Red & Gold, Volume 41 - Winter 2023

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SPIRITUAL “Seeing all the generations come together and celebrating Mass is a great tradition and everyone looks forward to it!" Allison Garrard ’05 page 12

ACADEMIC SUCCESS Inauguration featuring Senator Braun page 8

SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT “Oh What a Friend We Have . . .” page 20

SERVICE TO OTHERS “Modeling a Heart for Christ” page 24

volume 41, winter issue 2023

The Red & Gold is published two times a year by the Mater Dei High School Office of Institutional Advancement to encourage understanding and support the mission of Mater Dei High School. Through the Red & Gold, Mater Dei’s 10,000+ alumni, as well as the school’s many friends,

table of contents 1












continue to strengthen their


relationships with each other


and become better informed about the many ways Mater


Dei strives for excellence


through its spiritual, academic


and extra-curricular programs.


Director of Marketing &




Peyton Ritter ‘13


Red & Gold interim Editor & Page Designer: Angela StClair, CJE Contributors: Tony Bacon, ‘91 Father Christopher Droste ‘98 Linda B. Glaser, Cornell University Mallory (Goebel) Hertel ‘07 Michaela Kunkler ‘17 Julie McGrew Deacon Dan Niemeier ‘80 Jill Seiler Molly Jane StClair Tara (Elpers) Wayne ‘05




Photography: Community Members Hi-Lights Yearbook Staff Mark Selders, Penn State Athletics



I hope that you had a chance to review our plan through our recent communication efforts. If not, please take a few minutes to learn about our vision for Mater Dei by visiting our website or using the QR code on page 4, at the end of my message. In this issue of Red & Gold, we have expanded on some of our strategic plan initiatives that are already underway to advance our students and community into the next 75 years. Academically, we have implemented a weighted grade system to incentivize and reward students for taking more rigorous coursework.

Our faculty and administration are thoroughly assessing the current course offerings in each department and identifying the priority Advanced Placement, dual credit, and elective courses that we will add in the coming years. In addition, our administrators are working diligently to create and implement new graduation pathways that have been identified by the state of Indiana. These new pathways will enhance awareness of postsecondary options for our students early in their high school experience through individualized counseling and goal setting, and by participating in work-based learning opportunities with local businesses with whom we are forming partnerships. Spiritually, we are increasing our growth opportunities for all students, faculty, and staff. This

school year, we are offering nearly 40 opportunities for everyone to celebrate Mass in our chapel before school or during all-school Masses. Father Christopher Droste, Priest-Delegate for Mater Dei, shares information in this issue about the Rescue Project, a faith formation program that our staff is participating in, which is designed to help us grow deeper in our collective faith and relationship with Christ so that we're better equipped to share our faith with our students. PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE CONTINUED ON PAGE 4


As we move into 2024 and look to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the opening of our beloved Mater Dei, we are excited to continue to execute our 2023-2026 Strategic Plan.

Academically, we have implemented a weighted grade system to incentivize and reward students for taking more rigorous coursework.”


o l l e h , ! l e l r e W the Hannah Dickason Study Hall Monitor

Diane Emge ‘71 Resource Room Assistant

Kim Hartweck Cafeteria Manager

Dr. Susan Helfrich Biology & Forensics

Cody Hess ‘12 PE, World Geo., Preparing for College & Careers

Michaela Kunkler ‘17 Campus Minister

Nancy Mayer Freshman Theology

Jordan Phelps ‘07 World History, World Geography, Preparing for College & Careers


! d e a r l e g h e e r ’ We you’r

Hannah Thomas Integrated Chemistry & Physics, Environmental Science

Jennifer Will Music History & Appreciation


Ann Randal ‘94 Bookkeeper



We continue to emphasize the importance of mental health and developing good decisionmaking skills in our students. In this issue of Red & Gold, you can read about the outstanding work being done by our Youth First Social Worker, Mrs. Valorie (Hirsch) Dassel ‘92. Mrs. Dassel continues to be an asset to our students and staff through her work of individualized counseling, as well as programs for groups of students. We recognize that in order to achieve these important student growth initiatives, we must also continue to advance with respect to our enrollment, financial sustainability, and facilities. As we look forward to celebrating our 75th year and beyond, we will continue to execute and inform you about these advancement efforts that will assure we continue to prepare the whole person for life’s journey for generations to come. In the meantime, I ask for your prayers for the intercession of Mary, our patroness, to bless Mater Dei High School as we equip our students to “Enter to Learn, Go Forth to Serve.” In Christ, Through Our Blessed Mother,

Deacon Dan Niemeier ‘80 President of Mater Dei High School To learn more about our strategic plan, visit our website or scan the QR code

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Freshmen and sophomores were the only ones in attendance for the first day of school Aug. 2. Cheerleaders greeted students as they arrived, and junior and senior students were on hand to help new students find their classrooms and aid in any locker issues or other questions. So why the large increase of freshmen this year? We believe there are a few main reasons: the School Choice Scholarship (SCS) program, our relationship with our partner schools and future families, and an awareness of the outstanding faith based education they can receive. Earlier this year, the Indiana General Assembly passed a bill that increased the income threshold for families to 400% of the free and reduced lunch rate. That means that a family of four with an adjusted gross income of

$222,000 or less would qualify for a SCS. These voucher amounts range in price from $5900-$6400 in our area depending on the school district in which the family lives. The state estimates that 97% of Indiana families with school age children would now qualify for a SCS. Mater Dei’s parishioner tuition (plus fees) rate is $8,735 for one student. Once the voucher is applied, the family is responsible for the balance and, if needed, additional tuition assistance may be applied. Since all of the partner school tuition rates are below the voucher amounts, this was a huge help to our families! So much so, many were able to switch their children from public schools to Catholic schools simply because they could now afford it. At Mater Dei, 77% of our students received a SCS this year. Based on the state’s estimate, it is believed even more Mater Dei families would qualify for assistance if they chose to apply. The other reason we believe our enrollment increased is our continued partnership with area Catholic elementary schools. Three years ago, we began giving all of the kindergarteners in our


The 2023-24 school year began with plenty of fan-fare with all three news stations present to kick off the new year! We are thrilled to welcome 142 new freshman students and seven new transfer students. These numbers helped push our enrollment up to 520 which is the most since 2017 and the largest freshman class Mater Dei has seen since 2015.


partner schools a “grow with me” shirt with their graduation year. The idea is for parents to take a picture of their child in the shirt every year to see them grow. It is also another way we are welcoming these students and their families into the Mater Dei community. Throughout the year, our students also visit partner schools on various occasions and, in turn, partner school classes visit MD for events such as the 8th grade visits and theater performances. These opportunities give prospective students the opportunity to meet

high school students and experience the fun and interesting things we do here. You may be wondering if the increase in enrollment has anything to do with a change in our acceptance practices. The answer is no. The administration has a detailed process they follow, especially when it comes to transfer students. If you have any questions about the School Choice Scholarship program or our acceptance procedures, please contact Enrollment Manager Jill Seiler at or 812-426-2258.

We had an incredible turnout for our Nov. 9 Open House. A record number 104 prospective students attended with their families.

OPEN HOUSE record attendance

Families of 6-8th graders were invited to take a tour around campus and visit each academic department to meet teachers and talk with members of the administration. Coaches and sponsors of many of our extracurricular opportunities were available as well to invite students to join their teams. Applications for the 2024-25 school year are available now at If you know of any student who would like to attend Mater Dei, please have them contact Jill Seiler at


Phil Mortis


Dr. Laura Finch



FEATURING SENATOR BRAUN by Mrs. Jill Seiler, Enrollment Manager, photos by MD Hi-Lights Yearbook Staff

When senior Wyatt Stratman was elected Mayor of Mater Dei-ville for the 2023-24 school year, he put a lot of pressure on himself to be the best mayor he could be. You see, he has big shoes to fill. Not only does he take the job as mayor very seriously, his mother, Ingrid Stratman ‘95, and brother, Calvin Stratman ‘22, are all past mayors. So when it came time to choose

a keynote speaker for this year’s inauguration, he wanted to shoot for the stars. U.S. Senator Mike Braun appealed to Stratman for many reasons, but mainly because of his wholesome family values, his strong pro-life stance, humble nature, and the fact that he grew up and still resides in southern Indiana. But what were the odds? After all, Senator Braun receives countless requests to speak at

events from all over the country. Not only that, the process for approval normally takes at least four months. Stratman had just a couple of weeks. He decided to pursue what seemed like a shot in the dark anyway. Stratman first wrote Mr. Braun a letter describing Mater Dei-ville as a student government run like a true city, a little bit about himself, and he added the fact that Mater Dei is a Catholic school with strong values, including its pro-life stance, among other positive attributes. Mayor Wyatt Stratman, Clerk Ella Kane, U.S. IN Senator Mike Braun, and Judge James Bohleber

Mayor Wyatt Stratman

He followed that letter up with a goodie bag of Mater Dei-ville swag, complete with Stratman’s campaign shirt, pin, and a thank you note for “even considering reading the letter.” Stratman’s perseverance paid off. Of all the requests from around the country the senator’s office received for August 29th, Mr. Braun picked Mater Dei High School as one of his visits. Stratman believes that says a lot about the school, “He recognized us nationally, that says a lot.” In his address to the faculty, student body, student council members, and their families, Braun said, “When I read that letter I knew I had to go there.” Braun reinforced the message that community, family, and faith are the building blocks to who we are and how saying “yes” when a door opens is the key to success. After the ceremony, Senator Braun took time to talk more with Stratman and posed for pictures before his next event. Stratman was not only honored and humbled to have the

senator visit, he’s proud of the work he and the other student council members have done thus far.

Thanksgiving that will benefit St. Vincent de Paul food pantry, the Rescue Mission, and Ozanam Family Shelter.

“To have somebody of that significance visit our school shows how important Mater Dei-ville is to the school and the community. For instance, in November, we’ll be donating to three different charities with just one event,” Stratman said, referring to the canned food/money drive for

“It was the best way to start out the year,” according to Stratman. But he isn’t satisfied with just a good start. He’s looking forward to continuing to increase student council’s involvement and finishing the year strong.


In 2001, the Evansville Catholic High Schools initiated a program at Mater Dei and Reitz Memorial High Schools to recognize student leaders for their work and initiative as active scholars and community volunteers. What became known as the Tomorrow's Workforce Program included an outreach to the business community for support of our high schools and the future employees and commerce leaders of the Evansville community and beyond. Fifteen students from Mater Dei and 15 students from Memorial were invited to attend the luncheon where Dr. Mauro Prina, Director of Thermal Dynamics at SpaceX, was the guest of honor. A native of Italy, Dr. Prina has his Doctorate in Philosophy and Mechanical Engineering from Politecnico di Milano and his Post Doctorate in Mechanical Engineering from the California Institute of Technology. Dr. Prina is a lifelong learner and a man of profound Catholic faith. He encouraged the students and business leaders in attendance to never stop seeking new opportunities and information. The luncheon took place on Sept. 21, and raised over $90,000 for Mater Dei and Memorial High Schools with their key initiatives supported include technology, science and faculty development.


“It was the best way to start out the year.”





Mater Dei Theatre performed “Puffs” November 16th through 18th. Twenty students participated in the play with three evening performances and one school day performance. The performances were enchanting and hilarious. Puffs was well-loved by the audiences, some coming back for multiple nights! Photo Credit: N. Bender


Sizzling Summer Styles and Trends Revealed

for the love of


and all the special people in our lives

We hosted over 500 guests at our annual Grandparent’s Day/Special Person's Day. The day was filled with a celebration of Mass followed by a cookie reception in the back gym with plenty of photo opportunities and fellowship among families and friends.

by Father Christopher Droste ‘98, Priest Delegate

We are blessed to work in a place where our relationship with the Father is encouraged, where sharing our faith is all part of our work.” Donna Lefler, Business Teacher & Technology Dept. Chair

I’ve been impressed with both Mr. Schaefer’s lively engagement and rapport with the students along with their attentiveness, interest, and

respect when I engage with them. In response to our leadership’s decision to prioritize and enhance the professional development we provide our faculty and staff, we are presenting The Rescue Project to them over the course of the 2023-2024 school year as a foundational component of their ongoing formation. In the words of its authors, Fr. John Riccardo, and his Acts XXIX team, “We passionately believe that the most urgent task is the compelling proclamation of the gospel. One that not only shares it in an attractive – and concentrated – way, but that also offers people a way of seeing reality, and of making sense of the world, history, and life that is vastly different from the story our modern culture tells. Until this happens, the Christian faith is often experienced as a mere set of rules and disciplines, and simply going to church isn’t likely to lead a person to embark on the great adventure that is following Jesus and continuing his mission of the rescuing of this world.” Simply put, The Rescue Project is an experience of the gospel surrounded by conversation that seeks to proclaim it in a compelling and attractive way in a small group format.


In my effort to immerse myself more into the life of the school and contribute to its welfare, I’ve taken the initiative this fall semester to sit in Mr. Greg Schaefer’s (friend & classmate from Class of 1998) senior theology classes and compliment some of his instruction and dialogue with the students on the variety of subjects he covers with them.


world youth day by Tony Bacon, ‘91

World Youth Day was a gathering of young people from all over the world in Lisbon, Portugal, from Aug. 1 - 6. The international gathering was initiated in the mid 1980's by Pope John Paul II and is held every 2-3 years. There were approximately 1.5 million people at the closing Mass with Pope Francis, which essentially doubled the size of the capital city during the event. This year's theme "Mary arose, and went with haste (Luke 1:39)" was chosen by Pope Francis. Pope Francis noted during the event that the youth of the world showed that people from all backgrounds can come together in peace at a time when much of the world sees and expects only war. The event also demonstrated that there is strong interest and desire for religion among the youth of today and encouraged today's youth that they can, and do, carry on the mission of Jesus. Approximately 30 pilgrims from throughout the Diocese of Evansville, IN, made the trip to Portugal for the event. Junior Jordan Bacon and her father Tony Bacon ('91) joined the group after Jordan was introduced to the event by a friend from Ohio she had met at Catholic Heart Work Camp near Knoxville, TN, during the summer of 2022. During the 10-day trip, the group traveled to Fatima, Santarém, and Lisbon, Portugal.

In March, Mater Dei Savio members joined others around the Diocese in a trip to Italy. The group is named after St. Dominic Savio.

My favorite was Assisi. We visited many churches and important saint sites. We went to Italy to walk in the footsteps of the saints and grow in our faith,” senior Brett Wilkey said. “There was a strong devotion to Our Blessed Mother, Mary, throughout the entire trip.”


While in Italy, the group visited Rome, Assisi, Florence, and Turin. St. Dominic Savio was from Turin.


The Marching Wildcats ended the season with a 9th place finish at the Indiana State School Music Association's (ISSMA) State Finals on Oct. 28. Taking the field at Lucas Oil Stadium to


perform Everlasting marked the band’s 13th consecutive state finals performance. Season accolades included Drill on the Hill reserve grand champion, multiple first place finishes, and best drum major, best color guard, and best drumline awards.



Don’t miss out! Class of 1956 The Class of 1956 will be having their 68th reunion on October 19, 2024, at the Evansville Country Club. More information to come.

Class of 1960 Every Wednesday, the male graduates of Mater Dei's class of 1960 try to get together for lunch. Anybody who was or would-have-been in this class is welcome to join each Wednesday. For additional information, please email Leonard "Larry" Adams at

We want to help spread the word for your reunion and are happy to provide mailing labels and class lists to help your planning. Interested in scheduling a tour of the school and campus with your class? Let us know! We would love to host a tour as part of your upcoming reunion! Have you or your child changed addresses or emails? Had a recent life update? Let us know! We want to keep our records as updated as possible so classmates can reach out when the time comes to plan your reunion. Contact Mallory Hertel: 812-421-5727 x 405

Class of 1955 The Class of 1955 celebrated their 68th reunion at a luncheon on Saturday, Sept. 30. photo provided by Rose Breivogel

Class of 1956 The Class of 1956 gathered for their 67th class reunion at a luncheon on Saturday, Oct. 21. photo provided by Bob Koch

Class of 1973 The class of 1973 had a great turnout for their reunion in July at Venue 812. Cindy (Laib) Goebel, Cindy (Fleck) Rickhardt, Jim Dewig, Phil Eades, Barb (Laib) Simonson Jim Limberger, Larry Muensterman


Class of 1971: "Cheers to 70 years!" was the theme of the Sept. 30 birthday celebration for the Class of 1971. Attendees enjoyed reading the warm greetings from religious and political leaders, opening cards & gift bags from local businesses, and sharing many stories. "I enjoy getting together every year with all these good people," Kenny Feller said. photo by David Schmitt


Oh What a friend we have in

MRS. VALORIE DASSEL ‘92 Social Worker

The numbers are staggering. One in every seven students aged 10-19 globally experience a mental health condition, yet these remain largely unrecognized and untreated, according to the World Health Organization. Thankfully, students at Mater Dei have a valuable resource. Youth First social worker, Valorie (Hirsch) Dassel ‘92, works with our students in various ways to support their mental health. These include working with students individually, selective groups, and universally as a whole school population. Individual students who are dealing with life issues which interfere with their ability to be

their best selves in the classroom have access to Mrs. Dassel every school day. These meetings are provided at school in a confidential setting. Mrs. Dassel works with the students and families to manage situations/mental health struggles to allow them to deal with the issues while continuing to be successful academically, socially and emotionally. She also serves as a referral source for our families to community resources. Another valuable program Mrs. Dassel offers is an event called Fresh Beginnings which invites the upperclassmen to be leaders to our freshmen. The annual event allows for our upperclassmen to be trained to have conversations with

freshmen to help guide them through decision making throughout the next four years of high school. In addition, the event creates positive connections with peers who can support healthy decision making and offer advice. Mrs. Dassel also offers an Essential Life Management (ELM) class during the spring semester. In this class, students benefit from peer and social worker support every other day. The course focuses on skills to improve academics, creating and maintaining healthy relationships, effective communication skills, healthy coping skills, and good decision making skills. The ELM class creates a strong bond among the students in addition to a


Mrs. Dassel has 20 years of experience working with the students of Mater Dei and in that time she has built a rapport with our students that is unmatched. Students are comfortable speaking with her and the school believes that this support has changed the stigma of receiving help for mental health in addition to aiding in the success of our students. According to their website, “Youth First exists to transform and strengthen the lives of young people and their families. We are the only organization

that provides Masters level social workers in area schools and prevention programs for youth and families. On-site, free of charge behavioral health services and programs prevent substance abuse, improve family relationships and develop life skills.” The partnership we have with Youth First helps to ensure that we are a support system for all of our students, completely. The good work of Youth First goes beyond Mater Dei and helps serve over 50,000 students in the region. Our ties to the organization run deep including chair-elect for

the Youth First Board of Trustees is our very own Dan Hoefling ‘80. Judy T (Eisterhold) Griffin ‘60 and husband, Bob Griffin, were just recognized at Youth First’s Breakfast of Champions, a morning of reflection and celebration of all the good work made possible by the supporters who enable Youth First to change lives. We are so grateful for the work of Mrs. Dassel and Youth First in our Mater Dei community. SERVICE TO OTHERS

closer bond with the school.














