Red & Gold Fall 2015

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Red& Gold

The Mater Dei High School Magazine

Volume 31, Number 3 • Fall 2015

Enrollment is Up... Again Mater Dei Strategic Direction Update 2014–15 Honor Roll of Donors

In This Issue Cover story

Athletic Hall of Fame

Enrollment is up again! This year Mater Dei welcomed 158 freshmen, the largest freshman class since 2002.

Former athletes are inducted into the Mater Dei Hall of Fame.

Our strategic direction Read about the updated strategic direction for Mater Dei that will continue to move our school forward as a Catholic institution.

Capital Campaign update

2015–16 Annual Fund

Projects funded by the capital campaign continue to move closer to completion.

Jake ’02 and Katie Schiff will serve as chairs for this year’s Annual Fund at Mater Dei.

Red& Gold

The Mater Dei High School Magazine • Vol. 31, No. 3 • Fall 2015

The Red & Gold is published three times a year by the Mater Dei High School Office of Institutional Advancement, to encourage understanding and support of the mission of Mater Dei High School. Through the Red & Gold, Mater Dei’s 10,000+ alumni, as well as the school’s many friends, continue to strengthen their relationships with each other and become better informed about the many ways Mater Dei strives for excellence through its spiritual, academic and extracurricular programs.

Red & Gold Staff Editor: Carol Nurrenbern Art Director: Alan Inkenbrandt ’89 Photography Contributors: Yearbook Student Staff Straub Photography Contributors: Timothy Dickel Sarah Wagner ’88 Maggie Hurm ’09

Send alumni news and address changes to Maggie Hurm, Database Manager,

Mater Dei High School • 1310 Harmony Way, Evansville, IN 47720 • 812-426-2258 •


Red& Gold Fall 2015

Mater Dei Today 2015 Lottery FLYER (10-2015)_Layout 1 10/6/2015 4:29 PM Page 1

Band wins Arts Award The MD Marching Wildcats were recently honored at the Mayor’s Arts Awards sponsored by the Arts Council of Southwest Indiana. They were recognized with the Ensemble Award for their outstanding accomplishments over the last several years, including five consecutive state finals marching band appearances. Congratulations to the students, directors, staff and parents!

Mater Dei hires new business manager Karen Liley was recently hired as the Business Manager for Mater Dei High School. She holds an accounting degree and was previously employed at Springleaf for the past 26 years. We welcome Karen to Mater Dei!

Pictured left to right: Assistant Band Director Leslie Goth, senior band members Samantha Vaughn, Shelby Phelps, and Band Director Dan Klipper


2015 license # 136423. 2016 license # on file in ECHS office.

2015 Grand Prize Winners ($10,000) Jan: Feb: Mar: Apr: May: Jun:

Dave Schenk Jennifer Scott Roy & Betty Litwiler Charlie Goebel Jason Puckett St. Philip Men’s Club







$1,500 $1,000 $500

2015 Grand Prize Winners ($10,000) Jul: Aug: Sep: Oct: Nov: Dec:

Dennis Herr Jerry & Judy Hartmann Laura Lo

Tom Goedde (‘14) Brenda Wallace (‘14) David & JoAnn Lauderdale (‘14)

For more information, visit: You have FABULOUS ODDS to win! Winning numbers go back into the pot after each drawing, giving everyone 48 chances to win in 2016! Based on the maximum of 3500 tickets being sold, the odds of being selected a winner are better than 1 out of 80. Fall 2015

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Mater Dei Today Mater Dei’s enrollment is up... again! She provides feeder school students and parents with communications throughout the year that include a monthly newsletter of the happenings at Mater Dei, and letters and emails keeping families informed about incoming freshman enrollment news for the next school year. Mrs. Gilbert also facilitates the Student Ambassador program where seniors visit the feeder schools weekly workis an investment ing with students and teachstewardship of ers on different projects.

The Indiana School Choice Program, initiated in 2011–12, allows families to choose a private school for their children. The program provides scholarships to eligible Indiana students to offset tuition costs. A change in the program in 2014–15 allowed students who were already enrolled in private schools

Enrollment at Mater Dei has increased again for the third consecutive year with the start of the 2015–16 academic year. Current enrollment is 567 students, which includes 158 freshmen, the largest freshman class since 2002.

Each year, several factors influence the number of students who enroll at Mater Dei. Those factors include the number of A Mater Dei education eighth graders in our feeder for all families It takes schools that year, the amount of financial aid available time, talent and treasure. We appreciate and the number of families the sacrifice and effort our families make who qualify for the Indiana to enroll their children here. School Choice Program.

A higher percentage of our Catholic elementary school students are enrolling at Mater Dei. This year 79% of all eighth graders in the feeder schools are attending Mater Dei. The past two years the total number of eighth graders has also been larger. The increased amount of financial aid available has been a positive factor in allowing more students to attend Mater Dei. Tuition assistance is available for families who meet the financial criteria from the Catholic Education Foundation, the Institute for Quality Education and the recent Full of Grace Capital Campaign. Tuition payment plans have also made the financial element more manageable for families.

to apply for the scholarships. Mater Dei currently has 154 students who receive a school choice voucher. In the summer of 2011, Lou Ann Gilbert was hired as an Enrollment Manager to focus on growing the enrollment at Mater Dei. She has initiated marketing efforts to the greater community that are proving effective. She has directed her efforts toward building a stronger working relationship between Mater Dei and the elementary schools. Each year, eighth-graders from the feeder schools visit Mater Dei during a school day to capture a sense of school life on the campus.

The annual Open House at Mater Dei is the largest enrollment event. This year there will be a diocese-wide Open House on Thursday, October 29, 2015. The elementary schools will be open for prospective families from 1–6 p.m. The high schools will be open 6–8 p.m. that evening. Elementary students from all area schools are invited to attend the Open House at Mater Dei to visit classrooms, and talk with teachers and students about the opportunities available for them at Mater Dei. Mrs. Gilbert's diligent efforts are paying off. Dr. Timothy Dickel, president of Mater Dei, states “We are thrilled to see an increase of enrollment for the third year in a row. A greater student population allows Mater Dei to have a larger

MaterDei Enrollment History 650 625 600 575 550 525 500 475 450




Red& Gold Fall 2015












Mater Dei Today

Student Ambassadors prepare to distribute Mater Dei shirts to students at the eight feeder schools. The shirts allow elementary students entrance to all home athletic events during the academic year. The cost is of the shirt is $25 with $5 going back to the feeder schools. Pictured left to right: Tristan Watts, Mrs. Lou Ann Gilbert, Abby Schoenstein, and Holly Schoenstein

impact on our community and world. In addition, a higher enrollment allows us to distribute fixed costs and keep our tuition rates affordable. We must continue to promote the many benefits of a Catholic education in our community.” The increase in enrollment comes during a time when Mater Dei has just completed a successful capital






campaign, and projects to improve the campus and enhance the academic experience are taking place. A newly renovated media center, a new resource room, a prayer garden, renovation of the two major restrooms, kitchen renovation, tennis courts and an artificial turf field are just some of the projects supported by the capital campaign that will accommodate





the growing student population. Rising enrollment indicates that more families are choosing a Catholic education for their children. “A Mater Dei education is an investment for all families,” states Mrs. Gilbert. “It takes stewardship of time, talent and treasure. We appreciate the sacrifice and effort our families make to enroll their children here.”




Fall 2015


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Our Strategic Direction


by Timothy A. Dickel, Ph.D., President of Mater Dei

ater Dei High School is committed to careful planning that will ensure continuous improvement and long term sustainability. In 2011, the Mater Dei Board of Trustees approved the school’s first strategic direction. Many goals were accomplished over the next four years in the areas of spirituality, academics, enrollment, facilities and institutional advancement.

The Board of Trustees began a new strategic planning process in the spring of 2015. During this process, the initial strategic

direction was reviewed and updated through the input of faculty, staff, parents, alumni and friends. We are proud to present our updated strategic direction that will help us continue to move forward as a Catholic institution.


Spirituality Goal: Strengthen Catholic identity through the integration of formation throughout all aspects of school life

Owner: Catholic Identity Committee Key Benefits • Enhanced spirituality for students, faculty, staff, alumni and community • Increased partnership between Mater Dei and parishes Key Challenges • Difficult to measure faith practices • The adolescent stage of development is a difficult time to understand faith practices

• Viewing theology as a serious academic discipline • Shortage of priests and religious presence in the school Milestone Goals A. Enhance Campus Ministry program for student experiences outside of classes Key Supporting Goals

• Understanding data as it relates to faith development in the long term

• Expand freshman and sophomore retreats half-day in 2014–15 to fullday by the 2016–17 school year

• Changing family dynamics and lack of commitment to the Catholic faith

• Create a regular rotation of Catholic guest speakers and topics by the end of the 2014–15 school year


• Host a Catholic speaker for high school and feeder school students each year with an effort to collaborate with parishes and feeder schools • Review the liturgical calendar to ensure maximum number of masses, prayer services, and reconciliation are offered to the student body during the 2015–16 school year (2014–15 liturgical calendar: ten prayer services, eight masses, and two penance services) • Include an annual opportunity for Eucharistic adoration B. Strengthen integration of spirituality throughout all curricular areas

Key Supporting Goals • For new faculty and staff orientation, include an element to help them understand their role as Catholic school educators by 2015–16 • Conduct an annual faculty and staff retreat • Include a component during all faculty and staff meetings that helps teachers understand ways to integrate Catholicity throughout the curriculum • Provide prayer books and materials for faculty and staff on an annual basis • Integrate prayer regularly in all classes

C. Build on relationships with parishes, youth ministers, and catechetical leaders Key Supporting Goals • Have Campus Minister attend Deanery meetings on a regular basis • Organize an annual meeting with Campus Minister and youth ministers • Invite all priests and deacons to visit Mater Dei on an annual basis Resource Needs • Funding for resources and speakers • Full-time Campus Minister

Academic Goal: Advance academic achievement through data tracking, professional development and feeder school collaboration

Owner: Academic Committee Key Benefits • Data can be used to promote the school through feeder schools and greater community • More college scholarship dollars • Better prepared students for college and careers • Higher enrollment • Maintain small class sizes Key Challenges • Teaching and meeting the needs of students who struggle academically • The transition between 8th grade and high school can be difficult • Competing with public schools’ varied options for curricular offerings • Wide variety of student backgrounds and interests • Financial limitations for technology • Financial limitations for expanding the curriculum


Red& Gold Fall 2015

Milestone Goal Enhance academic achievement measured by key metrics

B. Support faculty professional growth that is aligned with metrics for academic achievement

Key Supporting Goals

Key Supporting Goals

• Achieve Honors Diplomas rate between 60–65% • Increase the percentage of students graduating that have passed an Advanced Placement test to 25% by 2016. Add a new Advanced Placement course during the 2016–17 school year • Maintain the number of students graduating with college credits between 80–85% • Provide nine college credits for all seniors • Earn at least $5 million in college scholarships for each graduating class

• Fund graduate coursework in content areas and required tests that will allow faculty to teach additional courses at Mater Dei in the amount of $10,000 each year • Provide professional development for faculty for the new testing program that will replace Indiana’s End of Course Assessments during the 2015–16 school year • Incorporate faculty professional development on a monthly basis with the establishment of the Curriculum Director during the 2015–16 school year • Create school-wide efforts to enhance test scores for PSAT, SAT and ACT

C. Enhance feeder school academic program collaboration • Provide academic performance data to feeder schools on an annual basis

• Share with feeder schools: entrance testing and first semester freshman performance


Enrollment Goal: Increase enrollment from 520 in 2014–15 to 575 students by 2020–21

Owner: Enrollment/Marketing Committee Key Benefits • Financial stability • Greater diversity of curricular offerings • Provides sense of stability for the school and community Key Challenges • Lack of commitment to Catholic Education • Decreased Catholic school enrollment at feeder schools

• Pursue transportation (busing) for Gibson County/Northern Vanderburgh County

C. Enroll 85% of feeder school 8th grade students to attend Mater Dei by 2020

• Advertise Open Houses in Gibson County news outlets

Key Supporting Goals

• Target marking efforts in Posey County and Mount Vernon • Meet with pastor, principal, parish council and/or school board of St. Matthew

• Communicating with religious education students

• Advertise Open Houses in Posey County news outlets

• Effective promotion of Mater Dei outside of feeder schools

• Promote enrollment, financial aid, and school choice information to religious education students and non-feeder school students

• Rising cost of education • Difficulty getting students to switch school systems for high school Milestone Goals A. Have 10% of each freshman class come from outside the feeder schools by 2020 Key Supporting Goals • Create a collaborative arrangement with Evansville Lutheran School • Invite them to feeder school visits at Mater Dei • Try to meet with families at ELS • Assign a non-feeder school parent to serve on the Enrollment/Marketing Committee • Target marketing efforts in Gibson County


• Assist feeder schools with Tax Credit Scholarship donations

• Meet with pastors, principals, parish councils and/or school boards of Gibson County K-5 Catholic schools to establish a relationship and presence

• Lack of perceived value and/or benefit of Catholic education

• Perception that our competition has improved

• Fund advertising expenses

• Provide information to Catechetical Leaders at each feeder parish annually • Include enrollment information in bulletins • Speak at masses every other year to promote enrollment

• Target communication with undecided families in 5th–8th grade • Create Writing Buddy Program that connects high school students with 6-8th grade feeder school students • Host 5th–8th grade students at Mater Dei annually • Utilize feeder school extracurricular activities and athletic programs to enhance enrollment • Host a feeder school coaches clinic with information about enrollment and financial aid processes • Communicate information annually to feeder and high school coaches about enrollment and financial aid processes

• Communicate with area realtors about opportunities available at MD

• Regularly include enrollment information and Mater Dei successes in mass bulletins

B. Increase feeder school enrollment by 2020

D. Add five international students per school year by 2015

Key Supporting Goals

Key Supporting Goals

• Host an enrollment symposium for all feeder school principals and pastors to share enrollment data and best practices • Discuss a shared enrollment position for the feeder schools • Help organize annual MD and feeder school Open House Night or Week

• Hold a meeting at Mater Dei for potential host families and include testimonies from past host families • Advertise every year in the parent newsletter • Advertise for host families at the Open House and Meet the Teachers Night

Institutional Advancement and Alumni Relations Goal: A dvance development efforts through enhanced communication, strengthened relationships, careful planning and expanded donor base

Owner: Institutional Advancement Committee Key Benefits • Financial stability for the school • Create savings through volunteerism • Increased engagement and support for the school Key Challenges • Add new graduates each year which decreases the alumni percentage rate • Uncoordinated auxiliary fundraising activities (athletic teams, extracurricular activities, etc.) Milestone Goals • Enhance communication to alumni and friends

• Utilize LinkedIn to communicate with alumni and promote networking • Provide multiple opportunities to invite more people into the building • Increase Annual Fund and Tradition Lottery participation to 20% by 2015–16 Key Supporting Goals • Re-evaluate the class chair program to include more people and rotate chairs • Coordinate fundraising efforts with auxiliary organizations • Add young alumni class chairs

• Find missing alumni addresses

• Visit a school with a high Annual Fund participation rates in 2015–16

• Locate addresses and contact information for young alumni

• Promote matching gifts opportunities

• Increase the number of e-mail addresses to 60%

• Focus on different age groups by differing the letter/message appeals

• Collect email addresses of all graduating seniors annually

• Include suggested giving amounts in appeal letters

• Utilize e-mail communication at least monthly

• Implement and promote a recurring gift option


Planned Giving and Endowment Goal: Increase endowment from $1.9 million in 2014 to $10 million by 2025

Owner: Institutional Advancement Committee Key Benefits • Stable source of income to offset tuition costs • Increase tuition assistance • Demonstrates confidence in future of Mater Dei Key Challenges • Difficult to increase size of gifts • Inadequate staffing • Other groups initiating the same type of development efforts • Education of Mater Dei community regarding the needs of Mater Dei and vehicles • Low number of living alumni— 9,000 living Mater Dei alums • Family unit—desire to leave the legacy to children not an organization—need to educate people can do both • Lack of commitment to Catholic schools Milestone Goal Have 100 members of the Ave Maria Society by July 2018 B. Increase members of the Ave Maria Society to 170 by July 2025

Key Supporting Goals • Increase number of Ave Maria Society members by 10 each year beginning in 2015–16 • Create a working Ave Maria Society Committee to promote planned giving and endowment that meets quarterly • Target planned giving prospects from donors with consistent giving (make personal invitations in writing, email and phone) • Continue to host annual meeting for Ave Maria Society members • Set goals for the number of contacts made each year about planned giving • Publicize in alumni and friends publications at least annually • Utilize Grandparent Mass as an opportunity to promote planned giving and endowments • Partner to leverage resources of Catholic Foundation of Southwestern Indiana as appropriate • Track planned giving and endowment income to measure growth of Ave Maria Society Resource Needs • Marketing materials • Annual meeting expenses


acility and Technology Goal: Develop and implement F plans for facilities and technology that focus on short and long term needs

Owner: Building & Grounds Committee and Technology Committee • Build relationships with first-time donors to Capital Campaign to give to Annual Fund C. Increase Annual Fund and Tradition Lottery participation to 23% by 2018–19 Key Supporting Goal Continue efforts as listed above D. Build upon Capital Campaign to cultivate relationships Key Supporting Goals • Invite donors to specific events that they supported financially (artificial turf, tennis, wrestling, etc.) • Research alumni and friends in database for potential donors • Create a plan for soliciting and communicating with businesses E. Determine plan and timeline for the next major gifts effort/capital campaign by June 2017. The effort would likely be implemented at a later date

Key Benefits • Assists short and long-term budgeting process • Improved campus and facilities • More welcoming environment for visitors • Technology aligned with instructional goals Key Challenges • Securing the necessary funding for facilities and technology • Difficult to predict a timeline for replacement and repairs • Acquiring key properties Milestone Goal Develop comprehensive facilities plan by December 2015 Key Supporting Goals • Create a preliminary maintenance and replacement facility plan with projected funding sources

• Create a listing a short and long term facility and campus needs with priorities identified by December 2015 B. Review and update the technology plan by May 2016 Key Supporting Goals • Visit a school with a successful technology program • Explore the utilization of tablets in the learning environment • Analyze stakeholder input to create a long-term vision for Mater Dei’s technology program C. Effectively manage Capital Campaign projects Key Supporting Goals • Ensure Capital Campaign projects are completed in a timely manner, meeting expectations for quality and within budget Resource Needs • Volunteer support • Funding

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SPORTS RECAP: Fall 2015 Athletic Hall of Fame The following former Mater Dei athletes were inducted into the Mater Dei Athletic Hall of Fame during a ceremony at halftime of the Mater Dei vs. Memorial football game September 11, 2015. Amanda Nurrenbern ’02 Swimmer Amanda Nurrenbern is the current school record holder of the 50m freestyle, 100m freestyle, and 200 medley relay. She is a fourtime sectionalist in both the 50m and 100m freestyle, becoming sectional champion in the 100m freestyle in 2002. She went on to qualify for state in the 100m and 50m freestyle, becoming the only swimmer in Mater Dei history to qualify for state competition in swimming. Kelly Muensterman ’06 With 1,270 points, Kelly Muensterman holds the basketball record as the all time leading scorer. He also tops most points scored in a season with 658 points and was a member of the 2004 IHSAA state championship team. In 2006, he was Indiana Basketball Coaches Association Second Team All State, AP Second Team All State, and the third leading scorer in Indiana. In addition to basketball, Kelly was also a member of the football team. Patrick McKinney ’06 Patrick McKinney is a six-time IHSAA state qualifier, twice in cross country and four times in track. During his time on the track team, he was the city, SIAC, sectionals, and regionals champion in the 4 x 800 and qualified 6th in state. In 2006, he placed third at IHSAA state finals. Sean Herron ’07 As an All Sports Award recipient, Sean Herron was a member of the cross country, wrestling and track teams where he competed in IHSAA state finals in all three sports.


Red& Gold Fall 2015

New inductees in the Mater Dei Athletic Hall of Fame are left to right, Alex Weinzapfel, Brad Niemeier, Kelly Muensterman, Zach Goebel, Nick Dewig, Sean Herron, track coach Dan DeVillez and cross country coach George Moll accepting the award for Patrick McKinney, and David Nurrenbern accepting the award for his niece, Amanda Nurrenbern.

