Ave Maria Newsletter 2024

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The Ave Maria SocietyNewsletter

The Planned Giving & Endowment Society of Mater Dei High School Vol. 11 - March 2024

The Mater Dei High School O ce of Advancement and the Ave Maria Society would like to invite you to our annual

Ave Maria Morning

Thursday, April 25, 2024

Mater Dei High School • 1300 Harmony Way, Evansville, IN 47720

Join us in recognizing the impact of the Ave Maria Society on Mater Dei and learn about our plans for the future from President Deacon Dan Niemeier.

All MD Alumni, Friends, and Parents are welcome!

Schedule: 7:45 a.m. - All School Living Rosary and Mass (Kempf Auditorium) 9:00 a.m. - Breakfast & Presentation (Reverend Nunning Media Center)

Please RSVP by Thursday, April 19, 2024 to Mallory Hertel, 812-421-5727, ext. 405, mhertel@evdio.org


Ave Maria Society

Gary ‘76 and Kim Alles

Ronald ‘64 and Margaret (Bradley) ‘66 Angermeier

Kenneth E. and Diana G. Arbary

John Barthel ‘65

Dan and Andrea (Boots) ’96 Baumann

Mariann Baumgartner ’58 †

Maurice ‘60 and Cherie (Berendes) ‘60 Berendes

Pat and Beth Blankenberger

Steve ‘65 and Judy Blankenberger

Brandon ’98 † and Lindsey Boots

Ira Joseph † and Dorothy Jane † Boots

Ira Gerard ’72 and Theresa (Seib) ’72 Boots

Thomas ’65 and Deborah Borries

Rose (Brenner) Breivogel ‘55

Fr. Raymond Brenner

Virgil ’64 and Joan † Brenner

Ronald ‘52 and Patricia Browning

Jerry and Cherie (Nemer) ‘75 Burgdorf

Juanita Byers

Theresa (Dezember) Chapman ‘71

Justin ’56 and Shirley (Adler) ’59 Clements

Jack ’60 and Phyllis (Kruse) ’72 Corn

Allan Crane ‘59

Alan † and Mary Jane (Muensterman) ’52 † Dale

Julie (Fechtmeister) Deeg ‘72

James † and Doris (Mayer) ‘52 Dewig

Randal Dick ‘78 †

Timothy A. Dickel

Rodger Duncan ’60

James † and Rosalie Dunkel

Mike † and Clarita † Ellert

Fr. James Endress †

Rita ‘55 and Richard Eykamp

Butch ’66 and Linda Feulner

Fifth Third Bank

Harold † and Mary Lou † Forche

Theresa Frielinghausen

Bishop-emeritus Gerald A. Gettelfinger

Andrew ’65 and Darlene (Folz) ’64 Goebel

Elmer Goedde †

Harold ‘51 † and Sylvia (Niemeier) ‘53 † Gossman

Michael ‘78 and Melissa Gossman

Jerry ’60 and Pamela (Heathcotte) ’60 † Gries

Raymond ‘63 and Janette (Duncan) ‘65 Gries

Robert and Judy (Eisterhold) ’60 Griffin

John R. Groben †

Ralph and Linda (Will) ‘62 Hague

Fred ‘64 and Mary (May) ‘64 Happe

Jeff ‘84 and Leanne † Happe

Theresa (Boots) ’69 † and William ’60 † Helfrich

Cheryl Herrmann ’71

Jeremy ‘98 and Jennifer Herrmann

Scott Herrmann ‘01

Joshua Hodge ‘99

Ronald ’59 and Kathy Hollander

John R. and Ann (Logel) ’66 Johnston

Gregory † and Edwina Kempf

Harold ’54 and Shirley Kempf

Robert King ’58 †

Gregory ‘73 and Linda Kissel

Edward ’59 and Judy (Seibert) ’60 † Knapp

James ’68 † and Elvira Knapp

Bill † and Carroll Knight

Dear Friends,

As I reflect on my personal journey since becoming President of Mater Dei, I am continually inspired by the unwavering dedication and passion of our Mater Dei community. Together, we have upheld the tradition of excellence that has defined Mater Dei for the past 75 years.

