Corporate Identity & Brand Standards Manual
This manual’s content contains the instructions of usage of the logo for eyeCam LLC., a company that is introducing a group of seven wireless headsets for real-time interactive voice and video communications and the intelligence to synchronize with human activity. As we continue to market towards a variety of audiences, from shareholders and customers, to suppliers and partners, having a consistent application of our brand is essential in maintaining eyeCam’s image.
company brief
construction fonts/minimum size color chart signature misuse
letterheads business cards
marketing product management
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BRANDING eyeCam introduces a group of seven wireless headsets for real-time interactive voice and video communications and the intelligence to synchronize with human activity. As eyeCam, we aim to become the new innovative way to communicate. Imagine a whole new world of connectivity. The main attraction to the company is the many gadgets that we offer for each person’s unique lifestyle.
Corporate Identity & Brand Standards Manual | BRANDING
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SIGNATURE eyeCam LLC’s signature is used to represent our organization in all its activities. This signature is the foundation of our new identity program, and it appears on a wide variety of media and implementation materials such as stationery, forms, printed literature and signs. The signature consists of only two elements: the symbol and the logotype.These elements are linked together in a unified arrangement. Because the signature is a registered trademark, the relationship between the elements are never altered. This ensures legal protectability, builds recognition and reinforces our position as an innovative communicative company.
Corporate Identity & Brand Standards Manual | SIGNATURE
CONSTRUCTION The signature is always reproduced from approved reproduction artwork. The signatures should never be constructed or redrawn. However, in certain approved circumstances, it may be necessary to recreate the signature (e.g., signs). In the event that construction is necessary and pre-approved, the following example shows the relative sizes and placement of signature components.
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FONT USAGE To help establish a consistent look and feel across a broad range of implementation materials, 2 type families have been selected for use on all media. These are Futura STD Bold and Univers LT STD. Together they provide for a great deal of versatility. Specimens of the most commonly used typefaces within these families are shown. Numerous versions of Futura STD are produced by different manufacturers. All the fonts used should match the samples shown on these pages. Do not substitute other typefaces in place of those specified. Never scale, condense, expand or otherwise modify any existing letterforms. If special circumstances require the use of other typefaces, contact the Design Department for approval.
Corporate Identity & Brand Standards Manual | SIGNATURE
Use the top logo whenever it is possible. The bottom eyeCam is used for contrast over dark areas only.
RICH BLACK BUILD: C: 40 M: 40 Y: 40 K: 100 Colors should not be reversed.
PANTONE: DS 221-4U1 C: 80 M: 25 Y: 0 K: 0
No strokes should be applied.
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STATIONERY SYSTEM All external and internal communications and promotional materials, including posters, brochures and marketing materials must be within eyeCam’s standards. The corporate communications department must approve of all materials.
Corporate Identity & Brand Standards Manual | STATIONERY SYSTEM
LETTERHEADS Approved letterhead formats are shown opposite and on the following pages. All letterhead use the same basic layout, colors and type specifications. The preprinted nomenclature present on a letterhead varies, depending on the specific origin of the document. Corporate letterheads, program and department letterheads, each possess different nomenclature. A range of examples are shown in the next few pages. Word processing specifications for the letter itself are given in the examples. They illustrate the correct organization of contents, approved typeface, line length and spacing.
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All corporate letterheads are reproduced using the specifications given below, and in approved pre-approved templates.
8.5 x 11 inches
415.378.9941 SF, CA 94156
type: 8.5/10.5 Univers LT STD, upper and lowercase, left-aligned, normal spacing. One line space after each paragraph before starting new.
Dear Jessica,
Thank you very much for your help during our recent store renovation. Your design experience and organizational skills really made a difference in how quickly we were able to re-open, and the new layout already seems to be increasing sales of some items!
We are planning a similar renovation of our satellite store on the West side, and I would like to contact you for your expertise on that project as well, as the time comes closer.
I have given your name to several executives who inquired about the new look, and I hope that this will help you to grow your business as well.
Thank you again, and I look forward to working with you in the future.
Neenah Classic Crest, Solar White Brightness 97, Smoothe, 24#. printing:
Two color offset lithography in eyeCam’s PANTONE DS 221-4U1.
Best regards,
Bryan Davis (Chief Executor of eyeCam)
Corporate Identity & Brand Standards Manual | STATIONERY SYSTEM
Bryan Davis Chief Executive
Business cards are reproduced using the specifications given below, and in templates. size:
3.5 x 2 inches
type: 7/9 Futura LT STD, upper and lowercase, left-aligned stock: Neenah Classic Crest, Solar White Brightness 97, Smoothe, 90#. printing:
Two color offset lithography in eyeCam’s PANTONE DS 221-4U1.
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EXTERNAL APPLICATIONS All external and internal communications and promotional materials, including posters, brochures and marketing materials must be within eyeCam’s standards. The corporate communications department must approve of all materials.
Corporate Identity & Brand Standards Manual | EXTERNAL APPLICATIONS
A. eyeSport eyeCam Product B. eyeCam Website C. eyeCam Marketing Ad D. eyeCam Brochure Cover A
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