Red & Gold, Volume 40, Number 1 - Winter 2022

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red & gold T H E M A T E RD E I H I G H S C H O O L FRI EN D S & A L U M N M I A G A Z I N E

volume 40, number 1 1 Football team captures second IHSAA 2A State Title!

Table of Contents volume 40, number 1 3 5 6 8 10 12 14 16 17 20 22 25 27 28 29 34 35 35 36 38 39 40 41 50 60 61 62

President's Message New Employee Welcome Marching Band State Champions Football State Champions Savio & Siena Faith Groups Hiking the El Camino Pilgr image Mater Dei's "A Chr istmas Carol" Tomor row's Workforce National Honor Society Mission Tr ip to Pamplona, Per u FOCUS Missionar ies Annual Fund Evansville Consignments & Flor al Design Cur rent Endowments Consider ing a Legacy Gift? Haven & Haddie Daniel Wer ner '98 Commissioned Colonel Facility Modifications, Wheelchair Lift Mater Dei Class of '71 50th Reunion Mater Dei Class of '72 Reunion Alumni News Mater Dei Financial Statement Honor Roll of Donor s Alumni Gifts Lappe Heating & Air Celebr ates 100 Year s In Memor iam In Memor y & Honor of

The Red & Gold is published two times a year by the Mater Dei High School Office of Institutional Advancement to encour age under standing and suppor t the mission of Mater Dei High School. Through the Red & Gold, Mater Dei?s 11,000+ alumni, as well as the school?s many fr iends, continue to strengthen their relationships with each other and become better infor med about the many ways Mater Dei str ives for excellence through its spir itual, academic, and extr a- cur r icular progr ams. Red & Gold Editor & Page Designer : Jackson Bar nes, Director of Marketing & Communications/Kendr a Neumann Contr ibutor s: Jackson Bar nes Mallor y (Goebel) Her tel ?07 Kendr a Neumann Deacon Dan Niemeier '80 Julie McGrew Jill Seiler Photogr aphy: Str aub Photogr aphy Kr istie Alexander Hi- Lights Staff Kendr a Neumann John For zley

ABOUT THE COVER The Mater Dei Mar ching Wildcats celebr ating their fir st ever ISSMA Class D State Championship outside Lucas Oil Stadium on November 5, 2022.

Send alumni news and address changes to Julie McGrew, Executive Administr ative Assistant: jmcgrew@evdio.or g or visit our website mation- update. 1300 Har mony Way, Evansville, IN 47720 812.426.2258 ·


Pr esident's Message Success can be defined and measured in countless ways. Sometimes, it comes down to wins and losses, and it?s on display for all to see. More often, it?s about growing in faith and virtue, building a strong foundation for the future, and positively impacting others. Mater Dei High School strives to help our students achieve all forms of success across our four cornerstones of spiritual growth, academic excellence, social development, and service to others. This fall, we were blessed that our incredible success with regard to our social development cornerstone was on full display for not only our Mater Dei community, but for others throughout the state. Our band and football team provided us with a November to remember. The band opened the month by winning a state championship for the first time in the history of Mater Dei, while the football team closed out the month with our second football state championship. Whether it?s at state competitions or during local community interactions, we are constantly receiving compliments on the outstanding manner in which our students represent Mater Dei and live out their Catholic values. The fruits of our efforts to walk with our students on their faith journey cannot be measured by state championships. Instead, success in their spiritual growth is gauged by their actions while they are students and when they leave Mater Dei. In this edition of Red & Gold, we highlight numerous alumni who continue to build upon the foundation of faith that they developed while students at Mater Dei. In addition to those highlighted, we are pleased to report that eleven diocesan seminarians have been produced by Mater Dei since 2000, the most of any school in our diocese. On a related note, I wanted to share with you that this past August, I was blessed to be ordained a deacon, which is providing me with many new and exciting ways to serve our Mater Dei students and our Catholic community. Our service program is being reinvigorated as we clarify the program guidelines and more effectively leverage the MobileServe app to track our students?service hours. The addition of a Corporal Work of Mercy will add an important aspect to the great impact that our students are already having on our community. While our students continue to achieve success by working hard to meet our rigorous academic requirements, we are evaluating continuous improvement opportunities identified through multiple feedback sources and the Cognia accreditation process to help ensure their future academic and professional success. Finally, the development of our strategic plan is underway to assure that our past successes are sustainable as we equip future Mater Dei students to ?Enter to Learn, Go Forth to Serve.? I look forward to sharing details of this plan in upcoming issues of Red & Gold. In Chr ist, Through Our Blessed Mother ,

Deacon Dan Niemeier ?80 President of Mater Dei High School



Welcome to Mater Dei! WE'RE SO HAPPY YOU'RE HERE. Please welcome Sharon Shumate (Campus Minister) and Jackson Barnes (Director of Marketing & Communications)!


Histor y made as band captur es 1st ever state title!

Social Development 6

In early November, the Mater Dei Marching Wildcats traveled to Lucas Oil Stadium for the ISSMA Class D State finals competition. It?s a trip they?ve made 14 times before along with many other bands from Evansville, but no school in the area has ever been able to capture the elusive first place trophy?until now. Mater Dei became Evansville's first band to ever win the State Championship. Band members received a champions welcome upon their arrival back to campus and celebrated with a fire truck ride through Evansville?s westside. ?There is something truly special about being the best in the state in anything you do.? - Principal Darin Knight


STATE Mater DeiFOOTBALL Football, state champions once again! Thanksgiving weekend provided more than just turkey for the holiday weekend, but a redeeming shot and a rematch of the state title game from the year prior. Falling just short in 2021, Mater Dei's grit was on full display for the 2A state title, putting on a dominating performance behind the leadership of senior quarterback, Mason Wunderlich, who threw for two touchdowns, and a dominate defense who held Andrean to 3 points until late in the 4th quarter. Mater Dei bested Andrean 20-10 to secure it's second school state title. In addition to not only their state trophy, Mike Goebel was awarded the IFCA Coach of the year, Mason Wunderlich was awarded the IFCA Quarterback of the year, and Joey Pierre won the Blake Russ IHSAA Mental Attitude Award.


(Right) Joey Pierre with his parents after receiving the Blake Russ IHSAA Mental Attitude Award. 9

Savio & Siena Faith Groups Many Mater Dei students embrace the fellowship that the Evansville Vocations office provides through Savio and Siena faith formation and discernment groups. Savio (St. Dominic Savio) for guys hold monthly events at the House of Discernment on the Sacred Heart campus. Due to the size of the facility and the large attendance, Father Tyler Tenbarge adjusted the program at the beginning of the fall semester to 8th - 12th grade boys. Over 120 young men are registered, about 20 are Mater Dei students. Savio sponsors other events as well throughout the year, including a Fun Run, Bishop Simon Brute tomb in Vincennes, Saint photo contest and a Savio t-shirt challenge where the guys have to complete challenges under the themes of "Pray, Feast, Befriend, Sacrifice"

The popularity of Savio over the last few years inspired a group of young adult women to start Siena, named after St. Catherine of Siena, for girls 6th-12th grades this fall semester. Three of the five Siena adult leaders are Mater Dei graduates: Samantha Marx '16, Michaela Kunkler '17 and Jessie Bacon '22. Over 100 girls are registered in Siena, and they meet monthly at St. John The Evangelist in Daylight on Sunday afternoons. Several Mater Dei young women gather for faith formation and fellowship while meeting other like-minded peers to grow in virtue and friendships. 10

Spir itual Gr owth

Gir ls & Guys Bible Study Submitted by Sharon Shumate

Girls and guys bible study is available every Tuesday morning at 6:45 am. The girls will be led by a small group of young adult women in the chapel. This will be starting for the first time this school year in January. The guys will be led by Father Tyler in the media center. Any guy can attend whether they have participated in the past or not. Students do not need to register or join, they can show up when they are able to study Scriptures.

Students are welcome to join Savio and Siena at any time. To receive the permission forms and to learn more, visit: or

Visit a Savio: Pray, Feast, Befriend, Sacrifice for 8th-12th grade guys 6pm Sports & Pizza at the House of Discernment Sacred Heart Campus 7:30pm Faith Formation 8:15pm Night Prayer & Depart Visit a Siena: Virtue, Community, Growth, Heart for 6th-12th grade girls St. John the Evangelist, Daylight, IN 2:00pm Snacks, Hang out, Games 3:15pm Faith Formation 4:00pm Closing prayer & Depart Both are on these dates: December 18 January 8 February 12 March 12 April 30 May 14


Submitted by Beth Wilson

The Camino de Santiago is an extensive network of ancient pilgrim routes across Europe that all come together at the tomb of St. James in the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela in northwestern Spain. On May 29th, Edan ( junior), Judah (freshman), and I began day one of our 780 km pilgrimages from St Jean-Pied-du-Port, France to Santiago, Spain. In 35 days, we walked nearly 500 miles with people from all over the world by simply following yellow arrows that pointed the way. We slept in albergues (think hostels but for pilgrims). These were co-ed rooms that ranged from 4-70 beds per room. We often cooked, ate, and hand-washed clothes together. The lack of privacy was challenging, but we quickly adapted and even grew to love communal living. The language barrier and navigating through a foreign country was a huge challenge. However, the hardest trial was walking long hours with packs on our backs, knowing we had so many days and miles ahead. These challenges were also part of the beauty which led to a constant internal surrender. This surrender found us constantly saying ?God?s Will, not mine? and reminding ourselves to remain open to transformation through Christ, trusting that He would provide what we needed even when it wasn?t what we wanted. Realizing and embracing these moments opened our eyes to the beauty, culture, and friendships El Camino provides. Buen Camino

Beth, Edan '24, and Judah '26 Wilson 12

Spir itual Gr owth

Hiking the El Camino

Blaise Kelley is cu r r en t ly a soph om or e in college an d h e is in h is f ir st year of sem in ar y at Bish op Sim on Br u t é Sem in ar y at M ar ian Un iver sit y. Th is is w h at h e said abou t discer n in g h is vocat ion : ?Vocat ion al discer n m en t is a pr ocess t h at n ever en ds. We ar e alw ays f igu r in g ou t h ow God is callin g u s t o live ou r lives. In m y exper ien ce, God h as r evealed h is plan f or m y lif e in lit t le w ays an d He h as gu ided m e alon g t h r ou gh an in vit at ion t o t r u st in His plan . It h as n ot been easy, an d I k n ow t h at I cou ldn't h ave don e an y of it w it h ou t His con st an t gr ace car r yin g m e alon g, bu t I h ave been able t o t r u st in His con cealed plan an d t ak e leaps of f ait h t o bet t er discer n m y vocat ion . I r ecen t ly en t er ed sem in ar y w h er e I'm st ill t r yin g t o f igu r e ever yt h in g ou t . It 's n ot clear yet , bu t I k n ow t h at God w ill r eveal ever yt h in g in good t im e.? Blaise this past summer on a mission trip to Peru


Com in g t h is Apr il f r om t h e M at er Dei Th eat r e Depar t m en t !

Scenes fr om our play, "A Chr istmas Car ol" Submitted by Crystal Roberson


We traded our traditional fall play for a little Christmas twist this year with Charles Dicken's A Christmas Carol. Seventeen theatre students, combined with twelve choir students, worked together to bring our community the timeless story that we all know and love. We rented our costumes from a company in New York, and we absolutely hated having to send them back; they were beautiful! Getting to bring in junior high students from our local feeder schools gave our students an additional performance opportunity, which is always exciting. Each year I try to bring unique theatre genres to our students. We've produced Shakespeare, operas, pop musicals, classics, comedies, and dramas. Now these students can mark Dickens off their list of experiences. I'm so proud of the finished product that we were able to share with our Mater Dei students, staff, and community.

OPEN HOUSE On Oct ober 20t h , w e h eld ou r an n u al Open Hou se. We h ad a ver y su ccessf u l even t w it h a t u n r ou t of over 100 m iddle sch ooler s at t en din g, plu s a h an df u l of h igh sch ool st u den t s w h o ar e t h in k in g abou t t r an sf er in g.

En r ollm en t f or t h e 2023-24 sch ool year is n ow open . To apply, go t o M at er deiw ildcat an d f ill ou t t h e on lin e applicat ion . We can't w ait t o see ou r n ew Wildcat s n ext f all!

If you k n ow som eon e in t er est ed in at t en din g M at er Dei, please con t act ou r En r ollm en t M an ager , Jill Seiler at jseiler @evdio.or g.


This year ?s Keynote speaker was Indiana University?s President Dr. Pamela Whitten. Nearly $100,000 was raised to support Mater Dei and Memorial High Schools. Thank you to all our sponsors that made this event possible!

(Right) Congratulations to Mater Dei's winner, Kathleen Glaser!


Academic Excellence

The Tomorrow?s Workforce Program is an outreach to business and community leaders to support the Evansville Catholic High Schools and their mission to educate students academically, socially, and spiritually. 15 students from Mater Dei and Memorial were invited to attend a luncheon held at Bally?s Evansville downtown on September 27th and given the opportunity to network with local businesses, employers, and overall supporters of Catholic education.

National Honor Society 2022- 2023 Inductees Landon Anslinger

Kylie Frey

Addison Kelley

Emma Schroeder

Tyler Vanover

Kaylee Bacon

Katelyn Goebel

Mallory Kempf

Zach Schroeder

Samuel Wassmer

Alessia Baumann

Benjamin Gries

Nicole Bender

Daniel Groves

Caleb Kunkler

Lily Smith

Brett Wilkey

Alison Beshears

Kathleen Halbig

Luke McDurmon

Taylor Stock

Edan Wilson

Katelyn Bishop

Katelyn Happe

Briggs Miller

Wyatt Stratman

Jonah Zollar

Jack Bonham

Madelyn Hayden

Thomas Nisley

Courtney Straub

Regina Catanese

Sierra Heldt

Maria Oursler

Mary Beth Sullivan

Erika Correa

Jack Helfrich

Grace Phillips

Lillian Traylor

Isaac Deeg

Mason Hinman

Elizabeth Ritzert

Chelsea Turner

Brylee Delano

Alaina Johnson

Grace Rohleder

Spencer Turner

Joshua Fenwick

Ella Kane

Cara Schlachter

Emma Van Bibber

NAMES TO BEKuhn ADDEDLaura Shockley Garret


Hailey Wells

Get you r n om in at ion s in f or t h e n ext Dist in gu ish ed Ser vice Aw ar d Win n er pr esen t ed by t h e M at er Dei Fr ien ds & Alu m n i Associat ion at a f u t u r e M D even t . Sen d in you r vot es t o M allor y Her t el: 812-421-5727 x 405 or em ail m h er t el@evdio.or g. All su bm ission s m u st be sen t in by Fr iday Jan . 13t h

Save The Date! Tickets for this years 2023 Big Bingo will go on sale early in the new year!



Life. Changing. Submitted by Nathan Seiler '18

Life. Changing. Those are the only two words that can accurately describe my mission trip to Peru. Here?s a brief recap on what we did and the key takeaways that will stay with me after a week serving in Peru: I?ll begin by describing for what the mission trip was. I had been told in the orientation that we would be entering into extreme poverty in order to build stairs up a mountain. No orientation could prepare us for what we encountered. Extreme poverty in Peru looks a bit different from extreme poverty in the United States. When we arrived in Pamplona on the first day, I was taken aback by the conditions these people were living. No fresh water. No sewage. Each house in this mountain was no more like a box with a thin aluminum roof than an actual house. A putrid stench hung in the air.

Ser vice to Other s

In March of 2022, students from both Indiana University and University of Southern Indiana were invited to participate in a mission trip to help an impoverished community in Pamplona, Peru. Six Mater Dei alumni took part in this trip:Nathan Seiler '18, Lily Hoffman '18, and Emma Hoffman '18 from IU and Blaise Kelley '21, Allie Rusk '21, and Megan Muensterman '21 from USI. They all shared photos from this life-changing experience and this is Nathan Seiler 's reflection of the mission.