He was a two-time state qualifier during his time in cross country. Highlights of his wrestling career include IHSAA state finals placements, third in 2006 and sixth in 2007. On the track team in 2005, he was the 4 x 800 city, SIAC and regional champion and placed sixth in IHSAA state finals. Zach Goebel ’07 As both a linebacker and quarterback, Zach Goebel had an impressive football career at Mater Dei. Following his senior year, he was the Evansville Courier All-Metro “Player of the Year” and received the Indiana Top Linebacker: Indianapolis Star Position Award. He was also listed in the Bloomington Herald Times Top 33 Player All-State Team- LB and Indiana Football Coaches Association (IFCA) Top 50 Player All State-LB. In addition, Zach was a two-time IHSAA team state champion on the wrestling team.

Nick Dewig ’07 As a wrestler, Nick Dewig worked his way up to the IHSAA state finals, placing eighth in 2005 and second in 2007. In addition to his excellence on the wrestling team, he was the 2006 team captain of the football team. Brad Niemeier ’08 On the football team, Brad Niemeier was IFCA Junior All State 1st Team in 2006. In 2007, he was IFCA 2A AllState 1st Team and AP 2A All-State 1st Team. On the wrestling team, he was an IHSAA state finalist. Alex Weinzapfel ’08 In 2006, Alex Weinzapfel’s hard work on the football field earned him IFCA Junior All-State. The following year, he was a Kiwanis recipient and IFCA 2A All-State First Team. As a member of the wrestling team, he placed fifth in IHSAA state finals in 2007 and second in 2008. He was also a member of the baseball team, where he was 1st Team All SIAC and 1st Team All City.

SPORTS RECAP: Fall 2015 Gerald Nurrenbern invites Mater Dei fans to have a seat tening for any available. He drove to the University of Missouri in central Missouri to look at bleachers they were selling from their end zone. He will do whatever it takes to assure that Mater Dei fans have a place to sit to watch an athletic event.

For the past 10 years, Gerald Nurrenbern has been providing bleacher seating for Wildcat fans who attend games at Mater Dei’s home fields. He seized the opportunity in 2005 to purchase bleachers for Mater Dei when the Evansville-Vanderburgh School Corporation decided to replace the bleachers at Enlow Field. He was instrumental in getting six sections assembled for seating at the Mater Dei football field for junior varsity and freshman games. Once the girls’ softball team home field was moved to Howell Park, Gerald also made certain that two sections of bleacher seating was available for fans. This past summer, he has worked diligently reassembling the bleachers for the football field after the new artificial turf field was installed and to provide bleachers for the new MD baseball field. Assembling the bleachers for the baseball field

proved challenging since necessary parts were missing. He needed boards, the part of the bleachers that fans walk on, to be able to complete construction. He was able to obtain those from Goebel Soccer Complex this summer. He also is adding a section that is nine rows high for the baseball field. Gerald has six more sections of bleachers, but he does not have the boards. He is always looking and lis-

The 2015 Mater Dei Summer Football Feeder Camp poses for a picture. Mater Dei has been hosting summer athletic camps for grade school students for nearly 40 years. Most of the camps are conducted by the high school coaches, and high school athletes are camp volunteers. The kids enjoy being around the older athletes who help them develop and sharpen their skills.

Gerald not only purchased all of the bleachers and then donated them to Mater Dei, he also has spent hours constructing them and power washing them to make them look like new. As Athletic Director Joe Herrmann states, “We are very fortunate to have Gerald as a volunteer at Mater Dei. The bleacher projects are just one of the many things he does around here. He has taken charge of this project and has completed the majority of the work on his own. Gerald is the type of guy that you just trust to do what is best for the school and let him work.” So we thank Gerald for all of his hard work providing MD spectators with a place to sit and enjoy the game!

Meredith Daunhauer and Ben Sellers, 2015 graduating seniors, were chosen by the Southern Indiana High School Coaches Association to play in the All Star games for softball and baseball this summer. Meredith is continuing her softball career this year at Kentucky Wesleyan College, and Ben is playing baseball for Western Illinois University.

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Mater Dei Capital Campaign Projects update Artificial Turf Field

Tennis Complex

Boots Baumann Field was dedicated on Saturday, August 8, 2015. Although the field was dedicated in August, some of the perimeter work continues, including new lighting, fencing, and seeding and sodding.

Construction is underway on the Steve and Colleen Aichle Tennis Complex. They have made a gift in honor of Steve’s tennis partner Bill Blankenberger. The six court complex will include lighting and post tension concrete surfaces. The construction should be complete in advance of the spring 2016 tennis season.

Entrance Enhancement The entrance has been expanded, including an additional turn lane exiting the campus to enhance the traffic flow. The road will be resurfaced near the end of the project later this fall. Dirt from the south side of the drive (where the convent previously sat) has been moved to the area where the tennis courts will be located. Additional dirt has been hauled in for this area. New storm sewers have been installed around the perimeter of the tennis courts to address drainage issues. A water line feeding the neighborhood to the south of the school was relocated in September. A new marquee will be installed in the front of the school later this school year.


Red& Gold Fall 2015

Kitchen Renovation The full scale renovation of the kitchen is complete. The renovation included flooring, ovens, range, dishwasher, walk-in cooler, walk-in freezer, new plumbing and electrical work. The improvements will enhance the energy efficiency of the kitchen. Moutoux Park Moutoux Park is the home of Mater Dei soccer. New drainage was added to address water issues.

1. 2.




1. Aerial view of Boots Baumann Field. 2. Football players and fans listen as Coach Mike Goebel thanks everyone for their support of the new artificial turf field. 3. Fr. Phil Kreilein, Mater Dei football Chaplain, opens the dedication ceremony with prayer. 4. Senior Kyle Dennis sprinkles holy water on the new football field.


5. Back row (left to right): Brandon ’98 and Lindsey Boots, Ira Gerard ’72 and Terry ’72 Boots, Dan and Andrea ’96 Baumann; front row (left to right): Brylee and Addison Boots, Camden, Grayson, Brody, Alessia and Hadley Baumann.

6. The boys tennis team posed for a team picture on the construction site of the new tennis courts on the Mater Dei campus. The tennis courts are scheduled to be completed at the end of the calendar year and ready for the girls tennis season this spring. Photo courtesy of Straub Photography.

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2015 / 2016


Annual Fund

2015–16 Annual Fund co-chairs Jake ’02 & Katie Schiff When Jake Schiff ’02 was quarterback for Mater Dei, he passed and handed off the ball thousands of times. To win games, his receivers had to catch the ball, the line had to block the opponent and his running backs had to hit the holes. In three years, Jake’s teams only lost three times. In 2000, the Mater Dei Wildcats posted a perfect season, going undefeated and winning the Class 2A state championship. In 2015–16, Jake and his wife Katie will chair the Mater Dei Annual Fund. They know that it will take the whole team—all of Mater Dei’s alumni and friends­— to make this year’s Annual Fund successful. Jake said, “I enjoyed my time


Red& Gold Fall 2015

playing football at Mater Dei (and later ISU), but the classroom was also a favorite place of mine. The time management skills and team approach which were developed are as valuable to me today as they were in high school. I want my son to have that same experience when he grows up, so I know Katie and I need to be involved now at Mater Dei.” After graduating with honors from Mater Dei, Jake went on to play Division I AA football at Indiana State University. He completed his business degree and is now a broker for Hilliard Lyons. Katie is the owner of Pen Pals and Knit Witts, a stationery and yarn shop in Evansville. They also have a two-year-old son, Webber.

“We need more young alumni involved at Mater Dei. Whether you can volunteer or coach or donate, we need your participation. I hope I can ’pass’ this along to the Mater Dei community!”

Mater Dei offers heartfelt thanks to Fr. David Nunning for his leadership as the 2014–15 Annual Fund Chair

“I guess you could say Mater Dei has always been a part of me.”

The Mater Dei community extends a heartfelt thank you to Fr. David Nunning for his leadership and service as the 2014–15 Annual Fund Chair during the 65th Anniversary celebration year. His contributions, and those of his five siblings who graduated from Mater Dei— Marge Basden ’51, Madelyn Eickhoff ’53, Bernard Nunning ’56, Walter Nunning ’58 and Gerald Nunning’64—all helped raise more than $311,000 for Mater Dei High School through the Mater Dei Anniversary Annual Fund. The Nunning children gave in honor of their parents, Oscar and Marie Nunning.

“I have never failed to notice that Mater Dei alumni make a difference throughout our city and nation in business, in church communities, and indeed, wherever they are!” commented Fr. Nunning.

MD Annual Fund Chairs Rev. David

Maurice Berendes ’60 2008–09 Chair

Nunning 2014–15 Chair Butch ’66 & Linda Feulner

Steve Eickhoff ’73 2007–08 Chair

2014–15 Co-Chairs Dan Niemeier ’80 2006–07 Chair

Jim ’88 & Ingrid ’95 Stratman 2012–13 Co-Chairs Mark ’70 & Monie ’70 Freeman 2011–12 Co-Chairs Ira Gerard ’72 &

Steve Moore ’65 2005–06 Chair Ron Hollander ’59 2004–05 Chair Jim Will, Jr. ’76 2003–04 Chair

Terry ’72 Boots 2010–11 Co-Chairs

Ed Knapp ’59 2002–03 Chair

Shirley Bumb Knapp ’50 2009–10 Chair

Andy Goebel ’65 2001–02 Chair

Thank you, Fr. Dave!

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Friends & Alumni News Julia Schenk ’00 co-authored Chapter 6, “Creating Brand Ambassadors: Strategic Online Engagement in a Nonprofit Association,” in Cases on Strategic Social Media Utilization in the Nonprofit Sector, which was published in April 2015. Julia is the marketing and events manager for the National Panhellenic Conference and resides in Indianapolis.

2000s Tammy (Titzer) Hobby ’00 and her husband, Ryan, welcomed their second child, Ryder Matthew on July 14, 2014. Ryder joined big brother Riley.


Jerad Eickhoff ’09 made his Major League Baseball debut this past August for the Philadelphia Phillies. In his first major league game, Jerad pitched six-shutout innings, striking out five, and also hit a two-run single. He became the first Phillies starter in franchise history to drive in multiple runs in his major league debut. While at Mater Dei, Jerad pitched for the Wildcats and also played third base. Mater Dei will continue to follow Jerad and wish him a most successful career in professional baseball.

Heather Maier Hertel ’92 has been named CEO/President of Southwestern Healthcare, Inc. She has worked for Southwestern Healthcare since 2002, and from 2006 to present she served as the Chief Financial Officer. Heather is currently a member of the Mater Dei High School Board of Trustees. Michael Schroeder ’97 and his wife Mary live in Noblesville, Ind., with their three children. Mike recently accepted a job with U.S. News and World Report as a writer and editor. Mary is employed as a junior high language arts teacher at Hamilton Southeastern Schools.


Class Reunions

Josh Elpers ’11 graduated from the University of Southern Indiana with a BS in engineering with an electrical emphasis. He is currently employed as an electrical engineer.

Save the date for the Class of 1966 50th class reunion scheduled for Sept. 23 and 24, 2016. Details are being determined and will be sent to class members at a later date.

Matthew Weber ’93 was recently promoted to Lieutenant Colonel and Incoming Battalion Commander of 2d Battalion, 11th Infantry. Matt entered the military in 1997 after graduating from the University of Notre Dame. He was deployed twice to Iraq during Operation Iraqi Freedom and served in Afghanistan during Operation Enduring Freedom XIV. Matt’s military training and education include Airborne School, Ranger School, the Infantry Officer Basic and Captain’s Career Courses, Mortar Leader and Bradley Leader Courses, Combined Arms and Services Staff School and Naval Post Graduate School. His decorations include the Bronze Star Medal, Meritorious Service Medal, Army Commendation Medal, Army Achievement Medal, Combat Infantryman’s Badge, Expert Infantryman’s Badge, Parachutist’s Badge and Ranger Tab. His most recent assignment was at the Pentagon where he served in the Office of the Director of the Army Staff. Matt is married and has a daughter. Thank you, Matt, for your service to our country.


Red& Gold Fall 2015

Joe Schenk ’04 earned his doctorate in physical therapy and completed a one year residency in orthopaedics. He passed the required exam to earn the designation OCS (Orthopaedic Certified Specialist) in March 2013. He is a physical therapist for OrthoIndy and resides in Indianapolis.

In Memoriam Guy Smyth Mater Dei High School lost a wonderful friend and employee this past summer. Facilities manager Guy Smyth passed away unexpectedly July 3, 2015, at his lake house on Kentucky Lake. Five years ago, Mater Dei President Tad Dickel hired Guy as the facilities manager. It was a match made in heaven. Guy loved Mater Dei and Mater Dei loved Guy. He brought to the job a multitude of skills having been a plumber at Industrial Contractors for many years, retiring in 2009. He had knowledge of all areas of maintenance and no job was too big for him to tackle. He was a kind and caring man. We miss him every day. Guy was a member of St. Joseph Catholic Church in Vanderburgh County, a member of the Board of Directors of the German Township Water District and he served his country in Vietnam. He is survived by his wife of 40 years, Cindy; his daughter, Erin; his son, Ben and his wife, Colleen; and his grandson, Isaac. We continue to keep Guy’s family in our thoughts and prayers.

At left: Guy pictured on Veteran’s Day 2014 with other members of the faculty who served in the military. Left to right: Dave Flick, Guy, Ron Hickman and guest speaker Mike Blake from WFIE Channel 14. At top: Guy and maintenance employee Carol Doninger plant flowers at Mater Dei.

The Mater Dei community remembers those alumni, parents and friends who have passed. May they rest in eternal peace.

William Lehman ’63, of Evansville, Aug. 25, 2015

James Gossman, of Evansville, July 14, 2015

Carl Schenk ’56, of Evansville, July 15, 2015

Mary Lee Knapp, of Evansville, June 15, 2015


Frederick Spahn ’59, of Evansville, July 15, 2015

Ann (Grannan) Blondin ’59, of Evansville, May 17, 2015 Carol (Peters) Griesbacher ’51, of Evansville, June 23, 2015

Rosemary (Woods) Voegel ’51, of Evansville, July 30, 2015 Mildred (Hertel) Weber ’54, of Evansville, Aug. 16, 2015

Shirley (Frank) Haefner ’57, of Evansville, May 30, 2015


Paul Harper ’50, of Evansville, June 5, 2015

Bernie Drone, of Evansville, July 6, 2015

Marie Kohut, of Evansville, June 12, 2015 Earl Yellig, of Evansville, Feb. 12, 2015

Mater Dei Staff Guy Smyth, of Evansville, July 3, 2015 Please email Carol Nurrenbern at cnurrenbern@evvmaterdei.or or call 812-421-5727 to share the passing of MD alumni, parents and friends.

Fall 2015

Red& Gold 15

Please support our fine sponsors! ROYAL GOLD SPONSORS




David ’75 & Chip ’03 CAPITAL ELECTRIC, INC Ben Wagner ’86, Marie Wagner ’86, Cliff Wagner ’88, Mark Wagner ’96, Brent Neitzke ’88 EDWARD JONES Roger A. Nurrenbern ’96, Andrea Dick Brown ’01 FEHRENBACHER CABINETS, INC. Bob ’71, Mary Kay ’71, Peter ’97, Zachary ’00, Patrick ’03 & Sarah ’05 FREEMAN, WILL & NIEMEIER, INC. FREEMAN, WILL, NIEMEIER & HESTON, LLC Patrick B. Freeman ’65, P. Evan Freeman ’90, Stephanie Helfrich Freeman ’91 Elissa Freeman Higgins ’94, M. Ethan Freeman ’00 Emily Freeman ’02 & Jordan Raben ’05 HELFRICH REALTORS George P. Helfrich ’69, Sally Helfrich Green ’78, Stephanie Helfrich Freeman ’91, Peter D. Helfrich ’99, Jeremy Kempf, Bill Long, Carla Waelde KEMPF’S DONUT BANK Harold ’54, Chris ’77, Lindsey ’81, Ben ’85 & Joe ’91 PIERRE FUNERAL HOME Gary ’61 & Susie ’62, John ’88, Jim ’89 & Lori ’89 SCHNEIDER HEAT & AIR, INC. Jeff & Judith Siemers Schneider ’79, Catherine Schneider ’14 SIEMERS GLASS Jane ’81 & Mark Weinzapfel ’80, Jake ’06, Mac ’08, Ali ’11 & Jack ’13 MATT ZELLER ELECTRIC Matt Zeller ’09


Red& Gold Fall 2015

LAPPE HEATING & A/C Ed Lappe ’82, Dan Lappe ’77 & Dave Lappe ’03 MORROW MECHANICAL SERVICES, INC. Tony Morrow MUENSTERMAN FIRESTONE, INC. Tom ’73, Steve ’76, Jerry ’79, Mark ’83 & Bob ’87 OHIO VALLEY INSULATION COMPANY, INC. Scott ’80, Beth ’80, Dustin ’05, Logan ’08, Faith ’10, Brooke ’11 & Joel Slaton PAUL’S MENSWEAR, INC. Steve ’73, John ’78 & Brian ’99 Eickhoff PROFESSIONAL EYECARE ASSOCIATES Todd Niemeier, O.D. ’91, Andrew Moore, O.D., Morgan Hussmann, O.D. PROREHAB, PC Andrea (Boots) Baumann ’96, Stacey (Stonecipher) Turnery ’94, Alex Weinzapfel ’08, Drew Lappe ’08, Seth Brunner, Anne Basden ’86, Julie Buedel ’98, Tim Weinzapfel ’89 SCHROEDER’S LANDSCAPES AND AQUATIC NURSERY John ’78, Tammy ’80, Quinn ’11, Branson ’13 SOUTHWEST GRAFIX & APPAREL, INC. Rose Ann ’60, Mary ’82, Mike ’83, Michelle ’85 Mark ’89, Schelly ’89, Julian ’15, Brendan ’16, Nolan ’18 MARK A. TORNATTA, DDS Mark A. Tornatta ’69, Jeanne Tornatta ’69, Chris ’97, Jennifer ’00, Sarah ’02 TRI-STATE ORTHOPAEDICS SURGEONS Dr. Terrence A. Alvey ’80, Phil Rawley ’97 WILDERMAN ENTERPRISES, LLC dba ST. WENDEL AUTO PARTS & SERVICE Dennis Wildeman ’68

2014−15 The Mater Dei Annual Report is published each year to recognize and encourage those who further the mission of Mater Dei High School through their gifts of time, talent and treasure. The Mater Dei Annual Fund Honor Roll of Donors is produced by the Mater Dei High School Office of Institutional Advancement.

Help make Catholic education possible for students today Dear Alumni and Friends, For several years, we have published an Honor Roll of Donors and Annual Report. We typically include the names of the many benefactors who generously support Mater Dei through the Annual Fund, and we include statistics and graphs listing our financial performance. The listing of names demonstrates how the community comes together to support Mater Dei, and the financial reporting is an attempt at transparency and an opportunity to raise awareness of the resources needed to operate the school. However, it is important to note that these names and financial reports represent much more than how they appear on the pages of this publication.

