Feb 2015 Cheerful Earful

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The Cheerful Earful

Monthly newsletter of the Altrusa Club of Macomb, IL

February 2015 Website: Facebook: Email:


http://tinyurl.com/AltrusaMacomb www.facebook.com/MacombAltrusa altrusa@macomb.com

Next Meeting Information

 Next meeting information  January Minutes  Our Favorite Recipes  “Just a minute with a member”  Calendar of Events  Budget Request Forms

What: Emily Ludolph from the Mississippi Valley Regional Blood Center Where: City Hall Community Room, 232 East Jackson St. Macomb

When: Weds. Feb. 25 at 7 p.m. O

Membership Committee is hosting “Leading to a Better Community”

Altrusa is an international non-profit organization making our local communities better through leadership, partnership and service

This newsletter is brought to you by the Communication Committee of the Macomb Altrusa Club, Macomb, Illinois

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Draft of Minutes Altrusa International of Macomb Jan. 28, 2015 General Meeting Standing committees gave the following reports: Communication: Heather Munro- A list of all Altrusa meetings was distributed. If you have any pictures taken at meetings, please let Heather know. Thank you to the committee for the literary desserts. Finance: Nancy Jameson-no report Service: Penny Pollock-no report Membership: Karen Iversen- no report The Communications Committee with “literary” desserts!

The Communication Committee hosted the general meeting with literary desserts. Speaker for the evening was Jeff Hancks, University Archivist. He spoke about the University Archives and had several items on display. Jeff gave a great presentation on the Archives and explained about how the University obtains them.

Old business: Budget requests are to be given to Nancy Jameson by the February meeting. Tutoring Committee to help with fund raising will consist of Sandy Collier, Karen Iversen, Jean Sowers, Heather Munro and Cindy Roon.

President Cindy Roon called the meeting to order with everyone reciting the Pledge of Allegiance. The minutes of the December meeting were approved with corrections as noted by a motion by Kathy Wyatt, seconded by Lin Stults, motion carried as reported in the Cheerful Earful. Correction to minutes Lin Stults was at the December meeting and instead of Penny Pollock being emailed about the Adopt a Class Room, it should be Karen Trusley. The Treasurer’s report prepared by Nancy Jameson for November and December will be approved at the next general meeting. Sara Featherlin reported on the correspondence - the group received a Christmas card from Mississippi Regional Blood Bank.

Jeff Hancks, University Archivist showing archival items to Altrusa members.

New business: March 2016 will be the 55th Anniversary for the Club. Asking for volunteers to help plan the anniversary. Annual Bazaar 50th Anniversary will be this year.

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Nancy Dobey retirement from Morton Community Bank will be held January 30th from 2 to 4. District 6 Conference is April 17 thru 19 at Timber Creek Resort in Sandwich. Penny and Liz will be attending as delegates for the club. If you would like to attend please let Cindy know at the February meeting. Nominating Committee for officers will consist of Liz Duvall, Sara Featherlin and Nancy Reed.

Our Favorite Recipes� Recipes gathered by Lynne Brinker Thelma Smiddy submitted this recipe. It is a favorite of hers.

ZUCCHINI BREAD Combine: 2 c. flour 2 tsp. baking soda 2 c. sugar 1 tsp. salt Âź tsp. baking powder 3 tsp. cinnamon

Altrusa members Ann Abbott, Jeanie Sowers and Cindy Roon with University Archivist Jeff Hancks

Yummy Zucchini Bread!

HyVee Shop N Share Day to be announced. Miss Macomb scholarship committee will consist of Karen Iversen, Cindy Roon and Heather Munro. Next Board meeting will be Thursday, February 19, Everly House @ 5:30 p.m. Next General Meeting will be held February 25, City Hall, 7 p.m. Membership Committee will be hosting. . Upon a motion of adjournment by Sara Featherlin, seconded by Liz Duvall, all in favor. Attendance: Lynne Brinker, Nancy Dobey, Liz Duvall, Sara Featherlin, Marsha McCormick, Heather Munro, Penny Pollock, Nancy Reed, Cindy Roon, Jean Sowers, Lin Stults, Karen Trusley, Sara Wood, Karen Iversen, Thelma Smiddy, Kathy Wyatt, Valerie Dugan, Miriam Satern and Ann Abbot. Guest Barb Grindstaff. Respectfully submitted, Ann Abbot

Add: 2/3 c. to 1 c. oil 2 c. grated raw zucchini squash 3 eggs 2 tsp. vanilla Pour into greased loaf pans and bake at 350 degrees. 30 minutes for small loaves and 45 minutes to 1 hour for large loaves.

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“Just a minute with a member” Each month we will feature a Macomb Altrusan - to learn a little bit more about each other! “Minute” by Sandy Collier, Communication Committee member Say “Hello” to THELMA SMIDDY, our featured member of the month!

