Red & Gold, Volume 39, Number 2 - Summer 2022

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red & gold T H E M A T E RD E I H I G H S C H O O L FRI EN D S & A L U M N M I A G A Z I N E

volume 39, number 2 1

Table of Contents volume 39, number 2 3 5 7 8 9 11 12 13 14 16 17 19 20 21 22 27 29 31 33 35 37 38 39 40 41 42

President's Message Valedictor ians National Honor Society May Day Class Retreats Retur n A Tr ibute to Deacon Tom Kir sch Class of 2022 Scholar ships Father Endress Scholar ship The End of An Er a MD Hi- Lights/Super mileage Fine Ar ts State Finals Football State Wrestling State Look for the Helper s Leanne Happe Backpack Progr am Highly Decor ated Jack Funke '57 Remembered Consider ing a Legacy Gift: Endowments MDFAA Gives Back Sweethear ts Take It Back to Where It All Star ted Can- do Senior Mason Eickhoff Is "Hands On" It's Not Goodbye, It's See You Later Mater Dei Legends Are Back Home in Indiana Class Reunions Mater Dei Author s In Memor iam

ABOUT THE COVER Senior s Gabe Sollar s, Laur en Ahola, and Jessie Bacon pr epar e to walk into the Baccalaur eate Mass holding an item that r epr esents their time at Mater Dei.

The Red & Gold is published two times a year by the Mater Dei High School Office of Institutional Advancement to encour age under standing and suppor t the mission of Mater Dei High School. Through the Red & Gold, Mater Dei?s 11,000+ alumni, as well as the school?s many fr iends, continue to strengthen their relationships with each other and become better infor med about the many ways Mater Dei str ives for excellence through its spir itual, academic, and extr a- cur r icular progr ams. Red & Gold Editor & Page Designer : Kendr a Neumann, Director of Marketing & Communications. Contr ibutor s: Chad Breeden Jessie Bacon '22 Mallor y (Goebel) Her tel ?07 Matt Kar ges ?06 Kendr a Neumann Dan Niemeier '80 Julie McGrew Photogr aphy: Str aub Photogr aphy Angela St. Clair Hi- Lights Staff Kendr a Neumann Penn State Nittany Lions Summer McDur mon '23 John For zley Kir sch Family Super mileage

Send alumni news and address changes to Julie McGrew, Executive Administr ative Assistant: jmcgrew@evdio.or g or visit our website mation- update. 1300 Har mony Way, Evansville, IN 47720 812.426.2258 ·


Pr esident's Message When my future wife, Laur a, and I walked out of the door s of Mater Dei High School in 1980, I never envisioned retur ning to ser ve in this role that I have been blessed with. Throughout the year s, we spent countless hour s at Mater Dei attending spor ting and extr acur r icular events for our three sons, while I ser ved on numerous boards and committees at Mater Dei and in our Catholic community. Little did I know that God?s plan was for me to one day ser ve in a greater capacity. It is with great joy and enthusiasm that I am now in a position to ser ve the families in our Mater Dei community in this greater capacity. I have made it my mission to lead us to greater heights, with a special focus on the spir itual and academic for mation of the young adults we ser ve. In order to achieve this mission, I believe it begins with listening to the needs of this great community. Pope Fr ancis opened a Synod on Synodality (?jour neying together ?) initiative in October 2021. Local dioceses are cur rently completing listening sessions to suppor t the Synod?s objective of listening, as the entire People of God, to what the Holy Spir it is saying to the Church. Pope Fr ancis noted that Jesus frequently accompanied people on a jour ney, walking alongside them and listening to them as a means of meeting them where they were. He encour aged us to embody Jesus?style of encounter ing other s, listening to them, and discer ning what is in our hear ts. In the few months I have been in my role, I have embarked on my own listening sessions in the Mater Dei community. I have been blessed with many oppor tunities to encounter, listen, and discer n from a var iety of Mater Dei stakeholder s, including: students, parents, faculty, staff, par tner school pastor s and administr ator s, and alumni. The key takeaway that continues to resonate for me from these ongoing encounter s is our community?s deeply held love for both Mater Dei High School and our mission to for m young people in our Catholic faith. Much work remains to integr ate my lear ning's with the insights I am gaining from recent sur veys and focus groups to create a str ategic plan for Mater Dei. While the details of the plan are being worked out, our immediate pr ior ities are focused on three areas: Catholic Identity, Academic Excellence and a Site Master Plan. Like the stated pur pose of the Synod on Synodality for our Church, the objectives of my listening sessions in the Mater Dei community are to inspire people to dream about the Mater Dei High School we are called to be, to make people?s hopes flour ish, to stimulate tr ust, to weave new and deeper relationships, to lear n from one another, and restore strength to our hands for our common mission. If you would like to join me on our jour ney to develop and achieve this mission, I encour age you to contact me at dtniemeier @evdio.or g. In Chr ist, Through Our Blessed Mother,

Bishop Joseph Siegel appoints Father Chr istopher Dr oste as the Pr iest- Delegate at Mater Dei High School. Father Dr oste, a 1998 gr aduate of Mater Dei, was or dained to the pr iesthood on June 8, 2013. He is cur r ently ser ving as pastor of St. Boniface Par ish, Evansville. He will exer cise the pastor al over sight of the Mater Dei High School community under the author ity of Bishop Siegel. Please join us in welcoming Fr. Dr oste as our new Pr iest- Delegate!

Dan Niemeier ?80 President of Mater Dei High School



Valedictor ians

Laur en Ahola

Julie Heldman

Kate Her r mann

Emma Macke

Chr issy Mar x

Cole Nor man

Nathan Schneider

Lexi Kassenbr ock

Aleilah Nisley

Ryan Van Bibber

Class of 2022 5


National Honor Society 2021 - 2022 I nductees

National Honor Society students helped set up at this year 's Big Bingo!

Mitchell Adler Brody Baumann Liza Beard Kelly Blair Lindsey Boeke Luke Burgdorf Cooper Darr Kurt Denning Leslie Eades Belle Farmer Emma Farmer Finley Fehrenbacher Sophia M. Fehrenbacher Isabel Folz Tessley Freeman Isabel Fryman Kayla Gerth Kathleen Glaser Allison Gorman Warren Halbig Kate Herrmann Jasmine Hertel Abby Hoefling Lucas Johnson Abby Kiesel Ethan Kissel Sophie Knight Lucas Kuhn


Levi Kunkler Andrew Lannert Christopher Martin Clay Martin Isaac Mayer Madelyn Merkley Sara Muensterman Austin Mullenix Joseph Pierre Madeline Rentchler Ella Riordan Janelle Schapker Kole Schapker Jacob Scheller Molly Schmitt Olivia Schmitt Evan Seng Molly Swallows Lauren Turner Ryan Van Bibber Austin Vanover Lauren Voelker Kailey Walker Allison Weber Clara Weinzapfel Cody Wells Kate Wenger Patrick Williams

Spir itual Gr owth

May Day 2022 By Jessie Bacon '22 Mar y lived her life in constant accordance with God?s will. She set a per fect example of how we can place our full tr ust in the Lord. She said "Yes" to being the Mother of God. With that "Yes", she allowed all of humanity to have the oppor tunity to love Jesus on a per sonal level. It is through her openness to God in His will that we may see what it is like to open our selves to the Lord. When Mar y said "Yes" to being Chr ist?s mother, God made sure she knew she did not have to do it alone. He was there with her ever y step of the way. The same goes for us. God has a beautiful plan for each of us that He wants to walk us through. It is up to us to say "Yes" to Him. God wants us to invite Him into ever y aspect of our lives. Mar y tr usted that God?s plan was one of much greater pur pose than a plan of her own accord. Like Mar y has shown us, sur render ing our own plans and allowing God to work in our lives is the key to holiness and fullness in relationship with him. We can tur n to Mar y, our mother, Queen of Heaven and Ear th, for intercession of all things, especially the cour age to say yes to God, just as she did. I was incredibly honored to represent the class of 2022 by crowning Mar y at Mater Dei?s annual May Day Mass. May Day is always a special day at Mater Dei. It is not only a time of fellowship with games and activities, but also a time of honor to Mar y, our Mother, and Patroness of our school. This may day was special to me because Fr. Ryan Hilderbr and, the pr iest at the par ish I attend, St. Philip, came to celebr ate Mass with us. We were extr a blessed because he brought along Nick Biever, a seminar ian in our diocese, to ser ve. May Day was a wonder ful day filled with community, fun, and a beautiful reminder of how we can tur n to Mar y, our Mother.


Class Retr eats Retur n By Chad Breeden, Campus Minister After a multi- year hiatus, Mater Dei was able to br ing our students back together for class retreats this past school year. The freshman and sophomore retreats were held in- house at Mater Dei High School, while the junior s and senior s retreats took place at the Catholic Center. Outside of being held in- house, the freshman and sophomore retreats were led by Net Ministr ies, a non- profit missionar y group that challenges young Catholics to love Chr ist and embr ace the life of the Church through their retreats and discipleship ministr y. It was an excellent way for our students to spend time with young men and women who have made it their goal to spread the word by becoming missionar ies.

Our junior and senior retreats were held by the Theology Depar tment at the Catholic Center and focused on each student's Catholic identity. Both retreats focused on family, lear ning from the past, focusing on the present, and looking toward the future concer ning their faith jour ney. Along with the Theology Depar tment, many other faculty and staff member s worked to make these retreats a success. As we move into summer, the Theology Depar tment is busy planning for next school year 's retreats. We ask for your suppor t and constant pr ayer s as we continue building a faith- based community for our students to lear n and grow.



