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becomes 07774 455070 alanwesternai@gmail.com
supplied by Topstone Dtr: SHO Beauty VG86

Ptit Coeur Doorman


(Doorman x EX96-3E Goldchip x VG89 Mr Sam x 5 Gens VG/EX Dellia family)

Herdbook No: 71000120121465150 AI Code: HO4728 Source: Holstein UK and AHDB Dairy

Daughter: Darlingo RS Icekonigin VG87

No 1 Locomotion +3.30 (UK Proven) | No 3 Feet & Legs +2.62 (UK Proven) No 1 Proven Type Germany +139 RZE

Top 20 Proven Type +1.95 (UK Proven)

Dam - DH Gold Chip Darling EX96 - EX97-MS

Type Conformation Reliability 91% 141 UK Daughters in 52 UK Herds Type Merit Poor Excellent +1.95 Mammary Poor Excellent +2.03 Legs & Feet Poor Excellent +2.62 Stature 136cm 160cm +2.08 Chest Width Narrow Wide -0.23 Body Depth Shallow Deep +0.72 Angularity Coarse Open Rib +1.79 Rump Angle High Pins Low Pins +0.80 Rump Width Narrow Wide +1.73 Rear leg side Straight Sickled +0.07 Foot angle Low Steep +0.31 Fore udd att Loose Tight +2.44 Rear udd ht Very Low Very High +2.09 Udder supp Broken Strong +1.35 Udder depth Below Hock 20cm above +2.31 Front teat pl Outside Close -0.11 Teat length Short Long +2.01 Rear teat pl Apart Close -0.08 Teat pos side Close Apart +0.00 Temperament Poor Good +0.06 Ease of milk Slow Fast -0.08 Locomotion Poor Excellent +3.40 Cond Score Low High -0.32 -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3 Production Milk: +187 kg A2A2 Fat: -7.4 kg (-0.18%) Protein: +3.9 kg (-0.03%) UK Daughters/Herds: 242 / 85 (97% Rlb) PLI: £111 (91% Rlb) Health Traits SCC: -24 Lifespan in Days: +107.0 Fertility Index: -0.2 Direct Calving Ease: -1.8% Maternal Calving Ease: +0.4% TB Advantage: +6.9 SCI: £-18 ACI: £83 Management Maintenance: +15.0 Mastitis: -3.0 Lameness Advantage: +1.2 Calf Survival: -0.7 Dairy Carcase Index: -0.7 Healthy Cow: +166 Gestation Length: +0.0 Envirocow: +0.2 Feed Advantage: -84
Mastergen Ltd abide by the AHDB Dairy and Holstein UK established Code of Advertising Proof Date: August 2023

Swissbec POWER RED

(Durango RDC x EX91 Mogul x EX91 Demello x 6 gens VG/EX Dams Vidian Mr Burns Miss family)

Herdbook No: 71000120119773304 AI Code: HO6309 Source: Holstein UK and AHDB Dairy

No 3 Red Proven Udders +2.52 (UK & Int)

Top 10 Red Proven Feet & Legs +1.83 (UK & Int)

Top 20 Red sire in Germany +127 RZG

Top 15 Red Type sire in Germany +117 RZE

Type Conformation Reliability 96% 2378 Daughters in 1068 Herds Type Merit Poor Excellent +1.69 Mammary Poor Excellent +2.52 Legs & Feet Poor Excellent +1.83 Stature 136cm 160cm +0.61 Chest Width Narrow Wide -1.29 Body Depth Shallow Deep -2.18 Angularity Coarse Open Rib -0.26 Rump Angle High Pins Low Pins +0.49 Rump Width Narrow Wide -0.39 Rear leg side Straight Sickled +1.74 Foot angle Low Steep -0.94 Fore udd att Loose Tight +2.24 Rear udd ht Very Low Very High +1.91 Udder supp Broken Strong -0.85 Udder depth Below Hock 20cm above +2.01 Front teat pl Outside Close +0.46 Teat length Short Long -1.42 Rear teat pl Apart Close -0.28 Teat pos side Close Apart +0.52 Temperament Poor Good +0.27 Ease of milk Slow Fast +1.47 Locomotion Poor Excellent +2.37 Cond Score Low High +0.51 -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3 Production Milk: +512 kg A2A2 Fat: +4.7 kg (-0.18%) Protein: +15.5 kg (-0.02%) Daughters/Herds: 3951 / 1668 (73% Rlb) PLI: £346 (74% Rlb) Health Traits SCC: +0 Lifespan in Days: +122.0 Fertility Index: +4.3 Direct Calving Ease: -0.4% Maternal Calving Ease: +0.7% TB Advantage: +1.9 SCI: £81 ACI: £179 Management Maintenance: -3.0 Mastitis: +0.0 Lameness Advantage: +2.8 Calf Survival: +0.5 Dairy Carcase Index: +0.2 Healthy Cow: +83 Gestation Length: -2.0 Envirocow: +1.1 Feed Advantage: +30
Daughter Group
Mastergen Ltd abide by the AHDB Dairy and Holstein UK established Code of Advertising Proof Date: August 2023

Nosbisch SOLITO RED EX91

(Salvatore x VG87 Atwork x VG87 Detox x 8 Gens

VG/EX Dams (7EX) Aiko family)

Herdbook No: 60770599024 AI Code: HO5525 Source: Holstein UK and AHDB Dairy

No 2 Proven Type sire +2.85 (UK & Int) No 3 Proven Feet & Legs +3.06 (UK & Int)

No 5 Proven Udders +3.13 (UK & Int)

