Matteo de Francesco architectural P o r t f o l i o 2 0 1 6
Matteo de Francesco italian June 7th 1990, Rome, Italy +39 329 28 25 152 via dei savorelli 24, 00165, Rome SKYPE: | roma
2010 - 2015
Master Degree in Architecture (5yrs) 110/110 Graduation January 2016
2012 - 2013
Erasmus exchange programme (1yr) Faculdade de Arquitectura da Universidade Tecnica de Lisboa
2005 - 2009
Classical Higschool Degree Liceo Classico Dante Alighieri, Roma
SKILLS Photoshop InDesign Illustrator Autocad Ecotect
SketchUp Cinema 4 V-ray Revit Adobe Premiere
Mac OSK Microsoft Office Model making Hand-drawing Photography
2014 july-aug
2015 june
2015 aug
2016 aug
Two weeks architectural Workshop in Veliko Turnovo [BG] selected as a member of the italian Team - EASA workshop: Antiroom One week international Workshop in Rome student exchange with College of Architecture, Myongji University Seul, South Corea. - EASA workshop: New Design for EUR tower
Two weeks international Workshop in Valletta (MT) selected as a member of the italian Team -EASA workshop: Yo!
Two weeks international Workshop in Nida (LT) selected as a Tutor - EASA workshop:
TED talks
I was born in Rome on 7th June 1990,
I graduated in January 2016 with final mark 110/110; my thesis topic was the riqualification of the Lisbon riverside. I consider myself a dynamic, creative, ready to work alone and in team. During my studies I was reliable, accurate, I had a strong sense of duty and I am sure to be able to carry out satisfactorily the tasks assigned learning quickly and enthusiastically. During 2013 I moved to Lisbon at the Technical University (FAUTL) for one Erasmus year. In 2014 and in 2015 I have been selected as a member of the Italian team at EASA. Erasmus, Easa and other international experiences have allowed me to refine my skills and my optimistic attitude.
RIVER FRONT REDEVELOPMENT and new cultural center “DOCA da MARINHA” Lisbon, Portugal - Urban research and design Masterthesis, 110/110 2015-2016 promoter: Prof. Arch. Marina Pia Arredi
Parco Forestal do Monsanto
Mo nt
ijo -
C s ai do l va ei -S
o Sodré - Cacilh as Cais d
é dr So
Terre iro iro do Paço - B arre
Te rre i ro
do P
Relationship with the old town and the river Tejo
The thesis deals with a design
The project area is located at
of the port activities that pre-
analysis for the redevelopment
east of Baixa along the river
vent the connection between
of an area of the eastern front of
Tejo, and is fragmented and
the urban front and water.
the Tejo in Lisbon.
characterised by the presence Continuità trasversale > rivitalizzazione della rete infrastrutturale Continuità trasversale > rivitalizzazione della rete in
TRANSVERSAL CONTINUITY vitalization of the infrastructure network
NEW RIVER’S EDGE architectural project
LONGITUDINAL CONTINUITY redesign of the coast line
The area is affected by a particular condition: it is defined physically by two limits, from natural sources and other infrastructure. In the South facing the presence of water is a potential wealth for the venue, besides the costal margin over the centuries has been altered by man who changed its sandy nature through creation of embankments port activities that once took place there, subtracting a site of particular interest to the city.
In the northen part of the area there is a very important circulation sistem, Avenida Infante Dom Henrique. The Avenida create a main link path between the residential center. At the beginning of the 19th century began the construction of the railway line and the tramway line that draw a not-permeable barrier between the city and the river itself. The project aims to overcome these limitations in order to return this space Axonometric view of the project area
to the city and its citizens.
I felt important to identify a mode
connect even visual links between
of interest, it defines a new large
of intervention that could restore a
the area and the city. The need to
square for the city and thanks to
relation with the city.
return this space to the citizens is
its own shape, it allows to establi-
Possible relationships are not li-
made by the design of a new cul-
sh new relationships with the sur-
mited to the mere realization of
tural center.
rounding, binding neatly in the tra-
new crossing paths, but I tried to
The Center serves as a new pole
ditional prospectus citizen.
