Feb 2016 Cheerful Earful

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The Cheerful Earful

Monthly newsletter of the Altrusa Club of Macomb, IL

February 2016 Website: Facebook: Email:

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http://tinyurl.com/AltrusaMacomb www.facebook.com/MacombAltrusa altrusa@macomb.com


Karen’s Korner

Next meeting information Karen’s Korner January meeting notes Updates Budget Request Form Calendar of Events

Happy, snowy February! I guess we are getting our Winter now :) Thank you to all of you for your continued participation in Altrusa. Together we can truly continue to make a difference in our community. I am very excited for us to begin our scholarship process for the year and to look for our leaders for next year. Please consider the idea of being an officer, if you are contacted. We need folks to step-up. Again, I truly appreciate all that you do for our Club and for our community. Please let me know if you have concerns that need to be addressed, I am always a phone call, text, or email away.

Karen Trusley, Club President

Next Meeting Information What: Self-Defense Where: City Hall Community Room , 232 East Jackson St., Macomb When: at 6:30pm Hosted by the Membership Committee

The Cheerful Earful – February 2016 Page 2 of 11

Draft of January 2016 Meeting notes




donated amount in 2014 Missing Invoice from Macomb Community Schools for $1205.50. o Included this amount in disbursements total o 2014 Bazaar was written on 1/26/15 TOTAL NET INCOME $8,841.13 (without Aramark bill)

The Communications Committee hosted the meeting with guest speaker Nikki Gray from the Macomb Convention and Visitors Bureau speaking about Macomb events.

***In 2015/2016 Budget, Bazaar Net Gain from 2014 Bazaar states $6000.00 ***In 2013, Net Profit was $7102.07

The Communication Comm. with Nikki Gray

Nikki Gray with Altrusa member Lin Stults

President Karen Trusley called the meeting January 27th to order. Members stood to say the Pledge of Allegiance Two guests were in attendance; Janice Mix and Michelle Langhout. Minutes: N/A TREASURER’S REPORT  

The account balanced for November and December – reports attached to recent cheerful earful Bazaar News - Total Deposits were 12,276.75 - Total Disbursements were $3435.62 - Missing Invoices Aramark, in 2013 $408.25 and they

COMMITTEE REPORTS Correspondence a. A Donation of $40 to the tutoring program in memory of Rosalie Severinsen by Thomas and Teresa Wickman b. YMCA sent a letter asking for donation. c. Loaves and Fishes sent a thank you letter for our donation of $126 for the Bazaar for children to make ornaments d. Thank You card from Spoon River College for the scholarship e. Wesley Village sent a letter asking for a donation for the Lights of Love Finance a. Buffalo Wild Wings Fundraiser will be April 6th.

The Cheerful Earful – February 2016 Page 3 of 11 Asking for each member to commit to bringing at least 4 other people to order food from BWW 25 members X 4 = 125 people $10.00 per person = $1250.00 10% of $1250 = $125 GOAL b. Garage Sale in Meadow Brook possibly May 7th. The weekend before WIU graduation Communications a. Invite a friend using the leftover flyers b. Correction on Calendar of Events; Ag Mech Show is February 6th and 7th ` c. A Big thank you to Ann Abbot for taking inventory of the leftover Bazaar supplies c. Local News; Nancy Reed’s Enchanted Florist moved to a new location! Nancy Jameson received the Paul Harris Fellow Award Service February’s Service Project is to sign up for a resident at the Everly House and send them a Valentine’s Day card. Give card to Nancy Jameson Tutoring – No Report Bazaar Kathy thanks everyone for their teamwork at making the Altrusa Bazaar a success.

