In Touch after 2014 district six conference!

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To all Altrusans who were able to attend District Six Conference in Springfield the first weekend in May and those who were not with us, let me report it was a great Conference! You will see in this issue of the IN Touch many photographs of events. We had a warm welcome from Springfield Altrusans, great entertainment Friday and Saturday evenings, good workshops Friday and Saturday afternoons. The two tours offered Friday morning were fun.

May Begin work on Club Annual Report Install new officers Finalize Club budget 2014-15 Collect Dues & send to International & District Report new Officers and Committee Chairs on website 5/31

Club fiscal year ends

We elected a new Nominating Committee: Bev Herzog, Chair; Toni Ellis and Lisa McCollough. When they call you next fall please say Yes. We also elected Nancy Easum to run as a candidate at Convention in 2015 for International Foundation Trustee and Mary Burford to the International Long Range Strategic Planning Committee for 2015-17. The Award winners were: Mamie L. Bass—Warsaw Letha H. Brown—Champaign-Urbana Dr. Nina Fay Calhoun—Fox Valley Rookie of the Year—Megan Meserve, Lexington Star Attendance Award—Champaign-Urbana Membership Growth—Quincy Governor’s Award—Pat Phillips, Champaign-Urbana My thanks go to all the Workshop presenters which included several District Six Board members and Committee Chairs and all Springfield Altrusans who really showed their Altrusa spirit with their hospitality and warm welcome. It’s a busy time of year as we wind up the 2013-14 Club year. Please note the calendar for business each club needs to take care of. Club Presidents will be completing the online Club Annual Report. Bev Herzog gave a good workshop at Conference on the report and she’d be happy to answer any questions you may have. Contact her at Don’t forget to click on Club Annual Report finalized and complete box at the top of the form when you have it completed.


2014 Altrusa International District Six Conference Courtesy Resolution Whereas, Altrusa International of District Six is a network of volunteers dedicated to leading to a better community. Whereas, the Springfield club led us down the Tails and Trails of Lincoln with their Central Illinois hospitality. Whereas, Altrusans had the choice Friday morning to tour real estate at the Dana Thomas House or tour the history of Lincoln at the Lincoln Museum. Whereas, the 114th Regiment posted the colors, DeKalb will be taking them home to the farm, let’s hope they don’t mix them up with the cornstalks. Whereas, all District Six papers will be archived in Governor Linda’s stovepipe hat. Whereas, Mayor Houston welcomed us to the 58th District Six conference with his story of being Lincoln’s paperboy. Whereas, in Kentucky, horseshoes are for Derby winners, but in Springfield they are for lunch! Whereas, International Director, Bev McAlpin could have traveled by horse as did Abraham Lincoln and she would have gotten to our conference faster than her trip through O’Hare Airport. Whereas, Vivian Naijim has started an ASTRA Club at Milliken University with her new boyfriend. Whereas, Elaine was looking for a fight during the BRR Briefing, there were not any comments. Whereas, the banners were hung in the hallway with care, we don’t care that the Certified Hookers hung them there. Whereas, the Springfield club shared their favorite jewelry making secrets. Whereas, Ruth Chin climbed upon a chair to make eye contact with Abe Lincoln, the rest of us envied her agility! Whereas, dancing with the stars has nothing on the Springfield International Folk dancers, and Governor Barb had to lend her tech support services. Whereas, just like the old saying goes whatever happens in Vegas stays in Vegas, but your Sundie Undies that came to Springfield will stay in Springfield. Whereas, the hotel staff deserves a standing ovation for their excellent service.Be it therefore resolved that the membership of Altrusa International Inc. of District Six does hereby proclaim that a Yankee Doodle Dandy of a time was had at the 58th Annual Conference in Springfield, IL. And be it further


resolved we will look forward to seeing you in Sandwich, IL for the District Six Conference on April 17 through 19, 2015, hosted by the Altrusa International of DeKalb-Sycamore. Respectfully submitted: Dana Vierck, 1st Vice-Governor, Altrusa International District Six, May 4, 2014

The 58th District Six Conference

We were warmly welcomed by the Springfield club in the lobby of the Crowne Plaza Hotel for the 58th annual conference. The Springfield club worked long and hard this past year to make the event interesting, organized, and comfortable, and their work paid off.

Those of us who attended the conference were introduced to the Open-faced Horseshoe Sandwich (pictured above). “It was created in 1928 at the Leland Hotel. On a hot metal plate (the anvil), toasted bread is placed (hoofs), then ham (horseshoe), smothered with cheese sauce and topped with French fries (horseshoe nails). The cheese sauce determines the success of the sandwich.� (Quote from conference book.)


