September 2015 Cheerful Earful

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The Cheerful Earful

Monthly newsletter of the Altrusa Club of Macomb, IL

September 2015 Website: Facebook: Email:


Karen’s Korner Hard to believe that we are already

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Next meeting information Karen’s Korner August General minutes Sept. Board minutes Updates Our Favorite Recipes Reader’s Corner Calendar of Events Bazaar information

Next Meeting Information

What: Kassie Courson of McDonough County VIBE will speak about Fundraising

Where: Everly House When: September 23 at 6:30pm Hosted by the Finance Committee

halfway through September and 4 weeks into the school year (not that I am counting). Thank you to those members who came to our four club get together on September 13th and to those of you who sent your items that you were responsible for with another member or dropped them off early. It was a fun day full of laughter and idea sharing. It's amazing to hear about the other clubs service and membership ideas. We also heard some really great fundraising ideas. There are so many things to do in a community! We will soon begin our Adopt A Classroom at Lincoln School and continue planning our Annual Bazaar. At our next meeting, we will also be collecting children's books to donate. Looking ahead, we will also be discussing some membership recruitment ideas so that our club can continue to increase in size. Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns about the club and the direction that we are headed. I am happy to hear suggestions that you might have to help our club. You are welcome to email me at any time. I want us all to have a good experience being a member of Altrusa International of Macomb and if there is a concern, please let me know.

Happy Fall, y'all! Karen T. , Club President

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Draft of August 2015 Meeting Minutes

Treasurer’s Report. The audit has been completed. The majority of the disbursements were tutoring payments. Correspondence: Karen Iversen- No report.

August 26, 2015 General Meeting at Western Illinois University, Macomb, Illinois at 6:30 p.m. The members enjoyed a presentation by Marla Vizdal about the history of Vishnu Springs.

The Communications Committee provided lemonade and cookies. The following members were in attendance: Alta Sargent, Ann Abbot, Brae Hattaway, Heather Munro, Jeanie Sowers, Karen Iversen, Karen Trusley, Kathy Wyatt, Lara Lessard, Lin Stults, Liz Duvall, Lynne Brinker, Marsha McCormick, Miriam Satern, Nancy Dobey, Paula Rhodes, Peggy Ma, Sara Wood. The business meeting was called to order at 7:05 p.m. The members recited the Pledge of Allegiance. President Karen Trusley asked if any guests were present. Rebecca Buchanan, friend of Miriam Satern. The minutes of the July 2015 were presented for approval. Lynne Brinker moved to approve, seconded by Alta Sargent, approved by all “ayes”. Treasurer’s Report: Brae Hattaway reviewed the

Standing Committee Reports: Finance: Brae Hattaway reported the following: They are working on trying to reschedule the Shop-N-Share at Hy-Vee and submitted possible days. Communications Committee: Heather Munro reported that the newsletter was sent out by email and on Facebook. Thanks to the committee members for their help and rescheduling the meeting. Our meeting photographs were on the Facebook page and in the newsletter. The Bazaar information was sent by email and were posted on Facebook. Please share the information. Our Bazaar is listed in The Choice community calendar. The newspaper has a new editor and he will be doing a feature story about the Bazaar. She reminded members about the Altrusa Quad-Club meeting on September 13. Please invite your friends. Membership Committee: Jeanie Sowers reported bring your friends. Our District Six committee visitor is unavailable. She is looking for speaker ideas for October. Service Committee: Paula Rhodes-thanks to everyone who brought school supplies for the teachers and will be distributed to teachers later in the year. Next month, please bring young reader books (K-8th grade) for the YMCA Little Library. Tutoring Committee: Karen Iversen reported the tutoring is completed. She discussed the evaluation form that is sent to the parents after tutoring. We usually receive around half of the surveys back. The feedback was positive. Jeanie Sowers is looking for tutoring program history and is talking to past members to obtain information.

The Cheerful Earful – September 2015 Page 3 of 14 Bazaar Committee: Kathy and Cindy reported. The high school is reserved. The health department application has been filed. Cindy will go out to the school and sign the contract. Jeanie said they would not issue the insurance until the old one has expired. The management of the kitchen has changed. Ann reported that the kitchen committee met last Saturday. The Bazaar sub-committee sign-up was passed around. It is

plan on attending the services projects if possible. Karen received a request from the Macomb Lions Club to help with their candy sales on Saturday October 3 from 8 am to 12 pm. Please let Cindy know if you can help. They will also help us with the Bazaar. Karen was notified about a RAGBRI even to Macomb. It will be a bike ride from Quincy to Chicago. As more information is available, we will commit later. Karen will reach out to Jan to get more information.

