Living Word Magazine November 2011

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Issue 2 September

Living Word Magazine



The Heavens Declare the Glory of God Going Deeper into God’s Word Issue 3 November 2011


(NOV 2011)

Living Word Bible Studies Online International


The Great Creator became my Savior!

The Message of Mark New book out now!

The heavens declare the glory of God is how Psalm 19 begins. Yet just a few Psalms later, is Psalm 23, we see that same great creator is described as my Shepherd, who personally tends and cares for me. It is a sublime mystery, yet it can be accepted and enjoyed by little children, that God is our Father, who tenderly loves and cares for every one of us. If God is so great, and his love is given in a unique and personal way to each one of us, then we may fully trust in Him.

This month we have included some of our reproducible small group notes, so that you may spend more time reflecting on Psalm 23 with your church or house group, and discover together the wonder of how the great creator became our Savior!


Revelation 9 In-Depth Study Pg 14

This simple introduction to the gospel of Mark is a great resource for small groups and for those new to the Christian faith.

Love in Harvest – Book of Ruth Pg 12

Reproducible worksheets for leaders & groups available for free download: ge of Mark Current Amazon Prices: Kindle £1.14 ($1.58) Paperback £3.49 ($5.38)

If you live in Africa or Asia, contact us about our subsidized book scheme.

Gospel Preacher’s Toolkit- Pg 22 Cover photo © NASA Above: Shepherd © Designpicsub, Harvest © Rtimages; Preacher © eddtoro35



November Reader’s Article & Photos

Releasing the Power Within! By D.V. Paul (India) There is a power, an authority that is given to the Holy Spirit-filled believer for using in

his/her day-to-day walk with Jesus. The Scripture says (Jesus speaking), “But you shall receive power (“dunamis”) when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth” (Acts

1:8, NKJV). “Dunamis” is a Greek word and means: “act of power”; “miraculous power, ability”; “natural capability, inherent power; capability of anything; then, absolutely, not merely power capable of action, but, power in

(NOV 2011)

The only limitations will be those that we place on

ourselves! That power accompanies the Holy Spirit Who is the power of God NOW living inside of us! So when the Holy Spirit comes into our lives He brings with Him the power of God to enable us to serve God in “the power of His might” (Ephesians 6:10). The Holy Spirit is the anointing of God: “How God

anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power, Who went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil, for God was with Him” (see Acts 10:34-48)! The same Holy Spirit now resides within us and we should also be going about doing good and healing all who are

oppressed of the devil. This power is to make us true witnesses unto the Lord Jesus Christ; not only in our speaking, but in our whole manner of living.

action”. “Dunamis” is used 121 times in the

New Testament and is translated into the following English words: ability (1), abundance (1), meaning (1), might (4), mighty deed (1),

Do you know the Holy Spirit is right now living inside you?

mighty work (11), miracle (8), power (77), strength (7), violence (1), virtue (3), wonderful work (1), worker of miracles (1), and mighty

Also from India, Pastor Jacob prays over a translation (Telegu) of our studies for all his churches.

(4). Jesus was declaring that through the Holy Spirit living within us there would be a resident power that has the ability for us to overcome every obstacle that would come against us (to stop us from being His true witnesses) and can

enable us to go to the furthest parts of the earth. In these days we need to know the reality of that statement not in word only, but as a practical, outworking experience.

Please pray for brothers in India.



Ephesians 1:13 tells us we have been “sealed (“impressed, stamped”) with the Holy Spirit of promise.” We have been sealed and filled with the Holy Spirit, that we might know we are part of the Kingdom of God. We have come to the kingdom for such a time as this (Est. 4:14)! The power of the Holy Spirit in our lives should be so that our witness of Jesus goes beyond our homes and churches to the regions beyond, even to the uttermost parts of the world. WE MUST SPEAK THE TRUTH OF WHO WE REALLY ARE! If we are not able to convince others it is because we are not convinced ourselves about what God has given us by His Spirit. If we say we are baptized in the Holy Spirit, then the anointing and power of God resides within us. The prophet Micah lived in days when false prophets and ungodliness polluted the land; yet he dared to confess: “But truly I am full of power by the Spirit of the Lord, and of justice and might, to declare to Jacob his transgression and to Israel his sin” (Mic.3:8). That was his testimony: he was filled with power by the Spirit of the Lord! This is a power that is more than physical strength; it is spiritual power, it is “not by might nor by power, but by My Spirit, says the Lord of hosts” (Zech. 4:6).

GOD HAS INVESTED HIMSELF IN US! When we realize that God has already given us this power we will accept that truth and rejoice and that we are indeed “endued with power from on high” (Luke 24:49). We have become true “Jesus people” because of the Holy Spirit working in and through us. Our bodies have now become “the temple of the Holy Spirit” (1 Corinthians 3:16). God has chosen your life and mine to place His Holy Spirit in so that He might live inside us forever (John 14:16-18).

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So many times we ask God to do things that He has already “endued us with power from on high” to do in His Name! Now, irrespective of our feelings, if we want to know more of the Holy Spirit power working in our lives, we need not cry out, “God, do it! Do something . . . save, heal, deliver this person or that, etc.” we would be rather praying, “Lord, teach me how I can release your power within me!” HE TAUGHT US TO DO HIS WORKS! Jesus came and taught these principles to His disciples (e.g. Matt. 10:1; Matt. 28:18-20; Mark 6:7-13; Mark 16:15-20; Luke 9:1-6; Luke 10:120; John 20:19-23). He empowered them to do His works. The very first miracle (after the disciples of Jesus were filled with the Holy Spirit) happened through Peter and John on their way to the temple. They knew the power of God was within them and they knew they had received a mandate from on high to exercise power and authority over all that was an enemy to the cross of Christ. Peter and John stopped walking and stared at the cripple, saying, “Look at us” (Acts 3:4). The man responded and gave them his attention. Then Peter spoke and said, “Silver and gold I do not have, but what I do have I give you: In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk.” Notice they did not petition God to do the healing they exercised the power and authority of the Holy Spirit that was in them. They commanded the man to rise up and walk! And he did (read Acts 3). “What I have I give you.” Can we say that too? In Acts 19:11-12 we read: “Now God worked unusual miracles by the hands of Paul, so that even handkerchiefs or aprons were brought from his body to the sick, and the diseases left them and the evil spirits went out of them.”

Paul’s understanding was opened by the Holy Spirit to show him that God’s power was resident within him and that he could impart healing and wholeness to bring healing and deliverance to others. Paul released the power of God that was already inside of him! We need to do this too! In each one of us dwells the power of God. “As many as received Him (Jesus), to them He gave the power to become the sons of God” (John 1:12). God has given to you and me the power to overcome every obstacle. The power of God was working in Paul, and from his body this power of God was released. Yet his personal stance was: “And I, brethren, when I came to you, did not come with excellence of speech or of wisdom declaring to you the testimony (“mystery”) of God. For I determined not to know anything among you except Jesus Christ and Him crucified. I was with you in weakness, in fear, and in much trembling. And my speech and my preaching were not with persuasive words of human wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power, that your faith should not be in the wisdom of men but in the power of God” Paul did not present himself as an arrogant person. His natural presentation almost defied his spiritual power and authority that he walked in. THE HOLY SPIRIT MASTERS OUR TONGUE! Think of the tremendous victories that God has brought about when His believers (disciples) used their tongue, by declaring and speaking out the word of the Lord. And today we have been given a mandate to speak forth “all the words of this life” (Acts 5:19-20), to release the power of God to the people. That is why Jesus taught His disciples to “tarry until they were endued with power from on high” (Luke 24:49).



The key to the early Church’s power was the baptism in the Holy Spirit. We are powerless without it! How did they know that they had been endued with power from on high? The Holy Spirit got hold of their tongues and gave them a spiritual language to build themselves up in their most holy faith (Jude 20). Praying in the Spirit built their faith to the point of action! The most unruly member of the body was harnessed at Pentecost. The Bible says “they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance” (Acts 2:1-4).