Modeling a Heart for Christ The campus minister role at Mater Dei has been in place since former President Tad Dickel created the position in 2018. In that time, the role has grown to be a very important piece in cultivating the Catholic culture of Mater Dei. Miss Michaela Kunkler ‘17, took over the position this summer. In her role, she focuses on four main categories: planning liturgies and class retreats, recurring faith formation for students, faculty and staff, the service program, and student activities and resources. All-school masses are held twice a month with priests from around the diocese celebrating. During weeks that all-school masses are not being held, masses in the Chapel are offered usually on Wednesday mornings before school and the Divine Mercy Chaplet is prayed on Friday mornings. These opportunities are available to all students, faculty and staff. Miss Kunkler also helps plan retreats for each class at Mater Dei. Freshman Carter Seib helping pack rice at St. Vincent de Paul Food Pantry.

On Tuesdays, Father Tyler Tenbarge and some residents of the Father Deydier House of Discernment join us for our weekly Bible Study. Propaedeutic seminarians living at the house lead the Bible study for boys while Miss Kunkler leads the Bible study for girls. Once a month, the two groups combine to gain more insight into the scripture passages.

The seminarians and Kunkler also host Catholic trivia periodically during lunches and help with liturgies. “Enter to learn, go forth to serve” is more than a motto at Mater Dei–it’s a graduation requirement. Each student is required to complete twelve hours of service each year. Six hours are dedicated to the parish or church and the other six are performed at school or in the community. Of those hours, two must be intentionally focused on a Corporal Work of Mercy. The students are then instructed to write an essay reflecting on the service–how it affected others and how it impacted themselves.

Miss Kunkler also helps provide other opportunities for students to deepen their faith and grow spiritually: Students for Life Club, the National Youth Conference, and One Bread One Cup Conference.

Sophomore Brooklyn Helmer helps students at Resurrection’s Vacation Bible School.


So far this semester, nearly 3,000 service hours have been logged on the MobilServe app which the school uses to communicate service opportunities and help students track their hours.



preserving the mission for future generations The Mater Dei Friends & Alumni Association was created to preserve the tradition and advance the mission of Mater Dei for future generations.

If you’d like to learn about ways to be involved with the Mater Dei Friends & Alumni Association, please contact Mallory Hertel

Our mission is: “Go forth to serve by connecting the Mater Dei community.” Some of the initiatives MDFAA has been a part of recently or provides annual ongoing support to include: Financially supporting air conditioning the main gym Financially supporting the new tennis building Matching donor for the Dei of Giving every year Provides a gift to all graduating students Pays for the class composites for graduating seniors Provides breakfast at the senior retreat Provides faculty and staff Christmas bonuses Provides faculty and staff with appreciation days Hosts the Friends & Alumni golf outing Host various gatherings for alumni like the recent Young Alumni Night at Birdies in April Hosts teacher appreciation breakfast Gives out grants to teachers for their classrooms Gives out scholarships for graduating seniors

MDFAA Board President Weston Tenbarge ‘10 Vice President Lauren (Niemeier) Grossman ‘07 Treasurer Katie (Wildeman) Hess ‘12 Secretary Robin (Fehrenbacher) Rosbrugh ‘06 Members Wayne Emge ‘70 Kevin Moore ‘91 Jamie (Reese) Schiff ‘98 Andy Niemeier ‘06

Gina Goedde ‘93 Austin Knapp ‘12 Natalie (Emge) Sandefur ‘98 Billy Wayne ‘04 Katie (Roberts) Gretler ‘03 Dane Maurer ‘12 Catherine Schneider ‘14 Non-Voting Members Mallory (Goebel) Hertel ‘07 Deacon Dan Niemeier ‘80

young alumni DISTINGUISHED SERVICE AWARD WINNERS The Mater Dei Friends & Alumni Association recently recognized Jerry Kirchoff '70 and Kenny Miller '75 as this year's coDistinguished Service Award winners. Jerry and Kenny have dedicated thousands of hours of volunteer services over the years to Mater Dei and are always willing and happy to assist us with any of our building and grounds needs when called upon; in fact, they were on campus to assist with a project when the awards were presented. They are the epitome of who this award is set out to recognize and we thank them for their selfless dedication to Mater Dei through the years. If you see Jerry and Kenny, please congratulate and thank them for sharing their time and talents to benefit MD!


Jerry Kirchoff '70 and Kenny Miller '75




Friends Open Barker Brewhouse

Scott Schmitt ‘06 and Grant Davis (Memorial 2008 grad) opened up Barker Brewhouse in early 2023. Located on the west side and visible from the Lloyd Expressway, Barker Brewhouse is a craft beer tap house and nano brewery. It is both family and dog friendly, open 7 days a week. They have a daily lineup of food trucks and host trivia nights on Tuesdays.


Scott, left, and Grant, right, pictured with Leo, Barker Brewhouses’ famous mascot.


Alvey ‘80 Earns Volunteer Award Dr. Terry Alvey ‘80 was recently recognized as the University of Southern Indiana’s 2023 Volunteer of the Year. Dr. Alvey recently retired as a podiatrist and he currently serves on Mater Dei’s President’s Council. Dr. Alvey and his wife, Jean ‘80, reside in Evansville and continue to support numerous educational programs and non-profit organizations in the area.

Seib ‘50, Always a Proud Wildcat Ralph Seib ‘50 was from the first graduating class of Mater Dei, was a member of the first football team, and scored our first touchdown in school history! He still proudly supports the Wildcats with his door sign and football polo. He shares a hallway with another former member of the first football team.

Halbig ‘15 Studies Medicine in Grenada

Bender ‘02 Receives Rotary Recognition

Tyler Halbig ‘15 graduated from St. George University School of Medicine in June of 2023. During his time at St. George, he studied a year in Grenada, along with rotations in New Jersey, New York City, and Miami. He is currently a 1st year psychiatry resident at the University of Central Florida/HCA Florida Healthcare (Gainesville) Program in Gainesville, Florida. Postresidency, he plans to pursue a child and adolescent fellowship.

Lacy (Haller) Bender ‘02 was recently named to Rotary Club of Evansville’s 20 Under 40. Lacy is a Vice President in the Tax Department of Harding, Shymanski & Company in Evansville. She has worked for HSC for the last 17 years. Lacy and her husband, Jeff, are members of Resurrection Parish and have two daughters.


Professor Geoffrey Coates ‘85 was awarded the 2023 NAS Award for the Industrial Application of Science which honors original scientific work of intrinsic scientific importance and with significant, beneficial applications in industry.The following article is reprinted with permission from Cornell University.

“Coates’ research is recognized globally to be at the forefront of innovation in the development high-performance sustainable materials. It embodies how research in the College of Arts and Sciences is providing transformative, real-world solutions to fundamental environmental challenges,” said Rachel Bean, senior associate dean for math and science (A&S). Coates, the Tisch University Professor in the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology (A&S), is widely

recognized for his discovery of efficient synthetic processes to make important highperformance plastics from biorenewable resources. “Coates’ discoveries have revolutionized polymer recycling, materials for green hydrogen generation, and the synthesis of sustainable plastics,” said the prize committee in a statement.

Industrial Application of Science honors original scientific work of intrinsic scientific importance and with significant, beneficial applications in industry. It was established by the IBM Corporation in honor of Ralph E. Gomory.

“Coates’ research is recognized globally The committee cited Coates’ to be at the forefront contributions to new highof innovation in the performance materials, development highincluding the design of new polymeric materials for safe and performance sustainable practical energy conversion and storage applications. His materials.” most recent work has developed a novel multi-block polymer “that could revolutionize the recycling of plastic waste,” said the committee. The NAS Award for the

Rachel Bean, Senior Associate Dean for Math & Science


Chemist Geoffrey W. Coates will receive the 2023 National Academy of Sciences Award for the Industrial Application of Science. The award, which includes a $25,000 prize, will be presented during the NAS 160th Annual Meeting on April 30.


Don’t count me out.” by Molly Jane St.Clair Western Kentucky University senior journalism student photos by Mark Selders, Penn State Athletics

With 13 team state championships and 33 individual state championships, it may come as no surprise that one of the best wrestlers to come out of Indiana is a Wildcat. Penn State graduate and entrepreneur Nick Lee has come a long way since his time at Mater Dei High School, and as a highly decorated member of Team USA, Lee is a strong contender for the 2024 Olympic team. In 2014 and 2016, Lee finished top three two different years at state. In 2015, Lee won state in the 132lb weight class. During what would have been his senior year, Lee ended his high school career early to begin training at Penn State. During his time at Penn State, Lee won two NCAA wrestling individual titles and two NCAA wrestling team titles and became a four time AllAmerican. Following a long and tiring string of trials, he defeated Yianni Diakomahalis in Final X to make the World Team. After Lee defeated Jaiden

Eirmen, the number one seeded 141 lbs wrestler, to win the 2021 NCAA Title, he was asked what the win meant to him. “It means I won this year, but we’ll go on to next year and see what happens,” Lee responded. Then he won again, and again and again.

“He just does not quit.” Coach Greg Schaefer

The Lee name is obviously a popular one in the wrestling world. In fact, Lee has two younger brothers who currently wrestle at Penn State, senior Joe Lee and junior Matt Lee. As both brothers are former Indiana State Wrestling champions, it is clear that wrestling is a family affair. Naturally, the three brothers were always competitive growing up, but this was no hindrance. For Lee, he pulls strength from his family.

Winning is no stranger to Nick Lee. When Lee wrestles, it doesn’t matter who his competitor is; he just knows he needs to get the job done. By focusing on his own skills, Lee has come out on top even when some did not expect him to.

“You kind of have a built-in support system with two brothers that are going through the same things that you are,” Lee said. “I’m there for them and then they’re there for me in other ways as well. I think that having that built in support system is really important.”

“He would speak up when necessary, you know,” Head Wrestling Coach Greg Schaefer said. “He just didn’t really need to say anything. He just went out and did it.”

While being uplifted by friends and family is a key factor to Lee’s success, it was no easy task to build such a record and grow into the athlete that he is today. It took hours on end of practice, dedication and sacrifice.

From a young age, Schaefer recognized Lee’s resilience and determined mentality. “He just does not quit,” Coach Schaefer said. “One of his attributes was he would just keep going and keep going and then good things happen when you just keep working.”

“I work really hard and I put a lot of time and energy [into wrestling],” Lee said. “I sacrifice other parts of my life. So, it's nice whenever that stuff pays off with wins and getting closer to my goals.”


For many in the Mater Dei community, wrestling is more than a sport, it’s part of their DNA. As a known competitor and a force to be reckoned with, the school has built a legacy in the wrestling world.


would say it carries me as a human,” Lee said. “Faith is supposed to be number one in your life, and so I try to place that as a number one in my life, and then everything else will kind of form around that.” And everything else is seemingly falling into place.

However, every athlete possesses ambitions and routines outside of their sport that allows them to not only be a champion, but also grow into the person that they are. This is true for Lee as well. As much as he loves wrestling, he understands that it is not the end-all be-all. Outside of his time with team USA and Nittany Lion Wrestling Club, he studies for the Law School Admission Test (LSAT). Even though making the World Team set Lee back on preparation for the LSAT, law school is still part of his future aspirations. Additionally, as the founder and CEO of Wakinyan, his athletic apparel and clothing brand founded in 2022, Lee excels in entrepreneurship.

Wakinyan is a Native American word that translates to “thunderbird” or “thunder spirit.” In an article by Mara McKeon in Onward State, a blog by Penn State students, Lee said that he hopes to open up Name Image Likeness (NIL) opportunities for college athletes. Overall, he said he wants Wakinyan to be for everyone.

Although the USA still has to qualify in Lee’s weight class and then take on the Olympic trials, Lee is a promising candidate to represent the USA in Paris. “I think most people would have said that they would not have had me being on the world team this past year, and I ended up doing that,” Lee said. “So I would say my chances [to make the olympic team] are pretty good.”

While Lee has a surplus of supporters when he is on the mat, he has also seen support for his business, having received many orders from the Evansville area.

The 141 lbs weight class is a highly competitive field, but Lee has one thing to say, “Don’t count me out.”

Despite all the wins and successes outside of athletics, the place he finds the most peace and strength is in his faith.

be number one in your

“Well I wouldn’t say that my faith carries me as an athlete, I

else will kind of form

“Faith is supposed to life, and so I try to place that as a number one in my life, and then everything around that.”


A LEGACY OF SCIENCE THE RANDY DICK ‘78 ENDOWMENT the annual distributions set to benefit the science department.

Randy Dick ‘78 taught physics and math at Mater Dei until he was forced to leave in 2005 because of challenges with his kidney disease. Randy unfortunately lost his battle and passed away in 2013. After his passing, Randy’s father, Tom Dick ‘54, sisters Karen ‘82 and Kathy ‘89, brother, Dr. Tim Dick ‘76 along with Tim’s wife, Martha ‘78 and daughter, Julia ‘06, decided they wanted to create a legacy and honor Randy and his dedication to the students of Mater Dei. The Randall J. Dick Science Endowment was created with

Friend and colleague, Mr. Stephen Rode recalled fondly his friend, “Behind his perceived stoic demeanor was one of the funniest individuals I've ever met. As his health deteriorated, he tried as long as he could to continue working... He endured long hours of dialysis treatment several times a week for many long hours after school just so he could continue teaching here.” Carl Voegel, retired MD biology teacher, admired Randy and his dedication to the students. After his passing, Carl saw first hand the legacy that was created through the endowment and how it provided much-needed funding to our science department, recognizing that it will do so for generations to come. “Randy was as sincere in his fundamental approach . . .as any faculty member that we

have ever had on staff. From competing in the National Science Fair Competition in California during his senior year as a Mater Dei student to the multitudes of students that he prepared for college physics courses, Randy showed a deep commitment to learning and teaching. The endowment, established by his family and supported by friends to honor him, is continuing to grow and is an enduring way to support the Mater Dei Science Department. He truly loved teaching math and physics and truly loved Mater Dei High School.” This year marks the 10th anniversary of Randy’s passing. He would have turned 64 on Oct. 28. If you would like to honor Randy while simultaneously supporting our students, please consider making a contribution to his endowment.

THE ENDOWMENT IMPACT Endowments are just one of the many ways to provide support for Mater Dei and leave a lasting legacy. No legacy gift is too small or insignificant to make a difference. An endowment provides sustainable income to Mater Dei in perpetuity. There are going to always be unforeseeable challenges, but with legacy giving options such as endowments in place, Mater Dei is able to sustain these challenges and be well-prepared for tomorrow.













Available for Distribution




This chart gives a glimpse into the real impact that everyday supporters of Mater Dei have been making.

Gary ‘76 and Kim Alles Ronald ‘64 and Margaret (Bradley) ‘66 Angermeier John Barthel ‘65 Maurice ‘60 and Cherie (Berendes) ‘60 Berendes Steve ‘65 and Judy Blankenberger Rose (Brenner) Breivogel ‘55 Allan Crane ‘59 James † and Rosalie Dunkel Fr. James Endress † Harold ‘51 † and Sylvia (Niemeier) ‘53 † Gossman Michael ‘78 and Melissa Gossman Jerry ’60 and Pamela (Heathcotte) ’60 † Gries Jeremy ‘98 and Jennifer Herrmann Scott Herrmann ‘01 William † and Carroll Knight Connie (Crane) Schnapf ‘63




ANNUAL FUND CO-CHAIRS We give to the Annual Fund for several reasons, but most importantly, we believe in following Christ's teachings about caring for each other. Your gift benefits not only students, but the Mater Dei community as a whole. As a physics teacher at Mater Dei, I have been fortunate to see first-hand the benefits of your past Annual Fund support in the classroom through recent equipment purchases. This investment in cutting edge technology enhances Mater Dei's ability to educate students both academically and spiritually. Those students will then carry that knowledge and character with them into the workforce. Our hope is that you will generously support Mater Dei's tradition of excellence with a gift to the 2023-2024 Annual Fund which will allow me and my fellow teachers to continue the mission of educating students with strong Christian values.”

Vince ‘80 & Julie (Little) ‘82 Schu Julie teaches physics at Mater Dei. Vince is the team leader for the Project Cargo Division at Ceres Barge Line.

