R&g summer 2014

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Red& Gold

The Mater Dei High School Magazine

Volume 30, Number 2 • Summer 2014

MD Blessed with Volunteers


In This Issue On the cover

Darin Knight named new principal at MD

Al Weinzapfel ’55 pauses to look at the MD entrance since houses and the convent were removed. Read about Al and the other volunteers who generously give of their time to Mater Dei.

A change in administration is taking place for the 2014–15 school year.

Full of Grace Capital Campaign update Read about the projects that have taken place on the Mater Dei campus recently.

West Side Nut Club supports education

We Are... MD! John S. Johnson recently published a book chronicling the Mater Dei Wrestling program.

The West Side Nut Club has a long, rich history on Evansville’s west side.

Red& Gold

The Mater Dei High School Magazine • Vol. 30, No. 2 • Summer 2014

The Red & Gold is published twice a year by the Mater Dei High School Office of Institutional Advancement, to encourage understanding and support of the mission of Mater Dei High School. Through the Red & Gold, Mater Dei’s 10,000+ alumni, as well as the school’s many friends, continue to strengthen their relationships with each other and become better informed about the many ways Mater Dei strives for excellence through its spiritual, academic and extracurricular programs.

Red & Gold Staff Editor: Carol Nurrenbern cnurrenbern@evvmaterdei.org Art Director: Alan Inkenbrandt ’89 alinken@gmail.com Photography Contributors: Straub Photography Office of Advancement Staff Andrew Roberson & Yearbook Student Staff Contributors: Timothy Dickel, Andrew Roberson, Sarah Wagner ’88

Send address changes to Andrew Roberson, Database Manager, aroberson@evvmaterdei.org.

Mater Dei High School Board of Trustees 2013–14 Chair: Judy Blankenberger Vice-Chair: Matt Folz ’91 Secretary: JoAnn Laugel ’66


Red& Gold Summer 2013

Theo Boots Terry Clements Heather Hertel ’92 Tim Klingler

Andrea Mann Dan Niemeier ’80 Dennis Niemeier ’70 Phillip Stolz ’91

E x-officio Members: Fr. Ed Schnur Andy Goebel ’65 Timothy A. Dickel

Our community should take a great deal of pride in the advancements that have occurred over the last ten years.

President’s Letter

Reflections on a Decade at Mater Dei Dear Alumni and Friends, As I conclude my tenth year of service at Mater Dei High School, I have been reflecting

Tradition and Full of Grace Capital Campaigns, many other upgrades have occurred including the elevator, athletic field changes, media center renovation and expansion, and the entrance enhancement.

on my experiences. So much has happened over the last

For several years, we experienced an enrollment

ten years, and I am extremely grateful for the opportunity

decline at Mater Dei, but the trend is being reversed.

to be a part of such a wonderful community. When I

An Enrollment Manager was hired in 2011 to actively

applied for the choir/assistant band director position ten

market the school and work with prospective families.

years ago, I knew very little about the school. However,

We experienced enrollment growth this year and

I knew that something must be special about a school

project an increase of 35 students in two years.

that had been so successful in so many areas. What has changed over the last ten years? Schools must continually adapt to ensure students are prepared for their future endeavors. We have been fortunate to create many positive changes over the last ten years. Our academic offerings have expanded from

Our community should take a great deal of pride in the advancements that have occurred over the last ten years. This progress would not be possible without the dedicated support of our alumni, friends, parents, students, faculty and staff providing for Mater Dei and her students. I am inspired on a daily basis by their dedication.

four to eight Advanced Placement courses and from a

This Mater Dei is adapting to the changing times, but

semester to two years of college credits. Students and

one thing has remained constant. Our commitment to

families are benefiting from these challenging courses

providing a high quality Catholic education and our

and earning college credits in high school at a fraction

emphasis on community remains unchanged. Not only

of the cost.

do we prepare students for college and careers, we

The technology infrastructure has been greatly enhanced to include a fully wireless facility, five computer labs, laptops for all faculty, and projectors for all classrooms. In addition, teachers use technology

provide formation for a moral and meaningful Christian life. Your contribution of time, talent and treasure make this possible. Please join me in continued prayer for our sacred mission.

in a variety of ways, including interactive boards, handheld response systems and online textbooks.

To Christ through Mater Dei,

Many improvements have occurred to the Mater Dei campus and facilities over the last ten years. In 2006, the north parking lot was completed by a dedicated group of Mater Dei Friends and Alumni Association members and

Timothy A. Dickel, Ph.D.

volunteers. Thanks to major efforts like the Continue the


Summer 2013

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Mater Dei Today Darin Knight ’85 appointed principal of Mater Dei Darin Knight has been appointed principal of Mater Dei, effective July 1, 2014. As principal, he will serve as the chief academic officer and will have direct oversight over

“I look forward to

building upon the many strengths of the school.” academics, extracurricular activities, athletics and spirituality. Mr. Knight will begin his duties in a year when Mater Dei is experiencing rising enrollment and is in the midst of a $4.6 million capital campaign that will transform the campus. Mr. Knight currently serves as Assistant Principal and Dean of

Students, a position he has held since 2007. A 1985 Mater Dei graduate and a member of the faculty of Mater Dei since 1992, Mr. Knight has served as a social studies teacher, head varsity baseball coach and assistant varsity football coach. He holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Social Studies Secondary Education from the University of Evansville and a Masters degree in Educational Administration from Oakland City University. Mr. Knight also received training to become a licensed School Safety Specialist. Since 2012, he has served on the Corpus Christi School Education Commis-sion. Prior to teaching at Mater Dei, he was on the faculty at Cardinal Ritter High School in Indianapolis, Indiana. He and his family are members of Corpus Christi Parish.

Mr. Knight stated, “I am honored and humbled to be named principal of Mater Dei High School. I look forward to building upon the many strengths of the school by focusing on spirituality and academic achievement.”

Zachary Goedde and Kyle Haas chosen to receive 2014 Lilly Scholarship

Zachary Goedde

Kyle Haas


Red& Gold Summer 2013

Zachary Goedde, son of Tom and Mary Goedde and the late Carol Goedde, and Kyle Haas, son of Dean and Tonya Haas, were chosen as 2014 Lilly Endowment Community Scholarship recipients. Each year, the Vanderburgh Community Foundation selects eight finalists who interview with the scholarship committee. Based on the interviews, on-demand writing prompts and applications, the final three recipients are chosen. Only the best and the brightest of Vanderburgh County receive the Lilly Endowment Community Scholarship Award, and these students are to be commended on their exceptional academic performance, participation in school activities, their character, community activities, writing skills and personal poise. The Lilly Endowment Community Scholarship program provides full tuition and fees and up to $900 per year for books and equipment. Both Zach and Kyle will be attending Purdue University in the fall and will major in engineering.

Mater Dei Today Supermileage team success continues The Mater Dei Supermileage

in the Prototype Electric division

Team posted another outstanding

with 537.16 miles per kilowatt hours

performance in the Shell Eco-

(Duke University came in second).

Marathon competition in Houston,

They placed third in the Prototype

Tex., this spring competing against

gasoline division with 1050.57 mpg.

colleges, universities and other

The Mater Dei Supermileage team

high schools.

was the recipient of the Evansville

The team placed first in the Urban

Celebration of Leadership award in

Concept gasoline division with 901.48

the Project-Environmental category

miles per gallon, and placed first

this past spring.

Every Time You Pay!

Senior Kayla Schoettlin shares her Evansville Catholic High School Leadership Award essay to the guests at the fourth annual Ave Maria Society Morning on April 25 in the newly expanded and renovated Media Center. Earlier, Dr. Tad Dickel led the group in the praying of the Rosary, followed by Fr. Ed Schnur and Fr. Ray Brenner celebrating Mass in the Msgr. Wolf Chapel. More than 67 individuals and couples now belong to the Ave Maria Society.

Ave Maria Society Who are members of Mater Dei High School’s Ave Maria Planned Giving & Endowment Society? They are everyday people with a passion for Mater Dei and her mission to educate young people in a faith-filled environment. They are people who choose to honor loved ones with a lasting gift. They are friends and alumni dedicated to the past, present and—most importantly—the future of Mater Dei High School. They could be you.

Earn funds for your school with

every purchase made using your

new Mater Dei debit card available exclusively from

Evansville Teachers Federal Credit Union. Proceeds will benefit the Mater Dei Friends and Alumni Association.

Applications for the Mater Dei debit card are now available online at etfcu.org/materdei and at all Evansville Teachers Federal Credit Union locations. Open your new checking account today—and ask for the Mater Dei debit card!


www.etfcu.org/materdei Federally Insured by NCUA

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Mater Dei Today Speech takes third place at State The Mater Dei Speech Team placed third at the Indiana High School Forensics Association State Speech Tournament in Indianapolis. A special congratulations to Jackie Gries for placing 9th in the state in Poetry, and Abigail Tenhumberg for placing 12th in Poetry. Additional team members are

Allison Folz, Marie Folz, Tyler Halbig, Alaina Halsey, Alex Harrison Dana Hunt, Gabby Kempf, Tamarea Kramer, Erin Loehr, Megan Lucas, Isaac Memmer, Valerie Muensterman, Mikail Parkinson and Jillian Tomes. The Speech Team was coached by Keith Blazer and student coach Drew Folz.

Theatre Dept.’s Shrek the Musical bewitches its audience This past spring, Mater Dei High School’s Theatre Department brought Shrek the Musical, based on the Oscar-winning DreamWorks film, to dazzling new life on the stage. The construction of the dragon

Top left: Science students Grant and Levi Weiss work on the technology needed to light up the dragon’s eyes and control the moving parts of the dragon. Bottom left: Art students construct the dragon for Shrek the Musical.