A Tr ibute to Deacon Thomas Kir sch by Posey County Right to Life For the last few decades, Deacon Tom Kir sch became a familiar face in the St. Philip?s and Mater Dei community. In fact, his wife Dolores Wolf was a 1968 gr aduate of Mater Dei, and in the year s to come, so were his children. Tom and Dolores were blessed with nine children, Cathy ?91, Tom II ?94, Sar ah ?95, Matthew ?95, Mar ia ?97, Charlene ?99, Joanna ?02, Lucas ?04, and Elizabeth ?04. The two suffered the loss of two other children, one to a miscar r iage and one who was still bor n at 16 weeks, Timothy Alber t. As the anniver sar y of Tom Kir sch passing, July 17, 2021, we reflect on the impact he left on this world. As a child, Tom had a strong desire to ser ve the Lord. He took great pr ide in being an altar boy. He would wake up at 5 A.M. and r ide his bike to ser ve the early Mass at St. Benedict's Catholic Church. His brother s often called him ?Deacon?, but little did they know the seed they were planting. After elementar y school, Tom gr aduated from Rex Mundi High School where he continued to ser ve at Mass and par ticipated in other projects to ser ve other s. Tom always encour aged his family to ser ve other s. By tr ade he was a plumber and would always lend a hand to those in need. He used his time and talent to help to ser ve other s at St. Philip Church, Little Sister s of the Poor, and he was a par t of the implementation of the Right to Life of Posey County in the 1970s. Speaking for the unbor n was par t of his pur pose on this ear th and the family was active in many ways. Tom ser ved as a chaperone on many of the tr ips to Washington D.C. with the Mater Dei Teens for Life to

attend the March for Life. One of the most memor able events occur red when he took the family to pr ay outside an abor tion clinic in a nearby city. In 2011, the Kir sch family even opened their home to a 19 year old unwed mother, Ravena, who became a par t of the family. Tom loved babies; however, he also taught his family to respect all life, from conception to natur al death, including respect for the elderly. Over the year s, Tom endured many str uggles with his health. At just 33 year s old, Tom had a defective hear t valve replaced. He went on to need a hip and knee replacement from his many year s as a plumber and even str uggled with anxiety and depression. It?s from these str uggles he would look back and realize they made him stronger because he realized that God and his family would always help him through. At the age of 59, Tom began to achieve his long awaited dream of becoming a Deacon. On August 3, 2013, Tom received the Sacr ament of Ordination to the Per manent Diaconate. He ser ved as Deacon at St. Philip Catholic Church and he greatly enjoyed reading the Gospel dur ing Mass. He was able to per for m the mar r iage vows for his youngest son and baptize his daughter- in- law, three of his gr andchildren, and other new member s of the Catholic Church in his role as a Deacon. As time continued, Tom?s health took another tur n. In July of 2019,


Tom required another hear t sur ger y which resulted in an unexpected stroke. His ability to help other s was now limited, and he was relying on the assistance of other s to even sit up in bed. For the next two year s, he worked hard with physical, occupational, and speech ther apy with the goal to ser ve as Deacon once more to proclaim the Gospel at Mass. Dur ing these two year s, he took the time to slow down and appreciate the people in his life. On June 27th, 2021, he was over joyed to achieve this goal of once again reading the Gospel from the pulpit. The following Wednesday, Tom had a massive br ain bleed and was admitted to the hospital. He was taken home with hospice care on July 9th and sur rounded by his family, God took him home on July 17, 2021. God gave him and his family such a beautiful gift - witnessing Tom's joy the day he read the Gospel again will always give his family peace.

Deacon Tom embr acing two young girls outside of a clinic on one of the many tr ips he was a chaperone.

The Kir sch Family from L to R. Back row : Matthew Kir sch, Sar ah Holland, Cathy Nelson, Dolores Kir sch, Tom Kir sch I, Tom Kir sch II Front row L to R: Lucas Kir sch, Mar ia McClure, Elizabeth Kir sch, Charlene Nolan, Joanna Vandendor pe

Academic Excellence

Class of 2022 Scholar ships The class of 2022 is attending 28 colleges in 7 different states, 1 to the USMC, and 10 to the workforce. They received $12MM+ in scholar ships. Advancing Women in Science/STEM Scholar ship: Julie Heldman Father Deer ing Scholar ship: Allie Gr iese James Niemeier Wrestling Scholar ship: Brody Baumann and Matt Her r mann Jason Coughlin Memor ial Scholar ship: Nathan Cr itchfield Mater Dei Fr iends and Alumni Scholar ship: Jamie Luigs and Lauren Ahola Walter and Irene Ruston Scholar ship: Ava Effinger, Alyssa Kempf, and Holly Kar ges The Stan Singer Excellence in Wr iting Award: Lindsey Reidford and Holly Kar ges Tom Tighe Scholar ship: Kelly Blair and Chr issy Mar x Tomor row?s Workforce Leader ship Scholar ship: Calvin Str atman Louie Wittmer Nur sing and Medical Scholar ship: Olivia Schmitt Nix Family Scholar ship: Gabe Blanton Michelle Diane Greenwell Memor ial College Scholar ship: Holly Kar ges Teresa (Ter r y) McAtee Muenster man Family Legacy Award Class of 1970: Collin Maurer

All Spor ts Awar d Eli McDur mon - Football, Wrestling, Tr ack and Field Kaden Wauger man - Soccer, Swimming, Baseball Kelly Blair - Golf, Swimming, Tennis Nick Boots - Football, Wrestling, Tr ack and Field Conor Greaney - Cross Countr y, Basketball, Tr ack and Field Sophie Kleiman - Volleyball, Basketball, Softball Olivia Schmitt - Volleyball, Basketball, Softball Kennedy Wenger - Volleyball, Basketball, Tr ack and Field, Tennis 12

Father Endr ess Scholar ship Fr. James R. Endress died on Januar y 20, 2021. Pr ior to his death, he had established a legacy Char itable Fund with the instr uctions that it be used to fund progr ams in our regional geogr aphic area to 1) Promote and fund education oppor tunities to wor thy institutions and individual recipients, and 2) Extend financial gr ants to agencies helping to provide basic resources to those in our region who most need a helping hand. The only instr uctions that were received from Fr. Jim regarding future recipients of his Char itable Fund was to remember the simple tr uths of his faith and to pay it for ward as they move through their own jour ney of life. Most people who knew Fr. Jim descr ibed him as a remarkable man. He was a per son of great er udition and was well- read on an amazing var iety of topics. He had a dr y wit, a legendar y fr ugality, a self- effacing modesty, and an iron will. Despite becoming a quadr iplegic in 1981 in a bicycling accident, Fr. Jim reveled in extended family relationships and never missed a family celebr ation that he was in his ability to attend. Most of all, Fr. Jim was a man of great faith and unimpeachable mor al char acter, a per son who was never swer ved from the simple tr uths and undiluted standards of conduct with which he was r aised. Upon his passing, a $10,000, 4- year renewable scholar ship was established from his Legacy Char itable Fund. Two students from Mater Dei and two students from Memor ial (4 total)- 2 male and 2 female - were to go through a comprehensive application process. Round 1: Students were asked to fill out an application and par ticipate in a timed on- demand wr iting prompt Applications and wr iting prompts judged by an outside panel Round 2: Pastor al reference Letter of recommendation Revision of the on- demand wr iting Round 3: Inter view

2022 Fat h er En dr ess Sch olar sh ip Recipien t s ar e Br ian a St eph en s an d Nat h an Sch n eider . 13

THE END OF AN ERA By Kendr a Neumann

It's the end of an er a at Mater Dei as three teaching giants retire after a combined 128 year s of dedication to our school. Mr s. Brenda Donofr io began her career nearly 30 year s ago at Mater Dei. Mr s. Donofr io was an English Teacher but she was also the hear t and soul of the speech progr am. She lead the team to win the fir st State Championship in Mater Dei High School's histor y, ultimately shaping the Speech Progr am into what it is today. Steve Schaefer '98, Deputy Mayor, City of Evansville said, "It?s difficult to put into words the positive impact that Mr s. Donofr io had on my time at Mater Dei. Without a doubt, the communication skills and public speaking style lear ned from Mr s. Donofr io?s coaching was ver y helpful to the success in my professional career. However, her smile and open ar ms to ever y student walking through her classroom door s was tr uly special.? She tr uly cared about Mater Dei and its students and prepar ing them for the future. While we will miss her greatly, we are so

happy for her to enjoy her retirement! Carl Voegel star ted his teaching career at Mater Dei in the fall of 1977. The impact Mr. Voegel had on his students is extr aordinar y. A lar ge number of students have pur sued degrees in the science and medical fields as a result of his influence. Dr. Jeremy Her r mann '98, Congenital Cardiac Sur geon at Riley Children?s Health, said, "Mr. Voegel had an incredible passion for teaching throughout his career. He maintained high expectations and sought to enr ich the education of all MD students by enhancing the Science Depar tment. His r igorous standards helped prepare me for college (as a biology major), medical school, and residency/fellowship tr aining. Even to this day, I have flashbacks from my advanced biology class mapping creeks, studying anatomy, and so much more. Many people probably do not know how hard he has worked to provide students with


exposure to the healthcare field such as through the Health Sciences Institute. His impacts on the Mater Dei and greater community are immeasur able, and I will always be gr ateful to have had the oppor tunity to

lear n from him." Mr. Voegel will be missed but we know he will be around, especially under those Fr iday night lights! Mr. Voegel plans to spend his retirement enjoying time with his gr andkids. When Mr. Rick Keith announced he would be retir ing, it was a sur real moment for many. Mr. Keith has been teaching at Mater Dei since the fall of 1968 and has left an impression on thousands of students over the year s, in some instances teaching three gener ations of family member s. One of those families is the Boots family. Ger ard Boots '72 stated, "Mr. Keith, as we all lovingly call him, is one of those special people who touches your life in so many ways.

