Altrusa District Six 2013 Conference

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GOVERNOR’S MESSAGE Muncie Altrusans, our hosts for the 57th District Conference, are expecting you all representatives from the 39 clubs to enjoy your weekend of fun, fellowship, workshops, and networking. Muncie Club found a beautiful and centrally located Conference Center at the Renaissance Indianapolis North Hotel in Carmel, Indiana. It is a convenient location to access places of interest around Indianapolis. At this Conference we will be installing the incoming District Board and Toni Ellis Committee Chairs. Come and join us in welcoming Altrusans who are willing to give their time and talent to our District. Muncie Club has planned a special tour to learn more about Mamie L. Bass, the founder of the Altrusa Institute (now known as Altrusa International, Inc.), to visit her resting place at Crown Hill Cemetery. Also, you will have opportunities to visit with Dona Garretson, our International President. Look over this publication for the program schedule and you will find workshops that may benefit you. We will be thrilled to see you: delegates, alternates, and members from all 39 District clubs. Many of you who have hosted a conference know how hard it is to plan a successful and memorable event. These annual events are planned to give everyone a voice from all clubs, discuss issues, and vote for the continuity of our Altrusa District and International administrations. Come and let’s have sharing and learning time together. “None of us is as smart as all of us” by Ken Blanchard.

57 T H ALTR U S A D I S TR I C T CO N F E R E N C E AT R U S AN S , S TAR T YO U R E N G I N E S ! Governor’s Message……………………………..1 District Six Board of Directors 2011-13....2

Conference Registration Form…………………...13-14 Silent Auction Reservation Form……………………..15

International President’s Message………...2

Swap And Shop Reservation Form…………...……..15

Welcome from Muncie Club……………….….3

Displays: Projects, Newsletters And Yearbooks..15

Crown Hill Cemetery Tour………………………4

Conference Service Project……………………….…....16

Conference Schedule….……………….……..5-8 Workshop Overviews…………………….…..9-10

56th Conference Meeting Minutes ……….…...17-20 Budget Information…………………………………....21-23

Board of Directors Candidates…………11-12

IN TOUCH Editors…………………………….……….….….24 Page 1

District Board of Directors 2011-2013 Toni Ellis, Governor, Lexington, KY Linda Barb, Governor-elect, Muncie, IN Chris DeVlieger, First Vice Governor, DeKalb Sycamore, IL Dana Vierck, Second Vice Governor, Elgin, IL Sandie Moon, Director, Lake County, IL Sue Whitaker, Treasurer, Muncie, IN Beverly Herzog, Imm. Past Governor, Champaign-Urbana, IL Becky Ray, Secretary, Lexington, KY

Dona M. Garretson, International President, 2011-2013 Altrusa International, Inc. of Grand Junction, Colorado Altrusa International, Inc. District Ten Dona was elected International President-Elect by the delegates to the 2009 Indianapolis International Convention for the 2009-2011 biennium, and installed as International President on July 25, 2011 at the 2011 Rapid City International Convention. She will preside at the 2013 International Convention in Rotorua, New Zealand. Dona has been a member of Altrusa International, Inc. of Grand Junction, Colorado since 1987. She served as President of her Altrusa Club from 1992-1993, and has also served in various other offices and chaired an array of club committees. Dona served as the first President of the Altrusa International, Inc. of Grand Junction, Colorado Foundation in 2001-2002. Service on the District level began in 1993. Dona held many offices, including that of Governor of District Ten in 2001-2003, at which time she was also a member of the International Board of Directors. She was elected to serve as International Director, 2003-2005, and participated as a member of the International Board of Directors. She also served as International Leadership Development Committee Vice Chairman, 2003-2005. Dona was elected as International Treasurer, 2005-2007, International Vice President, 2007-2009 and as International President-Elect, 2009-2011. Dona has served as a member of the Grand Junction, CO Altrusa club for over 25 years. She is a retired CPA. She recently relocated across the Rocky Mountains to her new home in Loveland, CO. There she aspires to form a new Altrusa club in the near future. At the current time she continues to serve as International President and also as head of the International office in Chicago, IL. Her passion for service in Altrusa has never been stronger. Dona is very proud of her two lovely daughters. Amanda and her husband live in Loveland, Colorado and are parents of beautiful first granddaughter, Tatum. Hilary and her husband live in Corvallis, Oregon. In December of 2010 Dona had the pleasure of taking part in the initiation of Hilary as a member of the Corvallis Altrusa Club. Hilary now wears her mother’s pin that Dona proudly received when she became an Altrusan over twenty-five years ago.

