1 minute read

house quiz

1. How many seats in New Zealand’s house of parliament?

2. Who plays House in ‘House M.D.’?


3. ‘Corey in the House’ is a spin-off of which other Disney show?

4. What is the house crest of Ravenclaw?

5. Who is the lead singer of New Zealand band Crowded House?

6. What is ‘house’ in te reo Māori?

7. The ‘Waffle House Index’, based on the southern American chain restaurant, is a metric designed to estimate what?

8. The northern most light house in New Zealand is located where?

9. Which famous public ‘house’ features iconic architectural features inspired by orange peels?

10. Robert Eggers’ film The Lighthouse (2019) features Robert Pattinson alongside which other actor?

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