Red & Gold Fall 2016

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Red& Gold

The Mater Dei High School Magazine

Volume 32, Number 3 • Fall 2016

Tom & Louise Crane’s Gift Spiritual Life at Mater Dei Supermileage Team in London 2015–16 Annual Report & Honor Roll of Donors

In This Issue Tom & Louise Crane

Cover story Mater Dei Supermileage Team competed in London, England in a world-wide competition.

Tom and Louise Crane gifted the land that became the site of Mater Dei High School.

Spiritual Life at Mater Dei At the beginning of the new school year, we welcomed a new Spiritual Life Coordinator and a new Chaplain at Mater Dei.

MD Yearbooks Mater Dei Yearbooks are now available to view online.

Red& Gold

The Mater Dei High School Magazine • Vol. 32, No. 3 • Fall 2016

The Red & Gold is published three times a year by the Mater Dei High School Office of Institutional Advancement, to encourage understanding and support of the mission of Mater Dei High School. Through the Red & Gold, Mater Dei’s 10,000+ alumni, as well as the school’s many friends, continue to strengthen their relationships with each other and become better informed about the many ways Mater Dei strives for excellence through its spiritual, academic and extracurricular programs.

Annual Fund / Honor Roll of Donors 2015–16 was a record year for the Annual Fund. Thank you to everyone who supported this effort!

Red & Gold Staff Editor: Carol Nurrenbern Art Director: Alan Inkenbrandt ’89 Photography Contributors: Yearbook Student Staff Straub Photography Contributors: Timothy Dickel Sarah Wagner ’88 Jan Barnes

Send alumni news and address changes to Jan Barnes, Database Manager,

Mater Dei High School • 1310 Harmony Way, Evansville, IN 47720 • 812-426-2258 •


Red& Gold Fall 2016

Mater Dei Today Roger Sills receives the first Evansville Catholic Educator Innovative Award Digital Design teacher Roger Sills

that lays down a very thin layer

and with students in Mater Dei’s

was the recipient of the first Diocese

of hot plastic compounds from a

feeder schools.

of Evansville Catholic Educator

spool of plastic. They were able to

Innovative Award for secondary

design and create applications for

schools for his work with a 3-D man-

a local engineering company.

ufacturing program at Mater Dei.

During second semester, a group of students built their own 3-D printer when a 3-D Manufacturing

Mr. Sills encouraged his students

class was added to the curriculum.

At the beginning of school last

to make a documentary about the

Mr. Sills is working to establish a

year, Mr. Sills introduced 3-D

process of designing and printing

dual credit course at Mater Dei

printing to his students in his

with the 3-D printer and, through

through Ivy Tech for three hours

Digital Design class. The students

time-lapsed video, show the machine

of college credit, which will include

learned how to design a project

printing an object. The documen-

AutoCad first semester and 3-D

and print it using a 3-D printer

tary will be shared at conferences

Manufacturing second semester.

Fall 2016

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Mater Dei Today Scott Whitehouse appointed Spiritual Life Coordinator at Mater Dei Scott Whitehouse was appointed the new Spiritual Life Coordinator at Mater Dei at the end of school last year. After many years in the classroom, Scott accepted the challenge to serve in this new role. The Spiritual Life Coordinator operates under the supervision of the principal and in coordination with the Theology Department and is charged with creating an environment which encourages and guides all members to contribute to the Catholic Identity of Mater Dei High School. Through formation of the faith community of the campus, this individual responds to the spiritual needs and welfare of the students, faculty, staff, parents, and furthers the collaborative effort with students who attend the local feeder parishes. The Spiritual Life Coordinator helps to enliven the rich spiritual life of Mater Dei through spiritual growth, prayer, discipleship, social justice and preparation of leaders in service for the Church and society.

should we be doing for humanity

considering a vocation in the Church.

and creation,” he states.

Scott stresses the importance of

Scott will ensure that what is cur-

praying for vocations and nourishing

rently provided to students in the

those who may be called to serve.

form of prayer and catechesis is

Scott has taught in the Diocese of Evansville for 40 years, the past 20 of those years as a Theology

According to Scott, attention will

teacher at Mater Dei. In addition to

be given to the service program at

his bachelor and master degrees

Mater Dei. He references the school’s

and post-graduate degree in school

motto, “Enter to learn, Go Forth to

administration, he also completed

Serve,” as a good starting point for

the LIMEX Certification in Pastoral

The effort to continue a close connec-

students’ call to serve. “That call is

Studies at Loyola University. Scott

tion with the feeder school pastors is

very much a part of every individual’s

has served as the Master of Ceremo-

part of the Catholic connection Mater

Baptismal call. It is time to embrace

ny for three bishops in the Diocese

Dei has enjoyed over the years. Along

service not as a program, not some-

of Evansville for the past 32 years.

with Mater Dei’s Chaplain, Fr. Pascal

thing we have to do, but as the very

He is a recipient of the Simon Brute

Nduka, the presence of the priests

essence of who we are and what

Award for his service to the diocese.

maintained. He affirms, “We are a faith community and need to remember that faith is the foundation as to why Mater Dei is in existence.”


has been important to those who are

Red& Gold Fall 2016

Mater Dei Today Father Pascal Nduka to serve as Mater Dei chaplain Fr. Pascal Nduka was recently appointed by Bishop Charles Thompson as the Chaplain at Mater Dei High School. Fr. Pascal is from Nigeria and has been in the United States for 10 years and the Diocese of Evansville since November 28, 2013.

“I thank God for the privilege to be part of the Mater Dei community.” During that time he has served as an associate pastor at Precious Blood parish in Jasper and at St. Mary parish in Ireland; St. Philip Neri in Bicknell, Sacred Heart, St. Francis Xavier, St. Vincent de Paul and St. John in Vincennes; and sacramental minister at St. Thomas Church in Vincennes. Fr. Pascal is currently an associate pastor at Annunciation of the Lord parish in Evansville. The Mater Dei community welcomed Fr. Pascal at the first school liturgy in August. He responded by saying, “I thank God for the privilege to be part of the Mater Dei community. Thank you for the warm reception. I am so excited to be part of this high school community.”

Mater Dei yearbooks available to view online Mater Dei decided to scan all yearbooks to preserve history and make them available to alumni and friends of the school. We are grateful to the University of Southern Indiana and their willingness to host the yearbooks in the David L. Rice Library University Archives and Special Collections. All yearbooks up to 2011 will be available to view at the following web address:

Fall 2016

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MD Supermileage Drivers’ World This past June, members of the Mater Dei Supermileage team headed off to London, England to compete in the first-ever Shell Drivers’ World Championship. The team qualified for the world final by being the best engine-powered urban car, achieving 793 miles per gallon, at the Shell Eco-marathon Americas event in Detroit, Mich. this past April. They finished first in the world in the internal combustion class and fourth in the world overall in the final event when they raced against hydrogen- and electric-powered cars. Grant Weiss, Wade Wilmes, Mitchell Heim, Jacob Schapker, Drew Henderson, Joe Memmer and Grace Cox represented the Supermileage Team at the world competition at Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park. Between getting the car through technical inspection and practicing, they squeezed in a few hours of sightseeing. Every day was an adventure. They had a fifteen minute walk to the “tube,” a thirty-minute ride on the tube, and then another fifteen minute walk from the tube to the track, so they were exposed to the daily life of Londoners, hustling back and forth to work. After passing a dynamic brake test and making two


Red& Gold Fall 2016

qualifying runs on the course, they were all set for the heat race. The team posted the second-best mileage in their class at 850 miles per gallon. They needed to finish at least second in the heat to secure a spot in the final. There was some apprehension about the heat race. There are definitely more top-level cars in Europe, and rightly so, as they have been at this for 30 years. The heat race was for the top eight internal combustion engine cars. We had our nine burns calculated by percentage of tank and we could monitor the usage on the leader board. We hit the marks on each burn and led

from the start and finished first with a ten-second lead. We lined up third for the final event, but once again, we went right to the front. On our second burn, the fuel gauge took a drastic drop. It threw off our burn schedule, and we had to shorten the rest of our burns to assure we made it up the big hill on the last lap. Eight seconds into our scheduled ten-second burn, Race Control shut off our engine. We were out of fuel and just over halfway up the big hill. We made it over the hill and were hanging on to third, coasting to the line, but a diesel car closed in on us. They were also out of fuel, but 50 feet from the finish, they passed by us for third place.

Team competes at Championship by Robert Neisen

There were over 200 entries from around the world, so finishing fourth in the world is not too bad. Other team members who contributed to this past year’s success are Logan Pierce, Canyon Zeman, Ema Quinn, Hope Peterlin, Frank Peterlin, Ian East, Logan Riney, Tyler Hilgeman, Noah Blankenberger, Grant Elpers, Matthew Hayden, Brock Jorgensen, and Casey Straub. Coaches are Dan Ritter, David Weiss, Bob Neisen, and Gene Young. Dan Ritter retired at the end of this season after coaching the team for 10 years. Evansville Mayor Lloyd Winnecke, during a special assembly at school, recognized the team’s success by delivering a proclamation that Friday, August 5, 2016, was Mater Dei High School Supemileage Team Day in the city of Evansville. The Supermileage Team thanks everyone that supports us, particularly Dan and Mary Ritter, Gene Young, the Mater Dei family and our entire community, for their continued support.

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SPORTS RECAP: Fall 2016 MD Softball wins Class 2A State Championship Mater Dei’s softball team won the school’s first state

sectional final. They went on to defeat South Knox 9-1

championship in softball this past summer with a 1-0

and capture the regional championship.

win over Boone Grove in the IHSAA Class 2A state championship game.

Scecina 3-1 and then were victorious over Eastern

Grace McCann grounded out to shortstop and drove in

Hancock 3-2 in eight innings, highlighted by an eighth

Arley Will for the only run of the game. Emily Goodin

inning home run by Emily Goodin after Eastern Hancock

struck out 11 batters while allowing only two hits in

had tied it at 2 in the bottom of the seventh.

shutting out Boone Grove for the state title.

Assistant Coach Cori Wildeman took over as head

The road to state began with the Lady Wildcats win-

coach midway through the season as they finished 27-5

ning the sectional title with a 2-1 victory over South

on the year.

Spencer in the semis and 3-1 over North Posey in the


In the semi-state, the Wildcats defeated Indianapolis

Red& Gold Fall 2016

SPORTS RECAP: Fall 2016 Mater Dei Softball Team Awards Emily Goodin

1st Team All SIAC, 2nd Team All State, 1st Team All Metro, Metro Player of Year

Hannah Kissel

1st Team All SIAC, Honorable Mention All State, 1st Team All Metro

Allie Reker

Honorable Mention Academic All State

Megan Weinzapfel

Honorable Mention Academic All State

Sydney Maurer Honorable Mention Academic All State Allie Goodin

2nd Team All SIAC

Kat Mueller

2nd Team All Metro

Jackson Pokorney ’16 named SIAC Male Athlete of the Year Jackson Pokorney, who graduated last May, was named the Southern Indiana Athletic Conference (SIAC) Male Athlete of the Year. He batted .507 for Mater Dei’s

“It’s truly an honor to be recognized with this group of talented athletes.” baseball team this past spring and averaged 27.5 yards per catch in football last fall. Jackson stated, “It’s truly an honor to be recognized with this group of talented athletes. I have

either played with or against every nominee here, and I can honestly say, that it’s because of their talents, drive and competitive nature that has made me the athlete that I am today. I wish nothing but the best for all of you. It’s an honor to receive this award.” Jackson was Academic All State, All SIAC and Academic All City while at Mater Dei. He turned down a baseball scholarship from Rend Lake, a junior college in Ina, Ill., to play professional baseball with the Atlanta Braves, who have included four years of college in their agreement with Jackson. Fall 2016

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Tom and Louise Cr ane Silen t benefactors of Mater Dei This issue of the Red & Gold includes the annual Honor Roll of Donors. What an appropriate issue to honor possibly the first donors to Mater Dei, Tom and Louise Crane.


n article that appeared in a previous issue of the Red & Gold about the early days of the Mater Dei Marching Band prompted Allan Crane ’59 to share some interesting facts about his parents and their role in establishing Mater Dei High School. The members of the band back in the early 1950s could not recall how they came to have new band uniforms but did recall how excited they were to have them. Allan shared that his father had bought and donated the uniforms to the school because, in his words, “the band was a collection of kids with no identifying personal dress for public appearances other than what they individually created,” and he believed the band deserved more respect and an identity so no one was left to guess if this was the Mater Dei High School band. So it was Tom and Louise Crane who moved the band from red sweaters and blue jeans to official band uniforms. But that was not the Cranes’ most significant contribution to Mater Dei. As Allan noted, and has been confirmed with Diocesan officials, Tom and Louise Crane deeded the land where Mater Dei is built to then Bishop Henry Grimmelsman for “the sum of One Dollar and other valuable consideration” in 1948, along with an adjacent corner lot on Harmony Way on which to build a convent for the Benedictine sisters who were to be the core of the teaching and administrative staff. They, as did other supporters, believed and invested in the vision of a new west side Catholic high school. According to Allan, his parents were very private people and never wanted to bring attention to themselves or their philanthropy. Now, nearly 70 years later, Allan is honoring the memory of his parents by sharing what is a crucial part of Mater Dei’s early history. His hope is that “their stories will not be left untold and lost to time.” Tom Crane owned Evansville Lumber Company and Skylane Airport which he developed from a corn field in 1947. Without fanfare or recognition, he gave an untold number of contributions in both time, money, and property to the Catholic Church, and to missions and charities during his life. Independently, he donated a house to the Little Sisters of the Poor and helped Fr. Eugene Dewig, pastor of Sacred


Red& Gold Fall 2016

Heart, design and build a crying room for his church. According to Allan, his father was always conscious of the less fortunate. Tom was quick to provide personal assistance to anyone in need. He was fond of quoting the adage that “you never know what a man has experienced until you walk in his shoes,” and on occasion he would use this expression to provide insight into the motivating influences in his own life. Tom attended St Anthony’s grade school and was a member of the 1928 graduating class at Reitz Memorial High School where he lettered in sports and was a basketball standout named to the Evansville All-City Basketball Squad. Tom passed away in 1999. Louise Crane, while a student at Bosse High School, played the violin for the J. Mitchell Humphrey Orchestra, progressing to Concert Master, Lead Violin, Second Chair. The Humphrey Orchestra later evolved into the Evansville Philharmonic Orchestra. After graduating high school in 1930, she enrolled at Lockyear’s Business College and went to work to help support her parents. Tom introduced Louise to the world of aviation in 1939 when he arranged flying lessons for her. The Evansville newspaper reported that Louise was the “newest petticoat pilot” at the airport. She found flying wonderful and earned her pilot’s license in 1959 and eventually her instructor’s license. She worked at Skylane Airport as part owner and manager and taught many students how to fly. She was also active in the Indiana Aviation Trades Association and the State Organization of Airport Operations and was recognized by these organizations with a Special Aviation Recognition Award in 1965. She was the first woman to receive the ”Aviation Man of the Year Award” in 1972. According to Allan, “Above all the other things in her life, my mother cherished her children and focused all her energies into being a nurturing and loving mother, instilling strong moral guidance and assuring that her three children attended parochial grade school and high school.” Allan and his siblings, Terry Crane ’56 and Connie Crane Schnapf ’63, graduated from Mater Dei. Louise passed away in 2007. To honor the legacy of Tom and Louise Crane, a plaque with their names will be placed near the entrance of the school.

PromotingH E A L T H Y T

he Diocese of Evansville is proud to have four Catholic high schools: Rivet High School, Vincennes; Washington Catholic High School, Washington; Mater Dei High School, Evansville; and Reitz Memorial High School, Evansville. As we begin a new school year, please take note that we have adopted an expanded Diocesan policy for deterring the use of alcohol and drugs by our students. Our Catholic schools are committed to educating the whole person, and this policy states, “The use of alcohol and other drugs is a serious threat to the health and well-being of youth.” As a result of this Diocesan policy, all Catholic high schools are adopting new policies related to drug and alcohol use and testing. Each high school is required to have certain elements in their policies. However, the implementation will differ depending on the individual needs at the school, and the roll-out for each school may occur at different times during the school year. Mater Dei High School is implementing this expanded program in October 2016. In addition to drug testing, Mater Dei is also utilizing evidence-based educational programs as a preventative measure. We have researched, reviewed and communicated recommendations regarding the policies and practices that address the use of alcohol, drugs and tobacco by our students. After thoroughly studying research, community resources and policies at many other Catholic high schools, the Diocese of Evansville has decided to implement random drug testing for students in grades 9-12. In addition to random testing, other changes made to existing policy are being made to address reasonable suspicion, helping mechanisms and discipline measures. The primary goal of the new policy is to deter alcohol and drug use by our students and to help them understand the negative impact of drug and alcohol use on their

health, their relationships and their future. Substance abuse often begins with casual drug and alcohol use during the teen years. Helping our students make good choices can save them from long-term problems related to abuse and addiction. We cannot responsibly ignore the statistics: In the United States,

⁄3 % 64 1

Nearly one-third of young people ages 12–17 have used an illicit drug. 64% of teens say they have used prescription pain killers they got from a friend or family member.

Multiple research studies show that the earlier students start using alcohol and drugs, the more likely they are to develop substance use disorders, and the more likely they are to engage in other highrisk behaviors that put themselves and others at grave risk. Although there is no evidence of widespread alcohol and substance abuse among our student body, even one student at risk is too many. We believe that random drug testing will give our students a very important tool in combating peer pressure—they can say, “I can’t; my school tests.” Students who test positive will be required to participate in Drug and Alcohol Awareness training, and/or receive a professional assessment and treatment plan. Parents will be involved in these intervention efforts. In addition to random drug screening, the new policy will include measures aimed at helping students understand the gravity of their choices and educate them on the risks of alcohol and drug

L I V I NG If we knew a student was hungry, would we not feed him (her)? If we knew a student was about to make a dangerous, destructive, or even deadly decision, would we not protect him (her) or arm him (her) with what he (she) needed to make a better decision at the party? If we knew that a student was in trouble with substance abuse or addiction, would we not get him (her) help? Of course we would. Every parent who may one day struggle with their child’s drug addiction, dependence on alcohol, or worse, would have given anything to have known their child needed help in time to do something about it.”

— D r. George B. Elder, Vice President, Psychemedics Corp. use. We are committed to educating our students in the life skills that lead to success—including saying “no“ to intoxicating substances. One of the hallmarks of a Catholic education is that parents are recognized as the first and primary educators of their children. We also understand that the school is an important and integral partner in this primary endeavor—to raise children of God. It is in this spirit that we have invested significant time and energy into developing this expanded policy. Thank you for your continued support and prayers for our administrators, teachers, students and all of our school families.

By Dr. Daryl Hagan, Superintendent of Schools, Diocese of Evansville, Dr. Timothy Dickel, President, Mater Dei High School, Mr. Darin Knight, Principal, Mater Dei High School

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Friends & Alumni News 1980s Scott Rollett ’89 has published his first fictional work, entitled Patriot Force Seven. The novel is the result of more than 20 years of writing in his spare time. Scott continues his full-time job as the Chief Operating Officer of a community health center based in Indianapolis, Ind., where he has worked for the past 12 years. His book is available on

1960s Bill ’61 and Marilyn (Hartweck) Scales ’62 took a 67-day cruise to South America and Antarctica this past year.

Sr. Jane Michele McClure ’67 named Albion Fellows Bacon Award Winner Sister Jane Michele McClure, OSB ’67, Major Gifts Officer for Habitat for Humanity, was chosen as this year’s Albion Fellows Bacon Award winner. The award, given by the Women’s Equality Day Committee, is named for the noted Evansville Progressive Era reformer, Albion Fellows Bacon. It is presented each year to an individual who has shown exemplary dedication through his or her active engagement in reform efforts or influence of public policies that improve the quality of life for citizens. Sister Jane Michele, a member of the Sisters of St. Benedict, was chosen for her lifelong dedication to southern Indiana. She received the award during the celebration of Women’s Equality Day Evansville at a luncheon this past August. According to an article in the Evansville Courier & Press, Sister


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believes that for Evansville to be the best it can be opportunities need to exist for the people who live on the margins. “You need to cast your net as large as you can to include everyone. If everyone has opportunity the town is truly wealthy.” She shared that Habitat for Humanity allows her to help those who could never get a loan to buy a house the opportunity to put in the sweat equity to help build it and have a lower mortgage. As a result, these individuals learn to live on a budget, pay off a mortgage and pay it forward. Sister was nominated for the award by a Habitat volunteer who wrote, “I can think of no one who works more tirelessly to improve the quality of life for the people of Evansville. She raises the awareness of the problems of substandard housing, promotes the benefits of Habitat for

Humanity, works with community groups and celebrates the success of those who give.” Sister Jane Michele taught English at Mater Dei for 12 years, worked in development for her Ferdinand community and served as the Development Director for the Evansville Catholic High Schools.

