Mastergen Holstein & Beef Sires December 2022

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Daughter of Spark Red: Henna Spark Red

This December 2022 proof run marks the real start, on 1 January 2023, of the new European cattle breeding cooperative SYNETICS, created by EVOLUTION and MASTERRIND. Discover the SYNETICS genetic offer combining performance, sustainability and innovation with a diversity to fit each breeding system.

SYNETICS, a diverse and compelling genetic cooperative which contributes to feeding the global population and provides value by creating products and solutions, fulfilling a wide range of needs for sustainable cattle farming and climate-friendly, efficient and trouble-free cattle.

SYNETICS genetic line-up associates bulls created by EVOLUTION and MASTERRIND programs, designing a major genetic offer in Europe dedicated to support farmers in achieving their business goals, while enjoying work and life.

FIRST PROOF RUN FOR SYNETICS SYNETICS creates and distributes genetics in partnership with: SYNETICS breeding program in key figures : 2 biggest european bovine population : 13 M cows controlled in Germany & France 7.4 M Dairy, 6.4 M Beef 200 new bulls per year : 120 Holstein and Red Holstein, 45 Normande, 35 Beef 180 000 Genotyping 2 500 breeders involved in the breeding program 8 000 000 doses sold in 80 countries 37 000 breeders shareholders la référence création
Veenhuizer K&L JAMESON EX90 (Jetset x Balisto x VG87 Man-O-Man x 12 Gens VG/EX Dams Neblina Family) Type Conformation Reliability 75% 1240 Daughters in 454 Herds Type Merit Poor Excellent +2.10 Mammary Poor Excellent +3.18 Legs & Feet Poor Excellent +0.70 Stature 136cm 160cm -0.77 Chest Width Narrow Wide +0.26 Body Depth Shallow Deep -0.34 Angularity Coarse Open Rib -0.27 Rump Angle High Pins Low Pins -0.26 Rump Width Narrow Wide +1.02 Rear leg side Straight Sickled -2.11 Foot angle Low Steep +2.14 Fore udd att Loose Tight +3.91 Rear udd ht Very Low Very High +1.13 Udder supp Broken Strong -0.94 Udder depth Below Hock 20cm above +2.69 Front teat pl Outside Close +1.59 Teat length Short Long -0.80 Rear teat pl Apart Close -0.28 Teat pos side Close Apart -0.39 Temperament Poor Good +0.74 Ease of milk Slow Fast +0.14 Locomotion Poor Excellent +0.57 Cond Score Low High +1.00 -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3 Production Milk: +307 kg A2A2 Fat: +14.7 kg (+0.03%) Protein: +16.7 kg (+0.08%) Daughters/Herds: 3537 / 1296 (86% Rlb) PLI: £450 (84% Rlb) Health Traits SCC: -22 Lifespan in Days: +207.0 Fertility Index: -6.2 Direct Calving Ease: +0.7% Maternal Calving Ease: +0.2% TB Advantage: +0.7 SCI: £238 ACI: £362 Management Maintenance: -5.0 Mastitis: -3.0 Lameness Advantage: +0.4 Calf Survival: +0.3 Dairy Carcase Index: -0.3 Healthy Cow: +167 Gestation Length: +0.0 Envirocow: +2.7 Feed Advantage: +49 Daughter: Interra VG-86 No 4 Proven Udders +3.18 (UK & Int) No 2 Proven Lifespan +207 (UK & Int) No 15 Proven Type in Germany +122 RZE Top 20 Proven Sire in Germany +138 RZG Herdbook No: 630000750760885 AI Code: HO6760 Source: Holstein UK and AHDB Dairy 3
Vogue LETSGO (Applicable x EX90 Powerball P x EX91 Uno x 9 Gens VG/EX Dams Laurie Sheik Family) Type Conformation Reliability 75% 298 Daughters in 176 Herds Type Merit Poor Excellent +2.04 Mammary Poor Excellent +2.68 Legs & Feet Poor Excellent +1.64 Stature 136cm 160cm +1.73 Chest Width Narrow Wide +1.39 Body Depth Shallow Deep +1.20 Angularity Coarse Open Rib +0.82 Rump Angle High Pins Low Pins +1.05 Rump Width Narrow Wide +1.15 Rear leg side Straight Sickled -0.36 Foot angle Low Steep +1.44 Fore udd att Loose Tight +2.77 Rear udd ht Very Low Very High +1.34 Udder supp Broken Strong +1.27 Udder depth Below Hock 20cm above +2.01 Front teat pl Outside Close +1.70 Teat length Short Long -0.26 Rear teat pl Apart Close -0.20 Teat pos side Close Apart +0.89 Temperament Poor Good +1.45 Ease of milk Slow Fast -0.88 Locomotion Poor Excellent +1.59 Cond Score Low High +1.25 -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3 Production Milk: +454 kg KCBB+ Fat: +16.1 kg (-0.02%) Protein: +19.9 kg (+0.06%) Daughters/Herds: 542 / 278 (87% Rlb) PLI: £469 (81% Rlb) Health Traits SCC: -29 Lifespan in Days: +98.0 Fertility Index: +9.1 Direct Calving Ease: -1.9% Maternal Calving Ease: +0.7% TB Advantage: +0.8 SCI: £272 ACI: £389 Management Maintenance: +23.0 Mastitis: -4.0 Lameness Advantage: +1.1 Calf Survival: +0.2 Dairy Carcase Index: +0.0 Healthy Cow: +258 Gestation Length: -1.0 Envirocow: +1.2 Feed Advantage: -165 Dam: O Connors Powerball Lindley EX90 Top 20 Proven Udders +2.68 (UK & Int) High reliability Proven Type +2.04 (UK & Int) Top Proven LPI +3405 Canada | Top 6 Conformation +10 Top 5 Heat Tolerance in Italy 115 Herdbook No: 64000012687225 AI Code: HO7223 Source: Holstein UK & AHDB Dairy 4
NILWAY (Liway Sil x Hammig ISY x Dunhill x 4 Gens VG/EX Dams) Type Conformation Reliability 68% 72 Daughters in 54 Herds Type Merit Poor Excellent +2.26 Mammary Poor Excellent +3.46 Legs & Feet Poor Excellent +1.83 Stature 136cm 160cm +1.69 Chest Width Narrow Wide +0.42 Body Depth Shallow Deep -0.68 Angularity Coarse Open Rib +0.29 Rump Angle High Pins Low Pins +1.85 Rump Width Narrow Wide +0.54 Rear leg side Straight Sickled -0.47 Foot angle Low Steep +0.55 Fore udd att Loose Tight +2.76 Rear udd ht Very Low Very High +1.72 Udder supp Broken Strong +0.87 Udder depth Below Hock 20cm above +3.06 Front teat pl Outside Close +0.89 Teat length Short Long +0.96 Rear teat pl Apart Close +1.08 Teat pos side Close Apart +0.17 Temperament Poor Good -1.30 Ease of milk Slow Fast -0.64 Locomotion Poor Excellent +1.89 Cond Score Low High +2.03 -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3 Production Milk: +160 kg Fat: +3.7 kg (-0.03%) Protein: +9.3 kg (+0.05%) Daughters/Herds: 225 / 178 (83% Rlb) PLI: £254 (77% Rlb) Health Traits SCC: -17 Lifespan in Days: +76.0 Fertility Index: -0.4 Direct Calving Ease: -0.5% Maternal Calving Ease: +0.5% TB Advantage: +1.2 SCI: £111 ACI: £202 Management Maintenance: +17.0 Mastitis: -3.0 Lameness Advantage: +1.6 Calf Survival: +1.4 Dairy Carcase Index: +0.7 Healthy Cow: +180 Gestation Length: +0.0 Envirocow: +0.4 Feed Advantage: -134 Dam: 5817 Lituanie No 2 Proven Udders +3.46 (UK & Int) Top 20 Proven Type +2.26 (UK & Int) High Sire conception rate New proven Sire from the popular Liway Sil Herdbook No: 710003100187576 AI Code: HO7485 Source: Holstein UK and AHDB Dairy 5