PAST ANNUAL FUND CHAIRS Mike ’92 and Lisa Weber 2022-2023 Co-Chairs Jim ‘95 & Amy ’96 Schroeder 2021-2022 Co-Chairs Mater Dei Faculty & Staff 2020-2021 Chairs Brett ‘08 & Sara ‘08 Bueltel 2019-2020 Co-Chairs Ryan ‘98 & Hallie ‘04 Scheu 2018-19 Co-Chairs Andy ‘06 & Elyse ‘06 Niemeier 2017-18 Co-Chairs Matt ‘96 & Amanda ‘97 Bohleber 2016-17 Co Chairs Jake ‘02 & Katie Schiff 2015-16 Co-Chairs Rev. David Nunning 2014-15 Chair

Butch ‘66 & Linda Feulner 2013-14 Co-Chairs Jim ‘88 & Ingrid ‘95 Stratman 2012-13 Co-Chairs Mark ‘70 & Monie ‘70 Freeman 2011-12 Co-Chairs Ira Gerard ‘72 & Terry ‘72 Boots 2010-11 Co-Chairs Shirley Knapp ‘50 2009-10 Chair Maurice Berendes ‘60 2008-09 Chair Steve Eickhoff ‘73 2007-08 Chair Dan Niemeier ‘80 2006-07 Chair Steve Moore ‘65 2005-06 Chair

Ron Hollander ‘59 2004-05 Chair Jim Will, Jr. ‘76 2003-04 Chair Ed Knapp ‘59 2002-03 Chair Andy Goebel ‘65 2001-02 Chair

“As each one has received a gift, use it to serve one another as good stewards of God’s varied grace.” 1 PETER 4:10

ANNUAL FUND PROJECTS Total Unrestricted Goal=$400,000 Spiritual Enrichment Programs Building & Grounds $50,000 $150,000 Faculty and Student Retreats Athletic Fields Entrance Catholic Identity Enhancements Enhancements Security Enhancements Facility Maintenance

Academics & Activities $200,000 Faculty and Staff support Youth First Social Worker Interactive Whiteboards Classroom Seating Enhancements


Dollar Amount


Tuition & Fees Parish Assessment Development Other Income

$ 3,898,773

$ 72,158

70% 16% 13% 1%

Total Revenues *

$ 5,581,137


$ 895,851 $ 714,354


Dollar Amount


Salaries & Benefits

$ 4,323,236



$ 831,671


Student Support

$ 349,959


Total Expenses * Net Income *

$ 5,504,867


Total Cost Per Student ** 1st

$ 10,944

Student Tuition & Fees

$ 8 ,735

* Does not include Emergency Assistance for Non Public Schools (EANS), Homeland Security Grant or Capital Expenditures ** The actual cost of educating a student is $10,944 per year. Approximately 31% of student costs are provided by parish assessment support and development efforts. The national average tuition for Catholic high schools is $11,900 per year. The national average private high school tuiton is $14,375 per year. Mater Dei's tuition is significantly lower due to parish, alumni, and community financial support. Thank you for all you do to provide a Catholic Education for many students in our community.


$ 76,270



EVENT SPONSORS ECHS TRADITION CLASSIC Gold Sponsors Deaconess Health System Harding, Shymanski & Co Bourbon Sponsor Liquor Locker Team Sponsors Alliant Mechanical Archer Insurance Ascension Medical Group Black Equipment Brad Williams Capital Electric Donaldson Capital Management Donut Bank Bakeries, Inc. D-Patrick, Inc. Empire Contractors Enviroplas, Inc. Fourth Street Solutions German American Gribbins Insulation Hermann, Daniel Scott Koch Air, LLC Lensing Building Specialties Old National Bank Schiff Air Conditioning and Heating Shepherd Insurance Thompson Oak Partners Ziemer, Stayman, Weitzel & Shoulders LLP

Tee Box Sponsors Ashley Home Store Azzip Pizza Chapman Law PopeCo, Inc. ProRehab Thompson Oak Partners Tri-State Orthopaedics MDFAA GOLF SCRAMBLE

Alles Brothers Alliant Mechanical Services, Inc Altstadt Hoffman Plumbing Service Andrew E. Goebel Azzip Pizza Blankenberger Brothers, INC Brian Goebel Butch & Linda Feulner Capital Electric, Inc. Class of 1964 Donut Bank Bakeries, Inc. Fehrenbacher Cabinets, Inc. First Advantage Insurance, Chris Will Freeman, Will & Niemeier, Inc. Happe and Dubord Construction, LLC Hasgoe Helfrich Realtors Hoosier Home Improvement John and Jane Hodge Johnson, Carroll, Norton, & Kent, P.C.

Lappe Heating & Air Conditioning, Inc. Lehman Roofing, Inc. Louisville Tile MaddenCo Matt Folz Midwest Mechanical Services, Inc. Midwest Roofing-Sheet Metal Mike Hayden N. M. Bunge, Inc. Oakwood Mutual Insurance Company Ohio Valley Insulation Company, Inc. Paul's Menswear Paul's Pharmacy Pierre Funeral Home, Inc. Pinnacle Contractors, Inc. Pioneer Plastics Professional Eyecare Associates Dr. Todd Niemeier '91 Dr. Morgan Hussmann Dr. Rachel Rexing-Thacker '10 ProRehab Siemers Glass Company, Inc. Southern Indiana Tool & Machine Inc TNT Karaoke Tom Gant Trivalance Trivalence Technologies LLC Wayne and Diane Emge

TOMORROW'S WORKFORCE Shareholder Ascension St. Vincent Evansville Koch Foundation, Inc. Partner Deaconess Hospital Old National Bank Principal Enviroplas, Inc. Evansville Regional Business Committee, Inc. Harding, Shymanski & Co., P.S.C. Kahn, Dees, Donovan & Kahn, LLP SS&C Techologies Tucker Publishing Group University of Evansville

Investor Azzip Pizza Berry Global Cosgrove, Andrew J. Goebel, Andy Happe & Dubord Construction, LLC Hermann Family Foundation Lamey, Dennis Patrick ProRehab, PC Robinson, David K. South Central Inc

Associate Banterra Bank Anchor Industries Bill and Sarah Vieth Brockman, Matthew Jerome Bussing - Koch Foundation, Inc. Catholic Diocese of Evansville Donut Bank Bakeries, Inc. Dunn Hospitality Group First Bank Freeman, Will & Niemeier, Inc. Greg Riedford Hahn Kiefer Real Estate Happe & Sons Construction Hoefling, Daniel Indiana Cardinal J W Associates School Equipment Specialists, Inc. Keller Schroeder Keller, Jim Midwest Roofing-Sheet Metal NFP Nunning, Father David H Orthopaedic Associates, Inc. Pierre Funeral Home Schultheis Insurance Agency Sign Crafters, Inc. The Hollander Group at Baird Thyme in the Kitchen Traylor Construction Group/Sterling Industrial Tri-State Orthopaedics University of Southern Indiana Water Street Partners Wolking, Christopher Ziemer Funeral Home, Inc.

Member All in the Family Dental Angermeier, Ronald W. Aramark Corporation Blake, Michael Capital Electric, Inc. Daily, Mark Diehl Consulting Feulner, Butch German American Hafer Associates PC Hasgoe Cleaning Systems Henderson Chevrolet/Faupel, Ronald Henning, Wayne F. Libs Finer Chocolates Inc. Manion Stigger, LLP Midwest Mechanical Services Niehaus Lumber Niemeier, Norb & Madonna Perkins, Jane Promark Reffett, Michael W. Riverside Capital Management Group Shetler Moving & Storage, Inc. Southwestern Healthcare, Inc. Sterling United Federal Credit Union Thomas, Stephen Will, Jim & Karen Wooten, Drs. William and Mona





in memoriam June 01 - Oct. 31, 2023 Alumni Mildred “Millie” (Schnur) Alldredge ‘53 Evansville IN 08/26/2023 Leonard J. Angermeier ‘53 Evanvsille IN 06/26/2023 Colleen M. (Adams) Behme ‘57 Evansville IN 09/22/2023 Andrew Bradley '98 Owyee NV 07/30/2023 Paul R. Cheaney ‘53 Dunnellon FL 06/22/2023 Sarah (McGill) Corbin ‘60 Evansville IN 09/02/2023 Brenda M. (Ziliak) Cross '62 Evansville IN 10/27/2023 John W. Dezember, III '52 Evansville IN 05/31/2023 Merle Effing ‘52 Tucson AZ 06/22/2023 Barbara (Joyce) Flittner '62 Orlando FL 08/27/2023 Brock Happe '91 Evansville IN 10/24/2023 Catherine (McBride) Jefferson '80 Evansville IN 05/10/2023 Suzanne “Suzie” (Gruner) Kiefer ‘56 Selvin IN 09/15/2023 Mary Joan (Wannemuehler) Knapp ‘58 Evansville IN 09/20/2023 Robert F. Lamkin ‘64 Evansville IN 07/14/2023 Theresa (Kohut) Lintzenich ‘72 Indianapolis IN 06/16/2023 John J. Lorber ‘55 Bremen IN 10/04/2023 Annette (Wolf) Lynch ‘78 Evansville IN 10/20/2023 Bernice (Glaser) Marx '60 Elberfeld IN 08/12/2023 Francis Leo Miller, Jr. '63 Peoria AZ 05/22/2023 Jerome R. “Jerry” Muensterman ‘79 Evansville IN 08/07/2023 Sister Rose Ann Muller '50 Louisville KY 10/19/2023

Robert “Bob” Russler ‘58 Evansville IN 06/26/2023 David A. Spaetti ‘71 Evansville IN 09/26/2023 Carolyn (Taylor) Stagg '58 Evansville IN 06/19/2023 Catherine M. Tavormina ‘80 Ogden UT 06/09/2023 Donald “Don” W. Tindle ‘65 Evansville IN 09/12/2023 Wilfred J. “Bill” Wannemueller ‘55 Evansville IN 08/28/2023 Patricia Ann (Hulsey) Frohbieter West ‘68 Evansville IN 10/05/2023 James Winiger '63 Evansville IN 05/21/2023 Past Parent: William “Bill” Roger Brown, Sr. Evansville IN 10/24/2023 James A. Kohl Evansville IN 09/03/2023 Robert “Bob” L. Koressel Evanville IN 08/22/2023 Robert M. Lehman Evansville IN 07/30/2023 Katherine E. MacGregor Evansville IN 10/30/2023 William “Bill” Stratman Evansville IN 06/17/2023 LaVern Ann Tenbarge Evansville IN 10/22/2023 Patrick Weigman Elm Grove WI 09/26/2023 Benjamin Leo Weinzapfel Evansville IN 09/06/2023 Mary Ann Zenthoefer Evansville IN 10/01/2023 Friends Lora Faye Alstadt 07/27/2023 Thomas J. Barron 09/17/2023 Mary Jo Fitzsimmons 09/26/2023 Deacon James F. Flynn 09/05/2023 Barton L. Gooch 08/20/2023 James W. Hagedorn, Sr 09/19/2023 Sister Corita Hoffman 06/27/2023

Elizabeth F. (Pfingston) May 10/29/2023 Ernest “Leroy” Miller 08/21/2023 James O’Risky 08/05/2023 Raymond A. Scheller 09/15/2023 Donald “Donnie” Schweikarth 06/21/2023 Sister Paulette Seng 06/12/2023 Robert “Bob” Charles Watson 08/27/2023 Larry R. White, Sr 07/14/2023 Janet Ziliak 10/02/2023 Corrections Gerald “Buddy” Parkinson ‘76 St. Philip IN 04/18/2023

“Let not your hearts be troubled; believe in God, believe also in me. 2 In my Father’s house are many rooms; if it were not so, would I have told you that I go to prepare a place for you? 3 And when I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to myself, that where I am you may be also.” JOHN14:1-3


Ave Maria Society Member Ira Brandon Boots '98 Evansville IN 08/08/2023


in honor/memory of In Honor of Mr. Andrew Goebel ‘65 South Central Inc. In Memory of Gerard “Gerry” Ellspermann ‘70 Pam Ellspermann In Memory of Patricia Lou Hartz ‘59 Anonymous Jan and Kenneth Adler Donald and Patricia Bashaw Sara Ellert Ed Knapp, Sr Patricia Miller Novack Chris and Patricia Will In Memory of Walter D. Neale ‘52 Laura Neale Mary Lue (Neale) Russler In Memory of Rita M. (Schenk) Helfrich ‘51 Russell and Mary Jo Borst In Memory of Susan (Bauer) Durbin ‘56 In Memory of Patricia Lou Hartz ‘59 In Memory of Catherine (Pepper) Hoffman ‘56 In Memory of Suzanne “Suzie” (Gruner) Kiefer ‘56 In Memory of Mary (Toelle) Lutz ‘56 In Memory of Barbara Ann (Berry) Schaefer ‘56 In Memory of Robert F. Weinzapfel ‘56 Mater Dei Class of 1956 In Memory of Robert F. Weinzapfel ‘56 Anonymous

In Memory of Eugene “Gene” Wannemuehler ‘72 Terry and Angela Sue Stumpf In Memory of Linda Folz Eric and Jennifer Folz In Memory of Sylvia (Niemeier) Gossman ‘53 Anonymous In Memory of Agnes Elaine Wink Anonymous In Memory of Allen W. Tenbarge Anonymous In Memory of Johnny and William “Bill” Blankenberger and Judy Brown Lawrence “Larry” Blankenberger In Memory of Thomas “Tom” Wannemuehler ‘90 In Honor of Jackson '21, Hayden '25 and Morgan '26 Wannemuehler Amy and John Blackketter In Memory of Rosemary Freeman Anonymous Tom and Debbie Borries Lesa and Joe Carr Nancy and Ronald Dame Dr. Timothy A. Dickel Robert and Mary Kay Fehrenbacher Mark and Debbie Fehrenbacher Jennifer and Eric Folz Erin and Jim Gidcumb

Michael and Melanie Goebel Rita and Kenny McAtee Kathy and Rusty Miller Kevin and Erin Moore Glen and Ann Muehlbauer Deacon Dan and Laura Niemeier Norb and Madonna Niemeier Steve and Stephanie Niemeier Sandra Raben Mike and Michele Reffett Melanie Richardt Bill and Margie Schenk Terry and Angela Sue Stumpf Alan and Kathryn Tenbarge Carol and V. Wayne Turner Bob and JoAnn Weber James and Karen Will, Jr. In Memory of Harlene (Nicholson) Warner ‘56 John Warner In Memory of Margie (Will) Quates ‘66 Kathleen Newton-Lewis In Memory of Keith Blaser Tommy & Janet Wilson In Memory of Ronald Steinkamp ‘60 Jan and Ken Adler Jackie and Bill Alford Jack and Phyllis Corn Betty and David Cummings Jerry and Dianne David Jon and Tracey David Kenneth Ellsperman Diane and Tony Folz Patricia Greer Linda & Charles Grimwood Paul and Shirley Harper Carolyn and Fred Lamble Shirley McDowell

in honor/memory of

In Memory of Rose Ellen Unfried Anonymous In Memory of Gerald “Buddy” Parkinson ‘76 Gary and Kim Alles Cynthia and David Altstadt Charlene Altstadt Keri and Steven Anslinger Jane and Jim Balbach Joe and Mary Bassemier, Jr Theresa and Ira Boots Rose Breivogel Teresa and Terry Brown William R. Brown Karen and Ron Brown James and Mary Brown Donald G. Brown Julie and Scott Buedel Cathy and Max Bullock Angela and Kevin Burkeen Charlie and Terrie Coughlin Gayle and Larry Cowan Karla and Jerry Deweese John and Jeanne Dewig Charles and Anita Eickhoff Mary Ann and Mark Eickhoff Peter and Jodi Fehrenbacher Sara and Rich Fischer Michele and Don Fleming Tom and Delores Folz Glenn Goebel Michael and Melanie Goebel Gary and Cindy Goebel John and Amy Goebel, Jr Larry and Carol Goedde Julia and Joseph Greubel Edith Hagan Georgia Hartmann Jennie Head Jill Hedderich Rebecca and R. Randall Helfrich Michelle and Mark Herrmann Mallory and Kyle Hertel Monica Horstman Linda and Danny Kares

Mark and Ann Kempf Paul L. Kempf Mike and Jennifer Kempf Cheri and John King Bertha Michelini David and Susan Montgomery Dorothy A. Morris Tony and Debbie Morrow Mary Jo and Don Musgrave Pam and Paul Naab Deacon Dan and Laura Niemeier Nancy Norman Margie Orman Thomas R. Peck Tom and Sara Petrig Jim and Lori Pierre Susie and Gary Pierre Posey County Democratic Party James and Judi Raben Kent and Laura Reddington Terri and Norman Reibold Carol and Rusty Reising Frank and Laura Schaefer Michael G. Schapker Mary T. and Robert Scheller Peggie Schnur Diana and Scott Schoettlin Janice and Larry Schuble Earl and Ruth Ann Scott Sherri and Jeff Scott Tom and Tammy Spahn Tracy Sparks St. Philip Conservation Club Jennifer and Tom Tekoppel Brian and Maria Elena Thompson Julianna and Timothy Voelker Joyce and Jim Wagner Kathleen Wannemuehler Dennis and Holly Wargel Terri and Dave Weber Mark and Jane Weinzapfel Chris and Viki Weinzapfel Mike Weinzapfel Julie and Greg Weinzapfel Rita and Ron Weinzapfel Jonathan and Patricia Weinzapfel Gene and Julie Whorl Bud and Mary Wildeman Michele and Jeff Wildeman Larry and Alice Wildeman Chris and Patti Will