Planimetric and volumetric project
+ 0,0 + 0,6
+ 1,2
+ 0,6
+ 0,6
+ 1,2
+ 1,2
+ 0,6
- 4,5
+ 0,0
Accoglienza Punto informazioni Accettazione 33,10
iversità degli studi di Roma “Sapienza”
| Facoltà di Architettura
| Corso di Laurea Magistrale a Ciclo Unico in Architettura U.E. | A.A 2014/2015
latore: Prof. Arch. Marina Pia Arredi | Tesi in Progettazione Architettonica
+ 1,5
1st floor library plan
Library external view The first part of the project concerns the design of the library. It was developed as a translucent tower element. I chose a simple shape in order to consider it as a river landmark without entering into
conflict with the Alfama district. The Interior has been organised in order to have more free space as possible by giving to the furnitures the task of dividing the rooms.
Library internal view
Museum external view The second key element is the Museum an element developed in a horizontal way. The project idea was born by enclosing a large garden through concrete baffles, the building itself
is born by developing environments beyond these elements. Even here the spaces are large and simple in order to ensure maximum freedom for future interior organizers.
Museum internal view
prospetto S
+ 0,6
+ 1,2
+ 1,2
+ 0,6
+ 1,2
+ 1,2
+ 0,0
+ 0,6
Accoglienza Guardaroba Foyer
Sala auditorium
+ 0,0
Anello espositivo
prospetto N Amministrazione
26 60,70
26 Bookshop
- 4,8 + 0,0
- 4,8
Zona Ristoro Collegamenti verticali di servizio
+ 0,0
Prospetti Principali Scala 1:200 Laureando:
Matteo de Francesco, 1326319
prospetto O
+ 1,5
1st floor museum plan
+ 24,00
+ 18,00
+ 13,50
+ 9,00
+ 4,50
+ 0,00
- 4,50
Deposito Libri
+ 10,3
+ 4,50
+ 0,00
- 4,50
- 9,60
Section plan
locale tecnico - 4,50
Montacarichi opere grandi Deposito opere Deposito Attrezzature
- 9,60
manutenzione opere
sala concerto
installazione 1
evento 1
Zona smistamento opere showro installazione 2 showroom installazione 11
evento 2 evento 11
+ 10,3
teatro sala concerto
installazione 1
evento 1
installazione 111
evento 111
+ 4,50
showro showroom
installazione 2 installazione 11
evento 2 evento 11
+ 0,00
- 4,50 teatro sala concerto
installazione 1
evento 1
installazione 111
evento 111
- 9,60
Section plan
URBAN DESIGN STRATEGIES and LowTEC Housing Models Tragliatella, Rome - Urban research and design 2014 fellow student for collective work: Lorenzo Recchioni promoter: Prof. Arch. Eliana Cangelli
Planimetric and volumetric project
bioclimatic system analysis The design theme is the creation
ted within the city of Rome.
of LOW T.E.C. living models (Low
Design patterns are developed
The proposed project models
Tech _ Low Energy _ Low Cost)-
according to criteria of environ-
encourage the formation of an
detached aggregatable residen-
mental sustainability, social and
environmentally sustainable com-
ces, for recovery and regeneration
economical, from urban scale to
munity by defining an architectural
of the toponym Tragliatella, loca-
the technological detail.
identity tied to the context.
Sun system analysis
Concept scheme
Floor plan
Frontside elevation System
Section plan
External view
Internal view
Backside elevation system
ZAMA RAILWAY STATION design proposal Appio, Rome - design 2015 promoter: Prof. Arch. Rosario Gigli
Planimetric and volumetric project
The project points to a compe-
area, and a office tower
complexity in which people, in
tition for the design of a new ur-
(not developed in the studio).
addition to transit, be encou-
ban railwaystation building with
The project is configured as
raged to get inside for quantity
related functions, a shopping
intermodal node at medium
and quality of services.
External view
The main goal of this project was to create an easily accessible space to users. The user, inside the train station, has the possibility to directly access the railway tracks (-6m). The main feature of the square is either
being able to gurantee directly access either to the railroad tracks or the station building itself or the spaces connected to the Office Tower. In it there are two green spaces that provide natural lighting from
above. The station building is developed as a linear volume, wich crosses perpendicularly the tracks, characterized by a dense scanin of tall portals interspersed with narrow stained glass.
