Red& Gold
The Mater Dei High School Magazine
Volume 31, Number 2 • Summer 2015
Full of Grace Capital Campaign A Success
Our Catholic Identity Ave Maria Society Capital Campaign Projects Capital Campaign Honor Roll of Donors
In This Issue About the cover
Mater Dei Today
The new Prayer Garden was dedicated to the Sisters of St. Benedict as part of this year’s May Day activities.
The Dance Marathon raises a record amount of money for Riley Hospital for Children.
Capital Campaign projects Several projects are underway on campus as a result of the Capital Campaign.
May Day celebration
Capital Campaign Honor Roll
A celebration took place on May Day marking the success of the Full of Grace: Excellence for Tomorrow Capital Campaign.
We gratefully recognize individuals and businesses for their generous support of the Capital Campaign.
Red& Gold
The Mater Dei High School Magazine • Vol. 30, No. 2 • Summer 2015
The Red & Gold is published three times a year by the Mater Dei High School Office of Institutional Advancement, to encourage understanding and support of the mission of Mater Dei High School. Through the Red & Gold, Mater Dei’s 10,000+ alumni, as well as the school’s many friends, continue to strengthen their relationships with each other and become better informed about the many ways Mater Dei strives for excellence through its spiritual, academic and extracurricular programs.
Red & Gold Staff Editor: Carol Nurrenbern Art Director: Alan Inkenbrandt ’89 Photography Contributors: Yearbook Student Staff Straub Photography Contributors: Timothy Dickel Sarah Wagner ’88 Maggie Hurm ’09
Send alumni news and address changes to Maggie Hurm, Database Manager,
Mater Dei High School • 1310 Harmony Way, Evansville, IN 47720 • 812-426-2258 •
Red& Gold Summer 2013
Mater Dei Today Supermileage team wins at Shell Eco-marathon The Mater Dei Supermileage Team once again had a successful run at the annual Shell Eco-marathon
hours, and the Gas Prototype placed third with 1,403 mpg. Team members are Michael
competing against colleges and
Kercher, Isaac Memmer, Drew
universities. Shell Eco-marathon is a
Henderson, Jacob Schapker, Joe
global program that challenges high
Memmer, Logan Pierce, Canyon
school and college student teams
Zeman, Grant Weiss, Grace Cox,
to design, build and test the most
Wade Wilmes, Jared Abney, Ema
energy-efficient vehicles.
Quinn, Mitchell Heim, Frank Peterlin,
The Urban Concept gasoline car
Hope Peterlin, Tyler Hilgeman and
placed first with 484 miles per gallon,
Andrew Vibbert. Adult sponsors are
the Electric Prototype car placed
David Weiss, Bob Neisen, Dan Ritter,
first with 449 miles per kilowatt-
Gene Young and Evan Vibbert.
Above: Isaac Memmer prepares to drive the Urban Concept car. Below: Team members wait their turn to compete.
Supermileage Team 2015
Mater Dei hosts annual Genetics Update Conference Sam Rhine, a noted Indiana University professor of genetics concepts, hosted a Genetics Update Conference for high school students and biology teachers from six different area high schools this past spring at Mater Dei High School. His presentation to the students included information about new findings on cancer cells and treatments, diabetes, cloning, research dealing with 3-D printing of organs and results from Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell research.
ethical dilemmas each will face as technological advances continue. Dr. Rhine has been described as one of the most effective human genetics educators in America today.
For over 30 years, Dr. Rhine has been presenting the latest genetic information to high school students and their teachers nationally and to audiences in Toronto, Montreal, Tokyo, Vienna, Prague, St. Petersburg, Russia, and Nairobi, Kenya. For the past several years, he has been presenting Genetic Update Conferences at Mater Dei by invitation of science teacher Carl Voegel. These one-day conferences for biology teachers and students are designed to teach the latest in genetic advances, hot research areas, and career opportunities. Dr. Rhine takes biology from the textbook to the heart by posing
Dr. Sam Rhine speaks to science students at his annual Genetic Update conference at Mater Dei.
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Mater Dei Today Mater Dei receives Safe Sports School award If you have ever been the parent of a student who plays sports in high school, then you would truly appreciate Seth Brunner. Seth is the athletic trainer at Mater Dei, and the safety of the student athlete is his top priority. Together, Seth and the Mater Dei Athletic Department have been instrumental in providing a safe environment in the athletic arena at Mater Dei by way of a positive athletic health care system that includes proper fit and function of athletic equipment, providing an appropriate equipped area to evaluate and treat injured athletes, developing injury and illness prevention strategies and interventions, creating an emergency action plan, providing nutrition education and counseling for athletes, and educating parents of the benefits and risks in sports and their roles and responsibilities.
Athletic Trainers’ Association Safe Sports School award for its athletic programs. The award champions safety and recognizes secondary schools that provide safe environments for student athletes. The award reinforces the importance of providing the best level of care, injury prevention and treatment. According to Seth, “Only 42 percent of high schools have an athletic trainer, so the fact that Mater Dei is among the 42 percent shows that the health of the student athlete is its main concern. Also, the fact that the school’s Capital Campaign includes updating the athletic facilities shows their seriousness about providing the athletes with up to date and safe facilities.”
Athletic trainer Seth Brunner tapes Josh Price’s thumb before basketball practice.
As a result, Mater Dei High School is the recipient of the National
Seth has been the athletic trainer at Mater Dei for two years. He is available to every student athlete, and is after school every day to cover practices and treat injuries. He is on the sidelines for every
Thank you to Seth and ProRehab, the company that provides Seth’s training services at Mater Dei, for his diligent care of Mater Dei’s athletes and for pursuing this award for the school.
The Mater Dei Stage Show this past spring once again offered two evenings of outstanding entertainment. The show’s theme, “Once Upon a Time,” featured the dance and musical talents of the Mater Dei Band, Choir, Dance Cats, and Color Guard.
Mater Dei High School’s Theatre Department presented the beloved musical “Oklahoma!” this spring to delighted audiences on three different evenings. According the Mater Dei Theatre Director, Crystal Robertson, “This first collaboration of Rodger & Hammerstein remains, in many ways, their most innovative, having set the standards and established the rules of musical theatre still being followed today.”
Red& Gold Summer 2013
football game and home games for men’s and women’s basketball and wrestling.
Mater Dei Today A salute to Mater Dei Class of 2015 scholars
Class of 2015 Valedictorians: Megan Farny; Jacklyn Gries; Emily Heldman; Aaron Hoefling; Michael Kercher
Valedictorians of the Class of 2015 Congratulations to the five seniors who were named valedictorians of the Class of 2015: Megan Farny, daughter of James ’73 and Kimberly ’77 Farny; Jacklyn Gries, daughter of Randall and Jennifer Gries; Emily Heldman, daughter of Kevin and Marilyn ’83 Heldman; Aaron Hoefling, son of David ’81 and Doreen Hoefling; and Michael Kercher, son of Bart ’78 and Carman Kercher.
Lilly Scholars Seniors Emily Heldman and Michael Kercher have been named Vanderburgh Community Foundation’s 2015 Lilly Endowment Community Scholars. Each will receive full tuition to the Indiana college of their choice, as well as a $900 yearly stipend for required books and equipment. Emily plans to study biology at Indiana University and hopes to become a pediatrician. Michael would like to begin a career as an electrical engineer after earning a degree from the University of Notre Dame. Students who apply for the Lilly scholarship are subjected to a rigorous review process that includes scrutiny of their academic performance, school and community activities, and financial need. Nominations were submitted to Independent Colleges of Indiana, Lilly Endowment’s statewide administrator of the program, for formal selection of recipients. Mater Dei was honored to have two of the three Lilly Scholars from Vanderburgh County. National Merit Finalists Seniors Aaron Hoefling and Michael Kercher were named National Merit Finalists for 2015. Aaron and Michael rank in the top 1% of all high school seniors in the country in academic performance.
Dance Marathon raises record amount for Riley Hospital The fifth annual Mater Dei Dance Marathon took place this past spring, raising a record $33,554.84 for Riley Hospital for Children in Indianapolis. Since the first dance marathon inspired by Clare Scheller ’10, who was diagnosed with leukemia, the event has become a large student effort, helping them learn valuable leadership and social skills while raising funds and interacting with Riley patients and families. “All of the planning involves hundreds of hours given voluntarily by the students,” said Toni Wallace, faculty sponsor of the event. “Strong leadership skills and multitasking abilities are crucial to the overall dynamics and success.” Students apply to be on the Dance Marathon committee by submitting
written responses to questions pertaining to why they want to be on the team. Committees are then formed in the following five areas: event management and entertainment, fund raising, catering and auction, morale and dancer relations. These student committees take care of all aspects of the Dance Marathon, including media relations, obtaining private and corporate donations, executing fundraisers, inviting Riley families and speakers for the event, catering, and creating and teaching the line dance to attendees. “Everyone has to be on board with our mission and understand their role in order to make this happen on such a large scale,” said Toni. The event has raised a total of
$129,540.00 since 2010 thanks to the Mater Dei community, donors, and sponsors who have helped make it happen. “We would not be successful if it were not for the prayers, love, and support given to us by so many in the last five years,” said Toni. “I pray we can continue to pay it forward so that other patients and families can benefit.”
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Mater Dei Today Fr. Schroeder delivers birthday blessings For the past five years, Fr, Gene Schroeder, pastor of St. Joseph Catholic Church in Vanderburgh County, has given a handwritten birthday greeting to every student and staff member at Mater Dei. What motivated Fr. Gene to give birthday cards was a discussion among parish pastors on how they could be more present to high school students. For him, it seemed
personal and that’s why it left an impression on people. Sending birthday cards is a simple way to be with people in a personal way. It’s a simple way of saying to another person—your life is important.” With a student body of 523 and a staff of 75, Fr. Gene keeps busy sending birthday greetings. Although he does all the writing on the cards, he credits the real
“Sending birthday cards is a simple way to be with people in a personal way. It’s a simple way of saying to another person—your life is important.” a natural thing to send birthday cards to the students and staff at MD. Each year he finds something inspiring to put on the front of the card, has them printed, and then hand writes a message to everyone. “I usually write the cards in the evening when I am unwinding,” shares Fr. Gene. He likes to let others know that they are important. “Much of what Jesus did was to meet with people and to walk with them on their journey. His ministry was very
work to the school secretaries in the main office who distribute them for him every month. “Without their help, it wouldn’t happen,” he states. So thank you, Fr. Gene, for all of the birthday cards over the past five years which total approximately 3,000 cards to students and staff. Your time and energy is much appreciated, and everyone looks forward to receiving them!
Fr. Gene Schroeder delivers birthday cards for students and staff to school secretary Jeanne Tornatta.
Red& Gold Summer 2013
Mater Dei Today
Congratulations to the Class of 2015! We welcome the Class of 2015 as our newest alumni!
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Fifth Annual Ave Maria Society Morning reflects on “The Future of Mater Dei”
he annual Ave Maria Society Morning took place this past April. A rosary and Mass were celebrated in the Msgr. Wolf Chapel at Mater Dei followed by breakfast and a presentation, “The Future of Mater Dei.” This was the fifth annual meeting and the largest event for the Ave Maria Society. The Ave Maria Society was established to recognize those benefactors who make commitments to the future of the school
have increased from $21,413 to $72,706. There are several different ways to give and become a member of the Ave Maria Society: BEQUESTS A gift given to Mater Dei that is identified in a will or a living trust is considered a bequest. This gift is one of the simplest ways to make a planned gift. Your gift can either be a specific dollar amount, a percentage of your estate, or a gift after other bequests have been distributed. We recommend that
does not require involvement of an attorney. When an IRA is passed on to children or other family members, taxes may decrease its benefits. By naming Mater Dei as the death beneficiary, these taxes are avoided. CHARITABLE GIFT ANNUITIES A Charitable Gift Annuity is a great way to provide fixed income for up to two people and allows individuals to leave a substantial legacy to Mater Dei. How a Charitable Gift Annuity works:
“Over 100 alumni, friends, and past parents have been inducted into the Society since 2011. Their levels of giving vary, but they all share a strong commitment to the importance of the Catholic education provided at Mater Dei.”
through planned gifts or endowments. According to Dr. Timothy Dickel, President of Mater Dei, “Over 100 alumni, friends, and past parents have been inducted into the Society since 2011. Their levels of giving vary, but they all share a strong commitment to the importance of the Catholic education provided at Mater Dei.“ Since December of 2010, the number of endowments at Mater Dei have increased from 18 to 40. The balance of endowments have increased from $671,648 to $1,903,716, and the annual endowment distributions
Red& Gold Summer 2013
you contact an attorney to help establish a will or trust. If you name Mater Dei High School as a beneficiary, we request you submit this information in writing to the Office of Institutional Advancement. INDIVIDUAL RETIREMENT ACCOUNTS (IR A) Many individuals and families have accumulated sizable assets in their IRAs. You can easily indicate Mater Dei High School as the death beneficiary for your IRA with completion of a simple form. This transaction
You make an irrevocable gift to Mater Dei of $10,000 or more and receive a charitable deduction for a portion of your gift. You receive income for the rest of your life based on a predetermined percentage of your gift. A portion of your gift is tax-free. Your fixed payment is based on your age and is determined when you make your charitable gift. One or two individuals (beneficiaries) can be named as recipients for the fixed income. If there is a particular aspect of the school you want to support with your gift, you can make this distinction.