No 3 Proven Locomotion +3.68 (UK&Int)

Type Conformation Reliability 75% 319 Daughters in 173 Herds Type Merit Poor Excellent +2.85 Mammary Poor Excellent +3.13 Legs & Feet Poor Excellent +3.06 Stature 136cm 160cm +0.57 Chest Width Narrow Wide +0.02 Body Depth Shallow Deep -0.19 Angularity Coarse Open Rib -0.12 Rump Angle High Pins Low Pins -0.53 Rump Width Narrow Wide -0.33 Rear leg side Straight Sickled -0.08 Foot angle Low Steep +0.88 Fore udd att Loose Tight +2.91 Rear udd ht Very Low Very High +2.74 Udder supp Broken Strong +0.03 Udder depth Below Hock 20cm above +2.39 Front teat pl Outside Close +0.14 Teat length Short Long +1.54 Rear teat pl Apart Close -1.92 Teat pos side Close Apart -0.04 Temperament Poor Good +1.41 Ease of milk Slow Fast +1.16 Locomotion Poor Excellent +3.68 Cond Score Low High +0.54 -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3 Production Milk: +571 kg Fat: +20.9 kg (-0.02%) Protein: +14.4 kg (-0.05%) Daughters/Herds: 684 / 361 (91% Rlb) PLI: £541 (84% Rlb) Health Traits SCC: -26 Lifespan in Days: +168.0 Fertility Index: +6.7 Direct Calving Ease: -0.8% Maternal Calving Ease: +0.1% TB Advantage: +1.1 SCI: £292 ACI: £429 Management Maintenance: +6.0 Mastitis: -3.0 Lameness Advantage: +3.3 Calf Survival: +1.1 Dairy Carcase Index: +0.0 Healthy Cow: +313 Gestation Length: -1.0 Envirocow: +2.1 Feed Advantage: +10
Daughter: Baarlinger Red Rose VG88
Mastergen Ltd abide by the AHDB Dairy and Holstein UK established Code of Advertising Proof Date: August 2023


(Topshot x GP82 Silver x VG85 Supersire x 14 Gens VG/EX Dams Biffy family)

Herdbook No: 60001405290977 AI Code: HO5724 Source: AHDB Dairy and Holstein UK

Early Proven Topshot Son

Elite package of Type and Production

15 generations of VG/EX Dams

Elite components

Type Conformation Reliability 85% 47 UK Daughters in 14 UK Herds Type Merit Poor Excellent +1.25 Mammary Poor Excellent +1.58 Legs & Feet Poor Excellent +0.49 Stature 136cm 160cm +1.48 Chest Width Narrow Wide +0.71 Body Depth Shallow Deep +0.18 Angularity Coarse Open Rib +2.08 Rump Angle High Pins Low Pins +1.95 Rump Width Narrow Wide +0.64 Rear leg side Straight Sickled +2.10 Foot angle Low Steep -1.47 Fore udd att Loose Tight +0.11 Rear udd ht Very Low Very High +1.72 Udder supp Broken Strong +2.33 Udder depth Below Hock 20cm above +0.50 Front teat pl Outside Close +0.30 Teat length Short Long +0.82 Rear teat pl Apart Close +1.33 Teat pos side Close Apart +1.56 Temperament Poor Good +0.10 Ease of milk Slow Fast -1.05 Locomotion Poor Excellent +1.03 Cond Score Low High -0.39 -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3 Production Milk: +388 kg A2A2 KCBB+ Fat: +25.9 kg (+0.12%) Protein: +23.0 kg (+0.12%) UK Daughters/Herds: 81 / 28 (96% Rlb) PLI: £463 (89% Rlb) Health Traits SCC: -14 Lifespan in Days: +58.0 Fertility Index: +3.4 Direct Calving Ease: -0.3% Maternal Calving Ease: +0.8% TB Advantage: +2.8 SCI: £299 ACI: £394 Management Maintenance: +14.0 Mastitis: -2.0 Lameness Advantage: +2.3 Calf Survival: -1.8 Dairy Carcase Index: +1.1 Healthy Cow: +118 Gestation Length: -4.0 Envirocow: +1.8 Feed Advantage: -65
Daughter: Topmodel H.O Wilma GP84
Mastergen Ltd abide by the AHDB Dairy and Holstein UK established Code of Advertising Proof Date: August 2023


(Topshot x VG85 Rubicon x GP83 Aikman x 11 gens VG/EX Dams Prudence family)

Herdbook No: 63000715952290 AI Code: HO6100 Source: Holstein UK and AHDB Dairy

Top 10 Proven PLI £694 (UK & Int)

No 1 Proven sire in Germany +154 RZG

Mastergen Ltd abide by the AHDB Dairy and Holstein UK established Code of Advertising

