Red& Gold
The Mater Dei High School Magazine
Capital Campaign Continues on Campus
Volume 33, Number 1 • Winter 2017
Aichle Tennis Complex Dedication
Upcoming Events to Support MD
In This Issue Aichle Tennis Complex dedication
About the cover
This past fall the new six-court tennis complex was completed and a dedication ceremony took place.
A winter scene of the Prayer Garden at Mater Dei.
Capital Campaign projects Projects that are part of the Full of Grace: Excellence for Tomorrow Capital Campaign continue on campus.
Benedictine sisters celebrating anniversaries Benedictine sisters who taught at Mater Dei celebrated milestone anniversaries of religious life.
Red& Gold
Upcoming events to support Mater Dei Read about the events coming this spring that will support and advance the mission of Mater Dei.
Red & Gold Staff Editor: Carol Nurrenbern, Director of Communications
The Mater Dei High School Magazine • Vol. 33, No. 1 • Winter 2017
Art Director: Alan Inkenbrandt ’89
The Red & Gold is published three times a year by the Mater Dei High School Office of Institutional Advancement, to encourage understanding and support of the mission of Mater Dei High School. Through the Red & Gold, Mater Dei’s 10,000+ alumni, as well as the school’s many friends, continue to strengthen their relationships with each other and become better informed about the many ways Mater Dei strives for excellence through its spiritual, academic and extracurricular programs.
Photography Contributors: Yearbook Student Staff Contributors: Timothy Dickel Sarah Wagner ’88 Jan Barnes
Send alumni news and address changes to Jan Barnes, Database Manager,
Mater Dei High School • 1300 Harmony Way, Evansville, IN 47720 • 812-426-2258 •
Red& Gold Winter 2017
Mater Dei Today Anastasia Reisinger named 2017 Lilly Scholar
Past Mater Dei Lilly Endowment Community Scholarship Recipients: 2017 Stasia Reisinger 2016 Valerie Muensterman 2015 Emily Heldman Michael Kercher 2014 Zachary Goedde Kyle Haas Anastasia Reisinger pictured with Mater Dei guidance counselor Shea Reneer. Mrs. Reneer works closely with students guiding them through the college and scholarship application process, providing information and counsel so they are successful in attending the college of their choice and attaining scholarships to assist with college costs.
Mater Dei senior Anastasia Reisinger was chosen as a 2017 Lilly Endowment Community Scholarship recipient. Each year, the Vanderburgh Community Foundation selects eight finalists who interview with the scholarship committee. Based on the interviews, on-demand writing prompts and applications, the final three recipients are chosen. Only the best and the brightest of Vanderburgh County receive the Lilly Scholarship Award. These students are to be commended on their exceptional academic performance, participation in school activities, their character, community activities, writing skills and personal poise.
The program provides scholarships for unreimbursed full tuition, required fees, and a special allocation of up to $900 per year for required books and required equipment for four years of fulltime undergraduate study leading to a baccalaureate degree at any Indiana public or private nonprofit college or university accredited by the Higher Learning Commission of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools. Anastasia plans to attend Notre Dame University and major in biology with hopes of entering the field of medicine. She is the daughter of Dr. Patrick ’84 and Dr. Melissa Reisinger.
2013 Abby Braun 2009 Andrew Ritter 2008 Brandt Lydon Karen Scheller 2006 Andrew Niemeier 2004 Todd Wannemuehler 2003 Kevin Tooke 2000 James Kissel
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Mater Dei Today Carl Voegel is named a “Realizing the Dream Scholarship” educator Mater Dei science teacher Carl Voegel was named a ”Realizing the Dream Scholarship” teacher. Nominated by ”Realizing the Dream” scholarship winner and 2015 MD graduate Jackie Gries, Mr. Voegel
is recognized as an educator who has had the greatest influence in enlarging the educational horizons of his students. He, along with other nominated educators from around the state, were honored at a ceremony in Indianapolis. “Realizing the Dream” is a program that acknowledges firstgeneration college students for
“Mr. Voegel is recognized as an educator who has enlarged the educational horizons of his students.”
MD science teacher Carl Voegel was nominated to be a “Realizing the Dream Scholarship” teacher by scholarship winner Jackie Gries ’15.
outstanding achievement in their freshman year. It has been funded by the Lilly Endowment, Inc. since 1989. Each selected student receives a $2,500 scholarship to assist with college costs, and they are asked to name a secondary teacher that most influenced their decision to attend college. The nominated teacher receives a $1,000 Professional Development grant.
Stations of the Cross added to Msgr. Wolf Chapel Stations of the Cross have been added to the Msgr. Michael Wolf Chapel at Mater Dei. St. Boniface parish donated the stations that had been hanging in the convent at the St. Agnes campus. Students now have the opportunity to pray the Stations of the Cross in the school chapel with a visual image. According to Scott Whitehouse, Spiritual Life Coordinator, during Lent the stations mirror Holy Week and the final journey of Jesus. Like the Rosary, they also allow an individual to pray at their own pace and level of understanding.
Mr. Jeremy Goebel's sophomore Theology class pray the Stations of the Cross in the school chapel.
annual Grandparent Mass at Mater Dei Over 300 grandparents attended the annual Grandparent Mass at Mater Dei this past fall. Refreshments were served and pictures of grandparents with their grandchildren were taken following Mass. Fr. Ed Schnur was the celebrant for Mass.