Friends & Alumni News 1990s Theresa Werner, MD, ’92, a Huntsman Cancer Institute (HCI) investigator and University of Utah assistant professor of medicine, received a 2016 Cancer Clinical Investigator Team Leadership Award from the National Cancer Institute (NCI). Dr. Werner serves as medical director of the HCI Clinical Trials Office and manages an extensive portfolio of cancer clinical studies. This highly competitive award recognizes and supports investigators at NCI-Designated Cancer Centers who have a record of developing and promoting a culture of successful clinical research through collaborative team science. Dr. Werner serves as co-investigator for HCI’s NCI-funded U10 Grant as a Network Lead Academic Participating Site, is a member of the National Comprehensive Cancer Network Ovarian Cancer Panel, and has served on the NCI Gynecologic Cancer Steering Committee with the Cervical Cancer Task Force and the Endometrial Cancer Clinical Trials Planning Meeting. Jeremy Herrmann ’98 joined the faculty at the Indiana University School of Medicine, specializing in pediatric and adult congenital cardiac surgery. He currently cares for patients at IU Health / Riley and Methodist Hospitals as well as Peyton Manning Children’s Hospital at St. Vincent Hospital in Indianapolis.

Above: Dan’s father, Jim Werner ’73, playing the trumpet at Dan’s change of command ceremony.

Dan Werner ’98 was recently selected for promotion in the United States Air Force to the rank of Lieutenant Colonel. He completed a one-year fellowship at Georgetown University in May 2016 and was awarded a Masters in Policy Management. In July 2016, he took command of the 19th Civil Engineer Squadron at Little Rock Air Force Base, Ark., leading a team of 300 personnel to maintain natural and built infrastructure and provide emergency services that include fire protection, emergency management, and explosive ordnance disposal. He is a 2003 graduate of the Air Force Academy. Dan’s dad, Jim Werner ’73, played the trumpet at his change-of-command ceremony. Dan, speaking about Mater Dei, stated, “I’m definitely proud to be an alumni of such an outstanding school and owe much of my success to the discipline and leadership lessons I learned there.” He and his wife, Robin, have two boys, Christopher, 9, and Easton, 6.

Md alumni mlb draft choices Three Mater Dei alumni were chosen in the Major League Baseball draft this past summer. Hunter Owen ’12: 25th round by the Pittsburgh Pirates. He is playing for the West Virginia Black Bears in Morgantown, W.V. Hunter played baseball at Indiana State University. Tyler Walsh ’13: 39th round by the Texas Rangers. He did not sign and will finish his senior season at Belmont. This was a redraft for Tyler, who was drafted directly out of high school but chose to play in college. Jackson Pokorney ’16: 29th round by the Atlanta Braves. He is playing for the Gulf Coast League Braves in Orlando, Fla. Jerad Eickhoff ’09: currently playing for the Philadelphia Phillies.

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Friends & Alumni News 2000s Andrew T. Niemeier ’06 is a Founder’s Medalist for the Owen Graduate School of Management at Vanderbilt University and is graduated with a master of business administration. Andrew received numerous academic honors at Owen that included the E. Bronson Ingram Scholarship and the Bruce D. Henderson Scholarship, and was named a Dean’s Scholar. He was inducted into Beta Gamma Sigma, the International Honor Society for business students. Andrew graduated with concentrations in human and organizational performance and strategy. Andrew is married to the former Elyse Kraft ’06.

Samantha Dewig ’09 served as NBC’s Social Media Manager during the 2016 Summer Olympics held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Samantha attended Indiana University, earning a degree in Sports Communication. She currently works as the Interactive Media Manager for the Atlanta Hawks. During the games, Samantha worked out of NBC’s offices in New York City. Her efforts as NBC’s Social Media Manager for the Olympics helped increase digital coverage of the games. She interacted with Olympic athletes over social media and managed content on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat. According to Samantha, she was thrilled to represent not only Evansville, but Olympic swimmer Lilly King, who is also from Evansville.

Joe Hayden’s Journey of Hope 2016

Joe Hayden ’13 is a senior studying Mechanical Engineering with an Energy co-major at Miami University in Oxford, Ohio, and he is a member of the Eta Upsilon chapter of Pi Kappa Phi. This summer he and his fraternity biked 710 miles in 67 days raising $600,000 for Special Needs organizations. The Pi Kappa Phi philanthropy began in 1987 when one man’s dream of riding his bike across the country inspired The Ability Experience and created the largest fraternal fundraising and awareness event of its kind,


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the Journey of Hope. Today the Journey of Hope covers 32 different states, cycling over 12,000 miles combined, and is comprised solely of members of Pi Kappa Phi who continue to spread a message of understanding and acceptance for people with disabilities. Joe chose the North Route which starts in San Francisco and ends in Washington, D.C. “The North Route has the most friendship visits, the most mountains, and goes through the most cities which I was especially excited about,” Joe shares. Each day of the bike trek, the cyclists rode between 30 to over 100 miles, or an average of 75

miles per day. His individual fundraising goal was $7,000, and he met that goal plus some with a final amount of $7,349. Joe created a Journey of Hope webpage for his cross country bike ride, where he states, “There are over 54 million people living with a mental or physical disability in the U.S., and the least I can do is contribute my abilities by raising awareness and funds to help give these people the attention and resources they truly deserve and celebrate the abilities of all people, regardless of any physical or mental limitations that may or may not be present.”

Friends & Alumni News The Grey Lady at Willard Library Willard Library, a beautiful Victorian Gothic building in Evansville, opened in the spring of 1885. It is the oldest public library in the state and still operating for which it was originally intended. The building has been preserved beautifully through historic preservation. Willard Library continues to serve its patrons from adults, children, genealogists, to historians. The library contains an art collection, archival library, a department of genealogy and local history… and a ghost. Mater Dei alumna Annette (Adams) Doughty ’91 has worked at Willard Library since 1995, and she conducts ghost tours that happen in late October each year. Guests of the library who take the tour are hoping to get a glimpse of the resident ghost, the Grey Lady. Annette gives an overview at the beginning of the Grey Lady tours informing ghost seekers that no one knows who the Grey Lady is, but speculation is that it is the ghost of Louise Carpenter, daughter of Willard Carpenter for whom the library is named. According to the story, Louise was upset that her father designated her inheritance to build a library. She sued the library’s Board of Trustees claiming her father was not of sound mind when he made the decision. She lost the lawsuit and any money that she would have received. After her death, so the story goes, her spirit haunts the place that robbed her of her inheritance. The first sighting of the lady in grey was in 1937 by the library custodian. He arrived at 3:00 a.m. one cold morning to get the furnace going, and he ran into a figure wearing a long grey dress and a grey shawl. Since that time, strange

happenings in the library are attributed to her. She has a chilly presence, and when she is near people, they feel very cold. Books fly off the shelves when no one is around. Women have experienced the feeling of someone playing with their hair or earrings. One library employee entered a restroom, locked the outer door and went into a stall. While she was in the stall, the water faucets turned on. When she came out, the restroom door was still locked. The Grey Lady has been described by those who have encountered her as having a strong perfume smell of either lavender or lilac. A long-time children’s librarian had the most experience with the ghost in the Children’s Room. When that area was being remodeled, the Grey Lady followed the librarian home until the renovation was completed. She knew the ghost was in her home because she smelled the perfume scent and felt the coldness associated with her. Over the years, there have been sightings of a woman standing in front of an upstairs window of Willard Library during the night. Before shelves blocked the view from a Berry Plastics building, employees working the night shift would see the elevator in Willard going up and down all night. Annette recalls accounts she has heard since she has worked at the library. “The most common stories I have heard from patrons is a feeling of not being alone on the elevator, or that there is a presence with them on the stairs. Others claim to smell the perfume, which is described as being like lavender or the scent Tabu.” According to Annette, the Grey Lady is still making her presence known. “A couple of years ago the children’s librarians were looking at the security cameras, and saw a figure standing in the book sorting area. Suddenly she just disappeared. Our director, Greg Hager, heard water running one day when the library was closed. He traced the source to a sink on the second floor. The faucets had been turned on, and the water was just gushing out.” Annette has never seen the Grey Lady while giving a tour, but some members of her group think that they encountered something. “Sometimes they capture floating white orbs, especially in the Bayard Room, that they will show me after the tour,” she shares. The Grey Lady is not just local legend. She is known as one of the most famous ghosts around. Once a year, ghost hunters spend the night in Willard Library picking up paranormal activity. The Grey Lady has been the subject of episodes of Discovery Channel’s Real Ghost Hunters, Syfy Channel’s Ghost Hunters, and Travel Channel’s Ghost Adventures. So after 20 years of working at Willard Library and conducting the Grey Lady Ghost tours, does Annette believe the Grey Lady exists? “I think there are many things in this world that cannot be explained, so yes, it is possible she exists.” Fall 2016

Red& Gold 15

In Memoriam Sister Mary Clare Scheessele, OSB, former teacher and principal at Mater Dei, passed away June 7, 2016. She was a member of the Sisters of St. Benedict of Ferdinand, Ind. Sister taught English, Social Studies and Religion at Mater Dei from 1951–61 and served as principal from 1961–67. Following her years at Mater Dei, she was the registrar and dean of sister students at St. Benedict College in Ferdinand until its closure in 1970. She served as subprioress for her community, coordinated the sisters’ missions in Peru and Guatemala, and was engaged in retreat ministry and served as a spiritual director. While at Mater Dei in the 1960s, Sr. Mary Clare implemented computerized scheduling and grade reporting. She shared in an article published in the Red & Gold in 2012, “I have such special memories of Mater Dei.” She celebrated 60 years of monastic profession in 2007.

The Mater Dei community remembers those alumni, parents and friends who have passed. May they rest in eternal peace.

Joan (Pfeffer) Sheridan ’56, of Carlisle, Ind., July 17, 2016


Edward James Spaetti ’69, of Evansville, May 16, 2016

Elgene (Rexing) Beckerle ’53, of Potomac, Md., Jan. 11, 2016


Stan Singer ’57, of Phoenix, Ariz., June 10, 2016

James Stratman ’51, of Evansville, June 11, 2016

Catherine (Jankowski) Greenwood ’66, of Evansville, Aug. 20, 2016

Past Parents

Richard Hall ’51, of Evansville, Aug. 27, 2016

Mary Ann Eickhoff, of Evansville, Aug. 29, 2016

Marlene (Effing) Hasselbrinck ’54, of Evansville, Sept. 4, 2016

Najla Grotius, of Evansville, March 19, 2016

Robert Kautzman ’67, of Lobelville, Tenn., May 21, 2016

Kelly Jenkins, of Evansville, May 29, 2016

Cory Kempf ’06, of Evansville, May 11, 2016

Elizabeth “Betty” Long, of Evansville, Feb. 16, 2016

Sr. Carlita Koch, OSB ’53, of Ferdinand, Ind., Aug. 13, 2016

William Mosby, of Evansville, May 30, 2016

Carol Ann (Marx) Ledbetter ’52, of Evansville, Aug. 27, 2016

Patricia Sammet, of Evansville, May 27, 2016

Lauren Muensterman ’05, Evansville, Aug. 16, 2016

Loretta Wallenmeyer, of Evansville, May 27, 2016

Kenneth Scheller ’61, of Haubstadt, Ind., May 26, 2016

Rick Weber, of Evansville, July 5, 2016

Red& Gold Fall 2016

Sister Carlita Koch, OSB ’53, former teacher at Mater Dei, passed away August 13, 2016, at the Monastery Immaculate Conception in Ferdinand, Ind. She was a 1953 graduate of Mater Dei and taught Religion during the 1981–82 academic year. She was elected prioress of the Sisters of St. Benedict in 1973 and served in that role for eight years. She was also the director of Kordes Center and the monastery treasurer and business manager. She served as a chaplain at hospitals and as a pastoral associate at different parishes. In her later years, she worked in supportive services and prayer minister at the monastery. Sister Carlita celebrated her 60th anniversary of her monastic profession in 2015.

Former Faculty Carl Becker, of Evansville, May 15, 2016 Richard Diggs, of Newburgh, Ind., April 19, 2014 Sr. Mary Clare Scheessele, OSB, of Ferdinand, Ind., June 7, 2016 Mel Stowers, of Rensselaer, Ind., June 4, 2016

Friends Sam Baker, MD, of Evansville, July 16, 2016 Marvin Gray, of Evansville, July 27, 2017 Brad Hinderliter, of Evansville, July 7, 2016 Albert F. Martin, of Evansville, May 24, 2016 Joseph Ream, of Newburgh, Ind., May 31, 2016 Jo Ann Wolf, of Evansville, Oct. 15, 2015 Please email Carol Nurrenbern at cnurrenbern@ evdio.or or call 812-421-5727 to share the passing of MD alumni, parents and friends.

In Memoriam Endowment to honor Stan Singer ’57 Stan Singer ’57, a former Mater Dei teacher and 1957 alumnus, passed away June 10, 2016, at his home in Phoenix, Ariz. Stan was a university professor, writer and historian. Following his years at Mater Dei, Stan received his Ph.D. from UCLA. Among the colleges where he taught include UCLA, Arizona State University, Cal State, and East Tennessee State. Stan was a most beloved teacher at Mater Dei, and Mater Dei was a special place for Stan. He kept in contact with several students that he had taught over the years, and the class of 1966 invited him to their 50th reunion that took place this past September. He was looking forward to attending, as he responded to their invitation, “It’s great to hear from you guys. I really enjoy hearing from and seeing some of the old students from Mater Dei—although it makes me realize how old I am! I will definitely come back in September for your 50th reunion. It would be great to come back and see

all those gray-headed folks who were once students! Send me all the particulars about the reunion.” Since Stan died three months earlier, he never made the reunion but the class of 1966 remembered him fondly by sharing stories of their years together at Mater Dei. Because of his love for Mater Dei, his wife, Lenna DeMarco, and his four children, Stefanie Woolverton, Michelle Goldberg, Sean Singer and Shannon Norris, have created an endowment in Stan’s memory. The Stan Singer Excellence in Writing Award Endowment for Mater Dei High School will present a monetary award each year to a graduating senior who excels in writing. Lenna explains, “In Mexico, there is the tradition of ‘The Three Deaths.’ The first is when you take your last breath, the second is when you are buried, and the third is when the last person who knows your name passes. With this endowment, we hope that Stan will never experience the third death.” To support the Stan Singer Excellence in Writing Award Endowment, contributions can be mailed to Mater Dei High School or contact Sarah Wagner at swagner@ or (812) 421-5727.

Prayer for MD God, our Father, You have greatly blessed Mater Dei High School: A school dedicated to Mary, the Mother of God. Help us to treasure Your gift of life and remember that we are all created in Your image. Lord Jesus, You are the unseen but ever-present teacher in our classes. Grant us all the perception to see the many opportunities to show Your love, mercy, and kindness to one another. Holy Spirit, guide us with the fire of Your love. Give us vision and determination for shaping a faith-filled future. May we all use our time and talents to glorify Your Holy Name. May the Virgin Mary’s openness to the Word of God be our example of love and service to God and neighbor. We ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Fall 2016

Red& Gold 17

In Memoriam Marvin Gray, longtime Mater Dei sports fan, passed away July 27, 2016. Marvin attended any and all Evansville sporting events for over 50 years. Former Mater Dei Athletic Director Joe Dippel would drive Marvin to Mater Dei games. Their last road trip together was this past June when Mater Dei won the Class 2A state softball championship in Indianapolis. Joe estimated that he and Marvin traveled more than 40,000 miles to sporting events over the years. Marvin, in the center and in red, is pictured with the Mater Dei 2016 State Softball Champions.

James Stratman ’51 passed away June 11, 2016. Jim was very proud of the fact that he was the first quarterback in school history.


Red& Gold Fall 2016

In Memoriam Rick Weber: A servant’s heart Rick Weber served the Evansville and Mater Dei communities for over 30 years working, diligently to establish and support athletic programs that enabled thousands of youth to participate in soccer on a local, state and national level. Rick passed away July 5, 2016, at the age of 63. Over the years, he coached recreational soccer for Pepsi Youth Soccer; served as commissioner of the West Side Pepsi Youth Soccer; managed Moutoux Park soccer fields which included mowing the fields and scheduling games and practices; served as Soccer Commissioner for the White River Park State games in Evansville; and was one of the original founders of the Evansville Elite Soccer Club. Rick was a 1970 graduate of Reitz High School and a member of the Reitz High School Soccer Booster Club Board of Directors. He led the effort in forming the Mater Dei High School Soccer Booster Club. He was on the Indiana Youth Soccer Association Board of Directors

nouncer and groundskeeper for

Rick was a member of St. James

serving as District Commissioner

the EVSC high school soccer fields

Catholic Church, Mater Dei Men’s

and secretary, and he was chair or

in Evansville. He was part of the

Club, Knights of Columbus, St.

co-chair of local, state and national

group that made Goebel Soccer

Philip Conservation Club, and the

soccer tournaments that took place

Complex a reality.

West Side Nut Club. Every year he

in Evansville and in Indiana. As an ambassador of soccer for the state and for Evansville, Rick was instrumental in bringing the State Cup Finals to Evansville. He was awarded the Jay Fredrich Good of Soccer Award at the Indiana Soccer Association Banquet this past April. From 1993–2015, Rick was the an-

Rick’s dedication to Mater Dei was exceptional. For many years, he worked nearly every Mater Dei

was the first one to get the first pronto pup out of the grease at the Fall Festival.

athletic event. He also cleaned the

He is survived by his wife, Molly,

Mater Dei gym following the events,

Mater Dei Athletic secretary;

and with his machine maintenance

daughters Emily Maurer (and her

skills, repaired every machine in

husband Duane) and Amy Weber;

the concession stand as well as in

grandchildren Collin and Baylee;

the cafeteria.

and his mother, Betty Weber. Fall 2016

Red& Gold 19

Please support our fine sponsors! ROYAL GOLD SPONSORS ALL IN THE FAMILY DENTAL Dr. Allie (Moll) Frounfelter ’02 ALTSTADT PLUMBING SERVICE, INC David ’75 & Chip ’03

AZZIP PIZZA Brad Niemeier ’08, Blake Kollker ’02Dan ’80, Laura ’80, Andy ’06, Craig ’10 Niemeier

CAPITAL ELECTRIC, INC Ben Wagner ’86, Marie Wagner ’86, Cliff Wagner ’88, Mark Wagner ’96, Brent Neitzke ’88

Steve ’73, John ’78 & Brian Eickhoff ’99

EDWARD JONES Roger A. Nurrenbern ’96, Andrea Dick Brown ’01


FEHRENBACHER CABINETS, INC. Bob ’71, Mary Kay ’71, Peter ’97, Zachary ’00, Patrick ’03 & Sarah ’05 FREEMAN, WILL & NIEMEIER, INC. FREEMAN, WILL, NIEMEIER & HESTON, LLC Patrick B. Freeman ’65, P. Evan Freeman ’90, Stephanie Helfrich Freeman ’91 Elissa Freeman Higgins ’94, M. Ethan Freeman ’00 Emily Freeman-Hobbs ’02, Lynn Will Reed ’78, Jordan Raben ’05


Todd Niemeier, O.D. ’91, Andrew Moore, O.D., Morgan Hussmann, O.D. PROREHAB, PC Andrea (Boots) Baumann ’96, Stacey (Stonecipher) Turner ’94, Alex Weinzapfel ’08, Drew Lappe ’08, Seth Brunner, Anne Basden ’86, Julie Buedel ’98, Tim Weinzapfel ’89 KAREN L. SCHENK & ASSOCIATES, LLC

KEMPF’S DONUT BANK Harold ’54, Chris ’77, Lindsey ’81, Ben ’85 & Joe ’91

Meghann ’02, Mallory (Schenk) Eickhoff ’06, Matthew ’09

MUENSTERMAN FIRESTONE, INC. Tom ’73, Steve ’76, Jerry ’79, Mark ’83 & Bob ’87

Ed Lappe ’82, Dan Lappe ’77 & Dave Lappe ’03

OHIO VALLEY INSULATION COMPANY, INC. Scott ’80, Beth ’80, Dustin ’05, Logan ’08, Faith ’10, Brooke ’11 & Joel Slaton PIERRE FUNERAL HOME Gary ’61 & Susie ’62, John ’88, Jim ’89 & Lori ’89 SCHIFF AIR CONDITIONING & HEATING, INC. Jim Sr. ’69 & Jan ’69 Angie Schiff Happe ’93, Jim Jr. ’96, Casi Jost Schiff ’97

Karen (Kaffenberger) Schenk ’79, Brian Schenk ’77


MORROW MECHANICAL SERVICES, INC. Tony Morrow, Hannah ’15 SCHROEDER’S LANDSCAPES AND NURSERY John ’78, Tammy ’80, Quinn ’11, Branson ’13 SOUTHWEST GRAFIX & APPAREL, INC. Rose Ann ’60, Mary ’82, Mike ’83, Michelle ’85

SCHNEIDER HEAT & AIR, INC. Jeff & Judith Siemers Schneider ’79, Catherine Schneider ’14, Mariah Schneider ’16

Mark ’89, Schelly ’89, Julian ’15, Brendan ’16, Nolan ’18

SIEMERS GLASS Jane ’81 & Mark Weinzapfel ’80, Jake ’06, Mac ’08, Ali ’11 & Jack ’13

Mark A. Tornatta ’69, Jeanne Tornatta ’69

TRI-STATE ORTHOPAEDICS SURGEONS Dr. Terence A. Alvey ’80, Phil Rawley ’97





Red& Gold Fall 2016

MARK A. TORNATTA, DDS Chris ’90, Jennifer ’00, Sarah ’02

dba ST. WENDEL AUTO PARTS & SERVICE Dennis Wildeman ’68

2015−16 The Mater Dei Annual Report is published each year to recognize and encourage those who further the mission of Mater Dei High School through their gifts of time, talent and treasure. The Mater Dei Annual Fund Honor Roll of Donors is produced by the Mater Dei High School Office of Institutional Advancement.