Proof Date: August 2023

Type Conformation Reliability 77% 1561 Daughters in 453 Herds Type Merit Poor Excellent +1.68 Mammary Poor Excellent +0.92 Legs & Feet Poor Excellent +1.76 Stature 136cm 160cm -0.69 Chest Width Narrow Wide +1.33 Body Depth Shallow Deep -0.23 Angularity Coarse Open Rib +0.55 Rump Angle High Pins Low Pins -0.43 Rump Width Narrow Wide +1.47 Rear leg side Straight Sickled +0.11 Foot angle Low Steep +0.50 Fore udd att Loose Tight +0.11 Rear udd ht Very Low Very High +0.55 Udder supp Broken Strong +1.84 Udder depth Below Hock 20cm above +0.04 Front teat pl Outside Close -1.35 Teat length Short Long -0.38 Rear teat pl Apart Close +0.73 Teat pos side Close Apart +1.13 Temperament Poor Good -2.02 Ease of milk Slow Fast -0.15 Locomotion Poor Excellent +2.05 Cond Score Low High +1.49 -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3 Production Milk: +851 kg KCBB+ Fat: +31.3 kg (-0.03%) Protein: +29.3 kg (+0.01%) Daughters/Herds: 4273 / 1304 (87% Rlb) PLI: £694 (84% Rlb) Health Traits SCC: -27 Lifespan in Days: +113.0 Fertility Index: +5.3 Direct Calving Ease: -1.1% Maternal Calving Ease: +1.2% TB Advantage: +0.6 SCI: £406 ACI: £549 Management Maintenance: +1.0 Mastitis: -2.0 Lameness Advantage: +2.0 Calf Survival: +1.0 Dairy Carcase Index: +2.6 Healthy Cow: +215 Gestation Length: -3.0 Envirocow: +3.1 Feed Advantage: +84
Daughter: Topstone Abby GP83


(Letsgo x EX90 Silver x VG86 Doorman x 9 gens

VG/EX Dams Blackstar Raven family)

Herdbook No: 7236990675077 AI Code: HO7065 Source: Holstein UK & AHDB Dairy

Elite son of proven sire, Letsgo Superb Udders +2.20 (UK) Great combination of Type and Production

Type Conformation Reliability 56% 0 Daughters in 0 Herds Type Merit Poor Excellent +1.96 Mammary Poor Excellent +2.20 Legs & Feet Poor Excellent +1.58 Stature 136cm 160cm +1.16 Chest Width Narrow Wide +0.16 Body Depth Shallow Deep +1.33 Angularity Coarse Open Rib +1.56 Rump Angle High Pins Low Pins -0.95 Rump Width Narrow Wide +0.23 Rear leg side Straight Sickled +0.79 Foot angle Low Steep +0.50 Fore udd att Loose Tight +1.97 Rear udd ht Very Low Very High +2.18 Udder supp Broken Strong +0.70 Udder depth Below Hock 20cm above +1.12 Front teat pl Outside Close +0.96 Teat length Short Long +0.19 Rear teat pl Apart Close -0.21 Teat pos side Close Apart +1.21 Temperament Poor Good +0.76 Ease of milk Slow Fast -0.98 Locomotion Poor Excellent +1.73 Cond Score Low High -0.41 -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3 Production Milk: +512 kg A2A2 KCBB+ Fat: +19.8 kg (-0.01%) Protein: +23.5 kg (+0.08%) Daughters/Herds: 0 / 0 (73% Rlb) PLI: £483 (67% Rlb) Health Traits SCC: -17 Lifespan in Days: +70.0 Fertility Index: +2.4 Direct Calving Ease: -1.4% Maternal Calving Ease: +0.4% TB Advantage: +2.0 SCI: £260 ACI: £376 Management Maintenance: +9.0 Mastitis: -1.0 Lameness Advantage: +1.1 Calf Survival: +0.5 Dairy Carcase Index: +0.0 Healthy Cow: +143 Gestation Length: -1.0 Envirocow: +2.1 Feed Advantage: +15
Mastergen Ltd abide by the AHDB Dairy and Holstein UK established Code of Advertising Proof Date: August 2023
Dam: Dotti Silver Atolla VG89


(Hanans 31753 x EX92 Diamondback x EX96 O'Kaliber x 7 Gens EX Dams Kamps Hollow Altitude Family)

Herdbook No: 650003221166144 AI Code: HO7534 Source: Holstein UK and AHDB Dairy

2nd Dam is International phenomenon Erbacres Shakira EX97 Shakira was Supreme Champion World Dairy Expo 2021

The only cow in North America to complete 3 consecutive generations EX96 or EX-97

Type Conformation Reliability 54% 0 Daughters in 0 Herds Type Merit Poor Excellent +1.58 Mammary Poor Excellent +2.00 Legs & Feet Poor Excellent +1.60 Stature 136cm 160cm +1.44 Chest Width Narrow Wide -0.24 Body Depth Shallow Deep +0.45 Angularity Coarse Open Rib +1.23 Rump Angle High Pins Low Pins +0.51 Rump Width Narrow Wide +1.33 Rear leg side Straight Sickled -0.90 Foot angle Low Steep +0.90 Fore udd att Loose Tight +1.47 Rear udd ht Very Low Very High +2.40 Udder supp Broken Strong +1.56 Udder depth Below Hock 20cm above +0.90 Front teat pl Outside Close +0.40 Teat length Short Long -0.51 Rear teat pl Apart Close +0.95 Teat pos side Close Apart +0.91 Temperament Poor Good +0.91 Ease of milk Slow Fast +0.59 Locomotion Poor Excellent +1.42 Cond Score Low High -0.36 -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3 Production Milk: +137 kg Fat: +12.5 kg (+0.08%) Protein: +9.4 kg (+0.06%) Daughters/Herds: 0 / 0 (73% Rlb) PLI: £259 (66% Rlb) Health Traits SCC: -8 Lifespan in Days: +70.0 Fertility Index: -2.8 Direct Calving Ease: -0.9% Maternal Calving Ease: +0.9% TB Advantage: +2.3 SCI: £120 ACI: £216 Management Maintenance: +10.0 Mastitis: +0.0 Lameness Advantage: +1.2 Calf Survival: +2.3 Dairy Carcase Index: +0.3 Healthy Cow: +100 Gestation Length: +0.0 Envirocow: +1.2 Feed Advantage: -17
2nd Dam: Erbacres Snapples Shakira EX97
Show type sire Mastergen Ltd abide by the AHDB Dairy and Holstein UK established Code of Advertising Proof Date: August 2023