Red& Gold Winter 2017
Mater Dei Today Marching Wildcats have outstanding season The Mater Dei Marching Wildcats competed at the Indiana State School Music Association Marching Band State Finals again this year at Lucas Oil Stadium in Indianapolis finishing fourth place in their division. The band has qualified for state the past seven consecutive years with nine state appearances since 2006. Their 2016 show, entitled Deeply Rooted, was very successful this year. According to Allison Field, Band Director, and Meghan Becker, Choir Director, the show exhibited “how our faith grows and blossoms throughout our lives. The first movement, ‘Gloria’ by John Rutter, was about how faith starts as just a little seed in our hearts, but grows throughout our childhood. The second movement, ‘Hallelujah’ by Leonard Cohen, explained Jesus’ death on the cross, and how that action changes our entire life and our journey in faith. The final movement, ‘Hallelujah, I Love Her So’ by Ray Charles, was a celebratory gospel tune that states with Christ as our ‘King of Kings,’ we can overcome anything.” The band started their regular season strong by receiving Best Color Guard and first place at both the Central competition and the North Posey competition. The band
had a double-header at Reitz and North and earned two Best Color Guard trophies, trophies for Best Music, Best Visual and Best General Effect at North and two firstplace trophies. The band competed at Harrison and again won Best Color Guard and first place, which concluded their regular season competitions. At regional competition the band received a Gold Rating with distinctions in music, visual, and effect, qualifying them for semi-state.
Mater Dei Feeder School band program In the late 1980s, Mater Dei introduced their band program to the elementary feeder schools. Initially, only a few schools participated, but today the Mater Dei feeder band program consists of nearly 160 students in grades fifth through eighth at all eight feeder schools. These students have the opportunity to sign up for band at the end of their fourth grade year. Band classes meet twice a week at each of the west side feeder schools that include Corpus Christi, Holy Redeemer, Resurrection, St. James, St. Joseph, St. Philip, St. Wendel and Westside Catholic. According to Leslie Goth, Director of Feeder School Bands, “Students who participate in the feeder band program have many performance opportunities. These include holiday and spring concerts, pep band, junior band, solo and ensemble competition, band tours and even marching band.” Along with Mrs. Goth, Allison
Field, Mater Dei Band Director, and Jill Hemminger, band teacher, assist with the feeder school program. In order to have a successful high school band program, training has to begin in the elementary years. “Our goal in the feeder program is to teach the students as much as possible so
that when they get to high school, they are good musicians and can be competitive at the high school level. This is a difficult task when we only see the students twice a week. Much responsibility is put on the students to work at home as well as in the classroom,” Mrs. Goth explains. Students are encouraged to participate in high school band events in order to involve and immerse them in a higher level of musicality. Some junior high students are members of the high school pep band and marching band. Along with advancing their musicianship, this also makes their transition from junior high to high school much easier.
Mrs. Leslie Goth, Feeder School Band Director, directing the feeder school band at the annual Christmas concert.
This concept is strongly supported by the number of state appearances the Mater Dei Marching Wildcats have had in the last several years. The band has qualified for state the past seven consecutive years and nine state competitions since 2006. Winter 2017
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Mater Dei Today College and career readiness tests broaden at Mater Dei This year freshmen at Mater Dei and eighth grade students in the feeder schools were administered the PSAT 8/9 test for the first time. According to Darlene Quinlin, Assistant Principal of Student Services, each year Mater Dei participates in the PSAT/NMSQT (National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test) for sophomores and juniors, but this is the first year that the College Board has offered a PSAT for grades 8 and 9. Mater Dei High School has always used an assessment to place the eighth graders in the appropriate classes for academic success. In the past, the Explore from ACT was used, and when that was eliminated, the academic departments developed the MDCA (Mater Dei Core Assessment). “We are using the new PSAT 8/9 as the placement assessment to help us in the decision making a familiar setting. Mrs. Quinlin AP exam. “This can motivate students process of scheduling the approprishared that Mater Dei was invited to make more informed decisions ate courses for our incoming eighth by the College Board to participate about their choices of classes each graders. We are also administering in this opportunity and “we feel it year. This gives us the information it to our freshman class for the first is an excellent service and privineeded to support a student either time as the PSAT 8/9 sets lege to offer our students. the readiness baseline for Our students are tested on student achievement and a regular school day, with This gives us the information future scheduling,” Mrs. their peers and teachers Quinlin explains. they are most comfortable needed to support a student either
with. This helps reduce The advantages for stuwanting to enroll in an AP course, anxiety levels, and students dents having the opporare better prepared to be tunity to participate in or one that is not enrolled to tested on a school day as the College Board testing challenge themselves academically. opposed to a Saturday. for four years is that they They do not have to travel will see their growth in to at a location they are their College and Career unfamiliar with, they do not stress wanting to enroll in an AP course, Readiness, challenge themselves about finding the right room, or be or one that is not enrolled to chalacademically, pursue Advanced afraid to ask questions to a proctor lenge themselves academically,” Placement classes and exams, and they do not know.” states Mrs. Quinlin. ultimately to improve test scores for scholarships. Mrs. Quinlin added that the test In addition to the PSAT testing,
The PSAT/NMSQT and the SAT are on the same scoring scale, so student progress can be tracked, plus students will have access to Advanced Placement Potential, a web-based service that helps identify students who are likely to score well on an
Red& Gold Winter 2017
for the past four years the ACT was given to all juniors during the school day. Because the ACT and SAT are such important assessments, there are several advantages for students taking the ACT as a group during a school day in
has been given at the Bauerhaus, where “Jim Bauer and his staff provide the students with a wonderful lunch.” Mater Dei is actively applying to the College Board to provide this same opportunity with the SAT.
Mater Dei Today Dr. Terrence Roberts, one of the Little Rock Nine, makes lasting impression on MD This past fall, students at Mater Dei experienced
one of the first African-Americans to attend an all-
a segment of history when they had the opportunity
white high school in 1957 in Little Rock, Ark. His
to listen to Dr. Terrence Roberts, a member of the
presence and his words made lasting impressions on
Little Rock Nine, speak of his experience of being
the students.