My heart was moved with compassion for these people; however, the worst part was how difficult it was to climb up the mountain to their houses. Our group - which consisted of 21 Indiana University students, 5 missionaries, and 1 priest - was constantly slipping, sliding, and tumbling our way through loose rocks, dust, and sand as we made our way to the work site every day. Now imagine elderly folks, children, and the disabled trying to make this climb. These people still had to work. Still had to go to school. Still had to run errands and raise a family. These were the people we came to help. We referred to the residents of this village outside of Lima as ?los vecinos? which translates to ?the neighbors? in English. Hundreds of los vecinos lived in the mountains of Pamplona all under the same unfortunate conditions. With all this in mind, they were genuinely some of the nicest and most caring people I have ever met. In fact, most of them even helped us build the stairs. When we got to the work site, our first job was to make sure the stair forms 20

were all set and properly filled with rocks. Then we mixed the concrete with shovels, passed it in buckets, filled the forms, and leveled off the cement to make the stairs. In all, we completed close to 30 stairs that will help the residents of Pamplona for many years to come! What struck me about these people though, was their joy. They loved meeting us, and the children loved playing sports with us when we had a little down time. We especially loved meeting them and getting to learn about their lives. This joy that they all shared overflowed from their hearts into the remarkable generosity they showed us all week. In fact, one of the families cooked food for all of us every day just to show us their appreciation for helping them out. Speaking of which, the food in Peru was simply fantastic. Every meal was delicious and featured a lot of chicken, rice, and potatoes in different varieties. At the retreat center in Lima where we slept and ate meals throughout the week, we were also blessed with the opportunity to pray a holy hour and go to mass every day. It was a beautiful daily reminder of what we were there to do and who we were there to serve. Christ transformed our hearts by allowing us to see him in every person we were building the stairs for. It reminded me of Matthew 25:40 when Jesus tells us, ?Amen I say to you, whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me.? Each one of us can do this in our everyday lives by being generous, serving the less fortunate, turning to the Lord in prayer and seeing Him in the people we encounter. I learned so much from this experience. While I was in Peru, I encountered the poorest of the poor in Pamplona, but they were not as I expected. You always hear stories about how joyful people in that state of life can be, but it never hit me until I met them myself. These people were peaceful, generous and filled with a joy that only God can give. I thank God for the ability to work with these people and experience the graces that He bestows on all of His children. 21

FOCUS Missionaries Submitted by Emma Hoffman '18

The summer between my junior and senior year at Indiana University, I had a re-conversion of my faith. Going back for my last year of college, I began to get more involved in the Catholic community at Indiana University and became closer with the FOCUS missionaries seeing more closely what their lives actually looked like. Because it was my senior year I was really beginning to consider what I wanted to do with my life and one night I was invited to a FOCUS informational event for some seniors and grad students at IU. I walked into that night not really thinking much of it and walked out with a desire in my heart for the life that the missionaries were describing. I could just see the joy that it brought them and I wanted that too. The next day, my mind was racing with the hope of "Could I actually do this?" Inevitably, doubts started creeping in, such as, "I just started reliving my faith, I don't have enough experience. I'm too shy, I couldn't do it." But among that interior battle I turned to prayer and scripture. The gospel reading for that day was Luke 5:1-11, which is the passage where Jesus is calling the first apostle, Peter. In it, Jesus says to Peter "Do not be afraid, from now on you will be catching men." And that really was confirmation for me that the Lord was placing that desire in my heart to be a missionary. To make a long story short, I am now a missionary serving at Grand Valley State University in Michigan and I wouldn't want to be doing anything else. I have great confidence that this is where the Lord has led me and it has been such a joy getting to know and serve the students here.


I gr adu at ed f r om M at er Dei in 2013 (Go Cat s!) an d at t en ded M u r r ay St at e Un iver sit y t h er eaf t er , w h er e I m et Ch r ist in a deep w ay t h r ou gh t h e ef f or t s of FOCUS m ission ar ies. Follow in g gr adu at ion , I discer n ed a call t o becom e a m ission ar y m yself . I ser ved f or t w o year s at In dian a Un iver sit y, spen t t h e n ext t h r ee year s as Team Dir ect or at t h e Un iver sit y of Toledo, an d h ave n ow t r an sit ion ed in t o a r ole w it h Par ish Ou t r each alon gside m y gr ow in g f am ily at Ch r ist t h e Kin g Par ish in Tu lsa, OK. I cou ld h ave n ever im agin ed m yself becom in g a m ission ar y, bu t af t er en cou n t er in g t h e pr of ou n d m er cy of Jesu s t h r ou gh con f ession du r in g m y sen ior year of college, t h er e w as a t u g at m y h ear t t o pou r ou t God?s over w h elm in g gen er osit y, love, an d m er cy t o college st u den t s in a f u ll-t im e w ay, m an y of w h ich ar e so u n aw ar e, as I w as, of Jesu s?t h ir st f or an in t im at e r elat ion sh ip w it h t h em . Despit e m y in it ial plan of bein g a m ission ar y f or on ly t w o year s, I?ve decided each year t o r em ain f or an ot h er . Pr esen t ly, I f eel t h e Lor d in vit in g ou r f am ily t o in vest in ot h er f am ilies, as it becom es m or e an d m or e appar en t t h at t h e basic u n it of t h e ch u r ch an d societ y, t h e f am ily, is u n der br u t al at t ack . Even am idst m an y sit t in g in t h e pew s each Su n day, w e w it n ess close u p t h at m an y eyes ar e blin d, m an y ear s ar e deaf t o t h e savin g love of Jesu s, h is u pw ar d call t o san ct it y, an d h is ou t w ar d call t o m ission . As a m ission ar y, I m yself n eed t o con st an t ly h ear t h e gospel w it h f r esh ear s an d be f u r t h er con ver t ed by it , so t h at I give Him , an d n ot m yself , t o t h ose God in vit es m e t o love. To pu t it m ost sim ply, I r em ain a m ission ar y becau se I n eed con ver sion an d savin g. If you w ou ld lik e t o t alk w it h m e, h ear m or e of m y st or y or lear n m or e abou t FOCUS, f eel f r ee t o r each ou t t o m e at br an son .sch r oeder @f ocu s.or g. Submitted by Branson Schroeder '13




2022- 2023 Annual Fund The Annual Fund is our biggest and longest-running fundraiser of the year. It kicks off on July 1st every year and runs through June 30th of the following year. Funds raised are used to support various projects determined to have the most need over the course of the year and include but are not limited to building and grounds maintenance, tuition assistance for our students and their families, faculty and staff professional development, class retreats, and guest speakers. The projects can vary year to year but there are typically some recurring themes that need the constant support of our generous donors such as tuition assistance and maintenance for our facilities. All gifts, regardless of size are very much appreciated. Mater Dei is blessed to have so many generous friends and alumni that truly keep us moving forward.

Past An n u al Fu n d Ch air s Jim & Amy Schroeder 2021-2022 Co-Chairs Mater Dei Faculty & Staff

Jake ?02 & Katie? Schiff 2015-16 Co-Chairs

2009-10 Chair

Rev. David Nunning

Maurice Berendes ?60

2014-15 Chair

2008-09 Chair

Butch ?66 & Linda Feulner

Steve Eickhoff ?73

2013-14 Co-Chairs

Dan Niemeier ?80

2020-2021 Chairs Brett ?08 & Sara ?08 Bueltel 2019-2020 Co-Chairs Ryan ?98 & Hallie ?04 Scheu 2018-19 Co-Chairs

Jim ?88 & Ingrid ?95 Stratman 2012-13 Co-Chairs

Andy ?06 & Elyse ?06 Niemeier

Mark ?70 & Monie ?70 Freeman

2017-18 Co-Chairs

2011-12 Co-Chairs

Matt ?96 & Amanda ?97 Bohleber

Ira Gerard ?72 & Terry ?72 Boots

2016-17 Co Chairs

Shirley Knapp? '50

2007-08 Chair

M ike '92 an d Lisa Weber 2022-2023 An n u al Fu n d Ch air s

We give to the Annual Fund because of our faith and desire to serve our community. We give because of the education our family received, not only academically, but spiritually and socially. Our giving is a specific act of generosity because we believe in the high academic standards that Mater Dei upholds and the sense of community and family atmosphere Mater Dei creates. When you believe in something with your heart, generosity comes easily. Mater Dei provides an equal opportunity for each student that enters. These opportunities stretch from its strong Catholic identity, academic excellence, extracurricular activities including sports, band, theater or one of its many clubs. The student that enters as a freshman will leave as a strong, well-rounded individual who is ready to go forth and serve. The foundation given to a student at Mater Dei reflects the dedication each teacher and staff member has for their students. We want this tradition of excellence to continue at Mater Dei, so we give. Join us in being part of Mater Dei?s future. We are MD! Mike '92 and Lisa have three children: Mallory ?21, Allison ?23, and Natalie ?27 and are members of St. Philip Parish. Mike earned a bachelor ?s degree in mechanical engineering from the University of Evansville. He is currently a partner at Midwest Roofing and Sheet Metal. Lisa earned a bachelor ?s degree in health services from the University of Southern Indiana. She is employed at St. Philip School.

2006-07 Chair Steve Moore ?65 2005-06 Chair Ron Hollander ?59 2004-05 Chair Jim Will, Jr. ?76 2003-04 Chair Ed Knapp ?59 2002-03 Chair

2010-11 Co-Chairs

Andy Goebel '65 2001-02 Chair


Todd Niemeier O.D. Class of '91

Morgan Hussman O.D.

Rachel Rexing-Thacker O.D. Class of '10


(Above) Ken t ?72 an d M ar t y Hollan der r ecen t ly open ed u p Evan sville Con sign m en t s & Flor al Design . Th ey t ook over t h e bu ildin g of David Robin son?s ?70 law of f ice on Wabash Aven u e of Flags on Evan sville?s w est side. Th e st or e of f er s a var iet y of special f in ds t h at you w on?t f in d an yw h er e else in clu din g t h eir exclu sive dist r ibu t ion of Evelyn St ein k u h l pr in t s.






Life.Haven Changing.&


?Creating the memory jewelry can be difficult as far as listening to the stories of how someone passed, how long a couple had been together, or even listening to those who have lost a child. However, seeing their face when they get the pieces we created, makes it all worth it,? says Alex.? Getting to do what I love and doing it with my mom is an opportunity most do not get. I am very grateful to work with my mom, and now having my daughters (Haven & Haddie) be a part of it is more than I 32


Haven & Haddie has been owned and operated for eleven years by mother-daughter duo Mari (Oliver) Jost ?76 and Alex (Jost) Bittner ?06. Formerly known as Busy Beedz, Haven & Haddie specializes in custom, affordable jewelry on Evansville's east side. Although they offer a wide variety of custom and pre-made jewelry for everyday wear, their memory line has proven to be very popular here locally and beyond, shipping orders across 46 states and as far as overseas to the UK. The memory jewelry line helps preserve life's meaningful moments and includes memory jewelry made from flowers, a loved one's handwriting, or clothing.

Daniel Wer ner '98 Commissioned Col. On Friday, Sept. 16th, 2022, Dan Werner ?98 was commissioned a Colonel in the United States Air Force. The ceremony took place at the Air Force Memorial, located in Washington, D. C. His list of accomplishments since graduating from the Air Force Academy in 2003 is quite lengthy, as are the different locations he has been stationed, including Iraq, Afghanistan and Qatar.

(Above ) Dan (far right) with some of his family: Wife Robin, son Easton, son Christopher, and dad Jim Werner ?73

(Above ) Dan taking the oath of office from Brigadier General Brian Hartless

Facility modifications were made over the summer to prepare for the installation of a hydraulic wheelchair lift to improve handicap accessibility between the cafeteria level and the gym level. Prior to the lift, the only internal transition options from school building to gym included stairs. Thank you to all who made this wheelchair lift possible with their time, talents, and treasure: Steve Luigs, Dennis Niemeier ?70, Gary ?76 and Kim Alles, Steve ?65 & Judy Blankenberger, Midwest Roofing-Sheet Metal, and Empire Contractors, Inc.


Mater Dei Class of '71 50th Reunion by Cheryl Herrmann '71

Despite the hot muggy weather, with sweltering 95° heat, and no room air-conditioning at Hornville Tavern, 105 people from the Class of 1971 held their pandemic-delayed 50th class reunion in the midst of an absolutely stunningly decorated room of red and gold. Covering the tables were white linen tablecloths, adorned with golden table runners, bouquets of flowers and balloons, and white LED candles aglow, designed and orchestrated by Jenny Raben. Regardless of the sultry warmth, classmates made it work, determined to see and speak with one another, to introduce their spouses, to reunite as Wildcats, and renew the class spirit. Classmates continued their conversations where they left off 50+ years ago. The comradery after 51 years was amazing, not because of the Mater Dei connection, but because of friendships established over five decades ago. All who attended Mater Dei in the Class of 1971 were invited. Classmates Sandy (Lutz) Schmitt and Beverly (Martin) Gish, who didn?t graduate from Mater Dei, also attended and caught up with all their old school friends. The reunion committee of 28 classmates met many times over the past three years. Additionally, throughout the planning phase and during the reunion, spouses Tom Schroeder, Dave Schmitt, Randy Kuester, and Wayne Emge contributed immensely. Mark Shipp, spouse of Emily (Backes) Shipp, quipped, ?This reunion was impressive and well organized. I don?t go to my own class reunions, but I enjoy coming to my wife?s reunions. ?Noting there were numerous conversations going on at once, he quipped, ?They have as much fun laughing at each other as well as laughing with each other.? Classmates mingled about, trying to determine who is who, by quickly glancing at the name tags with the classmate?s senior picture on it. C. B. Schiff commented, ?Everybody looks good!? Yes, we all looked the same as we did in high school, despite a bit of baldness, wrinkles or gray hair. Fortunately, the heat of the room did not prevent an enjoyable evening. Diane (Gutzweiler) Emge, Joanie (Eickhoff) 34

Bauer, Karen (Metz) Goebel and Mary Kay (Jarboe) Fehrenbacher set up, in the front corner of the room, a colorful memory table, decorated in red and gold, full of pictures from past gatherings, old newspaper articles about classmates, a salute to veterans, chocolate kisses, a candle next to a list of deceased classmates and display boards of what happened in 1953 and 1971. Against the front stage was a computer slide show of the classmates' high school pictures. Spread throughout the room was a list of all the classmates from 1967 through 1971. Circulating about the room was a large picture frame for group pictures, with many taking crazy and silly photos, having a ball in being ?young? again. Spouses Randy Kuester and David Schmitt did the honors as our photographers snapping well over 100 photos. The opening program featured a short welcome by Jim Schroeder, noting those who came from the states of Alabama, Colorado, California, Florida, Kentucky, Nevada, and Pennsylvania. Unexpectedly and jovially, Jim was escorted off the stage after his allotted ?5-minute? introduction extended beyond 10 minutes. Jack Alles provided a toast to the class, incorporating a heartwarming tribute to the senior class president, Frank Will, who recently passed away. As classmates raised their glasses, Jack proudly announced ?the Class of 1971, as the brightest, funniest, and the best ever class at Mater Dei,? to which the classmates loudly exclaimed Frank?s favorite phrase: ?I kid you not!? Deacon Tom Goebel read the names of our departed classmates in his humble and respectful prayer before the meal. After a delicious buffet, Jim called the group back to order with a cowbell for a ?confusing, yet fun? game of ?Fruits and Ladders.? Classmates separated into groups by their favorite fruit, such as pineapples, fruit loops, watermelons, strawberries, kumquats, oranges and apples to discuss and answer three questions. Following the game, humorous regret letters were read by Mark Adler, noting the ?real? reasons classmates could not attend the reunion. Actually, the ?true?regret letters and emails were available at the check-in table if anyone opted to read them.A dozen classmates who could not attend, sent their well-wishes with delightful and encouraging words to fellow classmates to have a good time. Jenny Raben announced the winners of our annual classic attendance prizes. John Folz received a ?Free tour of the fertilizer section at Rural King. ?Janet (French) Oechsle was awarded a ?Lifetime Membership to the Evansville Feed the Pigeons Club?, while Nancy (Spahn) Fischer received a certificate for ?an unlimited supply of free film for her cell phone.? Edie (Wildeman) Uhde finished up the program with pulling the winning ticket out of the fishbowl for the largest ever Half Pot of $840. John Folz was the lucky winner, and he generously donated back the funds towards the class gift of ?Bricks for Buses.? Before departing, classmates requested the committee members plan another party for next year, And yes, please, definitely have air-conditioning.At the end of the evening, on his way out the door, one anonymous classmate commented, ?This was the best event ever. I?ve sweated off 20 pounds tonight.? Members of the MD Class of 1971 met at the Fall Festival to try new foods, enjoy old favorites and share stories. Pictured left to right Dave Unfried, Mike Yellig, Cheryl Herrmann, Jan (Schapker) Musick, Cecilia (Weis) Kuester and Jim Schroeder. Photo by Randy Kuester


Mater Dei Class of '72 Reunion

Hosting a Reunion? Let u s Kn ow ! We'd be h appy t o post in f or m at ion r egar din g you r u pcom in g gat h er in gs on ou r w ebsit e an d in clu de in ou r alu m n i n ew slet t er s.