(AltaIndulge x King Doc x GP83 Jedi x 14 gens classified Dams from Laurie Sheik family)

Herdbook No: 60000541057719 AI Code: HO6849 Source: Holstein UK and AHDB Dairy

Exciting King Doc grandson from the Laurie Sheik's +64 Kg's combined Fat & Protein with +825 Kg's Milk Excels in body traits +3.3 EnviroCow

Type Conformation Reliability 54% 0 Daughters in 0 Herds Type Merit Poor Excellent +1.49 Mammary Poor Excellent +1.54 Legs & Feet Poor Excellent +1.24 Stature 136cm 160cm +1.53 Chest Width Narrow Wide +1.03 Body Depth Shallow Deep +1.93 Angularity Coarse Open Rib +1.76 Rump Angle High Pins Low Pins -0.72 Rump Width Narrow Wide +0.40 Rear leg side Straight Sickled -0.06 Foot angle Low Steep +0.83 Fore udd att Loose Tight +1.15 Rear udd ht Very Low Very High +1.32 Udder supp Broken Strong +1.23 Udder depth Below Hock 20cm above +1.15 Front teat pl Outside Close +0.69 Teat length Short Long +0.38 Rear teat pl Apart Close +1.15 Teat pos side Close Apart +0.48 Temperament Poor Good +0.44 Ease of milk Slow Fast +0.55 Locomotion Poor Excellent +1.11 Cond Score Low High -0.45 -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3 Production Milk: +825 kg A2A2 Fat: +35.7 kg (+0.03%) Protein: +28.3 kg (+0.01%) Daughters/Herds: 0 / 0 (73% Rlb) PLI: £561 (66% Rlb) Health Traits SCC: -12 Lifespan in Days: +70.0 Fertility Index: +0.1 Direct Calving Ease: -1.5% Maternal Calving Ease: +1.1% TB Advantage: +3.1 SCI: £242 ACI: £394 Management Maintenance: +18.0 Mastitis: +0.0 Lameness Advantage: +0.9 Calf Survival: +2.4 Dairy Carcase Index: -0.5 Healthy Cow: +114 Gestation Length: +1.0 Envirocow: +2.6 Feed Advantage: +30
Mastergen Ltd abide by the AHDB Dairy and Holstein UK established Code of Advertising Proof Date: August 2023


(Kingdoc x VG87 Crush x VG87 Mogul x 9 EX Dams Barbie family)

Herdbook No: 60540983744 AI Code: HO6455 Source: Holstein UK & AHDB Dairy

Elite Show Type Sire

Early King Doc Son from the Barbies

Dam is full Sister to Crushabull & Crushtime

+3.07 PTAT (USA) | +2.90 UDC (USA)

Type Conformation Reliability 58% 0 Daughters in 0 Herds Type Merit Poor Excellent +1.98 Mammary Poor Excellent +2.27 Legs & Feet Poor Excellent +1.76 Stature 136cm 160cm +0.70 Chest Width Narrow Wide -0.23 Body Depth Shallow Deep +0.79 Angularity Coarse Open Rib +0.82 Rump Angle High Pins Low Pins -1.54 Rump Width Narrow Wide +0.50 Rear leg side Straight Sickled -0.43 Foot angle Low Steep +0.57 Fore udd att Loose Tight +2.38 Rear udd ht Very Low Very High +2.07 Udder supp Broken Strong +1.72 Udder depth Below Hock 20cm above +1.41 Front teat pl Outside Close +1.42 Teat length Short Long +0.36 Rear teat pl Apart Close +1.09 Teat pos side Close Apart -0.58 Temperament Poor Good +0.55 Ease of milk Slow Fast +0.47 Locomotion Poor Excellent +2.04 Cond Score Low High +0.14 -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3 Production Milk: +534 kg KCBB+ Fat: +10.7 kg (-0.12%) Protein: +11.9 kg (-0.06%) Daughters/Herds: 0 / 0 (74% Rlb) PLI: £355 (68% Rlb) Health Traits SCC: -12 Lifespan in Days: +104.0 Fertility Index: +7.8 Direct Calving Ease: -0.5% Maternal Calving Ease: +1.1% TB Advantage: +3.6 SCI: £184 ACI: £304 Management Maintenance: +4.0 Mastitis: -1.0 Lameness Advantage: +0.8 Calf Survival: +1.3 Dairy Carcase Index: -1.0 Healthy Cow: +212 Gestation Length: +0.0 Envirocow: +1.3 Feed Advantage: +13
Dam: Brylin VG86
Mastergen Ltd abide by the AHDB Dairy and Holstein UK established Code of Advertising Proof Date: August 2023


(Pursuit x VG85 Marius x VG85 Duke x 9 Gens VG/EX Ellen family)

Herdbook No: 650003209641708 AI Code: HO6846 Source: Holstein UK & AHDB Dairy

The No 1 Pursuit son for body depth, chest width and overall production! +78.3 Kg's combined Fat & Protein

Tremendous strength +2.33 Chest Width High GTPI +2921 (USA)

