Red & Gold, Volume 35, Number 1 - Fall 2018

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70 1948-2019 years celebrating


The Mater Dei High School Magazine volume 35, number 1



70 1948-2019 years celebrating

Cover photos by Hi-Lights publications students


The Mater Dei High School Magazine volume 35, number 1: fall 2018 1300 Harmony Way • Evansville, IN 47720 812.426.2258 •


President’s Message



70th Year Celebration


Friends & Alumni



Annual Fund Co-chairs


Love or Lust?

19 Endowment





Sports Update


Germany Trip


Wayne Emge


Scholarships & Awards

23 Renovations


Roberson’s Nomination

Security Update



New People & Positions


Honor Roll


Alumni Gifts

38 Endowments 39

In Honor of


In Memory of


Memorial Gifts


In Memoriam

The Red & Gold is published three times a year by the Mater Dei High School Office of Institutional Advancement, to encourage understanding and support of the mission of Mater Dei High School. Through the Red & Gold, Mater Dei’s 10,000+ alumni, as well as the school’s many friends, continue to strengthen their relationships with each other and become better informed about the many ways Mater Dei strives for excellence through its spiritual, academic and extra-curricular programs.

Red & Gold

Editor & Page Designer: Angela St.Clair • Contributors: Jan Barnes Audire Collins Timothy Dickel Mallory Hertel Angela St.Clair Photography Contributors: Hi-Lights Student Staff Straub Photography

Send alumni news and address changes to Jan Barnes, Database Manager:


Dear Alumni and Friends, I am pleased to share some details of the new strategic plan that was recently approved by the Mater Dei Board of Trustees. This effort began with a major survey to alumni, friends, parents, faculty, staff, and students. Key themes were developed from the 1,500+ responses provided. We are excited to share our four focus areas for the upcoming years: Mater Dei 2020: Spirit-filled, Successful, Safe, and Sustainable 1) Mater Dei will be a spirit-filled community by focusing on campus ministry programs and service. With our new campus minister position, we are revamping our service program to ensure authentic service experiences that connect with our Catholic faith. We also plan to focus on enhancing retreat experiences. 2) Mater Dei will advance academic programs by focusing on data, professional development, curriculum alignment, and niche courses. We recently established an Assistant Principal for Academic Affairs position to monitor and improve our curricular offerings, student performance, professional development, and better utilize data to inform instruction. 3) Mater Dei will ensure the safety of students, faculty, staff, and visitors by providing training and making facility improvements. Unfortunately, our country continues to suffer from school shootings, and we need to be proactive about securing the building and educating faculty, staff, and students how to respond in emergency situations. We will also focus on safe and responsible use of social media. 4) Mater Dei will have a sustainable future by focusing on enrollment, planned giving, endowments, and stewardship of resources. Many Catholic schools are struggling, but there are shining examples for us to study. We need to be intentional about our enrollment efforts and help spread the good news of Mater Dei. In addition, we need to ensure long term sustainability by focusing on planned giving, endowments, and stewardship. There are many ways for you to help. First of all, our faith sets us apart from other schools, so your prayers are needed to support our mission. You can help by encouraging young families to recognize the value of the faith formation that occurs at Mater Dei. Financially viable schools have large endowments. You can learn about establishing an endowment or making an estate gift that will fund our future needs. I hope you will also consider getting involved as a SPIRIT-FILLED volunteer. Thank you for investing your prayers and support in the future of SUCCESSFUL Mater Dei High School and the young people we serve. To Christ through Mater Dei,


1 2 3 4



Timothy A. Dickel, Ph.D. President


Mater Dei opened in 1949, and this year is our 70th school year.

CELEBRATING a look at the first few decades

“I loved supporting all the sports programs and still do. I continue to contribute because I LOVE MATER DEI. There are a lot of Goebel’s that have gone through Mater Dei and contributed a lot and Mike (Goebel) coaches there still and has continued to contribute so much. I just think it’s the place to be.”

“I recall spending many evenings, when I was a young boy, with my father at Mater Dei while he was working on various projects associated with the construction and early days of Mater Dei. Apparently, when the evening got late, I wanted to go home, so Fr. Lautner named me ‘Homer,’ a name he used for me until the day he died. I remember with great fondness seeing my mother and father, Marie and Oscar, as the first officers of the PTA (I suppose it would be considered the forerunner of what is the board today) and watching my father and Dick Emge build steel booths for the Mater Dei Summer Social. That was a little-known attempt to support Mater Dei (it competed with the more successful parish socials and so did not endure - even though the booths still exist). In the early days of Mater Dei, Msgr. Lautner engaged many people in this Westside ‘project’. It was an act of faith in many ways - an investment of the Catholic community and its families in the future of the youth and the church. My father and mother were greatly involved, both in the physical aspects of the new school (and the convent), but also in the organizational effort, in the PTA and other activities. They seemed to consider Mater Dei an extension of our family life and, to this day, I still look on the Mater Dei Community as my family.”


Father David Nunning, 1957-1958

Janice (Goebel) Schuble ‘64



“Congratulations! I cannot believe Mater Dei is 70 years old. My memories of the first days of Mater Dei are the foundation of wonderful teachers, friends, and milestones. Our first 2 years of high school were located at Memorial Annex, also the home base for Father Lautner’s ‘SheHeHeShe Organization.’ Every high school teen should experience what I was able to: wonderful! As the years have passed, Mater Dei continues to surpass all expectations in academics, sports, and awards. I hope I am around for the 4th generation of Jim (Will, Sr.’51t) and my family’s attendance of Mater Dei. I will proudly continue to support Mater Dei annually for these mentioned reasons.” Eileen (Berendes) Will ‘51


“The right relationship won’t distract you from God. It will bring you closer to Him.” by juniors Audrie Collins, Allison Deeg “Only the chaste man and the chaste woman are capable of true love,” Pope John Paul II said. As high schoolers, we don’t usually consider chastity cool because, in reality, everyone is afraid of how people will perceive them. Jason Evert, a Catholic author and chastity speaker, spoke to students Aug. 27 about healthy relationships. As a spectator, one of his messages that impacted me was when he told us that our future spouses are out there already. He also asked us to imagine our future spouses with someone else and how we would want them to act. Inspired by his speech when I first heard his talk in the seventh grade, I signed a chastity card with the hope to give the card to my husband on my wedding day. “The right relationship won't distract you from God. It will bring you closer to Him,” Evert said. An important take-away for all students to remember, especially during high school, is that they deserve the best in all aspects of their lives, including their relationships.


During the presentation, Evert shows an ultrasound of his unborn child to demonstrate that life begins at conception. After his talk to the student body, he provided complementary books, cds, rosaries and chastity commitment cards.

Shane Chancellor (9)

Gretchen Forcum (10)

“The statistics on couples “It’s never too late to redeem who participate in intercourse yourself as long as you ask for before marriage has a higher forgiveness.” divorce rate.”

Aaron Thompson (12) “He brought up statistics about the divorce rate going up if one of the partners had sex before marriage.”

Show us how you put your “Faith in Action” by tagging us at @MaterDeiHS using the hashtag #faithinaction by Campus Minister Mr. Chad Breeden

Corporal Works of Mercy Feed the hungry. Give drink to the thirsty. Clothe the naked. Visit the imprisoned. Shelter the homeless. Visit the sick. Bury the dead. “What good is it, my brothers and sisters, if someone says he has faith but does not have works? Can that faith save him? If a brother or sister has nothing to wear and has no food for the day, and one of you says to them, ‘Go in peace, keep warm, and eat well,’ but you do not give them the necessities of the body, what good is it? So also faith of itself, if it does not have works, is dead. Indeed someone might say, ‘You have faith and I have works.’ Demonstrate your faith to me without works, and I will demonstrate my faith to you from my works.” James 2:14-18

“The Corporal Works of Mercy are found in the teachings of Jesus and give us a model for how we should treat all others, as if they were Christ in disguise. It is through these charitable actions that we help our neighbors in their bodily needs” (USCCB). These actions respond to the basic needs of humanity as we journey together throughout this life. It is our goal at Mater Dei to facilitate a community that provides our students with the opportunity to go out into the community and put their Faith into Action. Enter To Learn: Go Forth to Serve.

FAITH IN ACTION IDEAS 1. Organize an auction to raise money for your favorite charity. 2. Volunteer to help coach a local youth sports team. 3. Offer to clean the bleachers and pick up trash after a school sporting event. 4. Sponsor a canned food drive and volunteer at a local soup kitchen. 5. Visit the apartments for the elderly and spend time talking with an individual. 6. Coordinate a game between your high school teachers and varsity team. Charge a few dollars and donate the money to your school improvement fund. 7. Instead of birthday presents from friends or extended family, ask everyone to donate to a charity of your choice.

Football players accepted the Mickey’s Kingdom Park challenge and volunteered Sept. 22. They then challenged other athletes to help, including the Reitz team.

8. Teach a Sunday school class. 9. Commit to becoming a "Big Brother" or "Big Sister" with your local "Big Brothers, Big Sisters" chapter or with a similar organization. 10. Volunteer at the Special Olympics games nearest you.


Charles Wargel earns Bishop Murphy Award SAGINAW – The Most Rev. Joseph R. Cistone, Bishop of Saginaw, announced that Charles Wargel ‘54, known for his extraordinary work building and repairing homes for those in need, will receive this year’s Bishop Murphy Award. The Bishop Murphy Award recognizes the lifelong commitment of individuals who share and live their Catholic faith in ways that continue the evangelizing mission of Jesus Christ. The award is presented to individuals who have given witness throughout their lives, in word and deed. Charles is a parishioner at Christ the Good Shepherd in Saginaw. He started volunteering for Saginaw-Shiawassee Habitat for Humanity the day after he retired from his job as an engineer at General Motors. That was 20 years

ago. In his two decades as a “fulltime volunteer,” he has been part of the building and/or renovation of 184 homes. Recognizing the great demand for families in need of home repairs, Charles also helped kick start the local Habitat chapter’s home repair project and has helped more than 400 families through this initiative. Charles’ more than 40,000 hours volunteering as Project Manager for Habitat, as well as his personal contributions, have saved the agency more than $1 million. In addition to his Habitat commitment, he is dedicated to serving other transitional housing for women ministries, his parish and diocesan communities, jail ministry and bringing the Good News of Jesus Christ to others, both locally and nationally.

RELATED RECOGNITION 2004 Named the Freedom Corps’ greeter for George W. Bush by the White House. This was part of President Bush’s efforts to encourage everyone to volunteer at least 3,000 hours in their lifetime. As greeter, Wargel met President Bush under the seal on Air Force 1. 2011 Earned Shirley’s Angels Award from the women’s transitional housing ministry, Emmaus House 2012 Named Saginawian of the Year for work with Saginaw Habitat for Humanity 2012 Inducted into Saginaw Catholic School Hall of Fame 2012 Commencement Speaker for Frankenmuth High School 2014 Kenneth W. Benson Lifetime Achievement award from Michigan Habitat for Humanity 2015 Named the the first member of the Million Dollar Club for saving the Saginaw Shiawassee Habitat for Humanity over $1.2 million dollars in salary and other costs for being a full time volunteer for 18 years as of that time.


Sister Elaine Raymond, MSSp, who is known for bringing Special Religious Education (SPRED) to Saginaw, was also recognized for the Bishop Murphy Award. “Both Sister Elaine and Charlie are powerful examples of what this award celebrates,” Bishop Cistone said. “They put faith into action and lead by example. They are true witnesses to the Good News of the Gospel, always serving with enthusiasm, humility and love.”

I am thankful for and proud of the education I received at Mater Dei. It gave me an education and spirituality foundation to build on the rest of my life. I have many great memories of Mater Dei, my teachers and classmates.” Charles Wargel 1954 class president and Mater Dei-ville mayor

SCHNEIDER Earns Nut Club Award SURPRISE! During Block 6 on Sept. 4, the West Side Nut Club awarded senior Natalie Schneider the “Youth of the Day Award” for Exceptional Leadership. Congratulations, Natalie, and special thanks to the West Side Nut Club for their continued support of our students. Natalie Schneider is a varsity cheerleader, the president of Dance Marathon, a homeroom representative, and a senior leader for younglife. Additionally, she participates in peer mediation, fresh beginnings, service club, pep club, Spanish club, and German club.

seiler named academic all-american “Nathan embodies the excellence in public speaking expected by the NSDA and Mater Dei High School. We congratulate Nathan on his award, and thank him for representing Mater Dei at the national level.” NSDA Earlier this year, graduate and Mater Dei-ville Mayor Nathan Seiler ‘18 was named an Academic All-American by the National Speech and Debate Association. This award is given to seniors who demonstrate academic excellence while competing at the highest level of speech and debate. During Nathan’s four years on the speech team he served as a captain for two years and was a fivetime sectional champion, three-time state finalist, and three-time national qualifier. In 2017 and 2018 he was named an all-state competitor.

“I was so honored to receive the youth of the day award. When I turned around and saw my family there, I almost cried! It is so special that I was chosen and I am so grateful.”

New Ave Maria Society Members 2017-2018 Pat & Beth Blankenberger Ralph & Linda (Will) ‘62 Hague James ‘68 † & Elvira Knapp Leonard Will, Jr. ‘64 NEW ENDOWMENTS 2017-2018

Pat and Beth Blankenberger Family Endowment for Mater Dei Dolores and Leonard Will, Sr., Endowment Mater Dei High School has established the Ave Maria Society to recognize and thank those families who support MDHS by means of a planned gift or endowment establishment. The planned gifts help MDHS provide for the future.


Inauguration Mater Dei-Ville established 1956

“As mayor, my biggest goal is to be a voice for the entire student body, rather than just student council itself. My passion for student council is the reason I decided to run for mayor. I knew that this position would give me the opportunity to give back to the council and Mater Dei in a unique way.” Mayor Anna Bury SPONSOR Mrs. Jeanne Thomas COUNCILPERSONS-ATLARGE Benjamin Harrison Sabrina Henderson Heath Aaron Lovell Alison Schimmell SENIOR COUNCIL PERSONS Addison Elpers Emily Herrmann Keegan Marx Jacob Pierson Natalie Schneider Kaelyn Wessel*


JUNIOR COUNCIL PERSONS Dane Babillis Emily Hausmann Audrey McDurmon Kristen Schneider Samuel Doepker* SOPHOMORE COUNCIL PERSONS Mary Catherine Eppler Danielle Gries Blaise Kelley Leah Richey Mallory Weber Meredith Hagerty*

Mayor Anna Bury Clerk Julia Knight Judge Joseph Doepker

FRESHMAN COUNCIL PERSONS Lauren Ahola Ava Effinger Chase Haake Julie Heldman Elijah McDurmon Calvin Stratman Pete Doepker* STUDENT CITY OFFICIALS Comptroller: Isaiah Nisley Clerk Affiliate: Elyssa Happe Assistant Clerk Affiliate: Emily Herrmann Police Chief: Benjamin Harrison

Fire Chief: Nolan Forzley Public Relations Commissioners: Macy Adler, Olivia Effinger, Katherine Hahn Prosecuting Attorneys: Chase Scobbo, Jenna Zirkelbach Defense Attorneys: William Folz, Victoria Zigenfus Parks & Recreation Commissioners: Andrew Heldman, Zachary Norman, Robert Zachary Schoenstein Service Board Heads: Emily Braun, Emily Seger Historian: Alexandria Maurer *denotes class president

After the swearing in of the clerk, student council enjoyed a light breakfast before the actual Inauguration ceremony. “I enjoy student council because it allows me to contribute to my school as well as give new ideas to improve school functions,” junior Emily Hausmann said. At the conclusion of Inauguration, three brothers posed for a picture: senior Joseph Doepker is the judge of Mater Dei-ville, Sam Doepker is the junior class president and Pete Doepker serves as the freshman class president. Judge Doepker served as a homeroom rep for three years and received encouragement from his friends to run for office and he very much enjoys “helping the school.”

Before Inauguration on Aug. 29, student council members attended the swearing in of Clerk Julia Knight and a preceremony prayer service and breakfast. At Inauguration, Brad Niemeier ‘08 surprised the student body (and his wife), by serving as the keynote speaker only one day after his second child was born. Brad, the founder of Azzip Pizza, praised the unique atmosphere of Mater Dei, an atmosphere of rigor, dedication, and connectedness.

“I’ve been involved in many inaugurations throughout my tenure at Mater Dei. This year was special because I was able to swear in my daughter as clerk. I am proud that she decided to run and accept the position.” Principal Darin Knight ‘85 9


WELCOME NEW FACES Melba Wilderman ‘85 Assist. Principal for Academic Affairs “What I like most about my new position is that I am able to have devoted time to work directly with the teachers, to help them acquire the resources they need, and to support them so they can continue to provide a top-notch education.”

Mrs. Crystal Roberson, English Department Chair and Drama Director, was selected as a finalist for the Arts Council of Southwestern Indiana Arts Educator Award. Crystal joined the Mater Dei faculty in 2010 and previously taught in the Memphis public schools. She studied at Milligan College and earned a bachelor of arts in theatre and English and master of education in theatre and English. Crystal’s former students have gone on to success in college theatre programs, including two who are currently theatre performance majors at the prestigious University of Evansville Theatre program. In the summer, she has taken students to New York City to attend theatre productions. “Crystal is an outstanding artist, teacher, role model, and colleague. Since she began teaching and directing at Mater Dei High School, the quality of theatre productions and the number of students who participate has significantly increased,” Dr. Tad Dickel said. Congratulations to Mrs. Roberson for this recognition and for her outstanding work at Mater Dei! 10

Jill Seiler Enrollment Mgr.

"I'm excited to help spread the message to students about what a wonderful place Mater Dei is to learn and grow to be the person they dream to be."

Kendal Schmidt ‘08 Bookkeeper part-time

“I love what I'm doing. Accounting and balancing books is literally a passion of mine. I love everyone at Mater Dei, and I am also really enjoying a few days a week without my 1.5, 3 & 4-year olds hanging on to my legs all day.”

Queanna Gentry Bookkeeper part-time

“I absolutely love how inviting this community is. The staff are remarkably welcoming and inviting. I love getting to cheer on Mater Dei in all events and being a Wildcat with everyone else.”

Julie Schu ‘85 Science teacher

“I love the SPIRIT that fills MD. Everyone has been very welcoming and I am glad to be part of the MD family.”