Curt Wolf Karen and David Worthy Brooke and Daniel Ziegler In Memory of Robert M. Dezember, Sr Margaret E. (Betty) Grose Ron Head Rebecca and Randall Helfrich Linda and Danny Kares Deacon Dan and Laura Niemeier Patty and Michael Reising Teri and Ken Schneider David and Sandra Stuckey In Memory of: Gary Seidl ‘67 Stanley Weber ‘67 May Ann (Stock) Yestingsmeier '67 Mater Dei Class of 1967 In Honor of Ed Knapp, Sr. ‘59 Alexandra & Andrew Rodman In Memory of Judy (Seibert) Knapp ‘59 Alexandra & Andrew Rodman In Memory of Angela R. (Orth) Marx Anonymous In Memory of John V. Goebel, Sr Rose Backes Mater Dei Class of 1962 In Memory of Gary Reasor ‘62 Mater Dei Class of 1962 In Memory of Theresa (Kohut)

Lintzenich ‘72 Anonymous Terri Blazier Theresa and Ira Boots Donald and Rebecca Fuchs Kohut Family Gary and Letha Lannert Roberta and Michael Weinzapfel Michele and Jeff Wildeman


Mary Ann & Gary C. Metz Todd and Babs Niemeier Thomas & Marilyn Southwood Betty Steinkamp


in honor/memory of In Memory of Robert “Bob” Russler ‘58 Tom and Debbie Borries Rose Breivogel Daniel and Jean Dick Mallory and Kyle Hertel Kathleen Ising Kathleen and Barry Lewis Teresa and Ralph Mangold Deacon Dan and Laura Niemeier Melissa and Erich Pfafflin and Family Mary Lue (Neale) Russler Robert and Mary Scheller Robert and JoAnn Weber In Memory of Carl F. and Rosemary (Woods ‘51) Voegel Carl and Jean Voegel In Memory of Robert F. Lamkin ‘64 Danny and Linda Kares In Honor of Thomas L. McBride Pam Eaton In Honor of David and Betty Cummings’ 50th Wedding Anniversary Alan and Sharon Ripplemeier In Memory of Ira Brandon Boots ‘98 Jan and Ken Adler Jimmy and Kelley Alldredge Gary and Kim Alles Margaret and Ronald Angermeier Anonymous Jerry and Pat Anslinger Jon Austin Matt and Pauline Bartek Barbara and James Baumann Mike Baumann Jon Baumann Nicole and Tim Baumgart

Randy and Linda Becker Brent and Cinda Beeler Berry Global Corporation Jennifer and Matthew Bishop Steven and Judy Blankenberger Timothy and Theo Boots Ginger Boots Alan and Sharon Braun Peggy Bruning Tom and Diane Buskavitz Melissa and Erik Chandler Jack and Phyllis Corn Corpus Christi School, Faculty and Staff Betty and David Cummings Brylee Delano Department of Physical Therapy, University of Evansville John and Jeanne Dewig Dr. Timothy Dickel Bridget and Randy Dickerson Becky and Phil Dosher Michael and Nancy Drake Richard and Rebecca Elbrink, Jr Kenny and Barb Elpers Diane and Wayne Emge Karen Fabiano Mary Kay and Robert Fehrenbacher Andrea Fehrenbacher Peter and Jodi Fehrenbacher Butch and Linda Feulner Marc and Cindy Fine Nancy Fischer Glenn and Judith Fischer Matthew and Kristen Folz Ramona and Mark Freeman Marcia and Steven Frey Rebecca and Donald Fuchs Fusion 09 Softball Team Gary Gard Guy and Kim Gentry Kim and Rose Gerth Joseph Gleberman Michael and Melanie Goebel Gary and Cindy Goebel Andy and Darlene Goebel

John and Amy Goebel, Jr Carol and Larry Goedde Patrick and Kathi Goen Michelle and Jeff Goetz Family Tammy Goodman Kim and William Gunn Karole and Daniel Gutzweiler H.G. McCullough Designers Paula Haller Harding, Shymanski & Co., P.S.C. Beverly and Stephen Helfert Randall and Rebecca Helfrich Heritage Petroleum, LLC Joe and Kalyn Herrmann Mallory and Kyle Hertel Heather and Brian Hertel Cynthia Heseman Amy and Bob Hisch Gilbert and Marcia Jochem Tim Julian Kahn, Dees, Donovan & Khan, LLP Keepes Family Jeremy and Libby Kiesel Hannah and Mark Kirkman Chris and Sonya Kirwer Shelly and Kent Kleiman Edward Knapp, Sr Susan Koewler Ruby Koressel Shirley Kubinski Letha and Gary Lannert Ernie Lovell Sara and Ron Luigs Becky and Ed Maier Jim and Cindy Mallory Charles and Rebecca Martin Sue and Mel Martin Mary and Ed May Carolyn McClintock Scott and Mindy McDurmon Jeff and Natalie McDurmon Rachel and Brandon Meeks Lindsey and Ben Mehringer Mel-Kay Jeff and Cindy Meyer Aaron Meyer Rusty and Kathy Miller

in honor/memory of Roger and Carol Linn Sergesketter Sara and Jeff Sexton Brian Shouse David and Christy Shouse Janet and Christopher Siemers Mike and Betty Jean Sitzman Scott and Beth Slaton Dustin and Sarah Slaton Logan and Danielle Slaton Ann and Steve Southwell Hilda Spahn Stevens Family Farms Ingrid and James Stratman Jeff and Misty Thomas Debbie Thomas Shawn and Susan Thomas Thompson Thrift Development, Inc Judith Trainer Carol and V. Wayne Turner John and Jean Turner Jennifer and Ross Vaughn Kristin and Tim Vetter Jerry and Annie Wargel Robert and JoAnn Weber Tim and Tonya Weinzapfel Paul and Natalie Weis Michele and Jeff Wildeman Jim and Karen Will, Jr Jody and Wes Wilmes Andy and Mary Woehler Priscilla and Mark Wolf Joy Wolfe Karen and David Worthy Megan Wright Tina and Joe Wright In Memory of Mary Joan (Wannemuehler) Knapp ‘58 Anonymous Tim and Brenda Born Rose Breivogel Justin and Shirley Clements Ann and Chris Harper Dale and Marty Hillenbrand JoAnn Laugel Jane and Larry Mesker

Kevin Murphy Janie and Ron Nally Deacon Dan and Laura Niemeier Norma Sue Rode Mary Lue (Neale) Russler Michael and Yvonne Wannemuehler In Memory of: Frances (Russler) Lively ‘54 MaryLou (Russler) Ulrich Carole A. (Altstadt) Reising ‘58 Carolyn Ann (Taylor) Stagg Sister Mary Victor Kercher Mary Ann Zenthoefer In Honor of Sister Mary George Kissel’s 100th Birthday Mary Lue (Neale) Russler

“so that, just as sin exercised dominion in death, so grace might also exercise dominion through justification leading to eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” ROMANS 5:21


Jill and Mike Moser Jim and Mary Kay Muehlbauer Gary and Patty Mueller Angela and Matt Mulherin and Family Steve and Stephanie Niemeier Deacon Dan and Laura Niemeier Todd and Babs Niemeier Jeff and Linda O’Risky Mary Oliver Thomas and Cynthia Pate Mike Peak Jim and Lori Pierre Susie and Gary Pierre Margaret and Randy Ploch Mike and Mary Reese Mike and Michele Reffett Carol and Rusty Reising Ruth Richmond Right to Life of SW Indiana Roy J. Ritzert Ronald and Connie Romain S & S Farms Diane and Mark Sammet Frank and Laura Schaefer Janet and Steven Schapker Scott Schapker Kathy and Daniel Schenk Dick and Lucy Schenk Jacob Schiff Bob and Cathy Schiff Adam and Jamie Schiff Mark and Judy Schiff Jan and Jim Schiff Casi and James Schiff, Jr Amy and Mark Schlachter Andy Schmidtz Michael and Laurie Schopmeyer Janice and Larry Schuble Schultheis Insurance Agency Gene and Kathy Scott Sherri and Jeffrey Scott James and Jan See Gerald and Patricia Seib Emilie and Richard Seib


honor roll of donors July 1, 2022-June 30, 2023 Immaculate Assembly $10,000 + Anonymous Steven '61 & Colleen Aichle Terence '80 & Jean '81 Alvey Steven '65 & Judy Blankenberger Ira Gerard '72 & Terry '72 Boots Alan '62 & Sharon Braun Christine and Terry Clements Allan Crane '59 Butch '66 & Linda Feulner Fr. James R. Endress Charitable Fund Robert '56 & Cynthia Koch Mater Dei Friends & Alumni Association Mary Kay '58 & James Muehlbauer David '70 & Darlene '70 Robinson Victoria '09 & Bryan Ruder Robert & Lindsey Spicuzza Jerome Weinzapfel † West Side Nut Club Rev. Joseph Ziliak † The Monsignor Lautner League $5,000 - $9,999 Jay '93 & Sarah '93 Adams Gary '76 & Kim Alles Matthew '96 & Amanda '97 Bohleber Dr. Timothy Dickel James & Rosalie Dunkel Michael '78 & Melissa Gossman John '59 & Donna '61 Hamilton Koch Foundation, Inc. M. Andrew '00 & Kathryn '01 Lannert Steven & Vernie Luigs Mater Dei Men's Club Paul '67 & Nancy '67 Mayer Deacon Daniel '80 & Laura '80 Niemeier Deacon Richard '50 † & Joan '50 Preske

Frank & Laura Schaefer Mary Ann Schapker Michael '92 & Lisa Weber The Father Dewig Fellowship $2,500 - $4,999 Berry Global Patrick & Beth Blankenberger Bristol-Myers Squibb Foundation, Inc. Dr. Laura Finch and Mr. Phillip Mortis Andrew '65 & Darlene '64 Goebel Larry '65 & Carol '65 Goedde Eric Gries '88 Andrew '95 & Anna Hart Ascension Health Karen '75 & Keith Hinderliter John Hoos '58 Edward Knapp '59 Ann '97 & Glen Muehlbauer Mark '80 & Jane '81 Weinzapfel Melba '85 & Wayne Wilderman Queen's Court $1,000-$2,400 Carolyn '65 & Gary Adler Teri '84 & David Albin Chip '03 & Megan '03 Altstadt Ronald '64 & Margaret '66 Angermeier David Baehl '58 Joan '71 & Randall Bauer David '67 & Jane '68 Baumgart Brandon '98 † & Lindsey Boots Virgil '64 Brenner Cherie '75 & Jerry Burgdorf Mary Ellen Coates Jack '60 & Phyllis '72 Corn Shirley Daley '57 Patrick '75 & Rita Debes Donald Deig Joseph '75 & Patricia '75 Dewig John '60 & Marie Emrich Rita '55 & Dick Eykamp Tony '94 & Jessica Fehrenbacher

Robert '71 & Nancy '71 Fischer Matthew '91 & Kristen '91 Folz V. Ray '60 & Kathy '65 Funke The Hollander Group Dianne and Dan Gardner Steven '66 & Mary Helen Gerteisen Jerry Gries '60 Judy '60 & Robert Griffin Happe & Sons Construction Tricia '86 & Jeffrey Henning David '61 & Mary Herrmann Brian '92 & Heather '92 Hertel Wade '80 & Karen Hickam Dale '58 & Marty Hillenbrand David '73 & Mindy Jochem Gilbert & Marcia Jochem Rebecca '75 & Richard Johnson Ted '84 & Anglea Kares Berta Kares '64 Harold '54 & Shirley Kempf Barbara '50 & Wayne Kent Clarence '60 & Joanne Kirby James Kissel '00 Edward '85 & Jacqueline '85 Knapp Lawrence '59 & DiAnne '60 Kremer Jason '01 & Jenna Kuester Dustin '98 & Alisha '97 Lannert Kati '01 & Craig Love Tim Mahoney Mater Dei Class of 1957 Timothy '87 and Cynthia '89 Marx Kenneth '75 & Janice Miller George & Dianne Moll Stephen '65 & Rita '66 Moore Ellen '76 & Eric Mullen Carol '74 & Robert Neisen Brent '88 & Tricia Neitzke Thomas '55 & Joan '55 Niemeier Lacey '09 & Adam Nix OneMain Financial James '89 & Lori '89 Pierre Barbara Price '62 Kent '77 & Laura '80 Reddington

honor roll of donors

Royal Gold Society $500-$999 Claire Alvey '12 Daniel Armstrong '06 Arrow Pest Control Baird Foundation MacKenzie ‘04 & Chris Barnhizer William Basden '83

Andrea '96 & Daniel Baumann Maurice '64 & Sharon '64 Baumgart Maurice '60 & Cherie '60 Berendes Lawrence Blankenberger '74 Dan & Heather Bonham Ginger Boots Timothy '80 & Theo Boots Rev. Raymond Brenner Rose Breivogel '55 Kelly Cruse Stephen '61 & Jo Marie '61 Charlson Kurt & Amy Daunhauer Timothy '76 & Martha '78 Dick David Ellison '65 Brian '90 & Mandy Elpers Wayne '70 & Diane '71 Emge Rev. David Fleck Patrick '03 & Brittany Fehrenbacher Peter '97 & Jodi Fehrenbacher Robert '71 & Mary Kay '71 Fehrenbacher Eric '92 & Jennifer '93 Folz

Rebecca '74 & Donald Fuchs David '60 & Nancy Gerteisen Matthew '90 & Shannon '93 Goebel Thomas '71 & Karen '71 Goebel Raymond '63 & Janette '65 Gries Amy Hackworth Kathy '65 & David Halbig Daniel '83 & Teresa Haller Karen '83 & Greg Hamilton Jeff Happe '84 Lisa '76 & Joseph Henderson Wayne & Jewell Henning Jeremy '98 & Jennifer Herrmann Mark '81 & Michelle '81 Herrmann Ronald '59 & Kathy Hollander Holly '03 & Nick Jahn Vickie Kane '70 Ryan '95 & Natalie '00 Kassenbrock Keith & Christina Kelley Michael '79 & Jennifer Kempf John '55 & Pamela Kern


Michael & Mary Reese Scott '96 and Joanna Richardville Logan '02 & Molly Riggs Daniel '78 & Maria Schapker Leroy Schenk '60 Jacob Schiff '02 James '96 & Casi '97 Schiff Catherine Siemers Phillip '91 & Kiersten '94 Stolz James '88 & Ingrid '95 Stratman Underhill Hartlein Family Fund James '61 & Sandra '63 Weinzapfel Eileen Will '51


honor roll of donors Matthew '02 & Mackenzie Kiefer Jeremy '97 & Libby '97 Kiesel Austin '12 and MaKayla Knapp Carroll Knight Brian '97 & Rowena Knapp Blake '02 & Jennifer '00 Kollker Carolyn Kormelink '60 Gary '74 & Letha '74 Lannert Layman Sales Agency, Inc. Jo Ann Layman '60 Rodney & Karen Liley Rev. Stephen Lintzenich Brian '99 & Anna '99 Luigs Jeffrey '80 & Cathy Macke Jason '94 & Kerry Martin Suzanna '70 & Melvin Martin Ann '95 & David Martin Mater Dei Class of 1956 Jeffrey '95 & Natalie McDurmon Mark '87 & Kelly '92 Messal Kevin '79 & Lee Anne Mischler Kevin '91 & Erin '94 Moore Natalie '02 & Sean Murphy Dennis '70 & Donna '74 Niemeier William '51 & Dorothy '51 Niemeier Bradley '08 & Kathryn '08 Niemeier Rev. David Nunning Bernard '56 & Mary Jane Nunning Vicki McCracken '74 & Bill Pan Kari '02 & Tyler Parsons Christopher Paul '85 Betty '64 & George Postletheweight Eric '04 & Carrie Reffett Kenneth '65 & Rita '65 Rexing Mary '79 & Daniel Ritter Barbara '64 † & Roy Ritzert Brian '77 & Karen '79 Schenk James '69 & Janice '69 Schiff Martha Schmitt '55 Ronald '55 & Judy Schnepper Gerald '61 & Julia '61 Schreiber Vincent '80 & Julia '82 Schu Janice '64 & Larry Schuble

Randy & Jeannine Shumate Carrie '98 and Jonathan '98 Straus John '66 & Judith Stratman David Stumpf '76 James '92 & Cynthia Townsend Anthea Turner '96 Scott & Michelle Vanover Robert '56 & Carol '60 Wagner Eugene '72 & Eveline Wannemuehler Matthew '75 & Pam '75 Wannemuehler Robert Wathen '66 Marlene Weaver '50 Joel '01 & Carly Werner Jamie Wicks '87 Nathan '01 & Jessica Wildeman Mary Wilder '79 James '76 & Karen Will Jeff & Laurie Wilmes Todd '02 & Amber '02 Zimmer Loyal Red Circle $250-$499 All in the Family Dental Pamela '78 & Jeff Ambrose Lucas Angermeier '99 Jeffrey '01 & Melissa Anslinger Vicki '74 & James Austin Nicholas '01 & Kelsey '08 Austin Anthony '91 and Jill Bacon Ted '75 & Diane Barron Lawrence '90 & Farrah '94 Beard Larry '90 & Farrah '94 Beard James Beyer '66 D. Vincent '83 & Kathy '83 Boots Erin '78 & Richard Born Mary Jane '58 & Ernie Bradley Kathleen Buchanan '72 Bryan & Stephanie Caldemeyer Damon & Elissa Carl Geoffrey '85 & Sabine Coates Aaron '94 & Jennifer Couture Susan Delay '86 Anthony '77 & Nancy Deig