Red& Gold Summer 2013

in the play was a challenging collaboration of students in the Fine Arts Department and Science and Technology Department, particularly the Mater Dei Robotics Team, to create the dragon puppet

that consisted of moving parts, eyes with flashing lights, and operated remotely by means of robotics. The cost of materials for the dragon was supported by a grant from the Arts Council of Southwestern Indiana.

Above: The finished dragon on stage along with the students who operated it. From left to right, Jonathon Reising, Megan Pritchett, Stephanie Atherton, Clarice Rode, Jake Stratman, Levi Weiss, Susan Ellert and Grant Weiss.

Mater Dei Today A fond farewell to departing Mater Dei faculty members “The Mater Dei community expresses sincere gratitude for their time and service and wishes each of them all the best in their future endeavors.” As it sometimes happens at the end of the school year, we have to say goodbye to some members of the faculty. Some have been here a long time and are retiring, and some we feel have not been here long enough! The Mater Dei community expresses sincere gratitude for their time and service and wishes each of them all the best in their future endeavors.

Chris Tanner Chris has served as principal at Mater Dei for the past four years. During his tenure as principal, Mater Dei earned a Four Star school rating from the Indiana Department of Education, and the girls’ basketball team won two consecutive state championships. Chris stated, “My four years as principal at Mater Dei High School have been enjoyable, productive, and professionally satisfying. I have cherished each day at Mater Dei.” We are grateful for the leadership Chris provided as principal.

Rose Rogge After 40 years of teaching— nine years in junior high at Good

Shepherd Catholic School and 31 years at Mater Dei, English teacher Rose Rogge retired at the end of this school year. Rose shared, “More than anything I will miss my students. They are this school’s greatest asset. They have made teaching here a joy for me. Of course, I will also miss the many friends I have here. Being a part of the MD family has been a blessing. However, I will not miss grading essays!” In her retirement, Rose plans to continue doing agility training with her dogs, read all the books and see all the movies she never had time for, spend countless hours with nature in her back yard, volunteer work, traveling, and she may even substitute teach at Mater Dei from time to time. We wish Rose nothing but sunny days in her retirement!

Alex Smith Alex has brought energy and creativity to the music department since his arrival at Mater Dei six years ago. Through his leadership, the marching band and choral groups have won numerous awards at the local and state levels. The

Pep Band has provided excitement and enthusiasm during basketball games and pep assemblies. Alex has felt blessed for his time at Mater Dei stating, “This position has always been more than a job to me and it will be very hard to leave it behind.” We thank Alex for all of his wonderful contributions to the Mater Dei Music Department.

Elizabeth Fisherkeller Elizabeth has taught the upper levels of Spanish at Mater Dei for the past two years. During her short tenure, she worked diligently to enhance the Spanish program particularly the Spanish Advanced Placement classes. She has recently become engaged to be married and will be re-locating to a new city. We are grateful for Elizabeth’s efforts at Mater Dei and wish her much happiness in her upcoming marriage.

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Excellence for Tomorrow In the fall of 2013, we embarked on the Full of Grace: Excellence for Tomorrow Capital Campaign. This important effort will enhance all aspects of the Mater Dei experience. From the moment a student, parent, or visitor arrives on campus, they will see and feel the impact of this campaign. All areas of our mission— academics, social, service and spirituality—will be improved. To date, we have received over $4.1 million in pledges towards our $4.6 million goal. These donations have come from approximately 500 individuals, corporations, and foundations. You can see that a tremendous amount of progress towards our financial goal and the completion of projects has already occurred, but we are still in need of support. You can make a difference at Mater Dei through your personal support of the Full of Grace: Excellence for Tomorrow Capital Campaign. Please prayerfully consider making a pledge. Gifts of all sizes are necessary to help us achieve our goal. An envelope for making a contribution is enclosed with this issue. More information can be found at www.materdeiwildcats.com by clicking on “Full of Grace Capital Campaign.” Please contact Sarah Wagner at swagner@evvmaterdei.org or (812) 421-5727 with questions.


Full of Grace

GOAL: $4.6M $4.1M

Priests Cook for Capital Campaign

Above: Work continues on the Prayer Garden which is dedicated to the Sisters of St. Benedict in Ferdinand, Ind., the first teachers at Mater Dei. Below: The current view of Mater Dei from Harmony Way after the convent and homes were razed.


Red& Gold Summer 2013

Father Phil Kreilein and Father Steve Lintzenich served as chef and sous chef respectively at a dinner they prepared at Thyme in the Kitchen, a kitchen specialty store located on Franklin Street. All proceeds from the event were directed to the Mater Dei Full of Grace Capital Campaign. The priests cooked a meatless dinner for 18 people using recipes Father Phil discovered while on sabbatical to the Middle East. Both Father Phil and Father Steve donated their time and talent, and Thyme in the Kitchen owners, Marcia

and Gil Jochem, past parents and Capital Campaign co-chairs, donated the venue and other costs of the evening.

Arbarys create Michelle Diane Greenwell Scholarship Ken and Diana Arbary were so impressed with their granddaughters’ educational experience at Mater Dei, they decided to create a scholarship that would benefit a graduating senior as well as provide tuition assistance to Mater Dei families.

their daughter and could not think of a better way than setting up a scholarship that would support young people with their education. According to Ken, “We love the school. The education at Mater Dei is phenomenal.”

The Michelle Diane Greenwell Scholarship was established in memory of the mother of Ken and Diana Arbary displaying the rugs Emily ’11 and they have for sale, with proceeds benefitting the Michelle Greenwell Scholarship. Laura Greenwell ’13, and Ken and Diana’s daughter, who passed away at the age of 35 from cancer. The Arbarys wanted to establish a memorial for

Ken and Diana continue to find ways to support Mater Dei through the scholarship they have established. They are the owners of Carpet Bargain Center, and Ken recently began making rugs with the interlocking MD logo. Ken is selling the rugs from their store at 323 Division Street in Evansville. The rugs are in three different sizes. The 18-inch by 28-inch rug sells for $50; the 32-inch by 24-inch sells for $75; and the large 3-foot by 4-foot is $100. Ken also makes name rugs—individual first or last names—and area rugs. Sales from all of these rugs are directed to the Michelle Diane Greenwell Scholarship.

Ken and Diana are active members of the Mater Dei community, supporting their grandchildren by attending their athletic events. Laura was a member of the girls’ basketball team that won two consecutive state championships.

Robert and Judy Wargel giving back to Mater Dei Department to purchase equipment needed for the Advanced Placement Chemistry class and they designated their Capital Campaign donation for technology equipment for the new Media Center. According to chemistry teacher, Robert Schleter, “Because of the generosity of the Wargels, we have purchased a set of pH probes, a set of ORP probes, a set of Melt Stations, and have replaced several temperature probes that quit working. This year we were able to purchase a mini gas chromatograph and a polarimeter.”

Bob Wargel visits the chemistry lab and observes students using equipment that was purchased through his generosity.

When a school has volunteers and donors who are passionate about what they support, everyone wins— students, teachers, parents and the overall school community. Robert and Judy Wargel, long time donors to Mater Dei, are exactly these kinds of individuals. “We have a passion for education. We have an overriding goal of leaving the world a better place. We want others to have the same educational opportunities to pursue their goals and dreams that we had,” they explain. Bob graduated from Mater Dei in 1958 and Judy is a 1958 graduate

of Reitz Memorial High School. In college both were chemistry majors with minors in math and physics. While Bob pursued his Ph.D. in chemistry from Northwestern University, Judy joined Abbott Laboratories and worked as an information scientist and a medical writer and in regulatory affairs. After graduating, Bob joined Kraft Foods as a research scientist in product development where he created new products and modified old ones. Recently, they have made specific grants to Mater Dei’s Chemistry

The equipment has made laboratory experiments more accurate and safer for students. Mr. Schleter adds, “Now our students can do advanced laboratory experiments that use the same equipment as professional laboratories in law enforcement and pharmaceutical companies. All the probes give live data as it is recorded and graph the data in real time. It helps the students visualize how the data is going to relate to the purpose of the laboratory experiments. The students are also getting accustomed to using the same equipment they will use in laboratory environments in college.” The Mater Dei community extends their sincerest gratitude to Bob and Judy for giving back and supporting the educational mission of our school. Summer 2013

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Mater Dei SPORTS RECAP Spring sports update As we go to print, some spring sports are still playing in post-season. Track Kiersten Record qualified for state track competition in the 100 hurdles and 300 hurdles. At regionals she was second in the 100 hurdles and won the 300 breaking both of her own high school records. She is seeded 8th going into state in the 300. Baseball The baseball team is 18-9, city champs, ranked 7th in the state in Class 2A, and heading into sectional play.

Softball The girls’ softball team finished their season 24-4, losing to South Spencer in sectional play. The Lady Wildcats were ranked 2nd in the state in Class 2A. They

were 11-0 in city and 13-0 in SIAC. Congratulations on a great season! Tennis The girls’ tennis team won a sectional title.

Carolyn Wilmes posts outstanding pitching career at Mater Dei Softball pitcher senior Carolyn Wilmes has had another outstanding season! She was named first team All Metro, SIAC and All State both her sophomore and junior years. As we go to press with this issue, softball awards have not been determined. Carolyn has signed a national letter of intent to play softball at Ball State. Carolyn Wilmes


Red& Gold Summer 2014

Winter/spring 2014 Girls’ Basketball finishes as Semi-State champs Congratulations to the girls’ basketball team for their third consecutive state appearance. The Lady Wildcats fell to Western in the state championship game. After moving up to Class 3A because of the IHSAA success factor, the girls continued an outstanding competitive season capturing city, SIAC, sectional, regional and semi-state championships.