Nick Soellner Theology teacher

“The people of the Mater Dei family have set themselves apart by how they serve others and I am blessed to have become part of this community.”


of my new role.”

“Planning and celebrating retreats for each grade level is one of the highlights

Chad Breeden Campus Minister

“I'm en“I am joying the excited to challenge continof teaching ue my all new commitclasses in ment as subjects a teacher that I love, while also though I spreaddo miss physics (especially ing the good news of Mater the labs)!” Dei.”

Donna Richardson Math Dept. Chair

Angela St.Clair Communications Director

SCHOOL EARNS $35K SAFETY GRANT Safety is our top priority at Mater Dei, and the recent school shootings have prompted us to continue making enhancements to ensuring the safety of our students, faculty, and staff. We now only have two doors open in the morning for arrival, and they are monitored by a staff member. Mater Dei received a $35,000 Secured Safety School Grant from the Department of Homeland Security over the summer. We are using these funds to install an electronic door access system in classrooms and offices. This system will allow us to lock down all doors in the event of an emergency. The grant will also fund a Staff Alerter system that

will provide buttons that alert authorities, lock down the school, and communicate with parents in the event of an emergency. On August 23, an all school safety drill was led by the Evansville Police Department (EPD). The EPD provided important instructions for the students, and everyone was encouraged to be "prepared and not scared." Students learned about ALICE, which is considered best practice in an active shooter event. The school safety committee continues to meet on a regular basis to audit the building and grounds, review policies and procedures, and plan training for the school.

ALICE A: ALERT We must always be alert of our surroundings and aware of potential danger. L: LOCKDOWN We lockdown rooms and barricade doors to prevent entry when necessary. I: INFORM We inform authorities or administrators of threats and potentially dangerous situations. We communicate the location of the intruder in real time. C: COUNTER We counter by creating noise, distractions, distance, or whatever it takes to take control of a dangerous situation. E: EVACUATE We remove ourselves from an unsafe situation whenever possible. “What we did this morning makes me feel safe knowing that we have a plan if something like that ever did happen.”

Chloe Partridge (9)

“I was proud of my homeroom because they took it very seriously and made sure we knew the best procedures to follow.”

Marissa Riordan (11)


50th Wedding Anniversary

Joe & Barb Rettig Blue Ash (Cincinnati), Ohio

Joe Rettig ‘61 and Barb (Anderson) Rettig - Memorial Class of ’64 of Blue Ash (Cincinnati), Ohio celebrated their 50th Wedding Anniversary on June 15th by taking their entire Family on a Caribbean Cruise. They were married on June 15, 1968, at St. Benedict Church in Evansville, IN. Joe retired as Sales Manager for the Carrier Air Conditioning Distributor in Cincinnati, OH, and Barb retired as a BSN Registered Nurse for the University of Cincinnati Medical Center. Joe was raised in what is now known as the Log Inn in Warrenton, IN. Fellow 1961 Classmates still smile thinking of the fun parties at the old Warrenton Dance Hall and riding around in the old Polka Dot Chevy.


RACHEL (BUSKAVITZ) ROKOSZ ‘07 Rachel earned a Bachelor’s degree in Special Education and a minor in piano from Ball State University. Outside of being a stay-at-home-mom, she works as a private piano teacher and blogger at Leaning into the Journey. She is married to Andrew and they have three boys: Henry, Simon, and Oscar. They live in Columbus, Indiana where Andrew is a high school Social Studies teacher.

OLIVIA DEWEESE ‘13 Olivia earned a Bachelors degree in Journalism from Indiana University Ernie Pyle School of Journalism. She began her career in sportscasting while reporting on IU Athletics for BTN and as a host for Indiana Football. She is currently a sports reporter/anchor for WSBT, the CBS and FOX affiliate, in South Bend. She is in her second season covering Notre Dame football and the National Champion women’s basketball team! Olivia is an active volunteer with the 4-H program and the Association of Women in Sports Media program. She is the daughter of Karla (Elpers) ’81 and Jerry Joe DeWeese and sister to Andy DeWeese ‘15.

VALERIE MUENSTERMAN ‘16 Valerie Muensterman, MD Class of 2016 valedictorian, is a junior at Duke University, where she is one of eight fully-funded University Scholars. Last year, Valerie was one of three American students to receive a Fulbright Summer Institute award funding study at Shakespeare’s Globe Theater in London; afterwards, she remained in England to study literature at the University of Oxford. This summer, Valerie studied playwriting at the National Theater Institute in Waterford, CT, supported by a Benenson Award in the Arts and a Duke Theater Studies grant.


Ryan ‘98, Hallie ‘04 SCHEU 2018-19 Annual Fund The Annual Fund is Mater Dei's largest annual development effort and funds many important initiatives that directly benefit our students. Co-Chairs for the 2018-19 Annual Fund are Ryan and Hallie (Denstorff) Scheu. When asked why they support Mater Dei, Ryan and Hallie shared: "We give because Mater Dei and our Catholic Education has been the greatest gifts our parents gave us. The knowledge we gathered from our academics and our faith formation has transformed us into the people we are today. We firmly believe that Mater Dei has some of the best, most innovative, and hardest working faculty, staff, and coaches all of whom strive to get the most out of their students and athletes while challenging each other to do better each day. While at Mater Dei, we made many friends and memories that we hope to last our entire lives. We want to keep the tradition of strong Catholic Identity and academic excellence going for another 70 years. Join us in giving!" After high school, Hallie earned a bachelors degree from Murray State University and a masters degree from the University of Southern Indiana. She previously taught at Holy Rosary and has been the principal at Saint Wendel Catholic School for the past five years. Hallie also spent four years coaching the Mater Dei girls swimming and diving teams. Ryan has a bachelors degree from the University of Southern Indiana and has been employed


at Toyota for three years. He previously was involved at Mater Dei as a member of the football staff. Ryan and Hallie are parishioners at Saint Wendel and are the parents of seven month old Patrick and are expecting baby #2 in April 2019. Annual Fund Projects LOCKER ROOM RENOVATION $100,000 Renovate boys locker room TUITION ASSISTANCE $75,000 Need-based assistance to help students afford a Catholic education at Mater Dei SECURITY $30,000 Staff Alerter and electronic locking system to secure offices and classrooms in an emergency CLASSROOM EQUIPMENT, FURNITURE $20,000 New student desks and furniture YOUTH FIRST SUPPORT $20,000 Youth First Social Worker LANDSCAPING $10,000 Landscaping to enhance the parking lot project PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT $10,000 Teacher and staff training and conferences to foster continuous improvement SPIRITUAL ENRICHMENT PROGRAMS $10,000 Day by Day prayer books for all graduating seniors Student retreat programs Guest speakers TOTAL UNRESTRICTED GOAL $275,000

Past Annual Fund Chairs Andy '06 & Elyse '06 Niemeier 2017-18 Co-Chairs Matt '96 & Amanda '97 Bohleber 2016-17 Co-Chairs Jake '02 & Katie Schiff 2015-16 Co-Chairs Rev. David Nunning 2014-15 Co-Chairs Butch '66 & Linda Feulner 2013-14 Co-Chairs Jim '88 & Ingrid '95 Stratman 2012-13 Co-Chairs Mark '70 & Monie '70 Freeman 2011-12 Co-Chairs Ira Gerard '72 & Terry '72 Boots 2010-11 Co-Chairs Shirley Bumb Knapp '50 2009-10 Chair Maurice Berendes '60 2008-09 Chair Steve Eickhoff '73 2007-08 Chair Dan Niemeier '80 2006-07 Chair Steve Moore '65 2005-06 Chair Ron Hollander '59 2004-05 Chair Jim Will, Jr. '76 2003-04 Chair Ed Knapp '59 2002-03 Chair Andy Goebel '65 2001-02 Chair

Thank You

The Catholic Education Foundation supports Mater Dei by providing needbased tuition assistance for families through a confidential and comprehensive application process. During the 2017-2018 school year, CEF awarded $95,500 in tuition grants to 82 Mater Dei students. Mater Dei would like to thank the Catholic Education Foundation for their dedication to helping families receive a Catholic education!

class of


celebrates! by Cheryl Herrmann and Cecilia (Weis) Kuester

The Mater Dei Class of 1971 celebrated their 65th birthday, Medicare, and retirement all at a spectacular bash held at Wolf's Bar-B-Q on Saturday, June 23. This was no ordinary class reunion, but a gut-busting celebration with numerous "age" appropriate activities plus the crowning of a Medicare King and Queen. The evening events commenced with a delightful welcome by Master of Ceremony, Jim Schroeder. Classmates solemnly honored their deceased classmates by respectfully reading their names, death date and death place. Following that was a grateful tribute to the classmates who served in the military, and a heartfelt prayer eloquently delivered by Deacon Tom Goebel. The sexagenarian classmates dined on a plentiful meal of Barbecue chicken, potato salad, baked beans, and salad from the buffet table. Distributed at each table were 4x6 cards with and assortment of jokes or facts about turning 65, being on Medicare or the joys of retirement. At the ring of a bell, classmates were invited to stand up and read the joke

65-YEAR-OLD HUMOR SENILITY PRAYER: “God grant me the senility to forget the people I never liked anyway, the good fortune to run into the ones that I do, and the eyesight to tell the difference” ONE-LINERS “When you hit 65, ‘Rock ‘n Roll’ no longer describes your music, but your chair options: rocking or wheel” “Get ready for the 65-year-old shuffle: shuffling along, shuffling cards, and playing shuffleboard.” JOKE “Three old guys were out walking. First one said, “Windy, isn’t it?” The second one said, “No, it’s Thursday!” The third one said, “So am I. Let’s go get a beer!”

or fact from the cards. Raising his glass, Tom Goebel cordially delivered the evening toast, “Let us never know what old age is. Let us not count the years, but know the happiness that time brings.” Awesome door prizes of donations from local businesses were awarded to the winning attendees: a “Complimentary Dinner for 2 at Cavanaugh’s Tropicana Hotel, bottle of wine included, which expired June 22, 2018”; a “Lifetime pass to Mesker Amphitheater for all events”; “Snow removal for May, June,

July and August”; and “Free Food: All the applesauce and jello from Deaconess Hospital (note: must be an inpatient).” Unfortunately, lumbar spine problems, travel to Florida or housewife duties prevented some from attending this gala event. Jim Schroeder read aloud the apologetic regret letters from those classmates. As you can guess, the letters were fake. Chocolate and vanilla cupcakes were passed around. Gleefully, the class, in unison, sang Happy Birthday to Pam (Richardville) Cheaney, Debbie (Beard) Titzer and Cecilia (Weis) Kuester who were celebrating their birthdays. Continuing the dramatic events was a King and Queen of Medicare crowning. Contestants were married classmates of Tom and Karen (Metz) Goebel, and Bob and Mary Kay (Jarboe) Fehrenbacher. Winning by just a hair of applause were Bob and Mary Kay, adorned with a crown and sash. Runner up couple, Tom and Kar-

en, received a Life Alert – a whistle with no pea inside. Attached to the whistle was a tag that read, “Do Not Resuscitate.” With anticipated excitement was the Half Pot. Classmates first voted on who they trusted the most (Mark Adler or Tom Wildeman) to draw the winning ticket. Mark unanimously won the trust vote by thunderous applause (Tom had no applause). After repeatedly mixing up the tickets, stirring them in the clear fish bowl for all to see, Mark drew the one winning ticket and loudly read the number. Surprising and ironically, it was Tom’s wife, Carla, who held the winning ticket. Carla graciously made a donation from her winnings to the class for their 50th Reunion. Prior to departure, Jim Schroeder asked the crowd to separate into four groups. The first group, those who had arthritis, were to go to the west corner; the second group, those who had experienced hospitalizations or surgeries, were directed to the east corner; the third group, those with other aches and pains, were instructed to go to the north corner, and the fourth group with no aches or pains were politely told to “GO HOME!” Edie (Wildeman) Uhde and Monica Horstman distributed a newsletter titled “Thoughts on Turning 65” to the classmates upon their exit. Everyone shared a good meal and a fun-filled delightful humorous evening planned by the committee of Jenny (Raben) Ziliak, Debbie (Beard) Titzer, Dana (Wolf) Christian, Cecilia (Weis) Kuester, Diane (Gutzweiler) Emge, Edie (Wildeman) Uhde, Cheryl Herrmann, Monica Horstman and Jim Schroeder.



Improvements "Traffic flows so much better. Last year in the mornings, it used to be backed up the hill" Jordan Seiler (10) Improvements to Mater Dei's building and campus continued over the summer. The main parking lot was reconfigured, expanded,

and resurfaced. To accommodate more guests to our campus, improve the traffic, and enhance safety, a new layout was created, and 35 new spaces were added. Additionally, new security lighting was completed in August, along with new islands and landscaped. The girls locker room has been renovated and includes new lockers, plumbing, toilet partitions, flooring, and paint. This long overdue project has been well received by the students and coaches. We would like to thank Mark Fehrenbacher '70, Jerry Kirchoff '70, and Kenny Miller '75 for their dedication and expertise on this project. School safety is a top priority, and Mater Dei received a $35,000 Secured Safety School Grant from the state. These funds are being used to install an electronic door access system in classrooms and offices this fall. This system will allow us to lock down all rooms in the event of an emergency. The grant will also fund a Staff Alerter system that will provide buttons that alert authorities or lock down the school in the event of an emergency.


Mater Dei High School

Board of Trustees

Front Row: Tad Dickel, Judy Blankenberger, Andrea Baumann, Dave Robinson, Jim Pierre, Jennifer Vaughn, Jeff Bone Back Row: Fr. Ed Schnur, Jake Martin, Karen Hinderliter, Dennis Niemeier, Jeff Gorman, Wes Wilmes

financial statement “The national average tuition for Catholic high schools is $11,239 while the average Indiana private school tuiton is approximately $10,138 per year. Mater Dei’s tuition is significantly lower due to parish, alumni, catholic charity and community financial support. Thank you for all you do to provide a Catholic Education for the many students in our community.” Karen Liley, Business Manager Income Dollar Amount Percent Tuition & Fees $3,367,270 66% Diocesan/Parish Support $1,165,598 24% Development $531,681 10% TOTAL $5,064,549 100% Expenses Dollar Amount Percent Salaries & Benefits $3,712,650 74% Operations $1,024,741 20% Student Support $295,702 6% TOTAL $5,033,093 100% Total Cost Per Student* $ 9,624 1st Student Tuition & Fees $ 6,910 * The actual cost of educating a student is $9,624 per year. Approximately 34% of student costs are provided by Diocese and Parish support and development efforts.


OHIO VALLEY INSULATION COMPANY, INC. Scott '80, Beth '80, Dustin '05, Logan '08, Faith '10, Brooke '11 & Joel Slaton PIERRE FUNERAL HOME Gary '61 & Susie '62, John '88, Jim '89 & Lori '89 SCHIFF AIR CONDITIONING & HEATING, INC. Jim Sr. '69 & Jan '69 Angie (Schiff) Happe '93, Jim Jr. '96, Casi (Jost) Schiff '97 SCHNEIDER HEAT & AIR, INC. Jeff & Judith (Siemers) ‘79 Schneider, Catherine Schneider '14, Mariah Schneider '16

ROYAL GOLD SPONSORS ALL IN THE FAMILY DENTAL Dr. Allie (Moll) Frounfelter '02 ALSTADT PLUMBING SERVICES, INC. Dave ’75, Cindy ’75, Chip ’03, Megan ‘03 AZZIP PIZZA Brad Niemeier ’08, Blake Kollker ’02, Dan ’80, Laura ’80, Andy ’06, Craig ’10 Niemeier CAPITAL ELECTRIC, INC. Ben '86 & Marie (Anslinger) ‘86 Wagner Cliff Wagner '88, Mark Wagner '96, Brent Neitzke '88 EDWARD JONES Roger A. Nurrenbern '96, Andrea (Dick) Brown '01 FEHRENBACHER CABINETS, INC. Bob '71, Mary Kay '71, Peter '97, Zachary '00, Patrick '03 & Sarah '05 FREEMAN, WILL NIEMEIER, INC. FREEMAN, WILL, NIEMEIER & HESTON, LLC Patrick B. Freeman '65, P. Evan Freeman '90, Stephanie Helfrich Freeman '91, Elissa Freeman Higgins '94, M. Ethan Freeman '00, Emily Freeman-Hobbs '02, Lynn Will Reed '78, Jordan Raben '05 MUENSTERMAN AUTO SERVICE Tom '73, Steve '76, Jerry '79, Mark '83 & Bob '87


SIEMERS GLASS Jane '81 & Mark Weinzapfel '80, Jake '06, Mac '08, Ali '11 & Jack '13 TRI-STATE ORTHOPAEDICS SURGEONS Dr. Terence A. Alvey '80, Phil Rawley '97 MATT ZELLER ELECTRIC Matt Zeller '09

ROYAL RED SPONSORS KEMPF'S DONUT BANK Harold '54, Chris '77, Lindsey '81, Ben '85 & Joe '91 PAUL'S MENSWEAR, INC. Steve '73, John '78 & Brian Eickhoff '99 PROFESSIONAL EYECARE ASSOCIATES Todd Niemeier, O.D. '91, Andrew Moore, O.D., Morgan Hussmann, O.D. KAREN L. SCHENK & ASSOCIATES, LLC Karen (Kaffenberger) Schenk '79, Brian Schenk '77 Meghann '02, Mallory (Schenk) Eickhoff '06, Matthew '09 LAPPE HEATING & A/C Ed Lappe '82, Dan Lappe '77 & Dave Lappe '03

MORROW MECHANICAL SERVICES, INC. Tony Morrow, Hannah '15, Max ‘19 SCHROEDER'S LANDSCAPES AND NURSERY John '78, Tammy '80, Quinn '11, Branson '13 SCHULTHEIS INSURANCE AGENCY, INC. Steve Moore ’65, Rita Moore ’66, Kevin Moore ‘91 Erin (Carter) Moore ’94, Holly (Moore) Wahr ’94, Stephanie (Moore) Good ‘98 SOUTHWEST GRAFIX & APPAREL, INC. Rose Ann '60, Mary '82, Mike '83, Michelle '85 Mark '89, Schelly '89, Julian '15, Brendan '16, Nolan '18 MARK A. TORNATTA, DDS Mark A. Tornatta '69, Jeanne Tornatta '69 Chris '90, Jennifer '00, Sarah '02 WILDERMAN ENTERPRISES, LLC dba ST. WENDEL AUTO PARTS & SERVICES Dennis Wilderman '68 PINNACLE CONTRACTORS, INC. Todd '02 & Amber (Gilles) '02 Zimmer