TESTED IN WILDERNESS EXPERIENCES All who will walk in the power of the Holy Spirit God live for God’s praise and glory. The power of the Holy Spirit is available for you and me today, even in every “wilderness experience” that we go through. Luke Chapter 4 Jesus was filled with the Holy Spirit and was led by the Spirit into the wilderness! But Jesus came forth out of the wilderness: “Jesus returned in the power of the Spirit to Galilee, and news of Him went out through all the surrounding region.” He declared: “The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me, because He has anointed Me to preach the Gospel to the poor; He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to set at liberty those who are oppressed, to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord” (see Luke 4). Jesus was not defeated in the wilderness. He came out in the power of the Holy Spirit! It is time for us to come out of our wilderness in the power of the Holy Spirit and proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord! That includes releasing the anointing of the Holy Spirit out of us to preach the Gospel, heal the sick and broken hearted, and to set the captives free.

(NOV 2011)

WE ARE WITNESSES OF JESUS! The apostles gave witness of Jesus and His resurrection power because the Holy Spirit was ministering in and through their lives. They carried the same Holy Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead! ·

And so do we!

They declared, “Knowing, beloved brethren, your election by God. For our Gospel did not come to you in word only, but also in power (“dunamis”), and in the Holy Spirit and in much assurance, as you know what kind of men we were among you for your sake. And you became followers of us and of the Lord, having received the word in much affliction, with joy of the Holy Spirit” (1 Thessalonians 1:4-6). Let me remind you “to stir up the gift of God which is in you . . . for God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind” (2 Timothy 1:6-7). Jesus taught His disciples about releasing the power within. Do we believe Jesus, or our own feelings? Do we believe Jesus and do what He taught us, or do we keep our Christianity in the realm of theological belief without the accompanying releasing of the Holy Spirit power? Paul very plainly declared: “For the kingdom of God is not in word but in power (“dunamis”)” (1 Corinthians 4:20). In the verse before that he said he was not looking to know the Corinthians Christians words but their power! SPIRITUAL GIFTS IN OPERATION HELP US TO RELEASE THE POWER WITHIN! Spiritual Gifts release the power within. Those nine beautiful Gifts of the Holy Spirit, used in obedience to the Lord, enable us to release the supernatural of God into peoples’ lives revealing that Jesus really does love them, knows all about them and has answers to set them free.

Spiritual Gifts establish and build believers, enabling them to come to the maturity of the faith of Christ. They also cause unbelievers to know that God is real and can do great things for them if they will respond to those gifts that are released to help them and to give answers to the problems of life. We are living in a day when the natural world is more and more dominated by a “religious spirit.” The only way a religious spirit is going to be truly combated is by Holy Spiritfilled Christians demonstrating the power of God, giving powerful witness to Jesus being alive from the dead! Unless we can demonstrate the power of God then the world will not be convinced that Christianity is the only way to God, heaven and eternal life. It is time to release the power within! Jesus said: “He who believes in Me [who cleaves to and trusts in and relies on Me] as the Scripture has said, From his innermost being shall flow [continuously] springs and rivers of living water. But He was speaking here of the Spirit, Whom those who believed (trusted, had faith) in Him were afterward to receive. “For the [Holy] Spirit had not yet been given, because Jesus was not yet glorified (raised to honor)” (John 7:37-39 AMP.).

Jesus has now been glorified and the Holy Spirit has now been given! Release the power of the Holy Spirit from your innermost being today!



(NOV 2011)

The Greater Work An extract from “Kneeling we Triumph” by Edwin & Lillian Harvey ISBN 1-932774-08-4. 128 Pages Price $6.00. Image © Margaret M. Stewart Reproduced by kind permission of Harvey Publishers.

Greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father. And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do (John 14:12-13). KNEELING WE TRIUMPH There is no way that Christians, in a private capacity, can do so much to promote the work of God and advance the kingdom of Christ as by prayer.— Jonathan Edwards.

Prayer is releasing the energies of God. For prayer is asking God to do what we cannot do.—Charles Trumbull. Prayer does not fit us for the greater works; prayer is the greater work. We think of prayer as a commonsense exercise of our higher powers in order to prepare us for God’s work. In the teaching of Jesus Christ prayer is the working of the miracle of Redemption in me which produces the miracle of Redemption in others by the power of God. . . . Prayer is the battle; it is a matter of indifference where you are. Whichever way God engineers circumstances, the duty is to pray. Never allow the thought, "I am of no use where I am," because you certainly can be of no use where you are not. Wherever God has dumped you down in circumstances, pray, ejaculate to Him all the time.

"Whatsoever ye ask in My name, that will I do." We won’t pray unless we get thrills; that is the most intense form of spiritual selfishness. We have to labour along the line of God’s direction, and He says pray. "Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth labourers into his harvest. . . ."

The great enemy to the Lord Jesus Christ in the present day is the conception of practical work that has not come from the New Testament, , but from the systems of the world in which endless energy and activities are insisted upon, but no private life with God. The emphasis is put on the wrong thing. Jesus said, "The kingdom of God cometh not with observation . . . for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you," a hidden, obscure thing. An active Christian worker too often lives in the shop window. It is the innermost of the innermost that reveals the power of the life.

We have to get rid of the plague of the spirit of the religious age in which we live. In our Lord’s life there was none of the press and rush of tremendous activity that we regard so highly, and the disciple is to be as his Master. The central thing about the kingdom of Jesus Christ is a personal relationship to Himself, not public usefulness to men.—Oswald Chambers.

Of "Praying Hyde" and his preparation for a convention in India his biographer says: "It was determined that prayer and not preaching should be recognized as the great channel of blessing. To this end a prayer-room was established as the Power House of the movement. Here, before the Convention began, Hyde and his friends spent thirty days and thirty nights in prayer, and throughout the ten days of the Convention, Hyde really lived here. "He spent most of the time on his face, for he felt he never could get low enough before God, pausing sometimes to take a little food and at times throwing himself down in a corner for a little sleep. He shunned publicity, but when he did speak, though his utterance was quiet, his words had a burning power. In the prayer-room he obtained the Tongue of Fire."

Mr. Philips, biographer of Whitefield, wrote: "After all, the grand secret of Whitefield’s power was his devotional spirit. Had he been less prayerful, he would have been less powerful. He was the prince of preachers without the veil, because he was a Jacob within the veil. His face shone when he came down from the mount, because he had been long alone with God upon the mount. It was this which won for him the title seraphic, not in the scholastic, but in the angelic sense of the term."



(NOV 2011)

The Self- Revealing God Read Psalm 19 Space Images © NASA & Sunrise © Hladkymartin

God Reveals Himself through Creation The first way in which God reveals Himself to man is through Creation. "The heavens declare the glory of God" (c)As 1David we gaze Aschewith wonder at the beautiful

world around us, Creation reveals:

The Glory of God's Being There is surely no excuse for any man not to believe in God, for the very existence of creation is evidence enough to convince us of the reality and existence of God.

"What may be known of God is manifest in them, for God has shown it to them. For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse.” (Rom. 1:19-20). Not only the existence of God but his attributes are clearly revealed in Creation. In other words, Creation not only tells us that there is a God; it tells us something about him - what he is like. In David’s mind and ours, there is no other explanation for the natural universe than the fact that God is. Creation's evidence is compelling and convincing and there is no one who has not heard the evidence. For the silent witness of the heavens covers the whole earth and declares the truth of God to men from every nation and language.

No wonder the Scripture says, "The fool has said in his heart there is no God." In a day when the unscientific myth of evolution is a widely held belief we must remember the words of Paul to Timothy: "O Timothy, keep that which is committed to thy trust, avoiding profane and vain babblings, and oppositions of science falsely so called” (1 Tim. 6:20). Instead, “Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear” (Heb. 11.3).Creation declares

God's being.