Swissbec POWER RED (Durango RDC x EX91 Mogul x EX91 Demello x 6 Gens VG/EX Dams Vidian Mr Burns Miss Family) Type Conformation Reliability 82% 1993 Daughters in 936 Herds Type Merit Poor Excellent +1.87 Mammary Poor Excellent +2.68 Legs & Feet Poor Excellent +1.87 Stature 136cm 160cm +0.57 Chest Width Narrow Wide -1.11 Body Depth Shallow Deep -2.14 Angularity Coarse Open Rib -0.29 Rump Angle High Pins Low Pins +0.45 Rump Width Narrow Wide -0.32 Rear leg side Straight Sickled +1.79 Foot angle Low Steep -0.88 Fore udd att Loose Tight +2.37 Rear udd ht Very Low Very High +1.88 Udder supp Broken Strong -0.87 Udder depth Below Hock 20cm above +1.98 Front teat pl Outside Close +0.45 Teat length Short Long -1.46 Rear teat pl Apart Close -0.35 Teat pos side Close Apart +0.60 Temperament Poor Good +0.22 Ease of milk Slow Fast +1.49 Locomotion Poor Excellent +2.50 Cond Score Low High +0.64 -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3 Production Milk: +651 kg A2A2 Fat: +12.8 kg (-0.15%) Protein: +16.4 kg (-0.06%) Daughters/Herds: 3350 / 1466 (68% Rlb) PLI: £320 (72% Rlb) Health Traits SCC: -4 Lifespan in Days: +67.0 Fertility Index: -1.7 Direct Calving Ease: -0.2% Maternal Calving Ease: +0.5% TB Advantage: +2.6 SCI: £91 ACI: £194 Management Maintenance: -1.0 Mastitis: +1.0 Lameness Advantage: +2.9 Calf Survival: +1.6 Dairy Carcase Index: +0.6 Healthy Cow: +113 Gestation Length: -2.0 Envirocow: +1.4 Feed Advantage: +23 Daughter Group No 2 Red Proven Udders +2.70 (UK & Int) Top 10 Red Proven Feet & Legs +1.82 (UK & Int) Top 15 Red Sire in Germany +132 RZG Top 15 Red Type Sire in Germany +122 RZE Herdbook No: 71000120119773304 AI Code: HO6309 Source: Holstein UK and AHDB Dairy 6
Nosbisch SOLITO RED EX91 (Salvatore x VG87 Atwork x VG87 Detox x 8 Gens VG/EX Dams (7EX) Aiko Family) Type Conformation Reliability 70% 82 Daughters in 52 Herds Type Merit Poor Excellent +2.89 Mammary Poor Excellent +2.71 Legs & Feet Poor Excellent +2.93 Stature 136cm 160cm -0.01 Chest Width Narrow Wide +0.22 Body Depth Shallow Deep -0.27 Angularity Coarse Open Rib -0.04 Rump Angle High Pins Low Pins -1.18 Rump Width Narrow Wide -0.40 Rear leg side Straight Sickled -0.41 Foot angle Low Steep +0.94 Fore udd att Loose Tight +2.81 Rear udd ht Very Low Very High +2.11 Udder supp Broken Strong -0.17 Udder depth Below Hock 20cm above +2.20 Front teat pl Outside Close -0.05 Teat length Short Long +1.53 Rear teat pl Apart Close -1.81 Teat pos side Close Apart -0.34 Temperament Poor Good +0.78 Ease of milk Slow Fast +0.09 Locomotion Poor Excellent +3.34 Cond Score Low High +0.71 -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3 Production Milk: +584 kg Fat: +19.4 kg (-0.05%) Protein: +14.5 kg (-0.05%) Daughters/Herds: 147 / 94 (87% Rlb) PLI: £494 (79% Rlb) Health Traits SCC: -25 Lifespan in Days: +177.0 Fertility Index: +3.4 Direct Calving Ease: -0.6% Maternal Calving Ease: -0.2% TB Advantage: +0.7 SCI: £247 ACI: £387 Management Maintenance: +1.0 Mastitis: -2.0 Lameness Advantage: +2.8 Calf Survival: +2.0 Dairy Carcase Index: +0.4 Healthy Cow: +280 Gestation Length: -1.0 Envirocow: +2.0 Feed Advantage: -5 Daughter: Baarlinger Red Rose VG88 No 1 Red Feet & Legs +2.71 | No 5 Overall (UK & Int) No 1 Red Locomotion +3.34 | No 5 Overall (UK & Int) No 2 Red Type +2.89 | No 3 Overall (UK & Int) No 1 Red Udders +2.71 | Top 15 Overall (UK & Int) Herdbook No: 60770599024 AI Code: HO5525 Source: Holstein UK and AHDB Dairy 7
Heidenskipster SPITFIRE (Mr Salvatore x Montross x VG85 Numero Uno x Converse Judy Family) Type Conformation Reliability 74% 846 Daughters in 310 Herds Type Merit Poor Excellent +2.63 Mammary Poor Excellent +2.51 Legs & Feet Poor Excellent +2.17 Stature 136cm 160cm -0.23 Chest Width Narrow Wide +0.31 Body Depth Shallow Deep -0.72 Angularity Coarse Open Rib +0.57 Rump Angle High Pins Low Pins -0.75 Rump Width Narrow Wide -0.22 Rear leg side Straight Sickled -2.75 Foot angle Low Steep +0.24 Fore udd att Loose Tight +1.93 Rear udd ht Very Low Very High +2.29 Udder supp Broken Strong +0.31 Udder depth Below Hock 20cm above +1.71 Front teat pl Outside Close +0.04 Teat length Short Long -0.37 Rear teat pl Apart Close -0.28 Teat pos side Close Apart +0.90 Temperament Poor Good +1.10 Ease of milk Slow Fast -0.04 Locomotion Poor Excellent +2.03 Cond Score Low High -0.03 -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3 Production Milk: +822 kg Fat: +30.4 kg (-0.03%) Protein: +20.3 kg (-0.07%) Daughters/Herds: 2597 / 983 (85% Rlb) PLI: £542 (82% Rlb) Health Traits SCC: -22 Lifespan in Days: +159.0 Fertility Index: -1.0 Direct Calving Ease: +0.3% Maternal Calving Ease: +1.0% TB Advantage: +1.9 SCI: £249 ACI: £392 Management Maintenance: -2.0 Mastitis: -2.0 Lameness Advantage: +1.9 Calf Survival: +1.0 Dairy Carcase Index: +0.4 Healthy Cow: +210 Gestation Length: -1.0 Envirocow: +2.6 Feed Advantage: +50 Daughter: MB Lona No 8 Proven Type +2.63 (UK & Int) Top 25 Feet & Legs +2.17 (UK & Int) Top 15 Proven Type Germany +122 RZE Top 20 Proven Sire in Germany +138 RZG Herdbook No: 6300571956700 AI Code: HO7225 Source: Holstein UK and AHDB Dairy 8
TOPMODEL (Topshot x GP82 Silver x VG85 Supersire x 14 Gens VG/EX Dams Biffy Family) Type Conformation Reliability 73% 196 Daughters in 67 Herds Type Merit Poor Excellent +0.49 Mammary Poor Excellent +0.74 Legs & Feet Poor Excellent +0.40 Stature 136cm 160cm +1.32 Chest Width Narrow Wide +0.92 Body Depth Shallow Deep +0.09 Angularity Coarse Open Rib +0.93 Rump Angle High Pins Low Pins +1.71 Rump Width Narrow Wide -0.04 Rear leg side Straight Sickled +1.36 Foot angle Low Steep -1.02 Fore udd att Loose Tight -0.03 Rear udd ht Very Low Very High +1.18 Udder supp Broken Strong +2.07 Udder depth Below Hock 20cm above +0.41 Front teat pl Outside Close +1.25 Teat length Short Long +0.34 Rear teat pl Apart Close +1.04 Teat pos side Close Apart +1.46 Temperament Poor Good +0.61 Ease of milk Slow Fast -1.53 Locomotion Poor Excellent +0.79 Cond Score Low High +0.11 -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3 Production Milk: +543 kg A2A2 KCBB+ Fat: +34.6 kg (+0.15%) Protein: +26.5 kg (+0.10%) Daughters/Herds: 26 / 9 (89% Rlb) PLI: £482 (83% Rlb) Health Traits SCC: -11 Lifespan in Days: +52.0 Fertility Index: -0.8 Direct Calving Ease: -0.1% Maternal Calving Ease: +0.5% TB Advantage: +2.3 SCI: £268 ACI: £370 Management Maintenance: +16.0 Mastitis: -2.0 Lameness Advantage: +2.4 Calf Survival: -1.5 Dairy Carcase Index: +2.2 Healthy Cow: +69 Gestation Length: -4.0 Envirocow: +2.0 Feed Advantage: -77 Daughter: Topmodel H.O Wilma GP84 Early Proven Topshot Son Elite package of Type and Production +61.1 Kg's combined Fat & Protein with +543 Kg's Milk 15 generations of VG/EX Dams Herdbook No: 60001405290977 AI Code: HO5724 Source: AHDB Dairy and Holstein UK 9
TOPSTONE EX90 (Topshot x VG85 Rubicon x GP83 Aikman x 11 Gens VG/EX Dams Prudence Family) Type Conformation Reliability 74% 368 Daughters in 139 Herds Type Merit Poor Excellent +0.89 Mammary Poor Excellent +0.30 Legs & Feet Poor Excellent +1.22 Stature 136cm 160cm -0.82 Chest Width Narrow Wide +1.34 Body Depth Shallow Deep -0.19 Angularity Coarse Open Rib -0.15 Rump Angle High Pins Low Pins -0.42 Rump Width Narrow Wide +1.32 Rear leg side Straight Sickled +0.10 Foot angle Low Steep +0.42 Fore udd att Loose Tight -0.57 Rear udd ht Very Low Very High +0.30 Udder supp Broken Strong +1.53 Udder depth Below Hock 20cm above -0.17 Front teat pl Outside Close -1.66 Teat length Short Long -0.90 Rear teat pl Apart Close +0.32 Teat pos side Close Apart +1.01 Temperament Poor Good -1.02 Ease of milk Slow Fast +0.13 Locomotion Poor Excellent +1.38 Cond Score Low High +1.17 -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3 Production Milk: +897 kg KCBB+ Fat: +34.8 kg (-0.01%) Protein: +31.3 kg (+0.02%) Daughters/Herds: 677 / 318 (85% Rlb) PLI: £731 (80% Rlb) Health Traits SCC: -27 Lifespan in Days: +165.0 Fertility Index: +6.3 Direct Calving Ease: -0.8% Maternal Calving Ease: +0.9% TB Advantage: +0.2 SCI: £426 ACI: £582 Management Maintenance: +1.0 Mastitis: -2.0 Lameness Advantage: +1.6 Calf Survival: +0.8 Dairy Carcase Index: +2.9 Healthy Cow: +227 Gestation Length: -3.0 Envirocow: +3.5 Feed Advantage: +61 Daughter: Topstone Abby GP83 No 4 Proven PLI £731 (UK & Int) No 1 Proven Sire in Germany +161 RZG Top 10 Proven Sire in Canada +3541 LPI GTPI +2742 (USA) Herdbook No: 63000715952290 AI Code: HO6100 Source: Holstein UK and AHDB Dairy 10
