Call to Conference 2016

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In Touch

Spring 2016 Vol. 3, number 4

The quarterly newsletter for Altrusa International - District Six

Governor’s Message Chris DeVlieger 2015-2017 District Six Governor

On behalf of the District Six Board and host Clubs (Bedford, IN; DeKalb-Sycamore, IL; Fox Valley, IL; Hamilton County, IN; Indianapolis, IN; Kokomo, IN; Lafayette, IN; and Muncie, IN), I am pleased to invite you to the 60th District Six Conference. This year’s theme is Carmel: A Recipe for Sweet Success. As you know, recipes call for many ingredients. Some big; some small. No matter how much is called for – everything matters. The same applies within our District – every member contributes and makes a difference in their Club and community…and like a good recipe it all comes together for us to enjoy – just like at District Conference. We are honored to have Past International Past President Ilona Kerby join us. It is always nice to hear what is happening throughout our organization internationally. This year we will hear about the plans for Altrusa’s 100th anniversary celebration. (More information about the 100th Anniversary plans will be in the March edition of the Governor’s Touch.) So now’s the time to send in your registration form, reserve a room at the hotel and get ready! Join your fellow Altrusans as we share and learn together during a weekend of support, inspiration and fun. I look forward to seeing you in Carmel for a weekend of sweet success.

Chris DeVlieger, District Six Governor

Call to Conference Issue  Governor’s Message  Registration Form  Hotel Reservations  Conference Agenda

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Call to Conference 60th Annual District Six Conference April 15-17, 2016 Carmel, Indiana Register NOW for the District Six Conference! Registration Deadline: April 1, 2016 Hotel Room Blocks will be released on March 25, 2016

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Welcome to Sweet Success Your District Six Board of Directors and eight District Six clubs are looking forward to seeing you at our 60th District Six Conference April 15-17, 2016 in Carmel, Indiana, right in the center of our district. Conference convenes at the Renaissance Hotel North in Carmel, just north of Indianapolis, the same lovely hotel our conference was held in three years ago. We liked the beautiful hotel and gracious service so well we booked it again. Your Governor, Chris DeVlieger, and the District Six Board have planned an interesting program of workshops, business and fun for the weekend. There are workshops for Presidents and Treasurers, Leadership, Membership, Grant Writing, Social Media, Estate Planning, Personal Safety and many more. You will find the Conference schedule in this Call to Conference issue. We are bringing back the popular Conversation Café held last year. This year we’ll hold it after the Friday night dinner so everyone can attend. The comments on Conference evaluations from 2015 were extremely positive on this new addition to our weekend. Saturday evening we’ll be entertained by the Danny Weiss Jazz Trio during dinner. Sunday morning we’ll hear about our Conference Service project organized by Altrusa International of Hamilton County and have an All Conference Presentation about our Altrusa International Foundation. Come join your Altrusa friends for some or all of the weekend. Make new friends, see “old” ones, learn something new, and celebrate 60 years of Altrusa District Six Conferences. I’m looking forward to seeing you in April! It will be SWEET and the RECIPES FOR SUCCESS will abound.

Linda Barb, 2016 Conference Chair

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About the International Representative for the District Six Conference The Altrusa District Six Conference will have the distinct pleasure of having Immediate Past President Ilona Kerby from Altrusa International of Longview-Kelso, Washington, District Twelve, as our honored International Representative to our Conference. Immediate Past President Ilona has been a member of Altrusa International, Inc. of Longview Kelso since 1987 and she served as Altrusa International President 2013-2015. In addition, she served as Governor of District Twelve in 2003-2005 and has held various District offices and served as the chair of District and local club committees. Ilona served as President of her Altrusa Club in 1993-1994; and has chaired all committees, many fundraising efforts and chaired a Celebration of Literacy week-long event for ten years. She is currently serving her club as Membership Chair. Ilona is currently the Executive Director of Lower Columbia CAP (Community Action Program) and manages the $8 million agency providing a wide array of self help and safety net programs in a two county area. In her role as Executive Director, Ilona serves on the following boards; Cowlitz Housing First! Coalition; Cowlitz Economic Development Council; Pathways 2020, Chair; Cowlitz-Wahkiakum Council of Governments, WIN 2-1-1, Healthy Living Collaborative, Vice Chair; Washington State Community Action Board; and the Southwest Washington Workforce Development Council Board. She has been a member of the American Association of University Women and a Past President of the Cowlitz League of Women Voters as well as a Girl Scout Leader for 10 years. Ilona and her husband, Jan, a retired electrician, have a blended family with four married daughters, three granddaughters, 20, 14 and 7 years old. She loves to travel, scrapbook, and garden, spend time with her family and collect Roseville and Weller pottery. Literacy is Ilona’s passion.