Mater Dei is only able to provide lifechanging experiences for students through the generosity of our donors and the careful stewardship of our resources. Here are a couple examples: • The Freshman Retreat was held in September. An overwhelming number of students reported that this retreat enriched their spiritual lives and they understood the importance of providing these opportunities for all students. • Numerous Mater Dei alumni college students indicate feeling extremely prepared for the demands of college. They credit their Mater Dei education for their success in college. One of the best aspects of my position is connecting with alumni. Many alumni continue to volunteer regularly at Mater Dei, and I often hear that they do this to give back for the formation received at Mater Dei. All beneficiaries of a Mater Dei education were helped as a result of the sacrifices of parents, alumni, friends, teachers, priests, sisters, parishes, etc. To those who already support Mater Dei,

we thank you. If you do not currently support Mater Dei, would you consider helping make a Catholic education possible for students today? Mary, Mater Dei, pray for us! Sincerely,

Timothy A. Dickel, Ph.D. President

Mater Dei High School Sponsored Awards & Scholarships The following were awarded to 2015 graduating seniors:

Len Will Scholarship: Ben Sellers and Amanda Herrmann

Bret Schnur Memorial Scholarship: Andrew Folz

Mater Dei Friends and Alumni Scholarship: Rebecca DeCarli

Fr. William Deering Memorial Scholarship: Megan Lucas

Mater Dei Softball Boosters Club Scholarship: Meredith Daunhauer, Allison Farmer, Megan Hunt, Sydney Seger, Megan Wildeman, Haley Winiger

Michelle Diane Greenwell Scholarship: Paige Niemeier Gerald Parkinson Memorial Scholarship: Sam Bassemier Jack Oliver Scholarship: Jared Becker and Eva Traylor Jack Seimers Scholarship: Riley Shanks and Megan Wildeman James A. Niemeier Memorial Wrestling Scholarship: Alex Johnson


Mater Dei-ville Citizenship Award: Ben Sellers Mater Dei-ville Student Council Leadership Scholarship: Eva Traylor Thomas O. Tighe Memorial Tennis Scholarship: Tara Seibert

Annual Fund Projects

Annual Fund Projects 2014–15

Thank you to all who supported the Mater Dei Annual Fund last year. Each year a needs assessment is conducted to determine the areas requiring improvement and upgrading. The following were the projects targeted for the 2014–15 Annual Fund and how the dollars were distributed:

Tuition Assistance $90,000 Need-based assistance to help students afford a Catholic education at Mater Dei

Classroom Equipment and Furniture $30,000 New student desks and furniture will be purchased to replace older classroom equipment Whiteboards will replace original chalkboards

Capital Reserve $25,000 A reserve was established several years ago to provide for large capital expenditures and protect the school from unexpected maintenance issues Funds have been earmarked to resurface and restripe the main parking lot

Youth First Support $15,000 Mater Dei’s Youth First Social Worker is available for students that are experiencing personal and social issues

Annual Fund Projects 2015–16

Technology $25,000 Audio visual (av) equipment for Kempf Auditorium Av equipment for nunning media center Content specific and administrative software

Faculty and Staff $25,000 Teacher and staff professional development Youth first social worker support

Classroom Equipment and Furniture $30,000 New student desks and furniture Classroom whiteboards

Parking Lot Upgrade/Capital Reserve $25,000 Resurface and restripe the main parking lot (upper and lower lots) in 2017–18

Professional Development $15,000 Teacher and staff training and conferences to foster continuous improvement

Maintenance Enhancements $15,000 New equipment to replace less efficient tools and machinery

Technology-Software $15,000 Content-specific and administrative software

Spiritual Enrichment Programs $10,000 Will purchase Day by Day prayer books for all graduating seniors Fund retreat programs Fund guest speakers

Media Center and Audio Visual Equipment $10,000 New equipment for renovated media center Audio visual equipment for auditorium use


Landscaping $20,000 Landscaping to beautify the entrance to the school

Maintenance Equipment $15,000 Various tools & machinery, including a carpet cleaner

Spiritual Enrichment Programs $15,000 Post baccalaureate event for all graduating seniors Day by day prayer books for all graduating seniors Student retreat programs Guest speakers Tuition assistance

Tuition Assistance $90,000 Need-based assistance to help students afford a Catholic education at Mater Dei


Honor Roll of Donors 2014–15 19

Planned giving grows at Mater Dei Mater Dei’s Ave Maria Planned Giving and Endowment Society continues to offer opportunities for someone to make a lasting gift. Established in 2010 and named after our patroness, the Virgin Mary, there are now 126 members of the Ave Maria Society including twelve new members in 2014–15. Individuals may gain membership through a gift now or make a plan for a gift which will benefit Mater Dei High School upon their death. However someone becomes a member of the Ave Maria Society, Mater Dei is forever grateful for your generosity. Special thanks to the new members listed below who joined the Ave Maria Society in 2014–15. To find out how you can become a member, contact Timothy A. Dickel, or Sarah Wagner, or by calling 812-421-5727.

Ave Maria Society New Members Juanita Byers James† and Doris ’52 Dewig Harold and Shirley Kempf L arry ’59 and DiAnne ’60 Kremer

James A. Niemeier ’69† A l ’55 and Darlene ’55 Weinzapfel J erome and Helen Weinzapfel

Marian Educational Outreach Each year since 2000, Marian Educational Outreach (MEO) has provided financial support to the LIFE (Learning Is For Everyone) Resource program at Mater Dei. Over fifty students with unique learning needs participate in this program. MEO is a non-profit organization and generates its funds from solicitation, grant writing, and fundraising efforts. Their annual signature fundraising event, MEO IDOL, is held in the spring. In 2014–15, MEO provided $35,000 in funding which supplements salaries for a full time resource teacher and a full time teaching assistant. MEO also supports professional development for Mater Dei and feeder school teachers. Students that participate in the LIFE Resource Program utilize iPads that were funded by MEO. We sincerely thank MEO for their continued generosity and their dedication to helping all students succeed academically.

New Endowments for Mater Dei Mater Dei High School now has 48 endowments established to promote the mission of the school. In 2014–15, $72,706.96 in annual distributions was received and used for the various purposes each endowment indicates. This income and future distributions offer Mater Dei gifts in perpetuity and continues the legacy of the donor for many years. Special thanks to the individuals who helped create and fund the following new endowments in 2014–15. J ames† and Doris Dewig Endowment for MD facilities M ike† and Clarita† Ellert Endowment for the Mike and Clarita Ellert Citizen Award for Mater Dei B utch and Linda Feulner Endowment for Mater Dei High School H arold and Shirley Kempf Family Endowment for Mater Dei spiritual and religion areas D iAnne and Larry Kremer Educational Endowment for Mater Dei classroom technology 40% and Mater Dei tuition assistance 60%

J ack† and Ann† MacGregor Endowment for Mater Dei High School J ames A. Niemeier† Wrestling Endowment for Mater Dei scholarship A l and Darlene Weinzapfel and Family Endowment for Mater Dei operating costs 50% and Mater Dei athletics 50% J erry and Helen Weinzapfel Endowment for Mater Dei High School J erry and Helen Weinzapfel Tuition Assistance Endowment for Mater Dei High School

Matching Gifts Support Annual Fund Matching gifts provide tremendous support for the Mater Dei Annual Fund. In 2014–15, Mater Dei received $6,519 in matching gifts. Donors to the Annual Fund who had their gifts matched through the matching gift program of the employers are marked with an *. If a company has a matching gift program, the process of obtaining a gift is usually as simple as completing a form. A special thank you to our donors and the following matching gift companies and corporate foundations for their continued support of Mater Dei High School. Bank of America Benevity BP Foundation Bristol-Myers Squibb Foundation, Inc. Coco Coal Enterprises

Eli Lilly and Company Foundation GE Foundation

Scripps Howard Foundation

Springleaf Finance Mead Johnson Nutrition Foundation, Inc. United Way of Northern Old National Bank New Mexico Koch Foundation, Inc.

† Deceased

Catholic Education Foundation The Catholic Education Foundation supports Mater Dei by providing need-based tuition assistance for families through a confidential and comprehensive application process. For the 2014–15 school year, CEF awarded $103,553 in tuition grants to 88 Mater Dei students. Mater Dei would like to thank the Catholic Education Foundation for their dedication to helping families receive a Catholic education!


Prudential Foundation

Board of Trustees

Mater Dei Board of Trustees 2015–16

Front row left to right: JoAnn Laugel, Judy Blankenberger, Missy Rexing, Theo Boots, Heather Hertel, Tad Dickel; back row left to right: Brian Goebel, Jake Martin, Terry Clements, Andy Goebel, Dennis Niemeier, Fr. Ed Schnur; not pictured: Matt Folz and Wes Wilmes

Honor Roll of Donors 2014–15 21

Thank you to those businesses and

individuals who supported our special events.


Bingo Game Sponsors ($50)

Wellness Sponsor ($2,000)

Hilliard Lyons

Mulzer Crushed Stone

St. Boniface Friday Night Bingo

Family Medicine Associates

Lensing Building Specialties

The Robert Mehringer Family

March 15, 2015

Tim and Lisa McGuire

Event Sponsors ($1,500)

Lochmueller Group, Inc.

Hole-In-One Sponsors ($750)

Rainbow Sponsor ($1,000)

Ashton Computer

Deaconess Health System

Merrill Lynch

Reid Oral Surgery

Capital Electric, Inc.

Curley’s Auto Body

Koch Foundation, Inc.

Nephrology Associates, L.L.C.

Family Medicine Associates


Old National Bank

Monarch Beverage Co.

Ziemer Stayman Weitzel & Shoulders

Beverage Sponsor ($500)

June 22, 2015

Team Sponsors ($1,500)

Pettinga Financial

Enviroplas, Inc.

Platinum Sponsor ($5,000)

Capital Electric, Inc.

Pioneer Plastics

D-Patrick, Inc.

Progressive Health Rehabilitation

Dinner Sponsor ($500)

St. Mary’s

Donut Bank Bakeries, Inc.

Raben Tire Company, Inc.

Robert Mehringer Family

The Tradition Foursome, In Honor of Charles H. Braun Jr., MD ’59 ($2,500)

Enviroplas Inc.

Schiff Air Conditioning & Heating

Fifth Third Bank


Alan Braun

Fourth Street Solutions

Vectren Corporation

Big X Game Sponsor ($100)

Media Sponsor ($10,000 in-kind)

German American Bank Andrew E. Goebel

ECHS Player Sponsors ($500-$1000)

Tracy Zeller Jewelry


Gribbins Insulation

Action Pest Control

Big Auction Sponsor ($500)

Entertainment Sponsor ($500) Robert Mehringer Family

Omni Plastics, LLC

Tee Box Sponsors ($250) All in the Family Dental Mr. Dave Heathcott Keystone Financial Consulting Midwest Sheet Metal Payne Wealth Partners Mr. Mark Samila

Mater Dei High School: 2014–15 Financial Statement Income Tuition & Fees Diocesan/Parish Support Development TOTAL

Dollar Amount $2,890,693 $1,124,892 $591,922 $4,607,507

Percent 63% 24% 13% 100%

Expenses Salaries and Benefits Operations Student Support TOTAL

Dollar Amount $3,354,576 $1,046,967 $198,390 $4,599,932

Percent 73% 23% 4% 100%

Total Cost per Student * First-Student Tuition

$8,795 $5,490

* The actual cost of educating a student is $8,795 per year. Families pay $5,490 tuition for the 1st child. The difference is made up by parish assessment and development efforts.

“A sample comparision of 11 Indiana Catholic high schools reveals a $8,078 first-student average tuition for 2015–16. From this sampling, Mater Dei ranks #1 in first-student tuition costs of $5,760. Lower-than-average tuition costs are directly attributed to significant parish, alumni and community support, both in finances and service. Thank you for your continued investment in Catholic education at Mater Dei.” — Karen Liley, Business Manager 22 MATER DEI HIGH SCHOOL

Honor Roll of Donors: Special Event Sponsors Tomorrow’s Work Force September 24, 2014 Director Level ($10,000$14,999) The Koch Foundation Partner Level ($5,000$9,999) Old National Bank Principal Level ($2,500$4,999) Fifth Third Bank Harding, Shymanski & Company, P.S.C.

Investor Level ($1,000$2,499)

Associate Level ($500-$999)

Kahn Dees Donovan & Kahn LLP

Dan & Laura Hoefling

ARC Construction Co.

Schultheis Insurance Agency

Marshall G.Howell M.D.

Accuride Corporation

Blankenberger Brothers, Inc.

Sterling Boiler & Mechanical

Human Resource Support, Inc.

ALCOA Warrick Operations

Bert & Chicca Brougham

The Hollander Group

J. E. Shekell, Inc.


Tri-State Orthopaedic Surgeons, Inc.

Andy and Jackie Cosgrove

CH Robinson

University of Southern Indiana

J W Associates School Equipment Specialists, Inc.

Deaconess Hospital

Donut Bank Bakeries, Inc.

Christopher & Gail Wolking

Joe Kiefer

Dean & Karen Bosler

Enviroplas, Inc.

Evansville Regional Business Committee, Inc.

Member Level ($250-$499)

First Federal Savings Bank


German American Bank

Bussing-Koch Foundation, Inc.

Gribbins Insulation

Capital Electric, Inc.

Lehman Roofing, Inc.

Catholic Diocese of Evansville

Lensing Building Specialties

Energy Systems Group, LLC

Matrix Integration, LLC Auntie Anne’s Pretzels

Evansville Teachers Federal Credit Union

Midwest Roofing-Sheet Metal

Evansville Courier & Press

Pioneer Plastics, Inc.

Eric & Sara Miller

Foster, O’Daniel & Hambidge, LLP

Pro-Tex-All Company

Mike & Gretchen Miller

Brian & Wendy Goebel

Southwestern Healthcare, Inc.

David H. Nunning

Hafer Associates PC

Stephen & Wendy Thomas

Ohio Valley Financial Group

Happe & Sons Construction, Inc.

United Fidelity Bank

Orthopaedic Associates

Hasgoe Cleaning Systems

Pierre Funeral Home

Henderson Chevrolet Buick GMC

Ziemer Stayman Weitzel & Shoulders

Progressive Health

Wayne & Jewell Henning

Andrew & Darlene Goebel Industrial Contractors SKANSKA Jackson Kelly, PLLC Robert M. & Marguerite Kent

Herman Family Foundation

Norbert & Madonna Niemeier

Indiana University School of Medicine Evansville

Omni Plastics, LLC

ProRehab, PC

SABIC Innovative Plastics

Raben Tire Company, Inc.

Shoe Carnival

South Central Communications

Thyme in the Kitchen

St. Mary’s Medical Center

Tucker Publishing Group

Warehouse Services, Inc.

University of Evansville

Radiopharmacy, Inc.

Vectren Foundation

Dennis & Catherine Lamey Lang Company Manion Stigger, LLP Jeff & Debbie Marx Massey Law Offices, LLC Steve & Rita Moore Oak Hill Pharmacy Jon & Jane Perkins

Honor Roll of Donors: Giving Levels

Mater Dei High School gratefully acknowledges all those who have contributed to the Mater Dei Annual Fund. The total raised through the Annual Fund last year was $311,540. Donors whose gifts were received during the period beginning July 1, 2014, and ending June 30, 2015, are listed below. * Indicates donors whose contributions were matched by their employers. † Indicates donor is deceased.

IMMACULATE ASSEMBLY $10,000 + Ken & Diana Arbary Ira Gerard ’72 & Terry ’72 Boots Thomas ’65 & Debbie Borries

THE MONSIGNOR LAUTNER LEAGUE $5,000–$9,999 Doris Dewig ‘52 Richard ’64 & Louise Elpers Andrew ’65 & Darlene ’64 Goebel * Eric Gries ’88 Harold ’54 & Shirley Kempf Robert ’58 & Mary Lue ’58 Russler Al ’55 & Darlene ’55 Weinzapfel

The FATHER DEWIG FELLOWSHIP $2,500–$4,999 Anonymous Terence ’80 & Jean ’81 Alvey Steven ’65 & Judy Blankenberger Matthew ’96 & Amanda ’97 Bohleber Butch ’66 & Linda Feulner

Kenneth ’65 & Diane King Edward ’59 & Judy ’60 Knapp Robert ’56 & Cynthia Koch * Lawrence ’59 & DiAnne ’60 Kremer MD Class of 1964 Gerald Nurrenbern James ’61 & Sandra ’63 Weinzapfel Roselle Weinzapfel ’54 Eileen Will ’51

QUEEN’S COURT $1,000–$2,499 Anonymous Ronald ’64 & Margaret ’66 Angermeier Sam & June Baker Richard ’79 & Rhonda ’79 Baumgart * Patrick & Beth Blankenberger Alan ’62 & Sharon Braun * Rev. Raymond Brenner Mark and Nancy Brust Cherie ’75 & Jerry Burgdorf * Wilfred C. & Phyllis Bussing Robert ’71 & Mary Kay ’71 Fehrenbacher Eric ’92 & Tresa ’93 Goebel

Jerry ’60 & Pamela ’60 Gries John ’59 & Donna ’61 Hamilton Andrew ’95 & Anna Hart David ’61 & Catherine ’64 Hartmann Wade ’80 & Karen Hickam Dale ’58 & Marty Hillenbrand Ronald ’59 & Kathy Hollander David ’73 & Mindy Jochem Gilbert & Marcia Jochem Robert & Marcia Kassenbrock Paul ’67 & Nancy ’67 Mayer Tony & Debbie Morrow James & Mary Kay ’58 Muehlbauer Lucas Nelson ’06 Stephen ’65 & Stephanie Niemeier Thomas ’55 & Joan ’55 Niemeier James ’89 & Lori ’89 Pierre Brian ’98 & Erin Pope Richard ’66 & Karen Reising Logan Riggs ’02 * Roy & Barbara (Kempf) ’64 Ritzert & Family David ’70 & Darlene ’70 Robinson Donald & Patricia Rupprecht Oliver & Mary Ann Schapker Gerald ’61 & Julia ’61 Schreiber James ’78 & Sue Seibert

South Central Communications Corporation Robert & Ruthmae Spahn * Steven ’86 & Keri Spahn James ’88 & Ingrid ’95 Stratman Cyril & Wilma Ubelhor Brian & Diane Wannemuehler * Robert ’58 & Judy Wargel

ROYAL GOLD SOCIETY $500–$999 Jay ’93 & Sarah ’93 Adams ALCOA Warrick Operations Paul ’73 & Barbara ’73 Angermeier William Basden ’83 Richard ’79 & Rhonda ’79 Baumgart Maurice ’60 & Cherie ’60 Berendes Jon & Kathy Black Brandon ’98 & Lindsey Boots Larry ’60 & Ginger Boots Timothy ’80 & Theo Boots Jack ’60 & Phyllis ’72 Corn Barry Cox Anthony ’77 & Nancy Deig * Timothy ’76 & Martha ’78 Dick Timothy & Andrea Dickel

Michael Drake ’72 & Nancy Tarsitano Wayne ’70 & Diane ’71 Emge Rita ’55 & Dick Eykamp Zachary ’00 & Jennifer ’00 Fehrenbacher Robert ’71 & Nancy ’71 Fischer Matthew ’91 & Kristen ’91 Folz Russel ’85 & Laura ’88 Fulton David ’60 & Nancy Gerteisen Thomas ’71 & Karen ’71 Goebel Jerry ’65 & Barbara ’65 Goedde Larry ’65 & Carol ’65 Goedde Harold ’51 & Sylvia ’53 Gossman Judy ’60 & Bob Griffin Brian ’92 & Heather ’92 Hertel Tricia ’86 & Jeff Henning Joshua ’99 & Lauren Hodge * John Hoos ’58 Randall ’74 & Cynthia Hupfer * Daniel & Sharon Kaiser Vickie ’70 & John Kane Ted ’60 & Berta ’64 Kares Robert & Marguerite Kent John Kern ’55 James Kissel ’00 Edward ’85 & Jacqueline ’85 Knapp

Honor Roll of Donors 2014–15 23

Honor Roll of Donors Jason Kuester ’01 JoAnn Layman ’60 Todd ’88 & Kelly Lehman Robert Ludwig ’73 Suzanna ’70 & Melvin Martin J. Samuel ’92 & Dorianne Marx Thomas & Carol McKinney Kevin ’91 & Erin ’94 Moore Stephen ’65 & Rita ’66 Moore Daniel ’80 & Laura ’80 Niemeier William ’51 & Dorothy ’51 Niemeier * Bernard ’56 & Mary Jane Nunning * Rev. David Nunning John Rebstock ’55 Kent ’77 & Laura ’80 Reddington *


Ray Rexing ’59 Stephen Sanford ’59 James ’96 & Casi ’97 Schiff Mark & Amy ’90 Schlachter David ’68 & Mary Schmitt Ronald ’55 & Judy Schnepper Rev. Edward Schnur Janice ’64 & Larry Schuble Christopher Spahn ’95 * Philip & Angela Stephenson William & Bettye Stevenson * Clifford ’88 & Sarah ’88 Wagner Robert ’56 & Carol ’60 Wagner Eugene ’72 & Eveline Wannemuehler Marlene Weaver ’50 Robert ’57 & JoAnn ’63 Weber Charles ’65 & Sang Wildeman James ’76 & Karen Will Philip ’94 & Abby Zenthoefer

John ’82 & Jeanne Dewig Trina ’88 & Fred Doepker David Ellison ’65 Samuel ’92 & Lana ’93 Ellison Gerard ’70 & Pamela Ellspermann Brian Elpers ’90 Kenneth & Barbara Elpers Patrick Fehrenbacher ’03 Peter ’97 & Jodi Fehrenbacher Tony ’94 & Jessica Fehrenbacher Thomas ’56 & Delores ’56 Folz Rebecca ’74 & Donald Fuchs V. Ray ’60 & Kathy ’65 Funke Brian ’88 & Wendy Goebel Raymond ’63 & Janette ’65 Gries Tom & Rosemary Hall Daniel ’83 & Teresa Haller Ronald ’65 & Marjorie ’63 Hartmann Lisa ’76 & Joseph Henderson Mark ’81 & Michelle ’81 Herrmann

