August 2014 cheerful earful

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THE CHEERFUL EARFUL Website: Facebook:


August 2014

“Leading to a Better Community” Altrusa is an international non-profit organization making our local communities better through leadership, partnership and service

This newsletter is brought to you by the Communication Committee of the Macomb Altrusa Club, Macomb, Illinois

Next Meeting Information What: A Gallery talk with WIU Art Gallery Director Ann Marie HayesHawkinson Where: WIU Art Gallery Located behind WIU Sherman Hall (see page 5 for parking directions)

Contents  Next meeting information  Minutes from July meeting  In Our Community  Our Favorite Recipes  Additional Announcements

When: Weds. August 27 at 7 p.m.

 “Just a minute with a member”

Communications Committee will be hosting and “artistic” desserts will be served!

 Calendar of Events

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DRAFT OF MINUTES Altrusa International of Macomb July 23, 2014 General Meeting Service Committee hosted the general meeting and ice cream sundaes were served. Speaker for the evening was Joe Roselieb and Rocky.

Standing committees gave the following reports: Communication: Heather Munro-Altrusa meetings are placed in the Voice and Choice calendars. World Book night has been suspended. In the Cheerful Earful a new feature of our favorite recipes. Finance: Nancy Jameson-no report

The Guest of honor – Rocky the WIU mascot!

Joe spoke about how Rocky was obtained and the service that Rocky performs for Western Illinois University. President Cindy Roon called the meeting to order with everyone reciting the Pledge of Allegiance. The minutes of the June meeting were approved by a motion by Penny Pollock, seconded by Karen Trusley, motion carried as reported in the Cheerful Earful. The Treasurer’s report prepared by Nancy Jameson separate attachment to the Cheerful Earful. The report will be filed for audit. Sara Featherlin reported on the correspondence. An article in the Western Courier had an article on Gerontology and members Nancy Jameson and Kathy Wyatt provided information for the article.

Service: Penny Pollock-Thank you to the committee. International Literacy Day is September 8th. Make a Difference Day is October 25th. Penny is asking for volunteers to head this up. Reading for Head Start-more information to come Membership: Karen Iversen-no report Old business: Adopt a classroom- Karen Trusley will assist Rosalie in contacting Lincoln school. More information on this. New business: Tutoring Program need ideas for fund raising and grants. Volunteers to help send out letters. Asking for volunteers to help form a committee by January. Finance committee would like help on ideas to raise more funding. Walk to End Alzheimer’s September 20th 10 a.m. Citizens Bank Plaza.

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Next Board meeting will be Thursday, August 21st, Everly House @ 5:30 p.m. Next General Meeting will be held August 27th, Western Illinois University Art Gallery, 7 p.m. Communication Committee will host. Upon a motion of adjournment by Sara Featherlin, seconded by Heather Munro, all in favor.

2014 Bazaar Kitchen Committee meeting – Aug. 23 BAZAAR KITCHEN PLANNING-1ST MEETING Kitchen Committee: Please be aware this Committee is the “Planning Committee”. It takes help from the entire club to operate the Kitchen. If you find free time during the Bazaar, come to the Kitchen. I promise someone there will need a break or have a job for you. All members are welcome to attend the meeting! Kitchen Planning Committee Members: Nancy Dobey (CH), Thelma Smiddy, Jeanie Sowers, Alta Sargent, Lynne Brinker, Anne Abbot, Judi Dallinger, Lara Lessard, Valerie Dugan, Peggy Ma, Heather Munro, Cindy Roon, Sara Wood. Also: Nancy Jameson, Treasurer responsible for the cash drawers & cashiers The first Planning meeting for 2014 Bazaar Kitchen Committee is: Date: Saturday, August 23 Time: 9:00 AM Place: Louie’s Diner on the Square –Side Room Breakfast: Available to order from the menu Coffee: My Treat

The Service Committee hosted the fun evening!

Plan on 1 ½ - 2 Hours…We will keep it brief as possible. PLEASE LET ME KNOW IF YOU ARE COMING!!!!!!

Attendance: Lynne Brinker, Judy Dallinger, Nancy Dobey, Liz Duvall, Sara Featherlin, Judy Kentner, Marsha McCormick, Heather Munro, Penny Pollock, Nancy Reed, Paula Rhodes, Cindy Roon, Alta Sargent, Jean Sowers, Lin Stults, Karen Trusley and Ann Abbot. Respectfully submitted, Ann Abbot

Email Nancy Dobey at

*********************************** Items for Discussion:   

Kitchen Co-Chair Bazaar Menu (Changes) Health Dept. Regs & Day-of Kitchen Worker Orientation

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Groceries/Purchasing Food & Supplies; Work with MHS kitchen helper Pie /Desserts/Donations (Request & monitor member donations) Scavenger (Vendor Donation Requests & pick-up) Work Schedule/Volunteer Needs Servers (Supervisors/Volunteers) Menu Signs/Other Signs/Dining Room Operation (Tables/Tray Return/Condiment Table/Garbage cans) Breakfast-Drink Table (Includes breakfast & beverage prep plus selling of breakfast items & beverages)(Opens first-Closes Last) Treasurer/Cash Drawers/Cashiers (includes drink tickets) Set Up/Clean Up/Sell out

NOTES: If you have suggestions on organizing the kitchen/dining room in a better way feel free to share. This committee does NOT work with Raffle Baskets, 50-50, or other fund raising activities that may be in the Dining Room. Hopefully I will have records organized for handout that day. From Nancy A. Dobey, chair, Kitchen Comm.

