June 2016 Cheerful Earful

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The Cheerful Earful

Monthly newsletter of the Altrusa Club of Macomb, IL

June 2016 Website: Facebook: Email:

Contents      

Next meeting information Co-Presidents Two Cents May meeting minutes June Board meeting minutes Updates Calendar of Events

Next Meeting Information Next meeting is Weds. June 22, 2016

What: Potluck and Planning Meeting Where: Everly House, 811 S. Lafayette St, Macomb When: at 6:00pm Hosted by the Executive Board Who will bring what to the potluck has already been emailed to all members!

http://tinyurl.com/AltrusaMacomb www.facebook.com/MacombAltrusa altrusa@macomb.com

The Co-Presidents "Two Cents" from Karen and Penny Welcome to a "NEW YEAR" in the Macomb Altrusa club! Penny and I are looking forward to NEW ideas and, along with the NEW board members, have come up with a few. (To the veteran members, don't be scared off, there will still be old traditions too!) In addition, this is the Centennial year for Altrusa! How is the Macomb club going to celebrate 100 years of Altrusa? How do we let the community know Altrusa has been around for 100 years? International gave us a list of 100 ideas to consider for this 100th year. Do you have any ideas? Put your thinking cap on and bring them to the June meeting. HAPPY NEW YEAR! HAPPY 100th BIRTHDAY! Karen Iversen, Co-President Karen Iversen and Penny Pollock - the Macomb Altrusa Club Co-Presidents will alternate each month sending in their "two cents"!

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May 2016 Meeting Minutes

May 25, 2016 General Meeting at The Everly House, Macomb, Illinois at 6:00 p.m. The Membership Committee inducted Carol Sims and Brenda Allison as new members. The Membership Committee installed the New Board Members. A group photo was taken. The Potluck meeting was hosted by the Membership Committee. The following members were in attendance: Alta Sargent, Ann Abbot, Brae Hattaway, Brenda Allison, Carol Sims, Cindy Roon, Connie Weintraub, Heather Munro, Jeanie Sowers, Judy Kentner, Karen Iversen, Karen Trusley, Kathy Wyatt, Lin Stults, Liz Duvall, Lynne Brinker, Miriam Satern, Nancy Dobey, Paula Rhodes, Peggy Ma, Penny Pollock, Sandy Collier, Sara Wood, Thelma Smiddy.

Standing Committee Reports: Finance: Brae Hattaway reported the following: Remember to pay your $75 dues this evening. Please sign-up to work at the yard sale on June 4th. Communications Committee: Karen Iversen highlighted the article about the summer tutoring program in the newspaper, column by Patrick Stout. Membership Committee: none. Service Committee: Paula reported that several members volunteered at the Macomb Public Library on May 18th cleaning and putting together the summer reading program bags. Tutoring Committee: Sandy reported that they had received 40 student applications. We have 9 tutors. The committee reviewed the applications and approved 26 as was budgeted. The committee is meeting with the tutors tomorrow. Bazaar Committee: Cindy Roon asked for a cochair and Cindy Weintraub volunteered.

The business meeting was called to order. The members recited the Pledge of Allegiance. President Karen Trusley asked if any guests were present and there were none.

Adopt-A-Classroom: Karen I, Karen T, and Jeanie attended the reception. She talked to Mrs. Scott about a set one day a month for reading and she agreed.

The minutes of the March and April Meetings were presented for approval. Cindy Roon made a motion to approve and seconded by Kathy Wyatt, All Ayes, motion passed.

Old Business: Discussed operating budget concerns, we will be having a yard sale but we will not advertise it as an Altrusa yard sale.

Treasurer’s Report: Brae Hattaway reviewed the Treasurer’s Report and is filed for audit.

Miriam reported that Phi Kappa Phi collected $400 for new books to be bought from New Copperfield’s and donated to local day cares.

Correspondence: Karen Iversen- We received correspondence from Sandy Theis about the Nursing Scholarship. The Spoon River College Student Nurses Association donated $100 to our tutoring program.

