April 2014 Newsletter

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The Panda Herald

(shout out to Faisal for reppin our division)


Hi All, Happy Key Club New



name is Lillian your new

District Convention


Governor for the 2014-2015 year! As we say farewell and reflect on the past fiscal year of key club I would just like to shine a

Next DCM

spotlight on John Redfield, our immediate past LtG. Although I didn’t have the chance to get to know John very well but the work that he has done for this division was phenomenal. I was honored to meet a few of you at District convention. I am excited to go to

Key Club Spotlight

some of your Club meetings and meet you all on a more personal scale. This Year I hope to bring more people to come to the District Council Meetings, and to raise our number in members. My goal for this year

District Project

is to simply to make sure you are having the most fabulous experience possible from key club. Being apart of key club for two years has definitely changed

Meet Your LTG

my life and I want your membership to change you as much as it changed me.

Officers In Love, and Service, Lillian Sam LtG D22/24

Volume 1 Issue 1

The Panda Herald

DISTRICT CONVENTION This year Key Club’s annual District convention is held at the Seattle’s Convention Center. District Convention is the time for all key clubbers to get together and meet new key clubbers all around the Pacific Northwest. Meeting Key clubbers from Alaska, Oregon, Idaho, and Washington itself. Photo Credit Left: Bassel Hamieh Past PNW District Editor Photo credit Down: Dickson Chen District 22/24 Editor

This year’s theme was: Level up in service. Guest speaker Huston Kraft spoke about love and the different types of love that one can feel towards a group or individual. DCON also teach key clubbers a variety new things from workshops galore. These workshops ranges from Fundraising 101 to learning how to Zumba. There is no cap to what these workshops can lead you to. Aside from that there is a Spirit Contest. The division with the most spirit receives a stick that has been decorated. As the outgoing Lieutenant governors step down from their office a new group of officers to take their place. Which concludes the Key club year!

Volume 1 Issue 1

The Panda Herald

District Council Meeting May’s DCM will be a joint DCM with Division 26.

April’s DCM will take place in the Roosevelt Commons on the 25th. This DCM we will be installing new officers that have been elected last month by each club. It is MANDITORY for all outgoing and incoming officers, we cannot do the celebration without the officers. With that aside all members are invited as well as Kawanians around the neighborhood. This is a time for bonding within our own division. We will meet key clubbers from different schools, while snacking on finger foods. The DCM will take place at 6:20PM and will end no later than 8PM. If anything changes I will send an email out. Philip Nokeo IP Ltg 26, Lillian Sam ltg 22/24, Kevin Ngo Ltg 26

Further Details are coming soon

Volume 1 Issue 1

The Panda Herald

Dickson Chen

KEY CLUB SPOTLIGHT Dickson is 16 years old and attends Ingraham High school. Dickson was elected for Bulletin Editor for this coming year. His favorite Key club activity this month was DCON. Favorite Color: Blue If You Had the Ability to Fly Where Would You Go: A remote island If You Can Be Any Pokémon Who would you be: Bayleaf What’s Your Spirit Animal: Red Panda, because it is the emblem of 22/24 and it shows my spirit Tell me a joke: Why is six afraid of seven? Why? Because seven ate nine (7 8 9) Your Best Pick up Line: I don't have a library card, but do you mind if I check you out? Describe 3 Things That Represents You as a Key Clubber:

I love service…scratch that. I love giving to my community. I love spreading the word about key club. And 22/24 forever Who inspires you: My father because he is a hardworking man and he challenges himself

Volume 1 Issue 1

The Panda Herald

Elizabeth Holmdahl


Elizabeth is 16 years old and attends Shorecrest High School. Elizabeth also attended DCON this spring. This year will be Elizabeth’s 2nd year in Key club and was previously Bulletin Editor and will be installed as Treasurer for the 20242015 year.

3 things that describes you as a key clubber: Hardworking, Dedicated, and Motivated Your Spirit Animal: Sloth Favorite Quote: "Happiness is not something you postpone for the future; it is something that you design for the present" - Jim Rohn Pick One Person That Inspires You: My mom inspires me a ton because she has struggled through a lot in her life, but has always continued to persevere on. She has never let any hardship stop her, and I would hope to lead my life in a similar manor. Tell me a joke What do you call a pile of kittens? What? A meowtain. Wow that wasn't funny whatevs Tell me a pick up line: Do you have a sunburn or are you always this hot?

Volume 1 Issue 1

The Panda Herald

March Of Dimes is an organization that aids mothers give birth to children. The children are very special, because these children are premature. March of dimes is an organization that helps mothers lengthen their pregnancies. MOD has been marching since 1970 and has raised Over 2 billion dollars for these children

OUR DISTRICT RAISED $19,364.35 DOLLARS AND INTERNATIONALLY WE RAISED $67,83.07 DOLLARS. IN TOTAL THAT’S $80,778.40 DOLLARS AND SAVING 89,754 LIVES! Project Eliminate strives to save Children who are living in poor conditions and do not have the health care available to treat Maternal Neonatal Tetnus. And with the help of Kiwanis and Key clubbers such as your self that number had dramatically decreased.

Children’s Miracle Network helps children internationally by providing comfort and support. CMN helps kids will all sorts of backgrounds, Such as birth defects, cancer or more common illnesses like asthma or a broken bone. CMN helps 1 in 10 children in America each year.