Members of the Ave Maria Society and guests attend Mass at the annual Ave Maria Society Morning.
Who are members of Mater Dei High School’s ENDOWMENTS An endowment is a donation to Mater Dei High School that is invested to provide ongoing income for the school. The gifts contributed to an endowment are considered the “corpus” or “principal” and remain untouched. Mater Dei receives an annual distribution from the interest income to support the school. Endowments can be named to honor or memorialize a family or loved one and can be designated for a specific purpose, i.e., tuition assistance, technology, athletics, science, etc. The investments are professionally managed and adhere to a policy that is consistent with the teachings of the Catholic Church. A minimum $5,000 gift must be given to establish an endowment. Many colleges and other organizations are able to provide significant annual income through their endowments. LIFE INSUR ANCE Life insurance allows you to make small contributions that accumulate to significant value over time. Naming Mater Dei High School as the beneficiary and/or owner of a life insurance policy allows you to make a marvelous gift without disturbing other assets. CHARITABLE REM AINDER UNITRUSTS Gifts from wills continue to be the
most popular way of enriching Mater Dei’s endowment fund. Bequests are easy to understand, revocable, and allow for a gift of either a percentage of your estate or a specific dollar amount. Unfortunately, they offer no lifetime benefits to the donor. As an alternative, Mater Dei donors might want to consider a charitable remainder trust, often referred to as a CRT. A CRT offers those donors who are willing to irrevocably commit assets to Mater Dei an income for life. Typically, that income is reserved to the donor and his or her spouse, although others can be included. Upon the death of the final income beneficiary, the trust terminates and what remains of the trust principal passes into Mater Dei’s endowment to be used as the donor has specified. In exchange for this irrevocable commitment, the CRT donor receives a current income tax deduction based upon the age(s) of the income recipient(s) and the amount of income reserved. Donors can request either a percentage of the trust as revalued annually (a “unitrust” interest) or a specific dollar amount (an “annuity” interest). For more information, please contact Timothy Dickel, President of Mater Dei,, 812-421-5727 or Sarah Wagner, Development Director, swagner@, (812) 421-5727.
Ave Maria Planned Giving & Endowment Society? They are everyday people with a passion for Mater Dei and her mission to educate young people in a faith-filled environment. They are people who choose to honor loved ones with a lasting gift. They are friends and alumni dedicated to the past, present, and— most importantly—the future of Mater Dei High School. They could be you.
Summer 2013
Red& Gold 9
Our Catholic Identity: Why Mater Dei Exists The concept of Catholic identity in relation to Catholic schools and parish catechesis programs has been discussed and pondered for many decades. Catholic identity is the foundation of a Catholic school. It is its reason for existence.
By Carol Nurrenbern
Red& Gold Summer 2013
According to the Encyclopedia of Catholic Doctrine, “Catholic identity consists in being in full communion with the Catholic Church—in her visible structure as it appears on this earth— accepting and enjoying bonds which link us more specially still to Jesus Christ that are defined as the profession of the same doctrine, the share and worship in the same sacraments, and the acceptance of ecclesiastical authority and discipline (Lumen Gentium, 14).”
Catholic identity is not something static. It should grow, and it can also be lost. Growth in Catholic identity means an ever fuller and more intimate bonding and union with Jesus Christ, through the faith of the Church and the sacraments the Church administers (Encyclopedia of Catholic Doctrine). When focusing on Catholic identity in Catholic education, the Holy See—the jurisdiction of the Roman Catholic Church—is very clear on what defines a Catholic school. The primary purpose of Catholic education is “the formation of boys and girls who will be good citizens of this world, loving God and neighbor and enriching society with the leaven of the gospel, and who will also be citizens of the world to come, thus fulfilling their destiny to become saints (The Holy See’s Teaching on Catholic Schools).” Mater Dei campus minister Jeremy Goebel ’06 states, “Catholic identity is demonstrated simply by placing Jesus Christ at the very heart of what we do as individuals, and then as a school. Catholic identity in a Catholic school today encompasses every aspect of the school itself, from the course material to the people that work there.” He acknowledges that the Church has provided guidance on this topic, and emphasizes that Catholic schools should teach the faith in a doctrinally sound manner, while at the same time it should remain academically rigorous in all subjects. It is important to integrate both faith
Fr. Phil Kreilein, football chaplain, prays with the team before a game.
and reason so that the school can be a “school of the human person” (Congregation for Catholic Education: The Catholic School on the Threshold of the Third Millennium—
helped to recognize the purpose of
Father Alex Zenthoefer, a priest in the Evansville diocese and a 1997 graduate of Mater Dei, stresses this point. “At its most fundamental level, Catholic identity in a school means recognizing that each student is a child of God and should be helped to become aware of their identity in God. It also means that everything else—studies, extra-curricular activities, free time—be directed toward accomplishing that goal. What good is it if students understand the Pythagorean Theorem, but do not have a reason to live? What’s the value of reading Shakespeare if the student is not being
to be compatible in education, and true
their existence?” Father Phil Kreilein, Mater Dei football chaplain and pastor of Resurrection parish, states, “Faith and reason have knowledge can only be cultivated in an environment that fosters intellectual freedom, personal development and cultural equity. Catholic identity must be declared through a campus-wide commitment to serving others, developing an active faith life and fashioning a more just and humane world.” Senior Gabe Rohleder believes that Mater Dei’s commitment to excellence is a statement to its Catholic identity. “Christ is prevalent in all areas of life at Mater Dei, both in and outside of
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reminder of what the school is about. Fr. Zenthoefer recalls from his high school years that “Mater Dei also places the figure of the Blessed Virgin Mary in front of the students, not only in the form of a statue, but as a model to follow.”
Theology teacher Mr. John McMullen leads his class in a prayer service in the Prayer Garden.
school. Whether it is learning about His love for us in religion class, praying before a big game, or seeing His work come alive in real life, He is present in all things. We are taught to strive to be the best, athletically, academically, and most important, spiritually. Excellence is such a big part of life at Mater Dei, and that pertains to our Catholic identity as much as anything else.” Mater Dei’s Catholic identity permeates all areas of the educational experience. Greg Schaefer ’98, Mater Dei theology teacher and head wrestling coach, explains, “Students in the classroom, athletic arena, and those involved in the countless extracurricular activities offered at Mater Dei, have the opportunity to be part of a tremendous community. Whether they consciously recognize it or not, they get to be part of something so much bigger than themselves. Mater
Red& Gold Summer 2013
Dei attempts to help students realize that their identity not only lies within themselves but within their faith community that is founded on the life and teachings of Jesus Christ.” Students, faculty, and staff at Mater Dei have the opportunity to pray together as a community daily, in addition to prayer services, monthly liturgies, and Reconciliation services. Students have access to the chapel between classes and during homeroom on certain days. Jeremy observes, “Having Jesus Christ present in the Eucharist in our school is an amazing gift. Students are given the opportunity to know Christ in the classroom. They have the chance to learn about the person of Christ, and to develop a personal relationship with him.” Catholic icons and symbols adorn the school building. A crucifix hangs in every classroom and office as a constant
Each class has a retreat during the school year that allows students to step back from the distractions of the world and focus on their relationship with God. A weekly Bible study for students who want to deepen their prayer life takes place on Tuesday mornings before school. An annual vocations fair is sponsored by the Theology Department, where students talk with priests and members of religious orders about their vocations. Nationally renowned Catholic speakers are brought in to talk to the student body on issues such as chastity and relationships. Prayer is present at athletic events and extracurricular activities. If a team or club travels out of town on a weekend, they attend Mass before returning home. Fr. Kreilein travels with the team, blesses them, and prays with them throughout the season. Jeremy comments, “Fr. Phil’s presence has been a visible witness of our Catholic identity to the players as well as to other schools.” As Fr. Kreilein explains, “It’s not just, ‘Hey, Father, say the Hail Mary and get out of the way.’ Being on the sideline wearing my collar shows that we are not just another football team but something unique. We’re trying to put a spiritual fingerprint on what we’re about to do.” Senior Haley Anson’s experience at
Mater Dei has made her realize that “the students at Mater Dei are respectful and considerate of others. We’re also very giving. I know that if we put our minds to it, we can raise any amount of food or money for organizations. This year alone we had a significant increase in the amount of food brought in for the Canned Food Drive at Thanksgiving than in years past.
“ The purpose of studying is to grow in our wonder and curiosity for the beauty of what God has given us. Wealth, fame and philanthropy are not evils, but they cannot be the driving force behind why we educate our young people.” —Fr. Alex Zenthoefer
We also raised over $33,000 for Riley Hospital for Children this year at our Dance Marathon. We want to do those things that better our community.” Haley believes her faith experience has been enhanced at Mater Dei by day-to-day school activities and special events. She attended the March for Life, the largest pro-life event in the world, the past two years in Washington, DC with other Mater Dei students. “It was an incredible feeling walking around the National Mall and in front of the Capitol Building with more than 500,000 other Catholics from all around the world. We all had the same beliefs and values about saving human life,” shared Haley. “My faith has also been strengthened with Sr. Ann Marie once a month to talk in groups about our faith in the past, present and future. She gave us valuable resources and insight on how to choose a spouse, how to make big decisions with the help of God, and how to strengthen our relationship with God.” Rhonda Fehrenbacher ’84, a past parent and a future parent of students at Mater Dei, served as a parent volunteer at her
son’s junior retreat. “That retreat was my light bulb moment of why I sent my son to Mater Dei,” she explains. “The senior students that witnessed to their junior peers was overwhelming! Each witness spoke about how God was present through difficult times in their life, and through their faith they were able to overcome these difficulties. I will never forget that day and my light bulb moment. I have heard people witness on God in their lives as adults, but to have teens witness to their peers on their life experiences at age 18 and how God was present was so very powerful.” As with all parents, Rhonda had expectations of Mater Dei. “My vision of what the Catholic environment should be at a Catholic school is for everyone to be treated with respect, kindness and fairness by the teachers and students no matter how different the intellect, personalities, or appearances are of each other. Mater Dei has met my expectations.” As campus minister, Jeremy realizes that Catholic identity in a Catholic
school is more than simply making the faith available to students. It stresses the importance of the faith being visibly lived out by all members of the school community. Parents and guardians are the primary educators of their children, so collaborating with them in the education process is very important. Father Zenthoefer points out that Mater Dei, by its very essence, builds community which supports students along their path of faith. “It models well the life of the Church that is meant to foster true friendships and help each individual know their capabilities.” The Holy See states that the final indicator of a school’s authentic catholicity is the vital witness of its teachers and administrators. They are charged with the primary responsibility for creating a Christian school climate, as individuals and as a community. “The nobility of the task to which teachers are called demands that, in imitation of Christ, the only Teacher, they reveal the Christian message not only by word but also by every gesture of their behavior.” Dr.
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pating in the Kingdom of God is the greatest success. ’What does it profit a man to gain the whole world if he loses himself?’ (Mark 8:36). The purpose of studying is to grow in our wonder and curiosity for the beauty of what God has given us. Wealth, fame and philanthropy are not evils, but they cannot be the driving force behind why we educate our young people.”
Sister Ann Marie Butler, a Daughter of Charity, provides spiritual direction for students in junior theology class.
Timothy Dickel, president of Mater
to recall why they exist and take a pro-
Dei, confirms that “Our staff sacrifices
active approach on Catholic education
higher wages because they believe in
that helps students discover not only
our Catholic mission. Working at Mater
the truths within the subject matter
Dei is more than a job: it is a minis-
but also the truth that is God.”