Matching gifts provide tremendous support for the Mater Dei Annual Fund. In 2017-2018, Mater Dei received $10,222.34 in matching gifts. If a company has a matching gift program, the process of obtaining a gift is usually as simple as completing a form. A special thank you to our donors and the following matching gift companies and corporate foundations for their continued support of Mater Dei High School. AETNA FOUNDATION, INC. AMERICAN EXPRESS FOUNDATION ASTRA ZENECA PHARMACEUTICALS, LP BOEING COMPANY (MD) BRISTOL-MYERS SQUIBB FOUNDATION, INC. ELI LILY COMPANY FOUNDATION GE FOUNDATION GENENTECH KOCH FOUNDATION, INC. MACY’S/BLOOMINGDALE’S MEAD JOHNSON NUTRITION OLD NATIONAL BANK ONEMAIN FINANCIAL PROJECT ASSOCIATES, INC. TOTAL QUALITY LOGISTICS TOYOTA MOTOR MANUFACTURING, INDIANA, INC. UNITEDHEALTH GROUP



travel west

After 36 years in chemical distribution and sales, Wayne Emge ‘70 is now retired and enjoying the bonds of friendship he established over 50 years ago at Sacred Heart grade school. Four young boys (Wayne Emge, Mark Freeman, Dennis Feldhaus, and Bob Harrison) became fast friends in grade school and strengthened their connection in high school, all graduates of 1970. Most recently, this life-long bond of friendship led the friends and their spouses to Sonoma, California to visit several wineries. Last year, the couples started making plans for this trip. Dennis and Scarlet (Fehr) ‘70 Feldhaus were already planning a 30-day, seven thousand mile retirement trip by automobile, and the Emges and Freemans decided to experience the trip to California via train. The Harrisons live in Oregon so they agreed to meet the others in Sonoma. Departing Union Station in Chicago, the 52 hour, two night train ride involved approximately 30 stops through Illinois, Iowa, Nebraska, Colorado, the tip of Utah, and Nevada. Their train ride ended in Emmeryville, California, and from there, they rented a car and drove to Sonoma. While on the train, there wasn’t much room to roam, and “[w]hen they put that bed down at night, you’re pretty much just there. You don’t have a whole lot of room,” Emge said. Despite the close quarters on the train, Emge enjoyed the observation room and the food. “I enjoyed it. The scenery was beautiful. That took the sting off of the tight quarters.” Emge enjoyed the Colorado Rockies the most and even Front Row: Diane (Gutzweiler) Emge ‘71, Scarlet (Fehr) Feldhaus ‘70, Judi Harrison, Monie (Rice) Freeman ‘70 described the beauty of the desert. Back Row: Wayne Emge ‘70, Dennis Feldhaus ‘70, Bob Once in Sonoma, the friends all stayed at the Four Harrison ‘70, Mark Freeman ‘70 Sisters of Sonoma, a place Diane Emge had researched. Emge said that the hotel is close to downtown Sonoma and reminds him of Franklin street with its little shops and restaurants. On the first day, Harrison organized the itinerary to visit three wineries via a limo. The friends enjoyed the beauty of the wineries and the tasting rooms, which offer all California wines. Emge likes Cabernet the most and shared how “[p]eople [his] age are allowed two 6 oz of wine a day, so they say.” Luckily, since they were flying home, the Four Sisters of Sonoma boxed up their purchases and mailed them home. Throughout the years, Emge has stayed actively involved in the Mater Dei community. From coaching track to serving on the alumni board since its inception in 1987, he cherishes his high school days of “being on athletics and forming friendships” and the development of the school since then. “Mater Dei takes you, and you become family. This school keeps on going. There’s nothing else like it,” Emge said.


Travels Abroad with Frau Whicker

This past June, German teacher Mrs. Abby Whicker led a group of 42 travelers (students, families, alumni, community members) through southern Germany and Austria. Mrs. Whicker has been organizing tours for the past ten years, but this was her first trip with Mater Dei. She shared that students represented the MD family well, and several tour guides complimented the behavior and etiquette of our students. "It is incredibly rewarding to see students and their families discover new cultures for the first time, and I consider it an honor to facilitate those experiences for travelers. By the end of every trip we are like family." Her next trip is set for the summer of 2020. Contact for more information.

“My favorite part was Nymphenburg Palace. It was a great experience and I became closer with people in German class that I didn’t even know before.” Sabrina Henderson (11)

“Our family was amazed at all we were able to see and do on this trip. We will never forget the slides in the salt mine, riding the U-Bahn train, visiting the enormous castles, observing the glockenspiel, making Mozart chocolates, Bavarian dancing, and enjoying the tasty food! Visiting Dachau, the oldest Holocaust museum, was very humbling. The Alps are picturesque! We would love to go again!” Todd ‘85 & Becky (Titzer) ‘91 Rexing and children Brayden (12) and Lauren (10)

“My favorite part of the trip was walking around with friends and not having to use our phones to communicate. I enjoyed learning about the history of the older towns we visited. The weather is almost always great and it’s always fun to walk around town.” Lucas McLin (12) “My favorite part was trying the food. I was surprised how many people ride bikes.” James Wassmer (12) “I found out that the food was really good and our teachers weren’t lying about that. I was most surprised how small their big cities seemed. It was a great experience.” Brock Jorgensen (12) 21

We are humbled by all who have contributed to the Annual Fund. The total raised last year was $406,478. Donors whose gifts were received from July 1, 2017 through June 30, 2018 are listed below. * indicates donors whose contributions were matched by their employers t indicates donor is deceased IMMACULATE ASSEMBLY $10,000+ Anonymous Thomas '65 & Debbie Borries Alan '62 & Sharon Braun* Mater Dei Friends & Alumni Association David '70 & Darlene '70 Robinson THE MONSIGNOR LAUTNER LEAGUE $5,000-$9,999 Eric & Angie Babillis Matthew '96 & Amanda '97 Bohleber Bob & Judy '60 Griffin Robert ‘56 & Cynthia Koch Barbara Price '62 Leroy Schenk '60 THE FATHER DEWIG FELLOWSHIP $2,500-$4,999 Terence '80 & Jean '81 Alvey Butch '66 & Linda Feulner Andrew '65 & Darlene '64 Goebel* John '59 & Donna '61 Hamilton Karen '75 & Keith Hinderliter Gilbert & Marcia Jochem Marcia '69 & Robert Kassenbrock Harold '54 & Shirley Kempf Kenneth '65 & Diane King Edward '59 & Judy '60 Knapp Brian '98 & Erin Pope Sandra '80 & David Quick QUEEN’S COURT $1,000-$2,499 Ronald '64 & Margaret '66 Angermeier Richard '79 & Rhonda '79 Baumgart John & Marjorie Beasley Steven '65 & Judy Blankenberger Kenneth '61 & Susie Bonnell


Rev. Raymond Brenner Virgil '64 & Joan Brenner Cherie '75 & Jerry Burgdorf * Bill t & Mary Ellen Coates Jack '60 & Phyllis '72 Corn Patrick '75 & Rita Debes John '60 & Marie Emrich Zachary '00 & Jennifer '00 Fehrenbacher Robert '71 & Nancy '71 Fischer Michael '69 & Davene Forche Angela Gallagher '85 & Bill VanDyke Eric '92 & Tresa '93 Goebel Larry '65 & Carol '65 Goedde Harold t '51 & Sylvia '53 Gossman Jerry '60 & Pamela '60 Gries Happe & Sons Construction, Inc. Andrew '95 & Anna Hart Wade '80 & Karen Hickam Ronald '59 & Kathy Hollander David '73 & Mindy Jochem Roy Jorgensen Ted '60 & Berta '64 Kares Ted '84 & Angela Kares Barbara '50 & Wayne Kent Robert '66 & Marguerite Kent Clarence '60 & Joanne Kirby Lawrence '59 & DiAnne '60 Kremer Rose Kuhn '55 John '83 & Amy '83 Macke Tim Mahoney Paul '67 & Nancy '67 Mayer MD Class of 1982 Kenneth '75 & Janice Miller George & Dianne Moll Mary Kay '58 & James Muehlbauer Thomas '55 & Joan '55 Niemeier Richard '50 & Betty Joan '50 Preske

Kenneth '65 & Rita '65 Rexing Scott Richardville '96 Frank & Laura Schaefer Oliver '48 & Mary Ann Schapker Rev. Edward Schnur '71 James '88 & Ingrid '95 Stratman Wilma Ubelhor '50 Brian & Diane Wannemuehler* Judy Wargel '62 Melba '85 & Wayne Wilderman* Eileen Will '51 Samuel & Connie Woehler Philip '94 & Abby Zenthoefer Rev. Joseph Ziliak '54 ROYAL GOLD SOCIETY $500-$999 Jay '93 & Sarah '93 Adams Thomas & Janice Barnes William Basden '83 Andrea '96 & Daniel Baumann Maurice '60 & Cherie '60 Berendes Brandon '98 & Lindsey Boots Larry '60 & Ginger Boots Timothy '80 & Theo Boots Jeffrey '83 & Teresa Culley* Lenna J. DeMarco John '82 & Jeanne Dewig* Timothy '76 & Martha '78 Dick C. Timothy & Gail Dickel Jerad Eickhoff '09 David Ellison '65 Brian '90 & Mandy Elpers Rita '55 & Dick Eykamp Patrick '03 & Brittany Fehrenbacher Robert '71 & Mary Kay '71 Fehrenbacher Tony '94 & Jessica Fehrenbacher Matthew '91 & Kristen '91 Folz

Rebecca '74 & Donald Fuchs Russel '85 & Laura '88 Fulton David '60 & Nancy Gerteisen Thomas '71 & Karen '71 Goebel Raymond '63 & Janette '65 Gries Judy '60 & Robert Griffin Karen '83 & Greg Hamilton Lisa '76 & Joseph Henderson Tricia '86 & Jeff Henning Wayne '59 & Jewell Henning Mark '81 & Michelle '81 Herrmann Brian '92 & Heather '92 Hertel Dale '58 & Marty Hillenbrand Timothy '89 & Jennifer Hollander* John Hoos '58 Daniel & Sharon Kaiser Vickie '70 & John Kane Ryan '95 & Natalie '00 Kassenbrock Matthew Kiefer '02 James Kissel '00 Edward '85 & Jacqueline '85 Knapp Carroll Knight '62 Jason '01 & Jenna Kuester Dustin '98 & Alisha '97 Lannert JoAnn Layman '60 Christopher & Laura Lee Todd '88 & Kelly Lehman Karen '83 & Rodney Liley Robert Ludwig '73 Steven & Verna Luigs* Jason '94 & Kerry Martin Jeffrey '82 & Donna '82 Martin* Vicki McCracken '74 Thomas & Carol McKinney Kevin '91 & Erin '94 Moore William Nix '73 Shannon Norris Rev. David Nunning James '89 & Lori '89 Pierre John Rebstock '55 Kent '77 & Laura '80 Reddington Ryan '98 & Hallie '04 Scheu David '68 & Mary Schmitt Ronald '55 & Judy Schnepper Janice '64 & Larry Schuble Gary '65 & Doris Schutte Richard '57 & Emilie '59 Seib Steven '86 & Keri Spahn Bettye '51 & William Stevenson Anthony & Beth Tromley Jennifer '93 & Ross Vaughn* Robert '56 & Carol '60 Wagner Eugene '72 & Eveline Wannemuehler Marlene Weaver '50 Michael '92 & Lisa Weber Robert '57 & JoAnn '63 Weber Al '55 & Darlene '55 Weinzapfel Helen '51 t & Jerome Weinzapfel* James '61 & Sandra '63 Weinzapfel Paul & Debra Weis

Charles '65 & Sang Wildeman James '76 & Karen Will David '64 & Gail Williamson Jody '86 & Wes Wilmes LOYAL RED CIRCLE $250-$499 Carolyn '65 & Gary Adler Kenneth '60 & Jan '64 Adler All in the Family Dental Jack '71 & Marcia Alles David '03 & Megan '03 Altstadt Bradley '98 & Meagan Angermeier Paul '73 & Barbara '73 Angermeier Ted '75 & Diane Barron Sherri Barron '71 & David Poetker Matt & Pauline Bartek Methodois & Pauline Bartek* Joan '71 & Randall Bauer* David '67 & Jane '68 Baumgart Maurice '64 & Sharon '64 Baumgart D. Vincent '83 & Kathy '83 Boots Mary Jane '58 & Ernest Bradley Larry '56 & Rose '55 Breivogel Jeana Campbell '74 Stephen '61 & Jo Marie '61 Charlson Shawn '86 & Kristin Corcoran Aaron '94 & Jennifer Couture Kurt & Amy Daunhauer Anthony '77 & Nancy Deig Donald Deig Doris Dewig '52 Ryan '02 & Kara '03 Dewig Timothy & Andrea Dickel Dale t & Cathy Drake Jennifer '03 & Michael '02 Elsner Wayne '70 & Diane '71 Emge Evansville Commerce Bank Peter '97 & Jodi Fehrenbacher Jay & Paula Fleck Mark '70 & Ramona '70 Freeman Rick '67 & Jane '67 Gerteisen Lou Ann & Dan Gilbert Michael Goebel ‘95 Dava '81 & Robert Grzybowski Daniel '74 & Karole '75 Gutzweiler Kathy '65 & David Halbig Laura '07 & Tyler Tesmer Daniel '83 & Teresa Haller Robert Hamilton '57 Jeff '84 & Leanne Happe Rita M. Helfrich '51 Jeremy '98 & Jennifer Herrmann Abby '03 & Evan Hipp Joshua '99 Hodge David '81 & Doreen Hoefling George Hollander '78 Mary Hupfer '80 Randall '74 & Cynthia Hupfer Randall '70 & Sylvia Jochim Paul '69 & Donna Jourdan

Jane Kelle '80 Keith & Christina Kelley John Kern '55 Gerry Kiesel Allan '64 & Mary Helen Knapp Elvira Knapp Nancy '58 & Robert Knowles Lisa '72 & Bruce Kohl Eric Kohut '85 Blake '02 & Jennifer '00 Kollker Patricia Krack '62 Gary '74 & Letha '74 Lannert Edward '82 & Lorri '83 Lappe JoAnn Laugel '66 Sharon Layman Jarrod Luigs '02 Rebecca '66 & Edward Maier Michael '68 & Rita Martin Donald '59 & Karen Mayer Shirley McDowell '60 Jeffrey '95 & Natalie McDurmon Ann '89 & Richard McIntosh* Edward & Judy Messal Mark '87 & Kelly '92 Messal Francis Miller, Jr. '63 Julia Moore '93 '93 Andrew '06 & Elyse '06 Niemeier Daniel '80 & Laura '80 Niemeier Dennis '70 & MaDonna '74 Niemeier Norbert '65 & Madonna '65 Niemeier William '51 & Dorothy '51 Niemeier Bernard '56 & Mary Jane Nunning Carolyn '59 & Phil Pearce Kelly '86 & Kevin Pennington Gary '61 & Susan '62 Pierre Stephen '62 & Marcia Pledger Susan Preske '83 Thomas Preske '55 Denny & Cassie Quinn Jon '83 & Barbara '83 Raben Michael & Michele Reffett Joyce '59 & Patrick Rhoades James '89 & Kim '88 Riordan Barbara '64 & Roy Ritzert Rosella '52 & William Rust Alan '85 & Angie Schaffstein Rev. Eugene Schmitt Lindsay L. Schmitt ‘01* Martha Schmitt '55 Judith '79 & Jeffrey Schneider Keith Schnur '78 Dustin '05 & Sarah Slaton Suzanne '62 & Rudy Stieler Doris '68 & Homer Taylor Allen '48 & LaVerne Tenbarge Peter '64 & Mary Tennyson Clifford '88 & Sarah '88 Wagner Holly '94 & Jeffrey Wahr Marshall '59 & Carolyn '59 Waller Matthew '75 & Pam '75 Wannemuehler


Charles '54 & Beverly Wargel Robert Waterman '72 Jay & Sue Wathen Dan Weinzapfel '75 Mark '80 & Jane '81 Weinzapfel Al & Pat Welsh Paul '88 & Natalie '88 Weis Mary Wilder '79 Francis '53 & Betty Will Thomas Woehler '57 Mr. John Villa & Stefanie Woolverton Gary '65 & Dianne '65 Wunderlich CENTURY CLUB $100-$249 Anonymous Steven '65 & Jo Lynn '68 Adams Jodi '75 & Mark Adcock Adam '00 & Abby Adler Steven '61 & Colleen Aichle Chris '76 & Susan Alcorn Mark '72 & Brenda Altstadt Lucas Angermeier '99 Jeffrey Anslinger '01 Steven '83 & Keri '86 Anslinger Julie Arafeh '76 Vicki '74 & James Austin Mary Jo '61 & Larry Bacon Ronald '65 & Karen Bacon David Baehl '58 Martha '63 & Robert Baehl Paul '58 & Sylvia '63 Baehl Jane '80 & James Balbach Jeri '60 & Richard Barchet William '60 & Kathleen '61 Barthel Edgar '65 & Joan Bassemier Eugene '62 & Mary '63 Baumgart Mariann Baumgartner '58 Dan Becker Katelyn '09 & Nick Behrman Susan '78 & Mark Best Lawrence Blankenberger '74 Melanie '91 & Jerry Blanton Jacob '00 & Carrie '00 Boehman Kimberly '88 & Scott Bonnell Erin '78 & Richard Born James Borries '67 Patricia Borst '65 Wayne '66 & Vicki Botzum David & Sharon Brantley Stephen '62 & Peggy Braun Daniel '61 & Mary Breidenbach Kathy '70 & John Brendel Amy '84 & John Brennan Roger '63 & Judith Brown Ronald Brown '58 Ronald '52 & Pat Browning Cindy Brush Jeffrey '77 & Terry Buckman Anna '57 & Jerry Burdette Donna Helfrich-Busan '76