New Business: None Announcements: The next board meeting is to be determined The next general meeting is to be determined. The meeting was adjourned. Submitted by Liz Duvall, Recording Secretary

The Cheerful Earful – June 2016 Page 3 of 7 o Heritage Days window discussed.

Altrusa Board Meeting 6/8/16 Minutes Committee Reports: 

 

Finance o Treasurers report presented o Yard sale for operating budget profit- $ 334.10 o Discussed additional ways to raise money for operating budget  “Brag bucks” during meetings  Painting party o Received $800 from YAP to tutor 4 students. Service o No report Membership o Work with Finance committee to have a membership drive during painting party o Following up with individuals that have expressed interest in Altrusa & requested newsletter be sent to them. Communications o Board minutes will be in the Cheerful Earful to be reviewed by club members. Highlights/updates will be given during meeting. o Planning forms need to be returned to Heather ASAP after activity/speaker & place of meetings have been confirmed. That way the yearbook can be completed in a timely manner. o Heather will make each of our meetings an event on Facebook. Please mark that you are attending. It will be visible to the public and hopefully will get information about our meetings to others.

o Ways to communicate with members who do not use email discussed.  A buddy system will be developed to make sure that all members are aware of club communication. We want to make sure everyone is included & involved! President o Ideas to celebrate 100 years of Altrusa shared with the board. o Challenge for each member to complete 100 hours of volunteering discussed. o Challenge each committee to have one of their meetings be a service project that can be completed during the meeting. o Would like each committee to have a greeter for each meeting. Would like to have a way to have a fun way to mix up who sits with whom, so that new members & old members can get to know each other. o Need for permanent & working files discussed. o Need for development of strategic plan discussed. o Bylaws need updated. Where are the original ones? o Where are the original club rules? o FYI there a vendor let us know that there is a craft show in Quincy the same day as our bazar. Liz will be sending out forms to vendors at the beginning of July, hoping to get them to commit to our bazar. o The board will have a planning meeting July 9th 0900 at the Old Dairy. Submitted by Penny Pollock, Co-President

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Service Committee

July Service Project

June Service Project

July 22 - Sack Lunch making.

Volunteers Needed for the Airport Fly-in Lions Pancake Breakfast -Sunday June 26th Macomb Altrusans traditionally volunteer at the Airport Fly-In Breakfast. We have helped them every year for the last 6 years and they would greatly appreciate our help again this year. Lin Stults will bring a sign-up sheet the next 2 meetings Heritage Days Fly-in – Lions Pancake Breakfast Macomb Airport Sunday June 26th 6:30 – 8:30 Lin Stults (With Aprons) Penny Pollock Nancy Dobey Cindy Roon Marsha McCormick 8:15 – 11:15 Brae Huston Lynne Brinker Paula Rhodes Peggy Ma Cindy Weintraub 10:00 -- Noon (Very Busy Time) Jean Sowers Miriam Satern Brenda Allison Carol Sims Need Help with Clean-up 12:00 to 2 ish….. Please sign up at the meeting for a shift! (The overlap of 15 minutes is to see who is leaving and where help is needed before volunteers leave.) Thank you! Lin Stults

Paula will pass around a signup sheet for this at our June meeting and she will provide further information. We will be helping the Big Brothers/Big Sisters organization with their summer sack lunch program on Friday July 22. Please meet at the Community Room in City Hall at 10am to make sack lunches. This will take approx.. 2 hours. The program feeds 72 children. We will be providing pieces of fruit for the lunches so we need 144 pieces of fruit.

Finance Committee

Success! We had a great day for the yard sale held during the Annual Meadowbrook Neighborhood Yard Sale. We made $334.10! This money will go towards our Operating Budget.

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Membership Committee

Communications Committee Window Display Would you like to help with the window display for Heritage Days? Heather will email with more information on this closer to Heritage Days!