$250–$499 Bradley Angermeier ’98 Ted ’75 & Diane Barron Andrea ’96 & Daniel Baumann David ’67 & Jane ’68 Baumgart Maurice ’64 & Sharon ’64 Baumgart Elgene ’53 & Robert Beckerle James Beyer ’66 Rick Blankenberger Larry ’56 & Rose ’55 Breivogel Aaron ’94 & Jennifer Couture * Donald & Barbara Deig


Karen ’75 & Keith Hinderliter John & Jane Hodge George Hollander ’78 Mary Hupfer ’80 Pauletta ’83 & Gregory Jeter Randall ’70 & Sylvia Jochim Ryan ’95 & Natalie ’00 Kassenbrock Matthew Kiefer ’02 Allan ’64 & Mary Helen Knapp Nancy ’58 & Robert Knowles Eric Kohut ’85 Ruby Koressel ’53 Patricia Krack ’62 Rose Kuhn ’55 Edward ’82 & Lorri ’83 Lappe

Barbara Price ’62 Sandra ’80 & David Quick Denny & Cassie Quinn Jon ’83 & Barbara ’83 Raben Eric Reffett ’04 Michael & Michele Reffett Kenneth ’65 & Rita ’65 Rexing Mary Rose Rexing Robert ’59 & Linda ’59 Rheinlander Joyce ’59 & Patrick Rhoades Barbara Richardt ’64 Mary ’79 & Daniel Ritter Jay & Vicki Rohleder Rosella ’52 & William Rust Christopher & Rose Sartore

JoAnn Laugel ’66 Sharon Layman Mark ’73 & Susan Lutterbach John ’83 & Amy ’83 Macke Rebecca ’66 & Edward Maier Jeffrey ’82 & Donna ’82 Martin Michael ’68 & Rita Martin Bernice ’60 & Robert Marx Donald ’59 & Karen Mayer Vicki McCracken ’74 Susan Delay ’86 Edward & Judy Messal Francis Miller, Jr. ’63 Kenneth ’75 & Janice Miller Kathy Muneio ’76 Norbert ’65 & Madonna ’65 Niemeier Gerald ’76 & Paula ’81 Parkinson Jeffrey ’81 & Karen ’84 Parkinson Sandra ’85 & Tom Phelps

Evelyn Schickel ’55 Martha Schmitt ’55 Richard ’57 & Emilie ’59 Seib James ’51 & Barbara Stratman Dennis ’85 & Kim Straub Angela ’89 & Eric Strehl Doris ’68 & Homer Taylor David ’83 & Buffy Wannemuehler Matthew ’75 & Pam ’75 Wannemuehler Robert Waterman ’72 Jay & Sue Wathen Robert Wathen ’66 Michael ’92 & Lisa Weber Dan Weinzapfel ’75 Vernette Weis Francis & Betty Will Michael & Elaine Will David ’64 & Gail Williamson Albert Patrick Wolf ’54

CENTURY CLUB $100–$249 Rev. Donald Ackerman Steven ’65 & Jo Lynn ’68 Adams Jodi ’75 & Mark Adcock Adam ’00 & Abby Adler Jeffrey ’84 & Ellen ’93 Adler Gilbert ’55 & Rose Adler Sherri ’76 & Ralph Adler Teri Hollander Albin ’84 & David Albin Chris ’76 & Susan Alcorn Clarence & Charlene Altstadt David ’03 & Megan ’03 Altstadt David ’75 & Cynthia ’75 Altstadt Leo ’62 & Marian ’63 Alvey Roger & Bonnie Ambrose Lucas Angermeier ’99 Jeffrey Anslinger ’01 Steven ’83 & Keri ’86 Anslinger Julie Arafeh ’76 Mary Jo ’61 & Larry Bacon Ronald ’65 & Karen Bacon David Baehl ’58 Paul ’58 & Sylvia ’63 Baehl Sherri Barron ’71 & David Poetker Matt & Pauline Bartek * William ’79 & Jennifer Bartek * John Barthel ’65 William ’60 & Kathleen ’61 Barthel Margaret Basden ’51 Joseph ’56 & Mary Lee ’56 Bassemier Joan ’71 & Randall Bauer * Christopher Baumgart ’08 Mariann Baumgartner ’58 Heather Beach ’88 Lawrence ’90 & Farrah ’94 Beard Earl ’62 & Claudette ’63 Becher Robert ’53 & Colleen ’57 Behme Joseph ’85 & Theresa ’86 Berendes Susan ’78 & Mark Best Leo ’55 & Mary Ann ’57 Bittner Rev. James Blessinger Jacob ’00 & Carrie ’00 Boehman D. Vincent ’83 & Kathy ’83 Boots Erin ’78 & Richard Born James Borries ’67 Russell ’67 & Mary ’68 Borst Kathy ’82 & Mat Brainerd Stephen ’62 & Margaret Braun Kathy ’70 & John Brendel Amy ’84 & John Brennan Ronald ’52 & Pat Browning Kathleen Buchanan ’72 Jeffrey ’77 & Terry Buckman Frank ’69 & Joan Buerger Anna ’57 & Jerry Burdette Donna Helfrich-Busan ’76 Jeana Campbell ’74 Margaret ’64 & Roland Carlson Stephen ’61 & Jo Marie ’61 Charlson Justin ’56 & Shirley ’59 Clements Carolyn ’54 & Edward Combs Janet Bauer-Correa ’75 Richard & Emma Jean Couture Kristen Cox ’11 Terry Crane ’56

Honor Roll of Donors Cathy ’67 & Joe Crowdus Randy Cutrell ’73 Kurt & Amy Daunhauer Elizabeth ’65 & Harry Davidson Patrick ’75 & Rita Debes Mary ’58 & Harold Decamps Julie Deeg ’72 Sandie Deig Melanie ’95 & Brian Denning Donald ’54 & Cindy DeVillez Jason ’00 & Kirby ’04 Dewig Ryan ’02 & Kara ’03 Dewig Thomas Dick ’54 Bridget ’89 & Randy Dickerson Judith ’65 & Joseph Dickman Rev. Donald Dilger Dale & Cathy Drake Carolyn Drury ’55 Norma ’54 & Bob Duncan Julie ’82 & Mike Dunn Jennifer ’02 & Douglas Dyhrkopp Rita Eades ’52 John & Ann East Donald Eickhoff ’81 Mitchell ’07 & Mallory ’06 Eickhoff Steven ’73 & Shawn Eickhoff Robert ’58 & Sally ’59 Elfreich Stanton ’65 & Shirley Elfreich Sara Ellert ’77 Francis Elpers ’60 Kathleen ’65 & Flavien Elpers Rita ’57 & Eugene Elpers James & Kristie Elsner Michael ’02 & Jennifer ’03 Elsner Suzanne ’60 & Roger Emge Ronald ’63 & Myrtle Englert Nichole ’97 & Caleb Eyer Kevin ’95 & Lisa ’96 Farmer David Fechtmeister ’62 James ’70 & Carol Fechtmeister David ’63 & Elizabeth Fehrenbacher Mark ’70 & Deborah Fehrenbacher Richard ’64 & Judy ’63 Fehrenbacher Alan ’64 & Norma Feldhaus Marvin ’58 & Judith Feldhaus Dennis ’70 & Scarlett ’70 Feldhaus James Fischer ’70 Joseph ’70 & Donna ’70 Fischer Richard ’80 & Sara ’81 Fischer Steven ’76 & Janet ’76 Fischer J.D. Fleck ’84 Judith Fleck ’61 Michele ’79 & Donald Fleming Eric ’92 & Jennifer ’93 Folz Francis ’54 & Rose Folz James ’68 & Karen Folz Linda ’70 & Michael Folz Ronald ’77 & Beth Ann Folz Patrick ’65 & Jeanne Freeman Rosemary Freeman Elizabeth ’60 & Samuel Fulton Gallagher Niemeier Interiors, Inc. Allison ’05 & Keith Garrard Joseph ’65 & Connie Gelarden Cyril ’58 & Barb Gerteisen Martha Gilles Charles Goebel ’68 Cory Goebel ’05

Gary ’72 & Cynthia ’73 Goebel Ronald ’63 & Vella Goebel Tony ’68 & Zetta Goebel Michael ’78 & Melissa Gossman * Darrell Graves ’56 Barbara Griepenstroh ’75 Donald ’63 & Margaret Gries Kevin ’93 & Rachel Gries Mark ’65 & Evelyn ’66 Guetling Dean & Tonya Haas Doris Haase ’63 Eileen Haase ’60 Daryl & Jill Hagan Linda Hague ’62 Kathy ’65 & David Halbig Larry ’59 & Carol ’60 Haller Jason ’90 & Rebekah Hamilton John & Helen Hamilton John ’69 & Donna Hamilton Robert Hamilton ’57 Joan Hansen ’57 Dean ’84 & Laura Happe Jeff ’84 & Leanne Happe Ann ’85 & Chris Harper Robert Harrison ’70 Patricia Hartman ’50 Herman ’53 & Judy Hartweck Keith ’77 & Barbara ’79 Hartz Patricia ’59 & Thomas Hartz Patricia ’60 & Martin Hasenour J. Lynn ’82 & Clare ’82 Hassler Joseph ’56 & Sandra ’63 Hatfield Stephanie Hauschild ’91 Daniel & Susanne Hayden Jeffrey ’76 & Donna Hayden Sarah ’02 & Matthew Hayes Michael ’58 & Jennie ’61 Head Patrick ’59 & Nina Heil Stephen ’70 & Beverly ’68 Helfert George ’69 & Marsha Helfrich Peter ’99 & Shay ’00 Helfrich Stephen ’55 & Barbara Helfrich Wayne & Jewell Henning Gary ’64 & Dianne Herrmann Charlene ’65 & Lawrence Hess Peter & Connie Hillenbrand Beth ’93 & Brian Hirshberg * Donald ’51 & Rita ’53 Hoefling Timothy ’89 & Jennifer Hollander Daniel ’62 & Rosemarie ’66 Horstman Dolores Hupfer Patricia ’51 & Robert Jackson Walter ’58 & Dolores Jankowski Richard Jarboe ’61 Ronald ’66 & Alice Jenkins David & Ann Johns Marc & Marcia Johnson Ann ’66 & John Johnston * Edward ’71 & Eileen Johnstone * Chester ’59 & Patricia ’59 Jost Wilma ’55 & Todd Kain * James ’87 & Elaine Kaiser Neil ’98 & Jessica ’00 Kassenbrock Keith & Christina Kelley Paul Kelsey ’68 Rachel Ketzner ’05 John Kiefer ’00 *

Gerry Kiesel Jeremy ’97 & Libby ’97 Kiesel Jack ’58 & Carole ’60 Kinsler Clarence ’60 & Joanne Kirby Jerome ’70 & Mary Jo ’70 Kirchoff Thomas ’78 & Shellee Klausmeier Brian Knapp ’97 Elvira Knapp Jerome ’68 & Judith ’68 Knapp John & Beth Knapp Mary ’58 & William Knapp * Thomas ’67 & Linda ’67 Knapp * Carroll Knight ’62 Darin ’85 & Marti ’90 Knight Nicholas ’97 & Jennifer ’97 Knight Thomas Knowles ’82 Paul ’65 & Joyce ’67 Koch Susan Koenig ’67 Allen & Lori Koester Lisa ’72 & Bruce Kohl Jeffrey Kohut ’86 Philip Kohut ’68 Blake ’02 & Jennifer ’00 Kollker Rebecca Koontz ’67 Rev. James Koressel Michael ’74 & Rendie Koressel Daniel ’84 & Julie Kruse Donald & Margaret Kuhlenschmidt Barbara Lamble ’66 Dustin ’98 & Alisha ’97 Lannert Gary ’74 & Letha ’74 Lannert Daniel ’77 & Katie Lappe David & Sandy Lasher Carol ’68 & Michael Laymon Thomas ’60 & Mary Kay ’62 Lehman William ’63† & Kathleen ’67 Lehman Roger Lehr ’53 Monica ’87 & Michael Liba Charles ’51 & Barbara ’61 Lindenschmidt Peter Lintzenich ’56 Matthew Loehrlein ’06 Susan ’87 & Joseph Loftus Stephen ’60 & Judith Logel Daniel ’80 & Barbara Lomax Jacquelyn London ’67 John ’55 & Rachel Lorber Jarrod Luigs ’02 Susan ’72 & Joel Lutz Lynch Associates Charlotte MacGregor Glenn ’66 & Norwanda Macke William E. Macke Margie Madigan ’55 Timothy & Cheryl Major Kristi Marquis ’87 & Mark Marquis * Jason ’95 & Kimberly ’95 Marsh Cheryl Martin ’65 Francis & Mary Martin William & Lois Martin Nancy ’61 & Stephen Mattingly Bernard ’83 & Jennifer Mayer Virgil Mayer ’51 Joan ’76 & Michael McCord Shirley McDowell ’60

Ann ’89 & Richard McIntosh * Rita ’59 & Keith McNeely MD Class of 1967 Jane ’76 & Ken Medlin Imogene ’50 & Jack Memmer John ’58 & Barbara Meredith Gene Mesker ’76 Ronald Mesker ’64 Joyce ’68 & Ronald Messersmith David ’62 & Carolyn ’65 Miller Francis Miller, Sr. Nicholas ’01 & Katie ’99 Miller Kenneth Miller ’03 Mark ’71 & Kathy ’71 Miller Richard Miller ’70 Robert ’62 & Jane Miller Ron ’64 & Donna Miller Richard & Joella Mischler * Joe & Wynn Mitchell John ’72 & Joyce ’74 Moers Barbara ’67 & Thomas Moore Donald ’68 & Janie ’68 Moore Steven D. ’64 & Janice ’67 Moore Julia Moore ’93 Dorothy Morris ’54 Larry ’73 & Beth ’73 Muensterman Bernita Muller ’56 Raymond ’57 & Rose Ann ’60 Murphy Barbara Muth ’61 Carol ’74 & Robert Neisen Cindy Nemer ’71 Charles ’53 & Joan Niemeier Dennis ’70 & MaDonna ’74 Niemeier Jeffry ’78 & Cheryl Niemeier Richard ’83 & Tracy Niemeier Todd ’91 & Babs Niemeier Patricia Miller Novack ’59 Andrew ’04 & Emily ’05 Nurrenbern David ’66 & Carol Nurrenbern Roger ’96 & Katie Nurrenbern Sue ’59 & Don Ochsner Mary Patricia Orth ’53 Richard Paul ’54 Carolyn ’59 & Phil Pearce Michael & Debra Pellant George Pfister ’66 Mary Jane ’57 & Jim Pfister Aaron ’01 & Julia Pierce Gary ’61 & Susan ’62 Pierre William ’72 & Mary ’72 Pigman Gerry ’59 & Linda Powell LeRoy Prange ’58 Marvin ’53 & Ann Preske Thomas Preske ’55 C. Phillip ’68 & Sandy ’69 Raben Michael & Mary Reese William ’54 & Yvonne Reine Charles & Carole ’58 Reising Keith ’85 & Lisa ’88 Reising Daniel ’66 & Ruth Reisinger R. Joseph ’61 & Barbara Rettig Allen ’67 & Barbara ’67 Rexing Kent ’86 & Melissa Rexing Anthony ’73 & Cynthia ’73 Richardt Rose Rogge Robert ’58 & Mary Lue ’58 Russler

Linda ’80 & Robert Russell William ’61 & Marilyn ’62 Scales * Aaron ’92 & Kelle Schapker Arthur ’58 & Donna Scheller Herman Scheller ’64 Jim & Martha Scheller Ralph ’61 & Irmtraud Scheller Richard ’59 & Mary Scheller Tony ’64 & Alma Scheller Edward Schemel ’60 Carl ’56 & Phyllis ’59 Schenk Chadwick ’97 & Julia Schenk Leroy Schenk ’60 Kenneth ’75 & Beth Schenk * Matthew Schenk ’97 & Ashley Schenk Richard Schenk ’52 Timothy ’77 & Karen ’77 Schenk Lawrence ’80 & Shannon Schentrup Mark ’76 & Mary Ann ’76 Schentrup Christopher ’89 & Jane Scheu Jake ’02 & Katie Schiff Jeffrey D. Schlichting ’90 Danny ’64 & Janice Schmitt Rev. Eugene Schmitt Linda Schmitt David ’71 & Sandra Schmitt Judith ’79 & Jeffrey Schneider Rev. Eugene Schroeder James ’95 & Amy ’96 Schroeder James ’71 & Kris Schroeder John ’78 & Tamara ’80 Schroeder Mary Jane ’50 & James Schroeder Vincent ’80 & Julia ’82 Schu Bradley ’88 & Nina ’88 Schultheis Tina Schutte ’71 Curtis ’55 & Judith ’56 Seib James Seibert ’61† Sara ’96 & Jeffrey Sexton Angela ’78 & Richard Short Beau ’93 & Sharon Shumate Blake ’96 & Katie ’00 Shumate Randy & Jeannine Shumate Christopher ’66 & Janet ’67 Siemers Marietta Simon ’52 Mel ’60 & Cookie Singer Stan Singer ’57 & Lenna DeMarco Angela ’73 & David Skogen June ’59 & Paul Smith Guy† & Cindy Smyth Eugene ’62 & Janet ’64 Spahn Francis & Hilda Spahn Tracy Sparks ’76 Donald ’56 & Betty ’60 Steckler Harold ’52 & Delores Steckler Edward ’63 & Rita Steinkamp Joseph ’84 & Joni Steinkamp Brianna ’97 & Charlie Stevens Eric Stoltz ’04 Phillip ’91 & Kiersten ’94 Stolz Richard Stolz ’53 Ruth Ann ’66 & Michael Stonecipher Mel Stowers Stephen ’58 & Mary ’60 Sullivan

Honor Roll of Donors 2014–15 25

Honor Roll of Donors Rev. Theodore Tempel Alan ’77 & Kathryn Tenbarge Allen & LaVerne Tenbarge Patricia ’72 & Kenneth Tenbarge Peter ’64 & Mary Tennyson Donald ’50 & Andrea Tepool Gerald Tieken ’66 Carl Titzer ’61 Gail ’58 & Daniel Titzer Gerald ’55 & Beverly ’57 Toelle Mark ’69 & Jeanne ’69 Tornatta Daniel Townsend ’93 James ’92 & Cynthia Townsend Rev. Bill Traylor Olivia ’70 & Stephen Troyer Jake ’00 & Robyn ’94 Tucker * David Underhill ’66 Kiley ’90 & Melissa ’93 Van Bibber Daniel & Beth Vaughn

Richard Weinzapfel ’54 Robert ’56 & Mary Ann ’57 Weinzapfel Thomas Weinzapfel ’57 Paul ’88 & Natalie ’88 Weis * Diane Altstadt ’67 Alfred & Pat Welsh Mark ’75 & Annette Werner Scott Whitehouse Darrel ’65 & Michelle Whiting Steven ’73 & Rebecca Whitman Judy ’58 & Ted Whitney Lisa Wilcox ’84 Christopher Wildeman ’81 Kevin ’84 & Angie Wildeman Kurt ’97 & Erin Wildeman Michele ’74 & Jeffrey Wildeman Ryan Wildeman ’05 Thomas ’71 & Carla Wildeman

Jocelyn Zenk Judith Zivanovic ’56

Daniel ’02 & Nichole Alcorn John Aldenderfer ’94 Eugene ’62 & Mary ’63 Baumgart Beverly Behme ’59 Mary Berendes ’54 Lesley ’87 & Jeffrey Bertrand Patrick ’91 & Julie Boarman David Buckman ’53 Joni ’80 & Terry Cardin Terry ’67 & Sharon ’67 Carlton Alan & Leigh Ann Costlow Hallie Denstorff ’04 Joseph ’63 & Diana ’64 Dippel

Rebecca ’75 & Richard Johnson Robert & Velva Kaffenberger Danny ’67 & Linda ’68 Kares Joseph ’81 & Susan Kohut Charles ’69 & Deborah Koressel Timothy ’74 & Michelle ’76 Krack Cecilia ’71 & Randall Kuester Michael & Mary Loehrlein William ’59 & Jeanie Luigs Karen ’73 & Larry Lukeman MD Class of 1956 Stanley ’85 & Lisa Memmer Bertha Michelini ’53 Russell ’74 & Kathy Miller Karen ’69 & Mike Mischel Alfred & Valerie Mochau Christopher Paul ’85 Lauralee ’74 & David Paulson Joseph Pugh ’09