Justin '56 & Shirley '59 Clements Calvin Clements '06 Amy '88 & Jeff Collins Susan '57 & William Collins Carolyn '54 & Edward Combs Thomas Cook '66 Molly Couture '05 Richard & Emma Jean Couture Terry Crane '56 Robert Dale Susan Delay '86 Melanie '95 & Brian Denning Patti '71 & Dennis DeWet James '73 & Judith '73 Dewig Thomas Dick t '54 Bridget '89 & Randy Dickerson Judith Dickman '65 Joyce '64 & Joe Dilembo Joseph '63 & Diana '64 Dippel Norma '54 & Bob Duncan Rita Eades '52 John & Ann East Jacob '08 & Jessie '08 Edwards Charles & Anita Eickhoff Ronald & Denise Eickhoff Steven '73 & Shawn Eickhoff El Charro Mexican Restaurant Robert '58 & Sally '59 Elfreich Stanton '65 & Shirley Elfreich Sara Ellert '77 Craig '92 & Laura '92 Elpers Francis Elpers '60 Greg '92 & Abby Elpers Jane '81 & Michael Elpers Kathleen '65 & Flavien Elpers Kenneth & Barbara Elpers Rita Elpers '57 James & Kristie Elsner Suzanne '60 & Roger Emge Ronald '63 & Myrtle Englert Expressway Automotive Family Nichole '97 & Caleb Eyer Lisa '96 & Kevin '95 Farmer James '70 & Carol Fechtmeister David '63 & Elizabeth Fehrenbacher Mark '70 & Deborah Fehrenbacher Richard '64 & Judy '63 Fehrenbacher Alan '64 & Norma Feldhaus Dennis '70 & Scarlett '70 Feldhaus Joseph '70 & Donna '70 Fischer Richard '80 & Sara '81 Fischer J.D. Fleck '84 '84 Michele '79 & Donald Fleming* Natalie Fleming '06 Betsy '70 & James Flynn Eric '92 & Jennifer '93 Folz George Folz '61 Linda '70 & Michael Folz Ronald '77 & Beth Ann Folz Thomas '56 & Delores '56 Folz

Delaine Foote Rosemary Freeman Robert '56 & Martha Froehle Allison '02 & Adam Frounfelter Allison '05 & Keith Garrard Cyril '58 & Barb Gerteisen Brian '92 & Aimee Gerth Kim & Rose Gerth Julie Gilles '75 Chris '85 & Jeanene '85 Goebel Gary '72 & Cynthia '73 Goebel John Goebel '87 Kurtis '08 & Jessica Goebel Ronald '63 & Vella Goebel Steven '70 & Alice Goebel Tony '68 & Zetta Goebel Gina Goedde '93 Michael '80 & Soozie Goedde Michael '78 & Melissa Gossman Amy '87 & Carl Graff Richard '55 & Patricia '55 Grannan Nadine '61 & Thomas Grant Katherine '04 & Jason Gretler* Barbara Griepenstroh '75 Donald '63 & Margaret Gries Kevin '93 & Rachel Gries Kathleen '67 & Richard Griese Mark '65 & Evelyn '66 Guetling Dean & Tonya Haas Doris Haase '63 Eileen Haase '60 Daryl & Jill Hagan David '58 & Gloria '61 Halbig Donald '56 & Paula Haller Larry '59 & Carol '60 Haller Jason '90 & Rebekah Hamilton John '69 & Donna Hamilton Thomas '56 & Jennifer Hamilton Richard & Connie Harpenau Ann '85 & Chris Harper David '61 & Catherine '64 Hartmann Gerald t '62 & Judith '63 Hartmann Marjorie Hartmann '63 Keith '77 & Barbara '79 Hartz Patricia Hartz '59 Clare '82 & Lynn '82 Hassler Joseph '56 & Sandra '63 Hatfield James '65 & Arlene Hausmann William Hausmann '66 Yvonne '60 & Ray Hausmann Jeffrey '76 & Donna Hayden Patrick '59 & Nina Heil Stephen '70 & Beverly '68 Helfert Delores Helfrich-Schroeder '50 Gary '64 & Dianne Herrmann Jacob '05 & Katherine '05 Herrmann Mallory '07 & Kyle '07 Hertel Francie '62 & Ronald Hess Michael '65 & Phyllis Higdon Shannon '91 & Jeremy Hile

David Hisch '99 Robert '66 & Amy '72 Hisch Donna Hoffman-Anspach '69 & Larry Anspach Mary Jane '52 & Donald Holmes Daniel '62 & Rosemarie '66 Horstman Dolores Hupfer Scott & Diana Hurt Patricia '51 & Robert Jackson Walter '58 & Dolores Jankowski Richard Jarboe '61 Harold Jenkins '60 Ronald '66 & Alice Jenkins Jerry David Enterprise Inc. David '58 & Ann Johns Ann '66 & John Johnston Lloyd '51 & Joan Jost Wilma '55 & Todd Kain Kathy '69 & Frank Kanowsky Danny '67 & Linda '68 Kares Eric '00 & Kristen Kassenbrock Neil '98 & Jessica '00 Kassenbrock Kristina '04 & Justin Strohmeyer Paul Kelsey '68 Michael '79 & Jennifer Kempf Howard & Jane Ann Kiefer John Kiefer '00* Jeremy '97 & Libby '97 Kiesel Joseph Kiesler '03 Jack '58 & Carole '60 Kinsler Jerome '70 & Mary Jo '70 Kirchoff Dolores Kirk '53 Hannah '07 & Mark Kirkman Carol '60 & Harvey Klenck Brian Knapp '97 Mary '58 & William Knapp Darin '85 & Marti '90 Knight Nicholas '97 & Jennifer '97 Knight Robert '56 & Carolyn Koch Allen & Lori Koester Joseph '81 & Susan Kohut Michael '74 & Rendie Koressel Norman Krack '72 Timothy '74 & Michelle '76 Krack Kenneth & Charlene Kraft Rev. Philip J Kreilein Carolyn Kuhn '57 Barbara Lamble '66 Frederick '68 & Carolyn '68 Lamble Rick '88 & Jennifer '90 Lamble Elizabeth Lane '55 Daniel '77 & Katie Lappe David '03 & Kristen Lappe Michael '67 & Carol '68 Laymon Thomas '60 t & Mary Kay '62 Lehman Robert 0 & Gail Lehr Roger Lehr '53 Charles '51 & Barbara '61 Lindenschmidt Matthew Loehrlein '06 Susan '87 & Joseph Loftus

Stephen '60 & Judith Logel Daniel '80 & Barbara Lomax Jacquelyn London '67 John '55 & Rachel Lorber William '59 & Jeanie Luigs Susan '72 & Joel Lutz Natalie Maasberg '94 Glenn '66 & Norwanda Macke William E. Macke t Margie Madigan '55 John '59 & Ruby Manger Judi DeMarco Marr Cheryl Martin '65 Daniel Martin '05 Suzanna '70 & Melvin Martin Timothy '83 & Barbara '83 Martin Christopher '03 & Niki (Render) Marx ‘05 Mater Dei Class of 1956 Mater Dei Football Coaches Kathleen '85 & David Mathew Nancy '61 & Stephen Mattingly Duane '92 & Emily Maurer Bernard A. Mayer, Sr. '52 Virgil Mayer '51 Jim & Mary McDonald Joyce McDurmon '65 MD Class of 1962 Adam '02 & Melissa '03 Merkel Gene Mesker '76 Laura Mesker '06 Ronald Mesker '64 Joyce '68 & Ronald Messersmith Francis Miller, Sr. '41 Richard Miller '70 Robert '62 & Jane Miller Karen '69 & Mike Mischel Kevin '79 & Lee Anne Mischler Spiro B. Mitsos John '72 & Joyce '74 Moers Alison '74 & Anthony Moore Barbara '67 & Thomas Moore Donald '68 & Janie '68 Moore Stephen '65 & Rita '66 Moore Harold '57 & Janice Morris Tony & Debbie Morrow Philip Lieberman Larry '73 & Beth '73 Muensterman Erica '04 & Jeff Mychaskiw Christopher Naas '86 Carol '74 & Robert Neisen Charles '53 & Joan Niemeier Dennis R. Niemeier Jeffry '78 & Cheryl Niemeier Katie '08 & Brad '08 Niemeier Richard '83 & Tracy Niemeier Stephen '65 & Stephanie Niemeier Todd '91 & Babs Niemeier Constance '71 & Jerry Nord Patricia Miller Novack '59 David '66 & Carol Nurrenbern

Roger '96 & Katie Nurrenbern Karen Sue '70 & William O'Bryan James Ochs t '50 Sue '59 & Don Ochsner Margie '52 & Harold Orman Michael & Debra Pellant George Pfister '66 Jordan '07 & Jenna ‘07 Phelps Timothy '00 & Nicole Pigman Martha '54 & Wayne Pokorney Brandon '01 & Emily Porter George '65 & Betty '64 Postletheweight Gerry '59 & Linda Powell LeRoy Prange '58 Marvin '53 & Ann Preske Otto '59 & Joann '60 Preske Bradley '93 & Meredith Raben C. Phillip '68 & Sandy '69 Raben James '80 & Judi Raben Cheryl '63 & Joseph Raleigh Keith '91 & Jocelyn '88 Rawley Angela Reckelhoff '99 Michael & Mary Reese Marilyn Reibel '56 William '54 & Yvonne Reine Keith '85 & Lisa '88 Reising Martha Reising '09 Paul '80 & Cecilia Reising Russell '74 & Carol '74 Reising Charlotte Reisinger '89 & Jeremy Klueg Daniel '66 & Ruth Reisinger R. Joseph '61 & Barbara Rettig Allen '67 & Barbara '67 Rexing Carl '60 & Betty Rexing Rita '65 & Kenneth '65 Rexing Russell Rexing Robert '59 & Linda '59 Rheinlander Bernard Rietman '67 Donna Rode '67 Sheila Schroeder '63 Rose Rogge Donald '62 & Patricia Rupprecht Linda '80 & Robert Russell Bob '58 & Mary Lue '58 Russler Stephen Sanford '59 Charlene Scales '53 Greg '98 & Kristi '97 Schaefer Aaron '92 & Kelle Schapker David Schapker '74 Herman '54 & Carolyn Schapker Arthur '58 & Donna Scheller Jim & Martha Scheller Richard '59 & Mary Scheller Edward Schemel '60 Daniel & Kathy Schenk Kathy '70 & Daniel Schenk Kenneth '75 & Beth Schenk Matthew Schenk '97 Phyllis '59 & Carl Schenk Richard Schenk '52


Theodore & Tonya Schenk Timothy '77 & Karen '77 Schenk Lawrence '80 & Shannon Schentrup Mark '76 & Mary Ann '76 Schentrup Evelyn Schickel '55 A. John '64 & Diana Schiff Jacob '02 & Katie Schiff Mark '76 & Julia Schiff Jeffrey D. Schlichting '90 Kendal '08 & Jason Schmidt Carl Schmitt '79 Danny '64 & Janice Schmitt Linda Schmitt '62 Albert '01 & Lindsay '01 Schmitt David '71 & Sandra Schmitt Ryan '06 & Leslie '06 Schnarre Karen '91 & Thomas Schneider Peggy '55 & Theodore Sr. Schneider Peggie Schnur '55 Rev. Eugene Schroeder James '95 & Amy '96 Schroeder James '71 & Kris Schroeder John '78 & Tamara '80 Schroeder Vincent '80 & Julia '82 Schu Tina '71 & David '71 Schutte Sherilyn '80 & Donald Scott Curtis '55 & Judith '56 Seib Gerald '59 & Patricia '68 Seib Mark '85 & Sarah '85 Seng Angela '78 & Richard Short Beau Shumate '93 Randy & Jeannine Shumate Catherine Siemers '45 Christopher '66 & Janet '67 Siemers Kayley Simmons '06 Angela '73 & David Skogen Frank Smith Eugene '62 & Janet '64 Spahn Francis & Hilda Spahn Tracy Sparks '76 St. Vincent Wellness Center Donald '56 & Betty '60 Steckler Harold '52 & Delores Steckler Edward '63 & Rita Steinkamp Brianna '97 & Charlie Stevens Phillip '91 & Kiersten '94 Stolz Ruth Ann '66 & Michael Stonecipher Sharon '72 & Michael Strader Stephen '58 & Mary '60 Sullivan Rev. Theodore Tempel Joseph '78 & Chris Tenbarge Patricia '72 & Kenneth Tenbarge Christine Thompson '85 Gail '58 & Daniel Titzer Dan '60 & Katie '60 Townsend Daniel Townsend '93 James '92 & Cynthia Townsend Rev. Bill Traylor Matthew Ubelhor '86 Shirley '59 & Raymond Ubelhor


Melissa '93 & Kiley '90 VanBibber Daniel & Beth Vaughn Benjamin '01 & Katie Verkamp Kathryn '70 & Thomas Verkamp Nathan '96 & Ruth Vogt William '74 & Margaret Vogt Benjamin '86 & Marie '86 Wagner Gerald & Myra Walker Gil '56 & Rita Wannemuehler Kathleen Wannemuehler '85 Sydney Wannemuehler '11 Daniel '83 & Susan Wannemueller John Wargel '61 Karen Wargel '80 Katelyn Wargel Richard Wargel '65 Katherine Weber Joe & Kathleen Weber Stanley '67 & Mary Jane '71 Weber Theresa '79 & David Weber William Weber '53 Betty Weinzapfel '58 Jake Weinzapfel '06 Nathan Weinzapfel '03 Robert '56 & Mary Ann '57 Weinzapfel Thomas Weinzapfel '57 Paul ’88 & Natalie ’88 Weis* Vernette Weis Diane Weiss-Altstadt '67 Christopher '87 & Michelle Welsh Joel '01 & Carly Werner Mark '75 & Annette Werner Steven '73 & Rebecca Whitman Jamie Wicks '87 Christopher Wildeman '81 Kathryn Wildeman '12 Melvin & Jacki Wildeman Michele '74 & Jeffrey Wildeman Chris '76 & Patricia '79 Will Kimberly '02 & Joshua Willett Martha Wilson '58 Curt & Connie Winiger Gary '78 & Janet '78 Wink Ron & Mary Ellen Wire Janet '66 & Paul Witmeier* Kathleen '66 & Robert Wittgen Judith '67 & Stanley Wohadlo Gerald '72 & Susan '73 Wolf J. Michael '60 & Jo Ann Wolf Beth '87 & Gary Woodruff Elijah Younger Ziemer Funeral Home, Inc. Todd '02 & Amber '02 Zimmer ANNIVERSARY PARTNERS $67-$99 William '79 & Jennifer Bartek Ryan Bassemier '10 Earl '62 & Claudette '63 Becher Beverly Behme '59 Robert '53 & Colleen '57 Behme

John & Diane Bender Lesley '87 & Jeffrey Bertrand Mary Kay Boes '62 Jerome '65 & Jonna '67 Brenner Margaret Carlson '64 Terry '67 & Sharon '67 Carlton Gloria Carter '51 Theresa Chapman '71 Janet Bauer-Correa '75 Linda Denstorff '73 Matthew Dickerson '09 Patricia '55 & Marvin Egbert Richard '70 & Diane Elpers David Fechtmeister '62 Lisa '91 & John Forzley Haley '02 & Derek Fritts Leonard Gansman '52 Jeanette Hartmann '55 Herman '53 & Judy Hartweck Judith '63 & John Hatfield Kevin '87 & Judy Hausmann Francis '62 & Sandra Hertel Donald '64 & Carolyn '64 Hutchison Martin '60 & Susan Hutchison Velva Kaffenberger Thomas '67 & Linda '67 Knapp Richard & Debbie Knight Charles '69 & Deborah Koressel Ruby Koressel '53 Martha '60 & Fred Kuester Karen '73 & Larry Lukeman Joyce Macke '69 Stanley '85 & Lisa Memmer Bertha Michelini '53 Russell '74 & Kathy Miller James '60 & Barbara Mosby Sharon '69 & Stephen Muensterman Brent '88 & Tricia Neitzke Lauralee '74 & David Paulson Stephen '62 & Judy '62 Reisinger LaChere '85 & David Rexing Chad Sandwell Jerome Schapker '58 Jacob '10 & Sara '10 Scheu Elaine Schmits '56 Ann Schneider '56 Amy '96 & James '95 Schroeder David Stocker '82 Mary Lou '72 & Robert Swinger Brian Thompson Kathleen '56 & Jerry Thompson Eugene '62 & Eva Weber Robert Weber '53 Ali Weinzapfel '11 Jack Weinzapfel '13 Thomas '71 & Carla Wildeman David '80 & Sue Wildemann Dennis '68 & Pamela Wilderman Philip '85 & Deborah Will Cynthia '66 & Max Williams

Michael Wolf '67 PATRONS $11-$66 Leonard '60 & Carolyn '60 Adams Claire Alvey '12 Leo '62 & Marian '63 Alvey Diane Angermeier '63 Jane '71 & Thomas Antes Darlene '69 & Randall Appler Penny Appler '06 Janis Arvin '56 Nicholas Austin '01 Carolyn '63 & Terry Bailey June Baker Theresa '77 & Dan Barnes Karen Barnes-Ellis '73 Paul Barron '77 Margaret Basden '51 Joseph '82 & Mary Bassemier Nick '01 & Melissa '03 Beach Joseph '85 & Theresa '86 Berendes Joseph Berendes Mary Berendes '54 Rev. Kenneth Betz Diane Bies Richard '64 & Mary Bippus Jason '91 & Cathy Black Rev. John L. Boeglin Brittney Bohleber-Schenk '06 Russell '67 & Mary '68 Borst J. Timothy '65 & Sharon '66 Bradley Charlene '59 & James Braker Bix & Claudette Branson David Brenner '63 George Brenner '69 Ronald '71 & Debbie '71 Brenner Karen '69 & Wayne Breunig Sarah '06 & Anthony Brian Mary '67 & Thomas Brown John '72 & Susan Browning Brett Bueltel '08 & Sara ‘08 Diane '72 & Thomas Buskavitz Wilfred '74 & Phyllis Bussing James '69 & Jean Butler Sr. Ann Marie Butler Faith '10 & BJ Byland Kelsey '03 & Chris Calderone Ann '07 & Tyler Carlisle Norma '57 & Robert Carp Lynda '61 & Welby Carpenter Mary '50 & Donald Carter Eric '62 & Myrrl Choate Tony Colvin '77 Matthew '02 & Lesa Conkling Donald & Joan Cooper Alan & Leigh Ann Costlow Matthew '05 & Audrey '05 Coughlin Betty '70 & David Cummings Brian & Jane Dausman Clara David '54 Jenna Denstorff '05

