1 minute read
Class Retr eats Retur n
By Chad Br eeden, Campus Minister
After a multi- year hiatus, Mater Dei was able to br ing our students back together for class retreats this past school year. The freshman and sophomore retreats were held in- house at Mater Dei High School, while the junior s and senior s retreats took place at the Catholic Center. Outside of being held in- house, the freshman and sophomore retreats were led by Net Ministr ies, a non- profit missionar y group that challenges young Catholics to love Chr ist and embr ace the life of the Church through their retreats and discipleship ministr y. It was an excellent way for our students to spend time with young men and women who have made it their goal to spread the word by becoming missionar ies. Our junior and senior retreats were held by the Theology Depar tment at the Catholic Center and focused on each student's Catholic identity. Both retreats focused on family, lear ning from the past, focusing on the present, and looking toward the future concer ning their faith jour ney. Along with the Theology Depar tment, many other faculty and staff member s worked to make these retreats a success. As we move into summer, the Theology Depar tment is busy planning for next school year 's retreats. We ask for your suppor t and constant pr ayer s as we continue building a faith- based community for our students to lear n and grow.