(Wife) Ter r y ?72 and I were students in sever al of Mr. Keith?s math classes 50 year s ago. His skills, car ing per sonality, and teaching abilities coupled with his unique sense of humor made the Man. No one completed a cour se with Mr. Keith without improving their math skills and obtaining a huge respect for the Man."

wish him the best in his future endeavor s. He will be forever missed but never for gotten." After the Honor s Day progr am this past May, when the time came to honor Mr. Keith, all faculty, staff, and students that he had in class were invited to stand to recognize him? it was nearly standing room only for just a small por tion of all those he has impacted. As Mr. Keith embarks on his retirement, we wish him the best. He plans to attend as many Br aves games as possible


For the last 34 year s, Molly Weber has ser ved as the Athletic Office Secr etar y under the dir ection of John Reinitz, Joe Dippel, and Joe Her r mann. We thank her for her dedication to Mater Dei and wish her all the best in her r etir ement!

One of the many qualities ever yone remember s and loves about Mr. Keith were his backhanded compliments. Boots said, "Mr. Keith would encour age you to lear n while administer ing his guidance utilizing many for ms of psychology with one of his favor ites being backhanded compliments. He never missed an oppor tunity to infor m you and your fr iends why your actions fell shor t of most socially accepted tar gets." As Boots continued to reflect on the impact Keith had on him and his family, he stated, "Mr. Keith has engr aved his name and per sonality into the histor y of Mater Dei. Only a few in the long histor y of the school have affected so many students in such a positive manner. We all share in the celebr ation of the Man and


Social Development

MD Hi- lights The 2020- 2021 yearbook staff ear ned fir st place for their ?It?s Up To Us? theme in the Indiana High School Press Association?s Division 1 Har vey Awards. According to the IHSPA, this state win ?represents the best in scholastic jour nalism from all regions of the state.? As a school, we?d like to recognize last year ?s editor and gr aduate Olivia Hamilton for her dedication to this yearbook, along with the other gr aduates and cur rent students on staff. Additional awar ds include: Belle Far mer and Olivia Hamilton?1st place for por tr aits Olivia Hamilton?2nd place for single page design Sophie Oliver, Kate Breeden, and Olivia Hamilton?3rd place for spor ts cover age Sophie Oliver?honor able mention for multi- page design Dawson Pfaffman?honor able mention for student life cover age

Super mileage The Mater Dei Super mileage Team won Urban Concept - Batter y Electr ic and Prototype - Inter nal Combustion Engine at the Shell Eco- Mar athon in Indianapolis in Apr il. The team is led by Bob Neisen.


59th Annual High School Ar t Show at the Evansville Museum exhibitor s and awar d winner s! "Tea Time" Clar a Weinzapfel - 1st Place Pr intmaking "Allot Dots" Aver y Mar tin - Timothy Weir/Claudia Congleton Mer it Award "Lazy Daisy" Car a Schlacter. - Rick and Jean Ewer s Mer it Award "Color Blind" James Bohleber "School Daze" Abby Kiesel - 2nd place Mixed Media "Just James" James Van Bibber - 1st place Sculpture "Paint Por tr aits" Allie Gr iese - Palmer and Lorene Siau Memor ial Mer it Award "Seven Deadly Sins" Allie Gr iese Allot Dots by Aver y Mar tin

"Pieced Per sonality" Lauren Tur ner "Old World Charcuter ie" Gr ace Rohleder - Most Rev Fr ancis R. Shea Mer it Award

Lazy Daisy by Car a Schlacter

Color Blind by James Bohleber


Pieced Personality by Lauren Tur ner


Senior Golfer, Emily Gagnon, advanced to the state finals!

The number one doubles team of Kelly Blair and Chr issy Mar x finished an amazing season with an appear ance at state.

The Archer y Team competed at State ear ning 5th place out of 35 teams as well as placing 2nd in 3- D!

The Marching Wildcats brought home 5th place at the 2021 state finals in Indianapolis.

The Mater Dei Clay Tar get Team competed at State and came home the 2022 State Champions!


Football State



Photos by Summer McDurmon


Ser vice to Other s

Look for the Helper s By Matt Kar ges '06 EDI TOR?S NOTE: This is the second part of the series about Mater Dei graduates who have gone on to become first responders. This spotlight is to show not only their efforts in serving the public, but also to give the MD family an idea of what first responder jobs entail and the importance of them as well.- Matt Karges ?06/ Evansville Police Sergeant

For many in the Mater Dei community, finding a ser vant?s hear t and being a ser vant leader is not often too difficult to locate or become. For decades, our faith- based school has asked students and families alike to ?do unto other s as you would have them do unto you? and live by the motto ?Go For th to Ser ve? after gr aduation. This philosophy has set the tone for gener ations to not only lear n at Mater Dei but to ser ve other s thereafter. Keeping these values in mind, I?d like to remind people what Mr. Roger s (a TV host of an old children?s show for those that aren?t old enough to know) said about times of cr isis. He said, ?look for the helper s?- which was something his mother told him when he was younger. Shedding light on something positive in a bad situation and acknowledging those willing to help in times of distress. It doesn?t take away from what the tr agedy may have been but focuses on what can be done to help and those that are willing to do it. These same people are the ones that makeup Mater Dei?s community- as are the gr aduates as well. In living like Jesus, ever yone from Mater Dei str ives to ser ve other s in all aspects of our lives. For us all, it?s a responsibility, but for some, it is also a ?duty.? A duty to not only spir itually, but physically represent one?s self as a public ser vant by donning a unifor m or badge to represent all. A fir st responder holds an impor tant role in safeguarding the foundations of society. People who choose to stand for the idea of ?good? and something much greater than themselves ultimately chooses to ser ve other s. No matter what er a we live in, it?s a Godly profession and

noble, to say the least. Mater Dei has helped mold many of these ser vants enter ing the community. As St. Michael the Archangel leads God?s ar my of angels, fir st responder s who sacr ifice for all can lead in ser vice before themselves as well I?ve compiled a group of more MD gr ads as follows who?ve shared their stor ies. Mike Bishop '97 Some may know Mike Bishop from school in the ?90s (1997 MD gr ad), as a West Side Nut Club member, or more presently from helping teach educational narcotics classes to Mr. Jewell?s senior s. He is is a Vanderbur gh County Sher iff?s Office Ser geant Deputy. Deputies are an extension of the elected Sher iff of said county and pr imar ily patrol the non- city areas of the county. Having the same ar rest power s state- wide as most police agencies do, they still pr imar ily patrol and respond to r uns outside the city limits. The city has designated its own police force for enforcement of the law and public safety. That said, the need for such a presence remains in the county as well where citizens can expect to see a deputy when needing help. The Sher iff?s Office is also constitutionally required to maintain secur ity for the cour ts, act as officer s of the cour ts, and manage the county jail. This requires deputies to also per for m these functions for the Sher iff and are an integr al par t of their ser vice as well. Illegal narcotics can be seen as the root of most evil from many points of view and another integr al par t of the Sher iff?s Office is the er adication of such. Bishop spent at least eight year s of his career in the Joint Task Force (JTF) which is where the narcotics unit of the Sher iff?s Office works ?jointly? with the Evansville Police depar tment?s unit and member s of the Prosecutor ?s Office. They share office


space and work cases together, combining their effor ts and effect on combating the dr ug problem in Vanderbur gh/Evansville. Assigned to the JTF, Bishop was also a narcotics K9 handler. He worked with a yellow Labr ador named Hunter where their focus was to suppor t detectives in locating illegal dr ugs. The K9 is tr ained to sniff out the dr ugs exposing the cr ime or recover ing evidence for detectives. Bishop and K9 Hunter were responsible for helping locate hundreds of dr ugs and illegal meth labs throughout the county. This exper ience was the highlight of Bishop?s career so far ; enjoying doing school presentations with Hunter and helping teach D.A.R.E. progr ams, too. He believes a lot of the hard work was instilled from Mater Dei saying, ?If you don?t work hard you will not succeed at the level the duty requires?. K9 handler s go through weeks of tr aining and must become proficient enough to be cer tified in their tr aining skills. This keeps the team professional but also credentialed in their locating aspects that can be upheld in cour t. After Bishop?s par tner Hunter retired, he tested for ser geant which is a super visor r ank above deputy. Testing for r ank requires a lot of studying (reading assigned books and depar tment procedures) and an inter view assessment as well. If you score well enough, you may later get promoted and Bishop accomplished just that. He made ser geant and over saw the deputies in JTF for a couple of year s until retur ning to road patrol as a super visor where he can be found today. Becoming a super visor is an impor tant position and task not all attain. Mater Dei has always had a higher standard in education per for mance and of strong discipline in athletics as well. With this, Bishop feels MD definitely helped prepare him for this stage in his career- long before he knew it. cont.

