Summer 2015 In Touch

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In Touch IllinoisIndianaKentucky

Summer 2015 Vol. 3, number 1 The quarterly newsletter for Altrusa International - District Six

Governor’s Message

Chris DeVlieger 2015-2017 District Six Governor

Inside this issue  Governor’s Message  District Conference Wrap-up  International Convention  Club News  News to use

Plant a Seed and Watch it Grow…this was the theme of our most recent District Six Conference. Thank you to everyone – my fellow District Six Board members, those of you who brought items for the Conversation Café, Swap-n-Shop, Displays & Exhibits or our District Six service project – and especially our hosts (and my fellow club members) the Altrusa club of DeKalb-Sycamore IL. It was a memorable weekend for a variety of reasons. Just like the flowerbeds in my yard, the Conference was filled with a variety of ideas for service projects, fundraisers, membership, leadership development and lots of fellowship. I love playing in the dirt and working with flowers/plants. It relaxes me. The same is true for Altrusa – expect I don’t play in dirt. However, I have the opportunity to grow and develop as a leader and become friends with people I might not have had the chance to do so otherwise. Gardeners think about, plan, and plant their gardens for a variety of reasons. Sometimes our gardens provide beauty, or a necessity for healthy food – or may be simply a labor of love. Just as every garden needs a few basic things, so do Altrusans. We need to:  Work the soil with the belief that flowers, like members, thrive in an environment most conducive to growth. When we belief in each other and those who lead and coach, everyone has the best opportunity right from the start for long-term success.  Plant seeds with encouragement and a positive expectation to succeed. Provide the nourishment of learning because work isn’t done after planting. In order to reach our maximum potential, we must continue to learn and monitor our growth. A little fertilizer and a sense of humor doesn’t hurt either.   Often plants need to be adjusted or pruned while growing, or even staked to help them develop. We must provide feedback and communicate joys, concerns, and opportunities with each other to help us reach our maximum potential. Things change. Life happens. Gardeners know conditions change and adapt. The same thing occurs in our district and clubs…changes with membership, service projects or community needs, leadership, fund raising, etc. Take time to discuss and plan what is or isn’t working in your club. Make your succession (or strategic) plan fit your club’s needs. Now I want you to close your eyes. Imagine all the different flowers and plants in your garden. Big, small, fragrant, purple, yellow, pink, etc. The sun is out; there’s a slight breeze; and you just finished pulling out all the weeds. Utopia. But wait…let’s add to your garden by asking new members to join you. It is fun to have a variety of perspectives and experiences to share. Plant a seed by inviting someone to join Altrusa and watch them grow. In the next several weeks and months as my journey as Governor begins, I am glad I can count on your support and friendship as I continue to learn and grow. I know the District Six Board, District Six Committee Chairs and all of you serving in a leadership role feel the same. It’s a wonderful time to be an Altrusan. Mark your calendar to join me and fellow District Six Altrusans on July 17 – 20, 2015 for the 54th Altrusa International Convention in Kansas City. Let’s JAZZ IT UP! With Altrusa Love, Chris DeVlieger, Governor Altrusa International District Six

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District Conference Wrap-up Altrusa District Six Conference Sandwich, Illinois April 17-19, 2015 Hosted by Altrusa International of DeKalb-Sycamore IL

District Six Officers 2015-2017 Governor Chris DeVlieger

Governor-Elect Dana Vierck

This year’s Theme:

First Vice Governor Becky Ray

“Plant a Seed, Watch it Grow!”

Second Vice Governor Jan Fritz

Director Becky Mercier

Held at the beautiful Timber Creek Inn & Suites in Sandwich, IL and hosted by the DeKalbSycamore club the 59th Annual District Six Conference was a conference to remember! Brimming with gorgeous flowers at every turn and chock full of informative talks and amazing speeches, the conference planted knowledge and grew friendships.

Treasurer Sue Whitaker

Secretary Elaine Wolf

Immediate Past Governor Linda Barb

There were 136 registrations with 26 of the 33 clubs in the District in attendance. A good time was had by all! Congratulations to the DeKalb-Sycamore IL club for an outstanding conference!

Due to unforeseen circumstances, the photographs by the professional photographer at the District Conference were not available at the time the newsletter went to press. We hope to share the photographs with you soon. The photos in this issue are from other sources.