From the MD Student Handbook:
try. We demonstrate our faith through
Father Zenthoefer sees the greatest
Here at Mater Dei High School,
challenge for Catholic schools today in
our code of behavior is rooted
maintaining their Catholic identity is
in our identity as a Catholic High
There are challenges to maintaining
battling the cultural understanding of
the Catholic identity of a school. “The
success. “Everyone wants their children
School—a center of learning
world that we live in has a very different
to be successful. But we have defined
message—individualism, relativism,
success as being wealthy or gaining
consumerism—than the Church,”
fame or owning one’s own business.
states Greg. “Sacrifice is not a popular
And so the educational process is
concept in our modern age. Catholic
adapted to fit this mentality and students
schools are founded and maintained
are told to study so that they can be
through the sacrifices of many, and
successful,” states Fr. Zenthoefer. “But
most importantly, the sacrifice of Jesus
Catholic schools have to recognize that
Christ. Catholic schools must continue
living a life of holiness and partici-
word, sacrament, and deed. Prayer is an essential part of all we do.”
What truly reflects the Catholic identity of a school is what the students have learned and gained while attending the school. Gabe shares, “Throughout my time at Mater Dei, I feel like I have become closer to God. I have learned how to connect with the Lord which has improved the confidence I have in my faith and freed me to put my trust in Him. It’s all part of the experience at Mater Dei, and I believe it will never leave me.”
Red& Gold Summer 2013
for those who believe in: • The sustaining presence of God the Father • The redeeming presence of Jesus the Son • The energizing presence of the Holy Spirit
From "The Holy See’s Teaching on Catholic Schools" 1. The specific purpose of a Catholic education is the formation of boys and girls who will be good citizens of this world, loving God and neighbor and enriching society with the leaven of the gospel, and who will also be citizens of the world to come, thus fulfilling their destiny to become saints. 2. Catholic educators should have a sound understanding of the human person that addresses the requirements of both the natural and the supernatural perfection of the children entrusted to their care. 3. A third mark of Catholicity is the emphasis on the school as a community—a community of persons and, even more to the point, “a genuine community of faith.” The Holy See describes the school as a community in four areas: the teamwork among all those involved; the cooperation between educators and bishops; the interaction of students with teachers; and the school’s physical environment. 4. A fourth distinctive characteristic of Catholic schools is that the “spirit of Catholicism” should permeate the entire curriculum. If a Catholic school is to deliver on its promise to provide students with an integral education, it must foster love for wisdom and truth, and must integrate faith, culture, and life. 5. A final indicator of a school’s authentic catholicity is the vital witness of its teachers and administrators. They are charged with the primary responsibility for creating a Christian school climate, as individuals and as a community. “The nobility of the task to which teachers are called demands that, in imitation of Christ, the only Teacher, they reveal the Christian message not only by word but also by every gesture of their behavior.”
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Full of Grace Capital Campaign Celebration ” This campaign has transformed our campus, and it assists our more important work of transforming the lives of all who study and work here. The goal of having the Mater Dei community embrace this effort is accomplished.” — Dr. Timothy Dickel, President of Mater Dei
On May Day, May 1, 2015, the Mater Dei community celebrated meeting and exceeding the goal of the Full of Grace: Excellence for Tomorrow Capital Campaign. The celebration was part of the annual May Day activities. Over $5 million has been pledged by over 1,000 donors, 275 being first time Capital Campaign donors. Dr. Timothy Dickel, President of Mater Dei, stated, ”This campaign was an invitation to our community to be a part of something significant. This campaign has transformed our campus, and it assists our more important work of transforming the lives of all who study and work here. The goal of having the Mater Dei community embrace this effort is accomplished.” “We offer our deepest appreciation to everyone. We appreciate all of the volunteers and donors. We appreciate the extremely talented and dedicated faculty and staff who make all of these improvements come alive to our students. We appreciate the past 65 years. And we appreciate the opportunity of ensuring the future 65 years and more of Mater Dei High School,” expressed Dr. Dickel. He told the audience, “Fr. William Lautner, Mater Dei’s first Superintendent, stated, ‘If Mater Dei was to be just another school, it would not be worth the effort and sacrifice necessary for its building.’ There are many things that differentiate Mater Dei from other schools, but most significantly, we distinguish ourselves by our belief in Jesus Christ. Academics, athletics, extracurricular activities, and new facilities are the means necessary to help us encounter Christ on a daily basis at Mater Dei.” Projects that have been completed include the Sisters of St. Benedict Prayer Garden, the Rev. David Nunning Media Center expansion and renovation, the new Chancellor Resource Center, energy efficient lighting throughout the academic area and both gyms, improvements to Moutoux Soccer fields, a dedicated baseball field, and the complete renovation of both boys and girls main restrooms. Future projects include the Tuition Assistance Program, main entrance enhancement, artificial turf installed on the Boots Baumann Field, the six-court Aichle Tennis Complex, renovation of the main gym locker rooms, fully accessible first floor restrooms in the gym, renovated auxiliary gym, complete renovation of the cafeteria kitchen, ongoing technology upgrades, and teacher professional development. The Full of Grace: Excellence for Tomorrow Capital Campaign was led by Dr. Dickel, Sarah Wagner ’88, Development Director, and Capital Campaign Chairs, Jim ’51 and Eileen ’51 Will, Gil and Marcia Jochem, and Dan ’80 and Laura ’80 Niemeier. Jim Will passed away unexpectedly during the campaign, and he was warmly remembered during this celebration.
1. Bishop Charles Thompson blesses the Sisters of St. Benedict Prayer Garden. 2. Bishop Thompson and the priests from the West Deanery celebrate May Day Mass. 3. T he Capital Campaign Chairs anticipate the May Day celebration. Left to right: Dan and Laura Niemeier, Eileen Will, Marcia and Gil Jochem. 4. B ishop Charles Thompson blesses the crown for the crowning of Mary. (Photo by Pee Wee Vasquez, courtesy of the Message) 5. E vansville Mayor Lloyd Winnecke proclaims May 1, 2015, Mater Dei High School Full of Grace: Excellence for Tomorrow Capital Campaign Day. (Photo by Pee Wee Vasquez, courtesy of the Message) 6. Senior Eva Traylor crowns the Blessed Mother on May Day. Her escort is senior Patrick Helfrich. (Photo by Pee Wee Vasquez, courtesy of the Message) 7. S ister Barbara Lynn Schmitz, Prioress of the Sisters of St. Benedict, expresses gratitude for the dedication of the Prayer Garden to the Benedictine sisters. 8. P riests who concelebrated May Day liturgy. Left to right: Fr. Brian Emmick, Fr. Ray Brenner, Fr. Phil Kreilein, Fr. Simon Nafta, Fr. Ed Schnur, Fr. Christopher Droste ’98, Fr. Paul Ferguson, Fr. David Nunning, and Fr. Alex Zenthoefer ’97. (Photo by Pee Wee Vasquez, courtesy of the Message)
Red& Gold Summer 2013
8 Summer 2013
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Capital Campaign Projects Update
” Installing artificial turf at Mater Dei is the single most important improvement we can make for our athletic and physical education programs.” — Mike Goebel, Head Football Coach
GOAL: $4.6M
Red& Gold Summer 2013
Artificial Turf Field Work began in April on Boots Baumann Field, the artificial turf field. The anticipated completion date is June 30, and ready for the upcoming football season. The field will be used for cub, freshman, and JV football games. Varsity games will still be held at Reitz Bowl. The field will be lined for football and soccer but will likely be used by baseball, softball, lacrosse and band. The field was designed by Jim Farny ’73 of the Lochmueller Group, the general contractor is Blankenberger Brothers, Inc., and the turf installer is A-Turf. A dedication event is scheduled during the Red & Gold Scrimmage on Saturday, August 8, 2015. Entrance Enhancement and Tennis Projects Work on the entrance to Mater Dei will begin this summer and will include an additional turn lane exiting the campus. The timeline for the project is being developed at the time of printing. Some of the work will continue through 2015. The Aichle Tennis Complex will include six courts. Due to the close proximity of the entrance and tennis projects, some of the aspects of these projects overlap. The main water line feeding the school and a force main that pumps waste out of the school will be replaced. Dirt from the south side of the drive (where the convent previously sat) will be moved to the area where the tennis courts will be located. Additional dirt will also be hauled in for this area. New storm sewers will be installed around the perimeter of the tennis courts to address drainage issues. A water line feeding the neighborhood to the south of the school will also need to be relocated. A new marquee will be installed in the front of school and commemorated to the MDFAA. Kitchen Renovation A full-scale renovation of the kitchen is scheduled for the summer, which will include flooring, ovens, range, dishwasher, walk-in cooler, walk-in freezer and new plumbing and electrical work. The improvements will enhance the energy efficiency of the kitchen, especially by replacing some of the original kitchen equipment. Baseball Field The first practices and games were held on the field this spring. Some additional work needs to be completed for batting cages, bullpens, and other work outside the field.
Friends & Alumni News 1960s
Class Reunions
Joe Rettig ’61 and his wife of 47 years, Barb Rettig, recently completed their goal of visiting all 50 states. Joe retired six years ago as the Sales Manager for the Carrier Air Conditioning distributor in Cincinnati, Ohio, and Barb retired seven years ago as a registered nurse at the University of Cincinnati Medical Center.
The Class of 1955 will celebrate their 60th class reunion July 11, 2015, at 5:00 p.m. at Western Ribeye, 1404 N. Boeke Rd., Evansville. For more information, contact Darlene Berendes Weinzapfel at tootiew24@ or 812-423-6042 or Joanie Berendes Niemeier at or 812-963-3334. The Class of 1959 has planned a reunion at the Owls on Saturday, October 3, 2015. For more information, contact Shirley Ubelhor at 812-476-7984.
2000s Justin Elpers ’00 is married to Alisann (Shetler) Elpers ’02, and they are the parents of three children. Justin is a social studies teacher, and Alisann is a full-time mother and operates a photography business.
2010s Kelsey Reker ’11 was recently named as one of IUPUI’s top 100 students. Over 2,100 students were nominated. Kelsey’s mother, Michele Reker ’91, commented, “We feel that much of her success comes from the values and knowledge that she gained while at Mater Dei!”
Alexa Bueltel ’12 was recently elected president of the Student Government Association at the University of Southern Indiana. She is a Management major with a concentration in Human Resources and a minor in Marketing. After graduation, she would like to work in Human Resources or in the non-profit sector.
Robin (Fehrenbacher) Rosbrugh ’06 and her husband Tyler are the proud parents of Chloe Elizabeth. Assisting in the delivery of their daughter was Dr. Patrick Titzer ’85 while he was completing his first year of residency at Union Hospital in Terre Haute, Ind. To show their appreciation and the Westside love, the Rosbrughs gave him some Grippos and Ski to celebrate!
The Class of 1965 will be having their 50th class reunion Saturday, August 15, at Twin Towers beginning at 6:00 p.m. For more information, contact Steve Moore at The Class of 1970 reunion will be August 15, 2015, at the Ivy Room at SWIRCA, 16 W. Virginia St. in Evansville. Friday Night Meet-andGreet will be August 14, 2015, at Smitty’s on Franklin St. Questions? Contact Wayne Emge at 812-4594945 or or Kathy Schenk at 812-963-6968 or More details to follow. The Class of 1971 has a Class Night Out planned for Thursday, October 8, 2015, from 5–10:00 p.m. at the Westside Nut Club Fall Festival. Classmates should meet by the Mater Dei Band booth. No RSVP required. Just show up! All are welcome. Questions? Call Jim Schroeder, 812-424-7170. The Class of 1980 will celebrate their 35th reunion September 12, 2015, at Weinzapfel’s Tavern. Contact Laura (Tenbarge) Niemeier at or 812-483-2053 with questions.
Please send your Friends & Alumni news to Carol Nurrenbern at or (812) 421-5727. Summer 2013
Red& Gold 19
Mater Dei SPORTS RECAP Mater Dei track coach named an Armstrong Teacher Educator Indiana University School of Education has named Roseann Wilson, Mater Dei girls’ track coach, a Mater Dei past parent, and physical education teacher at Holy Redeemer Catholic School, a Martha Lea and Bill Armstrong Teacher Educator. She was one of nine Indiana teachers named for 2015. The awards, which began in 1997, afford teachers an opportunity to participate in professional development and work with IU faculty and students studying to be teachers during the next year. Superintendents and principals from around Indiana nominate teachers for the Armstrong Teacher Educator Award based on patterns of outstanding teaching and school leadership. Nominees must also demonstrate a potential to work effectively as mentors and role models for pre-service teachers. A committee of IU faculty, students and former recipients chooses the Armstrong teachers.
