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Highly Decor ated Jack Funke '57 Remember ed
H i gh l y D ecor at ed Jack Fu n k e '57 Rem em b er ed
Upon gr aduation in 1960 from the United States Air Force Aviation Cadet Progr am for Navigator Tr aining, Jack?s fir st assignment was the 445th Fighter Interceptor Squadron F- 101B at Wur tsmith AFB, MI, where he and his wife, Judy, spent 4 year s and began their family with the bir ths of Renee, Elizabeth, and Bret. The tur moil of flying activity dur ing the Cuban Missile Cr isis was memor able. Jack was reassigned to the 444th Fighter Interceptor Squadron flying the F- 101B at Charleston AFB, South Carolina where his four th child Jeffrey was bor n in 1966. Jack was finally accepted to Pilot Tr aining at Reese AFB, TX, that year and gr aduated 2nd in his class. He was ?rewarded with an all- expense paid tr ip to the 614th Tactical Fighter Squadron, Phan Rang AB, Vietnam? where he flew 222 combat missions in the F- 100D. Upon retur n, Jack spent 3 year s as a T- 37 Instr uctor Pilot in Selma, Alabama. Jack then received order s to fly the F- 111A with the 429th Tactical Fighter Squadron in Las Vegas, Nevada and was rewarded with another all- expense paid tr ip? to Takhli AB, Thailand in 1972. He flew 147 combat missions in Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia. Following his second combat tour, Jack became an F- 111 Instr uctor and Oper ations Officer in the 428th Tactical Fighter Squadron at Nellis AFB, Nevada. In 1976, Jack was promoted to Lieutenant Colonel. Shor tly thereafter, the entire Wing, four Squadrons, approximately 75 F- 111A aircr aft, all suppor t units and per sonnel moved from Nellis AFB, NV to Mtn. Home AFB, Idaho where Jack was an Oper ations Officer then Commander of the 391st Tactical Fighter Squadron. After a 3year assignment involving NATO Allied Air Forces Centr al Europe in Boer fink, W. Ger many, Jack and his family (who had the unique exper ience of living autonomously in a Ger man village) retur ned to Mtn. Home AFB in 1982. Jack was Chief of Quality Assur ance and continued with Flight Instr uctor duties until retirement from the Air Force in 1986. Jack was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross with 2 OLC, Defense Mer itor ious Ser vice Medal, Mer itor ious Ser vice Medal with 1 OLC, Air Medal with 20 OLC, AF Commendation Medal, AF Outstanding Unit Award with Valor Device and 5 OLC, and Vietnam Ser vice Medal with 5 Bronze Star s. Jack also found time to obtain a B.S. in Aeronautical Studies and an M.S. in Aeronautical Science from Embr y- Riddle Aeronautical Univer sity.

Cur r ent Endowments
Edward A. Arnold Education Endowment Marc A Berendes Endowment Pat & Beth Blankenberger Family Endowment Ira Gerard and Theresa Boots Educational Endowment Ira Joseph and Dorothy Jane Boots Family Endowment Borries Family Endowment CEF Endowment for Tuition Assistance Bart J. Crecco Memorial Scholarship Fund Mary Jane Muensterman ?Janie? Dale Endowment Father William Deering Memorial Scholarship Jim and Doris Dewig Endowment Randall J Dick Science Endowment George and Bette Duncan Education Endowment Mike and Clarita Ellert Endowment Fifth Third Foundation Education Endowment Bishop?s Endowment for Mater Dei High School Andrew and Darlene Goebel Endowment Joseph and Patricia Gossman Endowment James A. and Sandra S. Weinzapfel Endowment in honor of Matthew J. and Olivia C. Weinzapfel Michelle Diane Greenwell Memorial Scholarship Raymond Gries Endowment Robert and Judy Griffin Charitable Endowment The Hamilton/Miller Endowment Theresa and William Helfrich Endowment Ron and Kathy Hollander Education Endowment Harold and Shirley Kempf Family Endowment Bob King Endowment and Bob King Fund Seibert- Knapp Family Endowment Patricia Koch Family Education Endowment DiAnne and Larry Kremer Endowment Reverend Raymond Kuper Fund for Education Excellence Endowment Monsignor William Lautner Endowment Little Flower Society Endowment Jack & Ann MacGregor Endowment Jerry & Charlotte MacGregor Family Endowment Mater Dei Friends & Alumni Association Endowment Bob and Mary Lue Russler Mater Dei High School Scholarship Endowment Mater Dei Teachers Education Endowment Paul and Nancy Mayer Endowment Dan and Laura Niemeier Endowment James A. Niemeier Wrestling Endowment Tom and Joan Niemeier Family Endowment Sister Victoria Pohl Education Endowment Mater Dei Science & Technology Endowment Rex Mundi Continuing Catholic Education Endowment David and M. Darlene Robinson Endowment Robert and Rosemary Rooney Family Endowment Donald W. and M. Patricia Rupprecht Mater Dei High School Endowment Robert and Mary Lue Russler Tuition Assistance Endowment Walter & Irene Ruston Endowment Robert J. and Judy Decker Wargel STEM Endowment Mater Dei Operating Endowment Allen E Schmitt Endowment Jack and Kate Siemers Family Endowment Stan Singer Excellence in Writing Award Endowment The Joseph T. Theby Scholarship Endowment Fund Thomas O. Tighe Memorial Tennis Endowment Al and Darlene Weinzapfel and Family Endowment Jerry and Helen Weinzapfel Tuition Assistance Endowment Jerry and Helen Weinzapfel Endowment Kyle Weis Tuition Assistance Endowment Dolores & Len Will, Sr. Endowment The John and Marian Witting Scholarship Endowment Fund Louie Wittmer Nursing and Medical Education Endowment Jeff and Leanne Happe Endowment Robert M. Miller Endowment Mater Dei Health and Science Institute Endowment Jerry & Cherie Burgdorf Endowment