PNW Key Club Division 22/24 March Newsletter

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The Panda Herald Volume 10 │Issue 1

Roosevelt │Ballard │ Nathan Hale│ Shorecrest │ Ingraham


NG TERM D22/24 Key Club

In this Issue Greetings from your LTG Lillian Sam Erica Smith

The Espresso DCON Overlays A word from your International Trustee February Recap Joint DCM, Kiwanis Meeting/Winter Board, Hot Coco Run

March DCM Preferred Charities Social Media Key Dates Contact info

Greetings from your LTG

As much as this pains me, this is the last newsletter I will produce as your Lieutenant Governor. I just wanted to reflect on the years that went by as a Key Club member. Because I can’t do this when I am on stage passing down my title I will start my thank-yous here. I would first and foremost thank Alex Choi, you have been very much like a big brother to me. I’m sorry we don’t see much of each other anymore, but thank you for helping me get involved in something that I didn’t know at the time would be so important in my life. Big thank you to AJ Skurdal and Judy Callahan, I didn’t know where to turn to for support and the Kiwanis Family has always been so kind to me. Lisa for helping me throughout my term, I know I’ve had many problems and you for always being there either to listen or open up your advice. John Redfield, for being my motivator, Hayley Barton for being so friendly cooperative and putting up with me, my parents for writing me notes so I can go to club meetings, and giving me money for either board meetings or other Key club functions. And lastly everyone on the 2014-2015 district board, you all have been so supportive of each other and of me I am deeply grateful for you all and proud of the work we have collectively put in to our term. It really hit me when I was coming home from Winter board this past month that my work here is almost done. But just to reflect, I was able to meet all the LtG elects from the PNW District and I am confident that Key Club on the District level are in good hands. I am so excited to retire and pass on my legacy to the incredibly sweet Erica Smith from Roosevelt High School. To reflect on my goals that I set for myself this year, I was able to do one out of the three things I planned on improving this year, although it maybe small it will make our division stronger.

And that was chartering, growing the division was very important to me and now we have one foot in the door. Erica I leave the rest to you to finish what I have started. Before I end, to all you who are volunteering just to volunteer, you are saving lives, the planet, the fish that swims in the river, feeding your neighbor, cleaning your streets, you make a difference. I really would like to highlight the key players that are changing the world. It really doesn’t matter if you are in Key Club, community service is a task that many stop at the 60 hour mark. Never the less, thank you for your service and time dedicated to making the community a better place. Lastly, I want to congratulate everyone who will be graduating in the summer. Whatever you decide to do after you time in high school I am in full support of all of you. To all of you, I am looking forward to hearing great things from all of you in the future. I just wanted you all to know I am still a resource if you need help. I will miss you all. Thank you all for an amazing term, Erica, make me proud! In Service and Care, Lillian Sam

Lillian Sam PNW Key Club Lieutenant Governess Division 22/24

Now a word from your Incoming LTG Hello fellow Division 22/24 members! I cannot contain my excitement when assessing the opportunities our Division has in the coming year- and on. As your 2015-2016 lieutenant governor elect, I am hoping to meet each and every one of you at our annual District Convention, this year held at the Seattle Convention Center. Although this event marks the end of a wonderful journey to some, this is always the start to others. To all of you fresh meat out there, I hope you will enjoy community service with Key Club as much as I do. Although this is only my first year in Key Club, I believe I have learned that it takes team effort to present a positive change in the world. One individual cannot complete something quite as large as several, multiple, or dozens of individuals can. And that’s where YOU come into place. With your commitment to being part of a network of thousands of people, we can help accomplish many goals. Thank you to all incoming members and current members for your decisions in commitment and participation. I am incredibly excited to share another wonderful year of service with all of you, together, as a team. Please consider taking the time to come and say hi to me at District Convention! I won’t bite! Yours,

Erica Smith



What is DCON exactly?

DCON is a convention where Key Clubbers all over the Pacific Northwest come together for three days to celebrate service and volunteers! Get ready for spirit wars, chants, and an out of this world dance! During your time at DCON you have the opportunity of meeting new friends, attend amazing workshops, train your officers for the coming year, enjoy live entertainment and most of all elect your new district board members.


READY‌ Who can attend? You, of course! Divisional officers and I will be holding a few fundraisers to help off set the cost! Everyone is welcome to attend so long as you are an official member and are active within your club! Questions?

The call to convention packet is released! Paper work and money is due by January 23rd

Email me at:

To take service to Infinity and Beyond?

│DCON Overlays│ Step one: Go on the website, and click the banner that says overlay.

Step two: Choose your design!