A f u n an d f u ll w eek en d of act ivit ies st ar t ed w it h a golf ou t in g, a casu al gat h er in g at Bu r det t e an d cu lm in at ed w it h t h e 50t h r eu n ion of t h e class of 1972 at Ven u e 812 on Boek e Aven u e h er e in Evan sville. Over 100 people at t en ded t h e r eu n ion in clu din g 70 classm at es, m an y w h o h ad t r aveled over 500 m iles. Alon g w it h gr eat con ver sat ion , t h er e w as a lar ge au ct ion an d m an y at t en dan ce pr izes given ou t t h at added f u n t o t h e even in g.

If you 'r e h ost in g an u pcom in g r eu n ion an d w ou ld lik e t o in cor por at e a pr ivat e t ou r of t h e M at er Dei cam pu s w it h you r classm at es, please con t act M allor y Her t el - w e'd love t o be par t of you r u pcom in g r eu n ion dat es!

Did we miss something? If you see somthing me missed or is not accur ate, please let us know! We want to make sure all infor mation included in this publication is accur ate and up to date. Please send all questions and concer ns to Jackson Bar nes at jbar nes@evdio.or g. Left to Right: Nancy Dame, Diane Sammet, Priscilla Wolf, Bobbie Schultz 36


Class of 1950's & 1960's

Class Reunions

Thomas G. Moore ?59 and Janet (Stampfli) Moore ?61 celebr ated their 60th Wedding Anniver sar y on September 15, 2022. Tom and Janet were mar r ied at St. Boniface Church on 9/15/62, and are the parents of 4 children: Lor r aine, Andrew, Jessica, and Joshua; the proud gr andparents of 8 (4 boys and 4 girls) and the great- gr andparents of 1. Class of 1990's Evan Freeman class of ?90 & Stephanie (Helfr ich) Freeman class of ?91, celebr ate their daughter Ellason (Freeman) Nor ton class of '15 with a hug after attending her White Coat Ceremony, which was delayed a year due to Covid 19. Ella, who is in the College of Osteopathic Medicine at Mar ian Univer sity, recently star ted her clinical progr am. Ella also holds a Master s Degree in Neuroscience. She recently celebr ated her wedding to Jack Nor ton in September 2022.


Class of 2020's Pr ivate Reed Egli ?22 gr aduated from Boot Camp at Par r is Island in September 2022. He is cur rently stationed at Jacksonville, NC, for Infantr y School and plans to gr aduate Feb 2, 2023. He will be assigned to a station post- gr aduation. On Dec. 1st, Pr ivate Egli ear ned his Pr ivate Fir st- Class Ranking.

Update your infor mation and send photos. Email Mallor y Her tel at mher tel@evdio.or g, or call 812- 421- 6727 Class notes may be edited for length or clar ity. We regret that we may not be able to use all submitted photos.



"The national aver age tuition for Catholic high schools is $11,240 while the aver age pr ivate high school tuition is appr oximately $12,350 per year. Mater Dei's tuition is significantly lower due to par ish, alumni, catholic char ity and community financial suppor t. Thank you for all you do to pr ovide a Catholic Education for the many students in our community." - Kar en Liley, Mater Dei Business Manager * The actual cost of educating a student is $10,662 per year. Appr oximately 30% of student costs ar e pr ovided by Diocese and Par ish suppor t and development effor ts. **Does not include Emer gency Assistance for Non Public Schools (EANS), Homeland Secur ity Gr ant or Capital Expenditur es


Ju ly 1, 2021-Ju n e 30, 2022 Im m acu lat e Assem bly

Edward Knapp '59

Steven '66 & Mary Helen Gerteisen


M. Andrew '00 & Kathryn '01 Lannert

Jerry Gries '60

Fr. James R. Endress Charitable Fund

Gary '68 & Mary '68 Long

Brian '92 & Heather '92 Hertel


Ann '95 & David Martin

Wade '80 & Karen Hickam

Gary '76 & Kim Alles

Ann '97 & Glen Muehlbauer

Dale '58 & Marty Hillenbrand

Mater Dei Friends & Alumni Association

Roger '96 & Katie Nurrenbern

Happe & Sons Construction, Inc.

Steven '65 & Judy Blankenberger

David & Lisa Richey

David '73 & Mindy Jochem

Ira Gerard '72 & Terry '72 Boots

Victoria '09 & Bryan Ruder

Gilbert & Marcia Jochem

Alan '62 & Sharon Braun

Berta Kares '64

John '59 & Donna '61 Hamilton

Qu een?s Cou r t

Ted '84 & Anglea Kares

Robert '56 & Cynthia Koch


Harold '54 & Shirley Kempf

Mary Kay '58 & James Muehlbauer

Mater Dei Class of 1959

Clarence '60 & Joanne Kirby

David '70 & Darlene '70 Robinson

Koch Foundation, Inc.

James Kissel '00

Steven '86 & Keri Spahn

Teri '84 & David Albin

Lawrence '59 & DiAnne '60 Kremer

Ronald '64 & Margaret '66 Angermeier

Jason '01 & Jenna Kuester

Th e M on sign or Lau t n er Leagu e

David Baehl '58

Robert Mead '84


Joan '71 & Randall Bauer

Kenneth '75 & Janice Miller

Matthew '96 & Amanda '97 Bohleber

David '67 & Jane '68 Baumgart

George & Dianne Moll

Butch '66 & Linda Feulner

Kenneth & Susie Bonnell

Stephen '65 & Rita '66 Moore

Andrew '65 & Darlene '64 Goebel

Kathy '82 & Mat Brainerd

Altstadt Hoffman Plumbing

Paul '67 & Nancy '67 Mayer

Virgil '64 & Joan? Brenner

Barbara Price '62

Deacon Daniel '80 & Laura '80 Niemeier

Cherie '75 & Jerry Burgdorf

Kent '77 & Laura '80 Reddington

Oliver ? & Mary Ann Schapker

Donna Cassin '66

Michael & Mary Reese

Mary Ellen Coates

Frank & Laura Schaefer

Th e Fat h er Dew ig Fellow sh ip

Jack '60 & Phyllis '72 Corn

Daniel '78 & Maria Schapker


Shirley Daley '57

David Schapker '74

Old National Bank

Joseph '75 & Patricia '75 Dewig

Leroy Schenk '60


Donald Deig

James '96 & Casi '97 Schiff


James & Rosalie Dunkel

Ronald '55 & Judy Schnepper

Terence '80 & Jean '81 Alvey

John '60 & Marie Emrich

Phillip '91 & Kiersten '94 Stolz

Larry '65 & Carol '65 Goedde

Tony '94 & Jessica Fehrenbacher

Mark '80 & Jane '81 Weinzapfel

Eric Gries '88

Robert '71 & Mary Kay '71 Fehrenbacher

Eileen Will '51

Andrew '95 & Anna Hart

Robert '71 & Nancy '71 Fischer

James '76 & Karen Will

Karen '75 & Keith Hinderliter

Matthew '91 & Kristen '91 Folz

Philip '94 & Abby Zenthoefer

Keith & Christina Kelley

Eric '92 & Jennifer '93 Folz

Barbara '50 & Wayne Kent

V. Ray '60 & Kathy '65 Funke


Royal Gold Societ y

Gary '74 & Letha '74 Lannert

Thomas and Janice Barnes


Jo Ann Layman '60

MacKenzie ?04 & Chris Barnhizer


Kati '01 & Craig Love

Ted '75 & Diane Barron


Jarrod '02 & Katie Luigs

Andrea '96 & Daniel Baumann

Harold & Lucy Adkins

Jeffrey '80 & Cathy Macke

James Beyer '66

Chip '03 & Megan '03 Altstadt

Tim Mahoney

Brandon '98 & Lindsey Boots

Ginger Boots

Rebecca '66 & Edward Maier

D. Vincent '83 & Kathy '83 Boots

William Basden '83

Suzanna '70 & Melvin Martin

Erin '78 & Richard Born

Maurice '64 & Sharon '64 Baumgart

Jeffrey '95 & Natalie McDurmon

Mary Jane '58 & Ernie Bradley

Maurice '60 & Cherie '60 Berendes

Alison '74 & Tony Moore

Stephen '61 & Jo Marie '61 Charlson

Dan & Heather Bonham

Kevin '91 & Erin '94 Moore

Aaron '94 & Jennifer Couture

Timothy '80 & Theo Boots

Dennis '70 & MaDonna '74 Niemeier

Terry Crane '56 ?

Rev. Raymond Brenner

Thomas '55 & Joan '55 Niemeier

Anthony '77 & Nancy Deig

Rose Breivogel '55

Rev. David Nunning

Doris Dewig '52

Geoffrey '85 & Sabine Coates

Bernard '56 & Mary Jane Nunning

Daniel '77 & Jean Dick

Kurt & Amy Daunhauer

Vicki McCracken '74 & Bill Pan

Timothy & Andrea Dickel

Elizabeth Davidson '65

Kari '02 & Tyler Parsons

Marilyn '73 & Gary Dressel

Susan Delay '86

Gary '61 & Susan '62 Pierre

Stephen '73 & Brenda Dunkel

John '82 & Jeanne Dewig

James '89 & Lori '89 Pierre

Patrick '65 & Jeanne Freeman

David Ellison '65

Betty '64 & George Postletheweight

Allison '02 & Adam Frounfelter

Brian '90 & Mandy Elpers

Eric '04 & Carrie Reffett

Cory '05 & Andrea Goebel

Wayne '70 & Diane '71 Emge

Kenneth '65 & Rita '65 Rexing

Matthew '90 & Shannon '93 Goebel

Rita '55 & Dick Eykamp

Logan '02 & Molly Riggs

Chris '85 & Jeanene '85 Goebel

Peter '97 & Jodi Fehrenbacher

Mary '79 & Daniel Ritter

Gina Goedde '93

Patrick '03 & Brittany Fehrenbacher

Barbara '64 & Roy Ritzert

Daniel '74 & Karole '75 Gutzweiler

Zachary '00 & Jennifer '00 Fehrenbacher

Alexandra '91 & Andrew Rodman

Michael '97 & Andrea Halbig

Nina '84 & Kraig Flittner

Brian '77 & Karen '79 Schenk

Robert Hamilton '57

Rebecca '74 & Donald Fuchs

Martha Schmitt '55

Jeff Happe '84

David '60 & Nancy Gerteisen

Leonard? & Susan '73 Schmitt

Shirley Happe '58

Thomas '71 & Karen '71 Goebel

Janice '64 & Larry Schuble

Fred '64 & Mary '64 Happe

Sylvia Gossman '53 ?

Richard '57 & Emilie '59 Seib

Tricia '86 & Jeffrey Henning

Raymond '63 & Janette '65 Gries

Robert '56 & Carol '60 Wagner

Jeremy '98 & Jennifer Herrmann

Kathy '65 & David Halbig

Brian & Diane Wannemuehler

Kyle '07 & Mallory '07 Hertel

Daniel '83 & Teresa Haller

Matthew '75 & Pam '75 Wannemuehler

Abby '03 & Evan Hipp

Karen '83 & Greg Hamilton

Charles '65 & Sang Wildeman

Joshua Hodge '99

Lisa '76 & Joseph Henderson

David '64 & Gail Williamson

John & Jane Hodge

Wayne & Jewell Henning

Randall '74 & Cynthia Hupfer

Mark '81 & Michelle '81 Herrmann

Loyal Red Cir cle

Mary Hupfer '80

Holly '03 & Nick Jahn


Patricia Jackson '51

Daniel Kaiser

Project Associates, Inc.

