Hey Grown-ups!

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Hey Grown-u ps !

During the first months of the pandemic, in which many of the cities underwent a lockdown, the presence of wild animals in anthropized spaces was widely documented. Animals that in other circumstances have stayed away from human activity, but, taking advantage of empty streets, were able to return, at least for a short time, to the places that were once their natural habitat.

This monumental –full size adult elephant- and lightweight installation takes the famous image of The Little Prince to put into discussion the intrinsic resilience of the fauna that inhabits in and around cities, and their ability to survive and adapt to the human environment. But also so that, as In the fable of the snake and the elephant, this moment of deep challenges is an opportunity to look beyond, and imagine other ways of coexisting with all species, in more resilient and sustainable cities.

Hey Grown-u ps !

Hey Grown-u ps ! Designer: Matías Gatti - (Architect and urban planner) Contact: arq.matiasgatti@gmail.com +59891320651 Oficina Matías Gatti @oficinamatiasgatti São paulo - Brazil

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