WHAT DO YOU LIKE TO DO FOR FUN? Most of my fun times involve spending time with family, reading, playing bridge and other card games, and traveling. My husband and I have traveled to Ireland, Malaysia, Hawaii, and Alaska, and we look forward to more traveling in the future,

HOW DID YOU GET INVOLVED WITH ALTRUSA? TELL A LITTLE ABOUT YOURSELF I moved to Macomb in 1985 from Keokuk, Iowa. I was born and raised in Iowa and lived in Fairfield, Ames, Keokuk and Burlington for the first 40 years of my life. I graduated from Fairfield High School, attended Cosmetology School in Fairfield and graduated from Bernel Cosmetology School in Ames. I have 4 natural children, 5 stepchildren, 16 grandchildren, and 14 great-grandchildren.

WHAT TYPE OF WORK HAVE YOU DONE IN YOUR LIFE? I was a fashion consultant for 20 years for Beeline Fashions and have been a realtor here in Macomb for 28 years, currently with RE/MAX.

Alta Sargent met me through Macomb Woman’s Club and invited me to be a part of Altrusa. I have been Treasurer for 2 years and have been on most of the committees over the years.

WHAT DO YOU LIKE BEST ABOUT BEING A MEMBER OF ALTRUSA? I have enjoyed the women I have met in Altrusa, all the great things Altrusa does for our community, and the Bazaar – a work of art seeing it come together!

WOULD YOU TELL US SOMETHING THAT WE MIGHT NOT KNOW ABOUT YOU? My faith is very important to me and I am grateful to have been raised in a Christian home.

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2014-2015 Macomb Altrusa Officers and Board Feb. 19

Board Meeting at special time: 5pm Special Guest Cassie Kourson – all interested members invited – Board meeting following Kourson presentation

Feb. 20-21

WIU Jazz Festival

Feb. 25

Altrusa General meeting at City Hall Community Room at 7pm

March 7

Maple Syrup Festival, Argyle Lake Park

March 14-15

Gem-Rock-Mineral Show-WIU

March 25

Altrusa General meeting at Everly House at 6:30pm

President - Cindy Roon President-Elect – Karen Trusley Past President - Liz Duvall Vice-President - Jean Sowers Recording Secretary - Ann Abbott Treasurer -Nancy Jameson Corresponding Secretary - Sara Featherlin Directors: Karen Iversen, Heather Munro Penny Pollock Chair: Communication Comm.: Heather Munro Finance Committee: Nancy Jameson Membership Comm.: Karen Iversen Service Committee: Penny Pollock

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You can email budget request forms to Nancy Jameson, at everlyhouse1@macomb.com or hand them to her or bring to Feb. Meeting. Must be submitted by Feb. Meeting Procedures for Budget Request Forms Each Year Procedures by Members, Committees and Board of Directors A. Submit all budget requests at the February Club Meeting. B. A full explanation should accompany new budget requests. C. The submitter should be prepared to answer questions about the request. D. Suggest possible new sources of funding for new programs or projects. Budget Process – Administrative A. Board of Directors discusses Budget Requests submitted and approves or denies. B. Approved requests are sent to the Treasurer and Finance Committee for the budget. C. Denied requests are returned to the Submitter with reasons for denial. D. Finance Committee completes the budget & returns for Board approval. E. The Board submits a reviewed budget with recommendations for Club approval. F. Club discusses the new budget and votes to approve, either as is or with changes. G. Items in the approved budget can be paid by the Treasurer without further action.

H. The Treasurer is not authorized to pay new items or additional money requests without approval from the Board and the club. Submitting club member or Committee A. Should be willing to be involved with the budget item they submit. B. Is responsible to notify the Treasurer when payment of an item is due by submitting a bill (request) for payment when due. C. Will provide additional information to the club or Board as requested. D. Will follow project through to completion and report if needed. Treasurer should keep an accurate Income & Expense record for project history. A. Upon Request, the Treasurer should be able to produce a separate accounting for individual projects or programs. List of Budget Items: (Past/Present/New..Not intended to be complete) A. Scholarships: SRC Nursing, Miss Macomb Platform, & Scholarships in development B. Literacy: Summer Tutoring: Adopta-Class, Baby Talk; GED Fees; Presidential Classroom C. Other: Mosaic Christmas Bags; Memory Walk-Sponsor & Team; Make-ADifference Day; Altrusa Foundation donation; Snack Bag Program; Salvation army Camperships; Habitat for Humanity; Nature Quilt Project; MHS Band Uniforms; Big Bros, Big Sisters Bowl-a-thon; Ready Bus-Book Bus; Honor Flights; Food pantriesSalvation Army, WIRC, Loaves & Fishes; etc.

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ALTRUSA BUDGET/PROJECT REQUEST YEAR: _______________DATE OF REQUEST: ____________________ Project: ______________________________________________________ Payout Month:_________________________________________________ DETAILS OF PROJECT: _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _______ AMOUNT REQUESTED: __________________________________________________ REQUESTED BY:________________________________________________________ BOARD ACTION:

APPROVED: ____________ DECLINED:__________________ BOARD COMMENTS:__________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________


APPROVED: ______________DECLINED:__________________ CLUB COMMENTS: ____________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________

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