Bishop was active in spor ts at MD as many are and was a par t of the ?95, ?96, and ?97 state wrestling teams as well as the state r unner- up team for football in 1994. He was an assistant coach for the ?03 and ?04 state wrestling teams and helped coach freshman football, too. A lot of us tr ade in ?athletic figures? for ?father figures? as we get older- losing a healthy lifestyle or at least the capability of being considered in shape. As any cop needs to be, Bishop had to maintain a level of fitness outside the regular 9- 5 job in the world. Cops need to be ready to respond to any emer gency and help save someone at a moment?s notice if need be. Bishop may sit in his squad car all day today or get out and wrestle with someone wanting to hur t him, something a deputy just never knows. Along with having to r un around with the K9 for eight year s, chase cr iminals and climb around places searching for dr ugs- Bishop was a cer tified physical tactics instr uctor as well. He taught other deputies each year defensive tactics for subduing offender s and protecting themselves with the use of force techniques. All these instances or tr aining and teaching Bishop has done he attr ibutes to his time playing spor ts at Mater Dei. Not many people want to enter tain these ideas or work hard to be an instr uctor and teach other s, but having the discipline and work ethic MD teaches makes it that much easier. Our collective effor ts in ever ything we do or exper ience help us in life. Bishop gr aduated from Ball State Univer sity with a degree in Cr iminal Justice in 2001. The pur suit of higher lear ning has helped benefit him in his duties as deputy as well as Bishop?s mentor s like cur rent Pr incipal Knight, coaches Mike Goebel and Greg Schaefer- - who are people that have helped shape him through the year s. A lot of good comes out of MD, but once the prepar ation for the real world is complete, we must use what we?ve lear ned (whether we know it yet or not) and keep doing good fur ther more. As a deputy, Bishop is able to do just that day in and day out. He?s had a lot of accomplishments ser ving the community and being able to look back on all the work so far, he can at least see the good out of the bad. That good may be getting children out of these homes with unfit parents to keep dangerous dr ugs from being prevalent on the street. MD helped

make Bishop the deputy he is now. If you want to make a difference sometimes you have to work hard and do extr a. MD teaches this and Bishop says the same. Just like when he needed extr a lessons in Algebr a from Mr. Keith. He knew that ?if you had to do extr a, then do extr a.? That mindset has left him happy as a mar r ied (wife Kelly), father of three girls, Sher iff?s Office Ser geant patrolling our community for you and me. Wyatt Seng '14 Wyatt Seng gr aduated from Mater Dei with the class of 2014. He played football and wrestled while attending. After gr aduation, life took him to the Univer sity of Souther n Indiana where a lot of gr aduates flow to and stay home enjoying college life. He gr aduated from USI in 2018 and got a job with Cintas (a full- ser vice unifor m company). While working there, Seng says he had a cousin and other s from MD interest him in applying for the fire depar tment here in Evansville in 2019- star ting his jour ney into public ser vice and becoming a fir st responder. Applying for the fire depar tment is the easy task. Testing to get hired is the tough par t. Applicants must pass requirements to apply (age, residency, cr iminal background check, etc.), then pass a wr itten test, followed by a physical assessment called the CPAT (Candidate Physical Ability Test). This CPAT includes: stair climb, hose dr ag, equipment car r y, ladder r aise and extension, forcible entr y, search, rescue, and finally ceiling breach and pull test. Applicants must per for m an aer ial ladder climb 75ft up at 70 degrees and then back down in a set amount of time as well. You are placed on a r anked list after all this and are hired based on available openings in a two- year per iod. This is a ver y competitive and strenuous process just to get hired. After getting hired, months and months of tr aining await. This also includes a lot of strenuous activities lear ning about fire control, search and rescue, hazmat tr aining, pre- hospital emer gency care, and a slew of other skills to master. Classroom and real- world tr aining make up the academy and culminate in getting


to be called a firefighter at gr aduation? joining a million other s across the countr y as an imper ative figure in public ser vice. When someone calls 911, they gener ally need immediate help. For most calls police are sent to ar r ive, but for most life- saving calls where a threat isn?t necessar ily still there- firefighter s are usually fir st to ar r ive and render aid. They are sent to vehicle accidents with injur y, gas leaks, downed power lines, and of cour se fire calls. They have a lot of jobs outside of just fighting fires though. Firefighter s are an extensively tr ained fir st responder, and they go through a lot to save people?s lives and have to have a hear t for compassion on each r un. Keeping all this in mind, Seng states: ?I can definitely look back and see that Mater Dei instilling the value of ser vice is what drew me to this career. I think that ser vice can be achieved in many ways by helping when you?re needed or going out of your way when it isn't asked of you, but you want to. That is definitely something that I think Mater Dei does a fantastic job of teaching.? Full- time firefighter s in Evansville work a 24- hour shift. Then they have a few days off, but their ?shift? is equal to the aver age job shift three times over. Sure, they get to work out and cook great meals (hence the movie scenes having big dinner s and watching ?COPS? T.V. show in recliner s, but Seng didn?t confir m that par t), but they also tr ain A LOT and take care of their extensive equipment and gear in down time. Just like a lot of emer gency ser vices, taxpayer s are still getting their money?s wor th when they have this downtime. Par tly because they are always ready and tr ained and also because it is like a sense of insur ance that they?re prepared at a moment?s notice when the wor st things happen no matter what they?re doing. Firefighter s are always prepared, and thankfully they tr ain as much as they do. The ?Great Chicago Fire? of 1871 that killed hundreds and bur ned over three- square miles of the city is considered a wor r y of the past due to cur rent fire depar tment preparedness standards. There are 14 fire stations across Evansville and over 270 swor n firefighter s. The depar tment is compr ised of suppression units, water rescue, hazmat, rope/confined space rescue, dive team, honor guard, and more. Their skill, tr aining, readiness of each station and round- the- clock ser vice help keep the community safe ever y day of the year. Firefighting is an essential job and rewarding career to have when it comes to helping other s. cont.

When asked about this, Seng said, ?The pur pose I believe I provide as a firefighter is to ser ve the community and help them when they are in need.? He continued ?? we are there to help and if they think it's an emer gency or a possible emer gency we will respond and help to the best of our ability and that's what we tr ain for.? It is evident that Mater Dei has helped Seng be prepared for the difficult task of being a firefighter. Like most fir st responder s the reward is in the ser vice, just as MD teaches. The community is lucky to have those like Seng ser ving as is MD where he continues to ser ve by helping coach wrestling. His wife Sar ah coaches softball, too. A thought Seng left with me was this: ?I hope that many students cur rently and coming through see that being a Fir st Responder is a great way to ser ve." Heath Stewar t '97 Law enforcement ? is just that. Enforcing the law one can find numerous different agencies and types of ?cops,? so to speak, ever ywhere in the countr y that does so. Different states have different agencies and different laws, but one thing remains the same? they are law enforcement (L.E). Another thing the same in L.E. is the feder al ar m (nationwide author ity to enforce feder al laws and unifor mity within its agency no matter the state). The ?feds? include gover nment agencies like the FBI, CIA, DEA, and ATF. 1997 Mater Dei gr aduate Heath Stewar t is a par t of one of these major agencies mentioned and known as the ATF or Alcohol Tobacco and Firear ms to spell it out; although the official title is ?The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firear ms, and Explosives?. Stewar t?s path to the ATF, like a lot of police career s involved hard work, per sonal effor t in becoming

accomplished, and growing out of the seeds planted from Mater Dei?s community. Stewar t could of taken it easy after gr aduating, but he decided to fur ther his education and keep lear ning at Indiana State Univer sity. All that?s expected of a student is to gr aduate, but Stewar t thought to get the most out of his time in college and ended up getting both his bachelor ?s and master ?s degrees in cr iminology. He ear ned the ?Senior Outstanding Cr iminology Award? from the cr iminology depar tment as well. He also spent time mentor ing at- r isk youth at a group home teaching them life skills. His effor ts were to get these kids to finish school and set their own goals in life which would ultimately allow them to move for ward and be more successful as well. There are many unfor tunate people in this world and community who don?t have the same role models that a lot of us are afforded and when someone like Stewar t can step in and help show the way, then we as a whole benefit in the long r un and especially that per son?s life may be changed for the better. This hard work and mindset were star ted off by what Heath credits to Mater Dei by saying, ?I credit the push to always help other s from the foundation staff, coaches, and teacher s built dur ing my time at Mater Dei.? Stewar t star ted working for a living as a fir st responder by joining the Vanderbur gh County Sher iff?s Office in 2004. After tr aining, his fir st assignment was in patrol on the night shift. He spent the next sever al year s getting to patrol the county as a deputy (and tr aining deputy for new hires), often patrolling the St. Joe area where he grew up. Feeling a sense of responsibility to give back to those who helped r aise him he was able to ?protect and ser ve? ever y night in the area where ever yone who helped get him to that place in life slept peacefully in their beds. Some officer s/deputies are more proactive than other s and ultimately more successful in finding cr iminal activity or wanted suspects that they gener ally move on to specialized units that could use their tr aits to combat cr imes needing a more investigative look. So, in 2010 he was tr ansfer red into the narcotics unit with the JTF (same unit as Deputy Bishop). At this time, Vanderbur gh began leading the state in methamphetamine lab seizures (?meth? labs are r udimentar y constr ucted dr ug oper ations that make the dr ug [cr ystal- like substance] out of homemade devices and chemicals). Meth labs were dangerous because they have the propensity to combust or explode? causing injur y and fires at the location. The JTF was ver y successful