Maura Muensterman sets numerous records in her high school career Senior Maura Muensterman set numerous records during her basketball career at Mater Dei. Among them were: Ranked #1 in State, Conference, and School Scoring (2,306 points) Ranked #1 in State, Conference and School Assists (774)

Maura Muensterman

2014 Miss Indiana Basketball Runner-up 2014 Associated Press 1st Team AllState (second top vote recipient) 2013 Associated Press 1st Team Top Vote Recipient Featured in Sports Illustrated “Faces in the Crowd” Indiana All-Star 1st Team and Core Team 2013–14 Hoosier Basketball Magazine cover ESPN Crown Trophy Player of the Week (four times)

McDonald All-American nominee IBCA Pacers/Fever Player of the Week (three times) IBCA Senior 1st team All State Academic All-State Metro Player of the Year Maura received many other awards at the state, conference and city level this past season. According to girls’ basketball coach Steve Goans, “What differentiates her from other big scorers is usually you won’t see the assist total with it.” She averaged 23 points and a state-leading nine assists per game for Mater Dei. Maura has signed with Indiana University to play basketball this fall. We look forward to watching her play at the college level and acknowledge her for her outstanding performance during her years at Mater Dei!

Goans named IBCA District 3 Coach of the Year The Indiana Basketball Coaches Association named Mater Dei girls’ basketball coach Steve Goans ’76 District 3 Coach of the Year. Steve guided the team to a 26–2 record in 2013–14 that included a Class 3A state runner-up finish following coaching the Lady Wildcats to back-to-back Class 2A state championships in 2012 and 2013. Steve has posted a 135–39 record the past seven seasons at Mater Dei and an overall record of 207–122 mark in two stints with the Wildcats over 16

seasons (he coached the team from 1980–89 and from 2007–present). His teams have won sectionals in 1986, 2010, 2012, 2013 and 2014. They also have captured regional and semistate titles in 2012, 2013 and 2014. Steve was selected Evansville-area Coach of the Year in 2012, 2013 and 2014. He also was chosen Indiana Coaches of Girls Sports Association Class 2A state Coach of the Year in 2012. Congratulations to Steve on an outstanding coaching career at Mater Dei!

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Mater Dei SPORTS RECAP Mater Dei wrestlers post an excellent season The Mater Dei wrestlers posted an excellent season! The team captured city, SIAC, sectional and regional titles and were runners-up for the Indiana High School Wrestling Coaches Association team state duals. In addition, eight wrestlers qualified for individual state competition with five placing in the top eight in state. Nick Lee: 3rd place state finish (126 lbs.) Will Egli: 5th place state finish (106 lbs.) Alex Johnson: 6th place state finish (120 lbs.) Wyatt Seng (138 lbs.) and Bennet Kempf (170 lbs.): 8th place state finish Blake Jourdan: State Qualifier (132 lbs.) Josh Pierre: State Qualifer (145 lbs.) Ashton Forzley: State Qualifier (160 lbs.)

Greg Schaefer inducted into IHSWCA Hall of Fame Mater Dei wrestling coach Greg Schaefer was inducted into the Indiana High School Wrestling Coaches Hall of Fame this year. Greg was formally honored in Indianapolis for his outstanding career as a wrestler at Mater Dei and Indiana University. He was the Individual

State Champion in 1995 and again in 1998; he also placed 2nd and 5th in his career at Mater Dei. Greg compiled a remarkable 168–5 record and his role was essential in leading Mater Dei to IHSAA Team State Championships in each of his four years at Mater Dei.

Boys’ Swimming Awards: Academic All-American and Academic All-State

Girls’ Swimming

Jacob Elpers

Awards: Academic All-America; Academic AllState; and Indiana Girls Swimming Coaches Association Academic All-State

Kyle Haas

Allison Montgomery

Ryan Haas

Megan Steinkamp

Jered Schenk

Girls: 1st Team All City

2nd Team All-City

Natalie Blair: 200 Freestyle and 100 Breaststroke

Kyle Haas, Ryan Haas, Jacob Elpers, Justin Lyons: 400 Free Relay


While a student at Indiana University, Greg qualified for the NCAA National Championships three times, was named two times as the IU Team Leadership Award Recipient, three times to the Academic All-Big Ten Conference Team and three times to the Academic All-American Team.

Red& Gold Summer 2013

Winter/spring 2014 Seniors sign national letters of intent The following graduating seniors signed National Letters of Intent to play athletics at the college level: Jacob Fleming: baseball at the University of Southern Indiana Will LaRue: baseball at Xavier University

Maura Muensterman: basketball at Indiana University Carolyn Wilmes: softball at Ball State University Caroline Scales: soccer at the University of Evansville Haley Rheinlander: soccer at the

University of Southern Indiana Lauren Schmitt: softball at Wabash Valley Jr. College Matthew Cox: football at Kentucky Wesleyan Levi Massey: football at Georgetown College, Georgetown, Ky.

Junior Tori Schickel committed to join Lady Bulldogs Junior Tori Schickel has verbally committed to Butler University to continue her basketball career for the Lady Bulldogs. Tori, a 6'-3" center, has led Mater Dei to three consecutive state final appearances, including two back-to-back state championships in 2012 and 2013.

Tori set a state record in the 2A championship game in 2013 for most rebounds in the finals and tied the record in the 3A championship game in 2014. Tori is a three-time first team all metro and all conference selection.

In 2013 she was a 1st team IBCA underclass all-state selection and AP honorable mention all-state, and in 2014 was a 1st team IBCA underclass all state selection and AP 2nd team all-state. Tori was also named to the Indiana All-Star junior Core 6 team.

The Mater Dei Marching Wildcats made their fourth consecutive appearance at State competition this season. The band has qualified for state four out of the past six years.

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Vo l u n t e e r s Mater Dei is blessed with many individuals who volunteer

at Mater Dei for many years and have put in hundreds of

their time, their gifts and their talents to our school. The

volunteer hours. They come when called and even come

volunteers highlighted in this article have been volunteering

when they are not called, ready and willing to help.

Building & Grounds

Jim Farny ’73

Kenny Miller ’75

Jim Farny has shared his civil engineer talents with Mater Dei since the late 1990s. He has been involved in every major design plan from the new parking lot to the current baseball field project. He designed the campus master plan for the current Mater Dei Full of Grace Capital Campaign. Jim is never hesitant to offer his knowledge and expertise to a project at Mater Dei.

Kenny Miller began volunteering at Mater Dei several years ago following an early retirement from his job. Over the years, he has used his carpenter skills to build bookshelves, storage cabinets in the gym and cafeteria, stairs for the auditorium stage, install and finish drywall, pour concrete, mowing the grounds, and just about anything else that needs to be done. Kenny can be found at Mater Dei everyday assisting the maintenance department. His generous donation of his time and skills is priceless. Facilities Manager Guy Smyth said, “I don’t know what we would do without Kenny. He is willing to do any job, anytime, with a smile on his face.”


Red& Gold Summer 2013

Volunteer Kenny Miller assists with restroom renovations.

at Mater Dei Steve Muensterman ’76

Mowing crew

Steve Muensterman has been removing snow from the Mater Dei parking lot for the past several years. He shows up with his own equipment and gas and provides a huge service to the school. Some winters he is busier than others—like this past winter! Guy Smyth, Mater Dei Facilities Manager, said, “We would be in a world of hurt without Steve to plow snow from our parking lots.”

Jeff Bone ’92 Brian Hertel ’92 Gene Whorl Charlie Bone ’61 Barry Mueller Al Weinzapfel ’55 Tommy Wilson Larry Schuble Darlene Quinlin ’83 Tom Niemeier ’55 Kenny Miller ’73 Cindy Smyth

“We would be in a world of hurt without Steve to plow snow from our parking lots.”

The mowing crews at Mater Dei put in many hours every spring, summer, and fall. They work in teams of four which generally takes two to three hours to mow and trim the many acres at Mater Dei. According to Jeff Bone, “Being able to give back and to stay connected to Mater Dei through these types of efforts is important to all of us.

It’s always been said that ‘many hands make for light work!’ We fully embrace that motto! Keeping the work light makes everything manageable. As a result, we have a good time each time we mow. No one person has to carry too much of the load.” Jeff credits the Mater Dei maintenance staff of Guy Smyth and Larry Baehl with their efforts in keeping the equipment running properly. “Volunteers never have to worry about broken equipment when they arrive. Everything is always ready to go and in good working order,” Jeff added. Maurice Berendes ’60 Tommy Wilson Al Weinzapfel ’55 Maurice Berendes, Tommy Wilson, and Al Weinzapfel have spent hundreds of hours working on the grounds around

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boys and girls basketball games and fills in when needed at other games. This year she helped organize and worked, along with the Men’s Club, the soccer concessions at Goebel Soccer Complex for a fundraiser for the Full of Grace Capital Campaign.

Tommy Wilson mowing the grounds at Mater Dei. Mater Dei. These gentlemen have taken down trees, put in posts, moved a football storage unit, worked on the new parking lot, and numerous other projects. They worked diligently for weeks cleaning out items from the convent and preparing it for demolition as well as cutting down trees for the entrance enhancement project. They are ready and willing to take on any task, regardless of the difficulty. Tom Niemeier ’55 Bill Niemeier ’51 Charlie Niemeier ’53 Brothers Tom, Bill and Charlie Niemeier generously offer their skills as painters to Mater Dei. Over many years, they have painted numerous projects including the new Media Center and the new LIFE Resource room, hallways, bathrooms, classrooms, and offices. They are called on anytime an area needs painting. There is not much at Mater Dei that Tom, Bill and Charlie have not painted! Frank Will ’71 and John Schroeder ’78 Frank Will, owner of Riverbend Landscaping, and John Schroeder, owner of Schroeder Landscaping, have

volunteered their landscaping gifts and talents with Mater Dei since the late 1990s. They are present at the Campus Cleanup events planting trees and plants and providing mulch. When the Mater Dei Friends & Alumni Association took on the project of the additional parking lot on the north side of the school, Frank and John took on the project of designing the landscaping for the area, and they continue to maintain it. It is not uncommon for them to stop by Mater Dei during the week to trim bushes and pull weeds.