The Glory of God's Wisdom The firmament displays his handiwork. By firmament the Psalmist means the atmosphere which envelops the earth, the place for clouds and flying birds. The skillful work of God's hands displayed in the construction of the sky reveals to us God's wisdom. I remember reading a book about how Roman engineers came up with the ingenious method of producing arches which would support great weight. From this discovery came the huge Roman aqueducts which were constructed throughout the empire. It took the great mind and skill of Sir Christopher wren to design and build the great dome of St. Paul's Cathedral. How much greater is the mind which designed the sky above us? Where are the pillars that keep the immense dome of the sky in place? Behind the architecture of the sky is a great mind, the Divine mind of the eternal God. Creation declares God’s


The Glory of God's Order Day unto day utters speech, and night unto night reveals knowledge. Have you ever noticed how day always follows night and night always follows day? There is order in the universe. No one ever woke up to find that the sun had forgotten to rise. Such is the order of creation that the timing of particular cosmic events, such as solar eclipses, can be accurately predicted. Our times, dates and years are all calculated from the order of the sun and moon. The movements of the Solar System are far more orderly and reliable than any modern clock or watch. The order of God's creation shows the meticulous planning of the Divine mastermind. Evolution, especially the big bang theory, suggests that the universe was formed out of Chaos. The opposite may be observed to be true. Just read your daily paper and you will notice printed in many of them the time that the sun will set and the time that it will rise. Days, months and years just seem to keep coming right on time! The orderly universe speaks to us of the One who sets the clock of time. Creation

declares God's Order.



The Glory of God's Goodness There is no speech nor language where their voice is not heard. Their line has gone out through all the earth, and their words to the end of the world. God is not willing for men to remain in ignorance and so he has provided evidence of his goodness through Creation in order that men may seek after him. When preaching at Athens, Paul appealed to this evidence of God's goodness: “He gives to all life, breath, and all things” (read Acts 17:24-27). When we hear birds singing, we imagine them singing his praises, and perhaps they do, for Jesus said "Not one of them falls to the ground without your Father." If God is good to birds and animals, how much more is he good to men? Jesus said, "He makes his sun shine on the just and the unjust." The Moslem war cry is "God is great". But let the Christian acknowledge that "God is good."

The Glory of God's Power In them He has set a tabernacle for the sun, which is like a bridegroom coming out of his chamber, and rejoices like a strong man to run its race. Its rising is from one end of heaven, and its circuit to the other end; and there is nothing hidden from its heat.

In contemplating God's power, David could have chosen no more obvious an illustration than the sun. Without doubt David, being a shepherd, would often have seen the bright morning sunrise. What an immense display of God's power the sun gives! Without it, no life on earth could survive. We hear of nuclear power stations providing enough electricity for whole cities. Yet the sun gives light and warmth every day without fail to billions of people all over the world. In poetic language, David compares the sun's circuit of the heavens with a bridegroom going on his way to marriage, as if the sun was overjoyed obey God's will and to shine on the earth. The sun is compared to a strong man confidently running a race, and no doubt he has reason to be confident, since no one has ever been able to stop the sun completing its circuit of the sky,

(NOV 2011) shedding light and warmth on the whole world. Creation, especially the sun,

declares God's power. The story is told of a missionary who was challenged by a heathen chief to "Show me your God." "Look up there and see the sun," said the missionary. "I cannot “replied the old man, "it blinds my eyes." "That,” replied the missionary, "is one of the least of my God's servants, so how can you ask me then to show you my God?"

God Reveals Himself through Scripture (v7-11) The law of the LORD is perfect, converting the soul; The testimony of the LORD is sure, making wise the simple; The statutes of the LORD are right, rejoicing the heart; The commandment of the LORD is pure, enlightening the eyes; The fear of the LORD is clean, enduring forever; The judgments of the LORD are true and righteous altogether.

David's thoughts now turn from the glories of the universe to the glories of the word of God. The transition is not as abrupt as it may seem. The God who has revealed Himself to man in nature is the same God who reveals himself to man in scripture.

The Authority of Scripture The Psalmist considers the word of God to be a complete and all sufficient revelation of God's person and will. He uses six words to describe God's word and confirm its authority.

He describes Scripture as the Law of the Lord: As the law it gives Divine instruction in relation to our behavior and character. The Testimony of the Lord: God's word gives witness to who God is and what he has done. The Statutes of the Lord: These are His directions for life and living, legal rules intended to inspire obedience and stop disobedience. The Commandments of the Lord: These are the Divine decrees, given as by His Almighty Majesty, whose word is final. The Fear of the Lord is the constant attitude of a soul which has been instructed by the Law. The Judgments of the Lord are the decisions and sentences made by the Judge of the whole earth.

Believers recognize that:

"All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work". 2 Tim 3:16-17 Peter reminds his readers "no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation. For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy Ghost." 2 Pet. 1:20-21 God's Word carries tremendous authority because it is not man's thoughts about God, but God's revelation of himself to man. The Bible should command the respect and attention of us all.

The Inerrancy of Scripture Once again David uses six words to describe how the Scripture is inerrant, which means not liable to error. He describes God's word as perfect without fault or defect. Complete with nothing further to be added to it.

It is sure - reliable & dependable. You can put your trust in God's word and you will never be let down. It is right - because it shows man with the right way to God and heaven. It is pure because the One who gave it is pure and sinless. The pure word of God uncovers sin, revealing it for what it is. God's word is clean because it is not corrupt. God has no hidden agenda or false motive in telling man how he should live. It is true because no part of it is false - it is inerrant and faithful. We believe that the Scriptures, known as the Bible, are the inspired Word of God, the infallible and all-sufficient rule for faith and practice.

The Validity of Scripture Once more David lists six effects that the word of God has on the believer to show that it is powerful and effective. God's word is living and it has a powerful and living effect in our lives. It restores the soul- it refreshes the soul as food and drink refreshes the body; it makes wise the simple - for it gives the inexperienced guidance and direction;


GOING DEEPER WORD delight | it rejoices theINTO heartGOD’S by bringing to those who obey it; it enlightens the eyes by instructing the ignorant and reviving the faint; it endures forever, as Jesus said "Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will never pass away". It is vindicated - not only does Scripture back up Scripture, but it is vindicated in the lives of all who put their trust in it. Because of its beneficial effects, the Word of God is: More to be desired are they than gold, Yea, than much fine gold; Sweeter also than honey and the honeycomb. Moreover by them Your servant is warned, and in keeping them there is great reward. This is true, for gold or honey will only do good for our bodies, which are temporal, whereas the benefits of God’s word are for our souls which are eternal. So, as Stephen Olford says, the Holy Scriptures are “to be loved, learned and lived”. In obeying God's word we find great reward, sati sfaction of our souls and the increasing knowledge of God. We believe in the authority, inerrancy and validity of the scripture because we have experienced its beneficial results for ourselves. The Bible says "Believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved." We believed in the Lord Jesus and were saved. We have proven the Scripture to be true.

God reveals Personally




Who can understand his errors? Cleanse me from secret faults. Keep back Your servant also from presumptuous sins; Let them not have dominion over me. Then I shall be blameless, and I shall be innocent of great transgression. Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Your sight, O LORD, my strength and my Redeemer. God personally reveals Himself to our souls by:

The Conviction of the Holy Spirit To have a personal relationship with God we must be searched and convicted by the Holy Spirit. David speaks of a sense of sinfulness (v12). Who can discover the sinner's errors (to him)? The answer is that God searches our hearts by the Holy Spirit

David realized that a holy God cannot be approached until sin is forgiven and cleansed, so he cries to God "Cleanse me from secret faults." No man fully realizes his sinfulness until he is convinced of his sin by the Holy Spirit. Then, from the willing heart, comes a calling on God for mercy. A sense of sinfulness leads to a spirit of prayerfulness. (v13) It was when the publican realized his sinfulness that he cried out to God "Be merciful to me a sinner."

(NOV 2011) by bitterness, an unforgiving spirit, or by our willfulness. Yet God has made provision for our sin to be cleansed so that every hindrance to communion with Him may be removed: “the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin” (1 John 1:7). To be accepted by God and enjoy fellowship with Him forever is purpose of our creation. This is the compelling reason why God reveals Himself to man in Creation, Scripture and personally.

Such a spirit of prayerfulness results is a state of righteousness (v13) David does not mean that God's salvation would result in his never sinning again. But he knew that having been cleansed he would be declared right with God. We become right with God when we receive Christ as our Savior from sin, for Christ delivers us from sin's guilt and power. Being reconciled to God through Jesus Christ we are declared right in His sight.