Walter '58 & Dolores Jankowski

Vickie Kane '70

Lori Adler '96

Randall '70 & Sylvia Jochim

John '55 & Pamela Kern

Claire Alvey '12

Francis Miller, Jr. '63

Jeremy '97 & Libby '97 Kiesel

Pamela '78 & Jeff Ambrose

Danny '67 & Linda '68 Kares

Carroll Knight

Lucas Angermeier '99

Matthew '02 & Mackenzie Kiefer

Blake '02 & Jennifer '00 Kollker

Paul '73 & Barbara '73 Angermeier

Susan Kirsch '63

Dustin '98 & Alisha '97 Lannert

Nicholas '01 & Kelsey '08 Austin

Charlotte Reisinger-Klueg '89 & Jeremy Klueg


Edward '85 & Jacqueline '85 Knapp

Joseph '84 & Joni Steinkamp

Mary Jo '61 & Larry Bacon

Mary '58 & William Knapp

William Stevenson

Paul '58 & Sylvia '63 Baehl

Brian '97 & Rowena Knapp

Angela '89 & Eric Strehl

Martha '63 & Robert Baehl

Lisa '72 & Bruce Kohl

Shawn & Kathryn Sullivan

Jeri '60 & Richard Barchet

Anna Kunkel '03

Doris '68 & Homer Taylor

Lucas '10 & Kathryn '10 Barnett

Sharon Layman

Peter '64 & Mary Tennyson

William '79 & Jennifer Bartek

David '03 & Kristen Lappe

Eric '91 & Stacey '94 Turner

Methodius & Pauline Bartek

Edward '82 & Lorri '83 Lappe

Scott & Michelle Vanover

William '60 & Kathleen '61 Barthel

Daniel '77 & Katie Lappe

Jennifer '93 & Ross Vaughn

Margaret Basden '51

JoAnn Laugel '66

Benjamin '86 & Marie '86 Wagner

Joseph '56 & Mary Lee '56 Bassemier

Todd '88 & Kelly Lehman

Holly '94 & Jeffrey Wahr

Robert '55 ? & Shirley Baughn

Rev. Stephen Lintzenich

Marshall '59 & Carolyn '59 Waller

Joyce Baumgart

Robert Ludwig '73

Robert '72 & Paula Waterman

Eugene '62 & Mary '63 Baumgart

Steven & Vernie Luigs

Jay & Sue Wathen

Andrew '00 & Katie '00 Baumgartner

Michael '68 & Rita Martin

Robert '57 & JoAnn '63 Weber

William Baumgartner '55

Paul Martin '70

Jerome Weinzapfel

Dan Becker

Donald '59 & Karen Mayer

Jake Weinzapfel '06

Earl '62 & Claudette '63 Becher

Shirley McDowell '60

Dan Weinzapfel '75

Steve '74 & Sandy Bequette

Brett '91 & Jennifer '91 McDurmon

Diane Weiss-Altstadt '67

Adam Berendes '13

Craig '93 & Angela Miller

Jamie Wicks '87

Kiley '90 & Melissa '93 Van Bibber

Kevin '79 & Lee Anne Mischler

David '80 & Sue Wildeman

Lawrence Blankenberger '74

Ellen '76 & Eric Mullen

Nathan '01 & Jessica Wildeman

Melanie '91 & Jerry Blanton

Cindy Nemer '71

Mary Wilder '79

Jacob '00 & Carrie '00 Boehman

William '51 & Dorothy '51 Niemeier

Jody '86 & Wes Wilmes

Mary Boes '62

Norbert '65 & Madonna '65 Niemeier

Ron & Mary Ellen Wire

Martha '75 & Mike Bohleber

Bradley '08 & Kathryn '08 Niemeier

Andrew '99 & Mary '98 Woehler

Jeff '92 & Paula Bone

Shannon Norris

Todd '02 & Amber '02 Zimmer

James Borries '67

Carolyn Pearce '59

Patricia Borst '65

Leslie Phillips

Cen t u r y Clu b

Wayne '66 & Vicki Botzum

Sherri Barron '71 & David Poetker


Jody '94 & Brian Branson

Jon '83 & Barbara '83 Raben

Rev. Lowell Will

Stephen '62 & Margaret Braun

Michael & Michele Reffett


Daniel & Mary Ann Breidenbach

Edwin Rehrman '57

Steven '65 & Jo Lynn '68 Adams

Kathy '70 & John Brendel

William Reine '54

Jodi '75 & Mark Adcock

Amy '84 & John Brennan

Rev. Edward Schnur

Richard '87 & Tracy '92 Adler

Ronald '52 & Pat Browning

Alan '85 & Angie Schaffstein

Adam '00 & Abby Adler

John & Susan Browning

Ryan '98 & Hallie '04 Scheu

Gilbert Adler '55

Kathleen Buchanan '72

Jacob Schiff '02

Kenneth '60 & Jan '64 Adler

Brett '08 & Sara '08 Bueltel

Sandra '71 & David Schmitt

Gerald '52 & Lora Altstadt

Frank '69 & Joan Buerger

Megan Schneider '10

Mark '72 & Brenda Altstadt

Anna '57 & Jerry Burdette

Keith Schnur '78

Daniel '69 & Janice Alvey

Laura Gerber '82 & Russell Cable

James '95 & Amy '96 Schroeder

Eric '90 & Cindy '94 Anslinger

Damon & Elissa Carl

Curtis '55 & Judith '56 Seib

Jeffrey '01 & Melissa Anslinger

Justin '56 & Shirley '59 Clements

Sara '96 & Jeffrey Sexton

Julie '76 & Rudain Arafeh

Deborah Collins '74

Beau '93 & Sharon Shumate

Steve '74 & Cindy Backes

Joseph & Brandy Collins

Dustin '05 & Sarah '05 Slaton

Ronald '65 & Karen Bacon


Tony Colvin '77

George Folz '61

William Hausmann '66

Carolyn Combs '54

Thomas '56 & Delores '56 Folz

Jeffrey '76 & Donna Hayden

Thomas Cook '66

Kevin '99 & Renee '00 Folz

Debra Head '84

Emma Jean Couture

Francis Folz '54

Stephen '70 & Beverly '68 Helfert

Betty '70 & David Cummings

Julie '84 & Michael Forcum

Delores Helfrich-Schroeder '50

Valorie '92 & Wayne Dassel

Lisa '91 & John Forzley

Jane '67 & Raymond Herr

Daniel '54 & Sondra '56 Deibler

Verizon Foundation

Chris & Amy Herr

Melanie '95 & Brian Denning

Steven '72 & Marcia '72 Frey

Gary '64 & Dianne Herrmann

Gary '73 & Rita '73 Deweese

Robert '56 & Martha Froehle

Joe '91 & Kalyn Herrmann

Rev. Donald Dilger

UnitedHealth Group

Francis & Sandra Hertel

Bridget '89 & Randy Dickerson

Leonard Gansman '52

Cody '12 & Kathryn '12 Hess

Judith Dickman '65

Kim & Rose Gerth

Michael '65 & Phyllis Higdon

Joseph '63 & Diana '64 Dippel

Cyril '58 & Barbara Gerteisen ?

Peter '81 & Karri Hillenbrand

Rebecca '74 & Phillip Dosher

Martha Gilles

Peter & Connie Hillenbrand

Diane '61 & William Dow

Dan & Lou Ann Gilbert

Robert '66 & Amy '72 Hisch

Neil Duncan '53

Beverly Gish '71

David '99 & Amanda Hisch

Norma '54 & Bob Duncan

Gary '72 & Cynthia '73 Goebel

George Hollander '78

Rita Eades '52

Tony '68 & Zetta Goebel

Donna Holm '77

John & Ann East

John '87 & Amy Goebel

Monica Horstman '71

Ronald & Denise Eickhoff

Charles Goebel '68

Daniel '62 & Rosemarie '66 Horstman

Mitchell '07 & Mallory '06 Eickhoff

Michael '70 & Melanie Goebel

Thomas '69 & Nancy Horstman

Steven '73 & Shawn Eickhoff

Michael '80 & Soozie Goedde

Michael & Amie Hulfachor

Charles & Anita Eickhoff

Zachary Goedde '14

Scott & Diana Hurt

Stanton '65 & Shirley Elfreich

Jeffrey & Amy Gorman

Richard Jarboe '61

Robert '58 & Sally '59 Elfreich

Michael '78 & Melissa Gossman

Megan '07 & Michael Jarman

Jessica '01 & Craig Elliott

Joseph & Julia Greubel

Ronald '66 & Alice Jenkins

Samuel '92 & Lana '93 Ellison

Mike '67 & Sue Greulich

Miguel '68 & Terry Jimenez

Helen Ellspermann '61

Barbara Griepenstroh '75

Debbie Jochim '76

Cornelius Elpers '62

Daniel '92 & Heidi '92 Griese

Ann '66 & John Johnston

Francis Elpers '60

Dean & Tonya Haas

Lori '97 & Eric Jones

Rita Elpers '57

Kyle Haas '14

Nelson '61 & Donna Jorgensen

James & Kristie Elsner

Eileen Haase '60

Elvira Knapp

Suzanne Emge '60

Daryl & Jill Hagan

Velva Kaffenberger

Cathy '77 & Don Euler

Robert '53 & Betty '53 Hagel

Wilma '55 & Todd Kain

Kevin '95 & Lisa '96 Farmer

Linda Hague '62

Kathy '69 & Frank Kanowsky

James '70 & Carol Fechtmeister

Larry '59 & Carol '60 Haller

Ryan '95 & Natalie '00 Kassenbrock

David '63 & Elizabeth Fehrenbacher

John '69 & Donna Hamilton

Eric '00 & Kristen Kassenbrock

Richard '64 & Judy '63 Fehrenbacher

Richard & Constance Harpenau

John & Leslye Kassenbrock

Dennis '70 & Scarlett '70 Feldhaus

Lisa '80 & Jeff Harper

Neil '98 & Jessica '00 Kassenbrock

Alan Feldhaus '64

Ann '85 & Chris Harper

Mark & Amanda Katowitz

Richard '80 & Sara '81 Fischer

Robert Harrison '70

Paul Kelsey '68

Joseph '70 & Donna '70 Fischer

Patricia '59 & Thomas Hartz

Michael '79 & Jennifer Kempf

J.D. Fleck '84

Keith '77 & Barbara '79 Hartz

Rev. Anthony Kissel

Michele '79 & Donald Fleming

J. Lynn '82 & Clare '82 Hassler

John Kiefer '00

Ray Flittner '53

Judith Hatfield '63

Howard & Jane Ann Kiefer

Linda '70 & Michael Folz

James '65 ? & Arlene Hausmann

Joseph '03 & Mallory Kiesler


Jack '58 & Carole '60 Kinsler

Donna McDonald '73

Thomas Preske '55

Jerome '70 & Mary Jo '70 Kirchoff

Joyce McDurmon '65

Kristi Raben

William & Karin Kirsch

Ann '89 & Richard McIntosh

Rose Rogge

Gregory '73 & Linda Kissel

Laura '04 & Brendan McKenzie

Bradley '93 & Meredith Raben

Thomas '78 & Shellee Klausmeier

Jerry McRae '59

James '80 & Judi Raben

Charles '58 & Ann Knapp

Stanley '85 & Lisa Memmer

Sandy Raben '69

Eric '83 & Noel Knapp

Tom '60 & Joyce Memmer

Cheryl '63 & Joseph Raleigh

Jerome '68 & Judith '68 Knapp

Adam '02 & Melissa '03 Merkel

John Rebstock '55

Nicholas '97 & Jennifer '97 Knight

Gene Mesker '76

David '66 & Kathy Reising

Richard & Debbie Knight

Ronald Mesker '64

Keith '85 & Lisa '88 Reising

Darin '85 & Marti '90 Knight

Edward & Judy Messal

M. Todd '83 & Sally '83 Reising-Kempf

Mark Knowles '81

Joyce '68 & Ronald Messersmith

Daniel '66 & Ruth Reisinger

Paul '65 & Joyce '67 Koch

Jane Miller

El Charro Mexican Restaurant

Philip Kohut '68

Wynn & Joe Mitchell

R. Joseph '61 & Barbara Rettig

Rev. James Koressel

John '72 ? & Joyce '74 Moers

Allen '67 & Barbara '67 Rexing

Michael '74 & Rendie Koressel

Barbara '67 & Thomas Moore

LaChere '85 & David Rexing

Robert & Carolyn Koressel

Donald '68 & Janie '68 Moore

Steve '85 & Kristi '87 Rickets

Timothy '74 & Michelle '76 Krack

Jill Morelock '85

Bernard Rietman '67

Carolyn Kuhn '57

James '60 & Barbara Mosby

James '89 & Kim '88 Riordan

Jenna '05 & Craig Kunkler

David '77 & Debbie Mosby

Andrew & Crystal Roberson

William & Julia Kunkler

Larry '73 & Beth '73 Muensterman

Lee Rodenberg '89

Flowers & More LLC

Ruth '78 & Bernie Muller

Donald & Patricia Rupprecht

Gary & Diana Langton

Natalie '02 & Sean Murphy

Linda '80 & Robert Russell

Carol '68 & Michael Laymon

Mary Jo '72 & Don Musgrave

Stephen Sanford '59

Ron & Donna Lefler

Carol '74 & Robert Neisen

Charlene Scales '53

Kim Lee

Brent '88 & Tricia Neitzke

Linda Schmitt

Mary Kae Lehman '62

Stephen '65 & Stephanie Niemeier

Rev. Eugene Schmitt

Charles '51 ? & Barbara '61 Lindenschmidt

Jeffry '78 & Cheryl Niemeier

Greg '98 & Kristi '97 Schaefer

Matthew Loehrlein '06

Todd '91 & Babs Niemeier

Herman '54 ? & Carolyn Schapker

Susan '87 & Joseph Loftus

Charles '53 & Joan Niemeier

Mary Scheller

Stephen '60 & Judy Logel

Richard '83 & Tracy Niemeier

Herman Scheller '64

Rita Lurker '53

Andrew '06 & Elyse '06 Niemeier

Arthur '58 & Donna Scheller

Susan '72 & Joel Lutz

Andrew '04 & Emily '05 Nurrenbern

Jim ? & Martha Scheller

Kayla Lydon '10

Karen Sue '70 & William O'Bryan

Edward Schemel '60

Janet Shaw Mills

Sue '59 & Don Ochsner

William '67 & Margie Schenk

Natalie '94 & Keith Maasberg

Margie Orman '52

Kathy '70 & Daniel Schenk

Barbara '56 & Barry MacKenzie

Jordan '07 & Jenna '07 Phelps

Phyllis Schenk '59

Margie Madigan '55

Todd & Tina Phillips

Kenneth '75 & Elizabeth Schenk

Rob '98 & Holly Mallory

Timothy '00 & Nicole '06 Pigman

Kenneth '75 & Beth Schenk

Jason '94 & Kerry Martin

Randy & Margaret Ploch

Mathew '97 & Ashley Schenk

Jeffrey & Debbie Marx

Marilyn Poag '58

Mark '76 & Mary Ann '76 Schentrup

Nancy '61 & Stephen Mattingly

Martha Pokorney '54

Lawrence '80 & Shannon Schentrup

Randall '79 & Leanne Maurer

Gerald '59 & Linda Powell

Evelyn Schickel '55

Paul '66 & Patty Maurer

LeRoy Prange '58

Adam '99 & Jamie '98 Schiff

Bernard '83 & Jennifer Mayer

Otto '59 & Jo Ann '60 Preske

Mark '76 & Julia Schiff

Christopher '98 & Alissa Maynard

Marvin '53 & Ann Preske

Amy '90 & Mark Schlachter


Mark '72 & Jean Schmitt

Patricia '72 & Kenneth Tenbarge

Melvin & Jacki Wildeman

Carl Schmitt '79

Joseph '78 & Chris Tenbarge

Michele '74 & Jeffrey Wildeman

Albert '01 & Lindsay '01 Schmitt

Alan '77 & Kathryn Tenbarge

Patrick '82 & Jill Wildemann

Larry '60 & Martha Schmitt

Weston Tenbarge '10

J. Brian '93 & Karen Wilkey

David '68 & Mary Schmitt

Rachel '10 & Brandon Thacker

Yvonne '59 & Marvin Will

Albert C. Schmitt '70

Mary Jane Thomas '58

Chris '76 & Patricia '79 Will

Peggy Schneider '55

Greg & Janet Thomas

Nicholas '17 & Madelyn '17 Will

Diana '83 & Scott Schoettlin

Kathleen '56 & Jerry Thompson

Eric & Judy Williams

Rachelle '97 & Greg Schowe

Gerald Tieken '66

Martha Wilson '58

Gerald '61 & Julia '61 Schreiber

Daniel Townsend '93

Janet '66 & Paul Witmeier

Rev. Eugene Schroeder

Rev. Bill Traylor

Kathleen '66 & Robert Wittgen

John '78 & Tamara '80 Schroeder

Jake '00 & Robyn '94 Tucker

Jeffrey '97 & Sarah '97 Woehler

James '71 & Kris Schroeder

Richard & Kelly Ubelhor

Judith Wohadlo '67

Vincent '80 & Julia '82 Schu

Matthew Ubelhor '86

Jeffery '77 & Donna Wolf

Dave '71 & Tina '71 Schutte

Kathryn '70 & Thomas Verkamp

Jerry '72 & Susan '73 Wolf

Sherilyn '80 & Donnie Scott

Fred '72 & Marsha Voelker

David '79 & Anne '79 Wolf

Khristian & Kathy Seger

Timothy '93 & Julianna '94 Voelker

Gary Wolf '67

Jeffrey '80 & Suzanne Seng

Gerald & Myra Walker

Rosalie Woodall

Josh & Gayle Sherretz

Elizabeth '95 & Greg Wallace

Beth '87 & Gary Woodruff

Angela '78 & Richard Short

David '83 & Buffy Wannemuehler

Carolyn '54 & Robert Wooton

Randy & Jeannine Shumate

Kathleen Wannemuehler '85

Craig '94 & Christina '97 Wunderlich

Christopher '66 & Janet '67 Siemers

Richard Wargel '65

Gary '65 & Dianne '65 Wunderlich

Kayley '06 & Truett Simmons

John Wargel '61

Judith Zivanovic '56

Matthew '90 & Missy '92 Singer

Andy '04 & Megan '04 Wathen

Angela '73 & David Skogen

William '04 & Tara '05 Wayne

An n iver sar y Par t n er s

Scott '80 & Beth '80 Slaton

Stanley '67 ? & Mary Jane '71 Weber


Francis & Hilda Spahn

William Weber '53

Andrew & Kristie Alexander

Eugene '62 & Janet '64 Spahn

Michael '92 & Lisa Weber

Darlene '69 & Randall Appler

Tracy Sparks '76

Theresa '79 & David Weber

Michael '94 & Allison Bacon

Bruce '73 & Sheila Spaulding

Al '55 & Darlene '55 Weinzapfel

Theresa '77 & Dan Barnes

Donald '56 & Betty '60 Steckler

Thomas Weinzapfel '57

Janet Bauer-Correa '75

Harold '52 & Delores Steckler

Robert '56 & Mary Ann '57 Weinzapfel

Beverly Behme '59

Ronald '60 & Betty Steinkamp

Nathan '03 & Alysen Weinzapfel

Robert '53 & Colleen '57 Behme

Edward '63 & Rita Steinkamp

Roberta '74 & Mike Weinzapfel

John & Diane Bender

Suzanne Stieler '62

Kurt '79 & Rebecca '81 Weinzapfel

Lesley '87 & Jeffrey Bertrand

David Stocker '82

Betty Weinzapfel '58

Chad '89 & Angie '89 Burnett

Eric & Melissa Stockton

Mark '84 & Shari '84 Weinzapfel

Terry '67 & Sharon '67 Carlton

Eric '04 & Laura '06 Stoltz

Jacob '00 & Kelley Weis

Kenneth '86 & Rebecca '89 Deeg

Richard Stolz '53

Phillip & Jessica Wells

Patricia Egbert '55

Ruth Ann '66 & Michael Stonecipher

Mark '75 & Annette Werner

Heather Eickhoff '02

Nathaniel '02 & Carrie Stratman

Joel '01 & Carly Werner

Richard '70 & Diane Elpers

Thomas Stroud '70

Sharon '65 ? & Charles White

Gregg '94 & Trisha '94 Emge

Terry '71 & Angela Stumpf

Darrel '65 & Michelle Whiting

David '62 & Gail Fechtmeister

Steve '58 & Mary '60 Sullivan

Steven '73 & Rebecca Whitman

Tanner '15 & Megan '15 Fritch

Rev. Theodore Tempel

John & Michelle Wible

Allison '05 & Keith Garrard

Randy & Janice Tenbarge

Gerard '98 & Tracy Wildeman

Brian Glaser


Angela '85 & Don Goebel

James Werner '57

Jeana Campbell '74

Annette Goedde '53

Eugene Wilderman '59

Norma '57 & Robert Carp

Erin '96 & Jason Gries

Philip '85 & Deborah Will

Terri McBride '74 & Kevin Case

Kathleen '67 & Richard Griese

Cynthia '66 & Max Williams

Kayla '14 & Aaron Choate

Reid '08 & Lauren '07 Grossman

Angela & Brent St. Clair

Martha '66 & Timothy Gump

Pat r on s

Matthew & Lesa Conkling

Kenneth & Sara Hart


Beth and Scott Culiver

Randy '73 & Rebecca '74 Helfrich

Sr. Ann Marie Butler, D.C.