Dear Alumni and Friends, Since Mater Dei’s doors opened in 1949, over 10,000 students have been educated in an environment rooted in the Catholic faith. It is important to note that a Catholic education has always been expensive. In fact, the cost has always been substantially higher than our tuition rates. Tuition only accounted for two-thirds of our total income last year. We are extremely grateful that the parishes, alumni and friends generously support the remaining one-third of the cost of educating each student. We often hear those who are extremely wealthy referred to as the “1%.” We consider our graduates part of the “1%” in that they have received a tremendous gift that only a small fraction of people on our planet ever receive. Jesus tells us in the Gospel of Luke, “Much will be required of the person entrusted with much, and still more will be demanded of the person entrusted with more.” Since our students have been “entrusted with much,” we strive to instill in our students the importance of giving back.

Through the 2015–16 Annual Fund, alumni and friends set a record for giving back to Mater Dei. We are thankful for the leadership of Jake ’02 and Katie Schiff. The first Mater “Dei” of Giving was a tremendous success, with over $35,000 raised in 24 hours. Although we often focus on the dollars raised during fundraising efforts, we must recognize these dollars translate into young lives that are changed for the better through the education received at Mater Dei High School. We have been fortunate to make many improvements on campus over the last few years, and these improvements would not be possible without the generous support of our community. I am impressed by how much the community values the Catholic education we provide at Mater Dei. At a time when many Catholic schools across the country are struggling and even closing, we are pleased to be building and expanding programs. Your prayers, time, and financial support are important and appreciated.

Mary, Mater Dei, pray for us!

Timothy A. Dickel, Ph.D. President

Mater Dei High School Sponsored Awards & Scholarships The following were awarded to 2016 graduating seniors: Advancing Women in Science/STEM Scholarship: Kristin East

James A. Niemeier Memorial Wrestling Scholarship: Austin Fleck Jack Oliver Scholarship: Brennen Yancey, Abigail Burnett

Fr. William Deering Memorial Scholarship: Drew Folz

Gerald Parkinson Memorial Scholarship: Austin Fleck

Michelle Diane Greenwell Scholarship: Madison Schuler

Bret Schnur Memorial Scholarship: Hunter Carr

Mater Dei Friends and Alumni Association Scholarship: Kristin East, Megan Weinzapfel

Jack Seimers Scholarship: Tristen Watts, Samantha Marx

Mater Dei Softball Boosters Club Scholarship: Kayleigh Maier, Sydney Maurer, Allie Reker, Megan Weinzapfel Mater Dei-ville Citizenship Award: Morgan Goebel Mater Dei-ville Student Council Leadership Scholarship: Bennet Schmitt


Thomas O. Tighe Memorial Tennis Scholarship: Michaela Karcher, Brett Weinzapfel Len Will Scholarship: Joseph Memmer, Allison Reker Louie Wittmer Nursing and Medical Education Scholarship: Sydney Maurer

Planned giving supports Mater Dei Mater Dei’s Ave Maria Planned Giving and Endowment Society continues to offer opportunities for someone to make a lasting gift. Established in 2010 and named after our patroness, the Virgin Mary, there are now 141 members of the Ave Maria Society, including 15 new members in 2015–16. Individuals may gain membership through a gift now or make a plan for a gift which will benefit Mater Dei High School upon their death. However someone becomes a member of the Ave Maria Society, Mater Dei is forever grateful for your generosity. Special thanks to the new members listed below who joined the Ave Maria Society in 2015–16. To find out how you can become a member, contact Timothy A. Dickel, or Sarah Wagner, or by calling 812-421-5727.

Ave Maria Society New Members John R. Groben

F red ’64 and Mary (May) ’64 Happe

S tephen ’65 and Stephanie Niemeier

Gregory ’73 and Linda Kissel

D avid ’70 and Darlene (Nix) ’70 Robinson

Rose Kuhn ’55

Allen ’62 † and Linda Schmitt

T homas ’56 † and Mary (Koressel) ’55 May †

Fr. William Wargel †

New Endowments for Mater Dei

Marian Educational Outreach Each year since 2000, Marian Educational Outreach (MEO) has provided financial support to the Resource Program at Mater Dei. MEO is a nonprofit organization and generates its funds from solicitation, grant writing and fundraising efforts. Their annual signature fundraising event, MEO IDOL, is held in the spring. In 2015–16, MEO provided $17,500 in funding to Mater Dei which supplements salaries for a full-time resource teacher and a full-time teaching assistant and supports professional development for Mater Dei and feeder school teachers. They also funded iPads used by students in the Resource Program. Without their support and vision over the years, we would not have been able to establish and build the program and serve the special learning needs of many students.

Matching Gifts Support Annual Fund Matching gifts provide tremendous support for the Mater Dei Annual Fund. In 2015–16, Mater Dei received $11,195 in matching gifts. Donors to the Annual Fund who had their gifts matched through the matching gift program of the employers are marked with an *. If a company has a matching gift program, the process of obtaining a gift is usually as simple as completing a form. A special thank you to our donors and the following matching gift companies and corporate foundations for their continued support of Mater Dei High School. One Main

American Express Foundation

Bristol-Myers Squibb Foundation, Inc.

A llen E. Schmitt ’62 Endowment


GE Foundation

Springleaf Finance Foundation, Inc.

F or tuition assistance to St. Wendel Catholic School students to use at Mater Dei High School

Boeing Company

Koch Foundation, Inc.

Verizon Foundation

BP Matching Fund Programs

Mead Johnson Nutrition

D avid and M. Darlene Robinson Endowment F or Mater Dei High School operating costs

J erry and Helen Weinzapfel Tuition Assistance Endowment for Mater Dei High School

Old National Bank

† Deceased

Catholic Education Foundation The Catholic Education Foundation supports Mater Dei by providing need-based tuition assistance for families through a confidential and comprehensive application process. For the 2015–16 school year, CEF awarded $82,186 in tuition grants to 63 Mater Dei students. Mater Dei would like to thank the Catholic Education Foundation for their dedication to helping families receive a Catholic education!

Honor Roll of Donors 2015–16 23

Spiritual Annual Fund Academics & Activities Projects Technology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $25,000 Spiritual Enrichment Programs. . . $15,000

2015–16 Thank you to all who supported the Mater Dei Annual Fund last year. Each year a needs assessment is conducted to determine the areas requiring improvement and upgrading. The following were the projects targeted for the 2015–16 Annual Fund and how the dollars were distributed:

• Audio visual (AV) equipment for Kempf Auditorium • AV equipment for Nunning Media Center • Content specific and administrative software

Faculty and Staff. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $25,000 • Teacher and staff professional development • Youth First social worker support

Building & Grounds

• • • •

Post-Baccalaureate event for all graduating seniors Day by Day prayer books for all graduating seniors Student retreat programs Guest speakers

Tuition Assistance Tuition Assistance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $90,000 • Need-based assistance to help students afford a Catholic education at Mater Dei

Classroom Equipment and Furniture. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $30,000 TOTAL UNRESTRICTED GOAL . . . . . . . . $245,000 • New student desks and furniture • Classroom whiteboards

Parking Lot Upgrade/ Capital Reserve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $25,000 • Resurface and restripe the main parking lot (upper and lower lots) in 2017–18

Landscaping. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $20,000 • Landscaping to beautify the entrance to the school

Maintenance Equipment. . . . . . . . . . . $15,000 • Various tools and machinery, including a carpet cleaner

2016–17 Annual Fund co-chairs Matt ’96 & Amanda ’97 Bohleber They met in Mrs. Haton’s math class. Bailey sat in front of Bohleber. She was a year younger, but kept up with the material as well or better than the older students in the class. His dad had recently told him he needed to find a girlfriend to focus and calm him down. She took German just so she could be in another class with him. Their second date was his junior prom and they’ve been together ever since. Matt Bohleber would be the first in his family to go to college. Many family members were men who worked as skilled craftsmen and he liked that kind of activity. At the suggestion of an uncle, he selected engineering as his major. As a freshmen at Purdue University, Matt still wasn’t sure what type of engineer


The Bohleber Family: Henry, Matt, Kate, Amanda, James and Isabelle

Annual Fund Annual Fund Academics & Activities Projects Technology/Software. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $15,000


• Content-specific and administrative software

Water Infiltration Repairs . . . . . . . . . $15,000 • Correct areas where water seeps into the gym and speech room during heavy rains


Media Center and Audio Visual Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . $10,000 Spiritual Enrichment Programs. . . $10,000 • Audio visual equipment for auditorium use

Professional Development. . . . . . . . . $10,000 • Teacher and staff training and conferences to foster continuous improvement

• Will purchase Day by Day prayer books for all graduating seniors • Fund retreat programs • Fund guest speakers

Youth First Support. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $20,000

Tuition Assistance

• Mater Dei’s Youth First Social Worker who is available for students that are experiencing personal and social issues

Tuition Assistance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $90,000

Building & Grounds

• Assistance to help students afford a Catholic education at Mater Dei

TOTAL Parking Lot Capital Reserve. . . . . . . $50,000 UNRESTRICTED GOAL . . . . . . . . $250,000 • Funds have been earmarked to resurface and restripe the main parking lot

Classroom Equipment and Furniture. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $30,000 • New student desks and furniture will be purchased to replace older classroom equipment • Whiteboards will replace original chalkboards

with Deaconess and has served as the medical he wanted to become. But, after a series of engineerdirector for Deaconess Clinic. ing professionals came to class and discussed their Matt and Amanda, now married for twelve years, particular discipline, he heard a guy talk about have four children and are members of St. Philip designing and building bridges and tunnels and Catholic Church. Inspired by family members, discovered that civil engineering would be his path parishioners and Mater Dei volunteers, they serve of studies. Matt now works for Traylor Brothers, Inc., their church and schools one of the nation’s leading as active participants in civil contractors. We feel strongly that our generation councils, school board, Amanda Bailey would is now responsible to continue our and fundraising activities. also be the first in her Mater Dei High School family to attend college. service by advocating for the is thrilled to have Matt She knew at an early age Mater Dei Annual Fund. and Amanda Bohleber to she wanted to become a serve as the 2016–17 Mater doctor. She soon discovDei Annual Fund Co-Chairs. ered along with that dream came a lot of hard work “At Mater Dei High School we found all the keys to and determination. The science program at Mater success—hard work, strong relationships, mentors, Dei challenged Amanda in biology and chemistry to servant leadership and deep faith. We feel strongly the extent that once arriving at Indiana University’s that our generation is now responsible to continue our School of Medicine, she had more anatomy in high service by advocating for the Mater Dei Annual Fund. school and undergraduate school at St. Joseph’s ColThe time is NOW, the people are YOU.” lege than her peers. Dr. Bohleber is in family practice

Honor Roll of Donors 2015–16 25

Annual Fund

Young Annual Fund leaders make a great impact The Mater Dei community extends our deepest thanks to Jake ’02 and Katie Schiff who led the 2015–16 Mater Dei Annual Fund effort. As the first chairs from the new millennium, they brought a lot of enthusiasm and ideas to our plans—and it showed. The Annual Fund has set a new record for donations, raising more than $382,000 this year! As the Annual Fund grew, so did their family. Jake and Katie and their son, Webber, welcomed a baby boy, Morris in April. Congratulations on a wonderful year! “We need more alumni and friends involved at Mater Dei. I want our children to have a great high school experience when they grow up, so Katie and I are getting involved now to continue to help Mater Dei flourish! Whether you can VOLUNTEER or DONATE, we need your participation. GO WILDCATS!”

MD Annual Fund Chairs Jake ’02 & Katie Schiff 2015–16 Co-Chairs

Maurice Berendes ’60 2008–09 Chair

Rev. David Nunning 2014–15 Chair

Steve Eickhoff ’73 2007–08 Chair

Butch ’66 & Linda Feulner 2013–14 Co-Chairs

Dan Niemeier ’80 2006–07 Chair

Jim ’88 & Ingrid ’95 Stratman 2012–13 Co-Chairs Mark ’70 & Monie ’70 Freeman 2011–12 Co-Chairs Ira Gerard ’72 & Terry ’72 Boots 2010–11 Co-Chairs Shirley Bumb Knapp ’50 2009–10 Chair

Steve Moore ’65 2005–06 Chair Ron Hollander ’59 2004–05 Chair Jim Will, Jr. ’76 2003–04 Chair Ed Knapp ’59 2002–03 Chair Andy Goebel ’65 2001–02 Chair

Mater Dei Board of Trustees 2016–17 Front row left to right: JoAnn Laugel, Missy Rexing, Heather Hertel, Karen Hinderliter, Jennifer Vaughn Back row left to right: Fr. Ed Schnur, Tad Dickel, Jim Pierre, Wes Wilmes, Jake Martin, Dennis Niemeier, David Robinson Not pictured: Brian Goebel


Honor Roll of Donors: Special Event Sponsors

Thank you to those businesses and individuals who supported our special events. Tomorrow’s Work Force

Auntie Anne’s Pretzels

Clippinger Financial Group, LLC

Big X Game Sponsor

Hilliard Lyons

Blankenberger Brothers, Inc.

E I Sports & Apparel

Tracy Zeller Jewelry

Old National Bank

October 1, 2015

Gerard and Terry Boots

Evansville Courier & Press

Bingo Game Sponsors

Omni Plastics, LLC


Field and Main Bank

Ashton Computer

Progressive Health Rehabilitation

The Koch Foundation

Bussing-Koch Foundation, Inc.

Hafer Associates PC

Bob’s Gym

United Bank

CH Robinson

Happe & Sons Construction, Inc.

Curley’s Auto Body


Deig Brothers Lumber & Construction Co., Inc.

Henderson Chevrolet Buick GMC

Donut Bank Bakeries

Archer Insurance

Wayne & Jewell Henning


Donut Bank Bakeries, Inc.

D-Patrick, Inc.

Dan & Laura Hoefling

Ryan Hatfield for State Representative

Deaconess Hospital

Dunn Hospitality Group

Marshall G.Howell M.D.

Little Bird Picture Framing Studio

Fifth Third Private Bank/Mirador Family Wealth Advisors

Harding, Shymanski & Co., PSC

Enviroplas, Inc.

Fourth Street Solutions

German American Bank

J W Associates School Equipment Specialists, Inc.

Tim and Lisa McGuire

Hermann Family Foundation

St. Ben’s Bingo

German American Bank

ProRehab, PC

Gribbins Insulation

Lochmueller Group

Raben Tire Company, Inc.

Manion Stigger, LLP

Tradition Classic

St. Mary’s Medical Center

The Hollander Group at Hilliard Lyons

Massey Law Offices, LLC

June 20, 2016

Thyme in the Kitchen

Kahn Dees Donovan & Kahn

Matrix Integration, LLC


Dennis & Catherine Lamey

Platinum Sponsor

Meyer Stone & Stratman LLP

Lehman Roofing, Inc.

St. Mary’s

Midwest Mechanical Services, Inc.

Lensing Building Specialties

Steve & Rita Moore

Midwest Roofing-Sheet Metal

Muensterman’s Car Service Center

David H. Nunning

Jon Perkins

Orthopaedic Associates

Pioneer Plastics, Inc.

Pierre Funeral Home

PARTNER LEVEL Old National Bank

INVESTOR LEVEL BKD, LLP Andy and Jackie Cosgrove Dean & Karen Bosler Evansville Regional Business Committee, Inc.

Freddy’s Frozen Custard & Steakburgers

Deaconess Awards Sponsor

Expressway Automotive Family

Schutte Lithography, Inc.

Fifth Third Bank

Schultheis Insurance Agency

Southwestern Healthcare, Inc.

Ziemier Stayman Weitzel & Shoulders, LLP

Andrew & Darlene Goebel

Tri-State Orthopaedic Surgeons, Inc.

Stephen & Wendy Thomas

Media Sponsor

James Will


Big Bingo & Big Auction

Putting Contest Sponsor

Robert M. & Marguerite Kent

Ziemer Funeral Homes

Norbert & Madonna Niemeier

Ziemer Stayman Weitzel & Shoulders, LLP

March 13, 2016

Wellness Sponsor

Rainbow SponsorS

Tri-State Community Clinics

SABIC Innovative Plastics


Capital Electric, Inc.


Shoe Carnival


Fraternal Order of Eagles #1717

Capital Electric, Inc.

South Central Communications

Anchor Industries

Old National Bank

Donut Bank Bakeries, Inc.

Tucker Publishing Group

Anesthesiology Group Associates Pain Center

Dinner Sponsor

Andrew E. Goebel

Pierre Funeral Home

Pettinga Financial

ASSOCIATE LEVEL Accuride Corporation ARC Construction Co.

Theo Boots Matt & Debbie Brockman

Dauber Sponsor

Capital Electric, Inc.

Ziemer Funeral Homes

Catholic Diocese of Evansville

Beverage Sponsor

The Catholic Foundation

Monarch Beverage

Payne Wealth Partners Mr. Rich Royalty Weichert Realtors, the Schulz Group

Christopher & Gail Wolking

Warehouse Services, Inc.

Midwest Sheet Metal

Tri-State Orthopaedics

Industrial Contractors SKANSKA

University of Evansville


Koch Foundation Reception Sponsor

Omni Plastics, LLC

Shepherd Insurance HOLE-IN-ONE SPONSORS

Lunch Sponsor

Pro-Tex-All Company

University of Southern Indiana

Lensing Building Specialties Lochmueller Group, Inc.

Progressive Health

Indiana University School of Medicine Evansville

Indiana Farm Bureau

Bar Louie

BEVERAGE SPONSORS Mr. Kevin Pass RC Beverage

Pioneer Plastics Schiff Air Conditioning & Heating TIGER SPONSORS Gribbins Insulation

Honor Roll of Donors 2015–16 27

Mater Dei High School: 2015–16 Financial Statement Income Tuition and Fees Diocesan/Parish Support Development TOTAL

Expenses Salaries and Benefits Operations Student Support TOTAL

Dollar Amount $3,439,084 $1,052,644 $639,647

Percent 67% 21% 12%



Dollar Amount $3,522,643 $1,279,942 $323,678

Percent 69% 25% 6%



Total Cost per Student *


First-Student Tuition


* The actual cost of educating a student is $9,041 per year. Over 30% of student costs are provided by Diocesan and Parish support and development efforts.

“ The average tuition for Indiana Catholic high schools is $9,272 while the National Private school tuition rate is $12,953. Mater Dei’s tuition is significantly lower due to parish, alumni, friends and community financial support. Thank you for your support. Your generosity clearly communicates the importance of Catholic education to the Mater Dei community.” —Karen Liley, Mater Dei Business Manager 28 MATER DEI HIGH SCHOOL

Honor Roll of Donors: Giving Levels

Mater Dei High School gratefully

acknowledges all those who have contributed to the Mater Dei Annual Fund. The total raised through the Annual Fund last year was $382,052. Donors whose gifts were received during the period beginning July 1, 2015, and ending June 30, 2016, are listed below.

* Indicates donors whose contributions were matched by their employers. † Indicates donor is deceased.