Seniors Emma Cail and Brandey Bender speak with Dr. Roberts following his presentation to the students.
“Dr. Roberts made me
realize what he and other African Americans went through to try to gain equal rights as everyone else. He reminded me today to be thankful for everything I have.” —Chloe Anslinger, junior
“I learned what it was
like for people back then and what they had to go through just to go to school, something we take for granted. He had no hatred for the ones that harmed him and seemed very forgiving.” —Mitch Hall, junior
“Dr. Roberts gave me a
deeper understanding of the terrible things that were going on in Little Rock at the time. The children were more harshly abused and harassed than I previously thought.” —Will Scales, junior Winter 2017
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Advancing the Mission of MD Annual Fund continues to support students The Mater Dei Annual Fund is halfway through its giving period for 2016–17. There are many projects and programs supported by this funding. Please consider giving this year—the time is NOW, the people are YOU!
Classroom equipment and furniture Parking lot upgrade reserve & front entrance landscaping Water infiltration repairs
Technology/Software A/V equipment for Kempf Auditorium Faculty and staff professional development Youth First social worker support SPIRITUAL
$90,000 $250,000
Post-Baccalaureate event & prayer books for all seniors Student retreat programs and guest speakers
At Mater Dei High School, we found all the keys to success— hard work, strong relationships, mentors, servant leadership and deep faith. We feel strongly that our generation is now responsible to continue our service by advocating for the Mater Dei Annual Fund. The time is NOW, the people are YOU.” Matt ’96 & Amanda ’97 Bohleber 2016–17 MD Annual Fund Co-Chairs
Red& Gold Winter 2017
Mater Dei High School IU Medical School dean sees bright future for Evansville On September 28, 2016, Mater Dei and Memorial High Schools hosted Dr. Jay Hess, Dean of Indiana University School of Medicine at the annual Tomorrow’s Work Force luncheon. The annual event honored current students and alumni while raising more than $72,000 for the Catholic high schools. Jay L. Hess MD, PhD, MHSA is Dean of the School of Medicine and Vice President for University Clinical Affairs at Indiana University. As Dean, Dr. Hess administers the IU School of Medicine which has nine campuses. It is the largest medical school in the nation. IU School of Medicine scientists received a record $302.3 million in research grants and awards in the 2015 fiscal year. The school is leading groundbreaking initiatives that transform education and bolsters the quality of medical research, education and patient care throughout Indiana
and the world. The IU Medical School campus that is coming to downtown Evansville offers the perfect combination of community and health care initiative. The collaboration between the area colleges and universities and hospitals will enable Evansville to be a model campus which IU hopes to duplicate in its other locations. Each school honored 15 students as Leadership Award recipients at the luncheon. In addition, a $1,000 Leadership Scholarship was given to a student from Mater Dei and Memorial. The Mater Dei recipient, Jared Abney, plans to study engineering and/or management in college. Co-chairs of the 2016 event were Andrea Baumann ’97 and Shawn McCoy. Money contributed through the program is used at the two Evansville Catholic schools for science, technology and faculty development.
Tomorrow's Work Force Service Award recipients Ronald Angermeier ’64 and Bob Mehringer were honored with the Fr. Raymond Kuper Service Award, an accolade that is given to individuals who exemplify Fr. Kuper’s level of commitment to Catholic education and youth. Both Ron and Bob's work on behalf of the Catholic Education Foundation and its mission to provide tuition assistance to families wanting a Catholic education has enabled a Catholic high school experience to be a reality for thousands of students through the years.
Evansville Catholic High Schools’ Leadership Award recipients from Mater Dei First row: Sarah Wannemuehler, Aubrey Dyson, Taylor Goebel, Tara Wargel, Natalie Lyons (event vocalist), Ali Spahn, Michaela Kunkler, Katarina Rexing. Second row: Ethan Dale, Grant Weiss, Zach Hausmann, Jacob Gorman, Stephanie Folz, Logan Kohut, Jared Abney, Joel Kelley.
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Annual Ave Maria Morning will celebrate with students at All-School Mass on April 26 The annual Ave Maria Morning will be held Wednesday, April 26, at 8:00 a.m. in the Kempf Auditorium to celebrate the feast of Our Lady of Good Counsel. The morning will begin with a Living Rosary followed by an all school Mass with Fr. Raymond Brenner officiating. Immediately after Mass, guests will enjoy a light breakfast with presentations by President Timothy Dickel and members of the Ave Maria Society. All Ave Maria Society members, along with any interested alumni and friends, are welcomed to join our celebration and attend breakfast.
Mater Dei President Tad Dickel, Fr. David Nunning, and Fr. Ray Brenner at the 2016 Ave Maria Morning.
Big Bingo & Big Auction, Mar. 12
Mater Dei of Giving, May 4
Join us for the annual St. Patrick’s Daythemed Big Bingo & Big Auction Sunday, March 12, 2017, at the ONB Events Plaza. Doors open at 3:30 p.m. Dinner at 4:30 p.m. Big Bingo begins at 6:00 p.m. Wonderful basket auction, great silent auction and attendance prizes along with Pull Tabs and HUGE half-pots!
The second annual Mater Dei of Giving will be Thursday, May 4, 2017. The 24-hour social media event features videos, testimonials and quotes from students, alumni and friends encouraging participation in the one day event. The goal is to grow the number of donors to Mater Dei and engage young alumni and friends in our efforts. The event officially kicks off at 12:00 a.m., May 4, and runs for 24 hours, concluding at 11:59 p.m. The Mater Dei of Giving leads up to Friday’s May Day celebration at school which is a highlight of the year with an all school Mass, May Queen crowning and May Day games. The Mater Dei of Giving raised a total of $35,536.80 in 2016.