Jennifer ’93 & Ross Vaughn * Kathryn ’70 & Thomas Verkamp Timothy ’93 & Julianna ’94 Voelker Benjamin ’86 & Marie ’86 Wagner Joyce ’59 & James Wagner Judith Wagner ’57 Kathleen Wannemuehler ’85 Donald ’61 & Karen Ward Charles ’54 & Beverly Wargel John Wargel ’61 Karen Wargel ’80 Richard Wargel ’65 Roger ’77 & Natalie ’78 Wathen Stanley ’67 & Mary Jane ’71 Weber Betty Weinzapfel ’58 Leroy ’62 & Diane Weinzapfel Mark ’80 & Jane ’81 Weinzapfel Nathan Weinzapfel ’03 Nick Weinzapfel ’00

Yvonne ’59 & Marvin Will Eric & Judy Williams Jeff & Laurie Wilmes Jody ’86 & Wes Wilmes Martha Wilson ’58 Malcolm Winiger ’62 Gary ’78 & Janet ’78 Wink Barbara ’65 & David Winstead Carol Witmeier ’57 * Kathleen ’66 & Robert Wittgen John & Marian Witting Andrew ’99 & Mary ’98 Woehler Judith ’67 & Stanley Wohadlo Jeffery ’77 & Donna Wolf Jerry and Susan Wolf Beth ’87 & Gary Woodruff Rachel Wright ’01 Gary ’65 & Dianne ’65 Wunderlich Tim ’83 & Tammy Zeller

Patricia ’55 & Marvin Egbert Jason Feldhaus ’96 George ’61 & Angela Folz Lisa ’91 & John Forzley Leonard Gansman ’52 James Gerst ’53 Steven ’66 & Mary Gerteisen John Goebel ’87 Thomas ’76 & Mary ’79 Goedde Mike ’67 & Sue Greulich Martha ’66 & Timothy Gump Donald ’56 & Paula Haller Kenneth & Sara Hart Judith ’63 & John Hatfield Delores Helfrich-Schroeder ’50 Cheryl Herrmann ’71 Michael Higdon ’65 Martin ’60 & Susan Hutchison Lelia Johnson ’00

Aaron Reckelhoff ’02 Stephen ’62 & Judy ’62 Reisinger Rick & Shea Reneer Robert ’58 & Mary Lue ’58 Russler Chad ’90 & Stephanie Sandwell Jerome Schapker ’58 Scott Schapker ’06 Steven ’76 & Janet ’77 Schapker Elaine Schmits ’56 Albert C. Schmitt ’70 Ann Schneider ’56 Mark ’76 & Lisa ’79 Schnur Diane ’83 & Scott Schoettlin Rachelle ’97 & Greg Schowe Jennifer ’94 & Roger Sieben Steven Stolz ’70 Alice ’61 & Jack Strassweg Thomas ’87 & Shelly Titus Dan ’60 & Katie ’60 Townsend



Holly ’94 & Jeffrey Wahr Gil ’56 & Rita Wannemuehler Eugene ’62 & Eva Weber Robert ’53 & Mildred ’54 Weber Donald ’61 & Alice ’63 Weis James Werner ’57 Cynthia ’66 & Max Williams Tina ’74 & Joseph Wright Martha ’77 & Gary Yurow

PATRONS $11–$65 Ronald ’61 & Matilda Adams Deanna Altstadt ’87 Jane ’68 & Gordon Amos Anonymous Darlene ’69 & Randall Appler Jeanette Arnold ’57 Janis Arvin ’56 Martha ’63 & Robert Baehl Jane ’80 & James Balbach Karen Barnes-Ellis ’73 Matthew ’83 & Jennifer ’84 Bartek Ryan Bassemier ’10 Andrew ’00 & Katie ’00 Baumgartner Nick ’01 & Melissa ’03 Beach Dan Becker John & Diane Bender Anita Bergman ’56 Janet Blankenberger ’81 William & Audrey Boarman Martha ’75 & Mike Bohleber Athena Bongard ’88 Brenda ’75 & Timothy Born Charlene ’59 & James Braker Jody ’94 & Brian Branson Barbara Bray ’65 Daniel & Mary Ann Breidenbach Jerome ’65 & Jonna ’67 Brenner Ronald ’71 & Debbie ’71 Brenner Karen ’69 & Wayne Breunig Sarah ’06 & Anthony Brian Judith Brown ’55 Kathy Brown ’67 Julie ’82 & Kris Bucy Catherine ’77 & Max Bullock Diane ’72 & Thomas Buskavitz Sr. Ann Marie Butler, D.C. Margaret Ann Byrne Norma ’57 & Robert Carp Gloria Carter ’51 Mary ’50 & Donald Carter Theresa ’71 & Lawrence Chapman Eric ’62 & Myrrl Choate Ashley ’01 & Kyle Chumley C. Justin ’56 & Shirley ’59 Clements Deborah ’74 & Jim Collins Matthew & Lesa Conkling Thomas Cook ’66 Donald & Joan Cooper Shawn ’86 & Kristin Corcoran Joseph Culley ’61 Clara David ’54 Kenneth ’86 & Rebecca ’89 Deeg Linda Deig Karla ’81 & Jerry Deweese Michael ’98 & Michelle DeWitt Daniel ’77 & Jean Dick

Honor Roll of Donors Brianna Dickerson ’12 Matthew Dickerson ’09 Rebecca ’74 & Phillip Dosher Donna Drone Terry Drone Glenda Dyson ’54 Madelyn Eickhoff ’53 Ronald & Denise Eickhoff David ’75 & Janet Ellert Michael ’67 & Helen Ellert Alicia ’99 & Eric Elpers Richard ’70 & Diane Elpers Jacqueline ’77 & Tom Elsner Chelsea Emmert ’11 Christopher Emmert ’07 Judy Eskew ’56 James ’73 & Kim ’77 Farny Phillip Fischer ’05 Lisa ’75 & Phillip Fleming Natalie Fleming ’06 Donna ’83 & Michael Folz Harold Forche Alice ’72 & Bruce Foster Kelly Frankenberger ’91 Steven ’72 & Marcia ’72 Frey Robert ’56 & Martha Froehle Marie ’05 & Greg Gallagher David & Diane Gears Betty Geiser ’61 Kathleen Gerbig ’52 Julie Gilles ’75 Beverly Gish ’71 Chris ’85 & Jeanene ’85 Goebel Mallory Goebel ’07 Annette ’53 & Marvin Goedde Amy ’86 & Philip Graham Joseph & Julia Greubel Eugene ’61 & Susan Gries Kathleen ’67 & Richard Griese Carolyn Griffin ’60 John R. Groben Daniel ’74 & Karole ’75 Gutzweiler Rosemary Gutzweiler Larry ’59 & Henrietta ’62 Happe Mitch ’00 & Amanda Happe Paulette Happe ’65 John Harrison ’72 Kenneth ’57 & Joan ’61 Hartlein Jeanette Hartmann ’55 Paul ’60 & Bonnie ’60 Hartmann Betty Hartz ’52 Bob & Lucie Hayden Debra Head ’84 Gregory & Susie Head Randy ’73 & Rebecca ’74 Helfrich Sr. Donna Marie Herr, OSB Jacob ’05 & Katherine ’05 Herrmann Jeremy ’98 & Jennifer Herrmann Francis ’62 & Sandra Hertel Linda Hertel Shari ’95 & Daniel Hirsch Margaret Hurm ’09 Donald ’64 & Carolyn ’64 Hutchison Robert & Linda Jacobs Thomas Jankowski ’97 Melanie ’89 & Gary Jarrell Fernando ’64 & Beatriz Jimenez Debbie Jochim ’76

Brian ’83 & Patricia Johns James & Brenda Jost Lloyd & Joan Jost Kathy ’69 & Frank Kanowsky Richard & Sue Keith Ed ’64 & Lorraine Kelle Jerome ’53 & Barbara Kelle Eugene Kempf ’60 Patrick ’82 & Shari ’80 Kempf James & Dorothy Kennedy Daniel ’77 & Patricia Kercher Louise ’66 & Robert Kiesler Susan Kirsch ’63 Jonathan Kissel ’02 Carol Kissinger Melvin Kneer Richard Koressel ’52 Sarah Koressel ’97 & Peter Ward Janice Kueber-Ricketts ’59 Martha ’60 & Fred Kuester Carolyn Kuhn ’57 William & Julia Kunkler Nicholas ’04 & Kourtney ’05 Lannert

Jim & Mary McDonald Jeffrey ’95 & Natalie McDurmon Laura ’04 & Brendan McKenzie Katherine McKinney ’04 Kenneth ’71 & Jeanne ’79 Mesker Tammy ’83 & Paul Messier Donald Metzler ’54 Patty ’75 & Cleon Michel Patricia A Miller Mary ’70 & Arthur Minar Joseph ’82 & Rebecca Mischler Jamie Moll ’69 Barbara Mooney ’61 Michael Moore ’62 Thomas ’59 & Janet ’61 Moore Michael C. Moran ’89 Noah Moran ’01 James ’60 & Barbara Mosby Patricia ’72 & Gary Mueller Sharon ’69 & Stephen Muensterman Matthew ’91 & Angela ’93 Mulherin Sr. Rose Ann Muller, OSB ’50 Thomas & Beth Ann Murray

LaChere ’85 & David Rexing Kenneth ’68 & Joyce Rietman Patrick ’64 & Kay Riley James ’89 & Kim ’88 Riordan Ruth ’61 & David Ritzert Dixie ’54 & Earl Robinson Norma Sue Rode Stephen ’77 & Gwendolyn Rode John ’61 & Linda ’64 Rollett Robin Rosbrugh ’06 Donna ’57 & Lee Rowlett Aaron Ruggles ’96 Leann ’82 & Chad Sander Charlene Scales ’53 David Schapker ’74 Elizabeth Schapker Herman ’54 & Carolyn Schapker Larry Schapker ’58 Robert ’77 & Mary ’82 Scheller Daniel & Kathy Schenk Kathy ’70 & Daniel Schenk Lucia ’70 & Richard Schenk Mark ’76 & Julia Schiff

Carol Lantaff ’57 Benjamin Lasher ’06 Daniel & Mary Ruth Lasher Jo Ann ’84 & David Lauderdale Kathryn ’76 & Philip Lemond Beth ’78 & David Lindauer Mary Jane ’57 & Robert Little Todd & Julie Loehr Mark ’82 & Tracy MacGregor Daniel Macke ’68 Joyce Macke ’69 James ’68 & Cynthia Mallory John ’59 & Ruby Manger Nancy ’64 & Robert Mangold Kathleen ’54 & Donald Marrs Albert & Dorothy Martin John ’64 & Cathy Martin Diane Marx Martin ’67 Carl ’57 & Rosalie ’59 Massey Dolores ’61 & Daniel Masterson Joseph May ’52 Thomas ’56 & Mary ’55 May Bernard A. Mayer, Sr. ’52 Donald Mayse ’52 Terri McBride ’74 Sr. Jane Michele McClure, OSB ’67 Donna McDonald ’73

Mary ’71 & James Musick Brent ’88 & Tricia Neitzke Andrew ’06 & Elyse ’06 Niemeier Kent Niemeier ’82 Lauren Niemeier ’07 Loretta Niemeier Marian ’54 & Ted Niemeier Stan ’71 & Tracy Niemeier Matthew ’05 & Michelle Nobles Karen Sue ’70 & William O’Bryan Antonio & Sharon Oliva Mary Oliver ’72 Julia ’58 & Joseph Payne Mary ’03 & Jason Peckenpaugh Larry Pendley ’65 Charles & Diana Petranek Jordan ’07 & Jenna ’07 Phelps Allan & Kristine Proctor Beatrice Purcell ’61 Stephanie Purcell ’82 & Brian Price Cheryl ’63 & Joseph Raleigh Thomas & Sandra ’72 Raley Deborah ’88 & Thomas Record Sue Reel David ’66 & Kathy Reising Robert ’68 & Michele Reisinger Robert Reisinger ’91

Brooke Schmitt ’10 Larry ’60 & Martha Schmitt Samuel ’73 & Cheryl Schmitt Sarah Schneider ’07 Carolyn Schoening ’53 Mark Schreiber ’69 Mark Schuler ’88 Catherine Siemers Christopher ’66 & Janet ’67 Siemers Patricia ’70 & Patrick Singleton Mary Pat Smead ’61 Jessica ’10 & John Snyder * Jerome ’75 & Mary Beth ’77 Spaetti Ervin ’52 & Rosemary ’54 Spahn Fred ’59 & Mary Spahn Brandy Sparks ’04 Thomas ’82 & Teresa Spindler Kenneth Springer ’68 St. Phillips Conservation Club David Steinkamp ’65 Ronald ’60 & Betty Steinkamp Britt ’85 & Brian Stemme Sharon ’72 & Michael Strader James ’59 & Mary Stroud Terry ’71 & Angela Stumpf

Amy TenBarge ’82 Dava ’85 & Robert Tenbarge Emily TenBarge ’08 Harold Tepool ’70 Sharon Thompson ’65 Kelly ’78 & Terry Thornburg Gail ’58 & Daniel Titzer James ’66 & Margaret Tomes Michael ’65 & Mary Jo ’67 Townsend Phyllis Tubbs-Gingerich ’60 Raymond & Shirley ’59 Ubelhor Stuart & Lorie Van Meter Benjamin ’01 & Katie Verkamp Larry ’57 & Linda ’59 Wannemuehler Vickie Wannemuehler ’88 Jalane Weber ’70 Katherine Weber Joe & Kathleen Weber Matthew ’00 & Crystal Weber Theresa ’79 & David Weber Brian ’82 & Krista ’82 Weinzapfel Eugene & Nancy Weinzapfel Greg ’80 & Julie ’86 Weinzapfel Jake Weinzapfel ’06 Leroy & Rose Weiss Dennis & Patty Welp West Maryland Estates Homeowners Association WFIE TV 14 Louis ’72 & Margaret Wildeman Dennis ’68 & Pamela Wilderman Donald & Amy Will Larry Will ’65 Philip ’85 & Deborah Will Tia Williams ’01 Stephen & Sharon Willis Jeffrey ’97 & Sarah ’97 Woehler J. Michael ’60 & Jo Ann Wolf Kathleen ’69 & Kenneth Wolf Michael Wolf ’67 Barbara Wolsiefer ’52 Megan Wright ’04 Susan Wright ’66 Thomas ’55 & Barbara ’59 Zenthoefer Peggy Zoglman ’78

WILDCAT CLASS $1-$10 Carolyn ’63 & Terry Bailey Donald & Elizabeth Becker James & Rosalie Dunkel Cora Haller Annabelle Helfrich Beverly ’65 & Stanley Jones Bertha E. Julian Barbara Kasinger ’73 Bernette ’60 & Jon Locklar Wilbur Rembold ’51 Robert ’55 & Mary Rollett Dorothy Schroeder ’55 Donald ’63 & Kathleen ’63 Seibert Doris Wahl ’59 Karen Waller ’70 Frank ’71 & Holly Will Nathan Wright ’13

Honor Roll of Donors 2014–15 27

Honor Roll of Donors: Classes

Thank you, alumni, for your generous support! In 2014–15, alumni gave a record $245,791 to the Annual Fund! We gratefully acknowledge all alumni who contributed to the Mater Dei Annual Fund between July 1, 2014 and June 30, 2015.

* Indicates donors whose contributions were matched by their employers. † Indicates donor is deceased.

Class of ’50

Class Chairs: Shirley Knapp, Marlene Weaver Participation: 17% Total Dollars: $1,116

Mary (Reising) Carter Patricia (Marx) Hartman Delores (Weinzapfel) HelfrichSchroeder Imogene (Stratman) Memmer Sr. Rose Ann Muller Mary Jane (Scheller) Schroeder Donald Tepool Marlene (Singer) Weaver

Class of ’51

Class Chair: Eileen (Berendes) Will Participation: 22% Total Dollars: $5,165

Margaret (Nunning) Basden Gloria (Heneisen) Carter Harold Gossman Donald Hoefling Patricia (Steckler) Jackson Charles Lindenschmidt Virgil Mayer Dorothy (Hertel) Niemeier William Niemeier Wilbur Rembold James Stratman Eileen (Berendes) Will

Class of ’52

Class Chair: Doris (Mayer) Dewig Participation: 25% Total Dollars: $1,094

Ronald Browning Doris (Mayer) Dewig Rita (Jarvis) Eades Leonard Gansman Kathleen (Vessels) Gerbig Betty (Kempf) Hartz Richard Koressel Joseph May Bernard Mayer Donald Mayse Rosella (Goebel) Rust Richard Schenk Marietta (Baehl) Simon Ervin Spahn Harold Steckler Barbara (Deever) Wolsiefer

Class of ’53

Class Chair: Annette (Wannemuehler) Goedde Participation: 25% Total Dollars: $2,067

Elgene (Rexing) Beckerle Robert Behme David Buckman

Madelyn (Nunning) Eickhoff James Gerst Annette (Wannemuehler) Goedde Sylvia (Niemeier) Gossman Herman Hartweck Rita (Mayer) Hoefling Jerome Kelle Ruby (Seib) Koressel Roger Lehr Bertha (Bauer) Michelini Charles Niemeier Mary Pat (Brenner) Orth Marvin Preske Charlene Scales Carolyn (Simon) Schoening Richard Stolz Robert Weber

Rita (Patry) Eykamp

Class of ’54

Curtis Seib

Class Chair: Norma (Simpson) Duncan Participation: 22% Total Dollars: $9,281

Mary (Busch) Berendes Carolyn (Winiger) Combs Clara (Nurrenbern) David Don Devillez Thomas Dick Norma (Simpson) Duncan Glenda (Crowe) Dyson Francis Folz Harold Kempf Kathleen (Miller) Marrs Donald Metzler Dorothy (Rollett) Morris Marian (Snyder) Niemeier Richard Paul William Reine Dixie (Doerr) Robinson H. Jim Schapker Rosemary (Wildeman) Spahn Charles Wargel Mildred (Hertel) Weber Richard Weinzapfel Roselle (Roy) Weinzapfel Albert Wolf

Class of ’55

Jeanette (Weinzapfel) Hartmann Stephen Helfrich Wilma (Rexing) Kain John Kern Rose Kuhn John Lorber Margie (Hamilton) Madigan Mary (Koressel) May Joan (Berendes) Niemeier Thomas Niemeier Thomas Preske John Rebstock Robert Rollett Evelyn (Koester) Schickel Martha (Weinzapfel) Schmitt Ronald Schnepper Dorothy (Schaeffer) Schroeder Gerald Toelle Al Weinzapfel Darlene (Berendes) Weinzapfel Thomas Zenthoefer

Class of ’56

Class Chair: Ann (Rollett) Schneider Participation: 20% Total Dollars: $5,228

Janis (Killian) Arvin Joseph Bassemier Mary Lee (Blume) Bassemier Anita (Jost) Bergman Larry Breivogel C. Justin Clements Terry Crane Judy (Knapp) Eskew Delores (Krack) Folz Thomas Folz Robert Froehle Darrell Graves Donald Haller Joseph Hatfield Robert Koch Peter Lintzenich Thomas May Bernita (Belcher) Muller Bernard Nunning

Class Chairs: Stephen Helfrich, Joan (Berendes) Niemeier Participation: 22% Total Dollars: $10,942

Carl Schenk

Gilbert Adler Leo Bittner Rose (Brenner) Breivogel Judith (Tevault) Brown Carolyn (Roedel) Drury Patricia (Wolf) Egbert

Judith (Blackman) Seib


Elaine (Weber) Schmits Ann (Rollett) Schneider Donald Steckler Robert Wagner Gil Wannemuehler Robert Weinzapfel Judith (Goergen) Zivanovic

Class of ’57

Class Chair: Norma (Folz) Carp Participation: 20% Total Dollars: $2,160

Jeanette (Kempf) Arnold Colleen (Adams) Behme Mary Ann (Slattery) Bittner Anna (Muensterman) Burdette Norma (Folz) Allison Carp Rita (Rettig) Elpers Robert Hamilton Joan (Fuchs) Hansen Kenneth Hartlein Carolyn Kuhn Carol (Goebel) Lantaff Mary Jane (Weinzapfel) Little Carl Massey Raymond Murphy Mary Jane (Townsend) Pfister Donna (Helfrich) Ahlers-Rowlett Richard Seib Stan Singer Beverly (Harl) Toelle Judith (Weber) Wagner Larry Wannemuehler Robert Weber Mary Ann (Folz) Weinzapfel Thomas Weinzapfel James Werner Carol Witmeier

Class of ’58

Class Chair: Paul Baehl Participation: 18% Total Dollars: $12,597

David Baehl Paul Baehl Mariann Baumgartner Mary (Smith) Decamps Robert Elfreich Marvin Feldhaus Cyril Gerteisen Michael Head Dale Hillenbrand John Hoos Walter Jankowski Jack Kinsler Mary (Wannemuehler) Knapp Nancy (Berendes) Knowles John Meredith Julia (Blaser) Payne LeRoy Prange Carole (Altstadt) Reising Mary Lue (Neale) Russler Bob Russler Jerome Schapker Larry Schapker Arthur Scheller Stephen Sullivan