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Hotel information

Renaissance Hotel North 11925 N. Meridian St. Carmel, IN 46032 (317) 816-0777

Click on the following link to go to the hotel website: Please make your own reservations. Registering for the conference does not reserve a room. Rooms are $123.00 + 12% tax. Room blocks will be released after March 25, 2016.

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Candidates for Office

Candidate for the International Nominating Committee

Linda Barb has been a member of Altrusa International of Muncie since 1986. She has served on many committees and the Board of Directors, serving as Club President in 1994-5. She began serving on the District Six Board as Treasurer, then Second Vice Governor, First Vice Governor, Governor-Elect, Governor 2013-15 and currently as Immediate Past Governor. Linda has a B.A. from Kansas State University, M.L.S. from the University of Hawaii and an M.A. from Ball State University. She retired in 2003 as President of EMAR, Inc. She lives with her husband, David Hinshaw, on a farm that has been in his family since 1879. She has two step-sons, two grandsons and a granddaughter.

Candidates are still needed for: District Six Nominating Committee – Requirements are be an active member and service as Club President to help prepare a slate of District Officers for the 2017 – 2019 biennium. Candidates will be elected at the 2016 District Six Conference. International Nominating Committee – Requirements are be an active member and service as Club President to help prepare a slate of International Officers for the 2017-2019 biennium. A candidate will be elected at the 2016 District Six Conference. International Foundation Trustee – Requirements are be an active member, experience with charitable corporation or foundation, and service as a Club President. Trustees will be elected at the 2017 International Convention. Nomination forms can be found on the District Six website at

APRIL 15-17, 2016 Page 7 of 20 In Touch -the quarterly newsletter for Altrusa District Six Spring 2016 Vol. 3, number 4

Carmel: A Recipe for Sweet Success


Hosted by: Altrusa International of Bedford, DeKalb-Sycamore, Fox Valley, Hamilton County, Indianapolis, Kokomo, Lafayette, Muncie & District Six Board HOTEL ARRANGEMENTS: Please make your own reservations. Registering for the conference does not reserve a room. Rooms are $123.00 + 12% tax. Room blocks will be released after March 25, 2016. Renaissance Hotel North -11925 N. Meridan St., Carmel IN 46032

(317) 816-0777

CONFERENCE REGISTRATION DEADLINE IS APRIL 1, 2016 All conference registrations will be confirmed either by email or phone. If you do not receive a confirmation, you may not be registered. All refund requests are approved by the District Board. Club Name___________________________________________________________________ Member Name________________________________________________________________ Address______________________________________________________________________ City___________________________State____________________Zip____________________ Name preferred on name tag_____________________________________________________ Email address (for reservation confirmation) ________________________________________ Daytime Phone_________Evening Phone_________________Cell Phone_________________ In Case of Emergency Contact______________________________Phone_________________ Special Diet? Please describe____________________________________________________ (Request for special diets must be submitted by April 1, 2016) Disability? Please share any special accommodations needed: ________________________________ Please check all that apply for the year 2015-16 CLUB





____Past Intl President

______President Elect/ Vice President

_____Past Governor

____International Officer


_____District Chairman

____International Representative



____International Committee Chair

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_____ASTRA Member



Please indicate if you will be a delegate or alternate; and if this your first conference or if you are bringing a guest(s):