the 50th year of the Bazaar. Kathy and Cindy have some proposed ideas on how to observe the occasion. Lin Stults will make a donation of a women’s watch to give away. Paula Rhodes suggested having a sheet cake to give away a piece or mini-cupcakes to our customers and have Alta at the table. Any suggestions for giveaways are welcome. Jeanie suggested the club members get special 50th t-shirts to wear at the Bazaar. Old Business: Please email Liz if you are missing a meeting. The service hour binder was also passed around. New Business:

Karen discussed the Quad Club meeting. Please plan on attending and check the newsletter for the potluck information. Please wear your club shirt. If you have lost your nametag, please let Lin know. Announcements: The Macomb Women’s club statue dedication is September 12 at 1:30p.m. The next board meeting is September 10, 2015 at 5:15 p.m. the Everly House. The next general meeting is September 23, 2015 location and time to be determined. The Quad Club Meeting is September 13th. The meeting was adjourned at 7:56 p.m. Submitted by Liz Duvall, Recording Secretary

Lin Stults discussed volunteering with the Lions Club on September 6th to help in the food tent. Karen Trusley asked if anyone has an open meeting to invite our District Six representative to attend. Jeanie suggested the May meeting. Heather offered to contact Jan and invite her to the May meeting. Karen requested that we support one another: Be Courteous and respond to emails sent to you. We are all really busy but we can all respond. Please

If you will not be at a meeting please email Liz Duvall at

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Altrusa Board Meeting Minutes

Altrusa Board Meeting

UPDATES Bazaar Committee

09/09/15 Present: Jeanie Sowers, Cindy Roon, Penny Pollock, Karen Iversen, Heather Munro, and Karen Trusley Business Items: a) Club get together with Quincy, Canton, and Galesburg: the board will provide hot dogs, hamburgers, and buns. Penny will get the meat and Karen T. will get buns. We can then decide how to divide up the cost. Karen T. will take care of preparing icebreakers and pickup the candy for the event. b) District Officer visit: after much discussion, the board members present felt that giving Jan her requested meeting date of March was worthwhile. We will ask Andy T. to reschedule. c) Alzheimer’s Walk: an email will go out about sending in donations. The event is next Saturday the 19th at Veterans Park. d) Finance—treasurer’s report was submitted and no one had questions. Membershipno report Communication-various items; Service-bring children’s books to 9/23 meeting; Tutoring-appears that all tutors are now paid and final reports will be shared at next meeting; Bazaar: discussion of banners/signs, baskets, next kitchen meeting, budget concerns, etc.

Baskets for the Altrusa Bazaar Once again we will raffle off gift baskets at the Altrusa Bazaar on November 14. Miriam will bring a sign-up sheet to our next meeting on September 23. The signup sheet will have a list of suggested "themes" to use when assembling the items for your basket. However, you are not limited to selecting one of the themes we suggest. Feel free to suggest a theme of your own. Regardless, put your name on the sign-up sheet next to one of the suggested "themes" or add your name to the list together with the "theme" you will use when putting your basket together. We will also begin collecting baskets at the September 23 meeting. If you have a basket you want to recycle, please bring it to the meeting so we can share it with someone that is providing items for one of the gift baskets we will raffle off at the Bazaar. So...two ways you can help with the Gift Basket Raffle for the Bazaar -- donate a basket and/or provide items to fill a basket. The gift baskets have brought in over $300 in each of the past three years. We anticipate that this year's raffle will be just as successful as past years. Thanks in advance for your support.

Miriam Satern and Brae Hattaway,

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Membership Committee

Finance Committee

Shop-N-Share Time again! From the Chair of our Membership Committee: INVITE A GUEST TO THE OCT. MTG. Our October meeting is coming up. This is a fun time and a great venue to invite guests! We will be at Georgetown Country Club with a pot luck dinner. Members please invite a guest to our October meeting so they can experience Altrusans having a great time, planning Finance Committee our bazaar, enjoying delicious food and warm friendship! Jeanie Sowers, Chair, Membership Committee

Our rescheduled Shop-NShare will be the weekend of October 2nd-4th.

This is WIU’s Homecoming weekend! PLEASE PRINT OUT SHOP-N-SHARE coupons on next page and give to all friends/family!! All they have to do is hand in the slip and HyVee will give our club 10% of the total! Brae Hattaway, Chair Finance Comm.

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Service Committee

Volunteering in our Community!

September Community Service Project The Service Committee is asking for members to bring children's books to the Sept 23. meeting. Books for high school students can also be donated. The committee will take these books to the McDonough County YMCA Little Free Library, where they may be taken by anyone who visits the little library and wants to read a book.

Here are members of the Altrusa Club of Macomb IL volunteering at the food tent on Sunday, Sept. 6 - celebrating Labor Day at the big celebration in Colchester, IL. The food tent is run by the Lions Club of Colchester and Macomb Altrusa helps out and in turn the Colchester Lions help us out at our big Annual Altrusa Bazaar. Service clubs helping each other out.