Ira Gerard ’72 & Terry ’72 Boots Thomas ’65 & Debbie Borries W. Randolph Ellspermann ’64 Mater Dei Friends & Alumni Association David ’70 & Darlene ’70 Robinson Robert ’58 & Judy Wargel


Matthew ’96 & Amanda ’97 Bohleber Andrew ’65 & Darlene ’64 Goebel* Robert ’56 & Cynthia Koch* Barbara Price ’62 Bob ’58 & Mary Lue ’58 Russler Linda Schmitt


Anonymous Terence ’80 & Jean ’81 Alvey Timothy ’76 & Martha ’78 Dick John ’68 & Cindy Fehrenbacher ’68 Butch ’66 & Linda Feulner Eric Gries ’88 John ’59 & Donna ’61 Hamilton Ted ’60 & Berta ’64 Kares Kenneth ’65 & Diane King Edward ’59 & Judy ’60 Knapp Steven ’86 & Keri Spahn

QUEEN’S COURT $1,000–$2,499

Anonymous Ronald ’64 & Margaret ’66 Angermeier June & Sam † Baker Richard ’79 & Rhonda ’79 Baumgart* Patrick & Beth Blankenberger Steven ’65 & Judy Blankenberger Alan ’62 & Sharon Braun* Rev. Raymond Brenner Cherie ’75 & Jerry Burgdorf* Patrick ’75 & Rita Debes Wayne ’70 & Diane ’71 Emge Peter Emmert ’84

Rita ’55 & Dick Eykamp Robert ’71 & Mary Kay ’71 Fehrenbacher V. Ray ’60 & Kathy ’65 Funke Eric ’92 & Tresa ’93 Goebel Larry ’65 & Carol ’65 Goedde Jerry ’60 & Pamela ’60 Gries Karen ’83 & Greg Hamilton* Andrew ’95 & Anna Hart Lisa ’76 & Joseph Henderson Wade ’80 & Karen Hickam Dale ’58 & Marty Hillenbrand Ronald ’59 & Kathy Hollander John Hoos ’58* David ’73 & Mindy Jochem Gilbert & Marcia Jochem Ted ’84 & Angela Kares Clarence ’60 & Joanne Kirby Timothy ’74 & Michelle ’76 Krack Lawrence ’59 & DiAnne ’60 Kremer Tim Mahoney Jason ’94 & Kerry Martin Paul ’67 & Nancy ’67 Mayer Mary Kay ’58 & James Muehlbauer Daniel ’80 & Laura ’80 Niemeier* Thomas ’55 & Joan ’55 Niemeier Brian ’98 & Erin Pope Aaron ’97 & Tori Pugh Joseph Ream † Logan Riggs ’02* Donald & Patricia Rupprecht Oliver & Mary Ann Schapker Amy ’90 & Mark Schlachter Ronald ’55 & Judy Schnepper Bobbie ’72 & Daryl Schutz Catherine Siemers Robert & Ruthmae Spahn* William & Bettye Stevenson* South Central Communications Corporation Cyril † & Wilma Ubelhor Brian & Diane Wannemuehler* Rev. William Wargel † James ’61 & Sandra ’63 Weinzapfel Eileen Will ’51 Philip ’94 & Abby Zenthoefer


Jay ’93 & Sarah ’93 Adams Eric & Angie Babillis

Ronald ’65 & Karen Bacon William Basden ’83 Maurice ’60 & Cherie ’60 Berendes Kenneth & Susie Bonnell Brandon ’98 & Lindsey Boots Larry ’60 & Ginger Boots Timothy ’80 & Theo Boots Jack ’60 & Phyllis ’72 Corn Anthony ’77 & Nancy Deig* Rev. Christopher Droste ’98 Gerard ’70 & Pamela Ellspermann Brian ’90 & Mandy Elpers Patrick ’03 & Brittany Fehrenbacher Tony ’94 & Jessica Fehrenbacher Zachary ’00 & Jennifer ’00 Fehrenbacher Robert ’71 & Nancy ’71 Fischer Matthew ’91 & Kristen ’91 Folz Russel ’85 & Laura ’88 Fulton David ’60 & Nancy Gerteisen Dan & Lou Ann Gilbert Thomas ’71 & Karen ’71 Goebel Harold ’51 & Sylvia ’53 Gossman Joseph & Julia Greubel Judy ’60 & Robert Griffin Brian ’92 & Heather ’92 Hertel Karen ’75 & Keith Hinderliter Tricia Hollander ’86 & Jeff Henning Daniel & Sharon Kaiser Vickie ’70 & John Kane Barbara ’50 & Wayne Kent James Kissel ’00 Edward ’85 & Jacqueline ’85 Knapp Allan ’64 & Mary Helen Knapp* Carroll Knight ’62 Rose Kuhn ’55 JoAnn Layman ’60 Christopher & Laura Lee Karen & Rodney Liley Jeffrey ’80 & Cathy Macke Rebecca ’66 & Edward Maier J. Samuel ’92 & Dorianne Marx Vicki McCracken ’74 Thomas & Carol McKinney Kenneth ’75 & Janice Miller Stephen ’65 & Rita ’66 Moore Stephen ’65 & Stephanie Niemeier William ’51 & Dorothy ’51 Niemeier* William ’73 & Kathryn Nix Bernard ’56 & Mary Jane Nunning*

Rev. David Nunning James ’89 & Lori ’89 Pierre Marvin ’53 & Ann Preske John Rebstock ’55 Kent ’77 & Laura ’80 Reddington Wayne ’65 & Martha Render* Ray Rexing ’59 Stephen Sanford ’59 Jane Schapker ’85* Leroy Schenk ’60 David ’68 & Mary Schmitt Rev. Edward Schnur Janice ’64 & Larry Schuble Gary ’65 & Doris Schutte James ’78 & Sue Seibert James ’88 & Ingrid ’95 Stratman Anthony & Beth Tromley Robert ’56 & Carol ’60 Wagner Eugene ’72 & Eveline Wannemuehler Marlene Weaver ’50 Helen ’51 & Jerome Weinzapfel* Charles ’65 & Sang Wildeman Thomas ’71 & Carla Wildeman James ’76 & Karen Will Jeff & Laurie Wilmes


Jodi ’75 & Mark Adcock Carolyn ’65 & Gary Adler Kieren Adler Jack ’71 & Marcia Alles Pamela ’78 & Jeffrey Ambrose Paul ’73 & Barbara ’73 Angermeier Ted ’75 & Diane Barron Andrea ’96 & Daniel Baumann David ’67 & Jane ’68 Baumgart Maurice ’64 & Sharon ’64 Baumgart Joan ’71 & Randall Bauer* Joleen Bequette James Beyer ’66 Rick Blankenberger D. Vincent ’83 & Kathy ’83 Boots Mary Jane ’58 & Ernest Bradley Larry ’56 & Rose ’55 Breivogel Ronald Brown ’58 Geoffrey ’85 & Sabine Coates Susan Delay ’86 Joseph ’75 & Patricia ’75 Dewig Daniel ’77 & Jean Dick

Timothy & Andrea Dickel Trina ’88 & Fred Doepker David Ellison ’65 Samuel ’92 & Lana ’93 Ellison Kenneth & Barbara Elpers Michael ’02 & Jennifer ’03 Elsner Peter ’97 & Jodi Fehrenbacher Thomas ’56 & Delores ’56 Folz Patrick ’65 & Jeanne Freeman Rebecca ’74 & Donald Fuchs Angela Gallagher ’85 & Bill Van Dyke Kim & Rose Gerth Brian ’88 & Wendy Goebel Jerry ’65 & Barbara ’65 Goedde Raymond ’63 & Janette ’65 Gries Daniel ’74 & Karole ’75 Gutzweiler Kathy ’65 & David Halbig Daniel ’83 & Teresa Haller Donald ’56 & Paula Haller Robert Hamilton ’57 Jeff ’84 & Leanne Happe Ronald ’65 & Marjorie ’63 Hartmann Joyce Hassler Joe ’91 & Kalyn Herrmann Mark ’81 & Michelle ’81 Herrmann Abby ’03 & Evan Hipp John & Jane Hodge Joshua ’99 & Lauren Hodge George Hollander ’78 Mary Hupfer ’80 Randall ’74 & Cynthia Hupfer Randall ’70 & Sylvia Jochim Ryan ’95 & Natalie ’00 Kassenbrock Robert & Marguerite Kent John Kern ’55 John Kiefer ’00* Matthew Kiefer ’02 Henry Kijonka ’61 Elvira Knapp Nancy ’58 & Robert Knowles Eric Kohut ’85 Patricia Krack ’62 Edward ’82 & Lorri ’83 Lappe JoAnn Laugel ’66 Sharon Layman Thomas ’69 & Barb ’69 Liffick Adolf Locher ’55 Charles ’67 & Rebecca ’67 Martin Michael ’68 & Rita Martin

Honor Roll of Donors 2015–16 29

Honor Roll of Donors Suzanna ’70 & Melvin Martin Donald ’59 & Karen Mayer Edward & Judy Messal Francis Miller, Jr. ’63 Mark ’71 & Kathy ’71 Miller Wynn & Joe Mitchell Julia Moore ’93 Kevin ’91 & Erin ’94 Moore Dennis ’70 & MaDonna ’74 Niemeier David ’66 & Carol Nurrenbern Gerald ’76 & Paula ’81 Parkinson Kelly ’86 & Kevin Pennington Stephen ’62 & Marcia Pledger Denny & Cassie Quinn Jon ’83 & Barbara ’83 Raben Michael & Michele Reffett Edwin Rehrman ’57 Kenneth ’65 & Rita ’65 Rexing Kent ’86 & Melissa Rexing Robert ’59 & Linda ’59 Rheinlander Joyce ’59 & Patrick Rhoades Mary ’79 & Daniel Ritter Barbara ’64 & Roy Ritzert Rosella ’52 & William Rust Steven ’76 & Janet ’77 Schapker* Timothy ’77 & Karen ’77 Schenk Lawrence ’80 & Shannon Schentrup Evelyn Schickel ’55 John ’64 & Diana Schiff Jacob ’02 & Katie Schiff Martha Schmitt ’55 Vincent ’80 & Julia ’82 Schu Richard ’57 & Emilie ’59 Seib Edward ’63 & Rita Steinkamp Joseph ’84 & Joni Steinkamp James ’51 † & Barbara Stratman Angela ’89 & Eric Strehl Doris ’68 & Homer Taylor Anthea ’96 & Shane Turner Jennifer ’93 & Ross Vaughn* Benjamin ’86 & Marie ’86 Wagner Holly ’94 & Jeffrey Wahr Matthew ’75 & Pam ’75 Wannemuehler Charles ’54 & Beverly Wargel Robert Waterman ’72 Jay & Sue Wathen Robert Wathen ’66 Robert ’57 & JoAnn ’63 Weber Al ’55 & Darlene ’55 Weinzapfel Dan Weinzapfel ’75 Mark ’80 & Jane ’81 Weinzapfel Paul ’88 & Natalie ’88 Weis* Scott Whitehouse Mary Wilder ’79 Melba ’85 & Wayne Wilderman* Francis & Betty Will Michael & Elaine Will David ’64 & Gail Williamson

CENTURY CLUB $100–$249

Anonymous Steven ’65 & Jo Lynn ’68 Adams Adam ’00 & Abby Adler

Steven ’61 & Colleen Aichle Daniel ’02 & Nichole Alcorn David ’03 & Megan ’03 Altstadt David ’75 & Cynthia ’75 Altstadt Leo ’62 & Marian ’63 Alvey Roger & Bonnie Ambrose Lucas Angermeier ’99 Jerome & Patricia Anslinger Julie Arafeh ’76 Nicholas Austin ’01 Vicki ’74 & James Austin Mary Jo ’61 & Larry Bacon David Baehl ’58 Paul ’58 & Sylvia ’63 Baehl Sherri Barron ’71 & David Poetker Matt & Pauline Bartek William ’79 & Jennifer Bartek William ’60 & Kathleen ’61 Barthel Margaret Basden ’51 Joseph ’56 & Mary Lee ’56 Bassemier Eugene ’62 & Mary ’63 Baumgart Gary ’67 & Jennifer ’67 Baumgart Andrew ’00 & Katie ’00 Baumgartner Mariann Baumgartner ’58 William Baumgartner ’55 Dan Becker Lacy ’02 & Jeff Bender Joseph ’85 & Theresa ’86 Berendes Michael ’76 & Mary ’74 Berendes Susan ’78 & Mark Best Amy ’88 & John Blackketter Rev. James Blessinger Jacob ’00 & Carrie ’00 Boehman Kimberly ’88 & Scott Bonnell Erin ’78 & Richard Born James Borries ’67 Russell ’67 & Mary ’68 Borst Wayne ’66 & Vicki Botzum David & Sharon Brantley Stephen ’62 & Margaret Braun Chad & Allyson Breeden Kathy ’70 & John Brendel Amy ’84 & John Brennan Virgil ’64 & Joan Brenner Karen ’69 & Wayne Breunig Paul Brugger ’71 Kathleen Buchanan ’72 Jeffrey ’77 & Terry Buckman Frank ’69 & Joan Buerger Paula Bunde ’90 Anna ’57 & Jerry Burdette Jeana Campbell ’74 Stephen ’61 & Jo Marie ’61 Charlson Ashley ’01 & Kyle Chumley Justin ’56 & Shirley ’59 Clements Amy ’88 & Jeff Collins Tony Colvin ’77 Carolyn ’54 & Edward Combs Shawn ’86 & Kristin Corcoran Aaron ’94 & Jennifer Couture Terry Crane ’56 Cathy ’67 & Joe Crowdus Alan Dale, Sr. † Sheila ’88 & Robert Dale


Kurt & Amy Daunhauer Elizabeth ’65 & Henry Davidson Mary ’58 & Harold Decamps Daniel ’54 & Sondra ’56 Deibler Melanie ’95 & Brian Denning Donald ’54 & Cindy DeVillez Ryan ’02 & Kara ’03 Dewig Michael ’98 & Michelle DeWitt Rose ’73 & David DeWitt Thomas Dick ’54 C. Timothy & Gail Dickel Bridget ’89 & Randy Dickerson Judith Dickman ’65 Dale & Cathy Drake Marilyn ’73 & Gary Dressel Donna Drone Carolyn Drury ’55 Norma ’54 & Bob Duncan Jennifer ’02 & Douglas Dyrkopp Rita Eades ’52 John & Ann East Patricia ’69 & Gary Eble Mitchell ’07 & Mallory ’06 Eickhoff Robert ’58 & Sally ’59 Elfreich Stanton ’65 & Shirley Elfreich Sara Ellert ’77 Francis Elpers ’60 Greg ’92 & Abby Elpers J. Daniel Elpers Jr. ’84 Kathleen ’65 & Flavien Elpers Rita ’57 & Eugene Elpers Vincent ’61 & Rosa Elpers James & Kristie Elsner Suzanne ’60 & Roger Emge Ronald ’63 & Myrtle Englert Donald ’66 & Linda Ennis Terry ’74 & Patricia Evans Terry Evans ’02 Nichole ’97 & Caleb Eyer Kevin ’95 & Lisa ’96 Farmer James ’70 & Carol Fechtmeister David ’63 & Elizabeth Fehrenbacher Glen & Rhonda Fehrenbacher Richard ’64 & Judy ’63 Fehrenbacher Alan ’64 & Norma Feldhaus Dennis ’70 & Scarlett ’70 Feldhaus James Fischer ’70 Richard ’80 & Sara ’81 Fischer Steven ’76 & Janet ’76 Fischer J.D. Fleck ’84 Jay & Paula Fleck Judith Fleck ’61 Natalie Fleming ’06 Sarah Flener Francis ’54 & Rose Folz George ’61 & Angela Folz Linda ’70 & Michael Folz Rosemary Freeman Robert ’56 & Martha Froehle Allison ’02 & Adam Frounfelter Larry Fulkerson ’58* Elizabeth ’60 & Samuel Fulton Mandi Fulton ’91 Joseph ’65 & Connie Gelarden Cyril ’58 & Barb Gerteisen

Steven ’66 & Mary Gerteisen Brian ’92 & Aimee Gerth Bill & Melissa Gillenwater Martha Gilles Beverly Gish ’71 Charles Goebel ’68 Chris ’85 & Jeanene ’85 Goebel Cory Goebel ’05 Gary ’72 & Cynthia ’73 Goebel Raymond ’04 & Rachel ’05 Goebel Ronald ’63 & Vella Goebel Tony ’68 & Zetta Goebel Gina Goedde ’93 Michael ’80 & Soozie Goedde Thomas ’76 & Mary ’79 Goedde Nadine ’61 & Thomas Grant Darrell Graves ’56 Barbara Griepenstroh ’75 Kevin ’93 & Rachel Gries Dava ’81 & Robert Grzybowski Mark ’65 & Evelyn ’66 Guetling Dean & Tonya Haas Doris Haase ’63 Eileen Haase ’60 Daryl & Jill Hagan Robert ’53 & Betty ’53 Hagel Linda Hague ’62 Ronald Hall ’53 Larry ’59 & Carol ’60 Haller Jason ’90 & Rebekah Hamilton John ’69 & Donna Hamilton Thomas Hamilton ’56 Joan Hansen ’57 Paulette Happe ’65 Ann ’85 & Chris Harper Robert Harrison ’70 Gerald ’62 & Judith ’63 Hartmann Keith ’77 & Barbara ’79 Hartz Patricia ’59 & Thomas Hartz Mike Hasenour J. Lynn ’82 & Clare ’82 Hassler James ’65 & Arlene Hausmann William Hausmann ’66 Daniel & Susanne Hayden Jeffrey ’76 & Donna Hayden Michael ’58 † & Jennie ’61 Head Stephen ’70 & Beverly ’68 Helfert Wayne & Jewell Henning Gary ’64 & Dianne Herrmann Scott Herrmann ’01 Michael Higdon ’65 Donald ’51 & Rita ’53 Hoefling Timothy ’89 & Jennifer Hollander Mary Jane ’52 & Donald Holmes Daniel ’62 & Rosemarie ’66 Horstman Monica Horstman ’71 Lawrence & Saundra Humm Dolores Hupfer Scott & Diana Hurt Patricia ’51 & Robert Jackson Holly ’03 & Nick Jahn Walter ’58 & Dolores Jankowski Sharon Jankowski ’81 David Jarboe ’85 Richard Jarboe ’61

Megan ’07 & Michael Jarman Harold Jenkins ’60 Ronald ’66 & Alice Jenkins Fernando ’64 & Beatriz Jimenez David & Ann Johns Nelsen ’61 & Donna Jorgensen Chester ’59 & Patricia ’59 Jost Paul ’69 & Donna Jourdan Wilma ’55 & Todd Kain* James ’87 & Elaine Kaiser Philip Kares ’93 Neil ’98 & Jessica ’00 Kassenbrock Keith & Christina Kelley Paul Kelsey ’68 Geraldine ’54 & Thomas ’51 Kempf Rachel Ketzner ’05 Gerry Kiesel Jeremy ’97 & Libby ’97 Kiesel Jack ’58 & Carole ’60 Kinsler Jerome ’70 & Mary Jo ’70 Kirchoff Dolores Kirk ’53 Thomas ’78 & Shellee Klausmeier Brian Knapp ’97 Charles ’58 & Ann Knapp Msgr. Kenneth Knapp Mary ’58 & William Knapp Darin ’85 & Marti ’90 Knight Mark A. Knowles ’81 Paul ’65 & Joyce ’67 Koch Robert ’56 & Carolyn Koch Allen & Lori Koester Lisa ’72 & Bruce Kohl Philip Kohut ’68 Blake ’02 & Jennifer ’00 Kollker Rebecca Koontz ’67 Jacob Koressel ’02 Michael ’74 & Rendie Koressel Vincent ’71 & Carolyn Krack William & Julia Kunkler Barbara Lamble ’66 Frederick ’68 & Carolyn ’68 Lamble Elizabeth Lane ’55 Amanda Lankford Dustin ’98 & Alisha ’97 Lannert Gary ’74 & Letha ’74 Lannert Daniel ’77 & Katie Lappe David & Sandy Lasher Thomas ’60 & Mary Kay ’62 Lehman Todd ’88 & Kelly Lehman Roger Lehr ’53 Beth ’78 & David Lindauer Charles ’51 & Barbara ’61 Lindenschmidt Peter Lintzenich ’56 Matthew Loehrlein ’06 Susan ’87 & Joseph Loftus Stephen ’60 & Judith Logel Daniel ’80 & Barbara Lomax Jacquelyn London ’67 John ’55 & Rachel Lorber Jarrod Luigs ’02 Susan ’72 & Joel Lutz Christie Mack ’11 Glenn ’66 & Norwanda Macke William E. Macke

Honor Roll of Donors Margie Madigan ’55 Timothy &Cheryl Major John ’59 & Ruby Manger Cheryl Martin ’65 Donna ’82 & Jeffrey ’82 Martin Jeffrey & Debra Marx Mater Dei Class of 1956 Nancy ’61 & Stephen Mattingly Virgil Mayer ’51 H.G. McCullough Designers, Inc. Shirley McDowell ’60 Ann ’89 & Richard McIntosh* Jenny ’88 & Ken McWilliams Jane ’76 & Ken Medlin Gene Mesker ’76 Laura Mesker ’06 Ronald Mesker ’64 Joyce ’68 & Ronald Messersmith David ’62 & Carolyn ’65 Miller Francis Miller, Sr. Kenneth Miller ’03 Nicholas ’99 & Katie ’01 Miller Richard Miller ’70 Robert ’62 & Jane Miller Stephen & Carolyn Miller Kevin ’79 & Lee Anne Mischler Richard & Joella Mischler John ’72 & Joyce ’74 Moers George & Dianne Moll Barbara ’67 & Thomas Moore Donald ’68 & Janie ’68 Moore Tony & Debbie Morrow Kenny Mossberger Barbara Muensterman ’51 Cletus & Rosemary Muensterman Larry ’73 & Beth ’73 Muensterman Bernita Muller ’56 Mary Jo ’72 & Don Musgrave Barbara Muth ’61 Christopher Naas ’86 Carol ’74 & Robert Neisen Cindy Nemer ’71 Bradley ’08 & Katie 08 Niemeier Charles ’53 & Joan Niemeier Jeffry ’78 & Cheryl Niemeier Katelyn Niemeier ’09 Marian ’54 & Ted Niemeier Norbert ’65 & Madonna ’65 Niemeier Richard ’83 & Tracy Niemeier Todd ’91 & Babs Niemeier Matthew ’05 & Michelle Nobles Patricia Miller Novack ’59 Karen ’70 & William O ’Bryan Sue ’59 & Don Ochsner Ohio Valley Insulation Company, Inc. Margie ’52 & Harold Orman Mary Patricia Orth ’53 Carolyn ’59 & Phil Pearce George Pfister ’66 Mary Jane ’57 & Jim Pfister Gary ’61 & Susan ’62 Pierre Gerry ’59 & Linda Powell LeRoy Prange ’58 Richard ’50 & Betty ’50 Preske

Thomas Preske ’55 Allan & Kristine Proctor Brian ’86 & Gretchen ’86 Raben Phillip ’68 & Sandy ’69 Raben Gregory ’96 & Teresa Raben Michael & Mary Reese Eric Reffett ’04 Keith ’85 & Lisa ’88 Reising Charlotte Reisinger ’89 & Jeremy Klueg Daniel ’66 & Ruth Reisinger Joseph ’61 & Barbara Rettig Allen ’67 & Barbara ’67 Rexing LaChere ’85 & David Rexing Rose Rogge Linda ’80 & Robert Russell Megan Russo ’95

