Evelien De Winter - Marlies Amelynck - Mathy Lippens - Emily Verduyn
1 Campaign Background & summary We would like to convey the idea that everyone has their own path/road they have to cross. On this road road they will find great experiences, and the EU can help with finding those. . There are a lot of opportunities, but the youth ultimately have to grab that chance themselves. With their packback of experience they could push their future in the right direction and find a good job. In our concept there are two key words which stand out: ‘road’ and ‘success’. The concept we created is about the fact that the future is ahead of you, and whatever road you’re on, you’ll be able to create what you define as successful. You design your own future. The EU offers several initiatives and those initiatives are one way to guide the young people through the difficult time of being jobless. When young people use this, they can build up experience and that way they could find a job in a faster way.
The arrival refers to the idea of finding a good, steady job which fits them personally thanks to the experience gained. The perfect job. The concept of having an empty road ahead of you also refers to mobility, which is a very important aspect of most of the initiatives. Not only travelling to other EU countries, but also pointing out that you can easily take the chance to travel to different places in your own country. So, not only does the road symbolize your future, it’s also important for mobility. We also concentrated us on this idea: the road you cross is infinite and there are so many directions. The future is there in front of you and you have to decide what to make of it. By presenting these different organizations the European Union guides them to reach their goals.
2 Prioritized objectives After this campaign people have to have a clearer view on all the opportunities offered and on which of these solutions are suitable for them. But the most important thing is that we have to create more awareness around this subject. The intention of this campaign is not to make the rates of unemployment go down, because that problem is unsolvable with one campaign in such a short time. The actual goal is to make people more aware about the fact that there are organizations which can give them an unique experience and can help them to find a good and steady job.
3 proposed strategy and tactics Our campaign will create a world of experience, which motivates the European youth in their search for a great future job. In our strategy we want to send a clear, easy to understand message that lets the people know that there are solutions and shows them how they can find a solution built for them specifically.
With our campaign we will bring a call to action so the people actually pay attention. They need to know that the European Union offers aid and that this can change their future. We have to make clear that the European Union guides them to their path of finding a new, great job or more experience. But it’s their own path. It’s their future and it is created by themselves.
Our strategy is to motivate people to take the first steps to find the initiatives/organizations of the EU that can help them.
People choose the experiences they want to build. On basis of personal preferences people choose an organization, which can give them the perfect experience in their case.
We will do this by showing them that the experience they gain by participating in one of these initiatives will definitely help them to find a job easier and faster in the future. But we will make clear that they have to do it, not us. Of course the European Union is there to offer them help, but it won’t be spoon-fed to them, so they have to do something before they gain the experience. They have to show their curiosity.
The experiences determine what kind of job they’re going to obtain. That way they can find a job that really fits with their wants and needs. The whole campaign is about creating YOUR way to success. Make it yours! Create your path.
tagline: Create your own road to succes
4 creative brief The European Union offers a plethora of initiatives to battle youth unemployment. With these initiatives Europe is trying to counter unemployment on all possible levels: local, national and international, for students, young independents and the unemployed. Even though all these initiatives exist, the unemployment rates keep on rising. The excess amount of information available on the internet on all these different initiatives makes it all very vague and complicated. People don’t use the huge amount of solutions offered because they get buried underneath all this difficult matter or because they can’t even find the correct information After our campaign, people have to have a clearer view on all the opportunities offered and on which of these are suitable for them. We have to create more awareness. That’s the main objective of our campaign. This campaign will function as a guide, a guide that brings everyone to the initiative they need.
Our campaign will also create a world of experience which will motivate the European youth in their search for a great job. In our strategy we want to send a clear message that shows them how they can find a solution built for them The information that the European Union offers, isn’t targeted at their target group and that has to change. We, as the EU, have to place ourselves in the living environment of our target group by communicating on their level in their “language”. We have to place ourselves in the lifestyle and world they live in. We have to show we are accessible and understandable. We can’t be seen as the big organisation the EU actually is. Our Target is comprised by all European youngsters between the ages of 18 and 25 years old. The initiatives are meant for young people who are excited, people who can’t sit still and people who are constantly searching for new experiences and challenges.
5 creative execution We will start our campaign with the use of banners. The banners will appear on websites mainly targetted at our target group, such as blogs and youtube. We drew three storyboards to give the idea of what we’re going for. These are not just plain banners, these banner we’ll be completely interactive. The banners are a fun way for people to find the landing page that will put them on their road to success. The concept of the banner will also be enlarged for a game that can be played on the landing page.
the fIrst storyboard
the SECOND storyboard
the Third storyboard
Of course, a banner won’t cut it. That is why we designed a website called, which will be a landing page with a few short summaries of the initiatives. On the first page of the website, you will be able
to play a short game, the game that is explained in the banner, where you can actually draw your own road. It will be a short “one page” website, just like in the example on the next page.
page 1: the title and the game
page 2: travel and learn, with initiatives that fIt that dIscription
page 3: fINd a job, with initiatives that fIT that description
page 4: FINANCIAL AID, with initiatives that fIT that description
6 media recommandations and choice of channels Our media usage mainly exists out of our own website, a landing page and interactive ad banners. With our interactive banners we’ll try to catch the viewer’s attention, when they click on the banner, they’ll be brought to our landing page. It is essential that we put our advertisements on the right webpages, meaning the pages our target group is active on. We will find those pages by buying data about our target group with cookies. Thanks to cookies we’ll immediately get information about our target group and we’ll be able to see which sites are interesting for us to advertise on. We’ll also work with Comscore, a company that measures the activity of people on the web. It will give us an even clearer view on our target group, which will allow us to advertise even better.
7 Suitable measures for assessing the proposed Campaign’s success To measure the success of our campaign, we’ll make use of a statistics program called Google Analytics. With this useful tool we’ll be able to have a clear overview of the following information: • How many visitors do I attract? • How successful is the website (in comparison to…)? • Which parts of the site are viewed most often? • How much time do most people spend on my website? All this information is visualized in clear graphs. The only thing we have to do is make an account. Comscore also has their own analytics program that will give us an overview on the success our advertisements and website receives.