Athletic Department Molly Weber Amy Weber ’96 Rick Weber The Weber family, Molly, Rick, and their daughter, Amy, have volunteered for Athletic events for over 20 years. Rick sells tickets, sets up hospitality rooms and repairs equipment in the concessions area. Molly and Amy sell tickets for IHSAA tournament games and football games. Amy also works the scorer’s table for volleyball and basketball games and assists Rick with set up and food for the hospitality rooms. Molly sells tickets at the back gate for

Athletic Director Joe Herrmann comments, “It’s so nice having the Webers around. Anytime something comes up, they are the first to volunteer to help out. Countless times when we were short on help, Amy or Rick would fill in. Rick has done everything from coming in on short notice to fix an ice machine to driving to Terre Haute to pick up extra tickets.” Father Phil Kreilein, Football Team Chaplain Although he lives the life of a busy parish priest, Fr. Phil Kreilein makes time to minister to young athletes. Father Phil has served as the football chaplain for the past four years, leading the team in prayer before and after each game and cheering fervently from the sidelines. No one enjoys a good high school football game like Father Phil! Football coach Mike Goebel stated, “The Mater Dei football players, coaches and our great fan base appreciate having Father Phil Kreilein as the Wildcat team chaplain. The players welcome and look forward to Father Phil working, walking, and sometimes running the football sidelines on game night or at a weekday practice. Although Father Phil noticeably gets quite involved during the exciting moments, his presence more often has a great calming effect upon the coaches and players. He leads the team in prayer before and after every game and his words puts each contest into the proper perspective. Father

“Those who can, do. Those who can do more, volunteer.” —Unknown 16

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Phil helps make ours a complete program; his presence reflects so well the values emphasized at Mater Dei High School.” Shane Goedde ’05 Shane Goedde has generously given much of his time in the athletic arena since he graduated from Mater Dei in 2005. He has been the video coordinator of both football and boys’ basketball teams for the past several years charting plays and downloading and uploading video. He has also been a volunteer basketball coach for nearly a decade. Shane coordinates and facilitates the 7th and 8th grade basketball feeder league and plays a large role in the junior prep basketball program. Mater Dei boys’ basketball coach, Kurt Wildeman, commented, “I can honestly say that our boys’ basketball and football teams would be in trouble if it weren’t for Shane Goedde.” Dava Lintzenich McKinsey ’92

Hallie Denstorff ’04 Since graduating in 2004, Hallie Denstorff continues to volunteer in many different areas at Mater Dei. She can be seen helping at the Campus Cleanup events each fall and spring, selling tickets at athletic events, helping with different fundraisers for Mater Dei such as parking cars at the annual 4-H Vanderburgh County Fair, and working in the Goebel soccer field concession stands to raise money for the Full of Grace Capital Campaign. Hallie finds time to volunteer even though she serves as the Mater Dei boys’ and girls’ swimming and diving coach and has a full-time job as principal at St. Wendel Catholic School. Keith Rheinlander’88 Jim Bauer Chad Burnett ’89 Rob Zigenfus ’84 Every student that plays soccer for Mater Dei owes Keith Rheinlander and Jim Bauer

much gratitude. According to Junior Varsity soccer coach, Allison Garrard, Keith and Jim were the force behind developing Moutoux Park into the exemplary soccer fields that Mater Dei now uses as their home fields. They spent an enormous amount of hours planning, organizing, developing, and performing manual labor to transform all of the fields and parking area over a period of years. They coordinated the west side Catholic feeder school program so that all games are played at Moutoux. Mrs. Garrard shared, “Without them volunteering their time, Mater Dei and the grade school soccer programs would not be where they are at today.” The Mater Dei Soccer Booster Club and parents all helped make the new soccer fields a reality. This group of volunteers has taken on the responsibility of maintaining the soccer facility which includes regular mowing, repairs, and concessions. In addition to helping with soccer fields, Chad Burnett and Rob Zigenfus have been instrumental in developing the

Athletic secretary Molly Weber continues to be grateful for the volunteer hours that Dava Lintzenich McKinsey contributes every year to the Athletic Department. Dava assists at all home football games in the press box distributing the money boxes to the workers. If Mrs. Weber is unable to attend a football game, Dava will count the money and make the deposit at the end of the evening. She directs workers to where they are suppose to be, and she will sell or take tickets—whatever is needed to be done. Dava started assisting in the Athletic Office during her study period while she was a student at Mater Dei. This year marks 25 years of volunteering.

Guy Smyth, Facilities Manager, and maintenance employee Carol Doninger volunteer at the Campus Cleanup event spreading mulch around more than 60 geraniums that Guy’s wife, Cindy Smyth, planted.

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west side feeder school soccer program that has grown immensely, exceeding all expectations. The number of grade school students participating last season was approximately 450. Janice Schuble ’64 Larry Schuble Margaret Ploch Randy Ploch Gary Pierre ’61 Susie Pierre ’62

Dr. Jay Rohleder Dr. Jay Rohleder volunteers as the athletic department chiropractor and assists with sport injuries. For the past 20 years, Dr. Rohleder has come to Mater Dei every Wednesday to see any athlete who may need attention to an injury. He attends all football games and most wrestling meets, standing close by ready to assist athletes if needed. Carl Schmitt ’79

Janice Schuble has coordinated and worked in the concession stand for all football and baseball games played at Mater Dei, basketball and volleyball games, and wrestling meets for as long as anyone can remember. She does all the purchasing, inventory, accounting, and payments associated with concessions. Athletic Director, Joe Herrmann, estimates that Janice spends approximately 20 hours a week volunteering her time so that the concession stand at athletic events is ready to generate income.

Carl Schmitt volunteers as the team masseuse. He helps with muscle injuries at football games and some wrestling meets. Carl has been volunteering in the Athletic Department for two decades.

Assisting Janice in the concessions area is her husband, Larry Schuble, Margaret and Randy Ploch, and Gary and Susie Pierre. Margaret and Susie work in the concession stand and Larry, Randy, and Gary grill hamburgers and hot dogs that are sold. Janice, along with her dedicated volunteers that help in the concessions, provides a very important service for Mater Dei athletics.

Gerald also supports the Business Department with his donations for needed equipment, and he has taken business students to visit Berkshire Hathaway in Omaha, Nebraska, for the past two years.

Dr. Robert Barnes ’75 Dr. Robert Barnes has volunteered as the team doctor for football and wrestling for close to 20 years. Football players, wrestlers, coaches, and parents rest a little easier during athletic events when Dr. Barnes is standing on the sidelines.

Gerald Nurrenbern Gerald Nurrenbern has been selling half pot tickets at basketball games and wrestling meets for many years. He also was instrumental in improvements to the football field that included lights for the field and bleachers which he assembled.

Gerald is an all-around volunteer who will do anything for Mater Dei. Ticket Seller/Takers The Athletic Department is very grateful to the many people who assist selling tickets and taking tickets for sporting events. Jerry Kirchoff ’70, Bob Lamkin ’64 and Joe Koressel ’79 have been ticket sellers for over 25 years. Other ticket volunteers are: Mary Jo Kirchoff ’70, Susie Lutz ’72, Angie Lamkin ’75, Martha Korressel, Barb Schmahlenberger ’69, George

Hollander ’78, Tim Zeller ’83, Jennifer Kempf, Shari Seitz ’83, Nancy Hicks ’79, Randy Baehl ’79, David Hunt, Steve Schapker ’76, Jenny and Bernie Mayer ’83, Dan and Terri Barnes ’77, Jim Miller ’64, Matt Zeller ’09, and Bill Holland †.

School Life Alison Moore ’74 Alison Moore has been actively involved at Mater Dei for over 10 years making theatre costumes for the school plays and involved with the Speech Team. As a registered nurse, Alison serves as Mater Dei’s volunteer CHIRP (Children and Hoosier Immunization Registry Program) registry representative and inputs all Mater Dei student immunizations records into the CHIRP registry for the state of Indiana.

Extracurricular Activities Bob Neisen Dan Ritter Supermileage Team Bob Neisen started working with the Supermileage Team in 2001, and according to Robert Schleter, faculty sponsor, “our miles per gallon went from 170 mpg to 290 mpg the first year.” His second year working with the team, the miles per gallon improved to nearly 1,000 mpg and has been improving slightly every year. Bob provided his own equipment and garage for the team to work on the vehicles for eight years while his sons Matt and Kyle were on the team. After both his sons graduated, he remained working with the team and is still very involved. He donates many hours of his time working with the students and has been instrumental in designing, fabricating and maintaining the vehicles every year. Some of the technologies the

“Volunteers do not necessarily have the time; they just have the heart.” —Elizabeth Andrew 18

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students learned from Bob include using power tools, metal lathes, drill presses, riveting and cutting tools, making molds for fiber glass and most recently carbon fiber body parts. Bob has been able to get parts for the cars from Germany, South America and India.

of the largest fundraisers for Mater Dei, and these ladies always make this big job look easy with their smiling faces and ready-to-work attitudes!