ALL.NURE WENDAT (Einstein x VG85 Padawan x VG85 Rubicon x 12 Gens VG/EX Dams (1 GP) Gillette 2nd Look Family) Type Conformation Reliability 55% 0 Daughters in 0 Herds Type Merit Poor Excellent +1.62 Mammary Poor Excellent +1.59 Legs & Feet Poor Excellent +0.96 Stature 136cm 160cm -0.35 Chest Width Narrow Wide +0.21 Body Depth Shallow Deep -0.36 Angularity Coarse Open Rib +0.82 Rump Angle High Pins Low Pins +0.03 Rump Width Narrow Wide +1.73 Rear leg side Straight Sickled -0.42 Foot angle Low Steep -0.36 Fore udd att Loose Tight +0.53 Rear udd ht Very Low Very High +1.70 Udder supp Broken Strong +1.19 Udder depth Below Hock 20cm above +0.00 Front teat pl Outside Close +0.56 Teat length Short Long +0.66 Rear teat pl Apart Close +1.09 Teat pos side Close Apart +0.57 Temperament Poor Good +0.93 Ease of milk Slow Fast -0.89 Locomotion Poor Excellent +0.86 Cond Score Low High +0.44 -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3 Production Milk: +1022 kg A2A2 KCBB+ Fat: +36.7 kg (-0.05%) Protein: +39.8 kg (+0.07%) Daughters/Herds: 0 / 0 (67% Rlb) PLI: £827 (64% Rlb) Health Traits SCC: -19 Lifespan in Days: +104.0 Fertility Index: +7.8 Direct Calving Ease: +0.2% Maternal Calving Ease: +1.4% TB Advantage: +2.5 SCI: £504 ACI: £653 Management Maintenance: -4.0 Mastitis: -1.0 Lameness Advantage: +2.6 Calf Survival: +0.9 Dairy Carcase Index: +1.2 Healthy Cow: +217 Gestation Length: -1.0 Envirocow: +3.6 Feed Advantage: +82 Dam: All Nure Padawan Luce VG85 No 7 in Switzerland +1654 ISET No 9 in Italy +4658 gPFT Top 15 Protein +39.8 Kg (UK & Int) Combines strength, health and production Herdbook No: 7233990585217 AI Code: HO7069 Source: Holstein UK & AHDB Dairy 11
COPYLAND (Copyright x VG86 Gymnast x x VG86 Missouri x 8 Gens VG/EX Dams Baby Bumble Family) Type Conformation Reliability 55% 0 Daughters in 0 Herds Type Merit Poor Excellent +2.11 Mammary Poor Excellent +1.95 Legs & Feet Poor Excellent +1.46 Stature 136cm 160cm +0.25 Chest Width Narrow Wide -0.18 Body Depth Shallow Deep -0.24 Angularity Coarse Open Rib +1.55 Rump Angle High Pins Low Pins +1.10 Rump Width Narrow Wide +0.88 Rear leg side Straight Sickled -0.77 Foot angle Low Steep +0.58 Fore udd att Loose Tight +0.56 Rear udd ht Very Low Very High +2.08 Udder supp Broken Strong +1.48 Udder depth Below Hock 20cm above +1.06 Front teat pl Outside Close +0.12 Teat length Short Long +1.10 Rear teat pl Apart Close +0.26 Teat pos side Close Apart +0.48 Temperament Poor Good +0.47 Ease of milk Slow Fast +0.24 Locomotion Poor Excellent +1.53 Cond Score Low High -1.23 -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3 Production Milk: +812 kg Fat: +31.1 kg (-0.02%) Protein: +31.6 kg (+0.05%) Daughters/Herds: 0 / 0 (68% Rlb) PLI: £654 (64% Rlb) Health Traits SCC: -12 Lifespan in Days: +46.0 Fertility Index: +5.5 Direct Calving Ease: -0.2% Maternal Calving Ease: +0.7% TB Advantage: +1.8 SCI: £367 ACI: £495 Management Maintenance: -2.0 Mastitis: +0.0 Lameness Advantage: +2.2 Calf Survival: +1.5 Dairy Carcase Index: +0.6 Healthy Cow: +162 Gestation Length: -1.0 Envirocow: +2.8 Feed Advantage: +87 Dam: RHO Bailey VG86 Top 15 Udders in Germany +147 gRZM Well balanced Type & Production Sire Modern Sire stack & Deep cow family No 2 Digital Dermatitis Sire +0.9 (UK & Int) Herdbook No: 60362769797 AI Code: HO7068 Source: Holstein UK & AHDB Dairy 12
COVERBOY (Conway x VG85 Legacy x EX90 Legendary x 8 Gens VG/EX Dams Goldie Family) Type Conformation Reliability 53% 0 Daughters in 0 Herds Type Merit Poor Excellent +1.10 Mammary Poor Excellent +1.59 Legs & Feet Poor Excellent +0.56 Stature 136cm 160cm -0.30 Chest Width Narrow Wide -0.32 Body Depth Shallow Deep -1.17 Angularity Coarse Open Rib -0.03 Rump Angle High Pins Low Pins -0.11 Rump Width Narrow Wide -0.91 Rear leg side Straight Sickled -1.21 Foot angle Low Steep +0.61 Fore udd att Loose Tight +1.14 Rear udd ht Very Low Very High +1.09 Udder supp Broken Strong +0.72 Udder depth Below Hock 20cm above +0.97 Front teat pl Outside Close +0.64 Teat length Short Long +0.49 Rear teat pl Apart Close +0.20 Teat pos side Close Apart +0.86 Temperament Poor Good -0.02 Ease of milk Slow Fast -0.79 Locomotion Poor Excellent +0.22 Cond Score Low High +0.77 -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3 Production Milk: +970 kg A2A2 Fat: +48.9 kg (+0.11%) Protein: +34.4 kg (+0.03%) Daughters/Herds: 0 / 0 (67% Rlb) PLI: £855 (63% Rlb) Health Traits SCC: -14 Lifespan in Days: +128.0 Fertility Index: +8.4 Direct Calving Ease: +0.4% Maternal Calving Ease: +0.6% TB Advantage: +2.1 SCI: £529 ACI: £676 Management Maintenance: -5.0 Mastitis: -2.0 Lameness Advantage: +0.9 Calf Survival: +1.2 Dairy Carcase Index: +0.8 Healthy Cow: +218 Gestation Length: +0.0 Envirocow: +4.1 Feed Advantage: +137 2nd Dam: Welcome Legendary Gale EX90 +83.3 Kg's combined Fat & Protein High ACI Sire +£676 Top 10 in Germany +159 gRZG +2933 GTPI (USA) Herdbook No: 653214541180 AI Code: HO7066 Source: Holstein UK & AHDB Dairy 13
DINO PP (Dynamic P x Solitair P x VG88 Imax x 10 Gens VG/EX Dams End-Road Choice Mandy EX91 Family) Type Conformation Reliability 53% 0 Daughters in 0 Herds Type Merit Poor Excellent +2.29 Mammary Poor Excellent +1.76 Legs & Feet Poor Excellent +1.88 Stature 136cm 160cm +0.20 Chest Width Narrow Wide +0.08 Body Depth Shallow Deep -0.02 Angularity Coarse Open Rib +1.70 Rump Angle High Pins Low Pins +1.09 Rump Width Narrow Wide +1.71 Rear leg side Straight Sickled +0.85 Foot angle Low Steep -0.29 Fore udd att Loose Tight +1.06 Rear udd ht Very Low Very High +1.43 Udder supp Broken Strong +0.74 Udder depth Below Hock 20cm above +1.12 Front teat pl Outside Close +0.52 Teat length Short Long -0.79 Rear teat pl Apart Close +0.77 Teat pos side Close Apart +1.09 Temperament Poor Good +0.62 Ease of milk Slow Fast +1.47 Locomotion Poor Excellent +1.88 Cond Score Low High -0.92 -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3 Production Milk: +649 kg A2A2 Fat: +27.2 kg (+0.01%) Protein: +28.5 kg (+0.08%) Daughters/Herds: 0 / 0 (67% Rlb) PLI: £527 (63% Rlb) Health Traits SCC: +0 Lifespan in Days: +61.0 Fertility Index: -2.2 Direct Calving Ease: +0.4% Maternal Calving Ease: +0.6% TB Advantage: +2.1 SCI: £272 ACI: £391 Management Maintenance: -1.0 Mastitis: +0.0 Lameness Advantage: +1.0 Calf Survival: +1.7 Dairy Carcase Index: +0.2 Healthy Cow: +88 Gestation Length: -1.0 Envirocow: +2.5 Feed Advantage: +51 3rd Dam: End-Road Jedi EX90 No 1 PP Type sire +2.29 (UK & Int) No 4 PP Feet & Legs +1.88 (UK & Int) Top 10 PP Udders +1.76 (UK & Int) Complete Polled package! Herdbook No: 600001406357754 AI Code: HO7224 Source: Holstein UK and AHDB Dairy 14
