Hi-Lights Magazine

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Hi-Lights Mater Dei High School Student Magazine

Vol. 4 Issue 1 first semester 19-20 1300 Harmony Way Evansville, IN materdeijournalism@gmail.com eDesign

Job # 12299-999 School Mater Dei High School 12/18/19 2:02 PM



page designed by freshman Anitra Taylor

by senior Audrey Seng Ending their season with a 10-3 record, the team advanced to regionals where they faced Triton Central. After many player injuries, the team adjusted and worked harder for success. “Injuries set back the team a lot this year, but the people who stepped up and exceeded starting position roles made it fun to watch. As a kid with a broken leg, I got to see everything from the sideline, and I couldn’t be more proud of how they all came together and overcame adversity when they needed it the most,” Dillon Davidson ‘20. Throughout the season, the team received constant support from friends and family who often traveled to watch them play. “The support the team received . . . was awesome. To see all the fans pack the bowl every Friday night and cheer us on was pretty amazing,” Nolan Knight ‘21 said. Two major accomplishments included the 10-7 victory over Central on a last second field goal and the 3128 rivalry victory against Reitz. In the first round of sectionals, the Wildcats defeated Crawford County 56-0. After advancing, the team beat Linton Stockton 44-20 and then took out North Knox, 35-6. “This team was such a joy to coach. It was a blast! From off-season workouts, through summer camps and practices, and finally the games, the team was here working and the coaches were excited every day to be involved with them. [They] were obviously talented, but it was the team chemistry and senior leadership that was so noticeable and made this team hugely successful. Just being around them was so rewarding and refreshing. There is so much ‘good’ in these young men,” Coach Mike Goebel said. photos by Ma. Swallows





Job # 12299-999 School Mater Dei High School 12/17/19 12:21 PM


MR. ANDY MORRIS Our New President

by sophomore Aleilah Nisley


On July 18, our school announced the presidency of Mr. Andy Morris. He now performs all the duties associated with this title, such as controlling finances. “Part of what I really want to do is to continue to enhance the Catholic identity of Mater Dei High School,” Mr. Morris said. Mr. Morris believes he can accomplish this by converting the school into a more sacred place. The school has already collected several Catholic statues from multiple churches, such as Holy Trinity and Saint John the Apostle, to use in the chapel and during Mass in the auditorium or gym. Mr. Morris hopes these religious pieces will increase the “Catholic imagery” of the school. President Morris would also like to focus on the school's fine arts and academics. He claims to have no specific plans yet, but every few years, his office organizes a capital campaign, which is where the school uses a large sum of money to improve any room or activity needing repair or attention. “My recommendation is that we have the arts and band be a big part of that,” Mr. Morris said. He sees academics and fine arts as very important, and he wholeheartedly believes that Mater Dei should now direct its focus to those two areas.

After interviewing a number of qualified candidates, the selection committee identified and unanimously affirmed Andy as the right person to lead Mater Dei at this exciting time in our history. Andy is talented and creative. He has a passion for our Catholic faith and a strong desire to see our faith passed on to our young people.” - Father Ed Schnur

by junior Chloe Miller

1. Advertising 2. Public relations 3. Organizational communication with business administration




PLAGIARISM A PROBLEM by freshman Anitra Taylor English teacher Mrs. Crystal Roberson was asked by Mr. Knight to create a policy with the other teachers in the English department. Mrs. Roberson stated that it “provided a place for teachers to discuss academic integrity with their students.” She already had a classroom policy, but appreciates that we now have a school-wide one. “Most schools have academic integrity policies,” Mrs. Roberson said. Kailey Walker [9] and Briggs Miller [9] have not had any issues with plagiarism this year. The biggest struggles when writing a paper are making it flow together, Walker said. Miller said ”using the words in the article without realizing it,” causes her the most difficulty. When it comes to in-text citations, “[t]he hardest issues are sighting them because there are so many rules that you have to follow to have a correct citation,” Allison Deeg [12] said. One of her personal struggles with plagiarism is trying not to say something you have already said in a previous paper. To Audrie Collins [12], paraphrasing correctly can be challenging, and she warns not “to wait until the last minute and copy and paste work from websites.”



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Student Body




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During the inauguration ceremony, Judge Henry Duncan swears in senior Sabrina Henderson as the new mayor of the student government. After being sworn in, students heard speeches from the mayor, clerk, and judge.


ELECTS new mayor

photo by A. Rusk

else do they do?