Terry Drone

Jacob '05 & Katherine '05 Herrmann

Norma Sue Rode

Clara David '54

Donald '64 & Carolyn '64 Hutchison

Vernette Weis

Kathy '75 & Steve DeHaven

Paul "PJ" '69 & Donna Jourdan

Emily TenBarge '08

Mary '58 & Harold Decamps

Hannah '07 & Mark Kirkman

Mark Schreiber '69

Linda Denstorff '73

Kent & Shelly Kleiman

Rita Goebel '67 ?

Mariah Dickerson '21

Joyce Macke '69

Kathleen Marrs ?

Brenda Boswell Diggs '58

Jason '89 & Stacy '90 Martin

Donald Metzler ?

Rev. Christopher Droste '98

Tony '84 & Wendy '86 Marx

Ronald '61 & Matilda Adams

Glenda Dyson '54

Bertha Michelini '53

Leonard '60 & Carolyn '60 Adams

Margaret Effinger '59

Russell '74 & Kathy Miller

Theresa Adler '99

Michael '88 & Michelle Eickhoff

Melissa Mosby '86

Kelley '85 & James Alldredge

Sara Ellert '77

Robert '87 & Pam Muensterman

Leo '62 & Marian '63 Alvey

Debbie Ellison '75

Ryan Musgrave '07

Christy Atherton '97

Kenneth & Barbara Elpers

Lacey '09 & Adam Nix

Joseph '82 & Mary Bassemeier

Ronald '63 & Myrtle Englert

Lauralee '74 & David Paulson

Larry '90 & Farrah '94 Beard

Judy Eskew '56

William Payne '89

Philip & Gracie Bell

Melvin '73 & Dolly Fehrenbacher

Sandra '72 & Thomas Raley

Charles & Dana Benintende

Lori '83 & Denny Fehrenbacher

Shea Reneer

Joseph '85 & Theresa '86 Berendes

Lisa '75 & Phillip Fleming

Stephen '62 & Judy '62 Reisinger

Lance Berendes '20

Walter '50 & Betty Folz

Robin '06 & Tyler Rosbrugh

Jack Berendes '18

Landen Folz '21

Adam '08 & Elysse Ruggles

Richard '64 & Mary Ann Bippus

Hayden Folz '18

Amanda Stock

Tyler '06 & Alexa '06 Bittner

James '68 & Karen Folz

Melody S. Mis

Patrick '91 & Julie Boarman

GE Foundation

Chad '90 & Stephanie Sandwell

Russell '67 & Mary '68 Borst

Virginia '74 & Jeff Gaul

Jerome Schapker '58

Bix Branson

Betty Geiser '61

Kendal Schmidt '08

Brooke '10 & Edward Bradt

Taylor Gerth '21

Elaine Schmits '56

Charlene '59 & James Braker

Brian '92 & Aimee Gerth

Ann Schneider '56

Nicholas '84 & Jennifer '84 Braun

Julie Gilles '75

Jennifer '94 & Roger Sieben

Jerome '65 & Jonna '67 Brenner

Aubrey Goebel '13

Joylene '79 & Mark Springer

David '63 & Bonnie Brenner

Nolan '14 and Sabrina Goebel

Kristina '04 & Justin Strohmeyer

Ronald '71 & Debbie '71 Brenner

Kurtis '08 & Jessica Goebel

Lynne Embry '65 & Mike Thompson

Karen '69 & Wayne Breunig

Steven '91 & Kim Greulich

Andrew '95 & Barissa Tieken

Andrea Brown '01

Maria '12 & Justin Guetling

Tara Tolliver

John '70 & Leslie Buckman

Lucille Hayden

Matthew '00 & Crystal Weber

Dawn '03 & Brett Bunner

Frank & Amanda Hamilton

Eugene '62 & Eva Weber

James '69 & Jean Butler

Mitch '00 & Amanda Happe

Robert Weber '53

Rodger Carter

Patricia '74 & Robert Harding

Leroy '62 & Diane Weinzapfel

Bryan & Stephanie Caldemeyer

Cara '10 & Nolan Harris


Betty Hartz '52

Richard Lunder

Patricia Reisinger

Nathan Hassler '06

Brian '99 & Anna '99 Luigs

Paul '68 & Barbara '68 Reising

Yvonne '60 & Ray Hausmann

John & Jane Luigs

Wilbur Rembold '51

Sr. Donna Marie Herr, OSB

Sydney Maasberg '21

Rebecca '91 & Todd Rexing

Jasmine Hertel '23

Nancy '64 & Robert Mangold

Timothy Richardt '77

Randy '80 & Kim Hertel

Theodore '61 & Cecelia Market

Patrick '64 & Kay Riley

Carmen Hertel '19

Greg '08 & Amy '08 Marshall

Sharon '70 & Alan Ripplemeier

Shannon '91 & Jeremy Hile

Judith Marx '57

Ruth '61 & David Ritzert

David '81 & Doreen Hoefling

Dolores '61 & Daniel Masterson

Paul '78 & Kelly Rivard

Matthew Hubbard

Duane '92 & Emily Maurer

Stephen '77 & Gwendolyn Rode

Denise '81 & Darin Hunt

Joseph May '52

Donna '67 & George Rode

Marybeth Josey

Eric & Karen McDonald

Jane Santomassimo '66

Jacqueline '60 & Tim Jarvis

Jim & Mary McDonald

Mary Kay Sayle '62

Ricky & Carmen Jay

Michael & Julie McGrew

Marcellus Schapker

Jeffrey Jewell

Lindsey '04 & Ben Mehringer

Larry & Margaret Schank

Karen Johnson '77

Kenneth '71 & Jeanne '79 Mesker

Aaron '92 & Kelle Schapker

Thomas '11 & Lindsey Johnson

Virgil Mesker '67

Scott Schapker '06

James & Brenda Jost

Richard Miller '70

Thomas '69 & Kathy Schapker

Vincent '71 and Carolyn Krack

Donald '71 & Kathy Montgomery

Steven '76 & Janet '77 Schapker

Anthony Karges

Michael Moore '62

Jared '14 & Laura '14 Schapker

Antoinette Keeneth

Cael Moore '21

Robert '77 & Mary '82 Scheller

Patrick '82 & Shari '80 Kempf

Vicki '67 & Michael Moran

Lucia '70 & Richard Schenk

Eugene Kempf '60

Mary Muensterman '81

Christopher '89 & Jane Scheu

Rebecca '98 & Klifton Keplinger

Matthew '91 & Angela '93 Mulherin

Jacob '10 & Sara '10 Scheu

Kimberly '00 & Jason Kinnaman

Jerry & Sondra Munselle

Lawrence '52 & Norma Schmitt

Carol Kissinger

Mary '71 & James Musick

Lisa '80 & Wilfred Schmitt

Thomas '67 & Linda '67 Knapp

Christopher Naas '86

Delores Schmitt '69

Rebecca Koontz '67

Andrew '97 & Audrey '99 Niemeier

Jessica '97 & Bryan Schultheis

David '66 & Linda '66 Koressel

Connie '71 & Jerry Nord

Kristi '04 & Daniel Schuster

Joseph '79 & Martha Koressel

Thomas & Linda Norton

Sydney Seger '15

Kyle '04 & Courtney Kraft

David '66 & Carol Nurrenbern

Emily Seger '19

Cecilia '71 & Randall Kuester

Sr. Jane Michele McClure, OSB '67

Jennifer '03 & Curt Seib

Michaela Kunkler '17

Paula '81 & Gerald '76 Parkinson

Phil & Jill Seiler

Regina '99 & Terry Langston

Debby Paul '76

Brian '85 & Deborah '89 Singer

Nicholas '04 & Kourtney '05 Lannert

Julia '58 & Joseph Payne

Linda '65 & Larry Slauenwhite

Carol Lantaff '57

Carmen Periard '59

Richard '70 & Svetlana Smith

Derek '06 & Jenna '07 Lappe

Helen '60 & Walt Perkins

Remove From Solicitation

Larry & Becky Larson

Darlene '58 & Earl Pfettscher

Thomas '82 & Teresa Spindler

Benjamin '06 & Kathryn Lasher

Joshua Pierre '14

Marie '07 & Adam Stewart

Daniel & Mary Ruth Lasher

Kristina Porter

Phil '91 & Kiersten '94 Stolz

James Lemond

Gary '88 & Krista Postletheweight

Allen & LaVerne Tenbarge

Kathryn '76 & Philip Lemond

Sheri '83 & Todd Powers

Dava '85 & Robert Tenbarge

Rodney & Karen Liley

Nancy '75 & Ray Pritchett

Daniel Tenbarge '80

Beth '78 & David Lindauer

Beatrice Purcell '61

Anthony '64 & Teresa Tenhumberg

Theresa Lintzenich '72

Andrew '96 & Jessica '04 Reckelhoff

Laura '07 & Tyler Tesmer

Mary Jane '57 & Robert Little

Marilyn Reibel '56

Andrea Theriac


Stephanie Thiel '70 Brian & Maria Elena Thompson David Thompson '57 Aaron Thompson '19 Sharon Thompson '65 James '61 & Nancy Thorbecke Kristen '11 & Marshall Tobin Pat Toone '56 Michael & Brooke Travers Shirley '59 & Raymond Ubelhor John '98 & Nicole Verkamp Molly Weber David Wirtz Kim '02 & Josh WIllet Doris Wahl '59 Michelle Wakefield '97 Jessica '01 & Chris Wallace Karen Waller '70 Larry '57 & Linda '59 Wannemuehler James '53 & Bonita Wannemuehler Wilfred '55 & Anna Wannemueller Kristi Wargel '96 Jo Ellen '88 & Jeff Wassmer Linda Weinzapfel Greg '80 & Julie '86 Weinzapfel Monica Weinzapfel '70 Donald '61 & Alice '63 Weis Jenny '71 & Ronald West Abby & Zach Whicker Kenneth and Jennifer Willett Louis '72 & Margaret Wildeman Kurt '97 & Erin Wildeman Kevin '84 & Angie Wildeman Eric Wildeman '12 Alicia Wilderman '99 Trechia Wilkins '60 Howard & Cathy Williams Stephen & Sharon Willis Adam Wilmes '11 Brian '68 & Dawn Woehler Kathleen '69 & Kenneth Wolf Barbara Wolsiefer '52 Katie '05 & Chris Wolters Megan Wright '04 Tina '74 & Joseph Wright Tammie Zuber Michael '67 & Tammy Zeller Peggy Zoglman '78