Gail (Brack) Titzer Robert Wargel Betty (Flamion) Weinzapfel Judy (Wolf) Whitney Martha (Moers) Wilson

Class of ’59

Class Chairs: Edward Knapp, Lawrence Kremer, Daniel Norman, Stephen Sanford Participation: 21% Total Dollars: $8,640

Beverly (Raley) Behme Shirley (Adler) Clements Sally (Moser) Elfreich Larry Haller John Hamilton Larry Happe Patricia (Kokie) Hartz Patrick Heil Ronald Hollander Chester Jost Patricia (Fitzsimmons) Jost Edward Knapp Lawrence Kremer Janice (Kueber) Ricketts William Luigs John Manger Rosalie (Gries) Massey Donald Mayer Rita (McDurmon) McNeely Thomas Moore Patricia (Miller) Novack Sue (Hosick) Ochsner Carolyn (Hayden) Pearce Gerald Powell Ray Rexing Linda (Behme) Rheinlander Robert Rheinlander Joyce (Goebel) Rhoades Stephen Sanford Richard Scheller Phyllis (Brown) Schenk Emilie (Hollingsworth) Seib June (Weinzapfel) Smith Fred Spahn James Stroud Shirley (Diehl) Ubelhor Joyce (Pinaire) Wagner Doris (Hollander) Wahl Linda (Schmitt) Wannemuehler Yvonne (Brune) Will Barbara (Braun) Zenthoefer

Class of ’60

Class Chair: Judy (Seibert) Knapp Participation: 21% Total Dollars: $9,735

William Barthel Cherie Berendes

Honor Roll of Donors Maurice Berendes Larry Boots John Corn Francis Elpers Suzanne (Eberhard) Emge Elizabeth (Payne) Fulton V. Ray Funke David Gerteisen Jerry Gries Pamela (Heathcotte) Gries Carolyn (Emge) Griffin Judy (Eisterhold) Griffin Eileen (Will) Haase Carol (Nurrenbern) Haller Bonnie (Fehrenbacher) Hartmann Paul Hartmann Patricia (Muensterman) Hasenour Martin Hutchison Ted Kares Eugene Kempf Carole (Zeggling) Kinsler Clarence Kirby Judy (Seibert) Knapp DiAnne (Stevens) Kremer Martha (Conen) Kuester JoAnn (Bruce) Layman Thomas Lehman Bernette (Wildeman) Locklar Bernice (Glaser) Marx Shirley (Kuester) McDowell James Mosby Edward Schemel Leroy Schenk Larry Schmitt Mel Singer Betty (Wink) Steckler Ronald Steinkamp Mary (Thompson) Sullivan Dan Townsend Mary (Miller) Townsend Phyllis (King) Tubbs-Gingerich Carol (Jost) Wagner Rose (Arnold) Weidner Murphy J. Michael Wolf

Class of ’61

Class Chair: Gene Gries Participation: 21% Total Dollars: $5,775

Ronald Adams Mary Jo (Folz) Bacon Kathleen (Dunn) Barthel Jo Marie (Wolf) Charlson Steve Charlson Joseph Culley Judith (TenBarge) Fleck George Folz Betty (Weyer) Geiser Eugene Gries Donna (Miller) Hamilton Joan (Elfreich) Hartlein David Hartmann Jennie (Buckman) Head Richard Jarboe Barbara (Tieken) Lindenschmidt Dolores (Rexing) Masterson Nancy (Vowels) Mattingly

Barbara (Fehrenbacher) Mooney Janet (Stampfli) Moore Barbara Muth Gary Pierre Beatrice (Slaughter) Purcell R. Joseph Rettig Ruth (Gries) Ritzert John Rollett William Scales Ralph Scheller Gerald Schreiber Julia (Angermeier) Schreiber James Seibert† Mary Pat (Emge) Smead Alice (Knapp) Strassweg Carl Titzer Donald Ward John Wargel James Weinzapfel Donald Weis

Class of ’62

Class Chair: Mary Kay (Kunz) Lehman Participation: 18% Total Dollars: $4,189

Leo Alvey Eugene Baumgart Earl Becher Alan Braun Stephen Braun Eric Choate David Fechtmeister Linda (Will) Hague Henrietta (Steckler) Happe Daniel Horstman Patricia (Morris) Krack Mary Kay (Kunz) Lehman David Miller Robert Miller Michael Moore Susan (Koressel) Pierre Barbara (Kolb) Price Judy (Boehman) Reisinger Stephen Reisinger Marilyn (Hartweck) Scales Eugene Spahn Eugene Weber Leroy Weinzapfel Malcolm Winiger

Class of ’63

Class Chair: Marjorie (Wagner) Hartmann Participation: 20% Total Dollars: $3,548

Marian (Folz) Alvey Martha (Wannemuehler) Baehl Sylvia (Berendes) Baehl Carolyn (Schreiber) Bailey Mary (Schenk) Baumgart Claudette (Allison) Becher Joseph Dippel Ronald Englert David Fehrenbacher Judy (Kissel) Fehrenbacher Ronald Goebel Donald Gries

Raymond Gries Doris (Feller) Haase Marjorie (Wagner) Hartmann Judith (Schenk) Hatfield Sandy (Schutte) Hatfield Susan (Kern) Kirsch William Lehman† Francis Miller Cheryl (Adams) Raleigh Donald Seibert Kathleen (Townsend) Seibert Edward Steinkamp JoAnn (Mayer) Weber Sandra (Runau) Weinzapfel Alice (Martin) Weis

Class of ’64

Class Chairs: Ronald Angermeier, Janice (Goebel) Schuble Participation: 20% Total Dollars: $11,810

Ronald Angermeier Maurice Baumgart Sharon (Fehrenbacher) Baumgart Margaret (Will) Carlson Diana (Stephens) Dippel Richard Elpers Richard Fehrenbacher Alan Feldhaus Darlene (Folz) Goebel Catherine (Wahnsiedler) Hartmann Gary Herrmann Carolyn (Gries) Hutchison Donald Hutchison Fernando Jimenez Berta (Parravicini) Kares Ed Kelle

Allan Knapp Nancy (Spencer) Mangold John Martin Ronald Mesker Ron Miller Steven D. Moore Barbara (Sanford) Richardt Patrick Riley Barbara (Kempf) Ritzert Linda (Weil) Rollett Alma (Glaser) Scheller Herman Scheller Tony Scheller Danny Schmitt Janice (Goebel) Schuble Janet (Wolf) Spahn Peter Tennyson David Williamson

Class of ’65

Class Chair: Carol (Oliver) Goedde Participation: 26% Total Dollars: $36,978

Steven Adams Ronald Bacon John Barthel Steven Blankenberger Thomas Borries Barbara Bray Jerome Brenner Elizabeth (Yellig) Davidson Judith (Hamilton) Dickman Stanton Elfreich David Ellison Kathleen (Kennedy) Elpers Patrick Freeman Kathy (Will) Funke

Joseph Gelarden Andrew Goebel Barbara (Neumann) Goedde Carol (Oliver) Goedde Jerry Goedde Larry Goedde Janette (Duncan) Gries Mark Guetling Kathy (Lintzenich) Halbig Paulette (Rapp) Happe Ronald Hartmann Charlene (Schenk) Hess Michael Higdon Beverly (Schapker) Jones Kenneth King Paul Koch Cheryl Martin Carolyn (Reising) Miller Stephen Moore Madonna (Raben) Niemeier Norbert Niemeier Stephen Niemeier Larry Pendley Kenneth Rexing Rita (Schenk) Rexing David Steinkamp Sharon (Schutte) Thompson Michael Townsend Richard Wargel Darrel Whiting Charles Wildeman Larry Will Barbara (Wolf) Winstead Dianne (Hoefling) Wunderlich Gary Wunderlich

Honor Roll of Donors 2014–15 29

Honor Roll of Donors Class of ’66

Class Chair: Rebecca (Boots) Maier Participation: 15% Total Dollars: $7,402

Margaret (Bradley) Angermeier James Beyer Thomas Cook Melvin J. Feulner Steven Gerteisen Evelyn (Goebel) Guetling Martha (Tornatta) Gump Rosemarie (Schneider) Horstman Ronald Jenkins Ann (Logel) Johnston Louise (Spindler) Kiesler Barbara Lamble JoAnn Laugel Glenn Macke Rebecca (Boots) Maier Rita (Morneweg) Moore David Nurrenbern George Pfister David Reising Richard Reising Daniel Reisinger Christopher Siemers Ruth Ann (Craig) Stonecipher Gerald Tieken James Tomes David Underhill Robert Wathen Cynthia (Cartwright) Williams Kathleen (Emge) Wittgen Susan (Oberhausen) Wright

Class of ’67

Class Chairs: Kathleen (Tighe) Griese, Barbara (Tevault) Moore Participation: 18% Total Dollars: $3,264

David Baumgart James Borries Russell Borst Jonna (Hagan) Brenner Kathy (Baggarly) Brown Sharon (Lutz) Carlton Terry Carlton Cathy (Siemers) Crowdus Michael Ellert Mike Greulich Kathleen (Tighe) Griese Danny Kares Linda (Weiss) Knapp Thomas Knapp Joyce (Mesker) Koch Susan Koenig Rebecca (Beyer) Koontz Kathleen (Keller) Lehman Jacquelyn London Diane (Marx) Martin Nancy (Morrow) Mayer Paul Mayer Sr. Jane Michele McClure Barbara (Tevault) Moore Janice (Bradley) Moore Vicki (Wolf) Moran Allen Rexing Barbara (Emge) Rexing

Janet (Mallory) Siemers Mary Jo (Sotolongo) Townsend Stanley Weber Diane Altstadt-Weiss Judith (Goedde) Wohadlo Michael Wolf

Class of ’68

Class Chair: Judith (Englert) Knapp Participation: 15% Total Dollars: $2,793

Jo Lynn (Franks) Adams Jane (Goedde) Amos Jane (Schenk) Baumgart Mary (Hoefling) Borst James Folz Charles Goebel Tony Goebel Beverly (Underhill) Helfert Linda (Simon) Kares Paul Kelsey Jerome Knapp Judy (Englert) Knapp Philip Kohut Daniel Macke James Mallory Michael Martin Joyce (Schenk) Messersmith Donald Moore Janie (Beyer) Moore C. Phillip Raben Robert Reisinger Kenneth Rietman David Schmitt Kenneth Springer Doris (Paul) Taylor Dennis Wilderman

Class of ’69

Class Chairs: Mark Tornatta, Jeanne (Baumgart) Tornatta Participation: 10% Total Dollars: $3,377

Darlene (Schu) Appler Karen (Hoefling) Breunig Frank Buerger John Hamilton George Helfrich Kathy (Musgrave) Kanowsky Charles Koressel Joyce Macke Jerry Miller Karen (Wilderman) Mischel Jamie (Waelde) Moll Sharon (Schenk) Muensterman Sandra (Baechle) Raben Mark Schreiber Jeanne (Baumgart) Tornatta Mark Tornatta Kathleen (Schenk) Wolf

Class of ’70

Class Chairs: Wayne Emge, Jerry Kirchoff Participation: 19% Total Dollars: $4,941

Kathy (Koressel) Brendel Gerard Ellspermann Richard Elpers


Wayne Emge James Fechtmeister Mark Fehrenbacher Dennis Feldhaus Scarlett (Fehr) Feldhaus Donna (Herrell) Fischer James Fischer Joseph Fischer Linda (Mull) Folz Robert Harrison Stephen Helfert Randall Jochim Vickie (McCallister) Kane Jerome Kirchoff Mary Jo (Herrmann) Kirchoff Suzanna (Sanderson) Martin Richard Miller Mary (Goedde) Minar Dennis Niemeier Karen Sue (Long) O’Bryan Darlene (Nix) Robinson David Robinson Kathy Schenk Lucia (Fechtmeister) Schenk Albert Schmitt Patti (Reine) Singleton Steven Stolz Harold Tepool Olivia (Kallbreier) Troyer Kathryn (Helfrich) Verkamp Karen (Koch) Waller Jalane (Relleke) Weber

Class of ’71

Class Chairs: Joan (Eickhoff) Bauer, Diane (Gutzweiler) Emge Participation: 19% Total Dollars: $3,792

Sherri Barron Joan (Eickhoff) Bauer Debbie (Holland) Brenner Ronald Brenner Theresa (Dezember) Chapman Diane (Gutzweiler) Emge Mary Kay (Jarboe) Fehrenbacher Robert Fehrenbacher Nancy (Spahn) Fischer Robert Fischer Beverly (Martin) Gish Karen (Metz) Goebel Thomas Goebel Cheryl Herrmann Edward Johnstone Cecilia (Weis) Kuester Kenneth Mesker Kathy (McCallister) Miller Mark Miller Mary (Schapker) Musick Cindy Nemer Stan Niemeier Sandra (Lutz) Schmitt James Schroeder Tina (Alcorn) Kern-Raibley Terry Stumpf Mary Jane (Schele) Weber Thomas Wildeman Frank Will

Top 10 Classes By Amount

1. 1965


6. 1960


2. 1972





3. 1958


8. 1959





9. 1966


5. 1955


10. 1988


Top 10 Classes By Participation

1. 1965


6. 1951


2. 1953





3. 1952


8. 1961





9. 1960


5. 1954


10. 1957


Class of ’72

Class Chair: Susan (Wildeman) Lutz Participation: 16% Total Dollars: $12,815

Ira Gerard Boots Theresa (Seib) Boots Kathleen (Scott) Buchanan Diane (Dunkel) Buskavitz Phyllis (Kruse) Corn Julie (Fechtmeister) Deeg Michael Drake Alice (Will) Foster Marcia (Jost) Frey Steven Frey Gary Goebel John Harrison Lisa (Vescovi) Kohl Susan (Wildeman) Lutz John Moers Patricia (Goans) Mueller Mary (Elpers) Oliver Mary (Martin) Pigman William Pigman Sandra (Schenk) Raley Sharon (Schapker) Strader Patricia (Kempf) Tenbarge Eugene Wannemuehler Robert Waterman Louis Wildeman

Class of ’73

Class Chair: James Dewig Participation: 11% Total Dollars: $3,189

Barbara (Simpkins) Angermeier Paul Angemeier Karen (Barnes) Ellis

Randy Cutrell Steven Eickhoff James Farney Cynthia (Laib) Goebel Randy Helfrich David Jochem Barbara (Preske) Kasinger Robert Ludwig Karen (Lappe) Lukeman Mark Lutterbach Donna (Gries) McDonald Larry Muensterman Anthony Richardt Cindy (Fleck) Richardt Samuel Schmitt Angela (Barron) Skogen Steven Whitman

Class of ’74

Class Chairs: Daniel Gutzweiler, Michael Koressel Participation: 13% Total Dollars: $2,136

Jeana (Gilles) Campbell Deborah (Helfrich) Collins Rebecca (Kirchoff) Dosher Rebecca (Anslinger) Fuchs Daniel Gutzweiler Rebecca (Schapker) Helfrich Randall Hupfer Michael Koressel Timothy Krack Gary Lannert Letha (Rapp) Lannert Terri McBride Vicki McCracken Russell Miller

Honor Roll of Donors Joyce (London) Moers Carol (Spahn) Neisen MaDonna (Goedde) Niemeier David Schapker Michele (Kohut) Wildeman Dorothy (Boots) Wright

Class of ’75

Class Chair: Jodi (Stevenson) Adcock Participation: 15% Total Dollars: $3,713

Jodi (Stevenson) Adcock Cynthia (Norman) Altstadt David Altstadt Ted Barron Martha (Horstman) Bohleber Brenda (Goedde) Born Cherie (Nemer) Burgdorf Janet (Bauer) Correa Patrick Debes David Ellert Lisa (Eickhoff) Fleming Julie Gilles Barbara (Griggs) Griepenstroh Karole (Seib) Gutzweiler Karen (Marrs) Hinderliter Rebecca (Hilakos) Johnson Patty (Anslinger) Michel Kenneth Miller Kenneth Schenk Jerome Spaetti Matthew Wannemuehler Pam (Guetling) Wannemuehler Dan Weinzapfel Mark Werner

Class of ’76

Class Chairs: Steven Schapker, James L. Will, Jr. Participation: 15% Total Dollars: $3,216

Sherri (Fehrenbacher) Adler W. Christopher Alcorn Julie (Reibel) Arafeh Donna (Helfrich) Busan Timothy Dick Janet (Ubelhor) Fischer Steven Fischer Thomas Goedde Jeffrey Hayden Lisa (Stevenson) Henderson Debbie (Muensterman) Jochim Michelle (May) Krack Kathryn (Buedel) Lemond Joan (Dippel) McCord Jane (Wolf) Medlin Gene Mesker Kathy Montgomery Gerald Parkinson Steven Schapker Mark Schentrup Mary Ann (Lambert) Schentrup Mark Schiff Mark Schnur Tracy (Lappe) Sparks James Will

Class of ’77

Class Chair: Robert Scheller Participation: 15% Total Dollars: $2,088

Jeffrey Buckman Catherine (Morris) Bullock Anthony Deig Daniel Dick Sara Ellert Jacqueline (Kempf) Elsner Kim (Kelle) Farny Ronald Folz Keith Hartz Daniel Kercher Daniel Lappe Kent Reddington Stephen Rode Janet (Seib) Schapker Robert Scheller Karen (Weiss) Schenk Timothy Schenk Mary Beth (Weinzapfel) Spaetti Roger Wathen Jeffery Wolf Martha (Franks) Yurow

Class of ’78

Class Chair: Mary Beth (Goebel) Lindauer Participation: 10% Total Dollars: $2,700

Susan (Werner) Best Erin (Drake) Born Martha (Weinzapfel) Dick Michael Gossman George Hollander Thomas Klausmeier Mary Beth (Goebel) Lindauer Jeffry Niemeier John Schroeder James Seibert Angela (McDermott) Short Kelly (Hartz) Thornburg Natalie (Steinback) Wathen Gary Wink Janet (Clements) Wink Peggy (Spahn) Zoglman

Class of ’79

Class Chairs: Judith (Siemers) Schneider, Patricia (Rollett) Will Participation: 7% Total Dollars: $1,723

William Bartek Rhonda (Bassemier) Baumgart Richard Baumgart Michele (Weinzapfel) Fleming Mary (Folz) Goedde Barbara (Spaetti) Hartz Jeanne (Dewig) Mesker Mary (Miller) Ritter Judith (Siemers) Schneider Lisa (Folz) Schnur Theresa (Goebel) Weber

Class of ’80

Class Chairs: Michael Goedde, Daniel Niemeier Participation: 12% Total Dollars: $4,846

Terence Alvey Jane (Seibert) Balbach

Timothy Boots Joni (Schroeder) Cardin Richard Fischer Wade Hickam Mary Hupfer Shari (Allison) Kempf Daniel Lomax Daniel Niemeier Laura (Tenbarge) Niemeier Sandra (Forcum) Quick Laura (Eickhoff) Reddington Linda (Baehl) Russell Lawrence Schentrup Tamara (Weiss) Schroeder Vincent Schu Karen (Shetler) Wargel Greg Weinzapfel Mark Weinzapfel

Matthew Bartek William Basden D. Vincent Boots Kathy (Goedde) Boots Donna (Wannemuehler) Folz Daniel Haller Pauletta (Adler) Jeter Brian Johns Lorri (Riordan) Lappe Amy (Ludwig) Macke John Macke Bernard Mayer Tammy (Hollander) Messier Richard Niemeier Barbara (Deeg) Raben Jon Raben Diane (Weinzapfel) Schoettlin Tim Zeller

Class of ’81

Class of ’84

Class Chairs: Mark Herrmann, Michelle (Folz) Herrmann Participation: 8% Total Dollars: $2,186

Jean (Bradley) Alvey Janet Blankenberger Karla (Elpers) DeWeese Donald Eickhoff Sara (Castleman) Fischer Mark Herrmann Michelle (Folz) Herrmann Joseph Kohut Jeffrey Parkinson Paula (Wannemuehler) Parkinson Jane (Siemers) Weinzapfel Christopher Wildeman