Publicity Committee for Bazaar The publicity committee hasn’t gotten together yet. To be honest the chairperson hasn’t had time to call a meeting and usually does in early August. Marsha has printed off 60 flyers and will bring them to the September meeting unless someone wants some prior to the Colchester festival or any other festivals you are going to and want to take them. You can also print flyers off – since it’s in the newsletter. From Marsha McCormick, Chair, Publicity Comm.

Baskets for the Bazaar! We need your baskets!

Never too early to start working on the baskets for the Bazaar! Every year we raffle off baskets at the Bazaar! Do you have any baskets? If so, please bring to the Aug., Sept., and Oct. meetings! Heather and Miriam are collecting the baskets. The Promotions Comm. needs your help – getting baskets – basket ideas and preparing baskets! Speak to Miriam or Heather about baskets!!! Also look for info. about a SPECIAL RAFFLE ITEM at our Sept. meeting!!

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PARKING INFORMATION FOR PARKING AT WIU ART GALLERY campus of Western Illinois University – WIU Art Gallery

YOU DO NOT NEED A PERMIT TO PARK AT WIU AFTER 5PM – YOU MAY PARK IN ANY LOT-ANY SPOT Drive to the WIU campus approaching either from West Adams Street and turn onto Sherman Drive

Sherman Drive

Parking available in Sherman Circle (labeled 1)

West Adams St. By the side of Sherman Hall (labeled 9) By the side of Garwood Hall (labeled 7 and 8) In small lot behind Sherman (labeled 10) In small lot by side of Art Gallery (labeled 11) In lots labeled 12, 13, 14, 15 Or you can drive to the Art Gallery from W. Murray St. and turn onto Sherman Drive

W. Murray St. Drive

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In our Community

Celebrating International Literacy Day!

Labor Day Volunteering! Sunday Aug. 31

We are celebrating Literacy!

The Colchester Lions Club is asking for volunteers again to help serve food in the food tent on Sunday August 31 during the Labor Day Festival Weekend from 10 to 6 at the City Park in Colchester. We do this every year so the members of the Colchester Lions club can participate in their parade. We wrap sandwiches and wait on customers. They supply the cooks for the most part - we are the servers! Remember to wear your Altrusa Shirt and there will be aprons there to wear!! CHOICE OF SHIFT TIMES TO SIGN UP FOR 10:00 am to noon Lin Stults 11:45 am to 1:45pm 1:30 pm to 3:30 pm 2:30 pm to 4:00 pm 3:45 to about 6:00 pm The Lions Club really appreciates all that you do to help with this event. Thanks for your help. REMEMBER TO WEAR YOUR ALTRUSA BLUE SHIRT!

We will have a Sign-up sheet at the Aug. 23 meeting. Remember – this is our “Man Power” for the Altrusa Bazaar!

Please sign up for a time! Thanks, Kathy Wyatt and Lin Stults

Poetry Party with Grand Prairie Residents!

We read poems – residents read poems!

Sunday Sept. 7 at 2:30 - 3:30 p.m. at Grand Prairie Assisted Living 1307 Meadowlark Lane, Macomb Please come! Please come with a poem! Please come and be prepared to read your poem! And celebrate literacy with others! UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) proclaimed September 8 International Literacy Day on November 17, 1965. Its aim is to highlight the importance of literacy to individuals, communities and societies. On International Literacy Day each year, UNESCO reminds the international community of the status of literacy and adult learning globally. Celebrations take place around the world.

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Make a Donation to OUR Team! Walk to End Alzheimer’s Sat. Sept. 20th, 2014

Lincoln Elementary School Library Donation and Adopt-aClassroom

The Walk to End Alzheimer's is quickly approaching and we need your support!

Donate to our Team – Altrusa members who are walking to help end Alzheimer’s! Click on the link - type in Altrusa in the team name box and donate to our Team!

How easy is that? You can donate right online! Or, if you would prefer to make a donation in person, please let me know and I can get it turned into the walk on your behalf. Each member of our team is asked to raise a minimum of $100. I would love for our team to raise the most out of the teams registered. This is a great cause and I hope that we can count on your support! Thank you for your time and consideration of making a donation to our Altrusa International of Macomb team. Karen Trusley, Altrusa Alzheimer’s Walk Team Captain

Karen Trusley, Macomb Altrusa President-Elect (center) presenting Altrusa donation to Kimberly Gillam, Lincoln School principal (left) and Amy Morris, (right) 2nd grade teacher and the adopt-a-classroom coordinator.