along with community suppor t in finding these ?labs? and helping slow the prolifer ation of its hand on citizens. New laws being passed to monitor and restr ict the sale of cer tain ingredients have ver y much helped the decline in these labs to this date. This work led Stewar t to become a par t of another task force within JTF that par tnered with the Dr ug Enforcement Agency (DEA). Many ?task force? officer s around the countr y are swor n officer s/deputies of a local or state agency (EPD, VCSO, State Police, etc.) who are empowered by said feder al agency they are par tner ing with (DEA, ATF, etc.) to conduct investigations on their par t and also relative to the home agency, where they are employed. This par tner ship allows more resources and manpower for cr ime investigations for both agencies. By being a DEA task force officer, Stewar t was able to take on longer reaching cases outside Vanderbur gh that led to the inside of Vanderbur gh; pr imar ily stopping the lar ger flow of narcotics into the area. More hard work and effor t pushed Stewar t to take a leap of faith in leaving his career with the VCSO in 2015 when he applied for and took a job with the ATF as a feder al special agent himself. Becoming an official agent is much more competitive and str icter of a process to getting hired than being appointed in the task force. He now became a fully employed feder al agent for the ATF. As if he didn?t have enough schooling in life yet, he had to complete another six- month academy of tr aining with the ATF before getting assigned to a station in Memphis Tennessee. No longer a narcotics cop, Stewar t?s focus was on gun violence (a pr imar y duty of the ATF is to enforce the gun laws of Amer ica). A lot of feder al cases focus on high- level offenses and more intr icate cr ime webs. This can many times get to the root of other major cr imes or other connected cr imes as well. Most fir st responder s don?t have the resources or time to handle these things on the sur face due to the pr imar y responsibility of handling emer gency r uns. The ATF does have the means and Stewar t lear ned he had to adapt and follow many leads to solve cases. Stewar t?s tr aining and effor ts paid off when he was able to assist the Memphis Police Homicide Unit with solidifying murder char ges against two suspects. His account of the case: ?I utilized a forensic examination of a locked cell phone to find communication leading up to the moment of the murder. I fur ther deter mined this gang was exploiting local banks and making fr audulent tr ansactions. cont.

These tr ansactions put nearly $250,000 into the hands of the gang to buy dr ugs and guns. I indicted 27 individuals of this gang that resulted in a significant reduction of cr ime in Nor ther n Memphis.? ? quite an accomplishment. Fir st responder s and feder al agents do this ever y day, often unnoticed. Like with anything Mater Dei exemplifies too, being in law enforcement is to ser ve other s and be humble- not ser ve oneself. In 2018 Stewar t was able to retur n to Evansville and be stationed here with the ATF. He ser ves the community here daily and still gives credit to his roots of hard work and per sistence to Mater Dei. He remember s how MD teacher s pushed him to do well in tests that he didn?t necessar ily want to take or wr ite the paper s he needed to, how coaches always pushed him in spor ts and built the never quit attitude that all MD spor ts hold. All of this effor t from faculty and staff helped give him the tr aits and confidence needed to pass all those exams, the school for work, the inter views, polygr aph tests (L.E agencies utilize lie detector tests in the hir ing background process), and physical tests to make it 18 year s in this profession. Stewar t is an asset to this community and in his words, a par t of that credit is due to his family suppor t and time at Mater Dei. He continues to utilize all of this and push his daughter s to follow their dreams as well. Chad Elfr eich '95 Mater Dei High School is located within the city limits of Evansville inside Vanderbur gh County. Being so, the school liaison for the school is an Evansville Police Officer. Many students come to know this officer but don?t put much thought into why there are city cops in some places, deputies in other s, and trooper s elsewhere. It?s as simple as where the pr imar y jur isdiction lies; deputies have the entire county but are responsible for outside the city 911 calls and ser vice; Indiana State Trooper s have the entire state, but are responsible for unincor por ated areas or areas where the police presence isn?t sufficient all the time (more r ur al areas) and their main focus is on statewide cr imes and highway safety. Then it is a complex that they all have ar rest power s throughout the entire state and often work with each other at events and cases shar ing the work. But as it stands, MD is in the city and the Evansville Police Depar tment (EPD) unifor m is what students see most often or when needing help. Mater Dei gr aduate Chad Elfreich (1995) is one of those on EPD who work to help. He is an Evansville Police Ser geant with

20 year s of exper ience. He joined the EPD in 2002 after having some exper ience previously at the Sher iff?s Office and Indiana Univer sity PD. A lot of people know they want to be in this profession or even those that don?t get their star t at other agencies, go to school fir st. Some by ?better ing? themselves by getting other exper ience fir st often found in the militar y, as confinement officer (jailer), or even a dispatcher or police civilian employee. Some agencies take this into account, and it can help your standing in getting hired, but for other s and the EPD it pr imar ily just prepares you for the job since it can?t help your score at all when testing (which is what a tr ue mer it system of testing holds). Keeping this in mind it is great for future officer s to gain exper ience elsewhere fir st and make their tr aining on the job that much easier or daily job effective. Elfreich did just this and while attending IU he joined the IU Police Depar tment. He worked there for two year s as an officer gaining valuable exper ience doing police work on campus before gr aduating and subsequently joining the Vanderbur gh Sher iff?s Office as a jailer. He worked there for three year s. As a jailer one will deal with the same cr iminal element that they do out on the streets? in tur n getting to know how to talk to them and how their lifestyle or mindset is that most may not under stand. All the tr aining and ?know- how? in dealing with people car r ies over into being a street cop. A lot of successful officer s star ted out in the jail as Elfreich did and for him, he?s a had a successful career as well. Over the past 20 year s with EPD, Elfreich has been a field tr aining officer (FTO- Officer that tr ains new cops in the field how to do the job), a firear ms instr uctor (officer that gets cer tified to teach all depar tment member s firear ms pr actices, tr ain new member s how to shoot and under stand firear ms, and assist with the proctor ing of officer s qualifying with their firear ms ever y year per policy), a drone oper ator (the EPD has sever al drones with var ious capabilities pr imar ily used to search for fleeing suspects, look for missing per sons, as well as provide an ?eagles


view? of lar ge events for safety threats like at the Fall Festival), and also a member of the SWAT (Special Weapons and Tactics) Team since 2007. Those are all extr a assignments he took on in addition to his regular duties in patrol. Almost ever y one of those titles included putting in extr a effor t, inter viewing for, and working hard to obtain being considered into the unit? something he attr ibutes to MD helping teach as values he holds. One of the more notable positions is his cur rent one on the SWAT Team. EPD SWAT is the only full- ser vice and capable SWAT team per manently positioned anywhere in this area (local tr i- state). To be a member, EPD officer s must be on the depar tment for at least three year s and have passed all firear ms qualifications, be in good standing with coworker s, and pass a physical assessment involving: mile r un in full SWAT gear, 60- yard spr int car r ying r am in full gear and gas mask, 30- yard low cr awl in full gear and gas mask, move the heaviest SWAT team member 20 yards, r un up 4 floor s of stair s car r ying r am in full gear, jump over the 6- foot wall in full gear, 5 pull- ups and 5 dips in full gear, and an inter view with SWAT leader ship. If you?re selected then you begin tr aining extensively with the SWAT team and lear n to be an effective member of the team for any type of high- level threat or search war r ant incident the team is needed for. SWAT makes use of advanced weapons, increased ar mor, and moder n sur veillance equipment that exceeds that of regular police gear. They complete a lot of tr aining with special weapons: tear gas, breaching with and without small explosives, Bearcat (ar mored vehicle) use, r ifle tr aining, less- lethal launcher s, etc. and tactics: a technique in building searches, bar r icaded gunman, hostage situations, rescuing injured individuals, active shooter tr aining and more. This allows for a professional, exceptional, and qualified unit to be ready to help not only the community at a moment?s notice but for regular patrol officer s as well. Having this unit allows the EPD to be effectively and safely able to respond to any call for ser vice that may exceed the patrol?s capabilities or resources. It?s a challenging and rewarding exper ience to be a par t of the SWAT team. Elfreich has been a sniper, assistant team leader, and now team leader as a ser geant. As team leader, he would have command responsibilities for whatever team he is in char ge of on scene. That could be the front team, rear team, sniper element, ar rest team, less- lethal team, etc. He would repor t to the commander. cont.


They help with planning an oper ation on pre- planned events, but if they are just responding to a scene, they help coordinate per imeter officer s, ar rest team, Bearcat placement, etc. All this in pur suit of keeping Evansville safe! It is all in addition to regular duties as a patrol ser geant where he works ever y day. A patrol ser geant super vises officer s under their command but are super ior s and can give command to any ?patrol officer ?/ detective r ank below them within the pur view of their assignment. Ser geants, like officer s, are assigned sector s in patrol which are par ts of the city. They are responsible for dispatched r uns and patrol in that area. Elfreich super vises these officer s directly and makes sure that not only are r uns being handled cor rectly but also that the officer s have guidance or help from him when needed. It is a great responsibility to be the fir st level super visor since most immediate needed answer s for patrol come from a ser geant. They work directly with them on the street and are the fir st step in making a command decision that a patrol officer needs direction. The other great responsibility is being a ser vant leader to the officer s working. Again, another aspect that cor relates

back to Mater Dei. Where attitude reflects leader ship and pr acticing what you preach is foremost? it?s impor tant here, too. Elfreich?s a humble cop and didn?t have any major ar rest stor ies to share, but from exper ience working here, I can say he?s one of the most respected cops on the depar tment. He mentioned to me when wr iting this, ?I have worked with some really great people over the year s and hope that in that time I have had some sor t of positive effect on the depar tment and community.? I can attest that he does just that. He?s the type of student you?d expect to come from Mater Dei and the type of cop that citizens hope to have working for them. When asked about Mater Dei?s influence he said, ?I have many fond memor ies from Mater Dei. From the teacher s and staff to my fellow classmates, all have influenced my life. My Catholic education taught me to always put God fir st and above all other things, to work hard, and to treat other s respectfully and in a way that I would want to be treated myself. I do my best to br ing these values to my per sonal as well as my work life.?