Walk to End Alzheimer's The Walk to End Alzheimer's will be held on Sat. Sept. 19 at 10am at Veteran's Park! For more information contact Team Captain Cindy Roon.

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Tutoring Program Committee

Communications Committee

The Summer Tutoring Program is now concluded. A full report will be emailed to all members in the near future. Please look it over for complete details of how the program helped children so they will be successful students this school year! Read what all our hard work at fundraising helped accomplish!

The October newsletter will be emailed to all members on Weds. Oct. 21. Please submit any items for publication by Sunday Oct. 18!!

The Cheerful Earful Staff Editor:

Heather Munro

Karen’s Korner:

Karen Trusley

Minute with a Member: Karen Iversen Our Favorite Recipes: Lara Lessard

Please consider becoming involved in the Tutoring Program by becoming a member of the Tutoring Program Committee!

Reader’s Corner:

Ann Abbot

Calendar and Events:

Lynne Brinker

Photographers: Lin Stults, Miriam Satern

“Leading to a Better Community” Altrusa is an international non-profit organization making our local communities better through leadership, partnership and service

This newsletter is brought to you by the Communication Committee of the Macomb Altrusa Club, Macomb, Illinois

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4 CLUBS TOGETHER Sunday September 13 at the Trinity Lutheran Church

More photos on Macomb Altrusa Facebook page! Thanks to Jeanie Sowers, our photographer!

4 Club Presidents!

We enjoyed an Altrusan Get Together 4 Clubs Together! with guest Altrusans from the Canton Club, the Galesburg Club and the Quincy Club We enjoyed dinner together, made new friends and shared a good time together!

Canton Club members


Quincy Club members

Galesburg Club members

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Our Favorite Recipes Recipes gathered by Lara Lessard, Communications Committee member This is a recipe I got from my sister years ago and enjoy it often. --Lara Lessard Quick and Easy Alfredo Sauce  ½ cup butter  1 (8oz) package of cream cheese  2 tsp of garlic powder  2 cups of milk  6 oz of grated parmesan cheese  1/8 tsp ground black pepper Melt butter in medium, non-stick pan over medium heat. Add cream cheese and garlic powder, stirring with a wire whisk until smooth. Add milk, a little at a time, whisking to smooth out lumps. Stir in Parmesan and pepper. Remove from heat when sauce reaches desired consistency. Sauce will thicken rapidly, thin with milk if cooked too long. Toss with hot pasta to serve. I also add chicken and whatever else I would like.

Reader’s Corner Reviews gathered by Ann Abbot, Communications Committee member Featuring the favorite books of our members! From our President, Karen Trusley What is your favorite book or what are you reading now? I could not pick just one. I ended up choosing three of Karsyn's favorites that I have read to her since she was little. Give a brief description of the story line. Love You Forever just talks about the love of a mom and how she rocked her son and loved him through the years (little boy; teenager; into adulthood). It makes me cry every time I read it. In Lilly's Purple Plastic Purse, she is very excited about her new purse and it gets her into trouble at school because she is trying to show it to the class when it's not her turn. In the end, she learns a valuable lesson from her teacher. In Chrysanthemum, she is picked on for her name and it talks about her days at school being made fun of. The coolest part is at the end when the music teacher reveals that she is having a baby girl and names her Chrysanthemum; suddenly the other girls love her name. Why is this book one of your favorites? I think all three do a great job showing life experiences. In Love You Forever, it talks about a mother's love and how it lasts through the ages. I then really like Chrysanthemum and Lilly's Purple Plastic Purse because they are fun books with great story lines relating to adventures of a girl mouse.

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2015-2016 Macomb Altrusa Officers and Board President - Karen Trusley


Vice-President – Penny Pollock Past President - Cindy Roon Recording Secretary – Liz Duvall


International Peace Day


Grant applications due to International Foundation


Gazebo Art Festival and Al Sears Jazz Festival


International Peace Day


General Meeting, Everly House, 6:30 p.m.


WIU Homecoming Parade, 10:30 a.m.


Board Meeting at Everly House, 5:15 p.m.


World Food Day


Make A Difference Day


General Meeting, Georgetown Clubhouse Potluck dinner - time to be announced

Treasurer – Brae Hattaway Corresponding Secretary – Karen Iversen Chair: Communication Comm.: Heather Munro Finance Committee:

Brae Hattaway

Membership Comm.:

Jeanie Sowers

Service Committee:

Paula Rhodes

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Members - Bazaar information - letter and applications for vendors please share with anyone you know who is interested! BAZAAR VENDOR LETTER

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