The Cheerful Earful
Monthly newsletter of the Altrusa Club of Macomb, IL
November/December 2015 Website: Facebook: Email:
Next meeting information Karen’s Korner October meeting minutes Bazaar photos Updates Just a minute with a member Calendar of Events
Next Meeting Information What: Speaker from Mosaic and stuffing Mosaic Christmas bags Where: Old Bailey House, 100 S. Campbell St., Macomb When: Dec. 2 at 6:00pm Soup Supper - all food provided by the Service Committee
Karen’s Korner Wow, can you believe how fast 2015 went? It seems like yesterday we were gearing up for school to start; now we are gearing up for December graduation and finals. Thank you all for an amazing Bazaar. I am excited to hear how we did :)! Thank you for your continued dedication to Altrusa and to our community. Karen Trusley, Club President
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Draft of October 2015 Meeting Minutes
Membership: No report Service: Make a Difference Day went well. Cookies etc. were delivered to Police, Fire Departments. Rake leaves this Saturday at the Old Bailey House. CASA is asking for donations for children in foster care.
The Membership committee hosted the meeting with guest speaker Terri Hare from the WIU Scholarship office. President Karen Trusley called the meeting October 28th to order. Members stood to say the Pledge of Allegiance. Thelma Smiddy introduced her guest, Jan Beck. Minutes from Sept meeting: Cindy Roon moved Jean Sowers seconded. Approved. Treasurers report: 2 debits not on report: Copperfield's, Lincoln Library. Motion to file for audit, approved.
Tutoring: Suggestions: Goal of tutoring 25 students next summer. Treasurer will keep track of direct donations for tutoring program. Liability waiver on application for parents. Tax exempt status is needed in order to receive grants from various sources. Sandy and Karen I will be speaking to Retired Teachers on Nov. 13. Jean Sowers is co-president of this organization and will also speak about being a tutor. Bazaar: all vendor spaces are filled Heather reported on publicity. Miriam reported on Baskets and asked for more volunteers to help her. Friday night Nov. 13 – work night starts at 4:30. Saturday work begins a 6 am. Cake will be served starting at 1:30 by Alta. Old Business: Please email Liz if you are unable to attend a general meeting. Please respond to emails so the sender knows you received and read it. Adopt a classroom – Karen I. Will read in Mrs. Scott's classroom on Nov 19 Mrs. Olson has not responded about a date to read in her class. Nancy, Cindy, and Paula helped collect for Lions fundraiser at West Prairie homecoming parade.
Committee reports Correspondence: None Finance: Shop & Share brought in $104.14 Brae will pick up the check from HyVee this week. Communications: New photos on Facebook, the newsletter is on Facebook. Each committee has a column in the newsletter. There will be a Nov. /December newsletter.
Kiwanis sponsored School Sack Program is requesting a donation. It is not in our budget for this year so if you would like to make an individual donation, see Brae. Meeting was adjourned at 8:10 Respectfully submitted by Karen Iversen
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Many more photos on the Macomb Altrusa Facebook page!
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Tutoring Program
Updates Thanks to all members for a wonderful 2015 Altrusa Bazaar on Nov. 14! We celebrated the 50th Anniversary of the Bazaar with a great day! All proceeds from the Bazaar will go towards supporting our community literacy projects!
Communications Committee There were two stories about the Altrusa Bazaar in the McDonough County Voice newspaper one on the day before the Bazaar, Fri. Nov. 13 and another on Mon. Nov. 16. Links to the stories:
Donations to the Tutoring Program To date, the donations to our 2016 Summer Tutoring Program are: Colchester Lion’s Club - $400 Hy Vee Shop and Share - $104.14 McDonough County Retired Teachers $125 Donation Jar at Bazaar - $17.75 Total - $646.89
Thank you to our donors!
The Cheerful Earful Staff Editor:
Heather Munro
Karen’s Korner:
Karen Trusley
Minute with a Member: Karen Iversen Our Favorite Recipes: Lara Lessard Reader’s Corner:
Ann Abbot
Calendar and Events:
Lynne Brinker
Photographers: Lin Stults, Miriam Satern 116/NEWS/151119531
“Leading to a Better Community” Altrusa is an international non-profit organization making our local communities better through leadership, partnership and service
This newsletter is brought to you by the Communication Committee of the Macomb Altrusa Club, Macomb, Illinois
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Service Committee Mosaic Bags at Dec. meeting
Bring 102 items! At our December meeting we will be filling treat bags for Mosaic.
Make-A-Difference Day Project Oct. 24 To thank local First Responders for serving our community Macomb Altrusans baked cookies and other treats and delivered them on Make-a-Difference Day.
Festival of Trees We will be volunteering at the Festival of Trees Dec. 5 and Dec. 6. This event benefits the McDonough District Hospital.
We have 102 bags to fill. Please bring 102 items of your choice to put in the bags. Items should be small enough to fit inside a small gift bag. Examples of items: toothbrushes, pencils, small gadgets, Xmas items, etc. The bags will be given to Mosaic residents as their “stocking” for Christmas.
Wrapping Gifts for Project Santa We will be wrapping presents for Project Santa on December 3rd. Paula had a signup sheet that she passed around at the Bazaar & will pass around at the December meeting. There are time slots throughout the day.
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with a member
Each month we feature a Macomb Altrusan - to learn a little bit more about each other. "Minute" by Karen Iversen, Communications Committee member Say "Hello" to Kerrie Bishop, our featured member of the month! Tell us a little about yourself. I am 37 years old, grew up in the suburbs of Chicago and came to Macomb for college. I double majored in Law Enforcement Justice Administration and Sociology and received by BS in 2000. I came back for grad school and received my MA in Sociology in 2003 and my MA in Law Enforcement Justice Administration in 2011. I am divorced but dating a nice man and have a 8 year old daughter who is amazing and very active! I live in Macomb and have 2 cats.
What type of work have you done, and/or are currently doing? I'm currently a police corporal for the Office of Public Safety at WIU and a part time instructor. Please tell us something that most people might not know about you. Something most people don't know (2 things)-my eyes change color and I love WWII history, especially German history. What do you like to do for fun? I like to travel, camp, fish, hike, run, shop, go antiquing, read, cook and go out to eat, etc. I also attend church services when I can. Who introduced you to Altrusa? What is your involvement in Altrusa now? Karen Trusley introduced me to Altrusa. I'm technically on the service committee but I'm not as active as I like due to my work schedule and my child but try to come when I can. I'm also involved in Kiwanis and Big Brothers Big Sisters.
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Calendar 8
12-2 General Meeting, Old Bailey House, 6:00 p.m. Soup Supper and MOSAIC Christmas bags 12-5 and 6 Festival of Trees West Central Illinois Arts Center 12-4 and 5 Dickens on the Square 1-14 January Board Meeting Everly House 5:15 p.m. 1-27 January General Meeting, 6:30 p.m. City Hall Community Room, Dessert Meeting
2015-2016 Macomb Altrusa Officers and Board President - Karen Trusley Vice-President – Penny Pollock Past President - Cindy Roon Recording Secretary – Liz Duvall Treasurer – Brae Hattaway Corresponding Secretary – Karen Iversen Chair: Communication Comm.: Heather Munro Finance Committee:
Brae Hattaway
Membership Comm.:
Jeanie Sowers
Service Committee:
Paula Rhodes