Daniel '76 & Julie '76 DeVillez Rose '73 & David DeWitt Brianna Dickerson '12 Dianne C. Diekhoff Brenda Boswell Diggs '58 Brenda & Dan Donofrio Rebecca '74 & Phillip Dosher James '48 & Rosalie Dunkel Margaret '59 & Merel Effinger Julie Eickhoff '78 Madelyn Eickhoff '53 Michael '67 & Helen Ellert Craig '93 & Amy Epley Kathy & David Esche Judy Eskew '56 Carol '68 & Joseph Fallen Andrea Fehrenbacher '95 Lori Fehrenbacher '83 Norma Jean Fischer '62 Sara Flittner Lisa '75 & Phillip Fleming Norbert '56 & Barbara '62 Flittner Gene '61 & Elizabeth Folz Hank '63 & Sherry Folz Walter '50 & Betty Folz Harold Forche '47 Ashton Forzley '15 Steven '72 & Marcia '72 Frey Roberta Gibbs '63 Bill & Melissa Gillenwater Aubrey Goebel ‘13 Michael '70 & Melanie Goebel Nolan Goebel '14 Annette '53 & Marvin Goedde Leslie & Adam Goth Eugene '61 & Susan Gries Reid '08 & Lauren ‘07 Gossman Allison '97 & Ryan Hagan John & Donna Halverson Dean '84 & Laura Happe Mitch '00 & Amanda Happe Patricia '74 & Robert Harding Lisa Harper '80 Leslie '88 & Greg Harris Paul '60 & Bonnie '60 Hartmann Glen '57 & Rose Hartweck Betty Hartz '52 Susan Hawes '64 Lucille & Robert Hayden t Randy '73 & Rebecca '74 Helfrich Sr. Donna Marie Herr Joe '91 & Kalyn Herrmann Carmen Hertel ‘19 Christopher Hertel '85 Randy '80 & Kimberly Hertel John & Jane Hodge Thomas '69 & Nancy Horstman Jeffrey & Connie Huff Holden Hunt '17 Rita Hunter '68

Margaret '09 & Max Carnahan Melanie '89 & Gary Jarrell Jacqueline '60 & Timothy Jarvis Debbie Jochim '76 Karen Johnson '77 Edward Johnstone Chester '59 & Patricia '59 Jost Craig & Kathaleen Kelle Eugene Kempf '60 M. Todd Kempf '83 & Sally '83 Reising-Kempf Jeannie Kiesel '87 Louise '66 & Robert Kiesler Wayne '58 & Janice '59 Killian Susan Kirsch '63 Carol Kissinger Jerome '68 & Judith '68 Knapp Lisa Koester '75 David '66 & Linda '66 Koressel Robert '50 & Carolyn Koressel Scott '05 & Ashley Koressel Kyle Kraft '04 Tia Krupp '01 Cara Kuester '10 Michaela Kunkler '17 William & Julia Kunkler Carol Lantaff '57 Derek '06 & Jenna Lappe Becky '63 & Larry Larson Benjamin '06 & Kathryn Lasher Daniel '76 & Mary Ruth Lasher Judy Leahy Edward & Tina Learned Kathryn '76 & Philip Lemond Beth '78 & David Lindauer Theresa Lintzenich '72 Frances Lively '54 Bernette '60 & Jon Locklar Ron '72 & Sara '73 Luigs Larry '56 & Mary '56 Lutz Jeanette '52 & John Macke Lori '81 & Jon Mandel Kathleen '54 & Donald Marrs Gregory '08 & Amy '08 Marshall Shirley Martin Daley '57 Dorothy '52 & Albert Martin John '64 & Cathy Martin Dolores '61 & Daniel Masterson Mater Dei Class of 1967 Joseph May '52 Terri McBride '74 Carol McClintock Sr. Jane Michele McClure '67 Donna McDonald '73 Laura '04 & Brendan McKenzie MD Class of 1956 Jane '76 & Ken Medlin Tom Memmer '60 Connie Mesker Kenneth '71 & Jeanne '79 Mesker


Linda Mesker '66 Kurt '97 & Shanna '97 Messersmith Donald Metzler '54 Bucky Mieras '87 Spencer "Buzz" Mieras '86 Jeffrey '84 & Elaine '84 Mischler Joseph '82 & Rebecca Mischler Wynn & Joe Mitchell Melinda Moats '85 Beth '00 & Michael Mohr Michael Moore '62 Michael C. Moran '89 Carolyn Mueller '56 Jerome '79 & Cynthia '76 Muensterman Joe '80 & Karen Muensterman Matthew '91 & Angela '93 Mulherin Bernita Muller t '56 Amy Mullins Barbara Muth '61 Bill & Tracy Norman Andrew Nurrenbern '04 Christine Page Julia '58 & Joseph Payne Mary '03 & Jason Peckenpaugh Helen '60 & Walt Perkins Mindy Perkins '93 & Rocky Peppers Sheri '83 & Todd Powers Nancy '75 & Raymond Pritchett Beatrice Purcell '61 Karen Reibel '79 Teresa '76 & Norman Reibold Natalie '88 & Jon Reidford David '66 & Kathy Reising Robert '68 & Michele Reisinger Jo Ann Reitz '64 Wilbur Rembold '51 Anthony '73 & Cynthia '73 Richardt Patrick '64 & Kay Riley Ruth '61 & David Ritzert Paul '78 & Kelly Rivard Norma Sue Rode '54 Gabriel Rohleder '15 Sophia Rohleder '17 John '61 & Linda '64 Rollett Robert '55 & Mary Rollett Robin '06 & Tyler Rosbrugh Sara '03 & Patrick Rowan Leann '82 & Chad Sander Mary '62 & Robert Sayle Larry & Margaret Schank Scott Schapker '06 Steven '76 & Janet '77 Schapker Betty Sue Scheller '54 Theresa Scheller '11 Tony '64 & Alma Scheller Chadwick '97 & Julia Schenk Patricia '64 & Albert '63 Scheu William & M. J. Schlimmer Judy Schmidt Albert C. Schmitt '70


Brooke Schmitt '10 Lawrence '52 & Norma Schmitt Lisa '80 & Wilfred Schmitt Robert & Lois Schmitt Diana '83 & Scott Schoettlin Rachelle '97 & Greg Schowe Hunter Schuler '11 Jeffrey '86 & Carrie Schuler Daniel '04 & Kristi '04 Schuster Kristi '04 & Dan Schuster Jennifer '03 & Curt Seib Phil & Jill Seiler Steven '70 & Rosie '70 Sitzman Ervin '52 & Rosemary '54 Spahn Brandy Sparks '04 Thomas '82 & Teresa Spindler Kenneth Springer '68 Angela St. Clair St. Philip Men's Club David Steinkamp '65 Joseph '84 & Joni Steinkamp Amanda Stock Eric & Melissa Stockton Eric Stoltz '04 James '59 & Mary Stroud Terry '71 & Angela Stumpf Julie '85 & Brett Swihart Andrew '06 & Alivia '06 Tekoppel Sarah '94 & Marvin Tempel Amy TenBarge '82 Daniel '80 & Carla Tenbarge Dava '85 & Robert Tenbarge Tony '64 & Teresa Tenhumberg Harold Tepool '70 Stephanie Thiel '70 Greg Thomas Sharon Thompson '65 James '61 & Nancy Thorbecke Brandy Titzer James '66 & Margaret Tomes Michael '65 & Mary Jo '67 Townsend Stacey '94 & Eric '91 Turner Kelly '86 & Richard Ubelhor Amy '85 & Daniel Vaughn Carl & Jean Voegel Lindsey Wagner '03 Georgia Wallar '56 Buffy & David '83 Wannemuehler James '53 & Bonnie Wannemuehler Larry '57 & Linda '59 Wannemuehler Wilfred '55 & Anna Wannemueller Nicole '86 & Bryan Webb Matthew '00 & Crystal Weber Timothy '05 & Sarah Weber Eugene '49 & Nancy Weinzapfel Leo Weinzapfel '52 Leroy '62 & Diane Weinzapfel Donald '61 & Alice '63 Weis Rose Weiss Larry Werner '77

Diana L. Wheeler-Wilson Abigail & Zach Whicker Kristine '01 & Drew Widener Eric Wildeman '12 Kurt '97 & Erin Wildeman Louis '72 & Margaret Wildeman Nathan '01 & Jessica Wildeman Eugene Wilderman '59 Trechia Wilkins '60 Irma '60 & Martin Will Larry Will '65 Howard & Cathy Williams Stephen & Sharon Willis Gregory & Roseann Wilson Kathleen '69 & Kenneth Wolf Tina '74 & Joseph Wright Megan Wright '04 Angela '87 & Reggie Wulff Pamela Zahorik/Fennell Daniel '63 & Mary Ann Zenthoefer Rev. Ronald Zgunda Sarah '07 & Scott Zigrye WILDCAT CLASS $1-$10 Adam Berendes '13 Laura Berendes '14 James Eickhoff '45 Richard '69 & Pauline Elpers Jeremy Goebel '06 Neil '10 & Lauren ‘10 Hammelman Cynthia Helfrich Linda Hertel Anne Marx '57 Angela '87 & Douglas Maynard Carmen Periard '59 Joseph E. Peruski John & Sylvia Reckelhoff Rachel Rexing '10 Lauren Risley '13 Olivia A. Schapker-Hall '51 Christopher '89 & Jane Scheu Mary Jane '50 & James Schroeder Patty Scruggs Juan R. Viego Doris Wahl '59 Molly Weber Nathan Wright '13

Rose (Brenner) Breivogel Patricia A. (Wolf) Egbert Rita (Patry) Eykamp Patricia A. (Happel) Grannan Richard Grannan Jeanette M. (Weinzapfel) Hartmann Wilma (Rexing) Kain John E. Kern Rose M. Kuhn Elizabeth A. Lane John J. Lorber Margie L. (Hamilton) Madigan *Indicates donors whose contributions were matched by their companies. Joan B. (Berendes) Niemeier Thomas L. Niemeier +Indicates donor is deceased. Thomas J. Preske John W. Rebstock Ervin J. Spahn Class of '50 Robert L. Rollett Harold Steckler Class Chair: Marlene (Singer) Weaver Evelyn (Koester) Schickel Leo Weinzapfel Participation: 18% Martha A. (Weinzapfel) Schmitt Class of '53 Total Dollars: $2,930 Peggy (Reynolds) Schneider Class Chair: Annette (Wannemuehler) Mary A. (Reising) Carter Ronald J. Schnepper Goedde Walter C. Folz Peggie (Minnette) Schnur Participation: 19 % Delores (Weinzapfel) Helfrich-Schroeder Curtis R. Seib Total Dollars: $1,210 Barbara G. (Goebel) Kent Wilfred J. Wannemueller Robert J. Behme James Ochs Al Weinzapfel Madelyn N. (Nunning) Eickhoff Betty Joan (Martin) Preske Darlene (Berendes) Weinzapfel Annette (Wannemuehler) Goedde Richard Preske Class of '56 Sylvia (Niemeier) Gossman Mary Jane (Scheller) Schroeder Class Chair: Ann (Rollett) Schneider Herman Hartweck Marlene M. (Singer) Weaver Participation: 18% Dolores (Martin) Kirk Class of '51 Total Dollars: $5,000 Ruby (Seib) Koressel Class Chair: Eileen (Berendes) Will Janis (Killian) Arvin Roger W. Lehr Participation: 24% Larry Breivogel Bertha C. (Bauer) Michelini Total Dollars: $3,479 C. Justin Clements Charles F. Niemeier Margaret (Nunning) Basden Terry J. Crane Marvin Preske Gloria F. (Heneisen) Carter Judy A. (Knapp) Eskew Charlene M. Scales Harold (Nick) Gossman Norbert Flittner James H. Wannemuehler Rita M. (Schenk) Helfrich Delores A. (Krack) Folz Robert H. Weber Patricia (Steckler) Jackson Thomas G. Folz William Weber Charles J. Lindenschmidt Robert J. Froehle Class of '54 Virgil Mayer Donald Haller Class Chair: Norma (Simpson) Duncan Dorothy E. (Hertel) Niemeier Thomas W. Hamilton Participation: 14% William G. Niemeier Joseph L. Hatfield Total Dollars: $4,107 Wilbur Rembold Robert J. Koch Mary M. (Busch) Berendes Helen (Folz) Weinzapfel * Robert L. Koch Carolyn J. (Winiger) Combs Eileen H. (Berendes) Will Larry E. Lutz Clara M. (Nurrenbern) David Class of '52 Mary L. (Toelle) Lutz Thomas Dick Class Chair: Doris (Mayer) Dewig Carolyn A. (Schmitt) Mueller Norma A. (Simpson) Duncan Participation: 24% Bernita (Belcher) Muller Harold Kempf Total Dollars: $1,559 Bernard C. Nunning Frances (Russler) Lively Ronald K. Browning Marilyn (Bumb) Reibel Kathleen R. (Miller) Marrs Doris J. (Mayer) Dewig Elaine (Weber) Schmits Donald C. Metzler Rita A. (Jarvis) Eades Ann C. (Rollett) Schneider Martha L. (Becker) Pokorney Leonard J. Gansman Jr. Judith F. (Blackman) Seib William Reine Betty M. (Kempf) Hartz Donald Steckler Herman Jim Schapker Mary Jane (Elsner) Holmes Kathleen Thompson Rosemary (Wildeman) Spahn Joseph F. May Robert Wagner Charles A. Wargel Bernard A. Mayer Sr. Georgia Wallar Class of '55 Margie (Rollett) Orman Gil Wannemuehler Class Chair: Joan (Berendes) Niemeier Rosella M. (Goebel) Rust Robert Weinzapfel Participation: 18% Richard L. Schenk Total Dollars: $6,219 Lawrence E. Schmitt


Class of '57 Class Chair: Bob Weber Participation: 14% Total Dollars: $2,395 Anna M. (Muensterman) Burdette Norma R. (Folz) Carp Susan (Pike) Collins Rita A. (Rettig) Elpers Robert G. Hamilton Glen J. Hartweck Carolyn S. Kuhn Carol (Goebel) Lantaff Shirley (Martin) Daley Anne Marie Marx Harold Morris Richard E. Seib Larry J. Wannemuehler Robert A. Weber Mary Ann (Folz) Weinzapfel Thomas H. Weinzapfel Carol Witmeier Thomas Woehler Class of '58 Class Chair: Paul Baehl Participation: 15% Total Dollars: $6,055 David W. Baehl Paul L. Baehl Mariann Baumgartner Mary Jane (Gries) Bradley Ronald Brown Brenda (Boswell) Diggs Robert O. Elfreich Cyril T. Gerteisen Dale F. Hillenbrand John G. Hoos Walter Jankowski Jr. Wayne L. Killian Jack Kinsler Mary J. (Wannemuehler) Knapp Nancy S. (Berendes) Knowles Mary Kay (Koch) Muehlbauer Julia A. (Blaser) Payne LeRoy F. Prange Mary Lue (Neale) Russler Robert S. Russler Jerome E. Schapker Arthur Scheller D. Stephen Sullivan Gail L. (Brack) Titzer Betty (Flamion) Weinzapfel Martha K. (Moers) Wilson Class of '59 Class Chair: Edward Knapp, Lawrence Kremer, Daniel Norman, Stephen Sanford Participation: 17% Total Dollars: $13,240 Beverly M. (Raley) Behme Charlene C. (Schultheis) Braker Shirley M. (Adler) Clements


Margaret (Tenhumberg) Effinger Sally A. (Moser) Elfreich Larry R. Haller John M. Hamilton Patricia L. (Kokie) Hartz G. Patrick Heil Ronald Hollander Chester Jost Patricia (Fitzsimmons) Jost Janice M. (Ziegler) Killian Edward R. Knapp Lawrence Kremer William L. Luigs John A. Manger Donald L. Mayer Janice (Richardt) Morris Patricia J. (Miller) Novack Sue Ellen (Hosick) Ochsner Carolyn J. (Hayden) Pearce Carmen (Brace) Periard Gerald Powell Otto Preske Linda (Behme) Rheinlander Robert E. Rheinlander Joyce A. (Goebel) Rhoades Stephen G. Sanford Richard E. Scheller Phyllis (Brown) Schenk Emilie C. (Hollingsworth) Seib Gerald W. Seib James E. Stroud Shirley (Diehl) Ubelhor Doris (Hollander) Wahl Carolyn (Greminger) Waller Marshall Waller Linda L. (Schmitt) Wannemuehler Eugene Wilderman Class of '60 Class Chair: Judy (Seibert) Knapp Participation: 18% Total Dollars: $16,861 Carolyn R. (Knapp) Adams Leonard R. Adams Kenneth Adler Jeri A. (French) Barchet William J. Barthel Cherie (Berendes) Berendes Maurice J. Berendes Larry J. Boots, Sr. John "Jack" Corn Francis P. Elpers Suzanne (Eberhard) Emge John Emrich David E. Gerteisen Jerry Gries Pamela (Heathcotte) Gries Judy (Eisterhold) Griffin Eileen (Will) Haase Carol L. (Nurrenbern) Haller Bonnie (Fehrenbacher) Hartmann Paul A. Hartmann

Yvonne G. (Goebel) Hausmann Martin S. Hutchison Jacqueline A. (Rauck) Jarvis Harold L. Jenkins Ted Kares Eugene Kempf Carole (Zeggling) Kinsler Clarence F. Kirby Carol R. (Fehrenbacher) Klenck Judy (Seibert) Knapp DiAnne (Stevens) Kremer Martha J. (Conen) Kuester JoAnn (Bruce) Layman Thomas D. LehmanÂ… Bernette (Wildeman) Locklar Stephen A. Logel Shirley (Kuester) McDowell Tom Memmer James E. Mosby Helen (Feulner) Perkins Jo Ann (Koressel) Preske Carl Rexing Edward J. Schemel Leroy Schenk Betty (Wink) Steckler Mary E. (Thompson) Sullivan Dan Townsend Mary Kay "Katie" (Miller) Townsend Carol (Jost) Wagner Trechia (Mohr) Wilkins Irma (Schapker) Will J. Michael Wolf Class of '61 Class Chair: Gary Pierre Participation: 12% Total Dollars: $2,392 Steven Aichle Mary Jo (Folz) Bacon Jo Marie (Wolf) Charlson Stephen F. Charlson Gene T. Folz George E. Folz Nadine (Schultheis) Grant Eugene P. Gries Gloria (Powell) Halbig Donna M. (Miller) Hamilton David A. Hartmann Richard J, Jarboe Barbara S. (Tieken) Lindenschmidt Dolores E. (Rexing) Masterson Nancy (Vowels) Mattingly Barbara A. Muth Gary J. Pierre Beatrice M. (Slaughter) Purcell R. Joseph Rettig Ruth J. (Gries) Ritzert John A. Rollett James L. Thorbecke John E. Wargel James A. Weinzapfel Donald Weis

Class of '62 Class Chair: Mary Kay (Kunz) Lehman Participation: 18% Total Dollars: $17,243 Leo J. Alvey Eugene Baumgart Earl J. Becher Mary Kay (Clausheide) Boes Alan W. Braun* Stephen E. Braun Eric Choate David E. Fechtmeister Norma "Jean" (Goebel) Fischer Barbara (Joyce) Flittner Gerald L. HartmannÂ… Francie (Scheller) Hess Daniel Horstman Patricia A. (Morris) Krack Mary Kae (Kunz) Lehman Robert M. Miller Michael R. Moore Susan E. (Koressel) Pierre Stephen R. Pledger Barbara J. (Kolb) Price Judy A. (Boehman) Reisinger Stephen Reisinger Mary K. (Baumgart) Sayle Eugene J. Spahn Suzanne (Sursa) Stieler Eugene J. Weber Leroy F. Weinzapfel Class of '63 Class Chair: Marjorie (Wagner) Hartmann Participation: 16% Total Dollars: $2,260 Marian J. (Folz) Alvey Diane (Martin) Angermeier Martha A. (Wannemuehler) Baehl Sylvia C. (Berendes) Baehl Carolyn J. (Schreiber) Bailey Mary T. (Schenk) Baumgart Claudette M. (Allison) Becher David Brenner Roger Brown Joseph W. Dippel Ronald Englert David Fehrenbacher Judy (Kissel) Fehrenbacher Henry C. Folz Roberta (Frey) Gibbs Ronald R. Goebel Donald W. Gries Raymond A. Gries Doris (Feller) Haase Judith M. (Herrmann) Hartmann Marjorie (Wagner) Hartmann Judith A. (Schenk) Hatfield Sandra A. (Schutte) Hatfield Susan M. (Kern) Kirsch Francis L. Miller, Jr.