Type Conformation Reliability 57% 0 Daughters in 0 Herds Type Merit Poor Excellent +1.45 Mammary Poor Excellent +1.48 Legs & Feet Poor Excellent +0.79 Stature 136cm 160cm +1.31 Chest Width Narrow Wide +2.33 Body Depth Shallow Deep +1.75 Angularity Coarse Open Rib +1.40 Rump Angle High Pins Low Pins -0.13 Rump Width Narrow Wide +1.32 Rear leg side Straight Sickled +0.28 Foot angle Low Steep +0.53 Fore udd att Loose Tight +0.81 Rear udd ht Very Low Very High +1.15 Udder supp Broken Strong +0.91 Udder depth Below Hock 20cm above +0.19 Front teat pl Outside Close +1.34 Teat length Short Long -0.01 Rear teat pl Apart Close +0.85 Teat pos side Close Apart +1.72 Temperament Poor Good +0.70 Ease of milk Slow Fast -0.35 Locomotion Poor Excellent +0.85 Cond Score Low High +1.23 -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3 Production Milk: +856 kg Fat: +46.6 kg (+0.13%) Protein: +31.7 kg (+0.04%) Daughters/Herds: 0 / 0 (74% Rlb) PLI: £679 (67% Rlb) Health Traits SCC: -20 Lifespan in Days: +79.0 Fertility Index: -2.6 Direct Calving Ease: -0.7% Maternal Calving Ease: +1.1% TB Advantage: +2.0 SCI: £317 ACI: £471 Management Maintenance: +24.0 Mastitis: -3.0 Lameness Advantage: +1.5 Calf Survival: +1.5 Dairy Carcase Index: +0.7 Healthy Cow: +130 Gestation Length: +0.0 Envirocow: +3.0 Feed Advantage: +8
Mastergen Ltd abide by the AHDB Dairy and Holstein UK established Code of Advertising Proof Date: August 2023

Wemken Holsteins PROSECCO

(Prosperous x VG86 Bandaras x EX90 Damaris x 11 Gens VG/EX Alexa family)

Herdbook No: 600000360261690 AI Code: HO6855 Source: Holstein UK & AHDB Dairy

No Mogul in first 3 generations Production improver Health trait specialist

Great value - Elite Udders

Type Conformation Reliability 56% 0 Daughters in 0 Herds Type Merit Poor Excellent +1.61 Mammary Poor Excellent +2.17 Legs & Feet Poor Excellent +0.63 Stature 136cm 160cm +0.41 Chest Width Narrow Wide +0.48 Body Depth Shallow Deep +0.13 Angularity Coarse Open Rib +0.66 Rump Angle High Pins Low Pins +0.47 Rump Width Narrow Wide +1.28 Rear leg side Straight Sickled -0.14 Foot angle Low Steep +0.21 Fore udd att Loose Tight +1.91 Rear udd ht Very Low Very High +1.99 Udder supp Broken Strong +0.50 Udder depth Below Hock 20cm above +1.07 Front teat pl Outside Close +0.42 Teat length Short Long +0.41 Rear teat pl Apart Close -0.05 Teat pos side Close Apart +0.31 Temperament Poor Good +0.53 Ease of milk Slow Fast +0.17 Locomotion Poor Excellent +0.67 Cond Score Low High +0.39 -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3 Production Milk: +837 kg Fat: +29.1 kg (-0.05%) Protein: +28.6 kg (+0.01%) Daughters/Herds: 0 / 0 (73% Rlb) PLI: £629 (67% Rlb) Health Traits SCC: -25 Lifespan in Days: +110.0 Fertility Index: +3.7 Direct Calving Ease: -0.4% Maternal Calving Ease: +1.1% TB Advantage: -1.4 SCI: £342 ACI: £488 Management Maintenance: +5.0 Mastitis: -3.0 Lameness Advantage: +1.8 Calf Survival: +0.2 Dairy Carcase Index: +0.6 Healthy Cow: +200 Gestation Length: +0.0 Envirocow: +2.8 Feed Advantage: +40
DAM: Wemken Holsteins Alexis VG85
Mastergen Ltd abide by the AHDB Dairy and Holstein UK established Code of Advertising Proof Date: August 2023


(Radar x VG85 Dream P x VG87 Kerrigan x 11 Gens VG/EX Sully Shottle May family )

Herdbook No: 60363070385 AI Code: HO7060 Source: Holstein UK & AHDB Dairy

No 4 Polled Type Sire +2.10 No 3 Polled Udders +2.99 | Top 20 Overall No 3 Polled Type Sire in Germany +134 gRZE +3392 LPI Canada

Type Conformation Reliability 55% 0 Daughters in 0 Herds Type Merit Poor Excellent +2.10 Mammary Poor Excellent +2.99 Legs & Feet Poor Excellent +0.78 Stature 136cm 160cm +0.23 Chest Width Narrow Wide +0.67 Body Depth Shallow Deep -0.27 Angularity Coarse Open Rib +0.16 Rump Angle High Pins Low Pins -0.68 Rump Width Narrow Wide +1.07 Rear leg side Straight Sickled +1.01 Foot angle Low Steep -0.38 Fore udd att Loose Tight +2.85 Rear udd ht Very Low Very High +2.10 Udder supp Broken Strong +1.07 Udder depth Below Hock 20cm above +2.86 Front teat pl Outside Close +1.74 Teat length Short Long +0.74 Rear teat pl Apart Close +0.93 Teat pos side Close Apart +0.38 Temperament Poor Good +0.29 Ease of milk Slow Fast +1.04 Locomotion Poor Excellent +1.09 Cond Score Low High +0.11 -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3 Production Milk: +435 kg Fat: +15.2 kg (-0.03%) Protein: +21.2 kg (+0.08%) Daughters/Herds: 0 / 0 (73% Rlb) PLI: £403 (67% Rlb) Health Traits SCC: -10 Lifespan in Days: +58.0 Fertility Index: +1.0 Direct Calving Ease: -1.0% Maternal Calving Ease: +1.0% TB Advantage: +3.0 SCI: £218 ACI: £315 Management Maintenance: +6.0 Mastitis: -1.0 Lameness Advantage: +1.1 Calf Survival: -1.3 Dairy Carcase Index: +0.0 Healthy Cow: +97 Gestation Length: -1.0 Envirocow: +1.8 Feed Advantage: +24 Bull: Rastor P
Mastergen Ltd abide by the AHDB Dairy and Holstein UK established Code of Advertising Proof Date: August 2023


