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In Memor iam

In Memor iam

Allot Dots by Avery Martin

59t h An n ual H i gh School Ar t Show at t he Evan svi l l e M useum exhi bi t or s an d awar d w i n n er s!

"Tea Time" Clar a Weinzapfel - 1st Place Pr intmaking "Allot Dots" Aver y Mar tin - Timothy Weir/Claudia Congleton Mer it Award "Lazy Daisy" Car a Schlacter. - Rick and Jean Ewer s Mer it Award "Color Blind" James Bohleber "School Daze" Abby Kiesel - 2nd place Mixed Media "Just James" James Van Bibber - 1st place Sculpture "Paint Por tr aits" Allie Gr iese - Palmer and Lorene Siau Memor ial Mer it Award "Seven Deadly Sins" Allie Gr iese "Pieced Per sonality" Lauren Tur ner "Old World Charcuter ie" Gr ace Rohleder - Most Rev Fr ancis R. Shea Mer it Award

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