May 2014 Cheerful Earful

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THE CHEERFUL EARFUL MAY 2014 This newsletter is brought to you by the Communication Committee of the Macomb Altrusa Club, Macomb, Illinois

“Leading to a Better Community” Altrusa is an international non-profit organization making our local communities better through leadership, partnership and service

Next Meeting Information The Program: Installation of Officers and Potluck The Membership Committee is hosting When: May 28, 2014 Time: 6:00pm Where: Everly House SEE PAGE 3 FOR WHAT FOOD YOU SHOULD BRING TO THE POTLUCK! NOTE DIFFERENT TIME!

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Contents  Next meeting information  Minutes from April meeting  Additional Announcements  “Just a minute with a member”  Calendar of Events

DRAFT OF MINUTES Altrusa International of Macomb April 23, 2014 General Meeting

Service Committee hosted the meeting. Heather Munro spoke about World Book Night and Altrusa Bingo was played. President Elect, Cindy Roon called the meeting to Order with the Pledge of Allegiance. Altrusa Bingo! Minutes March meeting were approved by a motion by Lynne Brinker, seconded by Sarah Featherlin, motion carried as reported in the Cheerful Earful. The Treasurer’s report prepared by Marsha McCormick will be filed for audit. Correspondence –Chamber newsletter and thank you letters from Spoon River Nursing Scholarship.

Service-Penny Pollock: Scholarship committee will be reviewing the Traditional and Nontraditional applications. Membership-Karen Trusley: Installation of officers will be held at the next general meeting. This will be a potluck and each standing committee has been requested to bring the following. Salads- Finance Dessert-Service Communication-Vegetable and/or Fruit Membership-will provide main dish Heather Munro introduced guest Barb Grindstaff. Old business: Sandy Collier stated the information on the Summer Tutoring program has been given to the schools and applications are coming in. A motion by Miriam Satern and seconded by Lynne Brinker, all in favor to move enough money from the account to the Tutoring so, a fourth child can apply for a scholarship. Heather Munro and Cindy Roon will be attending the Annual Conference. New business: Heather Munro presented the

Standing committees gave the following reports: Communication-Karen Iversen: no report Finance-Marsha McCormick: no report

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club with a gavel. Kathy Wyatt volunteered to be co-chair with Jean Sowers for the Annual Bazaar. Send your ideas as to where and whom for the next year’s Club meeting and speakers to Nancy Dobey by May 10th. Next Board meeting will be Tuesday, May 13th Everly House @ 5:30 p.m.

Next General Meeting will be held May 28 at 6 p.m. Everly House-potluck


Upon a motion of adjournment by Penny Pollock, seconded by Sara Featherlin, all in favor.

The May 28th meeting will be a potluck at 6pm at Everly House. Based on the committee you are on, please bring:  Finance: Salads  Service: Desserts  Communication: Appetizers/fruit trays/veggie trays The membership committee will provide the main course as well as drinks and tableware. We look forward to seeing you all for the installation ceremony. Reminder to bring guests! Karen Trusley

Attendance: Lynne Brinker, Sandy Collier, Judy Dallinger, Nancy Dobey, Valerie Dugan, Sara Featherlin, Karen Iversen, Judy Kentner, Laura Lessard, Heather Munro, Marsha McCormick, Penny Pollock, Paula Rhodes, Cindy Roon, Alta Sargent, Miriam Satern, Rosalie Severinsen, Kelly Shiraki, Thelma Smiddy, Jean Sowers, Lin Stults, Karen Trusley Sara Wood, Kathy Wyatt and Ann Abbot. Respectfully submitted, Ann Abbot

DUES Dues will be due by Wednesday, May 28 at our meeting.

Dues will be $75 for the 2014-2015 year. Remember it was passed at the March meeting for the dues increase. Please get check payable to Altrusa International of Macomb to Marsha McCormick by May 28th as she has to have turned in by June 1st or we’ll get a penalty for being late. If you can have the check to me before then that will be great. Marsha McCormick, Treasurer Page 3 of 7

DISTRICT SIX CONFERENCE Heather Munro and Cindy Roon attended the District Six Conference. Macomb Altrusa member Cindy Roon with District Six Governor Elect Chris DeVlieger at the District Six Conference held in Springfield, May 2-3.

For lots more photos of Cindy and Heather at the District Six Conference check out their photo album on the Macomb Altrusa Facebook page 751594328218585.1073741855.14072731 5971959&type=3

Check out the Conference video!!


“Save a Date”

Let’s be a part of World Book Night

June 29th at the Macomb Municipal Airport – to assist the Colchester Lions Club with their Pancake Breakfast.

