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Class Reunions


William '50 and Dana (Glaser) '51 celebr ated their 67th wedding anniver sar y and have 8 childr en, 26 gr andchildr en, and 33 gr eat- gr andchildr en. Mar y (Fr ick) Fickas '53 r etir ed fr om the Mt. Ver non Flower Shop after 57 year s. Jim '53 and Bonnie Wannemuehler celebr ated their 61st wedding anniver sar y in September of 2021.

Cl ass of 1960 's

Mar ilyn (Loehr) '60 and Rober t Mossber ger celebr ated their 60th wedding anniver sar y last October.

Bill and Jackie (Ber endes) '61 celebr ated their 58th wedding anniver sar y and have four childr en, and 8 gr andchildr en. She r etir ed fr om the Welbor n Clinic's Fiance Depar tment in 2008.

Cl ass of 1970 's

Daniel '73 and Mar y (Moehlenkamp) Br assar d '73 r etir ed in Januar y of 2021. Jim '77 and Debbie Elper s '77 celebr ated their 43r d wedding anniver sar y in December of 2021.

Cl ass of 1980 's

Jeff and JoEllen (Bar th) '88 celebr ated their 25th wedding anniver sar y in October of 2021.

Cl ass Reu n i on s

Cl ass of 1957 The will have a 65th Luncheon Reunion on Satur day October 1, 2022, at Tur oni's on Nor th Main St. Door s open at 11 am. Contact Ann Bur dette 812- 437- 9950 for any questions.

Cl ass of 1967 Come celebr ate the 55th r eunion on Fr iday, September 30, 2022 at Howell Shelter House for a casual gather ing. Door s open at 5:30 P.M. and the meal star ts at 6:30 P.M. Fr ied chicken and a meat tr ay will be pr ovided, but please, br ing a cover ed dish and your own bever ages. Ther e will be no char ge to attend, but a donation box will be set out if you'd like to contr ibute to offsetting any costs. Invites will be out soon. Please, contact Diane (Mar x) Mar tin: 812 422 6192 or email mar ie134922@yahoo.com

Cl ass of 1970 The belated 50th high school r eunion and 70th Bir thday will be next year on October 1st , 2022, at Hilltop Gr ove in Evansville, IN.

Ther e will also be a Fr iday night gather ing on September 30th, 2022. Mor e details to come.

Cl ass of 1977 The 45th Class Reunion will be on Satur day August 27, 2022, at St. Philip?s Conser vation Club, school tour 3:30 P.M., door s open 5:00 P.M., dinner 6:00 P.M. If you have any questions, email Sar a Eller t at eller tsar aj@gmail.com.


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EMAIL Mallor y Her tel at mher tel@evdio.or g.

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