Step three: Then Click Upload and Viola

A Word From Your IT Happy 2015, Pacific-Northwest! I’m so glad that we have finally made it. After a swamped first semester of school, a myriad of Key Club events, and a relaxing holiday vacation, I’m sure you all are so excited to welcome in the New Year. A lot of people see this this month as a time of resolutions. However, I think it can better be characterized as a time to reflect and look forward to the future. What awesome things have you all done so far with your time in Key Club? How will you make the most of the rest of this year? Thus far, I have seen Key Clubbers do some spectacular things. Shout out to Tasmia Ahmed and her division for collecting 70 gift cards for sex trafficked survivors in Portland. Shout out to the Communications Committee for completely renovating the face of the Pacific-Northwest district website. Shout out to Kevin Zhang for bringing the “bowl” to #palabowlo. These Key Clubbers have inspired us to do great things. What’s even more exciting is that there’s still so much to come. Whether it’s participating in “Service to Infinity and Beyond” at the 2015 District Convention or finally reaching our goal for The Eliminate Project, the coming months have much in store. Don’t feel the need to make new resolutions; your passion for service, leadership, and camaraderie will naturally take the district to new heights this 2015. In terms of the international level, there are several items we can anticipate together. First of all, 2015 is our year to eliminate maternal/neonatal tetanus (MNT) from the face of the planet! We’re taking things to a whole new level. The International Board has its own personal pen fundraiser (I’m bringing them to DCON!), and if all of Key Club International can raise an additional $80,000, board members will be kissing an octopus at our winter board meeting. (Yes, I’m very scared. But I do it fo’ da Eliminate!) For clarity, our winter board meeting will be held in Detroit, Michigan, from January 22 to 25, 2015. The board meeting agenda has already been posted to the Key Club website. If you have any questions, or if you’d like me to bring an additional topic to the board, don’t hesitate to reach out. Finally, with this year’s International Convention swiftly approaching, it’s definitely an event we can eagerly look forward to. Held from June 24 to 28, 2015, in Indianapolis, the home of Key Club International headquarters, this will be an experience you don’t want to miss. As it is the 100 th anniversary of Kiwanis, a lot of our programs will be held in conjunction with Circle K and Kiwanis members, making for a whopping estimate of 12,000 attendees. We have some awesome events planned; we’ll be renting out an entire street of Indianapolis, Hellogoodbye will be performing, and we’ll be surrounded by tons of fun things to do (i.e. free museums, bikes to ride around the city, zoos, etc.). It’s the event of a lifetime, so start fundraising and planning now! Indeed, 2014 may have brought much positivity and joy –especially in Key Club International— but I’m sure 2015 can offer even more. Have a great year, everyone!

Yours in service, Tashrima Hossain International Trustee Georgia, KIWIN'S, & Pacific-Northwest 713-505-2252


Hot Chocolate Service Event

Kiwanis Update and Winter Board Update


Hot Chocolate Run: Ronald McDonald House At 5:30 AM on Sunday March 1st Key Clubbers gathered at the Seattle center to help build fondue cups for runners who had pledge to help the Ronald McDonald House Charities. Ronald McDonald House Charities help children with severe illnesses and their families by providing a place to stay while their child is recovering at the local Children’s hospital. As Key Clubbers build these fondue cups the RMD house is getting their funding to stay open, Good Job RHS Key Club!

District and Kiwanis Update This past month I visited two Kiwanis clubs, North Central Kiwanis is bringing back Camp Casey! This fulfilled event is dedicated for kids with special needs, and we have to opportunity to volunteer at this event. Camp will take place sometime in August, please let me know if you are interested! In addition I also visited University Kiwanis, introducing Erica to our partnering Kiwanis club. Secondly some changes that were made at Winter Board, you may or may not know but before appointed positons were not allowed to vote upon district business. We have now voted for the change, and Appointees can now vote! In addition all the incoming LtG’s went through training and the current LtG’s went over DCON material. CAN’T WAIT TILL YOU SEE WHAT WE HAVE ACCOMPLISHED!

February DCM: Joint Hug Me Sign Making Not at the DCM

Hosted by Divisions 26 and 22/24, Kevin Ngo, Christina Tran, Lillian Sam, and Erica Smith we all had a great time hanging out and making signs that lead up to the glorious ‘Hug me trading signs’ this activity has been a tradition to DCON and spilled in to Rallies all over the Key Club nation. Not having this DCM is like not having desserts after dinner.

│March DCM│ WHEN: March 11 At th

3:00PM-4:00 PM

WHERE: Roosevelt High School 1410 66th NE, Seattle WA 98115

WHAT: DCON Prep! We will go over chants, make hug me signs and posters, I will also bring spirit gear for those who ordered them

BRING: Markers, Poster Paper, pvc Pipe, Paint, Money (if you haven’t paid for you spirit gear)

PREFERRED CHARITIES Children’s Miracle Network helps Children internationally by providing comfort and support Children’s Miracle Network Helps Kids with all sorts of backgrounds. Such as birth defects, cancer or more common illnesses like asthma, or a broken bone.

March of Dimes is an organization that aids mothers give birth. The children are quite special because these children are premature. March of Dimes helps mothers lengthen their pregnancies. March of Dimes has been serving mothers since 1970 and raised over 2 billion dollars!


Spirit!!!!! CHANTS AND CHEERS: 1.) 2.......2……..2..4/ 2…….2…..2..4/ 2……2….2…4… REPEAT 2.) Repeat after me Everywhere we go—ooo People want to know Who we are—eee So we tell them WE ARE PANDAS MIGHTY RED PANDAS! 3.)




AREA CONTACT Lillian Sam: Lieutenant Governor John Jay: District Administrator

Bo Jordan: Area Administrator

Suzanne Endroedy: Ass. Area Administrator

Tashrima Hoassian: INT Trustee

DISTRICT CONTACT Lisa Antonio: District Governor

Ik Hoon Jung: District Secretary

Aneesh Pappu: District Treasurer

Jenny Zhang: District Editor

CONVENTION TEAM Cleo Tsang: Convention Chair

Jag Bains: Convention Aide

Ryan Miura: Convention Aide

│Key Dates│ March 11th FINAL DCM March 13th – 15th DCON April 5th Easter April 10th Erica’s First Newsletter May Kiwanis One Day June 24-28th ICON July 4th Independence Day August Camp Casey

Farewell Division 22/24

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