April 2015 The Cheerful Earful

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The Cheerful Earful

Monthly newsletter of the Altrusa Club of Macomb, IL

April 2015 Website: Facebook: Email:

http://tinyurl.com/AltrusaMacomb www.facebook.com/MacombAltrusa altrusa@macomb.com

Next Meeting Information


What:  Next meeting information  March minutes  Updates  “Just a minute with a member”  Our Favorite Recipes  Calendar of Events

Dana Vizdal speaking on International Students and also we will celebrate the 54th birthday of the Macomb club!

Where: Macomb City Hall Community Room, 232 East Jackson St., Macomb

When: Weds.

April 22 at 7:00pm

Service Committee is hosting and birthday cake will be served!

“Leading to a Better Community” Altrusa is an international non-profit organization making our local communities better through leadership, partnership and service

This newsletter is brought to you by the Communication Committee of the Macomb Altrusa Club, Macomb, Illinois

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Draft of Minutes Altrusa International of Macomb March 25, 2015 General Meeting

Standing committees gave the following reports:

Communication: Heather Munro-Articles in the Voice mentioning Altrusa. Heather will be the editor for the District newsletter In Touch.

The Finance Committee hosted the general meeting - guest speaker for the evening was Ryan Riggins from MidAmerica National Bank. Ryan spoke about Protecting your Credit. President Cindy Roon called the meeting to order with everyone reciting the Pledge of Allegiance.

Finance: Nancy Jameson-Spoke about the Budget for the coming year. Upon a motion by Jean Sowers, seconded by Sara Featherlin, motion carried to accept the Budget as presented. A Big thank you to the Budget Committee and to the Finance Committee.

Introduction of guest: Cindy Weintraub, introduced by Thelma Smiddy. The minutes of the January meeting were approved. Upon a motion by Penny Pollock, seconded by Sara Featherlin, motion carried as reported in the Cheerful Earful. The Treasurer’s report prepared by Nancy Jameson and will be filed for audit.

Correspondence Sara Featherlin reported on the correspondence. Letters from the Fraternal Order of Police and Big Brothers and Sisters. Big Brothers and Sisters will be having a plant sale in May.

Service: Penny Pollock-Traditional and Non-Traditional Scholarships have been sent out and have been received back. Service Committee will be hosting next month General Meeting which will be a Birthday Party.

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Membership: Karen Iversen- no report

Old business: none New business: Shop N Share at Hy-Vee will be April 24- 26 and in June. Penny and Liz will be attending the District 6 Conference. If you have any items you would like to donate toward the Animal Shelters or Nursing Homes. Please drop them off at Liz’s office.

Brinker, seconded by Jean Sowers, motion carried. March 2016 will be the 55th Anniversary for the Club. Asking for volunteers to help plan the anniversary. A Tribute to Wanda Black with a donation from members to the Alzheimer Association. Alzheimer Walk will be held September 19. Chairperson for the Team will be Sara Featherlin. Next Board meeting will be Thursday, April 16th, Everly House @ 5:30 p.m. Next General Meeting will be April 22, City Hall, 7 p.m. Service Committee will be hosting. .

Kassie Courson spoke to the Board about fund raising. Kassie suggested great ideas. Volunteering at the Pepsi Wagon during Heritage Days. There are still some unanswered questions. Marsha McCormick will be finding out the information and emailing this information. At the present time this project has been tabled. Adopt a Class: Karen Trusley has contacted Lincoln School about the possibility of reading to two classrooms. The classrooms would share the books. At this time Mrs. Scott and Mrs. Olson’s room first grade rooms. A vote on reading to two classrooms, upon a motion by Lynne

Upon a motion of adjournment by Sara Featherlin, seconded by Kathy Wyatt, motion carried. Attendance: Lynne Brinker, Nancy Dobey, Judi Dallinger, Sara Featherlin, Marsha McCormick, Heather Munro, Penny Pollock, Cindy Roon, Jean Sowers, Karen Trusley, Karen Iversen, Thelma Smiddy, Kathy Wyatt, Valerie Dungan, Bree Hattaway, Nancy Jameson, Judy Kentner and Ann Abbot. Respectfully submitted, Ann Abbot

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Updates Altrusa member in the news! Altrusa member Lin Stults won the 2015 Leighty award at the McDonough County United Way 2015 Annual Awards Luncheon. Shown here is winner Lin Stults with Jill Beck and United Way Executive Director Amber Patrick at Spoon River College.