DOTTI LETSGO DORANDO (Letsgo x VG89 Silver x VG86 Doorman x 9 Gens VG/EX Dams Blackstar Raven Family) Type Conformation Reliability 56% 0 Daughters in 0 Herds Type Merit Poor Excellent +2.09 Mammary Poor Excellent +2.39 Legs & Feet Poor Excellent +1.64 Stature 136cm 160cm +1.26 Chest Width Narrow Wide +0.19 Body Depth Shallow Deep +1.26 Angularity Coarse Open Rib +1.57 Rump Angle High Pins Low Pins -0.84 Rump Width Narrow Wide +0.35 Rear leg side Straight Sickled +0.65 Foot angle Low Steep +0.63 Fore udd att Loose Tight +2.06 Rear udd ht Very Low Very High +2.18 Udder supp Broken Strong +0.70 Udder depth Below Hock 20cm above +1.17 Front teat pl Outside Close +1.09 Teat length Short Long +0.20 Rear teat pl Apart Close -0.14 Teat pos side Close Apart +1.44 Temperament Poor Good +1.05 Ease of milk Slow Fast -0.77 Locomotion Poor Excellent +1.65 Cond Score Low High -0.56 -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3 Production Milk: +498 kg A2A2 KCBB+ Fat: +21.7 kg (+0.02%) Protein: +23.3 kg (+0.08%) Daughters/Herds: 0 / 0 (68% Rlb) PLI: £504 (64% Rlb) Health Traits SCC: -17 Lifespan in Days: +82.0 Fertility Index: +3.0 Direct Calving Ease: -1.4% Maternal Calving Ease: +0.2% TB Advantage: +2.2 SCI: £260 ACI: £380 Management Maintenance: +10.0 Mastitis: -2.0 Lameness Advantage: +0.7 Calf Survival: +1.0 Dairy Carcase Index: +0.0 Healthy Cow: +167 Gestation Length: -1.0 Envirocow: +2.1 Feed Advantage: -7 Dam: Dotti Silver Atolla VG89 Top 25 Type +2.09 (UK & Int) Excellent Udders +2.39 (UK & Int) Son of flagship bull, Letsgo Excellent combination of Type & Production Herdbook No: 7236990675077 AI Code: HO7065 Source: Holstein UK & AHDB Dairy 15
INNOCENT (AltaIndulge x King Doc x GP83 Jedi x 14 Gens classified Dams from Laurie Sheik family) Type Conformation Reliability 54% 0 Daughters in 0 Herds Type Merit Poor Excellent +1.50 Mammary Poor Excellent +1.39 Legs & Feet Poor Excellent +1.24 Stature 136cm 160cm +1.53 Chest Width Narrow Wide +1.26 Body Depth Shallow Deep +2.02 Angularity Coarse Open Rib +1.88 Rump Angle High Pins Low Pins -0.67 Rump Width Narrow Wide +0.62 Rear leg side Straight Sickled -0.32 Foot angle Low Steep +1.17 Fore udd att Loose Tight +1.08 Rear udd ht Very Low Very High +1.15 Udder supp Broken Strong +1.29 Udder depth Below Hock 20cm above +1.06 Front teat pl Outside Close +0.82 Teat length Short Long +0.40 Rear teat pl Apart Close +1.30 Teat pos side Close Apart +0.58 Temperament Poor Good +0.58 Ease of milk Slow Fast +0.54 Locomotion Poor Excellent +1.04 Cond Score Low High -0.34 -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3 Production Milk: +891 kg A2A2 Fat: +39.5 kg (+0.04%) Protein: +30.3 kg (+0.01%) Daughters/Herds: 0 / 0 (67% Rlb) PLI: £584 (63% Rlb) Health Traits SCC: -14 Lifespan in Days: +52.0 Fertility Index: +0.6 Direct Calving Ease: -1.6% Maternal Calving Ease: +0.8% TB Advantage: +3.5 SCI: £235 ACI: £383 Management Maintenance: +19.0 Mastitis: +1.0 Lameness Advantage: +0.7 Calf Survival: +2.0 Dairy Carcase Index: -0.2 Healthy Cow: +96 Gestation Length: +0.0 Envirocow: +2.7 Feed Advantage: +39 Bull: Innocent Top Sire in Germany +149 gRZG +69.8 Kg's combined Fat & Protein Excels in body traits Laurie Sheik Cow Family Herdbook No: 60000541057719 AI Code: HO6849 Source: Holstein UK and AHDB Dairy 16
PELLEGRINO (Topnotch PR x Router x VG85 Muscadet x 8 Gens VG/EX Dams Rudy Missy Family) Type Conformation Reliability 56% 0 Daughters in 0 Herds Type Merit Poor Excellent +1.27 Mammary Poor Excellent +2.08 Legs & Feet Poor Excellent +0.65 Stature 136cm 160cm +1.29 Chest Width Narrow Wide +0.69 Body Depth Shallow Deep +0.39 Angularity Coarse Open Rib +0.67 Rump Angle High Pins Low Pins +0.53 Rump Width Narrow Wide +1.12 Rear leg side Straight Sickled -0.47 Foot angle Low Steep -0.06 Fore udd att Loose Tight +1.74 Rear udd ht Very Low Very High +2.07 Udder supp Broken Strong +1.40 Udder depth Below Hock 20cm above +1.82 Front teat pl Outside Close -0.32 Teat length Short Long -0.12 Rear teat pl Apart Close +0.85 Teat pos side Close Apart +0.69 Temperament Poor Good +1.59 Ease of milk Slow Fast -0.41 Locomotion Poor Excellent +0.25 Cond Score Low High +0.94 -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3 Production Milk: +945 kg Fat: +35.7 kg (-0.02%) Protein: +30.5 kg (-0.01%) Daughters/Herds: 0 / 0 (68% Rlb) PLI: £735 (65% Rlb) Health Traits SCC: -25 Lifespan in Days: +153.0 Fertility Index: +9.2 Direct Calving Ease: -0.5% Maternal Calving Ease: +1.0% TB Advantage: +1.2 SCI: £392 ACI: £571 Management Maintenance: +15.0 Mastitis: -2.0 Lameness Advantage: +2.6 Calf Survival: +2.7 Dairy Carcase Index: +0.8 Healthy Cow: +285 Gestation Length: -3.0 Envirocow: +3.0 Feed Advantage: -18 Bull: Pellegrino Top 5 in Italy +4818 gPFT Top 15 in Germany +156 gRZG Top 20 in France +206 ISU +2752 GTPI USA | £752 PLI UK | +3599 gLPI Canada Herdbook No: 710007253843259 AI Code: HO6761 Source: Holstein UK and AHDB Dairy 17
Lilas PIANO (Hotspot P x VG85 Battlecry x VG85 Kingboy x 7 Gens of classified Dams) Type Conformation Reliability 58% 0 Daughters in 0 Herds Type Merit Poor Excellent +1.31 Mammary Poor Excellent +1.71 Legs & Feet Poor Excellent +1.00 Stature 136cm 160cm +0.55 Chest Width Narrow Wide +0.50 Body Depth Shallow Deep +0.72 Angularity Coarse Open Rib +0.09 Rump Angle High Pins Low Pins +0.63 Rump Width Narrow Wide -0.09 Rear leg side Straight Sickled -1.66 Foot angle Low Steep +0.84 Fore udd att Loose Tight +1.91 Rear udd ht Very Low Very High +0.89 Udder supp Broken Strong +0.04 Udder depth Below Hock 20cm above +1.52 Front teat pl Outside Close -0.04 Teat length Short Long +0.24 Rear teat pl Apart Close -0.61 Teat pos side Close Apart -0.34 Temperament Poor Good -0.01 Ease of milk Slow Fast -0.34 Locomotion Poor Excellent +0.80 Cond Score Low High +1.32 -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3 Production Milk: +500 kg Fat: +19.8 kg (+0.00%) Protein: +19.0 kg (+0.03%) Daughters/Herds: 0 / 0 (69% Rlb) PLI: £493 (66% Rlb) Health Traits SCC: -20 Lifespan in Days: +79.0 Fertility Index: +9.7 Direct Calving Ease: -0.2% Maternal Calving Ease: +0.8% TB Advantage: +1.4 SCI: £306 ACI: £399 Management Maintenance: +8.0 Mastitis: -2.0 Lameness Advantage: +2.5 Calf Survival: -1.8 Dairy Carcase Index: -0.3 Healthy Cow: +200 Gestation Length: +0.0 Envirocow: +1.8 Feed Advantage: -1 Dam: Nidange RPTB sire - High resistance to Paratuberculosis Elite combination of Type, Production and Health Fertility and Udder health specialist High Sire conception rates Herdbook No: 713536657875 AI Code: HO6443 Source: Holstein UK & AHDB Dairy 18