Student council helps the school by planning events that help the community, student body, and school. They do their best to make each year better than the last. The events include: Teacher the Rave the Luau appreciation Can Food Drive May Day Christmas dance Adopt a Family Talent Show the Red Out


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by freshmen Liza Beard and Belle Farmer

Last May, Mater Dei-ville elected Sabrina Henderson, the 70th mayor of the school. As a member of both the soccer and softball team, German club, National Honor Society and Peer Mediation, she stays involved. Henderson's plans for the school include making this school year fun and memorable for all students. Already, she implemented changes to the Sept. 15 Student Council retreat. Henderson added new activities and things to do for student council.

Another priority on Sabrina's agenda is May Day. “I’m just trying to run everything smoothly so far,” Henderson said. Mater Dei’s government system is different than other schools throughout the U.S. In this school, in addition to class officers that most other school have, Mater Dei has a mayor, judge, clerk and many other titles similar to that of a city. According to the mayor, having these positions makes the government “more interesting and easier for students to understand.”

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Dressed for the occasion, student council members listen to Principal Knight after the swearing in of the clerk. He reminds students that it is an “honor to be selected by [their] peers and that being a member “is not a 7:30 a.m. - 2 p.m. job.” Posing for a picture, Mayor Sabrina Henderson, Judge Henry Duncan and Clerk Kristin Schneider take a break from the inauguration reception.

I like how productive and driven everyone student council is. It inspires ne to help out the community more than normal.” - freshman Adeline Hefner

Job # 12299-999 School Mater Dei High School 12/17/19 2:17 PM



a Wildcat On Sept 9, Logan Tooley, St. James eighth grader, tours the school with seniors Audrie Collins and Anna Devoy. Tooley visited Physics 2 class, and mades sure to wear the obligatory goggles. “It was really cool that I was chosen to represent Mater Dei High School, especially since I did not attend St. James. I hope the incoming freshmen are confident enough to branch out and take unique science classes they might not think to take during their high school career,” Collins said.

by sophomore Aleilah Nisley This fall, there 170 feeder school students shadowed MD students, and Enrollment Manager Mrs. Jill Seiler matched each with a high schooler whom she thought would be best. Mrs. Seiler believes the shadows are greatly benefited by “Shadow Day.” “It really just makes them comfortable. It helps them to see what a wonderful place it is and makes them excited about coming,” Mrs. Seiler said. Because of Shadow Day, the visiting feeder school students aren't forced to imagine what high school here would be like; they get to ascertain that themselves. “There's kind of an art to finding the perfect person to guide each shadow. In spring, the shadows fill out a survey about their academic and extracurricular interests,” Mrs. Seiler said. Mrs. Seiler examines the surveys and assigns each eighth grader to a high schooler, usually from their feeder school, with similar interests. Grades and character are also taken into account when assigning guides to shadows. Mrs. Seiler puts

any classes you are excited to take? “world history because I learned more than I’ve ever learned in my life [the day I shadowed]” Avery Ferrari Westside Catholic


Caleb Kunkler Resurrection

best part about visiting Mater Dei? “being able to see how block scheduling works”

“Seeing the different classrooms in Mater Dei was the best part.”

Luke Schimmel Resurrection

David Theriac Holy Redeemer

any sports/activities you want to join? “I’m planning to do tennis and do some of the artistic clubs because I’m interested in photography, editing, making art, and writing.”



“I am interested in taking U.S. History because I have loved history since I started school. I have a special interest in World War II.”

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“color guard and winter guard” Ashlynn St. Pierre Westside Catholic

Sierra Heldt St. Joseph

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student s


by freshmen Miaka Conkling, Adeline Hefner and Anitra Taylor

Madden switched because she “missed being involved in [her] church . . .” She plays basketball and believes that this was the right decision because she found that people are more welcoming here.

“I’ve always known people here, and my dad went here...” Before coming to MD, Reising was homeschooled. “It's a different dynamic, a different atmosphere, but a good change.” Mina Reising [11]

Caitlyn Madden [11] Elpers “feels more at home here, and [he] grew up going to St. Joe.” He plays football, basketball, and baseball. Elpers’ favorite part of MD is “the school is smaller so [he is] closer with all [his] friends.”

“I like how everyone treats it like we are in a big family.” He switched from Castle and is a member of the wrestling team. Hayhurst thinks that switching was a good decision because his education has improved.