The Springfield Welcoming Committee

Many people kicked off their weekend by attending one of two tours: (1) Abraham Lincoln Presidential Museum and Elijah Iles House (2) Dana-Thomas House and Elijah Iles House. A comfortable tour bus was provided for these activities. Doris Kowalski is shown stepping off the tour bus Friday afternoon. The Springfield Welcoming Committee gave us a bag of goodies. This bag contained a helpful guide for those who wanted to learn more about these historic sites.


Workshops That Were Offered at the Conference Friday Identity Theft Chair Yoga Social Media Leadership First Timers Understanding others Fundraising

Saturday Presidents Workshop Secretary Workshop and Archiving your Club documents Membership and Club Revitalization Through the Eyes of Others Club Activity Reports & How to Become a Distinguished Club , Treasurers Workshop, Service Project Award Writing, and Jewelry Making.

District Webmaster Neveta Salmons is pictured (above) giving her presentation. Social Media: Bev Herzog Facebook Coordinator, Lola Perkett- District Communications Chair, Neveta SalmonsDistrict Webmaster, Heather Muntro- Macomb.


Swap ‘n’ Shop Altrusa Store Silent Auction

Immediate Past Governor, Toni Ellis (center)

Income – $ 1117.20 Doc Morgan - $ 892.76 Profit = $224.44 Elaine Wolf


The picture above is of our Governor Linda Barb and Governor-Elect Chris DeVlieger leading the President’s Workshop. There was lively discussion. I left the room to take pictures elsewhere, as I went I thought about all the different sorts of people in our organization. There are those comfortable with numbers, graphs, and charts that show us trends. There are people who are talented with structure and routine who become our treasurers, rule keepers, and organizers and there are some that think outside the box, whose ideas can breathe new life into an organization. This conference was a melting pot of talents and skills. I went to another workshop called Membership and Club Revitalization. Sue CreightonDistrict Director, Donna Chapel-District Membership Chair, and Panel; this workshop began with Donna Chapel talking about the perceptions of different types of people according to their age and era. Traditionalists 1900 – 1945

Hard work, experience

Baby Boomers 1946 – 1964

Like to be valued

Generation X

1965- 1980

Forget the rules ‘do it your way’


1981 – 2000

Do things quick, work as a team

These groups share core values. They all want respect, to have trustworthy leaders, are resistant to change, desire to learn, and want feedback so they can improve.


Mary Alice Bertram conversing with Governor Linda Barb

Dining room with Bev Herzog, Facebook Chair


Our flag ceremony was conducted by 114th Regiment, Illinois Volunteer Infantry (reactivated).

On January 10, 1969, the 114th was reactivated by Governor Samuel H. Shapiro. The members of the reactivated 114th Illinois Infantry still serve the State of Illinois in the following ways:[1] 

Public functions as a ceremonial guard

Portray the lives and beliefs of our courageous fore bearers in reenactments held both in Illinois and outside of the state

Sponsoring a college scholarship to central Illinois students

Functions as the Governor’s Honor Guard when needed

Welcomes visiting Presidents to central Illinois


Welcome to Springfield By Mayor J. Michael Houston “Now, therefore, I, J. Michael Houston, Mayor of the city of Springfield, Illinois, do hereby rd proclaim May 3 to be:

“Altrusa International Day”

Governor Linda Barb with J. Michael Houston, Mayor Springfield holding the Proclamation.


Past Governors Back left to right: Toni Ellis, Anne Wharff, Doris Kowalski,Mary Burford Front left to right: Bev Herzog, Dr. Helen Widick, Elaine Wolf

The Lincoln Troubadours

Vivian Najim conference co-chair is swooned by one of the Lincoln Troubadours.


The District Six Board and International Representative were introduced Friday night. There are, from left to right, Governor Linda Barb, International Representative Bev McAlpin, Immediate Past Governor Toni Ellis, Governor Elect Chris DeVlieger, 1st Vice Governor Dana Vierck, 2nd Vice Governor Becky Ray, Treasurer Elaine Wolf, Director Sue Creighton, and Secretary Sue Whitaker.

Lincoln Troubadours sang songs from back in the civil war days.


The start of the business meeting.

International Guest, Bev McAlpin

Voting for a Nominating Committee



New member sponsors were recognized with 2,4, 6, or 8 number pins, signifying the number of members they sponsored since June 1999.

Lexington's Megan Meserve received the Rookie of the Year Award presented by Donna Chapel.

The Fox Valley club received the Dr. Nina Faye Calhoun International Relations Award for their Project, "International Relations Year". — with Bev McAlpin and Linda Barb.


Pat Phillips of the Champaign-Urbana club received the Governor's Award from Governor Linda Barb.