Class of ?50

Bertha Michelini

Evelyn Schickel

Class Ch air : M ar len e M . (Sin ger ) Weaver

Charlene Scales

Gilbert Adler

Par t icipat ion : 3.9%

Charles & Joan Niemeier

John & Pamela Kern

Barbara & Wayne Kent

James & Bonita Wannemuehler

John Rebstock

Delores Helfrich-Schroeder

Marvin & Ann Preske

Margie Madigan

Walter & Betty Folz

Neil Duncan

Martha Schmitt

Ray Flittner

Patricia Egbert

Class of ?51

Richard Stolz

Peggy Schneider

Class Ch air : Eileen (Ber en des) Will

Rita Lurker

Rita & Dick Eykamp

Par t icipat ion : 6.7%

Robert & Betty Hagel

Robert & Shirley Baughn

Charles & Barbara Lindenschmidt

Robert & Colleen Behme

Ronald & Judy Schnepper

Eileen Will

Robert Weber

Rose Breivogel

Margaret Basden

Sylvia Gossman

Thomas & Joan Niemeier

Patricia Jackson

William Weber

Thomas Preske

Wilbur Rembold William & Dorothy Niemeier

Wilfred & Anna Wannemueller Class of ?54

William Baumgartne

Class Ch air : Nor m a A. (Sim pson ) Du n can

Wilma & Todd Kain

Class of ?52

Par t icipat ion : 8.2%

Class Ch air : Dor is J. (M ayer ) Dew ig

Carolyn & Robert Wooton

Class of ?56

Par t icipat ion : 11.6%

Carolyn Combs

Class Ch air : An n C. (Rollet t ) Sch n eider

Barbara Wolsiefer

Clara David

Par t icipat ion : 10.4%

Betty Hartz

Daniel & Sondra Deibler

Ann Schneider

Doris Dewig

Donald Metzler

Barbara & Barry MacKenzie

Gerald & Lora Altstadt

Francis Folz

Bernard & Mary Jane Nunning

Harold & Delores Steckler

Glenda Dyson

Curtis & Judith Seib

Joseph May

Harold & Shirley Kempf

Daniel & Sondra Deibler

Lawrence & Norma Schmitt

Herman & Carolyn Schapker

Donald & Betty Steckler

Leonard Gansman

Kathleen Marrs

Elaine Schmits

Margie Orman

Martha Pokorney

Joseph & Mary Lee Bassemier

Rita Eades

Norma & Bob Duncan

Judith Zivanovic

Ronald & Pat Browning

William Reine

Judy Eskew Justin & Shirley Clements

Class of ?53

Class of ?55

Kathleen & Jerry Thompson

Class Ch air : An n et t e (Wan n em u eh ler ) Goedde

Class Ch air : Joan B. (Ber en des) Niem eier

Marilyn Reibel

Par t icipat ion : 11.0%

Pat Toone

Al & Darlene Weinzapfel

Robert & Carol Wagner

Curtis & Judith Seib

Robert & Cynthia Koch

Par t icipat ion : 10.3% Annette Goedde


Robert & Martha Froehle

Mary Kay & James Muehlbauer

Eileen Haase

Robert & Mary Ann Weinzapfel

Paul & Sylvia Baehl

Eugene Kempf

Terry Crane

Robert & Sally Elfreich

Francis Elpers

Thomas & Delores Folz

Shirley Happe

Helen & Walt Perkins

Class of ?57

Steve & Mary Sullivan

Jack & Carole Kinsler

Par t icipat ion : 10.7%

Walter & Dolores Jankowski

Jack & Phyllis Corn

Anna & Jerry Burdette

Jacqueline & Tim Jarvis

Carol Lantaff

Class of ?59

James & Barbara Mosby

Carolyn Kuhn

Class Ch air s: Edw ar d R. Kn app

Jeri & Richard Barchet

David Thompson

Law r en ce Kr em er

Jerry Gries

Edwin Rehrman

Dan iel E. Nor m an

Jo Ann Layman

James Werner

St eph en G. San f or d

John & Marie Emrich

Judith Marx

Par t icipat ion : 10.8%

Kenneth & Jan Adler

Larry & Linda Wannemuehler

Beverly Behme

Larry & Carol Haller

Mary Jane & Robert Little

Carmen Periard

Larry & Martha Schmitt

Norma & Robert Carp

Carolyn Pearce

Lawrence & DiAnne Kremer

Richard & Emilie Seib

Charlene & James Braker

Leonard & Carolyn Adams

Rita Elpers

Donald & Karen Mayer

Leroy Schenk

Robert & Colleen Behme

Doris Wahl

Maurice '60 & Cherie Berendes

Robert & Mary Ann Weinzapfel

Edward Knapp

Otto & Jo Ann Preske

Robert & JoAnn Weber

Eugene Wilderman

Robert & Carol Wagner

Robert Hamilton

Gerald & Linda Powell

Ronald & Betty Steinkamp

Shirley Daley

Jerry McRae

Shirley McDowell

Thomas Weinzapfel

John & Donna Hamilton

Stephen & Judy Logel

Justin & Shirley Clements

Steve & Mary Sullivan

Class of ?58

Larry & Linda Wannemuehler

Suzanne Emge

Class Ch air : Pau l L. Baeh l

Larry & Carol Haller

Tom & Joyce Memmer

Par t icipat ion : 11.4%

Lawrence & DiAnne Kremer

Trechia Wilkins

Arthur & Donna Scheller

Margaret Effinger

V. Ray & Kathy Funke

Betty Weinzapfel

Marshall & Carolyn Waller

William & Kathleen Barthel

Brenda Boswell Diggs

Otto & Jo Ann Preske

Yvonne & Ray Hausmann

Charles & Ann Knapp

Patricia & Thomas Hartz

Cyril & Barbara Gerteisen

Phyllis Schenk

Class of ?61

Dale & Marty Hillenbrand

Richard & Emilie Seib

Class Ch air : Gar y Pier r e

Darlene & Earl Pfettscher

Robert & Sally Elfreich

Par t icipat ion : 10.8%

David Baehl

Shirley & Raymond Ubelhor

Beatrice Purcell

Jack & Carole Kinsler

Stephen Sanford

Betty Geiser

Jerome Schapker

Sue & Don Ochsner

Charles & Barbara Lindenschmidt

Julia & Joseph Payne

Yvonne & Marvin Will

Diane '61 & William Dow

LeRoy Prange

Dolores '61 & Daniel Masterson

Marilyn Poag

Class of ?60

Donald '61 & Alice '63 Weis

Martha Wilson

Par t icipat ion : 13.7%

Gary & Susan Pierre

Mary & Harold Decamps

Clarence & Joanne Kirby

George Folz

Mary & William Knapp

David & Nancy Gerteisen

Gerald & Julia Schreiber

Mary Jane & Ernie Bradley

Donald & Betty Steckler

Helen Ellspermann

Mary Jane Thomas

Edward Schemel

James & Nancy Thorbecke


John & Donna Hamilton

Eugene & Mary Baumgart

Andrew & Darlene Goebel

John Wargel

Francis Miller, Jr.