Landon Elpers [10]

Ashton Hayhurst [10]

Megan Nordby [10]

Nordby switched“to better [her] education and to find better opportunities for [her] future.” Her favorite parts are the students because they are “accepting and open-minded.” She says she has a better education here.

“Mater Dei has challenged me more as a person.” Reising switched because he knew more people here. He is involved in super mileage and archery. He also likes the teachers because they “are much more involved.”

Pierce Wolters [10]

His favorite part is “Friday Night Lights because ... it’s a good feeling when everyone is cheering for you.” He decided to switch because of academics and the people he associates with. Wolters is involved in football and wrestling.

“I am challenged, and it will help me in the long run.” Goedde stated that she could “get a better education” here. She is involved in volleyball, pep club, and softball. She likes that “you definitely have to work more.” Brooklyn Goedde [9]

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Zach Reising [10]


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by freshmen Conner Murray and Isabel Fryman Over the summer, new water fountains were installed around Mater Dei with the help of the Ultimate Frisbee team. Before school was out, the team received permission to have a paid spirit wear day to raise money for their cause. Prior to asking for permission to raise money, they had to have an idea of what they wanted to do. “We encourage our athletes to stay hydrated, to make healthy choices in their diet and lifestyle,� theology teacher Mr. Nick Soellner said. Sponsors Mr. Soellner and Mrs. Weinzapfel the Frisbee team joined together to come up with a plan to raise the money. The fountains would keep students hydrated, healthy and it would save students money. The team is always looking for new ways to improve the school. Mr. Soellner is always wanting to help the school. The club members went around to homerooms to visit to collect money. The water fountains are a new way to help with student health and also helps to improve memory.

freshman Miaka Conkling

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junior Chloe Miller




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To be considered for membership, a student must demonstrate and provide the following: -> Minimum G.P.A of 3.7 -> Two teacher signatures supporting your application -> As a junior, a student must be enrolled in and complete at least one college credit and/or advanced placement course. -> As a senior, a student must be enrolled in and complete at least two college credit and/or advanced placement courses. -> A 30 second or less video of yourself explaining why you want to become a member. The video may be serious or humorous, but you must be well-groomed and presentable. -> A resume (complete with names and contact information for sponsors, coaches, etc.) of your school and community involvement, demonstration of leadership, and any work experience over your high school career


Membership in the chapter is an honor bestowed upon deserving students by the faculty and shall be based on the criteria of scholarship, service, leadership, and character. In April of each year, all students who are eligible scholastically shall be notified and asked to complete and submit the candidate application. Applications will be due in early May. Notification letters will be mailed over the summer, with Induction in early August. Please know that all teachers complete an evaluation each semester of each applicant's leadership, service, and character as witnessed in and outside of the classroom. A committee including administrators, the campus minister, athletic director, and two department chairs will make the final membership selections. The chapter advisers will serve as nonvoting members.

by freshman Anitra Taylor

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Walk in light and love this CHRISTmas season! Enjoy a safe and peaceful break Dec. 21 - Jan 5.


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rd state


by freshman Liza Beard

championship I can't wait to build on the success we've already had in my next three years of playing for Mater Dei.” -Este Bonnell

The girls soccer team smiles for a picture after winning the regional game.against Heritage Hills.

The girls soccer team won their third consecutive state title. Coached by Amy Weber, the team has continued their success from past years. The seven seniors led the team through their last post season. At the state game against Bishop Dwenger, the teamm rose to victory with a 2-0 lead. The goals were scored by senior Megan Gries and freshman Este Bonnell. The team only allowed three goals against them in their post season. According to freshman Este Bonnell, they had so much success because “they played as a team and focused on one game at a time.” This post season the team worked on staying positive and preparing for each game like it could be the last of the season. The team has made history at school as the only team to win state three times in a row. After being subbed into the last five minutes of the state game, senior Madde Folz celebrates with her teammate Megan Gries on their 2-0 lead. Madde suffered from an injury so she was not able to play in the game.


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After saving a penalty kick in the semi-state game, freshman Mia Venturini celebrates with two of her coaches, Hadley Kendle and Danielle Black. The Lady Wildcats won 2-0 against South Dearborn.

ALUMNI STEP UP AS NEW COACHES by freshman Liza Beard

The girls soccer team smiles as Straub Photography takes their team picture. .The team has welcomed three new coaches for their season this year.