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District Conference Wrap-up

Altrusa District Six Conference -Sandwich, IL - April 17-19, 2015

Highlights from Friday – Day 1 Workshops First Timers: Toni Ellis and Becky Ray, Lexington KY Strategic Plan: Eula Spears, Long Range Strategic Planning Committee Flower Creativity: Wenke Hansen, DeKalbSycamore, IL Starting the Conversation (Elder Care/Hospice): Karen Hagen

cards were then entered into two drawings for $50 gift cards. A popular event with strong participation by those presenting information and those who came to check it out. Clubs shared many great ideas – from meaningful, impactful service projects to unique fundraisers. This was a fun way to quickly meet, talk, discuss and learn about what other clubs are doing!

Conversation Café A new feature at the conference this year was the Conversation Café. Held on Friday evening from 4:15-5:30 p.m., thirteen of the 26 clubs attending presented posters and displays sharing information about their fundraisers, service projects and other club activities. Attendees picked up a “bingo” card and visited each display to get information and have their cards stamped. Completed stamped

Friday Night keynote speaker Tim Suter – “We live in a world of both great wealth and great need. The trick is finding ways to bring these two things together.”

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District Conference Wrap-up

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Altrusa District Six Conference -Sandwich, IL - April 17-19, 2015

Highlights from Friday – Day 1 Friday Night entertainment The NIU (Northern Illinois University) Steel Band

Carol Latham, International Director Altrusa International of Anaheim, CA District Eleven brought greetings from the International office and shared her expertise and knowledge of current issues facing Altrusa – the most pressing being retention of and recruitment of members. Charming and convivial, Carol made a point to give at least one hug to every single conference attendee!

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District Conference Wrap-up

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Highlights from Saturday – Day 2 At the Awards luncheon, the District Six Award winners were announced! Distinguished Clubs: Champaign-Urbana IL, DeKalb-Sycamore IL, Fox Valley IL, Galesburg, IL and Muncie IN.

Mamie L. Bass Service Award

Membership Growth: Canton, IL Member Sponsor Recognition: New member sponsors were recognized with 2, 4, 6, or 8 number pins, signifying the number of members they have sponsored.

Star Attendance Award: Springfield IL Rookie of The Year: Martie Lennane, Warsaw, IN

Winner - Galesburg IL Galesburg IL member Janet Mottaz accepts award from Carol Latham, International Board Director and Linda Barb, past Governor. Winning project was Fabulous Fridays: Galesburg Altrusa members taught life skills weekly at the alternative high school. 1st Runner-up: Decatur Altrusans Address Literacy Needs – Fund-raising efforts of Decatur IL Altrusans benefited the literacy needs of many community agencies. 2nd Runner-up: Baker Youth Club Monthly Meals – Warsaw IN Altrusa members provided a monthly meal for children in Bakers Youth Club, an after-school program.

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District Conference Wrap-up

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Highlights from Saturday – Day 2 At the Awards luncheon, the District Six Award winners were announced! Dr. Nina Faye Calhoun International Relations Award Winner - Champaign-Urbana IL

Altrusa Little Free Library

Letha H. Brown Literacy Award Winner -Connersville IN Altrusa Little Free Library – Connersville Altrusa members collaborated with others Little Free to develop a Little Free inAltrusa the community Libraryat a local park. Members assist in Library managing the operations of the library. 1st Runner-up: Community Partners for Family Literacy: Lafayette IN Altrusans have continued their involvement with Lafayette Adult Resource Academy by making bookmarks for participants in the annual Spell Day fund-raiser. 2nd Runner-up: Cuddle Bags: Children entering emergency shelters receive Cuddle Bags from the Evansville IN Altrusa Club. Bags include books, flashlight, blankets, pillow, and a stuffed animal.

Champaign-Urbana IL members Pat Phillips and Dawn Aubrey are flanked by Carol Latham, International Board Director and Linda Barb, past Governor. Winning project was East Central IL Refugee Center – Champaign-Urbana IL Altrusa provided bilingual dictionaries and “Welcome Kits” containing personal & domestic supplies to recent immigrants. 1st Runner-up: Micha 6:8: Bedford IN Altrusa members donated self-help books on sewing, jewelry making, cooking and pottery to a vocational training facility in Ghana Africa.

Governor’s Award Winner – Bev Herzog, ChampaignUrbana IL: Here is Bev with Linda Barb, Immediate past Governor.

