START EXERCISING It’s never too early or late to reap the rewards of becoming more physically active. So you’ve decided it’s time you did some exercise. But…where do you begin? Sometimes it can be daunting to know how to start. Below is a guide to getting active, to help you develop a healthier, happier lifestyle.
How much exercise should you actually be doing?
First things first, how much exercise do you really need to be doing? Just like diet and nutrition advice, there are a lot of fitness programs out there claiming to be the ‘one and only’ exercise you need to do to be healthy and fit. Some require 10 minutes a day, others are strict two hours per day regimes. So how much exercise should you actually be aiming for? According to the Australian Physical Activity and Sedentary Behaviour Guidelines, adults aged 18-64 should try to be active for at least half an hour on most, preferably all, days of the week. Ideally, an adult should either do between 2 ½ hours and 5 hours of moderate intensity activity each week, 1 ¼ hours to 2 ½ hours of vigorous intensity each week, or a combination of the two.
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Know your goals
There are so many reasons to make being active a priority: improved cardiovascular health, maintaining a healthy weight, decreased risk of some cancers and improved mental health, just to name a few. You might have a specific goal in mind when you start exercising, like losing a few kilos, improving your balance, or being able to enter a fun run. Or you might just be trying to become more active because you know it’s a good thing to do for your overall health. Either way, check in from time to time to see how you’re improving and feeling. Make a note of whether you can walk further and faster this month than last, if you’ve lost centimetres off your belly, are feeling happier or sleeping better.
Start slowly
Doing any physical activity is better than doing none. The guidelines listed above are a great goal, but not everyone at the beginning of their exercise journey will be able to meet them straight away. Start slowly; find out what kinds of exercise you enjoy, how you feel when you exercise and how being active can fit into your routine. A 10-minute walk around the block or following an exercise video at home a couple of times a week might be a simple start. Gradually, you can build up to meeting the recommended guidelines.
Make it part of your routine
When exercise is part of your daily routine, getting up and active becomes second nature. Book exercise time on your calendar or use an exercise planner to block out time to be active each week. You might find linking exercise to a different activity you do regularly helps it easily slot into your schedule. For example, if you meet a friend for coffee each Saturday, suggest the two of you go for a walk together first, or take a class during your lunchbreak at work.
Mix it up
Find a form you enjoy
You’ll be more likely to stick with your new activity plan if you find the time you spend moving enjoyable. For you, that might mean attending a class with friends, or it could be pushing yourself to the limit with a personal trainer. Keep in mind that different things motivate different people, and there’s no one right way to be active. There are so many options when it comes to exercising. From running and cycling, to taking a dance class or stand-up paddle boarding, there are activities for all types of interests and abilities. You don’t have to stick with the first activity you try or do what everyone else is doing. Have fun exploring what kinds of exercise make you feel good.
Different forms of exercise do different things for your body, so it’s important to do a range of types of exercise. Cardio exercise is exercise that gets your heart rate up. Cardio is good for your heart health and also burns kilojoules at a high rate, which can help you lose excess weight or maintain a healthy weight. Muscle strengthening exercise does what it says in the name: makes your muscles stronger. It also helps build and maintain bone mass, which is important for preventing diseases like osteoporosis as you age. Muscle strengthening exercise might involve lifting weights, supporting your body weight or resistance exercises. The Physical Activity Guidelines recommend adults should do muscle strengthening activities at least twice a week. Flexibility is important, especially as you age. Take time to stretch before and after each exercise session to improve flexibility and reduce the risk of injuries.