Cheryl (Adams) Raleigh Edward Steinkamp JoAnn (Mayer) Weber Sandra (Runau) Weinzapfel Alice (Martin) Weis Daniel Zenthoefer Class of '64 Class Chair: Ronald Angermeier Janice (Goebel) Schuble Participation: 16% Total Dollars: $25,485 Jan (Miller) Adler Ronald W. Angermeier Maurice E. Baumgart Sharon E. (Fehrenbacher) Baumgart Richard M. Bippus Virgil J. Brenner Lucia Margaret (Will) Carlson Joyce (Miller) Dilembo Diana (Stephens) Dippel W. Randolph Ellspermann Richard Fehrenbacher Alan R. Feldhaus Darlene (Folz) Goebel* Catherine (Wahnsiedler) Hartmann Susan (Brock) Hawes Gary Herrmann Carolyn (Gries) Hutchison Donald L. Hutchison Berta (Parravicini) Kares Allan C. Knapp John J. Martin Ronald Mesker Betty B. (Becher) Postletheweight Patrick M. Riley Barbara A. (Kempf) Ritzert Linda (Weil) Rollett lma (Glaser) Scheller Tony Scheller Patricia A. (Goedde) Scheu A. John Schiff Danny Schmitt Janice C. (Goebel) Schuble Janet M. (Wolf) Spahn Anthony Tenhumberg Peter J. Tennyson David R. Williamson Class of '65 Class Chair: Carol (Oliver) Goedde Participation: 19% Total Dollars: $23,935 Steven Adams Carolyn K. (Herrmann) Adler Ronald Bacon Edgar E. Bassemier Steven W. Blankenberger Thomas C. Borries Patricia Borst J. Timothy Bradley Jerome L. Brenner Judith K. (Hamilton) Dickman

Stanton Elfreich David R. Ellison Kathleen (Kennedy) Elpers Andrew E. Goebel* Carol (Oliver) Goedde Larry Goedde Janette (Duncan) Gries Mark L. Guetling Kathy (Lintzenich) Halbig James Hausmann Michael Higdon Kenneth W. King Cheryl A. Martin Joyce A. (Berendes) McDurmon Stephen D. Moore Madonna (Raben) Niemeier Norbert Niemeier Stephen H. Niemeier Kenneth R. Rexing Rita C. (Schenk) Rexing Gary Schutte David Steinkamp Sharon (Schutte) Thompson Michael Townsend Richard L. Wargel Charles Wildeman Larry Will Dianne (Hoefling) Wunderlich Gary Wunderlich Class of '66 Class Chair: Rebecca (Boots) Maier Participation: 12% Total Dollars: $5,167 Margaret A. (Bradley) Angermeier Wayne C. Botzum Sharon (Raben) Bradley Thomas M. Cook Butch Feulner Evelyn M. (Goebel) Guetling William F. Hausmann Robert R. Hisch Rosemarie (Schneider) Horstman Ronald Jenkins Ann D. (Logel) Johnston Louise A. (Spindler) Kiesler David Koressel Linda (Paul) Koressel Barbara L. Lamble JoAnn E. Laugel Glenn Macke Rebecca J. (Boots) Maier Linda Mesker Rita (Morneweg) Moore David R. Nurrenbern George M. Pfister David A. Reising Daniel A. Reisinger Christopher L. Siemers Ruth Ann (Craig) Stonecipher James Tomes Cynthia R. (Cartwright) Williams


Janet M. (Rush) Witmeier* Kathleen (Emge) Wittgen Class of '67 Class Chair: Kathleen ((Tighe) Griese, Barbara (Tevault) Moore Participation: 12% Total Dollars: $3,002 David W. Baumgart James Borries Russell A. Borst Jonna K. (Hagan) Brenner Mary A. (Helfrich) Brown Terry A. Carlton Michael P. Ellert Jane (Allen) Gerteisen Rick Gerteisen Kathleen M. (Tighe) Griese Danny Kares Linda J. (Weiss) Knapp Thomas V. Knapp Jacquelyn London Nancy A. (Morrow) Mayer Paul S. Mayer Sr. Jane Michele McClure Barbara E. (Tevault) Moore Vicki (Wolf) Moran Allen C. Rexing Barbara R. (Emge) Rexing Bernard Rietman Donna (Simon) Rode Janet (Mallory) Siemers Mary Jo (Sotolongo) Townsend Stanley K. Weber Diane Weiss-Altstadt Judith (Goedde) Wohadlo Michael J. Wolf Class of '68 Class Chair: Judy (Englert) Knapp Participation: 9% Total Dollars: $2,205 Jo Lynn (Franks) Adams Jane M. (Schenk) Baumgart Mary Jo (Hoefling) Borst Carol L. (Tenbarge) Fallen Tony Goebel Beverly A. (Underhill) Helfert Rita (Thompson) Hunter Linda (Simon) Kares Paul Kelsey Jerome Knapp Judith A. (Englert) Knapp Carolyn (Morris) Lamble Frederick Lamble Carol (Fischer) Laymon Michael H. Martin Joyce A. (Schenk) Messersmith Donald Moore Janie (Beyer) Moore C. Phillip Raben Robert F. Reisinger David W. Schmitt


Patricia (Neumann) Seib Kenneth Springer Doris J. (Paul) Taylor Dennis Wilderman Class of '69 Class Chair: Mark & Jeanne (Baumgart) Tornatta Participation: 10% Total Dollars: $2,295 Darlene (Schu) Appler George Brenner Karen S. (Hoefling) Breunig James E. Butler Richard Elpers Michael Forche John A. Hamilton Donna Hoffman-Anspach Thomas P. Horstman Paul Jourdan Kathy (Musgrave) Kanowsky Charles B. Koressel Joyce A. Macke Karen (Wilderman) Mischel Sharon (Schenk) Muensterman Sandra K. (Baechle) Raben Kathleen (Schenk) Wolf Class of '70 Class Chair: Wayne Emge, Jerome Kirchoff Participation: 15% Total Dollars: $32,754 Kathy (Koressel) Brendel Betty J. (Mesker) Cummings Richard L. Elpers Wayne C. Emge James Fechtmeister Mark W. Fehrenbacher Dennis Feldhaus Scarlett (Fehr) Feldhaus Donna M. (Herrell) Fischer Joseph W. Fischer Mary Beth (Farny) Flynn Linda (Mull) Folz Mark Freeman Ramona (Rice) Freeman Michael R. Goebel Steven E. Goebel Stephen A. Helfert Randall F. Jochim Vickie (McCallister) Kane Jerome W. Kirchoff Mary Jo (Herrmann) Kirchoff Suzanna R. (Sanderson) Martin Richard A. Miller Dennis R. Niemeier Karen Sue (Long) O'Bryan Darlene (Nix) Robinson David K. Robinson Kathy J. Schenk Albert C. Schmitt Rosie (Wolf) Sitzman

Steven Sitzman Harold E. Tepool, Jr. Stephanie (Kohut) Thiel Kathryn A. (Helfrich) Verkamp Class of '71 Class Chair: Joan (Eickhoff) Bauer, Diane (Gutzweiler) Emge Participation: 11% Total Dollars: $3,974 Charles Jack Alles Jane A. (Weinzapfel ) Antes Sherri E. Barron Joan M. (Eickhoff) Bauer* Debbie (Holland) Brenner Ronald Brenner Theresa A. (Dezember) Chapman Patti A. (Walter) DeWet Diane A. (Gutzweiler) Emge Mary Kay (Jarboe) Fehrenbacher Robert J. Fehrenbacher Nancy L. (Spahn) Fischer Robert R. Fischer Karen (Metz) Goebel Thomas U. Goebel Kenneth W. Mesker Constance (Antey) Nord Sandra (Lutz) Schmitt James P. Schroeder Tina (Alcorn) Schutte Terry Stumpf Mary Jane (Schele) Weber Thomas Wildeman Class of '72 Class Chair: Susan ((Wildeman) Lutz Participation: 12% Total Dollars: $12,265 Mark Altstadt Ira Gerard Boots Theresa L. (Seib) Boots Diane M. (Dunkel) Buskavitz Phyllis (Kruse) Corn Marcia A. (Jost) Frey Steven M. Frey Gary W. Goebel Amy E. (Conkling) Hisch Lisa V. (Vescovi) Kohl Norman Krack Theresa (Kohut) Lintzenich Ron Luigs Susan M. (Wildeman) Lutz John M. Moers Sharon (Schapker) Strader Mary Lou (Nurrenbern) Swinger Patricia M. (Kempf) Tenbarge Eugene J. Wannemuehler Robert G. Waterman Louis J. Wildeman Gerald R. Wolf Class of '73 Class Chair: James Dewig Participation: 10%

Total Dollars: $3,144 Barbara (Simpkins) Angermeier Paul Angermeier Karen Barnes-Ellis Linda L. (Macke) Denstorff James A. Dewig Judith A. (Clary) Dewig Rose (Will) DeWitt Steven P. Eickhoff Cynthia A. (Laib) Goebel R. Randall Helfrich David J. Jochem Robert A. Ludwig Sara (Scheller) Luigs Karen L. (Lappe) Lukeman Donna J. (Gries) McDonald Beth (Wagner) Muensterman Larry Muensterman William E. Nix Anthony D. Richardt Cynthia M. (Fleck) Richardt Angela (Barron) Skogen Steven G. Whitman Class of '74 Class Chair: Daniel Gutzweiler Participation: 14% Total Dollars: $3,495 Vicki (Weinzapfel) Austin Lawrence Blankenberger Jeana L. (Gilles) Campbell Rebecca A. (Kirchoff) Dosher Rebecca J. (Anslinger) Fuchs Daniel R. Gutzweiler Patricia (Schutte) Harding Rebecca S. (Schapker) Helfrich Randall A. Hupfer Michael R. Koressel Timothy A. Krack Gary Lannert Letha (Rapp) Lannert Terri McBride Vicki McCracken Russell J. Miller Joyce A. (London) Moers Alison (DeVries) Moore Carol A. (Spahn) Neisen MaDonna (Goedde) Niemeier Lauralee (Jost) Paulson Carol (Goebel) Reising Russell Reising David A. Schapker Michele A. (Kohut) Wildeman Dorothy Christina (Boots) Wright Class of '75 Class Chair: Jodi (Stevenson) Adcock Participation: 10% Total Dollars: $7,069 Jodi (Stevenson) Adcock Robert F. Barron Cherie A. (Nemer) Burgdorf* Janet Bauer-Correa

Patrick L. Debes Lisa M. (Eickhoff) Fleming Julie M. Gilles M. Barbara (Griggs) Griepenstroh Karole L. (Seib) Gutzweiler Karen L. (Marrs) Hinderliter Kenneth Miller Nancy E. (Schapker) Pritchett Kenneth P. Schenk Matthew E. Wannemuehler Pam M. (Guetling) Wannemuehler Daniel R. Weinzapfel Mark A. Werner Class of '76 Class Chair: Steven Schapker, James Will, Jr. Participation: 12% Total Dollars: $2,740 W. Christopher Alcorn Julie M. (Reibel) Arafeh Donna Helfrich-Busan Daniel P. DeVillez Julie L. (Jost) DeVillez Timothy Dick Jeffrey R. Hayden Lisa M. (Stevenson) Henderson Debbie (Muensterman) Jochim Michelle T. (May) Krack Kathryn A. (Buedel) Lemond Jane A. (Wolf) Medlin Gene R. Mesker Teresa M. (Wallenmeyer) Reibold Steven M. Schapker Mark Schentrup Mary Ann (Lambert) Schentrup Mark D. Schiff Tracy L. (Lappe) Sparks James L. Will, Jr. Chris L. Will Class of '77 Class Chair: Robert Scheller, Sara Ellert Participation: 10% Total Dollars: $1,807 Theresa M. (Weinzapfel) Barnes Paul Barron Jeffrey D. Buckman Tony Colvin Anthony D. Deig Sara J. Ellert Ronald O. Folz Keith A. Hartz Karen (Laib) Johnson Daniel C. Lappe, Jr. Kent J. Reddington Janet M. (Seib) Schapker Karen A. (Weiss) Schenk Timothy M. Schenk Larry Werner Class of '78 Class Chair: Mary Beth (Goebel)

Lindauer Participation: 10% Total Dollars: $1,560 Susan (Werner) Best Erin L. (Drake) Born Martha (Weinzapfel) Dick Julienne Eickhoff Michael L. Gossman George Hollander Mary Beth (Goebel) Lindauer Jeffry K. Niemeier Paul S. Rivard Keith E. Schnur John M. Schroeder Angela L. (McDermott) Short Joseph A. Tenbarge Gary A. Wink Janet T. (Clements) Wink Class of '79 Class Chair: Patricia (Rollett) Will Participation: 7% Total Dollars: $2,179 William J. Bartek Rhonda (Bassemier) Baumgart Richard L. Baumgart Michele A. (Weinzapfel) Fleming* Barbara J. (Spaetti) Hartz Michael A. Kempf Jeanne M. (Dewig) Mesker Kevin Mischler Jerome R. Muensterman Karen Reibel Carl A. Schmitt Judith A. (Siemers) Schneider Theresa J. (Goebel) Weber Mary (Weinzapfel) Wilder Patricia A. (Rollett) Will Class of '80 Class Chair: Michael Goedde, Daniel Niemeier Participation: 16% Total Dollars: $9,645 Terence A. Alvey Jane E. (Seibert) Balbach Timothy D. Boots Richard J. Fischer Michael J. Goedde Lisa (Reibel) Harper Randy Hertel Wade Hickam Mary A. Hupfer Jane A. Kelle Daniel J. Lomax Joe Muensterman Daniel T. Niemeier Laura L. (Tenbarge) Niemeier Sandra L. (Forcum) Quick James B. Raben Laura A. (Eickhoff) Reddington Paul Reising Linda (Baehl) Russell


Lawrence Schentrup Lisa A. (Bittner) Schmitt Tamara (Weiss) Schroeder Vincent Schu Sherilyn (Knapp) Scott Daniel Tenbarge Karen S. (Shetler) Wargel Mark Weinzapfel David P. Wildemann Class of '81 Class Chair: Mark & Michelle (Folz) Herrmann Participation: 5% Total Dollars: $1,325 C. Jean (Bradley) Alvey Jane A. (Straub) Elpers Sara S. (Castleman) Fischer Dava (Schemel) Grzybowski Mark A. Herrmann Michelle A. (Folz) Herrmann David Hoefling Joseph Kohut Lori (Townsend) Mandel Jane (Siemers) Weinzapfel Christopher J. Wildeman Class of '82 Class Chair: Amy (Klenck) TenBarge Participation: 6% Total Dollars: $1,088 Joseph C. Bassemier, Jr. John N. Dewig Clare E. (Becker) Hassler Edward F. Lappe Jeffrey A. Martin* Joseph E. Mischler Leann (Will) Sander Thomas Spindler David Stocker Amy M. (Klenck) TenBarge Class of '83 Class Chair: Vincent & Kathy (Goedde) Boots Participation: 11% Total Dollars: $3,950 Steven L. Anslinger William D. Basden Darin Vincent Boots Kathy (Goedde) Boots Jeffrey R. Culley* Lori (Duncan) Fehrenbacher Daniel R. Haller Karen (Rheinlander) Hamilton M. Todd Kempf Lorri S. (Riordan) Lappe John Macke Barbara (Seib) Martin Timothy R. Martin Richard Niemeier Sheri (Dezember) Powers Susan Preske Barbara N. (Deeg) Raben