When Dan Ritter’s sons started on the team, the operations were moved to his home in a pole barn. Dan was able to get the team entered in the Shell Eco-Marathon Americas competition at the Fontana Race Track in Los Angeles, California. For the last nine years, the team has worked on the vehicles in Ritter’s barn. Dan has worked to secure transportation for the cars and students to travel to the Shell Eco-Marathon competitions; he has set up interviews with local and national media; he has entered the team in competitions to win tools for the team; and he has secured donations to keep the team going to competitions.

Steve ’73 Eickhoff Shawn Eickhoff

These two dedicated parents are still giving their time and expertise to the team years after their own children have graduated from Mater Dei High School. The team still holds two American records for the urban car and the electric car.

Office of Institutional Advancement Andy Goebel ’65 Butch Feulner ’66 Andy Goebel ’65 has spent countless volunteer hours for Mater Dei over the past 10 years. Andy served as a co-chair for the Continuing the Tradition Capital Campaign; he facilitated the governance structure change in 2010; and continues to provide his accounting skills assisting with budget preparation each year. Andy’s dedication and genuine passion for Mater Dei is unsurpassed.

Lottery Ticket Sellers Terry Boots, left, and Janet Schapker assist with the Annual Fund mailing in the Office of Institutional Advancement. Butch Feulner ’66 has been instrumental in cultivating Mater Dei High School’s development efforts beginning more than 20 years ago. He co-chaired the Evansville Catholic High Schools’ first capital campaign, Treasure the Tradition, he was an associate co-chair for Continuing the Tradition, and currently serves as a member of the Full of Grace cabinet. He helped develop the format for the Annual Fund, and together with his wife, Linda, serves as a co-chair for the 2013–14 Annual Fund. Butch has a strong belief of giving back to the community, and he gives back to Mater Dei out of gratitude for the education and spiritual foundation he experienced at Mater Dei. Eileen Will ’51, Joanie Niemeier ’55, Charlotte Titzer†, Terry Boots ’72, Janet Schapker ’77 These ladies have assisted in the Office of Institutional Advancement for many years with the Annual Fund fall and spring solicitation mailings. They have collectively spent hundreds of hours performing very tedious and time-consuming work stuffing thousands of letters and pledge cards in envelopes and sealing and stamping the envelopes. The Annual Fund is one

Since the beginning of the Evansville Catholic High Schools Tradition Lottery in 1999, Steve and Shawn Eickhoff, owners of Paul’s Menswear, have sold tickets and have been a ticket hub where people could drop off sold tickets or pick up tickets to sell. They work closely with the Office of Institutional Advancement during the lottery selling season turning in sold tickets and requesting more tickets to sell. Steve and Shawn’s huge efforts are part of the success each year of the Tradition Lottery event. Tom Verkamp Dan Horstman ’62 Tom Verkamp and Dan Horstman together have sold over 1,000 Tradition Lottery tickets, which makes these two the top sellers!

Mater Dei Friends & Alumni Karen Schenk ’79 Karen Schenk has served as treasurer of the Mater Dei Friends & Alumni Association since 2001 when Mater Dei launched the Annual Fund. Since that time, Karen has been the financial manager of the MDFAA volunteering her accounting skills by overseeing donations and expenditures. The MDFAA recognizes the contribution of her time for the past 13 years with overwhelming gratitude.

Editors Note: We will continue to recognize our volunteers in future issues of the Red & Gold. If we have not included someone in this article that should have been included, we sincerely apologize and will include them in the next volunteer article.

Summer 2013

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West Side Nut Club supports education “From small acorns large acorns grow”


erhaps one of the grandest examples of volunteerism in our west side community is the West Side Nut Club. This organization comprised of west side businessmen has as its purpose “to promote and support movements which are for the betterment of the West Side of Evansville, Indiana and for the betterment of Evansville as a whole.”

Each year Mater Dei High School, like all schools on the west side of Evansville, receives a generous donation from the West Side Nut Club. According to Matt Wannemuehler ‘75, current president of The Nut Club, the organization “primarily supports institutions that provide formal education to our youth by making an annual monetary donation to those institutions in support of academics, athletics and other miscellaneous activities of those institutions.”

Senior Alex Dyson and juniors Sarah Martin and Cassie Baker-Schnelle enjoyed lunch at the Fall Festival this past year.

In addition to the Nut Club’s direct donations, they provide a means by way of the annual West Side Fall Festival to enable schools, churches, and many other non-profit organizations to raise money through their food booths. “The Fall Festival has proven to be an excellent fundraiser for a number of institutions, and the financial benefits from this opportunity have far exceeded the direct donations provided by the Nut Club. The direct donations have been into the hundreds of thousands of dollars over the years, where the indirect contributions are estimated to have been in the millions,” Matt explains. Not only does the Fall Festival help non-profits raise money, the event is one of the most anticipated in the entire Evansville and surrounding community. Fabulous food, rides, games, talent competitions and tug-of-war contests attract hundreds of thousands of people each year to Franklin Street. The Nut Club is responsible for the planning and preparation of the festival, and members are present each day around the clock disposing of trash, washing down the streets each night, and many other tasks that make the festival possible. In addition to their support of schools, the Nut Club also provides a four year scholarship, $2,000 per year for four years, to both a Mater Dei and Reitz senior who attends the University of Southern Indiana. Members of the USI staff select the scholarship winners.


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The Nut Club also supports youth sports programs, food pantries, low income and homeless support groups, child and spousal abuse programs, Evansville police and fire fighters, volunteer firefighters, scouting programs, medical illness support and research organizations, historical groups and organizations such as the West Side Improvement Association and Keep Evansville Beautiful. The Nut Club has made donations to over 100 organizations, including schools, in 2013.

History of the Nut Club Leading up to the organization of the West Side Nut Club, there were Halloween type festivals in 1918, 1919 and 1920 which were sponsored by west side merchants. “In 1918 there was a gathering of all masked people on Franklin Street. Just celebration all evening. All eating places, the old time ice cream, drink saloons and other stores were all open. Everyone had a big time. No police necessary.”(quote from Nut Club historical note). The “Halloween Nights” were the forerunners of the Fall Festival. The first meeting of the West Side Business Men was held at the West Side Library on March 16, 1921. John F. Kolb organized the meeting and the club. At the March 24, 1921 meeting, the official naming of the club was to be selected from several suggestions by the members. West Side Nut Club was suggested by Mr. Theo Hartig. In May of 1921, the “Acorn” was selected as the emblem of the West Side Nut Club after the mechanical nut and chestnut were ruled out.

Recent graduate Jonathan Kuester was the 2014 Mater Dei recipient of the West Side Nut Club scholarship. He is pictured with his parents, his brother and members of the West Side Nut Club. Front row, left to right: Matt Wannemuehler ’75, Sam Kuester, Katie Kuester, Jonathan Kuester ’14, Keith Kuester; back row, left to right: Mark Head, Keith Frank ’80, Scott Mitsdarffer ’76, Mark Stansberry

Matt shares, “Since those humble days, the West Side Nut Club has used its influence and perseverance to get the Helfrich Golf Course, West Side Post Office, New Franklin Street Bridge, West Side Overpass (now Lloyd Expressway), Columbia Street Overpass, Indiana State University Evansville (now USI), Golfmoor Park and White Oaks Manor placed on the Evansville’s west side. These are all in addition to the donations and civic projects that are performed each year. These donations and projects have totaled over 4.5 million dollars in our 93 years.” Mater Dei High School sincerely thanks the West Side Nut Club for their generous support, and their thousands of hours of volunteerism to the community each year.

Mater Dei High School Celebrates 65 Years of Excellence In 1949, Mater Dei High School ushered in 417 students to the new high school built on the west side of Evansville. Since the first graduating class of 1950, and the 84 alumni from that year, over 10,000 have graduated from Mater Dei. The 2014–15 school year marks the 65th anniversary of Mater Dei High School. Throughout the year, various events and celebrations will honor the history of our beloved school and look to the future to build upon the foundation so many have made strong. The second MD BASH, Mater Dei: Building on A Scholastic Heritage, will be held on Saturday, October 4, 2014, in the Mater Dei Main Gymnasium.

Celebrate Mater Dei’s 65 years with food and festivities. Ticket price is $25 per guest and includes dinner and drinks. The evening will feature a Mater Dei history video along with presentations and voices from the past and present. Class reunions can plan their gathering around the BASH—just get your classmates together! The best part of the evening will be the alumni, parents and friends of Mater Dei High School all together in honor and support of our school. Tickets and sponsorships will be available in August. All members of our mailing list will receive invitations in the mail. For more information, contact Sarah Wagner, swagner@evvmaterdei.org, (812) 421-5727, ext. 405. The first MD BASH, honoring 60 years of Mater Dei history, was celebrated by more than 300 alumni and friends at the Discovery Lodge in July 2010. Guests included (above) Wendy Goebel and Kristen Folz ’91; (far left) Dan Niemeier ’80, Butch Feulner ’66 and Kenny Mesker ’71; (left) Mike ’92 and Lisa Weber and Matt ’00 and Crystal Weber.