Judith Dickman '65 Kenneth & Barbara Elpers Patrick '65 & Jeanne Freeman Mark '70 & Ramona '70 Freeman Genentech Kim & Rose Gerth Chris '85 & Jeanene '85 Goebel Michael '70 & Melanie Goebel Steven Goebel '70 Gina Goedde '93 Jeffrey & Amy Gorman Daniel '92 & Heidi '92 Griese Daniel '74 & Karole '75 Gutzweiler Michael '97 & Andrea Halbig Robert Hamilton '57 Randy '73 & Rebecca '74 Helfrich Mark '93 & Paula Hertel Kyle '07 & Mallory '07 Hertel Peter '81 & Karri Hillenbrand Abby '03 & Evan Hipp John & Jane Hodge Joshua Hodge '99 David '81 & Doreen Hoefling Jeff & Patty Hoffman Michael & Amie Hulfachor Randall '74 & Cynthia Hupfer Mary Hupfer '80 Randall '70 & Sylvia Jochim Lori '97 & Eric Jones Rev. Anthony Kissel Kiwanis Club of Evansville Elvira Knapp Charlotte Reisinger-Klueg '89 & Jeremy Klueg Charles '58 & Ann Knapp Mary '58 † & William Knapp Lisa '72 & Bruce Kohl Patricia Krack '62 Cecilia '71 & Randall Kuester Mark '78 and Cheryl Lannert Daniel '77 & Katie Lappe David '03 & Kristen Lappe Edward '82 & Lorri '83 Lappe Sharon Layman JoAnn Laugel '66 Todd '88 & Kelly Lehman Martin Farms

honor roll of donors Kent '86 & Melissa Rexing Robert '59 & Linda '59 Rheinlander Joyce '59 & Patrick Rhoades Rev. Eugene Schmitt Greg '98 & Kristi '97 Schaefer Lawrence '80 & Shannon Schentrup Ryan '98 & Hallie '04 Scheu Sandra '71 & David Schmitt Megan Schneider '10 Keith Schnur '78 James '95 & Amy '96 Schroeder Richard '57 & Emilie '59 Seib Beau '93 & Sharon Shumate Blake '96 & Katie '00 Shumate Christopher '66 & Janet '67 Siemers Dustin '05 & Sarah '05 Slaton Christopher Spahn '95 Angela '89 & Eric Strehl Shawn & Kathryn Sullivan Doris '68 & Homer Taylor Peter '64 & Mary Tennyson

Jennifer '93 & Ross Vaughn Gary and Rachel Virgin Marshall '59 & Carolyn '59 Waller Brian & Diane Wannemuehler Karen Wargel '80 Robert '72 & Paula Waterman Jay & Sue Wathen Roger '77 & Natalie '78 Wathen Robert '57 & JoAnn '63 Weber Dan Weinzapfel '75 Paul '88 & Natalie '88 Weis Diane Weiss-Altstadt '67 Mark '75 & Annette Werner Darrel '65 & Michelle Whiting Jeanine '77 & Russell Wildeman David '80 & Sue Wildeman Dennis '68 & Pamela Wilderman Rev. Lowell Will David '64 & Gail Williamson Andrew '99 & Mary '98 Woehler Stefanie Woolverton & John Villa


Cheryl Martin '65 Donald '59 & Karen Mayer Shirley McDowell '60 Joyce McDurmon '65 Ann '89 & Richard McIntosh Ronald Mesker '64 Edward & Judy Messal Jane Miller Craig '93 & Angela Miller Francis Miller, Jr. '63 † George R. Moll '95 Cindy Nemer '71 Andrew '06 & Elyse '06 Niemeier Kevin Olivey '81 Kelly '86 & Kevin Pennington Todd & Tina Phillips Sherri Barron '71 & David Poetker Marvin '53 & Ann Preske Jordan '05 & Kristen Raben Jon '83 & Barbara '83 Raben John Rebstock '55 Michael & Michele Reffett David '66 & Kathy Reising


honor roll of donors Century Club $100-$249 Steven '65 & Jo Lynn '68 Adams Jodi '75 & Mark Adcock Sherri '76 & Ralph Adler Adam '00 & Abby Adler Gilbert Adler '55 Kelley '85 & James Alldredge Mark '72 & Brenda Altstadt Gerald '52 & Lora † Altstadt William '50 † & Dana '51 Altstadt Daniel '69 & Janice Alvey Roger & Bonnie Ambrose Paul '73 & Barbara '73 Angermeier Eric '90 & Cindy '94 Anslinger Julie '76 & Rudain Arafeh Terry and Susie Babb Steve '74 & Cindy Backes Mary Jo '61 & Larry Bacon Martha '63 & Robert Baehl Paul '58 & Sylvia '63 Baehl Richard '57 & Imogene '60 Baehl Methodius & Pauline Bartek William '60 & Kathleen '61 Barthel Margaret Basden '51 Joseph '82 & Mary Bassemeier Joseph '56 & Mary Lee '56 Bassemier Eugene '62 & Mary '63 Baumgart William Baumgartner '55 Patricia Beaven '59 Earl '62 & Claudette '63 Becher Joseph '85 & Theresa '86 Berendes Lesley '87 & Jeffrey Bertrand Kiley '90 & Melissa '93 Van Bibber Bobbie Birchler '74 Judith '69 & Tim Bishop Amy '88 & John Blackketter Jacob '00 & Carrie '00 Boehman Martha '75 & Mike Bohleber James Borries '67 Russell '67 & Mary '68 Borst

Patricia Borst '65 Wayne '66 & Vicki Botzum Stephen '62 & Margaret Braun Chad & Allyson Breeden Daniel & Mary Ann Breidenbach Kathy '70 & John Brendel Amy '84 & John Brennan Ronald Brown '58 John & Susan Browning Ronald '52 & Pat Browning Anna '57 & Jerry Burdette Chad '89 & Angie '89 Burnett Diane '72 & Thomas Buskavitz Terry '67 & Sharon '67 Carlton Theresa '71 Chapman Sarah '98 & Todd Chase Angela & Brent St. Clair Joseph & Brandy Collins Amy '88 & Jeff Collins Allen & Jennifer Collins Kimberly Collins '92 Betty '70 & David Cummings Lenna DeMarco Mary '58 & Harold Decamps Melanie '95 & Brian Denning Linda Denstorff '73 James '73 & Judy '73 Dewig Rev. Donald Dilger Bridget '89 & Randy Dickerson Diane '61 & William Dow Suzanne Crouch '70 & Larry Downs Marilyn '73 & Gary Dressel Carolyn Drury '55 Norma '54 & Bob Duncan Glenda Dyson '54 Pam Eaton Rita Eades '52 John & Ann East Michael '88 & Michelle Eickhoff Ronald & Denise Eickhoff El Charro Mexican Restaurant Stanton '65 & Shirley Elfreich Eli Lilly Company Foundation Sara Ellert '77 Jessica '01 & Craig Elliott Helen Ellspermann '61 Cornelius Elpers '62 Francis Elpers '60

Rita Elpers '57 James & Kristie Elsner Gregg '94 & Trisha '94 Emge Suzanne Emge '60 Jason "87 and Deborah '87 Fleck Jay and Paula Fleck Kevin '95 & Lisa '96 Farmer James '70 & Carol Fechtmeister Mark '70 & Deborah Fehrenbacher David '63 & Elizabeth Fehrenbacher Richard '64 & Judy '63 Fehrenbacher Dean & Tonya Haas Doris '63 & Raymond Haase Eileen Haase '60 Robert '53 & Betty '53 Hagel Tom & Rosemary Hall Larry '59 & Carol '60 Haller John '69 & Donna Hamilton Joan Hansen '57 Dean '84 & Laura Happe Paulette Happe '65 Shirley Happe '58 Richard & Constance Harpenau Robert Harrison '70 David '61 & Catherine '64 Hartmann Marjorie Hartmann '63 Judith Hatfield '63 Arlene Hausmann Yvonne '60 & Ray Hausmann William Hausmann '66 Jeffrey '76 & Donna Hayden Daniel & Susanne Hayden Debra Head '84 Stephen '70 & Beverly '68 Helfert Delores Helfrich-Schroeder '50 Jane '67 & Raymond Herr Cody '12 & Kathryn '12 Hess Michael '65 & Phyllis Higdon Peter & Connie Hillenbrand David '99 & Amanda Hisch Robert '66 & Amy '72 Hisch Ryan '02 and Samantha Hoefling Andrew '93 and Jennifer '98 Hoffman


honor roll of donors Daniel '62 & Rosemarie '66 Horstman Lawrence & Saundra Humm Scott & Diana Hurt Walter '58 & Dolores Jankowski Richard Jarboe '61 Jeffrey Jewell Ronald '66 & Alice Jenkins Harold Jenkins '60 Debbie Jochim '76 Thomas '11 & Lindsey Johnson Ann '66 & John Johnston Velva Kaffenberger Wilma '55 & Todd Kain Kathy '69 & Frank Kanowsky Danny '67 & Linda '68 Kares Eric '00 & Kristen Kassenbrock John & Leslye Kassenbrock Mark & Amanda Katowitz Jane Kelle '80 Paul Kelsey '68 Eugene Kempf '60 M. Todd '83 & Sally '83 ReisingKempf Rebecca '98 & Klifton Keplinger John '09 & Krista '09 Kercher John Kiefer '00 Howard & Jane Ann Kiefer Jerome '70 & Mary Jo '70 Kirchoff Hannah '07 & Mark Kirkman Susan Kirsch '63 William & Karin Kirsch Rebecca '74 & Tim Klingler Jerome '68 & Judith '68 Knapp Darin '85 & Marti '90 Knight Paul '65 & Joyce '67 Koch Allen & Lori Koester Joseph '81 & Susan Kohut Philip Kohut '68 Rev. James Koressel Michael '74 & Rendie Koressel Charles '69 & Deborah Koressel Timothy '74 & Michelle '76 Krack Carolyn Kuhn '57 William & Julia Kunkler LA + D

Rick '88 & Jennifer '90 Lamble Andrea '01 & Nick Lamkin Gary & Diana Langton Derek '06 & Jenna '07 Lappe Carol '68 & Michael Laymon Mary Kae Lehman '62 Charles '51 † & Barbara '61 Lindenschmidt Matthew Loehrlein '06 Susan '87 & Joseph Loftus Stephen '60 & Judy Logel Jarrod '02 & Katie Luigs Susan '72 & Joel Lutz Natalie '94 & Keith Maasberg Glenn '66 & Norwanda Macke Margie Madigan '55 James '68 & Cynthia Mallory Judith Marx '57 Jeffrey & Debbie Marx Nancy '61 & Stephen Mattingly Duane '92 & Emily Maurer Paul '66 & Patty Maurer Bernard '83 & Jennifer Mayer Joanie '76 & Michael McCord Brett '91 & Jennifer '91 McDurmon Jerry McRae '59 † Tom '60 & Joyce Memmer Stanley '85 & Lisa Memmer Gene Mesker '76 Ronald Messersmith Richard Miller '70 Janet Shaw Mills Wynn & Joe Mitchell Joyce Moers '74 Barbara '67 & Thomas Moore Donald '68 & Janie '68 Moore Robert '87 & Pam Muensterman Sharon '69 & Stephen Muensterman Larry '73 & Beth '73 Muensterman Matthew '91 & Angela '93 Mulherin Angela (Bauer) '95 & Clint Mullenix Ruth '78 & Bernie Muller Mary Jo '72 & Don Musgrave Craig '10 and Abby Niemeier Jeffry '78 & Cheryl Niemeier

Todd '91 & Babs Niemeier Patricia Miller Novack '59 Andrew '04 & Emily '05 Nurrenbern Sue '59 & Don Ochsner Margie Orman '52 Mary Patricia Orth '53 Michael and Michelle Priar Leslie Phillips Gary '61 & Susan '62 Pierre Steve '62 and Marcia Pledger Randy & Margaret Ploch Martha Pokorney '54 Gerald '59 & Linda Powell LeRoy Prange '58 Madonna '55 & Lawrence Preske Professional Eyecare Associates Rose Rogge Bradley '93 & Meredith Raben Sandy Raben '69 Cheryl '63 & Joseph Raleigh Sandra '72 & Thomas Raley Leanne '98 & Wes Rees Edwin Rehrman '57 William Reine '54 Keith '85 & Lisa '88 Reising Daniel '66 & Ruth Reisinger R. Joseph '61 & Barbara Rettig LaChere '85 & David Rexing Steve '85 & Kristi '87 Ricketts Bernard Rietman '67 Kenneth '68 & Joyce Rietman James '89 & Kim '88 Riordan Sharon '70 & Alan Ripplemeier Andy and Carrie Rudolph Adam '08 & Elysse Ruggles Linda '80 & Robert Russell Bob '58 † & Mary Lue '58 Russler Sherilyn '08 & Tyler Rust Mary Kay Sayle '62 Linda Schmitt Steven '76 & Janet '77 Schapker Jerome Schapker '58 Arthur '58 & Donna Scheller Herman Scheller '64 Richard '80 & Christine '79 Scheller Edward Schemel '60

honor roll of donors Weston Tenbarge '10 Alan '77 & Kathryn Tenbarge Patricia '72 & Kenneth Tenbarge Randy & Janice Tenbarge Rachel '10 & Brandon Thacker Mary Jane Thomas '58 Greg & Janet Thomas Kathleen '56 & Jerry Thompson Gerald Tieken '66 Judith '59 & Terry Timberlake Daniel Townsend '93 Rev. Bill Traylor Eric '91 & Stacey '94 Turner Shirley '59 & Raymond Ubelhor Matthew Ubelhor '86 Justin '11 & Carri '11 VanWinkle Kathryn '70 & Thomas Verkamp Benjamin '01 & Katie Verkamp Timothy '93 & Julianna '94 Voelker Katherine Weber Benjamin '86 & Marie '86 Wagner Joyce '59 & James Wagner Michael '83 & Jeana Walker Gerald & Myra Walker Larry '57 & Linda '59 Wannemuehler John Wargel '61 Richard Wargel '65 Andy '04 & Megan '04 Wathen William '04 & Tara '05 Wayne James '73 and Diane Werner Stanley '67 † & Mary Jane '71 Weber Theresa '79 & David Weber William Weber '53 Leroy '62 & Diane Weinzapfel Robert '56 † & Mary Ann '57 Weinzapfel Al '55 & Darlene '55 Weinzapfel Kurt '79 & Rebecca '81 Weinzapfel Jake Weinzapfel '06 James '83 and Margaret Weinzapfel Jr. Betty Weinzapfel '58 Thomas Weinzapfel '57 Jacob '00 & Kelley Weis

Phillip & Jessica Wells Gerard '98 & Tracy Wildeman Louis '72 & Margaret Wildeman Michele '74 & Jeffrey Wildeman Melvin & Jacki Wildeman Eric '12 and Katelyn Wildeman Eugene Wilderman '59 J. Brian '93 & Karen Wilkey Betty Will Yvonne '59 & Marvin Will Eric & Judy Williams Martha Wilson '58 Curt & Connie Winiger Ron & Mary Ellen Wire Janet '66 & Paul Witmeier Kathleen '66 & Robert Wittgen Brian '68 & Dawn Woehler Jeffrey '97 & Sarah '97 Woehler Judith Wohadlo '67 Jerry '72 & Susan '73 Wolf Gary Wolf '67 Jeffery '77 & Donna Wolf David '79 & Anne '79 Wolf Rosalie Woodall Carolyn '54 & Robert Wooton Craig '94 & Christina '97 Wunderlich Scott '90 & Vicki '91 Wunderlich Gary '65 & Dianne '65 Wunderlich Elijah Younger Jared '01 & Jessica Ziliak Anniversary Partners $67-$99 Leo '62 & Marian '63 Alvey William '79 & Jennifer Bartek Connor Bartek '10 Janet Bauer-Correa '75 Robert '53 & Colleen '57 † Behme Beverly Behme '59 John & Diane Bender John '70 & Leslie Buckman Sr. Sheila Carney Terri McBride '74 & Kevin Case Thomas Cook '66 Joseph '63 & Diana '64 Dippel Patricia Egbert '55 Richard '70 & Diane Elpers David '62 & Gail Fechtmeister Julie '84 & Michael Forcum


