Robert Irving Munro

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Robert Irving Munro 1897-1962

Robert Irving Munro was born Feb. 3 1897 at home -- 46 Millbury Street, Worcester Mass. He was the father of George I. Munro, grand-father to Linda, Bill, Kerry and Heather

Robert’s parents were: George A. Munro 1860–1908 and Catherine Ross Munro 1863–1920/26? Robert was the 3rd child of 7 children: George A. Munro [Jr.] 1893–1963 James John Munro 1894–1962 Robert Irving Munro 1897–1962 (called Irving by Matilda) Warren Gordon Munro 1899–1954 (he was called Gordon or Mike) John Everett Munro 1901–1963 (he was called Jock) Gladys Isabella Munro 1904–1970 Edith Catherine Munro 1907-1991 1892

George A. Munro and Catherine Ross married April 15, 1892 in Scotland and then immigrated to the United States later in 1892 [info from family notes- immigration year from 1910 census] (when they married George was 32 and Catherine was 29)


George and Catherine’s first child George A. Munro (Jr.) born Feb. 8 1893 at home 14 Jefferson St., Worcester, Mass. [PHOTO 1] [in case you were wondering April 15, 1892 to Feb.8 1893 is 9 months and 23 days] [info from birth record and family notes]


James the second child was born at 15 Fox Street, Worcester [PHOTO 2] [info from birth record and family notes]


Robert the 3rd baby was born at 46 Millbury St., Worcester [PHOTO 3] [info from birth record and family notes]


Warren the 4th baby was born at 46 Milbury St., Worcester [info from birth record and family notes]


John the 5th child born at 119 Washington St., Worcester [PHOTO 4] [info from birth record and family notes]


Munro family moves from Worcester to Cambridge, Mass.


Gladys the 6th child (and 1st girl!) born at 36 Harvard St., Cambridge [PHOTO 5] [info from birth record and family notes]


Edith the 7th baby born at 6 Harvard Place, Cambridge [PHOTO 6] [info from family notes]


George A. Munro – Robert’s father (whose occupation was baker and husband of Catherine and father to 7 children) dies on Dec. 26 or 27 1908 in Keene, New Hampshire. Death certificate says cause of death is alcoholism and that he had been living in Keene for the last 6 months. Buried in Cambridge, Mass. [info from death record]


Robert living at 629 Putnam Ave., Cambridge with his mother Catherine Ross Munro and 6 siblings [PHOTO 7] Catherine, age 47 is now a widow with 7 children - (children range in age from 17-3 years old) - 2 oldest boys, George A at 17 and James at 15 are working as braiders at an electrical co.) [info from 1910 census]

Prior to 1918 Robert employed at Lever Bros. Portland Street, Cambridge – a soap

factory. FROM THE MIT TECHNOLOGY NEWS December 21, 2010: “But the Lever Brothers soap factory, which sprawled across 30 buildings in a plot at Portland and Broadway, dwarfed them all. “Lever Brothers was enormous,” says Bonislawski, who lived near the factory grounds, “It was gigantic, block after block, and they had these big water towers. It was tall, too—it was an impressive site.” Near the height of Cambridge’s manufacturing boom, the Lever Brothers plant employed 1,300 workers; in 1925, the Cambridge plant and one in Philadelphia churned out close to 40,000 tons of soap between them.” [PHOTO 8] [employment info from WWI draft registration card] [Family history: There was more than one soap factory in Cambridge. George I. Munro (1922-2012) often noted that their Cambridge neighborhood was referred to as “Greasy Village” because of the Reardon Soap factory, located on Waverly Street near the Fort Washington Park. “…this area of Cambridgeport came to be known as “Greasy Village” because “the bones and cook fat being transported for rendering at Reardon’s would slip off the horse-drawn trucks and lie in the streets.” When Reardon’s was making soap, “the stink would fill the entire neighborhood.”]


Robert registers for the draft June 5 1918 -at this time he lives at 58 Erie St., Cambridge [PHOTO 9] (all men aged 21 and over had to register for the draft) and by Oct. he is in the U.S. Naval Reserve Force as a Machinist's Mate - he is sent to US Naval Training Camp in Gulfport, Mississippi. The U.S. Naval Reserve Force (USNRF) was created in Aug. 1916 established in preparation for America’s entry into WWI. [info from WWI draft registration card and discharge certificate and VA card]


World War I officially ends on Nov. 11, 1918

Jan. 1919

Robert honorably discharged and released from active duty Jan. 14, 1919 and sent home to 58 Erie St., Cambridge, Mass. [info from release letter and discharge certificate]