The Communion of The Holy Spirit v14. Once sin has been dealt with, we know the communion of the Holy Spirit. This communion is expressed by David in terms of "the words of my mouth" and the "thoughts of my heart". Believers are can enjoy unbroken fellowship with God on the basis of Chris's cross. David prays is that his communion with God would be unbroken and that his words and thoughts would be acceptable. It is possible for our fellowship to be marred

Conclusion It is always God's will to reveal himself to us that we might adore and enjoy him. As we know God now, so we shall know him more as we love, learn, and live His word.

How beautiful this dome of sky, And the vast hills in fluctuation fixed At Thy command, how awful! Shall the soul, Human and rational, report of Thee, Even less than these? Be mute who will, who can, Yet I will praise Thee with impassioned voice. My lips, that may forget thee in the crowd, Cannot forget Thee here, where Thou hast built For Thine own glory, in the wilderness! William Wordsworth 1770 - 1850



(NOV 2011)

The Person & Work of the Holy Spirit By

Derek R. Williams. Image © Photoquest

This Month: The Gifts of the Spirit Interpretation of Tongues This is the companion to the gift of tongues and they are dependent upon each other. Those possessing the gift of tongues should seek to interpret them (1 Cor. 14:13). Interpretation means to explain fully in a different language. These two gifts together are equivalent to the gift of prophecy but not greater than it. The possessor of this gift gives the interpretation of tongues without understanding the language spoken. The interpretation of a message is received in different ways by the interpreter, sometimes he/she receives just one or a few words and then proceeds in faith, at other times the full interpretation can be received before commencing the message, then some receive it in a picture form. It is often accepted on the bases of 1 Cor. 14:27 that the same person gives the interpretation of all the messages in tongues in one meeting. Why are some interpretations longer or shorter than the messages in tongues? Linford offers the following reasons: a) Differences in languages where it takes more words to express a meaning; b) Message in tongues was not fully given or continued on in praise; c) Interpreter did not give full message or in the case of a longer interpretation went on into prophecy. It is possible for more than one person to receive the interpretation at the same time therefore it is always good to wait a moment before interpreting. On many occasions when this has occurred confirmation of the content of the message has been given by those who have given the interpretation.


Discerning of Spirits

This gift differs from that of interpretation in that it is not dependent on the gift of tongues. But it is similar in that it gives an immediate spiritual benefit to the whole church. The purpose of the gift is edification (to build up in the faith), exhortation (to strengthen), and comfort (to soothe and encourage). Prophecy can also provide a channel for the gifts of the word of knowledge, the word of wisdom and the discerning of spirits. The possessors of this gift in any assembly may all prophecy one after another and the others are to judge if it is of the Spirit and according to God’s Word (1 Cor.14: 29-31). The gift of prophecy does not take control over the spirit of the prophet, who is in control at all times (1 Cor.14:32).

This is the most misunderstood of the gifts so let us see first of all what the gift is not. It is not mind reading. Only God knows the mind and heart of a person (Heb. 4:12-13). It is not fault finding - anybody can do this, and it is not psychoanalysis (revealing and investigating the unconscious mind). It is not the spiritual discernment that all spirit filled believers have in knowing what is spiritual truth as opposed to error (1 Cor. 2:14); nor is it spiritual detection (1 John 4:1-3). The true definition may be deduced from the name of the gift: it is discerning (distinguishing between good and evil) of spirits. There are three kinds of spirits: the Holy Spirit, evil spirits, and the human spirit. This gift is given to protect the church from the counterfeits of Satan and man. “The manifestation of this gift enlightens the church to three invisible actions, that of Divine action, Satanic action, and human action” (A. Linford).

Having the gift of prophecy does not make one a prophet, for the prophet is a ministry gift of Christ to the church – whilst prophecy is a gift of the Holy Spirit. As a ministry gift the prophet is a prophet at all times whereas the possessor of the gift of prophecy is only one while the gift is in operation. All who are filled with the Holy Spirit can prophecy according to Joel 2:28 and Acts 2:17-18. We are to show reverence to the word of prophecy and not despise it, in the giving or hearing (1Thess. 5:20).

It reveals the force and purpose that is behind action or word as to whether it is of the Holy Spirit, evil spirits, or the human spirit, so that it can be dealt with accordingly; for example, in the casting out of demons. In addition, as Aaron Linford says “this gift also provides a sure basis for the exercise of the gifts of healings by revealing the presence of that faith necessary to the reception of deliverance from sickness and infirmity.”



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Working of Miracles By definition this means the power of God in the bringing about of supernatural happenings that cannot be explained. It is the 'higher law of God' coming into operation above the natural law. As in the case of Jesus turning the water into wine and the feeding of the 5000 we see instant miracles taking place, this is the working of miracles. The difference between this gift and that of the gifts of healing is not immediately obvious. A person who is blind may receive their sight by a gift of healing, yet if a person born without eyes receives these organs this is working of miracles. The Working of a Miracle is the manifestation of Divine omnipotence directed towards a specific end through the person who has this gift (see Acts 19:11). The purpose is to show forth the signs and wonders to confirm the word of God

Gifts of Healings Every healing performed is a separate gift. As a gift it is given by divine grace. It is a perfect gift, and the person is made completely whole. The two principles involved in the operation of this gift are faith and the will of God. It needs faith to impart the gift of healing by the person possessing it and the faith of the sick one to receive it. The gifts of healings are given by the sovereign will of God, according as He so orders. From study of the scriptures it would appear that these gifts are mostly bestowed on unbelievers, therefore we can say that they are chiefly for evangelism. Jesus said they were given as a sign “they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover" (Mark 16:18).

Gift of Faith This is not saving faith or the faith that is the fruit of the Spirit. It is the faith which is given by the Holy Spirit at specific times for specific needs. It is "'the faith of God (Mark 11:20-24). When this gift is in operation you know with certainty that the Lord has that what was asked for. The gift is not always present with the one who has been given it but comes into operation at special times by the anointing of the Holy Spirit. The two characteristics of the gift is "'authority and assurance"'. Authority in that faith assumes divine sovereignty and therefore commands Math. 26: 53 "'(A. Linford)"'

Assurance in that what has been asked for is already given. It is not a wishful thinking or a vague hoping for.

Word of Knowledge This gift and the word of wisdom are closely related. The word of knowledge is the imparting of a fragment of the divine all-knowledge to the possessor of the gift. It is not knowledge that is obtained by study, but by instant revelation. These revelations can be given concerning the past, present and future, the seen and the unseen world. In the unseen we see it in Revelations where John received Words of Knowledge concerning the scenes he saw in heaven. Paul in 2 Cor. 12:1 where he was caught up to paradise, and heard unspeakable words. In that which is seen we have it where Moses received instructions for the tabernacle and for the worship of God.

Word of Wisdom If the Word of Knowledge is receiving a revelation of the knowledge of God, then through the Word of Wisdom comes the ability to use that knowledge in the right way. It is not the permanent ability to decide issues (as Solomon possessed) nor is it the Spiritual wisdom spoken of in James 3: 17. It is the wisdom of God imparted by the Holy Spirit for a specific purpose. It is not a continuous manifestation- each Word of Wisdom is a separate one. Unlike the Word of Knowledge this gift can only refer to the present and future. It is revelation of the divine purpose FURTHER READING Quotes from Aaron Linford come from his book “A Course Study in Spiritual Gifts” by AOG Publishing House, Great Britain. 1969 For our series “The Theology of Pentecost” visit the editor’s blog at: http:/biblecommentaries/


Mathew Bartlett

Examples:-where Philip was directed in Acts 8: 26-29 to the Ethiopian Eunuch, God's purpose being to save him and send the Gospel message into that land. At his conversion the Lord revealed to Paul the divine plan for his life Acts 26: 16-17. Concerning the future we see this gift in operation in the Book of Revelation concerning the end times. Also in Acts 11: 28 where Agabus predicted a dearth throughout the world and again in Acts 21:11 when he foretold of Paul's arrest in Jerusalem. From Paul's letter to the Corinthians we see that the Christians in this city came behind in no gift of the Holy Spirit, they were all in operation, and yet there was a tremendous need and it would appear a lack of growth in the Fruit of the Holy Spirit. There was a contradiction in the unruly way they were behaving and their use of the gifts, and so Paul had to write this letter of correction and balance under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit and it has been given for an example to us. We are not to take the liberty which Jesus Christ has given us to be a licens e to do what we like. There are guidelines laid down by the word of God whereby all things must be done decently and in order 1 Cor. 14: 40, that God may be glorified in all that we say and do. We see in 1 Cor. 12: 7 that the purpose of the Gifts of the Holy Spirit is that everyone should benefit from them and grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ and God our Father."'