Kenneth '75 & Beth Schenk Mathew '97 & Ashley Schenk Kathy '70 & Daniel Schenk Mark '76 & Mary Ann '76 Schentrup Evelyn Schickel '55 Adam '99 & Jamie '98 Schiff James Schiff '22 Amy '90 & Mark Schlachter Danny '64 & Janice Schmitt Alvin Schmitt '60 Albert C. Schmitt '70 Carl Schmitt '79 Albert '01 & Lindsay '01 Schmitt Mariah Schneider '16 Peggy Schneider '55 Kathleen '77 and Donald '74 Schoenbachler James '71 & Kris Schroeder John '78 & Tamara '80 Schroeder Jessica '97 & Bryan Schultheis Dave '71 & Tina '71 Schutte Sherilyn '80 & Donnie Scott Curtis '55 & Judith '56 Seib Josh & Gayle Sherretz Angela '78 & Richard Short Jennifer '94 & Roger Sieben Angela '73 & David Skogen Scott '80 & Beth '80 Slaton Eugene '62 & Janet '64 Spahn Francis † & Hilda Spahn Tracy Sparks '76 Donald '56 & Betty '60 Steckler Edward '63 & Rita Steinkamp Joseph '84 & Joni Steinkamp Ronald '60 † & Betty Steinkamp Suzanne Stieler '62 David Stocker '82 Eric '04 & Laura '06 Stoltz Ruth Ann '66 & Michael Stonecipher Stephen '65 and Linda Stratman Nathaniel '02 & Carrie Stratman Kristina '04 & Justin Strohmeyer Thomas Stroud '70 Steve '58 & Mary '60 Sullivan Rev. Theodore Tempel Joseph '78 & Chris Tenbarge


honor roll of donors Steven '72 & Marcia '72 Frey Haley '02 & Derek Fritts Larry & Laura Garrett Zachary Goedde '14 Fred '67 & Judy '67 Gries Kathleen '67 & Richard Griese Martha '66 & Timothy Gump Kenneth & Sara Hart Donald '64 & Carolyn '64 Hutchison Thomas '67 & Linda '67 Knapp Richard & Debbie Knight Martha '60 & Fred Kuester Nicholas '04 & Kourtney '05 Lannert Karen '73 & Larry Lukeman Russell '74 & Kathy Miller James '60 & Barbara Mosby Paula '81 & Gerald '76 † Parkinson Lauralee '74 & David Paulson William Payne '89 Brandon '01 & Emily Porter Ann '94 and Mark Randall Aaron Reckelhoff '02 Stephen '62 & Judy '62 Reisinger Anthony '73 & Cynthia '73 Richardt Amanda Stock Mark '76 & Julia Schiff Elaine Schmits '56 Ann Schneider '56 Richard Stolz '53 Dava '85 & Robert Tenbarge Annalee Tepool '84 Eugene '62 & Eva Weber Robert Weber '53 James Werner '57 Philip '85 & Deborah Will Cynthia '66 & Max Williams Michela Winters Patrons $11-$68 Lynnette '92 and Scott Allen Jared Abney '17 Ronald '61 & Matilda Adams Leonard '60 & Carolyn '60 Adams Terry Aders '80 Andrew & Kristie Alexander

Diane Angermeier '63 Jane '71 & Tom Antes Darlene '69 & Randall Appler Penny Appler '06 Christy Atherton '97 Carolyn '63 & Terry Bailey Jeri '60 & Richard Barchet Brody Baumann '22 Lenny and Maria Bettag Katelyn '09 & Nick Behrman Lacy '02 & Jeff Bender Adam '13 & Madalyn Berendes Maria '89 and Jim Berry Richard '64 & Mary Ann Bippus Matthew '93 & Jennifer '96 Bishop Tyler '06 & Alexa '06 Bittner Athena Bongard '88 Janice Boyle Cynthia Braker Bix Branson Jody '94 & Brian Branson Nicholas '84 & Jennifer '84 Braun Ronald '71 & Debbie '71 Brenner David '63 & Bonnie Brenner Karen '69 & Wayne Breunig Chad & Christina Broyles James '69 & Jean Butler Sr. Ann Marie Butler, D.C. Jeana Campbell '74 Norma '57 & Robert Carp Alvin '65 & June '67 Carr Justin '56 & Shirley '59 Clements Matthew & Lesa Conkling Alan & Leigh Ann Costlow Emma Jean Couture Carrie Cox Beth and Scott Culiver Clara David '54 Charlagene '65 and James Delk Terry Drone Daniel '77 & Jean Dick Mariah Dickerson '21 Brenda Boswell Diggs '58 Rebecca '74 & Phillip Dosher Margaret Effinger Heather Eickhoff '02 Michelle Elbert

Debbie Ellison '75 Samuel '92 & Lana '93 Ellison Gregg '94 & Trisha '94 Emge Ronald '63 & Myrtle Englert Judy Eskew '56 Jessica '05 and Zac Frame Lori '83 & Denny Fehrenbacher Melvin '73 & Dolly Fehrenbacher Betty Feller '63 Walter '50 & Betty Folz James '68 & Karen Folz Ashton Forzley '15 Nolan Forzley '19 Jessika '08 & Aaron Foust Virginia '74 & Jeff Gaul Betty Geiser '61 Gregory & Peggy Geiss Taylor Gerth '21 Erin '79 & Jams Gidcumb Julie Gilles '75 Aubrey Goebel '13 Nolan Goebel '14 Justin '02 and Lena Greubel Katie '04 & Jason Gretler Steven '91 & Kim Greulich Erin '96 & Jason Gries Mitch '00 & Amanda Happe Patricia '74 & Robert Harding Lorina Harms '54 Ann '85 & Chris Harper Paul '60 & Bonnie '60 Hartmann Betty Hartz '52 Julie Hatfield '97 Nicole Herdes Linda Herrmann Sr. Donna Marie Herr, OSB Carmen Hertel '19 Gwendolyn Hertel '26 Jasmine Hertel '23 Randy '80 & Kim Hertel Wade '12 and Maggie Hoffman Linda '68 & Robert Huebschman Jeffrey & Connie Huff Mark and Joann Johns Karen Johnson '77 David '75 & Mariann '76 Jost James & Brenda Jost Anthony Karges Hannah Keller

Patrick '82 & Shari '80 Kempf Louise '66 & Robert Kiesler Kimberly '00 & Jason Kinnaman Carol Kissinger Jenny '99 and Mark Koch David '66 & Linda '66 Koressel Kyle '04 & Courtney Kraft William and Julia Kunkler Jenna '05 & Craig Kunkler Carol Lantaff '57 Larry & Becky Larson Benjamin '06 & Kathryn Lasher Daniel & Mary Ruth Lasher Ron & Donna Lefler Kathleen Newton-Lewis '66 & Barry Lewis Mary Jane '57 & Robert Little Theresa Lintzenich '72 † Bernette '60 & Johnie Locklar John & Jane Luigs William and Hilleri Maroni Patrick Mallory '02 Nancy '64 & Robert Mangold Francis & Janet Marie Theodore '61 & Cecelia Market Greg '08 & Amy '08 Marshall Jason '89 & Stacy '90 Martin John '64 & Cathy Martin Dolores '61 & Daniel Masterson Joseph May '52 Sr. Jane Michele McClure, OSB '67 Donna McDonald '73 Jim & Mary McDonald Michael & Julie McGrew Laura '04 & Brendan McKenzie Lindsey '04 & Ben Mehringer Kenneth '71 & Jeanne '79 Mesker Donald Metzler '54 † Donald '71 & Kathy Montgomery Cael Moore '21 Michael Moore '62 Jamie '85 & Don Neel Stan '71 & Tracy Niemeier Thomas & Linda Norton David '66 & Carol Nurrenbern Julia '58 & Joseph Payne Carmen Periard '59 Helen '60 & Walt Perkins

Sheri '83 & Todd Powers Nancy '75 & Ray Pritchett Beatrice Purcell '61 Shea Reneer Sylvia Reckelhoff Andrew '05 and Mandy Reddington Natalie '88 & Jon Reidford Paul '68 & Barbara '68 Reising Russell '74 & Carol '74 Reising Michele Reisinger Wilbur Rembold '51 Allen '67 & Barbara '67 Rexing Timothy Richardt '77 Patrick '64 & Kay Riley Ruth '61 & David Ritzert Andrew & Crystal Roberson Donna '67 & George Rode Stephen '77 & Gwendolyn Rode Norma Sue Rode John '61 & Linda '64 Rollett Robin '06 & Tyler Rosbrugh Martin Schaap Matt and Melanie Schnell Pam and Steve Schmitt Marcellus Schapker Larry & Margaret Schank Jared '14 & Laura '14 Schapker Scott Schapker '06 Robert '77 & Mary '82 Scheller Terri Scheller '78 Christopher '89 & Jane Scheu Jacob '10 & Sara '10 Scheu Kendal Schmidt '08 Delores Schmitt '69 Larry '60 & Martha Schmitt Lawrence '52 & Norma Schmitt Dennis '56 & Joan Schneider Doris '75 & Paul Schultheis Kristi '04 & Daniel Schuster Jennifer '03 & Curt Seib Phil & Jill Seiler Sara '96 & Jeffrey Sexton Linda '65 & Larry Slauenwhite Stacy Spalding '82 & Michael Bow Bruce '73 & Sheila Spaulding Betty & Ronald '60 † Steinkamp Marie '07 & Adam Stewart John '98 & Caron Stofleth Calvin Stratman '22

Darlene Straub '54 Mary Lou '72 & Scott Swinger Daniel Tenbarge '80 Anthony '64 & Teresa Tenhumberg Andrea Theriac Lynne Embry '65 & Mike Thompson Sharon Thompson '65 James '61 & Nancy Thorbecke James '66 & Margaret Tomes Pat Toone '56 Michael & Brooke Travers Pamela '99 & Mike Vadbunker Fred '72 & Marsha Voelker David Wirtz Lindsey Wagner '03 Doris Wahl '59 Holly '94 & Jeffrey Wahr Karen Waller '70 James '53 & Bonita Wannemuehler David '83 & Buffy Wannemuehler Mindy Wannemuehler '89 Wilfred '55 † & Anna Wannemueller Donald '61 & Karen Ward Kristi Wargel '96 Matthew '00 & Crystal Weber Margaret Weber '59 Donald '61 & Alice '63 Weis Abby & Zach Whicker Steven '73 & Rebecca Whitman Beth Wilson Kurt '97 & Erin Wildeman Kevin '84 & Angie Wildeman Howard & Cathy Williams Stephen & Sharon Willis Drew '13 and Taylor '14 Winiger Joseph Wolf '62 Kathleen '69 & Kenneth Wolf Katie '05 & Chris Wolters Tina '74 & Joseph Wright Megan Wright '04 Tammie Zuber Michael '67 & Tammy Zeller Peggy Zoglman '78 Wildcat $1-$10 Jackson and Clare Barnes


honor roll of donors


Class of '50 Class Chair: Marlene M. (Singer) Weaver Participation: 7.90% William '50 † & Dana '51 Altstadt Walter '50 & Betty Folz Barbara '50 & Wayne Kent Deacon Richard '50 † & Joan '50 Preske Delores Helfrich-Schroeder '50 Marlene Weaver '50

donations by class

Class of '51 Class Chair: Eileen (Berendes) Will Participation: 6.70% William '50 † & Dana '51 Altstadt Margaret Basden '51 Charles '51 † & Barbara '61 Lindenschmidt William '51 & Dorothy '51 Niemeier Wilbur Rembold '51 Eileen Will '51 Class of '52 Class Chair: Doris J. (Mayer) Dewig Participation: 9.5% Gerald '52 & Lora † Altstadt Ronald '52 & Pat Browning Doris Dewig '52 Rita Eades '52 Leonard Gansman '52 Betty Hartz '52 Joseph May '52 Margie Orman '52 Lawrence '52 & Norma Schmitt Class of '53 Class Chair: Annette (Wannemuehler) Goedde Participation: 6.2% Robert '53 & Colleen '57 † Behme Annette Goedde '53 Robert '53 & Betty '53 Hagel Mary Patricia Orth '53 Marvin '53 & Ann Preske

Richard Stolz '53 James '53 & Bonita Wannemuehler Robert Weber '53 William Weber '53

Class of '54 Class Chair: Norma A. (Simpson) Duncan Participation: 7% Clara David '54 Norma '54 & Bob Duncan Glenda Dyson '54 Francis Folz '54 Lorina Harms '54 Harold '54 & Shirley Kempf Donald Metzler '54 † Martha Pokorney '54 William Reine '54 Darlene Straub '54 Carolyn '54 & Robert Wooton Class of '55 Class Chair: Joan B. (Berendes) Niemeier Participation: 11% Gilbert Adler '55 William Baumgartner '55 Rose Breivogel '55 Carolyn Drury '55 Patricia Egbert '55 Rita '55 & Dick Eykamp Wilma '55 & Todd Kain John '55 & Pamela Kern Margie Madigan '55 Thomas '55 & Joan '55 Niemeier Madonna '55 & Lawrence Preske John Rebstock '55 Evelyn Schickel '55 Martha Schmitt '55 Peggy Schneider '55 Ronald '55 & Judy Schnepper Curtis '55 & Judith '56 Seib Wilfred '55 † & Anna Wannemueller Al '55 & Darlene '55 Weinzapfel

Class of '56 Class Chair: Ann C. (Rollett) Schneider Participation: 8.3% Joseph '56 & Mary Lee '56 Bassemier Justin '56 & Shirley '59 Clements Judy Eskew '56 Thomas '56 & Delores '56 Folz Robert '56 & Martha Froehle Robert '56 & Cynthia Koch Bernard '56 & Mary Jane Nunning Ann Schneider '56 Dennis '56 & Joan Schneider Elaine Schmits '56 Curtis '55 & Judith '56 Seib Donald '56 & Betty '60 Steckler Kathleen '56 & Jerry Thompson Pat Toone '56 Robert '56 & Carol '60 Wagner Robert '56 † & Mary Ann '57 Weinzapfel Class of '57 Class Chair: Participation: 11.2% Richard '57 & Imogene '60 Baehl Robert '53 & Colleen '57 † Behme Anna '57 & Jerry Burdette Norma '57 & Robert Carp Shirley Daley '57 Rita Elpers '57 Robert Hamilton '57 Joan Hansen '57 Carolyn Kuhn '57 Carol Lantaff '57 Mary Jane '57 & Robert Little Judith Marx '57 Edwin Rehrman '57 Richard '57 & Emilie '59 Seib Larry '57 & Linda '59 Wannemuehler Robert '57 & JoAnn '63 Weber Thomas Weinzapfel '57 Robert '56 † & Mary Ann '57 Weinzapfel James Werner '57

donations by class Class of '58 Class Chair: Paul L. Baehl Participation: 10.9% David Baehl '58 Paul '58 & Sylvia '63 Baehl Mary Jane '58 & Ernie Bradley Ronald Brown '58 Mary '58 & Harold Decamps Brenda Boswell Diggs '58 Cyril '58 & Barbara Gerteisen † Shirley Happe '58 Dale '58 & Marty Hillenbrand John Hoos '58 Walter '58 & Dolores Jankowski Charles '58 & Ann Knapp Mary '58 † & William Knapp Mary Kay '58 & James Muehlbauer Jerome Schapker '58 Julia '58 & Joseph Payne LeRoy Prange '58 Bob '58 † & Mary Lue '58 Russler

Arthur '58 & Donna Scheller Steve '58 & Mary '60 Sullivan Mary Jane Thomas '58 Betty Weinzapfel '58 Martha Wilson '58 Class of '59 Class Chair: Edward R. Knapp, Lawrence Kremer, Daniel E. Norman, Stephen G. Sanford Participation: 11.6% Patricia Beaven '59 Beverly Behme '59 Justin '56 & Shirley '59 Clements Allan Crane '59 Larry '59 & Carol '60 Haller John '59 & Donna '61 Hamilton Ronald '59 & Kathy Hollander Edward Knapp '59 Carolyn '60 Kormelink Lawrence '59 & DiAnne '60 Kremer Donald '59 & Karen Mayer

Jerry McRae '59 † Patricia Miller Novack '59 Sue '59 & Don Ochsner Carmen Periard '59 Gerald '59 & Linda Powell Robert '59 & Linda '59 Rheinlander Joyce '59 & Patrick Rhoades Richard '57 & Emilie '59 Seib Judith '59 & Terry Timberlake Shirley '59 & Raymond Ubelhor Joyce '59 & James Wagner Doris Wahl '59 Marshall '59 & Carolyn '59 Waller Larry '57 & Linda '59 Wannemuehler Margaret Weber '59 Eugene Wilderman '59 Yvonne '59 & Marvin Will


donations by class Class of '60 Class Chair: Paticipation: 15.6% Leonard '60 & Carolyn '60 Adams Richard '57 & Imogene '60 Baehl Jeri '60 & Richard Barchet William '60 & Kathleen '61 Barthel Maurice '60 & Cherie '60 Berendes Jack '60 & Phyllis '72 Corn Francis Elpers '60 Suzanne Emge '60 John '60 & Marie Emrich Elizabeth '60 & Samuel Fulton V. Ray '60 & Kathy '65 Funke David '60 & Nancy Gerteisen Jerry Gries '60 Judy '60 & Robert Griffin Eileen Haase '60 Larry '59 & Carol '60 Haller Paul '60 & Bonnie '60 Hartmann Yvonne '60 & Ray Hausmann Harold Jenkins '60 Eugene Kempf '60 Clarence '60 & Joanne Kirby Carolyn Kormelink '60 Lawrence '59 & DiAnne '60 Kremer Martha '60 & Fred Kuester Jo Ann Layman '60 Bernette '60 & Johnie Locklar Stephen '60 & Judy Logel Shirley McDowell '60 Tom '60 & Joyce Memmer James '60 & Barbara Mosby Helen '60 & Walt Perkins Edward Schemel '60 Leroy Schenk '60 Larry '60 & Martha Schmitt Alvin Schmitt '60 Donald '56 & Betty '60 Steckler Ronald '60 † & Betty Steinkamp Betty & Ronald '60 † Steinkamp Steve '58 & Mary '60 Sullivan Robert '56 & Carol '60 Wagner

Class of '61 Class Chair: Gary Pierre Participation: 13.1% Ronald '61 & Matilda Adams Steven '61 & Colleen Aichle Mary Jo '61 & Larry Bacon William '60 & Kathleen '61 Barthel Stephen '61 & Jo Marie '61 Charlson Diane '61 & William Dow Helen Ellspermann '61 George Folz '61 Betty Geiser '61 John '59 & Donna '61 Hamilton David '61 & Catherine '64 Hartmann David '61 & Mary Herrmann Richard Jarboe '61 Charles '51 † & Barbara '61 Lindenschmidt Theodore '61 & Cecelia Market Dolores '61 & Daniel Masterson Nancy '61 & Stephen Mattingly Gary '61 & Susan '62 Pierre Beatrice Purcell '61 R. Joseph '61 & Barbara Rettig Ruth '61 & David Ritzert John '61 & Linda '64 Rollett Gerald '61 & Julia '61 Schreiber James '61 & Nancy Thorbecke Donald '61 & Karen Ward John Wargel '61 James '61 & Sandra '63 Weinzapfel Donald '61 & Alice '63 Weis Class of '62 Class Chair: Mary Kay (Kunz) Lehman Participation: 13.5% Leo '62 & Marian '63 Alvey Eugene '62 & Mary '63 Baumgart Earl '62 & Claudette '63 Becher Alan '62 & Sharon Braun Stephen '62 & Margaret Braun Cornelius Elpers '62 David '62 & Gail Fechtmeister Daniel '62 & Rosemarie '66 Horstman