Mark ’76 & Mary Ann ’76 Schentrup Christopher ’89 & Jane Scheu Ryan ’98 & Hallie ’04 Scheu Adam ’99 & Jamie ’98 Schiff Robert ’72 & Cathy Schiff Jeffrey Schlichting ’90 Danny ’64 & Janice Schmitt Rev. Eugene Schmitt Albert ’01 & Lindsay ’01 Schmitt* Mark ’72 & Jean Schmitt Judith ’79 & Jeffrey Schneider Stephen ’72 & Patty Schnur Kathy ’88 & Steve Schoettlin* James ’95 & Amy ’96 Schroeder Mary Jane ’50 & James Schroeder Nina ’88 & Bradley ’88 Schultheis* Dave ’71 & Tina ’71 Schutte

Donald ’56 & Betty ’60 Steckler Harold ’52 & Delores Steckler Brianna ’97 & Charlie Stevens Suzanne ’62 & Rudy Stieler David ’82 & Christina Stocker Eric Stoltz ’04 Phillip ’91 & Kiersten ’94 Stolz Richard Stolz ’53 Ruth Ann ’66 & Michael Stonecipher Mel Stowers † Stephen ’58 & Mary ’60 Sullivan Mary Lou ’72 & Robert Swinger Rev. Theodore Tempel Alan ’77 & Kathryn Tenbarge* Allen & LaVerne Tenbarge Patricia ’72 & Kenneth Tenbarge

Suzann ’50 & Raymond Vescovi Lois Vessels Timothy ’93 & Julianna ’94 Voelker* Clifford ’88 & Sarah ’88 Wagner Gerald & Myra Walker Gil ’56 & Rita Wannemuehler John Wargel ’61 Karen Wargel ’80 Richard Wargel ’65 Matthew ’00 & Crystal Weber Michael ’92 & Lisa Weber Stanley ’67 & Mary Jane ’71 Weber Theresa ’79 & David Weber Betty Weinzapfel ’58 Jake Weinzapfel ’06 Mark ’84 & Shari ’84 Weinzapfel Nathan Weinzapfel ’03

William ’61 & Marilyn ’62 Scales* Kristi ’97 & Greg ’98 Schaefer Alan ’85 & Angie Schaffstein Aaron ’92 & Kelle Schapker David Schapker ’74 Mary Beth Schapker ’81* Arthur ’58 & Donna Scheller David ’64 & Mary Scheller Jim & Martha Scheller Richard ’59 & Mary Scheller Robert ’77 & Mary ’82 Scheller Edward Schemel ’60 Chadwick ’97 & Julia Schenk David ’74 & Linda Schenk* Kathy ’70 & Daniel Schenk Kenneth ’75 & Beth Schenk* Theodore & Tonya Schenk

Curtis ’55 & Judith ’56 Seib Donald ’56 & Shirley ’58 Seng Angela ’78 & Richard Short Randy & Jeannine Shumate Christopher ’66 & Janet ’67 Siemers Kayley Simmons ’06 Marietta Simon ’52 Stan Singer ’57 † & Lenna DeMarco Angela ’73 & David Skogen Dustin ’05 & Sarah ’05 Slaton Scott ’80 & Beth ’80 Slaton Eugene ’62 & Janet ’64 Spahn Francis & Hilda Spahn Tracy Sparks ’76 Alan Spindler ’78 Joylene ’79 & Mark Springer

Randy & Janice TenBarge Peter ’64 & Mary Tennyson Robert Tevault ’69 Gerald Tieken ’66 Carl Titzer ’61 Gail ’58 & Daniel Titzer Gerald ’55 & Beverly ’57 Toelle Mark ’69 & Jeanne ’69 Tornatta Thomas ’64 & Terri Tornatta Daniel Townsend ’93 James ’92 & Cynthia Townsend Matthew Ubelhor ’86 David Underhill ’66 Pamela ’99 & Mike Vadbunker Kiley ’90 & Melissa ’93 Van Bibber Daniel & Beth Vaughn Kathryn ’70 & Thomas Verkamp

Robert ’56 & Mary Ann ’57 Weinzapfel Thomas Weinzapfel ’57 Vernette Weis Diane Weiss-Altstadt ’67 Al & Pat Welsh Joel ’01 & Carly Werner Darrel ’65 & Michelle Whiting Steven ’73 & Rebecca Whitman Judy ’58 & Ted Whitney Jamie Wicks ’87 Lisa Wilcox ’84 Christopher Wildeman ’81 Kevin ’84 & Angie Wildeman Kurt ’97 & Erin Wildeman Melvin & Jacki Wildeman Michele ’74 & Jeffrey Wildeman

Honor Roll of Donors 2015–16 31

Honor Roll of Donors Ryan Wildeman ’05 Donald & Amy Will Craig Wilmes ’13 Jody ’86 & Wes Wilmes Martha Wilson ’58 Curt & Connie Winiger Frank Winiger Malcolm Winiger ’62 Ron & Mary Ellen Wire Carol Witmeier ’57* Kathleen ’66 & Robert Wittgen Andrew ’99 & Mary ’98 Woehler Judith ’67 & Stanley Wohadlo Michael ’60 & Jo Ann Wolf † Jeffery ’77 & Donna Wolf Jerry & Susan Wolf Beth ’87 & Gary Woodruff Rachel Wright ’01 Gary ’65 & Dianne ’65 Wunderlich Martha ’77 & Gary Yurow Robert Rose Zigenfus Larry Ziliak ’59 Judith Zivanovic ’56


Lori Adler ’96 Ruth ’59 & Bernard Baehl Earl ’62 & Claudette ’63 Becher Robert ’53 & Colleen ’57 Behme John & Diane Bender Lesley ’87 & Jeffrey Bertrand Mary Kay Boes ’62 David Buckman ’53 JoAnn Carey ’70 Terry ’67 & Sharon ’67 Carlton Janet Bauer-Correa ’75 Kristen Cox ’11 Joseph ’63 & Diana ’64 Dippel Patricia ’55 & Marvin Egbert Charles & Anita Eickhoff Carolyn Sue Elpers ’63 Richard ’70 & Diane Elpers David Fechtmeister ’62 Andrea Fehrenbacher ’95 Julie ’84 & Michael Forcum Lisa ’91 & John Forzley Leonard Gansman ’52 Allison ’05 & Keith Garrard James Gerst ’53 John Goebel ’87 Michael ’70 & Melanie Goebel Scott ’87 & Mary Goedde Fred ’67 & Judy ’67 Gries Martha ’66 & Timothy Gump Kenneth & Sara Hart Joseph ’56 & Sandra ’63 Hatfield Judith ’63 & John Hatfield Randy ’73 & Rebecca ’74 Helfrich Randall ’74 & Deborah Hempfling Cheryl Herrmann ’71 Shannon ’91 & Jeremy Hile Ann ’66 & John Johnston Robert & Velva Kaffenberger Danny ’67 & Linda ’68 Kares Jane Kelle ’80

Richard & Debbie Knight Susan Koenig ’67 Joseph ’81 & Susan Kohut Ruby Koressel ’53 Cecilia ’71 & Randall Kuester Karen ’73 & Larry Lukeman Natalie Maasberg ’94 Joyce Macke ’69 Kathleen ’54 & Donald Marrs Stanley ’85 & Lisa Memmer Kenneth ’71 & Jeanne ’79 Mesker Bertha Michelini ’53 Russell ’74 & Kathy Miller Karen ’69 & Mike Mischel Robert ’83 & Patty ’83 Montgomery James ’60 & Barbara Mosby Brent ’88 & Tricia Neitzke Lauralee ’74 & David Paulson Aaron Reckelhoff ’02 Shea & Rick Reneer Paul ’78 & Kelly Rivard Donna ’57 & Lee Rowlett Natalie ’98 & Bert Sandefur Chad & Stephanie Sandwell Jerome Schapker ’58 Mark ’76 & Julia Schiff Elaine Schmits ’56 Ann Schneider ’56 Diane ’83 & Scott Schoettlin William ’55 & Barbara ’61 Schutz Southwest Grafix & Apparel, Inc. Todd ’04 & Kristin ’04 Wannemuehler Eugene ’62 & Eva Weber Katherine Weber Robert Weber ’53 Leroy ’62 & Diane Weinzapfel James Werner ’57 David ’80 & Sue Wildemann Dennis ’68 & Pamela Wilderman Cynthia ’66 & Max Williams Helaine ’70 & Glenn Williams Janet ’66 & Paul Witmeier

PATRONS $11–$66

Ronald ’61 & Matilda Adams Chris ’76 & Susan Alcorn Tim Allen Clay ’82 & Denise ’84 Allison Charles & Shirley Ankenbrand Darlene ’69 & Randall Appler Kristen ’03 & Joey Arnold Janis Arvin ’56 Christy Atherton ’97 James Attebury ’04 Martha ’63 & Robert Baehl Theresa ’77 & Dan Barnes Karen Barnes-Ellis ’73 David ’60 & Gale Baumgart Heather Beach ’88 Nick ’01 & Melissa ’03 Beach Donald Becker Beverly Behme ’59 Adam Berendes ’13 Laura Berendes ’14 Mary Berendes ’54


Anita Bergman ’56 Richard ’64 & Mary Bippus Roberta Bitter ’55 Jason ’91 & Cathy Black Kim Blair Sara Blankenberger ’10 Patrick Boarman ’91 Laurie ’83 & Jeff Bollig Patricia Borst ’65 Cynthia Braker Bix & Claudette Branson David Brenner ’63 George Brenner ’69 Jerome ’65 & Jonna ’67 Brenner Ronald ’71 & Debbie ’71 Brenner Deanna Brown ’87 James & Anita Brown Judith Brown ’55 Mary ’67 & Thomas Brown John & Susan Browning Linda Browning ’66 Brett ’08 and Sara ’08 Bueltel Joe & Dawn Bury Diane ’72 & Thomas Buskavitz Wilfred & Phyllis Bussing James ’69 & Jean Butler Joni ’80 & Terry Cardin Margaret ’64 & Roland Carlson Norma ’57 & Robert Carp Alvin ’65 & June ’67 Carr Jennifer ’88 & James Chapman Theresa ’71 & Lawrence Chapman Diane ’83 & John Claybon Matthew Conkling ’02 Thomas Cook ’66 Alan & Leigh Ann Costlow Matthew ’05 & Audrey Coughlin Joseph Culley ’61 Betty ’70 & David Cummings Mary Jane Dalgleish ’50 Valorie ’92 & Wayne Dassel Clara David ’54 Matthew ’81 & Catherine Deig Rose Mary Deig ’54 Pauline Denning Jenna Denstorff ’05 Daniel ’76 & Julie ’76 DeVillez Doris Dewig ’52 Robert ’85 & Jennifer Dezember Brianna Dickerson ’12 Matthew Dickerson ’09 Carol & Gary Doninger Brenda & Dan Donofrio Rebecca ’74 & Phillip Dosher Terry Drone Jerome ’55 & Anne Duncan Andrew Effinger Margaret ’59 & Merel Effinger Kathryn Egli ’76 Madelyn Eickhoff ’53 Michael ’67 & Helen Ellert Alicia ’99 & Eric Elpers Craig ’92 & Laura ’92 Elpers Chelsea Emmert ’11 Judy Eskew ’56

Carol ’68 & Joseph Fallen Lori Fehrenbacher ’83 Melvin Fehrenbacher ’73 Elton & Pamela Fennell Phillip Fischer ’05 Lisa ’75 & Phillip Fleming Betsy ’70 & James Flynn Edward & Charlotte Folz Eric ’92 & Jennifer ’93 Folz Hank ’63 & Sherry Folz James ’68 & Karen Folz Matthew ’91 & Kristen ’91 Folz Walter ’50 & Betty Folz Emily ’99 & Kirk Freeman Owen Fritch ’15 Virginia ’74 & Jeffrey Gaul Betty Geiser ’61 German American Bank Julie Gilles ’75 Angie ’85 & Donald Goebel Annette ’53 & Marvin Goedde Leslie & Adam Goth Richard ’55 & Patricia ’55 Grannan Eugene ’61 & Susan Gries Steve & Laura Gries James ’95 & Amanda ’96 Griese Mike ’67 & Cheril Griswold Sylvia ’81 & William ’79 Groves Paul & Janice Gunn Kati ’94 & Eric Hagerty Marc ’91 & Nell Halbig Steve ’61 & Marce Halbig Tom & Rosemary Hall Dean ’84 & Laura Happe Mitch ’00 & Amanda Happe John Harrison ’72 Jeanette Hartmann ’55 Paul ’60 & Bonnie ’60 Hartmann Betty Hartz ’52 Luke Hassler ’11 Janet Hausmann ’62 Susan Hawes ’64 Darin Hayden ’88 & Christine ’88 Weinzapfel-Hayden Bob & Lucie Hayden Debra Head ’84 Peter ’99 & Shay ’00 Helfrich Ken & Carolyn Helm Susan ’72 & James Helmer Dave & Kay Hemmer Sr. Donna Marie Herr, OSB Jeremy ’98 & Jennifer Herrmann Carmen Hertel ’19 Francis ’62 & Sandra Hertel Kyle ’07 & Mallory ’07 Hertel Linda Hertel David ’81 & Doreen Hoefling Jeffrey & Connie Huff Marylene ’64 & Larry Hunt Margaret Hurm ’09 Lindsey ’00 & Chad Hurt Robert & Linda Jacobs Melanie ’89 & Gary Jarrell Jacqueline ’60 & Timothy Jarvis Rick & Carmen Jay Debbie Jochim ’76

Jill ’96 & Matt Johnson Karen Johnson ’77 Edward ’71 & Eileen Johnstone James & Brenda Jost Kathy ’69 & Frank Kanowsky Catherine ’80 & David Kapp Richard & Sue Keith Maurice & Norine Keller Bradley Kempf ’00 Eugene Kempf ’60 Todd Kempf ’83 & Sally ’83 Reising-Kempf Patrick ’82 & Shari ’80 Kempf Taylor Kempf ’18 Aric Kennedy ’07 Willie ’57 & Jay Kerner Jeannie Kiesel ’87 Wayne ’58 & Janice ’59 Killian Kimberly ’00 & Jason Kinnaman Hannah ’07 & Mark Kirkman Susan Kirsch ’63 Carol Kissinger Jerome ’68 & Judith ’68 Knapp Jessica ’97 & Craig Knapp Thomas ’67 & Linda ’67 Knapp Michael ’64 & Patricia Koch David ’66 & Linda ’66 Koressel Cara Kuester ’10 Martha ’60 & Fred Kuester Greg Kullman ’57 Dennis & Catherine Lamey Carol Lantaff ’57 Becky & Larry Larson Benjamin Lasher ’06 Daniel & Mary Ruth Lasher Jo Ann ’84 & David Lauderdale Carol ’68 & Michael Laymon Steven ’90 & Jennifer Lehman Kathryn ’76 & Philip Lemond Theresa ’72 and Tom Lintzenich † Mary Jane ’57 & Robert Little Bernette ’60 & Jon Locklar John & Jane Luigs Sarah Luigs ’08 Steven & Vernie Luigs William ’59 & Jeanie Luigs Angela ’78 & Thomas Lydon Nancy ’64 & Robert Mangold Andrea & Miles Mann Shirley Martin Daley ’57 Judy ’57 & Jerry Marx Roy ’84 & Wendy ’86 Marx Dolores ’61 & Daniel Masterson Mater Dei Class of 1959 Mater Dei Class of 1962 Mater Dei Class of 1988 Duane ’92 & Emily Maurer Bernard A. Mayer, Sr. ’52 Angela ’87 & Douglas Maynard Donald Mayse ’52 Terri McBride ’74 Sr. Jane Michele McClure, OSB ’67 Donna McDonald ’73 Jim & Mary McDonald Laura ’04 & Brendan McKenzie John & Mary Grace McMullen

Honor Roll of Donors Tom Memmer ’60 Tammy ’83 & Paul Messier Donald Metzler ’54 Joseph ’82 & Rebecca Mischler Amanda ’03 & Wayne Mitchell Beth ’00 & Michael Mohr Donald ’71 & Kathy Montgomery Michael Moore ’62 Thomas ’59 & Janet ’61 Moore Vicki ’67 & Michael Moran Beverly Morrow ’52 Carolyn Mueller ’56 Jerome ’79 & Cynthia ’76 Muensterman Sharon ’69 & Stephen Muensterman Matthew ’91 & Angela ’93 Mulherin Angela ’95 & Clint Mullenix Dustin Murray Mary ’71 & James Musick Donald & JoAnn Neidig Lauren Niemeier ’07 Stan ’71 & Tracy Niemeier Thomas & Linda Norton Marian Offerman ’56 Kristi ’86 & Kevin O ’Malley Julia ’58 & Joseph Payne Mary ’03 & Jason Peckenpaugh Michael & Kristin Peerman Helen ’60 & Walt Perkins Charles & Diana Petranek Carolyn Poole ’68 Sheri ’83 & Todd Powers Michelle Priar Adam ’99 & Erin Raben James ’80 & Judi Raben Cheryl ’63 & Joseph Raleigh Sandra ’72 & Thomas Raley Angela Reckelhoff ’99 Deborah ’88 & Thomas Record Janet ’68 & Stephen Reidford Natalie ’88 & Jon Reidford David ’66 & Kathy Reising Russell ’74 & Carol ’74 Reising Patricia Reisinger Robert ’68 & Michele Reisinger Stephen ’62 & Judy ’62 Reisinger Wilbur Rembold ’51 Charles ’69 & Bonnie Rexing James ’69 & Cynthia Rexing Kyle Rexing ’15 Bill & Mary Rhodes Anthony ’73 & Cynthia ’73 Richardt Timothy ’77 & Nenita Richardt Rebecca ’65 & David Richter Kenneth ’68 & Joyce Rietman Patrick ’64 & Kay Riley Audrey ’02 & Steven Riney Sharon ’70 & Alan Ripplemeier Ruth ’61 & David Ritzert Robert ’51 & Joan Roberson Dixie ’54 & Earl Robinson Norma Sue Rode Stephen ’77 & Gwendolyn Rode Madeline Roe Rachel Rokosz ’07

John ’61 & Linda ’64 Rollett Robin Rosbrugh ’06 Mary ’82 & Gene Rosek Kent Ruminer Leann ’82 & Chad Sander Larry ’77 & Kathleen Sanders Larry & Margaret Schank Elizabeth Schapker Herman ’54 & Carolyn Schapker Scott Schapker ’06 Lucia ’70 & Richard Schenk Jared Schiff ’01 Nathan ’99 & Lesley Schiff Eugene & Roberta Schmidt Kendal ’08 & Jason Schmidt Brooke Schmitt ’10 Larry ’60 & Martha Schmitt

Ervin ’52 & Rosemary ’54 Spahn Kenneth Springer ’68 Ronald ’60 & Betty Steinkamp Sharon ’72 & Michael Strader Curtis ’77 & JoAnna Stratman Debbie Strueh ’72 Larry Stumpf ’68 Tekoppel Block Company Amy TenBarge ’82 Daniel ’80 & Carla Tenbarge Dava ’85 & Robert Tenbarge Emily TenBarge ’08 Eric ’12 & Morgan TenBarge Harold Tepool ’70 Stephanie Thiel ’70 Brian Thompson Kathleen ’56 & Jerry Thompson

Jo Ellen ’88 & Jeff Wassmer Kurt ’79 & Rebecca ’81 Weinzapfel Donald ’61 & Alice ’63 Weis Rose Weiss James Wetzel Diana Wheeler-Wilson Don ’55 & Betty ’56 White Julie ’79 & Gene Whorl Nathan ’01 & Jessica Wildeman Eugene Wilderman ’59 Trechia ’60 & Frank Wilkins Chris ’76 & Patricia ’79 Will Frank ’71 & Holly Will Larry Will ’65 Philip ’85 & Deborah Will Howard & Cathy Williams Ashley ’04 & Kirk Willis

Linda Denstorff ’73 Regina Forler ’52 Kristyn and Tony Gabbert Randy & Jennifer Gries Richard Hall ’51 Robert Hartmann ’56 Deborah & Fred Haton Ronald & Pam Hickman Shannon Hoehn Thomas & Beth Ann Murray Kyle ’05 & Brittney ’05 Neisen Matthew ’02 & Danielle Neisen Luke Neitzke ’15 Beatrice Purcell ’61 Jo Ann Reitz Rachel Rexing ’10 Andrew & Crystal Roberson

Leonard ’73 & Susan ’73 Schmitt Lisa ’80 & Wilfred Schmitt Dennis ’56 & Joan Schneider Carolyn Schoening ’53 Rachelle ’97 & Greg Schowe Dorothy Schroeder ’55 Karen Schroeder ’80 Jessica Schultheis ’97 Eugene ’71 & Kathleen ’72 Scott Khristian & Kathy Seger Jennifer ’03 & Curt Seib Leonard ’67 & Carol Seib Mary Seib ’52 Joan Seibert Beau Shumate ’93 & Frank Smith Jessica ’10 & John Snyder* Jerome ’75 & Mary Beth ’77 Spaetti

Sharon Thompson ’65 James ’61 & Nancy Thorbecke James ’66 & Margaret Tomes Dan ’60 & Katie ’60 Townsend Phyllis Tubbs-Gingerich ’60 Jake ’00 & Robyn ’94 Tucker Wayne ’65 & Carol ’67 Turner Shirley ’59 & Raymond Ubelhor Curtis ’98 & Amanda ’98 VanNess Amy ’85 & Daniel Vaughn Theresa Vetter ’56 Lindsey Wagner ’03 Doris Wahl ’59 Karen Waller ’70 Buffy ’83 & David Wannemuehler James ’53 & Bonnie Wannemuehler Jerome ’68 & Annie Wargel

Stephen & Sharon Willis Amy ’90 & Dustin Wilson Brian Woehler ’68 Jeffrey ’97 & Sarah ’97 Woehler Kathleen ’69 & Kenneth Wolf Michael Wolf ’67 Barbara Wolsiefer ’52 Tina ’74 & Joseph Wright Megan Wright ’04 Angela ’87 & Reggie Wulff Michael ’67 & Tammy Zeller Thomas ’55 & Barbara ’59 Zenthoefer Sarah Zigrye ’07

Mallory Robinson ’13 Robert ’55 & Mary Rollett Betty Sue Scheller Clare Scheller ’10 Robert & Rena Schleter Mary ’54 & Charles Seibert Bruce ’73 & Sheila Spaulding Dennis & Jeanne ’81 Thomas Jeana Walker David & Lynda Wathen Rick † & Molly Weber Lee Ann & Zane West Nathan Wright ’13


Sr. Anne Marie Butler, DC Gloria Carter ’51

Honor Roll of Donors 2015–16 33

Honor Roll of Donors: Classes

Thank you, alumni, for your generous support! In 2015–16, alumni gave a record $314,875 to the Annual Fund! We

gratefully acknowledge all alumni who contributed to the Mater Dei Annual Fund between July 1, 2015 and June 30, 2016. * Indicates donors whose contributions were matched by their employers. † Indicates donor is deceased.