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A Harvest of Love The Book of Ruth Chapter One. A brief Bible study by Derek Williams. Photo © Rtimages

Elimelech’s name means "My God is King." He did not live up to his name otherwise he would have accepted that the famine was from God, sought Him in repentance, and remained in Israel.

From the consequences of this action it shows that he made this decision without seeking the will of God. If we walk out of the will of God for our lives then we can expect trouble, and trouble hit this family hard. First Elimelech died - then his sons married foreign women and only survived their father by ten years, before they also died, leaving no children. It was not forbidden by God for the Israelites to marry Moabites, but because of their treatment of Israel in refusing to provide for them when they came out of Egypt there were restrictions about fellowship (Deut. 23:3-6). Orpah's name means "gazelle" and is indicative of her outward beauty, whilst Ruth means "friend", a possible reference to the inner devotion and purity of her heart.

Walking out of the Will of God v1-14. The period of the rule of Israel by judges was from the death of Joshua until the appointment of Saul as king. It was a time of violence and confusion, yet God maintained His own rule by means of His blessings and punishments upon the people. When the people walked in the ways of the Lord they had victory over their enemies and peace reigned throughout the land. When they did that which was not right in the sight of God their enemies invaded and had dominion over them, they suffered pestilence and famine.

It was the fulfillment of the principle of sowing and reaping (Gal. 6:7). God had told the people that if they kept His commands then He would bless them (Deut. 28:1-2) and warned them what would happen if they did not (Deut. 28:15-24). So at the time of Ruth there was a famine in Israel because of the people's disobedience. Yet there was plenty in the country of Moab which was only the other side of the Dead Sea. It was because of this famine that Elimelech, was took his family to live until the famine had passed.

Eventually, the people of God repented and God blessed them so that there was plenty throughout the land. Naomi hearing that God had visited His people makes the first move towards her own repentance by retracing her steps back to where she came from. This is what the Lord waits for, and we may be sure that if we take one step towards Him, He takes two towards us (Mal. 3:7). Orpah and Ruth take it for granted that as dutiful daughters-in-law they should go with her. But Naomi realizing that she could offer them nothing in return for their loyalty desires them to return to their own people. It was not an easy decision for her to make especially as she acknowledges here that they had been very good to her.



Her desire for them is that as they had been to her so the LORD would deal kindly, lovingly and prove faithful to them. That He would give them rest, after the troubles they had been through, and provide them with husbands and the security of a home. Naomi realized that because they were foreigners they would be unlikely to remarry in Israel. They both reply with a definite "No! We are coming with you." So Naomi finds it necessary to make clear to them that there was no hope of her providing other sons for them to marry in accordance with the Mosaic law (Deut. 25:5-6). Even if she could have children would they be able to wait for them to grow up? In Naomi's limited revelation of God, she blames Him for all the trouble she had suffered.

But at the same time she is acknowledging that He is in control of all things as Sovereign Lord. In the fuller revelation that we have of God we should be able to say with Paul '"all things work together for good to those who love God"" (Rom. 8:28).

Ruth's Determination v15 - 18. Orpah goes back to her home and her gods, not wishing to be a worshipper of Naomi's God; but Ruth clings on to her (Prov. 17:17).

In spite of Naomi's repeated attempts to make Ruth return she is determined that she will not do so but will completely identify herself with her mother-in-law. She is prepared to follow her no matter where it may lead. So she put her confidence in Naomi's good judgment. She would dwell with her whether it be in a tent or a palace or even if she had no place to lay her head (see Matt. 8:20). She would forsake her own people and adopt Naomi's. She would embrace God as her God, the only true God.

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This was no light decision but one that she had fully considered and after doing so was ready to completely commit herself to Naomi and to God all the days of her life. She seals it with a solemn oath (see Luke 9:62).

Naomi seeing that Ruth had determined to go with her knew it was pointless to say anything more.

Naomi's Bitterness v19 -22. A close bond was thus made between the two of them that would never be broken and they went on their way together, as one - even as all who have decided to follow Jesus should do. The return of Naomi to Bethlehem causes a great stir among the people and they gave her a royal welcome. However, on being called Naomi, meaning 'pleasant, delightful', the bitterness that she had let grow in her heart breaks out (Eph. 4:31; Heb. 12:15). She retorts "do not call me Naomi but Mari, meaning 'bitter' because the Almighty (the name she uses is Hebrew Shaddai, and again, in using this name she recognizes Him as the Sovereign Lord who had afflicted her (see Job 6:4). She went out full, that is, with a husband and two sons, and come back home without them. By His dealings with her the Lord has given witness against her. About what? That she and her husband had gone out of the will of God in leaving Bethlehem to go to Moab. So Naomi returned home with Ruth, a devoted daughter-in-law at the beginning of the barley harvest.

Although Elimelech and Naomi moved out of the will of God and suffered the consequences of it, God was still in control and His ultimate plans and purposes will be fulfilled. It was according to His timing that Naomi was moved to return back home and it was not coincidence that she arrived at the beginning of the barley harvest as we shall see. Naomi did not just return home to Bethlehem but she had returned to walking with God. She did not return home empty for Ruth was with her and she would prove to be a greater blessing to her that what she could ever imagine.

Š Sa eid Shamin Ki ya

The story of Ruth tells of the love which Boaz the kinsman redeemer came to have for an outsider who had believed and joined the commonwealth of Israel. NEXT MONTH: Boaz and Ruth meet.



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Our In Depth Study. Revelation 9. By

Derek R. Williams. Photo © Godfer

Scripture taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

Revelation 9: Evil Unleashed. The Fifth Trumpet - "Locusts" from the Abyss. v1 - 12. 1-2. "Then the fifth angel sounded: And I saw a star fallen from heaven to the earth. To him was given the key to the bottomless pit. And he opened the bottomless pit, and smoke arose out of the pit like the smoke of a great furnace. So the sun and the air were darkened because of the smoke of the pit." As the first of the "woes" (Rev. 8:13), the fifth trumpet, was sounded, John saw a star that had fallen from heaven to earth. This can only refer to Satan (Rev. 12:9; Isaiah 14:12; Luke 10:18). He was given the key to the abyss, not Hades, but the place where demons have been bound (Luke 8:31) and where he himself is to be temporarily imprisoned during the Millennium (Rev. 20:3). That fact that in Rev. 20:1 the key is in the possession of an angel of God shows that God grants his permission for Satan to be given the power to open the abyss at this time. As he does, sulphurous smoke ascended from the abyss, as from a burning furnace, so thick that it filled the air and obscured the sun.

3. "Then out of the smoke locusts came upon the earth. And to them was given power, as the scorpions of the earth have power." Together with the smoke from the abyss came all the demons who had been locked up there, set loose on the earth. As the description of these locusts is unfolded, it becomes obvious that they were not literally locusts.

They were given the poisonous power of a scorpion on earth to sting. I.e. Their power was limited.

6. "In those days men will seek death and will not find it; they will desire to die, and death will flee from them."

4. "They were commanded not to harm the grass of the earth, or any green thing, or any tree, but only those men who do not have the seal of God on their foreheads."

So dreadful will the torment be that men will try to kill themselves rather suffer but they will not be able to for death will not come to them. They will long for death but it will run away from them.

The natural instinct of locusts is to destroy everything green. These demon "locusts" are commanded not to harm any vegetation. Their purpose is only to injure those who had not been sealed (Rev. 7:4).