Patricia Krack '62 Mary Kae Lehman '62 Michael Moore '62 Gary '61 & Susan '62 Pierre Steve '62 and Marcia Pledger Barbara Price '62 Stephen '62 & Judy '62 Reisinger Mary Kay Sayle '62 Eugene '62 & Janet '64 Spahn Suzanne Stieler '62 Eugene '62 & Eva Weber Leroy '62 & Diane Weinzapfel Joseph Wolf '62 Class of '63 Class Chair: Margorie (Wagner) Hartmann Participation: 15.9% Leo '62 & Marian '63 Alvey Diane Angermeier '63 Martha '63 & Robert Baehl Paul '58 & Sylvia '63 Baehl Carolyn '63 & Terry Bailey Eugene '62 & Mary '63 Baumgart Earl '62 & Claudette '63 Becher David '63 & Bonnie Brenner Joseph '63 & Diana '64 Dippel Ronald '63 & Myrtle Englert David '63 & Elizabeth Fehrenbacher Richard '64 & Judy '63 Fehrenbacher Betty Feller '63 Raymond '63 & Janette '65 Gries Doris '63 & Raymond Haase Marjorie Hartmann '63 Judith Hatfield '63 Susan Kirsch '63 Francis Miller, Jr. '63 † Cheryl '63 & Joseph Raleigh Edward '63 & Rita Steinkamp Robert '57 & JoAnn '63 Weber James '61 & Sandra '63 Weinzapfel Donald '61 & Alice '63 Weis

donations by class Ronald Mesker '64 Betty '64 & George Postletheweight Patrick '64 & Kay Riley Barbara '64 † & Roy Ritzert John '61 & Linda '64 Rollett Herman Scheller '64 Danny '64 & Janice Schmitt Janice '64 & Larry Schuble Eugene '62 & Janet '64 Spahn Anthony '64 & Teresa Tenhumberg Peter '64 & Mary Tennyson David '64 & Gail Williamson Class of '65 Class Chair: Carol (Oliver) Goedde Participation: 14.1% Steven '65 & Jo Lynn '68 Adams Carolyn '65 & Gary Adler Steven '65 & Judy Blankenberger

Patricia Borst '65 Alvin '65 & June '67 Carr Charlagene '65 and James Delk Judith Dickman '65 Stanton '65 & Shirley Elfreich David Ellison '65 Patrick '65 & Jeanne Freeman V. Ray '60 & Kathy '65 Funke Andrew '65 & Darlene '64 Goebel Larry '65 & Carol '65 Goedde Raymond '63 & Janette '65 Gries Kathy '65 & David Halbig Paulette Happe '65 Michael '65 & Phyllis Higdon Paul '65 & Joyce '67 Koch Cheryl Martin '65 Joyce McDurmon '65 Stephen '65 & Rita '66 Moore Kenneth '65 & Rita '65 Rexing Linda '65 & Larry Slauenwhite Stephen '65 and Linda Stratman Lynne Embry '65 & Mike Thompson


Class of '64 Class Chair: Ronald W. Angermeier Participation: 13.7% Ronald '64 & Margaret '66 Angermeier Anonymous Maurice '64 & Sharon '64 Baumgart Richard '64 & Mary Ann Bippus Virgil Brenner '64 Joseph '63 & Diana '64 Dippel Richard '64 & Judy '63 Fehrenbacher Alan Feldhaus '64 Andrew '65 & Darlene '64 Goebel David '61 & Catherine '64 Hartmann Donald '64 & Carolyn '64 Hutchison Berta Kares '64 Nancy '64 & Robert Mangold John '64 & Cathy Martin


donations by class Sharon Thompson '65 Richard Wargel '65 Darrel '65 & Michelle Whiting Gary '65 & Dianne '65 Wunderlich Class of '66 Class Chair: Rebecca J. (Boots) Maier Participation: 14.6% Ronald '64 & Margaret '66 Angermeier James Beyer '66 Wayne '66 & Vicki Botzum Thomas Cook '66 Butch '66 & Linda Feulner Steven '66 & Mary Helen Gerteisen Martha '66 & Timothy Gump William Hausmann '66 Robert '66 & Amy '72 Hisch Daniel '62 & Rosemarie '66 Horstman Ronald '66 & Alice Jenkins Ann '66 & John Johnston Louise '66 & Robert Kiesler David '66 & Linda '66 Koressel JoAnn Laugel '66 Kathleen Newton-Lewis '66 & Barry Lewis Glenn '66 & Norwanda Macke Paul '66 & Patty Maurer Stephen '65 & Rita '66 Moore David '66 & Carol Nurrenbern David '66 & Kathy Reising Daniel '66 & Ruth Reisinger Christopher '66 & Janet '67 Siemers Ruth Ann '66 & Michael Stonecipher John '66 & Judith Stratman Gerald Tieken '66 James '66 & Margaret Tomes Robert Wathen '66 Cynthia '66 & Max Williams Janet '66 & Paul Witmeier Kathleen '66 & Robert Wittgen

Class of '67 Class Chair: Barbara E. (Tevault) Moore, Kathleen M. (Tighe) Griese Participation: 11.6% Diane Weiss-Altstadt '67 David '67 & Jane '68 Baumgart James Borries '67 Russell '67 & Mary '68 Borst Terry '67 & Sharon '67 Carlton Alvin '65 & June '67 Carr Fred '67 & Judy '67 Gries Kathleen '67 & Richard Griese Jane '67 & Raymond Herr Danny '67 & Linda '68 Kares Thomas '67 & Linda '67 Knapp Paul '65 & Joyce '67 Koch Paul '67 & Nancy '67 Mayer Sr. Jane Michele McClure, OSB '67 Barbara '67 & Thomas Moore Allen '67 & Barbara '67 Rexing Bernard Rietman '67 Donna '67 & George Rode Christopher '66 & Janet '67 Siemers Stanley '67 † & Mary Jane '71 Weber Judith Wohadlo '67 Gary Wolf '67 Michael '67 & Tammy Zeller Class of '68 Class Chair: Judy (Englert) Knapp Participation: 11.9% Steven '65 & Jo Lynn '68 Adams David '67 & Jane '68 Baumgart Russell '67 & Mary '68 Borst James '68 & Karen Folz Charles Goebel '68 Tony '68 & Zetta Goebel Robert '68 and Debbie Goedde Stephen '70 & Beverly '68 Helfert Linda '68 & Robert Huebschman Danny '67 & Linda '68 Kares Paul Kelsey '68

Jerome '68 & Judith '68 Knapp Philip Kohut '68 Carol '68 & Michael Laymon James '68 & Cynthia Mallory Donald '68 & Janie '68 Moore Paul '68 & Barbara '68 Reising Michele Reisinger Kenneth '68 & Joyce Rietman Doris '68 & Homer Taylor Dennis '68 & Pamela Wilderman Brian '68 & Dawn Woehler Class of '69 Class Chair: Participation: 7.3% Daniel '69 & Janice Alvey Anonymous Darlene '69 & Randall Appler Judith '69 & Tim Bishop Karen '69 & Wayne Breunig James '69 & Jean Butler John '69 & Donna Hamilton Kathy '69 & Frank Kanowsky Charles '69 & Deborah Koressel Sharon '69 & Stephen Muensterman Sandy Raben '69 James '69 & Janice '69 Schiff Delores Schmitt '69 Kathleen '69 & Kenneth Wolf Class of '70 Class Chair: Wayne Emge, Jerry Kirchoff Participation: 15.3% Kathy '70 & John Brendel John '70 & Leslie Buckman Betty '70 & David Cummings Suzanne Crouch '70 & Larry Downs Richard '70 & Diane Elpers Wayne '70 & Diane '71 Emge James '70 & Carol Fechtmeister Mark '70 & Deborah Fehrenbacher Dennis '70 & Scarlett '70 Feldhaus Joseph '70 & Donna '70 Fischer Linda '70 & Michael Folz Mark '70 & Ramona '70 Freeman

donations by class

Class of '71 Class Chair: Joan (Eickhoff) Bauer, Diane (Gutzweiler) Emge Participation: 12.30% Anonymous Jane '71 & Tom Antes Joan '71 & Randall Bauer Ronald '71 & Debbie '71 Brenner Theresa Chapman '71 Wayne '70 & Diane '71 Emge Robert '71 & Mary Kay '71 Fehrenbacher Robert '71 & Nancy '71 Fischer Beverly Gish '71 Thomas '71 & Karen '71 Goebel Cecilia '71 & Randall Kuester Kenneth '71 & Jeanne '79 Mesker Donald '71 & Kathy Montgomery Cindy Nemer '71 Stan '71 & Tracy Niemeier Sherri Barron '71 & David Poetker Sandra '71 & David Schmitt James '71 & Kris Schroeder Dave '71 & Tina '71 Schutte Stanley '67 † & Mary Jane '71 Weber

Class of '72 Class Chair: Susan (Wildeman) Lutz Participation: 16% Mark '72 & Brenda Altstadt Ira ‘72 & Terry '72 Boots Kathleen Buchanan '72 Diane '72 & Thomas Buskavitz Jack '60 & Phyllis '72 Corn Steven '72 & Marcia '72 Frey Gary '72 & Cynthia '73 Goebel Robert '66 & Amy '72 Hisch Lisa '72 & Bruce Kohl Theresa Lintzenich '72 † Susan '72 & Joel Lutz Joyce '74 Moers Mary Jo '72 & Don Musgrave Sandra '72 & Thomas Raley Mary Lou '72 and Scott Swinger Patricia '72 & Kenneth Tenbarge Fred '72 & Marsha Voelker Eugene '72 & Eveline Wannemuehler Robert '72 & Paula Waterman Louis '72 & Margaret Wildeman Jerry '72 & Susan '73 Wolf Class of '73 Class Chair: James Dewig Participation: 8.9% Paul '73 & Barbara '73 Angermeier Linda Denstorff '73 James '73 & Judy '73 Dewig Marilyn '73 & Gary Dressel Melvin '73 & Dolly Fehrenbacher Gary '72 & Cynthia '73 Goebel Randy '73 & Rebecca '74 Helfrich David '73 & Mindy Jochem Karen '73 & Larry Lukeman Donna McDonald '73 Larry '73 & Beth '73 Muensterman Anthony '73 & Cynthia '73 Richardt Angela '73 & David Skogen Bruce '73 & Sheila Spaulding James '73 and Diane Werner

Steven '73 & Rebecca Whitman Jerry '72 & Susan '73 Wolf Class of '74 Class chair: Daniel Gutzweiler Participation: 16.3% Vicki '74 & James Austin Steve '74 & Cindy Backes Bobbie Birchler '74 Lawrence Blankenberger '74 Jeana Campbell '74 Terri McBride '74 & Kevin Case Rebecca '74 & Phillip Dosher Rebecca '74 & Donald Fuchs Virginia '74 & Jeff Gaul Daniel '74 & Karole '75 Gutzweiler Patricia '74 & Robert Harding Randy '73 & Rebecca '74 Helfrich Randall '74 & Cynthia Hupfer Rebecca '74 & Tim Klingler Michael '74 & Rendie Koressel Timothy '74 & Michelle '76 Krack Gary '74 & Letha '74 Lannert Russell '74 & Kathy Miller Joyce '74 Moers Carol '74 & Robert Neisen Dennis '70 & MaDonna '74 Niemeier Vicki McCracken '74 & Bill Pan Lauralee '74 & David Paulson Russell '74 & Carol '74 Reising Michele '74 & Jeffrey Wildeman Tina '74 & Joseph Wright Class of '75 Class Chair: Martha (Horstman) Bohleber Participation: 12.50% Jodi '75 & Mark Adcock Ted '75 & Diane Barron Martha '75 & Mike Bohleber Cherie '75 & Jerry Burgdorf Janet Bauer-Correa '75 Patrick '75 & Rita Debes Joseph '75 & Patricia '75 Dewig Debbie Ellison '75 Julie Gilles '75 Barbara Griepenstroh '75


Michael '70 & Melanie Goebel Steven Goebel '70 Robert Harrison '70 Stephen '70 & Beverly '68 Helfert Randall '70 & Sylvia Jochim Vickie Kane '70 Jerome '70 & Mary Jo '70 Kirchoff Suzanna '70 & Melvin Martin Richard Miller '70 Dennis '70 & MaDonna '74 Niemeier Sharon '70 & Alan Ripplemeier David '70 & Darlene '70 Robinson Kathy '70 & Daniel Schenk Albert C. Schmitt '70 Thomas Stroud '70 Kathryn '70 & Thomas Verkamp Karen Waller '70


donations by class Daniel '74 & Karole '75 Gutzweiler Karen '75 & Keith Hinderliter Rebecca '75 & Richard Johnson David '75 & Mariann '76 Jost Kenneth '75 & Janice Miller Nancy '75 & Ray Pritchett Kenneth '75 & Beth Schenk Doris '75 & Paul Schultheis Matthew '75 & Pam '75 Wannemuehler Dan Weinzapfel '75 Mark '75 & Annette Werner Class of '76 Class Chair: Steven Schapker Participation: 12.10% Sherri '76 & Ralph Adler Gary '76 & Kim Alles Julie '76 & Rudain Arafeh Timothy '76 & Martha '78 Dick Jeffrey '76 & Donna Hayden Lisa '76 & Joseph Henderson Debbie Jochim '76 David '75 & Mariann '76 Jost Timothy '74 & Michelle '76 Krack Joanie '76 & Michael McCord Gene Mesker '76 Ellen '76 & Eric Mullen Paula '81 & Gerald '76 † Parkinson Steven '76 & Janet '77 Schapker Mark '76 & Mary Ann '76 Schentrup Mark '76 & Julia Schiff Tracy Sparks '76 David Stumpf '76 James '76 & Karen Will Class of '77 Class Chair: Robert Scheller, Sara Ellert Participation: 11.10% Anthony '77 & Nancy Deig Daniel '77 & Jean Dick Sara Ellert '77 Ronald '77 & Beth Ann Folz Karen Johnson '77

Daniel '77 & Katie Lappe Kent '77 & Laura '80 Reddington Timothy Richardt '77 Stephen '77 & Gwendolyn Rode Steven '76 & Janet '77 Schapker Robert '77 & Mary '82 Scheller Brian '77 & Karen '79 Schenk Kathleen '77 and Donald '74 Schoenbachler Alan '77 & Kathryn Tenbarge Roger '77 & Natalie '78 Wathen Jeanine '77 & Russell Wildeman Jeffery '77 & Donna Wolf Class of '78 Class Chair: Beth (Goebel) Lindauer Participation: 9.40% Pamela '78 & Jeff Ambrose Erin '78 & Richard Born Timothy '76 & Martha '78 Dick Michael '78 & Melissa Gossman Mark '78 and Cheryl Lannert Ruth '78 & Bernie Muller Jeffry '78 & Cheryl Niemeier Daniel '78 & Maria Schapker Terri Scheller '78 Keith Schnur '78 John '78 & Tamara '80 Schroeder Angela '78 & Richard Short Joseph '78 & Chris Tenbarge Roger '77 & Natalie '78 Wathen Peggy Zoglman '78 Class of '79 Class Chair: Patricia (Rollett) Will Participation: 8.8% Anonymous William '79 & Jennifer Bartek Michele '79 & Donald Fleming Erin '79 & Jams Gidcumb Michael '79 & Jennifer Kempf Kenneth '71 & Jeanne '79 Mesker Kevin '79 & Lee Anne Mischler Mary '79 & Daniel Ritter

Richard '80 & Christine '79 Scheller Brian '77 & Karen '79 Schenk Carl Schmitt '79 Theresa '79 & David Weber Kurt '79 & Rebecca '81 Weinzapfel Mary Wilder '79 David '79 & Anne '79 Wolf Class of '80 Class Chair: Michael Goedde Participation: 14.40% Terry Aders '80 Terence '80 & Jean '81 Alvey Timothy '80 & Theo Boots Richard '80 & Sara '81 Fischer Michael '80 & Soozie Goedde Randy '80 & Kim Hertel Wade '80 & Karen Hickam Mary Hupfer '80 Jane Kelle '80 Patrick '82 & Shari '80 Kempf Jeffrey '80 & Cathy Macke Deacon Daniel '80 & Laura '80 Niemeier Kent '77 & Laura '80 Reddington Linda '80 & Robert Russell Richard '80 & Christine '79 Scheller Lawrence '80 & Shannon Schentrup John '78 & Tamara '80 Schroeder Vincent '80 & Julia '82 Schu Sherilyn '80 & Donnie Scott Scott '80 & Beth '80 Slaton Daniel Tenbarge '80 Karen Wargel '80 Mark '80 & Jane '81 Weinzapfel David '80 & Sue Wildeman Class of '81 Class Chair: Mark Herrmann, Michelle (Folz) Herrmann Participation: 5.90% Terence '80 & Jean '81 Alvey Richard '80 & Sara '81 Fischer Mark '81 & Michelle '81 Herrmann Peter '81 & Karri Hillenbrand

donations by class

Class of '82 Class Chair: Deedee Eickhoff, Amy (Klenk) Tenbarge Participation: 4.7% Joseph '82 & Mary Bassemeier Stacy Spalding '82 & Michael Bow John '82 & Jeanne Dewig Patrick '82 & Shari '80 Kempf Edward '82 & Lorri '83 Lappe Robert '77 & Mary '82 Scheller Vincent '80 & Julia '82 Schu David Stocker '82 Class of '83 Class Chair: Darin Boots, Kathy (Goedde) Boots Participation: 8.90% William Basden '83 D. Vincent '83 & Kathy '83 Boots Lori '83 & Denny Fehrenbacher Donna '83 & Michael Folz Daniel '83 & Teresa Haller Karen '83 & Greg Hamilton Edward '82 & Lorri '83 Lappe Bernard '83 & Jennifer Mayer Sheri '83 & Todd Powers Jon '83 & Barbara '83 Raben M. Todd '83 & Sally '83 ReisingKempf Michael '83 & Jeana Walker David '83 & Buffy Wannemuehler James '83 and Margaret Weinzapfel Jr. Class of '84 Class Chair: Jeff Happe Participation: 7.30% Teri (Hollander) '84 & David Albin