Summer 2013

Red& Gold 21

Clare Scheller gratefully gives back to Riley Hospital for Children Shortly after Clare Scheller graduated from Mater Dei in the spring of 2010, she was diagnosed with leukemia that she would battle for the next couple of years. At one point during her treatment, Clare’s condition became critical, but with the knowledge and dedication of the doctors and nurses at Riley Hospital for Children in Indianapolis, along with Clare’s strength and an abundance of prayers from family and friends, she recovered and is now a student at the University of Southern Indiana. Clare is so grateful for the wonderful care she received at Riley that she has become one of Riley’s most dedicated volunteers. She serves on the Executive Committee for the University of Southern Indiana’s Dance Marathon, an event that benefits Riley, and attends various Dance Marathon events across the state, including ones at Indiana University, Purdue and Ball State. Clare explains, “I share my story to be a testament to how the millions of dollars they are raising go to help kids and young adults like me who receive treatment and care from Riley Hospital.” Clare also works with the Riley Children’s Foundation writing for their website’s blog and speaking at events on their behalf. This past November she was honored at the Riley Hospital for Children’s Annual Luncheon. Another recent project includes working with the foundation to design a necklace that benefits Riley. It’s called the “Clare” necklace and can be purchased on the Riley Children’s Foundation website. Clare shares, “I love being able to help Riley Hospital in any way I can for so many reasons—one being that it is because of the doctors, nurses, and staff at Riley that I am cancer free today. I have seen firsthand the

The Mater Dei Dance Marathon raised a record $30,016.17 for Riley Hospital for Children this past April. Over the past four years, Mater Dei has raised $95,000 for Riley through dance marathons. The school is now among the top 10 schools for fundraising for Riley.


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amazing things that take place because of Riley, and I love being able to support an organization that is so close to my heart, as well as my family’s and many other families who have been given hope because of Riley Hospital for Children.” Riley is equally important to Clare’s family. Her sister, Theresa ’11, started the Dance Marathon at Mater Dei her senior year when Clare was in treatment. Clare, Theresa and their brother, Leo ’13, are involved with USI’s Dance Marathon, and younger sister Maria ’16 is active with Mater Dei’s Dance Marathon. According to Clare, many graduates from Mater Dei have gone on to be a part of Dance Marathons at their colleges. She spoke at Purdue’s

Dance Marathon this past fall and saw many Mater Dei graduates having a great time and raising money for Riley. Clare is working towards a degree in Public Relations and Advertising at USI, and she had the opportunity to study abroad this past semester in England. Thanks to her care at Riley, a healthy Clare looks to the future, “I’m not exactly sure what plans I have for my career, but I would love to continue working to support research and awareness for pediatric cancer.” But Clare is sure about one thing, “I am so very grateful and blessed for the continuous support I have received from the Mater Dei community throughout the past years!”

Ira and Terry Boots presented Sagamore of the Wabash award


ndiana State Representative Wendy McNamara presented Ira ’72 and Theresa Boots ’72 with a Sagamore of the Wabash

award, the most prestigious award given by the office of Indiana Governor Mike Pence. The presentation was held at the University of Southern Indiana (USI) Foundation Board of Trustees meeting. Family members of the Boots were in attendance for the presentation. Rep. McNamara stated, “Ira and Theresa’s dedication to our community demonstrates the utmost level of Hoosier values and they each deserve the highest recognition Indiana has to offer. The Sagamore of the Wabash symbolizes the impact Ira and Theresa have had on the Evansville area and our state.”

Terry Boots, Rep. Wendy McNamara and Ira Boots

Ira began his career in plastics at an

System and Historic New Harmony

Board of Directors for over six years.

early age, working in his father’s tool

Foundation, and serves on the USI

She volunteers at Right to Life of

company. In 1978, he joined Berry

Board of Trustees.

Southwest Indiana and helped to

Plastics, supervising the tool making and product design departments. He was named Chairman and CEO of Berry Plastics in 2001 and retired in 2010.

establish and to sustain

“Ira and Theresa’s dedication to our community demonstrates the utmost level of Hoosier values and they each deserve the highest recognition Indiana has to offer.” — Indiana State Representative Wendy McNamara

Under Ira’s leadership,

a pregnancy care center where young women can receive medical services, childcare classes and counseling at no charge.

Terry has served the southwestern

In 2008, Terry and her husband, Ira,

Indiana community in many different

were the hosts at the Right to Life of

ways. During the 2010–11 school year,

Southwest Indiana banquet, which is

In addition to his other honors, he

she and Ira served as the Mater Dei

the largest pro-life banquet in the

received the Ernst & Young Entre-

High School Annual Fund Co-Chairs

United States. She has served as a

preneur of the Year Award in 2009.

and helped raise a record amount.

member of the Board of Directors of

Ira is also involved in such not-for-

Terry has also been a member of

Right to Life of Southwest Indiana

profit entities as Deaconess Health

the Marian Educational Outreach

since 2008.

Berry Plastics grew rapidly, leading to expansions in 2008 and 2009.

Summer 2013

Red& Gold 23

John McMullen

A Deacon for all at Mater Dei Deacon John McMullen, Mater Dei

leading prayer services and Bible studies, Saint Vincent

Theology teacher, was ordained a

de Paul Society outreach, and assisting at Mass, espe-

permanent Deacon in 2009. Since

cially by preaching the homily. I also pray daily for all the

that time, he has helped fill the

church. It is a requirement that deacons promise to do

void of no longer having a chaplain

at their ordination—praying for people and teaching.”

at Mater Dei. Besides his teaching duties, Deacon McMullen assists with school liturgies and leads prayer services, very important ministries for a Catholic school. “As a deacon, the call to lead public prayer is one of the aspects of diaconal service. As such, one must always be prepared to lead the school in prayer for whatever reason. As a deacon, I serve the people of God in the three-fold ministry of liturgy, word and charity,” Deacon McMullen explains.

John sees his first vocation as “a baptized Christian called to holiness.” He is also in the vocation of Holy Matrimony; he has been married to his wife Mary Grace for nearly 22 years, and they have two sons, Andrew and Theodore. By sharing his love and knowledge of the faith with everyone at Mater Dei, John continues to answer a call from God, one that he has heard since he was a young man, to “make a return to the Lord for all the good He had done for me.”

John heard his call to serve the Church early in his life. He wanted to be an altar boy from a young age and serving at the altar put him “close to the action.” He served Mass daily, which meant that he went to Mass twice each day. In the third grade, he read the entire New Testament for the first time. John also prayed the rosary each day in high school, and it was while in high school he considered the priesthood. For four years, from 1985–89, he studied at Saint Meinrad College and School of Theology, and in 1993 he earned a Master’s Degree in Theology. “The Benedictine spirituality of Saint Meinrad is a deep part of my spirituality,” he shares. John began teaching Theology at Mater Dei in 1991. “Many people asked me if I had ever considered becoming a deacon. I took this as the voice of God. When Bishop Gettelfinger opened the opportunity for the Permanent Diaconate, I submitted my application,” he said. His first assignment after being ordained was to Nativity parish. Last year he was reassigned to serve the parishes of Christ the King and Holy Spirit. According to John, his duties as a deacon involve “praying daily for the people entrusted to my care, visiting the sick and homebound,


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Deacon John McMullen, left, assists Fr. David Nunning at Baccalaureate.

Scott Whitehouse serves as Bishop’s Master of Ceremony


or the past 29 years, Mater

interesting perspective on the man

Dei Theology teacher Scott

and his role as Bishop,” Scott said.

Whitehouse has served as the Master of Ceremony for three different Bishops in the Diocese of Evansville, a role that

strongly reflects Scott’s love and dedication to the Catholic Church.

With the Most Reverend Gerald A. Gettelfinger, Bishop Emeritus of the Diocese of Evansville, Scott was the lay MC for his ordination as Bishop and assumed new tasks in the 22 years serving with him. Currently

The primary duty of the Bishop’s

he is the MC for the Most Reverend

Master of Ceremony (MC) is to work

Charles Thompson, Bishop of the

in the background of the ceremony

Diocese of Evansville. “In August

being conducted to allow the Bishop

of his first year, Bishop Thompson

to do his job more efficiently. As

invited me to continue in my role

the chief liturgist, the Bishop then

as MC. I accepted the Bishop’s in-

does not have to worry about the

vitation and continue to serve as

small things within the ceremony.

needed,” Scott adds.

If done well, everything about the ceremony flows smoothly allowing the Bishop to lead the faithful in prayer.

Bishop Thompson shares, “In his role as MC for various diocesan liturgies, spanning the service of

Scott was first approached by

three diocesan bishops, Scott has

Bishop Shea to assist with Confir-

provided a very unique blend of his-

mations, and then with additional

toricity and liturgical appreciation.

liturgical celebrations such as

In addition to his keen liturgical

Christmas Midnight Mass, Holy

understanding of the Church, Scott

Week, Easter and ordinations.

possesses a vast knowledge of di-

Serving three different Bishops, Scott has discovered that each Bishop has their own style of worship. “There were several oppor-

Scott Whitehouse with Bishop Emeritus Gerald Gettelfinger before Mass at MD.

ocesan history. In addition to being a wonderful MC, theology teacher, diocesan historian and storyteller, Scott is a good friend.”

as he reverently and generously shared his gifts with those celebrating sacramental ceremonies. In short, he wanted it to be done correctly not only for the Bishop, but those in the assembly. Not only is he very good at what he does, Scott is a most cherished friend and collaborator.” For 18 years, Scott has shared his dedication to the Church with Mater Dei. Along with the other faculty members of the Theology Department, Scott helps with background preparation and scheduling for liturgies, prayer services, and penance services for the school year. Scott is known at Mater Dei for his liturgical displays in the school that provide a visible connection to the seasonal events going on within the Church year. He works diligently making the Catholicity of Mater Dei come alive so that when one walks into the

tunities where I traveled to events

Bishop Gettlefinger recalls, “Scott

building, there is no mistaking that

with Bishop Shea which gave me an

was always an inspiration to me

Mater Dei is a Catholic school.

