Celebrating our 75th school year, we are excited to introduce "Growing in Grace," a transformative campaign that embodies our commitment to creating a caring and disciplined learning environment that nurtures minds and spirits, fosters social skills, and forms leaders of strong character and moral integrity. We believe in the holistic development of our students, preparing them by enhancing academic excellence, embracing their identity in Christ, and strengthening social connections
Mater Dei will….
Equip students to listen to God’s call as they discern their college and career paths while providing career-connected learning opportunities for all students and partnering with local employers to offer experiences in healthcare, advanced manufacturing, trades, and beyond. Expand course offerings for AP and for college and career pathways
Increase faith-enrichment opportunities and enhance our faith-sharing spaces. Upgrade facilities and academic spaces to meet the changing needs of our students and community.
Achieve optimal enrollment of 575 by 2030. Expand planned giving and endowment efforts.
Growing in Grace will fully prepare students for a life of purpose and service, where “Enter to Learn, Go Forth to Serve” is more than a motto. It is excellence in motion, enriching and elevating the communities in which our graduates live.
Growing in Grace Campaign
$9,000,000 Goal
Academic Excellence: $1,600,000
College and Career Readiness
Expand course offerings for Advanced Placement and for college and career pathways - $125,000
Establish a Work-Based Learning Center and expand our guidance counseling resources - $125,000
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Enhance hands-on experiences in advanced manufacturing, trades, healthcare fields, and beyond by establishing a robotics lab and leveraging business partnerships - $350,000
Academic Resources
Move and upgrade science labs and other classrooms - $275,000
Upgrade furniture and academic resources in classrooms - $250,000
Expand use of interactive boards in classrooms - $75,000
Faculty and Staff Development
Provide faculty development, incentives, and recruitment enhancements that result in faculty teaching new AP and college and career pathway courses - $300,000
Enhance organizational health and leadership development - $100,000
Student Life: $2,800,000
Build a new performing arts practice and multi-use facility - $2,000,000
Install a track around the football field for use by all students and the Mater Dei community - $800,000
Kempf Auditorium
Koch Science Facilities
Msgr. Wolf Chapel
Spiritual Growth: $400,000
Renovate the chapel to enhance the reverence of our worship and faith-sharing space - $100,000
Increase opportunities for student pilgrimages, conferences, and retreats - $100,000
Add elective theology courses to expand students’ understanding of their Catholic faith - $25,000
Integrate faith-based perspectives across the curriculum - $50,000
Provide spiritual development opportunities for faculty and staff that enrich the growth of the whole person - $75,000
Establish spiritual and social development assessment tools to measure student growth throughout their time at Mater Dei and beyond - $50,000
Facilities: $3,070,000
Increase parking capacity and repair existing parking lot - $800,000
Matt ‘91 and Kristen ‘91 Folz Steve ‘65 and Rita ‘66 Moore
Deacon Dan Niemeier ‘80, President Mallory Hertel ‘07, Director of Advancement
Judy Blankenberger, Theo Boots, Cherie Burgdorf ‘75, Audrie Burkett ’07, Father Christopher Droste ‘98, Matt ‘91 and Kristen ‘91 Folz, Dan Hoefling ’78, Marcia Jochem, Larry Kremer ‘59, Steve ’65 and Rita ‘66 Moore
Alan Braun ‘62, Dr Tad Dickel, Rita Eykamp ‘55, Butch Feulner ’66, Andy Goebel ‘65, Ed Knapp Sr ‘59, Bob Koch ‘56