Class of ’82

Class Chair: Susan (Reddington) Wagner Participation: 12% Total Dollars: $1,523

Kathy (Boes) Brainerd Julie (Weinzapfel) Bucy John Dewig Julie (Burch) Dunn Clare (Becker) Hassler J. Lynn Hassler Patrick Kempf Thomas Knowles Edward Lappe Mark MacGregor Donna (Koressel) Martin Jeffrey Martin Joseph Mischler Kent Niemeier Stephanie Purcell Leann (Will) Sander Mary (Ellert) Scheller Julia (Little) Schu Thomas Spindler Amy (Klenck) Tenbarge Brian Weinzapfel Krista (Grossman) Weinzapfel

Class of ’83

Class Chairs: Vincent Boots, Kathy (Goedde) Boots Participation: 13% Total Dollars: $2,416

Class Chair: Jeff Happe Participation: 8% Total Dollars: $1,150

Teri (Hollander) Albin Jeffrey Adler Jennifer (Beyer) Bartek Amy (Stocker) Brennan James Fleck Jeff Happe Debra (Bradley) Head Daniel Kruse Joann (Goebel) Lauderdale Karen (Morris) Parkinson Joseph Steinkamp Lisa (Kempf) Wilcox Kevin Wildeman

Class of ’85

Class Chairs: Chris Goebel, Jeanene (Happe) Goebel Participation: 14% Total Dollars: $2,271

Joseph Berendes Russell Fulton Chris Goebel Jeanene (Happe) Goebel Ann (Rode) Harper Edward Knapp Jacqueline (Smith) Knapp Darin Knight Eric Kohut Stanley Memmer Christopher Paul Sandra (Schmitt) Phelps Keith Reising LaChere (Anslinger) Rexing Britt (Heathcotte) Stemme Dennis Straub Dava (Lappe) Tenbarge Kathleen Wannemuehler Philip Will

Class of ’86

Class Chair: Wendy (Gueltling) Marx Participation: 11% Total Dollars: $3,011

Keri (Pender) Anslinger Theresa (Lamble) Berendes

Shawn Corcoran Kenneth Deeg Amy (Kaiser) Graham Tricia (Hollander) Henning Jeffrey Kohut Susan (Minielli) Delay Kent Rexing Steven Spahn Benjamin Wagner Marie (Anslinger) Wagner Julie (Jerger) Weinzapfel Jody (Fulton) Wilmes

Class of ’87

Class Chair: Jamie Wicks Participation: 7% Total Dollars: $862

Deanna (Hayden) Altstadt Lesley (Will) Bertrand John Goebel James Kaiser Monica (Scheu) Liba Susan (Jarboe) Loftus Kristi (Luigs) Marquis Thomas Titus Beth (Lasher) Woodruff

Class of ’88

Class Chair: Sarah (Titzer) Wagner Participation: 12% Total Dollars: $7,170

Heather Beach Athena (Correa) Koch Trina (Julow) Doepker Laura (Goedde) Fulton Brian Goebel Eric Gries Todd Lehman Richard Brent Neitzke Deborah (Kirsch) Record Lisa (Barnes) Reising Kim (Anslinger) Riordan Mark Schuler Bradley Schultheis Nina (Kissinger) Schultheis James Stratman Clifford Wagner Sarah (Titzer) Wagner Vickie Wannemuehler Natalie (Maier) Weis Paul Weis

Class of ’89

Class Chair: Craig Goedde Participation: 8% Total Dollars: $1,830

Rebecca (Jerger) Deeg Bridget (Boots) Dickerson Timothy Hollander Melanie (Seib) Jarrell Ann (Scheller) McIntosh Michael Moran James Pierre Lori (Messal) Pierre James Riordan Christopher Scheu Angela (Kirsch) Strehl

Steven Anslinger

Honor Roll of Donors 2014–15 31

Honor Roll of Donors Class of ’90

Class Chair: Lawrence Beard Participation: 7% Total Dollars: $1,316

Lawrence Beard Brian Elpers Jason Hamilton Marti (Luigs) Knight Chad Sandwell Amy (Hoefling) Schlachter Jeffrey D. Schlichting Kiley Van Bibber

Class of ’91

Class Chair: Matthew Folz, Kevin Moore Participation: 8% Total Dollars: $1,297

Patrick Boarman Kristen (Carter) Folz Matthew Folz Lisa (Wargel) Forzley Kelly Frankenberger Stephanie Hauschild Kevin Moore Todd Niemeier Robert Reisinger Phillip Stolz

Class of ’92

Class Chair: Valorie (Hirsch) Dassel Participation: 8% Total Dollars: $2,125

Samuel Ellison Eric Folz Eric Goebel Brian Hertel Heather (Maier) Hertel J. Samuel Marx Aaron Schapker James Townsend Michael Weber

Class of ’93

Class Chair: Gina Goedde Participation: 13% Total Dollars: $2,200

Jay Adams Sarah (Hutchinson) Adams Ellen (Berendes) Adler Lana (Schenk) Ellison Jennifer (Freeman) Folz Tresa (Fehrenbacher) Goebel Kevin Gries Beth (Will) Hirshberg Julia Moore Angela (Maier) Mulherin Beau Shumate Daniel Townsend Melissa (Spahn) Van Bibber Jennifer (Knapp) Vaughn Timothy Voelker

Class of ’94

Class Chair: Erin (Carter) Moore Participation: 8% Total Dollars: $1,979

John Aldenderfer Farrah (Maddox) Beard Jody (Bartlett) Branson

Aaron Couture Anthony Fehrenbacher Erin (Carter) Moore Jennifer (Spahn) Sieben Kiersten (Wathen) Stolz Robyn (Shirk) Tucker Julianna (Moore) Voelker Holly (Moore) Wahr Philip Zenthoefer

Class of ’95

Class Chair: Ingrid (Maier) Stratman Participation: 7% Total Dollars: $1,985

Melanie (Buchanan) Denning Andrew Hart Shari (Titzer) Hirsch Ryan Kassenbrock Jason Marsh Jeffrey McDurmon James Schroeder Christopher Spahn Ingrid (Maier) Stratman

Class of ’96

Class Chair: Andrea (Boots) Baumann Participation: 7% Total Dollars: $2,470

Andrea (Boots) Baumann Matthew Bohleber Jason Feldhaus Roger Nurrenbern Aaron Ruggles James Schiff Amy (Lehman) Schroeder Sara (Knapp) Sexton Blake Shumate

Class of ’97

Class Chair: Alisha (Goedde) Lannert Participation: 12% Total Dollars: $3,070

Mater Dei Endowments Edward A. Arnold Education Endowment for tuition assistance

Jerry & Charlotte MacGregor Family Endowment for general use

Ira Gerard and Theresa Boots Educational Endowment for teacher resources

Mater Dei Friends & Alumni Association Endowment for Mater Dei support

Ira Joseph and Dorothy Jane Boots Family Endowment for operating expenses

Mater Dei Operating Endowment for operating costs

Borries Family Endowment for general use Bart J. Crecco Memorial Scholarship Fund for tuition assistance Mary Jane Muensterman “Janie” Dale Endowment for educational and spiritual needs Father William Deering Memorial Scholarship for music scholarship for graduating senior Jim and Doris Dewig Endowment for facilities

James A. Niemeier Wrestling Endowment for the James A. Niemeier Wrestling Scholarship

Mike and Clarita Ellert Endowment for the Mike and Clarita Ellert Citizen Award

Sister Victoria Pohl Education Endowment for tuition assistance

Butch and Linda Feulner Mater Dei Fund Endowment for Mater Dei High School

Mater Dei Science & Technology Endowment for science

Fifth Third Foundation Education Endowment for tuition assistance

Rex Mundi Continuing Catholic Education Endowment for tuition assistance

Bishop’s Endowment for Mater Dei High School for tuition assistance

Robert and Rosemary Rooney Family Endowment for operating costs

Andrew and Darlene Goebel Endowment for tuition assistance

Donald W. and M. Patricia Rupprecht Fund for operating costs

Joseph and Patricia Gossman Endowment for athletics and academics Michelle Diane Greenwell Memorial Scholarship for high school and college scholarships Robert and Judy Griffin Charitable Endowment

Class of ’98

Monsignor William Lautner Endowment for operating costs


Dan and Laura Niemeier Endowment for operating costs

Tom and Joan Niemeier Family Endowment for operating costs and athletics

Theresa and William Helfrich Endowment for theatre

Bradley Angermeier

Paul and Nancy Mayer Endowment for tuition assistance

George and Bette Duncan Education Endowment for tuition assistance

Amanda (Bailey) Bohleber Nichole (Kempf) Eyer Peter Fehrenbacher Thomas Jankowski Jeremy Kiesel Libby (Olinger) Kiesel Brian Knapp Jennifer (Schili) Knight Nicholas Knight Sarah Koressel Alisha (Goedde) Lannert Chadwick Schenk Matthew Schenk Casi (Jost) Schiff Rachelle Knapp Brianna (Cox) Stevens Kurt Wildeman Jeffrey Woehler Sarah (Kempf) Woehler

Class Chairs: Natalie Emge, Jamie (Reese) Schiff Participation: 6% Total Dollars: $3,240

Mater Dei Teachers Education Endowment for tuition assistance

Ron and Kathy Hollander Education Endowment for tuition assistance Harold and Shirley Kempf Family Endowment for spiritual and religion use Bob King Endowment and Bob King Fund for operating costs Seibert-Knapp Family Endowment for tuition assistance Patricia Koch Family Education Endowment for tuition assistance DiAnne and Larry Kremer Educational Endowment for classroom technology 40% and tuition assistance 60% Reverend Raymond Kuper Fund for Education Excellence Endowment for tuition assistance

Jack and Ann MacGregor Endowment for Mater Dei High School

Jack and Kate Siemers Family Endowment for tuition assistance The Joseph T. Theby Scholarship Endowment Fund for tuition assistance Thomas O. Tighe Memorial Tennis Endowment for Thomas O. Tighe Tennis Scholarship Al and Darlene Weinzapfel and Family Endowment for operating costs 50% and athletics 50% James A. and Sandra S. Weinzapfel Endowment in honor of Matthew J. and Olivia C. Weinzapfel for tuition assistance for families with four or more children in school Jerry and Helen Weinzapfel Tuition Assistance Endowment for tuition assistance Jerry and Helen Weinzapfel Endowment for general use Kyle Weis Tuition Assistance Endowment for tuition assistance The John and Marian Witting Scholarship Endowment Fund for tuition assistance Louis Wittmer Nursing and Medical Education Endowment for scholarship for graduating senior to study nursing

Honor Roll of Donors Brandon Boots Michael DeWitt Jeremy Herrmann Neil Kassenbrock Dustin Lannert Brian Pope Mary (Reddington) Woehler

Class of ’99

Class Chair: Joshua Hodge Participation: 4% Total Dollars: $813

Lucas Angermeier Alicia (Wilderman) Elpers Peter Helfrich Joshua Hodge Nicholas Miller Andrew Woehler

Class of ’00

Class Chair: Matthew Weber Participation: 13% Total Dollars: $2,297

Adam Adler Andrew Baumgartner Katie (Dewig) Baumgartner Carrie (Goebel) Boehman Jacob Boehman Jason Dewig Jennifer (Reffett) Fehrenbacher Zachary Fehrenbacher Mitch Happe Shay (Grasso) Helfrich Lelia Johnson Jessica (Adler) Kassenbrock Natalie (Zimmer) Kassenbrock John Kiefer James Kissel Jennifer (Steinkamp) Kollker Kimberly (Weber) Marsh Katie (Raben) Shumate Jake Tucker Matthew Weber Nick Weinzapfel

Class of ’01

Sarah (Tornatta) Hayes Matthew Kiefer Jonathan Kissel Blake Kollker Jarrod Luigs Aaron Reckelhoff Logan Riggs Jake Schiff

Class of ’03

Class Chair: Rachel Wright Participation: 7% Total Dollars: $1,020

Class Chair: Patrick Fehrenbacher Participation: 6% Total Dollars: $700

Jeffrey Anslinger Nick Beach Ashley (Rister) Chumley Jason Kuester Katie (Reffett) Miller Noah Moran Aaron Pierce Benjamin Verkamp Tia Williams Rachel Wright

David Altstadt Megan (Parkinson) Altstadt Melissa (Glaser) Beach Kara (Adler) Dewig Jennifer (Reed) Elsner Patrick Fehrenbacher Kenneth Miller Mary (Nelson) Peckenpaugh Nathan Weinzapfel

Class of ’02

Class Chair: Jennifer (Mesker) Dyhrkopp Participation: 8% Total Dollars: $2,941

Daniel Alcorn Ryan Dewig Michael Elsner

Class of ’04

Class Chair: Hallie Denstorff, Eric Reffert Participation: 8% Total Dollars: $689

Hallie Denstorff Kirby (Splittorff) Dewig Katherine (Roberts) Gretler Nicholas Lannert

Laura (Schroeder) McKenzie Andrew Nurrenbern Eric Reffett Brandy Sparks Eric Stoltz Megan Wright

Lucas Nelson Andrew Niemeier Elyse (Kraft) Niemeier Robin (Fehrenbacher) Rosbrugh Scott Schapker

Class of ’05

Class Chair: Lauren Niemeier Participation: 6% Total Dollars: $221

Class Chair: Jenna Denstorff Participation: 9% Total Dollars: $663

Phillip Fischer Marie (Schiff) Gallagher Allison (Mesker) Garrard Cory Goebel Jacob Herrmann Katherine R. (Goebel) Herrmann Rachel Ketzner Kourtney (Scott) Lannert Michelle (Farney) Nobles Emily (Shetler) Nurrenbern Ryan Wildeman

Class of ’06

Class Chair: Natalie Fleming, Laura Mesker Participation: 6% Total Dollars: $1,431

Sarah (Paciorkowski) Brian Mallory (Schenk) Eickhoff Natalie Fleming Benjamin Lasher Matthew Loehrlein

Class of ’07

Mitchell Eickhoff Christopher Emmert Mallory Goebel Lauren Niemeier Jenna Adler Jordan Phelps Sarah Schneider

Class of ’08

Class of ’10

Class Chair: Jessica (Kempf) Snyder Participation: 2% Total Dollars: $135

Ryan Bassemier Brooke Schmitt Jessica (Kempf) Snyder

Class of ’11

Class Chair: Kristen Cox Participation: 2% Total Dollars: $150

Kristen Cox Chelsea Emmert

Class of ’12

Class Chair: Eric TenBarge Participation: 1% Total Dollars: $15

Brianna Dickerson

Class Chair: Emily TenBarge Participation: 1% Total Dollars: $170

Christopher Baumgart Emily TenBarge

Class of ’13

Class Chair: Cooper Mayer Participation: 1% Total Dollars: $10

Nathan Wright

Class of ’09

Class Chairs: Caroline Niemeier, Katelyn Niemeier Participation: 2% Total Dollars: $115

Matthew Dickerson Margaret Hurm Joseph Pugh

Honor Roll of Donors 2014–15 33

In Honor Of

In Honor Of

This past year, we celebrated the 65th Anniversary of Mater Dei High School. The Annual Fund Chair, Rev. David Nunning, invited friends and alumni of Mater Dei to “consider a gift to the Annual Fund worthy of this anniversary year. This special Anniversary Annual Fund is your opportunity to give a gift to honor someone who is connected to Mater Dei High School.” The following are donors who accepted Fr. Nunning’s invitation and gave in honor of individuals, living and deceased.

In honor of Paul Adler ‘58 Pauletta and Gregory Jeter

In honor of Erik Buerger ‘87 Frank and Joan Buerger

In honor of Salli Alcorn

In honor of Hank Pat Burch Julie and Mike Dunn

Chris and Susan Alcorn

In honor of Charlotte Steinhauser Appman ‘58 Mariann Baumgartner In honor of Baby Jesus Chadwick and Julia Schenk In honor of William F. Basden Margaret Basden In honor of John A. Becher Earl and Claudette Becher In honor of Maurice Berendes ‘60 Jack and Carole Kinsler Ed and Judy Knapp Lawrence and DiAnne Kremer Kent and Melissa Rexing In honor of Michael Black ’98 Jon and Kathy Black In honor of Ira and Dorothy Boots Dorothy and James Kennedy Rebecca and Edward Maier Rachel Wright In honor of George and Marie Brenner Rev. Raymond Brenner In honor of Troy Braker James and Charlene Braker In honor of Ken Brooks Sr. Ann Marie Butler, DC

In honor of the Class of 1958 Paul and Sylvia Baehl

In honor of the Parents of Jerry and Anna Burdette Anna and Jerry Burdette In honor of the Class of 1950 Delores Helfrich-Schroeder In honor of the Class of 1951 Patricia and Robert Jackson Virgil Mayer James and Barbara Stratman In honor of the Class of 1952 Richard Koressel In honor of the Class of 1953 Mary Patricia Orth

Dale and Marty Hillenbrand

In honor of Class of 1958 deceased classmates Dale ‘58 and Marty Hillenbrand gave In honor of the following Class of 1958 deceased classmates: Paul Adler

Larry Kissinger

Gerald Angermeier

Kenneth McBride

Charlotte (Steinhauser) Appman

Susan (French) McCracken

Charles Baumgart

Mary (Schenk) Minton

June and Paul Smith

Paul Bicker

Mary Mohr

James and Mary Stroud

Tom Brandsasse Barbara (Minton) Bruce

Dianne (Zirkelbach) Moore

JoAnn (Woods) Bullington

David Nicholson

In honor of the Class of 1959 William and Jeanie Luigs Carolyn and H. Phil Pearce Janice Kuebler-Ricketts

In honor of the Class of 1960 Eileen Haase

Ann (Stricker) Chambers

Paul and Bonnie Hartmann

Gary Cobb

Rose Ann and Raymond Murphy

Joan Minnette

Bernie Niehaus David Nurrenbern

Margaret (Jochum) Culley

Mary (Hildenbrand) Oldham

Roberta (Barnhart) Cullman

In honor of the Class of 1961

William Poag, Jr.