Scott was always an inspiration to me as he reverently and generously shared his gifts with those celebrating sacramental ceremonies for which were traveling. Not only is he very good at what he does, Scott is a most cherished friend and collaborator.” — Most Reverend Gerald A. Gettelfinger, Bishop Emeritus of the Diocese of Evansville Summer 2013

Red& Gold 25

Fr. Christopher Droste: A Year after Ordination

A year ago, Fr. Christopher Droste was ordained a priest in the Diocese of Evansville. Growing up, he was a member of St. James Catholic Church in Gibson County, attended elementary school at St. James, and is a 1998 graduate of Mater Dei. He graduated from Simon Brute College Seminary/Marian University and St. Meinrad Seminary & School of Theology. He has three younger siblings, Nicole ’00, Natalie ’04, and Jared ’05, all graduates of Mater Dei. Recently, we asked Fr. Droste to share his thoughts on his first year of priesthood.

surpassed them, and it’s been filled with surprises! What are the greatest challenges today of being a parish priest? Maturing in our vocation, or perhaps in the greatest sense, becoming holy! This challenge for a parish priest is the same as it is for any Christian vocation which is to maintain a sense of gratitude, humility, and openness in response to what God has done for us in Christ.

Being a priest is one of the most dramatic, if not the most dramatic experience of life possible, When did you first consider a objectively according to its nature, vocation in the priesthood? and subjectively because of the historical circumstances Although I have vague we live in. I say this with memories of considering it when I was young, the “There is no other way in life than intense words, because I’ve experienced this same way I considered to search for the ideal, to receive drama myself, and as being an astronaut or a we’ve all witnessed professional ballplayer, I it with love and then be patient to a greater or lesser didn’t seriously consider a ... In order to experience life to degree when priests fail vocation in the priesthood to cultivate the right until about eight years ago. the fullest, the only answer is to attitude and disposition follow Jesus Christ by attaching before God and others. What was your yourself to the life of the Church.” Rather than being motivation for an icon of Christ and entering the witnessing a beautiful seminary? In today’s and mysterious way of life that points to something liber al society, what motivates a greater than themselves, they become scandalous to young man to choose religious life? everyone, and in most cases, are an obstacle to faith, At the time my knowledge of the priesthood was especially for the people they’re called to serve. immature and limited, so my primary motivation for entering the seminary was simply following an urgent How did your high school years at desire to know about the life of priests and to verify if I Mater Dei prepare you for a religious vocation? was being called to this life. Once I was in the seminary, I wholeheartedly credit Mater Dei for expanding and my motivation to stay was the desire to keep following deepening my sense of belonging and serving in the life of the path of education that I was receiving, combined with a community as a person identified by faith. Being part of a renewed sense of wonder that I had never experienced Mater Dei is way more than just four years of high school. before. I was attracted to religious life because I didn’t see a more attractive vocation that corresponded more closely to the way of life that Christ proposes to those Do you have any advice for young who choose to follow Him. That ideal is what my heart people in the Catholic Church today? longed for, and for me, that’s the only reason anyone can What I would share with young people today is that overcome the common mentality of today’s society. essentially there is no other way in life than to search for the ideal, to receive it with love, and then be patient How would you describe your with the certainty that in order to experience life to first year of being a priest? the fullest and not miss the best that life has to offer, the only answer is to follow Jesus Christ by attaching My first year of being a priest has been eventful. The yourself to the life of the Church. experience has both fulfilled my expectations and


Red& Gold Summer 2013

Friends & Alumni News 1960s Maurice Berendes ’60 was injured in a fall this past winter. He spent time in Atlanta, Ga., for rehabilitation and is now home continuing to recuperate. Maurice is very active volunteering at Mater Dei, and when the Mater Dei community received news of his accident, many people rallied to his support. We continue to keep Maurice in our prayers. Diane (Marx) Martin ’67 and her daughter, Katie (Martin) Graff ’01, have opened The Hill, a salon and barber shop located at Harmony Way and Maryland Street in Evansville. Tony Schneider ’69 and his wife, Mary Baehl Schneider, a 1970 graduate of Rex Mundi High School, are celebrating 40 years of marriage. During their retirement, they are enjoying being world travelers! They have two children and two grandchildren.

1970s Suzanne Crouch ’70 was named Indiana State Auditor by Indiana Governor Mike Pence. She has served as the Indiana State Representative for House District 78, which serves part of Vanderburgh, Warrick and Spencer Counties since 2005. Prior to being

elected as a state representative, she served two terms as the Auditor of Vanderburgh County. Jeffrey K. Helfrich ’78 has been named a Co-Managing Partner at Kahn, Dees, Donovan & Kahn, LLP in Evansville. He is a member of the Indiana State Bar Association and Evansville Bar Association and is a Licensing Instructor for the Indiana Association of Realtors. Jeff earned his Bachelor of Science degree in accounting from Indiana University, Bloomington, in 1982 and his Juris Doctor from Indiana University’s McKinney School of Law, Indianapolis, in 1985.

2000s Kellie Katherine (Hollander) Worman ’01 has been elected Partner with the law firm of Bowers Harrison, LLC. Katherine focuses her practice on litigation matters, including business and civil litigation, family law and juvenile law matters, environmental law, commercial disputes, and construction law. Katherine received the Indiana Lawyer’s Up and Coming Lawyer award in 2011 and was recognized as a “Rising

Star” among Indiana’s young attorneys in the 2014 publication of the Indiana Super Lawyers Magazine. She has also received the Volunteer Lawyer Program of Southwestern Indiana, Inc.’s 50 Hour Pro Bono Service Award in 2010, 2011, 2012, and 2013. Katherine completed her undergraduate degree, cum laude, at the University of Southern Indiana and earned her Doctor of Jurisprudence, cum laude, from the Thomas M. Cooley School of Law. She resides in Evansville with her husband, John. Andrew Elpers’08 graduated from the University of Southern Indiana with a bachelor of science in engineering (BSE) with an electrical emphasis. He is employed as an electrical engineer at Country Mark Refinery in Mount Vernon, Ind. Lindsay Mann ’09 assisted on vocals with Fr. Claude Burns, pastor at St. Philip Catholic Church, on Fr. Burns’ new album, Pontifex’s Symphony and the Static. Lindsay has sung back up for different artists in Nashville, Tenn.

We are… MD! follows 65 years of wrestling history at Mater Dei John S. Johnson recently wrote a book chronicling the Mater Dei wrestling program titled We are… MD! that follows 65 years of wrestling history at Mater Dei. According to John, he was prompted to write the book after talking to 1964 Mater Dei state champion wrestler Fred Happe. “I had been a fan of Mater Dei Wrestling for a number of years, but did not have a keen sense of its history. Fred is a wonderful storyteller. He told me

a number of anecdotes about his career, the teams he was on and his role in starting Mater Dei’s feeder league. It occurred to me there was a greater story to be told.” In We are…MD!, readers will discover facts such as in 1953, the program’s third year, Bill Trainer won a state title. Trainer was not only the first athlete from Mater Dei to accomplish the feat, but the first athlete from Evansville to win a state championship in any sport. We Are… MD! will be released to the public on October 1, 2014. It is a large, coffee table edition with over 300 photographs and 272 pages. For early release, you can pre-order by visiting www.mtpublishing.com or by calling (888) 263-4702.

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Friends & Alumni News 2010s

colleges. He is the son of Mark ’72 and Jean Schmitt.

Tyler Schickel ’12 was named All American in Cross Country this past season. Tyler attends the University of Southern Indiana.


Andrew Schmitt ’12 is attending Purdue University majoring in Building and Construction Management. He is a member of the Purdue water ski team and serves as vice president. He was named rookie of the year for the midwest region his freshman year. He won the jumping event at the Midwest Collegiate Regionals both his freshman and sophomore year competing against 16

The MD Class of 1959 will have their 55th class reunion Saturday, October 4, 2014, at the Order of the Owls. Social hour begins at 5:30 p.m. and dinner at 6:30 p.m. For more information, contact Shirley (Diehl) Ubelhor at (812) 476-7984. The MD Class of 1964 will celebrate their 50th reunion Saturday, October 18, 2014, at the Holiday Inn on Highway 41 North. Cocktails at 6:00 p.m., dinner, show and dance at 7:00 p.m. Classmates can take

a tour of Mater Dei Saturday afternoon at 1:30 p.m. and attend Mass at St. Joseph Church in the city at 4:00 p.m. On Friday, October 17, 2014, the Class of 1964 will attend the Mater Dei vs. Reitz football game and a social time at Smitty’s Little Tavern on Franklin Street. Contact Susie (Brack) Hawes at (812) 985-9476 for more information. The MD Class of 1974 is planning their 40th reunion Saturday, September 20, 2014, at Hornville Tavern, 6:00 p.m., dinner at 7:00 p.m. For more information, contact Dan Gutzweiler at (812) 461-8189 or Letha Lannert lethalannert@yahoo.com.

MD grads’ Azzip Pizza aims to serve upscale food quickly, at low cost Brad Niemeier ’08 was at Purdue University in 2012 studying Hospitality and Tourism Management when he had an idea for a little restaurant. Brad entered his idea in the Burton D. Morgan Business Plan Competition at Purdue where students from all different majors present a business plan, and the winner receives $20,000 toward starting a business. After winning this competition, Brad took his prize money and opened Azzip Pizza, a style of service of getting more upscale food served quickly and inexpensively, this past fall at 5225 Pearl Drive in Evansville. As the business plan was coming together, Brad contacted Blake Kollker ’02, who at the time was executive chef at the Evansville Country Club. The two had been friends as children, and Brad had worked with Blake during an internship at the Evansville Country Club. “I’d worked with Blake for a summer and knew that he had creative ideas and was an experienced restaurateur, and I knew he would be a good help. And he was just fun to work with,” Brad said. When Azzip became a reality, Blake came on as partner to get the business running. Looking toward the future, Brad and Blake’s goal is to have two more Azzip Pizza restaurants open in the next 12 months.