Ticket price includes dinner, 20 games of bingo, and popcorn and refreshments all evening. Guests are encouraged to wear their green and St. Patrick’s Day attire. Individual tickets are sold, but table purchases are encouraged. For more information, contact Sarah Wagner at 812-421-5727 or
With the success of the first Mater Dei of Giving, the Mater Dei Friends and Alumni Association will match the first $15,000 raised—an increase from $12,500 last year. We accept all levels of donations—even $1! Please participate! Mater Dei of Giving 2017—the time is NOW, the people are YOU!
Red& Gold Winter 2017
Full of Grace Capital Campaign projects update by Timothy Dickel, Ph.D., President Construction and completion of projects funded by the Full of Grace: Excellence for Tomorrow Capital Campaign continue on the Mater Dei campus. The following is an update on projects that were recently completed and future ones currently in the planning stages.
Art Room The Art Room received a much-needed renovation that included new student work areas, technology, supplies and student art display areas throughout the building.
Aichle Tennis Complex A new six-court tennis complex was completed this fall. This is the first time since the 1980s that there have been tennis courts on the school campus.
Marquee Construction of a new digital marquee at the main entrance of the school was finished this fall and will provide a enhanced way to communicate with the school community.
Auxiliary Gym Renovation and Expansion The design of the new auxiliary gym was completed at the end of 2016 and received final approval from the Diocesan Building Commission in January. Construction is anticipated to begin in March with completion around the beginning of the school year. The project will include a major renovation of the existing auxiliary gym (often referred to as the ”New Gym”). The middle mezzanine area will be removed and the space will become two basketball courts. This area will have a wood floor and will be used for feeder school and high school practices and feeder school and freshman games. In addition, new restrooms and a concessions area will be built to serve the outside fields and the auxiliary gym on the west side of the auxiliary gym. Two small locker rooms, coaches’ offices and storage will be added in between the main and auxiliary gyms. A new wrestling gym will be built on the south side of the boys locker room, and a new concourse will connect the main and auxiliary gyms.
Handicap Accessible Restrooms Two much-needed handicap accessible restrooms will be added on the ground level of the main gym.
Locker Room Renovation The girls locker room will be renovated near the end of the school year through the summer and the boys locker room will be renovated in the spring and summer of 2018.
Parking Lot Lighting New parking lot lighting is planned for the summer of 2018. This will occur in conjunction with a major reconfiguration, resurfacing and re-striping of the main parking lot.
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Aichle Tennis Com
Mater Dei High School hosted a dedication and blessing for the newly constructed six-court Aichle Tennis Complex this past fall. The complex is named for Steven and Colleen Aichle, who made a donation in memory of Steve’s friend and tennis partner Bill Blankenberger. Steve graduated from Mater Dei in 1961 and lives in California with his wife, Colleen. Bill was also a 1961 graduate of Mater Dei and a member of the Mater Dei tennis team who passed away in 2011. Mater Dei has not had tennis courts on campus since the 1980s, and the growing tennis program will benefit from this new complex constructed of post-tension concrete.
Red& Gold Winter 2017
“Having an on campus tennis facility will greatly enhance our tennis program and will add to the success we have seen in both the boys and girls programs. We have been planning for this new complex for a few years, and the students are very excited to begin using their new courts,” said Christine Clements, Mater Dei boys’ and girls’ tennis coach. The boys’ tennis team this past fall finished their season as sectional champions. The girls’ tennis team in the spring of 2016 had a record-breaking season finishing 16-2, and for the first time in Mater Dei history, they were SIAC champions and regional winners. They also won their sectional for the third year in a row. Senior Lauren Marx was undefeated and advanced to Individual State Championship competition.
Four of the six tennis courts were blessed as commemorative gifts: Court #1, Grace E. Cox ’17 and Kay L. Cox; Court #2, Terry & Christine Clements; Court #3, given in praise of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit; Court #5, Terry ’80 & Jean ’81 Alvey and Emily, Joel ’10 and Clare ’12. “We are fortunate to have several members of the Mater Dei community who generously supported this project. The construction design and materials will enable us to have a high quality tennis facility for many years to come,” commented Timothy Dickel, MD President. The Aichle Tennis Complex is one of several projects funded by the $4.6 million Full of Grace: Excellence for Tomorrow Capital Campaign.
mplex Dedication
Above: Steve and Colleen Aichle at the entrance of the tennis courts. Right: Fr. Ed Schnur and tennis team member senior Brant Rexing blessing the new tennis courts. Bottom: Tennis team with Steve Aichle.
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SPORTS Highlights by Joe Herrmann, Athletic Director This past fall at Mater Dei, every fall athletic team won at least a sectional title in their respective sport.
Girls Golf The girls' golf team finished third in sectionals and in regionals which qualified them for state competition. This is the third time a Mater Dei girls' golf team has qualified for state. The 1997 and 1998 team also qualified. Congratulations to the team and head coach, Nick Austin, on a great season!
Boys Soccer Sectional and Regional Champs Congratulations to the boys’ soccer team on their sectional championship win over Gibson Southern. The Wildcats went on to defeat Pike Central and Heritage Hills to capture the regional championship. They eventually were defeated by #1 ranked Providence in semi-state.
Girls Soccer Sectional and Regional Champs Congratulations to the girls' soccer team on their sectional championship win over Gibson Southern. The Wildcats were victorious over
Rivet on our home turf at BootsBaumann field in the regional championship. They were ultimately knocked out of semi-state by Heritage Christian in the morning round.
Tennis Sectional Champs Congratulations to the boys tennis team for their sectional championship. The boys lost in the regional to Memorial in a hard fought contest.
Cross Country Runs at SemiState and State Congratulations to the girls team for advancing to the Brown County semi-state. Both Adam Babillis and Grace McDurmon qualified for state individually.