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A l t r u s a n s , S t a r t Yo u r E n g i n e s ! Altrusa District Six 57th Annual Conference April 19-21, 2013 Hosted by: The Altrusa Club of Muncie, Indiana Renaissance Indianapolis North Hotel

Join us in Indianapolis as we get Altrusa engines roaring! 

Friday pre-race activities:     

Saturday we’ll wave the green flag for:     

Special events, tours, and seminars Dinner in the Altrusa Track Suite, featuring traditional race foods and suite style service A wheel sports race stimulating the true Altrusa competitive spirit Traditional songs and customs A winning performance by theater and dance students from Ball State University

A dynamic and immersive learning environment of workshops and presentations Joining together to green light the business of District Six Working together to stuff backpacks for the kids of military families Honoring our winners and their super speed results in the communities in which we live and work Installing a new Governor to serve the fast circuit of District Six

Sunday the checkered flag will come out as we:    

Recognize the top drivers behind our organization, and talk with our leaders from the Foundation and the International scene Pay our respect to those we have lost this year Retire the flags for another race Drive away with a clear vision to the future of Altrusa, and to next year’s conference.

The Pit Crew behind our race is the Altrusa Club of Muncie!  We live up to our motto “Leaders in Service” and our goal is to deliver a memorable and productive District Six Conference  The Altrusa Club of Muncie has a pit crew of more than 80 members and all are excited to host the District Six Conference  Many of this number, and others, are now serving on our District Six Conference Committee to assure that you learn something new, network with friends new and old, and have fun together  The Pit Crew has devoted considerable time to the review of past conference evaluations, and produced a plan to honor your suggestions, while maintaining the pleasurable experiences of conference  The Altrusa Club of Muncie is honored to have two members presently serving on the District Six Board of Directors and therefore we maintain a close relationship with the Board and its goals for the conference.  Every Altrusa Club in District Six has “Qualified” to attend, so we hope to see each of you

The Altrusa Club of Muncie is proud to be a part of the District Six Conference in which we celebrate the installation of our own Linda Barb as the Incoming Governor of District Six. To her we dedicate our loyalty and hard work. Rebecca Holmquist, Club President

Rita Stewart and Pam Kirtley, 57th Annual Conference Co-Chairs

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REMEMBERING MAMIE L. BASS AT CROWN HILL CEMETERY ON APRIL 19, 2013 2:00-3:30 PM We will leave the Renaissance Hotel at 2:00 pm and travel in a caravan to the Gothic Chapel in Crown Hill Cemetery. A short memorial service will be conducted upon our arrival. We will then caravan to the site of the monument. After our visit the caravan leaders will take us on a surprise route back to the hotel. A Free Will Offering will be taken up at the cemetery for the Crown Hill Heritage Foundation which provides the upkeep for the monument. Please let us know if you can attend this important event by responding on the official conference registration form in this issue of IN TOUCH. We look forward to having you with us.

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DISTRICT SIX CONFERENCE SCHEDULE FRIDAY, APRIL 19, 2013 8:00 am - 12 noon 9:00 am – 5:00 pm 12:00 noon – 5:00 pm 2:00 pm – 3:30 pm

Pre-Conference Board Meeting Registration and Credentials Set up Altrusa Store and Silent Auction Crown Hill Cemetery Tour ……….Mary Burford, Service Development Chair-Muncie 2:00 pm – 3:30 pm


1. Tuning Your Engine: Communications – Newsletter and Website Part I

Sue Creighton, District Communication Chair/IN TOUCH Editor, Club President-Warsaw; Neveta Salmons, District Webmaster—Quincy; Lola Perkett, Incoming District IN TOUCH Editor-Evansville

2. Tuning Your Engine: If I Can’t Take It With Me, I’m Not Going Sandie Moon, District Director—Lake County

3:30 pm – 3:45 pm 3:45 pm – 5:00 pm


1. Tuning Your Engine: Friendly Sharing - First Timers Toni Ellis, Governor—Lexington and Kerry Bowden, Club President—Danville

2. Tuning Your Engine: Image Building Through Facebook and Social Media Jody Reinoehl, District ASTRA Chair—Terre Haute

3. Tuning Your Engine : Easy Jewelry Making Laura Vise--Muncie

4. Tuning Your Engine : How To Get Funds to Fuel Your Club! Grant Writing 101 Dana Vierck, Second Vice Governor--Elgin and Panel