POKEMON (Pursuit x Fabulous x Altatopshot x 7 Gens VG/EX Dams Rud Zip Family) Type Conformation Reliability 55% 0 Daughters in 0 Herds Type Merit Poor Excellent +1.36 Mammary Poor Excellent +1.26 Legs & Feet Poor Excellent +0.69 Stature 136cm 160cm -0.31 Chest Width Narrow Wide +0.51 Body Depth Shallow Deep -0.06 Angularity Coarse Open Rib +0.82 Rump Angle High Pins Low Pins -0.40 Rump Width Narrow Wide +1.29 Rear leg side Straight Sickled +0.96 Foot angle Low Steep -0.26 Fore udd att Loose Tight +0.67 Rear udd ht Very Low Very High +1.38 Udder supp Broken Strong +0.81 Udder depth Below Hock 20cm above +0.25 Front teat pl Outside Close -0.92 Teat length Short Long +0.57 Rear teat pl Apart Close -0.15 Teat pos side Close Apart +0.86 Temperament Poor Good +0.33 Ease of milk Slow Fast +0.51 Locomotion Poor Excellent +0.84 Cond Score Low High +0.22 -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3 Production Milk: +880 kg A2A2 Fat: +41.4 kg (+0.07%) Protein: +31.4 kg (+0.03%) Daughters/Herds: 0 / 0 (68% Rlb) PLI: £764 (64% Rlb) Health Traits SCC: -19 Lifespan in Days: +134.0 Fertility Index: +4.5 Direct Calving Ease: -0.3% Maternal Calving Ease: +1.1% TB Advantage: -0.4 SCI: £430 ACI: £584 Management Maintenance: -1.0 Mastitis: -2.0 Lameness Advantage: +0.7 Calf Survival: +1.8 Dairy Carcase Index: +1.1 Healthy Cow: +197 Gestation Length: -1.0 Envirocow: +3.8 Feed Advantage: +136 3rd Dam: Zeronica +72.8 Kg's combined Fat & Protein Low Maintenance, Healthy Daughters Top ISU sire in France +2842 GTPI (USA) Herdbook No: 650003209641511 AI Code: HO6620 Source: Holstein UK and AHDB Dairy 19
Wemken Holsteins PROSECCO (Prosperous x VG86 Bandaras x EX90 Damaris x 11 Gens VG/EX Dams Alexa Family) Type Conformation Reliability 56% 0 Daughters in 0 Herds Type Merit Poor Excellent +1.68 Mammary Poor Excellent +2.21 Legs & Feet Poor Excellent +0.53 Stature 136cm 160cm +0.32 Chest Width Narrow Wide +0.58 Body Depth Shallow Deep +0.12 Angularity Coarse Open Rib +0.70 Rump Angle High Pins Low Pins +0.50 Rump Width Narrow Wide +1.21 Rear leg side Straight Sickled -0.05 Foot angle Low Steep +0.15 Fore udd att Loose Tight +1.99 Rear udd ht Very Low Very High +1.98 Udder supp Broken Strong +0.42 Udder depth Below Hock 20cm above +1.03 Front teat pl Outside Close +0.53 Teat length Short Long +0.50 Rear teat pl Apart Close -0.09 Teat pos side Close Apart +0.36 Temperament Poor Good +0.55 Ease of milk Slow Fast +0.24 Locomotion Poor Excellent +0.67 Cond Score Low High +0.36 -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3 Production Milk: +932 kg Fat: +31.1 kg (-0.07%) Protein: +30.0 kg (-0.01%) Daughters/Herds: 0 / 0 (68% Rlb) PLI: £658 (65% Rlb) Health Traits SCC: -26 Lifespan in Days: +131.0 Fertility Index: +4.3 Direct Calving Ease: -0.1% Maternal Calving Ease: +0.7% TB Advantage: -1.0 SCI: £337 ACI: £495 Management Maintenance: +5.0 Mastitis: -3.0 Lameness Advantage: +1.7 Calf Survival: +0.5 Dairy Carcase Index: +0.6 Healthy Cow: +218 Gestation Length: -1.0 Envirocow: +2.9 Feed Advantage: +31 DAM: Wemken Holsteins Alexis VG85 No Mogul in first 3 generations Production improver Health trait specialist Great value - Elite Udders Herdbook No: 600000360261690 AI Code: HO6855 Source: Holstein UK & AHDB Dairy 20
RASTOR P (Radar x VG85 Dream P x VG87 Kerrigan x 11 Gens VG/EX Dams Sully Shottle May Family ) Type Conformation Reliability 54% 0 Daughters in 0 Herds Type Merit Poor Excellent +2.14 Mammary Poor Excellent +2.85 Legs & Feet Poor Excellent +0.84 Stature 136cm 160cm +0.14 Chest Width Narrow Wide +0.89 Body Depth Shallow Deep -0.31 Angularity Coarse Open Rib +0.11 Rump Angle High Pins Low Pins -0.45 Rump Width Narrow Wide +0.87 Rear leg side Straight Sickled +0.57 Foot angle Low Steep -0.05 Fore udd att Loose Tight +2.69 Rear udd ht Very Low Very High +2.03 Udder supp Broken Strong +1.17 Udder depth Below Hock 20cm above +2.87 Front teat pl Outside Close +1.61 Teat length Short Long +0.76 Rear teat pl Apart Close +0.90 Teat pos side Close Apart +0.55 Temperament Poor Good +0.42 Ease of milk Slow Fast +1.00 Locomotion Poor Excellent +0.93 Cond Score Low High +0.60 -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3 Production Milk: +467 kg Fat: +17.4 kg (-0.02%) Protein: +22.8 kg (+0.09%) Daughters/Herds: 0 / 0 (67% Rlb) PLI: £481 (64% Rlb) Health Traits SCC: -13 Lifespan in Days: +98.0 Fertility Index: +2.3 Direct Calving Ease: -0.4% Maternal Calving Ease: +0.6% TB Advantage: +2.7 SCI: £259 ACI: £366 Management Maintenance: +6.0 Mastitis: -2.0 Lameness Advantage: +0.8 Calf Survival: -0.9 Dairy Carcase Index: +0.4 Healthy Cow: +144 Gestation Length: -1.0 Envirocow: +2.2 Feed Advantage: +21 Bull: Rastor P No 2 Polled Type Sire +2.14 | Top 20 Overall No 2 Polled Udders +2.85 | Top 20 Overall No 3 Polled Type Sire in Germany +137 RZE +3484 LPI Canada Herdbook No: 60363070385 AI Code: HO7060 Source: Holstein UK & AHDB Dairy 21
BGP FB RIDERCUP (Lariat x VG85 Resolve x VG85 Rubicon x 8 Gens VG/EX Dams Ri-Val-Re Bookem Hero Family) Type Conformation Reliability 51% 0 Daughters in 0 Herds Type Merit Poor Excellent +1.47 Mammary Poor Excellent +1.82 Legs & Feet Poor Excellent +0.73 Stature 136cm 160cm +0.00 Chest Width Narrow Wide +0.66 Body Depth Shallow Deep -0.39 Angularity Coarse Open Rib -0.02 Rump Angle High Pins Low Pins +0.12 Rump Width Narrow Wide -0.10 Rear leg side Straight Sickled -1.17 Foot angle Low Steep +1.16 Fore udd att Loose Tight +1.57 Rear udd ht Very Low Very High +2.02 Udder supp Broken Strong +0.40 Udder depth Below Hock 20cm above +1.24 Front teat pl Outside Close +0.22 Teat length Short Long +0.08 Rear teat pl Apart Close -0.13 Teat pos side Close Apart +1.08 Temperament Poor Good +0.10 Ease of milk Slow Fast +0.43 Locomotion Poor Excellent +0.54 Cond Score Low High +1.24 -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3 Production Milk: +874 kg Fat: +47.3 kg (+0.13%) Protein: +36.3 kg (+0.08%) Daughters/Herds: 0 / 0 (67% Rlb) PLI: £827 (62% Rlb) Health Traits SCC: -12 Lifespan in Days: +122.0 Fertility Index: +4.2 Direct Calving Ease: -0.4% Maternal Calving Ease: +0.9% TB Advantage: +1.3 SCI: £480 ACI: £627 Management Maintenance: +4.0 Mastitis: -1.0 Lameness Advantage: +0.8 Calf Survival: +1.1 Dairy Carcase Index: +1.1 Healthy Cow: +168 Gestation Length: +1.0 Envirocow: +4.1 Feed Advantage: +111 Dam: BGP Resolve Debra VG85 £827 PLI (UK & Int) Production and Health trait specialist 83.6 Kg's Combined Fat & Protein +2949 GTPI (USA) Herdbook No: 653216569383 AI Code: HO7067 Source: Holstein UK & AHDB Dairy 22
Peak RING (Pursuit x VG85 Marius x VG85 Duke x 9 Gens VG/EX Dams Ellen Family) Type Conformation Reliability 55% 0 Daughters in 0 Herds Type Merit Poor Excellent +1.54 Mammary Poor Excellent +1.39 Legs & Feet Poor Excellent +0.93 Stature 136cm 160cm +1.26 Chest Width Narrow Wide +2.23 Body Depth Shallow Deep +1.85 Angularity Coarse Open Rib +1.59 Rump Angle High Pins Low Pins -0.13 Rump Width Narrow Wide +1.23 Rear leg side Straight Sickled +0.00 Foot angle Low Steep +1.05 Fore udd att Loose Tight +0.83 Rear udd ht Very Low Very High +0.82 Udder supp Broken Strong +1.17 Udder depth Below Hock 20cm above +0.13 Front teat pl Outside Close +1.46 Teat length Short Long +0.13 Rear teat pl Apart Close +0.88 Teat pos side Close Apart +1.37 Temperament Poor Good +0.93 Ease of milk Slow Fast -0.27 Locomotion Poor Excellent +0.77 Cond Score Low High +1.09 -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3 Production Milk: +921 kg Fat: +48.1 kg (+0.12%) Protein: +34.1 kg (+0.04%) Daughters/Herds: 0 / 0 (67% Rlb) PLI: £707 (64% Rlb) Health Traits SCC: -20 Lifespan in Days: +70.0 Fertility Index: -2.0 Direct Calving Ease: -0.5% Maternal Calving Ease: +0.9% TB Advantage: +1.9 SCI: £318 ACI: £470 Management Maintenance: +23.0 Mastitis: -3.0 Lameness Advantage: +0.8 Calf Survival: +1.2 Dairy Carcase Index: +1.4 Healthy Cow: +124 Gestation Length: +0.0 Envirocow: +3.2 Feed Advantage: +21 The ONLY bull in the UK with over... £700 PLI, 48 Kg's Fat, 900 Kg Milk and +2 Chest Width +82.2 Kg's combined Fat & Protein High GTPI +2924 (USA) Herdbook No: 650003209641708 AI Code: HO6846 Source: Holstein UK & AHDB Dairy 23