______First Timer

_______# Guests


Full Conference Registration includes Friday evening buffet, Saturday lunch, Saturday formal dinner and Sunday full breakfast buffet. Received BEFORE April 1, 2016 $170.00 Received AFTER April 1, 2016 $185.00 $______________ Please select your banquet entree: Saturday Evening Banquet ______Pistachio Tilapia _________Chicken Bruschetta PARTIAL REGISTRATION Saturday only includes Lunch and Banquet@ $125.00 Please select your banquet entrée:


_____Pistachio Tilapia

__________Chicken Bruschetta

PARTIAL REGISTRATION Saturday and Sunday includes lunch, banquet and Sunday morning breakfast @ 145.00 $_____________ Please select your banquet entrée: __________Pistachio Tilapia ___________Chicken Bruschetta GUESTS Friday Evening Dinner Guests @ $50.00


Saturday Banquet Guests @ $60.00


Please select your banquet entrée: _________Pistachio Tilapia

____________Chicken Bruschetta

Sunday Breakfast Guests @ $35.00


Make checks payable to 2016 Altrusa District Conference Grand Total $ To cancel reservation and receive a refund (less $25.00 non-refundable fee), a written request must be received on or postmarked by April 1, 2016. All refund requests are approved by the District Six Board and will be processed with 60 days of the close of the Conference.

Mail Registration form with payment to: Della Gregory P.O. Box 578, Yorktown, IN 47396 Phone 765/212-5538 Email:

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Conference Schedule Friday, April 15, 2016

Conference Schedule Saturday April 16, 2016

11:00am- 5pm Registration & Credentials 12:00pm - 4:15pm Set-up for the Altrusa Store/Swap and Shop/Silent Auction 3:00pm - 4:00 pm Workshops

8:00am - 9:30am Registration Open – Breakfast on your own 8:00am - 9:00am Visit Altrusa Store/Swap and Shop/Silent Auction

First Timers Jan Fritz & Chris DeVlieger

9:00am - 9:30am BRR, Budget Briefing, and Candidates Forum

Leadership Bev Herzog & Judi Nystrom

9:30am - 11:00am Business Meeting

How to Raise Operating Funds for Clubs Panel – led by Elaine Wolf and Canton, Fox Valley, Lexington club members

11:00am-11:30am Voting and Visit Altrusa Store/Swap and Shop/Silent Auction

Put on a Fresh Face Sam Wolf (of Merle Norman)

11:40am-1:30pm Awards Luncheon

4:15pm – 5:30pm Visit Silent Auction and the Swap n’ Shop 5:30pm – 6:00pm Cocktail hour 6:00pm - 8:00pm Dinner 8:15pm - 10:00pm Conversation Cafe Bar will remain open. Visit the Altrusa Store and Auction.

1:30pm-1:45pm Visit Altrusa Store/Swap and Shop/Silent Auction 1:45pm-2:45pm Workshops President’s Workshop Dana Vierck & Chris DeVlieger Membership Angela Beck, Michelle Florea and Lynne Waldrop How to Run an Effective Meeting for all Leaders Doris Kowalski Women’s Personal Safety Detective Ireland & Sergeant Baker

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Conference Schedule Saturday April 16, 2016 continued ... 2:45pm-3:30pm Conference Break with dessert. Visit Altrusa Store/Swap and Shop/Silent Auction 3:30pm - 4:30pm Workshops Treasurer’s Workshop Sue Whitaker

Conference Schedule Sunday April 17, 2016 8:00am - 11:00am Breakfast Memorial Service, All Conference Presentation, Altrusa’s 100th Anniversary Celebration and Conference Closing 12:00pm - 2:00pm Post Conference Board Meeting

Social Media Heather Munro, Sue Creighton, Neveta Salmons & Emily DeVlieger

Conference Checklist:

Estate Planning Sandie Moon

Be sure to bring:

Grants Patty Kirkman (Bedford) and several other clubs (pending) 4:30pm - 5:15pm Conference Break Last Chance to Visit the Altrusa Store/Swap and Shop/Silent Auction

 Items for the Service Project (school supplies)  Swap-n-Shop items - This is a great opportunity for you to sell items for your club’s service projects.  Altrusa Pin.