(Lariat x VG85 Resolve x VG85 Rubicon x 8 Gens

VG/EX Dams Ri-Val-Re Bookem Hero family)

Herdbook No: 653216569383 AI Code: HO7067 Source: Holstein UK & AHDB Dairy

£754 PLI (UK & Int) Production and Health trait specialist +74 Kg's Combined Fat & Protein +2912 GTPI (USA)

Type Conformation Reliability 51% 0 Daughters in 0 Herds Type Merit Poor Excellent +1.42 Mammary Poor Excellent +1.83 Legs & Feet Poor Excellent +0.71 Stature 136cm 160cm +0.02 Chest Width Narrow Wide +0.52 Body Depth Shallow Deep -0.52 Angularity Coarse Open Rib +0.00 Rump Angle High Pins Low Pins +0.23 Rump Width Narrow Wide +0.05 Rear leg side Straight Sickled -1.01 Foot angle Low Steep +1.09 Fore udd att Loose Tight +1.59 Rear udd ht Very Low Very High +2.01 Udder supp Broken Strong +0.35 Udder depth Below Hock 20cm above +1.33 Front teat pl Outside Close +0.17 Teat length Short Long +0.04 Rear teat pl Apart Close -0.16 Teat pos side Close Apart +1.06 Temperament Poor Good +0.15 Ease of milk Slow Fast +0.76 Locomotion Poor Excellent +0.53 Cond Score Low High +1.13 -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3 Production Milk: +821 kg Fat: +40.2 kg (+0.08%) Protein: +33.8 kg (+0.07%) Daughters/Herds: 0 / 0 (73% Rlb) PLI: £754 (66% Rlb) Health Traits SCC: -12 Lifespan in Days: +119.0 Fertility Index: +2.7 Direct Calving Ease: -0.3% Maternal Calving Ease: +1.2% TB Advantage: +1.5 SCI: £441 ACI: £585 Management Maintenance: +3.0 Mastitis: -1.0 Lameness Advantage: +1.6 Calf Survival: +0.9 Dairy Carcase Index: +0.6 Healthy Cow: +159 Gestation Length: +1.0 Envirocow: +3.7 Feed Advantage: +108
Dam: BGP Resolve Debra VG85
Mastergen Ltd abide by the AHDB Dairy and Holstein UK established Code of Advertising Proof Date: August 2023


(Peak Notice x GP81 Pursuit x Hotline x 10 Gens VG/EX Dams Larcrest

Cosmopolitan family)

Herdbook No: 71004409707935 AI Code: HO5555 Source: Holstein Uk and AHDB Dairy

+64.9 Kg's combined Fat & Protein £723 PLI with +0.13% Protein

Low maintenance | High Health

Type Conformation Reliability 53% 0 Daughters in 0 Herds Type Merit Poor Excellent +0.72 Mammary Poor Excellent +0.73 Legs & Feet Poor Excellent +0.56 Stature 136cm 160cm +0.36 Chest Width Narrow Wide +0.38 Body Depth Shallow Deep -0.01 Angularity Coarse Open Rib +0.49 Rump Angle High Pins Low Pins +0.38 Rump Width Narrow Wide +0.53 Rear leg side Straight Sickled +0.08 Foot angle Low Steep -0.05 Fore udd att Loose Tight +0.84 Rear udd ht Very Low Very High +0.81 Udder supp Broken Strong -0.49 Udder depth Below Hock 20cm above +0.28 Front teat pl Outside Close -0.77 Teat length Short Long +0.14 Rear teat pl Apart Close -0.77 Teat pos side Close Apart +0.55 Temperament Poor Good +0.91 Ease of milk Slow Fast +1.45 Locomotion Poor Excellent +0.57 Cond Score Low High +0.19 -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3 Production Milk: +645 kg A2A2 KCBB+ Fat: +32.2 kg (+0.07%) Protein: +32.7 kg (+0.13%) Daughters/Herds: 0 / 0 (73% Rlb) PLI: £723 (66% Rlb) Health Traits SCC: -8 Lifespan in Days: +140.0 Fertility Index: +7.9 Direct Calving Ease: -0.1% Maternal Calving Ease: +1.2% TB Advantage: +1.2 SCI: £480 ACI: £624 Management Maintenance: +5.0 Mastitis: -1.0 Lameness Advantage: +2.3 Calf Survival: +1.8 Dairy Carcase Index: +0.6 Healthy Cow: +204 Gestation Length: -2.0 Envirocow: +3.4 Feed Advantage: +32
Bull: Smith P
Casein BB Mastergen Ltd abide by the AHDB Dairy and Holstein UK established Code of Advertising Proof Date: August 2023
& Kappa


(Altazazzle x GP81 Pursuit x Hotline x 10 gens VG/EX dams Larcrest Cosmopolitan family)