Sept. 1919 Matilda Wilson visits “Aunt” Mrs. Wm. Kelly, 26 Sumner Rd. Cambridge Mass. – border crossing card notes this is her first time crossing into US - also notes her age as 20, she is actually 18. Card says she is going to visit “Aunt” Mrs. Wm. Kelly living at 26 Sumner Rd. Cambridge and plans to stay 1 month – according to family tree Matilda does not have an aunt Mrs. Wm. Kelly. [info. from Border Crossing Card] 1920

Robert living at 58 Erie St., Cambridge with mother Catherine and all of his 6 siblings (siblings ages range 25 to 13) also living with them is Arthur Munro age 48-(Catherine’s brother-in-law/ dead George’s brother/Robert’s uncle). Most of the family is working: oldest son George Jr. as teamster at ice cream co., James as wire worker at wire company, Robert as chauffeur at construction, Gordon as chauffeur at vulcanizing co., John as assistant shipper at bed company, Gladys as bender at box factory, Arthur working as blacksmith at shop. Arthur Munro (1869-1936) was one of the younger brothers of George A. (Robert’s father) he immigrated from Scotland to the US in 1895-he was a stonecutter and he was called “Pete” [info from 1920 census and family notes]


Catherine Ross Munro (Robert’s mother) dies at the age of 59 (she might have been born 1863/1867/1869 and she might have died 1920 or 1926 depending on various records)

Aug 1920

Matilda Wilson returns to Nova Scotia [info. from Border Crossing Card]

Oct 5 1921 Matilda Wilson returns to US to visit “Aunt” Mrs. Rod. McDonald, 204 Sidney St., Cambridge Mass. [info. from Border Crossing Card] Card notes Matilda had been in US previously Sept. 1919 to Aug. 1920 - also notes her age as 22, she is actually 20. Card says she is going to visit “Aunt” Mrs. Rod McDonald living at 204 Sidney St. and that Matilda plans to stay in US less than 6 months – according to family tree Matilda does not have an aunt Mrs. Rod McDonald – however 204 Sidney St. is right around the corner from 6 Bell Court where her brother Leo Wilson was living – possible connection?

Nov. 1 1921 Robert marries Matilda Mary Wilson from Nova Scotia Nov. 1 1921 (he is 24 and she is 20) [Info. from family notes] 1921-1934?

Robert and Matilda and children live at 156 Sidney St, Cambridge [PHOTO 10] [Info. from family notes]


George Irving Munro born June 29 1922 [7 months 28 days after wedding] [Info. from family notes]


Elaine Ross Munro born Nov 12 1930 [Info. from family notes]


Robert living at 106 Mass. Ave, Cambridge with Matilda, George and Elaine [PHOTO 11] [info from 1940 census]

prior to 1938 Robert worked as a truck driver at A.C. Harvey Steel in Allston, Mass.

Now known as Ryerson Steel. [PHOTO 12] [Info. from family notes] 1938-1962

Robert worked as a custodian for the City of Cambridge – City Hall Annex, Inman St., Cambridge [City Hall Annex (McCusker Building) is at 344 Broadway. The City Hall Annex is on the corner of Broadway and Inman Street] [PHOTO 13] [Info. from family notes]


Robert, (since at least 1935) living at 106 Mass. Ave, Cambridge - age 43 Robert is head of the house, with wife Matilda, age 39 and children George, age 17 and Elaine, age 9. [info from 1940 census]


Robert and family move to 10 Mt. Auburn St., Cambridge [PHOTO 14] [Info. from family notes]


Robert’s son, George Irving marries Joe Margie Kirkland in Mare Island, California. [Info. from family notes]


Robert and Matilda living at 10 Mt. Auburn St. -- Walter Alden Wilson, age 14 (father Walter C Wilson/mother Catherine Wilson – Walter C. is younger brother of Matilda) immigrates to US from Nova Scotia and plans to reside permanently with Robert (Walter Alden’s parents immigrate later in 1946 and also reside temporarily at 10 Mt. Auburn St.) [Info. from Border Crossing Card]


George and Joe Margie move from California to Cambridge and live temporarily at 10 Mt. Auburn St. with Robert and Matilda [info from family notes]


George and Joe Margie move into 156 Allston Street, Cambridge [PHOTO 15] [info from family notes]


Robert still living at 10 Mt. Auburn Street, Cambridge – now alone? (divorce papers served at this address) [info from divorce paper]


Robert and Matilda divorce finalized-Sept-Nov. [info from divorce paper]


Robert living (alone?) at 142 Armory St., Cambridge [PHOTO 16] [address listed in newspaper obituary]


Robert dies on March 1, 1962 at work from a heart attack [info from family notes]


Robert is buried in Mt. Auburn Cemetery, Cambridge in a group family grave, alongside his older brother James John and James’ wife Ethel and their daughter Marjorie. [PHOTO 17] [info from]

Unknown date Robert lived at 206 Sidney Street, Cambridge Mass not certain when he lived at this address [PHOTO 18] [info from VA card]

PHOTO 1: 14 Jefferson Street, Worcester Mass. First residence in United States of first generation American Munros

1893 George and Catherine’s first child George A. Munro (Jr.) born Feb. 8 1893 at home 14 Jefferson St., Worcester, Mass. [

PHOTO 2: 15 Fox Street, Worcester, Mass.