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District Conference Wrap-up Highlights from Saturday – Day 2 Workshops Session 1 Marketing Altrusa to Younger Members: Carol Latham, International Director, spoke about getting and keeping younger members. She noted that there is “a delicate balance when you address membership issues” and that is a challenge in a club with younger and older members – she noted “…sometimes you just have to push through…!” in order to make your club successful and keep members. Treasurers: Elaine Wolf, District Treasurer went over how to keep records, manage dues and what do you do to get money? How To Ask Anyone For Anything: Lisa Ruby spoke about donors. Presidents: Linda Barb, Governor and Chris DeVlieger, Governor-Elect discussed what do club presidents do and how duties differ from club to club.

Session 2 Club Activity Reports: Bev Herzog, Champaign-Urbana, Jill Falls, Fox Valley IL and Janet Mottaz, Galesburg IL reviewed how to write a great report. Membership/Revitalization: Becky Ray, Second Vice Governor, Becky Mercier, Lexington KY spoke about getting new members. ASTRA: Angela Beck, Muncie IN, and Sue Whitaker, District Six Secretary discussed ASTRA clubs. Altrusa Website 101: Sandy Jablonski, Altrusa International Association Manager. spoke about upcoming changes to the website that will make it better and easier to use.

Installation Ceremony Elaine Wolf with Chris DeVlieger, Governor Entertainment Sat. night The Fareed Haque Trio with Jim Kanas

Altrusa International District Six Illinois - Indiana - Kentucky --- 33 clubs throughout our three states

District Conference Wrap-up

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Altrusa Memorial Service

Highlights from Sunday – Day 3

In Loving memory of District Six Altrusans 2014-2015


Memorial Service presented by Elaine Wolf, Past Governor Candles were lit by club members as each name was read.

Decatur Sally Crubaugh Fox Valley Harriet Roland Naomi Bronson Lake County Eileen Peterson Claudia Niva Macomb Wanda Black Rosalie Severinsen Springfield Dorothy Friedman Joy Kimler

ď‚? Indiana

Introduction of the 2015-2015 District Six Committee Chairs

Bedford Delores Duncan Donna Hawkins Bloomington Sue Ellenwood Connersville Ruth McFall Indianapolis Almarie Burke Marion Dixie Dixon Muncie Mary Kimmel Warsaw Mary Ann Cox

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District Conference Wrap-up Service Project

Over 3,000 items in total collected!

Attendees brought donations from their clubs to contribute to the service project. Items were collected for the DeKalb County Rehab and Nursing Center and DeKalb-Sycamore area animal shelters.

Silent Auction/Swap-n-Shop/Exhibits and displays always a popular part of the conference experience!

Be sure to make plans to attend the 2016 District Conference April 15-17, 2016 in Carmel IN It’s going to be sweet! Altrusa International District Six Illinois - Indiana - Kentucky --- 33 clubs throughout our three states

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District Conference Wrap-up

Stories from the Conference “It’s all in the Family”

What do you get when you are at the conference and you meet four

women of three generations in one family who all belong to the same club? You get matriarch Joanne Nisbett, her daughters Jan Roman and Jill Roman Falls and Jill’s daughter, Heather Falls. They are all members of the Altrusa Fox Valley IL club. Sisters Jan and Jill joined in 1991 and 2003, respectively. Jill’s daughter, Heather is an active member along with her grandmother, mother and aunt. Heather joined Altrusa when she was 19 years old and now is a seasoned member at the age of 26. Heather says Altrusa has been a part of her life for a long time. With her mother, her aunt and her grandmother all members Heather remembers helping and volunteering with Altrusa as a little girl right alongside her family members. Now as members of the same club, they are all happy to be participating and sharing the Altrusa experience together! The District Six Conference of 2015 was the first time the three generations had attended conference together. Perhaps this is the beginning of a family tradition?

There were other examples of Altrusan family togetherness at the Conference! There were also “sister sets” at the District conference too! Macomb IL club members’ sisters Liz Duvall and Penny Pollock attended the conference together for the first time. Chillicothe IL club members’ sisters Nancy Wilson and Marlene Kent have been to many conferences together and enjoy rooming together too!