Volleyball Sectional Champs Congratulations to the volleyball team as they did not lose a game in the Forest Park sectional. The Volley Cats defeated South Spencer 3-0, North Posey 3-0, and then finished off Tell City in the championship 3-0. The Lady Wildcats went on to capture the regional title by defeating Linton-Stockton. They won against Hagerstown in the first game of semi-state, but fell to Covenant Christian in the final round.
Congratulations to football head coach Mike Goebel, who won his 200th game September 23, 2016, with a 44-42 win over Castle.
Football Sectional Champs Football won their third consecutive Class 2A sectional by defeating North Posey 45-28, Providence 42-7 at Providence and back to Reitz Bowl beating South Spencer 56-20. The Wildcats were defeated for the second year in a row at the regional by the Monrovia Bulldogs by a score of 35-28. Thank you to the players, coaches, parents, and fans! Left: Cross country runners Grace McDurmon and Adam Babillis ran at the state meet. Right: The girls' golf team qualified for state this year. Pictured left to right, Hannah Julow, Natalie Blair, Shelby Mayer, Sophie Rohleder and Abby Neitzke.
Red& Gold Winter 2017
SPORTS Highlights Athletes sign National Letters of Intent The following seniors have signed National Letters of Intent to continue playing sports in college: Spencer Wagner plans to attend the University of Evansville to play golf. He was a 2016 regional qualifier, two-time conference selection and two-time city selection in boys' golf. Emily Goodin will continue her softball career at Indiana University. She was a two-time state selection, two-time all conference selection, and two-time Metro Player of the Year. Goodin led the Wildcats to the 2016 IHSAA 2A Softball State Championship.
Volleyball setter Ali Spahn will play volleyball at Oakland City College. Spahn was a 2015 and 2016 First Team All Conference, All City and All Metro Player and a 2016 team captain and Kiwanis Award winner. She is also a four-year letter winner in basketball. Lauren Marx plans to attend Butler University where she will continue her tennis career. Lauren was a three-time All SIAC and All District selection, twotime Honorable Mention All State, 2016 All State and IHSAA singles tournament state runner-up.
New Mater Dei archery team is right on target Student interest in archery was the motivation in establishing a co-ed archery team at Mater Dei this year. Darlene Quinlin, Assistant Principal, and Mrs. Debbie Haton, math teacher, are serving as the team’s coaches. After registering for the Indiana National Archery in the Schools Program (NASP), Mrs. Quinlin and Mrs. Haton attended the coaches training and are certified Indiana NASP instructors. Also helping coach the Mater Dei archery team is Jason Allen from Westside Catholic School and Darin Jackson from Resurrection Catholic School. Archery is considered a club sport and not sanctioned by the IHSAA, so students do not earn their Physical Education credit through participation. However, according to Mrs. Quinlin, the NASP requires that ten hours of archery has to be taught each year during the school day to maintain NASP status, keep the equipment—which was purchased with a $2,700 grant from the NASP—and continue the program. She will be coordinating with the Physical Education Department to
be the guest instructor and teach archery to the physical education classes. Archery was taught as part of the physical education curriculum until sometime in the 1990s at Mater Dei. Since archery is like other individual sports, the team can advance in competitions or an individual can advance on their own scores. There are several tournaments throughout the year to prepare for at the state, national, and world level. The team anticipates competing in approximately ten tournaments in
preparation for the state tournament in May 2017. Mater Dei feeder schools with archery teams include Westside Catholic, Resurrection, Corpus Christi, St. Wendel and St. Philip. Students in grades five through eighth participate. “This is our first year, but with archery in several of our feeder schools, we anticipate that this will soon be a very popular sport and Mater Dei will be very successful,” Mrs. Quinlin said.
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Join us for the 2017 Big Bingo & Big Auction D o o r s o p e n at 3 : 3 0
p. m . D i n n e r at 4 : 3 0 p. m .
Big Wo
o b e g i n s at 6 : 3 0
p. m . b a s k e t au c t i o l u f er n
& at t e n d a n c e p r ize tion s uc a h E a G t U l f -pot n nd H a e s s l b si Ta ll Pu
Sunday, March 12, 2017 Downtown at the ONB Events Plaza
Doors Open: 3:30pm, Dinner: 4:30pm, Big Bingo: 6pm Make your reservations today! or 812-421-5727 Indiana License #142903,142905,142906
Ave Maria Morning 2017 The Mater Dei High School Office of Advancement and the Ave Maria Society would like to invite you to our annual Ave Maria Morning
Wednesday, April 26, 2017, Kempf Auditorium Mater Dei High School, 1300 Harmony Way, Evansville Schedule of Events: 8:00 a.m.: Living Rosary 8:30 a.m.: Our Lady of Good Counsel Mass 9:15 a.m.: Breakfast in Nunning Media Center Join us in recognizing the impact of the Ave Maria Society and learn more about plans for the future. All MD alumni, friends and parents are welcome!
RSVP is encouraged, but not required, by contacting Sarah Wagner, 812-421-5727, Guest parking is available in the new parking lot on the northwest side of school.
Red& Gold Winter 2017
You’re invited to take part in the Mater ’Dei’ of Giving What is the “Mater ‘Dei’ of Giving”? It’s a one-day, 24-hour event for the community to come together in support of Mater Dei High School. It will be celebrated on May 4, 2017. Who can participate? Everyone! Alumni, students, faculty, staff and friends are invited to make a donation of any size. What will happen on this day? You will be invited to: GIVE: contribute financially SHARE: encourage others to participate in the #deiofgiving with Facebook, Twitter and email Will the MDFAA match again? The Mater Dei Friends & Alumni Association will match all gifts up to $15,000. Where does my gift go? Your donations will support the 2016–17 Annual Fund. The Annual Fund is Mater Dei’s largest annual development effort and supports many important needs of the school.