5:00 pm – 5:30

Break – Swap ‘N’’ Shop / Silent Auction/ Altrusa Store 5:30 pm – 7:00

Cash Bar

6:00 pm – 10:00 pm OPENING DINNER SESSION (Past Governor’s Table, Bev Herzog, Immediate Past Governor) Parade of Flags……………..Della Gregory, Conference Treasurer-Muncie Board Introduction............Jane Riehl, Past Governor-Jeffersonville Presiding............................Toni Ellis, Governor-Lexington Altrusa Grace.....................Rebecca Holmquist, Club President-Muncie Dinner Host Welcome and Conference Facility/Resources..........Rita Stewart, Conference Co-Chair Entertainment………………..Ball State University of Theater and Dance invites you to join us for selections from Indiana's own, Cole Porter. Several of our students will be performing highlights from their recent Cole Porter Cabaret. So, sit back and enjoy!! Announcements……………..Toni Ellis, Governor Page 5

DISTRICT SIX CONFERENCE SCHEDULE SATURDAY, APRIL 20, 2013 6:30 am – 8:30 am 8:00 am - 9:45 am

Breakfast on your own

Coffee & Tea Service in The Great Room

9:00 am – 9:30 am B-R-R & Budget Briefing and Candidates Forum Governor with BRR Chair, Dana Vierck; Sue Whitaker, Treasurer ; Sheryl Nyman, Nominating Chair 9:30 am – 9:45 am

Break – Swap ‘N’’ Shop / Silent Auction/ Altrusa Store

Presiding........................................................................ Welcome………………………………………………………...…… Pledge of Allegiance...................................................... Adoption of the Conference Program.......................... Rules of the Conference.............................................. Roll Call of Clubs.......................................................... Registration Report:………………................................... Credentials Report……………………………..………............ Adoption of Conference Program……..…………………... Synopsis of Board Actions…………………………………….. Governor’s Report………………………………….................. Approval of the Compilation Report of Financial Statements………………………………………………………….. Proposed Budget.......................................................... Adoption of the Budget................................................ Report of the Nominating Committee......................... Nominations from the Floor........................................ Report of the B-R-R Committee................................... Unfinished Business.................................................... New Business................................................................ Report of the International Representative…………... Instruction for Election................................................. Adjournment of Business Session.............................

Toni Ellis, Governor Linda Barb, Governor Elect Sandie Moon, Director Chris DeVlieger, First Vice Governor Elaine Wolf, Parliamentary Advisor/Past Governor Becky Ray, District Secretary Mary Louise Buck, Chair June Payne, Chair Becky Ray, District Secretary Becky Ray, District Secretary Toni Ellis, Governor Sue Whitaker, Treasurer Sue Whitaker, Treasurer Sue Whitaker, Treasurer Sheryl Nyman, Nomination Chair Toni Ellis, Governor Dana Vierck, Chair, Second Vice Governor Toni Ellis, Governor Toni Ellis, Governor Dona Garretson, Altrusa International President Vivian Najim, Election Chair Toni Ellis, Governor

9:45 am – 11:30 am Business Meeting 11:30 am – 12:00 pm VOTING 11:30 am – 12:00 pm Break – Swap ‘N’’ Shop / Silent Auction/ Altrusa Store

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Presiding................................................................................ Accent and Grace..................................................................

Chris DeVlieger, First Vice Governor Mary Waters, Club President—ChampaignUrbana

Mamie L. Bass Service Award, Letha H. Brown Literacy Award, Nina Fay Calhoun International Award ................... Distinguished Club Award……………………………………………… Rookie of the Year, Governor‘s Membership Growth, Star Conference Attendance , and Governor‘s Award………….. Election Results..................................................................... Announcements…………………………………………………………..

Mary Burford, Services Development Chair Dona Garretson, International President Toni Ellis, Governor Vivian Najim, Election Chairman Chris DeVlieger, First Vice Governor

1:45 pm – 2:00 pm

2:00 pm – 3:15 pm



1. Tuning Your Engine: Club President Responsibilities and Resources (Presidents’ Training Part 1) Bev Herzog, Immediate Past Governor, International Director—Champaign-Urbana and Linda Barb, Governor-Elect—Muncie

2. Tuning Your Engine: Reports, Minutes, and Accounting for Secretary and Treasurer Becky Ray, District Secretary—Lexington and Sue Whitaker, District Secretary--Muncie