Nicholas '84 & Jennifer '84 Braun Amy '84 & John Brennan Julie '84 & Michael Forcum Jeff Happe '84 Dean '84 & Laura Happe Debra Head '84 Ted '84 & Anglea Kares Joseph '84 & Joni Steinkamp Annalee Tepool '84 Kevin '84 & Angie Wildeman Class of '85 Class Chair: Jeanene (Happe) Goebel, Chris Goebel Participation: 11.70% Kelley '85 & James Alldredge Joseph '85 & Theresa '86 Berendes Geoffrey '85 & Sabine Coates Chris '85 & Jeanene '85 Goebel Ann '85 & Chris Harper Edward '85 & Jacqueline '85 Knapp Darin '85 & Marti '90 Knight Stanley '85 & Lisa Memmer Jamie '85 & Don Neel Christopher Paul '85 Keith '85 & Lisa '88 Reising LaChere '85 & David Rexing Steve '85 & Kristi '87 Ricketts Dava '85 & Robert Tenbarge Melba '85 & Wayne Wilderman Philip '85 & Deborah Will Class of '86 Class Chair: Kelly (Elpers) Pennington Participation: 5.80% Joseph '85 & Theresa '86 Berendes Susan Delay '86 Amy '86 & Philip Graham Tricia '86 & Jeffrey Henning Kelly '86 & Kevin Pennington Kent '86 & Melissa Rexing Matthew Ubelhor '86 Benjamin '86 & Marie '86 Wagner

Class of '87 Class Chair: Kevin Hausman Participation: 6.70% Lesley '87 & Jeffrey Bertrand Jason "87 and Deborah '87 Fleck John '87 & Amy Goebel Susan '87 & Joseph Loftus Timothy '87 and Cynthia '89 Marx Mark '87 & Kelly '92 Messal Robert '87 & Pam Muensterman Steve '85 & Kristi '87 Rickets Jamie Wicks '87 Class of '88 Class Chair: Natalie (Tindle) Reidford Participation: 8.00% Amy '88 & John Blackketter Athena Bongard '88 Amy '88 & Jeff Collins Michael '88 & Michelle Eickhoff Miranda '88 & Jody Graham Eric Gries '88 Rick '88 & Jennifer '90 Lamble Todd '88 & Kelly Lehman Brent '88 & Tricia Neitzke Natalie '88 & Jon Reidford Keith '85 & Lisa '88 Reising James '89 & Kim '88 Riordan James '88 & Ingrid '95 Stratman Paul '88 & Natalie '88 Weis Class of '89 Class Chair: Craig Goedde Participation: 8.80% Maria '89 and Jim Berry Chad '89 & Angie '89 Burnett Bridget '89 & Randy Dickerson Charlotte Reisinger-Klueg '89 & Jeremy Klueg Jason '89 & Stacy '90 Martin Ann '89 & Richard McIntosh William Payne '89 James '89 & Lori '89 Pierre James '89 & Kim '88 Riordan Christopher '89 & Jane Scheu Angela '89 & Eric Strehl Mindy Wannemuehler '89


David '81 & Doreen Hoefling Joseph '81 & Susan Kohut Kevin Olivey '81 Paula '81 & Gerald '76 † Parkinson Kurt '79 & Rebecca '81 Weinzapfel Mark '80 & Jane '81 Weinzapfel


donations by class Class of '90 Class Chair: Larry Beard Participation: 8.90% Eric '90 & Cindy '94 Anslinger Larry '90 & Farrah '94 Beard Lawrence '90 & Farrah '94 Beard Kiley '90 & Melissa '93 Van Bibber Brian '90 & Mandy Elpers Matthew '90 & Shannon '93 Goebel Darin '85 & Marti '90 Knight Rick '88 & Jennifer '90 Lamble Jason '89 & Stacy '90 Martin Amy '90 & Mark Schlachter Scott '90 & Vicki '91 Wunderlich Class of '91 Class Chair: Kevin Moore Participation: 8.70% Anthony '91 and Jill Bacon Matthew '91 & Kristen '91 Folz Lisa '91 & John Forzley Steven '91 & Kim Greulich Brett '91 & Jennifer '91 McDurmon Kevin '91 & Erin '94 Moore Matthew '91 & Angela '93 Mulherin Todd '91 & Babs Niemeier Phillip '91 & Kiersten '94 Stolz Eric '91 & Stacey '94 Turner Scott '90 & Vicki '91 Wunderlich Class of '92 Class Chair: Valorie (Hirsch) Dassel Participation: 10.10% Lynnette '92 and Scott Allen Kimberly Collins '92 Samuel '92 & Lana '93 Ellison Eric '92 & Jennifer '93 Folz Brian '92 & Aimee Gerth Daniel '92 & Heidi '92 Griese Brian '92 & Heather '92 Hertel Duane '92 & Emily Maurer Mark '87 & Kelly '92 Messal James '92 & Cynthia Townsend Michael '92 & Lisa Weber

Class of '93 Class Chair: Gina Goedde Participation: 14.20% Jay '93 & Sarah '93 Adams Kiley '90 & Melissa '93 Van Bibber Matthew '93 & Jennifer '96 Bishop Samuel '92 & Lana '93 Ellison Eric '92 & Jennifer '93 Folz Matthew '90 & Shannon '93 Goebel Gina Goedde '93 Mark '93 & Paula Hertel Andrew '93 and Jennifer '98 Hoffman Craig '93 & Angela Miller Matthew '91 & Angela '93 Mulherin Bradley '93 & Meredith Raben Beau '93 & Sharon Shumate Daniel Townsend '93 Jennifer '93 & Ross Vaughn Timothy '93 & Julianna '94 Voelker J. Brian '93 & Karen Wilkey Class of '94 Class Chair: Jason "Jake" Martin Participation: 13.10% Eric '90 & Cindy '94 Anslinger Larry '90 & Farrah '94 Beard Lawrence '90 & Farrah '94 Beard Jody '94 & Brian Branson Aaron '94 & Jennifer Couture Gregg '94 & Trisha '94 Emge Gregg '94 & Trisha (Feldhaus) '94 Emge Tony '94 & Jessica Fehrenbacher Natalie '94 & Keith Maasberg Jason '94 & Kerry Martin Kevin '91 & Erin '94 Moore Ann '94 and Mark Randall Jennifer '94 & Roger Sieben Phillip '91 & Kiersten '94 Stolz Eric '91 & Stacey '94 Turner

Timothy '93 & Julianna '94 Voelker Holly '94 & Jeffrey Wahr Craig '94 & Christina '97 Wunderlich Class of '95 Class Chair: Ingrid (Maier) Stratman Participation: 8.70% Melanie '95 & Brian Denning Kevin '95 & Lisa '96 Farmer Andrew '95 & Anna Hart Ryan '95 & Natalie '00 Kassenbrock Ann '95 & David Martin Jeffrey '95 & Natalie McDurmon George R. Moll '95 Angela (Bauer) '95 & Clint Mullenix James '95 & Amy '96 Schroeder Christopher Spahn '95 James '88 & Ingrid '95 Stratman Class of '96 Class Chair: Andrea (Boots) Baumann Participation: 9.00% Andrea '96 & Daniel Baumann Matthew '93 & Jennifer '96 Bishop Matthew '96 & Amanda '97 Bohleber Kevin '95 & Lisa '96 Farmer Erin '96 & Jason Gries Scott '96 and Joanna Richardville James '96 & Casi '97 Schiff James '95 & Amy '96 Schroeder Sara '96 & Jeffrey Sexton Blake '96 & Katie '00 Shumate Anthea Turner '96 Kristi Wargel '96 Class of '97 Class Chair: Alisha (Goedde) Lannert Participation: 10.90% Christy Atherton '97

donations by class

Class of '98 Class Chair: Natalie (Emge) Sandefur, Jamie (Reese) Schiff Participation: 10.30% Brandon '98 † & Lindsey Boots Sarah '98 & Todd Chase Jeremy '98 & Jennifer Herrmann Rebecca '98 & Klifton Keplinger Dustin '98 & Alisha '97 Lannert Leanne '98 & Wes Rees Greg '98 & Kristi '97 Schaefer Ryan '98 & Hallie '04 Scheu Adam '99 & Jamie '98 Schiff John '98 and Caron Stofleth Carrie '98 and Jonathan '98 Straus Gerard '98 & Tracy Wildeman Andrew '99 & Mary '98 Woehler Class of '99 Class Chair: Joshua Hodge Participation: 5.40% Lucas Angermeier '99 David '99 & Amanda Hisch Joshua Hodge '99 Jenny '99 and Mark Koch Brian '99 & Anna '99 Luigs Adam '99 & Jamie '98 Schiff Pamela '99 & Mike Vadbunker

Andrew '99 & Mary '98 Woehler Class of '00 Class Chair: Matthew Weber Participation: 8.20% Adam '00 & Abby Adler Jacob '00 & Carrie '00 Boehman Mitch '00 & Amanda Happe Eric '00 & Kristen Kassenbrock Ryan '95 & Natalie '00 Kassenbrock John Kiefer '00 Kimberly '00 & Jason Kinnaman James Kissel '00 Blake '02 & Jennifer '00 Kollker M. Andrew '00 & Kathryn '01 Lannert Blake '96 & Katie '00 Shumate Matthew '00 & Crystal Weber Jacob '00 & Kelley Weis Class of '01 Class Chair: Rachel (Wright) Meeks Participation: 8.80% Jeffrey '01 & Melissa Anslinger Nicholas '01 & Kelsey '08 Austin Jessica '01 & Craig Elliott Jason '01 & Jenna Kuester Andrea '01 & Nick Lamkin M. Andrew '00 & Kathryn '01 Lannert Kati '01 & Craig Love Brandon '01 & Emily Porter Albert '01 & Lindsay '01 Schmitt Benjamin '01 & Katie Verkamp Joel '01 & Carly Werner Nathan '01 & Jessica Wildeman Jared '01 & Jessica Ziliak Class of '02 Class Chair: Jennifer (Mesker) Dyhrkopp Participation: 11.00% Lacy '02 & Jeff Bender Heather Eickhoff '02 Haley '02 & Derek Fritts

Justin '02 and Lena Greubel Ryan '02 and Samantha Hoefling Matthew '02 & Mackenzie Kiefer Blake '02 & Jennifer '00 Kollker Jarrod '02 & Katie Luigs Patrick Mallory '02 Natalie '02 & Sean Murphy Kari '02 & Tyler Parsons Aaron Reckelhoff '02 Logan '02 & Molly Riggs Jacob Schiff '02 Nathaniel '02 & Carrie Stratman Todd '02 & Amber '02 Zimmer Class of '03 Class Chair: Patrick Fehrenbacher Participation: 5.00% Chip '03 & Megan '03 Altstadt Patrick '03 & Brittany Fehrenbacher Abby '03 & Evan Hipp Holly '03 & Nick Jahn David '03 & Kristen Lappe Jennifer '03 & Curt Seib Lindsey Wagner '03 Class of '04 Class Chair: Hallie (Denstorff) Scheu, Eric Reffett Participation: 11.70% Raymond '04 & Rachel '05 Goebel Katie '04 & Jason Gretler Kyle '04 & Courtney Kraft Nicholas '04 & Kourtney '05 Lannert Laura '04 & Brendan McKenzie Lindsey '04 & Ben Mehringer Andrew '04 & Emily '05 Nurrenbern Eric '04 & Carrie Reffett Ryan '98 & Hallie '04 Scheu Kristi '04 & Daniel Schuster Eric '04 & Laura '06 Stoltz Kristina '04 & Justin Strohmeyer Andy '04 & Megan '04 Wathen William '04 & Tara '05 Wayne Megan Wright '04


Matthew '96 & Amanda '97 Bohleber Peter '97 & Jodi Fehrenbacher Michael '97 & Andrea Halbig Julie Hatfield '97 Lori '97 & Eric Jones Jeremy '97 & Libby '97 Kiesel Brian '97 & Rowena Knapp Dustin '98 & Alisha '97 Lannert Ann '97 & Glen Muehlbauer Greg '98 & Kristi '97 Schaefer Mathew '97 & Ashley Schenk James '96 & Casi '97 Schiff Jessica '97 & Bryan Schultheis Kurt '97 & Erin Wildeman Jeffrey '97 & Sarah '97 Woehler Craig '94 & Christina '97 Wunderlich


donations by class Class of '05 Class Chair: Jenna (Denstorff) Kunkler Participation: 8.50% Jessica '05 and Zac Frame Allison '05 & Keith Garrard Raymond '04 & Rachel '05 Goebel Jenna '05 & Craig Kunkler Nicholas '04 & Kourtney '05 Lannert Andrew '04 & Emily '05 Nurrenbern Jordan '05 & Kristen Raben Andrew '05 and Mandy Reddington Dustin '05 & Sarah '05 Slaton William '04 & Tara '05 Wayne Katie '05 & Chris Wolters Class of '06 Class Chair: Laura (Mesker) Sotlz Participation: 6.50% Penny Appler '06 Daniel Armstrong '06 Tyler '06 & Alexa '06 Bittner Derek '06 & Jenna '07 Lappe Benjamin '06 & Kathryn Lasher Matthew Loehrlein '06 Andrew '06 & Elyse '06 Niemeier Robin '06 & Tyler Rosbrugh Scott Schapker '06 Eric '04 & Laura '06 Stoltz Jake Weinzapfel '06 Class of '07 Class Chair: Hannah (Boots) Kirkman Participation: 4.60% Reid '08 & Lauren '07 Grossman Kyle '07 & Mallory '07 Hertel Hannah '07 & Mark Kirkman Derek '06 & Jenna '07 Lappe Jordan '07 & Jenna '07 Phelps Marie '07 & Adam Stewart

Class of '08 Class Chair: Emily (Tenbarge) Schnapf Participation: 6.20% Nicholas '01 & Kelsey '08 Austin Jessika '08 & Aaron Foust Kurtis '08 & Jessica Goebel Reid '08 & Lauren '07 Grossman Greg '08 & Amy '08 Marshall Bradley '08 & Kathryn '08 Niemeier Adam '08 & Elysse Ruggles Sherilyn '08 & Tyler Rust Kendal Schmidt '08 Class of '09 Class Chair: Kristra (Carter) Kercher, John Kercher Participation: 3.00% Katelyn '09 & Nick Behrman John '09 & Krista '09 Kercher Lacey '09 & Adam Nix Victoria '09 & Bryan Ruder Class of '10 Class Chair: Jessica (Kempf) Snyder Participation: 3.00% Connor Bartek '10 Craig '10 and Abby Niemeier Jacob '10 & Sara '10 Scheu Megan Schneider '10 Weston Tenbarge '10 Rachel '10 & Brandon Thacker

Wade '12 and Maggie Hoffman Austin '12 and MaKayla Knapp Eric '12 and Katelyn Wildeman '12 Class of '13 Class Chair: Cooper (Mayer) Lannert Participation: 2.40% Adam '13 & Madalyn Berendes Aubrey Goebel '13 Drew '13 and Taylor '14 Winiger Class of '14 Class Chair: Kayla (Schoettlin) Choate Participation: 2.50% Nolan Goebel '14 Zachary Goedde '14 Jared '14 & Laura '14 Schapker Class of '15 Class Chair: Isaac Memmer Participation: 1.80% Ashton Forzley '15 Tanner '15 & Megan '15 Fritch Class of '16 Class Chair: Participation: .7% Mariah Schneider '16 Class of '17 Class Chair: Elizabeth Seng Participation: .80% Jared Abney '17

Class of '11 Class Chair: Kristen Cox Participation: 1.60% Thomas '11 & Lindsey Johnson Justin '11 & Carri '11 VanWinkle

Class of '19 Class Chair: Kaelyn Wessel Participation: 1.40% Nolan Forzley '19 Carmen Hertel '19

Class of '12 Class Chair: Katie (Wildeman) Hess Participation: 3.70% Claire Alvey '12 Cody '12 & Kathryn '12 Hess

Class of '21 Class Chair: Emma Lamble Participation: 1.40% Mariah Dickerson '21 Taylor Gerth '21 Cael Moore '21

donations by class Class of '22

Class of '23

Class of '26

Class Chair: Collin Maurer

Class Chair: Kate Wenger

Class Chair:

Participation: 2.5%

Participation: .8%

Participation: .7%

Brody Baumann '22 James Schiff '22 Calvin Stratman '22

Jasmine Hertel '23

Gwendolyn Hertel '26

“Each one should give as much as he has decided on his own initiative, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” 2 Corinthians 9:7 2 Corinthians 9:7










"Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace to those whom his favor rests." Luke 2:14 @mater_dei_wildcats

@Mater Dei High School Evansville


@MaterDeiHS @MaterDeisports

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