Class of 1950's William '50 and Dana (Glaser) '51 celebr ated their 67th wedding anniver sar y and have 8 children, 26 gr andchildren, and 33 great- gr andchildren. Mar y (Fr ick) Fickas '53 retired from the Mt. Ver non Flower Shop after 57 year s. Jim '53 and Bonnie Wannemuehler celebr ated their 61st wedding anniver sar y in September of 2021.
Class of 1960's Mar ilyn (Loehr) '60 and Rober t Mossber ger celebr ated their 60th wedding anniver sar y last October. Bill and Jackie (Berendes) '61 celebr ated their 58th wedding anniver sar y and have four children, and 8 gr andchildren. She retired from the Welbor n Clinic's Fiance Depar tment in 2008.
Class of 1970's Daniel '73 and Mar y (Moehlenkamp) Br assard '73 retired in Januar y of 2021. Jim '77 and Debbie Elper s '77 celebr ated their 43rd wedding anniver sar y in December of 2021.
Class of 1980's Jeff and JoEllen (Bar th) '88 celebr ated their 25th wedding anniver sar y in October of 2021.
STAY IN TOUCH Update your infor mation and send photos. EMAIL Mallor y Her tel at mher tel@evdio.or g.
Class Reunions Class of 1957 The will have a 65th Luncheon Reunion on Saturday October 1, 2022, at Turoni's on Nor th Main St. Door s open at 11 am. Contact Ann Burdette 812- 437- 9950 for any questions. Class of 1967 Come celebr ate the 55th reunion on Fr iday, September 30, 2022 at Howell Shelter House for a casual gather ing. Door s open at 5:30 P.M. and the meal star ts at 6:30 P.M. Fr ied chicken and a meat tr ay will be provided, but please, br ing a covered dish and your own bever ages. There will be no char ge to attend, but a donation box will be set out if you'd like to contr ibute to offsetting any costs. Invites will be out soon. Please, contact Diane (Mar x) Mar tin: 812 422 6192 or email mar Class of 1970 The belated 50th high school reunion and 70th Bir thday will be next year on October 1st , 2022, at Hilltop Grove in Evansville, IN. There will also be a Fr iday night gather ing on September 30th, 2022. More details to come. Class of 1977 The 45th Class Reunion will be on Saturday August 27, 2022, at St. Philip?s Conser vation Club, school tour 3:30 P.M., door s open 5:00 P.M., dinner 6:00 P.M. If you have any questions, email Sar a Eller t at eller tsar
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