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District Conference Wrap-up

Stories from the Conference The Many Faces at Conference The conference brings Altrusans from all over the district to share, interact, meet, visit, learn and enjoy each other. One of the best parts of the conference is meeting so many awesome individuals. No matter the age, or the place they come from, all Altrusans share the same positive energy, the same desire to do good where they are. Helen Widick of the Champaign-Urbana IL club is 93 years old and was one of the oldest members attending the 2015 District Six conference. She joined Altrusa in 1957 and has attended the district conference every year. She has never missed one! The 2015 District Six Conference is her 58th consecutively attended conference! She still attends club meetings with her friend and fellow club member, Mary Waters. Ashlee Bane, Muncie IN club joined Altrusa in 2008. At the age of 32, she is one of the younger members attending the District Six conference. She is the President-Elect of her club. She says she looks forward to the challenges and opportunities of presiding at her club and she hopes that she will be able to “ignite our membership!”

Sheila Ary, a member of the DeKalb-Sycamore club is originally from England. She joined Altrusa around 1986 and she is now 85 years old. With her friendly spirit and bright smile, she radiated great attitude throughout the conference! She helped with the silent auction at conference. Emily DeVlieger, Chillicothe, IL member, joined Altrusa in Feb. 2015 when she was 19 years old. She just turned 20, is a Bradley University student, and was attending her first conference. She volunteered with her mother’s club and has been helping at Altrusa events since she was about 13 years old. (Yes, she is our Governor’s daughter!) Pat Brown, member since 1982, Averil Schreiber, member since 1980 and Rosemarie Ostberg, member since 1993, all members of the DeKalbSycamore club fully enjoyed the conference experience. Rosemarie Ostberg, at the age of 86 was attending a District conference for the very first time! Asked if she was having fun, Rosemarie replied: “I haven’t had this much fun since the baby came and she’s 58 years old!”

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Say Hello to the 2015-2017 District Committee Chairs! ASTRA Angela Beck 107 N. Wintrop Road Muncie, IN 47304 (765) 286-4645 (765) 748-9670 B-R-R Sandie Moon 3868 Dorchester Avenue Gurnee, IL 60031 C (847) 625-9377 Club Building Bev Herzog 1913 Maynard Drive Champaign, IL 61822 H (217) 552-1123 C (309) 212-0686 Communications/InTouch Heather Munro 606 Meadow Drive Macomb, IL 61455 (newsletter info) (personal messages) H (309) 837-5490

Leadership Development Judi Nystrom 5 Lamplighter Lane Springfield, IL 62712 H (217) 529-2481 C (217) 725-5217 Long Range Strategic Planning Jill Falls 5 N 190 Meadow Drive St. Charles, IL 60175 C (630) 669-5396 Membership Development (Co-Chairs) •Lynne Waldrop 25911 N. Venovich Road Canton, IL 61520 (309) 647-3340 •Michelle Florea 449 N. Main Canton, IL 61520 C (309) 338-3286 Parliamentary Advisor Doris Kowalski 11 Fairway Road Galesburg, IL 61401 C (309) 335-6765 W (309) 343-4160

Facebook Sue Creighton 2118 White Tail Run Silver Fox Ridge Warsaw, IN 46580 H (574) 269-1170 C (574) 265-5451

Service Program Development (Co-Chairs) •Mary Ann Roach 222 Mount Pleasant Road Bedford, IN 47421 H (812) 275-6965 C (812) 277-5845 •Patricia Kirkman 823 N. Pike Road Springville, IN 47462 H (812) 275-3076 C (812) 327-2767

Foundation Liaison Sarah Johnson 2122 Wake Robin Drive West Lafayette, IN 47906 H (765) 463-1952

Webmaster Neveta Salmons 529 E. 2200th Street Liberty, IL 62347 H (217) 645-3749

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International Convention Altrusans, get ready to

Jazz It Up! at our 2015 International Convention! Dates: July 17-20, 2015 Location: Kansas City, MO Accommodations: Westin Kansas City at Crown Center (1 E. Pershing Rd, Kansas City, MO 64108) More information at

How “charming” is this? The Story behind the International Convention Charms Have you seen the charms for the Altrusa International Conventions? For each convention, a charm is created by the Doc Morgan company. Some Altrusans wear the charms on their Altrusa Ribbon Pin holder, some add it to a chain and wear it as a necklace or some have it on a charm bracelet. Each charm uniquely captures an aspect of the character of the convention location. Showing musical notes and piano keys, this year’s charm for Kansas City, Missouri speaks of the rich musical heritage of the area.