6:00pm - 7:00pm Cocktail hour 7:00pm - 10:00pm Banquet Entertainment Denny Weis Jazz Trio

 Club Banner - Show your club pride by bringing your Club Banner to display during the Conference.  Silent Auction items- Bring several items/gift baskets for the Silent Auction. Proceeds benefit the International Foundation.  Club display for the Conversation Café.  Club display for the Exhibit area - This is a time to showcase and tell us about your projects.

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Service Project The District Six Conference service project is Tools For School at the Merciful H.e.l.p. Center of Hamilton County in Carmel, Indiana. Tools for School provides school supplies to over 600 needy children every year. If preferred, you may make a monetary donation (make check payable to Merciful H.E.L.P Center with Tools for School indicated on the memo line.) PLEASE BRING FOR THE SERVICE PROJECT:  books  school supplies: pencils, notebooks, crayons, pens, etc.  college-age backpacks  socks  underwear

Swap-n-Shop District Conference provides a great opportunity for clubs to display and sell fundraising items, or perhaps you have a great raffle item to share. Please notify Sue Green if your club plans to participate. Also indicate whether you will need a full 8 foot table, or half a table. You may contact Sue at or 765-426-3735 (cell).

Exhibits and Displays Does your club have a great service project or fundraiser that you want to share with other clubs? Often times, the best project ideas come from other clubs. See page 12 for more details because this will be part of the Conversation Café on Friday night this year.

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CONVERSATION CAFÉ The Conversation Café will be back in 2016! This will be the ONLY formal means for clubs to share information on club service projects and fund raising ideas. The Conversation Café will be on Friday evening following the opening dinner in the Atrium area of the hotel. The cash bar will be open as will the Altrusa Store/Auction during this time. There will be drawings throughout the evening for prizes and the grand prize ($50.00 gift card) will be drawn at the Awards Luncheon on Saturday. from 2015 Conversation Cafe

Each club is invited to have a display showcasing their favorite activities. The participating clubs will have ½ of an 8 foot table for their display. Clubs will be encouraged to have tri-fold poster boards and/or other display items. Due to the location of the Conversation Café electrical outlets are not available. In addition to the display, we are asking that each club have a summary page to give to each attendee about your display with contact information. During the evening each conference attendee will have a ‘BINGO’ card listing the participating clubs. As you go through and visit each display a representative from that club will mark your card. Completed cards will be turned in for the grand prize drawings. Sign-up sheets for the Conversation Café will be sent to Club Presidents in the near future. Last year 50% of the clubs attending conference participated in this event. Let’s make it 100% this year. Every Altrusa club has something to share. from 2015 Conversation Cafe

Sue Whitaker Chair, Conversation Café Cell 765-717-4444

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The 2016 District Six Conference is coming in April! It's time to start planning for a contribution to the Silent Auction.

It would be great to have an entry from each club so that District Six can make a significant donation to the Altrusa International Foundation.

The mission of the Foundation is to aid Altrusans in providing effective service projects and to provide assistance in helping Altrusans improve lives in their communities. To that end, these programs can have a direct impact on Altrusa clubs and on Altrusans individually. From the 2015 District Conference, we contributed $1,935 to the Foundation. Let's see if we can exceed the $2,000 mark this year!

Bring a themed gift basket (gardening, food, travel), jewelry, needlework, objects of art, paintings, or something else that your fellow Altrusans can't resist.

Help us reach a goal of $2,000 in District Six. Sarah Johnson

District Six Foundation Liaison

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Memorial Form Your help is needed to ensure the Memorial Service portion of the Conference is meaningful and informative as possible. Please complete and send in for any Altrusans in your club who passed away since last Conference to include them in the Sunday District Six Memorial Service - copy form as needed Submit to: Elaine Wolf by 4/1/2016 Address: 2969 Caldwell Lane, Geneva, IL 60134 Email: Name of Club: Altrusa International of __________________________________ Name of deceased member _________________________________________________ Age:_________ Member of Altrusa since:____________ (approximate if unsure) Contributions to Altrusa and this club include (attach page if needed): _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________

Please include a picture if possible. Person submitting this form: Name:___________________________________ Address:__________________________________ _______________________ Telephone:_________________________________ Email address: _____________________________ Position in Club_____________________________ Name of member to participate in Memorial Service if known:_______________________________