Leanne Happe Backpack Pr ogr am By Mallor y Her tel '07 Leanne Happe star ted a back- to- school backpack progr am a few year s ago at West Side Catholic to assist families at her beloved school and par ish. Says Pr incipal Kelsey (Mitsdar ffer) Meier ?06, ?The progr am star ted about 4 year s ago when Leanne inquired about what our students needed to help prepare for the upcoming year. She was always looking out for our students and finding ways to help their families ease the beginning of the year 's financial burden through donating lunch money or school supplies. It star ted to evolve as she asked her close fr iends and cafeter ia coworker s if they were interested in helping. Leanne had been a huge par t of our Chr istmas Angel Tree or ganizational team for year s and this was an extension of that progr am. She initially star ted donating independently but quickly shared the joy of giving with her fr iends and they soon became involved in shopping, donating funds, and putting together student backpacks.?

Jeff ?84 and Leanne Happe have two daughter s: Maddie Will ?17 and Betsy ?18. Leanne passed away in June of 2021 after a cour ageous battle with cancer. WCS

individual items. Money is also collected to purchase student supplies and pay student supply fees and band fees? If you are interested in suppor ting this progr am for the students and their families at West Side Catholic, you can contact Pr incipal Meier.

car r ies on the backpack progr am, leaving a lasting legacy of generosity and car ing for other s. ?To make sure our students are taken care of, a group of her fr iends and her daughter s all worked together last summer. Students in gr ades K- 8 and their families benefit from the generosity of the suppor ter s of this progr am. We share the school supply lists for each gr ade level and donor s are welcome to complete a whole student list or purchase


Leanne, center, sur rounded by daughter s Maddie and Betsy as well as other close fr iends that have par ticipated in this initiative


Highly Decor ated Jack Funke '57 Remember ed Upon gr aduation in 1960 from the United States Air Force Aviation Cadet Progr am for Navigator Tr aining, Jack?s fir st assignment was the 445th Fighter Interceptor Squadron F- 101B at Wur tsmith AFB, MI, where he and his wife, Judy, spent 4 year s and began their family with the bir ths of Renee, Elizabeth, and Bret. The tur moil of flying activity dur ing the Cuban Missile Cr isis was memor able. Jack was reassigned to the 444th Fighter Interceptor Squadron flying the F- 101B at Charleston AFB, South Carolina where his four th child Jeffrey was bor n in 1966. Jack was finally accepted to Pilot Tr aining at Reese AFB, TX, that year and gr aduated 2nd in his class. He was ?rewarded with an all- expense paid

tr ip to the 614th Tactical Fighter Squadron, Phan Rang AB, Vietnam? where he flew 222 combat missions in the F- 100D. Upon retur n, Jack spent 3 year s as a T- 37 Instr uctor Pilot in Selma, Alabama. Jack then received order s to fly the F- 111A with the 429th Tactical Fighter Squadron in Las Vegas, Nevada and was rewarded with another all- expense paid tr ip? to Takhli AB, Thailand in 1972. He flew 147 combat missions in Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia. Following his second combat tour, Jack became an F- 111 Instr uctor and Oper ations Officer in the 428th Tactical Fighter Squadron at Nellis AFB, Nevada. In 1976, Jack was promoted to Lieutenant Colonel. Shor tly thereafter, the entire Wing, four Squadrons, approximately 75 F- 111A aircr aft, all suppor t units and per sonnel moved from Nellis AFB, NV to Mtn. Home AFB, Idaho where Jack was an Oper ations Officer then


Commander of the 391st Tactical Fighter Squadron. After a 3year assignment involving NATO Allied Air Forces Centr al Europe in Boer fink, W. Ger many, Jack and his family (who had the unique exper ience of living autonomously in a Ger man village) retur ned to Mtn. Home AFB in 1982. Jack was Chief of Quality Assur ance and continued with Flight Instr uctor duties until retirement from the Air Force in 1986. Jack was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross with 2 OLC, Defense Mer itor ious Ser vice Medal, Mer itor ious Ser vice Medal with 1 OLC, Air Medal with 20 OLC, AF Commendation Medal, AF Outstanding Unit Award with Valor Device and 5 OLC, and Vietnam Ser vice Medal with 5 Bronze Star s. Jack also found time to obtain a B.S. in Aeronautical Studies and an M.S. in Aeronautical Science from Embr y- Riddle Aeronautical Univer sity.

Current Endowments Edward A. Ar nold Education Endowment Marc A Berendes Endowment Pat & Beth Blankenber ger Family Endowment Ir a Ger ard and Theresa Boots Educational Endowment Ir a Joseph and Dorothy Jane Boots Family Endowment Bor r ies Family Endowment CEF Endowment for Tuition Assistance Bar t J. Crecco Memor ial Scholar ship Fund Mar y Jane Muenster man ?Janie? Dale Endowment Father William Deer ing Memor ial Scholar ship Jim and Dor is Dewig Endowment Randall J Dick Science Endowment Geor ge and Bette Duncan Education Endowment Mike and Clar ita Eller t Endowment Fifth Third Foundation Education Endowment Bishop?s Endowment for Mater Dei High School Andrew and Darlene Goebel Endowment Joseph and Patr icia Gossman Endowment James A. and Sandr a S. Weinzapfel Endowment in honor of Matthew J. and Olivia C. Weinzapfel Michelle Diane Greenwell Memor ial Scholar ship Raymond Gr ies Endowment Rober t and Judy Gr iffin Char itable Endowment The Hamilton/Miller Endowment Theresa and William Helfr ich Endowment Ron and Kathy Hollander Education Endowment Harold and Shirley Kempf Family Endowment Bob King Endowment and Bob King Fund Seiber t- Knapp Family Endowment Patr icia Koch Family Education Endowment DiAnne and Lar r y Kremer Endowment Reverend Raymond Kuper Fund for Education Excellence Endowment Monsignor William Lautner Endowment Little Flower Society Endowment Jack & Ann MacGregor Endowment Jer r y & Charlotte MacGregor Family Endowment Mater Dei Fr iends & Alumni Association Endowment

Bob and Mar y Lue Russler Mater Dei High School Scholar ship Endowment Mater Dei Teacher s Education Endowment Paul and Nancy Mayer Endowment Dan and Laur a Niemeier Endowment James A. Niemeier Wrestling Endowment Tom and Joan Niemeier Family Endowment Sister Victor ia Pohl Education Endowment Mater Dei Science & Technology Endowment Rex Mundi Continuing Catholic Education Endowment David and M. Darlene Robinson Endowment Rober t and Rosemar y Rooney Family Endowment Donald W. and M. Patr icia Rupprecht Mater Dei High School Endowment Rober t and Mar y Lue Russler Tuition Assistance Endowment Walter & Irene Ruston Endowment Rober t J. and Judy Decker War gel STEM Endowment Mater Dei Oper ating Endowment Allen E Schmitt Endowment Jack and Kate Siemer s Family Endowment Stan Singer Excellence in Wr iting Award Endowment The Joseph T. Theby Scholar ship Endowment Fund Thomas O. Tighe Memor ial Tennis Endowment Al and Darlene Weinzapfel and Family Endowment Jer r y and Helen Weinzapfel Tuition Assistance Endowment Jer r y and Helen Weinzapfel Endowment Kyle Weis Tuition Assistance Endowment Dolores & Len Will, Sr. Endowment The John and Mar ian Witting Scholar ship Endowment Fund Louie Wittmer Nur sing and Medical Education Endowment Jeff and Leanne Happe Endowment Rober t M. Miller Endowment Mater Dei Health and Science Institute Endowment Jer r y & Cher ie Bur gdor f Endowment


Consider ing a Legacy Gift: Endowments By Mallor y Her tel '07

There are many ways to invest in Mater Dei?s future and we are happy to discuss the option that best suits you and your family? there are multiple avenues we can explore together? no legacy gift is too small to make a difference. Endowments are just one of the many ways to provide suppor t for Mater Dei and leave a lasting legacy. The char t below gives a glimpse into the real impact that ever yday suppor ter s of Mater Dei have been making: 2010



Number of Endowments




Total Value of

$646,000 $1,944,600




Endowments Total Value of Available


Distr ibutions Minimum initial gift: $5,000- $10,000

What is an Endowment? An endowment is a donation to Mater Dei High school that is invested to provide ongoing income for the school. The gifts contr ibuted to an endowment are considered the ?cor pus? or ?pr incipal? and remain untouched. Mater Dei receives an annual distr ibution from the interest income to suppor t the school. Endowments can be named to honor or memor ialize a family or loved one and can be designated for a specific pur pose, i.e. tuition assistance, technology, athletics, science, or left unrestr icted which are made available to assist with cur rent school pr ior ities. The investments are professionally managed and adhere to a policy that is consistent with the teachings of the Catholic Church. An endowment is a gift that continues to benefit the school in per petuity. A minimum $5,000 gift must be given to establish an endowment. Many colleges and other or ganizations are able to provide significant annual income through their endowments which are life- giving and reliable.