3. Tuning Your Engine: Membership - How Corny Are You? Sue Huck, District Membership Development Chair—Evansville 4. Tuning Your Engine: Communications – Newsletter and Website Part II Sue Creighton, District Communication Chair/IN TOUCH Editor; Lola Perkett, Incoming District IN TOUCH Editor -Evansville; Karen Trusley-Macomb and Neveta Salmons, District Webmaster-Quincy

3:15 pm – 3:45 pm

3:45 - 5:00 pm


3:15 - 3:45 Conference Hands-On Service Project (Find information on page 16) 1. Tuning Your Engine: A Recipe for Leadership- Presidents Part II Chris DeVlieger, First Vice Governor—DeKalb-Sycamore and Barbara Bergdolt, Leadership Development Chair

2. Tuning Your Engine: Developing Service Projects and Writing Effective Award Applications Patty Kirkman--Bedford; Mary Alice Bertram--Evansville, Pat Vaughan--Lexington and Toni Ellis, Facilitator

3. Tuning Your Engine: Travelling To New Zealand and Convention Dona Garretson, International President

5:00 pm – 5:30

Break – Swap “N” Shop / Silent Auction/ Altrusa Store

Page 7

Last Chance

5:30 pm – 7:00 pm 6:00 pm – 9:30 pm

Cash Bar



Mary Burford, Past Governor, Muncie

Accent and Grace................................................

Jo Ellen Lovello, Club President—Lexington

Dinner Entertainment……………………………………………...

Tom Roberts, piano and David Hinshaw, trumpet

Installation of the District Officers for 2013– 2015 …………………………………………………….…….

Mary Burford, Past Governor, Service Program Chair

Silent Auctions Winners………………………………… Charlotte Williamson, Foundation Liaison Raffle Winners …………………………………………..…. Barbara Baker, Displays & Exhibit Chair Announcements.…………………………………………… Governor Linda Barb Immediately following the close of the Installation Banquet a Champaign Reception for Governor Linda Barb will be hosted in The Great Room by the Altrusa Club of Muncie.


Presiding ……………………………………………………………. Governor Linda Barb Accent & Grace …………………………………………………... Doris Kowalski, Past Governor Memorial Service………………………………………………..

Elaine Wolf, Past Governor

Special Project Report…………………………………….….. Cathy Stewart Altrusa Foundation Auction Report………………………. Charlotte Williamson, Foundation Liaison Presentation of 2013-15 Committee Chairs ….…...

Linda Barb, Governor

Invitation to Next Conference………………………………. Springfield Altrusa Club, 2014 Conference Closing Statements…………………………………………….. President Dona Garretson, International Visitor Courtesy Resolution……………………………………………. Chris DeVlieger, Governor-Elect Retiring the Colors………………………………………………. Springfield Altrusans Adjournment…………………………………………………….

Linda Barb, Governor

12:30 pm.—3:00 pm. Post—Conference Board Meeting Page 8

WORKSHOP OVERVIEW Friday, 2:00 - 3:30 pm Crown Hill Tour Mary Burford, Service Development Chair--Muncie

More information on page 4. Remember to sign up on the Registration Form on page 14. Tuning Your Engine: Communications – Newsletter and Website

Part I

Sue Creighton, District Communication Chair and IN TOUCH Editor, Club President-Warsaw; Neveta Salmons, District Webmaster—Quincy; Lola Perkett, Incoming District IN TOUCH Editor-Evansville

Meet your new District Communications Chair and learn how to contact her. Find out what her plans are for 2013-2015 IN TOUCH. Touch base with our District Webmaster to learn what information is needed for your website plus ideas and how to get information on your site. You'll also receive updated information about using our new branding tools and logo. Tuning Your Engine: If I Can’t Take It With Me, I’m Not Going Sandie Moon, District Director—Lake County

A brief review of the Estate Planning documents. Ideas for getting your paperwork together, titling assets to best affect transfer at death, and organizing it all to make it easier for those who have to take care of your affairs after your death. You will have the opportunity to put a folder together to get you started.

Friday, 3:45 - 5:00 pm Tuning Your Engine: Friendly Sharing - First Timers Toni Ellis, Governor—Lexington and Kerry Bowden, Club President—Danville The first-timers and even those who haven’t been to a conference for a number of years are invited. You will learn what to expect at conference. We will share helpful information and suggest workshops to consider attending. You will have opportunity to meet other Altrusans and talk about your club and interests. Come and join us.