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Are you Interested in Becoming an Award-Winning Altrusa Club? If you would like to receive recognition for an outstanding project you do in your Altrusa Club, you will want to apply for one of the Altrusa awards given out at District Conference each spring. Please make sure to review the criteria for each of the three award categories. The three award categories and objectives follow: Mamie L. Bass Award – 1. To stimulate interest in developing action programs in the community that fall within the scope of Altrusa’s Program of Service. 2. To encourage members of local Clubs to participate actively in service projects designed to meet specific local needs. 3. To recognize outstanding Club achievements in service to the community. Letha H. Brown Literacy Award – 1. To stimulate interest in developing active literacy projects to serve their community. 2. To create an awareness of Altrusa and its commitment to literacy. 3. To encourage members of local Clubs to participate actively in literacy projects designed to meet specific community needs. 4. To recognize outstanding Club achievement in service to the community. Dr. Nina Fay Calhoun International Relations Award – 1. To encourage and to stimulate international relations. 2. To create an awareness of other cultures and people of the world. 3. To recognize outstanding Club achievement in international relations. One award and one or two runner-ups will be awarded in each category at District Six Conference, April 15 – 17, 2016 in Carmel, Indiana. Find the guidelines and entry preparation rules on the Altrusa International website.  Go to and log-in.  Go to Publications; click on Forms.  Select International Award Forms. If you plan your project(s) following the objectives and guidelines for each award category, submit your application on or before March 1st. If you have any questions, please contact either one of the Service Committee Co-Chairs:  Patty Kirkman – Home # 812-275-3076 (No email account at this time.)  Mary Ann Roach – Cell # 812-275-6966 or

Business Meeting Minutes

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District Six of Altrusa International, Inc. Business Meeting Minutes Timber Creek Inn & Suites, IL April 18, 2015 OPENING: The 58th District Six Conference Business Meeting was called to order by the District Six Governor Linda Barb, Muncie at 9:45 a.m. Ballroom C of the hotel. Governor Linda introduced the board. Chris DeVlieger, DeKalb- Sycamore, Governor-Elect read letters of greetings from Ilona Kirby, International President, Connie McIntire, International Foundation Trustees Chair, and Association Manager Sandy Jablonski. Dana Vierck, Elgin, First Vice Governor led the Conference Body in the Pledge of Allegiance. Roll Call: District Secretary Sue Whitaker, Muncie conducted the roll call with the parade of club banners. Each club responded with the number of delegates and alternates present. Twenty six clubs were present. ADOPTION OF THE CONFERENCE PROGRAM: Becky Ray, Lexington, Second Vice Governor announced the following corrections and/or changes:  Pg. 10 – Director candidate, Becky Mercier was Co-President for two years (2009 and 2010) and Co-Past President  Pg. 11 – Strategic Plan Description – 4th line should read – for what you think your club can DO!  Pg. 12 – Business Meeting - Pledge of Allegiance – Dana Vierck, Elgin, First Vice Governor  Pg. 13 – 3:30 p.m. – 4:45 p.m. Workshops o Club Activity Reports – remove Sue Creighton, Warsaw, District Six Director and replace with Bev Herzog, Champaign-Urbana, Past Governor o ASTRA – add Angela Beck, Muncie as a presenter  Pg. 14 – All Conference Breakfast – All Conference Presentation – Serving All Levels – remove Sue Creighton, Warsaw, District Director and add Doris Kowalski, Galesburg, Past Governor and Sarah Johnson, Lafayette as presenters  Pg. 15 – Add Invitation to International Convention, Chris DeVlieger, DeKalb-Sycamore, Governor after the Altrusa Foundation Auction Report  Pg. 16 – Conference Delegates and Alternates, add New Castle with two delegates and two alternates, change both Paris and Springfield to have only one delegate and alternate each

Motion 1: It was moved and seconded to adopt the conference program as presented and corrected. MOTION APPROVED. RULES OF THE CONFERENCE: Mary Burford, Muncie, Past Governor and parliamentarian read the rules of the conference. Motion 2: It was moved and seconded to adopt the conference rules as presented. MOTION APPROVED. REGISTRATION REPORT: Teri Johnson, DeKalb-Sycamore, Conference Registration Chair presented the Registration Report.  International Representative – 1  Guests- 0  District Officers – 7  Full Registrations – 125  District Committee Chairs (not board members  Partial Registrations – 12 or past Governors) – 7  Total Registrations – 134  Past Governors (not board members) – 5