H. Jon Raben Diana K. (Weinzapfel) Schoettlin Daniel Wannemueller Class of '84 Class Chair: Jeff Happe Participation: 5% Total Dollars: $1,545 Amy J. (Stocker) Brennan James D. Fleck Dean A. Happe Jeff E. Happe Ted L. Kares, Jr. Elaine (Schultheis) Mischler Jeffrey Mischler Joseph Steinkamp Class of '85 Class Chair: Chris & Jeanne (Happe) Goebel Participation: 17% Total Dollars: $4,495 Joseph E. Berendes Russel Fulton Angela Gallagher Chris Goebel Jeanene A. (Happe) Goebel Ann T. (Rode) Harper Christopher Hertel Edward Knapp II Jacqueline (Smith) Knapp Darin L. Knight Eric J. Kohut Kathleen M. (Harrison) Mathew Stanley Memmer Melinda (Ficker) Moats Keith A. Reising LaChere M. (Anslinger) Rexing Alan L. Schaffstein Mark E. Seng Sarah E. (Macke) Seng Julie (Debes) Swihart Dava (Lappe) Tenbarge Christine A. Thompson Amy (Lindenschmidt) Vaughn Kathleen A. Wannemuehler Melba (Schapker) Wilderman* Philip J. Will Class of '86 Class Chair: Kelly (Elpers) Pennington Participation: 10% Total Dollars: $3,119 Keri A. (Pender) Anslinger Theresa M. (Lamble) Berendes Shawn M. Corcoran Susan M. (Minielli) Delay Tricia Hollander Henning Spencer "Buzz" Mieras Christopher P. Naas Kelly B. (Elpers) Pennington Jeffrey Schuler Steven Spahn Matthew A. Ubelhor

Benjamin W. Wagner Marie (Anslinger) Wagner Nicole (Jones) Webb Jody M. (Fulton) Wilmes Class of '87 Class Chair: Kevin Hausman Participation: 10% Total Dollars: $1,325 Lesley E. (Will) Bertrand John V. Goebel, Jr. Amy J. (Petitjean) Graff Kevin R. Hausmann Jeannie Kiesel Susan (Jarboe) Loftus Angela R. (Kuhn) Maynard Mark E. Messal Cornelius E. "Bucky" Mieras, Jr. Christopher Welsh Jamie L. Wicks Beth A. (Lasher) Woodruff Angela R, (Toon) Wulff Class of '88 Class Chair: Natalie (Tindle) Reidford Participation: 6% Total Dollars: $2,440 Kimberly (Fritz) Bonnell Amy (Richardson) Collins Laura (Goedde) Fulton Leslie (Townsend) Harris Rick A. Lamble Todd W. Lehman R. Brent Neitzke Jocelyn (Alvey) Rawley Natalie (Tindle) Reidford Lisa A. (Barnes) Reising Kim (Anslinger) Riordan James L. Stratman Clifford J. Wagner Sarah M. (Titzer) Wagner Natalie (Maier) Weis Paul Weis Class of '89 Class Chair: Craig Goedde Participation: 7% Total Dollars: $1,628 Bridget S. (Boots) Dickerson Timothy M. Hollander* Melanie (Seib) Jarrell Ann (Scheller) McIntosh* Michael C. Moran James A. Pierre Lori A. (Messal) Pierre Charlotte A. Reisinger-Klueg James Riordan Christopher B. Scheu Class of '90 Class Chair: Lawrence Beard Participation: 3% Total Dollars: $869 Brian Elpers Jason C. Hamilton

Marti S. (Luigs) Knight Jennifer E. (Barnett) Lamble Jeffrey D. Schlichting Class of '91 Class Chair: Todd Niemeier, Jennifer (Wannemuehler) McDurmon Participation: 10% Total Dollars: $2,540 Jason Black Melanie (Schemel) Blanton Kristen (Carter) Folz Matthew E. Folz Lisa D. (Wargel) Forzley Allen Joseph Herrmann II Shannon (Martin) Hile Kevin Moore Matthew Mulherin Todd E. Niemeier Keith Rawley Karen L. (Ashworth) Schneider Phillip L. Stolz Class of '92 Class Chair: Valorie (Hirsch) Dassel Participation: 10% Total Dollars: $2,925 Craig Elpers Gregory P. Elpers Laura (Schenk) Elpers Eric J. Folz Brian Gerth Eric Goebel Brian J. Hertel Heather (Maier) Hertel Duane A. Maurer Kelly E. (Moore) Messal Aaron Schapker James A. Townsend Michael Weber Class of '93 Class Chair: Gina Goedde Participation: 10% Total Dollars: $1,800 Jay B. Adams Sarah (Hutchison) Adams Craig Epley Tresa (Fehrenbacher) Goebel Gina M. Goedde Kevin Gries Julia Marie Moore Angela (Maier) Mulherin Mindy (Martin) Perkins Bradley Raben Beau Shumate Daniel S. Townsend Melissa (Spahn) Van Bibber Jennifer (Knapp) Vaughn* Class of '94 Class Chair: Jason Martin Participation: 6% Total Dollars: $2,715 Aaron Couture

Amy (Luigs) Epley Tony W. Fehrenbacher Natalie (Folz) Maasberg Jason Martin Erin (Carter) Moore Kiersten (Wathen) Stolz Sarah (Adler) Tempel Stacey (Stonecipher) Turner Holly (Moore) Wahr Philip E. Zenthoefer Class of '95 Class Chair: Ingrid (Maier) Stratman Participation: 5% Total Dollars: $2,400 Melanie (Buchanan) Denning Kevin Farmer Andrea Fehrenbacher Michael S. Goebel Andrew J. Hart Ryan Kassenbrock Emily Liffick Jeffrey T. McDurmon James F. Schroeder Class of '96 Class Chair: Andrea (Boots) Baumann Participation: 5% Total Dollars: $8,775 Andrea (Boots) Baumann Matthew Bohleber Lisa (Baumgart) Farmer Roger A. Nurrenbern Scott Richardville Amy M. (Lehman) Schroeder Class of '97 Class Chair: Alisha (Goedde) Lannert Participation: 8% Total Dollars: $1,075 Amanda (Bailey) Bohleber Nichole M. (Kempf) Eyer Peter J. Fehrenbacher Allison (Townsend) Hagan Jeremy Kiesel Libby (Olinger) Kiesel Brian Knapp Jennifer A. (Schili) Knight Nicholas B. Knight Alisha L. (Goedde) Lannert Kurt Messersmith Kristi K. (Niemeier) Schaefer Chadwick L. Schenk Matthew Schenk Rachelle (Knapp) Schowe Brianna (Cox) Stevens Kurt Wildeman Class of '98 Class Chair: Natalie (Emge) Sandefur, Jamie (Reese) Schiff Participation: 6% Total Dollars: $4,925 Bradley D. Angermeier Ira Brandon Boots

Jeremy L. Herrmann Neil R. Kassenbrock Dustin P. Lannert Brian J. Pope Gregory W. Schaefer Ryan Scheu Class of '99 Class Chair: Joshua Hodge Participation: 3% Total Dollars: $750 Lucas A. Angermeier David M. Hisch Joshua Hodge Angela Reckelhoff Class of '00 Class Chair: Matthew Weber Participation: 6% Total Dollars: $2,435 Adam Adler Jacob Boehman Jennifer (Reffett) Fehrenbacher Zachary Fehrenbacher Mitch A. Happe Eric Kassenbrock Jessica A. (Adler) Kassenbrock Natalie (Zimmer) Kassenbrock John W. Kiefer* James G. Kissel Jennifer R. (Steinkamp) Kollker Beth (Stofleth) Mohr Timothy R. Pigman Matthew C. Weber Class of '01 Class Chair: Rachel Wright Participation: 7% Total Dollars: $1,425 Jeffrey Anslinger Nicholas A. Austin Nick Beach Tia (Williams) Krupp Jason Kuester Brandon J. Porter Albert Schmitt Lindsay (Jost) Schmitt* Benjamin P. Verkamp Joel Werner Kristine (Miller) Widener Nathan Wildeman Class of '02 Class Chair: Jennifer (Mesker) Dyhrkopp Participation: 8% Total Dollars: $2,065 Matthew E. Conkling Ryan A. Dewig Michael J. Elsner Haley (Grasso) Fritts Allison (Moll) Frounfelter Matthew Kiefer Blake D. Kollker Jarrod Luigs


Adam Merkel Jacob Schiff Kimberly (Goebel) Willett Amber (Gilles) Zimmer Todd Zimmer Class of '03 Class Chair: Patrick Fehrenbacher Participation: 10% Total Dollars: $1,915 David (Chip) Altstadt Megan (Parkinson) Altstadt Melissa (Glaser) Beach Kelsey (Veeck) Calderone Kara L. (Adler) Dewig Jennifer L. (Reed) Elsner Patrick R. Fehrenbacher Abby M. (Blankenberger) Hipp Joseph Kiesler David Lappe Christopher Marx Melissa (Schnur) Merkel Mary E. (Nelson) Peckenpaugh Sara A. (Rainey) Rowan Jennifer M. (Lasher) Seib Lindsey Wagner Nathan J. Weinzapfel Class of '04 Class Chair: Hallie (Denstorff) Scheu, Eric Reffett Participation: 8% Total Dollars: $605 Katherine R. (Roberts) Gretler* Kristina (Kayser) Strohmeyer Kyle Kraft Laura R. (Schroeder) McKenzie Erica (Bohleber) Mychaskiw Andrew Nurrenbern Hallie (Denstorff) Scheu Kristi (Wilsman) Schuster Brandy Sparks Eric Stoltz Megan Wright Class of '05 Class Chair: Jenna Denstorff Participation: 7% Total Dollars: $822 Audrey (Goebel) Coughlin Matthew R. Coughlin Molly J. Couture Jenna L. Denstorff Allison M. (Mesker) Garrard Jacob M. Herrmann Katherine R. (Goebel) Herrmann Scott A. Koressel Daniel J. Martin Emily M. (Shetler) Nurrenbern Dustin Slaton Timothy M. Weber Class of '06 Class Chair: Natalie Fleming, Laura


Mesker Participation: 10% Total Dollars: $1,425 Penny M. Appler Brittney N. Bohleber-Schenk Sarah (Paciorkowski) Brian Calvin T. Clements Natalie K. Fleming Jeremy T. Goebel Derek E. Lappe Benjamin L. Lasher Matthew R. Loehrlein Laura M. Mesker Andrew T. Niemeier Elyse M. (Kraft) Niemeier Nicole (Elpers) Pigman Robin L. (Fehrenbacher) Rosbrugh Scott M. Schapker Leslie M. (Goans) Schnarre Ryan J. Schnarre Kayley J. (Will) Simmons Alivia M. (Scott) Tekoppel Andrew J. Tekoppel Jake E. Weinzapfel Class of '07 Class Chair: Hannah (Boots) Kirkman Participation: 5% Total Dollars: $843 Ann K. (Weber) Carlisle Lauren E. (Niemeier) Grossman Laura M. (Hall) Tesmer Kyle Hertel Mallory (Goebel) Hertel Hannah (Boots) Kirkman Jenna (Whorl) Lappe Jenna (Adler) Phelps Jordan D. Phelps Sarah M. (Schneider) Zigrye Class of '08 Class Chair: Emily TenBarge Participation: 5% Total Dollars: $785 Brett L. Bueltel Sara (Weinzapfel) Bueltel Jacob E. Edwards Jessie M. (Buskavitz) Edwards Kurtis E. Goebel Reid M. Grossman Amy E. (Wolf) Marshall Gregory R. Marshall Brad Niemeier Kathryn (Reddington) Niemeier Kendal (Elpers) Schmidt Class of '09 Class Chair: Johnny & Krista (Carter) Kercher Participation: 4% Total Dollars: $820 Katelyn M. (Niemeier) Behrman Matthew S. Dickerson Jerad J. Eickhoff

Margaret A. (Hurm) Carnahan Martha M. Reising Class of '10 Class Chair: Jessica (Kempf) Snyder Participation: 6% Total Dollars: $365 Ryan Bassemier Faith (Slaton) Byland Lauren (Seitz) Hammelman Neil Hammelman Cara Kuester Rachel Rexing Jacob Scheu Sara (Blankenberger) Scheu Brooke Schmitt Katelyn E. Wargel Class of '11 Class Chair: Kristen Cox Participation: 3% Total Dollars: $239 Theresa Scheller Hunter Schuler Sydney Wannemuehler Ali Weinzapfel Class of '12 Class Chair: Katie Wildeman Participation: 3% Total Dollars: $203 Claire Alvey Brianna Dickerson Eric Wildeman Kathryn Wildeman Class of '13 Class Chair: Cooper Mayer Participation: 3% Total Dollars: $99 Adam Berendes Aubrey Goebel Lauren Risley Jack Weinzapfel Nathan Wright Class of '14 Class Chair: Kayla Schoettlin Participation: 2% Total Dollars: $30 Laura Berendes Nolan Goebel Class of '15 Class Chair: Isaac Memmer Participation: 2% Total Dollars: $50 Ashton Forzley Gabriel Rohleder Class of '17 Class Chair: Elizabeth Seng Participation: 3% Total Dollars: $80 Holden K. Hunt Michaela R. Kunkler Sophia C. Rohleder

BIG BINGO & BIG AUCTION March 11, 2018 Pot of Gold Sponsor MH Equipment Rainbow Sponsors Hand Center of Evansville German American Bank Fraternal Order of Eagles 1717 Entertainment & Fun Another Round Dinner & Drinks Monarch Beverage Dauber Sponsors Ziemer Funeral Home Halfpot Capital Electric, Inc. Big X Games Sponsor Tracy Zeller Jewelry Bingo Game Sponsors Alliant Mechanical Services Ashton Computers Catholic Education Foundation Commerce Bank Curley’s Auto Body Shop JW Associates School Equipment Matt Zeller Electric, LLC ProRehab Representative Ryan Hatfield St. Wendel Catholic School Tim & Lisa McGuire


June 18, 2018 Platinum Sponsor St. Vincent Medical Center Gold Sponsor Schiff Air Conditioning & Heating Silver Sponsors Alan W. and Sharon A. Braun Family Foundation Progressive Health Vectren Corporation Media Sponsor WEVV Event Sponsors Deaconess Health System The Women’s Hospital Team Sponsors Alliant Mechanical Archer Insurance Azzip Pizza Capital Electric, Inc.

Chapman Law Donut Bank Bakeries, Inc. D-Patrick, Inc. Empire Contractors Inc Enviroplas Inc. Flair Plastics/Hilliard Lyons Fourth Street Accounting Solutions German American Bank Gribbins Insulation Harding, Shymanski & Co., P.S.C. Hermann Family Foundation Koch Air, LLC Lensing Building Specialties Leosons, LLC Lochmueller Group, Inc. MaddenCo, Inc. Jeremy Morris Nephrology Associates, LLC Old National Bank Hole in One Sponsors Steve Sanford, Larry Kremer, Ed Knapp Mater Dei Class of 1959 Tee Box Sponsors Bar Louie Chapman Law Evansville Radiology Hasgoe Cleaning, Inc. Midwest Roofing Sheet Metal Paragon Sight Sound Security Paul's Pharmacy Stratos Wealth Advisors, LLC Tri-State Orthopaedics TOMORROW’S WORKFORCE September 5, 2017 Director Level The Koch Foundation Partner Level Deaconess Old National Bank Principal Level The Chancellor Foundation Fifth Third Bank Harding, Shymanski & Company, PSC Hermann Family Foundation Jackson Kelly Attorneys at Law, PLLC ProRehab St. Vincent Warehouse Services, Inc. Investor Level Accuride Corporation Mr. & Mrs. Dean A. Bosler Bowen Engineering C.H. Robinson Enviroplas, Inc. Evansville Regional Business Committee, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Goebel Kahn, Dees, Donovan & Kahn, LLP Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Kent Sr. Lensing Building Specialties

Mr. & Mrs. Norbert Niemeier Omni Plastics, LLC Pettinga Financial Advisors Shoe Carnival, Inc. Skanska South Central Communications Corporation Thyme in the Kitchen Tucker Publishing Group University of Evansville Vectren Foundation Ziemer, Stayman Weitzel & Shoulders Member Level Anchor Industries Auntie Anne’s Soft Pretzels Azzip Pizza Banterra Bank Berry Plastics Corporation Blankenberger Brothers, Inc. Breck Logistics Bussing – Koch Foundation, Inc. Capital Electric, Inc. Clippinger Financial Group, LLC Donut Bank Bakeries, Inc. Dunn Hospitality Group First Bank Freeman, Will & Niemeier, Inc. German American Bank Hahn Realty Hatfield Law Office, LLC Dr. & Mrs. Douglas Hatler The Hollander Group Drs. Michael & Maria Hoover Indiana University School of Medicine Keller Schroeder Mr. & Mrs. James Keller Mr. & Mrs. Dennis P. Lamey Lochmueller Group, Inc. Mr. Robert F. Mehringer Mel-Kay Electric Company, Inc. Midwest Roofing-Sheet Metal Rev. David H. Nunning Orthopaedic Associates, Inc. Schiff Air Conditioning & Heating, Inc. Schultheis Insurance Agency, Inc. Sterling Boiler & Mechanical, Inc. Tri-State Orthopaedic Surgeons, Inc. University of Southern Indiana Mr. & Mrs. Christopher A. Wolking Ziemer Funeral Home, Inc. Associate Level AlphaGraphics Mr. & Mrs. Ronald W. Angermeier ARAMARK Mr. & Mrs. Michael F. Blake Curran Miller Ms. Suzanne Crouch & Mr. Larry Downs Diehl Consulting Foster, O’Daniel & Hambidge, LLP continued on inside back cover