As we celebrate our rich history, we look forward to the future with a steadfast commitment to transforming, elevating, and enriching the Mater Dei experience for generations of students to come. Building upon the strong foundation laid by those who have come before us, we aspire to equip our students to reach new heights of academic achievement, spiritual growth, character development, and community engagement.

I am grateful and humbled to lead this extraordinary community. I want to extend my heartfelt appreciation to our loyal Ave Maria Society members who are truly in a class of their own. With the support of our members, our efforts to ensure stability and sustainability are fortified, paving the way for Mater Dei to thrive for another 75 years and beyond.

I strongly encourage you to join us and invite others as we come together to learn more about our planned giving and endowment society and our plans for the future of Mater Dei. Regardless of the size of your gift, your support ensures the next generation of students will benefit from a Mater Dei education. I hope to see you at our annual Ave Maria Morning on Thursday, April 25th.

In Christ, Through our Blessed Mother,


Ave Maria Society

God, Family,Country,& Mater Dei

Terry Crane ‘56 was raised with his younger brother and sister on the west side of Evansville at the top of Maryland Street, about two blocks from what is now the entrance to Mater Dei High School. During his younger years, it was only an empty lot on the peak of a grassy hill sloping down into a valley where the school would later be built. The area was a natural attraction for Terry and neighborhood friends to play and explore before becoming a place to watch the excavation of the land as Mater Dei’s foundation was laid.

In 1953, Terry went on to attend Mater Dei, where he formed new friendships and grew in his existing friendships with classmates from Sacred Heart. He was particularly interested in the wrestling and football programs and carried an affinity for them throughout his life.

Upon graduation, Terry went on to serve in the United States Air Force. As a child during World War II, Terry was exposed to much of the home-front war effort in Evansville and was very inquisitive about what he saw and heard. This curiosity led to his lifetime interest in military history, and a deep respect for those who were on the front lines of this history.

After Terry passed away in March of 2022, his brother, Allan ’59, and sister, Connie (Crane) Schnapf ’63, established an endowment that offers tuition assistance for students whose parents are current or former members of law enforcement or military, or have been disabled in the line of duty.

This history of family military service and the knowledge of the sacrifices and monetary hardships that military and police families face inspired the creation of the endowment by Terry’s siblings. Terry inherited his parents’ legacy of generously supporting the Catholic Church during their lifetime, which they demonstrated by gifting the land that Mater Dei was built on to the Catholic Diocese of Evansville. Terry would be most pleased to know that an endowment to Mater Dei was established in his name, continuing his parent’s legacy of supporting the school that earned his lifelong affection.

His brother Allan shares, “It’s fitting that Terry’s endowment not only remembers him but also indirectly honors the foundations and influences in his life: God, family, country, and Mater Dei.”