Adopt – A – Classroom February Dates for Reading February 17th, 18th and 19th = Mrs. Scott’s Room February 9th, 10th and 11th = Mrs. Olson’s Room

OLD BUSINESS a. Tax Issue – Tax Exempt Status is in the works b. Recruitment Team – Liz and Brae. Anyone else? c. Notification of BRR Committee – By Law Committee needs to be formed NEW BUSINESS a. Changed the Pre-meeting dinner for the March meeting at Red Ox with Jan Fritz, District Guest. We will have a potluck starting at 6:00pm at the Everly House b. Alta Sargent will be receiving “Writing Women into History” award. The awards ceremony will be on March 5th from 10-11:30am at the Multicultural Center on the WIU campus c. District Conference: April 15-17, 2016 in Carmel, Indiana: Heather will be attending as the District Newsletter chairperson; still need two members to attend (Penny Pollock volunteered) d. Libraries closed this summer for tutoring e. Alzheimer’s Walk- September 17th f. Scholarship Committee – Karen I and Penny Pollock volunteered to be on this committee Spoke about possibly changing on traditional scholarship into a nontraditional scholarship for a sophomore. Applications need to be open in March and deadline should be April 15th. Meeting was adjourned at 8:30 Respectfully submitted by Brae Hattaway

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Updates Communications Committee Macomb Altrusan Alta Sargent was in a cover story in the Jan. 29 issue of the McDonough County Voice newspaper. She will be receiving the "Writing Women into History" award from the Macomb Feminist Network to honor women for their extraordinary contributions they have made to our local community. Award reception is March 5 --see the flyer in this newsletter for info. about reception!

Tutoring Program Do you know a certified teacher who might be interested in tutoring this summer? If so, please send their email to Sandy Collier collier@macomb.com - it is never too early to line up our summer tutors!

Finance Committee Budget Request forms Due by Feb. meeting email to Brae at brae.hattaway@gmail.com. If you have a project you want supported in next year's budget fill out the form see pages 9 and 10 in this newsletter for instructions and form! Yard Sale Fundraiser in the works! Save your Stuff! The Finance Committee is planning a spring yard sale as a fundraiser for the Tutoring Program. Please start saving items to donate to the yard sale! Further details will be forthcoming in later newsletter.

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Service Committee

February project

January Service Project

Macomb Altrusans sent Valentines to the residents of Everly Retirement House, the location where many of

For the January service project we collected 23

containers of peanut butter and 21 boxes of cereal.

The food was taken by Penny Pollock and the Service Committee to the WIRC food bank.

our meetings are held. Thank you to Altrusan Nancy Jameson who made sure the residents received their Valentines! Info. about March project at Feb. meeting!

The Cheerful Earful – September 2015 Page 6 of 11

Membership Committee

Bazaar Committee We need Jars! For the 2016 Bazaar We will be placing donation jars at the cashiers at the Bazaar so we need 3 of these types of LARGE plastic jars - if you have any please bring to a meeting and give to Heather - thank you!

The membership committee would like to ask all members to bring a friend to our March meeting. We have a very informative program planned, and great desserts to share. Let's try and grow our membership this Spring.

The Cheerful Earful Staff Editor:

Heather Munro

Karen’s Korner:

Karen Trusley

Minute with a Member: Karen Iversen Our Favorite Recipes: Lara Lessard Reader’s Corner:

Ann Abbot

Calendar and Events:

Lynne Brinker

Photographers: Lin Stults, Miriam Satern

Jeanie Sowers, Chair, Membership Committee “Leading to a Better Community” Altrusa is an international non-profit organization making our local communities better through leadership, partnership and service

This newsletter is brought to you by the Communication Committee of the Macomb Altrusa Club, Macomb, Illinois

The Cheerful Earful – September 2015 Page 7 of 11

Did you know?... Some of the money we raise with our fundraising efforts throughout the year goes toward scholarships for students in the local area. Every year Macomb Altrusa awards a number of scholarships to deserving students. We award four different types of scholarships:    

Spoon River Nursing School scholarship-$800 scholarship to a participant in the Miss Macomb pageant -$350 non-traditional student in McDonough County-$500 college sophomore -McDonough County resident-$500

Scholarship applications are being posted at area schools and are available from Altrusa members. The Scholarship review committee will review the applications and determine the recipients. Please share this info. with any interested students -more details at the Feb. meeting!

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You are invited Please come and attend the "Writing Women into History" award reception

to honor Alta Sargent (and others) Award given by the Macomb Feminist Network at the WIU Multi-Cultural Center W. Murray St. Macomb

Sat. March 5 from 10-11:30am brunch 10-10:30 program 10:30-11:30 Please wear your Altrusa name badge and pin!