Volume 1 Issue 1

The Panda Herald

MEET THE LTG I’m Lillian, I attend Roosevelt High School and Seattle Central College. I am 16 years young, and I love going to the Aquarium and hanging out with the fish there. I’m on the Dive team and Tennis team. This year I had the honor of being in a couple of shows, Hard Candy, The Sweetheart of Song Tra Bong, Cult Classic, Spinal Cord, Blood and Lies, and this spring Roosevelt High school's Kiss Me Kate. My dream and career choice is split between becoming an Astronaut and an Actress on the big screen. I love traveling and this year I have been privileged enough to travel to Haiti, Jamaica, and North Carolina. I am a part of DECA since I was a freshman and I’ve been a part of Key Club since I was a sophomore. When I’m not writing newsletters, I’m stuDYING for the SAT’s. I am so privileged to be your LtG and this year is going to be awesome. My goals for my term include more divisional activities and to get the word out about Key Club. If you have any inputs or questions at all please send me an email or call me. And I want you all to know I will try my best to help you out in any way. Agape!!


Volume 1 Issue 1

The Panda Herald

The Results are In Jenny Zhang Hey Pacific Northwest Key Clubbers!

This coming year for our district is going to be a legendary one, and it’s an honor to be a part of it as your 2014-2015 District Editor. I’m so excited to be involved in your newsletters and giving THE ESPRESSO, our district newsletter, the publicity it deserves. I will make it as inclusive, informative, and exciting as possible. This position combines my love for service and design and I can say confidently that this year, not only will we Key Clubbers feel good, but we will also look good in all of the publications in our district!

Ik Hoon Jung Hi, everyone. My name’s Ik Hoon Jung from Southridge High School in Beaverton, OR (Div. 65), and I’m excited beyond words to serve as your Distrct Secretary. I’ve been an enthusiastic member of Key Club since freshman year, and it is truly a dream come true to be in this great position. I hope my term can bring about great positive personal growth in both myself and other Key Clubbers, and I won’t let you down!

Aneesh Pappu Hello Key Clubbers! My name is Aneesh Pappu and I am the incoming District Treasurer. I am so honored and grateful to serve you all for the 2014-2015 term and I look forward to what we will accomplish together! One of my main goals is to actively educate club treasurers so that dues collection is easy and efficient for all clubs in our district. I also plan to effectively monitor the budget of the board and to oversee all fundraising efforts for the district project this year. In addition, I intend to play a very active role in working with growth committees on the district board to increase membership within our district. I want you all to know that I am always available to assist you with any and all problems that you may have in your clubs. Feel free to give me a call anytime, even if you just want to chat, and add me on Facebook! I look forward to meeting you all this year. Volume 1 Issue 1

The Panda Herald

Cleo Tsang Hey PNW Key Clubbers! My name is Cleo Tsang, and I’m so excited to serve as your 2014-2015 Convention Chair. Another year has quickly come and gone, and the 66th Annual District Convention will be here before you know it! I cannot express how honored I am to be planning a convention for the best Key Clubbers in the world. With that said, I ensure you that I will work my hardest to make the 66th Annual DCON the very best! I hope to make you guys proud – so start your countdowns! Please know that I am open to suggestions, questions, comments, etc. so feel free to contact me!

Lisa Antonio Dear Pacific Northwest District, The ending of District Convention is always hard, but it also marks the beginning of another Key Club year, and another year of service. If you have not already met me, I am Lisa Antonio, and I am honored to have the chance to serve as your District Governor for the next year. I am so privileged to be leading such a diverse and enthusiastic district, and I am excited to start building upon our strengths and creating new solutions for our district’s weaknesses. In this upcoming year I want to focus on clubs and members. I want to make sure clubs are thriving and increasing not only membership, but active membership. I want each club member to know the District Board is there to serve the members. I am inspired by the love and passion each one of you has for the act of service. Keep up the amazing work, and remember that ever single minute you spend serving the community is changing the world around you in a positive way. Remember to always keep service in your heart, and no matter what is going on in life, if you are serving, you can always find love. Keep in mind that in hard times, you always have your Key Club family to lean back on, and depend on. Know that the things you have done in Key Club, and the people’s lives you have touched along the way will never be forgotten. Once again I am so grateful to have the chance to serve all of you. I am looking forward to meeting all of you, and if you have any questions please feel free to contact me via email, Facebook, or telephone!

Volume 1 Issue 1

The Panda Herald

Contact Info Lillian Sam: Lieutenant Governor Lilliansamltg2224@gmail.com

Lisa Antonio: District Governor lisaantonio.dgov@gmail.com

Jenny Zhang: District Editor editorjennyzhang@gmail.com

Aneesh Pappu: District Treasurer apappu97@gmail.com

Ik Hoon Jung: District Secretary ijungpnwsec@gmail.com

Cleo Tsang: Convention Chair pnwconventionchair@gmail.com

John Jay: District Administrator jmjay@comcast.net

Bo Jordan: Area Administrator Bojordan50@msn.com

Suzanne Endroedy: Ass. Area Administrator Suzbeth1@comcast.net

Volume 1 Issue 1

The Panda Herald

Volume 1 Issue 1

The Panda Herald

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