5. "And they were not given authority to kill them, but to torment them for five months. Their torment was like the torment of a scorpion when it strikes a man." God does not grant them authority to cause the death of their victims, but instead to inflict unbearable physical pain and distress for limited period of five months - the life span of a real locust. The torment they bring is likened to the excruciating suffering that a scorpion sting brings. "When a scorpion has stung, the place becomes inflamed and hardened; it reddens by tension, and is painful by intervals, being now chilly, now burning. The pain soon rises high, and rages, sometimes more, sometimes less. A sweating succeeds, attended by a shivering and trembling; the extremities of the body become cold, the groin swells, the hair stands on end, the members become pale, and the skin feels throughout the sensation of a perpetual pricking, as if by needles." Encyclopaedia Britannica

7-8. "The shape of the locusts was like horses prepared for battle. On their heads were crowns of something like gold, and their faces were like the faces of men. They had hair like women's hair, and their teeth were like lions' teeth."

To John, the locusts resembled war horses - large with great strength, ready for battle (Joel 2:4-6). They wore what looked like gold crowns on their heads, possibly helmets. Each demonic creature had a face like a man's, only distorted, grotesque and terrifying. BUY THE WHOLE BOOK FOR JUST $1.84 Kindle Version only $1.84 (offer ends 30/9/11). Paperback published by Pneuma Springs (158 pages) price $11.99 (includes shipping)

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Each had long hair, like the antennae of locusts and teeth like a lion, fierce, strong and suitable for devouring their prey, without mercy. 9. "And they had breastplates like breastplates of iron, and the sound of their wings was like the sound of chariots with many horses running into battle." Their protection was impregnable and the deafening noise of their wings like that of a vast army of chariots and war horses. From this description we see that there is nothing man can do to resist or overcome them, for they will accomplish exactly what they have been freed from the abyss to do. 10. "They had tails like scorpions, and there were stings in their tails. Their power was to hurt men five months." Their weapon of attack is described as being like the sting of a scorpion, having the ability to hurt, but not to kill, for a set time (see verse 5). 11. "And they had as king over them the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in Hebrew is Abaddon, but in Greek he has the name Apollyon."

These demonic creatures have a king over them, the one who had released them from the abyss whose identity cannot be mistaken. In Hebrew John names him as Abaddon, destroying angel, and in Greek Apollyon, destroyer or Satan. 12. "One woe is past. Behold, still two more woes are coming after these things."

Although the first woe has come to an end, there are still two more to come.

The Sixth Trumpet - The Satanic Army. v13-21. 13-14. "Then the sixth angel sounded: And I heard a voice from the four horns of the golden altar which is before God, saying to the sixth angel who had the trumpet, "Release the four angels who are bound at the great river Euphrates."

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The second "woe" begins with the sounding of the sixth trumpet and from the altar of incense that stands before the throne of God. The voice tells the angel with the sixth trumpet to release the four angels that were imprisoned in the Euphrates River. For "angels" the Living Bible has "mighty demons", which is correct since only fallen angels are bound 15. "So the four angels, who had been prepared for the hour and day and month and year, were released to kill a third of mankind." These four demons, kept in readiness for this woe, are set free at the time appointed by God to kill a third of all mankind. 16. "Now the number of the army of the horsemen was two hundred million; I heard the number of them."

These four demons stir men to muster armies for war. Though John could not count the number in this army, he heard that the number of horsemen in it were two hundred million. 17. "And thus I saw the horses in the vision: those who sat on them had breastplates of fiery red, hyacinth blue, and sulphur yellow; and the heads of the horses were like the heads of lions; and out of their mouths came fire, smoke, and brimstone."

John describes the horses and their riders as they appeared to him. The riders wore breastplates made of a material that blazed fiery red, blue and yellow. Jacinth (the word translated hyacinth blue) could possibly be taken to refer to the gem which is made of a mineral called zircon which has an high melting point and is used to line the inside walls of a furnace. Brimstone is an old word for s ulphur, a constituent of gunpowder. The horse's heads looked like lion's i.e. the beasts were as ferocious as their riders and caused destruction. From their mouths came fire accompanied by smoke and sulphur as a matter of course. These are obviously not l iteral horses but could represent a form of weapon like a tank.

18. "By these three plagues a third of mankind was killed--by the fire and the smoke and the brimstone which came out of their mouths." A third of mankind was killed by the combination of fire, smoke and sulphur which came out of the mouths of these instruments of destruction. 19. "For their power is in their mouth and in their tails; for their tails are like serpents, having heads; and with them they do harm." Not only did they destroy from the front (mouth) but also from the back (tail) which had the shape of a serpent and a head with which i t struck and fatally wounded. Again, some kind of war machine may be implied. 20. "But the rest of mankind, who were not killed by these plagues, did not repent of the works of their hands, that they should not worship demons, and idols of gold, silver, brass, stone, and wood, which can neither see nor hear nor walk."

The purpose of these plagues apart from the just judgement of God for sin was to bring to repentance those men who remained alive. Unfortunately, like Pharaoh, they hardened their hearts and did not turn from their sin or stop worshipping the works of their hands. They did not cease to worship demons and the idols they had made. 21. "And they did not repent of their murders or their sorceries or their sexual immorality or their thefts." At the time concerned in this vision, murder, witchcraft, and sexual immorally of all kinds will be rife to an excess, with no restraint and no justice being meted out to wrongdoers. There was no remorse, no feeling of regret for the murder they had committed or for their witchcraft. No one turned from their sexual immorality, or stealing.



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The Lord is my Shepherd By Mathew Bartlett


God has all sufficient resources for the Christian. Read: Psalm 23 All scripture quotes from the Authorized Version. Picture: ©Designpicsub. Sheep © Constantin Bogdan Carstina. Modern Shepherd © Goodluz.

Dr. Graham Scroggie refers to this as "The Pearl of Psalms", "the simplest, sweetest song that ever was sung." Most of us have sung it to the tune "Crimmond". It is perhaps the best known scriptural hymn or song in the world. So what's it all about? Often the Psalm is considered to be the Psalm of the Shepherd, yet in fact there are three different pictures given to us in this Psalm, and for our purpose, we may think of them as reflecting our relationship with the Lord on three stages of our journey.

The Shepherd and the Sheep. v1-2. The Guide and the Traveler. v3-4. The Host and the Guest. v5-6. In the first picture we think about the relationship we have with the Lord. In the second picture, we consider the pilgrim progressing on his heavenward journey, and in the third, we see those who've arrived home.

•The Shepherd and the Sheep. This is a very personal picture. The flock is not in view here, although the shepherd has many sheep in his care. It is "I" and "my". The Lord is MY shepherd. It is wonderful to know that we as individuals we have a relationship with the Lord, and that relationship is one of belonging. When we came to know Christ as Savior we became "the sheep of his care". It is not selfish for us to think in these personal terms. If I spent all of Christ's time with him, he would still have all his time left for everyone else! How did this relationship begin? It is because Jesus is the good shepherd. In Luke 15, Jesus told a story to illustrate how he had come from heaven to seek and to save that which was lost. Before any man or woman comes to know Christ as Savior they are lost indeed, for we are dead in our trespasses and sins, far away from God, without hope and without God in the world. But Christ came to find and save us. He died to save us.

Jesus said “I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd gives His life for the sheep” (John 10:11). It was at the cross of Calvary that Jesus took our sin upon him and suffered and died in our place so that we might be forgiven.

Since this is a personal psalm, so I may say, he took my sin on himself, and was punished in my place for my sin. That was the punishment I deserved, but since Jesus has taken it for me, I don’t have to. Now that I believe in him, my sins are forgiven, I have eternal life, and I have become a sheep in his care. Jesus is the shepherd who owns the sheep, knows the sheep, and who keeps them eternally by his power. Sheep expect their shepherd to provide for them in every way, and so Jesus does for us.

I shall not want. See what Christ has provided for us. He has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in heavenly places in Christ. (Eph. 1:3)


Though we were spiritually poor, he has made us spiritually rich: “For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though He was rich, yet for your sakes He became poor, that you through His poverty might become rich” (2 Cor. 8:9).

We are spiritually weak, but his strength makes us strong. And He said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness" (2 Cor. 12:9). We were empty, hungry and thirsty. He has satisfied us. Jesus said to them, "I am the bread of life. He who comes to Me shall never hunger, and he who believes in Me shall never thirst” (John 6:35). “Whoever drinks of this water will thirst again, but whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him will never thirst. But the water that I shall give him will become in him a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life” (John 4:13-14). We were spiritually dead, but he has given us abundant life: I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly. v2 Just as the shepherd provides for his flock naturally so our good shepherd leads us to green pastures (food) and still waters (drink) in a more spiritual sense. God's people should appreciate that what Christ has done for us spiritually is far more than what he has done for us in other ways. A Pastor once told the tale of a quiet family never playing much of a part in the meetings. One day they were positively radiant. The father was stood to pray.