Patricia Koch

Robert ‘56 and Cynthia Koch II

Larry ‘59 and DiAnne (Stevens) ‘60 Kremer

Rose Kuhn ‘55 †

Fr. Raymond Kuper †

JoAnn Laugel ‘66

Jack † and Anna † MacGregor

Jerry † and Charlotte MacGregor

Jeffrey and Debra Marx

Mater Dei High School Teachers

Mater Dei Friends & Alumni Association

Mater Dei High School

Thomas ‘56 † and Mary (Koressel) ‘55 † May

Paul ’67 and Nancy (Morrow) ’67 Mayer

Betty (Bristow) McAtee Singer ’50 †

Robert ’62 † and Jane Miller

Joe and Wynn Mitchell

Mary Kay (Koch) ‘58 and James Muehlbauer

Deacon Daniel ’80 and Laura (Tenbarge) ’80 Niemeier

James A. Niemeier ‘69 †

Stephen ‘65 and Stephanie Niemeier

Tom ’55 and Joanie (Berendes) ’55 Niemeier

Deacon Richard ‘50 † and Betty Joan (Martin) ‘50 Preske

Timothy Quinton

Kent ‘77 and Laura (Eickhoff) ‘80 Reddington

Rex Mundi High School

Rich Risemas

David ‘70 and Darlene (Nix) ‘70 Robinson

Rose Rogge

Robert † and Rosemary † Rooney

Donald and Patricia Rupprecht

Robert ’58 and Mary Lue (Neale) ’58 Russler

Walter † and Irene † Ruston

Oliver and Mary Ann (Kuhn) Schapker

Leroy Schenk ‘60 †

Allen ‘62 and Linda Schmitt

Connie (Crane) Schnapf ‘63

Fr. Edward Schnur

Larry and Janice (Goebel) ’64 Schuble

Jack † and Catherine Siemers

Stan Singer ‘57 † and Lenna DeMarco

Sr. Mary Carmel Spayd

Sr. Mary Carmen Spayd

Joseph T. Theby, III

Thomas O. Tighe ’62 †

Dan and Gail (Brack) ’58 Titzer

Ross and Jennifer (Knapp) ‘93 Vaughn

Cliff ’88 and Sarah (Titzer) ’88 Wagner

Robert ‘58 † and Judy † Wargel

Fr. William Wargel †

Al ‘55 and Darlene (Berendes) ‘55 Weinzapfel

James ’61 and Sandra (Runau) ’63 Weinzapfel

Jerome † and Helen (Folz) ‘51 † Weinzapfel

Joseph ’87 and Rhonda Weis

Diane Weiss-Altstadt ‘67

Frances A. Wheeler

Thomas ’71 and Carla Wildeman

James ’51 † and Eileen (Berendes) ’51 Will

Leonard Will, Jr. ‘64

Leonard † and Dolores † Will, Sr.

Robert and Kathy (Emge) ’66 Wittgen

John † and Marian † Witting

Terry, US Air Force, 1957

Set to Succeed

Rose (Brenner) Breivogel ’55 was raised on a small farm with seven siblings. Money wasn’t abundant, but faith, strong work ethic and family were. Rose witnessed the many sacrifices that her parents, George and Marie Brenner, made to send 7 of the 8 kids to Mater Dei, the exception being fellow Ave Maria Society member, Father Ray Brenner, who attended Saint Meinrad as a seminarian. Rose states, “We didn’t have much money, like everyone else, and it was a struggle for my parents to afford tuition. One thing that was very important to my parents was that we all receive a good, Catholic education as my parents had received growing up.” Rose recently established the George and Marie Brenner Endowment to honor her parents who scarified so much for her and her siblings to give them the foundation they needed to succeed throughout life.

She added, “I feel like Mater Dei provides a good, faith-based education that will set students up to succeed in whatever career path they choose. They need basic faith-based principles and Mater Dei helps them get there.”

She went on to say, “I feel drawn to Mater Dei as my siblings and I were able to attend. I received an education that helped me get a good job where I was able to support myself. Now, I just want to help others.” The George and Marie Brenner Endowment benefits both our general operating budget as well as tuition assistance to help hard working families, like the Brenners, afford an excellent Catholic education at our beloved Mater Dei.

Who are members of Mater Dei High School’s Ave Maria Planned Giving & Endowment Society?

They are everyday people with a passion for Mater Dei and her mission to educate young people in a faith-filled environment. They are people who choose to honor loved ones with a lasting gift. They are friends and alumni dedicated to the past, present, and – most importantly – the future of Mater Dei High School.

Becoming a member is simple. We can provide resources to help determine which planned giving option is best for you, including bequests, individual retirement accounts (IRAs), charitable gift annuities, endowments, and life insurance. Once you have made a planned gift or established an endowment with Mater Dei as the beneficiary, notify the Office of Institutional Advancement and you will become an official member of the Ave Maria Society.

For more information contact:

Deacon Dan Niemeier ‘80

President, Mater Dei High School



Mallory Hertel ‘07

Director of Advancement, Mater Dei High School



Rose and her siblings celebrate their brother, Father Rays, 50th anniversary of his ordination in May 2019. He holds a picture of their parents, George and Marie.

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