ALUMNI HEAD COACHES Boys Basketball: Kurt Wildeman Football: Mike Goebel Boys Golf: Gabe Rohleder Wrestling: Greg Schaefer Girls Golf: Nick Austin Baseball: Steve Ricketts Girls Soccer: Amy Weber Cheerleader: Catherine Schneider Bowling: Angela Conner Lacrosse: Adam Berendes Archery: Darlene Quinlin page 9

Mater Dei is known for their athletic programs, and what is a team without a coach? The Wildcat coaches come from many different places, but some come from right in their backyard. Many alumni coaches have decided to come back and coach after hanging up their sports gear themselves. The girls soccer team is one of the many that have found coaching from past Mater Dei players: Assistant Varsity Coach Taylor Koester and JV coaches, Coach Hadley Kendle, and Coach Danielle Black. Playing together on the 2006-2009 soccer teams, the three new additions to the soccer program, have returned to give back to the school that gave them so much in their high school years. According to the coaches, their new role gives them a “new perspective” and “has helped them see new things about the sport that they didn't see when they were on the field.” It also has brought back all the memories they made when they played on the team themselves. The one reason they love the school so much that they decided to become part of its coaching staff is the immense amount of community and family support that the players and coaches receive.

Coaching shows us a new perspective and gets us to see things about the game that we've never seen before.” - Coach Taylor Koester


Sophomore Kelly Blair qualified as an individual for the regional competition. Junior Dawson Schroeder qualified as an individual for the semi state competition.

The marching band qualified for state for the 10th consecutive year. The show was titled “Angelicus� and included both a drum major and a marching drumline.

Congratulations to seniors Madeline Swallows, Luke Scofield, Elise Schultheis, Jake Van Bibber, Luke Kassenbrock, Adam Barnes, and Emma Lamble for being recognized this morning at the Optimist Youth Appreciation Breakfast. Each senior was chosen based on his/her academic performance and essay written last spring.




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Isaac Martin, Lydia Johnston, and Eli Jorgensen placed second for their key fob creation that syncs to a child’s carseat. Each member receives a renewable, $26,000 per year scholarship to the University of Evansville.

Marissa Riordan collected 2,000 pairs of shoes and delivered 1,500 to the children of Haiti.

Varsity Boys Basketball JAN.15.......SIAC NOV.9........Gibson Southern 12:00pm NOV.16......Vincennes Lincoln 7:00pm NOV.19......Southridge 7:00pm NOV.23......Boonville 7:00pm NOV.26......Forest Park 7:00pm DEC.4.........Reitz 7:00pm DEC.10.......Mt.Vernon 5:30pm DEC.12.......Castle 7:00pm DEC.17.......Henderson Co. 7:30 DEC.19.......North Posey 7:00pm DEC.27.......Vincennes Rivet Trny TBA DEC.28.......Vincennes Rivet Trny TBA JAN.6.........North 7:00pm JAN.8.........Harrison 7:00pm JAN.11.......Jasper 12:30pm JAN.14.......SIAC Trny v Memorial 5:30pm JAN.16.......SIAC Tourney 5:30pm JAN.18.......SIAC Tourney Final 5:30pm JAN.21.......Memorial 7:00pm JAN.23.......Central 7:00pm JAN.27.......Heritage Hills 7:00pm JAN.30.......Bosse 7:00pm FEB.4..........IHSAA Sectional TBA FEB.7..........IHSAA Sectional TBA FEB.8..........IHSAA Sectional TBA

Congratulations to seniors Jered Blanton, Grace Wagner, and Xavier Reine for representing MD at the UE Math Recognition banquet. Students enjoyed dinner and a presentation and learned about scholarship opportunities should they choose UE.

Varsity Girls Basketball NOV.21.....Reitz 6:00pm NOV.29.....River City Shootout 1:00pm DEC.3........Tecumseh 7:00pm DEC.7........Southridge 6:30pm DEC10.......Mt.Vernon 7”00pm DEC.13......Reitz 7:00pm DEC.20......North Posey 7:00pm JAN.3........North 7:00pm JAN.7........Gibson Southern 7:00pm JAN.11......Boonville 7:00pm JAN.15......SIAC Trny v Memorial 7:00pm JAN.17......SIAC Tourney TBA JAN.18......SIAC Tourney Final 7:00 JAN.21......Vincennes Lincoln 7:00pm JAN.28......Castle 7:00pm JAN.31......Heritage Hills 7:30pm FEB.1.........Memorial 7:00pm FEB.6.........Forest Park 6:30pm FEB.11.......Jasper 7:00pm FEB.14.......Mt.Vernon 7:30pm FEB.18.......Bosse 7:00pm FEB.25.......Central 7:00pm FEB.27.......Harrison 7:00pm MAR.3.......IHSAA Sectional TBA MAR.6.......IHSAA Sectional TBA MAR.7.......IHSAA Sectional TBA