Herdbook No: 710002930406097 AI Code: HO7636 Source: Holstein UK and AHDB Dairy

Elite Longevity +153 days

Top Envirocow score +3.6 +69 Kg's combined Fat & Protein Robot suitable | No hole linear

Type Conformation Reliability 55% 0 Daughters in 0 Herds Type Merit Poor Excellent +1.13 Mammary Poor Excellent +1.56 Legs & Feet Poor Excellent +0.75 Stature 136cm 160cm +0.66 Chest Width Narrow Wide +0.39 Body Depth Shallow Deep -0.37 Angularity Coarse Open Rib +0.43 Rump Angle High Pins Low Pins +0.82 Rump Width Narrow Wide +0.63 Rear leg side Straight Sickled -0.01 Foot angle Low Steep +0.75 Fore udd att Loose Tight +1.04 Rear udd ht Very Low Very High +1.56 Udder supp Broken Strong +0.67 Udder depth Below Hock 20cm above +0.54 Front teat pl Outside Close +0.22 Teat length Short Long +0.43 Rear teat pl Apart Close +0.25 Teat pos side Close Apart +0.33 Temperament Poor Good +0.61 Ease of milk Slow Fast +1.18 Locomotion Poor Excellent +0.47 Cond Score Low High +0.24 -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3 Production Milk: +691 kg Fat: +38.6 kg (+0.12%) Protein: +30.4 kg (+0.09%) Daughters/Herds: 0 / 0 (73% Rlb) PLI: £741 (66% Rlb) Health Traits SCC: -17 Lifespan in Days: +153.0 Fertility Index: +1.5 Direct Calving Ease: -0.1% Maternal Calving Ease: +1.5% TB Advantage: +1.7 SCI: £428 ACI: £584 Management Maintenance: +7.0 Mastitis: -2.0 Lameness Advantage: +3.6 Calf Survival: +2.3 Dairy Carcase Index: +0.7 Healthy Cow: +211 Gestation Length: -2.0 Envirocow: +3.6 Feed Advantage: +60
Bull: Starboy
Mastergen Ltd abide by the AHDB Dairy and Holstein UK established Code of Advertising Proof Date: August 2023


(Swingman-Red x VG86 Salvatore x VG89 Rubicon x 12 gens VG/EX Dams (7EX) Golden-Oaks Prudence family)

Herdbook No: 60000361925726 AI Code: HO6847 Source: Holstein UK and AHDB Dairy

Type Conformation Reliability 57% 0 Daughters in 0 Herds Type Merit Poor Excellent +1.43 Mammary Poor Excellent +1.19 Legs & Feet Poor Excellent +1.63 Stature 136cm 160cm +0.43 Chest Width Narrow Wide -0.29 Body Depth Shallow Deep +0.02 Angularity Coarse Open Rib +0.89 Rump Angle High Pins Low Pins -0.27 Rump Width Narrow Wide +0.32 Rear leg side Straight Sickled +0.47 Foot angle Low Steep +0.20 Fore udd att Loose Tight +0.66 Rear udd ht Very Low Very High +1.91 Udder supp Broken Strong -0.25 Udder depth Below Hock 20cm above +0.62 Front teat pl Outside Close +0.53 Teat length Short Long -0.23 Rear teat pl Apart Close -0.32 Teat pos side Close Apart +0.70 Temperament Poor Good -0.42 Ease of milk Slow Fast -0.29 Locomotion Poor Excellent +2.01 Cond Score Low High -0.63 -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3 Production Milk: +502 kg Fat: +25.6 kg (+0.06%) Protein: +15.2 kg (-0.01%) Daughters/Herds: 0 / 0 (74% Rlb) PLI: £581 (68% Rlb) Health Traits SCC: -26 Lifespan in Days: +149.0 Fertility Index: +8.8 Direct Calving Ease: -0.1% Maternal Calving Ease: +1.4% TB Advantage: +2.5 SCI: £354 ACI: £488 Management Maintenance: +1.0 Mastitis: -2.0 Lameness Advantage: +3.2 Calf Survival: +1.7 Dairy Carcase Index: -1.3 Healthy Cow: +282 Gestation Length: -2.0 Envirocow: +2.6 Feed Advantage: +87
Dam: Lakeside Ups Red Range VG86

Sabbiona Inseme TANTUM

(Discjockey x VG87 Applicable x x Mascalese x 7 VG/EX Dams (6EX) Go-Farm Tina family)

Herdbook No: 72098990744592 AI Code: HO6465 Source: Holstein UK and AHDB Dairy

DAM: Sabbiona Applicable VG87

Early Discjockey


from the Tinas Elite Udder sire

Mastergen Ltd abide by the AHDB Dairy and Holstein UK established Code of Advertising