Macomb Public Library needs summer readers! Do you have musical talent? Do you play an instrument? The Macomb Public Library is looking for volunteers to perform at story time during the Summer Reading Program! That's every Tuesday and Thursday from June 1st through July 31st. If you aren't musically inclined, there are always stories to be read! Please call the Library at 833-2714 and ask for Margaret.

Tutoring Program Fundraiser!


ee the next page… We are doing another “Shop-n-Share” at the Hy-Vee in Macomb! It Is An Easy Way To Raise $$$ For The Tutoring Program!


print out lots of copies of the next page and hand the forms out to ALL of your friends and family members!

ASK them to shop April 24-26 at Hy-Vee and when they check out they hand in the form



Hy-Vee will give us 10% of the total!

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“Just a minute with a member” Each month we will feature a Macomb Altrusan - to learn a little bit more about each other! “Minute” by Sandy Collier, Communication Committee member Say “Hello” to LARA LESSARD, our featured member of the month TELL A LITTLE ABOUT YOURSELF I was born and raised on a farm just north of Macomb. My parents now live in a home in Wesley Village. I have four sisters. I married my high school sweetheart in 1980 and we’ll celebrate our 35th anniversary in June. We have three children. Our oldest son is a law student at SIU. Our daughter is a RN at MDH in the ER. She has two children and is expecting her third in September. Our youngest son works for Epic in Madison, Wisconsin.

WHAT TYPE OF WORK HAVE YOU DONE IN YOUR LIFE? I began working at Wal-Mart my junior year at MHS as part-time Christmas help in jewelry. I worked for three years, then left and went to college at Lincoln Christian University.

When I came back to Macomb I began working for Wal-Mart again, this time as a Dept. manager of health and beauty aids. I worked until our first child was born in 1985. We then had our daughter and again I returned to WalMart and worked part time. When our youngest son began school I went back full time, and when he was in high school I went into the Management program and became an Assistant Manager. I have worked for Wal-Mart for 32 years.

WHAT DO YOU LIKE TO DO FOR FUN? For fun I spend a lot of time with our two grandsons, Riley and Mason. I like to spend time working in my garden and flowerbeds. I also have a side business of event planning, and do a bit of catering.

HOW DID YOU GET INVOLVED WITH ALTRUSA? I got involved with Altrusa when Rhonda Roberts was the store Manager at Wal-Mart. She invited me to come to a meeting and I joined the club shortly after that. I have served as an officer, and I have helped with several service projects. I have helped with the Bazaar breakfast table since the first time we made and offered breakfast sandwiches and burritos.

WHAT DO YOU LIKE BEST ABOUT BEING A MEMBER OF ALTRUSA? I have enjoyed all of the friends that I have made over the years as well as the feeling of helping the community through our tutoring, scholarships, and all the other projects that we do as a club.

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Our Favorite Recipes Spinach Bisque

Recipes gathered by Lynne Brinker

 1 jar of Cheez Whiz

These recipes are favorites of Altrusa member Liz Duvall.

 1 stick of butter

 1 can of cream of chicken soup

 1 cup of Parmesan cheese

Buffalo Chicken Dip

 2 boxes of cooked/drained Spinach  Quart of half & half

 3 big cans chicken breast -

drained (white meat)

 ½ bottle of 6 oz. bottle Louisiana hot sauce (unless you want it hotter)  1 cup Ranch dressing  2 cups shredded cheddar  2 8 oz. cream cheese Sauté chicken, add hot sauce, ranch dressing and both cheeses. Heat until melted. Serve with Tostito chips.

Mix, cook and serve.

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2014-2015 Macomb Altrusa Officers and Board President - Cindy Roon President-Elect – Karen Trusley April 17-19

April 22

May 1 May 9

District Six Conference in Sandwich, IL. Delegates Penny Pollock and Liz Duvall attending Altrusa General meeting at City Hall Community Room at 7:00pm Park N’Cruise – Courthouse Square Kathy Simmons Memorial 5K Walk/Run/Roll

May 21

Board Meeting at Everly House

May 23

Farmer’s Market – Courthouse Square

May 27

Altrusa General meeting at Everly House – Potluck at 6pm and Installation of officers and initiation of new members

May 30

Bluegrass Festival

Past President - Liz Duvall Vice-President - Jean Sowers Recording Secretary - Ann Abbott Treasurer -Nancy Jameson Corresponding Secretary - Sara Featherlin Directors: Karen Iversen, Heather Munro Penny Pollock Chair: Communication Comm.: Heather Munro Finance Committee:

Nancy Jameson

Membership Comm.:

Karen Iversen

Service Committee:

Penny Pollock

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