Class of ’50

Class Chair: Marlene (Singer) Weaver Participation: 17% Total Dollars: $1,405

Mary Jane (Wolfe) Dalgleish Walter Folz Barbara (Goebel) Kent Betty Joan (Martin) Preske Richard Preske Mary Jane (Scheller) Schroeder Suzann (Richey) Vescovi Marlene (Singer) Weaver

Class of ’51

Class Chair: Eileen (Berendes) Will Participation: 33% Total Dollars: $2,715

Margaret (Nunning) Basden Gloria (Heneisen) Carter Harold Gossman Richard Hall Donald Hoefling Patricia (Steckler) Jackson Charles Lindenschmidt Virgil Mayer Barbara (Moers) Muensterman Dorothy (Hertel) Niemeier William Niemeier Wilbur Rembold Robert Roberson James Stratman Helen (Folz) Weinzapfel Eileen (Berendes) Will

Class of ’52

Class Chair: Doris (Mayer) Dewig Participation: 25% Total Dollars: $1,165

Doris (Mayer) Dewig Rita (Jarvis) Eades Regina (Koch) Forler Leonard Gansman Betty (Kempf) Hartz Mary Jane (Elsner) Holmes Bernard Mayer Donald Mayse Beverly (Kercher) Morrow Margie (Rollett) Orman Rosella (Goebel) Rust

Class of ’50

Class Chair: Marlene (Singer) Weaver Participation: 17% Total Dollars: $1,405

Mary Jane (Wolfe) Dalgleish Walter Folz Barbara (Goebel) Kent Betty Joan (Martin) Preske Richard Preske Total Dollars: $2,228 Robert Behme David Buckman Madelyn (Nunning) Eickhoff

James Gerst Annette (Wannemuehler) Goedde Sylvia (Niemeier) Gossman Betty (Kercher) Hagel Robert Hagel Ronald Hall Rita (Mayer) Hoefling Dolores (Martinz) Kirk Ruby (Seib) Koressel Roger Lehr Bertha (Bauer) Michelini Charles Niemeier Mary Pat (Brenner) Orth Marvin Preske Carolyn (Simon) Schoening Richard Stolz James Wannemuehler Robert Weber

Class of ’54

Class Chair: Norma (Simpson) Duncan Participation: 18% Total Dollars: $6,245

Mary (Busch) Berendes Carolyn (Winiger) Combs Clara (Nurrenbern) David Rosemary (Bates) Deig Don Devillez Thomas Dick Norma (Simpson) Duncan Francis Folz Geraldine (Rumage) Kempf Harold Kempf Kathleen (Miller) Marrs Donald Metzler Marian (Snyder) Niemeier Dixie (Doerr) Robinson H. Jim Schapker Mary (Folz) Seibert Rosemary (Wildeman) Spahn Charles Wargel

Class of ’55

Class Chair: Joan (Berendes) Niemeier Participation: 27% Total Dollars: $6,491

William Baumgartner Roberta (Holtz) Bitter Rose (Brenner) Breivogel Judith (Tevault) Brown Carolyn (Roedel) Drury Jerome Duncan Patricia (Wolf) Egbert Rita (Patry) Eykamp Patricia (Happel) Grannan Richard Grannan Jeanette (Weinzapfel) Hartmann Wilma (Rexing) Kain John Kern Rose Kuhn Elizabeth Lane Adolph Locher John Lorber


Margie (Hamilton) Madigan Joan (Berendes) Niemeier Thomas Niemeier Thomas Preske John Rebstock Robert Rollett Evelyn (Koester) Schickel Martha (Weinzapfel) Schmitt Ronald Schnepper Dorothy (Schaeffer) Schroeder William Schutz Curtis Seib Gerald Toelle Al Weinzapfel Darlene (Berendes) Weinzapfel Donald White Thomas Zenthoefer

Class of ’56

Class Chair: Ann (Rollett) Schneider Participation: 26% Total Dollars: $6,022

Janis (Killian) Arvin Joseph Bassemier Mary Lee (Blume) Bassemier Anita (Jost) Bergman Larry Breivogel C. Justin Clements Terry Crane Sondra (Harl) Deibler Judy (Knapp) Eskew Delores (Krack) Folz Thomas Folz Robert Froehle Darrell Graves Donald Haller Thomas Hamilton Robert Hartmann Joseph Hatfield Robert L. Koch Robert J. Koch Peter Lintzenich Carolyn (Schmitt) Mueller Bernita (Belcher) Muller Bernard Nunning Marian Offerman Elaine (Weber) Schmits Ann (Rollett) Schneider Dennis Schneider Judith (Blackman) Seib Donald Seng Donald Steckler Kathleen (Weinzapfel) Thompson Theresa (Grannan) Vetter Robert Wagner Gil Wannemuehler Robert Weinzapfel Judith (Goergen) Zivanovic

Class of ’57

Participation: 19% Total Dollars: $2,145

Colleen (Adams) Behme Anna (Muensterman) Burdette

Norma (Folz) Allison Carp Rita (Rettig) Elpers Robert Hamilton Joan (Fuchs) Hansen Wilma (Grannan) Kerner Greg Kullman Carol (Goebel) Lantaff Mary Jane (Weinzapfel) Little Shirley (Martin) Martin Daley Judy (Tenbarge) Marx Mary Jane (Townsend) Pfister Edwin Rehrman Donna (Helfrich) Ahlers-Rowlett Richard Seib Stan Singer † Beverly (Harl) Toelle Robert Weber Mary Ann (Folz) Weinzapfel Thomas Weinzapfel James Werner Carol Witmeier

Class of ’58

Class Chair: Paul Baehl Participation: 19% Total Dollars: $24,147

David Baehl Paul Baehl Mariann Baumgartner Mary Jane (Gries) Bradley Ronald Brown Mary (Smith) Decamps Robert Elfreich Larry Fulkerson Cyril Gerteisen Michael Head † Dale Hillenbrand John Hoos Walter Jankowski Wayne Killian Jack Kinsler Charles Knapp Mary (Wannemuehler) Knapp Nancy (Berendes) Knowles Mary Kay (Koch) Muehlbauer Julia (Blaser) Payne LeRoy Prange Mary Lue (Neale) Russler Bob Russler Jerome Schapker Arthur Scheller Shirley (Folz) Seng Stephen Sullivan Gail (Brack) Titzer Robert Wargel Betty (Flamion) Weinzapfel Judy (Wolf) Whitney Martha (Moers) Wilson

Class of ’59

Class Chairs: Edward Knapp, Lawrence Kremer, Daniel Norman, Stephen Sanford Participation: 18% Total Dollars: $9,223

M. Ruth (Stallings) Baehl

Beverly (Raley) Behme Shirley (Adler) Clements Margaret (Tenhumberg) Effinger Sally (Moser) Elfreich Larry Haller John Hamilton Patricia (Kokie) Hartz Ronald Hollander Chester Jost Patricia (Fitzsimmons) Jost Janice (Ziegler) Killian Edward Knapp Lawrence Kremer William Luigs John Manger Donald Mayer Thomas Moore Patricia (Miller) Novack Sue (Hosick) Ochsner Carolyn (Hayden) Pearce Gerald Powell Ray Rexing Linda (Behme) Rheinlander Robert Rheinlander Joyce (Goebel) Rhoades Stephen Sanford Richard Scheller Emilie (Hollingsworth) Seib Shirley (Diehl) Ubelhor Doris (Hollander) Wahl Eugene Wilderman Barbara (Braun) Zenthoefer Larry Ziliak

Class of ’60

Class Chair: Judy (Seibert) Knapp Participation: 21% Total Dollars: $11,702

William Barthel David Baumgart Cherie Berendes Maurice Berendes Larry Boots John Corn Francis Elpers Suzanne (Eberhard) Emge Elizabeth (Payne) Fulton V. Ray Funke David Gerteisen Jerry Gries Pamela (Heathcotte) Gries Judy (Eisterhold) Griffin Eileen (Will) Haase Carol (Nurrenbern) Haller Bonnie (Fehrenbacher) Hartmann Paul Hartmann Jacqueline (Rauck) Jarvis Harold Jenkins Ted Kares Eugene Kempf Carole (Zeggling) Kinsler Clarence Kirby Judy (Seibert) Knapp

Honor Roll of Donors DiAnne (Stevens) Kremer Martha (Conen) Kuester JoAnn (Bruce) Layman Thomas Lehman Bernette (Wildeman) Locklar Steve Logel Shirley (Kuester) McDowell Tom Memmer James Mosby Helen (Feulner) Perkins Edward Schemel Leroy Schenk Larry Schmitt Betty (Wink) Steckler Ronald Steinkamp Mary (Thompson) Sullivan Dan Townsend Mary (Miller) Townsend Phyllis (King) Tubbs-Gingerich Carol (Jost) Wagner Trechia (Mohr) Wilkins J. Michael Wolf

Stephen Braun David Fechtmeister Linda (Will) Hague Gerald Hartmann Janet (Schenk) Hausmann Daniel Horstman Patricia (Morris) Krack Mary Kay (Kunz) Lehman David Miller Robert Miller Michael Moore Susan (Koressel) Pierre Stephen Pledger Barbara (Kolb) Price Judy (Boehman) Reisinger Stephen Reisinger Marilyn (Hartweck) Scales Eugene Spahn Suzanne (Sursa) Stieler Eugene Weber Leroy Weinzapfel Malcolm Winiger

Class of ’61

Class of ’63

Class Chair: Gene Gries Participation: 20% Total Dollars: $5,046

Ronald Adams Steven Aichle Mary Jo (Folz) Bacon M. Kathleen (Dunn) Barthel Jo Marie (Wolf) Charlson Steve Charlson Joseph Culley Vincent Elpers Judith (TenBarge) Fleck George Folz Betty (Weyer) Geiser Nadine (Schultheis) Grant Eugene Gries Steve Halbig Donna (Miller) Hamilton Jennie (Buckman) Head Richard Jarboe Nelsen Jorgensen Henry Kijonka Barbara (Tieken) Lindenschmidt Dolores (Rexing) Masterson Nancy (Vowels) Mattingly Janet (Stampfli) Moore Barbara Muth Gary Pierre Beatrice (Slaughter) Purcell R. Joseph Rettig Ruth (Gries) Ritzert John Rollett William Scales Barbara (Bannister) Schutz James Thorbecke Carl Titzer John Wargel James Weinzapfel Donald Weis

Class of ’62

Class Chair: Mary Kay (Kunz) Lehman Participation: 20% Total Dollars: $8,163

Leo Alvey Eugene Baumgart Earl Becher Mary (Clausheide) Boes Alan Braun

Class Chair: Marjorie (Wagner) Hartmann Participation: 19% Total Dollars: $2,964

Marian (Folz) Alvey Martha (Wannemuehler) Baehl Sylvia (Berendes) Baehl Mary (Schenk) Baumgart Claudette (Allison) Becher David Brenner Joseph Dippel Carolyn Sue (Conen) Elpers Ronald Englert David Fehrenbacher Judy (Kissel) Fehrenbacher Henry Folz Ronald Goebel Raymond Gries Doris (Feller) Haase Judith (Herrmann) Hartmann Marjorie (Wagner) Hartmann Judith (Schenk) Hatfield Sandy (Schutte) Hatfield Susan (Kern) Kirsch Francis Miller Cheryl (Adams) Raleigh Edward Steinkamp JoAnn (Mayer) Weber Sandra (Runau) Weinzapfel Alice (Martin) Weis

Class of ’64

Class ChairS: Ronald Angermeier, Janice (Goebel) Schuble Participation: 19% Total Dollars: $36,685

Ronald Angermeier Maurice Baumgart Sharon (Fehrenbacher) Baumgart Richard Bippus Virgil Brenner Margaret (Will) Carlson Diana (Stephens) Dippel Randy Ellspermann Richard Fehrenbacher Alan Feldhaus Darlene (Folz) Goebel Susan (Brock) Hawes Gary Herrmann

Marylene (Spahn) Hunt Fernando Jimenez Berta (Parravicini) Kares Allan Knapp Michael Koch Nancy (Spencer) Mangold Ronald Mesker Patrick Riley Barbara (Kempf) Ritzert Linda (Weil) Rollett David Scheller A. John Schiff Danny Schmitt Janice (Goebel) Schuble Janet (Wolf) Spahn Peter Tennyson Thomas Tornatta David Williamson

Class of ’65

Class Chair: Carol (Oliver) Goedde Participation: 26% Total Dollars: $24,314

Steven Adams Carolyn (Herrmann) Adler Ronald Bacon Steven Blankenberger Thomas Borries Patricia Borst Jerome Brenner Alvin Carr Elizabeth (Yellig) Davidson Judith (Hamilton) Dickman Stanton Elfreich David Ellison Kathleen (Kennedy) Elpers Patrick Freeman Kathy (Will) Funke Joseph Gelarden Andrew Goebel Barbara (Neumann) Goedde Carol (Oliver) Goedde Jerry Goedde Larry Goedde Janette (Duncan) Gries Mark Guetling Kathy (Lintzenich) Halbig Paulette (Rapp) Happe

Ronald Hartmann James Hausmann Michael Higdon Kenneth King Paul Koch Cheryl Martin Carolyn (Reising) Miller Stephen Moore Madonna (Raben) Niemeier Norbert Niemeier Stephen Niemeier Wayne Render Kenneth Rexing Rita (Schenk) Rexing Rebecca (Tieken) Richter Gary Schutte Sharon (Schutte) Thompson V. Wayne Turner Richard Wargel Darrel Whiting Charles Wildeman Larry Will Dianne (Hoefling) Wunderlich Gary Wunderlich

Class of ’66

Class Chair: Rebecca (Boots) Maier Participation: 17% Total Dollars: $7,012

Margaret (Bradley) Angermeier James Beyer Wayne Botzum Linda (Kissel) Browning Thomas Cook Donald Ennis Melvin J. Feulner Steven Gerteisen Evelyn (Goebel) Guetling Martha (Tornatta) Gump William Hausmann Rosemarie (Schneider) Horstman Ronald Jenkins Ann (Logel) Johnston David Koressel Linda (Paul) Koressel Barbara Lamble JoAnn Laugel Glenn Macke

Rebecca (Boots) Maier Rita (Morneweg) Moore David Nurrenbern George Pfister David Reising Daniel Reisinger Christopher Siemers Ruth Ann (Craig) Stonecipher Gerald Tieken James Tomes David Underhill Robert Wathen Cynthia (Cartwright) Williams Janet (Rush) Witmeier Kathleen (Emge) Wittgen

Class of ’67

Class Chair: Kathleen (Tighe) Griese, Barbara (Tevault) Moore Participation: 22% Total Dollars: $3,499

David Baumgart Gary Baumgart Jennifer (Loeffler) Baumgart James Borries Russell Borst Jonna (Hagan) Brenner Mary (Helfrich) Brown Sharon (Lutz) Carlton Terry Carlton June (Fischer) Carr Cathy (Siemers) Crowdus Michael Ellert Fred Gries Judy (Fehrenbacher) Gries Mike Griswold Danny Kares Linda (Weiss) Knapp Thomas Knapp Joyce (Mesker) Koch Susan Koenig Rebecca (Beyer) Koontz Jacquelyn London Charles Martin Rebecca (Deig) Martin Nancy (Morrow) Mayer Paul Mayer Sr. Jane Michele McClure

Honor Roll of Donors 2015–16 35

Honor Roll of Donors Barbara (Tevault) Moore Vicki (Wolf) Moran Allen Rexing Barbara (Emge) Rexing Leonard Seib Janet (Mallory) Siemers Carol (Like) Turner Stanley Weber Diane (Weiss) Altstadt Judith (Goedde) Wohadlo Michael Wolf Michael Zeller

Class of ’68

Class Chair: Judy (Englert) Knapp Participation: 19% Total Dollars: $5,448

Jo Lynn (Franks) Adams Jane (Schenk) Baumgart Mary Jo (Hoefling) Borst Carol (Tenbarge) Fallen Cindy (Funke) Fehrenbacher John Fehrenbacher James Folz Charles Goebel Tony Goebel Beverly (Underhill) Helfert Linda (Simon) Kares Paul Kelsey Jerome Knapp Judy (Englert) Knapp Philip Kohut Carolyn (Morris) Lamble Frederick Lamble Carol (Fischer) Laymon Michael Martin Joyce (Schenk) Messersmith Donald Moore Janie (Beyer) Moore Carolyn (Schmitz) Poole C. Phillip Raben Janet (Muensterman) Reidford Robert Reisinger Kenneth Rietman David Schmitt Kenneth Springer Larry Stumpf Doris (Paul) Taylor Jerome Wargel Dennis Wilderman Brian Woehler

Class of ’69

Class Chairs: Mark & Jeanne (Baumgart) Tornatta Participation: 13% Total Dollars: $4,006

Darlene (Schu) Appler George Brenner Karen (Hoefling) Breunig Frank Buerger James Butler Patricia (Tornatta) Eble John Hamilton Paul Jourdan Kathy (Musgrave) Kanowsky Barb (Nix) Liffick Thomas Liffick Joyce Macke Karen (Wilderman) Mischel Sharon (Schenk) Muensterman Sandra (Baechle) Raben Charles Rexing

James Rexing Robert Tevault Jeanne (Baumgart) Tornatta Mark Tornatta Kathleen (Schenk) Wolf

Class of ’70

Class Chairs: Wayne Emge, Jerry Kirchoff Participation: 18% Total Dollars: $29,532

Kathy (Koressel) Brendel JoAnn (Sisco) Carey Betty (Mesker) Cummings Gerard Ellspermann Richard Elpers Wayne Emge James Fechtmeister Dennis Feldhaus Scarlett (Fehr) Feldhaus James Fischer Mary (Farny) Flynn Linda (Mull) Folz Michael Goebel Robert Harrison Stephen Helfert Randall Jochim Vickie (McCallister) Kane Jerome Kirchoff Mary Jo (Herrmann) Kirchoff Suzanna (Sanderson) Martin Richard Miller Dennis Niemeier Karen Sue (Long) O’Bryan Sharon (Mesker) Ripplemeier Darlene (Nix) Robinson David Robinson Kathy Schenk Lucia (Fechtmeister) Schenk Harold Tepool Stephanie (Kohut) Thiel Kathryn (Helfrich) Verkamp Karen (Koch) Waller Helaine (Pfister) Williams

Class of ’71

Class Chairs: Joan (Eickhoff) Bauer, Diane (Gutzweiler) Emge Participation: 21% Total Dollars: $5,155

Jack Alles Sherri Barron Joan (Eickhoff) Bauer Debbie (Holland) Brenner Ronald Brenner Paul Brugger Theresa (Dezember) Chapman Diane (Gutzweiler) Emge Mary Kay (Jarboe) Fehrenbacher Robert Fehrenbacher Nancy (Spahn) Fischer Robert Fischer Beverly (Martin) Gish Karen (Metz) Goebel Thomas Goebel Cheryl Herrmann Monica Horstman Edward Johnstone Vincent Krack Cecilia (Weis) Kuester Kenneth Mesker Kathy (McCallister) Miller Mark Miller


Donald Montgomery Mary (Schapker) Musick Cindy Nemer Stan Niemeier David Schutte Tina (Alcorn) Kern-Raibley Eugene Scott Mary Jane (Schele) Weber Thomas Wildeman Frank Will

Class of ’72

Class Chair: Susan (Wildeman) Lutz Participation: 16% Total Dollars: $13,320

Ira Gerard Boots Theresa (Seib) Boots Kathleen (Scott) Buchanan Diane (Dunkel) Buskavitz Phyllis (Kruse) Corn Gary Goebel John Harrison Susan (Fischer) Helmer Lisa (Vescovi) Kohl Theresa (Kohut) Lintzenich Susan (Wildeman) Lutz John Moers Mary Jo (Weinzapfel) Musgrave Sandra (Schenk) Raley Robert Schiff Mark Schmitt Stephen Schnur Bobbie (Grotius) Schutz Kathleen (Seib) Scott Sharon (Schapker) Strader Debbie (Strange) Strueh Mary Lou (Nurrenbern) Swinger Patricia (Kempf) Tenbarge Eugene Wannemuehler Robert Waterman