Peak ROVER (Altazazzle x Positive x Modesty x 7 Gens VG/EX Dams EX91 Outside Dabble Family) Type Conformation Reliability 53% 0 Daughters in 0 Herds Type Merit Poor Excellent +0.97 Mammary Poor Excellent +1.55 Legs & Feet Poor Excellent +0.68 Stature 136cm 160cm +0.54 Chest Width Narrow Wide -0.35 Body Depth Shallow Deep -0.89 Angularity Coarse Open Rib +0.19 Rump Angle High Pins Low Pins +0.84 Rump Width Narrow Wide +0.47 Rear leg side Straight Sickled +0.22 Foot angle Low Steep -0.19 Fore udd att Loose Tight +2.17 Rear udd ht Very Low Very High +0.96 Udder supp Broken Strong -0.14 Udder depth Below Hock 20cm above +2.15 Front teat pl Outside Close +0.29 Teat length Short Long -0.47 Rear teat pl Apart Close -0.48 Teat pos side Close Apart -0.59 Temperament Poor Good +0.32 Ease of milk Slow Fast +1.08 Locomotion Poor Excellent +0.60 Cond Score Low High +0.05 -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3 Production Milk: +708 kg A2A2 Fat: +48.9 kg (+0.23%) Protein: +28.9 kg (+0.06%) Daughters/Herds: 0 / 0 (67% Rlb) PLI: £754 (63% Rlb) Health Traits SCC: -6 Lifespan in Days: +128.0 Fertility Index: +7.0 Direct Calving Ease: +0.5% Maternal Calving Ease: +1.8% TB Advantage: -0.7 SCI: £477 ACI: £606 Management Maintenance: +2.0 Mastitis: +0.0 Lameness Advantage: +2.6 Calf Survival: +0.6 Dairy Carcase Index: +0.4 Healthy Cow: +186 Gestation Length: -2.0 Envirocow: +3.6 Feed Advantage: +75 Bull: Peak Rover High Fat +48.9 Kg (UK & Int) +77.8 Kg's combined Fat and Protein Lifespan +128 (UK & Int) No 8 Scandinavia +35 NTM | +2888 GTPI Herdbook No: 650003215425510 AI Code: HO6914 Source: Holstein UK and AHDB Dairy 24
SOLDADO (Poulidor x GP83 Jazz x VG85 Benwood P x 8 Gens VG/EX Dams) Type Conformation Reliability 51% 0 Daughters in 0 Herds Type Merit Poor Excellent +0.92 Mammary Poor Excellent +1.60 Legs & Feet Poor Excellent +0.33 Stature 136cm 160cm +1.43 Chest Width Narrow Wide +0.98 Body Depth Shallow Deep +0.16 Angularity Coarse Open Rib +0.91 Rump Angle High Pins Low Pins +0.54 Rump Width Narrow Wide +1.68 Rear leg side Straight Sickled -0.34 Foot angle Low Steep +1.35 Fore udd att Loose Tight +1.69 Rear udd ht Very Low Very High +1.58 Udder supp Broken Strong +0.33 Udder depth Below Hock 20cm above +1.51 Front teat pl Outside Close -0.67 Teat length Short Long +0.36 Rear teat pl Apart Close -0.40 Teat pos side Close Apart -0.01 Temperament Poor Good +0.69 Ease of milk Slow Fast -0.71 Locomotion Poor Excellent +0.14 Cond Score Low High +0.54 -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3 Production Milk: +867 kg A2A2 Fat: +41.7 kg (+0.08%) Protein: +36.2 kg (+0.08%) Daughters/Herds: 0 / 0 (65% Rlb) PLI: £734 (62% Rlb) Health Traits SCC: -18 Lifespan in Days: +76.0 Fertility Index: +5.6 Direct Calving Ease: -0.1% Maternal Calving Ease: +0.9% TB Advantage: +1.3 SCI: £406 ACI: £545 Management Maintenance: +17.0 Mastitis: -2.0 Lameness Advantage: +1.5 Calf Survival: -0.3 Dairy Carcase Index: +0.3 Healthy Cow: +161 Gestation Length: +0.0 Envirocow: +3.2 Feed Advantage: +6 Dam: Poker GP83 RPTB sire - High resistance to Paratuberculosis Outcross Sire with high production +77.9 Kg's combined Fat & Protein Suitable for Robotic systems Herdbook No: 710004445551044 AI Code: HO7484 Source: Holstein UK and AHDB Dairy 25
Welcome TIGERMAN (Taos x Rome x EX90 Legendary x 8 Gens VG/EX Dams Goldie Family) Type Conformation Reliability 53% 0 Daughters in 0 Herds Type Merit Poor Excellent +0.87 Mammary Poor Excellent +0.66 Legs & Feet Poor Excellent +1.30 Stature 136cm 160cm +0.86 Chest Width Narrow Wide +0.75 Body Depth Shallow Deep +0.12 Angularity Coarse Open Rib +0.47 Rump Angle High Pins Low Pins +0.80 Rump Width Narrow Wide +0.81 Rear leg side Straight Sickled -0.82 Foot angle Low Steep +0.53 Fore udd att Loose Tight +0.33 Rear udd ht Very Low Very High +0.04 Udder supp Broken Strong +0.64 Udder depth Below Hock 20cm above +0.80 Front teat pl Outside Close +0.34 Teat length Short Long -0.12 Rear teat pl Apart Close -0.05 Teat pos side Close Apart +0.57 Temperament Poor Good +0.01 Ease of milk Slow Fast +0.47 Locomotion Poor Excellent +1.20 Cond Score Low High +0.56 -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3 Production Milk: +1014 kg A2A2 Fat: +44.6 kg (+0.04%) Protein: +31.8 kg (-0.02%) Daughters/Herds: 0 / 0 (67% Rlb) PLI: £749 (63% Rlb) Health Traits SCC: -16 Lifespan in Days: +128.0 Fertility Index: +10.2 Direct Calving Ease: -0.7% Maternal Calving Ease: +0.8% TB Advantage: +0.4 SCI: £408 ACI: £569 Management Maintenance: +12.0 Mastitis: +0.0 Lameness Advantage: +2.8 Calf Survival: +0.7 Dairy Carcase Index: +0.6 Healthy Cow: +219 Gestation Length: +0.0 Envirocow: +3.4 Feed Advantage: +42 2nd Dam: Welcome Legendary Gale EX90 +2936 GTPI (USA) | £749 PLI (UK) +76.4 Kg's combined Fat & Protein Elite Health & Fitness Sire Suitable for Robotic systems Herdbook No: 653214541108 AI Code: HO7061 Source: Holstein UK & AHDB Dairy 26
Aija WAY MAKER (Alleyoop x VG88 King Doc x VG86 Commander x 9 Gens VG/EX Dams Rudy Missy Family) Type Conformation Reliability 54% 0 Daughters in 0 Herds Type Merit Poor Excellent +2.04 Mammary Poor Excellent +2.59 Legs & Feet Poor Excellent +1.59 Stature 136cm 160cm +2.07 Chest Width Narrow Wide -0.44 Body Depth Shallow Deep +1.35 Angularity Coarse Open Rib +2.53 Rump Angle High Pins Low Pins -0.96 Rump Width Narrow Wide +1.50 Rear leg side Straight Sickled +0.68 Foot angle Low Steep +0.08 Fore udd att Loose Tight +2.32 Rear udd ht Very Low Very High +2.86 Udder supp Broken Strong +1.32 Udder depth Below Hock 20cm above +1.64 Front teat pl Outside Close +1.10 Teat length Short Long +0.65 Rear teat pl Apart Close +1.12 Teat pos side Close Apart +1.28 Temperament Poor Good +1.40 Ease of milk Slow Fast +1.23 Locomotion Poor Excellent +1.76 Cond Score Low High -1.31 -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3 Production Milk: +865 kg A2A2 Fat: +26.4 kg (-0.09%) Protein: +28.8 kg (+0.00%) Daughters/Herds: 0 / 0 (67% Rlb) PLI: £439 (64% Rlb) Health Traits SCC: -4 Lifespan in Days: +12.0 Fertility Index: -2.3 Direct Calving Ease: -0.8% Maternal Calving Ease: +0.4% TB Advantage: +2.5 SCI: £136 ACI: £262 Management Maintenance: +12.0 Mastitis: +1.0 Lameness Advantage: +0.7 Calf Survival: +1.0 Dairy Carcase Index: -0.4 Healthy Cow: +51 Gestation Length: +0.0 Envirocow: +1.9 Feed Advantage: +19 Bull: Way Maker Top 15 Type in USA +3.66 PTAT Elite Alleyoop son from the Rudy Missy's Dam is Aija King-Doc Wichita VG88 The 2nd highest son in USA +2642 GTPI & Canada +3160 LPI Herdbook No: 71000120165100680 AI Code: HO7366 Source: Holstein UK and AHDB Dairy 27