Why should I give? Mater Dei is only able to provide a high quality Catholic education through the support of the entire community. Tuition only covers 60% of the total operating costs, so your gifts are extremely important. What if I already made my Annual Fund gift? Thank you! We invite you to invite others to participate. What if I’ve never given? It’s easy! •O nline at and click “Donate Now” • Call the Mater Dei Office of Advancement at 812-421-5727 • Stop by Mater Dei High School in person Questions? Contact Sarah Wagner, Development Director, 812-421-5727 ext. 405 or
Prepare Today! Sign up for email updates: Send your email address to Jan Barnes, Database Manager, or call 812-421-5727
Like us on Facebook: “Mater Dei High School Evansville” Follow us on Twitter: @MaterDeiHS Use the hash tag #deiofgiving when posting on social media
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In Memoriam Gerald Nurrenbern Mater Dei High School lost a good friend and a dedicated volunteer when Gerald Nurrenbern passed away November 23, 2016, at the age of 69. Gerald worked tirelessly around the school voluntarily taking on projects or assisting in the athletic and maintenance areas. For the past 10 years, he provided bleachers for the athletic fields, sometimes driving hundreds of miles to purchase them. Thanks to him, fans have bleacher seating at the Boots Baumann football field, the baseball field, the girls’ softball field at Howell Park, the Mater Dei soccer fields at Moutoux Park, and most recently, the new tennis courts at Mater Dei. According to Athletic Director Joe Herrmann, Gerald was also instrumental in getting the first set of lights on the football field, and those lights now light the tennis courts. Every fall he grew pumpkins and sold them at games donating the profits to the football program. “He was very loyal and generous to all of the extracurricular groups at Mater Dei,” stated Herrmann. Kurt Wildeman, Mater Dei boys’ head basketball coach, shared, “Gerry has sold half-pot tickets for the boys’ basketball team for as long as I
can remember. He raised thousands of dollars since I’ve been here that have went to the Mater Dei Basketball Booster Club. He also helped to install glass backboards in our auxiliary gym to replace the old wooden ones. He was certainly a very selfless person and we appreciated all his efforts. After his death, we talked with our players about how people like Gerry make Mater Dei the special place that it is. We are really going to miss seeing him around the gym.” Gerald also supported the Business Department at Mater Dei because he believed every student should
know how to manage their own personal and business finances. Twice he sponsored and accompanied students to the annual Berkshire Hathaway shareholders meeting in Omaha, Neb. Gerald’s generosity was sincere. He once told Mater Dei Development Director Sarah Wagner that no one should leave this earth a rich man. You should be generous and giving in your life. He is survived by his sons, Daryl ’91, Russell ’93 and Roger ’96 and six grandchildren.
Shirley (Bumb) Knapp ’50 Shirley Bumb Knapp, a member of the first graduating class of Mater Dei, the Class of 1950, passed away November 1, 2016. She was a wonderful friend and avid supporter of Mater Dei. Shirley worked diligently to keep the spirit of Mater Dei alive within her generation of classmates. She was part of the Annex Gang, those students who attended the Memorial annex downtown at Holy Trinity while waiting for Mater Dei to open, and the Kaffee Klatch, a group of alumni who sponsored fundraisers for Mater Dei. Shirley served as the Annual Fund Class Chair for the Class of 1950 since the inception of the development
Red& Gold Winter 2017
effort. She also was asked to chair the Annual Fund for the 60th anniversary of Mater Dei High School—a special anniversary required a special person. In her Annual Fund letter that she sent to all alumni and friends of Mater Dei, she shared, ”The memories of my time as a student are as clear today as they were 60 years ago. As we celebrate Mater Dei’s 60th anniversary, I look back with the heart of a teenager, of a mother who sent three kids through Mater Dei and now as grandmother and great-grandmother.” She is survived by her husband, Alfred, son, Steve ’73, daughters Sarabeth Lemley ’76 and Sherilyn Scott ’80, eight grandchildren and six great-grandchildren. Shirley always kept Mater Dei in her heart, as we will surely keep her in ours.
In Memoriam The Mater Dei community remembers those alumni, parents and friends who have passed. May they rest in eternal peace.
Peter Lintzenich ’56, of Westfield, Ind., Oct. 3, 2016
Doriene Markin, of Evansville, Nov. 4, 2016
Carol (Keown) Nelson ’59, of Evansville, Nov. 28, 2016
Gerald Nurrenbern, of Evansville, Nov. 23, 2016
Mary Rose ”Mae” (Knapp) Peak ’57, of Evansville, Dec. 2, 2016
Mary ”Edwina” Schimmell, of Evansville, Nov. 12, 2016
Raymond Rivard ’80, of Lakeville, Minn., Oct. 21, 2016
Donald Ulrich, of Evansville, Sept. 21, 2016
Jerry Scheller ’61, of Evansville, Dec. 26, 2016
James Wheatley, of Evansville, Jan. 8, 2017
Christopher Bruce ’84, of Columbus, Ohio, June 10, 2016 Paul Clem ’56, of Evansville, Oct. 2, 2016 Mary (Toon) Coomes ’60, of Evansville, Oct. 18, 2016 Linda (Clark) Garrett ’60, of Evansville, Jan. 10, 2017 Darrell Graves ’56, of Evansville, Dec. 24, 2016
Carolyn (Simon) Schoening ’53, Midlothian, Va., Sept. 26, 2016 Florence (Schmitt) Seib ’51, of Evansville, Nov. 21, 2016
Lawrence Weber, of Evansville, Jan. 2, 2017
Former Faculty
Christine (Schmitt) Shires ’93, of Winamac, Ind., Dec. 18, 2016
Edward ”Coach” Schultheis, of Evansville, Sept. 8, 2016
Susan Helfrich ’62, of Evansville, Nov. 21, 2016
Keith Stewart ’70, of Evansville, Jan 5, 2017
Janet (Zirkelbach) Hamilton ’61, of Evansville, Dec. 20, 2016
Past Parents
Shirley (Bumb) Knapp ’50, of Evansville, Nov. 1, 2016
Richard Goelz, of Evansville, Jan. 1, 2017
Stephen Kremer ’64, of Evansville, Dec. 22, 2016
Paul Hasselbrinck, of Evansville, Oct. 25, 2016
Janet Gries ’83, of Evansville, Sept. 20, 2016
Robert Will, of Harrisburg, Ill., Dec. 22, 2016 Please email Carol Nurrenbern at or or call 812-421-5727 to share the passing of MD alumni, parents and friends.