You can email budget request forms to Brae Hattaway, at brae.hattaway@gmail.com or hand them to her or bring to Feb. Meeting. Must be submitted by Feb. Meeting Procedures for Budget Requests Each Year

Procedures by Members, Committees and Board of Directors A. Submit all budget requests at the February Club Meeting. B. A full explanation should accompany new budget requests. C. The submitter should be prepared to answer questions about the request. D. Suggest possible new sources of funding for new programs or projects. Budget Process – Administrative A. Board of Directors discusses Budget Requests submitted and approves or denies. B. Approved requests are sent to the Treasurer and Finance Committee for the budget. C. Denied requests are returned to the Submitter with reasons for denial. D. Finance Committee completes the budget & returns for Board approval. E. The Board submits a reviewed budget with recommendations for Club approval. F. Club discusses the new budget and votes to approve, either as is or with changes. G. Items in the approved budget can be paid by the Treasurer without further action. H. The Treasurer is not authorized to pay new items or additional money requests without approval from the Board and the club.

Submitting club member or Committee A. Should be willing to be involved with the budget item they submit. B. Is responsible to notify the Treasurer when payment of an item is due by submitting a bill (request) for payment when due. C. Will provide additional information to the club or Board as requested. D. Will follow project through to completion and report if needed. Treasurer should keep an accurate Income & Expense record for project history. A. Upon Request, the Treasurer should be able to produce a separate accounting for individual projects or programs. List of Budget Items: (Past/Present/New..Not intended to be complete) A. Scholarships: SRC Nursing, Miss Macomb Platform, & Scholarships in development B. Literacy: Summer Tutoring: Adopta-Class, Baby Talk; GED Fees; Presidential Classroom C. Other: Mosaic Christmas Bags; Memory Walk-Sponsor & Team; Make-ADifference Day; Altrusa Foundation donation; Snack Bag Program; Salvation army Camperships; Habitat for Humanity; Nature Quilt Project; MHS Band Uniforms; Big Bros, Big Sisters Bowl-a-thon; Ready Bus-Book Bus; Honor Flights; Food pantriesSalvation Army, WIRC, Loaves & Fishes; etc.

The Cheerful Earful – September 2015 Page 10 of 11

ALTRUSA BUDGET/PROJECT REQUEST YEAR: _______________DATE OF REQUEST: ____________________ Project: ______________________________________________________ Payout Month:_________________________________________________ DETAILS OF PROJECT: _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________ AMOUNT REQUESTED: __________________________________________________ REQUESTED BY:________________________________________________________ BOARD ACTION:

APPROVED: ____________ DECLINED:__________________ BOARD COMMENTS:__________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________


APPROVED: ______________DECLINED:__________________ CLUB COMMENTS: ____________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________

2015-2016 Macomb Altrusa Officers and Board


President - Karen Trusley Vice-President – Penny Pollock

Feb. 24 General meeting Self-Defense City Hall Community Room 6:30pm Dessert Meeting

Past President - Cindy Roon Recording Secretary – Liz Duvall Treasurer – Brae Hattaway

Feb.26 McDonough County United Way Imagination Ball: Super Hero 101, 5:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m., Spoon River Outreach Center

Corresponding Secretary – Karen Iversen

McDonough County United Way Imagination Ball: Super Hero 101, 4:00 p.m.-7:00 p.m. Spoon River Outreach Center

Communication Comm.: Heather Munro

Feb. 27

Sat. Mar. 5 Award Reception for Alta Sargent, WIU Multi-Cultural Center 10-11:30am March 23 Potluck and District Six Visitor Jan Fritz, 6 pm Everly House April 15-17 Altrusa District Six Conference, Carmel Indiana Award Application Due Dates 3-1

Mamie Bass Service Award Letha H. Brown Literacy Award Nina Fay Calhoun International Relations Award


Rookie of the Year Award Governor’s Award

District Six Conference (4-15 thru 17) Due Dates Make Hotel Reservations before 3-25 Register for Conference before 4-1

Chair: Finance Committee:

Brae Hattaway

Membership Comm.:

Jeanie Sowers

Service Committee:

Paula Rhodes

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