Mater Dei girls’ track coach Roseann Wilson, pictured with members of the track team. Left to right: Tori Schickel, Kristin East, Roseann Wilson, Grace McDurmon, Lily Duncan, Alexis Price
Girls’ Tennis— sectional champs The following individuals advanced to regional competition: Girls’ Track: Grace McDurmon—1600 meter Kristin Ease—high jump Boys’ Track: Chase Rheinlander—long jump Jared Strehl—long jump Nevin DeCoster—400 meter
Red& Gold Summer 2013
Winter/spring 2015 Boys’ Basketball wins Class 2A sectional title Congratulations to the boys’ basketball team for winning the Class 2A sectional title. It is the first sectional title for boys’ basketball since 2008.
Mater Dei High School Homecoming Schedule of Events • Annual MDFAA Golf Scramble, Helfrich Hills Golf Course Friday, October 2, 11:00 a.m. • Mater Dei vs. Bosse Reitz Bowl Friday, October 2, 7:00 p.m.
Summer 2013
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In Memoriam The Mater Dei community remembers those alumni, parents and friends who have passed. May they rest in eternal peace.
Alumni Richard E. Arney ’59, of Evansville, Dec. 18, 2014 John W. Bergwitz ’56, of Evansville, Feb. 13, 2015 Rose Mary (Stumpf) Cowan ’73, of Evansville, May 21, 2015 Cecilia (Fleck) Crane ’52, of Evansville, Dec. 11, 2014
Mary (Spahn) Franco ’58, of Carmel, Ind.
Paul Tornatta ’56, of Kissimmee, Fla., May 18, 2015
Geraldine (Koch) Hayes ’52, of Evansville, Dec. 1, 2015
Robert J. Herrmann ’56, of Evansville, April 1, 2015 Bart Kercher ’78, of Evansville, April 15, 2015 Mary Ann (Petrig) Lasher ’56, of Newburgh, Ind., May 8, 2015 Alwina Ann (Norman) Koester, ’63, of Evansville, May 23, 2015
Margaret (Scheller) Crowe ’57, of Evansville, Feb. 17, 2015
Don R. Scheller ’54, of Evansville, April 17, 2015
Mark Folz ’78, of Miami, Fla., May 5, 2015
James L. Seibert ’61, of Evansville, March 6, 2015
Gloria Bumb, of Evansville, May 1, 2015 Sandie Deig, of Evansville, March 3, 2015 Elizabeth Emmert, of Haubstadt, April 13, 2015 Virginia Nurrenbern, of Evansville, March 21, 2015 Leroy Weiss, of Evansville, May 10, 2015 Please email Carol Nurrenbern at cnurrenbern@evvmaterdei.or or call (812) 421-5727 to share the passing of MD alumni, parents and friends.
Gloria Bumb Gloria Bumb, of Evansville, passed away May 1, 2015, surrounded by her family.She worked as the “Ice Cream Lady” in the Mater Dei cafeteria for many years until her retirement in 2012. She was a member of Resurrection Catholic Church. Gloria was a devoted wife, a caring mother, and a spoiling grandmother.She was passionate about her family, friends, and Mater Dei High School. Surviving are two daughters, Sandy Struewing ’74 and Debbie Elpers ’77; two sons, Gary ’72 and Robb ’82; 12 grandchildren; and nine great-grandchildren.She was preceded in death by her husband, Robert Bumb, in 2001. The family of Gloria Bumb, a former cafeteria employee who was known during her years at Mater Dei as the “Ice Cream Lady,” serves complimentary ice cream in her memory to students and staff on the last day of school. Family members included Robb and Julie Bumb, Debbie Elpers, Jenjer Elpers, Jennifer Houchin, Jaci Elpers, Brady Beal and Hayden Houchin.
Red& Gold Summer 2013
Honor Roll of Donors The Full of Grace: Excellence for Tomorrow Capital Campaign Honor Roll of Donors is published to recognize and encourage those who further the mission of Mater Dei High School through their gifts. “ We offer our deepest appreciation to everyone. We appreciate all of the volunteers and donors. We appreciate the extremely talented and dedicated faculty and staff who make all of these improvements come alive to our students. We appreciate the past 65 years. And we appreciate the opportunity of ensuring the future 65 years and more of Mater Dei High School.” — Dr. Timothy A. Dickel, President
Full of Grace: Excellence for Tomorrow Campaign Leadership and Cabinet HONORARY CHAIRS
Fr. Raymond Brenner
Ron ’59 & Kathy Hollander
Jim ’89 & Lori ’89 Pierre
Jim ’51 & Eileen ’51 Will, Sr.
Robb ’82 & Julie Bumb
Tim ’89 & Jennifer Hollander
Kent ‘77 & Laura ‘80 Reddington
Jerry & Cherie ’75 Burgdorf
Ben ’85 & Kelly Kempf
Kent ‘86 & Missy Rexing
Bill & Phyllis Bussing
Matt Kiefer ’02
Steve & Terri Chancellor
Tim & Becky ’74 Klingler
Terry & Chris Clements
Darin ’85 & Marti ’90 Knight
John & Gail ’63 Dunn
Nick ’97 & Jennifer ’97 Knight
Timothy Dickel, Ph.D., President
Bob ’71 & Mary Kay ’71 Fehrenbacher
Bob ’56 & Cynthia Koch
Sarah Wagner ’88, Development Director
Tony ’94 & Jessica Fehrenbacher
Fr. Philip Kreilein
Sr. Mary Carmel Spayd
CO-CHAIRS Gil & Marcia Jochem Dan ’80 & Laura ’80 Niemeier
Keith ’88 & Christie ’88 Rheinlander Jake ’02 & Katie Schiff Fr. Ed Schnur Scott ’80 & Beth ’80 Slaton
Butch ’66 & Linda Feulner
Larry ’59 & DiAnne ’60 Kremer
Phil ’91 & Kiersten ’94 Stolz
Matt ’91 & Kristen ’91 Folz
Frank ’61 & Barb Lamble
Ben ’86 & Marie ’86 Wagner
Terry ’80 & Jean ’81 Alvey
Mark ’70 & Monie ’70 Freeman
JoAnn Laugel ’66
Ron ’64 & Margaret ’66 Angermeier
Brian & Diane Wannemuehler
Andy ’65 & Darlene ’64 Goebel
Todd ’88 & Kelly Lehman
Dan & Andrea ’96 Baumann
Brian ’88 & Wendy Goebel
Miles & Andrea Mann
Maurice ’60 & Cherie ’60 Berendes
Mike Goebel ’70
Steve ’65 & Rita ’66 Moore
Steve ’65 & Judy Blankenberger
Larry ’65 & Carol ’65 Goedde
Jerry ’79 & Cindy ’76 Muensterman
Jeff ’92 & Paula Bone
Jeff & Tricia ’86 Henning
Dennis ‘70 & Donna ‘74 Niemeier
Ira Gerard ’72 & Terry ’72 Boots
Joe ’91 & Kalyn Herrmann
Norb ’65 & Madonna ’65 Niemeier
Jeff & Laurie Wilmes
Tim ’80 & Theo Boots
Brian ’92 & Heather ’92 Hertel
Fr. David Nunning
Wes & Jody ’86 Wilmes
Alan ’62 & Sharon Braun
Dan ’78 & Laura ’78 Hoefling
Gary ’61 & Susie ’62 Pierre
Dave ’79 & Anne ’79 Wolf
Mark ’80 & Jane ’81 Weinzapfel Jamie Wicks ’87 Jim ’76 & Karen Will, Jr. Sr. Mary Francis Williams
Commemoratives Sisters of St. Benedict Prayer Garden Dedicated to the Sisters who worked and prayed at Mater Dei High School since 1949 “Let everyone that comes be received as Christ” Rule of St. Benedict
Tuition Assistance Old National Bank Tuition Assistance Fund Sponsor a Student Fund
Rev. David Nunning Media Center
Business Office: Andrew ’65 & Darlene ’64 Goebel Teacher Work Room: Bussing-Koch Foundation Chancellor Resource Center: Steven & Terri Chancellor
Aichle Tennis Complex Dedicated to the memory of Bill Blankenberger ’61 by Steve ’61 and Colleen Aichle
Group Commemoratives
Court #2: Terry & Christine
Circle of Leaders
Athletic and Extracurricular Areas
Court #3: Given in praise of the
Boots Baumann Field
Court #4: Vectren
Ronald ’64 & Margaret ’66 Angermeier
Reference Area: Larry ’65 & Carol ’65 Goedde
Gilbert & Marcia Jochem
Circulation Desk: Industrial Contractors SKANSKA
Ira Gerard ’72 & Terry ’72 Boots Dan & Andrea ’96 Baumann
Learning Area: Lawrence ’59 & DiAnne ’60 Kremer
Alvey and Emily, Joel ’10 &
Brandon ’98 & Lindsey Boots
Clare ’12
Prayer Garden Holy Family Statue Robert ’71 & Mary Kay ’71 Fehrenbacher Family
Harmony Way Entrance Main Entrance: Mater Dei Friends & Alumni Association Teardrop: Koch Foundation, Inc.
24 Mater Dei High School
Academic Areas Room 235 (Science Classroom): Steven ’65 & Judy Blankenberger Room 240 (Science Classroom): Alan ’62 & Sharon Braun Room 215 (Religion Classroom): Elmer A. Goedde
Tri-State Orthopaedic Surgeons, Inc.
Court #1: Kay Cox
In Honor of the Oscar & Marie Nunning Family
James ’51 & Eileen ’51 Will
St. Mary’s Medical Center
Mater Dei Main Office: Fifth Third Bank
Prayer Garden Quattuors
Daniel ’80 & Laura ’80 Niemeier
Main Gymnasium Scoreboard
Father, Son and Holy Spirit
Court #5: Terry ’80 & Jean ’81
Sisters of St. Benedict Prayer Garden St. Benedict Circle St. Scholastica Circle Prayer Circle
Boots Baumann Field Player Circle
Boots Baumann Field Scoreboard
Main Gymnasium
Varsity Circle
Blankenberger Brothers, Inc.
Locker Rooms:
Coaches Circle
Evansville Teachers Federal Credit Union ProRehab, PC St. Mary’s Medical Center Tri-State Orthopaedic Surgeons, Inc.
Mater Dei Men’s Club Main Level Restrooms: Paul ’67 & Nancy ’67 Mayer Ronald J. Straus Training Room: The Ronald J. Straus Family
Aichle Tennis Complex Player Circle Varsity Circle Coaches Circle
German American Bank
$5,000 to $9,999
Richard ’66 & Karen Reising
Bishop Emeritus Gerald Gettelfinger
Adler Holsteins Ronald Adler ’82 Richard Adler ’87
James ’89 & Kim ’88 Riordan
Brian ’88 & Wendy Goebel
Bradley Angermeier ’98
Michael ’87 & Eran ’87 Happe
Brian ’77 & Karen ’79 Schenk
ARC Construction Co., Inc.
Harding, Shymanski & Co., P.S.C.
Jimmy ’96 & Casi ’97 Schiff
Eric & Angie Babillis
Richard & Connie Harpenau
James ’69 & Jan ’69 Schiff
David ’67 & Jane ’68 Baumgart
Brian ’92 & Heather ’92 Hertel
David ’68 & Mary Schmitt
James Birk ’55
Holiday Management Foundation, Inc.
Linda Schmitt
Matthew ’96 & Amanda ’97 Bohleber
Jeffrey & Judith ’79 Schneider
Timothy ’89 & Jennifer Hollander
Scott & Kimberly ’88 Bonnell
Irving Materials, Inc.
Timothy ’80 & Theo Boots
Robert & Patricia ’51 Jackson
Thomas ’65 & Debbie Borries
David ’73 & Mindy Jochem
Ernie & Mary Jane ’58 Bradley
Honor Roll of Donors by Giving Levels
Marcia & Robert Kassenbrock
Justin ’56 & Shirley ’59 Clements
Harold ’54 & Shirley Kempf
William & Mary Ellen Coates
Robert & Marguerite Kent
Mater Dei High School gratefully acknowledges all those who have contributed to the Full of Grace: Excellence for Tomorrow Capital Campaign.
Donald & Barbara Deig
Edward ’59 & Judy ’60 Knapp
Hallie Denstorff ’04
James ’68 † & Elvira Knapp William and Mary ’58 Knapp Christopher & Laura Lee
$100,000 + Steven ’61 & Colleen Aichle Steven ’65 & Judy Blankenberger Boots & Baumann Family Ira Gerard ’72 & Theresa ’72 Boots Dan & Andrea ’96 Baumann Brandon ’98 & Lindsey Boots Alan ’62 & Sharon Braun Steven & Terri Chancellor Andrew ’65 & Darlene ’64 Goebel Gilbert & Marcia Jochem Koch Foundation, Inc. Mater Dei Friends & Alumni Association Old National Bank
$50,000 to $99,000 Blankenberger Brothers, Inc.