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Club news From around our district – Illinois  Indiana  Kentucky

Illinois CantonChampaign-UrbanaChicago's South SuburbsChillicotheDecaturDeKalb-SycamoreElgin Fox ValleyGalesburgLake CountyMacombParisPekinQuincySpringfield

Champaign-Urbana May 2 was the first Annual Fundraiser Style Show for the ChampaignUrbana IL club. They raised over $5,000! Here they are delivering the proceeds to the Eastern Illinois Foodbank. The actual total was $5041.06. That's enough to fund one high school food pantry for two years or two pantries for one year. Presenting the check were Centennial High School Food Pantry Co-Captain Anita Andrews and Style Show CoChairs Kathryn Hires and Ann Sargent. EIF staff member Kristen Costello accepted the check on behalf of the foodbank.

Elgin Elgin Altrusa International Club of Elgin, IL was honored for their 69 years of community service with the prestigious Elgin Mayor's Award for 2015.

Galesburg The Galesburg IL club mentored students at the Galesburg High School North and culminated the year with a trip. Altrusans took the students on the train to Chicago and visited the Art Institute and the “Bean” at Millennium Park.

Paris The Paris Altrusa Club celebrated its founding at the April meeting, marking 90 years of supporting a better Edgar County community.

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Club news From around our district – Illinois  Indiana  Kentucky

Indiana BedfordConnersvilleEvansvilleHamilton County HuntingtonIndiana Dunes IndianapolisJeffersonvilleKokomoLafayetteMarionMuncieNew AlbanyNew Castle Terre HauteWarsaw

Bedford Sara Kern, president of Altrusa International of Bedford Club, presented Betty Bundy with an Emeritus certificate awarded by Altrusa International and an additional Emeritus Certificate awarded by The District Six Board and Members of Altrusa International. Bundy received recognition for more than 20 years of dedicated service to Altrusa.

Lafayette Lafayette Altrusans assisted with graduation ceremonies at Lafayette Adult Resource Academy and presented a $500 check for scholarships in honor of the graduates.

Muncie Members are busy planning an Altrusa Auction for June 11. The theme will be “Seashells and Sunshine”. Here are District Six Past Governor Linda Barb and Brenda Williamson sharing with the Altrusa Club the fun details of the event!

Warsaw A great fundraiser was held for Warsaw Altrusa at the Culver’s restaurant. On May 6 from 5-8pm, the Warsaw club received a percentage of the sales. Funds raised will be used for their area service programs.

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Club news From around our district – Illinois  Indiana  Kentucky

Kentucky FrankfortLexington Lexington On the last day of their Book Club with the 5th Grade Girls at Harrison, Lexington Altrusans were surprised with a Big Thank You! The Book Club readers shared their interpretation of the meaning of Altrusa. Amazing Loyal Talented Reliable Unique Supportive Appreciated

News to use Attention -all Club Communication Chairs! Please send us your newsletter so we have your news! Each month send a copy of your Club newsletter to the following: 1. Heather Munro at for In Touch District Six newsletter 2. Sue Creighton at for Altrusa District Six Facebook 3. Nevata Salmon at for Altrusa District Six website 4. Tanika Wilson at for Altrusa International website Altrusa International District Six Illinois - Indiana - Kentucky --- 33 clubs throughout our three states

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News to use

Plan Ahead!

Altrusa District Six

District Communications

In Touch - the quarterly newsletter for Altrusa International—District Six

June Send in dues Approve and publish annual budget

July Start organizing Make a Difference Day project – name a committee July 17-21 International Convention! Will we see you in Kansas City?

August August 12 International Youth Day

September Treasurers: File IRS 990 form Sept. 8 Club’s Foundation; submit to IRS Sept. 15 International Literacy Day Grant applications due to International Foundation Sept. 21 International Peace Day

All issues available online: Heather Munro In Touch Editor

District Six website Neveta Salmons Altrusa District Six Webmaster

District Six Facebook page: Altrusa District Six Sue Creighton Facebook page manager

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or more information!

Go to the District Six website

Go to the Altrusa International website

Go to the District Six Facebook page

Go to the Altrusa International Facebook page

Also, be sure to visit YOUR OWN club website page and YOUR OWN Facebook page! If you don’t know how to find them –ask your Communication Chair or email Heather Munro, editor for assistance Altrusa International District Six Illinois - Indiana - Kentucky --- 33 clubs throughout our three states

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