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Consider ing a Legacy Gift: Endowments

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MDFAA Gives Back

MDFAA Gives Back

Con si d er i n g a L egacy Gi f t : En d ow m en t s

By Mallor y Her tel '07

There are many ways to invest in Mater Dei?s future and we are happy to discuss the option that best suits you and your family? there are multiple avenues we can explore together? no legacy gift is too small tomake a difference. Endowments are just one of the many ways to provide suppor t for Mater Dei and leave a lasting legacy.

The char t below gives a glimpse into the real impact that ever yday suppor ter s of Mater Dei have been making:

2010 2015 2022

Number of Endowments 18 46 62

Total Value of Endowments $646,000 $1,944,600 $5,092,000

Total Value of Available Distr ibutions $21,400 $76,800 $189,400

Minimum initial gift: $5,000- $10,000 They are ever yday people with a passion for Mater Dei and her mission to educate young people in a faith- filled environment. They are people who choose to honor loved ones with a lasting gift. They are fr iends and alumni dedicated to the past, present, and ? most impor tantly ? the future of Mater Dei High School. They could be you. Becoming a member is simple. We can provide resources to help deter mine which planned giving option is best for you, including bequests, individual retirement accounts (IRAs), char itable gift annuities, endowments, and life insur ance. Join over 170 member s that have chosen to suppor t Mater Dei through legacy giving. Once you have made a planned gift or established an endowment with Mater Dei as the beneficiar y, notify the Office of Institutional Advancement and you will become an official member of the Ave Mar ia Society.

For more infor mation contact: Dan Niemeier ?80 President, Mater Dei High School (812)421- 5727 dtniemeier @evdio.or g

Mallor y Her tel ?07 Director of Advancement, Mater Dei High School (812)421- 5727 mher tel@evdio.or g

What is an Endowment? Who ar e member s of M ater D ei H igh School's Ave M ar ia Society?

An endowment is a donation to Mater Dei High school that is invested to provide ongoing income for the school. The gifts contr ibuted to an endowment are considered the ?cor pus? or ?pr incipal? and remain untouched. Mater Dei receives an annual distr ibution from the interest income to suppor t the school. Endowments can be named to honor or memor ialize a family or loved one and can be designated for a specific pur pose, i.e. tuition assistance, technology, athletics, science, or left unrestr icted which are made available to assist with cur rent school pr ior ities.

The investments are professionally managed and adhere to a policy that is consistent with the teachings of the Catholic Church. An endowment is a gift that continues to benefit the school in per petuity. A minimum $5,000 gift must be given to establish an endowment. Many colleges and other or ganizations are able to provide significant annual income through their endowments which are life- giving and reliable.

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