Prayer for MD God, our Father, You have greatly blessed Mater Dei High School: A school dedicated to Mary, the Mother of God. Help us to treasure Your gift of life and remember that we are all created in Your image. Lord Jesus, You are the unseen but ever-present teacher in our classes. Grant us all the perception to see the many opportunities to show Your love, mercy, and kindness to one another. Holy Spirit, guide us with the fire of Your love. Give us vision and determination for shaping a faith-filled future. May we all use our time and talents to glorify Your Holy Name. May the Virgin Mary’s openness to the Word of God be our example of love and service to God and neighbor. We ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
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Friends & Alumni News 1960s Joe Rettig ’61 received the Top Veteran Award from the American Legion Northeast Post 630 in Blue Ash, Ohio, where he and his wife, Barbara, have lived since 1983. Joe is very involved with veterans organizations. He has been a member of the American Legion for 50 years, a member of the Korean War Veterans Association and a member of the Blue Ash Veterans Day Committee. He earned a marketing degree from the University of Evansville following military service. He and Barbara have four children.
1970s Suzanne Crouch ’70 was elected Lieutenant Governor of the State of Indiana this past November. She was inaugurated in January and began serving in her new role. She was formerly the State Auditor of Indiana.
1980s Kim (Hartlein) Underhill ’82 is president of Kimberly-Clark Professional based in Roswell, GA. She previously served as president of Kimberly-Clark consumer business in Reigate, United Kingdom. Kim earned a degree in chemical engineering from Purdue University and a master’s degree in engineering management from the Milwaukee School of Engineering.
2000s Dr. Jason Kuester ’01 received The Rising Star Award for the First District Dental Society this past December. He practices dentistry in Darmstadt, Ind. He married Jenna Bittner in April of 2016.
Red& Gold Winter 2017
Friends & Alumni News Jill Merkel ’04 enjoys career as a sports nutrition specialist athletes of all ages—youth, high
importance of nutrition for their
Merkel ’04 decided to run her first
school, collegiate, professional and
athletes.” Aside from the athletes
half-marathon, she began making
adult “weekend warriors.”
and teams she has worked with,
Several years ago when Jill
small nutritional changes that
she has done presentations for
greatly impacted her running ability.
corporate companies, football
She realized how important nutri-
coaches, a dance theatre company,
tion is for athletic performance and
for runners at the Twin Cities
for overall health, and so began her
Marathon expo and at the Mayo
journey into the world of nutrition.
Clinic Sports Medicine Board review course. She has also been
Jill first earned a bachelor’s degree in psychology from Indiana
interviewed by the media for print,
University in Bloomington and
video and radio and did a cooking
later pursued a bachelor’s degree
demo video session with NBA star
in dietetics from the University of
Karl Anthony Towns. Currently she is working inde-
Southern Indiana and a master’s
pendently. She has started her own
degree in nutrition with an emphasis in sports nutrition from the
nutrition private practice focus-
University of Utah in Salt Lake City.
ing on sports nutrition and weight management. She also teaches an
She is a Registered Dietitian (RD) and Certified Specialist in Sports
online sports nutrition class, runs a
Dietetics (CSSD ). Her career has
health and fitness blog and has her
taken her to many interesting
own photography business.
places and, according to Jill, has enabled her ”to meet and work with a lot of great people.” She worked in collegiate athletics at the University of Utah, University of Louisville, and University of Virginia helping to fuel
“I am a firm believer that small changes really do add up to big results!”
Jill has a real passion for what she does. ”I love working with others who are looking to make some healthy changes but don’t know where to start. It can be overwhelming! But I am a firm believer that small changes really do add up
athletes and educate teams on the
to big results! I love when a client or
importance of nutrition for athletic
Jill points out that “sports nutrition
function and recovery. She was the
is a rapidly growing field, especially
athlete has that ‘a-ha’ moment and
Performance Dietitian for EXOS at
at the collegiate and professional
they implement some of the things
Mayo Clinic Sports Medicine Center
level. It is exciting to see more
we’ve talked about and it helps
in Minneapolis, Minn., working with
schools and teams realizing the
them achieve their goals.”
Class Reunions Class of 1967: SAVE THE DATE for the 50th class reunion Saturday, September 30, 2017, at the Holiday Inn Airport, Highway 41 North. Contact Barb Rexing at abrexing with questions.
