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starring Shelly George Photographs by Marco Dorce

SEPTEMBER 2013 www.masConsumption.com

zineTakever is a story of a of

a girl searching for the “cool� in the Valley.1


The gir l w anted to know w here to find the vibr ancy she had read and heard so much about in the Valley.

Styled by Shelley George & p.r. of Pat n Kat Style


Soon she is enthralled by masConsumption zine.

She r eads stories of the emer ging ar tists li ving & creating at

ORNG Ink Studio . 2


Shot at ORNG Ink Studio

theend. Referring to New Jersey’s Valley Arts District loacted in Orange & West Orange, New Jersey


ORNG Ink Studio for Emerging Artists ages 13 and up. Free open studio program from 3:00-6:00pm for high school students. Emerging artists, & resident artists programming also available. ORNG ink is youth-led and user driven, in the following disciplnes: music, photography, film making, fashion, magazine publishing & more! Visit www.orngink.com for more imformation. 2




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