Charles & Sang Wildeman

Mary Jo & Larry Bacon

Joseph & Diana Dippel

Darrel & Michelle Whiting

Nancy & Stephen Mattingly

Judith Hatfield

David Ellison

Nelson & Donna Jorgensen

Leo & Marian Alvey

Elizabeth Davidson

R. Joseph & Barbara Rettig

Martha & Robert Baehl

Gary & Dianne Wunderlich

Richard Jarboe

Paul & Sylvia Baehl

James & Arlene Hausmann

Ronald & Matilda Adams

Raymond & Janette Gries

Jerome & Jonna Brenner

Ruth & David Ritzert

Richard & Judy Fehrenbacher

Joyce McDurmon

Stephen & Jo Marie Charlson

Robert & JoAnn Weber

Judith Dickman

Theodore & Cecelia Market

Ronald & Myrtle Englert

Kathy & David Halbig

William & Kathleen Barthel

Susan Kirsch

Kenneth & Rita Rexing Larry & Carol Goedde

Class of ?62

Class of ?64

Linda & Larry Slauenwhite

Class Ch air : M ar y Kay (Ku n z) Leh m an

Class Ch air s: Ron ald W. An ger m eier

Lynne Embry & Mike Thompson

Par t icipat ion : 12.9%

Jan ice C. (Goebel) Sch u ble

Michael & Phyllis Higdon

Alan & Sharon Braun

Par t icipat ion : 13.2%

Norbert & Madonna Niemeier

Barbara Price

Alan Feldhaus

Patricia Borst

Cornelius Elpers

Andrew & Darlene Goebel

Patrick & Jeanne Freeman

Daniel & Rosemarie Horstman

Anthony & Teresa Tenhumberg

Paul & Joyce Koch

David & Gail Fechtmeister

Barbara & Roy Ritzert

Raymond & Janette Gries

Earl & Claudette Becher

Berta Kares

Richard Wargel

Eugene & Eva Weber

Betty & George Postletheweight

Ronald & Karen Bacon

Eugene & Janet Spahn

David & Gail Williamson

Sharon & Charles White

Eugene & Mary Baumgart

Donald & Carolyn Hutchison

Sharon Thompson

Gary & Susan Pierre

Eugene & Janet Spahn

Stanton & Shirley Elfreich

Leo & Marian Alvey

Fred & Mary Happe

Stephen & Rita Moore

Leroy & Diane Weinzapfel

Gary & Dianne Herrmann

Stephen & Stephanie Niemeier

Linda Hague

Herman Scheller

Steven & Jo Lynn Adams

Mary Boes

Janice & Larry Schuble

Steven & Judy Blankenberger

Mary Kae Lehman

Joseph & Diana Dippel

V. Ray & Kathy Funke

Mary Kay Sayle

Kenneth & Jan Adler

Michael Moore

Maurice & Sharon Baumgart

Class of ?66

Stephen & Judy Reisinger

Nancy & Robert Mangold

Class Ch air : Rebecca J. (Boot s) M aier

Stephen & Margaret Braun

Patrick & Kay Riley

Par t icipat ion : 13.7%

Suzanne Stieler

Peter & Mary Tennyson

Ann & John Johnston

Richard & Judy Fehrenbacher

Christopher & Janet Siemers

Class of ?63

Richard & Mary Ann Bippus

Cynthia & Max Williams

Class Ch air : M ar gor ie (Wagn er ) Har t m an n

Ronald & Margaret Angermeier

Daniel & Rosemarie Horstman

Par t icipat ion : 11.9%

Ronald Mesker

Daniel & Ruth Reisinger

Cheryl & Joseph Raleigh

Virgil & Joan Brenner

David & Carol Nurrenbern

David & Bonnie Brenner

W. Randolph Ellspermann

David & Kathy Reising

David & Elizabeth Fehrenbacher

David & Linda Koressel

Donald & Alice Weis

Class of ?65

Donna Cassin

Earl & Claudette Becher

Class Ch air : Car ol (Oliver ) Goedde

Gerald Tieken

Edward & Rita Steinkamp

Par t icipat ion : 15.0%

James Beyer


Jane Santomassimo

Thomas & Linda Knapp

Thomas & Kathy Schapker

Janet & Paul Witmeier

Vicki & Michael Moran

Thomas & Nancy Horstman

JoAnn Laugel

Virgil Mesker

Kathleen & Robert Wittgen

William & Margie Schenk

Louise & Robert Kiesler

Class of ?70 Class Ch air s: Wayn e Em ge

Martha & Timothy Gump

Class of ?68

Jer om e W. Kir ch of f

Paul & Patty Maurer

Class Ch air : Ju dy (En gler t ) Kn app

Par t icipat ion : 16.9%

Rebecca & Edward Maier

Par t icipat ion : 11.4%

Albert C. Schmitt

Robert & Amy Hisch

Brian & Dawn Woehler

Betty & David Cummings

Ronald & Margaret Angermeier

Carol & Michael Laymon

David & Darlene Robinson

Ronald & Alice Jenkins

Charles Goebel

Dennis & MaDonna Niemeier

Ruth Ann & Michael Stonecipher

Danny & Linda Kares

Dennis & Scarlett Feldhaus

Stephen & Rita Moore

David & Jane Baumgart

James & Carol Fechtmeister

Steven & Mary Helen Gerteisen

David & Mary Schmitt

Jerome & Mary Jo Kirchoff

Thomas Cook

Donald & Janie Moore

John & Leslie Buckman

Wayne & Vicki Botzum

Doris & Homer Taylor

Joseph & Donna Fischer

William Hausmann

Gary & Mary Long

Karen Sue & William O'Bryan

James & Karen Folz

Karen Waller

Class of ?67

Jerome & Judith Knapp

Kathryn & Thomas Verkamp

Class Ch air s: Bar bar a E. (Tevau lt ) M oor e

Joyce & Ronald Messersmith

Kathy & Daniel Schenk

Kat h leen M . (Tigh e) Gr iese

Michael & Rita Martin

Kathy & John Brendel

Par t icipat ion : 14.1%

Miguel & Terry Jimenez

Linda & Michael Folz

Allen & Barbara Rexing

Paul & Barbara Reising

Lucia & Richard Schenk

Barbara & Thomas Moore

Paul Kelsey

Michael & Melanie Goebel

Bernard Rietman

Philip Kohut

Monica Weinzapfel

Christopher & Janet Siemers

Russell & Mary Borst

Paul Martin

Danny & Linda Kares

Stephen & Beverly Helfert

Randall & Sylvia Jochim

David & Jane Baumgart

Steven & Jo Lynn Adams

Richard & Diane Elpers

Diane Weiss-Altstadt

Tony & Zetta Goebel

Richard & Svetlana Smith

Donna & George Rode

Richard Miller

Gary Wolf

Class of ?69

Robert Harrison

James Borries

Class Ch air : Pau l " PJ" Nor m an

Sharon & Alan Ripplemeier

Jane & Raymond Herr

Par t icipat ion : 7.8%

Stephanie Thiel

Jerome & Jonna Brenner

Daniel & Janice Alvey

Stephen & Beverly Helfert

Judith Wohadlo

Darlene & Randall Appler

Suzanna & Melvin Martin

Kathleen & Richard Griese

Delores Schmitt

Thomas Stroud

Michael & Tammy Zeller

Frank & Joan Buerger

Vickie Kane

Mike & Sue Greulich

James & Jean Butler

Wayne & Diane Emge

Paul & Joyce Koch

John & Donna Hamilton

Paul & Nancy Mayer

Joyce Macke

Class of ?71

Rebecca Koontz

Karen & Wayne Breunig

Class Ch air s: Joan (Eick h of f ) Bau er

Rita Goebel

Kathleen & Kenneth Wolf

Dian e (Gu t zw eiler ) Em ge

Russell & Mary Borst

Kathy & Frank Kanowsky

Par t icipat ion : 13.5%

Sr. Jane Michele McClure, OSB

Mark Schreiber

Beverly Gish

Stanley & Mary Jane Weber

Paul "PJ" & Donna Jourdan

Cecilia & Randall Kuester

Terry & Sharon Carlton

Sandy Raben

Cindy Nemer


Connie & Jerry Nord

Bruce & Sheila Spaulding

Tina & Joseph Wright

Dave & Tina Schutte

David & Mindy Jochem

Vicki McCracken & Bill Pan

Donald & Kathy Montgomery

Donna McDonald

Virginia & Jeff Gaul

James & Kris Schroeder

Gary & Cynthia Goebel

Jenny & Ronald West

Gary & Rita Deweese

Class of ?75

Joan & Randall Bauer

Gregory & Linda Kissel

Class Ch air : M ar t h a (Hor st m an ) Boh leber

Kenneth & Jeanne Mesker

Jerry & Susan Wolf

Par t icipat ion : 11.9%

Mary & James Musick

Larry & Beth Muensterman

Barbara Griepenstroh

Monica Horstman

Leonard & Susan Schmitt

Cherie & Jerry Burgdorf

Robert & Mary Kay Fehrenbacher

Linda Denstorff

Dan Weinzapfel

Robert & Nancy Fischer

Marilyn & Gary Dressel

Daniel & Karole Gutzweiler

Ronald & Debbie Brenner

Melvin & Dolly Fehrenbacher

Debbie Ellison

Sandra & David Schmitt

Paul & Barbara Angermeier

Janet Bauer-Correa

Sherri Barron & David Poetker

Randy & Rebecca Helfrich

Jodi & Mark Adcock

Stanley Mary Jane Weber

Robert Ludwig

Joseph & Patricia Dewig

Terry & Angela Stumpf

Stephen & Brenda Dunkel

Julie Gilles

Thomas & Karen Goebel

Steven & Rebecca Whitman

Karen & Keith Hinderliter

Vincent and Carolyn Krack

Steven & Shawn Eickhoff

Kathy & Steve DeHaven

Wayne & Diane Emge

Kenneth & Beth Schenk Class of ?74

Kenneth & Elizabeth Schenk

Class of ?72

Class Ch air : Dan iel Gu t zw eiler

Kenneth & Janice Miller

Class Ch air : Su san (Wildem an ) Lu t z

Par t icipat ion : 16.9%

Lisa & Phillip Fleming

Par t icipat ion : 14.5%

Alison & Tony Moore

Mark & Annette Werner

Fred & Marsha Voelker

Carol & Robert Neisen

Martha & Mike Bohleber

Gary & Cynthia Goebel

Daniel & Karole Gutzweiler

Matt & Pam Wannemuehler

Ira Gerard & Terry Boots

David Schapker

Nancy & Ray Pritchett

Jack & Phyllis Corn

Deborah Collins

Ted & Diane Barron

Jerry & Susan Wolf

Dennis & MaDonna Niemeier

John & Joyce Moers

Gary & Letha Lannert

Class of ?76

Kathleen Buchanan

Jeana Campbell

Class Ch air : St even Sch apker

Lisa & Bruce Kohl

John & Joyce Moers

Par t icipat ion : 10.8%

Louis & Margaret Wildeman

Lauralee & David Paulson

Chris & Patricia Will

Mark & Brenda Altstadt

Lawrence Blankenberger

Debbie Jochim

Mark & Jean Schmitt

Michael & Rendie Koressel

Debby Paul

Mary Jo & Don Musgrave

Michele & Jeffrey Wildeman

Ellen & Eric Mullen

Patricia & Kenneth Tenbarge

Patricia & Robert Harding

Gary & Kim Alles

Robert & Amy Hisch

Randall & Cynthia Hupfer

Gene Mesker

Robert & Paula Waterman

Randy & Rebecca Helfrich

Jame& Karen Will

Sandra & Thomas Raley

Rebecca & Donald Fuchs

Jeffrey & Donna Hayden

Steven & Marcia '72 Frey

Rebecca & Phillip Dosher

Julie & Rudain Arafeh

Susan & Joel Lutz

Roberta & Mike Weinzapfel

Kathryn & Philip Lemond

Theresa Lintzenich

Russell & Kathy Miller

Lisa & Joseph Henderson

Class of ?73

Steve & Cindy Backes

Mark & Julia Schiff

Class Ch air : Jam es Dew ig

Steve & Sandy Bequette

Mark & Mary Ann Schentrup

Par t icipat ion : 9.9%

Terri McBride & Kevin Case

Paula & Gerald Parkinson

Angela & David Skogen

Timothy & Michelle Krack

Steven & Janet Schapker


Timothy & Michelle Krack

Class of ?79

Terence & Jean Alvey

Tracy Sparks

Class Ch air : Pat r icia (Rollet t ) Will

Timothy & Theo Boots

Par t icipat ion : 10.5%

Vincent & Julia Schu

Class of ?77

Brian & Karen Schenk

Wade & Karen Hickam

Class Ch air : Rober t Sch eller

Carl Schmitt

Sar a Eller t

Chris & Patricia Will

Class of ?81

Par t icipat ion : 12.4%

David & Anne Wolf

Class Ch air s: M ar k Her r m an n

Alan & Kathryn Tenbarge

Joseph & Martha Koressel

M ich elle (Folz) Her r m an n

Anthony & Nancy Deig

Joylene & Mark Springer

Par t icipat ion : 6.5%

Brian & Karen Schenk

Judith Schneider

David & Doreen Hoefling

Cathy & Don Euler

Keith & Barbara Hartz

Denise & Darin Hunt

Daniel & Jean Dick

Kenneth & Jeanne Mesker

Kurt & Rebecca Weinzapfel

Daniel & Katie Lappe

Kevin & Lee Anne Mischler

Mark & Jane (Siemers) Weinzapfel

David & Debbie Mosby

Kurt & Rebecca Weinzapfel

Mark & Michelle Herrmann

Donna Holm

Mary & Daniel Ritter

Mark Knowles

Jeffery & Donna Wolf

Mary Wilde

Mary Muensterman

Karen Johnson

Michael & Jennifer Kempf

Paula & Gerald Parkinson

Keith & Barbara Hartz

Michele & Donald Fleming

Peter & Karri Hillenbrand

Kent & Laura Reddington

Randall & Leanne Maurer

Richard & Sara Fischer

Robert & Mary Scheller

Theresa & David Weber

Terence & Jean Alvey

Sara Ellert

William & Jennifer Bartek

Stephen & Gwendolyn Rode

Class of ?82

Steven & Janet Schapker

Class of ?80

Class Ch air : Deedee Eick h of f

Theresa & Dan Barnes

Class Ch air : M ich ael Goedde

Am y (Klen k ) Ten bar ge

Timothy Richardt

Par t icipat ion : 15.0%

Par t icipat ion : 7.1%

Tony Colvin

Deacon Daniel & Laura Niemeier

David Stocker

Daniel Tenbarge

Edward & Lorri Lappe

Class of ?78

David & Sue Wildeman

J. Lynn & Clare Hassler

Class Ch air : Bet h (Goebel) Lin dau er

Greg & Julie Weinzapfel

John & Jeanne Dewig

Par t icipat ion : 9.4%

James & Judi Raben

Joseph & Mary Bassemeier

Angela & Richard Short

Jeffrey & Cathy Macke

Kathy & Mat Brainerd

Beth & David Lindauer

Jeffrey & Suzanne Seng

Laura Gerber & Russell Cable

Daniel & Maria Schapker

John & Tamara Schroeder

Patrick & Jill Wildemann

Erin & Richard Born

Kent & Laura Reddington

Patrick & Shari Kempf

George Hollander

Lawrence & Shannon Schentrup

Robert & Mary Scheller

Jeffry & Cheryl Niemeier

Linda & Robert Russell

Thomas & Teresa Spindler

John & Tamara Schroeder

Lisa & Jeff Harper

Vincent & Julia Schu

Joseph & Chris Tenbarge

Lisa & Wilfred Schmitt

Keith Schnur

Mark & Jane (Siemers) Weinzapfel

Class of ?83

Michael & Melissa Gossman

Mary Hupfer

Class Ch air s: Vin ce Boot s

Pamela & Jeff Ambrose

Michael & Soozie Goedde

Kat h y (Goedde) Boot s

Paul & Kelly Rivard

Patrick & Shari Kempf

Par t icipat ion : 8.9%

Peggy Zoglman

Randy & Kim Hertel

Bernard & Jennifer Mayer

Ruth & Bernie Muller

Richard & Sara '81 Fischer

D. Vincent & Kathy Boots

Thomas & Shellee Klausmeier

Scott & Beth Slaton

Daniel & Teresa Haller

Sherilyn & Donnie Scott

David & Buffy Wannemuehler


Diana & Scott Schoettlin

Kelley & James Alldredge

Class of ?89

Edward & Lorri Lappe

LaChere & David Rexing

Class Ch air : Cr aig Goedde

Eric & Noel Knapp

Philip & Deborah Will

Par t icipat ion : 9.5%

Jon & Barbara Raben

Stanley & Lisa Memmer

Angela & Eric Strehl

Karen & Greg Hamilton

Steve & Kristi Rickets

Ann & Richard McIntosh

Lori & Denny Fehrenbacher

Brian & Deborah Singer

M. Todd & Sally Reising-Kempf

Class of ?86

Bridget & Randy Dickerson

Richard & Tracy Niemeier

Class Ch air : Kelly (Elper s) Pen n in gt on

Chad & Angie Burnett

Sheri & Todd Powers

Par t icipat ion : 8.8%

Charlotte Reisinger-Klueg & Jeremy Klueg

William Basden

Benjamin & Marie Wagner

Christopher & Jane Scheu

Christopher Naas

James & Kim Riordan

Class of ?84

Greg & Julie Weinzapfel

James & Lori Pierre

Class Ch air : Jef f Happe

Jody & Wes Wilmes

Jason & Stacy Martin

Par t icipat ion : 9.9%

Joseph & Theresa Berendes

Kenneth & Rebecca Deeg

Amy & John Brennan

Kenneth & Rebecca Deeg

Lee Rodenberg

Debra Head

Matthew Ubelhor

William Payne

J.D. Fleck

Melissa Mosby

Jeff Happe

Steven & Keri Spahn

Class of ?90

Joseph & Joni Steinkamp

Susan Delay

Class Ch air : Lar r y Bear d

Julie & Michael Forcum

Tony & Wendy Marx

Par t icipat ion : 8.1%

Kevin & Angie Wildeman

Tricia & Jeffrey Henning

Amy & Mark Schlachter

Mark & Shari Weinzapfel

Brian & Mandy Elpers

Nicholas & Jennifer Braun

Class of ?87

Chad & Stephanie Sandwell

Nina & Kraig Flittner

Class Ch air : Kevin Hau sm an

Darin & Marti Knight

Robert Mead

Par t icipat ion : 5.9%

Eric & Cindy Anslinger

Ted & Anglea Kares

Beth & Gary Woodruff

Jason '89 & Stacy Martin

Teri (Hollander) & David Albin

Jamie Wicks

Kiley & Melissa Van Bibber

Tony & Wendy Marx

John & Amy Goebel

Larry & Farrah Beard

Lesley & Jeffrey Bertrand

Matthew & Missy Singer

Class of ?85

Richard & Tracy Adler

Matthew & Shannon Goebel

Class Ch air s: Ch r is Goebel

Robert & Pam Muensterman

Jean en e (Happe) Goebel

Steve & Kristi Rickets

Class of ?91

Par t icipat ion : 13.1%

Susan & Joseph Loftus

Class Ch air : Kevin M oor e

Alan & Angie Schaffstein

Par t icipat ion : 12.6%

Angela & Don Goebel

Class of ?88

Alexandra & Andrew Rodman

Ann & Chris Harper

Class Ch air : Nat alie (Tin dle) Reidf or d

Brett & Jennifer McDurmon

Brian & Deborah Singer

Par t icipat ion : 4.6%

Eric & Stacey Turner

Chris & Jeanene Goebel

Brent & Tricia Neitzke

Joe & Kalyn Herrmann

Darin & Marti Knight

Eric Gries

Kevin & Erin Moore

Dava & Robert Tenbarge

Gary & Krista Postletheweight

Lisa & John Forzley

Edward & Jacqueline Knapp

James & Kim Riordan

Matthew & Angela Mulherin

Geoffrey & Sabine Coates

Jo Ellen & Jeff Wassmer

Matthew & Kristen Folz

Jill Morelock

Keith & Lisa Reising

Melanie & Jerry Blanton

Joseph & Theresa Berendes

Michael & Michelle Eickhoff

Patrick & Julie Boarman

Kathleen Wannemuehler

Todd & Kelly Lehman

Phil & Kiersten Stolz

Keith & Lisa Reising

Phillip & Kiersten Stolz


Rebecca & Todd Rexing

Holly & Jeffrey Wahr

Andrew & Audrey Niemeier

Shannon & Jeremy Hile

Jake & Robyn Tucker

Ann & Glen Muehlbauer

Steven & Kim Greulich

Jason & Kerry Martin

Brian & Rowena Knapp

Todd & Babs Niemeier

Jennifer & Roger Sieben

Christy Atherton

Jody & Brian Branson

Craig & Christina Wunderlich

Class of ?92

Kevin & Erin Moore

Dustin & Alisha Lannert

Class Ch air : Valor ie (Hir sch ) Dassel

Larry & Farrah Beard

Greg & Kristi Schaefer

Par t icipat ion : 11.0%

Michael & Allison Bacon

James & Casi Schiff

Aaron & Kelle Schapker

Natalie & Keith Maasberg

Jeffrey & Sarah Woehler

Brian & Aimee Gerth

Phil & Kiersten Stolz

Jeremy & Libby Kiesel

Brian & Heather Hertel

Philip & Abby Zenthoefer

Jessica & Bryan Schultheis

Daniel & Heidi Griese

Phillip & Kiersten Stolz

Kurt & Erin Wildeman

Duane & Emily Maurer

Timothy & Julianna Voelker

Lori & Eric Jones

Eric & Jennifer Folz

Tony & Jessica Fehrenbacher

Mathew & Ashley Schenk

Jeff & Paula Bone

Matthew & Amanda Bohleber

Matthew & Missy Singer

Class of ?95

Michael & Andrea Halbig

Michael & Lisa Weber

Class Ch air : In gr id (M aier ) St r at m an

Michelle Wakefield

Richard & Tracy Adler

Par t icipat ion : 7.1%

Nicholas & Jennife Knight

Samuel & Lana Ellison

Andrew & Anna Hart

Peter & Jodi Fehrenbacher

Valorie & Wayne Dassel

Andrew & Barissa Tieken

Rachelle & Greg Schowe

Ann & David Martin Class of ?93

Elizabeth & Greg Wallace

Class of ?98

Class Ch air : Gin a Goedde

James & Amy Schroeder

Class Ch air s: Nat alie (Em ge) San def u r

Par t icipat ion : 10.8%

Jeffrey & Natalie McDurmon

Jam ie (Reese) Sch if f

Beau & Sharon Shumate

Kevin & Lisa Farmer

Par t icipat ion : 11.1%

Bradley & Meredith Raben

Melanie & Brian Denning

Adam & Jamie Schiff

Craig & Angela Miller

Ryan & Natalie Kassenbrock

Andrew & Mary Woehler

Daniel Townsend

Brandon & Lindsey Boots

Eric & Jennifer Folz

Class of ?96

Christopher & Alissa Maynard

Gina Goedde

Class Ch air : An dr ea (Boot s) Bau m an n

Dustin & Alisha Lannert

J. Brian & Karen Wilkey

Par t icipat ion : 8.3%

Gerard & Tracy Wildeman

Jennifer & Ross Vaughn

Andrea & Daniel Baumann

Greg & Kristi Schaefer

Kiley & Melissa Van Bibber

Andrew & Jessica Reckelhoff

Jeremy & Jennifer Herrmann

Matthew & Shannon '93 Goebel

Erin & Jason Gries

John & Nicole Verkamp

Matthew & Angela Mulherin

James & Amy Schroeder

Neil & Jessica Kassenbrock

Samuel & Lana Ellison

James & Casi Schiff

Rebecca & Klifton Keplinger

Timothy & Julianna Voelker

Kevin & Lisa Farmer

Rev. Christopher Droste

Kristi Wargel

Rob & Holly Mallory

Class of ?94

Lori Adler

Ryan & Hallie Scheu

Class Ch air : Jason " Jak e" M ar t in

Matthew & Amanda Bohleber

Par t icipat ion : 13.9%

Roger & Katie Nurrenbern

Class of ?99

Aaron & Jennifer Couture

Sara & Jeffrey Sexton

Class Ch air : Josh u a Hodge

Craig & Christina Wunderlich

Par t icipat ion : 7.4%

Eric & Cindy Anslinger

Class of ?97

Adam & Jamie Schiff

Eric & Stacey Turner

Class Ch air : Alish a (Goedde) Lan n er t

Alicia Wilderman

Gregg & Trisha Emge

Par t icipat ion : 12.8%

Andrew & Audrey Niemeier


Andrew & Mary Woehler

Class of ?02

Megan Wright

Brian & Anna Luigs

Class Ch air : Jen n if er (M esk er ) Dyh r k opp

Nicholas & Kourtney Lannert

David & Amanda Hisch

Par t icipat ion : 9.0%

Ryan & Hallie Scheu

Joshua Hodge Kevin & Renee Folz Lucas Angermeier Regina & Terry Langston Theresa Adler

Adam & Melissa Merkel Allison & Adam Frounfelter Blake & Jennifer Kollker

Class Ch air : M at t h ew Weber Par t icipat ion : 11.4% Adam & Abby Adler Andrew & Katie Baumgartner Blake & Jennifer Kollker Eric & Kristen Kassenbrock

Par t icipat ion : 6.9%

Jacob Schiff

Allison & Keith Garrard Andrew & Emily Nurrenbern

Kari & Tyler Parsons

Cory & Andrea Goebel

Kim & Josh WIllet

Dustin & Sarah Slaton

Logan & Molly Riggs Matthew & Mackenzie Kiefer Natalie & Sean Murphy Nathaniel & Carrie Stratman Todd & Amber Zimmer

Jacob & Carrie Boehman Jacob & Kelley Weis Jake & Robyn Tucker James Kissel John Kiefer Kevin & Renee Folz Kimberly & Jason Kinnaman M. Andrew & Kathryn Lannert Matthew & Crystal Weber Mitch & Amanda Happe Neil & Jessica Kassenbrock Ryan & Natalie Kassenbrock Timothy & Nicole Pigman Zachary & Jennifer Fehrenbacher

Albert & Lindsay Schmitt Andrea Brown

Jenna & Craig Kunkler Katie & Chris Wolters Nicholas & Kourtney Lannert

Class of ?03 Class Ch air : Pat r ick Feh r en bach er

Class of ?06 Class Ch air : Lau r a (M esk er ) St olz

Par t icipat ion : 7.9%

Par t icipat ion : 7.7%

Abby & Evan Hipp Adam & Melissa Merkel

Andrew & Elyse Niemeier Benjamin& Kathryn Lasher

Anna Kunkel Chip & Megan Altstadt David & Kristen Lappe Dawn & Brett Bunner

Derek & Jenna Lappe Eric & Laura Stoltz Jake Weinzapfel Kayley & Truett Simmons

Holly& Nick Jahn

Matthew Loehrlein

Jennifer & Curt Seib Joseph & Mallory Kiesler Nathan & Alysen Weinzapfel

Class of ?01

Par t icipat ion : 7.4%

Jacob & Katherine Herrmann

William & Tara Wayne

Patrick & Brittany Fehrenbacher Class Ch air : Rach el (Wr igh t ) M eek s

Class of ?05 Class Ch air : Jen n a (Den st or f f ) Ku n k ler

Heather Eickhoff

Jarrod & Katie Luigs Class of ?00

William & Tara Wayne

Mitchell & Mallory Eickhoff Nathan Hassler Robin & Tyler Rosbrugh Scott Schapke Timothy & Nicole Pigman

Class of ?04 Class Ch air s: Hallie (Den st or f f ) Sch eu

Tyler & Alexa Bittner

Er ic Ref f et t Class of ?07

Jason & Jenna Kuester

Par t icipat ion : 10.9% Andrew & Emily Nurrenbern

Jeffrey & Melissa Anslinger

Andrew & Jessica Reckelhoff

Par t icipat ion : 7.7%

Jessica & Chris Wallace

Andy & Megan Wathen

Derek & Jenna Lappe

Jessica & Craig Elliott

Eric & Carrie Reffett

Hannah & Mark Kirkman

Joel & Carly Werner

Eric & Laura Stoltz

Jordan & Jenna Phelps

Kati & Craig Love

Kristi & Daniel Schuster

Kyle & Mallory Hertel

M. Andrew & Kathryn Lannert

Kristina & Justin Strohmeyer

Laura & Tyler Tesmer

Nathan & Jessica Wildeman

Kyle & Courtney Kraft

Marie & Adam Stewart

Nicholas & Kelsey Austin

Laura & Brendan McKenzie

Megan & Michael Jarman

Lindsey & Ben Mehringer


Class Ch air : Han n ah (Boot s) Kir k m an

Mitchell & Mallory Eickhoff

Cody & Kate Hess

Class of ?20

Reid '08 & Lauren Grossman

Eric Wildeman

Class Ch air : Em m a Lam ble

Ryan Musgrave

Maria & Justin Guetling

Par t icipat ion : 1.0% Lance Berendes

Class of ?08

Class of ?13

Class Ch air : Em ily (Ten bar ge) Sch n apf

Class Ch air : Cooper (M ayer ) Lan n er t

Class of ?21

Par t icipat ion : 6.2%

Par t icipat ion : 1.6%

Class Ch air : Dan ielle Gr ies

Adam & Elysse Ruggles

Adam Berendes

Cael Moore

Bradley & Kathryn Niemeier

Aubrey Goebel

Landen Folz

Brett & Sara Bueltel

Mariah Dickerson

Emily TenBarge

Class of ?14

Sydney Maasberg

Greg & Amy Marshall

Class Ch air : Kayla (Sch oet t lin ) Ch oat e

Taylor Gerth

Kendal Schmidt

Par t icipat ion : 5.0%

Kurtis & Jessica Goebel

Jared & Laura Schapker

Class of ?23

Nicholas & Kelsey Austin

Joshua Pierre

Class Ch air : Kat e Wen ger

Reid & Lauren Grossman

Kayla & Aaron Choate

Jasmine Hertel

Kyle Haas Class of ?09

Nolan Goebel

Class Ch air s: Kr ist r a (Car t er ) Ker ch er

Zachary Goedde

Joh n n y Ker ch er Par t icipat ion : 1.5%

Class of ?15

Lacey & Adam Nix

Class Ch air : Issac M em m er

Victoria & Bryan Ruder

Par t icipat ion : 1.8% Sydney Seger

Class of ?10

Tanner & Megan Fritch

Class Ch air : Jessica (Kem pf ) Sn yder Par t icipat ion : 6.2% Brooke & Edward Bradt