Who are members of Mater Dei High School's Ave Maria Society? They are ever yday people with a passion for Mater Dei and her mission to educate young people in a faith- filled environment. They are people who choose to honor loved ones with a lasting gift. They are fr iends and alumni dedicated to the past, present, and ? most impor tantly ? the future of Mater Dei High School. They could be you. Becoming a member is simple. We can provide resources to help deter mine which planned giving option is best for you, including bequests, individual retirement accounts (IRAs), char itable gift annuities, endowments, and life insur ance. Join over 170 member s that have chosen to suppor t Mater Dei through legacy giving. Once you have made a planned gift or established an endowment with Mater Dei as the beneficiar y, notify the Office of Institutional Advancement and you will become an official member of the Ave Mar ia Society. For more infor mation contact: Dan Niemeier ?80 President, Mater Dei High School (812)421- 5727 dtniemeier @evdio.or g Mallor y Her tel ?07 Director of Advancement, Mater Dei High School (812)421- 5727 mher tel@evdio.or g


Mater Dei Fr iends and Alumni Association Gives Back The Mater Dei Fr iends & Alumni Association was created to preser ve the tr adition and advance the mission of Mater Dei for future gener ations. The MDFAA suppor ts the Mater Dei community by sponsor ing events at the school for the students, faculty and staff, in addition to offer ing financial suppor t for projects that improve the school in and out of the classroom.

Thank you MDFAA for all you do for the Mater Dei community.

Examples of recent contr ibutions to the faculty, staff and students of MD include: monthly appreciation gifts for the faculty and staff since the beginning of the pandemic, senior breakfast and senior Project Gr aduation gifts, $1,000 teacher gr ants, college scholar ships, and major gift contr ibutor to the main gym air conditioning project as well as Dei of Giving matching gifts. The MDFAA encour ages all gr aduates to ?go for th to ser ve? and continue connecting the Mater Dei community wherever you are. Member ship is open to all alumni, fr iends, and suppor ter s interested in the welfare of Mater Dei.

MDFAA provided a hot cocoa bar in December, just before finals. The faculty and staff are still talking about it six months later !

MDFAA breakfast for faculty and staff on May 11 in the MD cafeter ia.

MDFAA provided lunch for the faculty and staff.

Mr. Bob Schleter was named the recipient of the Innovative Teaching Gr ant at the MDFAA breakfast in May.


2022 MDFAA Boar d of Dir ector s President: Weston Tenbar ge '10 Vice President: Lauren (Neimeier) Grossman '07 Secretar y: Robin Rosbr ugh '06 Treasurer : Kathr yn (Wildeman) Hess '12 Annalee (Hildenbr and) Tepool '84 Andy Niemeier '06 Austin Knapp '12 Billy Wayne '04 Brett Bueltel '08 Gina Goedde '93 Jamie (Reese) Schiff '98 Janice (Goebel) Schuble '64 Kevin Moore '91 Natalie (Emge) Sandefur '98 Wayne (Emge) '70



Sweethear ts Take It Back to Wher e It All Star ted By Mallor y Her tel '07

We hit our goal in the BIGGEST Dei of Giving ever ! Colin Foley ?16 and Megan Rekar ?15 began dating in the fall of 2012 when Colin was a freshman and Megan was a sophomore.

Our community is the best, and we are so proud to be Wildcats! A huge thank you to our Dei of Giving par tner s that provided matching gifts along the way:

One par ticular date night in October 2021, they ended up making an unexpected stop by Mater Dei. Colin had to come up with a believable excuse to get Megan in the school. Recalls Reker, ?Colin came up with a lie as to why we had to go to Mater Dei before our planned dinner date. He said he had to fix a ?plumbing issue?in the football bathrooms.? Colin?s cousin, Cody Hess ?12, is on the football coaching staff and Colin is a plumber. They then walked around the gym area until they got to what was refer red to as ?our spot? in the main gym entr ance area where they fir st engaged with one another so many year s ago. There, Colin got down on one knee and proposed.

Business Communications Solutions, LLC $2,500 Happe & Sons Constr uction, LLC $2,500 Pier r e Funer al Home $5,000 Gar y ?76 and Kim Alles $5,000 Mater Dei Fr iends & Alumni Association $15,000

Megan and Colin are set to be mar r ied in the Spr ing of 2023. 35


Can- do Senior Mason Eickhoff Is "Hands On"

Futur e Wildcats

By Mike Goebel '70 Congr atulations to Senior Theology teacher and depar tment chair, Gr eg Schaefer '98, and his wife Kr isti '97, on the bir th of their daughter, Ter esa Rose Schaefer on November 3, 2021.

Congr atulations to Math Teacher and Depar tment Chair, Jenna Kunkler '05 and her husband, Cr aig, on the bir th of their daughter, Br ooklyn Mar y Kunkler on Febr uar y 2, 2022.

When Mater Dei received donated equipment for the weight room, Coach Cody Hess asked football player Mason Eickhoff if he would help install the equipment. Mason scanned the project and simply stated, "I think I can handle this." Mason brought his tools to the weight room and almost single- handedly dismantled older equipment and completely installed the new. His work benefits ever y athletic team and physical education class at Mater Dei. Thank you Mason!

Corrections: In the ?In Memor y of ? section (pg. 47) the following names wer e misspelled: Rober t L. Fechtmeister, Car oline Reutter In the ?Alumni Gift? section (pg. 40) the following name was misspelled: Lucy (Fechtmeister ) Schenk In the ?Honor Roll of Donor s? section (pg. 29) a donation of $500 was notated as given by Michelle Hir sch, this donation was fr om the Class of ?95 Red & Gold Summer 2020 (pg. 32) James F. Bienhaus passed on Jan. 14, 2020. He was the class of 1954, not 1964. Dolor es (Blume) Tenhumber g ?54 of Evansville passed away on July 1, 2021. Mar jor ie (Bachman) Wolfor d ?54 of Albuquer que, NM, passed away on Nov. 5, 2020.

Congr atulations to Business Teacher, Nick Austin '01, and wife Kelsey '08 on the bir th of their daughter Elyse on May 23, 2022.

Mar y Ann (Spr oatt) Meyer ?54 of Evansville passed away on Dec. 13, 2018



Fr iendly Face Retir es fr om Concession Stands

Distinguished Ser vice Awar d

Janice (Goebel) Schuble ?64 retired after 31 year s as the volunteer Concession Stand Manager. She and husband, Lar r y, suppor ted the Athletic Depar tment through countless tr ips to Sam?s Club stocking the concessions, prepping, staffing with volunteer s, and providing the best bur ger (among countless other items) at any concession stand in Evansville! It is estimated that she saved the Mater Dei Athletic Depar tment $450,000- $500,000 over the year s. Thank you, Janice and Lar r y, for your dedication to Mater Dei!

Mike "Web" Weber '92 was recognized as the 2022 Distinguished Ser vice Award recipient at this year 's Men's Club Golf Scr amble on Apr il 29th. Mike Weber has spent countless hour s since gr aduation suppor ting Mater Dei with his time, treasure, and talent. Today, you can hear ?Web? ever y home boy?s football and basketball game over the loudspeaker as well as emceeing our annual Big Bingo event. He has always answered the call to help with improvements to the school including his instr umental involvement in br inging air conditioning to the main gym in 2020. He and his wife, Lisa, are member s of St. Philip par ish where he is actively involved as well. Mike and Lisa have 3 daughter s: Mallor y ?21, Allison ?23, and Natalie ?27.

We ar e cur r ently taking nominations for our next awar d r ecipient to be r ecognized in 2023! The MDFAA Distinguished Ser vice Awar d is pr esented to an alumni or fr iend who: 1. Demonstr ates a belief in God 2. Has the integr ity and cour age to integr ate Chr istian values into his or her life and wor k 3. Expr esses a gener osity of spir it thr ough commitment and involvement in activities that affect the well- being of the Evansville community 4. Gives outstanding ser vice to Mater Dei High School 5. Exhibits a tr ue dedication to our young people Please contact Mallor y Her tel with your nominations and why you'd like to see them r ecognized by email: mher tel@evdio.or g or call 812- 421- 5727. 38

Mater Dei Legends Ar e Back Home in Indiana By Olivia DeWeese '13 For mer Mater Dei teammates Jer ad Eickhoff '09 and Hunter Owen '12 were reunited earlier this spr ing. RHP Jer ad Eickhoff '09 and INF/OF Hunter Owen '12 were reassigned to the Indianapolis Indians earlier in the season. Only three Mater Dei gr aduates have made it to the major s - pretty wild that two of them are playing for the same Tr iple- A team this season.

This is the 1st time Eickhoff will have played baseball in Indiana in a decade and the fir st time he's stepped on Victor y Field since the 2007 IHSAA State Finals.

Olivia DeWeese '13 is a Spor ts Repor ter for WISH- TV in Indianapolis.




Class of 1950's William '50 and Dana (Glaser) '51 celebr ated their 67th wedding anniver sar y and have 8 children, 26 gr andchildren, and 33 great- gr andchildren. Mar y (Fr ick) Fickas '53 retired from the Mt. Ver non Flower Shop after 57 year s. Jim '53 and Bonnie Wannemuehler celebr ated their 61st wedding anniver sar y in September of 2021.

Class of 1960's Mar ilyn (Loehr) '60 and Rober t Mossber ger celebr ated their 60th wedding anniver sar y last October. Bill and Jackie (Berendes) '61 celebr ated their 58th wedding anniver sar y and have four children, and 8 gr andchildren. She retired from the Welbor n Clinic's Fiance Depar tment in 2008.

Class of 1970's Daniel '73 and Mar y (Moehlenkamp) Br assard '73 retired in Januar y of 2021. Jim '77 and Debbie Elper s '77 celebr ated their 43rd wedding anniver sar y in December of 2021.