Robert ’71 & Mary Kay ’71 Fehrenbacher Butch ’66 & Linda Feulner Fifth Third Bank Jerry ’60 & Pamela ’60 Gries Daniel ’78 & Laura ’78 Hoefling Daniel ’80 & Laura ’80 Niemeier ProRehab, PC Ronald ’59 & Kathleen Hollander Vectren Corporation James ’51 † & Eileen ’51 Will Jeff & Laurie Wilmes
$10,000 to $24,999 Jay ’93 & Sarah ’93 Adams Terence ’80 & Jean ’81 Alvey Emily, Joel ’10 & Clare ’12 Alvey Banterra Bank
Todd ’88 & Kelly Lehman James ’76 & Cheryl Macke Mater Dei Men’s Club
Edmund & Gayle Derringe Dexterous Mold & Tool
Andrew & Alexandra ’91 Rodman
Rev. Edward Schnur Peggie Schnur ’55 Larry & Janice ’64 Schuble Steven ’86 & Keri Spahn William & Bettye Stevenson Bob & Stefanie Swallows Bob & Stefanie Swallows Rev. Theodore Tempel Tri-State Fire Protection Benjamin ’86 & Marie ’86 Wagner
Timothy & Andrea Dickel
Randall Waibel ’66 & Catherine Ordener
D-Patrick, Inc.
Robert ’57 & JoAnn ’63 Weber
Jamie Wicks ’87
Rev. Christopher Droste ’98
JoAnn Laugel ’66 Mark ’87 & Kelly ’92 Messal Midwest Mechanical Services, Inc. Midwest Roofing-Sheet Metal
Tony ’94 & Jessica Fehrenbacher
$2,500 to $4,999
Mark ’70 & Ramona ’70 Freeman
Dave Albin & Teri ’84 Hollander Albin
Donald ’72 & Rebecca ’74 Fuchs
George & Dianne Moll
Deacon Thomas ’71 & Karen ’71 Goebel
Stephen ’65 & Rita ’66 Moore
Michael ’78 & Melissa Gossman
Glen & Ann ’97 Muehlbauer
Raymond ’63 & Janette ’65 Gries
Norbert ’65 & Madonna ’65 Niemeier
In Honor of Betty L. Hamilton ’54
Thomas ’55 & Joan ’55 Niemeier Gary ’61 & Susan ’62 Pierre James ’89 & Lori ’89 Pierre Josh ’14, Ashley ’17, Jacob ’21 & Joey ’23
John ’59 & Donna ’61 Hamilton Greg & Karen ’83 Hamilton Joseph & Lisa ’76 Henderson Hilliard Lyons
Luke Angermeier ’99 Robert & Martha ’63 Baehl Maurice ’64 & Sharon ’64 Baumgart Jon & Kathy Black Jeffrey ’92 & Paula Bone Larry ’60 & Ginger Boots Stephen ’62 & Margaret ’62 Braun Robb ’82 & Julie Bumb Karen Connelly
Denny & Cassie Quinn
Jeffrey & Tricia ’86 Hollander Henning Family
David ’70 & Darlene ’70 Robinson
Jackson Kelly PLLC
Joseph and Cathy ’67 Crowdus
Ronald J. Straus Family Fund
Bennet ’85 & Kelly Kempf
Julie Deeg ’72
Frank & Laura Schaefer
Klenck Company
Anthony ’77 & Nancy Deig
Gregory ’94 & Anya Schultheis
Tim and Rebecca ’74 Klinger
John ’82 & Jeanne Dewig
Richard ’57 & Emilie ’59 Seib
Michael ’59 & Carolyn ’60 Kormelink
Donut Bank Bakeries, Inc.
Rev. Philip J. Kreilein
David Ellison ’65
Timothy & Cheryl Major
Craig ’92 & Laura ’92 Elpers
Dick ’67 & Becky ’67 Martin
Wayne ’70 & Diane ’71 Emge
Ed & Judy Messal
Evansville Courier & Press
Expressway Automotive Family
Kenneth ’75 & Janice Miller
First Federal Savings Bank
Kevin ’91 & Erin ’94 Moore
Thomas ’56 & Delores ’56 Folz
Jack ’60 & Phyllis ’72 Corn
Bussing-Koch Foundation, Inc.
Methodius & Pauline Bartek
Elmer Goedde †
Randall & Joan ’71 Bauer
Larry ’65 & Carol ’65 Goedde
William Bender
Industrial Contractors SKANSKA Lawrence ’59 & DiAnne ’60 Kremer
Maurice ’60 & Cherie ’60 Berendes
Paul ’67 & Nancy ’67 Mayer
Rick Blankenberger
Catherine Siemers
South Central Communications Corp.
Rev. Raymond Brenner
James ’88 & Ingrid ’95 Stratman
Jerry & Cherie ’75 Burgdorf
Ronald J. Straus Family
St. Mary’s Medical Center
Fred & Trina ’88 Doepker
Charlotte Titzer †
Tri-State Orthopaedic Surgeons, Inc.
John & Gail ’63 Dunn
Walsh Family
Empire Contractors, Inc.
Brian & Diane Wannemuehler
Evansville Teachers Federal Credit Union
Matthew ’75 & Pam ’75 Wannemuehler
Richard & Rita ’55 Eykamp
Robert ’58 & Judy Wargel
Glen & Ann ’97 Muehlbauer
Joseph ’65 & Connie Gelarden
Fehrenbacher Cabinets, Inc.
Mark ’80 & Jane ’81 Weinzapfel
Mulzer Crushed Stone, Inc.
Michael ’70 & Melanie Goebel Andrew ’95 & Anna Hart
$25,000 to $49,000 Ronald ’64 & Margaret ’66 Angermeier Anonymous
James & Rosalie Dunkel
Bower-Suhrheinrich Foundation
Robert ’71 & Nancy ’71 Fischer
Christopher ’87 & Michelle Welsh
Rev. David Nunning
Terry & Christine Clements
Matthew ’91 & Kristen ’91 Folz
James ’76 & Karen Will
Barbara Price ’62
Hasgoe Cleaning Systems, Inc.
Kay Cox
Freeman, Will, & Niemeier, Inc.
Wes & Jody ’86 Wilmes
Professional Eyecare Associates
Keith and Karen ’75 Hinderliter
W. Randolph Ellspermann ’64
V. Ray ’60 & Kathy ’65 Funke
Samuel & Connie Woehler
Michael & Michele Reffett
Joshua ’99 & Lauren Hodge
Full of Grace: Excellence for Tomorrow Capital Campaign
Full of Grace: Excellence for Tomorrow Capital Campaign David ’81 & Doreen Hoefling
Russell & Jeanie ’77 Wildeman
Donald ’56 & Paula Haller
Joe Phelps ’80
Robert Wathen ’66
George Hollander ’78
Jeffrey & Michele ’74 Wildeman
Larry ’59 & Carol ’60 Haller
Brian ’98 & Erin Pope
Betty Weinzapfel ’58
Robert Hamilton ’57
Deacon Richard ’50 & Joan ’50 Preske
John Weinzapfel ’82
Jeffrey Jewell Danny ’67 & Linda ’68 Kares
$1,000 to $2,499
Ted ’84 & Angela Kares
Mark & Jodi ’75 Adcock
Keith & Christina Kelley
Kenneth ’60 & Jan ’64 Adler
Wayne & Barbara ’50 Kent
Daniel ’02 & Nichole Alcorn
Matthew Kiefer ’02
Christopher ’76 & Sue Alcorn
William † & Carroll Knight
Altstadt Office City
Knights of St. John #355
Leo ’62 & Marian ’63 Alvey
Daniel ’77 & Katie Lappe
Edward ’82 & Lorri ’83 Lappe
Sam & June Baker
Layman Sales Agency, Inc.
Robert ’75 & Diane Barron
JoAnn Layman ’60
William ’79 & Jennifer Bartek
Mark ’73 & Susan Lutterbach
Richard ’79 & Rhonda ’79 Baumgart
Dean ’84 & Laura Happe Fred ’64 & Mary ’64 Happe Jeff ’84 & Leanne Happe Steve & Mindy Hassler Kevin ’87 & Judy Hausmann A. Joseph ’91 & Kalyn Herrmann John & Jane Hodge Donald ’51 & Rita ’53 Hoefling Brian Hunt
Thomas Preske ’55 Joseph Ream Aaron Reckelhoff ’02 Angela Reckelhoff ’99 Michael & Mary Reese William ’54 & Yvonne Reine Charles & Carole ’58 Reising Rick & Shea Reneer
Michael Weinzapfel ’75 Nathan Weinzapfel ’03 Timothy ’89 & Tonya Weinzapfel Alfred & Patricia Welsh Christopher Wildeman ’81 Melvin & Jacki Wildeman Ryan Wildeman ’05 Francis & Betty Will Terry & Ann Wilson Tom, Bob ’09 & Joe ’12
Randall ’74 & Cynthia Hupfer
Keith ’88 & Christina ’88 Rheinlander
Ted ’60 & Berta ’64 Kares
Pat & Joyce ’59 Rhoades
Howard & Jane Ann Kiefer
Daniel & Mary ’79 Ritter
Donald J. & Elizabeth A. Becker
Clarence ’60 & Joanne Kirby
Rose Rogge
Joleen Bequette
Jerome ’70 & Mary Jo ’70 Kirchoff
Robert ’58 & Mary Lue ’58 Russler
Rev. James Blessinger
Gregory ’73 & Linda Kissel
Alan ’85 & Angie Schaffstein
Marian Borries †
Edward ’85 & Jackie ’85 Knapp
Oliver & Mary Ann Schapker
Darin ’85 & Marti ’90 Knight
$1 to $999
John & Amy ’84 Brennan
Steven ’76 & Janet ’77 Schapker
Nicholas ’97 & Jennifer ’97 Knight
Steven ’65 & Jo Lynn ’68 Adams
Gloria Bumb
Terri Scheller ’78
Patricia Koch
Adam ’00 & Abby Adler
Capital Electric, Inc.