Second residence in United States of first generation American Munros


James the second child was born at 15 Fox Street, Worcester

PHOTO 3: 46 Millbury Street Worcester Mass

Third residence in United States of first generation American Munros


Robert the 3rd baby was born at 46 Millbury St., Worcester


Warren the 4th baby was born at 46 Milbury St., Worcester

PHOTO 4: 119 Washington St., Worcester Mass.


parking lot)

Fourth residence in United States of first generation American Munros 1901

John the 5th child born at 119 Washington St., Worcester

All 4 Munro residences in Worcester were in close proximity

PHOTO 5: 36 Harvard St., Cambridge now parking garage

Fifth residence in United States of first generation American Munros 1904

Gladys the 6th child (and 1st girl!) born at 36 Harvard St., Cambridge

PHOTO 6: 6 Harvard Place(St.), Cambridge - now a parking garage? Sixth residence in United States of first generation American Munros


Edith the 7th baby born at 6 Harvard Place, Cambridge

PHOTO 7: 629 Putnam Ave., Cambridge building torn down

Seventh residence in United States of first generation American Munros


Robert living at 629 Putnam Ave., Cambridge with his mother Catherine Ross Munro and 6 siblings [PHOTO 7] Catherine, age 47 is now a widow with 7 children - (children range in age from 17-3 years old) - 2 oldest boys, George A at 17 and James at 15 are working as braiders at an electrical co.) [info from 1910 census]

PHOTO 8: Lever Bros. Portland Street, Cambridge Torn down

Robert employed at Lever Bros. Portland Street, Cambridge – a soap factory. Prior to 1918

FROM THE MIT TECHNOLOGY NEWS December 21, 2010: “But the Lever Brothers soap factory, which sprawled across 30 buildings in a plot at Portland and Broadway, dwarfed them all. “Lever Brothers was enormous,” says Bonislawski, who lived near the factory grounds, “It was gigantic, block after block, and they had these big water towers. It was tall, too—it was an impressive site.” Near the height of Cambridge’s manufacturing boom, the Lever Brothers plant employed 1,300 workers; in 1925, the Cambridge plant and one in Philadelphia churned out close to 40,000 tons of soap between them.”

PHOTO 9: 58 Erie St., Cambridge – now a parking lot

Eighth residence in United States of first generation American Munros



Robert registers for the draft June 5 1918 -at this time he lives at 58 Erie St., Cambridge [PHOTO 9] (all men aged 21 and over had to register for the draft) and by Oct. he is in the U.S. Naval Reserve Force as a Machinist's Mate - he is sent to US Naval Training Camp in Gulfport, Mississippi. The U.S. Naval Reserve Force (USNRF) was created in Aug. 1916 established in preparation for America’s entry into WWI. Robert living at 58 Erie St., Cambridge with mother Catherine and all of his 6 siblings (siblings ages range 25 to 13) also living with them is Arthur Munro age 48-(Catherine’s brother-in-law/ dead George’s brother/Robert’s uncle). Most of the family is working: oldest son George Jr. as teamster at ice cream co., James as wire worker at wire company, Robert as chauffeur at construction, Gordon as chauffeur at vulcanizing co., John as assistant shipper at bed company, Gladys as bender at box factory, Arthur working as blacksmith at shop.

1919 Matilda at 26 Sumner Rd. Cambridge – house torn down?

Sept. 1919 Matilda Wilson visits “Aunt” Mrs. Wm. Kelly, 26 Sumner Rd. Cambridge Mass. – border crossing card notes this is her first time crossing into US - also notes her age as 20, she is actually 18. Card says she is going to visit “Aunt” Mrs. Wm. Kelly living at 26 Sumner Rd. Cambridge and plans to stay 1 month – according to family tree Matilda does not have an aunt Mrs. Wm. Kelly. 1919 Sept. Matilda Wilson Border crossing card

1921 Matilda at 204 Sidney St., Cambridge

Oct 5 1921 Matilda Wilson returns to US to visit “Aunt” Mrs. Rod. McDonald, 204 Sidney St., Cambridge Mass. [info. from Border Crossing Card] 1921 Border crossing card Card notes Matilda had been in US previously Sept. 1919 to Aug. 1920 - also notes her age as 22, she is actually 20. Card says she is going to visit “Aunt” Mrs. Rod McDonald living at 204 Sidney St. and that Matilda plans to stay in US less than 6 months – according to family tree Matilda does not have an aunt Mrs. Rod McDonald – however 204 Sidney St. is right around the corner from 6 Bell Court where her brother Leo Wilson was living – possible connection?

distance between 204 Sidney Street (Matilda) and 58 Erie St. (Robert) - 407 ft.