Class of ’73

Class Chair: James Dewig Participation: 12% Total Dollars: $2,603

Barbara (Simpkins) Angermeier Paul Angermeier Karen (Barnes) Ellis Linda (Macke) Denstorff Rose (Will) DeWitt Marilyn (Mesker) Dressel Melvin Fehrenbacher Cynthia (Laib) Goebel Randy Helfrich David Jochem Karen (Lappe) Lukeman Donna (Gries) McDonald Beth (Wagner) Muensterman Larry Muensterman William Nix Anthony Richardt Cindy (Fleck) Richardt Leonard Schmitt Susan (Seibert) Schmitt Angela (Barron) Skogen Bruce Spaulding Steven Whitman

Class of ’74

Class Chair: Daniel Gutzweiler, Michael Koressel Participation: 18% Total Dollars: $3,587

Vicki (Weinzapfel) Austin

Top 10 Classes By Amount

1. 1964


6. 1960


2. 1970





3. 1965


8. 1962





9. 1966


5. 1972


10. 1980


Top 10 Classes By Participation

1. 1951


6. 1952


2. 1953





3. 1955


8. 1960





9. 1971


5. 1956


10. 1961


Mary (Tenbarge) Berendes Jeana (Gilles) Campbell Rebecca (Kirchoff) Dosher Terry Evans Rebecca (Anslinger) Fuchs Virginia (Koressel) Gaul Daniel Gutzweiler Rebecca (Schapker) Helfrich Randall Hempfling Randall Hupfer Michael Koressel Timothy Krack Gary Lannert Letha (Rapp) Lannert Terri McBride Vicki McCracken Russell Miller Joyce (London) Moers Carol (Spahn) Neisen MaDonna (Goedde) Niemeier Carol (Goebel) Reising Russell Reising David Schapker David Schenk Michele (Kohut) Wildeman Dorothy (Boots) Wright

Class of ’75

Class Chair: Jodi (Stevenson) Adcock Participation: 13% Total Dollars: $4,550

Jodi (Stevenson) Adcock Cynthia (Norman) Altstadt David Altstadt Ted Barron Cherie (Nemer) Burgdorf Janet (Bauer) Correa Patrick Debes Joseph Dewig

Patricia (Schmitt) Dewig Lisa (Eickhoff) Fleming Julie Gilles Barbara (Griggs) Griepenstroh Karole (Seib) Gutzweiler Karen (Marrs) Hinderliter Kenneth Miller Kenneth Schenk Jerome Spaetti Matthew Wannemuehler Pam (Guetling) Wannemuehler Dan Weinzapfel

Class of ’76

Class Chairs: Steven Schapker, James Will, Jr. Participation: 16% Total Dollars: $4,919

W. Christopher Alcorn Gary Alles Julie (Reibel) Arafeh Michael Berendes Daniel DeVillez Julie (Jost) DeVillez Timothy Dick Kathryn Egli Janet (Ubelhor) Fischer Steven Fischer Thomas Goedde Jeffrey Hayden Lisa (Stevenson) Henderson Debbie (Muensterman) Jochim Michelle (May) Krack Kathryn (Buedel) Lemond Jane (Wolf) Medlin Gene Mesker Cynthia (Raben) Muensterman Gerald (Bud) Parkinson Steven Schapker Mark Schentrup

Honor Roll of Donors Mark Schiff Tracy (Lappe) Sparks James Will Chris Will

Class of ’77

Class Chair: Robert Scheller Participation: 15% Total Dollars: $2,387

Terri (Weinzapfel) Barnes Jeffrey Buckman Tony Colvin Anthony Deig Daniel Dick Sara Ellert Keith Hartz Karen (Laib) Johnson Daniel Lappe Kent Reddington Timothy Richardt Stephen Rode Kathleen (Duncan) Sanders Janet (Seib) Schapker Robert Scheller Karen (Weiss) Schenk Timothy Schenk Mary Beth (Weinzapfel) Spaetti Curtis Stratman Alan Tenbarge Jeffery Wolf Martha (Franks) Yurow

Class of ’78

Class Chair: Mary Beth (Goebel) Lindauer Participation: 8% Total Dollars: $3,055

Pamela (Richter) Ambrose Susan (Werner) Best Erin (Drake) Born Martha (Weinzapfel) Dick George Hollander Thomas Klausmeier Beth (Goebel) Lindauer Angela M. (Niemeier) Lydon Jeffry Niemeier Paul Rivard James Seibert Angela (McDermott) Short Alan Spindler

Class of ’79

Class ChairS: Judith (Siemers) Schneider, Patricia (Rollett) Will Participation: 10% Total Dollars: $1,935

William Bartek Rhonda (Bassemier) Baumgart Richard Baumgart Mary (Folz) Goedde William Groves Barbara (Spaetti) Hartz Jeanne (Dewig) Mesker Kevin Mischler Jerome Muensterman Mary (Miller) Ritter Judith (Siemers) Schneider Joylene (Weinzapfel) Springer Theresa (Goebel) Weber Kurt Weinzapfel Julie (Niemeier) Whorl Mary (Weinzapfel) Wilder Patricia (Rollett) Will

Class of ’80

Class of ’83

Class Chair: Michael Goedde, Daniel Niemeier Participation: 15% Total Dollars: $6,735

Class Chair: Vincent & Kathy (Goedde) Boots Participation: 13% Total Dollars: $3,075

Terence Alvey Timothy Boots Joni (Schroeder) Cardin Richard Fischer Michael Goedde Wade Hickam Mary Hupfer Catherine (Hertel) Kapp Jane (Kelle) Dick Shari (Allison) Kempf Daniel Lomax Jeffrey Macke Daniel Niemeier James Raben Laura (Eickhoff) Reddington Linda (Baehl) Russell Lawrence Schentrup Lisa (Bittner) Schmitt Karen Schroeder Vincent Schu Beth (Hassler) Slaton Scott Slaton Daniel Tenbarge Karen (Shetler) Wargel Mark Weinzapfel David Wildemann

William Basden Laurie (Layman) Bollig D. Vincent Boots Kathy (Goedde) Boots Diane (Jourdan) Claybon Lori (Duncan) Fehrenbacher Daniel Haller Karen (Rheinlander) Hamilton Todd Kempf Lorri (Riordan) Lappe Tammy (Hollander) Messier Patricia (Alsop) Montgomery Robert Montgomery Richard Niemeier Sheri (Dezember) Powers Barbara (Deeg) Raben Jon Raben Sally (Reising) Reising-Kempf Diane (Weinzapfel) Schoettlin

Class of ’81 Class Chair: Mark & Michelle (Folz) Herrmann Participation: 11% Total Dollars: $3,472

Jean (Bradley) Alvey Matthew Deig Sara (Castleman) Fischer Sylvia (Schutte) Groves Dava (Schemel) Grzybowski Mark Herrmann Michelle (Folz) Herrmann David Hoefling Sharon Jankowski Mark A. Knowles Joseph Kohut Paula (Wannemuehler) Parkinson Mary Beth Schapker Jeanne (Rode) Thomas Jane (Siemers) Weinzapfel Rebecca (Bender) Weinzapfel Christopher Wildeman

Class of ’82 Participation: 8% Total Dollars: $805

Clay Allison Clare (Becker) Hassler J. Lynn Hassler Patrick Kempf Edward Lappe Donna (Koressel) Martin Joseph Mischler Mary (Weidner) Rosek Leann (Will) Sander Mary (Ellert) Scheller Julia (Little) Schu David Stocker Amy (Klenck) Tenbarge

Class of ’84

Class Chair: Jeff Happe Participation: 11% Total Dollars: $4,467

Denise (Purcell) Allison Amy (Stocker) Brennan J. Daniel Elpers Jr. Peter Emmert James Fleck Julie (Haller) Forcum Dean Happe Jeff Happe Debra (Bradley) Head Ted Kares Joann (Goebel) Lauderdale Roy Marx Joseph Steinkamp Mark Weinzapfel Shari (Drury) Weinzapfel Lisa (Kempf) Wilcox Kevin Wildeman

Class of ’85

Class ChairS: Chris & Jeanne (Happe) Goebel Participation: 16%

Total Dollars: $3,178 Joseph Berendes Geoffrey Coates Robert Dezember Russell Fulton Angela Gallagher Chris Goebel Jeanene (Happe) Goebel Ann (Rode) Harper David Jarboe Edward Knapp Jacqueline (Smith) Knapp Darin Knight Eric Kohut Stanley Memmer Keith Reising LaChere (Anslinger) Rexing Alan Schaffstein Jane Schapker Dava (Lappe) Tenbarge Amy (Lindenschmidt) Vaughn Melba (Schapker) Wilderman Philip Will

Class of ’86

Class of ’89

Class Chair: Wendy (Guetling) Marx Participation: 12% Total Dollars: $4,866

Theresa (Lamble) Berendes Shawn Corcoran Tricia (Hollander) Henning Wendy (Guetling) Marx Susan (Minielli) Delay Christopher Naas Kristi (Rheinlander) O’Malley Kelly (Elpers) Pennington Brian Raben Gretchen (Fritz) Raben Kent Rexing Steven Spahn Matthew Ubelhor Benjamin Wagner Marie (Anslinger) Wagner Jody (Fulton) Wilmes

Class of ’87 Class Chair: Jamie Wicks Participation: 8% Total Dollars: $852

Lesley (Will) Bertrand Deanna (Hayden) Altstadt John Goebel Scott Goedde James Kaiser Jeannie Kiesel Susan (Jarboe) Loftus Angela (Kuhn) Maynard Jamie Wicks Beth (Lasher) Woodruff Angela (Toon) Wulff

Class of ’88 Class Chairs: Nina (Kissinger) Schultheis, Sarah (Titzer) Wagner Participation: 16% Total Dollars: $5,305

Heather Beach Amy (Coomes) Blackketter Kimberly (Fritz) Bonnell Jennifer (Geiser) Chapman Amy (Richardson) Duell Sheila (Seib) Dale Trina (Julow) Doepker Laura (Goedde) Fulton Brian Goebel Eric Gries Christine Weinazpfel-Hayden Darin Hayden Todd Lehman Jenny (Sherry) McWilliams Richard Brent Neitzke Deborah (Kirsch) Record Natalie (Tindle) Reidford Lisa (Barnes) Reising Kathy (Weinzapfel) Schoettlin Bradley Schultheis Nina (Kissinger) Schultheis James Stratman Clifford Wagner Sarah (Titzer) Wagner Jo Ellen (Barth) Wassmer Natalie (Maier) Weis Paul Weis

Class Chair: Craig Goedde Participation: 7% Total Dollars: $1,375

Bridget (Boots) Dickerson Timothy Hollander Melanie (Seib) Jarrell Ann (Scheller) McIntosh James Pierre Lori (Messal) Pierre Charlotte Reisinger-Klueg Christopher Scheu Angela (Kirsch) Strehl

Class of ’90

Class Chair: Lawrence Beard Participation: 8% Total Dollars: $2,175

Paula (Scales) Bunde Brian Elpers Jason Hamilton Marti (Luigs) Knight Steven Lehman Amy (Hoefling) Schlachter Jeffrey D. Schlichting Kiley Van Bibber Amy (Borries) Wilson

Class of ’91

Class Chair: Matthew Folz, Kevin Moore Participation: 10% Total Dollars: $1,569

Jason Black Patrick Boarman Kristen (Carter) Folz Matthew Folz Lisa (Wargel) Forzley Mandi Fulton Marc Halbig A. Joseph Herrmann Shannon (Martin) Hile Kevin Moore Matthew Mulherin Todd Niemeier Phillip Stolz

Class of ’92

Class Chair: Valorie (Hirsch) Dassel Participation: 14% Total Dollars: $2,635

Valorie (Hirsch) Dassel Samuel Ellison Craig Elpers Gregory Elpers Laura (Schenk) Elpers Eric Folz Brian Gerth Eric Goebel Brian Hertel Heather (Maier) Hertel J. Samuel Marx Duane Maurer Aaron Schapker James Townsend Michael Weber

Class of ’93

Class Chair: Gina Goedde Participation: 13% Total Dollars: $2,198

Jay Adams Sarah (Hutchison) Adams Lana (Schenk) Ellison Jennifer (Freeman) Folz

Honor Roll of Donors 2015–16 37

Honor Roll of Donors Tresa (Fehrenbacher) Goebel Gina Goedde Kevin Gries Philip Kares Julia Moore Angela (Maier) Mulherin Beau Shumate Daniel Townsend Melissa (Spahn) Van Bibber Jennifer (Knapp) Vaughn Timothy Voelker

Class of ’94

Class Chair: Erin (Carter) Moore Participation: 7% Total Dollars: $3,448

Aaron Couture Anthony Fehrenbacher Kati (Olinger) Hagerty Natalie Folz Jason Martin Erin (Carter) Moore Kiersten (Wathen) Stolz Robyn (Shirk) Tucker Julianna (Moore) Voelker Holly (Moore) Wahr Philip Zenthoefer

Class of ’95

Class Chair: Ingrid (Maier) Stratman Participation: 8% Total Dollars: $1,938

Chadwick Schenk Rachelle Knapp Jessica (Cummings) Schultheis Brianna (Cox) Stevens Kurt Wildeman Jeffrey Woehler Sarah (Kempf) Woehler

Class of ’98

Class Chair: Natalie (Emge) Sandefur, Jamie (Reese) Schiff Participation: 10% Total Dollars: $4,095

Brandon Boots Michael DeWitt Christopher Droste Jeremy Herrmann Neil Kassenbrock Dustin Lannert Natalie Emge Brian Pope Greg Schaefer Ryan Scheu Jamie (Reese) Schiff Curtis Vanness Mary (Reddington) Woehler

Class of ’99

Class Chair: Joshua Hodge Participation: 8% Total Dollars: $815

Melanie (Buchanan) Denning Kevin Farmer Andrea Fehrenbacher James Griese Andrew Hart Ryan Kassenbrock Angela (Bauer) Mullenix Megan (Conner) Russo James Schroeder Ingrid (Maier) Stratman

Lucas Angermeier Alicia (Wilderman) Elpers Emily (Elpers) Freeman Peter Helfrich Joshua Hodge Nicholas Miller Adam Raben Angela Reckelhoff Adam Schiff Nathan Schiff Pamela (Steinkamp) Vadbunker Andrew Woehler

Class of ’96

Class of ’00

Class Chair: Andrea (Boots) Baumann Participation: 7% Total Dollars: $3,388

Lori Adler Andrea (Boots) Baumann Matthew Bohleber Lisa (Baumgart) Farmer Amanda (Clayton) Griese Jill (Spahn) Johnson Gregory Raben Amy (Lehman) Schroeder Anthea (Knapp) Turner

Class of ’97

Class Chair: Alisha (Goedde) Lannert Participation: 12% Total Dollars: $5,740

Christy (Goebel) Atherton Amanda (Bailey) Bohleber Jessica (Elpers) Knapp Nichole (Kempf) Eyer Peter Fehrenbacher Jeremy Kiesel Libby (Olinger) Kiesel Brian Knapp Alisha (Goedde) Lannert Aaron Pugh Kristi (Niemeier) Schaefer

Class Chair: Matthew Weber Participation: 13% Total Dollars: $2,099

Adam Adler Andrew Baumgartner Katie (Dewig) Baumgartner Carrie (Goebel) Boehman Jacob Boehman Jennifer (Reffett) Fehrenbacher Zachary Fehrenbacher Mitch Happe Shay (Grasso) Helfrich Lindsey (Helfrich) Hurt Jessica (Adler) Kassenbrock Natalie (Zimmer) Kassenbrock Bradley Kempf John Kiefer Kimberly (Dosher) Kinnaman James Kissel Jennifer (Steinkamp) Kollker Beth (Stofleth) Mohr Jake Tucker Matthew Weber

Class of ’01

Class Chair: Rachel Wright Participation: 7% Total Dollars: $825

Nicholas Austin Nick Beach


Mater Dei Endowments Edward A. Arnold Education Endowment for tuition assistance

Mater Dei Friends & Alumni Association Endowment for Mater Dei support

Ira Gerard and Theresa Boots Educational Endowment for teacher resources

Mater Dei Operating Endowment for operating costs

Ira Joseph and Dorothy Jane Boots Family Endowment for operating expenses

Mater Dei Teachers Education Endowment for tuition assistance

Borries Family Endowment for general use

Paul and Nancy Mayer Endowment for tuition assistance

Bart J. Crecco Memorial Scholarship Fund for tuition assistance Mary Jane Muensterman “Janie” Dale Endowment for educational and spiritual needs Fr. William Deering Memorial Scholarship for music scholarship for graduating senior Jim and Doris Dewig Endowment for facilities George and Bette Duncan Education Endowment for tuition assistance Mike and Clarita Ellert Endowment for the Mike and Clarita Ellert Citizen Award Butch and Linda Feulner Mater Dei Fund Endowment for Mater Dei High School Fifth Third Foundation Education Endowment for tuition assistance Bishop’s Endowment for Mater Dei High School for tuition assistance Andrew and Darlene Goebel Endowment for tuition assistance Joseph and Patricia Gossman Endowment for athletics and academics Michelle Diane Greenwell Memorial Scholarship for high school and college scholarships

Dan and Laura Niemeier Endowment for operating costs James A. Niemeier Wrestling Endowment for the James A. Niemeier Wrestling Scholarship Tom and Joan Niemeier Family Endowment for operating costs and athletics Sister Victoria Pohl Education Endowment for tuition assistance Mater Dei Science & Technology Endowment for science Rex Mundi Continuing Catholic Education Endowment for tuition assistance David and M. Darlene Robinson Endowment for operating costs Robert and Rosemary Rooney Family Endowment for operating costs Donald W. and M. Patricia Rupprecht Fund for operating costs Robert and Mary Lue Russler Tuition Assistance Endowment Robert and Mary Lue Russler Mater Dei High School Scholarship Endowment Allen E. Schmitt ‘62 Endowment for tuition assistance

Robert and Judy Griffin Charitable Endowment

Jack and Kate Siemers Family Endowment for tuition assistance

Theresa and William Helfrich Endowment for theatre

The Joseph T. Theby Scholarship Endowment Fund for tuition assistance

Ron and Kathy Hollander Education Endowment for tuition assistance

Thomas O. Tighe Memorial Tennis Endowment for Thomas O. Tighe Tennis Scholarship

Harold and Shirley Kempf Family Endowment for spiritual and religion use Bob King Endowment and Bob King Fund for operating costs

Al and Darlene Weinzapfel and Family Endowment for operating costs 50% and athletics 50%

Patricia Koch Family Education Endowment for tuition assistance

James A. and Sandra S. Weinzapfel Endowment in honor of Matthew J. and Olivia C. Weinzapfel for tuition assistance for families with four or more children in school

DiAnne and Larry Kremer Educational Endowment for classroom technology 40% and tuition assistance 60%

Jerry and Helen Weinzapfel Tuition Assistance Endowment for tuition assistance

Reverend Raymond Kuper Fund for Education Excellence Endowment for tuition assistance

Jerry and Helen Weinzapfel Endowment for general use

Seibert-Knapp Family Endowment for tuition assistance

Monsignor William Lautner Endowment for operating costs Jack and Ann MacGregor Endowment for general use Jerry & Charlotte MacGregor Family Endowment for general use

Kyle Weis Tuition Assistance Endowment for tuition assistance The John and Marian Witting Scholarship Endowment Fund for tuition assistance Louis Wittmer Nursing and Medical Education Endowment for scholarship for graduating senior to study nursing

Honor Roll of Donors Ashley (Rister) Chumley Scott Herrmann Katie (Reffett) Miller Jared Schiff Albert Schmitt Lindsay (Jost) Schmitt Joel Werner Nathan Wildeman Rachel Wright

Class of ’02

Class Chair: Jennifer (Mesker) Dyhrkopp Participation: 12% Total Dollars: $2,890

Daniel Alcorn Lacy (Haller) Bender Matthew Conkling Ryan Dewig Jennifer (Mesker) Dyhrkopp Michael Elsner Terry Evans Allison (Moll) Frounfelter Matthew Kiefer Blake Kollker Jacob Koressel Jarrod Luigs Matthew Neisen Aaron Reckelhoff Logan Riggs Audrey (Kempf) Riney Jacob Schiff

Class of ’03

Class Chair: Patrick Fehrenbacher Participation: 11% Total Dollars: $1,860

David Altstadt Megan (Parkinson) Altstadt Kristen (Frazer) Arnold Melissa (Glaser) Beach Kara (Adler) Dewig Jennifer (Reed) Elsner Patrick Fehrenbacher Abby (Blankenberger) Hipp Holly (Sparks) Jahn Kenneth Miller Mary (Nelson) Peckenpaugh Jennifer (Lasher) Seib Lindsey Wagner Nathan Weinzapfel Amanda Wildeman

Class of ’04

Class Chair: Hallie (Denstorff) Scheu Participation: 8% Total Dollars: $505

James Attebury Raymond Goebel Laura (Schroeder) McKenzie Eric Reffett Hallie Denstorff Eric Stoltz Kristin (Kissel) Wannemuehler Todd Wannemuehler Ashley Adler Megan Wright