Class of ?17 Class Ch air : Elizabet h Sen g

Cara & Nolan Harris

Par t icipat ion : 1.7%

Jacob & Sara Scheu

Michaela Kunkler

Kayla Lydon

Nicholas & Madelyn Will

Lucas & Kathryn Barnett Megan Schneider

Class of ?18

Rachel & Brandon Thacker

Class Ch air : Abbey Ch apm an

Weston Tenbarge

Par t icipat ion : 1.4% Hayden Folz '18

Class of ?11 Class Ch air : Kr ist en Cox Par t icipat ion : 2.3% Adam Wilmes Kristen & Marshall Tobin Thomas & Lindsey Johnson

Jack Berendes '18

Class of ?19 Class Ch air : Kaelyn Wessel Par t icipat ion : 2.2% Aaron Thompson Carmen Hertel

Class of ?12

Emily Seger

Class Ch air : Kait e (Wildem an ) Hess Par t icipat ion : 3.0% Claire Alvey


Lappe Heating & AC Celebr ates 100 Year s Lappe Heating & Air was founded in 1922 by Edward Frank Lappe. They have been a dedicated service provider in the Evansville area since the beginning and specialize in the sale, installation, and service of Carrier HVAC equipment. Edward?s sons, Dave ?51 and Dan (RMHS ?42) took over the company in 1964. They were eventually joined by their sons, Ed ?82 and Dan Jr. (RMHS ?77), who have run the business for many years. Ed?s son, Dave ?03 and Dan Jr.?s son, Daniel III (RMHS ?04), are now the 4th generation of Lappes operating the business. Over 200 friends, family, and business associates celebrated the 100-year anniversary of Lappe Heating & Air Conditioning on May 21, 2022, at Comfort by the Cross-Eyed Crickets grand ballroom in downtown Evansville. The company has received the Carrier Corporation?s highest national recognition, the Carrier President?s Award, for 3 years running from 2020 to 2022. The award is given for exceptional customer service and brand loyalty. Congratulations to the Lappe family for 100 years of operation !


Alumni: Mar y (Helmer) Brenner '60 of Evansville IN 06/16/22 Gar y Seidl '67 of Evansville IN 06/08/22 Barbar a (Har tman) Hanes '54 of Evansville IN 06/13/22 Mar ian F Offer man '56 of Evansville IN 06/13/22 Thelma ?Lou? (Kelle) Mitchell ?63 of Evansville IN 06/22/22 Rober t F. Reisinger ?68 of Evansville IN 06/29/22 Alton Mathis ?59 of Evansville IN 06/30/22 James ?Jim? Hausmann ?65 of Brownsbur g IN 07/08/22 Thomas H. Mor r is Sr ?59 of Evansville IN 07/10/22 Deacon Richard Preske ?50 of Evansville IN 07/11/22 Sylvia (Niemeier) Gossman ?53 of Evansville IN 07/15/22 Mar y Alice (Reiter) Hoffman ?55 of Evansville IN 07/16/22 Kenneth Bittner ?51 of Evansville IN 11/05/19 Amanda (Lee) Sammet ?97 of Evansville IN 07/19/22 Nancy (Fox) For shee ?64 of Evansville IN 07/25/22 Delmar Wigand ?50 of Evansville IN 07/29/22 Patr icia (Kissel) Tr ainer ?61 of Evansville IN 08/03/22 Er ic Fehrenbacher ?88 of St Paul, TX 08/04/22 Ronald Goebel ?55 of Evansville IN 08/09/22 Stanley K. Weber ?67 of Evansville IN 08/14/22 Salli (Moll) Kimmell ?75 of Evansville, IN 08/18/22 Donald Haller ?56 of Evansville IN 08/19/22 Fr ances (Russler) Lively ?54 of Evansville IN 08/19/22 Karen (Baechle) Conner ?66 of Evansville IN 08/21/22 James A. Ger st ?53 of Evansville IN 08/30/22

Kathleen (Miller) Mar r s ?54 of Evansville IN 08/31/22 Linda (Voelker) Nelson ?71 of Boonville IN 09/02/22 Randa Loeffler- Owens ?66 of Evansville IN 09/09/22 Rober t ?Bob? Hawes ?55 of Jacksonville FL 11/07/21 Charles Joseph Lindenschmidt ?51 of Evansville IN 09/11/22 Carol (Eickhoff) Stocker ?68 of Evansville IN 09/14/22 Julie (Smith) Zirkelbach ?95 of Evansville IN 09/15/22 Monte Jones ?65 of Evansville IN 09/16/22 Gregor y Clausheide ?84 of Evansville IN 10/1/22 Edward Ray Happe, Sr ?64 of Evansville IN 10/1/22 Mar y (Conner) Langford ?60 of Evansville IN 09/29/22 Susann (Fr azier) Anger meier ?57 of Fisher s IN 09/28/22 Donald C. Metzler ?54 of Evansville IN 10/08/22 Sondr a (Bar th) Bell ?54 of Evansville, IN 10/9/22 Rober t Baughn ?55 of Evansville IN 10/11/22 Lawrence Crouch ?68 of Evansville IN 10/13/22 Darlene (Schmitt) Will ?58 of Evansville IN 10/15/22 JoAnn (Happe) Schoenstein ?88 of Evansville IN 10/15/22 Patr icia (Gr ant) Milton ?57 of Evansville IN 10/24/22 Patr icia (Walker) Sandefur ?54 of Evansville IN 10/25/22 Ronald F. Kissel ?66 of Indianapolis IN 10/26/22 Carolyn (Winiger) Combs ?54 of Evansville IN 10/27/22 Stephen C. Waller ?61 of Evansville IN 11/1/22 Wayne Folz ?64 of Evansville IN 11/04/22 Ruth (Matz) Killian ?53 of Evansville IN 11/15/22 Ber nard Elper s ?61 of Evansville IN 04/04/22


Mar y (Uebinger) Glaser '56 of Evansville IN 11/18/22 James R. Fischer '70 of Evansville IN 11/28/22 Past Parent: Barbar a Jean (Nieten) Ger teisen of Evanville, IN 06/25/22 Mar y Rose Engler of Evansville, IN 08/17/22 Cynthia Bonds- Conaway of Evansville, IN 08/31/22 Sar a ?Jane? Hauke of Evansville, IN 09/09/22 Linda L. Folz of Newbur gh, IN 10/06/22 Gail Ann Dezember of Evansville, IN 10/07/22 William C. ?Bill? Stevenson of Evansville, IN 11/12/22 Agnes Elaine Wink of Evansville IN 11/12/22 Kather ine Fuchs of Evansville IN 11/25/22

Friends: Geor ge O'Neal Jr. of Evansville IN 06/14/22 John B. Kane of Evansville, IN 08/02/22 Her man Paul Denstor ff of Elber feld, IN 01/11/22 Mar tha (Gentr y) Desnstor ff of Elber feld, IN 08/20/22 James R. Collins of Evansville, IN 10/08/22 Sister Dolor ita Libs of Ferdinand, IN 10/13/22

Missed Previously: Mar y Hollander of Evansville, IN 10/30/21

In M em or y of Bar bar a (Neu m an n ) Goedde ?65: Anonymous Gary and Kim Alles

David Rieber ?58

Jack Owensby

Ron Tepool ?58 Sarah (Townsend) Tepool ?58

In Hon or of Ed Kn app ?59:

Geraldine (Adler) Weber ?58

Eddie & Jackie Knapp

Margaret and Ronald Angermeier Jerry and Pat Anslinger Rodney and Michele Bedwell Pat and Beth Blankenberger

Alex & Andrew Knapp In M em or y of Ron ald Kem pf ?56: Anonymous

In Hon or of M r . An dr ew Goebel ?65:

Mater Dei Class of 1956

South Central Inc.

In M em or y of Dan Wein zapf el ?56:

In M em or y of Ju dy Kn app ?59:

Mater Dei Class of 1956

Carolyn (Hayden) Pearce

Ira and Terry Boots Rose Breivogel Steven and Marcia Frey Sherry Garcia and Family James and Susan Helmer

In M em or y of M ar y An n (Klen ck ) Ubeh lor ?56:

Wesley and Mary Heuring

Mater Dei Class of 1956

Randy and Cecilia Kuester

In M em or y of M ar ilyn (Hayden ) Ham m an ?59: Carolyn (Hayden) Pearce

Rodney and Janet Leibring

In M em or y of Ph yllis (Lew is) M cAt ee ?56:

James and Johna Marsinelli

Mater Dei Class of 1956

Kenny and Carol Martin

In M em or y of Walt er Neale ?52: Laura Neale

Bob and Pam Muensterman

In M em or y of Tim Rior dan ?62:

Todd and Babs Niemeier

Mater Dei Class of 1962

Greg and Carol Polk

In M em or y of Lar r y Lu t z ?56: Mater Dei Class of 1956

Tom and Clara Raben Jim and Cindy Rexing

In M em or y of M ar y (Wolf ) Beck ?62:

Ken and Rita Rexing

Mater Dei Class of 1962

In M em or y of Jer om e A. ?Jer r y ? Wein zapf el: Jane and Tom Antes

Alan and Pam Schapker David and Mary Schmitt

In M em or y of Ber n ar d A. M ayer Sr ?52.:

Tony and Ruth Schmitt

Pam Naab

Rev. Edward Schnur

Kim Rockhill

Gerald and Patty Seib

Becky Smither

Dan and Katie Townsend

Tom and Tammy Spahn

June C. Baker Gene and Minni Beckerle Gary & Marilyn Blahovec Steven and Judy Blankenberger Stephanie and Dino Brandenstein Jack D. Droste

Wayne and Carol Turner David and Barbara Winstead

In M em or y of Pat r icia Hor r all Welsh :

Dan and Carolyn Scavone

Michele A. Fleming

Patty (Voelker) Fehrenbacher Mallory and Kyle Hertel Sally Reising-Kempf and M. Todd Kempf

Dale an d M ar t y Hillen br an d don at ed in m em or y of t h e f ollow in g in dividu als:

In M em or y of Oliver Sch apk er :

Amy Klenck TenBarge

David Schapker ?74

Mariann Baumgartner ?58 Robert Clausheide ?58 Joseph Hatfield ?56 Nancy (Berendes) Knowles ?58

JoAnn Laugel

Catherine Siemers In M em or y of Xavier Rein e ?20: George and Mariyln O?Neal Parents of the Class of 2020


Mary Beth and Jerome Spaetti Betty and Jim Voelker Robert A. Weber

Thomas H. Weinzapfel

Jack and Joyce Lasher

In M em or y of Fr an k M . Sm it h

Michele and Jeff Wildeman

Parry Litzelman

Danny and Linda Kares

Vencent Litzelman In M em or y of Evelyn Rexin g San def u r ?70:

Jim and Cindy Mallory

In M em or y of Jim Sch en k ?53

Vickie & John Kane

Diane Marx Martin

Ira and Terry Boots

Dick and Becky Martin

Sally and Todd Kempf

In M em or y of Jer r y Tiek en ?62:

Mater Dei Class of 1967

Mike and Melanie Goebel

Mater Dei Class of 1962

Paul and Nancy Mayer Ed and Judy Messal

In M em or y of Ter r y Cr an e ?56

In M em or y of Rit a M . ?Deet z? Goebel ?67

Ron Miller

Mater Dei Class of 1956

Diane Weiss-Altstadt

David and Susie Montgomery


Janice Moore


Jim and Barb Mosby

Rose Backes

Paul and Pam Naab

Sandra and Carl Barron

Kathy Neuenschwander

Sue and Robert Berry

Deacon Dan and Laura Niemeier

Judith and Kenneth Boarman

Bud and Paula Parkinson

Tony and Brandy Boarman

Thomas R. Peck

Ira and Terri Boots

John and Julie Pierce

In M em or y of Sylvia (Niem eier ) Gossm an ?53

Rose Breivogel

Gary and Susie Pierre

Mike and Melissa Gossman

Myrrl Choate

Jim and Lori Pierre

Bertha Michelini and Ron Hall

Don Condon

Jim and Bobbie Pierson

Keith and Sharon Hollander

David and Betty Cummings

Randy and Margaret Ploch

Jane Mossberger

Bambi Deig

Ray and Nancy Pritchett

Loretta Niemeier

John and Jeanne Dewig

David and Kathy Reising

Kent Niemeier

Don and Michele Fleming

Rusty and Carol Reising

Todd and Babs Niemeier

Steve and Janet Fischef

Joyce and Patrick Rhoades

Mary Oliver and Paula

Mike and Donna Folz

Allen and Barb Rexing

Roger and Ann Schapker

Mike and Laura Greenwell

Linda Sanders, Chip Sanders Family, Eric Sanders Family

Stan Schapker

Charlie Goebel Gary and Cindy Goebel Michael and Melanie Goebel Tony and Zetta Goebel John and Amy Goebel Carol and Larry Goedde Fred & Mary Happe Ray and Vonnie Hausmann Randy and Missi Hayden Mallory and Kyle Hertel Monica Horstman Ken and Frances Jarboe Karen Johnson John and Ann Johnston Rick and Julie Keown Mike and Linda Ketzner

In M em or y of Car l F. an d Rosem ar y (Woods ?51) Voegel Carl and Jean Voegel

Mary Ann and Mark Schentrup Bill and Margie Schenk Larry and Janice Schuble

In M em or y of M ar ian Of f er m an ?56 Mater Dei Class of 1956

Mary Seibert Joey and Diana Vessels Lois Vessels

Catherine Siemers Janet and Chris Siemers

In M em or y of Jam es A. ?Jim ? Hau sm an n ?65

Mel and Cookie Singer

Nick and Debbie Jarrell

Tammy Spahn

Diane and Rex Swing

Judy Swallows

William and Dorene Glotz

Wilma Walden

Arlene Hausmann

Steve and Susan Wargel

Debra Wilson

Davie and Terri Weber

Bonnie Newby

The Reisinger and Winberg Families

Sarah Hellert

David, Barbara and Julie Winstead

Richard M. Barron Family

Dave and Lori Wolf

Amanda Sammet

David and Karen Worthy

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Berry Peggy Bruning

Dave and Linda Koressel


Michael and Kimberly Cates Melissa and Erik Chandler Dustin and Alisha Lannert Patty and Gary Mueller Bobbie and Daryl Schutz Mr. and Mrs. Mike Schutz

In M em or y of Kat ie Rose Sch m it t ?02 David and Mary Schmitt

In M em or y of of Fr an k Will Beth and Brian Hirshberg

In M em or y of Don ald Haller ?56 Mater Dei Class of 1956

In M em or y of Rober t ?Bob? Haw es ?55 Carol Hawes

In Hon or of Br ady Pat t er son ?25: Greg and Peggy Sue Geiss

In M em or y of Ch ar les J. Lin den sch m idt ?51 Mary Jo and Larry Bacon Charlie and Carol Bone Ann and Chris Harper Monica Horstman Glenda Nelson Carol and Bob Neisen Bill and Margie Schenk Janice and Larry Schuble Janice Spahn Brian and Maria Elena Thompson Mary Lue and Bob Russler

In M em or y of Don ald C. M et zler ?54 Mary H. Happe Daniel and Laura Niemeier Rose M. Reising



Mater Dei High School Office of Institutional Advancement 1300 Harmony Way, Evansville, IN 47720 Return Service Requested



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