Judith (Helmer) Debes

Leon Ray

Gary and Susan Pierre

Janice (Debes) DeMuth

Bernice (Goebel) Rexing

Donald and Alice Weis

Diana (Waelde) Dobos

Lawrence Reynolds

Sharon (Dillman) Dossett

Charles Riley

In honor of the Class of 1962

Bernie Drone

Betty Russell

In honor of the Class of 1954 Dorothy Morris Dixie and Earl Robinson

Gary and Susan Pierre

Maurice Duncan

Paul Sartore

In honor of the Class of 1963

Barbara Eickhoff

Arthur Schemel

James Flick

Paul and Sylvia Baehl

Mary (Spahn) Franco

Maggie (Hartmann) Schmidt

In honor of the Class of 1955 Gilbert and Rose Adler John and Rachel Lorber Martha Schmitt Al and Darlene Weinzapfel

Cheryl and Joseph Raleigh

In honor of the Class of 1956 Joseph and Mary Lee Bassemier Anita Bergman Judith Zivanovic


Donald and Alice Weis

In honor of the Class of 1964 Nancy and Robert Mangold Danny and Janice Schmitt Janice and Larry Schuble

In honor of the Class of 1965 David Ellison Beverly and Stanley Jones

Jerry Gish

JoAnn (Lindenschmidt) Seibert

Gary Godsey

Sharon (Reinhart) Skelton

Sarah (Nunning) Goebel

Robert Stevens

Walter Gruner

Shirley (Sauer) VanBibber

Jeanette (Elpers) Hall

Donnie Vowels

Tom Hayden

Eugene Wargel

Charles Hertel

Wayne Wargel

Richard Hoerner

Thomas Weber

Jim Kettinger

William Winiger

In Honor Of Stephen and Stephanie Niemeier Richard Wargel

In honor of the Class of 1966 Thomas Cook Martha and Timothy Gump Kathleen and Robert Wittgen In honor of the Class of 1967 Thomas and Linda Knapp Rebecca Koontz In honor of the deceased members of the Class of 1967 Diane Altstadt In honor of the Class of 1968 Michael and Carol Laymon Robert Reisinger In honor of the Class of 1969 Mark Schreiber In honor of the Class of 1970 Dennis and Scarlett Feldhaus Melvin and Suzanna Martin William and Karen Sue O’Bryan In honor of the Class of 1971 Theresa and Lawrence Chapman David and Sandra Schmitt James and Kris Schroeder Dave and Tina Schutte

In honor of the Class of 1978 Erin and Richard Born

In honor of Rev. William Deering John and Donna Hamilton

In honor of August and Esther Gerst James Gerst

In honor of William and Leoda Kempf Roy J. and Barbara Ritzert

In honor of the Class of 1980 Patrick and Shari Kempf

In honor of the Dewig Family Jason and Kirby Dewig

In honor of Victor and Martha Lee Gilles Jeana Campbell

In honor of Sister Mary Victor Kercher, OSB Stan Singer and Lenna DeMarco

In honor of the Class of 1982 Patrick and Shari Kempf

In honor of Rev. Eugene Dewig Margaret and Roland Carlson

In honor of Andy Goebel ‘65 South Central Communications Corporation

In honor of Cathy Drake’s 90th Birthday Patricia Miller Catherine Siemers

Tony and Zetta Goebel

In honor of the Class 1984 Amy and John Brennan In honor of the Class of 1987 James and Elaine Kaiser In honor of the Class of 1991 Patrick and Julie Boarman In honor of the Class of 1992 Michael and Lisa Weber In honor of the Class of 1995 Christopher Spahn In honor of the Class of 1998 Michael and Michelle DeWitt In honor of the Class of 2000 Tia Williams In honor of the Class of 2002 Blake and Jennifer Kollker

In honor of the Class of 1975 Barbara Griepenstroh

In honor of the Class of 2007 Mallory Goebel Lauren Niemeier

In honor of the Class of 1976 Joan and Michael McCord Tracy Sparks

In honor of the Class of 2010 Ryan Bassemier

In honor of the Class of 1977 Catherine and Max Bullock

In honor of the Class of 2011 Kristen Cox

In honor of Gayla Dockery ‘53 Carolyn Schoening In honor of Joe Dulin ‘53 Clarence and Joanne Kirby In honor of Mike and Clarita Ellert Sara Ellert

In honor of Rita Goebel

In honor of Kevin Hall ‘04, Laura Hall ‘07, and Sarah (Hall) Wildeman ‘07 Tom and Rosemary Hall In honor of Betty Hamilton ‘54 Judith and Joseph Dickman In honor of Trevor A. Head ‘84 Debra Head Michael and Jennie Head

In honor of Harvey and Carol ‘60 Klenck Amy TenBarge In honor of James Knapp ‘68 Elvira Knapp Jerome and Judith Knapp In honor of the Knapp and Seibert familes Edward and Jacqueline Knapp In honor of Jerry Krack ‘59 Thomas and Delores Folz In honor of Lorraine Kubera Sr. Ann Marie Butler, DC In honor of Tom ‘60 and Mary ‘62 Lehman James and Amy Schroeder

In honor of Herman and Emma Elpers Francis and Hilda Spahn

In honor of Bill ‘60 and Theresa ‘69 Helfrich Lelia Johnson Rachel Wright

In honor of Richard and Gertrude Emge Allen and Barbara Rexing

In honor of the Hoefling Grandchildren Donald and Rita Hoefling

In honor of Family Herman Scheller

In honor of Ken Hoefling ‘66 Gary and Dianne Wunderlich

In honor of Family Fred and Mary Spahn

In honor of David & Ann Johns 50th Wedding Anniversary Edward and Judy Knapp

In honor of Veronica and John Miller Robert and Jane Miller

In honor of Lelia Johnson ‘00 Bristol-Myers Squibb

In honor of Steven D. Moore ‘64 Janice Moore

In honor of Family Allen and LaVerne Tenbarge

In honor of Family and Class of 1959 Janice Kueber-Ricketts In honor of Ken Flittner, Mater Dei Mayor ‘60 Donald and Patricia Rupprecht In honor of Curtis Forcum ‘82 Sandra and David Quick

In honor of Rita Jones ‘67 MD Class of 1967 In honor of Tim Kaiser ‘79 Amy and Philip Graham In honor of Linda (Wargel) Keliipaakaua ‘69 Sharon and Stephen Muensterman

In honor of Mary Elizabeth Lodato Bob and Mary Lue Russler In honor of Margaret Macke William E. Macke In honor of Ruth Martin ‘56 MD Class of 1956

In honor of the Niemeier and Berendes families Thomas and Joan Niemeier In honor of Rev. David Nunning Rev. Donald Ackerman Rebecca and Richard Johnson

Honor Roll of Donors 2014–15 35

In Honor Of Rose Kuhn Laura and Brendan McKenzie Scott Whitehouse

In honor of Oscar and Marie Nunning Anonymous Bernard and Mary Jane Nunning Rev. David Nunning In honor of Luke Oliva ‘11 Antonio and Sharon Oliva In honor of Ronald “Slim” Paul ‘68 Christopher Paul In honor of Bernice (Gumbel) Perryman ‘67 MD Class of 1967 In honor of Gary and Susie Pierre 50th Wedding Anniversary Edward and Judy Knapp In honor of the Reddington Children June and Sam Baker In honor of the Reddington Family June and Sam Baker

In honor of Lucille and Raymond Rexing Elgene Rexing-Beckerle and Robert Beckerle In honor of Betty (Hosick) Reynolds ‘53 Sue and Don Ochsner In honor of Leroy and Veronica Ritzert Roy J. and Barbara Ritzert On honor of Stephen Sanford ‘59 South Central Communications Corporation In honor of Sr. Mary Clare Scheessele, OSB John Barthel

Clarence and Margaret Schenk Timothy and Karen Schenk

In honor of John and Rose Spahn

Clifford and Sarah Wagner

Francis and Hilda Spahn

In honor of Sr. Mildred Wannemuehler, OSB

In honor of Katie Schmitt Sarah and Matthew Hayes

In honor of Edna Steinkamp

Carol Kissinger

David Steinkamp

In honor of Martha and Bernard Schmitt Rev. Eugene Schmitt

In honor of Jeanette (Stratman) Watkins ‘67

In honor of Sr. Dorothy Steckler, OSB

MD Class of 1967

Kenneth and Barbara Elpers

In honor of Kyle Weis ‘10

In honor of Jim ‘71 and Kristine Schroeder James and Amy Schroeder

In honor of Sr. Julitta Steckler, OSB

In honor of Margaret Schutte Terry and Angela Stumpf

In honor of Urban Seibert ‘53 Jane and James Balbach

In honor of Arthur Scheller, Jr. William and Lois Martin

In honor of Nancy Owens Shively ‘60

In honor of Parents: Scheller and Schentrup Families Arthur and Donna Scheller In honor of the Brian ‘77 and Karen ‘79 Schenk family Robert and Velva Kaffenberger

Kathy Brown

In honor of Siblings Rosemary Freeman

In honor of Marietta Simon’s 80th Birthday Rita Eades

Kenneth and Barbara Elpers

In honor of Linda (Steckler) Taylor ‘67 MD Class of 1967

In honor of MD Teachers and Alumni Sr. Rose Ann Muller, OSB

In honor of Sr. Sharon Tenbarge, OSB

Vernette Weis

In honor of Evelyn Weiss Ed and Judy Knapp

In honor of Leroy and Rose Weiss Timothy and Karen Schenk

In honor of Carolyn Werner James Werner

In honor of James Will, Sr. ‘51

Charles and Diana Petranek

Leann and Chad Sander

In honor of Scott ‘81, Craig ‘82, Blake ‘84, Patrick ‘85, Stephen ‘88, and Jason ‘90 Titzer

In honor of Margaret and Ross Willliamson

Gail and Daniel Titzer

Sue Reel

In honor of Charlotte Titzer

Gerald and Julie Schreiber

Robert and Marguerite Kent

Eileen Will

David and Gail Williamson

Prayer for MD God, our Father, You have greatly blessed Mater Dei High School: A school dedicated to Mary, the Mother of God. Help us to treasure Your gift of life and remember that we are all created in Your image. Lord Jesus, You are the unseen but ever-present teacher in our classes. Grant us all the perception to see the many opportunities to show Your love, mercy, and kindness to one another. Holy Spirit, guide us with the fire of Your love. Give us vision and determination for shaping a faith-filled future. May we all use our time and talents to glorify Your Holy Name. May the Virgin Mary’s openness to the Word of God be our example of love and service to God and neighbor. We ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

In Memoriam

In Memoriam

Members of the Mater Dei family who have gone to their eternal reward are remembered by friends and loved ones by contributing to Mater Dei High School in their memory.

In memory of Paul Adler

Patricia & Gary Mueller

Pauletta & Gregory Jeter

Kathy & Daniel Schenk

In memory of Patty Atherton

In memory of Mark Folz

Edward & Judy Knapp

Jane & Gordon Amos Martha & Robert Baehl

In memory of John Bergwitz

Steven & Judy Blankenberger

MD Class of 1956

Margaret Ann Byrne

In memory of Don Buedel Ronald & Karen Bacon Karla & Jerry Deweese Jacqueline & Tom Elsner Kim & James Farny Mary Lue & Robert Russler Catherine Siemers West Maryland Estates Homeowners Assn. Donald & Amy Will

Timothy & Theo Boots Cathy & Joe Crowdus Daniel & Jean Dick Rebecca & Phillip Dosher Terry Drone James & Carol Fechtmeister Robert & Mary Kay Fehrenbacher Butch & Linda Feulner David & Diane Gears Gregory & Susie Head Bernette & Johnie Locklar

In memory of Margie Crowe Harold & Sylvia Gossman

Mary & Arthur Minar Daniel & Laura Niemeier Florentine F. Pfettscher

In memory of Sandie Deig

Stephanie Purcell & Brian Price

Linda Deig

Daniel & Kathy Schenk

Timothy Deig

Allen & LaVerne Tenbarge

Janet & Christopher Siemers

Robert & JoAnn Weber

Vanderburgh County Federated Republican Women

Theresa & David Weber

In memory of Joan Emge

Dennis & Patty Welp

Ronald & Margaret Angermeier

Greg & Julie Weinzapfel Bertha E. Julian Thomas & Mary Kay Lehman

Beyer Brothers

In memory of Jeffery Froehle

Justin & Shirley Clements

Carolyn & Terry Bailey

Karen Waller

Wayne & Diane Emge

Donna Helfrich-Busan

Mark & Deborah Fehrenbacher

Gloria Carter

In memory of Evelyn Goedde

Steven & Marcia Frey

Trina & Fred Doepker

Allan & Kristine Proctor

Karole & Daniel Gutzweiler

Sara Ellert

Rosemary Gutzweiler

Earl & Janet Epple

Melvin Kneer

Harold Forche

Tom & Bernice Emge

Robert & Martha Froehle

Mary Pat Smead

In memory of Theresa Helfrich

In memory of Ronald Hertel

Ira Gerard & Terry Boots

Linda Hertel

James & Cynthia Mallory Lynn Marshall

In memory of Ann MacGregor

James & Lori Pierre

Steven & Judy Blankenberger

James & Ingrid Stratman

Cherie & Jerry Burgdorf

Jeffrey & Mary Ellen Vandyke

Deborah & Jim Collins

In memory of Jack Groban

Paul & Natalie Weis

Rebecca & Phillip Dosher

Timothy & Andrea Dickel

Vernette Weis

Terry Drone

Annabelle Helfrich


J.J. Strieter

Tina & Joseph Wright

Robert & Mary Kay Fehrenbacher

Honor Roll of Donors 2014–15 37

In Memoriam Linda & Butch Feulner

Larry & Carol Goedde

Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Robb & Family

Charles & Christa Haugh

Suzanna & Melvin Martin

Thomas & Delores Folz

Richard & Kathleen Griese

Catherine Siemers

Daniel & Patricia Kercher

Thomas & Janet Moore

Patrick & Jeanne Freeman

Thomas Jankowski

James & Ingrid Stratman

Stacy Kueber & Cinda Inman

Thomas & Joan Niemeier

Lynch & Associates

Suzanna & Melvin Martin

Gary & Susan Pierre

Jeffrey & Natalie McDurmon

In memory of Bertha Phelps

Jeffrey & Natalie McDurmon

Charlotte MacGregor

Thomas & Shelly Titus

Ruth & David Ritzert

Mark & Tracy MacGregor

Stephen & Stephanie Niemeier

Thomas & Debbie Borries

Stuart & Lorie Van Meter

Leroy Schenk

John & Ruby Manger

Mary Oliver

Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Clawson

Leroy & Diane Weinzapfel

Donald & Kathleen Seibert

Jan Herrmann

James & Kim Riordan

Paul & Beverly Cross

Al & Pat Welsh

Stephen & Stephanie Niemeier

Norma Sue Rode

Ronald & Mary Ann Drake

Michele & Jeffrey Wildeman

Daniel & Kathy Schenk

Steven & Janet Schapker

David & Barbara Drake

Frank & Holly Will

Christopher & Janet Siemers

Greg & Julie Weinzapfel

Brian & Patricia Johns

Patricia & Patrick Singleton

Al & Pat Welsh

Brian & Terri Korff

In memory of Joyce Sanders

Sarah & Clifford Wagner

Michele & Jeffrey Wildeman

Wood Printing Company, Inc.

Mary Hester

Sandra & Tom Phelps

Sherrie Jeffries

St. Phillip Mens Club

Barbara & Thomas Moore

LaChere & David Rexing

Stephen & Stephanie Niemeier

Samuel & Cheryl Schmitt

Steven & Janice Pugh

Thomas & Jodie Schmitt

Shirley Wingerter

Joe & Kathleen Weber Eugene & Nancy Weinzapfel

In memory of Jerry McAtee Patrick & Jeanne Freeman St. Phillips Conservation Club Robert & JoAnn Weber

In memory of Evelyn Oliver Joan & Randall Bauer Brenda & Timothy Born Thomas & Debbie Borries Mark & Deborah Fehrenbacher Tony & Zetta Goebel

In memory of Steve Oliver MD Class of 1967

In memory of James Pender William & Audrey Boarman Donald & Joan Cooper James & Rosalie Dunkel Sara Ellert Harold Forche Joseph & Julia Greubel Mike & Sue Greulich Lloyd & Joan Jost Stephen & Stephanie Niemeier Wilbur Rembold

Mark Turner

In memory of Michelle Ricketts

In memory of James Seibert Maurice & Cherie Berendes

Keri & Steven Anslinger

Jack & Phyllis Corn

Martha & Mike Bohleber

David & Catherine Hartmann

Mr. & Mrs. Norman Charles

David & Ann Johns

Donna Drone

Edward & Judy Knapp

Andrew & Darlene Goebel

Thomas & Linda Knapp

Fr. Daniel Hackney & Carol Hackney

Lawrence & DiAnne Kremer

In memory of Joe Vessels Kathleen Gerbig Harold & Sylvia Gossman Michael & Melissa Gossman Robert Hamilton George Hollander Jim & Mary McDonald Bertha Michelini Kent Niemeier Loretta Niemeier Todd & Babs Niemeier Lois K. Vessels Robert & Jo Ann Weber

In memory of Evelyn Weiss Edward & Judy Knapp

In memory of Harold Weinzapfel ‘54 Roselle Weinzapfel

Contributions that were received after June 30, 2015, will be acknowledged in the 2015–16 Honor Roll of Donors. Every

effort has been made to list all donors as accurately as possible. We apologize for any errors or omissions and ask that you contact the Mater Dei Office of Institutional Advancement, 812-421-5727, with any corrections.


Memorial Gifts

Memorial Gifts Many

family and friends of loved ones who have passed choose to designate memorial gifts made at the funeral home in their memory to Mater Dei High School through the Mater Dei Annual Fund. Mater Dei accepts gifts which are restricted for a specific program or purpose, in addition to unrestricted gifts which are made available to assist with current school priorities. A heartfelt thank you is extended to the following families who honored their loved ones with gifts to the 2014–15 Mater Dei Annual Fund. May they find peace in knowing their memory lives on in the hearts of the Mater Dei High School community. Donald Buedel

Jeffrey Froehle ’77

James Pender

In Evansville, July 8, 2014. Survived by his children, Donald ’74, Kathryn Lemond ’76, Jan Elpers ’77, and Michael ’81. Because Don strongly supported Catholic education, at the time of his passing his family requested memorial donations to be made to Mater Dei.

In Evansville, September 2, 2014. Survived by his parents, Herman ’54 and Betty ’51 Froehle; sisters, Kathleen Wright ’78 and Sharon Selby ’80; brothers, Michael ’74 and Roger ’76. Jeff enjoyed attending Mater Dei football games, and at the time of his passing memorial contributions were directed to the Mater Dei Men’s Club.

In Evansville, August 26, 2014. Survived by his wife Jackie, daughter Keri Anslinger ’86, and sons Jim ’75 and Daniel ’77. As a past parent of Mater Dei graduates, Jim supported the efforts of the Mater Dei Men’s Club where memorial donations were given in his name.

Gloria Bumb In Evansville, May 1, 2015. Gloria worked in the Mater Dei cafeteria serving ice cream to students for several years. She was the mother of daughters, Sandy Struewing ’74 and Debbie Elpers ’77, and sons, Gary ’72 and Robb ’82. Because Gloria was passionate about Mater Dei, her family requested memorial donations be made to the Full of Grace: Excellence for Tomorrow Capital Campaign artificial turf football field project.

Bertha Phelps John “Jack” Groban In Evansville, December 25, 2014. Jack was a member of the Downtown Kiwanis Club, and he served as the Kiwanis Sports Representative for Mater Dei for over 30 years. Memorial gifts in his name were designated for Mater Dei.

Theresa (Boots) Helfrich ’69

In Evansville, March 3, 2015. Survived by stepchildren, Richard, Becky Martin ’67, Stan, Pamela, and Donna. Sandi spent many years working in local, state, and federal government. Her family very generously asked that memorial gifts be made in her name to Mater Dei High School.

In Evansville, June 27, 2014. Survived by daughters Lelia Johnson ’00, Mary Gunterman, Mary Kay Helfrich; sisters Rebecca Maier ’66, Tina Wright ’74 and Bridget Dickerson ’89; brothers Larry ’60, Ira Gerard ’72, Timothy ’80 and Vincent ’83. At the time of her passing, her family requested that memorial donations be made to the Mater Dei endowment established in her parents’ names, the Ira J. and Dorothy Boots Endowment Fund.

Joan Emge

Jerry McAtee ’51

In Evansville, December 23, 2014. Survived by daughter, Diane Sammet ’72, and son, Wayne ’70. Joan’s children and grandchildren all attended Mater Dei, and Joan was always a supportive past parent and grandparent. Her family requested Mater Dei to be the recipient of memorial gifts in Joan’s memory.

In Evansville, December 16, 2014. Survived by his daughters, Lesa Carr, Angie Spivey and Wendy Jennings ’88. Jerry was a member of the Class of 1951, the second class to graduate from Mater Dei. In his memory, his family asked that memorial donations be made to Mater Dei.

Sandie Deig

Evelyn Oliver Mark Folz ’78 In Miami, FL, May 5, 2015. Survived by his wife, Gina; daughters, Heather, Katie, and Jackie; parents, Tom ’56 and Delores ’56 Folz; sisters, Mary Goedde ’79 and Rita Weinzapfel ’86; brother , Mike ’88; and stepdaughter, Barbara. Mark’s family requested memorial donations be made to the Mater Dei Friends & Alumni.

In Evansville, December 28, 2014. Survived by daughters Carol Goedde ’65, Nancy Steinkamp ’74 and Mari Jost ’76, and sons Dr. Randall ’72 and Scott ’81. Besides her children attending Mater Dei, many of Evelyn’s 19 grandchildren graduated from Mater Dei. Her family acknowledged her strong support of Mater Dei by requesting memorial donations be made in her memory.

In Mount Vernon, January 10, 2015. Survived by son, Thomas. In honor of Bertha’s grandchildren Shelby ’16 and Jordan Phelps ’18, memorial donations were made to the Mater Dei Marching Wildcats.

Michelle Ricketts In Evansville, February 25, 2015. Survived by her husband Steve, and sons Easton ’13 and Cooper ’16. Michelle enjoyed watching her sons play sports for Mater Dei and supporting her husband, the baseball coach at Mater Dei. Memorial contributions in Michelle’s name were made to the Mater Dei Athletic Department.

James “Jim” Seibert ’61 In Evansville, March 6, 2015. Survived by daughters Katrina Costeur, Heather Jalof, and son James. Jim served as a class chair for the Class of 1961 each year for the Annual Fund alumni giving. As a former Mater Dei wrestler, his family requested memorial gifts to be made to the Mater Dei Wrestling program.

Joseph Vessels ’53 In Fort Branch, Ind., December 19, 2014. Survived by his wife, Lois; son, Joey; daughter, Kathy Isaacs; and his beloved dog, Bo. Joe was a member of the Class of 1953, the first class to attend all four years at Mater Dei, where he served as senior class president. At the time of his passing, his family requested memorial contributions to be made in Joe’s name to the Mater Dei Friends & Alumni Association.

Honor Roll of Donors 2014–15 39

Mater Dei High School

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Mater Dei Calendar of Events FRIDAY

OCT 23 2015

Tradition Lottery 2016 tickets on sale


Mar 13 2016

Big Bingo and Big Auction


apr 8 2016

Ave Maria Morning

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