Class of 1980's Jeff and JoEllen (Bar th) '88 celebr ated their 25th wedding anniver sar y in October of 2021.

STAY IN TOUCH Update your infor mation and send photos. EMAIL Mallor y Her tel at mher tel@evdio.or g.

Class Reunions Class of 1957 The will have a 65th Luncheon Reunion on Saturday October 1, 2022, at Turoni's on Nor th Main St. Door s open at 11 am. Contact Ann Burdette 812- 437- 9950 for any questions. Class of 1967 Come celebr ate the 55th reunion on Fr iday, September 30, 2022 at Howell Shelter House for a casual gather ing. Door s open at 5:30 P.M. and the meal star ts at 6:30 P.M. Fr ied chicken and a meat tr ay will be provided, but please, br ing a covered dish and your own bever ages. There will be no char ge to attend, but a donation box will be set out if you'd like to contr ibute to offsetting any costs. Invites will be out soon. Please, contact Diane (Mar x) Mar tin: 812 422 6192 or email mar Class of 1970 The belated 50th high school reunion and 70th Bir thday will be next year on October 1st , 2022, at Hilltop Grove in Evansville, IN. There will also be a Fr iday night gather ing on September 30th, 2022. More details to come. Class of 1977 The 45th Class Reunion will be on Saturday August 27, 2022, at St. Philip?s Conser vation Club, school tour 3:30 P.M., door s open 5:00 P.M., dinner 6:00 P.M. If you have any questions, email Sar a Eller t at eller tsar

Class notes may be edited for length or clar ity. We regret that we may not be able to use all submitted photos, and reser ve the r ight to select which ones are included.


DR. TAD DICKEL RELEASES NEW BOOK: Strategic Planning for Catholic Parishes: Listening, Learning, and Responding Through the Lens of Pope Francis's Teachings on Synodality For mer Mater Dei President Dr. Tad Dickel recently released his book Strategic planning for Catholic parishes: Listening, learning, and responding through the lens of Pope Francis?s teachings on synodality in December 2021. The book is based on Dickel?s sever al year s of exper ience working with par ishes is now widely available on Dickel shared, ?I am excited to release this book which I hope will be a valuable resource for many par ishes as they examine their cur rent state and create a plan for a renewed sense of mission and a vibr ant future.? Since his time at Mater Dei, Dr. Dickel has gone on to establish T.A. Dickel Group, LLC where he ser ves as President and specializes in str ategy, leader ship, and creativity consulting.

Michael D. Gr eaney ?73 r eleases his latest book with co- author Dawn K. Br ohawn The Greater Reset: Reclaiming Personal Sovereignty Under Natural Law Michael D. Greaney is a board member and Director of Research for the Center for Economic and Social Justice (CESJ) in Arlington, Vir ginia. He has published ar ticles and books on many subjects, including Catholic social teaching, banking and monetar y histor y, and economic per sonalism. He is from the MD class of 1973 and gr aduated from the Univer sity of Notre Dame. In this book, the author s tr ace the histor ical, religious, political, and economic roots of humanity?s per ilous condition and how retur ning to God- given, univer sal pr inciples of natur al law, can help build a more just, liber ating, prosperous, and hopeful future for ever y per son. 41

In Memor iam Alumni: Delores (Runau) Allen ?55 of Evansville, IN September 15, 2021 Lonna (Jeffreys) Beal ?59 of Evansville, IN December 6, 2021 David Car twr ight ?75 of Evansville, IN October 22, 2021 Sharon (Neighbor s) Cobur n ?57 of Evansville, IN May 15, 2021 Susan (Pike) Collins ?57 of Ft. Lauderdale, FL December 14, 2021 Rober t Doer r ?61 of Evansville, IN October 30, 2021 Elizabeth (Blakely) Hall ?65 of Mount Ver non, IN November 6, 2021 Rita (Vollman) Harlan ?59 of Evansville, IN December 14, 2021 Delores (Macke) Kidwell ?65 of Evansville, IN September 30, 2021 Timothy Luigs ?80 of Ft. Br anch, IN November 3, 2021 Bar nard A. Mayer Sr. ?52 of Evansville, In September 16, 2021 Jane Pfender ?86 of Evansville, IN September 16, 2021 Richard Plump ?59 of Evansville, IN July 14, 2021 Xavier Reine ?20 of Evansville, IN October 19, 2021 Leonard Schmitt ?73 of Evansville, IN October 17, 2021 Donald R. Seiber t ?63 of Evansville, IN December 2, 2021 Daniel Sims ?80 of Evansville, IN November 12, 2021 Donna (Her tel) Swanson ?63 of Evansville, IN November 30, 2021 Delores (Bittner) Tr ainer ?55 of Evansville, IN November 29, 2021 Mar y Ann (Klenck) Ubelhor ?56 of Newbur gh, IN October 3, 2021 Rose Mar ie Kuhn '55 of Evansville, IN December 17, 2021 Br andon Nord ?96 of Chicago, IL December 23, 2021 Rober t Baumgar t ?59 of New Haven, IL Januar y, 6, 2022 Br yan Schoolfield ?74 of Evansville, IN Januar y 10, 2022 Wayne Feulner ?70 of Evansville IN Januar y 14, 2022 John Haber mel ?57 of Evansville IN Januar y 22, 2022

Thomas Preske ?55 of Evansville IN Januar y 28, 2022 Sharon Schapker Str ader ?72 of The Villages, FL Januar y 28, 2022 Donna (Hoffman) Anspach ?69 of Las Vegas, NV Febr uar y 4, 2022 Stacia (Rupp) Quintero ?84 of Evansville IN Febr uar y 5, 2022 Daniel Nor man ?59 of Newbur gh IN Febr uar y 8, 2022 Gail (Br ack) Titzer ?58 of Evansville IN Febr uar y 11, 2022 Lar r y E. Lutz ?56 of Evansville IN Febr uar y 15, 2022 Clare Mar ie (Muenster man) Higgs ?82 of Mt. Ver non IN Febr uar y 17, 2022 Evelyn Mar ie (Rexing) Sandefur ?70 of Evansville IN Febr uar y 23, 2022 Gar y Head ?70 of Evansville IN Febr uar y 2022 Michael J. DeWitt ?98 of Stur gis KY March 9, 2022 Benedict War gel ?55 of Evansville IN March 20, 2022 David Macke ?72 of Evansville IN March 25, 2022 Sylvia (Lehman) Gr imwood ?52 of Evansville March 27, 2022 Ter r y J. Cr ane ?56 of Evansville March 30, 2022 William W. Whitehouse ?64 of Palm Harbor, FL Apr il 04, 2022 Jerome Jer r y Tieken ?62 of Evansville, Apr il 5, 2022 Thomas F. Wannemuehler ?90 of Evansville, IN Apr il 10, 2022 Mar y Joe (Reising) Doolittle ?60 of Evansville, IN Apr il 15, 2022 Her man James ?Jim? Schapker ?54 of Evansville IN Apr il 20, 2022 Stephen Bar ron ?66 of Evansville, IN Apr il 23, 2022 Pat (Breivogel) Mahar g ?55 of Evansville IN Apr il 23, 2022 Ronald Lamkin ?62 of Evansville, IN Apr il 24, 2022 Rita M. ?Deetz? Goebel ?67 of Evansville, May 2, 2022 Charles Toon ?60 of Evansville, May 10, 2022 John Michael Moer s ?72 of Evansville, May 11, 2022 James A. Schenk, Sr ?53 of Evansville, May 11, 2022 Sharon (Busch) White ?65 of Evansville, May 16, 2022 Thalita (Floyd) Winger ter ?86


of Ft. Br anch, May 20, 2022 Thelma H. (Gr annan) Boar man Welte ?58 of Evansville, IN May 23, 2022 Ger ard Ellsper mann ?70 of Loveland, OH May 24, 2022 Stephen C. Dick ?77 of Evansville, IN May 25, 2022 Sharon G. (Br ugger) Lang ?81 of Evansville, IN May 25, 2022 Carol L. Pigman ?68 of Evansville, IN May 28, 2022

Past Parent: M. Jacqueline (Schmitt) Alles of Evansville, IN December 4, 2021 Jeanne Ann Guetling of Evansville, IN October 4, 2021 Mar y Hollander of Evansville, IN October 30, 2021 Rober t J. Kissel of Evansville, IN November 23, 2021 John Reckelhoff of Evansville, IN October 17, 2021 Rober t Spahn of Evansville, IN July 28, 2020 Ruthmae Spahn of Evansville, IN December 3, 2021 James W. Scheller of Evansville IN Jan 2, 2022 Dawnelle Neighbor s of Newbur gh IN Januar y 28, 2022 Thomas Miller of Evansville IN Febr uar y 9, 2022 Audrey Louis Head of Evansville IN Febr uar y 19, 2022 Fr ank M. Smith of Evansville May 8, 2022 Esther G. Petr ig of Evansville May 20, 2022 Alice Ann Goebel of Evansville May 17, 2022 Friends: Roger Emge of Evansville, IN October 24, 2021 Carol Hudgions of Evansville, IN October 20, 2021 Katie Proctor- Schiff of Evansville, IN October 12, 2021 Rev. John Schipp of Ferdinand, IN December 10, 2021 Sher r y Ann DeWeese of Evansville, IN Febr uar y 18, 2022 William ?Bill? Brenner of Evansville, IN March 21, 2022


Mater Dei High School Office of Institutional Advancement 1300 Harmony Way, Evansville, IN 47720 Return Service Requested



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