Class of ’05

Class Chair: Jenna Denstorff Participation: 10% Total Dollars: $772

Audrey (Goebel) Coughlin Matthew Coughlin Jenna Denstorff Allison (Mesker) Garrard Cory Goebel Rachel (Luigs) Goebel Rachel Ketzner Brittney (Kerchief) Neisen Kyle Neisen Michelle Farney Sarah (Fehrenbacher) Slaton Dustin Slaton Ryan Wildeman

Class of ’06

Class Chairs: Natalie Fleming, Laura Mesker Participation: 5% Total Dollars: $715

Mallory (Schenk) Eickhoff Natalie Fleming Benjamin Lasher Matthew Loehrlein Laura Mesker Robin (Fehrenbacher) Rosbrugh Scott Schapker Kayley (Will) Simmons Jake Weinzapfel

Class of ’07

Class Chair: Lauren Niemeier Participation: 7% Total Dollars: $420

Mitchell Eickhoff Kyle Hertel

Mallory (Goebel) Hertel Megan (Ziliak) Jarman Aric Kennedy Hannah (Boots) Kirkman Lauren Niemeier Rachel (Buskavitz) Rokosz Sarah (Schneider) Zigrye

Class of ’08

Class Chair: Emily TenBarge Participation: 5% Total Dollars: $240

Brett Bueltel Sara (Weinzapfel) Bueltel Sarah Luigs Bradley Niemeier Kathryn (Reddington) Niemeier Kendal (Elpers) Schmidt Emily TenBarge

Class of ’09

Class Chair: Katelyn Niemeier Participation: 2% Total Dollars: $180

Matthew Dickerson Margaret Hurm Katelyn Niemeier

Class of ’10

Class Chair: Jessica (Kempf) Snyder Participation: 5% Total Dollars: $105

Sara Blankenberger Cara Kuester Rachel Rexing Clare Scheller Brooke Schmitt Jessica (Kempf) Snyder

Class of ’11

Class Chair: Kristen Cox Participation: 2% Total Dollars: $200

Kristen Cox Chelsea Emmert Christie Mack

Class of ’12

Class Chair: Eric TenBarge Participation: 1% Total Dollars: $55

Brianna Dickerson Eric TenBarge

Class of ’13

Class Chair: Cooper Mayer Participation: 3% Total Dollars: $135

Adam Berendes Mallory Robinson Craig Wilmes Nathan Wright

Class of ’18

Class of ’14

Class Chair: Kayla Schoettlin Participation: 1% Total Dollars: $15

Laura Berendes

Class of ’15

Class Chair: Briana Schoettlin Participation: 3% Total Dollars: $60

Owen Fritch Luke Neitzke Kyle Rexing

Class of ’16 Kyle Cutrell Susan Ellert Austin Fleck Allie Folz Drew Folz Lauren French Morgan Goebel Betsy Happe Hunter Happe Karson Hartz Lauren Jarboe Michaela Karcher Brendan Rosek Bennet Schmitt Ben Turner Canyon Zeman Volleyball Team

Class of ’17 Jared Abney Savannah Cayce Ariel Dietz Stephanie Folz Brock Glaser Ben Haefer Noah Harrison Holden Hunt Joel Kelley Michela Kunkler Stacia Reisinger

Kurtis Rexing Michael Scofield Sarah Wannamueller Tara Wargel Chas Welte

Chloe Anslinger Carly Anslinger Adam Babillis Jack Berendes Seth Blanton Michael Boots Elaina Bradley Abbey Chapman Lucas Daunhaur Nevin DeCoster Ian East Haley Elpers RJ Ford Taylor Frantz Maddie Goebel Aaron Gorman Jacob Gorman Scott Kirk Grace McDurmon Drew Pfaffmann Zach Phelps Alexis Price Audrie Raben Ashley Reine Andrew Schoettlin Nathan Seiler

Class of ’19 Jenna Fehrenbacher Nolan Forzley Caroline Gorman Gabe Guzman Ben Harrison Lucy Harrison Julia Knight Aaron Lovell Natalie Record Kelsey Rexing Natalie Schneider James Wassmer Matthew Woodruff

Mater “Dei” of Giving a great success The first ever Mater Dei of Giving was held over a 24 hour period on May 12, 2016. A total of $35,536.80 was raised! The special event was a social media and communications occasion focused on encouraging greater participation and young alumni engagement in the Mater Dei Annual Fund. More than $23,000 was raised from 357 donors. The

Mater Dei Friends and Alumni Association contributed a $12,500 match on the first $12,500 raised. We also had help from more than 65 years of alumni posting updates to Facebook and Twitter and sending emails. The students at Mater Dei joined in too. A giveback day at school raised $1,533 from students, faculty and staff.

Thank you to all who made the Mater Dei of Giving such a great success!

Honor Roll of Donors 2015–16 39

In Memory of

In Memory Of Members of the Mater Dei family who have gone to their eternal reward were remembered by friends and loved ones by contributing to Mater Dei High School in their memory.

In memory of Arthur “Buddy” Adler ’67

In memory of Sandie Deig

In memory of Bobbie Foster ’56

In memory of Thomas ’56 & Mary ’55 May

Tom & Rosemary Hall

Russell & Mary Borst

Randall Shepherd

Mater Dei Class of 1956

Timothy & Michelle Krack

Robert Hartmann

Mater Dei Class of 1956

Mike & Vicky Hasenour

In memory of Bernard Bartholome II ’62

In memory of Fr. Eugene Dewig

In memory of Ronald Frank ’56

Mater Dei Class of 1962

Eugene Wilderman

Mater Dei Class of 1956

In memory of Elgene (Rexing) Beckerle ’53

In memory of Randy Dick ’78

In memory of John Goedde

Carolyn Sue Elpers

Timothy & Martha Dick

Edward & Judy Knapp

Harold & Sylvia Gossman

Kate Siemers

Todd & Wilma Kain

In memory of Charles Eickhoff

Ray J. Rexing In memory of Larry Bennett ’56 Mater Dei Class of 1956

Clarence & Charlene Altstadt Sam & June Baker Nancy Bayer

Chris May Michael May

Maurice & Norine Keller Jack & Linda Kinkel

Paul & Nancy Mayer

William & Mary Knapp Michael & Patricia Koch

In memory of Bill Mosby Gary & Kim Alles

Gloria Carter

Scott & Brenda Gartner

John & Rachel Lorber

Ken & Carolyn Helm

In memory of Betty Metz

In memory of Carol (Peters) Griesbacher ’51

In memory of Paul Hayden ’55

Jeanette Hartmann

Justin & Shirley Clements Bernadette Ferguson Grace Richter Ross & Jennifer Vaughn Robert & Jo Ann Weber

Dennis & Catherine Lamey Stephen & Carolyn Miller Marylee Murphy Donald & JoAnn Neidig Jo Ann Reitz Allen & Barbara Rexing Charles & Bonnie Rexing Florence Rexing

In memory of Bob Bequette

John & Debbie Bizal

Joleen Bequette

Bob & Bambi Deig

In memory of Michael Head ’58

Fernando & Beatriz Jimenez

Charles & Anita Eickhoff

In memory of Ray Murphy ’57

John & Pat Rexing

Dale & Marty Hillenbrand

Donald Eickhoff

Edward & Judy Knapp

Edward & Judy Knapp

Matthew & Kim Rexing

John & Caroline Eickhoff Mary Ann Eickhoff

In memory of Ronald Hertel ’55

In memory of James Niemier ’69

Martha Lee Gilles

Linda Hertel

Tom & Barbara Moore

Sharon & Alan Ripplemeier

Steve & Stephanie Niemeier

Madeline Roe

In memory of Leo Bittner Edward & Judy Knapp

Penny Campbell

In memory of Ira and Dorothy Boots

Dick & Georgia Hartmann

Tim & Theo Boots

Ken & Jane Medlin

Ed & Rebecca Maier

David & Debbie Mosby

Paul & Natalie Weis

Cletus & Rosemary Muensterman

Rachel Wright

Mike & Jennifer Kempf

Kent & Laura Reddington

In memory of Alan Dale

Urban Schaefer

Randall & Glenna Carr

Steve & Trish Schnur

Don & Sherry Fella

John & Carol Stocker

Edward & Charlotte Folz

Leo & Mary Weinzapfel

Edward & Judy Knapp

Eric & Judy Williams

Steve Luigs Robert & Carol Neisen

In memory of Mike and Clarita Ellert

Patricia Reisinger

Michael & Helen Ellert

Harris & Debbie Strueh

Sara Ellert

Tony Weis

Robert & Mary Scheller


Rose Ann Weidner-Murphy

In memory of Edward & Margaret Knapp and James & Angelina Seibert Edward & Judy Knapp Edward & Jackie Knapp Anthea & Shane Turner

In memory of Gerald Parkinson, Sr. Gerald & Paula Parkinson In memory of Herman Rexing

James & Cynthia Rexing Kenneth & Rita Rexing Steve & Ellen Rexing C. J. Risch

Arthur & Donna Scheller Betty Scheller Eugene & Roberta Schmidt Richard & Emilie Seib Nick & Diane Stanley Marlene Weaver David & Sue Wildemann

In memory of James Knapp ’68


Elvira Knapp

David & Jane Baumgart

In memory of Judy Rode ’59

Linda Browning

Mater Dei Class of 1959

In memory of Albert Martin Charles & Shirley Ankenbrand Frank Smith

Terence & Jean Alvey

Rose Mary Deig Pauline Denning Evansville Water & Sewer Distribution Employees Gary & Cynthia Ferguson Richard & Olivia Hall

In memory of Charlotte (Niemeier) Schapker ’50 Harold & Sylvia Gossman

In Memory of

In memory of Carl Schenk ’56

Tom & Angie Lydon

Ronald Brown

H.G. McCullough Designers, Inc.

Janet Hausmann

Ken & Jeanne Mesker

Marian Offerman

Norb & Madonna Niemeier

Mater Dei Class of 1956

Steve & Stephanie Niemeier

Theodore & Margaret Schenk In memory of Mildred (Slaughter) Schwenker ’60 Edward & Judy Knapp In memory of Bob Seibert ’55 Dan & Susan Alcorn Matt & Pauline Bartek Michael & Julia Bengert Stephen & Margaret Brown Jim & Anita Brown Robert & Betty Dausman Dan & Julie DeVillez Doris Dewig Phil & Becky Dosher Fred & Jan Duggins William & Tamara Evans Andrea Fehrenbacher John Lamb Kim & Rose Gerth Mike & Melanie Goebel Mike & Cheril Griswold Paul & Janice Gunn Ray & Janis Hanes Keith & Barb Hartz Mark Head Randy & Becky Helfrich Dave & Kay Hemmer Dave & Ann Johns

Jim & Judi Raben Kent & Laura Reddington Sally Kempf Dan & Mary Ritter River Bend Ladies Auxiliary Kent Ruminer Alan & Angie Schaffstein Steve & Janet Schapker Jeff & Judith Schneider Dave & Tina Schutte Gene & Kathy Scott Joan Seibert Jerry & Beth Spaetti Jim & Ingrid Stratman Tom & Jennie Tekoppel Dan & Katie Townsend Cliff & Sarah Wagner Matt & Pam Wannemuehler Jerry & Annie Wargel Al & Darlene Weinzapfel Jim & Karen Will Frank & Holly Will Kathy Yearwood

Steve & Marce Halbig

Sheila & Robert Dale

Edward & Marilyn Hopkey

In memory of Jack Siemers

Judy & Clay Marr

Timothy & Andrea Dickel

David & Ann Johns

Roger McKnee & Martha Rinne

Carol & Gary Doninger

Danny & Linda Kares

Jason & Beth Embry

Rick Lambeck

D.J. & Shay Minella

Joe & Cathy Crowdus In memory of Stan Singer ’57

Richard & Judy Fehrenbacher

Steven & Vernie Luigs

Dan Patterson

Rose Cassidy & Marilyn Williams

Sue & Russ Seiler

Butch & Linda Feulner

Kenneth & Janice Miller

Bob & Joann Weber

Michael & Melanie Goebel

Tony & Debbie Morrow

Judith Green

Kenny Mossberger

Tom & Jane Harmon

Thomas & Beth Ann Murray

Vance Coletti Family

In memory of Guy Smyth

Jacqueline DeMarco

Ron, Mary, & Craig Abell

Marion & Judith Lantaff

Jill DeMarco & Dr. Rodney Wentworth

Gary & Kim Alles

Mike & Carol Laymon

Lenna DeMarco

Todd & Sally Kempf Minda & Perry Krueger

Ronald & Margaret Angermeier

Gerald & Judith Hartmann Michael & Jennie Head Brian & Heather Hertel

Dick & Rebecca Martin

Dennis & MaDonna Niemeier

Honor Roll of Donors 2015–16 41

In Honor of

In memory of

Ron & Kathy Hollander

Bettye & Bill Stevenson

Ed & Judy Knapp

Don & &rea Tepool

Robert & Velva Kaffenberger

Adam & Erin Raben

Chuck & Jean Barron

Judy Reising-Knapp

Sue & Ray Vescovi

Catherine & David Kapp

Rebecca & David Richter

Ira Gerard & Terry Boots

Carroll Knight

Vowells & Schaaf, LLP

Mary Jane & Robert Little

Janice & Larry Schuble

Tim & Theo Boots

Becky & Ed Maier

Cliff & Sarah Wagner

Thomas & Joan Niemeier

Leonard & Carol Seib

Gloria Carter

Virgil Mayer

Marlene Weaver

Rosella & William Rust

Cliff & Sarah Wagner

Donald & Joan Cooper

Ed & Judy Messal

Paul & Natalie Weis

Mary Seib

Al & Darlene Weinzapfel

Krista & George Davidson

Steve & Rita Moore

Vernette Weis

Mary & Charles Seibert

James Wetzel

Dan & Julie DeVillez

Beverly Morrow

Sallie & J.T. Wenger

Eugene & Eva Weber

Jim & Rosalie Dunkel

Todd & Tina Phillips

Jim & Karen Will

Sara Ellert

Marianne & Eugene Ritter

Chris & Patti Will

Empire Contractors, Inc.

Jamie Robb

Eileen Will

Richard & Patricia English

Chris Rollett

Elizabeth & Keith Wyatt

Butch & Linda Feulner

Joe & Kim Rollett

Tim & Karen Yokel

In mem ory of

Glenn & Brenda Fischer

Bob & Mary Rollett

Jim & Pat Foley

Steve & Janet Schapker

Mater Dei Class of 1956

Matt & Kristen Folz

Jimmy & Casi Schiff

In m emory of Paul Tornat ta ’56

Tony & Bonnie Funke

Mark & Amy Schlachter

Thomas & Joan Niemeier David & Carol Nurrenbern

In m emory of Rick Stei nkamp ’88

Jim & Jenny Chapman Mater Dei Class of 1988 Betty Geiser Richard & Patricia Grannan Edward & Judy Knapp Ron & Carolyn Ruminer Bradley ’88 & Nina ’88 Schultheis Edward & Rita Steinkamp Frank Winiger

Jim Stratman ’51

In memory of

Kyle Weis ’10 Robert & Mary Scheller Betty (Joest) Wilhite ’56

Mater Dei Class of 1956

In memory of Williamson

Ross & Margare t

Lisa Glahn

Mary Seibert

Andy & Darlene Goebel

Kate Siemers

In memory of Mildred Weber ’54

David & Gail Williamson

Mike & Melanie Goebel

St. Phillips Conservation Club

Regina Forler

Vincent & Cecelia Winiger

Janet Grezlik

Malcolm Winiger

Brian & Heather Hertel

In Honor of In honor of

Maurice ’60 & Cherie ’60 Berendes’ 50th Wedding Anniversa ry

In honor of

Andy Goebel ’65 South Central Communications Corporation

Edward & Judy Knapp In honor of In honor of Jim & Rosalie Dunk el

Diane Buskavitz

Ed ’59 & Judy ’60 Knapp’s 50th Wedding Anniversary David & Ann Johns Larry & DiAnne Kremer

In honor of the Mater Dei Class of 1959 Shirley Ubelhor

In honor of T homas ’55 & Joan ’55 Nie meier

In honor of Frank Schaefer Joe & Wynn Mitchell

Michael Berendes In honor of the Mater Dei Cla ss of 1970

Kathryn Verkamp In honor of

Donald Mayer ’59

In honor of Kate Siemers In honor of

Stephen Sanford ’59

Joe & Cathy Crowdus

South Central Communications Corporation

David Baumgart

Gary & Susan Pierre

Contributions that were received after June 30, 2016, will be acknowledged in the 2016–17 Honor Roll of Donors. Every

effort has been made to list all donors as accurately as possible. We apologize for any errors or omissions and ask that you contact the Mater Dei Office of Institutional Advancement, 812-421-5727, with any corrections.


Memorial Gifts

Memorial Gifts Many

family and friends of loved ones who have passed choose to designate memorial gifts made at the funeral home in their memory to Mater Dei High School through the Mater Dei Annual Fund. Mater Dei accepts gifts which are restricted for a specific program or purpose, in addition to unrestricted gifts which are made available to assist with current school priorities. A heartfelt thank you is extended to the following families who honored their loved ones with gifts to the 2015–16 Mater Dei Annual Fund. May they find peace in knowing their memory lives on in the hearts of the Mater Dei High School community. Wm. Alan Dale

Carl Schenk ’56

Stan Singer ’57

Of Evansville, November 25, 2015. Survived by sons Alan Jr., Mark and Robert. Alan was preceded in death by his wife, Mary Jane (Muensterman) Dale ’52. At the time of her passing, Alan established the Mary Jane Dale Endowment Fund at Mater Dei High School. At Alan’s passing, his family requested that memorial gifts be made to this endowment.

Of Las Vegas, Nev., July 15, 2015. Survived by his wife, Phyllis, daughters, Rhonda Schenk and Rebecca Hemberger, and sons Michael and Eric. Carl was a 1956 graduate of Mater Dei High School. He was always grateful for the education he received at Mater Dei, and his family asked that memorial gifts be made to the school in his memory.

Of Phoenix, Ariz., June 10, 2016. Survived by his wife, Lenna DeMarco; daughters, Stefanie Woolverton, Michelle Goldberg, Shannon Norris; and son, Sean Singer. Stan was a former teacher at Mater Dei, and at his passing, his family established the Stan Singer in Excellence in Writing Award Endowment at Mater Dei High School, and memorial gifts were directed to this endowment.

Charles Eickhoff

Bob Seibert ’55

Of Evansville, October 8, 2015. Survived by his wife, Mary Ann, daughter, Annie Groves, and son, Charles Keith. Charlie was a member of St. Boniface Catholic Church and a recipient of the Evansville Catholic Diocese Brute Society Award. He was a supporter of Mater Dei High School, and at the time of his passing, his family designated memorial gifts to the Mater Dei Football Field Fund.

Of Evansville, January 3, 2016. Survived by his wife, Mary; son, Garren ’86; stepdaughters, Diane Matt ’77; Patti Will ’79; stepson, Joe Rollett ’80. He was preceded in death by stepson David Rollett ’83. Bob was one of the first members of the Mater Dei wrestling program. His son was a member of the first Mater Dei State Championship team in 1986, and many of Bob’s grandsons followed in his wrestling footsteps. Because of Bob’s passion for Mater Dei wrestling, his family requested memorial donations to be made to the Mater Dei Wrestling Club.

William Mosby Of Evansville, May 30, 2016. Survived by his wife, Rosaline and a son, Timothy ’84. As a Mater Dei past parent, Bill supported Mater Dei in many ways, particularly through his involvement with the Mater Dei Men’s Club, which is where his family requested memorial donations to be directed in his memory. Herman Rexing Of Evansville, April 30, 2016. Survived by Mary; daughters, Mary Jane Montgomery , Evelyn Sandefur ’70, Kathy Niemeier ’76, and Julie McCool ’83; son, John Rexing ’80. Herman was a devout Catholic and a strong supporter of Catholic education, so at his passing, his family asked that memorial gifts in his name be made to Mater Dei High School.

Guy Smyth Of Evansville, July 3, 2015. Survived by his wife, Cindy; daughter, Erin Smyth ’96; and son, Ben ’99. Guy worked as the facilities manager at Mater Dei for five years until his unexpected death. According to his family, Guy loved working at Mater Dei, and so they asked that memorial contributions be made to the school that meant so much to him.

James Stratman ’51 Of Evansville, June 11, 2016. Survived by his wife, Barbara; daughters, Diane Reising ’75, Cynthia Thames ’77; sons, Daniel ’81 and James ’88. Jim graduated from Mater Dei in 1951 and was the first quarterback in school history. Memorial gifts in Jim’s name were made to the Mater Dei High School football program. Mildred (Hertel) Weber ’54 Of Evansville, August 16, 2015. Survived by her husband, Robert ’53; daughters, Mary Ellen Wire, Eileen Weber, and Jennifer Weber; sons, James, Robert, and Andrew. In memory of her years at Mater Dei, her family kindly included Mater Dei High School as a recipient of memorial gifts.

Honor Roll of Donors 2015–16 43

Mater Dei High School Office of Institutional Advancement 1310 Harmony Way • Evansville, IN 47720 Return service requested

Calendar of Events Wednesday

OCT 12 2016

Tradition Lottery 2017 tickets on sale


Mar 12

Big Bingo and Big Auction



apr 26

Ave Maria Morning



Jun 19 2017

Tradition Classic Golf Tournament

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