Class of 1972: SAVE THE DATE! The 45th class reunion will be September 30, 2017, at the Hilltop Grove. Information will be sent out. Questions, contact Kathy Seib Scott at
Please send your Friends & Alumni news to Carol Nurrenbern at or 812-421-5727. Are you receiving the Mater Dei eNewsletter? If you would like to receive it, send us your email to cnurrenbern@
Winter 2017
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Friends & Alumni News Benedictine sisters celebrate jubilees Five Benedictine sisters who taught at Mater Dei celebrated special anniversaries of religious profession this past fall. Sister Corita Hoffman, Sr. Mary Carmel Spayd and Sr. Mary Carmen Spayd celebrated their 70th anniversary of monastic vows. They entered the convent in 1944 and made final vows in 1946. While at Mater Dei, Sr. Corita
taught chemistry, algebra and geometry from 1960–71. Sr. Mary Carmel taught shorthand, typing and bookkeeping from 1961–66, then served as principal for 14 years from 1967–81. She remains to date the longest serving principal at Mater Dei. Sister Mary Carmen was on staff from 1951–52 and then again from 1962–65 teaching business courses. Sister Joella Kidwell celebrated
her 60th anniversary having entered the monastery in 1954 and professing vows in 1956. She taught algebra, biology and chemistry from 1967–74. Sister Jennifer Miller ’64 celebrated her 50th anniversary of profession. She entered the convent in 1964 and made monastic vows in 1966. She was a member of the faculty during the 1972–73 school year teaching English and communications.
Sr. Corita Hoffman
Sr. Joella Kidwell
Sr. Jennifer Miller
Sr. Mary Carmel Spayd
Red& Gold Winter 2017
Sr. Mary Carmen Spayd
Please support our fine sponsors! ROYAL GOLD SPONSORS
ALL IN THE FAMILY DENTAL Dr. Allie (Moll) Frounfelter ’02
AZZIP PIZZA Brad Niemeier ’08, Blake Kollker ’02 Dan ’80, Laura ’80, Andy ’06, Craig ’10 Niemeier
ALTSTADT PLUMBING SERVICE, INC David ’75 & Cindy ’75 Chip ’03 & Megan ’03 CAPITAL ELECTRIC, INC Ben Wagner ’86, Marie Wagner ’86, Cliff Wagner ’88, Mark Wagner ’96, Brent Neitzke ’88 EDWARD JONES Roger A. Nurrenbern ’96, Andrea Dick Brown ’01
LAPPE HEATING & A/C Ed Lappe ’82, Dan Lappe ’77 & Dave Lappe ’03 MORROW MECHANICAL SERVICES, INC. Tony Morrow, Hannah ’15
FEHRENBACHER CABINETS, INC. Bob ’71, Mary Kay ’71, Peter ’97, Zachary ’00, Patrick ’03 & Sarah ’05
PAUL’S MENSWEAR, INC. Steve ’73, John ’78 & Brian ’99 Eickhoff
FREEMAN, WILL & NIEMEIER, INC. FREEMAN, WILL, NIEMEIER & HESTON, LLC Patrick B. Freeman ’65, P. Evan Freeman ’90, Stephanie Helfrich Freeman ’91 Elissa Freeman Higgins ’94, M. Ethan Freeman ’00 Emily Freeman-Hobbs ’02, Lynn Will Reed ’78, Jordan Raben ‘05
PROFESSIONAL EYECARE ASSOCIATES Todd Niemeier, O.D. ’91, Andrew Moore, O.D., Morgan Hussmann, O.D.
KEMPF’S DONUT BANK Harold ’54, Chris ’77, Lindsey ’81, Ben ’85 & Joe ’91 MUENSTERMAN FIRESTONE, INC. Tom ’73, Steve ’76, Jerry ’79, Mark ’83 & Bob ’87 OHIO VALLEY INSULATION COMPANY, INC. Scott ’80, Beth ’80, Dustin ’05, Logan ’08, Faith ’10, Brooke ’11 & Joel Slaton PIERRE FUNERAL HOME Gary ’61 & Susie ’62, John ’88, Jim ’89 & Lori ’89 SCHIFF AIR CONDITIONING & HEATING, INC. Jim Sr. ’69 & Jan ’69 Angie Schiff Happe ’93, Jim Jr.. ’96, Casi Jost Schiff ’97 SCHNEIDER HEAT & AIR, INC. Jeff & Judith Siemers Schneider ’79, Catherine Schneider ’14, Mariah Schneider ’16 SIEMERS GLASS Jane ’81 & Mark Weinzapfel ’80, Jake ’06, Mac ’08, Ali ’11 & Jack ’13 TRI-STATE ORTHOPAEDICS SURGEONS Dr. Terence A. Alvey ’80, Phil Rawley ’97 MATT ZELLER ELECTRIC Matt Zeller ’09
PROREHAB, PC Andrea (Boots) Baumann ’96, Stacey (Stonecipher) Turnery ’94, Alex Weinzapfel ’08, Drew Lappe ’08, Seth Brunner, Anne Basden ’86, Julie Buedel ’98, Tim Weinzapfel ’89 KAREN L. SCHENK & ASSOCIATES, LLC Karen (Kaffenberger) Schenk ’79, Brian Schenk ’77 Meghann ’02, Mallory (Schenk) Eickhoff ’06, Matthew ’09 SCHROEDER’S LANDSCAPES AND AQUATIC NURSERY John ’78, Tammy ’80, Quinn ’11, Branson ’13 SOUTHWEST GRAFIX & APPAREL, INC. Rose Ann ’60, Mary ’82, Mike ’83, Michelle ’85 Mark ’89, Schelly ’89, Julian ’15, Brendan ’16, Nolan ’18 MARK A. TORNATTA, DDS Mark A. Tornatta ’69, Jeanne Tornatta ’69, Chris ’97, Jennifer ’00, Sarah ’02 WILDERMAN ENTERPRISES, LLC dba ST. WENDEL AUTO PARTS & SERVICE Dennis Wildeman ’68
Mater Dei High School
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2017 Calendar of Events Sunday
Mar 12 2017
apr 26 2017
May 4 2017
Big Bingo and Big Auction Ave Maria Morning Mater Dei of Giving
May 19
May 21
June 19 2017
Tradition Classic Golf Tournament