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MDFAA Gives Back
M at er D ei Fr i en d s an d Al u m n i Associ at i on Gi ves Back
The Mater Dei Fr iends & Alumni Association was created to preser ve the tr adition and advance the mission of Mater Dei for future gener ations. The MDFAA suppor ts the Mater Dei community by sponsor ing events at the school for the students, faculty and staff, in addition to offer ing financial suppor t for projects that improve the school in and out of the classroom. Examples of recent contr ibutions to the faculty, staff and students of MD include: monthly appreciation gifts for the faculty and staff since the beginning of the pandemic, senior breakfast and senior Project Gr aduation gifts, $1,000 teacher gr ants, college scholar ships, and major gift contr ibutor to the main gym air conditioning project as well as Dei of Giving matching gifts. The MDFAA encour ages all gr aduates to ?go for th to ser ve? and continue connecting the Mater Dei community wherever you are. Member ship is open to all alumni, fr iends, and suppor ter s interested in the welfare of Mater Dei.
Thank you MDFAA for all you do for the Mater Dei community.

MDFAA provided a hot cocoa bar in December, just before finals. The faculty and staff are still talking about it six months later!

MDFAA breakfast for faculty and staff on May 11 in the MD cafeteria.

MDFAA provided lunch for the faculty and staff. Mr. Bob Schleter was named the recipient of the Innovative Teaching Grant at the MDFAA breakfast in May.
20 22 M D FAA Boar d of D i r ect or s
President: Weston Tenbar ge '10 Vice President: Lauren (Neimeier) Grossman '07 Secretar y: Robin Rosbr ugh '06 Treasurer : Kathr yn (Wildeman) Hess '12
Annalee (Hildenbr and) Tepool '84 Andy Niemeier '06 Austin Knapp '12 Billy Wayne '04 Brett Bueltel '08 Gina Goedde '93 Jamie (Reese) Schiff '98 Janice (Goebel) Schuble '64 Kevin Moore '91 Natalie (Emge) Sandefur '98 Wayne (Emge) '70