SAN GIULIANO’S CHURCH architectural survey Barbarano romano, Viterbo - analysis 2013 fellow student for collective work: Giovanni Cozzani, Carlotta Franco promoter: Prof. Arch. Maria Grazia Ercolino
Church’s planimetric survey
The project points to an analy-
Internal and external walls
sis and survey of a church lo-
The analysis consisted of an
of the building were photo-
cated within the regional park
architectural study, comparing
graphed and catalogued in
of Tuscia, in a natural reserve
elements historically and styli-
order to identify the types of
located in an ancient Etruscan
stically similar.
surface degradation.
degradation analysis
The elevations were drawn accor-
The building was completely
ding to the photographic method
abandoned, the analysis and sur-
to obtain an image accurate to reality.
vey have served to know deeply
The same method was used for
the structural problems of the bu-
the internal walls.
ilding, beyond the simple design.
DESIGN PROPOSAL workshop Nida, Lithuania - costruction workshop 2016 fellow student for collective work: Elena Sofia Congiu, Marco Noli
“Obsessively I dream of a small, clean labyrinth at whose center there is a jar that I almost touched with hands, which I saw with my own eyes, but the roads were so twisted, so confused, that one thing appeared clear: I’d be dead before you get there.” the Aleph, JL Borges
The workshop was designed within the context of EASA. The city of Nida (Lithuania) was chosen as the site of student Symposium in which 500 students from all over Europe can partici42
pate. A common theme is chosen each year, and each workshop must abide; This year has been selected as “not yet decided” by the organizers.
We saw the “Labyrinth” as something that could better embody the theme . I developed mainly the graphic part by creating collages that could trace the sensations inside the maze.
Concept collage: Misplacement
Nida has got an incredible number of different landscapes. The connection between the water, the dunes and the forest is always determinated by the nature, and the border among them is often
well defined. To conveying and capturing this border we need something that can pass through the edge, without breaking it. The goal is to underline the line between different landscapes and
to live that boundary as a different experience. How can we do that? Creating a third element, that is not a space, but is a pathway, that can introduce you unexpectedly to a new landmark.
view from above
Concept collage: Connection
Concept collage: Duplicity
INTERNATIONAL DESIGN workshop Eur, Rome - Urban research and design international collaboration with College of Architecture Myongji University, Seoul
2015 fellow student for collective work: Hyomi Kwon, Mina promoter: Prof. Arch. Federico De Matteis
In this workshop the task was to design a futuristic development of the EUR towers. The main objective of this workshop was to give an immediate response from an architectural point of view.
We wanted to maintain the modernist image of the towers by applying a green faรงade system that had however a link even with the interiors. The old towers had a mainly ad-
ministrative function, we wanted to give new life, creating a vertical city, with residences, schools, an indoor market area, and coworking areas while preserving the structures
ANTIROOM I EASA WHORKSHOP Veliko Turnovo, Bulgaria - construction workshop partecipant 2015 promoter: Matteo Goldoni, Elena Chiavi, Karl Ebejer
axonometry 54
In this workshop I worked mainly on wood and soil, I learned how to identify the problems. The workshop lasted for two weeks and I honed my sense of team and learned basic con-
struction techniques. In the first part of the workshop we prepare the pieces of wood. In the the second part we prepared the ground by digging a hollow, in order to position the pallets.
Besides having worked with an international team and have made friends, I have learnt to work the material, and achieve my aims.
YO! EASA WHORKSHOP Valletta, Malta - construction workshop partecipant 2015 promoter tutors: Matthieu Bordreuil, Stanislas Tabureau
Yo! is a construction based workshop planned to build a floating platform that can houses various recreational activities. The main material used was metal. The whole structure was composed of metal that we cut and
soldered with right tools. During the early days of the workshop tutors have taught us to weld and working small pieces of metal, in order to be able to get more practice. Then we cut out all the pieces we
needed to bring them together, giving them the shape suitable to float. As a last step we painted everything with multiple layers of blue paint in order to protect the whole structure.
“Architecture exists in time as salt exists in water � premise on the construction of a bachelor machine La moglie di Lot