Tuning Your Engine: Image Building Through Facebook and Social Media Jody Reinoehl, District ASTRA Chair—Terre Haute

Ways in marketing Altrusa that clubs can attract attention with free TV, Radio, and Internet spots. Do you want to learn how to handle interviews after you have them? Come for a stimulating conversation. Tuning Your Engine: Easy Jewelry Making Laura Vise, Muncie

Learn simple wire wrapping and jewelry making techniques to help you create your own one-of-a-kind creations. Also, make-and-take your own wrap bracelet to commemorate the District Six Conference! There will be a $5.00 charge for the supplies to make your own bracelet. Sign up for the workshop (and payment) on the registration form on page 14. Tuning Your Engine: How To Get Funds to Fuel Your Club! Grant Writing 101 Dana Vierck, Second Vice Governor--Elgin and Panel of Altrusa Foundation Grant Recipients

How to write a grant to get funding for your club projects--writing tips and information with discussion by a panel of clubs who have received Altrusa International Foundation grants.

Page 9

Saturday, 2:00 - 3:15 pm Tuning Your Engine: Club President Responsibilities and Resources (Presidents’ Training Part I) Presented by Bev Herzog, Past Governor -Champaign-Urbana and Linda Barb, Governor-Elect-Muncie

We thank you for agreeing to be club president and want to make your job as easy as possible. This workshop is about the management part of being club president. Learn what’s expected of you and when things are due. Find out where resources are and how to access them. Share your concerns about your new job with us, and we will answer your questions. The leadership part of your job will be covered in part 2. Tuning Your Engine: Reports, Minutes, and Accounting for Secretary and Treasurer Becky Ray, District Secretary—Lexington and Sue Whitaker, District Treasurer--Muncie

Fine tune your skills for keeping the minutes and financial records for your club. Club secretaries and treasurers will receive help so you can cross the finish line in first place. Tuning Your Engine: Membership - How Corny Are You? Sue Huck, District Membership Development Chair—Evansville

If you are interested in knowing how to retain and recruit members, this workshop is for you! We will play the Corn Hole game to learn about the “C”’s connected to retention and recruitment. No skill, knowledge, or expertise needed! Join in the fun of competition to see which club (Sunnyside or Happyville) will succeed in retaining and recruiting the most members. Tuning Your Engine: Communications –Newsletter and Website Part II Sue Creighton, IN TOUCH Editor/Ambassador-Warsaw, Lola Perkett, Incoming IN TOUCH Editor-Evansville, Karen Trusley-Macomb, Neveta Salmons, District Webmaster-Quincy

The new Communications Chair will provide tips for improving your Club's newsletters. Information to take better pictures so necessary for our newsletters, websites and Facebook pages. Our District Webmaster will conduct a Q&A session about our websites, and you’ll learn how to prepare and post videos on your websites and social media sites.

Saturday, 3:45-5:00 pm Tuning Your Engine: A Recipe for Leadership- Presidents Part II Chris DeVlieger, First Vice Governor—DeKalb-Sycamore and Barbara Bergdolt, Leadership Development Chair, Paris

Using strategic planning techniques to: 1) shape your club to meet the needs of members in today’s reality and 2) understand the volunteer interests and expectations of today’s young professional. Tuning Your Engine: Developing Service Projects and Writing Effective Award Applications Patty Kirkman--Bedford; Mary Alice Bertram--Evansville, Pat Vaughan--Lexington and Toni Ellis, Facilitator

You will learn how to tell your service project story and write about it effectively based on the service awards criteria. These clubs will share their methods. They will explain what to include especially for your club’s ongoing project. Ask your questions for tips, particularly writing a short story with only 1,000 words for the narrative. Tuning Your Engine: Travelling To New Zealand and Convention Dona Garretson, International President

President Dona will share tips about travelling to NZ. You will learn what to expect at Convention. You will hear helpful information and suggestions about workshops to consider attending. There will be Q&A session for your concerns. Don’t miss this opportunity to talk to her about Altrusa. Page 10


Chris DeVlieger

District Six: First Vice Governor (2011- 2013 ), Second Vice Governor (2009- 011), Secretary (2005 - 2009) Dekalb-Sycamore Club, IL: President (2OO7-2OO9), Director (2006-2007), Secretary (2004-2006) Chris' goal for Altrusa International and District Six would be to encourage membership growth and support current members while preserving Altrusa's heritage and promoting the many opportunities being an active Altrusa member provides. Chris is the Human Resources Manager for The Suter Company in Sycamore, Illinois. She holds a Bachelor's degree in Management & Leadership from Judson University and has been an adjunct instructor at Kishwaukee College. Chris has been married to her husband, Steve, for 23 years. They have two children, Jordan (20 years) and Emily (17 years).