Proof Date: August 2023

Type Conformation Reliability 57% 0 Daughters in 0 Herds Type Merit Poor Excellent +0.82 Mammary Poor Excellent +3.03 Legs & Feet Poor Excellent +0.25 Stature 136cm 160cm +1.99 Chest Width Narrow Wide +0.65 Body Depth Shallow Deep -0.78 Angularity Coarse Open Rib -0.98 Rump Angle High Pins Low Pins +0.44 Rump Width Narrow Wide +1.44 Rear leg side Straight Sickled -2.12 Foot angle Low Steep +1.92 Fore udd att Loose Tight +3.53 Rear udd ht Very Low Very High +2.31 Udder supp Broken Strong +2.01 Udder depth Below Hock 20cm above +4.08 Front teat pl Outside Close +0.93 Teat length Short Long -0.76 Rear teat pl Apart Close +1.46 Teat pos side Close Apart -0.02 Temperament Poor Good -0.62 Ease of milk Slow Fast +0.17 Locomotion Poor Excellent +0.00 Cond Score Low High +1.49 -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3 Production Milk: +282 kg Fat: +8.9 kg (-0.03%) Protein: +12.1 kg (+0.03%) Daughters/Herds: 0 / 0 (74% Rlb) PLI: £265 (68% Rlb) Health Traits SCC: -10 Lifespan in Days: +61.0 Fertility Index: +3.6 Direct Calving Ease: -1.0% Maternal Calving Ease: +0.6% TB Advantage: -0.1 SCI: £125 ACI: £223 Management Maintenance: +24.0 Mastitis: -1.0 Lameness Advantage: +1.2 Calf Survival: +1.1 Dairy Carcase Index: +0.9 Healthy Cow: +138 Gestation Length: +0.0 Envirocow: +0.7 Feed Advantage: -104


(Taos x Rome x EX90 Legendary x 8 VG/EX Dams Goldie family )

Herdbook No: 653214541108 AI Code: HO7061 Source: Holstein UK & AHDB Dairy

No 11 in Germany +150 gRZG +2935 GTPI (USA) | £733 PLI (UK) +70.5 Kg's combined Fat & Protein Elite combination of health and production

Type Conformation Reliability 55% 0 Daughters in 0 Herds Type Merit Poor Excellent +1.04 Mammary Poor Excellent +0.76 Legs & Feet Poor Excellent +1.54 Stature 136cm 160cm +0.86 Chest Width Narrow Wide +0.88 Body Depth Shallow Deep +0.10 Angularity Coarse Open Rib +0.47 Rump Angle High Pins Low Pins +0.85 Rump Width Narrow Wide +1.05 Rear leg side Straight Sickled -0.86 Foot angle Low Steep +0.50 Fore udd att Loose Tight +0.47 Rear udd ht Very Low Very High +0.28 Udder supp Broken Strong +0.68 Udder depth Below Hock 20cm above +0.83 Front teat pl Outside Close +0.39 Teat length Short Long -0.02 Rear teat pl Apart Close +0.19 Teat pos side Close Apart +0.44 Temperament Poor Good +0.08 Ease of milk Slow Fast +0.48 Locomotion Poor Excellent +1.43 Cond Score Low High +0.78 -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3 Production Milk: +902 kg A2A2 Fat: +40.6 kg (+0.05%) Protein: +29.9 kg (+0.00%) Daughters/Herds: 0 / 0 (73% Rlb) PLI: £733 (67% Rlb) Health Traits SCC: -16 Lifespan in Days: +113.0 Fertility Index: +10.5 Direct Calving Ease: -1.3% Maternal Calving Ease: +1.2% TB Advantage: -0.3 SCI: £420 ACI: £575 Management Maintenance: +12.0 Mastitis: +0.0 Lameness Advantage: +3.7 Calf Survival: +1.3 Dairy Carcase Index: +1.0 Healthy Cow: +228 Gestation Length: +0.0 Envirocow: +3.2 Feed Advantage: +48
2nd Dam: Welcome Legendary Gale EX90
Mastergen Ltd abide by the AHDB Dairy and Holstein UK established Code of Advertising Proof Date: August 2023


(Roman RF x GP83 Jayvano x VG87 Mega-Star)

Herdbook No: 71005356775438 AI Code: HO7639 Source: Holstein UK and AHDB Dairy

Top 15 Red Udders +1.96 (UK&Int)

Positive components

Perfect for Robot systems

Sloping rumps

Type Conformation Reliability 53% 0 Daughters in 0 Herds Type Merit Poor Excellent +1.43 Mammary Poor Excellent +1.96 Legs & Feet Poor Excellent +1.22 Stature 136cm 160cm +0.76 Chest Width Narrow Wide +0.52 Body Depth Shallow Deep -0.29 Angularity Coarse Open Rib +0.05 Rump Angle High Pins Low Pins +1.64 Rump Width Narrow Wide +0.21 Rear leg side Straight Sickled -0.13 Foot angle Low Steep +0.32 Fore udd att Loose Tight +1.80 Rear udd ht Very Low Very High +0.95 Udder supp Broken Strong -0.03 Udder depth Below Hock 20cm above +1.64 Front teat pl Outside Close +0.57 Teat length Short Long +0.13 Rear teat pl Apart Close -1.06 Teat pos side Close Apart -0.25 Temperament Poor Good +0.24 Ease of milk Slow Fast +0.57 Locomotion Poor Excellent +1.35 Cond Score Low High +0.43 -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3 Production Milk: +567 kg A2A2 Fat: +24.8 kg (+0.02%) Protein: +22.0 kg (+0.04%) Daughters/Herds: 0 / 0 (73% Rlb) PLI: £539 (66% Rlb) Health Traits SCC: -19 Lifespan in Days: +82.0 Fertility Index: -0.7 Direct Calving Ease: -0.1% Maternal Calving Ease: +0.9% TB Advantage: +0.5 SCI: £276 ACI: £406 Management Maintenance: +10.0 Mastitis: -3.0 Lameness Advantage: +2.8 Calf Survival: +2.8 Dairy Carcase Index: +1.3 Healthy Cow: +184 Gestation Length: +0.0 Envirocow: +2.2 Feed Advantage: +31
Bull: Tyson Red
Mastergen Ltd abide by the AHDB Dairy and Holstein UK established Code of Advertising Proof Date: August 2023

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