The way World Book Night works:  Volunteers apply to be “Book Givers”  Free books are shipped to bookstore

Starting at 7:00 and Running until 12:00 with Clean-up to follow. Will have signup sheet at May and June Meetings. Remember – they help us with The Altrusa Bazaar every year! Thank You Just had a phone call from Roger Hodges of the Colchester Lions Club. In requesting our help for the Airport Breakfast and Labor Day Sandwich Tent, they would Very Much like to Donate Money to our Summer reading program or sponsor a student/teacher. They know how valuable our group is in the community as well as the time we spent helping them. --FROM LIN STULTS


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 Books are picked up by volunteer  Volunteer gives free books away to “light” readers How we can do this: Step 1: Sign up for the World Book Night newsletter Step 2: here is link for newsletter signup: Step 3: look at the newsletter-- it will tell when applications are available Step 4: Complete application (apps. available between Oct.-Jan.) - Apply to be a book giver of one title in the applications; givers make three choices from the list of available titles Step 5: books are sent to bookstore; volunteer picks them up and gives the books away!

Macomb Altrusa members Heather Munro and Cindy Roon at the District Six Conference held in Springfield, May 2-3.


In our Community

World Book Night 2014!

Members Karen Trusley and Sara Featherlin gave out books at Grand Prairie Assisted Living.

Members Paula Rhodes and Penny Pollock gave books out a Jefferson House Members Anne Abbott and Jean Sowers gave books out at Bickford Cottage Page 5 of 7

Congratulations to nursing students Sue Gilliam and Jennifer Cavett for being selected as the Macomb Altrusa Scholarship recipients! The two Spoon River College nursing students who received scholarships from Macomb Altrusa with club members Penny Pollock far left and Liz Duvall far right.

Link to Macomb Area Chamber of Commerce newsletter: /wpcontent/uploads/2014/05/May2014.pdf

“Just a minute with a member� Each month we will feature a Macomb Altrusan - to learn a little bit more about each other! Say Hello to Rosalie Severinsen our V ice-President and our featured member of the month! Rosalie, tell us a little bit about yourself! I was born in Cedar Rapids, 5 miles from my home in Marion, Iowa, the oldest of 5 children. I married my high school sweetheart in 1951, and we had 2 children. Our daughter, Kay, was born while Norm was in Korea, and our son, Kris, two years later. In 1961, we moved to Macomb, where Norm taught graduate classes in Counselor Education at WIU, and our children enrolled at the Lab school. In 1965 I began to attend classes at WIU, half-time. Ignoring my passion for math & science, I found Speech/Language Pathology fascinating, and finished my B.S. in December 1972, later adding M.A. and more.

What type of work have you done? I always worked with children--Bluebirds and teaching Sunday School during high school, Brownies, Scouts, 4H, in Macomb. I served Roseville and Monmouth schools for 20 years. I loved the job and the children I worked with; I had 17 student teachers to train, too. I quit in 1992 to take care of my husband, who had Parkinson's disease for 38 years.

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How did you get involved with Altrusa? How have you been involved with Altrusa? Wanda Black invited me to join Altrusa, along with many others. I had attended the Bazaar several times and was delighted to be involved from then on. I also appreciated getting to know more Macomb women outside the WIU groups, where I was very active. I invited a number of my friends, and a goodly number of them also joined Altrusa. I managed summer tutoring and 2 years writing the yearbook (first vice pres.) I did Adopt-A-Classroom since early on except for 1-2 years when Norm was so ill. At least 6 of the new members I brought in served as president of Altrusa.

Tell us one (or more!) surprising thing(s) about you! I sewed my own clothes since age 12 and have made everything you can think of. For Trinity Lutheran Church, I have made and donated 18 altar hangings, 7 chasubles, and dozens of banners. I have sewed 1,200 school bags for Lutheran World Relief, and just cut out 50 more. I have been in the Baby TALK program at MDH since inception, ordering baby books and visiting new mothers. I do all the volunteer work I can, now. Hobbies: stained glass, cooking. Norm and I traveled to 50 other countries and took 8 cruises. We took our families and all 7 grandchildren on a cruise to Alaska in 2001. My sister and I will cruise to St. Petersburg, Russia, this summer.

2013-2014 Macomb Altrusa Officers and Board

Kelly Shiraki May 19

President Liz Duvall President-Elect Cindy Roon Past President – Miriam Satern Vice-President Rosalie Severinsen Recording Secretary Anne Abbott Treasurer Marsha McCormick Corresponding Secretary Kelly Shiraki

Judi Dallinger June 9 Committee Chairs: Communication – Karen Iversen Finance – Marsha McCormick Membership – Karen Trusley Service – Penny Pollock

Calendar of Events May 26 – Oakwood Cemetery Walking Tours May 26

Memorial Day

June 7 – Community Shred Day June 20 - MACCDDC 2014 Annual Member Golf Outing June 29 – We are all Helping at the Lions Pancake Breakfast Page 7 of 7

Macomb Altrusa members Heather Munro and Cindy Roon at the District Six Conference held in Springfield, May 2-3.

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