Blake Kollker, left, and Brad Niemeier, right, on opening day of Azzip Pizza

Please send your Friends & Alumni news to Carol Nurrenbern at cnurrenbern@evvmaterdei.org or (812) 421-5727. 28

Red& Gold Summer 2013

Friends & Alumni News Nicole Hemmer ’97 enjoying career in teaching and political writing Nicole Hemmer ’97 is a visiting assistant professor in the Department of History at the University of Miami. She teaches courses on 20th century U.S. History, including courses on conservatism, suburbia, social movements and consumerism. She also serves as a weekly political blogger for U.S. News & World Report. In addition to her work for U.S. News & World Report, her writing on conservative media and politics has appeared in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, the Christian Science Monitor, the Sydney Morning Herald and the Spectator Australia. She also provides political commentary for Australian radio

and television and has appeared on the Washingtonbased Bill Press Show, a nationally syndicated radio talk program. She recently spoke at the Sydney Opera House for the Public Knowledge Forum, a major international conference bringing together leaders in journalism, academia and media to discuss the future of journalism in an age of technological change. She has written a book on the history of conservative media, Messengers of the Right, which is under contract with the University of Pennsylvania Press. She received her doctorate in U.S. History from Columbia University in New York City. She was a fellow at the Miller Center of Public Affairs at the University of Virginia, and a postdoctoral fellow at the U.S. Studies Centre at the University of Sydney where she is now a visiting scholar.

Congratulations to the Class of 2014! We welcome the Class of 2014 as our newest alumni!

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In Memoriam Charlotte (Reitz) Titzer Charlotte Titzer, mother of Mater Dei Development Director Sarah Wagner ’88, passed away February 21, 2014. She was a 1954 graduate of Reitz Memorial High School and a member of St. Joseph Catholic Church in the County. Charlotte is survived by her children, Tom ’82 and Sarah Titzer, Ann Titzer ’83 and Sarah ’88 and Cliff Wagner ’88, and by her grandchildren, Grace and Sam Wagner. She was preceded in death by her husband of 41 years, Don Titzer. Charlotte was a dedicated volunteer at Mater Dei, spending many hours helping with mass mailings in the Office of Institutional Advancement. Her warm and gracious personality is greatly missed.

The Mater Dei community remembers those alumni, parents and friends who have passed. May they rest in eternal peace.

Lawrence “Larry” Orth ’59, of Evansville, Jan. 1, 2014



Kathryn (Weber) Altstadt ’55, of Evansville, Feb. 15, 2014

Marian Borries, of Evansville, Apr. 1, 2014

John Roy Anderson ’66, of Bella Vista, Ariz., Mar. 1, 2014

John J. Elpers, of Wadesville, Ind., Feb. 6, 2014

David Bassemier ’60, of Evansville, Jan. 9, 2014

Mark Hertel, of Chattanooga, Tenn., Dec. 13, 2013

Sharon (Meredith) Brown ’56, of Evansville, Dec. 22, 2013

William Holland, of Evansville, Dec. 10, 2013

Mark A. Crowe ’79, of Evansville, May 14, 2014

William Knight, of Evansville, May 1, 2014

Elma Jean (Mayer) Fairchild ’57, of Wadesville, Ind., Feb. 21, 2014

Norman Moutoux, of Evansville, Mar. 3, 2014

Mary (Humpert) Gebhardt ’51, of Evansville, Nov. 16, 2013

Donald Singleton, of Evansville, Feb. 21, 2014

Paul Hayden ’55, of Greenville, Tenn., Oct. 2, 2013

Charlotte Titzer, of Evansville, Feb. 21, 2014

Charles Hicks ’55, of Evansville, Feb. 13, 2014

Thomas Porter ’54, of Midlothian, Tex., Apr. 1, 2014

Dolores Will, of Evansville, Mar. 10, 2014

Jared Hobgood ’93, of Key West, Fla., Dec. 8, 2013


Mark Lemond ’73, of Newburgh, Ind., Apr. 1, 2014

Father Robert Deig, of Evansville, Mar. 28, 2014

Jynelle (Emge) Miller 57, of Muskegon, Mich., Mar. 22, 2014

Please email Carol Nurrenbern at cnurrenbern@evvmaterdei.or or call (812) 421-5727 to share the passing of MD alumni, parents and friends.

Mary (Hildenbrand) Oldham ’58, of Evansville, Jan. 11, 2014

A Prayer for Mater Dei God, our Father, You have greatly blessed Mater Dei High School: A school dedicated to Mary, the Mother of God. Help us to treasure Your gift of life and remember that we are all created in Your image.


Holy Spirit, guide us with the fire of Your love. Give us vision and determination for shaping a faith-filled future. May we all use our time and talents to glorify Your Holy Name.

Lord Jesus, You are the unseen but ever-present teacher in our classes.

May the Virgin Mary’s openness to the Word of God be our example of love and service to God and neighbor.

Grant us all the perception to see the many opportunities to show Your love, mercy, and kindness to one another.

We ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Red& Gold Summer 2013

Please support our fine sponsors! ROYAL GOLD SPONSORS ALTSTADT PLUMBING SERVICE, INC. David Altstadt ’75 & Chip Altstadt ’03 CAPITAL ELECTRIC, INC. Ben Wagner ’86, Marie Wagner ’86 Cliff Wagner ’88, Mark Wagner ’96, Brent Neitzke ’88 EDWARD JONES Roger A. Nurrenbern ’96 FEHRENBACHER CABINETS, INC. Bob ’71, Mary Kay ’71, Peter ’97 Zachary ’00, Patrick ’03 & Sarah ’05

LOYAL RED SPONSORS HELFRICH REALTORS George P. Helfrich ‘69, Sally Helfrich Green ‘78, Stephanie Helfrich Freeman ‘94, Peter D. Helfrich ‘99 & Shay Grasso Helfrich ’00 Jeremy Kempf, Bill Long HILLTOP INN Don & Lanette Snyder LAPPE HEATING & A/C Ed Lappe ’82, Dan Lappe ’77 & Dave Lappe ’03

FREEMAN, WILL & NIEMEIER, INC. FREEMAN, WILL, NIEMEIER & HESTON, LLC Patrick B. Freeman ’65, P. Evan Freeman ’90, Elissa Freeman Higgins ’94, M. Ethan Freeman ’00, Emily Freeman ’02 & Jordan Raben ’05

OHIO VALLEY INSULATION COMPANY, INC. Scott ’80, Beth ’80, Dustin ’05, Logan ’08, Faith ’10, Brooke ’11 & Joel Slaton

KEMPF’S DONUT BANK Harold ’54, Chris ’77, Lindsey ’81, Ben ’85 & Joe ’91

PAUL’S MENSWEAR, INC. Steve ’73, John ’78 & Brian ’99.

MUENSTERMAN FIRESTONE, INC. Tom ’73, Steve ’76, Jerry ’79, Mark ’83 & Bob ’87

SCHULTHEIS INSURANCE AGENCY, INC. Steve Moore ’65 & Kevin Moore ’91

PIERRE FUNERAL HOME Gary ’61 & Susie ’62 John ’88, Jim ’89 & Lori ’89 RABEN TIRE & AUTO SERVICE The Raben Family SCHNEIDER HEAT & AIR, INC. Jeff & Judith Siemers Schneider ’79, Catherine Schneider ’14 SIEMERS GLASS Jane ’81 & Mark Weinzapfel ’80 Jake ’06, Mac ’08, Ali ’11 & Jack ’13

Big Bingo and Big Auction Sponsors Thank you to the following sponsors for their support of the annual Big Bingo and Big Auction event.

SOUTHWEST GRAFIX & APPAREL INC Rose Ann ’60, Mary ’82, Mike ’83, Michelle ’85, Mark ’89, Schelly ’89, Julian ’15, Brendan ’16 MARK A. TORNATTA, DDS Mark A. Tornatta ’69, Jeanne Tornatta ’69, Chris ’97, Jennifer ’00, Sarah ’02 WILDERMAN ENTERPRISES, LLC dba ST. WENDEL AUTO PARTS & SERVICE Dennis Wildeman ’68

Rainbow Sponsors

Ziemer Funeral Home

Pierre Funeral Home

Big Bingo Game Sponsors

Old National Bank Capital Electric, Inc.

JW Associates School Equipment Specialists (two games)

Event Sponsors

Mehringer Family (11 games)

Midwest Mechanical Services

Tim & Lisa McGuire (two games)


Kleen-Rite Supply, Inc. (two games)

Monarch Beverage

Tracy Zeller Jewelry (two games)

Raben Tire

Stephen Libs Finer Chocolates

Summer 2013

Red& Gold 31

Mater Dei High School Office of Institutional Advancement 1300 Harmony Way • Evansville, IN 47720 Return service requested

Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Evansville, IN Permit 1689

MD BASH: Celebrate Mater Dei’s 65 years with food and fun The second MD BASH, Mater Dei: Building on A Scholastic Heritage, will be held on Saturday, October 4, 2014, in the Mater Dei Main Gymnasium. Celebrate Mater Dei’s 65 years with food and festivities. Ticket price is $25 per guest and includes dinner and drinks. The evening will feature a Mater Dei history video along with presentations and voices from the past and present. Class reunions can plan their gathering

around the BASH—just get your classmates together! The best part of the evening will be the alumni, parents and friends of Mater Dei High School all together in honor and support of our school. Tickets and sponsorships will be available in August. All members of our mailing list will receive invitations in the mail. For more information, contact Sarah Wagner, swagner@evvmaterdei.org, (812) 421-5727, ext. 405.

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