Yearbook information Membership Committee members Paula Rhodes, Jeanie Sowers and Cindy Weintraub with new members Carol Sims and BrendaAllison.

We welcome our newest members, Brenda Allison and Carol Sims to Altrusa. They will be great additions to our club. We encourage members to bring guests to meetings, however our June meeting is our planning meeting and may not be the ideal first meeting for prospective members. If you do want to bring a member please let them know what is involved with planning. They may offer some great new ideas. Membership Committee members come to the meeting with ideas. We have three meetings to host in October, February, and May. Our October meeting usually involves our district visitor. February will be a service project meeting, and May will be installation of officers. Be thinking of ideas.

Committee chairs: Please submit planning forms as soon as possible after meeting so info. can be put into the new yearbook.

Club Meetings on Facebook! Club meetings will be posted monthly on our club Facebook page as an event. Please indicate you are going by clicking “Going” - this shows activity of our club! Also you can use the event to invite friends - just click on “Invite” and put the name of your friend and they get an invitation to come to the meeting! www.facebook.com/MacombAltrusa

The Cheerful Earful Staff Editor: Heather Munro Photographer: Miriam Satern Send items for newsletter at least 10 days prior to monthly meeting to Editor, Heather Munro at hrmunro@yahoo.com Newsletter is emailed to all members 1 week prior to meeting.

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100 4 100

Member Challenge-Celebrate Altrusa’s 100th Birthday By being part of the 100 4 100 Challenge Each member is challenged to complete 100 hours of Community Service as you lead to a better community Register now www.altrusa.org/1004100challenge Starts 1 June 2016 and ends 31 May 2017

More information will be available at our June club meeting!

Tutoring Program Committee

Our 2016-2017 Board!


The Tutoring Program Committee met with the Summer Tutors at the Georgetown Clubhouse on May 26 to review policies and prepare for summer tutoring. Here are some of the Tutors with the Committee members Jean Sowers, Karen Iversen and Committee Chair, Sandy Collier. Tutors will now begin their one-on-one tutoring sessions with students.

from left, front row Paula Rhodes Chair Service Comm., Karen Iversen Co-President, Brae Huston Treasurer, Cindy Roon Recording Secretary. Back row: Jeanie Sowers Chair Membership Comm., Peggy Ma Corresponding Secretary, Penny Pollock Co-President, Karen Trusley Past President. (missing Heather Munro Chair Communications Comm. )

Check out the Macomb Altrusa Facebook page for lots more photos! www.facebook.com/MacombAltrusa

“Leading to a Better Community” Altrusa is an international non-profit organization making our local communities better through leadership, partnership and service

This newsletter is brought to you by the Communication Committee of the Macomb Altrusa Club, Macomb, Illinois

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2016-2017 Macomb Altrusa Officers and Board Co-Presidents - Karen Iversen and Penny Pollock

Calendar 6/15 6/18

BYU International Folk Dance Ensemble – Chandler Park Western IL Museum Annual Ice Cream Tasting Festival


General Meeting, Planning Everly House


Heritage Days 2016 - Macomb


Volunteering at the Lions Fly-in Pancake Breakfast


Park n’Cruise - Macomb Square


Happy 4th of July!

For your information- please share with those in need Genesis Garden is providing free lunches this summer from June 6-Aug. 19 for children ages 1-18. Join us Monday-Friday 11:30 AM to 1:00 PM for free lunches for kids 1-18 Meals are served in the basement of the First Presbyterian Church 400 E. Carroll St Macomb, IL 61455 No signup or registration is required If you would like to donate to this program please go to the Genesis Garden website: http://www.genesis-garden.org/ And you can make a donation online.

Past President - Karen Trusley Recording Secretary –Cindy Roon Treasurer – Brae Huston Corresponding Secretary – Peggy Ma Chair: Communication Comm.:

Heather Munro

Finance Committee:

Brae Huston

Membership Comm.:

Jeanie Sowers

Service Committee:

Paula Rhodes

Tutoring Committee:

Sandy Collier

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