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“Thank you God for this new car. It's just the one we wanted and the right color too!" It is not wrong to thank God for his material blessing. But the next week, they were back in church with sad faces and tears. The father prayed "Lord, you know who stole the car!" If only they had been rejoicing in the Lord the first week, they would still have been rejoicing in the Lord the second week!

Of course God provides for our practical needs. It was with such needs in mind that Paul said "And my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus" (Phil. 4:19). Yet we must be careful not to make this the center of our Christian lives and experience. Jesus said Then He said to His disciples, "Therefore I say to you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat; nor about the body, what you will put on. Life is more than food, and the body is more than clothing...... And do not seek what you should eat or what you should drink, nor have an anxious mind. For all these things the nations of the world seek after, and your Father knows that you need these things. But seek the kingdom of God, and all these things shall be added to you. Do not fear, little flock, for it is your Father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom. Sell what you have and give alms; provide yourselves money bags which do not grow old, a treasure in the heavens that does not fail, where no thief approaches, nor moth destroys. For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also (Luke 12:22-34). The Lord cares for our every need. He supplies every want: forgiveness for sin, salvation, healing for the soul, eternal life, holiness, righteousness, and wisdom.

Jesus is all I need! Of all his Divine titles, here is one we cherish: JEHOVAH-ROHI, the LORD my shepherd.

The Guide and the Traveler. Although the picture has changed, notice that it is still the Lord and I, a personal walk and relationship. We are on a pilgrimage. Like Christian in the book "Pilgrims Progress", we have received the Lord Jesus Christ as our Savior and so have begun a journey through life that will lead us eventually to our home in heaven. The Christian Pathway is often hard and difficult. It can be dark and dangerous, sometimes lonely. Yet the pilgrim remains safe and secure. He need not fear, for the Lord guides and guards his every step. The Lord knows the way to take each of us, for he has trod the way before. He has trodden the way down so as to make the path easier for us to follow. He leads us in the right way, not only for our sake, but for his names sake. Since we are his, we are called by his name, and it would be dishonor to him to allow any one of us to fall. When the way is hard and the pilgrim's strength fails, he leans on the Lord. who has said "underneath are the everlasting arms."

(c) 2Constantin Bogdan Carstina

We are the sheep of His care.



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His strength and presence is a staff for us in time of need. When our strength fails, his strength is enough for us. Often the Lord will allow us to reach an extremity of experience before this strength and power is realized in us. It is only when we come to the end of ourselves that we rely on the Lord as we ought, and in this way he teaches us ever increasing faith.

Paul said on one occasion: “we were burdened beyond measure, above strength, so that we despaired even of life. Yes, we had the sentence of death in ourselves that we should not trust in ourselves but in God who raises the dead” (2 Cor. 1:8-9). The help and strength of God came, from the human viewpoint, just in the nick of time. It is often when we are dreadfully discouraged and weak that the Lord will break through. He knows our limit and will not test us above what we are able to bear. The weary traveler will often be in need of refreshment. That is why there are many inns along frequently used pathways. The weary soul of the Christian pilgrim also needs refreshment, and this need is satisfied by Christ "He restores my soul". He quickens and revives our fainting spirits and brings good cheer. Often it is the ministry of his saints one to another which he uses to bring about this refreshing of spirit (e.g. 2 Cor. 7:13 and 2 Tim 1:16). Yet if no human help is near, we can be sure of the help of God. At my first defense no one stood with me, but all forsook me... But the Lord stood with me and strengthened me (2 Tim. 4:16-17) The sinning pilgrim can be sure to find grace and mercy if he will penitently seek it, as David found "he restores my soul" (see also Psa. 51:8-12).

If a man would travel alone in Bible times, he would do well to travel armed. The story of the Good Samaritan illustrates this. Yet if he has a guide, it will do as well for the guide to be armed, that the traveler might be protected from those who mean to harm him. The Christian pilgrim has many enemies on his pathway to heaven, but our guide is well armed with victory, having already defeated all his foes at the cross of Calvary. By his mighty resurrection he has defeated our greatest foe - death, once and for all. His complete victory provides us with full armor, a full protection. The whole armor of God as referred to by Paul in Ephesians 6 is no more or less than an appropriation by faith of all that Christ is and what he has done for us by his death on the cross. The protection offered by our guide is symbolized by the "rod". This was not carried for support, but for protection against wolves and thieves etc. The Lord is well able to protect his own. Jesus is both our defense and victory.

I will never forget reading the last chapter of "Pilgrim's Progress", in which Christian has to cross the river to enter the celestial city. The river represented death. Death is not a pleasant experience even for the believer. It brings its own darkness and fear of the unknown. Will we be able to bear up in this final and greatest testing? As Christian began to cross the river, he feared and felt that there was no ground beneath his feet.. But after a few words of encouragement from his friend Hopeful, he put down his foot and realized that there was solid rock under him which bore him safely to the other side. Even in the valley of shadow of death - when death arrives to claim my mortal frame - I will not fear, FOR YOU ARE WITH ME. He has already trod this path before us, and will ensure our safe arrival on the beautiful shore.

The Host and the Guest. This host is one of a kind. Not only does he bless us when we reach his home, but he blesses us all the way there.



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And the Lord will deliver me from every evil work and preserve me for His heavenly kingdom. To Him be glory forever and ever. Amen! 2 Tim 4:18

In the presence of our enemies - that is surely while we are on earth, for we shall have no enemies in heaven. David rehearses the measure of God's blessing on his people. He is no miser, the head is anointed with oil. The cup overflows, blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ. The pilgrim receives these blessings because of the goodness and mercy of his host. These two attributes of God have sometimes been personified as two angels - one called goodness and the other mercy. But angels can only be in one place at one time, so if goodness and mercy are following you, they can't follow me! The truth is that God directs all his infinite power and providence so that we may all know his goodness and receive his mercy every day. The result of such attendance by the heavenly guide is that every faithful pilgrim arrives safely at the desired haven. And I shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever.

This was the testimony of Paul, that God would bring him safely to his heavenly kingdom, and it is ours also. Jesus is our host, and he has gone to prepare to heaven a place for us. We are only going dwell on earth for a time - but we shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever. This is our true home. But our citizenship is in heaven, from whence we eagerly await a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ. That is why Paul says, "We are confident, yes, well pleased rather to be absent from the body and to be present with the Lord" (2 Cor. 5:8).

The Christian longs to go home to heaven. When an old Scotsman was asked - "What will it be like in heaven?", he replied, "when they tell me that Mr. B {a famous caterer} is preparing the banquet, I have no concerns as to the outcome. I know that feast will be exceptional." So believers know that since Christ himself is preparing a wedding feast as our heavenly host, the result will be marvelous.

The scripture describes it for us: So he said to me, "These are the ones who come out of the great tribulation, and washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb. Therefore they are before the throne of God, and serve Him day and night in His temple. And He who sits on the throne will dwell among them. They shall neither hunger anymore nor thirst anymore; the sun shall not strike them, nor any heat; for the Lamb who is in the midst of the throne will shepherd them and lead them to living fountains of waters. And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes" (Rev 7:14-17).

Conclusion So Jesus will be our shepherd even then, and he who has been our shepherd and guide will be our host forever. And throughout eternity, we shall serve him and he shall be our all in all.

All I Need.


(NOV 2011)

Bible study outline for small groups. You may photocopy these pages as a small group study.