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Motion 3: It was moved and seconded to accept the Registration Committee Report as presented. MOTION APPROVED. CREDENTIALS REPORT: Tammy Tiggelaar, DeKalb-Sycamore, Conference Credentials Chair presented the Credentials Report. Delegates allowed - 56 Alternates allowed- 56 Delegates present - 45 Alternates present- 30 Board of Directors allowed - 6 Past Governors allowed- 12 Board of Directors present - 5 Past Governors present - 7 A total of 57 votes allowed (Majority vote would be 29) Motion 4: It was moved and seconded to accept the Credentials Report as presented. MOTION APPROVED. CONFERENCE 2014 BUSINESS MEETING MINUTES: The business meeting minutes were presented by District Secretary Sue Whitaker, Muncie. Motion 5: It was moved and second to approve the minutes of the 58th District Six Conference Business Meeting in Springfield, IL on May 3, 2014 as printed in the conference program. MOTION APPROVED. SYNOPSIS OF BOARD ACTIONS: The synopsis was presented by District Secretary Sue Whitaker, Muncie. Please refer to page 23 for a summary of the Altrusa District Six Board Actions from May 4, 2015 – March 17, 2015. At our pre-conference board meeting the following actions were taken:  Approved Emeritus status for Sue Joys of Altrusa International of Indiana Dunes.  Appointed Elaine Wolf to serve as Secretary of District Six for 2015-17.  Updated Standing Rule 3 in the Policies and Procedures Handbook to reflect the vote on 5/2/2014 to discontinue the publishing the Directory of Clubs.  Approved the removal of Standing Rule 8.2 in the Policies and Procedures Handbook which states: The District shall provide manuals for the offices of President, Secretary, and Treasurer, at District Conference. The items that follow 8.2 will be renumbered.  Approved the removal of Standing Rule 10.1c in the Policies and Procedures Handbook which states: The District Six Altrusa International, Inc. District Board Manual shall serve as the resource tool for District Officers and renumber the items that follow and change Rule 10.2a to read: Allow electronic access to all District Six materials.  Accept with regrets the request by the Altrusa Club Bloomington, IN to disband effective May 31, 2015.  Approved that in the future the District Six Emblem banner and the District Six Logo banner stay in the possession of the current District Six Governor.  Approved the refund of $35.00 to Linda Krider of Chillicothe, IL. This is the registration fee less the amount of meal cost, due to the late cancellation request. GOVERNOR’S REPORT: The printed Governor’s Report is on page 5 of the Conference Program and the Committee Chairs Report is on pages 7-8. Other highlights of Governor Linda Barb’s, Muncie remarks were:  Encouraged clubs to make use of the District Committee Chairs and Board throughout the year. Club presidents will be receiving a list of these individuals following conference.  Membership continues to be of concern. Four clubs (Canton, Indianapolis, New Castle and Springfield) gained charter strength this year, but overall we have lost members. There have been six clubs to disband during the biennium.  Governor Linda indicated that one of the most enjoyable part of her club visits has been hearing about all of the different service projects. She thanked the Altrusans for the many service hours given to their local communities. The communities have been changed because of the efforts of you and your clubs.  The District is financially sound and the board continues to be good steward of our resources.

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She thanked each of the clubs for their hospitality as she visited each over the past two years.