Daniel & Kathy ’70 Schenk
Eric Kohut ’85
Jeffrey ’84 & Ellen ’93 Adler
John Cartwright ’70
Leroy Schenk ’60
Joseph ’81 & Susan Kohut
Rebecca Schenk ’95
Lori Adler ’96
Geoffrey ’85 & Sabine Coates Aaron ’94 & Jennifer Couture
Marie Kohut
Christopher ’89 & Jane Scheu
Kurt & Amy Daunhauer
Michael ’74 & Rendie Koressel
Adam ’99 & Jamie ’98 Schiff
Rev. Jay Davidson
Patrick & Lauri ’84 Koster
Jake ’02 & Katie Schiff
Joseph ’75 & Patty ’75 Dewig
Barbara Lamble ’66
Mark & Amy ’90 Schlachter
David & Sandra ’80 Quick
Daniel ’77 & Jean Dick
Sharon Layman
Carl Schmitt ’79
Kent ’77 & Laura ’80 Reddington
C. Timothy & Gail Dickel
Ron & Donna Lefler
Martha Schmitt ’55
Eric W. Reffett ’04
Joseph ’63 & Diana ’64 Dippel
Mark Lemond ’73 †
Patrick Schmitt ’71
Kent ’86 & Missy Rexing
Rita Droste
Thomas ’69 & Barbara ’69 Liffick
Gerald ’61 & Julie ’61 Schreiber
Ray Rexing ’59
Steven ’73 & Shawn Eickhoff
Daniel ’80 & Barbara Lomax
John ’78 & Tamara ’80 Schroeder
David & Lisa Richey
Sara Ellert ’77
James & Mary McDonald
David ’70 & Darlene ’70 Robinson
Timothy & Catherine ’89 Elpers
J. Michael & Rosemary McGarrah
Schroeder’s Landscape & Aquatic Nursery
Donald & Patricia Rupprecht
Chris & Rhonda ’84 Fehrenbacher
Gene Mesker ’76
J. Christopher & Rose Sartore
John ’68 & Cindy ’68 Fehrenbacher
Ronald & Joyce ’68 Messersmith
Rev. James Sauer
Mark ’70 & Debbie Fehrenbacher
Kurt ’97 & Shanna ’97 Messersmith
David Schapker ’74
Dennis ’70 & Scarlett ’70 Feldhaus
Russell ’74 & Kathy Miller
Arthur ’58 & Donna ’55 Scheller
Judy Fleck ’61
Joe & Wynn Mitchell
Betty Sue Scheller
Donald and Michele ’79 Fleming
Thomas & Karen ’91 Schneider
Miles & Andrea Mann Dick ’67 & Becky Martin Jeffrey & Debra Marx Mater Dei Athletic Concessions Brett ’91 & Jennifer ’91 McDurmon Joyce McDurmon ’65 Tim & Lisa McGuire Tony & Debbie Morrow Jerome ’79 & Cindy ’76 Muensterman Robert & Carol ’74 Neisen Dennis ’70 & Donna ’74 Niemeier Stephen ’65 & Stephanie Niemeier
Gary ’78 & Janet ’78 Wink David ’79 & Anne ’79 Wolf Jeffery ’77 & Donna Wolf Reggie & Angela ’87 Wulff Rev. Joseph Ziliak
Marti Aldenderfer Clay ’82 & Denise ’84 Allison Clarence & Charlene Altstadt David ’03 & Megan ’03 Altstadt Roger & Bonnie Ambrose Roseanna Ames Jeffrey Anslinger ’01 Malinda Anslinger Julie Arafeh ’76 David & Vicky ’63 Ashworth Elizabeth Austin ’84
Leonard ’67 & Carol Seib
Nicholas ’01 & Courtney ’03 Austin
Jeff & Sara ’96 Sexton
Stephen ’74 & Cynthia Backes
Randy & Jeannine Shumate
Larry & Peggy Baehl
Mary Pat Smead ’61
Paul ’58 & Sylvia ’63 Baehl
Eugene ’62 & Janet ’64 Spahn
Steve & Lynda Bagbey
Jacinta Moll ’69
Jim & Jane ’80 Balbach
James & Mary Beth ’70 Flynn
Mark & Joylene ’79 & Alex ’13 Springer
Monarch Beverage
Steve & Kathy ’88 Schoettlin
Eric ’92 & Jennifer ’93 Folz
Edward ’63 & Rita Steinkamp
Tony & Alison ’74 Moore
Leo & Doris Barnes
James ’78 & Sue Seibert
Steven ’66 & Mary Gerteisen
Joseph ’84 & Joni Steinkamp
Barney ’79 & Mary Lou Moore
Dan & Theresa ’77 Barnes
Scott ’80 & Beth ’80 Slaton
Eric ’92 & Tresa ’93 Goebel
Phillip ’91 & Kiersten ’94 Stolz
Cletus & Rosemary Muensterman
David Poetker & Sherri Barron ’71
Eric & Melissa Stockton
Gary ’72 & Cynthia ’73 Goebel
James ’51 & Barbara Stratman
Lucas B. Nelson ’06
John Barthel ’65
Ross & Jennifer ’93 Vaughn
James ’87 & Lisa Goebel
Rev. William Traylor
Charles ’53 & Joan Niemeier
William ’60 & Kathleen ’61 Barthel
Wagner Properties, Inc.
Marvin and Annette ’53 Goedde
Matthew Ubelhor ’86
William Nix ’73
Edgar ’65 & Joan Bassemier
Clifford ’88 & Sarah ’88 Wagner
Gina M. Goedde ’93
Timothy ’93 & Julianna ’94 Voelker
Bill & Tracy Norman
David ’83 & Buffy Wannemuehler
Harold ’51 & Sylvia ’53 Gossman
Jeff & Holly ’94 Wahr
Marlene Weaver ’50
David ’66 & Carol Nurrenbern
Joseph & Julia Greubel
Al ’55 & Darlene ’55 Weinzapfel
Alvin & Rita Gries
Benjamin ’04 & Allison Paciorkowski
Eugene ’72 & Eveline Wannemuehler
Joseph ’56 & Mary Lee ’56 Bassemier Joseph ’82 & Mary Bassemeir
Greg ’80 & Julie ’86 Weinzapfel
Eileen Haase ’60
George Pfister ’66
26 Mater Dei High School
Elizabeth Barnes ’95
Eugene ’62 & Mary ’63 Baumgart
Gil ’56 & Rita Wannemuehler
Joyce Baumgart
Karen Wargel ’80
Michael ’70 & Lynn Baumgart
Honor Roll of Donors by Giving Levels Mariann Baumgartner ’58
Daniel ’54 & Sondra ’56 Deibler
Rosemary Freeman
Francis & Sandy Hertel
Laura Koewler ’87
Earl ’62 & Claudette ’63 Becher
Judith Deig
Todd & Kathleen French
Randy ’80 & Kim Hertel
Daniel ’79 & Paula Kohl
Beverly Behme ’59
Matthew ’81 & Catherine Deig
Steven ’72 & Marcia ’72 Frey
Lawrence & Charlene ’65 Hess
Jeffrey Kohut ’86
Adam Berendes ’13
Sandie Deig
Joseph & Lorri Fritch
Jeremy & Shannon ’91 Hile
Tony Kohut ’66
Joseph ’85 & Theresa ’86 Berendes
Jenna L. Denstorff ’05
Samuel & Elizabeth ’60 Fulton
Sr. Ann Francis Hillenbrand ’66
Rev. James Koressel
Linda Denstorff ’73
Peter & Connie Hillenbrand
Ralph & Judy Koressel
Laura Berendes ’14
Greg & Marie ’05 Gallagher
Jerry & Karla ’81 DeWeese
David M. Hisch ’99
Ruby Koressel ’53
Michael ’76 & Mary ’74 Berendes
Keith & Allison ’05 Garrard
Doris Dewig ’52
Brian ’92 & Aimee Gerth
Donald & Mary Jane ’52 Holmes
Kenneth & Charlene Kraft
Jeff & Lesley ’87 Bertrand
James ’73 & Judy ’73 Dewig
John Hoos ’58
M. Jean Kruse
Richard ’64 & Mary Bippus
Kim & Rose Gerth
Robert ’62 & JoAnn ’63 Dezember Marilyn Dick ’55
Birthright of Evansville
Chris ’85 & Jeanene ’85 Goebel
Daniel ’62 & Rosemarie ’64 Horstman
Margaret Kruse
William ’72 & Linda Bippus
Dan & Lou Ann Gilbert
Rev. William Dietsch
Ron & Laura ’78 Hudson
Bill & Julia Kunkler
Jason ’91 & Cathy Black
Cory Goebel ’05
Gary & Carol Doninger
Gary & Diana Langton
Janet Blankenberger ’81
Glenn Goebel ’76
Jeffrey & Connie Huff
Phil & Rebecca ’74 Dosher
Mallory Goebel ’07
Lawrence & Saundra Humm
Gary & Diana Langton Gary ’74 & Letha ’74 Lannert
Rose Kuhn ’55
Sara Blankenberger ’10
Gary ’72 & Marilyn ’73 Dressel
Patrick ’91 & Julie Boarman
Steven ’70 & Alice Goebel
Darin & Denise ’81 Hunt
Jerome ’55 & Anne Duncan
Scott Hurt
Benjamin L. Lasher ’06
Jacob ’00 & Carrie ’00 Boehman
Michael ’80 & Soozie Goedde
Mark ’89 & Laura ’87 Duncan John & Ann East
Timothy ’73 & Brenda ’75 Born
Steven Goedde ’79
Donald ’64 & Carolyn ’64 Hutchison
Daniel ’76 & Mary Ruth Lasher
Terry ’70 & Judy Boehman
Sara Goedde ’90
Jacob ’08 & Jessie ’08 Edwards
Wayne ’66 & Vicki Botzum
Jason & Stephanie ’98 Good
Rosalie Edwards ’55
Christopher & Leah Bradley
Phil & Amy ’86 Graham
Merel & Margaret ’59 Effinger
Gary & Melanie ’89 Jarrell
David & Sandra Lasher
Rick & Carmen Jay
Deacon Thomas ’60 & Mary Kay ’62 Lehman
Fernando ’64 & Beatriz Jimenez
Roger Lehr ’53
David & Ann Johns
Brian ’99 & Hilary Eickhoff ’99
Deacon Richard ’55 and Patricia ’55 Grannan
Brian & Jody ’94 Branson
Magdalen Eickhoff
Darrell Graves ’56
Beverly Jones ’65
Charles ’51 & Barbara ’61 Lindenschmidt
Nicholas ’84 & Jennifer ’84 Braun
David ’75 & Janet Ellert
Gribbins Insulation
Lloyd & Joan Jost
Jennifer Lintzenich
Barbara Bray ’65
Steven ’69 & Lea Elliott
Kevin ’93 & Rachel Gries
Daniel & Sharon Kaiser
Patricia Bray ’70
Eric & Alicia ’99 Elpers
James ’95 & Amanda ’96 Griese
Eric ’00 & Kristen Kassenbrock
Larry ’56 & Rose ’55 Breivogel
Michael ’77 & Joyce Elpers
John Groben
Ryan ’95 & Natalie ’00 Kassenbrock
Dennis A. Brenner ’79
Eugene & Rita ’57 Elpers
William & Kimberly Gunn
Barbara Kasinger ’73
George Brenner ’69
James & Kristie Elsner
Daniel ’74 & Karole ’75 Gutzweiler
Joe & Susan ’79 Kayser
Jerry & Jonna Brenner
Michael ’02 & Jennifer ’03 Elsner
Rosemary Gutzweiler
Michael ’79 & Jennifer Kempf
Ronald ’71 & Debbie ’71 Brenner
Natalie Emge ’98
Dean & Tonya Haas
Patrick ’82 & Shari ’80 Kempf
Ronald ’58 & Patrice Brown
Roger & Suzanne ’60 Emge
Daryl & Jill Hagan
John E. Kern ’55
Charles & Linda Bryan
Jerry & Charlotte MacGregor Family Endowment
Daniel ’83 & Teresa Haller
Jay & Willie Kerner
John ’69 & Donna Hamilton
Rachel Ketzner ’05
Mary Jane Muensterman / Janie Dale Endowment
Mark & Marisue Hammelman
John Kiefer ’00
Joan Hansen ’57
Gerry Kiesel
Chris & Ann ’85 Harper
Robert King ’58
Jane Harter ’53
Jason & Kimberly ’00 Kinnaman
Ronald ’65 & Marjorie ’63 Hartmann
Dennis & Joan Kissel
Paul & Marlene ’54 Hasselbrinck
Carol Kissinger
J. Lynn ’82 & Clare ’82 Hassler
Harvey and Carol ’60 Klenck
Joseph ’56 & Sandy ’63 Hatfield
Ben & Julie Klipsch
James ’59 & Charlene ’59 Braker
Kathy Buchanan ’72 Scott & Julie ’85 Buedel Frank ’69 & Joan Buerger Joseph & Dawn Bury James ’69 & Jean Butler Robert & Norma ’57 Carp Earl & Mary Elaine Carter Gloria Carter ’51
Ronald ’63 & Myrtle Englert Karen Fabiano ’69 Michelle Farney ’05 David ’63 & Betty Fehrenbacher Denny & Lori ’83 Fehrenbacher
Eric ’62 & Myrrl Choate
Richard ’64 & Judy ’63 Fehrenbacher
Terrance & Brenda Chronert
Betty Feller ’63
William Hausmann ’66
Alfred & Shirley ’50 Knapp
Robert Clausheide ’58
Nancy Fischer ’73
Robert ’55 & Carol Hawes
John & Beth Knapp
John & Diane ’83 Claybon
Steven ’76 & Janet ’76 Fischer
Robert & Lucie Hayden
Thomas ’67 & Linda ’67 Knapp
Jim & Deborah ’74 Collins
J.D. Fleck ’84
Debra Head ’84
Richard & Debbie Knight
Richard & Emma Jean Couture
Jay & Paula Fleck
Helfrich Realtors
Greg & Jennifer Koberstein
Gerald & Nancy Cox
Travis & Sarah Flener
R. Randall ’73 & Rebecca ’74 Helfrich
Greg & Jennifer Koberstein
Robert & Brenda Cox
Mike & Linda ’70 Folz
Rita Helfrich ’51
Emory & Lorene † Koberstein
Jeffrey ’83 & Teresa Culley
Walter ’50 & Betty Folz
Delores Helfrich-Schroeder ’50
Michael & Janice Koberstein
Wayne & Valorie ’92 Dassel
Harold Forche
Wayne & Jewell Henning
Mike & Jane Koberstein
David Enterprises, Inc.