Psalm 23 - All I Need The “Shepherd Psalm” gives us 3 different pictures of our relationship with God. :

The Shepherd and the Sheep v1-2. If “the Lord is my shepherd” we have a personal relationship. Describe how this relationship began for you. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Read Luke 15:4-7. Who is like the sheep? In what way were we lost? Describe what Jesus did to seek us, find us and bring us back to God. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ The shepherd owns the sheep. Who owns you and why? (1 Cor. 6.19-20) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ I shall not want. Christ gives us everything we need. Read the following verses and write down from each something that God has given to us in Christ: Ephesians 1:3 _____________________________________________________ 2 Co.r 12:9 ________________________________________________________ Acts 5:32 ________________________________________________________ 1 John 5:11 _______________________________________________________ Ephesians 1:7 ______________________________________________________

These are just SOME of the things Christ gives us, there are many more. Read v2 The shepherd leads his sheep us to green pastures (food) and still waters (drink). Jesus is our shepherd. What kind of spiritual food and drink does he give us? (e.g. See 1 Peter 2 v2 & John 7 v 37-39). ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ The Lord also provides what we need materially. What does Jesus says God will provide for us in Luke 12 v 22-31 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Write out Philippians 4v19: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________



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Visit to download a completed study, with example answers.

The Guide and the Traveler v3-4. The picture has changed, but it is still the Lord & I, a personal relationship. We have begun a journey through life that will lead us to heaven. The Christian Path is often hard and difficult. The Psalmist “walks through the valley of the shadow of death”. What do you think he means? __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ But he is not afraid. Why not? _________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________

Why does a pilgrim need a staff? How is God help like a staff to a pilgrim? __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ The weary traveller needs of refreshment. There are many inns along the pathway. A Christian’s soul also needs refreshment, “He restores my soul”. He quickens and revives our fainting spirits and brings good cheer. It is often as we minister one to another that he does this. E.g. Read aloud 2 Corinthians 7:13 Also, “he restores my soul” if I sin.. What does this mean? (see 1 John 1:7) __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________

The Host and the Guest v5-6. The host, God, not only blesses us when we reach Heaven, he blesses us all the way there. God anoints my head with oil and my cup overflows. What does this mean? __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ David says that God’s goodness and mercy will follow him all the days of his life. In what ways has God shown his goodness and mercy to you? __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ The result of such care by the heavenly guide is that every faithful pilgrim arrives safely home. And I shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever. Are you longing to dwell in the house of the Lord? Read aloud 2 Cor. 5:8

Describe in your own words what heaven is like. __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________ The Lamb who is in the midst of the throne will shepherd them and lead them to living fountains of waters. (Revelation 7:17)

Jesus, who has been our guide, will still be our shepherd and host forever.

Throughout eternity, he shall be all in all. All I need.



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The Gospel Preacher’s Hand Book (Part Two). Read: 2 Corinthians 4 It was by the simple proclamation of the truth, whilst they exhibited the truth in their lives, that the apostles commended themselves to men in such a way that none could do otherwise but to absolve them of blame.

(c) D.Watmough

His Conduct in the Gospel

(1Thess. 2:10) “You and God are witnesses how holily and righteously and blamelessly we were to you who believe.”

V2 By the same power which brought us from darkness to light, we are given grace to walk in the spirit, in newness of life, casting off the old things of darkness. We do not walking in craftiness - deceiving people. We use no disguise, subtlety, guile. Nor do we tamper with the word of God - adding to it or altering it, or attempting to accommodate it to the taste of our hearers.

A life lived for Jesus is the best testimony and confirmation of the gospel. Are you from a non Christian family, and do you want your family to be saved? Then you must LIVE the word of God in front of them, let them see in you the Christ that you believe in, and that will influence them more to turn to him than any amount of sermons I could give to them.

The apostle Paul not only gave his testimony to the gospel, but by his life WAS a testimony to the gospel! The pastoral epistles are full of instruction for how believing men and women ought to behave themselves, and living the gospel is a powerful way to influence the lives of others. Peter tells us that husbands may be won without the word by the chaste behavior of their wives. But if someone can be won to Christ by good Christian example then the converse is also true - they can be pushed away from Christ by poor Christian example. As an old Irish proverb says “I couldn't hear what you were saying because what you were doing was shouting so loud.”

V3 If Paul's ministry and life so clearly and faithfully proclaimed the message, then why, sometimes, did it seem to have no effect? Why, in some areas, were there so few converts? Was something wrong with Paul's ministry? No, there was no fault with the preacher - the fault lay with the hearers. May I remind you that our Lord Jesus Christ himself, failed to win the hearts of the men of Nazareth.

The Conflict of the Gospel

If our gospel is veiled, it is because the god of this world - Satan - has blinded the minds and hearts of unbelievers to the truth. It is interesting to note that whenever Satan is mentioned in this second epistle to the Corinthians he is seen actively trying to hinder the work of God. Satan still holds sway in the

lives of many and will do all in his power to keep them from believing and lead them to everlasting destruction. He does all he can to stop them hearing or believing, the gospel of Christ, lest it should once and for all deliver them from his power.

This is why the weapons we are given for our gospel conflict are not carnal but mighty through God to pulling down strongholds. The gospel works, for it is the POWER of God for the salvation for all who believe (Rom 1.16). In evangelism we are not merely seeking to persuade hearts and minds - but deliver souls bound by Satan. Nothing less than the power of Christ is sufficient for this task, and that power is released through the preaching of the gospel. In prayer believers are told "we wrestle not with flesh and blood but with principalities and powers of darkness." The enemy is a defeated foe and Christ is shares with us the spoil of victory by saving souls, but first he bids us to join him in the travail of intercessory prayer. No souls are born into the kingdom who have not been birthed in prayer. Of course, our Lord Jesus Christ will have the ultimate victory, Satan will be cast into the lake of fire and Christ will reign forever. If we are involved in gospel ministry we are joining Christ in the conflict of the gospel - a battle for the souls of men and women. Let's never give up the fight - Christ didn't. Thank God, Paul, a man like us but with Christ's power in him, didn't either.



The Consummation of the Gospel V 17-18. Even in the midst of great affliction, Paul looked forward to the eternal weight of glory which was to come. In his afflictions he did not lose heart, for they were light, whilst his reward great, his afflictions were passing, but his reward was eternal. He did not fix his mind on what was seen, for that would have made him lose heart, but what was not seen. After all, all that we see is transient, whilst what we shall see then (the unseen now) is eternal.

V14 For we know that God, who raised the Lord Jesus, will raise all believers with him, to share in his glory (2 Tim 2.10) and it is this hope of glory which encourages us in our present trials. Not only us, but all who have been converted through our ministry will rejoice in the presence of the Lord Jesus then. Do you know when the experiences we go through affect our spirits so deeply, there is only one ray of hope which brings light and peace into our otherwise hopeless and seemingly unending darkness. It is the spiritual reality that we know we are not without hope, our problems are not unending - for Jesus is coming again. Our broken hearts cannot be comforted, except by this blessed hope. We cry in anguish "O Lord Jesus, how long?" But his reply assures us "Surely, I am coming soon." Just to be with Jesus will more than compensate for our trials below. And to see those redeemed by his blood because of our efforts, will be reward enough for the years of labor and toil expended. Our individual and corporate ministry is not all for nothing. And it will be worth it all when we see Jesus.

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There are precious saints who are unable to work any longer in the gospel as once they did. We wonder why God has allowed this to happen. I am not even remotely able to answer that question. But one thing I do know every act of faith and love they have ever done for his Name's sake has been recorded in a book. God is no man's debtor. Though they are unable to serve him now, their service has been put on account and pay day is coming. We will rejoice with them far more then than we are able to sorrow with them now. His coming again is our only hope - it is the hope of us all - this is the consummation of the gospel, which upheld Paul during all the trails of his life and ministry, until he could say "I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Finally, there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give to me on that Day, and not to me only but also to all who have loved His appearing (2Tim. 4:7-8).

For we do not preach ourselves, but Christ Jesus the Lord 2 Cor. 4:5 We preach Christ crucified 1Cor. 1:23

In the gospel preachers guide book, it is the near coming of the Lord which keeps him going forth bearing precious seed in ministry. Let's keep on working for the master until the day is done.

Evangelism is not merely persuading hearts and minds, but delivering souls bound by Satan. Nothing less than the power of Christ is sufficient for this task, and that power is released through the preaching of the gospel.

(c) eddtoro35



(NOV 2011)

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(c) Klaas Hartman

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Why are we doing this? Because God loves the world! Because Christ told us to go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. We just want to play our part in that, I’m sure you do too! That is why we ask for reader’s articles in a variety of languages.

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