The Champaign-Urbana Club received Letha H. Brown Award for their project, "Going for GOALS". Presented by Bev McAlpin and Governor Linda Barb.

The Champaign-Urbana Club received the Star Attendance Award, more than 37% of their members attending--18 of them! — with Heidi Imker and Linda Barb. (caption by Bev Herzog)

The Warsaw Club received the Mamie L. Bass Service Award for "Bingo for Beaman House." This award was presented by our International guest, Bev McAlpin and Governor, Linda Barb.

Quincy received the net growth award for growing 25% in the past year. Presented by Donna Chapel (right).


Jewelry making was a workshop offered by the Springfield Club. It has been a great way to make money for their club, build team spirit, and actually recruit new members. What woman doesn’t like jewelry? When you think about it, making jewelry is an activity that could appeal to someone age sixteen or age eighty. One of the youngest and newest members of their club, Chris Scanlon, joined because of her interest in social service and jewelry making.

Springfield member, Chris Scanlon. She made the jewelry she is wearing in this picture.

Carol Sobeck (right) led the jewelry making class. She is holding bracelets used as examples for those in Workshop.


Judi Nystrom

The paper flowers on the centerpiece (above)were made by Springfield’s President, Judi Nystrom

Springfield International Folk Dancers

Abraham Lincoln


The Springfield Club

Mary Alice Bertram and Lola Perkett (from Evansville)

Dana Vierck, First Vice Governor and Vivian NaJim Muncie club


Need of Loving Folk need a lot of loving in the morning; The day is all before, with cares beset— The cares we know, and they that give no warning; For love is god’s own antidote for fret.

Mothers and Daughters

Folk need a heap of loving at the noontime— In the battle lull, the moment snatched from strife— Halfway between the waking and the croontime, While bickering and worriment are rife. Folk hunger so for loving at the nighttime, ’When wearily they take them home to rest— At slumber song and turning-out-the-light time— Of all the times for loving, that’s the best. Folk want a lot of loving every minute— The sympathy of others and their smile! Till life’s end, from the moment they begin it, Folks need a lot of loving all the while. Strickland Gillilan

Elaine Wolf recognizes those that have passed on. Neveta Salmons is lighting a candle for a member that passed from her club.


Darla Haley from the District 186 talks about “Undies Sunday.”

Undies-Sunday is a rare and remarkable blessing! I had the unique pleasure of attending Altrusa’s District Six Conference on a beautiful Sunday morning, although my excitement began to mount earlier that week. I have a tremendous admiration for the Altrusans in Springfield, and highly anticipated meeting members from other areas of the state. As Nancy graciously led me to the conference room, we stopped at the most impressive display of undergarments I had ever seen. My heart was overjoyed as my thoughts drifted back to the first time Altrusa donated undergarments to our program for homeless children and youth within Springfield Public Schools. As the Homeless Liaison for District 186, I was unprepared to meet the increasing need of undergarments for students without a stable place to call home. I remember the phone call that prompted me to seek help from the community. It was concerning a withdrawn 5th grade girl that was experiencing difficulty in school because of “inappropriate attire”. Her family was living in their car and lost most of their belongings when the vehicle was impounded. She and her sister shared what little they managed to keep including their undergarments. Students teased her relentlessly when she confided that she didn’t always have underwear or socks to wear to school. Over 600 homeless children and youth have been identified over the past two years, and many lack the necessities required to attend and be successful in school. They often experience discomfort and humiliation and undergarments are considered a luxury in their lives. Many homeless families would not receive assistance without the generosity of this project. Altrusa has ignited hope and awareness within our community. You have encouraged the hearts and minds of educators, and your service continues to improve the welfare of children living in poverty.

Humbly, Darla Haley


Bev McAlpin, the International Director for the 2013 – 2015 biennium. Bev McAlpin Reiterated ‘The Power of One’ that the International President challenges us with. “During this biennium I challenge each of you to join in to experience the ‘power of one.’ This simply means each club member takes on the responsibility to help their club grow, each year of the biennium, by one net member. With this modest growth we will see the membership numbers jump by 700 and have us well on the way to being the service club to join in all our communities!” Bev reminded us to talk up Kansas City where the next International Convention will take place in 2015! She made us aware of the new Altrusa Reference Guide (the Altrusa Encyclopedia). Also the “e-blasts” that come from International go to everyone. Send International, pictures of what is happening in your clubs. They are interested in replacing some of the old pictures they have with new ones.

Bev McAlpin modeled the new shirts available to us in a navy blue.


Dekalb-Sycamore Altrusans invited us to next year’s conference. They are pictured singing the Theme song to “Green Acres” below.

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