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Class of 2022 Scholar ships

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In Memor iam

In Memor iam

Acad em i c Ex cel l en ce

Cl ass of 20 22 Sch ol ar sh i p s

The class of 2022 is attending 28 colleges in 7 differ ent states, 1 to the USMC, and 10 to the wor kfor ce. They r eceived $12MM+ in scholar ships. Advancing Women in Science/ STEM Scholar ship: Julie Heldman Father Deer ing Scholar ship: Allie Gr iese James Niemeier Wr estling Scholar ship: Br ody Baumann and Matt Her r mann Jason Coughlin Memor ial Scholar ship: Nathan Cr itchfield Mater Dei Fr iends and Alumni Scholar ship: Jamie Luigs and Laur en Ahola Walter and Ir ene Ruston Scholar ship: Ava Effinger, Alyssa Kempf, and Holly Kar ges The Stan Singer Excellence in Wr iting Awar d: Lindsey Reidfor d and Holly Kar ges Tom Tighe Scholar ship: Kelly Blair and Chr issy Mar x Tomor r ow?s Wor kfor ce Leader ship Scholar ship: Calvin Str atman Louie Wittmer Nur sing and Medical Scholar ship: Olivia Schmitt Nix Family Scholar ship: Gabe Blanton Michelle Diane Gr eenwell Memor ial College Scholar ship: Holly Kar ges Ter esa (Ter r y) McAtee Muenster man Family Legacy Awar d Class of 1970: Collin Maur er

Al l Spor t s Awar d Eli McDur mon - Football, Wr estling, Tr ack and Field Kaden Wauger man - Soccer, Swimming, Baseball Kelly Blair - Golf, Swimming, Tennis Nick Boots - Football, Wr estling, Tr ack and Field Conor Gr eaney - Cr oss Countr y, Basketball, Tr ack and Field Sophie Kleiman - Volleyball, Basketball, Softball Olivia Schmitt - Volleyball, Basketball, Softball Kennedy Wenger - Volleyball, Basketball, Tr ack and Field, Tennis

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