Varsity Boys Wrestling JAN.15.......SIAC DEC.7.........Mater Dei 5 Way 9am DEC.11.......Memorial 6:00pm DEC.14.......6 Way Tourney 9am DEC18........Harrison 6:00pm DEC.23.......Regional 23 JV Tourney 9am DEC.26.......JV Holiday Duals 9am DEC.27........Holiday Classic 11am DEC.28........Holiday Classic 9am JAN.4..........IHSWCA Team State TBA JAN.8..........Freshman Invite 5:30pm JAN.9..........Central 6:00pm JAN.11........Perry Meridian 4:00pm JAN.16........Reitz 6:00pm JAN.18........Mason Invite 8:00am JAN.22........JV Invitational 5:20pm JAN.25........JV State Duals TBA JAN.25........SIAC Tourney 9:00am FEB.1...........IHSAA Sectional 9:00am FEB.8...........Individual Regional 9:00am FEB.15.........Individual Semi-State 9am FEB.21.........Individual State 5:00pm FEB.22..........Individual State 8:30am

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by sophomore Aleilah Nisley and freshman Anitra Taylor Mater Dei held their fall play, Trap by Stephen Gregg, in the auditorium Nov. 14 and 15. Trap is a horror documentary about an audience that falls unconscious while watching a school play. There is only one girl who isn't unconscious. Through the use of surveillance footage, interviews, and other resources, the people were able to conclude that this was an event far from normal. Because the theater class has never done a show in the horror documentary genre before, Trap challenged the cast in a new way and provided non-stop suspense for the audience.

Reviews “I liked the plot. It wasn't “I liked the suspense of it all. “I thought it was good, and “I liked the dramatic scene necessarily simple, so the play It was so suspenseful: I my favorite part was when when we realized that we were actually hit someone.” they figured out about the the trapped ones. I also liked wasn't bland or predictable.” Pheronochs and how they when Aleilah’s character infiltrate the school.” drowned herself, and she - Eli Jorgensen [11] - Lydia Johnston [12] winked at the audience.” - Isaac Mayer [9]

- Isabelle Koch [10]

“When people would “I enjoyed all of it, especially “My favorite part was how “I really enjoyed how the cast interacted with the randomly fall from the when it all came together at people in the audience were the end.” involved in the play. Then, I audience and made us feel as if crowd or run in from the also thought the red eyes at we were really a part of it.” back doors-- the thrill was - JT Mayer [10] the end really added to the awesome.” - Brandon Werner whole effect.” - Adeline Hefner [9]


- Allie Rusk [11]

photos by A. Rusk


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by freshman Miaka Conkling

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There are a total amount of 74.2 million children in the United States, out of that significant number, roughly 43.8 million children are getting cyberbullied. Roughly 6.6 million children out of the bullied 43.8 million, are getting cyberbullied on a daily occurrence. Not only can bullying affect student's self-esteem, confidence level, and social life, it also affects their school work. Students who claimed they were either being physically, verbally or cyberbullied, often scored lower than the average student on standardized testing. Due to the lowness of grades and the by freshman Adeline Hefner bullying itself, over 10% of students will just drop out of school completely. Bullying is obviously an issue in our country, and it’s affecting students more than their peers, teachers, or parents are realizing. Yolo is a top anonymous app that's susceptible to name-calling, rumor-spreading, and hate speech. Because the app is anonymous, children and teens are getting more confident behind a screen, and are almost willing to say or spread anything on these apps because they aren't experiencing any backlash. The app Yolo specifically states that all threatening or harmful messages are banned, and if someone sends a message that meets those qualifications, they will reveal the user. Children and teens can receive upwards 20 messages, and half of them can fall under the category of harassment, and the app has yet to reveal any of the users.