Karen Trusley reported that we have donated $360.00 to the Lincoln Elementary School library. This was money we allotted in our budget to donate to the school for new children’s books for the school library. Besides our donation to the school library - we have also "adopted" Mrs. Amanda Olsen's 1st grade classroom. We will be volunteering our time and will be going into this classroom once a month and reading to the students. Closer to school, we will be notified about a day and a time that works best for her and her students. Karen asks us to consider outside of our times that we read, to please be thinking about whether you would like to volunteer in other classrooms or perhaps in the future about adopting a second class. They stated that they are always welcoming volunteers to assist students with their reading and much more. If you are interested in volunteering at Lincoln, please stop by the front office and fill out the volunteer form, which will allow them to do a background check. They are very hopeful that we may want to volunteer at other times as well as when we come to read. I told them that I would pass the word along to all of you. From Karen Trusley, President-Elect

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“Our Favorite Recipes”

Collecting Children’s Books!

Recipes gathered by Lynne Brinker

Our Project for Make-aDifference Day is a Book Drive!

This recipe is from Valerie Dugan.

She says this is her daughter’s favorite comfort food!

Sausage & Tortellini Soup Ingredients: 3 cups cooked Italian sausage (or turkey Italian sausage) 3 cups uncooked tortellini 4 cups water 1 can evaporated milk 6 chicken bouillon cubes 1 tbsp. oregano 1 tbsp. parsley 1 tbsp. chives pepper to taste parmesan cheese(optional) Put all ingredients except tortellini in medium size sauce pan and bring to boil. Allow to simmer about 20 minutes. Add tortellini and allow to boil according to pasta package instructions. Optional-Sprinkle with freshly grated parmesan cheese and serve.

We will collect gently used children’s books to be given to two local childcare centers! Please remember to be collecting “gently-used” children’s books for Make-a-Difference Day Saturday, October 25 Ask neighbors, friends and family to be collecting children’s books or picking them up at yard sales through the end of the summer! We will be giving the books to the children at the PACT Headstart (children from 6 weeks old to 5 years old) and to Wee Care Center (ages 2-6)! Also mark your calendars for Oct. 25 to meet at the Old Dairy to collect the books! Be sure to visit the Altrusa International Website! Lots of interesting and important information for all members! Be sure to check out the section for MEMBERS ONLY !  Go to t the main page and click on “Member Login” in the upper right corner  it will take you to a Login page  if it is your first time –type in your email address in the box  Click the button “Send me my password” and then you will receive your own personal number to use to be able to log into the MEMBERS ONLY section. This section is filled with a lot of useful Altrusa information!

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“Just a minute with a member” Each month we will feature a Macomb Altrusan - to learn a little bit more about each other! “Minute” by Sandy Collier, Communication Committee member

Say Hello to Lynne Brinker, our Featured Member of the Month! Lynne, tell us a little about yourself: I grew up on a farm near Washington, Illinois, as the second oldest of five children. After graduating from high school, I attended North Central College where I met my husband. We have three children, five grandchildren and two great-grandchildren.

How have you been involved in the community? My volunteer work includes being a 4-H leader, a Sunday school and Bible schoolteacher, a Loaves and Fishes volunteer, preparing dinners at church, planning and working with Streaming Waters, singing in the church choir, and being a member of Macomb Beautiful and Altrusa. Tell us about your involvement with Altrusa. Rosalie Severinsen invited me to join Altrusa and I have enjoyed working with everyone. Altrusa has been one of my most rewarding experiences. What do you like to do for fun? I like to look at old houses and gardens, reading, working in the yard and I enjoy being with our family whenever possible. Would you please tell us something that we might not know about you?

What type of work have you done? My work history includes teaching home economics, substitute teaching in various subjects and with various ages, being a sales associate at Bergner’s, and being a legal secretary in two law firms.

I liked flying with my dad in his small plane when we were in grade school. Sometimes he would fly us to school (only 3 miles away). He would land in a pasture across the road from our country school. Of course, it created some attention when he did this!

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2014-2015 Macomb Altrusa Officers and Board

Nancy Dobey 8/23 Judy Kentner 9/9 Marsha McCormick 9/8

President - Cindy Roon President-Elect – Karen Trusley Past President - Liz Duvall Vice-President - Jean Sowers Recording Secretary - Ann Abbott Treasurer -Nancy Jameson Corresponding Secretary - Sara Featherlin Directors: Karen Iversen, Heather Munro Penny Pollock

Aug. 27

General Meeting 7pm WIU Art Gallery

Aug. 31

Labor Day – Volunteering at the Lions Tent – Colchester Labor Day Festival

Sept. 7

Celebrating International Literacy Day with a Poetry Party at Grand Prairie!

Sept. 8

International Literacy Day

Sept. 19-21 Al Sears Jazz Festival – Chandler Park Sept. 24

General Meeting –Everly House @ 6:30pm

Sept. 30

2014 McDonough County Alzheimer’s Walk –our team walking!

Chair: Communication Comm.-Heather Munro Finance Committee: Nancy Jameson Membership Comm.: Karen Iversen Service Committee: Penny Pollock

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