TREASURER AND COMPILIATION REPORT: The District Six Treasurer Elaine Wolf, Fox Valley presented the Compilation Report, an annual review of the District’s Assets and Liabilities performed by Estep-Doctor and Company. Motion 6: On behalf of the Finance Committee it was moved to accept the 2014 Compilation Report of the Financial Statements. MOTION APPROVED. BUDGET: The District Treasurer Elaine Wolf, Fox Valley presented the proposed budget. Motion 7: On behalf of the budget committee it was moved to adopt the 2015-17 budget as published in the Conference Program on page 18. MOTION APPROVED REPORT OF THE NOMINATING COMMITTEE: Bev Herzog, Champaign-Urbana provided an overview of the responsibilities of the board and presented the following candidates:  Governor-Elect –Dana Vierck, Elgin  1st Vice Governor – Becky Ray, Lexington  2nd Vice Governor – Jan Fritz, Quincy  Director - Rebecca Mercier, Lexington  Treasurer – Sue Whitaker, Muncie Motion 8: It was moved and second that the slate of officers presented by the nominating committee be unanimously elected by acclamation. MOTION APPROVED. REPORT OF THE BRR COMMITTEE: BRR Committee Chair Nancy Gerner, Elgin announced there were no proposed Bylaw changes to consider. She reported that she did review this past year by-laws from three clubs – Lake Co, Champaign-Urbana and Elgin. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: There was no unfinished business. NEW BUSINESS: There was no new business. REPORT OF THE INTERNATIONAL REPRESENTATIVE: Altrusa International Director Carol Latham gave a brief report. Highlights of her report were:  The Paris, IL club is celebrating their 90th anniversary.  She reminded the clubs that when changing new officers on the International website not do it until they are installed.  She said ASTRA Policy #4 – Age limitation is to be changed.  Distinguished Clubs – Surveyed membership to see if they would like to change from patches to cords.  Membership – After looking at other service and professional organizations they are considering tiered membership for the following reasons: o Membership is going down o Age diversity is going up o Currently the active membership is at 81,000  International has developed a comprehensive marketing toolkit that is available on the website.  She announced that the International Convention will be in Kansas City in 2015 beginning on July 17.  The 2017 International Convention will be in Nashville, TN to celebrate our 100th anniversary. ANNOUNCEMENTS:  Joy Gulotta needs to meet with Carol Latham regarding the certificates for service awards.

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 Representatives from the board and each of the clubs hosting the 2016 District Conference in Carmel are to meet Sue Whitaker immediately following the business meeting in the front of the room to get information on the Invitation to Conference presentation on Sunday morning.  Doris Kowalski, Galesburg, Past Governor thanked the election committee, even though they did have any work to do. ADJOURNMENT: The business meeting was adjourned at 11:33 AM. ____________________________________


Linda Barb, District Six Governor

Sue H. Whitaker, District Six Secretary

Calendar Note CONFERENCE DATES: March 25, 2016 FINAL DATE to make your hotel reservations before the hotel block room rate. April 1. 2016 FINAL DATE - Conference Registration due (see registration form in this newsletter) Conference Registration rate on or before April 1st is $170 Conference Registration rate after April 1st is $185 April 15-17, 2016 District Six Conference, Carmel Indiana

Future Conference Date April 7-9, 2017 Radisson Hotel at Star Plaza 800 E. 81st Avenue, Merrillville IN 46410

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Altrusa International, Inc - District Six Proposed 2016-17 Budget Jan-16 Beginning balance January 1, 2016









Membership Dues






Interest (CD/MMF)





$11,550.00 $250.00


Supplies Sold







Conference Advance







Conference Income & Fees






311 Workshop Income





































Reserve to Balance TOTAL INCOME









403A Conference Expense

Club Visits







403B Workshop Expense













404B Under Charter Grants







404C Marketing Materials6






404D Website 404E Club Refund for Name Change/Incorporation






Extension, Rev. Rehab









Conference Advance







Gov. Training & Seminars







Print, Duplicate, Supplies








District Board Meetings








Dist. Nominating Comm.







417 Int'l Conv.: Gov. & Brd 423 Governor Elect Planning/Training













Communications (In Touch)








Supplies for Resale








Postage, Phone








Financial review/Audit








Officer Bond & Insurance








Gifts, Miscellaneous








Contributions to International















Dues Refund






Refund to reserve







Int'l Dues - Affiliates












TOTAL EXPENSE Ending Balance January 31, 2016


Checking 5 Yr Worry Free CD (matures 6/29/20) - rate is 0.50. 25 Month CD (matures 9/30/17) - rate is 1.24.

$9,348.75 $15,265.08

Ending Balance January 31, 2016



1,000.00 -




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