John & Lisa ’91 Forzley
Cheryl Herrmann ’71
Tim & Julie Koberstein
Harold & Mary ’58 Decamps
Foxxx Pools
Mark ’81 & Michelle ’81 Herrmann
Tim & Julie Koberstein
Lively Machine Company Frances Lively ’54 Jon & Bernette ’60 Locklar Mary Lodato Todd Loehr Matthew R. Loehrlein ’06 Ed & Julie (Koberstein) Love Ed & Julie Love Jarrod Luigs ’02 Sarah Luigs ’08 William ’59 & Jeanie Luigs Rita Lurker ’53 Thomas & Angela ’78 Lydon Mike & Tom Lythgoe ’59 Charlotte MacGregor Daniel Macke ’68 Glenn ’66 & Norwanda Macke John ’83 & Amy ’83 Macke Joyce Macke ’69 William Macke Margie Madigan ’55 James & June Magness Edward & Rebecca ’66 Maier John ’59 & Ruby Manger Robert & Nancy ’64 Mangold Mark & Kristi ’87 Marquis Jason ’95 & Kimberly ’95 Marsh Greg ’08 & Amy ’08 Marshall Charles & Joyce Martin: Villas of Solarbron
Full of Grace: Excellence for Tomorrow Capital Campaign
Full of Grace: Excellence for Tomorrow Capital Campaign James & Joyce † Sanders
Kenneth Springer ’68
Daniel ’83 & Susan Wannemueller
Stephen Sanford ’59
John Stanley
Richard Wargel ’65
Gregory ’98 & Kristi ’97 Schaefer
Ronald ’60 & Betty Steinkamp
Rev. William Wargel
Jerome Schapker ’58
Stephan & Kay Sander
David & Lynda ’67 Wathen
Scott Schapker ’06
Philip & Angela Stephenson
Bryan & Nicole ’86 Webb
Thomas ’69 & Kathy Schapker
Charles & Brianna ’97 Stevens
Katherine Weber
Sr. Mary Kenneth Scheessele
Stock Yards Bank & Trust
Joe & Kathleen Weber
Robert ’77 & Mary ’82 Scheller
William ’55 & Carol ’55 Stocker
Matthew ’00 & Crystal Weber
Thomas ’54 & Sharon Scheller
P. Michael & Esther ’65 Stofleth
Dave & Theresa ’79 Weber
Donald Schenk ’77
John ’66 & Judy Stratman
Brent, Jody & Adam Weil
Kenneth ’75 & Elizabeth ’75 Schenk
Dennis ’85 & Kim Straub
Barbara Weinzapfel
Theodore & Tonya Schenk
Gary ’70 & Donna Stumpf
Greg ’85 & Karen ’85 Weinzapfel
Larry Pendley ’65
William ’67 & Margie Schenk
Brett & Julie ’85 Swihart
Jeff ’84 & Lori ’84 Weinzapfel
Kevin & Kelly ’86 Pennington
Evelyn Schickel ’55
Homer & Doris ’68 Taylor
Jerome & Helen Weinzapfel
Jon & Jane Perkins
A. John ’64 & Diana Schiff
Allen & LaVerne Tenbarge
Gary ’82 & Kathy ’82 Weinzapfel
Isaac Memmer ’15
Chuck & Diana Petranek
Mark ’76 & Judy Schiff
Amy TenBarge ’82
Leroy ’62 & Diane Weinzapfel
Stanley Memmer ’85
Jordan ’07 & Jenna ’07 Phelps
Mark ’71 & Kristine ’70 Schiff
Ronald & Joyce ’58 TenBarge
Vernette Weis
Kenneth ’71 & Jeanne ’79 Mesker
Nathan ’99 & Lesley Schiff
Leroy & Rose Weiss
Donald Metzler ’54
Timothy Pigman ’00
Kenny & Patricia ’72 Tenbarge
Eugene & Roberta Schmidt
Diane Weiss-Altstadt ’67
Mid-America Clutch Co.
William ’72 & Mary ’72 Pigman
Anthony ’64 & Teresa Tenhumberg
Brandon ’01 & Emily Porter
Albert Schmitt ’70
Peter ’64 & Mary Tennyson
James ’73 & Diane Werner
Donald ’68 & Terri ’69 Miller
LeRoy Prange ’58
Andrew Schmitt ’12
Donald ’50 & Andrea Tepool
Zane & Lee Ann West
John ’50 & Janet Miller
Raymond & Nancy ’75 Pritchett
Rev. Eugene Schmitt
Ronald ’58 & Sarah ’58 Tepool
Scott Whitehouse
Nicholas ’99 & Katie ’01 Miller
Kevin & Darlene ’83 Quinlin
Julie Schmitt ’70
Stephanie Thiel ’70
Drew & Kristine ’01 Widener
Richard Miller ’70
Mark ’72 & Jean Schmitt
Wildeman Catering Co.
Kevin ’79 & Lee Ann Mischler
John Rebstock ’55
Dennis & Jeanne ’81 Thomas
Ronald ’82 & Lisa ’84 Schneider
Charles ’65 & Sang Wildeman
Ronald Mitchell
Andrew ’96 & Jessica ’04 Reckelhoff
Christine Thompson ’85
Todd Reddington ’84
Doretha Schnur ’52
Jerry & Kathleen ’56 Thompson
Joshua Wildeman ’03
John ’72 & Joyce ’74 Moers
James ’61 & Nancy Thorbecke
Jack ’72 & Jamie Moll
Mark ’76 & Lisa ’79 Schnur
Kurt ’97 & Erin Wildeman
Edwin Rehrman ’57
Carolyn Schnoening ’53
Nathan ’01 & Jessica Wildeman
Jon & Natalie ’88 Reidford
James ’66 & Margie Tomes
Richard & Cathy Moll
Robert & JoAnn ’88 Schoenstein
Dennis ’68 & Pam Wilderman
Donald ’68 & Janie ’68 Moore
David ’66 & Kathy Reising
Dan ’60 & Katie ’60 Townsend
James ’95 & Amy ’96 Schroeder
Eugene Wilderman ’59
Ben ’92 & Kathleen Moran
Keith ’85 & Lisa ’88 Reising
Anthony & Beth Tromley
James ’71 & Kristine Schroeder
Bradley ’90 & Krista Will
Allen ’67 & Barb ’67 Rexing
Zachery Tromley ’10
James & Mary Kay ’58 Muehlbauer
Jake ’00 & Robyn ’94 Tucker
Carolyn Mueller ’56
John & Diane Schroeder
Chris ’76 & Patti ’79 Will
Donald ’81 & Lissa Rexing
Eric ’91 & Stacey ’94 Turner
Georgia Muensterman
Schultheis Insurance Agency, Inc.
Donald & Amy Will
Kelley Rexing ’85
Bradley ’88 & Nina ’88 Schultheis
Frank ’71 & Holly Will
Kenneth ’65 & Rita ’65 Rexing
David Underhill ’66
Joe ’80 & Karen Muensterman
Paul & Felicia ’82 Scofield
Kayley J. Will ’06
Robert ’87 & Pam Muensterman
David & LaChere ’85 Rexing
Pamela Vadbunker ’99
Eugene ’71 & Kathleen ’72 Scott
Sr. Mary Francis Williams
Ronald ’62 & Crickett Rheinlander
Kiley ’90 & Melissa ’93 Van Bibber
Matthew ’91 & Angela ’93 Mulherin
Khristian & Kathy Seger
Stephen & Sandra Vandeveer
David ’64 & Gail Williamson
Bill & Mary Rhodes Kenneth ’68 & Joyce Rietman
Gerald ’59 & Patricia ’68 Seib
Raymond & Suzann ’50 Vescovi
Curt & Connie Winiger
Matthew ’02 & Danielle Neisen
Mark & Nadine ’78 Risley
Curt & Jennifer ’03 Seib
Vieth Foundation
Malcom Winiger ’62
Brent ’88 & Tricia Neitzke
David & Ruth ’61 Ritzert
Ralph ’50 & Florence ’51 Seib
Villas of Solarbron Neighbors
Robert & Kathleen ’66 Wittgen
Andy ’06 & Elyse ’06 Niemeier
River Bend Ladies Auxiliary
Robert ’51 & Mary Seibert
Carl & Jean Voegel
Andrew ’99 & Mary ’98 Woehler
Benjamin Niemeier ’12
Andrea Robb ’95
Philip & Julie Sheridan
Carri Voegel ’11
Albert Patrick Wolf ’54
Caroline Niemeier ’09
James & Beverly ’90 Robbins
Beau ’93 & Sharon Shumate
Rosemary Voegel ’51
Gary & Beth ’87 Woodruff
Katelyn Niemeier ’09
Matthew & Michelle ’99 Robertson
Siemers Glass Company, Inc.
Lindsey Wagner ’03
Joseph & Christina ’74 Wright
Bradley ’08 & Kathryn ’08 Niemeier
Chris ’66 & Janet ’67 Siemers
Mark Wagner ’96
Megan Wright ’04
Donna Rode ’67
Barbara Simonson ’73
Susan Wagner ’82
Nathan Wright ’13
Judy Rode ’59
Mel ’60 & Juanita Singer
Gerald & Myra Walker
Rachel Wright ’01
Norma Sue Rode Stephen ’77 & Gwendolyn Rode
Stan ’57 Singer & Lenna De Marco
Lee Rodenberg ’89
Sisters of St. Benedict
Robin Rosbrugh ’06
Guy & Cindy Smyth
Bob & Linda ’80 Russell
John & Brenda Spaetti
Chad & Leann ’82 Sander
Tracy Sparks ’76
Jason ’94 & Kerry Martin Jeffrey ’82 & Donna ’82 Martin
William ’51 & Dorothy ’51 Niemeier
John ’64 & Catherine Martin
Adam & Lacey ’09 Nix
Mel & Suzanna ’70 Martin
Andrew ’04 & Emily ’05 Nurrenbern
Timothy ’83 & Barbara ’83 Martin J. Samuel ’92 & Dolly Marx David & Kathleen ’85 Mathew Bernard ’83 & Jenny Mayer Virgil Mayer ’51 Terri McBride ’74 Jeffrey ’95 & Natalie McDurmon Scott ’89 & Mindy McDurmon Richard & Ann ’89 McIntosh Deacon John & Mary Grace McMullen
Lauren Niemeier ’07 Norbert ’65 & Madonna ’65 Niemeier Richard ’83 & Tracy Niemeier Stan ’71 & Tracy Niemeier Theodore & Kathleen ’76 Niemeier Todd ’91 & Babs Niemeier
28 Mater Dei High School
Gerald Nurrenbern Ruth Orth Robert & Renee Palmer Gerald ’76 & Paula ’81 Parkinson Christopher Paul ’85 Richard Paul ’54 Jason & Mary ’03 Peckenpaugh Michael & Debra Pellant
Michael ’83 & Jeana Walker Greg & Elizabeth ’95 Wallace Karen Waller ’70 Marshall ’59 & Carolyn ’59 Waller Todd ’04 & Kristin ’04 Wannemuehler
Sandee Wuerth ’61 Gary ’65 & Diane ’65 Wunderlich Tim ’83 & Tammy Zeller Carly Zenthoefer ’07 Robert ’84 & Jennifer ’88 Zigenfus Leo & Terry Zimmer
In memory of Helen Fulton
Greg & Jennifer Koberstein
Larry ’65 & Carol ’65 Goedde
Emory & Lorene Koberstein
In memory of Betty L. Hamilton ’54 Anonymous
Michael & Janice Koberstein Tim & Julie Koberstein Edward ’82 & Lorri ’83 Lappe JoAnn Layman
In memory of Paul Hayden ’55
Ed & Julie (Koberstein) Love
Robert ’55 & Carol Hawes
Bret ’91 & Jennifer ’91 McDurmon Kevin ’91 & Erin ’94 Moore
In memory of Susie Henry
Stephen ’65 & Rita ’66 Moore
Norbert ’65 & Madonna ’65 Niemeier
Carolyn Mueller ’56
In memory of Jean Klingler
Todd ’91 & Babs Niemeier
Jim & Deborah ’74 Collins
Kent ’77 & Laura ’80 Reddington
Jack ’60 & Phyllis ’72 Corn
Jon & Natalie ’88 Reidford
Delores Helfrich-Schroeder ’50
Rick & Shea Reneer
James ’89 & Lori ’89 Pierre
Kent ’86 & Melissa Rexing
Mary Schmit
David & LaChere ’85 Rexing
James ’71 & Kris Schroeder
Patrick & Joyce ’59 Rhoades
Mel ’60 & Cookie Singer
Donald Schenk ’77
In honor of Sam and June Baker
In honor of Barbara Muensterman’s 80th Birthday
Brent, Jody & Adam Weil
Mark & Amy ’90 Schlachter
Kent ’77 & Laura ’80 Reddington
James ’51 † & Eileen ’51 Will
Bill Willman
Larry & Janice ’64 Schuble
Mike Willman
Christopher ’66 & Janet ’67 Siemers
Honor Roll of Donors In memory of / in honor of In honor of 50th Jubilee Sr. Ann Francis Hillenbrand ’66
Todd Reddington ’84 Mark & Nadine ’78 Risley Susan Wagner ’82
In honor of Fred & Dorothy Barron Ted ’75 & Diane Barron
In honor of Doris (Mayer) Dewig ’52 Joseph ’75 & Patricia ’75 Dewig
In honor of Bob† & Mary Ann ’52 Dick Daniel ’77 & Jean Dick
In honor of Tad Dickel Family C. Timothy & Gail Dickel
In honor of Harold ’51 & Sylvia ’53 Gossman
Edward & Rebecca ’66 Maier
In honor of Gertrude & Wilburn Muensterman’s 60th Wedding Anniversary James ’51 † & Eileen ’51 Will
In honor of Jim and Janie ’50 Schroeder John ’78 & Tamara ’80 Schroeder
In memory of Bill Knight Anonymous Steve & Lynda Bagbey Delores Bruce Linda Bryan Earl & Mary Elaine Carter Brenda Chronert
Daniel ’80 & Laura ’80 Niemeier
Eric & Melissa Stockton James ’88 & Ingrid ’95 Stratman Eric ’91 & Stacey ’94 Turner Clifford ’88 & Sarah ’88 Wagner Gary ’82 & Kathy ’82 Weinzapfel Wildeman Catering Co. James ’76 & Karen Will Bradley ’90 & Krista Will
In honor of Sister Mary Carmel Spayd and Sister Mary Francis Williams
Robert Clausheide ’58
Sisters of St. Benedict of Ferdinand
John ’82 & Jeanne Dewig
In memory of Dolores Koressel
Robert ’62 & JoAnn Dezember
Jeffrey ’82 & Donna ’82 Martin
In honor of Jim & Eileen Will’s 80th Birthday Daniel ’80 & Laura ’80 Niemeier
In memory of Robert Bumb ’51 Gloria Bumb †
Wayne & Valorie ’92 Dassel David Enterprises, Inc.