ZHA ZIVET (AltaZarek x Skywalker x VG85 Gatedancer x 10 Gens VG/EX Dams Oman Mirror Family ) Type Conformation Reliability 57% 0 Daughters in 0 Herds Type Merit Poor Excellent +1.41 Mammary Poor Excellent +1.24 Legs & Feet Poor Excellent +1.05 Stature 136cm 160cm +0.69 Chest Width Narrow Wide +0.76 Body Depth Shallow Deep +0.67 Angularity Coarse Open Rib +1.28 Rump Angle High Pins Low Pins +1.10 Rump Width Narrow Wide -0.09 Rear leg side Straight Sickled +0.60 Foot angle Low Steep -0.63 Fore udd att Loose Tight +1.21 Rear udd ht Very Low Very High +1.09 Udder supp Broken Strong -0.48 Udder depth Below Hock 20cm above +0.48 Front teat pl Outside Close -1.09 Teat length Short Long +1.02 Rear teat pl Apart Close -0.98 Teat pos side Close Apart +0.95 Temperament Poor Good +0.75 Ease of milk Slow Fast -0.29 Locomotion Poor Excellent +0.97 Cond Score Low High -0.29 -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3 Production Milk: +1127 kg A2A2 KCBB+ Fat: +40.2 kg (-0.05%) Protein: +41.2 kg (+0.04%) Daughters/Herds: 0 / 0 (69% Rlb) PLI: £748 (65% Rlb) Health Traits SCC: -8 Lifespan in Days: +101.0 Fertility Index: -0.4 Direct Calving Ease: -0.1% Maternal Calving Ease: +0.8% TB Advantage: +1.3 SCI: £361 ACI: £527 Management Maintenance: +9.0 Mastitis: -1.0 Lameness Advantage: +2.6 Calf Survival: +2.2 Dairy Carcase Index: +1.7 Healthy Cow: +139 Gestation Length: -3.0 Envirocow: +3.6 Feed Advantage: +53 2nd Dam: Okapi VG85 +81.4 Kg's Combined Fat & Protein +1127 Kg Milk No 8 Protein +41.2 (UK & Int) Suitable for Robotic systems A2A2 & KCBB+ | +2764 GTPI (USA) Herdbook No: 601406051699 AI Code: HO7062 Source: Holstein UK & AHDB Dairy 28
Red Rocks MASK RED (Stamkos x VG86 Wisent x VG86 Sunfish RF x 7 Gens VG/EX Dams Dutch Massia Family) Type Conformation Reliability 53% 0 Daughters in 0 Herds Type Merit Poor Excellent +1.58 Mammary Poor Excellent +1.02 Legs & Feet Poor Excellent +1.72 Stature 136cm 160cm -0.14 Chest Width Narrow Wide +0.50 Body Depth Shallow Deep -0.02 Angularity Coarse Open Rib +0.47 Rump Angle High Pins Low Pins +0.48 Rump Width Narrow Wide -0.82 Rear leg side Straight Sickled -0.59 Foot angle Low Steep +1.16 Fore udd att Loose Tight +0.83 Rear udd ht Very Low Very High +0.43 Udder supp Broken Strong -0.22 Udder depth Below Hock 20cm above +0.56 Front teat pl Outside Close +0.43 Teat length Short Long -0.43 Rear teat pl Apart Close -0.05 Teat pos side Close Apart +0.11 Temperament Poor Good -0.20 Ease of milk Slow Fast +0.08 Locomotion Poor Excellent +1.71 Cond Score Low High +0.30 -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3 Production Milk: +556 kg A2A2 KCBB+ Fat: +26.8 kg (+0.05%) Protein: +28.4 kg (+0.11%) Daughters/Herds: 0 / 0 (67% Rlb) PLI: £670 (63% Rlb) Health Traits SCC: -20 Lifespan in Days: +128.0 Fertility Index: +4.1 Direct Calving Ease: +0.6% Maternal Calving Ease: +0.5% TB Advantage: +2.2 SCI: £404 ACI: £529 Management Maintenance: +1.0 Mastitis: -2.0 Lameness Advantage: +1.9 Calf Survival: +0.0 Dairy Carcase Index: +1.2 Healthy Cow: +198 Gestation Length: -1.0 Envirocow: +3.2 Feed Advantage: +77 Dam: Red Rocks Massia 155 VG86 No 2 Red sire in Germany +163 gRZG Top 10 Red PLI £670 (UK & Int) Top 10 Robot sire in Germany +127 RZRobot Unique aAa 153624 Herdbook No: 63000639576868 AI Code: HO7440 Source: Holstein UK an AHDB Dairy 29
Sudena SAFARI RED VG89 (Spark Red x VG87 Rubicon x GP83 Aikman x 12 Gens VG/EX Dams Golden-Oaks Prudence Family) Type Conformation Reliability 56% 0 Daughters in 0 Herds Type Merit Poor Excellent +1.87 Mammary Poor Excellent +1.87 Legs & Feet Poor Excellent +1.57 Stature 136cm 160cm -0.03 Chest Width Narrow Wide -0.17 Body Depth Shallow Deep -0.52 Angularity Coarse Open Rib +0.42 Rump Angle High Pins Low Pins -0.36 Rump Width Narrow Wide +1.67 Rear leg side Straight Sickled -0.53 Foot angle Low Steep +1.41 Fore udd att Loose Tight +1.15 Rear udd ht Very Low Very High +2.01 Udder supp Broken Strong +0.15 Udder depth Below Hock 20cm above +1.02 Front teat pl Outside Close +0.06 Teat length Short Long +0.41 Rear teat pl Apart Close -0.69 Teat pos side Close Apart +0.13 Temperament Poor Good +0.39 Ease of milk Slow Fast -0.67 Locomotion Poor Excellent +1.46 Cond Score Low High +0.50 -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3 Production Milk: +730 kg Fat: +23.7 kg (-0.06%) Protein: +22.4 kg (-0.02%) Daughters/Herds: 0 / 0 (68% Rlb) PLI: £618 (65% Rlb) Health Traits SCC: -27 Lifespan in Days: +116.0 Fertility Index: +7.2 Direct Calving Ease: +0.3% Maternal Calving Ease: +0.7% TB Advantage: +1.6 SCI: £352 ACI: £483 Management Maintenance: -2.0 Mastitis: -3.0 Lameness Advantage: +1.8 Calf Survival: +1.5 Dairy Carcase Index: +0.8 Healthy Cow: +261 Gestation Length: +0.0 Envirocow: +2.6 Feed Advantage: +81 Dam: De Oosterhof DG Rose D Top 15 Red gRZG +148 in Germany Top 15 Red Type in UK +1.87 & Germany +129 gRZE Elite Spark Red son from Golden-Oaks Mark Prudence family Ideal combintation of Type, production & health traits Herdbook No: 63667959244 AI Code: HO6454 Source: Holstein UK & AHDB Dairy 30
Vox SAY RED PP (Solitair P x GP84 Abi Red PP x EX90 Step Red x EX93 Dam Vox Sina Family) Type Conformation Reliability 54% 0 Daughters in 0 Herds Type Merit Poor Excellent +1.91 Mammary Poor Excellent +1.42 Legs & Feet Poor Excellent +2.21 Stature 136cm 160cm -0.04 Chest Width Narrow Wide -0.43 Body Depth Shallow Deep -0.91 Angularity Coarse Open Rib +0.61 Rump Angle High Pins Low Pins +0.30 Rump Width Narrow Wide +0.52 Rear leg side Straight Sickled -0.17 Foot angle Low Steep +0.87 Fore udd att Loose Tight +1.43 Rear udd ht Very Low Very High +1.66 Udder supp Broken Strong +0.04 Udder depth Below Hock 20cm above +1.23 Front teat pl Outside Close -0.12 Teat length Short Long +0.25 Rear teat pl Apart Close -0.04 Teat pos side Close Apart +0.39 Temperament Poor Good -0.25 Ease of milk Slow Fast +0.12 Locomotion Poor Excellent +2.23 Cond Score Low High -0.54 -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3 Production Milk: +469 kg KCBB+ Fat: +11.0 kg (-0.09%) Protein: +18.0 kg (+0.03%) Daughters/Herds: 0 / 0 (68% Rlb) PLI: £441 (64% Rlb) Health Traits SCC: -15 Lifespan in Days: +131.0 Fertility Index: +0.2 Direct Calving Ease: +0.7% Maternal Calving Ease: +0.4% TB Advantage: +1.3 SCI: £225 ACI: £345 Management Maintenance: -5.0 Mastitis: -2.0 Lameness Advantage: +3.1 Calf Survival: +1.4 Dairy Carcase Index: +0.0 Healthy Cow: +195 Gestation Length: -2.0 Envirocow: +2.1 Feed Advantage: +48 Dam: Vox Sabina Red P GP84 No 1 PP Type +1.91 (UK & Int) No 3 Feet & Legs +2.21 (UK & Int) | No 1 for Polled & Red No 7 Locomotion +2.23 (UK & Int) | No 1 for Polled No 3 Red Polled Type Sire in Germany +133 gRZE Herdbook No: 600001406356596 AI Code: HO6913 Source: Holstein UK & AHDB Dairy 31