First Vice Governor

Dana Vierck

Altrusa International, Inc.: Service Development Committee (2011– 2013), Leadership Development Committee (2009-2011) District Six: Second Vice - Governor (2011-2013), BRR Chair (2011- 2013), Service Program Development Chair (2009-2011) Elgin Club , IL: President (2007-2008), President-elect (2006-2007), Vice-President (2004 - 2006), Member (2002-present) Dana is the Director of Fund Development at Elgin Youth Symphony Orchestra in Elgin, Illinois since 2012. Dana’s work experience includes management positions with non-profit organizations. Dana and Gary, husband of 34 years, volunteer with Elgin area non-profit organizations. She was recognized for her non-profit community service receiving several awards: Outstanding Woman of Elgin, YWCA Leader Award for Community Service, Women in Management Northern Fox Valley Chapter Women of Achievement Award and the National Women in Management Charlotte Danstrom Award for Non-Profit Service. Her dogs are her main hobby.

Second Vice Governor

Becky Ray

District Six: Secretary (2011 - 2013) Lexington Club , KY: Co-President for two years (2009 & 2010), Foundation Treasurer (2008-2009) , Co-Chair Membership (2007 - 2008), Co-Chair Communications (20062007), Member (2006– present), Lexington Club’s Joyce Delabar Award (2010). Becky has attended four District Conferences and two Conventions. Becky has been actively involved with local non-profit organizations and is presently serving as Treasurer of the Lexington Citizens Police Academy. She and Marc, husband of 34 years have Brandon (32 years), who is married to Jessica. She has twin granddaughters (2 years), Madeline and Caroline. They keep Becky busy babysitting every chance she gets.


Sue Creighton

Altrusa International, Inc.: Sue will be serving on the Leadership Development and Training Committee (2013-2015). District Six: Communication Chair and Brand Ambassador (2011-2013) Warsaw Club, IN: Sue is serving currently as the Club President. Sue had served in all offices over the years and recently served as Chair for Membership, Nominating, and Communication Committees. A member since the late 1970s. College degrees from Indiana University and Indiana Wesleyan University and completed Duke University’s Advance Management Program. She retired as Vice President Carrier and Enhanced Services from Sprint Corporation’s Local Telephone Division after 30 years. Sue has served on many Warsaw area Boards and is currently Vice President of The Beaman Home Board of Directors. She and her husband, Steve, have two daughters, four granddaughters, two grandsons, and a great-granddaughter.

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Treasurer District Six: Governor (2007 - 2009), Governor - Elect (2005 - 2007), Parliamentary Advisor (2011-2013), Communication Chair (2005 - 2009) District Seven: Communication Chair Fox Valley Club, IL: President (2004 - 2006), Foundation Treasurer (2005Present), Treasurer (1991 - 2001); Waukesha, WI: President (199O- 992), President (1983-1984), Member (January 1981) Elaine had served as chair on many committees over the years such as Finance, Altrusa Information, Hospitality, Membership and Communications at the three clubs. Elaine served as treasurer for her church’s last major capital drive campaign. She worked as tech writer and software support person at Hub Group, Inc., a transportation logistics company. She had previously worked for Advance Transportation Company in many positions, Director. Elaine’s sister, Naomi is an Altrusan since 1957. She has a daughter , a son, a daughter-in-law (Altrusan), and two grandchildren—Emily and Austin.

Elaine Wolf

Secretary Appointment

Sue Whitaker

Sue Whitaker will be serving the District with the incoming Governor Linda Barb. This is an appointed position. District Six: Treasurer (2011 - 2013) Muncie Club, IN: Member (1988). Sue is currently a member of the Muncie Altrusa Foundation. Sue had served the Club as President, President-elect, Vice President, Corresponding Secretary and Chair of several committees. Sue has her B.S. degree from the University of Kentucky and her M.S. and Ph.D. from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. She and her husband of 45 years came to Ball State University in 1976. During her tenure at Ball State she served as chair of the Department of Family and Consumer Sciences (FCS) and Director of the FCS Graduate Program. She and her husband both retired from Ball State in 2010.

District Governor for 2013-2014 Linda has been an Altrusan since 1986 with the Altrusa Club of Muncie, IN. She has served on many committees and the Board of Directors including serving as President in 19934. At the District level she served as Extension Chair under Governor Patty Rice and on the District Board since 2005. Linda has a BS degree from Kansas State University, a MLS from the University of Hawaii, and a MA from Ball State University. She joined EMAR, Inc., a firm manufacturing environmentally controlled outside plant cabinets for telecommunications electronics, and served as President after her father’s retirement in January, 1991.