Timothy & Andrea Dickel Richard ’64 & Judy ’63 Fehrenbacher Michele & Donald Fleming Mathew ’91 & Kristen ’91 Folz Michael ’70 & Melanie Goebel
Francis & Bety Will Tim ’83 & Tammy Zeller
In memory of Jim Pender Steven & Marcia ’72 Frey
In memory of Katie Rose Schmitt ’02 David ’68 & Mary Schmit
Michael ’78 & Melissa Gossman
Robb ’82 & Julie Bumb
In honor of Ed & Becky ’66 Maier
In memory of Charles and Alma Ellspermann
Joe ’91 & Kalyn Herrmann
In memory of Kate Seib
Peter & Connie Hillenbrand
Ira Gerard ’72 & Theresa ’72 Boots
Brian ’92 & Heather ’92 Hertel
W. Randolph Ellspermann ’64
Danny ’67 & Linda ’68 Kares
Kathleen Buchanan ’72
Randy ’73 & Rebecca ’74 Helfrich
Full of Grace: Excellence for Tomorrow Capital Campaign
Full of Grace: Excellence for Tomorrow Capital Campaign Scot & Julie ’85 Buedel
In memory of Jim Will, Sr. ’51
Rosemary Gutzweiler ’52
Ruth Orth
Timothy & Andrea Dickel
Jeffrey ’84 & Ellen ’93 Adler
Michael ’87 & ’87 Eran Happe
Kevin & Kelly ’86 Pennington
Karen Fabiano ’69
Clarence & Charlene Altstadt
Joseph ’56 & Sandra ’63 Hatfield
Jon & Jane Perkins
Nancy Fischer ’73
June & Sam Baker
Helfrich Realtors
Kent ’77 & Laura ’80 Reddington
Michael ’70 & Melanie Goebel
Randall & Joan ’70 Bauer
Rita M. Helfrich ’51
River Bend Ladies Auxiliary
William & Kimberly Gunn
Joyce Baumgart ’54
Delores Helfrich-Schroeder ’50
Bob ’58 & Mary Lue ’58 Russler
Daniel ’74 & Karole ’75 Gutzweiler
Michael ’76 & Mary ’74 Berendes
Wayne & Jewell Henning
Chad & Leann ’82 Sander
Ann Harper
Birthright of Evansville
George Hollander ’78
Steven ’76 & Janet ’77 Schapker
Donald ’51 & Rita ’53 Hoefling
Steven ’65 & Judy Blankenberger
Gilbert & Marcia Jochem
Robert ’77 & Mary ’82 Scheller
Randall ’74 & Cynthia Hupfer
Ira Gerard ’72 & Terry ’72 Boots
David & Ann Johns
William ’67 & Margaret Schenk
Ruby Koressel ’53
Timothy & Brenda ’75 Born
Harold ’54 & Shirley Kempf
Evelyn Schickel ’55 Jacob ’02 & Katie Schiff Eugene & Roberta Schmidt
Jean Kruse
Larry ’56 & Rose ’55 Breivogel
Robert & Marguerite Kent
Joyce Macke ’69
Gloria Carter ’51
Harvey & Carol ’60 Klenck
Kenneth ’71 & Jeanne ’79 Mesker
Gerald & Nancy Cox
Al & Shirley ’50 Knapp
Daniel ’80 & Laura ’80 Niemeier
Doris Dewig ’52
Ruby Koressel ’53
Todd ’91 & Babs Niemeier
Timothy & Andrea Dickel
Patrick & Lauri ’84 Koster
Kelley Rexing ’85
Dale & Cathy Drake
Gary ’74 & Letha ’74 Lannert
Norma Sue Rode ’54
Sara Ellert ’77
JoAnn Laugel ’66
Steven ’76 & Janet ’77 Schapker
Eugene & Rita ’57 Elpers
Thomas & Angela ’78 Lydon
Arthur ’58 & Donna Scheller
James & June Magness
Mark & Kristine ’71 Schiff
Robert ’71 & Mary Kay ’71 Fehrenbacher
Doretha Schnur ’52
Butch ’66 & Linda Feulner
Virgil Mayer ’51
Eugene ’71 & Kathleen ’72 Scot
First Federal Savings Bank
Kenneth ’71 & Jeanne ’79 Mesker
Edward & Rebecca ’66 Maier
Robert ’71 & Nancy ’71 Fischer
Mid-America Clutch Co.
Ralph ’50 & Florence ’51 Seib
J.D. Fleck ’84
Midwest Roofing-Sheet Metal
Richard ’57 & Emilie ’59 Seib
Harold Forche
Ronald Mitchell
Robert ’51 & Mary Seibert
Foxxx Pools
Stephen ’65 & Rita ’66 Moore
Tracy Sparks ’76
Freeman, Will & Niemeier, Inc.
James & Mary Kay ’58 Muehlbauer
Bret & Julie ’85 Swihart
Andrew ’65 & Darlene ’64 Goebel
Daniel ’80 & Laura ’80 Niemeier
Amy TenBarge ’83
Michael ’70 & Melanie Goebel
Marlene Weaver ’50
Larry ’65 & Carol ’65 Goedde
Norbert ’65 & Madonna ’65 Niemeier
Jerome & Helen ’51 Weinzapfel
Sara Goedde ’90
Stephen ’65 & Stephanie Niemeier
Jamie Wicks ’87
Jeffrey & Michele ’74 Wildeman
Richard ’55 & Patricia ’55 Grannan
Thomas ’55 & Joan ’55 Niemeier
Chris ’76 & Patricia ’79 Will
James ’76 & Karen Will
Gribbins Insulation
Old National Bank
Frank ’71 & Holly Will
30 Mater Dei High School
Mark & Kristi ’87 Marquis
Julie Schmit ’70 Jeffrey & Judith ’79 Schneider Schultheis Insurance Agency, Inc. Gerald ’59 & Patricia ’68 Seib Siemers Glass Company, Inc. John Stanley Stephan & Kay Sander Stock Yards Bank & Trust Amy TenBarge ’83 Donald ’50 & Andrea Tepool Dan ’60 & Katie ’60 Townsend Stephen & Sandra Vandeveer Vieth Foundation Villas of Solarbron Neighbors Clifford ’88 & Sarah ’88 Wagner Al ’55 & Darlene ’55 Weinzapfel Barbara Weinzapfel ’77
Please support our fine sponsors! ROYAL GOLD SPONSORS
CAPITAL ELECTRIC, INC. Ben Wagner ’86, Marie Wagner ’86 Cliff Wagner ’88, Mark Wagner ’96, Brent Neitzke ’88
EDWARD JONES Roger A. Nurrenbern ’96, Andrea Dick Brown ’01 FEHRENBACHER CABINETS, INC. Bob ’71, Mary Kay ’71, Peter ’97 Zachary ’00, Patrick ’03 & Sarah ’05 FREEMAN, WILL & NIEMEIER, INC. FREEMAN, WILL, NIEMEIER & HESTON, LLC Patrick B. Freeman ’65, P. Evan Freeman ’90, Elissa Freeman Higgins ’94, M. Ethan Freeman ’00, Emily Freeman ’02 & Jordan Raben ’05 HELFRICH REALTORS George P. Helfrich ‘69, Sally Helfrich Green ’78, Stephanie Helfrich Freeman ’91, Peter D. Helfrich ’99, Jeremy Kempf, Bill Long, Carla Waelde KEMPF’S DONUT BANK Harold ’54, Chris ’77, Lindsey ’81, Ben ’85 & Joe ’91 MUENSTERMAN FIRESTONE, INC. Tom ’73, Steve ’76, Jerry ’79, Mark ’83 & Bob ’87 PIERRE FUNERAL HOME Gary ’61 & Susie ’62 John ’88, Jim ’89 & Lori ’89 RABEN TIRE & AUTO SERVICE The Raben Family RIVERBEND LANDSCAPING Frank ’71 & Holly Will, Scott ’10 & Matt ’13
HILLTOP INN Don & Lanette Snyder LAPPE HEATING & A/C Ed Lappe ’82, Dan Lappe ’77 & Dave Lappe ’03 MORROW MECHANICAL SERVICES, INC. Tony Morrow OHIO VALLEY INSULATION COMPANY, INC. Scott ’80, Beth ’80, Dustin ’05, Logan ’08, Faith ’10, Brooke ’11 & Joel Slaton PAUL’S MENSWEAR, INC. Steve ’73, John ’78 & Brian ’99. PROFESSIONAL EYECARE ASSOCIATES Todd Niemeier, O.D. ’91, Andrew Moore, O.D., Morgan Hussmann, O.D. PROREHAB, PC Andrea (Boots) Baumann ’96, Stacey (Stonecipher)Turner ’94, Alex Weinzapfel ’08, Drew Lappe ’08, Seth Brunner, Anne Basden ’86, Julie Buedel ’98, Tim Weinzapfel ’89 SOUTHWEST GRAFIX & APPAREL INC Rose Ann ’60, Mary ’82, Mike ’83, Michelle ’85, Mark ’89, Schelly ’89, Julian ’15, Brendan ’16 MARK A. TORNATTA, DDS Mark A. Tornatta ’69, Jeanne Tornatta ’69, Chris ’97, Jennifer ’00, Sarah ’02 WILDERMAN ENTERPRISES, LLC dba ST. WENDEL AUTO PARTS & SERVICE Dennis Wilderman ’68
SCHNEIDER HEAT & AIR, INC. Jeff & Judith Siemers Schneider ’79, Catherine Schneider ’14 SCHIFF AIR CONDITIONING & HEATING, INC. Jim Sr. ’69 & Jan ’69, Angie Schiff Happe ’93, Jim Jr. ’96 & Casi Jost Schiff ’97 SIEMERS GLASS Jane ’81 & Mark Weinzapfel ’80 Jake ’06, Mac ’08, Ali ’11 & Jack ’13 MATT ZELLER ELECTRIC Matt Zeller ’09
Summer 2013
Red& Gold 31
Mater Dei High School Office of Institutional Advancement 1300 Harmony Way • Evansville, IN 47720 Return service requested
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Athletic Hall of Fame Night Hall of Fame ceremony at halftime of the Mater Dei vs. Memorial football game Friday, September 11, at Reitz Bowl—Kickoff 7:00 p.m. For more information, contact Sarah Wagner, (812) 421-5727 or