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What’s Your Opinion on Anonymous Apps such as, “Yolo”? “They aren’t always bad, but sometimes people use them not to be beneficial, but to hide behind a screen more so.” -Liza Beard


“You can get good responses, but you can also get bad responses that no one will claim. When no one claims it will just sit with you and sometimes it’s all you can think about.” -Belle Farmer

“People just want to know how others feel about them, but there should be a better way to share their feelings for each other, like don’t send it anonymous. These apps can lead to depression and it’s just not healthy.” -Chloe Miller

“I think they’re good and fun. Sure there can be negative comments, but that can happen on any form of social media. Social media is social media, you can’t run from it.” -Miaka Conkling

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Fresh Beginnings is so important! It is an opportunity for both the freshmen and the upperclassmen to talk about decision making and values. It sets a platform that is safe to express yourself and an opportunity to reevaluate harmful decisions. Setting each up to become the best version of themselves! Mrs. Valorie Dassel, Youth First School Social Worker

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Fresh beginnings

by freshman Miaka Conkling photos by junior A. Rusk

Fresh Beginnings took place Friday, Nov. 22 from 5-11pm. Fresh Beginnings is for the freshman to get to know the upper classmen and to talk about feelings. The event included pizza, a dance party, dodgeball, and a serious talk session.

2345 W Franklin St # 101, Evansville, IN 47712 Phone: (812) 425-4364 1150 S Green River Rd, Evansville, IN 47715 Phone: (812) 962-3500

P.O. Box 517 - 7325 Industrial Road Florence, Kentucky 41022-0517 Phone: 859-371-0250

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page designed by freshman Anitra Taylor

Fabric Design 3-D Art


Bailey Brush [12]

Print Making

Jacob Angermeier (10) “Fishing”

2-D Art

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Warren Halbig [10] “Kelton’s Ship”

Independent Study Painting

Bailey Brush [12]


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by senior Jada Paul Self-awareness, essential. If we didn’t have it, what’s the cost? Writing on the page, coming from my pencil. Without it, we are lost. Talking to my therapist grasping a hot air balloon pillow. Voicing my problems they can be solved. I move to elated from a weeping willow Every worry, d i s s o l v e d . The smell of new pages to myself I owe. How can I feel this content?

The Taste of Being Young by senior Alyssa Goebel

My brother’s hands reach for help Eyes reading a language unknown But he has fallen through the cracks His hands now chained cold. Sweat and exhaustion ferment the air Invading my mind and clothes It follows me wherever I go Clinging to me stabbing my nose

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I always hated feeling so low. In this room, countless hours, well spent. Guzzling water Hydrating bones Eating healthy Forever encouraged. You heard it first, the man on the throne. My body Could never be malnourished. Filling my ears meditation tones Find a quiet spot. Escape distractions. phones. This, I've been taught. I walk and walk an endless hall I see nothing but blinding fluorescence It drains and drains and drains my soul My mind has lost its quintessence. The families rest while I’m awake My thoughts no longer quiet Today they cry and reach for hope Tomorrow they all fall silent. All I know is knowledge regurgitated Metal rusting on my tongue I wish to remember the taste of childhood the taste of being young.


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Š2007 Herff Jones, Inc., All Rights Reserved

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Š2007 Herff Jones, Inc., All Rights Reserved

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Juuls, Vapes, E-cigs, we've all heard of them, but only a portion of us have ever used one, and if you haven't, chances are you know someone who does. My people just don't know the costs. They hear the myths, “E-cigarettes are safe,” or “E-cigarettes don't have nicotine.” One Juul pod contains the same amount of nicotine as 20 cigarettes. Many people start because they think it's fun or because it tastes good. Other teens saw it as a Hookah, a vape that was popular back in 2016. Most people don't know how to quit though. Actor Moses Jones wants everyone to know that it is okay to tell people that it is bad for them. It's not that you're trying to get up in their business, you're just looking out for them. I know some people who have become very addicted, but they haven't realized it. You need to be the one to let them know that they're jumping in too far and be the one that helps lift them back up. Some organizations like Truth and Voice Indiana have proved that no one knows what the long term effects of vaping are. People like Jones spend their time going around spreading awareness of vaping and what it contains. Most teens that vape don't know what vapes contain. They don't understand that it is extremely bad for their health, and no better than cigarettes. Juuls are the main vaping brand and have been called, “the iPhones of vaping.” Juuls are smaller than normal vapes, fit into your pocket easily, and are easier to hide compared to other brands. Teens take advantage of this, using them in school and other places where they can get a quick hit. Juuls have become so popular, it's used as both a noun and a verb. Vaping is infecting America's high schools and young adult population and the damage to one’s can eb irreversible.

During his presentation, Moses Jones talks about how Juuls are the perfect combination of nicotine and technology.

After his presentation, Moses Jones greets freshman Drew Martin as he walks down the hallway.

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