West — Band 10, 11, 12; Pep Band 11, 12; Latin Club 10; AFS 11, 12; Na­ tional Honor Society 11, 12; Homeroom Representative 12; Assembly Committee 12; Publicity Committee GEORGE W ASHINGTON SLEPT HERE 11 and THE M ATCHM AKER 12; Basketball Ball Girl 12; National M erit Scholarship Letter o f Commendation; Who's Who In Am eri­ can High Schools. David Whitehead ■=> Mu Alpha Theta 12; Math Contest 10; Computer Explorer Post 11, 12; Publicity Committee GEORGE W ASHINGTON SLEPT HERE 12. K irk Whitehead — Latin Club 10; Fishing Club 10, 11. Mark Whitehead — G olf 10, 11, 12. Sytha Whitehead — FHA 10, 11, 12; Powder Puff 12; Make-up Committee THE M ATCHM AKER 12; BOEC 12. Dodie Wingate — AFS 10; Fishing Club 10; Band; Planning Committee IT ; Cast and Publicity Committee GEORGE WASHINGTON SLEPT HERE 11; Choir 11, 12; BYE BYE BIR D IE 11; Powder Puff 11, 12; FHA 12; SOUTH PACIFIC 12; Flag Corps 12.



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