Linda Barb

She and her husband, David Hinshaw, reside on a 50 acre farm in Sheridan, Indiana that has been in David’s family since 1879. She is now retired. Linda and David are enjoying their two grandsons immensely.

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Altrusa District Six 57th Annual Conference April 19-21, 2013 Hosted by: The Altrusa Club of Muncie, Indiana

2013 CONFERENCE REGISTRATION FORM Renaissance Indianapolis North Hotel 11925 N. Meridian Street Carmel, Indiana 46032 Tel: (317) 816-0777 Fax: (317) 816-0430 Please make your own room reservations. Registering for the Conference does not reserve a room. Room rates are $119 per night for both single and double rooms (plus 12% tax). Room block will be released March 28, 2013

CLUB NAME _______________________________________________________________________________ MEMBER’S NAME __________________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS __________________________________________________________________________________ CITY____________________________________STATE_______________________ZIP____________________ Name preferred on nametag: __________________________________________________________________ Email address (for reservation confirmation):______________________________________________________ Daytime phone: _________________ Evening phone: ___________________ Cell phone: __________________

In case of emergency: Contact__________________________ Phone: ________________________________ Special diet? Please describe ___________________________________________________________________________________________ (Requests for special diets must be submitted by March 15, 2013) Disability? Please describe any special accommodations you may need. ______________________________ _________________________________________________________ Check all that apply for the year 2013-2014 CLUB _____ _____ _____ _____

President President Elect Secretary Treasurer

DISTRICT _____ Officer _____ Past Governor _____ District Chairman _____ Governor

INTERNATIONAL _____ Past Intl. President _____ Intl. Officer _____ Intl. Representative _____ Intl. Committee Chair

Please indicate if you will be a delegate or alternate; and if this is your first conference or if you are bringing a guest(s): ______Delegate


_____First Timer

Page 13

_____ # Guests

REGISTRATION DETAILS Full Conference Registration includes Friday evening buffet, Saturday morning coffee/tea service, Saturday lunch, Saturday formal dinner, and Sunday full breakfast buffet. □ Received before March 15, 2013 @ $160 Received after March 15, 2013 @ $175. $ __________ Please select your Saturday formal dinner entrée: □ Pistachio Tilapia or □ Top Sirloin Partial Registration □ Saturday only @ $120.

$ __________

(includes Saturday: morning coffee/tea service, lunch and formal dinner)

Please select your Saturday formal dinner entrée: □ Pistachio Tilapia or □ Top Sirloin Saturday and Sunday only @ $150 (includes Saturday: morning coffee/tea service, lunch, formal dinner, and Sunday breakfast buffet)

$ __________

Please select your Saturday formal dinner entrée: □ Pistachio Tilapia or □ Top Sirloin Friday Evening Dinner – Non-registered Guests @ $38 Friday Dinner: Buffet $38. x _____ number of guests

$ __________

Saturday Breakfast—On Your Own Saturday Awards Luncheon – Non-registered Guests @ $25 Saturday lunch: Served $ 25 x _____ number of guests

$ _________

Saturday Governor’s Banquet – Non-registered Guests @ $46 Saturday Banquet: Served $ 46 x _____ number of guests

$ _________

Please select your guest(s)’s Saturday formal dinner entrée: □ Pistachio Tilapia or □ Top Sirloin Sunday Breakfast – Non-registered Guests @ $30 Sunday Breakfast: Buffet $30 X _____number of guests


Friday Special Activity: Come with us to visit the Mamie L. Bass monument at Crown Hill Cemetery and participate in the memorial service. We will meet in the lobby at 1:45 p.m. and return at 3:30 p.m. There is no cost to participate. I will participate______________________________________________ I will drive my own vehicle______________________________________ I can take this many passengers________________________________ I wish to attend the Jewelry Making Workshop and have included the $5.00 . Make all checks payable to:

Altrusa International Inc. of Muncie, IN

$ _________ Grand Total

$ _________

To cancel a conference reservation and receive a refund (less $25 non-refundable fee), a written request must be received by the Conference Treasurer, Della Gregory, on (or postmarked by) March 15, 2013. All refunds will be processed within 60 days of the close of the Conference. Mail registration forms (and address questions) to: Della Gregory, Conference Treasurer P.O. Box 578 Yorktown, IN 47396 Page 14

email: Phone: 765-212-5538

ALTRUSA CLUB OF MUNCIE CONFERENCE SERVICE PROJECT Picture the last time you saw news footage of yet another National Guard unit’s deployment…hugs and tears everywhere as parents prepared to leave their children for many long months. One way to make those months pass a bit quicker is to join the District Six Conference service project by preparing backpacks full of fun things for those children. Indiana Operation: Military Kids will distribute backpacks to children of currently deployed troops. Altrusans are asked to bring to Conference items appropriate for ages pre-school to middle school. Suggested items are small photo albums, disposable cameras, stationery, journals, pencils, crayons, small scrapbooks and supplies, books, Frisbees, yo-yos, stuffed animals, hats, t-shirts, phone cards, stamps, stickers, coloring books, discount cards, and restaurant gift certificates. Items should be new (not used), non-perishable, and gender neutral. The idea is to provide a fun, educational pick-me-up to children missing their parents and let them know Altrusans appreciate their service too. We will assemble the backpacks Saturday afternoon. See page 16 for more details. ALTRUSA DISTRICT SIX SILENT AUCTION RESERVATION FORM Each Altrusa Club in District Six is challenged to provide one item (suggested minimum value - $25.00) for the Silent Auction which benefits the ALTRUSA INTERNATIONAL FOUNDATION. In order to allow for appropriate space for your item, please contact us to let us know what you intend to bring by March 15, 2013. Altrusa Club of:___________________________________ Item:_________________________________ Space required:_________________________________________________________________________ SWAP AND SHOP RESERVATION FORM The Swap and Shop Store will be set up for the benefit of sponsoring Altrusa Clubs. Those clubs interested in selling merchandise to help with their operating budgets are invited to reserve a table. Altrusa Club of:___________________________________# Tables needed:_______________________ Other requests or requirements:____________________________________________________________ Person responsible for display:_____________________________________________________________ Contact’s phone number:___________________________ Email address:_________________________ Comments:____________________________________________________________________________ Note: Altrusa Clubs must be registered for the conference in order to sell at the Swap and Shop Store DISPLAYS – PROJECTS, NEWSLETTERS AND YEARBOOKS Each Club is invited to display a sample of the: 1) Club newsletters for the year, 2) Club yearbook, and/or 3) Poster presentation of fundraisers and/or service projects. Please let us know what you plan to display by March 15, 2013. Altrusa Club of:___________________________________Display:_______________________________ Contact or send this form to: Della Gregory, Conference Treasurer P.O. Box 578 Yorktown, IN 47396

email: Phone: 765-212-5538

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Altrusa District Six Service Project for 2013 Annual Conference

The Service Project selected for the 2013 District Six Conference is Operation Military Kids (OMK) and during the conference the attendees will be filling Hero Packs for the children and families of those in Indiana who are serving in the military. Our goal is to fill at least 50 Hero Packs. The OMK provides the bags and some other items, but we are asking our members who are attending to bring items to include in the Hero Packs. It is not necessary that all Hero Packs are alike, but it is important that all of the items are new. The items will be collected at registration, so they can be sorted and be ready for packing during the break on Saturday afternoon. This is an activity in which all of the conference attendees can participate. REMEMBER… Items may be purchased, donated, or handmade Items must be new, not previously used All items must be non-perishable Do not include cash Hero Packs are designed for children from pre-school to middle school age. Try to make the contents of the Hero Pack age-appropriate. Items are designed to be a fun, educational pick-me-up for the child receiving the Hero Pack You are encouraged to select items from each of the columns, so as to have a variety of items in the packs.

     

Small photo albums Disposable camera Stationary Journal Pens and pencils Small scrapbook and supplies

     

Books Stuffed animals Stickers Coloring books Crayons Donated items from local businesses, service organizations, government

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 Stamps  Phone cards  Restaurant Gift Cards (small denominations)  T-shirts  Caps

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FUTURE DISTRICT CONFERENCES 2014 Host: Altrusa Club of Springfield, IL 3000 South Dirksen Parkway * Springfield, IL

Crowne Plaza Springfield

2015 Host: Altrusa Club of DeKalb-Sycamore, IL Timber Creek Inn & Suites and Convention Center 3300 Drew Avenue * Sandwich, IL 60548

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A l t r u s a D i s t r i c t S i x 57 t h A n n u a l

April 19 - 21, 2013 Renaissance Indianapolis North Hotel Carmel, Indiana Hosted by the Muncie Club


Quarterly e-Newsletter for Altrusa International—District Six Toni Ellis, Governor Sue Creighton, Editor Neveta Salmons, Webmaster Website: Facebook: Altrusa District Six Page 24

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