LOH SPICY RED (Solito Red x VG88 Army x VG88 Diamonback x 10 Gens VG/EX Dams Goldwyn Lockett EX94 Family) Herdbook No: 65364205917 AI Code: HO7481 Source: Holstein UK & AHDB Dairy Type Conformation Reliability 54% 0 Daughters in 0 Herds Type Merit Poor Excellent +2.22 Mammary Poor Excellent +2.89 Legs & Feet Poor Excellent +1.88 Stature 136cm 160cm +1.17 Chest Width Narrow Wide +0.18 Body Depth Shallow Deep +0.05 Angularity Coarse Open Rib +0.57 Rump Angle High Pins Low Pins -1.67 Rump Width Narrow Wide +0.32 Rear leg side Straight Sickled -0.44 Foot angle Low Steep +1.30 Fore udd att Loose Tight +3.23 Rear udd ht Very Low Very High +2.45 Udder supp Broken Strong +0.45 Udder depth Below Hock 20cm above +3.11 Front teat pl Outside Close +0.19 Teat length Short Long +1.25 Rear teat pl Apart Close -0.97 Teat pos side Close Apart +0.31 Temperament Poor Good +0.30 Ease of milk Slow Fast +0.52 Locomotion Poor Excellent +2.21 Cond Score Low High +0.46 -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3 Production Milk: +690 kg Fat: +17.6 kg (-0.11%) Protein: +12.3 kg (-0.12%) Daughters/Herds: 0 / 0 (68% Rlb) PLI: £275 (64% Rlb) Health Traits SCC: -14 Lifespan in Days: +101.0 Fertility Index: -4.1 Direct Calving Ease: -2.1% Maternal Calving Ease: -0.3% TB Advantage: +1.9 SCI: £10 ACI: £139 Management Maintenance: +30.0 Mastitis: -1.0 Lameness Advantage: +1.7 Calf Survival: +1.2 Dairy Carcase Index: +0.1 Healthy Cow: +117 Gestation Length: +2.0 Envirocow: +1.3 Feed Advantage: -2 Bull: Spicy Red No 1 Red Type Germany +154 gRZE No 8 Red Type +2.22 (UK & Int) No 3 Red Udders +2.89 (UK &I nt No 5 Red Locomotion +2.21 (UK & Int) 32
Koepon SYMBOL RED (Swingman-Red x VG86 Salvatore x VG89 Rubicon x 12 Gens VG/EX Dams (7EX) Golden-Oaks Prudence Family) Type Conformation Reliability 56% 0 Daughters in 0 Herds Type Merit Poor Excellent +1.67 Mammary Poor Excellent +1.34 Legs & Feet Poor Excellent +1.85 Stature 136cm 160cm +0.35 Chest Width Narrow Wide -0.07 Body Depth Shallow Deep -0.04 Angularity Coarse Open Rib +0.76 Rump Angle High Pins Low Pins -0.19 Rump Width Narrow Wide +0.36 Rear leg side Straight Sickled +0.47 Foot angle Low Steep +0.32 Fore udd att Loose Tight +0.66 Rear udd ht Very Low Very High +2.00 Udder supp Broken Strong -0.44 Udder depth Below Hock 20cm above +0.64 Front teat pl Outside Close +0.71 Teat length Short Long -0.21 Rear teat pl Apart Close -0.11 Teat pos side Close Apart +0.78 Temperament Poor Good -0.53 Ease of milk Slow Fast -0.58 Locomotion Poor Excellent +1.97 Cond Score Low High -0.53 -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3 Production Milk: +548 kg Fat: +28.7 kg (+0.08%) Protein: +16.6 kg (-0.02%) Daughters/Herds: 0 / 0 (68% Rlb) PLI: £597 (65% Rlb) Health Traits SCC: -27 Lifespan in Days: +137.0 Fertility Index: +7.9 Direct Calving Ease: +0.2% Maternal Calving Ease: +1.0% TB Advantage: +2.2 SCI: £339 ACI: £474 Management Maintenance: +1.0 Mastitis: -2.0 Lameness Advantage: +2.1 Calf Survival: +1.9 Dairy Carcase Index: -0.6 Healthy Cow: +272 Gestation Length: -2.0 Envirocow: +2.6 Feed Advantage: +82 Dam: Lakeside Ups Red Range VG86 No 7 Red Fertility sire +7.9 (UK & Int) Top 10 Red Loco +1.97 | Top 20 Red F&L +1.85 (UK & Int) Top 20 Red sire in Germany +145 gRZG Balanced Type and Production Red Sire Herdbook No: 60000361925726 AI Code: HO6847 Source: Holstein UK and AHDB Dairy 33
HELIOSPP POLLEDCHAROLAIS MAKAOSPP POLLEDCHAROLAIS AICode:CH3918 AICode:CH3970 •100%POLLEDPROGENY •POLLEDOUTCROSSBLOODLINE •48KGBIRTHWEIGHT •+106TOTALMERITBEEFINDEX • 100% POLLED PROGENY • HIGH RELIABLE CALVING EASE • 2,278 CROSSBRED BIRTHS - 94% EASY • HIGH DAILY GAINS + 1,843 g (365 DAYS) Bull:MakaosPP Bull:HeliosPP BreedingQualification Type/Conformation/Skeleton 8/8/7 Birthweight 48kg Averagedailygain (200days/ 365days) 1559g/1843g BullIndexAverage dailygain (365days) BullIndexConformation (365days) RZFTotal MeritIndexBeef 96 Rel.86% 92 93 Calving Ease (% of unassisted births / no. of offspring) Crossbred offsprings 94 / 2278 Purebred offspring 96 / 115 GERMANPROVENBREEDINGVALUES 38 AVAILABLEMALE SEXED
BreedingQualification Type/Conformation/Skeleton 8/8/7 Birthweight 33kg Averagedailygain (200days/ 365days) 1396 g / 1469 g BullIndexAverage dailygain (365days) BullIndexConformation (365days) CalvingEase (%ofunassisted births/ no.of offspring) Crossbredoffsprings1000 / 2 Purebred offspring 100 / 12 THOREPP POLLEDHEREFORD Bull:ThorePP RZFTotal MeritIndexBeef 122 Rel.46% 108 118 AICode:H9263 JUSTINUSPP POLLEDHEREFORD AICode:H9246 Bull:JustinusPP •100% POLLED PROGENY •EASYCALVINGPEDIGREE •SHOWWINNINGDAM •LONGLASTINGCOWFAMILY •100%POLLEDPROGENY •LOWBIRTHWEIGHTS33KG •HIGHBEEFINDEX+122 •EXCELLENTCONFORMATION GERMANPROVENBREEDINGVALUES 39
BreedingQualification Type/Conformation/Skeleton Averagedailygain (200days/ 365days) BullIndexAverage dailygain (365days) BullIndexConformation (365days) •EXCELLENTSLAUGHTERDATA RZFTotal MeritIndexBeef Rel.75% Calving Ease (% of unassisted births / no. of offspring) Crossbred offspring 96 / 3032 KENNIPP Bull:KenniPP TORPHYPP AICode:LN2901 AICode:LN2899 Bull:TorphyPP • 100% POLLED PROGENY • HIGH RELIABLE CALVING EASE • 1,576 CROSSBRED BIRTHS - 96% EASY 8/8/7 Birthweight 37kg 1371 g/1486 g 106 100 105 POLLEDLIMOUSIN Purebred offspring 99 / 77 POLLEDLIMOUSIN GERMANPROVENBREEDINGVALUES 40
GAITANPP Bull:GaitanPP HAALANDPP AI Code: LN3030 AICode:LN3022 Bull:HaalandPP •100%POLLEDPROGENY •HIGHDAILYWEIGHTGAIN •TOTALBEEFMERIT+111 •ALTFRENCHANDGERMANPEDIGREE •DIFFERENTPOLLEDBLOODLINE •EXCELLENTMUSCLING •LOWBIRTHWEIGHTS •+115TOTALMERITBEEFINDEX POLLEDLIMOUSIN POLLEDLIMOUSIN BreedingQualification Type/Conformation/Skeleton 8/8/7 Birthweight 37kg Averagedailygain (200days/ 365days) 1321g/1380g BullIndexAverage dailygain (365days) BullIndexConformation (365days) RZFTotal MeritIndexBeef 115 Rel.43% 113 106 CalvingEase (%ofunassisted births/ no.of offspring) Crossbredoffsprings- /Purebredoffspring 100/3 GERMANPROVENBREEDINGVALUES 41
POLLEDSIMMENTAL PRIMUSPP BreedingQualification Type/Conformation/Skeleton 9/8/8 Birthweight -kg Averagedailygain (200days/ 365days) 1500g/1726g BullIndexAverage dailygain (365days) BullIndexConformation (365days) • 100% POLLED PROGENY • HIGH RELIABLE CALVING EASE • 2,441 CROSSBRED BIRTHS - 97% EASY • HIGH DAILY GAIN RZFTotal MeritIndexBeef 103 Rel.81% 99 109 Bull:AmadeusPP AICode:SG1367 AICode:SM0045 AMADEUSPP POLLEDSIMMENTAL Bull: Primus PP Calving Ease (% of unassisted births / no. of offspring) Crossbred offsprings 94 / 2727 Purebred offspring 100 / 148 GERMANPROVENBREEDINGVALUES 42
CONTACT A MEMBER OF THE TEAM Alison Dunphy Amy Hamlett Anna Barnett Anne Jones Jessica Hadfield Joseph Dicey-Cordy Katie Greenwood Kath Webb Neil Greggor Office Alan Armstrong (Northern Ireland) Stewart Baxter (Northern Ireland) Martin Hope (Glos & S/Wales) Willie Brewster (Scotland) Allinformationpresentedatthetimeofprintingiscorrectandgiveningoodfaith. AI STARTER KIT: £715 + £50 DELIVERY OR £715 + FREE DELIVERY IF TAKING SEMEN PLUS YOUR FIRST TOP UP FREE For TermsandConditions STARTER KIT INCLUDES: MVE ET20 FLASK - £425.00 DIGITAL THAW UNIT - £225.00 UNIVERSAL AI GUN - £42.50 STRAW CUTTER - £11.00 TWEEZERS - £14.00 GLOVES - £14.50 SHEATHS - £6.00 LUBRIGEL - £4.95 07572010886 07803521503 07572010887 07525125908 07572010888 07715671405 07719062433 07715650247 07935318091 01823430317 07774455070 07980872802 07821128892 07881541295

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