PHOTO 10: 156 Sidney St, Cambridge now a parking lot


Robert and Matilda and children live at 156 Sidney St, Cambridge

PHOTO 11: 106 Mass. Ave, Cambridge – now MIT gym


Robert living at 106 Mass. Ave, Cambridge with Matilda, George and Elaine


Robert, (since at least 1935) living at 106 Mass. Ave, Cambridge - age 43 Robert is head of the house, with wife Matilda, age 39 and children George, age 17 and Elaine, age 9.

PHOTO 12: Arthur C. Harvey Steel – Allston Mass. Down by the railroad tracks – now Ryerson Steel

prior to 1938

Robert worked as a truck driver at A.C. Harvey Steel in Allston, Mass. Now known as Ryerson Steel.

PHOTO 13: City Hall Annex, 344 Broadway, Cambridge


Robert worked as a custodian for the City of Cambridge – City Hall Annex, Inman St., Cambridge [City Hall Annex (McCusker Building) is at 344 Broadway. The City Hall Annex is on the corner of Broadway and Inman Street]

[This is where he died on the job of a heart attack March 1 1962.]

PHOTO 14: 10 Mt. Auburn Street, Cambridge


Robert and family move to 10 Mt. Auburn St., Cambridge


Robert and Matilda living at 10 Mt. Auburn St. -- Walter Alden Wilson, age 14 (father Walter C Wilson/mother Catherine Wilson – Walter C. is younger brother of Matilda) immigrates to US from Nova Scotia and plans to reside permanently with Robert (Walter Alden’s parents immigrate later in 1946 and also reside at 10 Mt. Auburn St.)


George and Joe Margie move from California to Cambridge and live at 10 Mt. Auburn St. with Robert and Matilda


Robert still living at 10 Mt. Auburn Street, Cambridge – now alone? (divorce papers served at this address)

PHOTO 15: 156 Allston Street, Cambridge


George and Joe Margie move into 156 Allston Street, Cambridge

PHOTO 16: 142 Armory St., Cambridge

Prior to 1962

Robert living (alone?) at 142 Armory St., Cambridge, address noted in obituary

All the places Robert Munro lived in Cambridge

Robert I. Munro obituary

PHOTO 17: Mt. Auburn Cemetery, Cambridge- grave of James John Munro and James’ wife Ethel and their daughter, Marjorie


Robert is buried in Mt. Auburn Cemetery, Cambridge in a group family grave, alongside his older brother James John and James’ wife Ethel and their daughter Marjorie.

Map of Mt. Auburn Cemetery showing location of Robert I. Munro grave – Mt. Auburn cemetery website

PHOTO 18: 206 Sidney Street, Cambridge Mass

Unknown date VA card lists Robert living at 206 Sidney Street, Cambridge Mass

Robert I. Munro draft registration card -dated June 5, 1918

Robert Munro War Service Certificate US Navy – World War I – Oct. 1918-Jan. 1919

Robert I. Munro – discharged and relief from active duty from US Naval Training Camp, Gulfport, Miss.

ROBERT IRVING MUNRO VETERAN’S AFFAIRS (VA) CARD Showing address at some point in time as 206 Sidney St., Cambridge Robert Munro discharge from United States Naval Reserve Force

Robert I. Munro, 1928

Robert Irving Munro with son George, 1928, Newburyport, Mass.

George, Robert and Elaine Munro at cemetery, date unknown – ca. 1935?

Robert, Matilda and Elaine Munro at Hampton Beach, New Hampshire date unknown – ca. 1940?

Robert, Matilda and Elaine Munro with Nellie (Helen) Munro and Edith Munro at Hampton Beach, New Hampshire- date unknown – ca. 1940?

Robert, Elaine and Matilda Munro at cemetery - date unknown – ca. 1946?

Elaine, Robert I., Matilda, George I. Munro - date unknown – ca. 1947?

Robert I. Munro, Joe Margie Munro, Elaine Munro, Walter Wilson Jr., Matilda Munro, Walter Wilson Sr., Catherine Wilson - date unknown – ca. 1948?

Robert, Elaine, Joe Margie, Edith, Nellie Munro, Walter Wilson Jr.

- date unknown – ca. 1948?

Matilda Munro with Linda Munro and Robert I. Munro -ca. 1949?

Robert I. Munro – black eye?

Robert and Matilda Munro with William D. Munro and Linda L. Munro, ca. 1950?

Robert I. Munro with Catherine and Walter Wilson - ca. 1950?

Robert Munro and Matilda Munro divorce granted Nov 19, 1952

Robert I. Munro, date unknown

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