Mater Dei High School Endowments 2017-2018 38

Edward A. Arnold Education Endowment for tuition assistance Pat and Beth Blankenberger Family Endowment for Mater Dei for general support Ira Gerard and Theresa Boots Educational Endowment for teacher resources Ira Joseph and Dorothy Jane Boots Family Endowment for operating expenses Borries Family Endowment for general use Bart J. Crecco Memorial Scholarship Fund for tuition assistance Mary Jane Muensterman "Janie" Dale Endowment for educational and spiritual needs Father William Deering Memorial Scholarship for music scholarship for graduating senior Jim and Doris Dewig Endowment for facilities George and Bette Duncan Education Endowment for tuition assistance Mike and Clarita Ellert Endowment for the Mike and Clarita Ellert Citizen Award Butch and Linda Feulner Mater Dei Fund Endowment for Mater Dei High School Fifth Third Foundation Education Endowment for tuition assistance Bishop's Endowment for Mater Dei High School for tuition assistance Andrew and Darlene Goebel Endowment for tuition assistance Joseph and Patricia Gossman Endowment for athletics and academics Michelle Diane Greenwell Memorial Scholarship for high school and college scholarships Raymond and Janette Gries Family Endowment for academic program support Robert and Judy Griffin Charitable Endowment Theresa and William Helfrich Endowment for theatre Ron and Kathy Hollander Education Endowment for tuition assistance Harold and Shirley Kempf Family Endowment for spiritual and religion use Bob King Endowment and Bob King Fund for operating costs Seibert-Knapp Family Endowment for tuition assistance Patricia Koch Family Education Endowment for tuition assistance DiAnne and Larry Kremer Educational Endowment for classroom technology 40% and tuition assistance 60% Reverend Raymond Kuper Fund for Education Excellence Endowment for tuition assistance Monsignor William Lautner Endowment for operating costs Jack and Ann MacGregor Endowment for general use Jerry & Charlotte MacGregor Family Endowment for general use Mater Dei Friends & Alumni Association Endowment for Mater Dei support Mater Dei Operating Endowment for operating costs Mater Dei Science & Technology Endowment for science Mater Dei Teachers Education Endowment for tuition assistance Paul and Nancy Mayer Endowment for tuition assistance Dan and Laura Niemeier Endowment for operating costs James A. Niemeier Wrestling Endowment for the James A. Niemeier Wrestling Scholarship

Tom and Joan Niemeier Family Endowment for operating costs and athletics Sister Victoria Pohl Education Endowment for tuition assistance Richard P. and Betty J. Preske Family Endowment for tuition assistance Rex Mundi Continuing Catholic Education Endowment for tuition assistance David and M. Darlene Robinson Endowment for operating costs Robert and Rosemary Rooney Family Endowment for operating costs Donald W. and M. Patricia Rupprecht Fund for operating costs Robert and Mary Lue Russler Tuition Assistance Endowment Robert and Mary Lue Russler Mater Dei High School Scholarship Endowment The Walter and Irene Ruston Education Endowment for tuition assistance The Walter and Irene Ruston Nursing and Education Endowment for scholarship for graduating senior to study nursing or education Allen E. Schmitt '62 Endowment for tuition assistance Jack and Kate Siemers Family Endowment for tuition assistance Stan Singer Excellence in Writing Award Endowment for scholarship for graduating senior with outstanding writing skills The Joseph T. Theby Scholarship Endowment Fund for tuition assistance Thomas O. Tighe Memorial Tennis Endowment for Thomas O. Tighe Tennis Scholarship Al and Darlene Weinzapfel and Family Endowment for operating costs 50% and athletics 50% James A. and Sandra S. Weinzapfel Endowment in honor of Matthew J. and Olivia C. Weinzapfel for tuition assistance for families with four or more children in school Jerry and Helen Weinzapfel Tuition Assistance Endowment for tuition assistance Jerry and Helen Weinzapfel Endowment for general use Kyle Weis Tuition Assistance Endowment for tuition assistance Dolores and Leonard Will, Sr., Endowment for tuition assistance The John and Marian Witting Scholarship Endowment Fund for tuition assistance Louis Wittmer Nursing and Medical Education Endowment for scholarship for graduating senior to study nursing

In honor of Dr. Timothy & Andrea (Lodato) Dickel Tim & Gail Dickel In honor of Andrew Goebel '65 South Central Communications Corporation In honor of Mater Dei Class of 1971 Jim & Kris Schroeder 39

Members of the Mater Dei family who have gone to their eternal reward are remembered by friends and loved ones contributing to MDHS in their memory.

In memory of Charles J. Alles Gary & Kim Alles Jack & Marcia Alles June Baker Bob & Sue Berry Doris Dewig David Emge Ron & Beth Folz Chub Forche Harold & Lou Forche Greg & Peggy Geiss Mike & Melanie Goebel Mike & Jennifer Kempf Gary & Diana Langton JoAnn Laugel Ted & June Magness Dick & Becky Martin Kenny & Janice Miller Jim & Barbara Mosby David & Carol Nurrenbern Teres & Norman Reibold Allen & Barb Rexing Susie Rode Thomas & Sharon Ruder Marcellus & Minnie Schapker Oliver & Ann Schapker Steve & Janet Schapker Betty & Sue Scheller David & Becky Schimmell Jim & Janie Schroeder Jim Seib Ruth E. Shellenberger Pat & Patti Singleton Pat Smead Tracy Sparks Terry & Angela Stumpf Pat & Al Welsh Chris & Patti Will Eileen Will


Frank & Holly Will Patti & Chris Will Kate & Bob Wittgen Kathleen & Kenny Wolf In memory of Josephine (Seibert) Alvey Terry & Angela Stumpf In memory of Phyllis (Cutteridge) Boeglin '56 Mater Class of 1956 In memory of Thomas H. Dick ‘54 Gary & Kim Alles Janice Bowen Dan & Jean Dick Jerry Foster Ann & Chris Harper Ann Kautzman Antoinette Keeneth Mary Jo & Don Musgrave Susie Rode Mel & Cookie Singer Mary Summers Mike Weinzapfel In memory of Dr. Dale Drake Matt & Pauline Bartek Margaret Basden Joellen Bauer Karen Bishop Tim & Sharon Bradley Suzanne Calvert Donald & Joan Cooper Mary Crowley Doris Dewig Margaret Drake Harold Forche Mary Griggs Jerry David Enterprises, Inc.

Chester & Pat Jost Lloyd & Joan Jost Mr. & Mrs. John Knoblett Jeanette & John Macke Carol McClintock Spiro & Patricia Mitsos Philip & Mary Lieberman Jo Ann Reitz William & Jody Schlimmer Curtis & Barbara Schrieber Alan & Stella Shavitz Catherine Siemers Mr. Mrs. Kevin Kevin Tubbs Nathan & Ruth Vogt Bill & Peggy Vogt Dr. & Mrs. Angela Weinzapfel Pat & Al Welsh Eileen Will David Woll Ziemer Funeral Home, Inc. In memory of Jack Funke '57 Robert Hamilton In memory of Harold "Nick" Gossman ‘51 Jimmy & Joyce Bryan Steve & Stephanie Niemeier In memory of Gerald Hartmann '62 Mater Dei Class of 1962 In memory of Allen Herrmann '62 Michele & Don Fleming Mater Dei Football Coaches Mater Dei Class of 1962 Helen C. Naab In memory of Donald Hoefling '51 Lloyd & Joan Jost In memory of Robert Hollowell '56 Mater Dei Class of 1956 In memory of Judy (Bassemeir) Jochim '64 David & Gail Williamson In memory of Charles Koressel '62 Mater Dei Class of 1962 In memory of Martha (Lintzenich) Lamkin '62 Mater Dei Class of 1962

In memory of William E. Macke Julie & Julie Arafeh Joe & Mary Bassemier Rick & Pauline Elpers Butch & Linda Feulner Don & Michele Fleming Mike & Melanie Goebel Carl & Amy Graff Lisa & Lisa Harper Chris Hertel John & Jane Hodge Craig & Katie Kelle Gary & Letha Lannert Sandy Jo Higgins David & Gale Campbell Mindy & Melinda Moats Karen Reibel Marilyn & Marilyn Reibel Bob & Mary Lue Russler Donnie & Sherilyn Scott Joe & Joni Steinkamp Eric & Melissa Stockton Brett & Julie Swihart Greg Thomas Cliff & Sarah Wagner Jerry & Helen Weinzapfel Jim & Karen Will Jr. In memory of Robert M. Miller '62 Ken & Jan Adler Terry & Susan Babb Joe & Celia Baldwin John & Marjorie Beasley Earl & Claudette Becher Mary Boes Tom & Debbie Borries Phyllis Brown Lynda & Welby Carpenter Steve & Jo Marie Charlson Judy Dickman Dianne Diekhoff Joe & Joyce Dilembo Joseph & Teresa Eaton Sunny Faass Jeanne Fischer Sara Fischer Norb & Barbara Flittner Delaine Foote Gary Godbersen & Donna Kaynor Linda Goodridge Angela Grebe


Gayla Gubler Ryan & Allison Hagan David Hahn John & Donna Hamilton Bob Hamilton Leslie & Greg Harris Pat Hartz R.M. & Sandra Haywood Cindy Helfrich Bob & Amy Hisch Gary & Charlene Jordan Tony & Marcia Jourdan Ed & Judy Knapp Judy Leahy Bob & Gail Lehr Margie Madigan Lori & Jon Mandel Tim & Barb Martin Megan Rock & Eric Mast Larry & Sylvia McNabb Carolyn McWilliams Mater Dei Class of 1962 Steve & Rita Moore Joe & Karen Muensterman Steve & Stephanie Niemeier Pat Novack Christine Page Roy & Valeria Paschall Gary & Susie Pierre Sheila Rogers John & Linda Rollett Barry & Lianne Rollins Ricky & Linda Roos Mary & Abby Rueth Mary & Robert Sayle Robert & June Scales Patty Scheu Judy Schmidt Robert & Lois Schmitt Charity Schwartz Red & Patty Seib Tracy Sparks Friends of St. Vincent Wellness Center Edward & Audrey Stanek Suzy & Rudy Stieler Sarah & Marvin Tempel Dan & Katie Townsend Mike & Mary Jo Townsend Judy VanMeter Lois VanMeter Bob & JoAnn Weber


Pat & Al Welsh Ryan & Tammy Will Mike Wolf Robert &Margaret Zalewa Dan & Mary Ann Zenthoefer In memory of Kathleen (Loehr) Minton '56 Mater Dei Class of 1956 In memory of Bernita (Belcher) Muller '56 Mater Dei Class of 1956 In memory of Eshter (Behme) Niemeier Ron & Margaret Angermeier Dane & Beckie Dennis Jeff & Jenny Gaul John & Donna Halverson Greg & Candice Hofmann Bob & Gail Lehr Ronald & Cynthia Mills Steve & Rita Moore Larry Pike Debra Shea Chris & Patti Will Frank & Helen Wolfe Steven & Lizabeth Young In memory of Melvin Niemeier '67 Mater Dei Class of 1967 In memory of Jim Ochs '50 Dan & Lou Ann Gilbert In memory of Janet (Hartweck) Payne '56 Mater Dei Class of 1956 In memory of Dave Scheller Kenneth & Jan Adler David & Rose DeWitt David & Kathy Esche Polly A. Hodapp Debbie Jochim Bill & Tracy Norman Thomas & Cynthia Pate Ronald & Janet Reed Norman & Terri Reibold Olivia Schapker-Hall David Scheller Tony & Alma Scheller

In memory of Stan Singer Shannon Norris In memory of Helen (Folz) Weinzapfel '51 June Baker Diane Bies Justin & Shirley Clements Jack & Phyllis Corn Jim & Rosalie Dunkel Julie Eickhoff Craig & Amy Epley Michele & Don Fleming Chub Forche Keith & Barb Hartz Kim & Pam Heseman Todd & Sally Kempf Gary & Letha Lannert Ron & Sara Luigs Bertha Michelini Steve & Rita Moore Todd & Babs Niemeier Rusty & Carol Reising Barbara & Roy Ritzert Art & Donna Scheller Betty Sue Scheller Jim & Janie Schroeder Patty Scruggs Kate Siemers St. Philip Men's Club Amy TenBarge Bob & JoAnn Weber Eugene & Nancy Weinzapfel Leo Weinzapfel Michele & Jeff Wildeman Eileen Will Gary & Janet Wink Dan & Mary Ann Zenthoefer In memory of Robert Wigger '56 Mater Dei Class of 1956 In memory of Andrew Wildemann Laura Barnhart-Lackey Larry & Rose Breivogel Jim & Rosalie Dunkel James Eickhoff Lloyd & Joan Jost Rusty & Carol Reising Bettye & Bill Stevenson Jerry Weinzapfel

The Mater Dei community remembers those alumni, parents and friends who have passed. May they rest in eternal peace. STUDENT Tanner Copeland ‘21 of Evansville, Sept. 10, 2018 ALUMNI Edgar Bassemier ‘65 of Evansville, Aug. 4, 2018 Margaret Joleen Bequette of Evansville, Sept. 14, 2018 Paul Burnes ‘58 of Evansville, June 25,2018 Thomas Dick ‘54 of Evansville, July 1, 2018 Jeffrey Goebel ‘96 of Evansville, Sept. 15, 2018 Nick Gossman ‘51 of Evansville, Aug. 30, 2018 Dorothy Happe ‘64 of Evansville, Aug. 17, 2018 Lonnie Maidlow ‘56 of Evansville, Aug. 23, 2018 P. Donnie Payne ‘52 of Evansville, Aug. 29, 2018 David Scheller ‘64 of Evansville, Nov. 25, 2017 PAST PARENT Charles Alles of Evansville, July 29, 2018 William Coates of Evansville, May 4, 2018 James Eickhoff of Evansville, June 25, 2018 Dorothy (Fehr) Lovelace of Evansville, July 30, 2018 Melvin Luigs of Evansville, Sept. 9, 2018 Jane (Neff) McDermott of Evansville, Aug. 4, 2018 Esther (Behme) Niemeier of Evansville, Aug. 6, 2018


Many family and friends of loved ones who have passed choose to designate gifts made at the funeral home in their memory to Mater Dei High School through the Mater Dei Annual Fund. Mater Dei accepts gifts which are restricted for a specific program or purpose, in addition to unrestricted gifts which are made available to assist with current school priorities. A heartfelt thank you is extended to the following families who honored their loved ones with gifts to the 2017-2018 Mater Dei Annual Fund. May they find peace in knowing their memory lives on in the hearts of the Mater Dei High School community.


of Evansville, July 29, 2018. Survived by his wife, Jackie; sons, Charles Jack ‘71 and Gary ‘76. Charlie was a member of Sacred Heart Church and was very active in the school and parish. He and his wife were nominated to join the Brute Society representing their church. Charlie was an original member of the Mater Dei Booster Club and volunteered with the Catholic Education Foundation. At Charlie’s passing, his family requested memorial gifts be made to Mater Dei High School tuition assistance.


Of Evansville, July 1, 2018. Survived by a son, Timothy; daughters, Karen and Kathleen ‘89. Thomas was a lifetime member of St. Boniface Church. In memory of Thomas, his family requested memorial contributions bemade to the Randal J. Dick Endowment at Mater Dei High School Science Department.


Of Evansville, August 30, 2018. Survived by his wife, Sylvia (Niemeier) Gossman; sons, Michael ‘78 and Randy ‘80; daughters, Nancy Hicks ‘79 and Karen Nguyen ‘84. Nick was an active member at Resurrection Church, Mater Dei Men’s Club, Mater Dei Alumni Association and the Knights of Columbus. In memory of Nick’s passing, his family kindly requested memorial gifts be made to Mater Dei High School.


of Evansville, January 25, 2018. Survived by daughters, Joyce Macke ‘69, Linda Denstorff ‘73 and Sarah Seng ‘85, sons, Glenn ‘66, Dan ‘68, and David ‘72 Macke. Bill was preceded in death by his wife, Margaret (Hirsch) Macke. He was a supporter of Mater Dei School, and at the time of his passing, his family designated memorial gifts to the Mater Dei Men’s Club.


of Evansville, April 25, 2018. Survived by his wife Jane (Atkins) Miller, sons, Dan and Brett Miller, step-daughter, Debra Wolf. Robert was a member of Sacred Heart Church. Education was very important to Robert, so at his passing, his family established the Robert M. Miller Endowment, which is where his family requested memorial donations to be directed in his memory.



Of Evansville, August 6, 2018. Survived her husband, Harold; sons, Steve ‘65, Stanley ‘71, Dennis ‘75, Curtis ‘80, Roger ‘81, and Richard ‘81. Esther was an active member of St. Joseph Church in Vanderburgh County and the St. Ann’s Altar Society. At the time of Esther’s passing, her family requested memorial donations be made to the James Niemeier Wrestling Scholarship Endowment.


of Evansville, November 25, 2017. Survived by his wife Mary (Moore) Scheller, a son, Greg, and daughter, Kristi Statler. David was a member of St. Wendel Catholic Church. He was most proud to be an All Sports Award recipient, and Kiwanis Award winner, so at his passing, his family asked that memorial

gifts in his name be made to the Mater Dei Athletic Department. HELEN (FOLZ) WEINZAPFEL ‘51

of Evansville, June 16, 2018. Survived by her husband, Jerome (Jerry) Weinzapfel, daughters, Cindy Elliott ’71, Kathy Armstrong ’73, Vicki Austin ’74, and Toni Weinzapfel ’83. Helen was a member of Sacred Heart Church and was inducted into the Brute Society of the Diocese of Evansville for her service to the church. At the time of her passing, Helen’s family kindly included Mater Dei High School as a recipient of memorial gifts. ANDREW WILDEMANN of Mount Vernon, IN, January 21, 2018. Survived by his wife, Mary (Ramsey) Wildemann, daughters, Rhonda Schenk ’75,

and Renee Market ’80. Andy was a member of St. Philip Catholic Church, St. Philip Men’s Club and the Knights of Columbus. At Andy’s passing, his family requested that memorial gifts be made to Mater Dei Friends and Alumni.

continued from page 39 Hafer Associates PC Happe & Sons Construction, Inc. Hasgoe Cleaning Systems, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Faupel Mr. & Mrs. Wayne F Henning Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Hoefling Mr. & Mr. Ronald Hollander Drs. Marshall & Jennifer Howell, III J W Associates School Equipment Specialists, Inc. Lang Company Manion Stigger, LLP Massey Law Offices, LLC Matrix Integration, LLC Midwest Mechanical Services, Inc. Dr. & Mrs. Michael Miller Mr. & Mrs. Stephen D. Moore Morgan Stanley Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Niehaus Ohio Valley Heartcare Dr. & Mrs. Jon C. Perkins Pioneer Plastics Mr. & Mrs. Paul Posthauer Pro-Tex-All Dr. & Mrs. Barry Ray Mr. & Mrs. Patrick A. Rayburn Mr. Eric Reffett Mr. & Mrs. Michael Reffett Mr. & Mrs. Richard L. Reising Mr. & Mrs. Mark W. Rietman Shetler Moving & Storage, Inc. Southwestern Healthcare, Inc. Drs. Andrew & Patricia Tharp Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Thomas Weichert Schulz Realtors Mr. & Mrs. James L. Will, Jr. Drs. William & Mona Wooten


Mater Dei High School Office of Institutional Advancement

1300 Harmony Way • Evansville, IN 47720

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